NU-- S...FI'lIfAY ltlRNIN(G, OCTOBER 18, 18(;6. Letter tarom •eaer al Entrly. The following is an...

FI'lIfAY ltlRNIN(G, OCTOBER 18, 18(;6. Letter tarom •eaer al Entrly. The following is an extract from a letter from General Jabal A. Early to a lady of Winchester, which we find in the Winchester Times: T•onoNTo, C. W., Sept. 27, 1866. When many of my coontrymnen, in ignorance of the great disadvantages under which I labeloedlat the time of my reverses, judged me harlily, it was fronl a lady of Winchester that I recrived a eatsage,, sent tihrough the lines of the enemy, that, whatever othera mnightdo, the ladies of that place, who knew the tremendous odds with which 1 had to contend, attached no blame to me. It is not to be wondered, therefore, that I feel so deeply toward them. tGod knows how well I love roy native State and all her ntfortunate sisters of tel Soutl, and how cheerfully my life was risked and would lnow bIe yielded is their defense; but, to all of t, therei are some spots peculiarly acred!. With me, the first among these is tile place, where I was horn, and where now repJse the renmiins of my mother; the rxt is Winchester, the plains around 'ethich were watered by the blood of so manly of nly brave comrades, and where now so many true womlen weep over the graves of the fallen. It is sadl.sad indeed to be att exile fromn my counittry, and still sadder to nmourn the loss of the imost just and sacred cause for which man ever fought. But there iso sone colnfrt in kntw- .iag thatlhe struitglo owhict develolped to omuch heroism on the part of our soldiers, and so many *virtues in our womlen, has not been all itl ain ; nd whlerever i may wander, 1 will bear with me tihe pr oud conolatiotn derived from the knowledge that tly couttrywtttren, wlo were so faithful andt devoted during all the, trials and vicissitudes at' our dritleditl coltest for ilteperdelllnce, now that it has gone agailst us, remain true to tile melmo- ries of the deald. Power and money may Itrocure costly n:oolnlllllitts and iestilonitals to caitellllmt o rate the nlt es ii, thoet whot fought for the sitoe. ces•sful p;rtr, Ibut all the power and wealth of the world llcannot colnd iso rih a tri bute as ithtll paid to th•e itemoirie of the lelroic dead of the o(tofelrate arltis by the tears o the womenlof the -outh. libt th• t yolw ill coetnticte this exporoyr•o of 113- 'l'o'b=• to• the ladi-s of OVinchcoterand the Iower t ailey, i 'tIdl may thie choicest blessiCgs of heaino rest 11, yoU alrit llt . e' trc!y and respectfully. your obodient l tl O .• .ttit A. LoItLY. rthe Talrrime AtLa'tt'a th o iauthtern intere tswitich ha-ve fallen intbo ,1 t,,oltlht d-ol'ric toe war. nonel, which thay.'o slr'iv'v, have raldlired more than tlhe tulrf. It , ,,,i" , ,' I'", a, r, That Southern tit n will i-so farl: ,uat their ,,ld il naitions as to permit racing to f to :il'.o, ttl i t;tt, u-mand we are glad to ee rig a ofthe illr-vivo o thi tiruly Southe llllt nprt rA c 'i 'in ttio, ot ci-iiiu - xl te de Id ll t ter ra-ing in t, - -I, , t•, l t,, ,!,0 ,f w-htitlh may be re, :. ,ct,a'ac eter of Ib,:elophe, who, a, :t i -- a a•, ot -aya- I- S'm1"u . te, 1 to th un 1 i l th e i- in•-i--i tllli o ir- atd theu o oy- -r:t ou whlh a'',e -Drily na iti h ller lr--t -- e-ii:o-n,%uint as roe'lluia] to st- - o ,, , t•v r, 1. th at of the Ica -iatn in-o hl,,t-.,l-- ,-i' ta- -,iati. .\-il, .t ,l! 1i-; t- !,- tlat wilt, n,.h with a - lIrage m aiU-t, ",[,,,,t Il~-",,i, v :t ":-, a ,4 t) Ill eh trnd ll to a k ltheh, d at Ir, :Lmr*, •rk al did lhoe at, et i •ei litni-o- i--i I - .f1r ti-e i--thtteuat- uth e tir,: o' oftx iE -i t-! p Ort can ti ttt - ettt - t rtmht th at o nz , ,: ,, t,on til i unv.,h ta t, of tle to, -:lei- t i,,i,,: lai - ir atl,•l i, a nt- i 1 ian. lanO-it I - -, ,1It, i]IOt iag'les, thn me .t xihri lltn ith, i-i -th i outialit , it i-un hictI tai d the ult i- -lilrt i I itwere n rie, ase ele haive tat t.thatil s sn Aerican o nlOW hicl grae i.tert I, ut l ,,ark t , u e h tae limritt I ve ol, ' tl r ao c s of the aln' I'ma ll ieli t ,iled thoe im' lol.lity enelatiolus of unlonta li inat r(l Itracing nrstii th t tiaton a t ictianitnotbel blooil tBut next iin ti, ilarntar of the Southern tato- l te ri:: o f, n lh. bla uregl dnole btte, dl atetoe u ouwx t hl t- t',lce u iutl climate, which, indeed, some may tlote fllt, We place it second, ashe-n ievin thi- tit >pir itual is superior to and rlle even to haentn a.tiievenr tlitand all wlell aeorede the ime toaiility f •l'encessfully estbnlihn g horse raci na an Arcti ibnstitltion. It cannot be ianl ihaut this in int t wiility in the Northern States, buttheproximityof aregitim htter adalted toh rainl the dove het tilrace n horsemut, witth any- lhiug liket in eu ality ofother t-cirt uuaties ofor- teer fix tleNortlrn inr a position of inferiarity to the S cthern t-urf. n Until now t olie tirnailtances have eeni in our favor, hut now, i the wreck ofarn manraial iatns- pertty we have only air climativ adatntaire, the emaings af othe e-t lttains of horses, and--toutgh last, ti, ilt our jtdg ent, lieat-t lh tadiia o the S toulerl coirse, to rely upon against the uaterior weal ol if Cti e North. We are connte-seeing we cando no bette r- to "accepti the itantion," and wte hail with ileasure and with tite lta mnovetetee which atre being madt fa f t-b revival ofracing at the Soith, and epec tiall-ftor we lst limit ot r red marks those ni e ina pournted under the auspices of ntoe tantelia Jackaay C nt Assoneiation of Moalile. We lioiid be pr oud to writee hehistoery o rainig in Mohile. but we not only lack space at prente, it perhaps were lmay torterd lack trhe culet-i rt l orttp e 1 iahn ita-t-itt s ty ati ite materials, n probably scattered beyond thesp hbape f recovery. Thishistoery twoult reun bae hto te time of John lIlaaombe, that marvelous I racer, destined totoo shoret a date, whosename was attlached to the sracte sf hi great vilctary, the olut Baseombe Course, twhere thie lesser cliel's t eof tletrack were watt Ito Crster atrond the ir tacknowiledge "Napleon,"at Willita R. Johnson. a rhis was ltuied, exceapt asa training track, alter e 158 o the oua rvia Conr.te- origienlty laid out fortrotting-beinge found to panossess suerior advantages, which were fully developed after it became the property of the tiagnolia Assciation, out ofwhicigrewthe preasentl Jockey Club. The Magnolia Course, though lnertcesarily a slo track, has the meritof ueilormity; and though a lways behindth thee hst condition of te " spring- board" Mettairie, has a waonderful faculty ofre- iovering from teil cotieet t rains, rarely re.iutgt itwenty-inur hours toput it in the best condttion, d• is always a fair track un ess the rain is actually descending, as it was it the memoittrable rte fat December, 15, when Mtaggie Gi., the irst of arowns Dick's offspring, was comepelled, by the oat antoward disaster, to resign her eaiden aurela to the indomitable Marengo, andhis uisur- assed ritte, liipatriak. We conteet ourselves, for the present, with re- erring our readers to the etndunceeeent ofthe int- elcaeting of the ;Magnohla Jockey Club As. ociation. During the late interregnci, the old acers have paa-ed into retirement, antd a ewc lisd fnamesandof nameless steede succeed to thene tany ofthese, however,. have made their marit uriug the last year, and a glance at the list ot the entries distov-ers half a dozen e r more ia etinnern iha-o will compete fert fresh laurels at thi ]Magnolia. - Of taese and of their ctrein i-e expeli ito say more before the races; at present we witl merely renewthe acknowledgment of the saris Sfaction iwe feel at the determitation lthat the vie -h tornes John Bal eoitbe, Planet, Nicholas, Lizziu h hlDonahcl, Fatmtt Washington, Daniel Btone, ant et- ,rs '•t•' hu time, shall notclose the reanet WIIAeT , loU ABOUT, ALABAiI NS ?- We leartn fromeitur.ontem orery the Eastern Stht of Eoterprisec3ht., that it has lately had ha waver. sation with ;ti intelligent gCentletmaui lron1 ( .i who inftir'ts it that there are sevcitey-two lilltt for the enanmucture of cotton tand wooelen goods in courise of constuIctol iO n that Siate, and Llitt sonle of theme Mills will tanutlfactlle cet Well done, liori'ia•l that is the way ito recastrt •eO ,c ! ". •:t e \villld i ot l fallllly, if o•e of these dyt l. eXstadee fi. h•a)hcee• aoathl It' ulod votilyg iu tle state of rho United States, aloe~ with the tariitlnllgf Moirrill, for high dlutict (,it t- ton goa ; l , to l,rotict Georgia Inuleltt •utlare by liltl' tll(u ti iotl is '!- d aed1 a I rd 'i . II i. process oy " tiac o, d t g - n ,•2 1e oolfl lina .lla e' afe iltl wter 14oI h'' h A t ci ria•t ll ll l ,i i f Oll'r iolicy- at e.ulli nit Nell Eatii ,d he .IIIl o. her baii i tie U alp ' ct-ne it Niii .,llhde't. - Shag ou hte ruinc of l.a: in ldg..d Wl'cliue WThe 1,a•e o! iahierald ( hei. craltae. ,l f e weel ahe l ae sght onti•al l t yeeto ll, dayll, l; our roll r 'l s t a•i t ue s to rlVe i lit prli ll llIli so dill. :Iafier elentiln Wl nollt to ie, s, form ti,:e pitllilc titt this is a ad slitt sofi ao f our edstcr weih that seeoce to rear hic protui head t]o dy:",n•ivn at election We wish now to ill- roosters. The one We hd eugged roosted so hihll Tuesday night that we were un•able to coax Mtnill froet his perch, consequently he lost his chance of appearing as of yore. That's what's the mattter with our rooster. Wi ade Imltuipton onr thle ,1.,0 ll. The following is the coucluding portion of the speech of (ten. Wade HIamptonl, delivered before the "Soldiers' Association"' at Wi:ihalla, South Carolina, on the 22d ultimo ; I have placed before you the reacord f the South and that of the North. Let the wolld deride rwhlih is entitled to ionor--which tro chale. I havre drawn in dark colors, but alas! ill too true ones, the condition of our country, and I now turn to the discussion of what sholld be our pilicy. In tile anomalous condition in whirrh wre are• placed, it is a matter of great difficulty to mark out the proper course for us to purare, hut there ore cer- tair cardinal pritciprle of whichl we should never lose sight. The Sirso of these is, that as we ac- cepted the terms offered to us by the North in good faith, we are bound by every dictate of honor to abide by them fully and honestly. They are none the less binding on us because the dominant and unscrupulous party at the North refuse to ac- cord to us our just rights. Let us, at least, prove ourselves worthy of the rights we claim; let us set an rexamle of gaood faith, and we can then appeal with double etlbet to tie justice and rag- canimity of the North. These virtues, I would fain hope, are not totally extinct among that people, and there ace hrave ten there, who are battling for justice, for cousti- tutiocal liberty, for tile equality of all tihe States, and for the rights of the Sotlh. The only hope, not alone for the South, but for freedom itself, on this continent, lies in tile success of this party. We are their natural allies, and I would sacrieice rach-where honorand princpleirieenot involved, and then I would not yield onre jot or tittle-to strengthen their hands inl tile great contest, which in soon to decide the fate of constltutional liberty and republican institutions in the United States. Tihe President of the United States has lent tile great influence which his high position, his strong intellect, his firsm purpose and his Indomitable will give to this new conservative party, and to his support every Southern anlll ehould rally cordially. We may, perhaps, feel that hlehas not gone to the extent of his power or of oui' expect.ttiont in currying out his policy to its legitimate ends, but we caonot frget that hlie has been tile only bul- wark to stand between ole unalive cnontry and certain, irretlrievable and vclelaotirg riin. But for hIlm thweIorors we eudtured drinirg the war woull have been for surepasoed by lhoi: of peace. And though dilring with him in t nryi point, 1t cheerfuilly Riccordto hielrtire highelrt lpran.e oro tile brave and patriotic stand he ihas taken in defense of the Soutil and of the CJnstitutio-. There is one other point on which thiere r houe l be r o r ii - underr.tandng as to uri poeition, no loop on which to hang a poosible inisconstrautiou atoar views, ad lthat is thelabolition oi slav;cy. i have already intimated that the nlode by wlnch the North se- cured tile acquiescence of ilth South in o lle eo sumrmation o thia purpose was a breach of faith ou her part. (f arll tie inconsistencies of wicii bithe North has beenl guilty--and their namer ii ]trio l--ncl is greater thian that by which she orce the Southern States, while rigidly eitdng thea froml tie Union, to raetlyltiie oo-itali, il :lled- nent abolishing slavery, shich tihey could do :lgally only as bt•tesol that Unlon. n ut tehe dend has been do-e, and i, for one. do honestly de clare that 1 never wish to see it r-eoked.Yotr i I lbelieve that the Ipeo fi,' tho South would now remand the ungro to slavery ii they had llt power to do so lnquestiLond. L-I!to. o r ,pateral ire, ilnil i' erchaldit lire gr'ew to Iia rna righty ho-t. Ile cane to us it heathen ll e nlade 1ill te reristian idle, vieioii-. vu•ae in his -r wn r0un- try: in our: he becae. civr- ized, Let hisLi. hCorya a•t a;' clone be o ' en ht'leat-r w'it's that Wll:ch he will n fee Liu- slf fis a freedmal , and by the I e tiii o that co- -ir.: io' w e itu lit ng to be j rudg d. oc great i responr i ility i s c f 'ti t lro ,i ,olr ho l, r• r this e n rdciesatiuo , and we willi, h- i iris his ionrtini to hii owni har-l., h,,uhl troihtt rre einv po ehilnself w,,)th}of theh.hlrs - n plwe . A< lawl r.'1,), illh'l it ofor as it fri' dnUlt lelt ci t lrat Ite ri't ri, l. Beal wit: hin'frankldy, justly, kimdly,'ud Icy w.rd '(oir htle will leciprocate your ]kihlnier-. ClilPihg to i - old heone, his ownc i ls ry and Ir i o frrotoi er last er. It ,irt' w'lh to see hire Coriii ted, ioi n- trio nn , ll e cln, aid hinl i ll ]1hi e ll.•a le vate h:m- sellf in the . sof re, ivihz alion, and lhu: it him ut nly tt ejoY il t bessings of I eedm, but to ap- The' easential points, then, in the pi'ev we should epursu, iare, it appears to e e,i' thee: That ce shonr d fuitill all the obhgatiinn we have e- r tered into, to the letter, keeping our faith so clear tl.atno shai dow of d!ihoor ian fall on us: that we should sustain Mr. John,omn crdially i his Upolicy, giving our support to that arty which raies around him: h t swe shoi d yi td til l obe- dience to tie laws of the laud, r-erig to ouri elvres at tihe onne time, the icnaienahle right of freedom ol opeeclh and of opinion: anid that as to the great question whiiclr so olteniura'eriilly af- fected our interests, the abolition or slavery, we siall decare it settled forever. Pursue te i s coarse steadily: bear win-i patience aod dignity those evil which are pressiorg heaviln nn yot . Clmnreit yourself to the g'n-lau-e of fild, and whatever may be your fate, you will be able to lace tie future without sdlf-ieproach. THI.tnsaitpjpl Ittelllgense. The Jackson Clarion says: We hear that the suljectof lIr. Davis's imprison- ment will be broughlt tormally before the legisla- ture ill a few days. EL:CTIOc It PoGE.-In Pike county, at the recent election, Judge McNair received a majority of 597 over S. J. Morehead, his opponent fcr cir- cult judge; RI. P. Willing had a majority of 192 over MI. A. Ontis, for district attorney; tI. Murray Quin was elected probate judge ; Wi. M. Cou- nerly, probate clerk; Sampson S. Latukin circuit clerk and Robert H. Felder sherill: TnH STAY Lcyw.-The Liberty Advocate men- tious that at tie reoent term of Pitke circuit court, Judlge MetNairdecidled tle act of the le•islature, passed in 1o62, suspending the statole of hmita- tions, to be constitutional and binding. The present legislature will probably adopt some legis- lation amendatory of the piresent limitation acts. So much confusion has grown out of the stay law, and the act suspending tile statute of limicitions, that it is difficult to tell when an action would be barred. Some short, definite period might be giveninwhicth to commnence suits onil contracti made before the war. Thishas leen done insome of the States. The loss and destruction of papers during tte war reoders this escecially nocessary for tihe protection of estates and to deiend execu- tors and administrators from f raudulen claims growing opt of old transactiolte. AIrSINrG OTATOES FROM A R GaPE VIe. -The Boston Traveller ofthe 5th says: " During tire summer months, a bralrch of a gripe viteia the yard of Chief of Police Kurtz, at the rear of his house on Tremont street, wasaccidentally broken, and to stop the sap, which flowed pretty freely. lie punctured a potato and placed it on tie broken end of the branch. Subsequently he concluded to try an experiment, and aetting a flower pot ut- er the potato embedded it in the earth. Shortly afterwards he was astonished to see that it had sprouted, and continued to grow until it reached a height of between two and three feet. This morn- silg, upon removing the pot, lie found six small potatoes in it, and would undoultedly hiave rad a much larger crop if the accident had occurred a monlth or two earlier. Front the vine to which the potato ,asarttached, one verygood crop of grapes has alreaidy been gathered, and there are noW some fifty or morebunches of second crop on the vine, which would probably ripen if they were in a hot house. BT0TEN tY A IIorisr.-The Poetland (3ie.) Plees relates that on Thursday. Janes Kirhy, a teau-. scer, was bitten in the hand by hir hrse while en- loading his teln, Suii-enently as he was driving along Co lniereial sitret, while en- davoring to get out of the way of au aiiprolch- ing team, tile hore again seized hi. hald anl bit itb;:dly. tKirby seized l rpiece of brlrd and strucek the hor-e betweel the earsl. tinl lIII to tlle erln t onlece. iThe hvrse ia drgg.l• e ,i the Ulien wharfe, and a mte.itie vi nn i ' l uU engaged in dluetrill Iin, wili tlIe hi e of briagi ig hli i to hils let til. ' hor- div. The h[l'jist llBi ey is in a deee:rate atel te l llhloL d. ph.ll o;t e 1 1' I Ietl ('IIII I . le i a d Cs ice L i It of tlhe vili Frlh, - lli y, t ll -t tlienld e lit Fiea lll elen ; lleihl I ,I v ,ii t i .y b ly i l R•n. lie it m.allin l o i" Iun l' i Io h ,"' - t r in;), d ca a greaT 1'ar :1I intl b c;1 lie i also ot, it l r l: tt e re il thols of 1th, iele iCli.,n h •il, . T hill'e, t of reeiln a ti i e t lin citc ty c•l li pil lle llt , dcle i Is tlt h ," ,o :- dI h etiltcan palty ill t nc ticec gelti? ithe eleceity in tisi f} e i a , 1 ,I hu W. in ee th emis city. tleiw a_ -pe " [LouIrt l itiurualt JIlCKi ERi.NG __ AN OS. cjIIICIJAWN.YU 6c hONSY--_- l/ Estal]Ii l 1823, RtAND, SQUARE ANID UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. Warerooms, No.632 Broadway, New York. CBICEERINGI & SONS' Grand, Square and UprIght PIANO FORTES Are now, a_ they have ever been, considered THE BEST AMERICA, having been awarded Blxty.fve Prize 3Iedals, Of whl, h furteen were received in the month of September anl October, 1Yi, and FirstPremium over allcompetitor. at thedifferent principal Firo in this country, andthe PRIZE MEDAL aR the WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON. TIIHALRERGS OPINION. s'I cnniderChiickcrina B Sons' Planes,beycn6 Comparison, thre be"~ I Lana see. to hmrica. "S. TIHALSIERO. " Ohairmann ofJuirynlu Musical I-rtrutaents." A iong t is chd f pIimi ,texIellnce o tihe C SI IEERIN O PiaNO ". tit whil h pek the reuSShNed Artiiste t their T,1 IrjtulntIry t1atimBr.iall the ill'irs 51l;~eernglar the groats[I1,.+Si ' tO D iepth, stnrhoe-" aInd sslusIm f Toin, coisI pinoed with a rarea Ur-liianey Clear-.s _ 'salt 1.-rleci Eenness r~~~itinISS. sIR 51551th Pr nd.' lA" hiang, aIndsthe mo. t deica51e ur pIe lINI uII.Sch. 'uriag Nhile lpast urt tinSI cars this it !t `:, ! 810,000 Plunor, in thle c !n-:rctlor of iicy they havee ittn l-lced every I,.., 1 r!l":ed ,tad t ellIn'u[I t~ic r. nrllls utknnwn; e]r:rl Crest Acti~rr who li;lrr :miter] tats coluntry Irltej-j a 1113. bath [or THALRERG.I 1,15 ",r Cl,:kei is & Srn; Plan-, bey-d eImpIr . the oiila -t 1 have~ a: er rve~t inAmlerica..~ I OTT ICHApL i5i " TI p les CsiSA.IIing a Song Po (sIiesp to say ih The)' areanrivalr ed Llr thecir Finlinn - (Uniira and fortl the Olnrm1 Hlounds o thISr'S une, 'IOS e is a pcrfes be- e.e5t) tsSru.zhllu a therIkisteri Toe .pjer aiSts are O nrOSSA for aI.-, ;tad p5 Int)- whish do notfIsISA nay I~t-rnl, v:,e t 5,55 a,s AIlSi~e forSs pi 1515, VTEIILI. lSmnr Pianos are CIIerior to any I have ever seen inthir Vnntry or ill amps I 5 "1h h~e nevrer nested a tone so p~erfect: it yieldr veryr l pr-inn tl~nt iv needed In ,uric, and it; ylltp is cIsable EiS LII,[ to mIeN every sentiment. T h is', a rare picers a is is lrrivell from toe perfect f ori~yd of its Ten. together witrih its S),uputhetle, Elaetie stud N-ellonloaneed Teach." I'OZNANSEI. " DDlring the 111~ eiclrt years I here constantly- playedQ uponn the Illlfly ceebrateLd ErnnlI Pianos; )-our= are thle iy in lotru- meuri that I ha:a foand, either here or in Europe, to equal hen[ in tea their pufnte ofeleclleue."' Walma's' Art Jenrmnl, of No. 11, LSi. ,y,; M adame Aberl performerd nuthle new~ Cliciierini ui:AN 1, w1, en tookb the tilllr Medal at the Fairi of the 7lfalsaclu~stt, Ohaii table M" It i ea,` Olil !ttinn held at Hu~rron Itt-t ma~nta, "` It it the noblest instrument we ever berard in a Concert, Room " It may b e rnatrffietoryto our patrons and rirnds among the public atlargfe to, state thalt t-itlrunia'r l ha,, been ,evenied from all thleLeading ir-t, w alu hate vrit 1 o at ne now- re- siding in the Unllee States, a few- of whos~e same-, bieside those above, ie append : LEO. Do SIEVES, Rt. HOFFMAN, .. STSbAKO)SCH, A sLFRED J, EL, i GlIp SiTA T I. IAT I .JUL " II. SANDN RSINS, .ISNIS. . Ii D ICP, ARTHUR NA SPOLEON, and, S Miny OtiI 1 5. CARD. It is writh feelings of pride n At hsricau runnuftcturers, that wpAublish the 5llowiu3 testimonial,, which have beenre- ssivjd by as recently: European Testimonial.. Received during the mouth of August. 113'. Lo,,pos, July 2P, 1058. if srs Ch1kering&0 Poo,: CGhrTS-1 havle :inch pleaure in inclosinlg a lgued by the first C 'mposee a, Musicians and Professors in auroI ' I held Is r Pis os it such high es` inntiun [vide mL certificate) that I felt it my duity to takeone of themwithl me to Europge tonscertxia thegll ano of my groffsrsoenll brethren. The inlolsed Certificate wFill pro hoe L0 . imonss they ,1ve beeJIon the subject. I beg to forward, It the snoretime, a letter I raecived from mny tteudr, Mr. Collard, whiceh I am sure sat h e glattiwi; to you. mI havre to hsnortobe, gentlemen, tours very tmly. JAMES M.\i'EHLI. LOVDOY, January 14, 1166. Jamaes MI. Welk i. Esq.;: MyDa.r Si,-I sIbvo Brent plcsnre in n50II'Ry55 tocovsey to 53a115 C35155it 51y the expression o,, 10 115,1 I ,is ,ait their ins5um1,s1 , I consier, 1 ot5,1 tehs strains., of Amen, nn )fans adolre that f hav~e trial, bult one of the F'inest Granld Yasuo Forrtes that has evercome unlder any- observation; and that the Messrs. Chickeariug may- well be prould of ha;ving turnerd cut t'rom theirmaoalinctar)- a inxtrm- s,1,l whim, for C ,uch, Qss0ty, Pser and Worslss hip ,it vioolli be verydifficult to surpuvx in any par[ o[ rho wide world. DeaSOir, vey sincerly yur tiOAS. 13. COLLARD Firm of Collrd & Collard, Polan I Forte MIuul5, 1ur1 , London. LoroIos,Algultl3d, 1000, James M1. Wehli, Esq.: MLy DolrSir-As you 5 regaing5 back tothe Uiited Stales.I most he you to remembser e s lnds y to the 101 srs Ch 1ker- 05o. elhem I wa0 deli.005d withtheirGrand P115no Forte, as god i,, IThostoons. 1100iuk, ns was .,or turned out, both inToen ant5Note. WiOI hyyo, Ii., Sremain evertruly . ROD~OD I. F5. EROADWOOD, Firm of I. Broadlosl & Sons, Pioao torte Manusfacturers. LoNDON, July 20, 1000 Messrs. hllickens,0,g 0 0s:o ear,-1 Oss~ilrt besen inoitedby Me'ssr. ollalrd15 try it G~sd Plano lsss, 0 mo5,t11,,50 hr you, anf7 ll 11e n1, li01. 11ti,, i indolrsingn tOss . slowof1 my-1uhf t53,5.0. 1. C . olj3rd,,sls,'vle: itilxfor lint iuj1,1,in5nt I ,,51 1 p51 ed uu. elieve me5, gent1lemen,15, most1 lsithf 5 yours, 0A. 110055ON. Testimonial from tiromost distioeol,llcd Artists inEmro lie to I WIe.-0. (du riooS.Eo Aonas Blsoo. S .siskis~gA hs,. L-, ., sTly 25, 1ES.116 soti'yn to rio it i.e1 AT .s ForS,: veto ss InuI Bi-,ihia,, o Tone. Drlissisc s of -onc ,ally .s..l I''. Sn I5. foird J5555ly the het 1 hSs e area of awrrliual: slililulc:ore. AE1AES5 I,.A (IODDARD. J.U I'51 EESL, A LI'L",A1) IALLL, \1i'.i ESl' lS I ARES I1s.101T i LOsEP. 1'rIfenor ot' I`:.lcrvvtuolr de Lri1ll-iZ. sESISE 51150L~. ]11th LE1- R1I ILI.RD-. D''SSS s.oi~hs.'SI' SSIsSSo, OSTTI'.'l. t'rili to from 1111 ('5555 rin..I;, Sued.('555. to the ST 5i- ti.,n. ofli tile uci 1, rtll Cir e !,or- -o- c and a, C i- .EsBdw1y e Tillys , PYs . 6 T birrc" y ... or, modntfir,n tlrrt thp Griln i I'innl Fort. of tl~l ,1 .d od "a pi', 'l la .1 thle Fiee~t Isasrulur afr offile Or...~ thatl e, erenter 1. u, cf n CRL EINCeE ILLUSTRATED ALIICy1S nod P'riceCutsh sea1Iy' al. :Er~.......... Broadway, NeWe York.......... O51 MACHI INERY. - 1T~tiIG1T At CO- -DEALUR II MIACINERY, BELTISN, COTTON GINS,ETC. ETC., -- aerrva-- Hemloved to 172 Gravter street, Are preplred to fill l order for MACHITNERIY and ENGINEERSUPPLIES ofall linds. Prtie relllelklgnlMinery not kept for sai In this city, would dowelltogivltttnll, as we have Ageint I b the North and East, through svhot e are prepared totill orders promptly. We still have a few of theold style E. CARVER COTTON GIN, Whidh wears nolsellingat $I per SIaw. Ptttst, ,tlhing mess Waf s shoved send In theilr orders early,as the Stock- will seen be srhansted. LEEDS'S FOUNDRY- (ESTABLISHED IN 125.) Corner of Delord and Poacsher street,, Webeg leave to inform our frien de and the public generally thatr we areprepared, ar formerly, to manufacture Steamu Englines, Boilers, Sugar ((ills, Sugalr Kettles, Draining 3t&. chines, Saw ((lls, Cotton Presses, Newell Screws, Gin Gear. ing,Farullce Moutuhs, Grate Bare, ,It kLinds of Plantartion andl StIamboat Works, and eSrS description of Machnery for theo SOUth. LEEDS k CLO. Orders leftat B-7 3, Mechanuics' andDealers' Exchange, will receive prompgt attention. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WOREKS, PIfTSBURG, PA PARK, BROTHER & CO., -ZAVUTrCcURs Or- All Descriptlons of Cat and Germa Stoeel, -WARREae D-- EQUAL TO ANYIMPORTED OR MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. Bestquafity Re2ned CAST TOOL STEEL; SPRING,MA- CHINERY, PLOW, SHEET and SHEAR STEEL; RAILROAD, SPRING and FROG STEEL; LOCOMO. TIVE, AXLES, CRANK PINS, PISTON RODS, SLIDE BARS, FIRE BOX and FLUE PLATE, eta Branch Warehoses , NOS. o and ...... BATTERY MARCH...... NO. 0 andis BSstwen M51 an d BAad stro,, BOSTON,I MASS OlIVIER HUNT,Agent. W RIPPER'S IMI DOVED PORCTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILL, "Lanne'a Patent Set and Feed Wortke." ""W. rpgetfSlly cII attention to our "IMPROVED PORTABLE 11IRCCULA SAW KILL," ilth "LANE'S PATE:NT SET ANDFEED WORKS." s n of the parnc- liar y dvayat:b claimed therefor ,in , as follows, : 1.--Tae in5canta- and unerriug:y certan '`eat" of the lo;; lv the? man nit sod ing the Sxw.w ith x lnnia motion of thec Inand, order Ss,,IIa .t once a! 5impe es hssIsive, and in nI WisB OUojBct to brnr8ilgl r drlrllnle:uenr-:l ie log, at bhure-ar "act ,b Ieing set at troth egos at one and thenameinstant at 5nalS5y tP"na Saer, , nbs.l S 0,lra and 6i nnerriiSSSain lorwiit" inthe rhhuiioeir of [ha plankthroug~hout, iorured. !-inn sx pnlne Reeiird. not ot[y fa the number ofhands erployed aboue null,bat the P s, ll ofhshat l iltiu is of far d [mpInponnnce, to-wnlt to the orxalu time of hbsmill-- mllsicirntl dlustratod, perhaps, when it iv stated that in shee "retrtal :me" neauiiy rrllulreii by n~her m~ill,we : ablea to I"ru , back,'" ` " so[, l at snoblser nlnn,' Thus weare enahlc't o eotthreetwenty feet plankslit rL`:uirodi mn a singele minute' 555555 5 for in part by the f Sc[ that the Saw 1.- "l'st uceasingly gegasd )thes ".runbars" Limn exceted) in actIual wIork ,m the sdslot the stockjis in Place .ssli ij is entirely convened into Immnoc I I- s pecll:sr 5rrangeme 5t of the "Feed Works." "Isssbysthe 'slip" and ''ear ad tear" asl y cident to the none) belt arrangement I s avoided. andin lien, s instan- taneous "starting" sd "lstoppine' nni 5liny5y et5eted. 4th-'The OS Sitnt5il nodplsnes proportions of the lu ll, 0,- h with its combinations of Stee S ianIdrel, ''sbbit MSeta, SSS.Olising sad Sel=Addj'ltins S'zes,s " Sh Irequss, cxbt-irau aEppons on the carnagqe fer the ley. andtthe unoraal bsls1E of finsh,ssasesmso t55, other featurers hich ipnicn- trlls characesrize oar IllS, an5 wh5ich OsOure fas i the lbss it. i,,g,,Ssirtien o SShNspaticl. Il,,, refernces are soWdssent, we trus. to secrsS forou5 ]Mill all Slatisiregsred. and all that Isasked in any last s,' ti, In-mo a pprefernce, uxmely : `"An ezxmination before par. mi-eisewohera." We are, very resp'cty ssss WINTER & CO., Geneal.B.- ionKcra Ns. N.4SSR ~ s Brodwy ewYok. Gl`sss"LAX lOS PATENTSEC WOR'S" applied with Cacilty toM~ills ofother patterns.% MONROE & OSEDDINOTON, entfr the abov Mill, 5o. 5 C-,,Slet street. DOWDALL. HARRIS &a CO., WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Egione and Machine Shop, CORNER OF SECONDAND MORGAN STREETS, ST LOUIS,MO., Manufacturer of STEAMENGINES AND BOILERS. SAW ANDGRIST MILL MACHINERY, Circuslr Sa Mill,, Quarts Mill,, Tobao Screws and Presees,'LLd Reoti,,, Ssews a5d Cylinders, Wool Carding Msshless, Molsy S.e Mill,, ste, GE, constantly on band. Agents far the sale of JAMESSMITH & CS.'S ssperlor Machine Card& We are prepared toreSeive orders for nyS of the above mRsS tioned Machinery, at.., and wsll fSSieh any information desired. LAMB, QUINLIN S CO., S Teboopitonis, street. NU-- ------------------- N% OTXCE - DANIEL EDWARDS, Nos. 28, 80 and 8A New Levee street , Now Or.lwLa .. t. Is atall times, rith men and materialI to execute al ordo s I hie lie of Copper and Sheet Iron *Rork r, Black. .. 1thlng andBrain Founder EndFinisher. The .stb. lobed chiaracter at this house feea sufficietgganarntee that anyp .. ,it ntrusted tohim Wil bepromptly andfeltbrofecud D. C. aCJLN- IRON AND BRASSFOUNDER, rnLTON, NEW IEVEE, NOTRE DAYS AND JULIA STREETS,. Newa Orleans. Offillc-IR Fulton StFeet. Has on hnd atll times new andsecond-land machinery foroteambuots, baw Mille and Sugar Plantations. Particular "ld prompt attentio paid to Steamship tod St1.uboao repair0. DRLUMMOND, DOIN f CO.. STEAM BOILER MANUFACTURERS. Low Pressure .ocomotoies. FiPhd and Cylinder Boilers, OICd. Here, Filter andJaice Boxes, made at the Shortest Notice, We reepectf ll~ solicit contracts for Boilers andoll'neceeaolg comicell..., such as Fire Fronts, Grate Bare, Steam End Soawe Pipes, Valves, etc., Chilmne. and B.eashen, all of whichlill heltrniphed t he llowest bo.und..SI c. PlwIork executed et our eh, pIS.hment will he gluarateoed equal, In point of workmnil shp End material, toany in the citl or Planters, Merchapnts andSteamship A patel arerespeotfslly Invited to calllnd examine the workr andprices, at 125 FRON T Street, hatrasstiotre Deme and Julia etroets. W O OLDINO, COANSBLTINGM E ER AND DRABBFT 01 1 ,, Planeand Speslleatlons made for all kindsof achinery Survey. carefutllyl instituted and Spacafalostlomietin ftorth the condition and requirements of the Holds and Machiner of Steamships and Steamboats will be promptly l lnl0e Partiesontemplating the purchase of Steamships EndStns boats would do wall tohavethem examined before baying. Novelty Iron Works,, Comner U(;iord and Now Loves streeta, New Orleans 1 HB OMPA B. BO ROE FY * CO.. I U S L S, od street, I NA OrY an (JOHN GEDDES-JOB. A. SHAESPEARE-S. SWOOP ReddTA, STEpArM ENIN Co., Iron and Braes Foaoder and Machinists, manufacture eve Sllty of S.eam Elgine1, 1151ar MI11. Draining Mal,;WIn Mill ,.If GinGear in Grate Bare, Store 114 n Ct. olImns, Hash Weight. eta. Rol~IImith Woirk of all hinds i' fZaffiA B. nO0DLEY dECO., NO. 9 PERDIDO STREET, (Adjoining Masonic Bending oyrCE no. 129 ORAVIER STREET NSW oL)uAN. CCIRCULCARSAW MIAAIS, STATIODR ARY AND. PORTABLEG STEAM &NGINES, Tobloor, Ollouolut 1115I andMule l .le CaOillll;W l alljlland BoltiplAlppdl tlIs Shfiol tiPg P ll ' .d B.ltiog All 110erip01on1 of Pllntation doll iny nd lIolnltb, 0 ;mpiemenr. We keep constatlyon hand a nllsupply o 1 CAME CARTS, PLANTATION AND ROAID WA\(1ONS Timber Wheels and Whspelnloatroe, ro the well knowu factor oIf J,,hulnfludley, Wbrolloo;, Va. We have connection with extensive Foundries and Nisebdna j!,opelpl Rt. Louisa, LmiiavS'oc Clncienn-f end Pitiabhorg, ii--Rhll whiceh we fire pro; -sred to attramct foranyp clues ofI mac.-incr) on mast favorabe farm.,And doll-, anywheret noitb a, New; Ariusl. 0 rrl, Imiht. R:OI , n-`PIlit nY %,- PATIN UI,) II IOCLT S-VWAy , EII. r HEUYIRlAULIC LOLTIICI WAMnER SAND WRINGER. The bestnd most setul invention of the kind for arvirj h.-Iehnld labor over InRRnted. Has more and better recommendatd on for saving th.e, lab< r and the wear and tear of fabrics w a, ld, than auyotherma- chine. All theoither machines el' rubthe clo'he and wl hem out speedily, or donot e actorily perform theirwork. With the HYDRAULIr' CLOTHES WNEHER This is not the case. Taere Is no ruhbbing of the clothes. an consequently, nowee.r and tear. The washing is mrost corm plt•yaRnd thoroR hly performed by the sctlionof the wbee on. Band for acircular, giving fall explanalion, or call and examine them at the General Saothern Agency. Good indMP cements offered o agents eles..where. B. M. BARTON & CO.'B, INo. 17 TchoRpltoulsI strt, ( COOKING STOY VI . STOVE ........... S-TOVES..... ... STOVES. A GOOD COOKING STOVE ONE OF THE MOST NECESSARY AND DESIRABLE Articles of H soueholds Economy, And, if properly managed, willpremote the health, comfort, and happness of every member of the family. TIME, MONEY, and extreme VEXATION by delays of your daily meals, may be saved by using the Charter Oak Coeking Stove. OverTEN THOUSAND of these celebrated COOKING STOVES ae in daily usethroughout the city of New Or- leans. Every one of them has been sold under a FULL GUARANTEE, and we offer them as reference wherever found. the Improved Charter Oak Stoeve, with Extension Top, Has but ONE DAMPER, and is so simple in itseeonstmction that a child can manage it. The OENSare larger, Bake moreuniform, andthe Stove heavier than any Cooking Stsve of corresponding size evermade. The Hot Water Resevoetr Holter furnishes a constant -uppfy of HotWater at all hours of the day, and for hours after the fire beenextinguished, with- out additional cost for FUEL, a practical illustration of the ECONOMY inusing the CHARTER OAK. The Refleetor Orldiron, original with the Charter Oak, and used:on no other stove- the most perfect manner toBROIL Meats andPoultry, where- by the offensve odors arising from meas during the process of broiling are carried up the pipe, andJUICES of the Meats preserved. The Hot Closet inwhich MEATS and PASTRY are kept WARM for houbnrs when there has been a delay at meals, besides enabling the cook tofurnish a greater varietyofdlshesand deserts, and Ilace them hot upon the table. The Charter Oak SBtove i~ld o nne-third more baking in a given u..e. end -c 25 pe, cent less wood than any other stove, now made. RICE IBROS. & CO., Sole Agents, 93and 9. Camp siret, near Poydrae. and 5G; Singzzine etrce',near 1magaino Market. Warehouse, 1o3. N -1 P9Julin .treet. AT PERRY'S OLD STOVE HfOUSE, 111 PO] DRAS STREFET (Between Camp andSt. Charles Sts) For Sale, 600D Flart Top D)Ivlng Flue Cookingp Stocekr (.11 o: thie asme E'neral c',rrxcf st,bat :lirlerhtg in -anmen- [a~ipn mitt ll their nnmre .) ro" twenty ye tr. I have heco selling andl c ontintne to .5.11 the `"OLD 11.011AR".11' 'tprier whicb. .unde the ne-m of Chbarter Oak, BrHillialnt, P'eerless,. Ohvetr-och, Magaee -4~ .Slapneiln. areon them,-rket; the pricd' myin withl the t onelntln o:' thhe en tanhsove r th tao[Iler. T 'fh S ffnfl' or 1'EII l"' b SI)\1E, underr [hle nalmes ot'-orthae star, Vlocen lf:!le Slnntl, Iuutnn R, I'rr de f thle E'xs[, l'lamlBT`. I~poI, 1'liultnlion nod othror numeoer I Ilave, oleo, inRrent variety, ,ul alnd wloos Palrlor Franklin',anti xt Hl of our Tigbt5tpu Staves, 1nrge nnd .mall has,.nnd Te. PlateStove a. Stovre ipll* etc. I do pit ce:Rixny Paco gar merit in beingable to pe.l "naat6. broil If cakr and to,prorerrr the r juicer, to keep rutor hot ast all thi-le or to roost eats in Inr stove-, as people of coocn sea's know tllut allcpnlin stoves will ennl~le one to .1.tb ,, acid they ko- alslo, that "g a nrreby -y other num* wool eat,"anrel.' nd [hut before that' bur, they may call at PER P 's, 141 Poyrdraa street, andstye $5I inthe pnrcoass ofu Stove. HO)TELS AND RESTAIURANTS. BROOR8 HOUSE. NOS. 227, 3 and 231 CANAL STREET, (Corner Basin,) New Orleans. Th's houee, having hrea thoroughl repainteand renovted, Nill .e readyon the frst ofOtober. CE-d. A.r the recep.ion of permnlent, transiPenlud day hoardersp 1eho wtillbete ud a hone with slucriAr LccummldtioN, TEXa table not surpN. sed by that of any- noncein thecity. Yln airy rooms, sinrgle or in pairs. Meal hurs: Breaktali 7to 9. Dinner2to . Sup. per tito 7)y. ISLAND CITY HOTEL. (JOHN J. PRICE--J. F. PIERCE-Do. M. A. M~cLEOD.) Price, PLeae & CGo., Proprietors. GALVESTON, TEXAS.. TIHE LEE HOlIER No. 73 CARONDELET STREET, Is new open tothe public. Nuone but the. beet WINESand LIQUORS sold over its counters Give as u call, cud test for Jyourselres. LATOUR & COLTON. Proprietor.. M lllEHV'S HOTEL-THE tINDERSIISRED Proprietors UMuphy'sHutHl, No. 93and IWUSt Charles street, hereby notify the public that they will Sad it to their advantage tU call and see thembefore g .l" S, they wil ge Uhrlchoiest R knd fSquo Ht55the Sbr. SUlUor Dinners nd Mals ofall kind at the Restaurant, andHoard and Lodging of a superior gnalityi at greatly reduced price. McdLNBI & .UP IUUUURUiI MOUEAIPU BEUTATIIHAT. No. IIU3ANAL STREET. BETWEEN ST.OHARLES AND CARONDELET. The ropretor respectfullinfoI their .1d friends and the eplcurean sorld, that the abose Restaurant Is open forthse accommodation, at the came old plae; Ind that theS yntend to lseae nothing undone to seure a continuance ofthat reput1. tSi t whch .t bas yo many yeah enjoyed, sia: that ofb bei out of thev teirststauts In mes.ica. All the delissl. ofthe seUon, .ttb theaholcst Wi,, .tnd Liquors, alynsy in .and. The Proprieto52, thunflt for past faUr, solicit a Stlir. once ofthe cams. EHODES d MOULIN. LOlIESrANA HOTEL, 213 TOROUPITOULAB STREET OppUsit ESt. Mary's Martet, within ons *sqare of the T2.. Steamshli Ltsditg, NEW ORLEANS. 3,-TRDON-$9 pPr day. 3, CONDOM, Proprietor. BEOOS2 HOUSE.j THE PROPRIETOR ofth. welI.knowin ad po .1. oSH liabmeal, finding his present location too smart for the milel apes im fo accomodation, wlll, on the lei of Novembs, No.. 927.338 sad 381 oanal o treel. Come. of Bate Street, whsor be hopes e able to fH ,hl a home to .11 his friends. He needs hardly intos that his table is mw ess ever, Mnan. onsi, and that.qovary. comfortill be enoe by Petrone o! HOURS OFMEALS: Breakfast, from 710 9: DioesehemI tot: Snoonr. n to N., W ASHINTON EXCHANGB. NO. 19 ST. CHARLES STREET, NEW ORLEANS, SBEtwen 0ommon ond Coanl Stroet., L. X. Stella. Pro5. SetSr. 0 KLEANS HOnSE- CLARKE & DOUGHTY, (OEO. H. CLARKEE-WM. DOUGHTY, Cyoter ofS8t. CharleI and Common streets. Lnnch everydiay from Iiit . ' DRUGS, PERFiUMER Y, ETC. B (TA3KOJ DIEIIG OTOGE&N- i.. iH YEHOCT LEVEE, oppolsite ihe ALGI12 FIRGT AyNDiIN, NEW OiiLL i. O. Aie i,,i, o! ,..dlclus Simple and Cwy:poead, llho IAHo LA! O!r, 1.11 endL.!.iisi. Th. OH!tronae of the pLbiiC Ei!Hoseoily solicited by thepoprAietor. Dn. A.A. JY'IHR. pETERS 11. BtLOW- IMPOIiiTEIi ANDWHOLESALE DEALER IN DReoS JAINT~A, WiITE LEAD, OILS, WINDOW :LASN, NLAH!WSE t PERFUME1RY. i., ETC N~o..OB~rrudSNo Xrih llroI...rpsO 2\ 1 ANY PERSONS APFFICTED LOSS OF AI'PETITS, WAKEFULNESS AT NIGST, Any other Evidlence of an Enreeblc4 BtontyEh, Will nd CerUl, Relifoby a reylar use of GREY JACKET BITTERS, W~hich re for SaloEee erlire. FOREIW(N D•RY GOODS. IDIRECT TRADE WITH EREOPE. FOREIGN GOODS SOLD AS CHEAP AS AT THE NORTH. Fretght and Other Heavy Expense. [ved. P. MARES & CO., 4 .................... yal Street .......... *...... 4 Importers and Jobbers of all descriptions of FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN MANCFACTORIES, DRY GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLE., Respectflly inform the public ofboth City andCountry thst, by recent arrivals, theyhave receid, Direct from Europe, A Stock of Goods such as must prove profitable to the buyer. Believing that Imported Goodscan be sold as lowin this city, whenbrought direct, they are prepared to test the ques- tion, and will sell accrdingly. "neir Stock consists of: FINE ENGLISH ANDFRENCH PRINTS, MUSLINS, DE LAINES, BAREGES, SILKS, LACES, CLOTHS ANDCLOAKING, HOSIERY, DRESS-TRI3IMINGB, GLOVES,WCOLEN GOODS (Of allDescriptions,) LADIES' SILK CLOAKS ANDMANTILLAS, GENTS'SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHEETINGS AND DOMESTICS, Of allDeaeripticus, ad other Articles too numerous togive in detail. These Goodt are all of the LATEST STYLES, and will be sold at Wholesale Only. Wholesale Dealers will ind this Stock so well assorted that they canbuy as advantageously as at the North. andsavethe Cost of Transportatloa. They are repectfully Invited to call andsee the Gods. Tetams will beliberaL P. MARES & CO., 43Royal street. BROKERS,NOTARIES, AGENCY WALTER V. CROUOIH, GENERAL BROKER AND AGENT, No. 43 Natchez street, up stairk . G. DREU0 - TAX AND COLLECTING AGENCY, OPPOSITE THE COURTHOUSE, CaRno Lrox, Looa•uel, Will attend to the payment of Taxes In theparish of Jeo-er- on, andto the redemption of property forfeited for Taxes, either to the State or Corporations of the Parish; the tracing and examining of Title, procuring Certflcates of Mortgage. recording andregistering Acts, etc., etc. Willalso give par- ticular attenltion tothe saleof Real Etate, andcollection ot Rents. Ordersle l at leasr,. VOISON & RDOURETS, No. 122 Crondelet street, New Orleans, promptly attended to. JOHN BENDERNAGEL a O. DU. QE U NOTARIES PUBLIC, -A"- Commeissioners or Deeds Ete.. For theStates of ew York, Ahlaba, Mtiealltppt, Ke tetby, TTennessee Stleottl, Florida, Illinois, N.Hamphire, Rhede Ieled Coa, N. aUrotlna, Wotecnenans, Mtchigln, Callfornpte Etc. No. fO Carondelet Street. UP STAIRS. LAND AND COLLECTING OFFICE- SUMMIT, PIKE COUNTY, MIBSISSIPF W. H. GARLAD a SON, Have opened an oece in lSummit, on the N. 0. OJ. & G. N.R. It., •se.for theelJeustment end coll•thonof debt., and for the purchase of Land. Peronehabri ltSc•d for sale Wetld do weli t frnleib us with a descrilption o their Lanaes. We make noecharee eules we effect . ale. RefeLrenc--HOn. Wt. . Sharkey, and Hen. Wm. Perger Jetkson, Mies.: Son. Haepy T. Hy.s Str.etSlmpr Tuer, ted .•r. John Coleman, New Orleans te Yer e. Bckatow * Pe. New York HIen. A. . H. StaRt, Sta .Ye,;tl, Hen., c. |serlend, AmhehrtV.:H On. t. 5. 0. Ree• Lapot, Ind. MIeser. Beileya Ae., Phtladelphl. D 11USOAN. GENERAL MERCHANIDSE BROKEN. S$ Oomon stre.t.N The patronage ofhie friends eepecfnly MlleltMd Referwoe-The Old Merchant, generally. WILLIAM IU. LINDU, GENERAL AGENCY AND COLLECTING OFFICE NYo. 141 Magaslae street. New Orleans. ACl orders left atA. E. RLACRMAR'B, No. 167 Canl Wool will bepromptly aaauded to. BUutth, ObLARK &M TUEPAQ1NINf- , MFDUYrUIE BURKE. Nrnerly.h,,. N. Berke B flu. RICCRI' CLARK, ITB A der., F. 0. TRE.NAO- BIER, frmerly PutCam CC C&.)- t1BKB'a C K M B... re0,11CC,. X. 23Bankr Pllrs, New O(hlers. N.B.-Pa~rticular attention RN'.o tol the woe of Pro~iion r Blucging, Gunny Bag.s. Rope, Calf-. u.SnI ,Saltt Lisforn, n < av, aaII~l----a-rrvT., JOHN 0 tI. JLLEUHL. MANUFACTURER AND DEALE.B No. Bley Street. New 'Y'ork H 4fluitore .dn .hipfoelmmsdt I lhip.aat tedltse.. factoring to-ardor, Portable and ,itettonney Ste m ZnSgne. and B ol~er, Rte 760 bM Iorespoer; lrcnlar and Tlprlpgll Saw 1I~ls of th meoat approved oeaatru01o1 , of x11 sires, nutting7Wu to lPIU. Leo:; Uf 1\:a),a per boor: rist m ins, MITII irons, N x er 1V hacn, i d crow tilll n:Llll yv lhl-il ; king nr li\II. Y or nn` AtYining fi1:lc"Inur Cu , .,lu T,illk*; elks,. for Oki oa, nhit Nnrks ; l',nttae ad aogia'l M-1-14.ry, L.o Wrtirxt Ylmwler, W~oouworthl Planing Mochlnaa 3rEy & W.,,I't Pfki,' llulklM. E~ngir~ ehacie, 'Iring 5rhi., Nldiuag M'i,,llI, ri;;n rilly, onunknoo Ilnehinns, RWxir\ i'"dp, Power CW rticl-Wu Mk~whiIea, Far~a Yumpn, Fonlt EtortieillY YUCLLLBB , Li',ttnF Ynmups, 8orieK Hnrbinnae, f" ociinn I'nm i Bln lnt' cllo hlplilhlrsti lIsdnmullr Jnnks, CirculrrSHxV BUUI:I-i. screw Jecka, right'e pxt*I11 Scrll BuweI ihn~(t/llp Pulleya andNangsre, Potent Relt Scro1l Saw., Robber sod Loath~er lieltkngs, Circulanr Rerorvkng Skills Leather gad Rubber hoes, Upright Rannrrslol Ifl q t'lurnbtng nd fine Fittings, otrrgary d lning Yaamlpl Btrram mid One Piqae, Every deecrlptian of YduZ` err Stem.end Welker Oa agles, rod Railway Snlrplree Cotton Blna, 4otton Gin.. C~otton' elu! Tayylor, Eagle, Brawn, Saethrarn, Craoan, EBlcrstlo ate. M C YCccccd"ccceclth cccctll or bores pnyt1l and lvlcy thing requifred for the tame, t. store end foe Nae et the Tor"u prlos, Your dorsors, resooctctfully iWJ ifd RAILROADS. New ofE.Ea In, OPICLOllbAl A" GREAT WESTEIRN RILROAD, MORGAN LINE OF SThAIIMps, Galveston, Indianola ad "baalue PalP+Ires t A"STEAMBOATS TO ATfARAPAS. AND ALL ijIWlb ON THE BNAYOG TECtU. Paseenge, Trains. Caring thou. it. mall, Itsve th A g'(sr depotE'tW'" MORNING at 8 .dbsk, srMRdg. su*IrrBhZ('.,5rla SBy, 4,12 . -1 DpcclaI Ylm65li5 Ta . .- L.... thIdpot In Agier s at d O I wZDNNEBDA? end FRIDAY 01105I;T6, reari'dd yt th ot fll of thest6amIhp fro Ga eston. Tie stall TrSaia igin Aigten at Stol eOn OSB ' U i by to 1 Breshesr on the saArl of te Gabeto s ishig The Nalired"lrr e'Wew .+,. Lesvos the foot of St. Am nnr, OPpof#JICI k Ltou L.s. morning. et 73As SNSI1sSI.on ednSpas del morsings At $ o'clock *teameblp. f..r Ga/vesS.a,Ia~nj" *utS.,t SBrekMyLessee Breshear on theanlval of paw Son Ae Ot lame on MONDAYS, WRDOSSDATbnld IRIDAYB ;m& for SABI1E PBASS o SUNDAYS. LU :ate e Cheeed IW i•. ao detenti, On the rants. TBOUGE TXCIUT for Giveeston, Ind•ceola ted Sabine Pas, ea •l•,tt Railroad Company'e office, o. re Ostl .Ctl, w•.t-- erryboat bwhile crossing the rivee. FX•XE peaW~y _ ETS furnished to lI1 pamseger o pterUaiwilgii " Texas tickets. ROhambos runnnlng to. New IMerd Md sel ihntr.. landingon the Teehe, makeDAILY CONSEmONg (Bt. days exeepted) lith the stals at Berashem. ofreight received anddevered at the terrylMdllg at f of S n srt. e evtery day until P. L, (e. ept "C•) for and from Sabine Pass, the Iendingp onByoeq Teeh all .tatonns on the road. Freight will alo be received and delivered at the fteet platforms in Algiers. All beggage trnsported aeree the rier Free ofCharge, •ad from thd depot in Alghrs, andthe S Ann street Fet-y Ladng. C W. . BAYLYF, Chief Engnteer and Generl Spetentendttt WI•TER AREAFGEUr5Ig . On and lter SATURBDAY, October 1lthe IBM the traes n ta, road will leaet•e follow: ?:e o'locktek.. . o. n a. e'ttk tm Tr n ... s SteeeTeen. : .. t del•ek•'. .. ,1 t' ,ke. ,. 2 eo'elock.. P. M .. 7 . .. . - HeceC. Fe. Ctoe dltrome theLke, seeday, 2at.. Paoenger for Genttllly St:tion mest notify the eon•mi porto deeartret l the train. Frem 15 rnmee eeh wy. G O. PANDELY. Gemedel s -e.te t elutOM CeCTR, PElER.---ele rouD tee rom dIntemg to Neew York andall EEaternlterel t t f Fl'V et ,,1Y Te INJs leave e aee m moe lTe 'ldde.s. -- on arrival of traln. and teamers from h Pont6- rTme from New Orleans to New York-4 dys. For thrnugn tletee Cppily at tle offieat ee ttre bdal hckeoen end Great ortehere Railroad,4 4t4tende)oe ittl mon street.Rtda St. UharetHotel,3t Canal treet ted Depet, •dlo at office et the IIItIel Centr oeI s Cairo Gienelr Se .td. te OHNeO . jROBILk AND GMEAT NOSTHEUS RAILROAD ROUTE, Shortest Route Between New Orleans WAHINoTONS, NEW TORE, BALTIMORE PHILADELPImA, BOSTON, 120. E20. VI. Mobie.. DISTANCE TO NIEW YORE ......... a.... ... I1 CEW TIRE, THREE AI) A HALF DAYI Paeaeegteleave daily from .Depeot et the Peateheteta Raflroad at 4 e'clocI h, onecting ed&t the Meegan ILinee Steaere fe oloble, makng elose connesetei et MebMIewtb the Mrieaeofthe eobile md GeeeatpNothern feIae4tt Meeontgenee, Coleleeshe, Seeer.h, Aegetat, Atlittee Chhlelee, Eeee~lle Jeehelle, 1,ee~eetII. LKeoxbiee, Nighesed. Ceteletl.q ALL POINTS NORTH AND R&DT. For lefermetfon~. a Thsoeeh Tlckets eapplyt the TICKET OFFICE, In the Rotunda ef theS Sht Chales Hw. 0.1L. FITCH, Oeneral Agent, MebleanedOhe oalroad Ias COTTON TIES. SITLER'S PATENT tETTON TIN The aedenl.ged sal etaent, here nwn bes 4anweElb. losrtanlty supplied lth the tbove oe.Eetted IKONOtSON TIEST prepreed for Smediae eee, eith the beUlk flemly at. SueheE to ee aneed fthe hoSp.T21 TI. Esreomee dd to meeehaete tndpleateelfeeEEsampltettyeed eleemt, anthe. greet etee eitS ettehit seam beelwl.t M be ut tm l . It hasbeen teed by " Lrgee embaer jf pEett~e elmeet1l. the!,lr entir. etlteftitn. Odele ell bereeeehed at ute te., X. NLEAELETUOO., See4 4 Feydre. stees, eaee oeeeglbeeeelthtW FASSULAN'S PATENT IRON TIES FOR COTTON SALES. My Batto. Ti.wa thetgitoaffere 0.1o1. a itoi mytl" t IheS ntb, andhasbeen used by thtiistad tplanters ith nul .gia.pproeel. I hauvemada usbti bmprbe t atne I the shape .f teb botutom luee it was i mtra hede g all. preened a patent for Be T, fa Biy. ciibi, lt de dtmp oiry. ta~lib an al tmeno tobel Mehk ofanyoi to hasral oites. ad iosecrity tInholdiig, l#.I thbi*i ,.pS to .ny ofered tothe public [is n lpmf u ge of Iran evr roa forbaop cotton We noI b tsiapsta i. appliud and fatsted ..iib mitibit..h latlity both ins ttoun.try pretihg and the ribmp.liw agt'h at ports; l Ist suim sely tibeda risfo e. tet ataad Ith stregth is notlmpayiae by timi ad uasw esthtb ofraps Thi.s Ia, ladantaga hta bean ba Oeoiy RaeiIhtwd duiig the war. +h,,alms d t f ch of cotton bas b.eib.Iby tbs tot. loou ad eeps boa beina . h In additlio to, b...p.....wut niched nearly 61thpa thpanope Thb d..agp- meat oflabor inbubmp growing Ml o bas mQwdthema ply of hemp touita. . stb h to asme .uthip1.- eaedttadiy high. Ind.ed, aafatq forbeb.E a maodml, cottonirop cannot b reed on atanypain Ith~ tasttsoiaaoth Iaptai it a itit qaiAtii IF ihg bet Eugliih Wion. ad ha.. .. e imain aaamemo wit. Mese.r. Ohambers L atiag for thib l and d sivrIy oy 4!U Se, NursrisN Oreans, July 7, lIft Hi. PA.ABILL, gat.. Ottion. S tof siibchstiort 1000 wseree p t 'at Spaid .55k Ieonun'l ' to Lane dth an It t It a gae a Il flud yaars ,t ipt1 batte athipt t bleaagtbd ,z o tim.a Prtst., tibit tasowed bettag. and ethled b. chip to WI? more tihanoIyin previous voyage The cotton ien distharged hutm thtbicinlti Lauti W Ibetter ssdci'ha tiiib...p. bstpdas ci fIro It i tha p n. eret aptn it, foe it I. well knoiwby patital ma ibsi deasapteas wiil pot the note boad. I as odits tr e ... mend oapr IroTi% m Il tahi Inkfort a tipeIbISb ad sarestiii wstshpd it, both inloadin aid dkcIhwgtg. I am, sir, ywnn ralp~cmaet tthiy Y~r JOHiBOWARDt ew. Thb Odentsnd, )Ire Wardtr and Fin IntnlOItt Nov Orl eans Inanrane Coapaxi , ar or opiti eaht Ir-a eii .tsp trecrpr otection oisfganlstn a it t a! of l iha lb.e old lhdaty b oflbalgith ee'e J. yOUyINx Firet. Wiadie. JOON ADAMS, Fit Inspuctir. tpiicncr i-ithe .16, ALFRED BELANQEE, EzCbhai Engit.. rt, eetaetat CAMBERS & LATTINO, Agentutfor tap oast t'. Iron TI.e DEALERS IN BAGOING, ROPE AND TWINR,,~, 61 Carotatelit street, New Odgai.. STEA.M BOAT AtENTS. HIIiN E. HYDE A cO.-(JOHNE. ETDE , ED J BOOKI30E STEAMBOAT AGENTS -A"- Oi~en..aI V. mC s.I.. e..d Forwasrdjng MW chants, No. 1L5 CO0 0ON STREET. Nes Orleans, . . 1'artioalsr and personal attention tviven lathe colr~titr frelsht bile.. aiwncmrmn rsowp a~e...rr u T, ERE IS ?No SURLER BYWEJY (G11LX JACK(ET BITTERS, COMP,AINTS INCIDENTAL TO (hlldwhOo, y,,tlf, ni-tuB~ed, or Old AbS T j so who would py Robust ueUh should glue N

Transcript of NU-- S...FI'lIfAY ltlRNIN(G, OCTOBER 18, 18(;6. Letter tarom •eaer al Entrly. The following is an...

Page 1: NU-- S...FI'lIfAY ltlRNIN(G, OCTOBER 18, 18(;6. Letter tarom •eaer al Entrly. The following is an extract from a letter from General Jabal A. Early to a lady of Winchester, which

FI'lIfAY ltlRNIN(G, OCTOBER 18, 18(;6.

Letter tarom •eaer al Entrly.

The following is an extract from a letter fromGeneral Jabal A. Early to a lady of Winchester,which we find in the Winchester Times:

T•onoNTo, C. W., Sept. 27, 1866.

When many of my coontrymnen, in ignorance ofthe great disadvantages under which I labeloed latthe time of my reverses, judged me harlily, itwas fronl a lady of Winchester that I recrived a

eatsage,, sent tihrough the lines of the enemy,that, whatever othera mnight do, the ladies of thatplace, who knew the tremendous odds with which1 had to contend, attached no blame to me. It isnot to be wondered, therefore, that I feel sodeeply toward them. tGod knows how well I loveroy native State and all her ntfortunate sisters oftel Soutl, and how cheerfully my life was riskedand would lnow bIe yielded is their defense; but,to all of t, therei are some spots peculiarly

acred!. With me, the first among these is tileplace, where I was horn, and where nowrepJse the renmiins of my mother; therxt is Winchester, the plains around'ethich were watered by the blood of somanly of nly brave comrades, and where now somany true womlen weep over the graves of thefallen. It is sadl. sad indeed to be att exile fromnmy counittry, and still sadder to nmourn the loss ofthe imost just and sacred cause for which manever fought. But there iso sone colnfrt in kntw-.iag thatlhe struitglo owhict develolped to omuchheroism on the part of our soldiers, and so many

*virtues in our womlen, has not been all itl ain ;nd whlerever i may wander, 1 will bear with me

tihe pr oud conolatiotn derived from the knowledgethat tly couttrywtttren, wlo were so faithful andtdevoted during all the, trials and vicissitudes at'our dritleditl coltest for ilteperdelllnce, now thatit has gone agailst us, remain true to tile melmo-ries of the deald. Power and money may Itrocurecostly n:oolnlllllitts and iestilonitals to caitellllmt orate the nlt es ii, thoet whot fought for the sitoe.ces•sful p;rtr, Ibut all the power and wealth of theworld llcannot colnd iso rih a tri bute as ithtllpaid to th•e itemoirie of the lelroic dead of the

o(tofelrate arltis by the tears o the womenl ofthe -outh.

libt th• t yolw ill coetnticte this exporoyr•oof 113- 'l'o'b=• to• the ladi-s of OVinchcoter and theIower t ailey, i 'tIdl may thie choicest blessiCgs ofheaino rest 11, yoU alrit llt .

e' trc!y and respectfully. your obodientl tl O .• .ttit A. LoItLY.

r the Talrrime

AtLa'tt'a th o iauthtern intere tswitich ha-ve fallenintbo ,1 t,,oltlht d-ol'ric toe war. nonel, which

thay.'o slr'iv'v, have raldlired more than tlhe tulrf.It , ,,,i" , ,' I'", a, r, That Southern tit n will i-so

far l: ,uat their ,,ld il naitions as to permit racingto f to :il'.o, ttl i t;tt, u-mand we are glad to ee rig aof the illr-vivo o thi tiruly Southe llllt nprt

rA c 'i 'in ttio, ot ci-iiiu -xl te de Id ll t ter ra-ingin t, - -I, , t•, l t,, ,!,0 ,f w-htitlh may bere, :. , ct,a'ac eter of Ib,: elophe, who, a, :t

i - - a a•, ot

-aya- I-

S'm1"u . te, 1 to th un 1 i l th e i- in•-i--i tllli o ir-

atd theu o oy- -r:t ou whlh a'',e -Drily na iti h ller

lr--t --e-ii:o-n,%uint as roe'lluia] to

st- -o ,, , t•v r, 1. th at of the Ica -iatn in-ohl,,t-.,l-- ,-i' ta- -,iati..\-il, .t ,l! 1i-; t- !,- tlat wilt, n,.h with a - lIrage

m aiU-t, ",[,,,,t Il~-",,i, v :t • ":-, a ,4 t) Ill eh trnd ll to a

k ltheh, d at Ir, :Lmr*, •rk al did lhoe at, et i •eilitni-o- i--i I - .f1r ti-e i--thtteuat- uth

e tir,: o' oftx iE -i t-! p Ort can ti ttt - ettt -

t rtmht th at o nz , ,: ,, t ,on til i unv.,h ta t, oftle to, -:lei- t i,,i,,: lai - ir atl,•l i, a nt- i 1 ian.

lanO-it I - -, ,1 It, i]IOt iag'les, thn me .t xihri lltn

ith, i-i -th i outialit , it i-un hictI taid the ult i- -lilrt i I it were n rie, ase

ele haive tat t. thatil s sn Aerican o nlOW hicl

grae i.tert I, ut l ,,ark t , u e h tae limritt Ive ol, ' tl r ao c s of the aln' I'ma ll ieli t ,iledthoe im' lol.lity enelatiolus of unlonta li inat r(l

Itracing nrstii th t tiaton a t ictianitnotbel

blooiltBut next iin ti, ilarntar of the Southern tato-l te ri:: o f, n lh. bla uregl dnole btte, dl ate toeu ouwx t hl t- t',lce u iutl climate, which, indeed,

some may tlote fllt, We place it second, as he-nievin thi- tit >pir itual is superior to and rlle

even to haentn a.tiievenr tlitand all wlell aeorede

the ime toaiility f •l'encessfully estbnlihn g horseraci na an Arcti ibnstitltion. It cannot be ianlihaut this in int t wi ility in the Northern States,but the proximity of a regitim htter adalted tohrainl the dove het tilrace n horsemut, witth any-lhiug liket in eu ality of other t-cirt uuaties ofor-teer fix tle Nortl rn inr a position of inferiarity tothe S cthern t-urf. nUntil now t olie tirnailtances have eeni in our

favor, hut now, i the wreck of arn manraial iatns-pertty we have only air climativ adatntaire, theemaings af othe e-t lttains of horses, and--toutghlast, ti, ilt our jtdg ent, lieat-t lh tadiia othe S toulerl coirse, to rely upon against theuaterior weal ol if Cti e North.We are connte-seeing we can do no bette r-

to "accepti the itantion," and wte hail withileasure and with tite lta mnovetetee which atrebeing madt fa f t-b revival of racing at the Soith,and epec tiall-ftor we lst limit ot r red marksthose ni e ina pournted under the auspices of ntoe

tantelia Jackaay C nt Assoneiation of Moalile.We lioiid be pr oud to writee hehistoery orainig in Mohile. but we not only lack space at

prente, it perhaps were lmay torterd lack trhe

culet-i rt l orttp e 1iahn ita-t-itt s ty ati ite

materials, n probably scattered beyond thesphbape f recovery. This histoery twoult reun bae

hto te time of John lIlaaombe, that marvelous

I racer, destined to too shoret a date, whose name

was attlached to the sracte sf hi great vilctary,the olut Baseombe Course, twhere thie lesser cliel'st eof tle track were watt Ito Cr ster atrond the irtacknowiledge "Napleon,"at Willita R. Johnson.a rhis was ltuied, exceapt as a training track, alter

e 158 o the oua rvia Conr.te- origienlty laid outfor trotting-beinge found to panossess suerioradvantages, which were fully developed after itbecame the property of the tiagnolia Assciation,out of whici grew the preasentl Jockey Club.

The Magnolia Course, though lnertcesarily a slotrack, has the meritof ueilormity; and thougha lways behindth thee hst condition of te " spring-board" Mettairie, has a waonderful faculty of re-iovering from teil cotieet t rains, rarely re.iutgtitwenty-inur hours to put it in the best condttion,d• is always a fair track un ess the rain is actually

descending, as it was it the memoittrable rtefat December, 15, when Mtaggie Gi., the irst of

arowns Dick's offspring, was comepelled, by theoat antoward disaster, to resign her eaiden

aurela to the indomitable Marengo, and his uisur-assed ritte, liipatriak.We conteet ourselves, for the present, with re-

erring our readers to the etndunceeeent of theint- elcaeting of the ;Magnohla Jockey Club As.ociation. During the late interregnci, the oldacers have paa-ed into retirement, antd a ewc lisdf names and of nameless steede succeed to thenetany of these, however,. have made their marituriug the last year, and a glance at the list ot

the entries distov-ers half a dozen e r more iaetinnern iha-o will compete fert fresh laurels at thi

]Magnolia. - Of taese and of their ctrein i-e expeliito say more before the races; at present we witlmerely renew the acknowledgment of the sarisSfaction iwe feel at the determitation lthat the vie

-h tornes John Bal eoitbe, Planet, Nicholas, Lizziuh hlDonahcl, Fatmtt Washington, Daniel Btone, ant

et- ,rs '•t•' hu time, shall notclose the reanet


leartn fromeitur.ontem orery the Eastern Stht ofEoterprisec3ht., that it has lately had ha waver.

sation with ;ti intelligent gCentletmaui lron1 ( .iwho inftir'ts it that there are sevcitey-two lillttfor the enanmucture of cotton tand wooelen goodsin courise of constuIctol iO n that Siate, and Llittsonle of theme Mills will tanutlfactlle cetWell done, liori'ia•l that is the way ito recastrt•eO ,c

!". •:t e \villld i ot l fallllly, if o•e of

these dyt l. eXstadee fi. h•a)hcee• aoathl It' ulod

votilyg iu tle state of rho United States, aloe~with the tariitlnllgf Moirrill, for high dlutict (,it t-ton goa

; l , to l,rotict Georgia Inuleltt •utlare

by liltl' tll(u ti iotl is '!- d aed1 a I rd 'i . II i.process oy " tiac o, d t g - n ,•2 1e oolfl

lina .lla e' afe ilt l wter 14oI h'' h A t ci ria•t ll ll l ,i i

f Oll'r iolicy- at e.ulli nit Nell Eatii ,d he .IIIl o.

her baii i tie U alp ' ct-ne it Niii .,llhde't. -

Shag ou hte ruinc of l.a: in ldg..d Wl'cliue

WThe 1,a•e o! iahierald ( hei. craltae. ,lf e weel ahe l ae sght onti•al

l t yeeto ll, dayll, l;

our roll r 'l s t a•i t ue s to rlVe i lit prli ll llIli

so dill. :Iafier elentiln Wl nollt to ie, s,

form ti,:e pitllilc titt this is a ad slitt sofi ao f

our edstcr weih that seeoce to rear hic protui head

t]o dy:",n•ivn at election We wish now to ill-

roosters. The one We hd eugged roosted so hihll

Tuesday night that we were un•able to coax Mtnillfroet his perch, consequently he lost his chance ofappearing as of yore. That's what's the mattterwith our rooster.

Wi ade Imltuipton onr thle ,1.,0 ll.

The following is the coucluding portion of thespeech of (ten. Wade HIamptonl, delivered beforethe "Soldiers' Association"' at Wi:ihalla, SouthCarolina, on the 22d ultimo ;

I have placed before you the reacord f the Southand that of the North. Let the wolld deride rwhlihis entitled to ionor--which tro chale. I havredrawn in dark colors, but alas! ill too true ones,the condition of our country, and I now turn tothe discussion of what sholld be our pilicy. Intile anomalous condition in whirrh wre are• placed,it is a matter of great difficulty to mark out theproper course for us to purare, hut there ore cer-tair cardinal pritciprle of whichl we should neverlose sight. The Sirso of these is, that as we ac-cepted the terms offered to us by the North ingood faith, we are bound by every dictate of honorto abide by them fully and honestly. They arenone the less binding on us because the dominantand unscrupulous party at the North refuse to ac-cord to us our just rights. Let us, at least, proveourselves worthy of the rights we claim; let usset an rexamle of gaood faith, and we can thenappeal with double etlbet to tie justice and rag-canimity of the North.

These virtues, I would fain hope, are not totallyextinct among that people, and there ace hrave

ten there, who are battling for justice, for cousti-tutiocal liberty, for tile equality of all tihe States,and for the rights of the Sotlh. The only hope,not alone for the South, but for freedom itself, onthis continent, lies in tile success of this party.We are their natural allies, and I would sacrieicerach-where honorand princpleirieenot involved,and then I would not yield onre jot or tittle-tostrengthen their hands inl tile great contest, whichin soon to decide the fate of constltutional libertyand republican institutions in the United States.Tihe President of the United States has lent tilegreat influence which his high position, his strongintellect, his firsm purpose and his Indomitable willgive to this new conservative party, and to hissupport every Southern anlll ehould rally cordially.

We may, perhaps, feel that hle has not gone tothe extent of his power or of oui' expect.ttiont incurrying out his policy to its legitimate ends, butwe caonot frget that hlie has been tile only bul-wark to stand between ole unalive cnontry andcertain, irretlrievable and vclelaotirg riin. Butfor hIlm thweIorors we eudtured drinirg the warwoull have been for surepasoed by lhoi: of peace.And though dilring with him in t nryi point, 1tcheerfuilly Riccord to hielr tire highelrt lpran.e oro tilebrave and patriotic stand he ihas taken in defenseof the Soutil and of the CJnstitutio-. There isone other point on which thiere r houe l be r o r ii -underr.tandng as to uri poeition, no loop on whichto hang a poosible inisconstrautiou atoar views,ad lthat is thelabolition oi slav;cy. i have alreadyintimated that the nlode by wlnch the North se-cured tile acquiescence of ilth South in o lle eosumrmation o thia purpose was a breach of faithou her part.

(f arll tie inconsistencies of wicii bithe Northhas beenl guilty--and their namer ii ]trio l--nclis greater thian that by which she orce theSouthern States, while rigidly eitdng theafroml tie Union, to raetlyltiie oo-itali, il :lled-nent abolishing slavery, shich tihey could do:lgally only as bt•tesol that Unlon. n ut tehe dendhas been do-e, and i, for one. do honestly declare that 1 never wish to see it r-eoked.Yotri I lbelieve that the Ipeo fi,' tho South wouldnow remand the un gro to slavery ii they had lltpower to do so lnquestiLond. L-I!to. o r ,pateralire, ilnil i' erchaldit lire gr'ew to Iia rna righty

ho-t. Ile cane to us it heathen ll e nlade 1ill tereristian idle, vieioii-. vu•ae in his -r wn r0un-

try: in our: he becae. civr-ized, Let hisLi. hCorya a•t a;' clone be o ' enht'leat-r w'it's that Wll:ch he will n fee Liu-slf fis a freedmal , and by the I e tiii o that co-

-ir.: io' w e itu lit ng to be j rudg d.oc great i responr i ility i s c f 'ti t lro ,i ,olr ho l, r•r this e n rdciesatiuo

, and we willi, h- i • iris his

ionrtini to hii owni har-l., h,,uhl troihtt rre einv

po ehilnself w,,)th}of theh.hlrs - n plwe . A< lawl r.'1,), illh'l itofor as it fri' dnUlt lelt ci t lrat Ite ri't ri, l.Beal wit: hin'frankldy, justly, kimdly,'ud Icy w.rd'(oir htle will leciprocate your ]kihlnier-. ClilPihgto i

- old heone, his ownc i ls ry and Ir i o frrotoi er

last er. It ,irt' w'lh to see hire Coriii ted, ioi n-trio

nn , ll e cln, aid hinl i ll ]1hi e ll.•a le vate h:m-

sellf in the . sof re, ivihz alion, and lhu: it him utnly tt ejoY il t bessings of I eedm, but to ap-

The' easential points, then, in the pi'ev weshould epursu, iare, it appears to e e,i' thee: Thatce shonr d fuit ill all the obhgatiinn we have e- rtered into, to the letter, keeping our faith so cleartl.atno shai dow of d!ihoor ian fall on us: thatwe should sustain Mr. John,omn crdially i hisUpolicy, giving our support to that arty whichraies around him: h t swe shoi d yi td til l obe-dience to tie laws of the laud, r-erig to ourielvres at tihe onne time, the icnaienahle right of

freedom ol opeeclh and of opinion: anid that as tothe great question whiiclr so olteniura'eriilly af-fected our interests, the abolition or slavery, wesiall decare it settled forever. Pursue te i scoarse steadily: bear win-i patience aod dignitythose evil which are pressiorg heaviln nn yot .Clmnreit yourself to the g'n-lau-e of fild, andwhatever may be your fate, you will be able tolace tie future without sdlf-ieproach.

THI.tnsaitpjpl Ittelllgense.

The Jackson Clarion says:We hear that the suljectof lIr. Davis's imprison-

ment will be broughlt tormally before the legisla-ture ill a few days.

EL:CTIOc It PoGE.-In Pike county, at therecent election, Judge McNair received a majorityof 597 over S. J. Morehead, his opponent fcr cir-cult judge; RI. P. Willing had a majority of 192over MI. A. Ontis, for district attorney; tI. MurrayQuin was elected probate judge ; Wi. M. Cou-nerly, probate clerk; Sampson S. Latukin circuitclerk and Robert H. Felder sherill:

TnH STAY Lcyw.-The Liberty Advocate men-tious that at tie reoent term of Pitke circuit court,Judlge MetNair decidled tle act of the le•islature,passed in 1o62, suspending the statole of hmita-tions, to be constitutional and binding. Thepresent legislature will probably adopt some legis-lation amendatory of the piresent limitation acts.So much confusion has grown out of the stay law,and the act suspending tile statute of limicitions,that it is difficult to tell when an action would bebarred. Some short, definite period might begiveninwhicth to commnence suits onil contractimade before the war. Thishas leen done in someof the States. The loss and destruction of papersduring tte war reoders this escecially nocessaryfor tihe protection of estates and to deiend execu-tors and administrators from f raudulen claimsgrowing opt of old transactiolte.

AIrSINrG OTATOES FROM A R GaPE VIe. -TheBoston Traveller of the 5th says: " During tiresummer months, a bralrch of a gripe vite ia theyard of Chief of Police Kurtz, at the rear of hishouse on Tremont street, was accidentally broken,and to stop the sap, which flowed pretty freely.lie punctured a potato and placed it on tie brokenend of the branch. Subsequently he concludedto try an experiment, and aetting a flower pot ut-er the potato embedded it in the earth. Shortly

afterwards he was astonished to see that it hadsprouted, and continued to grow until it reached aheight of between two and three feet. This morn-silg, upon removing the pot, lie found six smallpotatoes in it, and would undoultedly hiave rad amuch larger crop if the accident had occurred amonlth or two earlier. Front the vine to which thepotato ,asarttached, one verygood crop of grapeshas alreaidy been gathered, and there are noWsome fifty or more bunches of second crop on thevine, which would probably ripen if they were ina hot house.

BT0TEN tY A IIorisr.-The Poetland (3ie.) Pleesrelates that on Thursday. Janes Kirhy, a teau-.scer, was bitten in the hand by hir hrse while loading his teln, Suii-enently as hewas driving along Co lniereial sitret, while en-davoring to get out of the way of au aiiprolch-ing team, tile hore again seized hi. hald anl bititb;:dly. tKirby seized l rpiece of brlrd and strucekthe hor-e betweel the earsl. tinl lIII to tlle

erln t onlece. iThe hvrse ia drgg.l• e ,i theUlien wharfe, and a mte.itie vi nn i ' l engaged in dluetrill Iin, wili tlIe hi e ofbriagi ig hli i to hils let til. ' hor- div.

The h[l'jist ll Bi ey is in a deee:rate atel

te l llhloL d. ph.ll o;t e 1 1' I Ietl ('IIII I .le i a d Cs ice L i It of tlhe vili Frlh, - ll i y, t ll-t tlienld e lit Fiea lll elen ; lleihl I ,I v ,ii t i .yb ly i l R•n. lie it m. allin l o i" Iun l' i Io h ,"' -

t r in;), d ca a greaT 1'ar :1I intl b c;1lie i also ot, it l r l: t t e re ilthols of 1th, iele iCli.,n h •il, .

T hill'e, t of reeiln a ti i e t lincitc ty c•l li pil lle llt , dcle i Is tlt h ," ,o :-

dI h etiltcan palty ill t nc ticec gelti?

ithe eleceity in tisi f} e i a , 1 ,I hu ee th emis city. tleiw a_ -pe

" [LouIrt l itiurualt


l/ Estal]Ii l 1823,



Warerooms, No.632 Broadway, New York.


Grand, Square and UprIght


Are now, a_ they have ever been, considered THE BEST

AMERICA, having been awarded

Blxty.fve Prize 3Iedals,

Of whl, h furteen were received in the month of Septemberanl October, 1Yi, and First Premium over all competitor. at

the different principal Firo in this country, and the PRIZE

MEDAL aR the



s'I cnnider Chiickcrina B Sons' Planes, beycn6 Comparison,thre be"~ I Lana see. to hmrica.

"S. TIHALSIERO." Oh airmann of Juiry nlu Musical I-rtrutaents."

A iong t is chd f pIimi ,t exIellnce o tihe C SI IEERIN OPiaNO ". tit whil h pek the reuSShNed Artiiste t their T,1IrjtulntIry t1atimBr.iall the ill'irs 51l;~eernglar thegroats[I1,.+Si ' tO D iepth, stnrhoe-" aInd sslusIm f Toin, coisIpinoed with a rarea Ur-liianey Clear-.s _ 'salt 1.-rleci Eenness

r~~~itinISS. sIR 51551th Pr nd.'

lA" hiang, aInds the mo. t deica51e ur pIe lINI uII.Sch.'uriag Nhile lpast urt tinSI cars this it !t `:, !

810,000 Plunor,

in thle c !n-:rctlor of iicy they havee ittn l-lced every

I,.., 1 r!l":ed ,tad t ell In'u[I t~ic r. nrllls utknnwn; e]r:rl Crest

Acti~rr who li;lrr :miter] tats coluntry Irltej-j a 1113. bath [or THALRERG.I

1,15 ",r Cl,:kei is & Srn; Plan-, bey-d eImpIr .the oiila -t 1 have~ a: er rve~t in Amlerica..~


" TI p les CsiSA.IIing a Song Po (sIiesp to say ih

The)' are anrivalr ed Llr thecir Finlinn - (Uniira and fortl theOlnrm1 Hlounds o thISr'S une, 'IOS e is a pcrfes be-

e.e5t) tsSru.zhllu a the rIkisteri Toe .pjer aiSts areO nrOSSA for aI.-, ;tad p5 Int)- whish do notfIsISA

nay I~t-rnl, v:,e t 5,55 a,s AIlSi~e forSs pi 1515,


lSmnr Pianos are CIIerior to any I have ever seen in thirVnntry or ill amps I 5

"1h h~e nevrer nested a tone so p~erfect: it yieldr veryr lpr-inn tl~nt iv needed In ,uric, and it; ylltp is cIsable EiSLII,[ to mIeN every sentiment. T

his', a rare picers a is is

lrrivell from toe perfect f ori~yd of its Ten. together witrih itsS),uputhetle, Elaetie stud N-ellonloaneed Teach."


" DDlring the 111~ eiclrt years I here constantly- playedQ uponnthe Illlfly ceebrateLd ErnnlI Pianos; )-our= are thle iy in lotru-meuri that I ha: a foand, either here or in Europe, to equalhen[ in tea their pufnte of eleclleue."'

Walma's' Art Jenrmnl, of No. 11, LSi. ,y,; M adameAberl performerd nu thle new~ Cliciierini ui:AN 1, w1, en tookbthe tilllr Medal at the Fairi of the 7lfalsaclu~stt, Ohaii tableM" It i ea,` Olil !ttinn held at Hu~rron Itt-t ma~nta,

"` It it the noblest instrument we ever berard in a Concert,Room "

It may b e rnatrffietoryto our patrons and rirnds among the

public atlargfe to, state thalt t-itlrunia'r l ha,, been ,evenied

from all thle Leading ir-t, w alu hate vrit 1 o at ne now- re-siding in the Unllee States, a few- of whos~e same-, bieside

those above, ie append :




and, S Miny OtiI 1 5.


It is writh feelings of pride n At hsricau runnuftcturers, that

wpAublish the 5llowiu3 testimonial,, which have beenre-ssivjd by as recently:

European Testimonial..Received during the mouth of August. 113'.

Lo,,pos, July 2P, 1058.if srs Ch1kering&0 Poo,:

CGhrTS-1 havle :inch pleaure in inclosinlg a

lgued by the first C 'mposee a, Musicians and Professors inauroI ' I held Is r Pis os it such high es` inntiun [vide mLcertificate) that I felt it my duity to take one of them withl meto Europge to nscertxia the gll ano of my groffsrsoenll brethren.The inlolsed Certificate wFill pro hoe L0 . imonss they ,1vebeeJIon the subject. I beg to forward, It the snore time, aletter I raecived from mny tteudr, Mr. Collard, whiceh I am sure

sat h e glatt iwi; to you.mI havre to hsnor to be, gentlemen, tours very tmly.


LOVDOY, January 14, 1166.Jamaes MI. Welk i. Esq.;:

My Da.r Si,-I sIbvo Brent plcsnre in n50II'Ry55 to covseyto 53a115 C35155it 51y the expression o,, 10 115,1 I ,is,ait their ins5um1,s1 , I consier, 1 ot5,1 tehsstrains., of Amen, nn )fans adolre that f hav~e trial, bult oneof the F'inest Granld Yasuo Forrtes that has ever come unlderany- observation; and that the Messrs. Chickeariug may- well beprould of ha;ving turnerd cut t'rom their maoalinctar)- a inxtrm-s,1,l whim, for C ,uch, Qss0ty, Pser and Worslss hip ,itvioolli be very difficult to surpuvx in any par[ o[ rho wideworld. Dea SOir, vey sincerly yur

tiOAS. 13. COLLARDFirm of Collrd & Collard, Polan I Forte MIuul5, 1ur1 , London.

LoroIos, Algultl3d, 1000,James M1. Wehli, Esq.:

MLy Dolr Sir-As you 5 re gaing5 back to the Uiited Stales.Imost he you to remembser e s lnds y to the 101 srs Ch 1ker-05o. elhem I wa0 deli.005d with their Grand P115no Forte,as god i,, IThostoons. 1100iuk, ns was .,or turned out, bothinToen ant5Note. WiOI hy yo, Ii.,

Sremain ever truly . ROD~ODI. F5. EROADWOOD,Firm of I. Broadlosl & Sons, Pioao torte Manusfacturers.

LoNDON, July 20, 1000Messrs. hllickens,0,g 0 0s:o

ear,-1 Oss~ilrt besen inoited by Me'ssr. ollalrd15 try itG~sd Plano lsss, 0 mo5,t11,,50 hr you, anf7 ll 11e n1, li01.11ti,, i indolrsingn tOss . slowof1 my-1uhf t53,5.0. 1. C .olj3rd,,sls, 'vle: itilx for lint iuj1,1,in5nt I ,,51 1 p51 ed uu.

elieve me5, gent1lemen,15, most1 lsithf 5 yours,0A. 110055ON.

Testimonial from tiro most distioeol,llcd Artists in Emro lie to IWIe.- 0. (du riooS.Eo Aonas

Blsoo. S .siskis~gA hs,.L-, ., sTly 25, 1ES.116

soti'yn to rio it i.e1 AT .s

For S,: veto ss InuI Bi-,ihia,, o Tone. Drlissisc s of -onc

,ally .s..l I''. Sn I5. foird J5555ly the het 1 hSs e areaof awrrliual: slililulc:ore.



\1i'.i ESl' lS I ARES

I1s.101T i LOsEP.

1'r Ifenor ot' I`:.lcrvvtuolr de Lri1ll-iZ.

sESISE 51150L~.

]11th LE1- R1I ILI.RD-.D''SSS s.oi~hs.'SI' SSIsSSo, OSTTI'.'l.

t'rili to from 1111 ('5555 rin..I;, Sued.('555. to the ST 5i-

ti.,n. of li tile uci 1, rtll Cir e !,or- -o- c and a, C i-

.EsBdw1y e Tillys , PYs . 6T birrc" y ... or, mod ntfir,n tlrrt thp Griln i I'innl Fort. of

tl~l ,1 .d od "a pi', 'l la .1 thle Fiee~t Isasrulur afr of fileOr...~ thatl e, er enter 1. u, cf n CRL EINCeE

ILLUSTRATED ALIICy1S nod P'rice Cutsh sea1Iy' al.

:Er~.......... Broadway, NeWe York.......... O51


1T~tiIG1T At CO-




Hemloved to 172 Gravter street,

Are preplred to fill l order for MACHITNERIY andENGINEER SUPPLIES of all linds.

Prtie relllelklgnlMinery not kept for sai In this city,would dowelltogivltttnll, as we have Ageint I b theNorth and East, through svhot e are prepared to till orderspromptly. We still have a few of the old style


Whidh wears nolsellingat $I per SIaw. Ptttst, ,tlhingmess Waf s shoved send In theilr orders early, as the Stock- willseen be srhansted.


Corner of Delord and Poacsher street,,

We beg leave to inform our frien de and the public generallythatr we are prepared, ar formerly, to manufacture Steamu

Englines, Boilers, Sugar ((ills, Sugalr Kettles, Draining 3t&.chines, Saw ((lls, Cotton Presses, Newell Screws, Gin Gear.

ing, Farullce Moutuhs, Grate Bare, ,It kLinds of Plantartion andl

StIamboat Works, and eSrS description of Machnery fortheo SOUth. LEEDS k CLO.

Orders left at B-7 3, Mechanuics' and Dealers' Exchange,will receive prompgt attention.



All Descriptlons of Cat and Germa Stoeel,

-WARREae D--



Branch Warehoses ,NOS. o and ......BATTERY MARCH...... NO. 0 andis

BSstwen M51 an d BAad stro,,BOSTON,I MASS




"Lanne'a Patent Set and Feed Wortke."

""W. rpgetfSlly cII attention to our "IMPROVEDPORTABLE 11IRCCULA SAW KILL," ilth "LANE'SPATE:NT SET AND FEED WORKS." s n of the parnc-liar y dvayat:b claimed therefor ,in , as follows, :

1.--Tae in5canta- and unerriug:y certan '`eat" of thelo;; lv the? man nit sod ing the Sxw. w ith x lnnia motion of thecInand, order Ss,,IIa .t once a! 5impe es hssIsive, and in nIWisB OUojBct to brnr8ilgl r drlrllnle:uenr-:l ie log, at bhure-ar

"act ,b Ieing set at troth egos at one and the name instant at5nalS5y tP"na Saer, , nbs.l S 0,lra and 6i nnerriiSSSainlorwiit" in the rhhuiioeir of [ha plank throug~hout, iorured.

!-inn sx pnlne Reeiird. not ot[y fa the number of handserployed aboue null, bat the P s, ll ofhshat l iltiu is of far

d [mpInponnnce, to-wnlt to the orxalu time of hbsmill--mllsicirntl dlustratod, perhaps, when it iv stated that in shee"retrtal :me" neauiiy rrllulreii by n~her m~ill, we : ablea to

I"ru , back,'" ` " so[, l at snoblser nlnn,' Thus we areenahlc't o eot three twenty feet planks lit rL`:uirodi mn a singeleminute' 555555 5 for in part by the f Sc[ that the Saw 1.-"l'st uceasingly gegasd )thes ".runbars" Limn exceted) in

actIual wIork ,m the sdslot the stockjis in Place .ssli ij isentirely convened into Immnoc I

I- s pecll:sr 5rrangeme 5t of the "Feed Works.""Isssbysthe 'slip" and ''ear ad tear" asl y cident tothe none) belt arrangement I s avoided. and in lien, s instan-taneous "starting" sd "lstoppine' nni 5liny5y et5eted.

4th-'The OS Sitnt5il nod plsnes proportions of the lu ll, 0,-h with its combinations of Stee S ianIdrel, ''sbbit

MSeta, SSS.Olising sad Sel=Addj'ltins S'zes,s " Sh Irequss,cxbt-irau aEppons on the carnagqe fer the ley. andtthe unoraalbsls1E of finsh,ssasesmso t55, other featurers hich ipnicn-trlls characesrize oar IllS, an5 wh5ich OsOure fas i the lbss it.

i,,g,,Ssirtien o SShNspaticl.Il,,, refernces are soWdssent, we trus. to secrsS for ou5

]Mill all Slatisiregsred. and all that Is asked in any last s,'ti, In-mo a pprefernce, uxmely : `"An ezxmination before par.mi-eisewohera."

We are, very resp'cty ssssWINTER & CO.,

Geneal.B.- ionKcra Ns. N.4SSR ~ s Brodwy ewYok.Gl`sss"LAX lOS PATENT SEC WOR'S" applied

with Cacilty to M~ills of other patterns.%MONROE & OSEDDINOTON,entfr the abov Mill,5o. 5 C-,,Slet street.


Egione and Machine Shop,



Manufacturer of


Circuslr Sa Mill,, Quarts Mill,, Tobao Screws andPresees,'LLd Reoti,,, Ssews a5d Cylinders, Wool CardingMsshless, Molsy S.e Mill,, ste, GE, constantly on band.

Agents far the sale of JAMES SMITH & CS.'S ssperlorMachine Card&

We are prepared to reSeive orders for nyS of the above mRsStioned Machinery, at.., and wsll fSSieh any informationdesired. LAMB, QUINLIN S CO.,

S Teboopitonis, street.NU-- -------------------N% OTXCE - DANIEL EDWARDS,

Nos. 28, 80 and 8A New Levee street ,Now Or.lwLa .. t.

Is at all times, rith men and materialI to execute alordo s I hie lie of Copper and Sheet Iron *Rork r, Black... 1thlng and Brain Founder End Finisher. The .stb.lobed chiaracter at this house feea sufficiet gganarntee that anyp.. ,it ntrusted to him Wil bepromptly andfeltbrof ecud



Offillc-IR Fulton StFeet.Has on hnd at ll times new and second-land machinery

for oteambuots, baw Mille and Sugar Plantations.Particular "ld prompt attentio paid to Steamship tod

St1.uboao repair0.


Low Pressure .ocomotoies. FiPhd and Cylinder Boilers, OICd.Here, Filter and Jaice Boxes, made at the

Shortest Notice,We reepectf ll~ solicit contracts for Boilers and oll'neceeaolg

comicell..., such as Fire Fronts, Grate Bare, Steam End SoawePipes, Valves, etc., Chilmne. and B.eashen, all of whichl illhe ltrniphed t he llowest bo.und..SI c.PlwIork executed et our eh, pIS.hment will he gluarateoed

equal, In point of workmnil shp End material, to any in the citlor, Merchapnts and Steamship A patel are respeotfslly

Invited to calllnd examine the workr and prices, at 125 FRON TStreet, hatrasstiotre Deme and Julia etroets.


0 1 1,,

Plane and Speslleatlons made for all kinds of achinerySurvey. carefutllyl instituted and Spacafalostlomietin ftorth thecondition and requirements of the Holds and Machinerof Steamships and Steamboats will be promptly l lnl0eParties ontemplating the purchase of Steamships End Stnsboats would do wall to have them examined before baying.

Novelty Iron Works,,Comner U(;iord and Now Loves streeta,

New Orleans


ReddTA, STEpArM ENIN Co.,Iron and Braes Foaoder and Machinists, manufacture eveSllty of S.eam Elgine1, 1151ar MI11. Draining Mal,;WIn

Mill ,.If Gin Gear in Grate Bare, Store 114 n Ct. olImns,Hash Weight. eta. Rol~IImith Woirk of all hinds

i' fZaffiA B. nO0DLEY dE CO.,

NO. 9 PERDIDO STREET, (Adjoining Masonic BendingoyrCE no. 129 ORAVIER STREET NSW oL)uAN.


PORTABLEG STEAM &NGINES,Tobloor, Ollouolut 1115I and Mule l .le CaOillll; W l

alljll and BoltiplAlppdl tlIs Shfiol tiPg P ll ' .d B.ltiogAll 110erip01on1 of Pllntation doll iny nd lIolnltb, 0


We keep constatly on hand a nllsupply o


Timber Wheels and Whspelnloatroe, ro the well knowu factor

oIf J,,hulnfludley, Wbrolloo;, Va.

We have connection with extensive Foundries and Nisebdna

j!,opelpl Rt. Louisa, LmiiavS'oc Clncienn-f end Pitiabhorg, ii--Rhllwhiceh we fire pro; -sred to attramct for anyp clues ofI mac.-incr)on mast favorabe farm., And doll-, anywheret noitb a, New;Ariusl. 0 rrl, Imiht. R:OI , n-`PIlit nY %,-



The bestnd most setul invention of the kind for arvirjh.-Iehnld labor over InRRnted.

Has more and better recommendatd on for saving th.e, lab< rand the wear and tear of fabrics w a, ld, than auy otherma-chine. All theoither machines el' rubthe clo'he and wlhem out speedily, or do not e actorily perform theirwork.With the

HYDRAULIr' CLOTHES WNEHERThis is not the case. Taere Is no ruhbbing of the clothes. anconsequently, nowee.r and tear. The washing is mrost cormplt•yaRnd thoroR hly performed by the sctlionof the wbeeon. Band for a circular, giving fall explanalion, or call andexamine them at the General Saothern Agency.

Good indMP cements offered o agents eles..where.

B. M. BARTON & CO.'B,INo. 17 TchoRpltoulsI strt,


STOVE ........... S-TOVES..... ... STOVES.



Articles of H soueholds Economy,

And, if properly managed, willpremote the health, comfort,and happness of every member of the family.

TIME, MONEY, and extreme VEXATION by delays ofyour daily meals, may be saved by using the

Charter Oak Coeking Stove.

Over TEN THOUSAND of these celebrated COOKINGSTOVES ae in daily use throughout the city of New Or-leans. Every one of them has been sold under a FULL

GUARANTEE, and we offer them as reference whereverfound.

the Improved Charter Oak Stoeve, withExtension Top,

Has but ONE DAMPER, and is so simple in itseeonstmctionthat a child can manage it. The OENSare larger, Bake

more uniform, and the Stove heavier than any Cooking

Stsve of corresponding size ever made.

The Hot Water Resevoetr Holter

furnishes a constant -uppfy of Hot Water at all hours of theday, and for hours after the fire been extinguished, with-

out additional cost for FUEL, a practical illustration of theECONOMY in using the CHARTER OAK.

The Refleetor Orldiron,

original with the Charter Oak, and used:on no other stove-

the most perfect manner to BROIL Meats and Poultry, where-

by the offensve odors arising from meas during the process ofbroiling are carried up the pipe, and JUICES of the Meats


The Hot Closet

in which MEATS and PASTRY are kept WARM for houbnrswhen there has been a delay at meals, besides enabling thecook to furnish a greater variety of dlshes and deserts, and

Ilace them hot upon the table.

The Charter Oak SBtove

i~ld o nne-third more baking in a given u..e. end -c 25 pe,cent less wood than any other stove, now made.

RICE IBROS. & CO., Sole Agents,93 and 9. Camp siret, near Poydrae.

and 5G; Singzzine etrce', near 1magaino Market.

Warehouse, 1o3. N -1 P9Julin .treet.


111 PO] DRAS STREFET (Between Camp and St. Charles Sts)

For Sale, 600D Flart Top D)Ivlng Flue CookingpStocekr

(.11 o: thie asme E'neral c',rrxcf st, bat :lirlerhtg in -anmen-[a~ipn mitt ll their nnmre .)

ro" twenty ye tr. I have heco selling andl c ontintne to .5.11the ̀ "OLD 11.011AR".11' 'tprier whicb. .unde the ne-m ofChbarter Oak, BrHillialnt, P'eerless,. Ohve tr-och, Magaee -4~.Slapneiln. are on them,-rket; the pricd' myin withl the

t onelntln o:' thhe en tanhsove r th tao[Iler. T 'fh S ffnfl' or

1'EII l"' b SI)\1E, underr [hle nalmes ot'-orthae star, Vlocenlf:!le Slnntl, Iuutnn R, I'rr de f thle E'xs[, l'lamlBT`. I~poI,

1'liultnlion nod othror numeoer I Ilave, oleo, in Rrent variety,,ul alnd wloos Palrlor Franklin', anti xt Hl of our Tigbt 5tpu

Staves, 1nrge nnd .mall has,. nnd Te. Plate Stove a. Stovre ipll*etc. I do pit ce:Ri xny Paco gar merit in being able to pe.l

"naat6. broil If cakr and to, prorerrr the r juicer, to keep rutorhot ast all thi-le or to roost eats in Inr stove-, as people of

coocn sea's know tllut all cpnlin stoves will ennl~le one to

.1. tb ,, acid they ko- alslo, that "g a nrre by -y other num*wool eat," anrel.' nd [hut before that' bur, they may callat PER P 's, 141 Poyrdraa street, and stye $5I in the pnrcoassof u Stove.


BROOR8 HOUSE.NOS. 227, 3 and 231 CANAL STREET, (Corner Basin,)

New Orleans.

Th's houee, having hrea thoroughl repainteand renovted,Nill .e ready on the frst of Otober. CE-d. A.r the recep.ion of

permnlent, transiPenlud day hoardersp 1eho wtill bete ud ahone with slucriAr LccummldtioN, TEXa table not surpN. sedby that of any- nonce in the city. Yln airy rooms, sinrgle orin pairs. Meal hurs: Breaktali 7to 9. Dinner 2to . Sup.per ti to 7)y.



Price, PLea e & CGo., Proprietors.



Is new open to the public. Nuone but the. beet WINES andLIQUORS sold over its counters

Give as u call, cud test for Jyourselres.

LATOUR & COLTON. Proprietor..

M lllEHV'S HOTEL-THE tINDERSIISREDProprietors UMuphy'sHutHl, No. 93and IWUSt Charles

street, hereby notify the public that they will Sad it to theiradvantage tU call and see thembefore g .l" S,they wil ge Uhrlchoiest R knd fSquo Ht 55the Sbr. SUlUorDinners nd Mals ofall kind at the Restaurant, and Hoardand Lodging of a superior gnalityi at greatly reduced price.




The ropretor respectfull infoI their .1d friends and theeplcurean sorld, that the abose Restaurant Is open for thseaccommodation, at the came old plae; Ind that theS yntend tolseae nothing undone to seure a continuance of that reput1.tSi t whch .t bas yo many yeah enjoyed, sia: that ofb bei outof the v teirststauts In mes.ica.

All the delissl. ofthe seUon, .ttb the aholcst Wi,, .tndLiquors, alynsy in .and.

The Proprieto52, thunflt for past faUr, solicit a Stlir.once of the cams.



OppUsit ESt. Mary's Martet, within ons *sqare of the T2..Steamshli Ltsditg,


pPr day.

3, CONDOM, Proprietor.

BEOOS2 HOUSE.jTHE PROPRIETOR of th. welI.knowin ad po .1. oSH

liabmeal, finding his present location too smart for the milelapes im fo accomodation, wlll, on the lei of Novembs,

No.. 927.338 sad 381 oanal o treel.Come. of Bate Street,

whsor be hopes e able to fH ,hl a home to .11 his friends.He needs hardly intos that his table is mw ess ever, Mnan.onsi, and that.qovary. comfortill be enoe by Petrone o!

HOURS OFMEALS:Breakfast, from 710 9: Dioese hem I tot: Snoonr. n to N.,



SBEtwen 0ommon ond Coanl Stroet.,

L. X. Stella. Pro5. SetSr.




Cyoter ofS8t. CharleI and Common streets.

Lnnch everydiay from Iiit . '



i.. iH YEHOCT LEVEE, oppolsite ihe ALGI12 FIRGTAyNDiIN, NEW OiiLL i. O.

Aie i,,i, o! ,..dlclus Simple and Cwy:poead, llho IAHoLA! O!r, 1.11 endL.!.iisi. Th. OH!tronae of the pLbiiC

Ei!Hoseoily solicited by the poprAietor.Dn. A. A. JY'IHR.




:LASN, NLAH!WSE t PERFUME1RY. i., ETCN~o..OB~rrudS No Xrih llroI...rpsO



Any other Evidlence of an Enreeblc4 BtontyEh,

Will nd CerUl, Relifoby a reylar use of


W~hich re for Salo Eee erlire.




Fretght and Other Heavy Expense. [ved.


4 .................... yal Street .......... *...... 4

Importers and Jobbers of all descriptions of




Respectflly inform the public of both City and Country thst,

by recent arrivals, they have receid,

Direct from Europe,

A Stock of Goods such as must prove profitable to the buyer.

Believing that Imported Goods can be sold as lowin this

city, when brought direct, they are prepared to test the ques-

tion, and will sell accrdingly.

"neir Stock consists of:







(Of all Descriptions,)




Of all Deaeripticus, ad other Articles too numerous to give in


These Goodt are all of the LATEST STYLES, and will besold at Wholesale Only.

Wholesale Dealers will ind this Stock so well assorted that

they can buy as advantageously as at the North. and save the

Cost of Transportatloa.

They are repectfully Invited to call and see the Gods.

Tetams will be liberaL


43 Royal street.



No. 43 Natchez street, up stairk

. G. DREU0 -



CaRno Lrox, Looa•uel,

Will attend to the payment of Taxes In the parish of Jeo-er-on, andto the redemption of property forfeited for Taxes,either to the State or Corporations of the Parish; the tracingand examining of Title, procuring Certflcates of Mortgage.recording and registering Acts, etc., etc. Will also give par-ticular attenltion to the sale of Real Etate, and collection otRents. Ordersle l at leasr,. VOISON & RDOURETS, No.122 Crondelet street, New Orleans, promptly attended to.



Commeissioners or Deeds Ete..

For theStates of

ew York, Ahlaba, Mtiealltppt, Ke tetby,TTennessee Stleottl, Florida, Illinois,N. Hamphire, Rhede Ieled Coa, N. aUrotlna,

Wotecnenans, Mtchigln, Callfornpte Etc.

No. fO Carondelet Street.




W. H. GARLAD a SON,Have opened an oece in lSummit, on the N. 0. OJ. & G. N. R.

It., •se. for theelJeustment end coll•thon of debt., and forthe purchase of Land. Perone habri ltSc•d for sale Wetlddo weli t frnleib us with a descrilption o their Lanaes. Wemake noecharee eules we effect . ale.

RefeLrenc--HOn. Wt. . Sharkey, and Hen. Wm. PergerJetkson, Mies.: Son. Haepy T. Hy.s Str.etSlmpr Tuer, ted.•r. John Coleman, New Orleans te Yer e. Bckatow * Pe.New York HIen. A. . H. StaRt, Sta .Ye,;tl, Hen., c.|serlend, AmhehrtV.:H On. t. 5. 0. Ree• Lapot, Ind.MIeser. Beiley a Ae., Phtladelphl.


S$ Oomon stre.t.N

The patronage of hie friends eepecfnly MlleltMdReferwoe-The Old Merchant, generally.


NYo. 141 Magaslae street.New Orleans.

ACl orders left at A. E. RLACRMAR'B, No. 167 Canl Woolwill be promptly aaauded to.

BUutth, ObLARK &M TUEPAQ1NINf-, MFDUYrUIE BURKE. Nrnerly.h,,. N. Berke B flu.

RICCRI' CLARK, ITB A der., F. 0. TRE.NAO-BIER, frmerly PutCam CC C&.)-

t1BKB'a C K M B... re0,11CC,.X. 23 Bankr Pllrs, New O(hlers.

N. B.-Pa~rticular attention RN'.o tol the woe of Pro~iion rBlucging, Gunny Bag.s. Rope, Calf-. u.SnI ,Saltt Lisforn, n <av, aaII~l----a-rrvT.,


No. Bley Street. New 'Y'ork

H 4fluitore .dn .hipfoelmmsdt I lhip.aat tedltse..factoring to-ardor,

Portable and ,itettonney Ste m ZnSgne. and

B ol~er,

Rte 760 bM Iorespoer; lrcnlar and Tlprlpgll Saw 1I~ls of thmeoat approved oeaatru01o1 , of x11 sires, nutting 7Wu to lPIU.Leo:; Uf 1\:a),a per boor : rist m ins, MITII irons, N x er1V hacn, i d crow tilll n:Llll yv lhl-il ; king nr li\II. Y

or nn` AtYining fi1:lc"Inur Cu , .,lu T,illk*; elks,. for Oki oa,nhit Nnrks ; l',nttae ad aogia'l M-1-14.ry, L.o

Wrtirxt Ylmwler, W~oouworthl Planing Mochlnaa3rEy & W.,,I't Pfki,' llulklM.

E~ngir~ ehacie,

'Iring 5rhi., Nldiuag M'i,,llI,

ri;;n rilly, onunknoo Ilnehinns,RWxir\ i'"dp, Power CW rticl-Wu Mk~whiIea,Far~a Yumpn, Fonlt EtortieillY YUCLLLBB ,Li',ttnF Ynmups, 8orieK Hnrbinnae,f" ociinn I'nm i Bln lnt' cllo hlplilhlrstilIsdnmullr Jnnks, Circulrr SHxV BUUI:I-i.screw Jecka, right'e pxt*I11 Scrll BuweIihn~(t/llp Pulleya and Nangsre, Potent Relt Scro1l Saw.,Robber sod Loath~er lieltkngs, Circulanr Rerorvkng SkillsLeather gad Rubber hoes, Upright Rannrrslol Ifl qt'lurnbtng nd fine Fittings, otrrgary d lning YaamlplBtrram mid One Piqae, Every deecrlptian of YduZ` errStem. end Welker Oa agles, rod Railway Snlrplree

Cotton Blna, 4otton Gin.. C~otton' elu!Tayylor, Eagle, Brawn, Saethrarn, Craoan, EBlcrstlo ate. M

C YCccccd"ccceclth cccctll or bores pnyt1l and lvlcything requifred for the tame, t. store end foe Nae et the Tor"uprlos, Your dorsors, resooctctfully iWJ ifd




Galveston, Indianola ad "baalue PalP+Ires t


Paseenge, Trains.

Caring thou. it. mall, Itsve th A g'(sr depot E'tW'"MORNING at 8 .dbsk, srMRdg. su*IrrBhZ('.,5rlaSBy, 4,12 . -1

DpcclaI Ylm65li5 Ta . .-L.... thIdpot In Agier s at d O I wZDNNEBDA?end FRIDAY 01105I;T6, reari'dd yt th otfll of the st6amIhp fro Ga eston.

Tie stall TrSaia

igin Aigten at Stol eOn OSB ' U i by to 1Breshesr on the saArl of te Gabeto s ishig

The Nalired"lrr e'Wew .+,.Lesvos the foot of St. Am nnr, OPpof#JICI k LtouL.s. morning. et 73 As SNSI1sSI.on ednSpasdel morsings At $ o'clock

*teameblp. f..r Ga/vesS.a,Ia~nj" *utS.,t

SBrekMyLessee Breshear on the anlval of paw Son Ae Otlame on MONDAYS, WRDOSSDATbnld IRIDAYB ;m&for SABI1E PBASS o SUNDAYS.

LU :ate e Cheeed IW i•.ao detenti, On the rants. TBOUGE TXCIUT for

Giveeston, Ind•ceola ted Sabine Pas, ea •l•,ttRailroad Company'e office, o. re Ostl .Ctl, w•.t--erryboat bwhile crossing the rivee. FX•XE peaW~y _

ETS furnished to lI1 pamseger o pterUaiwilgii "Texas tickets.

ROhambos runnnlng to. New IMerd Md sel ihntr..landing on the Teehe, make DAILY CONSEmONg (Bt.days exeepted) lith the stals at Berashem.

ofreight received and devered at the terrylMdllg at fof S n srt. e evtery day until P. L, (e. ept "C•)for and from Sabine Pass, the Iendingp on Byoeq Teehall .tatonns on the road.

Freight will alo be received and delivered at the fteetplatforms in Algiers.

All beggage trnsported aeree the rier Free of Charge,•ad from thd depot in Alghrs, and the S Ann street Fet-yLadng. C W. . BAYLYF,

Chief Engnteer and Generl Spetentendttt

WI•TER AREAFGEUr5Ig .On and lter SATURBDAY, October 1lthe IBM the traesn ta, road will leaet•e follow:

?:e o'locktek.. . o. n a. e'ttk tm Tr n

...s SteeeTeen. : ..

t del•ek•'. .. ,1 t' ,ke. ,.2 eo'elock.. P. M ..

7 . .. . -HeceC.Fe. Ctoe dltrome theLke, seeday, 2at..Paoenger for Genttllly St:tion mest notify the eon•mi

porto deeartret l the train. Frem 15 rnmee eeh wy.G O. PANDELY. Gemedel s -e.te t

elutOM CeCTR, PElER.---ele rouD tee rom dIntemgto Neew York and all EEaternlterel t t f

Fl'V et ,,1Y Te INJs leave e aee m moe lTe 'ldde.s. --on arrival of traln. and teamers from h Pont6-rTme from New Orleans to New York-4 dys.For thrnugn tletee Cppily at tle offieat ee ttre bdalhckeoen end Great ortehere Railroad,4 4t4tende)oe ittl

mon street. Rtda St. Uharet Hotel, 3t Canal treet tedDepet, •dlo at office et the IIItIel Centr oeI s Cairo

Gienelr Se .td. te OHNeO .



Shortest Route Between New Orleans


VI. Mobie..DISTANCE TO NIEW YORE ......... a.... ... I1 CEW

TIRE, THREE AI) A HALF DAYIPaeaeegte leave daily from .Depeot et the Peateheteta

Raflroad at 4 e'clocI h, onecting ed&t the Meegan ILineeSteaere fe oloble, makng elose connesetei et MebMIewtbthe Mrieaeofthe eobile md GeeeatpNothern feIae4tt

Meeontgenee, Coleleeshe, Seeer.h,Aegetat, Atlittee Chhlelee,Eeee~lle Jeehelle, 1,ee~eetII.LKeoxbiee, Nighesed. Ceteletl.q

ALL POINTS NORTH AND R&DT.For lefermetfon~. a Thsoeeh Tlckets eapplyt the

TICKET OFFICE,In the Rotunda ef theS Sht Chales Hw.

0.1L. FITCH,Oeneral Agent, MebleanedOhe oalroad Ias


The aedenl.ged sal etaent, here nwn bes 4anweElb.losrtanlty supplied lth the tbove oe.Eetted IKONOtSONTIEST prepreed for Smediae eee, eith the beUlk flemly at.SueheE to ee aneed fthe hoSp. T21 TI. Es reomee dd tomeeehaete tndpleateelfeeEEsampltettyeed eleemt, anthe.greet etee eitS ettehit seam beelwl.t M be ut tm l .It hasbeen teed by " Lrgee embaer jf pEett~e elmeet1l.

the!,lr entir. etlteftitn.Odele ell bereeeehed at ute te.,

X. NLEAELETUOO.,See4 4 Feydre. stees, eaee oeeeglbeeeelthtW


My Batto. Ti. wa thetgitoaffere 0.1o1. a itoi mytl" tIhe S ntb, and hasbeen used by thtiistad tplanters ithnul .gia.pproeel. I hauvemada usbti bmprbe t atne Ithe shape .f teb botutom luee it was i mtra hede gall. preened a patent for Be T, fa Biy. ciibi, lt de dtmp

oiry. ta~lib an al tmeno to bel Mehk of anyoi tohasral oites. ad iosecrity tInholdiig, l#. I thbi*i ,.pSto .ny ofered to the public

[is n lpmf u ge of Iran evr roa forbaop cotton We noI b

tsiapsta i. appliud and fatsted ..iib mitibit..h latlityboth ins ttoun.try pretihg and the ribmp.liw agt'h atports; l Ist suim sely tibeda risfo e. tet ata ad Ithstregth is not lmpayiae by timi ad uasw es thtb of rapsThi.s Ia, ladantaga hta bean ba Oeoiy RaeiIhtwd duiig thewar. +h,,alms d t f ch of cotton bas b.eib.Iby tbs tot.

loou ad eeps boa bein a . h In additlio to, b...p.....wutniched nearly 61thpa thpanope Thb d..agp-meat of labor in bubmp growing Ml o bas mQwdthemaply of hemp touit a. .stb h to asme prIm. to .uthip1.-eaedttadiy high. Ind.ed, aafatq for beb.E a maodml,cottonirop cannot b reed on atanypain

Ith~ tasttsoiaaoth Iaptai it a itit qaiAtii IFihg bet Eugliih Wion. ad ha.. ..e imain aaamemo wit.Mese.r. Ohambers L atiag for thib l and d sivrIy oy 4!U

Se, NursrisN Oreans, July 7, lIftHi. PA.ABILL, gat..

Ottion. S tof siibchstiort 1000 wseree p t 'at Spaid .55kIeonun'l ' to Lane dth an It t It a gae a Il flud

yaars ,t ipt1 batte athipt t bleaagtbd ,z o tim.aPrtst., tibit tasowed bettag. and ethled b. chip to WI?more tihan oIyin previous voyage

The cotton ien distharged hutm thtbicinlti Lauti WIbetter ssdci'ha tiiib...p. bstpdas ci fIro It i

tha p n. eret aptn it, foe it I. well knoiw by patital maibsi deasapteas wiil pot the note boad. I as odits tr e... mend oapr IroTi% m Il tahi Inkfort a tipeIbISbad sarestiii wstshpd it, both in loadin aid dkcIhwgtg.

I am, sir, ywnn ralp~cmaet tthiy Y~rJOHiBOWARDt ew.

Thb Odentsnd, )Ire Wardtr and Fin IntnlOIttNov Orl eans Inanrane Coapaxi , ar or opiti eahtIr-a eii .tsp trecrpr otection oisfganlstn a it t a! of liha lb.e old lhdaty b oflbalgith ee'e

J. yOUyINx Firet. Wiadie.JOON ADAMS, Fit Inspuctir.

tpiicncr i-ithe .16, ALFRED BELANQEE,

EzCbhai Engit.. rt, eetaetat

CAMBERS & LATTINO,Agentutfor tap oast t'. Iron TI.e

DEALERS IN BAGOING, ROPE AND TWINR,,~,61 Carotatelit street, New Odgai..





-A"-Oi~en..aI V. mC s.I.. e..d Forwasrdjng MW

chants,No. 1L5 CO0 0ON STREET.

Nes Orleans, ..1'artioalsr and personal attention tviven lathe colr~titr

frelsht bile..aiwncmrmn rsowp a~e...rr u




(hlldwhOo, y,,tlf, ni-tuB~ed, or Old AbS

T j so who would py Robust ueUh should glue N