NRLM Agenda for PRC for NE States (Final)

Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) /National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) Aajeevika [National Rural Livelihoods Mission] I. Immediate priorities of States under National Rural Livelihoods Mission : (a) Rolling out of Resource Blocks. (b) Recruitment of staff. (c) Training and capacity building of staff. (d) Rolling out of pilots. (e) Delegation / devolution of powers to the Society. State wise progress under National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) is at Annexure – I. Release status under NRLM 2012-13 (Rs. in lakh) S.N o. State Release under SGSY/NRLM Release under NRLP Grand total 1 Arunachal Pradesh 110.70 110.70 2 Assam 7592.38 2178.90 9771.280 3 Manipur 345.79 0 345.79 4 Mizoram 140.52 0 140.52 5 Nagaland 343.39 0 343.39 6 Sikkim 0 0 0 7 Tripura 980.00 0 980.00 Total 9512.78 2178.9 11691.68 The funds have been released to the state society for the state of ASsam. II. Credit During 2011-12, against a credit target for Rs.572 crore, NE States have only been able to disburse credit worth Rs.303.71


Agenda note

Transcript of NRLM Agenda for PRC for NE States (Final)

Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) /National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) Aajeevika [National Rural Livelihoods Mission]

I. Immediate priorities of States under National Rural Livelihoods Mission :

(a) Rolling out of Resource Blocks. (b) Recruitment of staff.(c) Training and capacity building of staff.(d) Rolling out of pilots. (e) Delegation / devolution of powers to the Society.

State wise progress under National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) is at Annexure – I.

Release status under NRLM 2012-13 (Rs. in lakh)

S.No. State Release under SGSY/NRLM

Release under NRLP

Grand total

1 Arunachal Pradesh 110.70 110.702 Assam 7592.38 2178.90 9771.2803 Manipur 345.79 0 345.794 Mizoram 140.52 0 140.525 Nagaland 343.39 0 343.396 Sikkim 0 0 07 Tripura 980.00 0 980.00

Total 9512.78 2178.9 11691.68

The funds have been released to the state society for the state of ASsam.

II. Credit

During 2011-12, against a credit target for Rs.572 crore, NE States have only been able to disburse credit worth Rs.303.71 crore i.e 53%. Only the state of Assam (65%) and Tripura (58%) has achieved national average. The State wise progress of credit mobilization under SGSY during 2011-12 is at Annexure II.

It may be added that previously the credit targets were fixed at national level keeping in view the budget for subsidy available for the year. From the year 2012-13, it has been decided to move away from the subsidy driven credit target and to focus on overall SHG bank linkage. The emphasis under NRLM would be on building good quality SHGs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) of the poor. Accordingly, it has been decided to adopt NABARD projections of overall SHG credit requirement for 2012-13, which has been worked out based on potential SHGs to be formed, overall credit requirement of all SHGs, average size of loan etc. NABARD has set a target of 17,889.39 crore for the year 2012-13 for all the states. States must collect this data from the NABARD office and put a strategy in place for the

achievement of NABARD targets. The State Rural Development Department and the State Rural Livelihood Missions should start monitoring the overall SHG bank linkage regularly. The district wise flow of credit to the SHGs should be reviewed in the quarterly meetings of the State Level Bankers Committee. As of now the information about SHG bank linkage is available on an annual basis. RBI is being requested to direct banks and NABARD to make this information available in disaggregated manner at district level on quarterly basis.

Financial Inclusion

- Pursue the formation of sub-committee under SLBC to oversee the SHG-Bank linkage

- If any of the districts are covered under the WSHG guidelines, ensure that PD-DRDA or

CEO, ZP are the members of the district committee for the same

- Appointing the state and the district staff to accelerate the financial inclusion of the SHGs

- The strategy for pursuing the SHG-bank linkage in both the intensive and non-intensive


- Strategy to achieve the targets set by NABARD. Also suggest the individual state targets,

if differ from the NABARD figures, taking into consideration the number of SHGs in the

state and the potential of SHG formation in the given year

- Strategize a tracking mechanism on SHG-wise credit flow in the state

- List down the resource organizations in the state working for the SHG Federation

capacity building training modules

III. Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETIs)

27 RSETIs have started functioning in the North East as on 30.9.2012 as per state wise/bank wise statement given in annexure I. RSETI wise details of functioning/yet to start functioning institutes are given in annexure III.

A MOU has been signed with National Academy of RUDSETI on 29.7.2011 for strengthening of RSETIs. As a part of this MOU, one State level Project Coordinator, stationed in Guwahati, has been appointed for the NE region.

RSETIs were graded based on transparent parameters. A statement giving the grading of RSETIs functioning in the North East region is given in annexure IV. Majority of the RSETIs functioning in the NE region do not meet the required standards. Minister (RD) has written to the Finance Minister to give suitable advice to the banks to ensure that all their RSETIs move to at least grade ‘B’ in the next 12 months and more than 75% of them should move to ‘A’ grade in the next 2 years, by addressing all the deficiencies identified by this Ministry.

In order to remove bottlenecks in implementation of RSETI scheme in the North East

States, a two day workshop is planned by the NIRD on 30th and 31st Octobr, 2012 at Guwahati.

Issues for discussion and expectations from State Governments:

As per RSETI guidelines, a Sub- committee of SLBC is to be set up in every State which will function as the State Level Steering Committee for all the RSETIs functioning in the State. This committee is to be co-chaired by the Principal Secretary (RD) of the State and SLBC convener bank of the State. The Committee is to monitor the progress of setting of RSETIs and review the performance of each RSETI in the State with specific reference to the following:

RSETI administrative manual has been printed and circulated to all RSETIs. State Government may kindly place their orders on the National academy of RUDSETI, Bangalore

Early completion of construction of RSETIs. Early allotment of land and handing over possession to banks Submission of Proposals for infrastructure grant for remaining districts Utilization of Grants released and claiming second installment Flow of credit to RSETI trainees Roll out of RSETI MIS by the respective banks Action Plan of RSETIs to move to Grade A and A+ in a time bound manner.

IV. Special Projects under Aajeevika (Placement Linked Skill Development Projects):

Issues for discussion

a) Single State Projects recommended by State Governments to be accepted by MoRD:

Multi-state projects have been discontinued by the Ministry. Only single state projects, which are recommended/approved by State Government, will be accepted by the Ministry for appraisal. b) Readiness conditions for States to submit their Annual Action Plan for Skills to MoRD:

In order to transit to an implementation role in skills and placement programme under NRLM, the State Governments should set up a cell within the SRLM dedicated for skills and placement or a separate mission for the purpose with a full time professional manager, have clear HR policy to hire competent professionals from market and have at least one professional in each intensive district

c) Submission of Skills Annual Action Plan

Once a state mission fulfills the the readiness conditions, it will be asked to submit an Annual Action Plan for a placement linked skill development scheme for 2012-13. On the approval of AAP for the first year, placement related projects will be appraised and approved at State level itself within the framework of the perspective plan

d) Monthly/Quarterly review of special projects at State Secretary RD level

Review of all special projects including multi-state and state specific skill development projects by State Secretary (RD) could be made mandatory monthly or quarterly exercise. The States may constitute a State level committee to review and monitor Special Projects, and designate an

anchor person for Aajeevika/SGSY Special Projects, and convene a monthly review meeting with implementation agencies to streamline the implementation and to ensure Special Projects are completed in a time bound manner. Reports may be sent to MoRD and monitoring agencies and uploaded on Nrlmskills website.

e) District level monitoring of placement projects and training centres by DRDAs

Monitoring of projects is essential to ensure that the targets prescribed are achieved in time and trained persons are placed accordingly. For this purpose, the DRDAs or district official and in-charge of NRLM may be given proper orientation so that the all placement projects and training centers in the district are periodically monitored.

f) State Skills anchor person to attend MoRD’s monthly review meeting every month in New Delhi:Ministry is reviewing the performance of PIAs on 2nd Monday and Tuesday of every month. All PIAs and monitoring agencies attend the meeting. Anchor persons for skills and placement of all the States are requested to participate in the monthly meeting. This will enable State to get fresh inputs from NMMU, and will allow States to share their learning or issues with NMMU and monitoring agencies.

g) Preparation of database of unemployed youths:

Mobilization of rural BPL youths for short-term training programme is critical. State Governments may accordingly take initiatives. The database so prepared should include educational qualification of rural youth, category (SC/ST/OBC/Minority etc) as well as gender. The database so prepared should periodically be reviewed and entries regarding training imparted and placement done should be included. This will facilitate the PIAs to take up the programme immediately after the sanctioning of projects, and will be useful when States start their own skills programme.

h) Beneficiary selection for placement linked skill development projects:

Selection of beneficiaries as per their aspirations is essential for placement linked skill development projects. State Governments may evolve a suitable mechanism for verification of candidates so that only rural BPL youth with adequate representation from marginalized sections of society such as SC/ST/Minorities are covered under the programme. State governments may accordingly take necessary steps in this regard and provide requisite assistance to the implementing agencies of placement projects.

i) Post placement tracking/verification of placed beneficiaries:

The guidelines require that placed candidates under the programme are tracked for one year. This not only facilitates assessing efficacy of the programme but also ensure judicious utilization of funds expended by the Central Government. While monitoring this, it may also be ensured that the trained beneficiaries get at least minimum wages prescribed for skilled persons.

V. Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP):

a. Transition plan from MKSP to Integrated Livelihoods plan of the states through AAP/SPIP route

The MKSP now looks for gradual yet focused transition from NRLM led programme to SRLM led programme. In view of this, now-onwards, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Bihar, who have demonstrated capacity to manage, monitor the MKSP programme on their own will now be submitting the MKSP projects by incorporating them in their livelihood Annual Action Plan. MoRD will no more consider detailed processing of individual proposals at national level for these states. The Annual Action Plans received from these states will be put to the Empowered Committee for its final approval. Other states also would make a road map for this transition. All SRLMs would be gradually owning the MKSP projects and would take up all the processes starting from appraisal to monitoring through capacity building and support from NRLM.The SRLMs should further integrate the successful MKSP models into their larger livelihoods strategy and take them to state-wide scale.

b. Development of MKSP appraisal and monitoring structure at state level

In order to ensure greater involvement of the states in MKSP and to have single window monitoring responsibility and clear accountability, no multi state projects will be considered under MKSP henceforth. SRLMs also should work out a regular monitoring mechanism of MKSP at the state. Appropriate state level empowered committees should be created to appraise and sanction the MKSP projects

c. Building Livelihoods vertical in each SRLM

States which have adequate number of trained human resources for promoting the livelihoods would only submit sectoral AAP/SPIP on MKSP. Therefore, each SRLM would build dedicated livelihoods team at state, district and block level that are suitably trained and capacitated to take up the program.

VI. Management Information System (MIS):         

Timely submission of Monthly Progress Reports by the District Rural Development Agencies (DRDAs) is an important monitoring mechanism to measure the level of performance of the DRDA/State under various parameters. The information so received through MPRs are collated and analyzed to prepare various reports. However, it has been observed that the DRDAs and the States are not giving due attention towards timely online submission of MPRs. A statement indicating the status of DRDAs with regard to online submission of MPRs is given below for ready reference.

S.NO. State Total MPR entry done

MPR entry not done

%age MPR entry not done

1ARUNACHAL PRADESH 16 0 16 100.00

2 ASSAM 27 0 27 100.003 MANIPUR 9 0 9 100.004 MEGHALAYA 7 3 4 57.145 MIZORAM 8 0 8 100.00

6 NAGALAND 11 0 11 100.007 SIKKIM 4 0 4 100.008 TRIPURA 8 4 4 50.00

The States may review their performance with regard to uploading the MPR data on Ministry’s website on a priority basis. In future, this issue will be linked to release of further installments under SGSY/NRLM.

The NRLM compliant states with intensive blocks may be required to adopt and institute the Transitory MIS for their resource/intensive blocks, BMMUs, DMMUs and SMMU with effect from the month of October 2012 (to be reported in November 2012). Each SMMU may be required to send Form-I (Part-I & II) and Form-II (4 Parts) completed in all respects by e-mail to NMMU before 15th of every month, till NIC develops a software application for reporting. The SMMU would be responsible for checking the information for correctness, consistency and quality and only an authenticated report would be sent by e-mail each month. All other forms suggested (Forms-III, IV and V) may be customized and adopted by the states. States such as Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Bihar with comprehensive MIS systems in place would be required to report only in Form-I (Part-I & II) and Form-II (4 Parts), for their intensive blocks, although they may be collecting information on larger number of indicators.

Separate letters along with the above mentioned transitory MIS documents are being forwarded to all the CEOs of SRLMs. Transitory MIS documents will also be available on our website:

VII. Adoption of CPSMS for tracking fund flow under NRLM

Pursuant to the decision of the Ministry to adopt CPSMS for tracking flow of central funds under all rural development programs, including N.R.L.M., the following steps have been taken to facilitate adoption of CPSMS for NRLM:

An expert team consisting of the ICT/MIS and FM experts in NMMU and World Bank ICT experts was constituted to examine the prerequisites for adoption of CPSMS by the Mission Implementation Agencies at all levels.   

It is proposed to start CPSMS pilot at three States under NRLM.

A workshop of all NRLM States’ FM teams was held at New Delhi on 31 st July, 2012 to explain the registration process and state specific issues in CPSMS implementation.

A Joint Working Group consisting of representative from MoRD, WB, CPSMS and Pilot States (A.P., Bihar and Tamilnadu) was formed to speed up implementation process by constant review of progress.

Agency registration process has already been initiated in Bihar and Tamilnadu.

It is proposed that Agency registration under CPSMS by all SRLMS teams would be completed by 31st December, 2012 and all new SRLMS will start using CPSMS for capturing financial transactions and reporting from the beginning of financial year 2013-14.


State: Arunachal Pradesh

Institutional structure: the status in respect of Arunachal Pradesh is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM To be done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered To be done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO To be done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time 3 consultants recruited5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure, Salary,

recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegationTo be done

15. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts To be done

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons To be done2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed To be done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU signed

with Resource OrganisationTo be done

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at various

levelsTo be done

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan AAP prepared and first

draft shared with NMMU2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial rules for

the initial periodTo be done

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots, Financial

inclusion pilots, etcTo be done

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesa. HR Policyb. Financial and administrative delegationc. COM

To be done

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 1 RSETI was established by banks. Out of these, 1 RSETI have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period 1 Special project was approved by the ministry and 1st installment of this project has been released.

MKSP No proposal received.

State : Assam

Institutional structure: the status in respect of Assam is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM Done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO Done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time Done5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure, Salary,

recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegationDone

7. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts Completed (result to be declared)

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons to resource States On going2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU

signed with Resource OrganisationStrategy finalized MoU to be signed

4. Resource block strategy rolled out Not done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsIn Progress

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy Not done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan Done2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial rules for

the initial periodDone

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP Not done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund Done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots, Financial

inclusion pilots, etcPilots worked out

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesd. HR Policye. Financial and administrative delegationf. COM


Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 1RSETI wasestablished by banks. Out of these,1 RSETI have

received grants from ministry. Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement)

During this period no Special project was initiated. MKSP

No MKSP being implemented in the state

State: Manipur

Institutional structure: the status in respect of Manipur is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM To be done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done 3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO To be done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time To be done5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed To be done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure, Salary,

recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegationTo be done

15. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts To be done

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons to the resource States To be done2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed To be done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU signed

with Resource OrganisationTo be done

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsTo be done

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial rules

for the initial periodTo be done

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcTo be done

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesg. HR Policyh. Financial and administrative delegationi. COM

To be done

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, no RSETI was established by banks.

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period 2 Special projects were approved by the ministry . out of these both

have been released 1st instalment and 1 receive 2nd installment MKSP

No MKSP proposal has been received.

State: Meghalaya

Institutional structure: the status in respect of |Meghalaya is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM Done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO To be done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time In progress5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure,

Salary, recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegation


15. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts In progress

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons Done2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU signed with

Resource OrganisationResource block strategy drafted and approached resource organisations for rolling out strategy.

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at various

levelsUnder process

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan Done2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial

rules for the initial periodDone

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcTo be done

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesj. HR Policyk. Financial and administrative delegationl. COM

HR Policy prepared. Rest yet to be prepared.

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 1 RSETIs were established by banks. Out of these, 1 RSETIs have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period no Special projects were approved by the ministry.

MKSP No MKSP proposal has been received.

State: Mizoram

Institutional structure: the status in respect of |Mizoram is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM Done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO Done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time Done5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure,

Salary, recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegation


7. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts In progress

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons Done 2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU

signed with Resource OrganisationTo be done

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsIn progress

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan Done2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial

rules for the initial periodDone

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund In progress5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcIn progress

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesm. HR Policy


n. Financial and administrative delegation Done

o. COM In Progress

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 1 RSETI was established by banks. Out of these, 1 RSETI have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period no Special projects were approved by the ministry.

MKSP No MKSP proposal has been received.

State: Nagaland

Institutional structure: the status in respect of |Nagaland is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM To be done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered To be done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO To be done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time To be done5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure, Salary,

recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegationTo be done

15. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts To be done

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons To be done2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU signed

with Resource OrganisationTo be done

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsTo be done

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan 1st draft submitted2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial rules

for the initial periodTo be done

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcTo be done

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesp. HR Policyq. Financial and administrative delegationr. COM

To be done

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 1 RSETIs was established by banks. Out of these, 1 was have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period 1 Special project was approved by the ministry and 2nd instalment has been released .

MKSP No MKSP proposal has been received.

State: Sikkim

Institutional structure: the status in respect of Sikkim is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM Done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO Done4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time Under process5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure,

Salary, recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegation

Under process

7. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts To be done

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons to the resource state Under process2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU

signed with Resource OrganisationTo be done

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsTo be done

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan 1st draft submitted2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial

rules for the initial periodTo be done

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP To be done4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcTo be done

6 Preparation of Systems and policiess. HR Policyt. Financial and administrative delegationu. COM

To be done

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 2 RSETIs were established by banks. Out of these, 1 RSETI have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period no Special projects were approved by the ministry.

MKSP No MKSP proposal has been received.

State: Tripura

Institutional structure: the status in respect of Tripura is as follows:1. Cabinet approval for roll out of NRLM Done2. Setting up of State Society- Society registered Done3. Appointment of fulltime Mission Director/CEO Done 4. Recruitment of SMMU core team-full time 2 consultants recruited, under

process 5. Identification of Intensive districts/blocks completed Done6. Approval from competent authority for HR structure,

Salary, recruitment policy, financial and administrative delegation

Under process

7. Recruitment of staff for intensive blocks and districts In progress

Capacity Building: 1. Exposure visit of key persons Visit to Andhra Pradesh and

Bihar completed2. Identification of Resource Blocks completed Done3. Resource block strategy finalization and MoU

signed with Resource OrganisationUnder process

4. Resource block strategy rolled out To be done5. Developing induction strategy for project staff at

various levelsUnder process

6. Implementation of staff induction strategy To be done

Programme requirements: Preparation of SPIP/AAP, 1 Preparation and submission of Annual Action Plan Done 2 Approval for interim HR policy, Admn and financial

rules for the initial periodUnder process

3 Preparation and submission of SPIP Poverty diagnostic completed4 Approval of AAP/SPIP and release of fund To be done5 Implementation of other pilots –Livelihoods pilots,

Financial inclusion pilots, etcIn progress

6 Preparation of Systems and policiesv. HR Policyw. Financial and administrative delegationx. COM

HR & COM –under process

Status of RSETIs approved by MoRD During the period, 3 RSETIs were established by banks. Out of these, 1 RSETI have received grants from ministry

Status of Special Projects under Aajeevika (Skills and Placement) During this period no Special projects were approved by the ministry.

MKSP No MKSP proposal has been received.

Annexure – II

Credit Targets Under SGSY for the year 2011-12

(Rs. In lacs)Sl. STATES /U.T.   2011-12      Target Achievement %age1 2 4 5 61 Assam 41140.00 26700.27 64.902 Tripura 4980.00 2880.05 57.833 Sikkim 800.00 198.73 24.844 Mizoram 720.00 131.65 18.285 Meghalaya 3090.00 265.60 8.606 Nagaland 2120.00 150.00 7.087 Arunachal Pradesh 1590.00 44.90 2.828 Manipur 2760.00 0.00 0.00

  TOTAL 57200.00 30371.20 53.10

Annexure III

State-wise Progress of RSETIs

Sl. No. StateNo. of


No. of Districts approved by


No. of RSETIs established by


No. of RSETIs received MoRD


1 Assam 27 27 17 72 Arunachal Pradesh 16 16 1 13 Meghalaya 7 7 1 14 Mizoram 8 1 1 15 Manipur 9 2 0 06 Nagaland 11 11 1 17 Sikkim 4 4 1 18 Tripura 4 4 5 1

Total 86 72 27 13

Bank-wise Progress of RSETIs

Sl. No. Name of the BankNo. of


No. of Districts approved by


No. of RSETIs established by


No. of RSETIs received MoRD


1 Allahabad Bank 1 1 0 02 Bank of Baroda 1 1 0 03 Central Bank of India 1 1 1 04 Punjab National Bank 3 3 0 05 RUDSETI 1 1 2 16 State Bank of India 38 27 9 87 UCO Bank 5 5 5 08 United Bank of India 19 16 5 19 Vijaya Bank 5 5 0 010 Assam Gramin Vikash Bank 5 5 3 211 Tripura Gramin Bank 1 1 1 012 Axis Bank 1 1 0 0

13Meghalaya Cooperative Apex Bank

11 0 0

14 Meghalaya Rural Bank 1 1 0 015 Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank 1 1 1 1

16 North East Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi) 2 2 0 0

Total 86 72 27 13

RSETI-wise details of RSETIs in North Eastern States 2012


Sl. No.

DistrictsSLBC Appro


Name of


RSETIs established by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Baksa SBI Training in rented premises. Due to dispute in allotted land, construction could not be started.

2 Barpeta UCO Land Allotted. Training in rented premises.



4 Cachar UTB RSETI estd. Functioning in rented premises. Land yet to be allotted.

5 Chirang SBI

Not yet operational. Training to start after repairing in rent free premises provided by Block Development Officer by 31st January 2012. Appointment of Architect for construction of RSETI building in process.

6 Darrang UCO Land yet to be allotted.

7 Dhemaji UTBAdvised to explore the possibility in ITI campus.

8 Dhubri UCO RSETI estd. Functioning in rented premises. No land allotment. Suggested to explore land of ITI

9 Dibrugarh NEDFi

No land allotment. Suggested to explore land of ITI

10 Goalpara UCO Functioning in rented premises.

11 Golaghat UTBBoth State Government and Bank to take initiative.

12 Hailakandi UTB Land Allotted.

13 Jorhat AGV Land yet to be allotted. Functioning in rented accommodation leased in from DRDA Jorhat.

14Kamrup Metropolitan

AGV Land yet to be allotted.

15Kamrup Rural

AGV No allotment of land

16Karbi Anglong

SBI Being pursued with District Council.

17 Karimganj UTB Land identification in process.18 Kokrajhar UCO Functioning in rented premises.

19 Lakhimpur UTB Land yet to be allotted.

20 Morigaon UTB Land yet to be allotted. A rented premises is identified.

21 Nagaon RUD   Not operational. Land allotment process not completed.

2 Nalbari NEDFi

Land not allotted. Training in rented premises.


North Cachar Hills (Dima Hassao)


24 Sibsagar UTB Land Allotted.

25 Sonitpur AGV RSETI estd. Functioning in hired premises. Land yet to be allotted.

26 Tinsukia CBI Not operational. Govt. building, rent free.

27 Udalguri SBI

RSETI estd. Training to start in DRDA premises after rent is fixed. Appointment of Architect for construction of RSETI building in process.

  27 27 17  7  

Arunachal Pradesh

Sl. No.



Name of


RSETIs establishedby Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Anjaw    UTB      Land yet to be allotted.

2 Changlang    PNB    

PNB cannot take the responsibility of opening RSETI.

3 East Kameng   SBI      Land yet to be allotted.4 East Siang   VYB      Land yet to be allotted.5 Kurung Kumey   SBI      Land yet to be allotted.6 Lohit    UTB    Land yet to be allotted.

7Lower Dibang Valley    UTB      Pursued with state govt.

8 Lower Subansiri   SBI      Land yet to be allotted.

9 Papum Pare   APRB RSETI estd. Functioning in bank’s building.

10 Tawang   SBI      Land yet to be allotted.11 Tirap    PNB     PNB cannot take the

responsibility of opening


12Upper Dibang Valley    UTB      Land yet to be allotted.

13 Upper Subansiri   SBI      Land yet to be allotted.14 Upper Siang    VYB      Land yet to be allotted.15 West Kameng   SBI      Pursued with state govt.16 West Siang   VYB      Land yet to be allotted.  16 16 1 1  


Sl No



Name of Bank

RSETIs established by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1East Garo Hills

Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank     Land identified.

2East Khasi Hills    PNB     Land not identified.

3 Jaintia Hills    UTB    Both State Government & Bank to take initiative

4Ribhoi/ Umran SBI

Land allotment in process.

5South Garo Hills SBI    

Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

6West Garo Hills SBI    

Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

7West Khasi Hills  

 Meghalaya Rural Bank    

Both State Government & Bank to take initiative

  7 7 1 1  


Sl No


SLBC Approve


Name of Bank

RSETIs establishe

d by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Aizawl SBI

Construction of RSETI building could not be started due to dispute in the allotted land. Matter taken up with chief secretary and discussed in SLBC meeting.

2Champhai   SBI      Land identified, yet to be allotted.

3 Kolasib   SBI     Land not allotted. Taken up with Govt.

4Lawngtlai   SBI    

 Land not allotted. Taken up with Govt.

5 Lunglei   SBI     Land not allotted. Taken up with Govt.

6 Mamit   SBI     Land not allotted. Taken up with Govt.

7 Saiha   SBI      Land identified, yet to be allotted.

8 Serchhip   SBI     Land not allotted. Taken up with Govt.

  8 1 1  1  


Sl No



Name of


RSETIs establish

ed by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Bishnupur    UTB      SLBC yet to approve.

2Churachandpur    SBI      Land identified, yet to be allotted.

3 Chandel    SBI     Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

4 Imphal East   UTB      Land yet to be allotted.

5 Senapati    SBI     Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

6 Tamenglong   UTB      SLBC yet to approve.

7 Thoubal    SBI     Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

8 Ukhrul    UTB      SLBC yet to approve.

9 Imphal West    SBI     Land not allotted. Pursued with Govt.

  9  2 0   0  





Name of Bank

RSETIs establish

ed by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Dimapur ALB    Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

2 Kiphire SBI      Land not allotted.3 Kohima VYB      Not a lead district, RSETI may be

taken up by other banks.4 Longleng SBI      Land not allotted.


Axis Bank      Bank has declined to set up RSETI.

6 Mon VYB     Not a lead district, RSETI may be taken up by other banks.

7 Peren SBI

Appointment of architect for construction of RSETI building is in process.

8 Phek SBI     Land not allotted.9 Tuensang SBI     Land not allotted.

10 Wokha BOB     Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

11 Zunheboto SBI     Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

  11 11 1 1  


Sl No

DistrictsSLBC Appro


Name of


RSETIs establish

ed by Banks



MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1East Sikkim


2North Sikkim


Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

3South Sikkim


Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

4West Sikkim


Both State Government & Bank to take initiative.

4 4 1 1  


Sl No



Name of


RSETIs established by Banks

RSETIs received MoRD Grant

Remarks (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Dhalai UTB   Awaiting land allotment2 North

Tripura SBI   0.20 acre of land identified. RD

Dept. decided to acquire 0.37 acre of land and requested the bank to start

RSETI in rented premises.

3South Tripura


4West Tripura



Non – Lead. Functioning at Head Office, TGB and training programme are being conducted on govt. /semi govt. building on hired rent basis. Land not yet allotted.

  4 4 5  1  

Annexure IV

Grading of RSETIs in the North EastArunachal Pradesh

Name of the Institute

State Name of the sponsoring Bank

Total Weightage (in %) after awarding different Marks for

each parameter of the Grading sheet Grade

NAHARLAGUN Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank 41 D


Name of the Institute

State Name of the sponsoring Bank

Total Weightage (in %) after awarding different Marks for

each parameter of the Grading sheet Grade

Aizawl Mizoram State Bank of India 44.5 D


Name of the Institute

State Name of the sponsoring Bank

Total Weightage (in %) after awarding different Marks for

each parameter of the Grading sheet Grade

Cachar Assam United Bank of India 64.75 BDarrang Assam UCO Bank 61 B

KOKRAJHAR Assam UCO Bank 55 BDhubri Assam UCO BANK 54 C

Tinsukia Assam Central Bank of India 44.5 DBARPETA Assam UCO Bank 43.75 D

Lakhimpur Assam United Bank of India 39.5 DKumarikata Assam State Bank of India 37.5 D

Goalpara Assam UCO Bank 35.5 DMarigaon Assam United Bank Of India 30.5 D

Sidli Chirang Assam State Bank of India 27 D


Name of the Institute

State Name of the sponsoring Bank

Total Weightage (in %) after awarding different Marks for

each parameter of the Grading sheet Grade

Agartala (RUDSETI) TripuraSDME Trust, Canara Bank,

Syndicate Bank 70 AUdaipur (Gomoti) Tripura United Bank of India 59.75 B

Dhalai Tripura United Bank of India 43 DAgartala Tripura Tripura Gramin Bank 28.5 D

Kumarghat Tripura State Bank of India 16 D