Nuclear in Europe: Challenges Ahead · Nuclear in Europe: Challenges Ahead IENE/ROEC Conference...

Nuclear in Europe: Challenges Ahead IENE/ROEC Conference "The Nuclear Option for SE Europe” Teodor Chirica, Executive Officer FORATOM Bucharest, 6 May 2015

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Nuclear in Europe: Challenges Ahead IENE/ROEC Conference "The Nuclear Option for SE Europe”

Teodor Chirica, Executive Officer FORATOM Bucharest, 6 May 2015

• The Brussels-based trade association for the nuclear industry in Europe

• 16 national nuclear associations active across Europe

• Nearly 800 companies are represented - from Europe's (and the world's) largest

nuclear utilities and nuclear fuel cycle companies to those specialising in the

management of radioactive waste

FORATOM: What we are…



16 Associations

800+ Companies 900,000 Jobs 70 G€/year

[source: FORATOM, PWC]


FORATOM acts as the voice of the European nuclear industry in energy policy

discussions with EU Institutions and other key stakeholders. It provides a bridge

between its members and European policy-makers, thereby helping the industry to

play leading role in the policy debate.

FORATOM: What we do…


Vision: FORATOM wants to be recognised as the respected and credible voice of an industry that is a driving force behind Europe’s efforts to achieve a sustainable and competitive low-carbon energy future.

• On 5 May 2010 Delors, who is often referred to as one of the 'fathers of Europe', was hosted by Buzek in his capacity of European Parliament President, with whom he issued a common statement which explained the concept of energy community. . [EurActiv, Sep 10, 2014]

Energy Union – how it started?


[EurActiv, Sep 10, 2014]

• In his capacity of Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk has spearheaded the idea of an EU energy Union, and leading Polish politicians expect him to continue to do so as Council President, when he will take up the job from Herman Van Rompuy on 1 December. [EurActiv, Sep 10, 2014]

• « I want to reform and reorganise Europe’s energy policy in a new European Energy Union. We need to pool our resources, combine our infrastructures and unite our negotiating power vis-à-vis 3rd countries. We need to diversify our energy sources, and reduce the dependency of several of our MS.

………. I therefore want Europe’s Energy Union to become the world number one in renewable energies ». [ Second of the Five Priorities of Jean-Claude Juncker, as Commission President]


• Communication - Energy Union

« A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking

Climate Change Policy »

EC priorities on energy - Energy Package (25 February 2015)


• Communication – Paris Protocol

« A blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020 »

• Communication – Achieving the 10% electricity interconnection target

« Making Europe’s electricity grid fit for 2020 »

• 5 dimensions

- Energy security, solidarity and trust;

- A fully integrated European energy market;

- Energy efficiency contributing to moderation of


- Decarbonising the economy, and

- Research, Innovation and Competitiveness

… and 15 « action points »

Energy Union


Nuclear not mentioned in the context of decarbonisation of the economy, or security of supply, or competitiveness…

• Council Regulation updating the information requirements of Article 41 of

the Euratom Treaty, regarding the communication to the Commission

investment projects relating to new installations, in the light of the

European Energy Security Strategy

Action Plan (nuclear related topics)


• Communication on a nuclear illustrative programme (PINC) pursuing

Article 40 of the Euratom Treaty “…….the Commission shall periodically

publish illustrative programmes indicating in particular nuclear energy

production targets and all the types of investment required for their


FORATOM contribution on these topics requested by the EC

EC new insight into EU Energy Union



10 CEOs: "Rebuild Europe's Energy Policy" Magritte Club, Brussels, October 2013


FORATOM perspective

Letter wrote by eight MS to the EC, advocating for “a supportive EU framework for safe and sustainable new nuclear”



What does nuclear energy represent today in Europe?





Electricity Mix and GHG


Gross electricity generation and CO2 eq emissions, 2011

hydro, %

nuclear, %

thermal, %

g/kWh (rel.)

Germany Denmark

Belgium France


hydro, %

nuclear, %

thermal, %

g/kWh (rel.)


avenue des Arts 56 B-1000 Bruxelles