NPS Web Resources

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Transcript of NPS Web Resources

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    Subject specific sources ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Finding the text of a known citation .................................................................................................................................... 2

    Department of the Interior Library Resources ..................................................................................................................... 3

    Starting points and sources on the Web .............................................................................................................................. 4

    A brief guide to information on the Web

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    I have a citation; I just need to find the

    full text

    What if I can't find it in Google?

    As an NPS Employee, you have access to resources through the DOI

    Library. This access greatly enhances what is available to you.

    Begin at the DOI Library website

    y Click on "Electronic Resources" on the left

    y Scroll down to "Find Electronic Resources by Title."

    y Search for the title of the journal where your article is


    y If the journal is one that is subscribed to through a subscription

    with the DOI Library, you may click on the link from the search

    page to search for the full text of the article.

    For more about the resources available through the DOI, skip ahead in

    this document to page 3.

    Cant I just use Google Scholar?

    Yes, it is certainly worthwhile to try Google

    Scholar. Google Scholar is fairly good at bringing

    up full text of articles if it is available.

    y From Google Scholar, search by title of

    the article.

    y Put the title, or a piece of the title, inquotes to search as an exact phrase.

    y Searching in Google Scholar will find

    more citations than full-text articles.

    Google Scholar is actually pretty good at

    finding open access scholarly articles.

    However, according to a 2010 study,

    only 20 percent of published scholarly

    articles are freely available on the web.

    If Google Scholar doesn't come up with full text, try

    looking for the title and/or author in the traditional

    Google search. There is a chance you will find it this

    way if it has been linked on a personal site.

    I still havent found full text. What can I do now?

    If you ever need assistance with locating an article, pleasecontact Nancy Hori at [email protected]

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    Open Access Publishing resources

    Directory of Open Access Journals

    (DOAJ) Holds free, full-text, quality

    controlled scientific and scholarly journals,

    and attempts to cover all subjects. Can be

    searched for articles, but only half of the

    journals are indexed on the article level.

    OpenDOARA directory of academic open

    access repositories.

    OAIsterOpen catalog of freely available

    scholarly articles and digital resources.

    Sources for Government Information:

    THOMASFor legislation (bills and Public

    Laws) from the 93rd Congress to the present.

    Federal Digital System (FDSys)As of 2009,

    FDSys is the U.S. Government Printing Offices

    site, replacing GPOAccess. Includes Code of

    Federal Regulations and Congressional


    GPOAccessThe former digital repository of

    the U.S. Government Printing Office. As of

    2009, is preserved as archive-only.

    Congressional Research Service Reports:

    Open CRS A project of the Center for

    Democracy & Technology.

    UNT Congressional Research Service

    ReportsArchived by University of

    North Texas.

    National Council for Science and the

    Environment CRS Reports Digitized

    reports collected by the NCSE

    Specialized Search Tools

    ScirusSearches science-specific Web

    resources to retrieve articles, patents, and

    journals often overlooked by general

    search engines. Also contains current


    Science.govfederally sponsored search

    engine for government science

    information. Provides mostly full text.

    WorldWideScience.orgglobal science

    gateway comprised of national and

    international scientific databases and


    InfomineFocuses on nine categories

    (including biological sciences, cultural

    diversity, maps & GIS, social sciences and

    government info). This tool is librarian built

    and retrieves university level web sites,

    databases, journals, and more. It will

    retrieve subscription-controlled sources,

    but denotes these with a dollar sign on the

    results page. Both browse-able and


    Starting points and sources on the Web:Sites listed here have been hand picked and offer paths to vetted, quality information

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