NPDES Stormwater and the Town of Wrightsville Beach.

NPDES Stormwater and the Town of Wrightsville Beach

Transcript of NPDES Stormwater and the Town of Wrightsville Beach.

NPDES Stormwater and the

Town of Wrightsville Beach

Stormwater 101

Why Worry about Stormwater?

What is stormwater?Stormwater is the

runoff that occurs during and after perception. Stormwater is carried downhill and eventually enters creeks, lakes and rivers.

Urban and Industrial Stormwater: Typical Pollutants Suspended solids/sedimentsNutrients (nitrogen & phosphorus)Metals (copper, zinc,lead and cadmium)Oil & greases (PAHs)Bacteria and other human pathogensPesticides & herbicidesTemperatureTrash and floatables

What is Stormwater Pollution?

Human Behavior can cause stormwater pollution …..

What is Stormwater Pollution

Vehicle washing can cause stormwater pollution..

What is Stormwater Pollution

Leaking equipment can cause stormwater pollution…..

What is Stormwater Pollution

Poor tank management can cause stormwater pollution…..

What is Stormwater Pollution

Poor material storage practices can cause stormwater pollution…

What is Stormwater Pollution

Sediment and stream bank erosion can also cause stormwater pollution.

The Federal Stormwater Program

The Federal Stormwater Program

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Regulates sources of pollution at a recognizable point of discharge- pipes- ditches- other man made outlets

NPDES Regulated Entities

Phase I- Large and medium municipalities- Industrial activities- Construction sites > 5 acres

Phase II- Small municipalities- Municipal industrial activities- Construction sites > 1 acre

Town of Wrightsville Beach’s Required Permits

Phase II MS4 Permit- Covers TOWB municipal jurisdiction area- Regulates the Municipal Separate Strom

Sewer System (MS4)

Municipally Owned/ Operated Industrial Facilities - Vehicle maintenance facilities

Federal Stormwater Permits

Define minimum requirementsEstablish compliance and enforcement

capabilityInclude Federal; and State requirementsIssued by DWQ in North Carolina

NPDES Permit Emphasis

Control Stormwater pollutants by:- Raising awareness- Managing pollutant sources- Controlling runoff

…all to the Maximum Extent Practicable


The MS4 Stormwater Program

MEP- The Phase II Six Minimum Control

Measures 1. Public Education and Outreach2. Public Involvement / Participation3. Illicit Discharge Detection and

Elimination 4. Construction Site Runoff Control5. Post- Construction Management6. Pollution Prevention/ Good


TOWB’s Permit Application

Submit to DWQ by March 10, 2003Stormwater Program Proposal

- Based on MEP ( 6 minimum measures)

- Program components for the next 5 years

- Best Management Practices (BMPs)

- Measurable Goals

- Implementation Timelines

- Responsible Parties/ Departments

Organizational Impacts

Planning Department Emergency Management Transportation (Street

Maintenance) Transportation (Design) Legal Finance Accounting Budget Fire Parks and recreation

Floodplain Management System Design/ Construction Program Responsibility Spill response System Maintenance System Planning and Design Enforcement Resource Creation Resource Accounting Resource Support Emergency response Landscape Management

The Six Minimum Measures

Public Education and Outreach

Education/ Outreach on ImpactsGuidelines:

Inform public on steps the can takePartnership with other entitiesUtilize existing materials where availableReach Diverse audiences

EXAMPLESDevelop plan to set up regional

cooperative or establish educational partnerships to accomplish education goals

Educational MaterialsPSAsEducational SignsEducational Curriculum Green Business ProgramIllicit Discharge Education Program

Public Involvement/ Participation

Provide Opportunities for Public Role in the Development and Implementation

Guidelines - Involve Community stakeholders

- Hold public meetings/hearings

- Work with volunteer groups/projects


Stormwater HotlineWater Clean UpsStorm Drain Stenciling ProgramWetland and Buffer Restoration Pet Waste ManagementVolunteer Education Teams

Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination

Program to Find and remove Non- Stormwater Inputs to the Storm Sewer System

Guidelines:- Develop a storm sewer system map- Develop legal authorities to prohibit and enforce- Develop a plan to detect and remove

- Perform Educational Outreach


Adopt Illicit Discharge Detection Ordinance

Map and Conduct Initial Shoreline Surveys of Storm Water Drainage System

Create a Program to Collect Hazardous Waste, Oil, Tires, and Batteries

Pass Illegal Dumping OrdinanceEstablish Enforcement

Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping

Program to Examine and Alter Current MS4 Activities to Reduce Pollution

Guidelines:- Evaluate existing programs

- Operation and maintenance program

- Education/training for municipal operations


Develop a Pollution Prevention Plan- Hold Training Workshops on pollution prevention for municipal employees- Procedures in place for catch

basin cleaning and regular street and parking lot sweeping

Pollution Prevention Ordinance

Construction Site Runoff Control

Program to Reduce Stormwater Pollution from Construction > 1 acre

Guidelines:- Regulatory mechanism for implementation- Review of site plans for compliance with BMPs- Regular Inspection and enforcement- Procedures to consider information from the public


Implement Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP)

Construction Site Stormwater Control Ordinance

Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement Program

Contractor Certification Program

Post-Construction Runoff Control

Program to Reduce Pollutants in Post- Construction Runoff (sites w/land disturbance > 1 acre)

Guidelines:-Implement along with construction site runoff program- Applicable to new development and redevelopment - Ensure Long term operation and maintenance of BMPs- Non-structural BMPs


Post- Construction Stormwater Management Strategy

- Create Strategy

- Pass Post- Construction Stormwater Ordinance

Stormwater System Inspection Program Pervious Surface Management Plan

State Post - Construction Requirements

Implement Post Construction Program by March 10, 2005

General: 30’ building setbacksDeed restrictions and protective covenantsFecal Coliform / septic system control program

can coordinate with County

State Post - Construction Requirements Cont’d

Low Density Development- < 24% built upon area or 2 Dwelling Units per

acre- Vegetated conveyance systems

High Density Development- Control new runoff volume from 1-yr., 24-hr. storm event - Design to remove 85% TSS-Annual maintenance inspection report

State Post - Construction Requirements Cont’d

Additional Requirements for SA waters- No new expanded discharges

- Local ordinances BMP selection for fecal coliform die-

off Pet Waste management program Overnight program for septic systems

State Post - Construction Requirements Cont’d

Additional Requirements

- Local Ordinance- BMP selection for nutrient removal

- Nutrient Application Management Program

Successful Phase I Programs

Clearly defined goals and policies & visionary leadership

Political and popular support

Adequate funding mechanisms

Clear and complete regulations

Strong technical tools and capabilities

Encouragement of innovative land uses

Customer service orientation

Positive control of development

Comprehensive water quality programs

Public- private partnering in multi- objective land use

Strong public participation

The MS4 Path Forward

MS4 PermitBetween now and March 10

Evaluate existing programsDefine gaps in MEPDevelop program to fill gaps

BMPsMeasurable goalsImplementation timelinesResponsible parties/departments

Submit permit application

Upon MS4 Permit Issuance

Implement Permitted ProgramPerform Annual Assessment

Evaluate program complianceEvaluate appropriateness of BMPsEvaluate progress on measurable goalsReport to DWQ

Revise / Update Program
