Nurse Corps 1

336802 How will you contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities? There are multiple contributing factors that are associated with the lack of proper healthcare workforce in remote areas of different countries. Some of these factors might include salary, employment benefits, cultural atmospheres, personal lifestyle preference, and better opportunity in other communities or country. These were some of the reasons why most healthcare professionals are driven to leave their own community or country. Most of the undeserved communities have inadequate healthcare services and usually have higher mortality and morbidity rate. Through the Nurse Corps Program we can reach down to our underserved population providing quality healthcare services and as well as addressing their health needs through information dissemination. Our passion of caring for others with strong commitment to our profession can help alleviate the nursing shortages in the remote areas of our nation. Our profession can provide us a living, but we must remember the roots of our profession and that is to care for the sick and the undeserved. Nursing is not just a job, but rather a calling for us reach our hands to the population who needs medical assistance. I would fully pledge with whole heart to work as a staff nurse in one of the many healthcare facilities that is suffering from nursing shortage following my graduation. Our caring hands does not choose who we want to care. Each individual are addressed with the care they needed without regards to their skin color, social status, gender, illness, cultural and religious background, and economic standing. With the help of this program and other nurses around the globe, we can resolve the issues of nursing shortages and enhance the quality of care that the patient receives from these communities. It is our duty as healthcare providers to give back to the community and apply the knowledge we learned from school. Nursing school did not taught us to provide selfless service to the poor and underserved, but they prepared our hearts and mind to serve whoever needs medical attention without looking for any



Transcript of Nurse Corps 1

Page 1: Nurse Corps 1


How will you contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities?

There are multiple contributing factors that are associated with the lack of proper healthcare workforce in remote areas of different countries. Some of these factors might include salary, employment benefits, cultural atmospheres, personal lifestyle preference, and better opportunity in other communities or country. These were some of the reasons why most healthcare professionals are driven to leave their own community or country. Most of the undeserved communities have inadequate healthcare services and usually have higher mortality and morbidity rate. Through the Nurse Corps Program we can reach down to our underserved population providing quality healthcare services and as well as addressing their health needs through information dissemination. Our passion of caring for others with strong commitment to our profession can help alleviate the nursing shortages in the remote areas of our nation. Our profession can provide us a living, but we must remember the roots of our profession and that is to care for the sick and the undeserved. Nursing is not just a job, but rather a calling for us reach our hands to the population who needs medical assistance.

I would fully pledge with whole heart to work as a staff nurse in one of the many healthcare facilities that is suffering from nursing shortage following my graduation. Our caring hands does not choose who we want to care. Each individual are addressed with the care they needed without regards to their skin color, social status, gender, illness, cultural and religious background, and economic standing. With the help of this program and other nurses around the globe, we can resolve the issues of nursing shortages and enhance the quality of care that the patient receives from these communities.

It is our duty as healthcare providers to give back to the community and apply the knowledge we learned from school. Nursing school did not taught us to provide selfless service to the poor and underserved, but they prepared our hearts and mind to serve whoever needs medical attention without looking for any disparity. I believe that it is our moral obligation and responsibility to offer our hands to the underprivileged and disadvantaged population so that our nation will be stronger and healthy. Our goal is to deliver competent, compassionate health care to everyone who is need of medical attention.

It is true that adequate amount of nursing staff directly correlates with the quality of nursing care services that each patient receives. My role as a nurse to this mission of the Nurse Corps is to help rectify healthcare workforce in the community as well as to assure patient satisfaction to the care being delivered. I will actively participate in resolving the gaps of nursing shortage through commitment, dedication, and a team player in the workforce. We have the knowledge of how to care for the vast numbers of different illnesses as well as a passion to care- it is our calling to offer our hands and reach out to the communities.

I am hoping that I will be one of your recipients for this scholarship because I believe that I have the passion and drive to reach out to the community and provide assistance in nursing shortage as well as give high quality nursing care. I know that I will be of great contribution to the workforce in these undeserved communities. Nursing profession provided the knowledge and I believe it is time for me to use it to make a difference.