Nudge to tackle obesity amongst indian youth


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Transcript of Nudge to tackle obesity amongst indian youth

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- Padmavathy Dhillon, IIMC

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DESIRED BEHAVIOR CHANGE• Intends to tackle the obesity challenge by increasing the willingness

of the college students to attend regularly the student gymnasium • Leads to burning of the excessive calories which is accumulated by

the monotonous lifestyle of the students like studying at one place, watching movies and little or no movement

• Thus the desired behavior change is to increase the average attendance of the gym classes of the student to the required level which is 5 days a week

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• The nudge is based on the principle of motivation by providing rewards and

monetary incentives

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GOLDEN BADGE:- Those attending the gym 5 days a week i.e. 20 days/month (which is the

maximum attendance required) will have (i) their names mentioned on the roll of honor as Golden badge winners for that month (ii) will be publicly awarded (iii) will be given a reduction in fees for the next month like 10 percent fees off (iv) will be awarded a reward point of 2 for that particular month

SILVER BADGE - Those student(s) whose attendance is lower than the Golden Badge winner but

greater than 16 days/month ( which is 4 days a week and one less than the maximum-5) will be only (i) awarded a Silver badge and have their names mentioned on the roll of honor as Silver badge winners for that month (ii) will be awarded a reward point of 1 for that particular month

- Others whose attendance is lower than golden and silver badge will not be given anything and zero reward points for that month

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• RUBY BADGE:- This badge is for those students whose names figure maximum number of times in the golden and the silver badge category for six months. i.e. they are those people who have scored the maximum reward points over a course of six months.

These people will (i) their names mentioned on the roll of honor as Golden badge winners

for that month (ii) will be publicly awarded (iii) will be given a further reduction in fees for the next month . This time a bit higher than the ruby badge winners i.e. 15 percent

• DIAMOND BADGE:- This is the best amongst the all but for this a lot of hard work is needed. This is for those students who have scored the maximum reward points over a course of one year i.e. 12 months.

These people will (i) their names mentioned permanently on the roll of honor as Diamond badge winners for that particular academic term (ii) will be publicly awarded on the ANNUAL CONVOCATION DAY (iii) will be given an award of money to buy their favorite sports equipment and a free package for a SPA

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• RUBY BADGE:- This badge is for those students whose names figure maximum number of times in the golden and the silver badge category for six months. i.e. they are those people who have scored the maximum reward points over a course of six months.

These people will (i) their names mentioned on the roll of honor as Golden badge winners

for that month (ii) will be publicly awarded (iii) will be given a further reduction in fees for the next month . This time a bit higher than the ruby badge winners i.e. 15 percent

• DIAMOND BADGE:- This is the best amongst the all but for this a lot of hard work is needed. This is for those students who have scored the maximum reward points over a course of one year i.e. 12 months.

These people will (i) their names mentioned permanently on the roll of honor as Diamond badge winners for that particular academic term (ii) will be publicly awarded on the ANNUAL CONVOCATION DAY (iii) will be given an award of money to buy their favorite sports equipment and a free package for a SPA