NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion...

• • minion NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 Agenda • Meeting Purpose • Demonstration/Beta Testing of information transfer • Review Current Schedule • Set Window for Submittal Date • Discuss License Renewal communications/timing • Current issues • Discuss NRC Project Planning • Open Discussion/Questions Doml ion 2 1

Transcript of NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion...

Page 1: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

• •minion



Technical Specifications

Project M'eeting

May 12, 2009


• Meeting Purpose

• Demonstration/Beta Testing of information transfer

• Review Current Schedule

• Set Window for Submittal Date

• Discuss License Renewal communications/timing

• Current issues

• Discuss NRC Project Planning

• Open Discussion/Questions Doml ion



Page 2: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose


• Demonstrate the software to be used to document and resolve NRC questions and comments pertaining to the KPS ITS submittal.

• Discuss current KPS status and schedule for submitting KPS ITS to the NRC.

• Obtain NRC input regarding their anticipated schedule for review.

• Discuss the current issues that may affect the ITS submittal.


Electronic Information Exchange

• Orientation - Process overview

- Changes to the process

• Beta test criteria - Key attributes of the system

- Software changes

Domi •



Page 3: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

Current Kewaunee Schedule

• Discuss the "for information only" copies of the ITS metrics.

Notes: - These metrics are a "snapshot" of ITS performance

- The 2009 outage is September/October

- Most Core team members will fully participate in the outage.

Dominion 5

LAR Submittal, Date

• The licensee proposes an ITS LAR submittal window of August 17 to 31,2009.

• Current performance indicates a high potential to achieve the earlier date.

• Dominion will periodically update the NRC PM of progress.

• Submittal content will be consistent with past submittals

D-inioa 6


Page 4: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

Discuss License Renewal communications/timing

• The current plan for completion of license renewal is November 2010.

• Dominion prefers that ITS be included in the renewal.

inion 7

Current issues

• Potential Beyond Scope Items - TSTF- 493, Clarify Application of Setpo,int Methodology

for LSSS Functions

- TSTF - 411, Surveillance Test Interval Extensions for Components of the Reactor Protection System (WCAP­15376-P) Rev. 1

- TSTF-500, Rev. 1, DC Electrical Rewrite

o-lnion 8


Page 5: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

Current issues

• Issues: - Control room XlQ issue

- Main Steam Safety valves

- Inverters and battery charger specifications


Kewaunee Conversion TSTF Adoption

• TSTFs Adopting - TSTF 411, Frequency allowances for ESFAS and RPS - TSTF 343, Containment Structural Integrity (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 400, Clarify SR on Bypass of DG Automatic Trips (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 439, Elimination of Second Completion Time (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 470, Correct Titles & References to PAM Instrument Bases (3.0 to 3.1

Issue) - TSTF 471, Eliminate use of tenn CORE ALTERATIONS - TSTF 479, Changes to Reflect Revision to 10CFR50.55a (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 482, Correct LCO 3.0.6 Bases (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 485, Correct Example 1.4-1 (3.0 to 3.1 Issue) - TSTF 493, Clarify Application of Setpoint Methodology for LSSS Functions - TSFT 497, Limit Inservice Testing Program SR 3.0.2 Application to

Frequencies of 2 Years or Less - TSTF 513, Revise Operability Requirements and Actions for RCS Leakage

Instrumentation(06/2009) - TSTF-500, Rev. 1, DC Electrical Rewrite (07/2009)

DominioB 10


Page 6: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

Kewaunee Conversion TSTF Adoption (cont.)

• CUIPS Adopting - TSTF 374, Diesel Fuel Oil

- TSTF 359, Increased Flexibility in Mode Restraints

- TSTF 421, RCP Flywheel Inspection (lSI Plan Adopted)

- TSTF 412, One Steam Supply to TO AFW Pump

- TSTF 475, Control Rod Notch Testing Frequency and SRM Insert Control Rod Action

- TSTF 490, Deletion of E-Bar

- TSTF 491, Removal of MSIV & MFRV Isolation Times

- TSTF 511, Elimination of Work Hour Restriction Dominion


Discuss NRC Project Planning

• NRC review project milestones/dates - Acceptance review

- Section 1.0 - Section 2.0

- Sections 3.1 to 3.9

- Section 4.0

- Section 5.0





Page 7: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

Open Discussion/Questions

DoaIh'ion 13


Page 8: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

.oI,:lUaI level 2 • I'IS Conversion ~. C'JI11lIett> - 23. 29'10 ~)ry: Deeigl.i Lbelliling Basis

Tlrgel Projected Actual Completion Comp.lelion COIJllNtion ~. TOll1

IAir.5IOnH Stll10atl DI. Dalll Date \'Ie iah I Ccmpr.. ComplelG p,dect IoQd<oH 61'.'2007 f1,12C07 1'.11.'2(')7 O.'o:A I(O~. O.1O~··

PFRB PMDMalicn: MNlino r. IC.'2007 9f27f?OO7 9o'2712CI)] 0.10'10 I(O~. 0.10~'

Dw'ebo PR.' Dwebo& "tut PO 7f1(\'2007 "t!.·2(07 lM1J2OlIf O~ lCO~. 025~

Pr~IA"fV... SchedJe 1':),31,'2007 3lW2C(6 111112001 0.10'10 1(O'!'. 0.10" Phue 1: ITSC.JfT.,'I...ion LAR ~tll AtWWTllH1 W,'2OCe 1;1112008 1.'11[2(')8 0.e0'4 I(O~. 0.500/

Phue 1: O~...bp'Aw'J'i. ~oJeocl P\ln :rlC.'20al 4,11.2008 112ll.'2oo. 0.e0'4 l(O~. 0.50" Phiite 1: ~ PlOiKl 3:4.'2O(e ""'''2OC6 '1112001 O.2Cl'lt. 100·~ 020~

Phite 2: 06'o'il1co' ~ Pika18 ,1.r,.'2OCe 7ftl20C/lJ 18.1'.O'lC. .ee~. 1424~'

Phaae 2: Rwlaw 14 Paka»s 5' 12.'20Ce 7f'lJ2(o();l 8.00"4 79~. 4.74~·

Phaae 2: A""""... 1~ P......... !lo':;Y)'2OCe 7{2:12COO '.00"4 .~. L38'!'

O~ 111m Cbtln ,12.'20(09 71292COO 2.00"4 58". 1.1~ LARValdllicn ~22l2009 71292(o();l 1.00"4 O~. OiJO'lf:

Slttnit 10 NRC 7/22.'20Co9 7.'31/:2(Q) 0.05"4 o~. O!JC/'lI,

Phaae 3: RAJ AlKMon a'J.'2009 E.'1i201,) 15.00"4 0"'­ OIlC/'ll,

Pilate 3 : LAR .. SER Awoval 612.'2010 6'221"') 0.15"4 0·'.. O.'lC/'ll,

Deriebo and Attmie IlroliNrenlillicn Ran ""5;'2009 5'1 '12COO 0.05"4 O~. OiJC/'lI,

Phile .& : Rwiw and D_bo PrtOilduroHl 5116'2009 1127:'2010 3S.1'.O'lC. O~. OJ)C/'lI,

Phile.& : Rwiw and D_bD PlI:XIrantl 5'16'2009 7[27:'2010 10,00"4 O~. O!JC/'lI,

,PlBle.&: Rwiw l Deriotbp Tlairiro ".'2.'2009 1:292010 2.00"4 O~. 0.0

Phite'&: ImllemtrtTrainilli (5 LORP O;cles) 211,'2010 6/3(12010 5.00"4 O~. 0.0 Phaae.&: Readi1eM Aaeemenl 7:112010 a'g2010 1,C()04 O~. (1,0)

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'" 1--Project Status - Milestone I

Page 9: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

ITS Development Individual Package Status





CI> 60-CI> Q.E 50 0 u ';;fl. 40





1a 1b 2a 2b PKG PKG PKG PKG 2c 3a 3b 3c

Individual Package #

I_ Draft .Review DAPprova'l


Page 10: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

ITS Development Draft Status

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-+-Draft Draft Ideal

Page 11: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

ITS Development Review Status

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Page 12: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

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Page 13: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose

ITS Development Open Item Status III Total I 180-,-,----­

• Closed ~------,-----------,


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Open Item by ITS Package #

Page 14: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose


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Page 15: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose



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'~J' ..' ,r~,-s Acturu Target

Level 2 • Setpoint Calculation Program Reportlrg Dati}: 518/2009 0/0 Compl..te = 31.05% '1'0 Compl..te = 20.97% Category: CalCtJ/;Jlions

Target Projected Actual ActlYlty Complotion CoJl'1)letlon Completion % % % Total

Milestones Start Date DRt8 Dato Date Welaht ComDlete Comokite 11"2Qo'~ 11'20'2000PFRB Preoar.ltion'" Meetina

:?l'2i:;:{l()Q 2iQ'2000Project KIckoff Startup 09V9Iop SChQdule :?l'2imoo 2112'2009 C10819 Hioh lLoN Pressurizo)/' Pressure 2'I&'moQ W30'2009 C10619 low Reac10r Coolant Flow ~3a20002!16i~CII006 Coot. Pressure - istti ~,St Lrv'ContScravl ~30'20002!16i Cll t 16 H1-21lo-2 SG NA lVl 4l2Q1moQ 9i3CY2000 C10654 LoN St line PrQSsurQ (Sll 2'1 &'::oo1l W3a2000 CN - soo- 02 - 60PDT :'OTDT "·I..::roll Qo'30'2009

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5O.59i72.49 10127/2009lali 11)'27,1Project Closeout 10'31l2009

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1--- Project Status - Milestone I

Page 16: NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M ... · minion • • NRC/Dominion Improved Technical Specifications Project M'eeting May 12, 2009 . Agenda • Meeting Purpose