NSCS Open Education Presentation

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Transcript of NSCS Open Education Presentation

  • 1.Nebraska State College SystemOpen Education SummitDavid Wiley, PhDLumen / Shuttleworth / BYU

2. Education is Sharing Teachers with students Students with teachers 3. Teachers Share With Students Knowledge and skillsFeedback and criticism Encouragement 4. Students Share With Teachers QuestionsAssignmentsTests 5. Successful Educators Share most compeltely with the most students 6. If there is no sharing there is no education. 7. Knowledge is MagicalCan be given without being given away 8. Physical Expressions Are Not To give a book you must give it away 9. Expressions Are DifferentTo give a book you must give it away 10. When Expressions Are DigitalThey also become magical 11. Unprecedented Capacity We can share as never before 12. Unprecedented CapacityWe can educate as never before 13. Except We Cant forbids copying, distributing, and editing 14. Cancels the Possibilities Of digital media and the internet 15. Internet CopyrightEnables Forbids What to do? 16. Use copyright to enforce sharing 17. The 4RsReuse copy verbatimRevise adapt and editRemix combine with other OERRedistribute share with others 18. 4Rs and Copyrighthttp://creativecommons.org/ 19. What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?(1) Any kind of teaching materials textbooks, syllabi, lesson plans, videos, readings, exams 20. What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?(2) Are free for anyone to access, and(3) Include free permission to engagein the 4R activities 21. Internet OEREnables AllowsSharing and educating atunprecedented scale 22. Examples of OERWhat do they look like? 23. Many Questions About OER Do they really save money?Do students learn from them? 24. OER in CrescendoIn secondary and postsecondary contexts 25. Open High School of UtahPublic, fully online charter school400 students in grades 9-12Adding 7-8 in 2013-2014 26. Open High School of Utah Charter mandates use of OER 76% whole school proficiency 27. Educations Golden RatioLearning outcomes / dollar 28. %Content + LMS Proficiency Proficient Costper Dollar UVA58% $380 0.15UVA (90%) 58%$381.52 OHSU 76%$184.22 29. Utah Open Textbook Project6000 students, 30 teachersSecondary science classrooms Adapted CK12.org textbooks Very few digital devices 30. Utah Open Textbook Project $4.99 per book ($80/$11.43) +5.1% in CRT scores 31. Utah Open Textbook Project Fall 2013: 75k students science7-9 math and 6-8 LA under developmentUSOE goal of 6-12 32. Project Kaleidoscope8 community colleges and OA 4 year schoolsAggregate OER-based textbook replacements 33. Project Kaleidoscope 11 GE courses; 9,000 students Dropped required textbook cost to $0Average change was +14% in success rate 34. Why?OER mean full access to course contentfrom the very first day of class 35. Textbook ZeroAssociates of Business Administration 100% OER pathway through degreeDecreases cost of degree by 30% 36. OER in Crescendoclassroom > whole school > statewidecourse > entire degree program 37. Continue the CrescendoAnalytics and Continuous Improvement 38. Each and Every Interaction Recorded and stored for analysis 39. If Only We Could Get Data!We could do analyses (aka research) too 40. Canvas 41. Even the Grocer!Almost every industry (1) gathers and(2) uses data more effectively than we do 42. Openness?Werent we talking about OER? 43. Learning AnalyticsWho and what needs help 44. How Useful?When you dont have permission to fix whats broken 45. OpennessPermission to make improvements 46. How Useful?When you dont know what to change 47. Openness + AnalyticsWhat to fix + permission to fix it! 48. Its About Learning Increasing learning by: lowering costsenabling faculty 49. Lots More to Talk About!http://davidwiley.org/