Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation

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  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME




    B. Bounegta1, R. Dizene

    2and M. Abdelkarim


    1Sciences and Technology University of Bechar-Algeria

    2Sciences and Technology, Houari Boumediene University of, Algiers-Algeria

    Corresponding author Email: [email protected]


    Large Eddy Simulation approach of flow field and film cooling effectiveness is performed using the

    Fluent Computational Fluid Dynamics code and carried out by using the LES turbulence model. This

    simulation of mean velocity and turbulent kinetic energy fields are presented for lateral jet in crossflow

    at injection angle of 35. The blowing ratio is 5.0=R

    M . The flow obtained in such a periodic domain

    is described, focusing on information relevant to estimation of mass/momentum/energy fluxes through

    the plate. LES results underline the potential of the approach for industrial use.

    Keywords: Large eddy simulation, Film cooling, interaction jet, turbulent jet.

    1. INTRODUCTIONFilm cooling is a significant cooling technique and applied widely for turbine blade. The interaction of

    jets with crossflow generates complex flow fields which exist in a variety of industrial applications.

    Gas turbines are used for aircraft propulsion, in land-based power generation and in industrial

    applications. The thermal efficiency and power output of a gas turbine rise with increasing turbine inlet

    temperature. In modern gas turbines, inlet temperature can reach 2000 K which exceeds the melting

    point of the blade and vane materials. Therefore, gas turbine elements must be cooled [1, 4] see Fig. 1

    and Fig. 2.


    ISSN 0976 6340 (Print)

    ISSN 0976 6359 (Online)

    Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), pp. 559-572


    Journal Impact Factor (2012): 3.8071 (Calculated by GISI)


    I A E M E

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    Figure 1. Physical coordinatessystem

    Figure 2. Schematic of the Mixing of control volumes

    The interaction of the jets with crossflow has been investigated in numerous experimental studies [5,

    6]. Measurements of turbulent mean flow properties can be found in refs. [7]. numerous computational

    studies of the generic problem of turbulent jets in crossflow are also reported in the literature [8].

    Numerical simulation is an important method to study the transverse jet-crossflow. Many recent, Tyagi

    and Acharya employed a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) scheme to investigate the detailed coherent

    flow structures of film cooling. Numerical simulation can provide ideal boundary conditions but may

    fail to accurately predict the flow separation and correct physics [9].

    Both 2D and 3D cases are considered with a double hole jet geometries. The results of this paper can

    serve as a reference for future experimental validation and technical implementation to real gas turbine


    2. COMPUTATIONAL MODELWith the development of grid technique and computational methods, many researches have

    investigated the characteristics of the flow field in film-cooled turbine by solving the Navier-Stokes


    Filtering the Navier-Stokes equations, one obtains

    ( ) (1)0=





  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    ( ) ( ) (2)j















    here ij is the stress tensor due to molecular viscosity defined by

















    and ij is the subgrid-scale stress defined by

    (4)jijiij uuuu =

    The numerical scheme is used to solve the 3D Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation on

    general structured non orthogonal multi-block grids.

    2.1 Numerical approach used in Large Eddy SimulationsThe LES solver uses a finite-volume discretization of the fully compressible multi-species (variable

    heat capacities) Navier-Stokes equations. It is able to handle fully unstructured/structured/hybrid

    meshes. Higher order temporal and spatial schemes [10-11] offer reliable unsteady solutions for

    complex geometries as encountered in the field of aeronautical gas turbine.

    In LES, large eddies are resolved directly, while small eddies are modeled. Large eddy simulation

    (LES) thus falls between DNS and RANS in terms of the fraction of the resolved scales. The rationale

    behind LES can be summarized as follows:

    Momentum, mass, energy, and other passive scalars are transported mostly by large eddies. Large eddies are more problem-dependent. They are dictated by the geometries and boundary

    conditions of the flow involved.

    Small eddies are less dependent on the geometry, tend to be more isotropic, and areconsequently more universal.

    The chance of finding a universal turbulence model is much higher for small eddies.Resolving only the large eddies allows one to use much coarser mesh and larger times-step sizes in

    LES than in DNS. However, LES still requires substantially finer meshes than those typically used for

    RANS calculations. In addition, LES has to be run for a sufficiently long flow-time to obtain stable

    statistics of the flow being modeled. As a result, the computational cost involved with LES is

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    normally orders of magnitudes higher than that for steady RANS calculations in terms of memory

    (RAM) and CPU time. Therefore, high-performance computing (e.g., parallel computing) is a

    necessity for LES, especially for industrial applications.

    2.1.1 LES closures for turbulent stresses

    The concept of LES introduces the notion of spatial filtering to be applied to the set of governing

    equations used to simulate turbulent reacting flows [12]. Resulting from this operation are unclosed

    terms issued from non linear character of the Navier-Stokes equations, sub-grid scale (SGS) models

    need to be supplied to mimic the turbulent scale effects on the solved field [12, 13].

    Generally, compared to RANS, the LES approach requires refined high-quality numerical meshes and

    small time steps, and as a consequence, significant amount of computer time. Due to considerable

    progress in computational sciences and hardware in recent years, LES is becoming feasible for

    increasingly complex systems, including complex geometries and complex flow physics. LES shows

    all the features of emerging technology for modeling design and optimization in industrial applications.

    The calculation with Large Eddy Simulation where the unsteady Navier Stokes equations are solved

    for and the dynamics of the large scales resolved correctly. Only the dynamics of the small scales are

    generally geometry independent and are well represented by eddy viscosity gradient approximations.

    Thus LES predictions are expected to provide better agreement than the RANS prediction.

    The large eddy simulation approach (LES) is intermediate between DNS, where all fluctuations are

    resolved, and the statistical simulations based on RANS, where only the mean flow is resolved. In

    LES severe Reynolds number restrictions of DNS are bypassed by directly simulating the large scales

    (GS) only and supplying the effect of the missing small scales (SGS) by a so-called sub-grid model

    see Table 1. This obtained by filtering the Navier-Stokes equations in space, in order to eliminate the

    flow fluctuations smaller then the filter size. In this way, the new unknowns of the problem become

    the filtered flow variables. Like for RANS, due to the non-linearity of original problem, the new

    equations contain additional unknown terms, the so-called sub-grid scale (SGS) terms, representing

    the effect of the eliminated small scales on filtered equations. In order to close the problem, these

    terms must be modeled, but, due to the fact that small unresolved scales are often simpler nature thatthe inhomogeneous large motions, since they do not significantly depend on the large scale motion,

    rather simple closure models may work well for many applications. Another advantage of this method

    is the possibility of directly simulating the largest scales, which are usually more interesting from the

    engineering point of view. Computationally, LES clearly is less demanding than DNS, but in general

    much more expensive than RANS. The reason is that, independent by the problem to be solved, LES

    always requires fully three dimensional and time-dependant calculations even for flows which are two

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976

    or one dimensional in the mean. M

    time to obtain stable and significan

    the analysis of complex three-dim

    fails. The utilization of LES for en

    interest in this method has largely i

    The commercial software FLUEN

    simulation models were built accor

    above one million and enough to

    simulation model of zero pressure g

    2.2 Filtered Navier-Stokes Equati

    The governing equations employed

    equations in either Fourier (wave

    process effectively filters out the e

    used in the computations. The re


    A filtered variable (denoted by an o

    ( ) ( ) ( ) '','=D


    Where D is the fluid domain, aneddies.

    The finite-volume discretization its

    Where is the volume of a comp

    ( ) 'x,0



    Research is primarily focused on

    Significant effort is devoted to wal

    near-wall turbulence. Applications

    equilibrium turbulent flows in com

    2.3 Subgrid-Scale Models

    echanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET

    359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (20


    reover LES, like DNS, needs to be carried out for l

    t statistics. For these reasons, LES should provide

    ensional and time-dependent problems where RA

    ineering problem is not yet very expensive, but in r

    creased [11, 14].

    T 6.3 was applied for the numerical simulation

    ding to the experiment models. The cell number o

    obtain grid-independent result. Figure 1 shows th

    radients as example [15, 16].


    for LES are obtained by filtering the time-depende

    -number) space or configuration (physical) spac

    dies whose scales are smaller than the filter width

    ulting equations thus govern the dynamics of la

    ver bar) is defined by


    G is the filter function that determines the scale

    lf implicitly provides the filtering operation:

    tational cell. The filter function, ),( 'xxG , implied h


    large eddy simulation with application to wall-

    l-layer modeling, especially on zonal hybrid RANS

    include transitional flows (bypass transition due to

    lex geometries.

    ), ISSN 0976

    2), IAEME

    ong periods of

    best results for

    NS frequently

    ecent years the

    research. The

    each model is

    e mesh of the

    t Navier-Stokes

    . The filtering

    or grid spacing

    ge eddies [14].

    of the resolved

    ere is then

    bounded flows.

    /LES models of

    akes), and non

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    The subgrid-scale stresses resulting from the filtering operation are unknown, and require modelling.

    The subgrid-scale turbulence models in FLUENT employ the Boussinesq hypothesis as in the RANS

    models, computing subgrid-scale turbulent stresses from

    ijtijkkij S 231 = (7)

    Where t is the subgrid-scale turbulent viscosity. The isotropic part of the subgrid-scale stresses kk is

    not modeled, but added to the filtered static pressure term. ijS is the rate-of-strain tensor for the

    resolved scale defined by:













    For compressible flows, it is convenient to introduce the density-weighted (or Favre) filtering


    = (9)

    The Favre Filtered Navier-Stokes equation takes the same form as Equation. The compressible form

    of the subgrid stress tensor is defined as:

    jijiij uuuuT += (10)

    This term is split into its isotropic and deviatoric parts





    ijllijij TTTT 3



    1+= (11)

    The deviatoric part of the subgrid-scale stress tensor is modeled using the compressible form of the

    Smagorinsky model:

    ( )ijiiijtijllij TT = 231 (12)

    As for incompressible flows, the term involving llT can be added to the filtered pressure or simply

    neglected indeed, this term can be re-written as pMT sgsll2.= where sgsM is the subgrid Mach

    number. This subgrid Mach number can be expected to be small when the turbulent Mach number of

    the flow is small.

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    FLUENT offers four models for t : the Smagorinsky-Lilly model, the dynamic Smagorinsky-Lilly

    model, the WALE model, and the dynamic kinetic energy subgrid-scale model.

    Subgrid-scale turbulent flux of a scalar, , is modeled using s subgrid-scale turbulent Prandtl number







    where jq is the subgrid-scale flux.

    Smagorinsky-Lilly Model

    This simple model was first proposed by Smagorinsky. In the Smagorinsky-Lilly model, the eddy-

    viscosity is modeled by

    SLst2. = (14)

    sL is the mixing length for subgrid scales and ijij SSS .2= In FLUENT, sL is computed using:

    = 31

    ,min VCdL ss (15)

    where is the von Krmn constant, dis the distance to the closest wall, sC is the Smagorinsky

    constant, and Vis the volume of the computational cell. .

    Lilly derived a value of 0.17 for sC for homogeneous isotropic turbulence in the inertial subrange.

    However, this value was found to cause excessive damping of large-scale fluctuations in the presence

    of mean shear and in transitional flows as near solid boundary, and has to be reduced in such regions.

    In short, sC is not a universal constant, which is the most serious shortcoming of this simple model.

    Nonetheless, sC value of around 0.1 has been found to yield the best results for a wide range of flows,

    and is the default value in FLUENT.

    2.4 Inlet Boundary Conditions for the LES Model

    No Perturbations

    The stochastic components of the flow at the velocity-specified inlet boundaries are neglected if the

    No Perturbations option is used. In such cases, individual instantaneous velocity components are

    simply set equal to their mean velocity counterparts. This option is suitable only when the level of

    turbulence at the inflow boundaries is negligible or does not play a major role in the accuracy of the

    overall solution [15].

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME



    The results are presented with the following structure. First the mean flow flied and the turbulent

    transport of the jet-crossflow interaction is discussed. Next the findings are compared with

    experimental data and numerical simulations to show the quality of the computational method.

    Figure .3 shows the spreading of jets in the lateral direction at various locations =dx/ -9, 0, 5, 10,

    15, 20 and 25 for the jet simulation. This result of the bound vortices being confound in a smaller

    space, inducing a large v component of velocity and thus aiding the spread of the jet. Therefore

    upstream the two interact; reducing significantly the effect of the boundary layer thickness will

    produce the well known horseshoe vortex. The vorticity associated with the wake side of the jet will

    produce a pair of bound vortices.

    Figure 3. Profiles of multiple jet v-velocity at various stations for = 35 and 5.0=RV .

    Figure .4(a) and (b): In this section the film cooling effectiveness is presented as two-dimensional

    contour plots. Figure .4(b): the film cooling effectiveness LES solution is qualitatively similar to Azzi

    simulation case [7], but it is very better distribution and more spread in lateral direction.

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    (a) Simulation Azzi (2001)

    (b) Simulation LES model

    Figure 4. Compared film cooling effectiveness at the velocity ratio 0.5 in the (a) and (b).

    Figure .5 shows five different x-planes =dx/ 0, 3.5, 5, 10, 15. These planes along with the blade

    surface are colored by the temperature. One can observe the presence of a pair of counter rotating

    vortices. Which is asymmetric and the center of the vortex is moving away from the blade surface. It

    is clearly that the solution is highly asymmetric for the film cooling problem. LES solutions capture

    the fluid thermal characteristics of the flow.

    Figure 5. Temperature distribution (at x/d= 0, 3.5, 5, 10, 15) and stream lines shows asymmetry in theLES solution.

    Figure .6(a) and (b) shows qualitative comparison of the temperature distribution on the blade surface

    for RaNS and DES solution respectively. Figure .6(c) plots the normalized temperature line contoursfor the same DES solution qualitatively. Figure clearly shows that maximum cooling takes place in a

    very small region just beyond the trailing edge of the hole which is similar to the experimental resultsobtained by Sinha et al. [5, 15].

    (a) Study RANS solution (b) Time averaged DES solution

    (c) Temperature contour lines DES time averaged solution

    Figure 6. Comparison of temperature distribution for RANS and DES solution on the flat plate.

    (Sagar Kapadia (2003)).

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    Figure .7(a) shows qualitative of temperature distribution on the blade surface for the time LES

    solution (simulation). Figure .7(b) plots the normalized temperature line contours for LES solution


    (a) Time LES solution

    (b) Temperature contour lines LES time averaged solution

    Figure 7. Temperature distribution for LES solution on the flat plate.

    Figure 8. Shows the qualitative and quantitative distributions velocity magnitude (a) - calculated and

    (b)- measured.

    (a) Calculated velocity magnitude LES model (b) Measured velocity magnitude (Gustafsson, 2006)

    Figure 8. Compared LES model with experimental data

    Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 shows the blade temperature contours at 0/ =dy and Normal to the

    mid plane at 0/ =dz , and film cooling effectiveness.

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    (a) Blade temperature contours at 0/ =dy

    (b) Normal to the mid plane at 0/ =dz

    Figure 9. Temperature contours on the planes (a) and (b) show downstream spread of the cooling


    (a) Simulation Azzi (2001)

    (b) Simulation LES model

    Figure 10. Compared film cooling effectiveness in the (a) and (b)

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    0/ =Dx 5.3/ =Dx

    10/ =Dx

    15/ =Dx

    Figure 11. Temperature contour at various stations for time-averaged LES solution


    A method is presented to perform Large-Eddy Simulations of interaction of jet in cross-flow.

    In this study conjugate heat transfer in turbulent flow over turbine blades has been simulated and

    studied using the computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT in order to calculate temperatures and

    velocities fields.LES calculations resolve the energy equation carrying structures and only model the small-scale

    fluctuations which are generally isotropic in nature. In general, LES results require greater

    computational effort but show improvements over RANS, and the following observations are noted: LES prediction of the mean velocities, turbulence and cooling effectiveness are in excellent

    agreement with Sumanta Acharya (2009) measured data. In this study we have modified andused a dynamic model for the Wale coefficient. No ad hoc corrections are needed for

    obtaining good agreement.

    These results indicate that an SGS model is not needed for an accurate simulation of thiscase. As discussed earlier, the grid resolution in the near wall has to be very fine to resolvethe small energy-producing structures there. So that to resolve the near wall region, the fine

    grid LES has effectively approached the RANS in the near wall limit.

    Note that the LES turbulence statistics were computed for the resolved velocity field only. Asa result, the LES Reynolds stress profile with the SGS model should be lower than the RANSsolution because the SGS contribution was not included.

    As the Les grid resolution in the crossflow plane approaches the RANS resolution, it isinteresting to see the effect of the SGS model on the turbulence solution. The simulation wasperformed using the finer LES grid. The use of the SGS model makes essentially no

    difference in the mean streamwise velocity solution. Small differences are also observed in

    the turbulent velocity fluctuations.


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  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


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    a : Thermal diffusivity ( )sm2

    pC : Specific heat of fluid ( )KkgJ

    D : Diameter ( )m

    RD : Density ratio

    E: Empirical constant (= 9.793)

    k: Turbulent kinetic energy ( )22 sm

    sgsk : Subgrid-scale kinetic energy

    sL : Mixing length for subgrid scales

    RM : Blowing ratio

    sgsM : Subgrid Mach number

    P : Pressure 2mN

  • 7/30/2019 Numerical Simulation for Film Cooling Technique With Inlet Boundary Conditions Perturbation


    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976

    6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 3, Issue 2, May-August (2012), IAEME


    rP : Prandtl number

    trP : Turbulent Prandtl number (0.85 at the wall)

    jq : Subgrid-scale flux


    q : Wall heat flux

    S: Source term

    ijS : Rate-of-strain tensor

    pT : Temperature at the cell adjacent to wall ( )K

    wT : Temperature at the wall ( )K

    u : Streamwise velocity component ( )sm

    v : Spanwise velocity component ( )sm

    V : Volume of the computational cell.

    w : Lateral velocity

    zyx ,, : coordinates

    py : Distance from point to the wall

    Greek symbols

    : Jet issuing angle

    : Boundary layer

    : Von Krmn constant (= 0.4187)

    : Adiabatic film cooling effectiveness

    : Heat conductivity ( )KmW

    : Dynamic viscosity of the fluid ( )smkg

    : Kinematic viscosity of fluid ( )sm2

    : Density of fluid 3mkg

    : Stress tensor 2smkg

    ij : Subgrid-scale stress


    aw : Adiabatic wall

    J: Jet flow (coolant)