NSS ICT Introduction 2009-2012. Curriculum Core Elective Coursework.

NSS ICT Introduction 2009-2012

Transcript of NSS ICT Introduction 2009-2012. Curriculum Core Elective Coursework.

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NSS ICT Introduction


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• Core

• Elective

• Coursework

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• Based on the knowledge learnt in F.1-F.3 ICT

• F.1 – Office Applications• F.2 – Multimedia elements & web authoring• F.3 – Programming, networking & database• And some advanced knowledge

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Core – Internet and its Applications

• NSS ICT Curriculum and Assessment Guide

Communication,Resource sharing



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Core – HKCEE CIT questions

CE CIT 07’ Paper 1A Q.6• Mary conducts a survey with data computation and

analysis and then produces a newsletter. Which application software should she use?(1) Word processor(2) Spreadsheet software(3) Presentation software

A. (3) only B. (1) and (2) onlyC. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

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• Module C – Multimedia Production and Web Site Development

• Module D – Software Development

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Elective – Module CMultimedia Production

• Five Multimedia Elements– Text– Image– Animation– Sound– Video

• Web Site Development– Presenting information

on the Internet – Web authoring tools

(Dreamweaver)– Dynamic and interactive

web pages(Facebook, Xanga, e-business)

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Shining World - we make and live our world with love

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Elective – Module CWeb Site Development

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Elective – Module CWeb Site Development

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Elective – Module CWeb Site Development• Allows students to show creativity in

different types of multimedia products

• Interesting and interactive

• Many resources can be found on the Internet

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Elective – Module DSoftware development• Programming concept

– Arithmetic operators– Selection– Iteration

Y = X * 3

If Mark >= 50 Then MsgBox(“You pass the exam”)Else MsgBox(“You fail the exam”)EndIf

For i = 1 to 100 MsgBox(i)Next

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Elective – Module DSoftware development• Learn the basic programming concept

from the beginning

• No need to memorize too much

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Elective – Module DSoftware development• Sudoku

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Elective – Module DSoftware development• Puzzle

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Successful Cases in IT

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Facebook's CEOMark Zuckerberg • born May 14, 1984• an American computer

programmer (Harvard student)• He wished to get people connected

around the campus, so he has created the online social website.

• IT realized his dream and brought him wealth.• Facebook, social-networking site, is now worth $1.5 billion

four years after launching

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CEO of Apple Inc

Steve Jobs • an American businessman• co-founder, CEO of Apple Inc.• the former CEO of Pixar

Animation Studios. • demonstrated innovation in

design to technological advancement.

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• Apple has sold a total of 17 million iPhones -- including sales of both the original iPhone and iPhone 3G -- since launch, according to the company's vice president of iPod and iPhone product marketing.

• The 13.7 million iPhones sold in 2008 beat Apple's target of 10 million by a wide margin.

• Other successes including:– Apple's iPhone developer programme,

which boasts 50,000 members– the number of applications available via

the company's App Store now exceeds 25,000

– 800 million total downloads on the App Store so far, Apple said.

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Are you ready to contribute something amazing?

"Innovation has nothing to do with how "Innovation has nothing to do with how much you have. When Apple came up with much you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more. It's not about money. It's about times more. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it."how much you get it."Steve Job at Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998Steve Job at Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998

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Founder of Yahoo!• Jerry Yang ( 楊致遠 )• Born in Taipei, Taiwan • the co-founder, former CEO

of Yahoo! Inc • Ranks 261 on The 400

Richest Americans 2007

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令寬頻快令寬頻快 88 倍 中大生首奪美科研獎 研究倍 中大生首奪美科研獎 研究心得心得﹕﹕不盡信教授所言( 不盡信教授所言( 7-9-2005)7-9-2005)

  【明報專訊】研究講求不斷嘗試,屢敗屢戰,要抱有求真之心及懷疑態度才能成功。中大電子工程學系博士生霍美寶,就是抱「不盡信教授所言」的批判精神進行研究,花近兩年時間,成功提升光纖輸送資料技術,若將技術用於寬頻,傳送速度可較現時加快 8 倍。研究成果令她成為首位奪得「美國電機及電子工程師學會優秀研究生獎」的香港人。

破傳送限制 增畫面解像度

霍美寶得獎的研究,成功研發出一個激光光源同時發出多個波場的技術,打破目前一般光纖每秒傳送 100億個數碼信號的速度限制,將傳送資料速度提升 8 倍。她介紹,技術可加快寬頻傳送影像的速度,令畫面的解像度更高。中大電子工程學系教授許正德表示,正待加強技術的穩定性,改良後便可將研究商品化推出市場。

小時不玩 Barbie 玩玩具車

年僅 26 歲的美寶,自小醉心於電子產品,「我小時候沒有玩 Barbie 公仔,我玩車,又整電筒。」提及研究心得,她認為教授給的意見未必一定正確,討論過程中會提出自己的看法,要「有耐性,不服輸」。



ICT is about problem-solving skills

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• Tiffany Sum was born an interdisciplinary art monkey in 1980 in Hong Kong, SAR China.

• Obtained her BA in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong and MFA from Carnegie Mellon University.

• Awarded the Best Interactive Work at RE/ACT festival in Germany (2006) • Finalist for the 13th Hong Kong iFVA Festival (2008). • Being an Assistant Professor, Sum is currently teaching at California State

University, Long Beach.

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Why does IT need women?

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Why does IT need women?

• Women are generally good at communication (both verbal and written)

• Bring different points of view when compared to men, creating diversity in innovation leads to the design

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IT helps you to realize your dream!

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Career Path in IT

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Is it your future after studying ICT?

XX Broadband$100 for 4 GB


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Your future after studying ICT

Project ManagerIT consultant

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Doctor?Researcher?• Huge Database to store

patients’ record

• Making Vaccinesto cure swine flu

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Lawyer? Businessmen?• Protect Privacy

• Real time communication around the world

• Updated information from the Internet

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Imagine your future in computing

• From entertainment and communication to conquering disease or eliminating hunger – computer technologies provide solution to make a better life.

• A high-tech world calls for inspired and talented people.

• Technological advancement are creating new jobs every day!

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When you fill in the form,

X2:• ICT (Module D)• Module D – Software

Development• Can take Literature at

the same time

X3:• ICT (Module C)• Module C –

Multimedia Production and Web Site Development

• Can take Visual Arts at the same time