NuPECC Meeting, 9-10 March 2012; Milano, Italy 1 European Nuclear Science and Applications Research...

NuPECC Meeting, 9-10 March 2012; Milano, Italy 1 European Nuclear Science and Applications Research(ENSAR) Muhsin N. Harakeh NuPECC Meeting 9-10 March 2012 Milano, Italy

Transcript of NuPECC Meeting, 9-10 March 2012; Milano, Italy 1 European Nuclear Science and Applications Research...

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NuPECC Meeting, 9-10 March 2012; Milano, Italy 1

“European Nuclear Science and Applications Research”


Muhsin N. Harakeh

NuPECC Meeting

9-10 March 2012

Milano, Italy

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Transnational Access Facilities in IA ENSAR

TNA1 (Access to GANIL) TNA2 (Access to GSI) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL) TNA5 (Access to KVI) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE) TNA7 (Access to ALTO)

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Network Activities in ENSAR (2nd Call)

NA01 FISCO (FInancial & Scientific COordination) M. N. Harakeh

NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) F. Azaiez

NA03 EURISOL NET (EURopean ISOL NETwork) Y. Blumenfeld

NA04 ATHENA (Advanced THeory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) K. Sonnabend

NA05 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) S. Lenzi

NA06 EFINION (European Forum for Innovative applications of Nuclear ION beams and tools) S. Harissopulos

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Joint Research Activities in ENSAR (2nd Call)

The JRAs deal with all aspects of experimental activities from sources and targets, to detectors, to simulations of experimental set-ups, data analysis and a development of adequate theoretical tools.

• JRA01 ARES (Advanced Research on Ecr ion Sources) G. Ciavola

• JRA02 ActILab (Actinide ISOL target R&D Laboratory) T. Stora

• JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, MAnipulation & Spectroscopy) A. Jokinen

• JRA04 INDESYS (INnovative solutions for nuclear physics DEtector SYStems: “From basic R&D to applications for the society”) D. Cortina Gil

•JRA05 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki

• JRA06 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) D. Balabanski

• JRA07 THEXO (THeoretical tools in support of infrastructures)P.-H. Heenen

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ENSAR Timeline Negotiation with EC opened on 26 March 2010.

First negotiation meeting with EC on 18 May 2010.

Negotiations ended on target date, i.e. 11 June 2010.

ENSAR started on 1 September 2010.

ENRI Agreement signed on 6 September 2010

Grant Contract signed on 3 December 2010.

EC first instalment received on 13 December 2010.

Consortium Agreement signed on 22 December 2010.

End of the ENSAR project August 31, 2014

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Reporting frequency to EC has changed.Period 1: 18 months (ends 29 February 2012)Period 2: 18 monthsPeriod 3 (last): 12 months + final report

In the Last NuPECC meeting 7-8 October 2011 in Budapest report on progress of ENSAR in the first year.

We are now collecting information for the 1st reporting period. Not completed yet!

In between we have a new beneficiary:Goethe-Universität Frankfurt-am-Main (GUF)

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Partners of




























UNIMANUNIMAN30 beneficiaries30 beneficiaries

7 TNA Facilities7 TNA Facilities

18 countries53 associated partners18 countries53 associated partners

+1 beneficiary+1 beneficiaryGUFGUF

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11:00 Welcome & Status of the project M. N. Harakeh

11:30 Presentation of 1st Intermediate Scientific Report M. N. Harakeh &K. Turzó

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Presentation of 1st Intermediate Financial Report M. N. Harakeh &V. Vandevoorde

15:00 Discussion of the 1st Intermediate Reports All

15:30 Objectives of the 2nd Period of the ENSAR Project (March 2012 - August 2013)

M. N. Harakeh

16:00 AOB All16:15 Place and Date of the Next Meeting All

Agenda 2nd GA MeetingApril 24th, 2012

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

10:30 Welcome coffee

16:30 End of the Meeting

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  1st year 2nd year

  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Status

Work Package 1 - FISCO (1)            

MS1 Activity coordinators confirmed M           doneD1.1 Report on the confirmation of activity coordinators   D     doneMS2 1st PCC Meeting held M     doneD1.2 Report on 1st PCC Meeting   D     doneMS3 Executive Board elected M     doneD1.3 Report on Election of the Executive Board   D     doneMS4 Steering committees established M     doneD1.4 Report on establishment of steering committees   D     doneD1.5 ENRI agreement signed D     doneMS5 Consortium agreement   M     doneD1.6 Consortium agreement signed   D     doneMS6 Web site established   M     doneMS7 1st Meeting of the GA held     M     doneD1.7 Report on 1st GA Meeting   D     doneMS8 2nd PCC Meeting held       M   doneD1.8 Report on 2nd PCC Meeting     D doneMS9 1st FCG Meeting held       M   doneD1.9 Report on 1st FCG Meeting     D doneMS10 Plan for dissemination of knowledge drafted – development and maintenance of databases for the whole community      

M  done

D1.10 Draft version of plan for dissemination of knowledge     D doneMS11 2nd Meeting of the GA held           M in progressMS12 3rd PCC Meeting held           M DoneMS13 Plan for raising public awareness drafted – website for the layman online           M not reachedMS15 Mid-term status and results presented to EC           M in progress

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Work Package 2 - ECOS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

MS34 Network setup       M   doneMS35 Dedicated ECOS Web page on the ENSAR Web site available       M   done

Work Package 3 - EURISOL NET            MS36 Setting up of working groups for each subject   M   doneMS37 1st working group meetings: identification of main common R&D issues       M doneMS38 1st EURISOL town meeting: input from associate partners and the community

          Mpostponed to October 2012

Work Package 5 - EGAN            MS46 Setup of Scientific Committee and Working Groups     M   doneMS47-48 Setup of website and database         M   doneMS53-54 Meetings with hosting infrastructures     M       doneMS49-52 Meetings of the Scientific Committee     M   M   doneMS55-58 Meetings of Working Group 1     M   M   doneMS59-62 Meetings of Working Group 2     M   M   doneMS63-66 Meetings of Working Group 3     M   M   doneMS67-70 Collaboration Workshops     M   M   doneMS71-72 Training courses for young researchers         M   doneMS73-74 Exchange of key technical personnel         M   ???

Work Package 6 - EFINION Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

MS75 Website of EFINION   M   doneD6.5 The EFINION’s website.   D   doneMS76 Roundup of survey of past and present multidisciplinary and application-oriented research within ENSAR  

    Min progress

D6.1 Preliminary survey of past and present multidisciplinary and application-oriented research in ENSAR



in progress

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B.1Activities presented here refer to institution:

Enter name of ENSAR institution on behalf of which information is provided in the questionnaire

B.2Contact person of your institution for EFINION matters

To be assigned by the institution director / head

B.3 Email

In the following table(s) please describe as clear as possible the application(s) running at your lab that, in your view, deserve to be included in the EFINION catalogue. Though, EFINION’s goal is to document all applications running at ENSAR institutions, some major criteria for the final composition of the catalogue will be the following: 1. Innovative aspects of the application2. Socio-economic impact3. Multi-disciplinary character 4. Existing links with “end-users”5. Involvement of radioactive beams in the application6. Uniqueness 7. Sustainability beyond ENSAR’s termination8. Potential for patents9. European added-value10. Potential for public awareness

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C.1Provide in this field a general title for your applicatione.g. Hydrology studies based on laser and ion-beam simultaneous irradiations

C.2Describe in this field in “scientific language” the application you are referring to! (max 1 page).If necessary, use references but the minimum possible.

C.3In this field, present your application for non-experts, preferably for policy makers and the public in general (max. 1 page)No references here!

C.4Insert in this field any picture/drawing etc. of your setup or of a similar one(use a proper picture resolution allowing for a professional use later – max. space for your pic ½ page)

C.5Insert in this field any picture/drawing etc. you judge as proper for raising awareness/attracting “non-experts” (use a proper picture resolution allowing for a professional use later – max. space for your pic ½ page)

C.6Comment on the presented application in terms of the aforementioned 10 criteria for including it in the EFINION Catalogue. (no space limitation)

C.7Provide any other information you judge relevant for EFINION purposes (no space limitation)

C.8 Name of person in charge of the activities relevant to the presented application with Email and contact details

C.9 Research Group members working on the application and their affiliation (also external collaborators)

C.10Do you intend to participate in the EFINION Workshop to present the application?If YES, which person will (tentatively) do this?

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Work Package 9 - PREMAS (1)  Q1  Q2 Q3 

 Q4  Q1  Q2

MS110 Radioactive beams of condensable elements: evaluation of ECR- ionization methods for GANIL / SPIRAL 1



MS111 Integration of COMIC into the ISOLDE TIS units           M ???

MS92-93 Production of new and/or higher quality beams of short-lived radioactive isotopes using the new LIS techniques



MS96-99 New ionization schemes per 12 months       M     doneWork Package 11 - SiNuRSE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

MS121 Event generator for light ion induced reaction ready for benchmarking and for implementation into simulation codes



doneMS124 Choice for codes to be implemented in the virtual Monte-Carlo simulations


doneWork Package 12 - EWIRA Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

D12.5 EWIRA web-site   D  

doneMS127 Design of a plunger for stable beams with tracking capabilities


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Number of beam hours promised -full contract

Number of beam hours 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Estimated number of Users - full contract

Number of Users 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Estimated number of days - full contract

Number of days 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Estimated number of projects - full contract

Number of projects 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Total amount for T&S - full contract

Amount for T&S 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Amount for other direct costs - full contract (AGATA)

Amount for other direct costs (AGATA) 1/09/2010 31/8/2011

Access costs - full contract

Access costs1/09/2010 31/8/2011

GANIL 3500 2092 280 172 3200 1296 40 13 338,800€ 114,354€ 80,000€ 0€ 350,000€ 209,200€

GSI 3750 754 230 26 2250 239 33 13 264,621€ 23,650€ 99,534€ 0€ 372,150€ 74,787€

INFN 4424 744 204 23 1816 177 52 4 297862€ 19,966€ 0€  382,278€ 65,000€

JYFL 3000 772 200 95 2000 780 50 17 300,800€

63.000€ 0€  271,800€


KVI 800 180 48 13 480 155 6 1 86,160€ 9,092€ 0€ 0€ 252,800€ 56,880€


958.4 400 153 2800 870 60 37 252,000€ 105,159€ 0€ 0€ 291,408€ 0€

ALTO 1470 168 116 8 556 42 76 1 73,720€ 5,040€ 0€ 0€ 151,998€ 20,010 €

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Collaboration meetings and workshops at ECT*

Three days (24-26 0ctober): “The shell evolution and the role of correlations in very neutron rich nuclei”

After the workshop (17-21 October): “Nuclear structure seen through ground-state properties of exotic nuclei”


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Thank you for your attention