Nr. 18 November 2016 - ECCE · Nr. 18 – November 2016 Published by European Co-operation in ......

- 1 - Nr. 18 – November 2016 Published by European Co-operation in Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy Hasenöhrlstraße 12, 1100 Vienna, Austria tel. +31 6 5020 4989; [email protected]; Editors: B. Heldt, T. Kraus, R. Chwatal Content 1. Invitation to the parents (word of the President) 2. ECCE General Meeting 2017 in Switzerland and silver Jubilee ECCE 3. Committee Meeting Nov. 19 th -20 th 2016, Paris, preparation of the General Meeting 2017 4. ECCE removal to Belgium 5. Personal changes in the Council of Curative Education and Social Therapy, Dornach, good-bye to Rüdiger Grimm 6. Building bridges – a special choir-concert in “Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt” (Austria) 7. Jubilee Festival 50 years Camphill Norway 8. ELIANT Conference, November 7 th 2016 ___________________________________________________________ 1. Invitation to the parents (word of the President) The last board meeting was under the sign of Velázquez and his picture (see Fidel's explanations in point 3): a background propitious for our reflection on the future of the ECCE and inspiring. This future, we outlined it during our last general meeting with the expression ‘Building bridges’. As we shall celebrate the 25th anniversary of ECCE, a few kilometers from the Goetheanum where the heart of curative education and social therapy beats, we want to progress on this theme especially with parents. That is why I send to you, parents, a double invitation: - Invitation to attend the next general meeting in Switzerland on18-21 May 2017. Usually only one repre- sentative of the parents per country is invited; this time we propose to all of you who wish to build bridges with each other, with the Swiss parents, and with professionals to participate in the General Meeting. - Invitation to communicate the themes on which you wish the ECCE to work more particularly in the next years: in a way, to indicate some pillars on which we could build bridges together. In this Link is a draft of the program that will gather us in May 2017. We will tell you more as soon as it will be more precise, but do not wait: note this invitation now in your calendar. Hereunder the same article in original - French language Invitation aux parents La dernière réunion du conseil d’administration était placée sous le signe de Velázquez et de son tableau (voir les explications de Fidel ci-après) : un arrière-plan propice à la poursuite de notre réflexion sur le futur de l’ECCE et inspirant. Ce futur, nous l’avons esquissé lors de notre dernière assemblée générale avec l’expression ‘Building bridges’ (construire des ponts). Alors que nous fêterons le 25 ème anniversaire de l’ECCE, à quelques kilomètres du

Transcript of Nr. 18 November 2016 - ECCE · Nr. 18 – November 2016 Published by European Co-operation in ......

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Nr. 18 – November 2016

Published by European Co-operation in Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy

Hasenöhrlstraße 12, 1100 Vienna, Austria tel. +31 6 5020 4989; [email protected];

Editors: B. Heldt, T. Kraus, R. Chwatal


1. Invitation to the parents (word of the President)

2. ECCE General Meeting 2017 in Switzerland and silver Jubilee ECCE

3. Committee Meeting Nov. 19th-20th 2016, Paris, preparation of the General Meeting 2017

4. ECCE removal to Belgium

5. Personal changes in the Council of Curative Education and Social Therapy, Dornach, good-bye to Rüdiger Grimm 6. Building bridges – a special choir-concert in “Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt” (Austria)

7. Jubilee Festival 50 years Camphill Norway

8. ELIANT Conference, November 7th 2016


1. Invitation to the parents (word of the President)

The last board meeting was under the sign of Velázquez and his picture (see Fidel's explanations in point 3):

a background propitious for our reflection on the future of the ECCE and inspiring. This future, we outlined it during our last general meeting with the expression ‘Building bridges’. As we shall celebrate the 25th anniversary of ECCE, a few kilometers from the Goetheanum where the heart of curative education and social therapy beats, we want to progress on this theme especially with parents. That is why I send to you, parents, a double invitation: - Invitation to attend the next general meeting in Switzerland on18-21 May 2017. Usually only one repre-

sentative of the parents per country is invited; this time we propose to all of you who wish to build bridges

with each other, with the Swiss parents, and with professionals to participate in the General Meeting. - Invitation to communicate the themes on which you wish the ECCE to work more particularly in the next years: in a way, to indicate some pillars on which we could build bridges together. In this Link is a draft of the program that will gather us in May 2017. We will tell you more as soon as it will be more precise, but do not wait: note this invitation now in your calendar.

Hereunder the same article in original - French language

Invitation aux parents La dernière réunion du conseil d’administration était placée sous le signe de Velázquez et de son tableau (voir les explications de Fidel ci-après) : un arrière-plan propice à la poursuite de notre réflexion sur le futur de l’ECCE et inspirant. Ce futur, nous l’avons esquissé lors de notre dernière assemblée générale avec l’expression ‘Building bridges’ (construire des ponts). Alors que nous fêterons le 25ème anniversaire de l’ECCE, à quelques kilomètres du

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Goetheanum où bat le cœur de la pédagogie curative et de la sociothérapie, nous souhaitons avancer sur ce thème plus particulièrement avec les parents. C’est pourquoi à vous, parents, je lance une double invitation: - Invitation à venir nombreux à la prochaine assemblée générale qui aura lieu en Suisse du 18 au 21 Mai 2017. Habituellement, seul un représentant des parents par pays est convié ; cette fois-ci, nous proposons à tous les

parents désireux de construire des ponts entre eux, avec les parents suisses et avec les professionnels de participer à l’assemblée générale. - Invitation à nous communiquer les thèmes sur lesquels vous souhaitez que l’ECCE travaille plus par-ticulièrement lors des années à venir : en quelque sorte, nous indiquer quelques piliers sur lesquels nous pour-rions ensemble construire des ponts. Vous trouverez dans ce numéro l’ébauche du programme qui nous réunira en mai prochain. Nous vous en dirons plus dès qu’il se précisera pas mais n’attendez pas : inscrivez dès maintenant cette invitation dans votre agenda. Béatrice Cussac-de Verteuil, President ECCE

2. ECCE General Meeting 2017 in Switzerland

As some of you will remember on March 26th 1992 ECCE has been founded on request of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy (Dornach, Switzerland). This 25th anniversary of ECCE we would like to celebrate with all of you !

near Dornach at “Sonnenhof” in Arlesheim.

The celebrations will be held in connection with the next ECCE General Meeting from May 18th - 21st, 2017, with the theme “building bridges”.

The gathering will start on Thursday, May 18th evening, with a lecture of Dr. Peter Selg about the history and the development of the impulse of Curative Education.

For Friday, May 19th, a common excursion with visits of 2 places, like Camphill Humanus in Bern, is foreseen, where visitors will encounter the presence of Curative Education. Thereafter a visit to the exhibition of senses in the “Sensorium” near Bern and a dinner is planned. On Saturday May 20th morning, ECCE will take part in the yearly inclusive Conference by the Swiss federation (VAHS), where we will meet a group of about 140 people of residents, parents and coworkers from all over Switzerland. The Saturday afternoon is reserved for ECCE presentations, common workshops and a look to the future; on that evening ECCE’s birthday will be celebrated. On Sunday morning, May 21st, the organizational part of the ECCE General Meeting will take place.

A more extended programme will be available in March 2017.

The ECCE Committee would be very glad if you, your families and friends would spend these special days with us. Due to the financial situation ECCE will unfortunately not be able to contribute to your participation costs. The Swiss Federation (VAHS) is trying to get some fundraising for this event. For organizational reasons it is important to have your announcement of participation on this special meeting until December 15th, 2016 to [email protected]. If you have some more questions about this meeting please do not hesitate to contact us.

Renate Chwatal, on behalf of the ECCE Committee

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3. ECCE Committee Meeting November 19th, 20th 2016 - Preparation of the General Meeting 2017

“La Fábula de Palas y Aracne", "La Escuela de Lanificación", "Las Hilanderas". (1656-1659), 169x250 cm.

Tres títulos para esta obra maestra de Diego Rodríguez de Silva y VELÁZQUEZ. La Diosa Palas (Atenea), armada con un casco discute con Aracne, detrás, el tapiz que representa el cuadro que Tiziano ejecutó para Felipe II, "El rapto de Europa". Contemplando el tapiz y la escena, un grupo de damas; una de ellas, desde el fondo, dirige su mirar hacia el primer plano de la imagen, invitando a participar en la actividad del taller de trabajo. Un gato se entretiene jugueteando con los vellones de lana , en la parte central, una figura con el rostro difuminado recoge del suelo y carda la lana que continuará su transformación en el trabajo del hilado en la rueca, y más tarde, en la devanadera que recoge el hilo con el que conformar madejas y ovillos... Diferentes claves que se prestan a interpretaciones según parámetros de: composición artística, recursos artesanales, trasfondos mitológicos e incluso estrategias Políticas, dependiendo de la perspectiva con la que observar. Esta obra puede ser contemplada en su esplendor en el Museo del Prado en Madrid. Acompañados con esta imagen y sus trasfondos hemos mantenido la reunión de trabajo que el Consejo de Administración ECCE celebró en París los días 19 y 20 de noviembre pasados. Imagen inspiradora cuya observación nos anima y estimula en la participación activa, las escenas sucesivas necesitan ser leídas, estableciendo un orden que nos sitúa no tanto como espectadores sino como actores del desenlace que nos llega del futuro. El correr del tiempo solicita convicción y firmeza para conformar la imagen común, de todos, dentro de la ECCE. Infantes y adultos compañeros nos muestran el camino, establecer los vínculos es tarea de la acción de familias y profesionales. Queremos darnos la oportunidad de adquirir el compromiso, hacernos responsables de la creación de puentes con los que estrechar lazos; "la visibilidad no es suficiente" en nuestro tiempo es necesario trascender la imagen, crear la urdimbre en la que poder tejer con la diversidad y colorido de todos nuestros hilos. Plasmar el devenir no tanto como Aracne, en el destierro y soledad de su saber tejer infinito, su tela de araña previsible, repetitiva y perfecta, sino más bien con la diversidad del cardar, hilar, devanar y tejer el tapiz que se conforma en la relación entre los miembros de este movimiento de Pedagogía Curativa y Terapia Social representado por la ECCE. ¿Cuál es nuestra materia y plasticidad? ¿Qué nos hace diferentes? ¿Cuál es nuestro sonido? ¿Cómo respiramos? ¿Cuál es nuestra elección? ¿Tenemos elección? ¿Podemos elegir?..... Una imagen fija de la situación de estos 25 años ECCE, nuestra situación, tiene un orden dado al que poder imprimir movimiento transformador. Familia, profesionales, instituciones, cada uno, desde el espacio que ocupa, modela, da forma e imprime musicalidad a las acciones cargadas de sentido. Que juntos podamos hacer visible, con el noble trabajo, el bello tapiz “Esencia de Europa”. Fidel Ortega Dueñas, noviembre 2016.

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Consejo de Administración ECCE, con nuestros mejores deseos en este tiempo de adviento. ECCE Committee, with our best wishes in this time of advent. English Translation into english – Bernard Heldt - hereunder The fable of Pallas and Arachne," "The School LANNING," "The Spinners". (1656-1659) Three titles for this masterpiece by Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez. The goddess Pallas (Athena), armed with a helmet, talking with Arachne; In the background tapestry with the image that has made Titian for Philip II, "The Rape of Europe". A group of ladies is looking at the carpet with the scene; one of them is pointing her questioning glance at the forefront of the performance, asking to participate in the activities of the workshop. A cat amuses himself playing with leftover wool. In the midst picks a figure with a vague look wool from the floor and cards it. Then it will be spun into threads and later collected on the reel with which strands are formed and tangle. Various options lend themselves to interpretations according to criteria of: artistic composition, craft tools, mythological backgrounds and even political strategies, depending on the angle of the observer. This magnif-icent work is on display in the Museo del Prado in Madrid. The working meeting of the ECCE Committee in Paris, November 19 and 20 has been involved with this image and its background. The observation of this inspiring image encourages us and stimulates active participation, so that the succes-sive scenes so be seen that we are not so much spectators, but actors of a denouement that brings us into the future. The passage of time requires conviction and firmness of all within ECCE to form a common image. Small children and adult clients show us the way. Connecting is the active role of families and professionals. We want to provide the ability to make commitments, we have accountability to build bridges which strengthen closer ties; "Visibility is not enough". In our time, it is necessary to go beyond the image, creating the essence in which the colourful diversity of our threads are interwoven. Shaping the genesis, not like Arachne, endless weaving, exiled and lonely with her knowledge to a predictable, repetitive and perfect spi-der web, but the diversity of carding, spinning, weaving the tapestry formed in the relationship between the members of this movement of Curative Education and Social Therapy, represented by ECCE. What is our material and our plasticity? What makes us different? What is our sound? How can we breathe? What is our choice? Do we have a choice? Can we choose? ..... A solid picture of the situation of these 25 years of ECCE, our situation, keeps a given which can characterize a changing movement. Family, professionals, institutions, each from the space occupied and modelled, shape and express the musicality of operations, laden with feeling. This combination can be made visible with the noble work, the beautiful carpet "Essence of Europe".

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4. ECCE removal to Belgium Execution decision to found ECCE in Belgium, Munte.

The present ECCE members and Committee members decided to execute the decision of the members: From the minutes of the General Meeting, Trondheim (Norway), May 22nd 2016, Point 2, page 13: “The transition of ECCE to a Belgian association ECCE, without changing the Articles of Association, and with continuing the contracts of the Dutch association ECCE, is unanimously accepted by all present members. The Dutch association ECCE will be mentioned as co-founder of the Belgian ECCE. The same Committee members of the Dutch association ECCE will be the Committee members of the Belgian association.”

The decision was signed by all present Committee members and members on October 7th 2016 in Dornach. Contribution from the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy Mr. Rüdiger Grimm expressed his joy that all ECCE has made this decision. The strength to take this step shows that the members are satisfied that the ECCE is a living and active association.

5. Personal changes in the Council of Curative Education and Social Therapy, Dornach

After 21 years as Secretary of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy, Rüdiger Grimm will resign on December 31st, 2016.

Rüdiger Grimm Adrienne Thier

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Farewell Rüdiger Grimm in Dornach October 7th, 2016

Good-bye speech from Bernard Heldt, Vice-president ECCE

“Esteemed Rüdiger and Sybille, dear colleagues and friends, What could I add to all that has already been said, Rüdiger? I have been able to follow you from the beginning of your career as secretary until now - your broad world-wide commitment, your selflessness and humour are impressive. And very important: you have displayed openness toward contemporary forms of curative education and social therapy. You have been careful to hold on to the essence of anthroposophical curative education. You have made it clear that inclusion of persons with a disability is an essential aspect of curative educational care is implicit in the worldview from which anthroposophical care springs. We owe it to you that Luk Zelderloo, the secretary general of the European Association of Service providers for Persons with a Disability (EASPD) could be invited to hold a lecture on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) - here in the Goetheanum, 5 years ago. We have experienced how important the line is between the Council and the ECCE – you have repeatedly let us know that you are grateful for the work of the ECCE, including our international collaboration with other European NGOs - work you indicated cannot be done by the Council. When I think of your “world-wide commitment” I am reminded of a brief telephone conversation some 15 years ago, when I called you in the early afternoon. You answered the phone and turned out to be in Australia – where it was three o’clock in the morning. We quickly rang off, but I have often thought of it. We have seen you come and we now see you reluctantly go. Thank you and Sybille so much on behalf of the ECCE’s Committee, including our recently retired president, Adrienne Thier, and the current president, Béa-trice Cussac, both parents. You leave behind a beautiful legacy with which the ECCE is very happy. Bart Vanmechelen, one of your successors, has joined the ECCE Committee on behalf of the Council. As Bart’s linguistic colleague I have seen how over the course of many decennia he has been able to put anthropo-sophical care in a social context and has thereby made it into one of the leading modes of care in Belgium. At our last General Meeting in Norway we have decided to move the statutory seat of the ECCE to Belgium. Bart also takes over my involvement on behalf of the curative educational movement in ELIANT. Next year we exist 25 year. We will celebrate this with a festive symposium in Sonnenhof, Arlesheim, just around the corner from here!” Bernard Heldt Jan Göschel, Bart Vanmechelen and Sonja Zausch have been called on to assume leadership of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy; they are already in charge.

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6. Building bridges

Choir “Cantores in Sol” in Vienna/Breitenfurt Our choir “Cantores in Sol” from Triest (Italy) was invited to give a concert in the new hall in Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt (Austria). The idea was born during the last ECCE General Meeting in Norway, where the theme was “building bridges”. It was discussed that bridges can be built in many different ways: by looking, talking, writing to each other, … and also through music. Music, as universal language, is able to unite people. So I brought this idea to my community “I Girasoli” in Triest and the bridge construction began. A long period of planning and many rehearsals culminated in a 3 days visit of Vienna and the concert with two choirs. Luca (one of our people) says: “It was an unforgettable experience. I'm very happy to have visited a commu-nity, similar to ours. I'm grateful for the warm welcome in Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt.

The most exciting moment was when the choir from Oberlaa, Vienna invited us to sing the song 'Dona Nobis Pacem' together on stage”

We are very grateful to Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt for this opportunity. We have built a bridge and gained a new friendship. Katia Delpiano for “I Girasoli”

7. Jubilee Festival 50 years Camphill Norway

„A Dignified Life!“ 28. September to 2. October 2016 in Oslo Chair: Rigmor Skålholt. Chairperson for the Camphill Village Trust in Norway

The venue for the festival was the fa-mous place Holmenkollen in Oslo. The Park Hotel has a tradition from 1894 and offers a panoramic view over Oslo and the Oslo Fjord. About 400 people from different Camphill places from Norway and other countries participated.

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Fifty years have passed since the foundation of Vidaråsen. Festive days, for common experience, together-ness and joy! “What do we mean with a dignified life?” In the course of this festival, it has been worked on this theme from different viewpoints. On the 2nd day Michaelmas was celebrated; a traditional autumn event in the villages. That day was filled with lectures, song and music, eurythmy performances, tests of courage (here participants were challenged with tasks that demand courage) and to round off the day, a “Flame-show” by „Stella Polaris“ and traditional Norwegian ring dancing. Very interesting was the lecture by Karen Endsjø: “Polio: A Companion, guide and door opener” - “For better or worse my life has been amazingly exciting despite having polio when I was only one year old. Unable to take part in any physical training at school and in further education, I nevertheless succeeded in winning a Paralympic Gold Medal in 1984 and other valuable medals in handicap sport. My polio has been the key that has opened many doors. I am now 73 years old and am still open for new possibilities”. The „Art of falling“ by Lars Vik made everybody laugh. The Workshop/Seminar day started with a speech of Johans Tveit Sandvin about „UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. vision – reality,“ followed by a very interesting, lecture by Cecilie Willoch about the vision and reality for people with mental disabilities seen from the perspective of their family: “How to support the development of a young person to a rewarding life - within and beyond the parameters of the Convention?” In her lecture, she talked about her experience as parent (her son Philip was born in 1992 with down snydrome) and participant in the public debate about quality of life and prospects. In 2006 she was awarded the prize for «The Protection of Life” by The Federation for Human Dignity “for her engagement whereby she has highlighted the importance of seeing every human being as they are - unique: themselves. In the work groups with the theme „A Dignified Life“ participants tried to see it from other people’s life perspective.

It was considered what challenges are coming from the future and how Camphill villages can solve some of them. People living outside the villages as well as co-workers and villagers lead courses and lectures, like „Meaningful Work“, „How to prepare oneself for life as an adult?“ „ To be oneself with a diagnosis“, „From thought to text - creative writing workshop“, „Collage: paper art“,“Rhythms in the course of the year and in festivals“, „Rehearsal with the Hogganvik Orchestra“ and „to grow older with dignity“. The afternoon and evening was filled with music by

Hogganvik Orchestra and the band „Trondheimsveien 16“. Saturday Morning lecture by Per Fugelli, a Norwegian doctor and professor in Social Medicine at the Univer-sity in Oslo: “The Elements of Life. I wish to create curiosity about the sources of life: dignity, leeway in our own lives, a sense of belonging, meaning and balance”. Hereafter the market at Youngstorget, in the centre of the Oslo city, was visited by a huge group. There was the opportunity to meet the people of Oslo and convey Camphill‘s values through the sale of our high quality craft products (candles from Vidaråsen for the world Congress 2017 have been sold there). This exciting day at one of Oslo’s most traditional market was continued by different excursions in Oslo; like a boat trip on the Oslo Fjord sailing past Akershus fortress, the Norwegian Opera House, and the fjords most scenic places with summer-houses, or a guided tour through the famous Opera House. Other tours, like vis-iting Vigelands Park (a sculpture garden), the panorama view from Frognerseteren and the Fram Museum were guided. On that evening Her Highness Princess Astrid of Norway joined the festive Camphill dinner. After dinner elected participants were received for a small talk by the Princess. Renate Chwatal, Rigmor Skalholt, Her Highness Princess Astrid of Norway photographer: Eric de Haan

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In a cheerful mood each Camphill place presented itself with a short play or song until midnight. The last day started with a choir with Michaelmas songs and the speech „What is a community?“ by Lars-Åke Karlsson, a pensioned Finish Christian Community priest. These special days were completed by Christian Egge, in conversation with Bente Edlund discussing elements from his book project: „A Dignified Life“ (planned date of publication January 2017). About the village Vidaråsen and Camphill Movement in Norway. It is primarily based on conversations with residents with spe-cial needs, their families, co-workers and their children, couples, neighbours, friends and protectors of the Camphill movement as well as politicians.

8. ELIANT Conference, November 7th 2016

’Freedom of Choice Under Threat:What Can European Citizens Do?’ ELIANT’s contribution to safeguarding European values and availability of choice With 197 registrations, lively workshops and inspiring presentations the ELIANT conference of November 7th in Brussels was a great success. The conference was held on the occasion of 10 years presentation of 1 mil-lion signatures to the European Commission (2006). The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) provided invaluable assistance in the preparing and running of this event. It was showed how applied anthroposophy is a significant player in making respect for human dignity and the rights of freedom, equality and solidarity enshrined in the European constitution, a practical reality. Although the European Union has defined these fundamental rights in the Charter, the wider citizenry is largely unaware of and makes no demands on them. It is therefore vitally important that civil society wakes

up, looks carefully at what is going on and claims these rights.Sophie Beernaerts, EU Directorate for Edu-cation and Culture, emphasized that the freedom of choice and having those choices available depends on there being well-informed citizens: education. Michaela Glöckler focused on the fact that ideals have to be grounded in daily life: applied anthroposophy! Gerald Häfner, former member of the European Parliament, pointed out how highly dependent democracy is on the democratic perceptions and attitudes of the citi-zens. Human dignity and social responsibility are important values. Democracy is unthinkable without an active civil society movement.

Paulamaria Blaxland-de Lange, Adrienne Thier, Jürgen Erdmenger author of the ELIANT charter

Ann Naeyaert Bernard Heldt

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In the workshop: People with special needs, Bernard Heldt refered to the United Nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities – UNCRPD, 2006; rati-fied in the European Parliament 2010. Goal: inclusion - persons with and without disabilities finding with each other their own path in inclusive society. This means in-clusive education – so children get accustomed to friends with a disability. And this will really be a culture change, it requires perseverance and patience. So inclu-sion is quite a general human task! He indicated that cu-rative education and social therapy recognised already from 1924 that education and working are beneficial to all individuals involved and to society as a whole. Per-sons with special needs are no exception. Giving and re-ceiving care, support and guidance to each other is part of every day life. It is enriching society and adding value to the quality of life. It establishes a relationship of re-sponsibility between individuals, with or without special needs. Curative education and social therapy lead to sus-tainable inclusion! This approach is based on the image of man as described by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

Bart Vanmechelen: ECCE supports parents, relatives and children in society. He sees possible hindrences that need to be addressed on the European level: the availability of proper care solutions should be guaranteed as a right and not be depending on merely economic laws. Human dignity is far more important than money. Stiving to efficiency may not result in standard care programs that reduce people to care objects.

The written conference report and a video will be available by end of November on the website

The Committee of ECCE wishes to all of you a

merry and peaceful Christmas time and a Prosperous year 2017