NOVIll MBER 2, 191& ;:; 'r - A suit of r oollls a. ir heal. 511' Wa S hin g: 38'43 pin and ri ng. Finder return ore'8 office or Ph one OUR Bl YlNG RELIJ CO LOR AY ONLY THE DAILY IOWAN OWNED AND ' , TROLLED BY THE ' TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ---:===---- - VOL, XVI-NEW SERIES, VOL. I, IOWA CITY, IOWA, NOVEMBER 3,1916 FRESHMEN FAIL TO STOP VARSITY IN HOU R 'S SCRIMMAGE " DAD " SCHROEDER NOW ABLE TO WORK AGAIN Afle r a s ix day's Illn ess K G. Schroecler, dl rcc. lo)' of I)h train- Ing rtls um ed hi s dull es at the a rmor y yeste rday, s lippin g away for a few IJ INE MAKES GRBAT HOLES FOR hours without his ph ys ician s knowl- B.\CI{PIFJLD TO GO THRU edge to see how things had fareu dur- li ' OR BlG GAINS Ing his absence. Mr . Schroeder re- grets the length of hlR Illne ss for the "on Lackul1l Back in G8me fOl' }"irRt reason that during the la st ten years Time Since InjuI'cd in the Cornell he has missed only s ix days from his GIlIllc--JoneR PleaRc<1 \\-Ith Show- work. illg. He will under go an operation dur - ing t he Thanksgiving vacat ion , to ob- SECURE SPE CIAL TICKETS HERE SOON 'ro NORTHWESTERN GAME Tickets for the Northwestern game will be r eceived the first of next week, TRA IN FOR AMES GAME ON NOV. 18 according to Director N. A. Kellogg. \\,IL1. . -\RRI\'E AT DESTI NATION There will be 200 tickets In all-100 N.f t1:45-WlLL RETURN AT tickets with reserved seats at 50 6:45 P. lU, cents each, and 100 tickets, also ra- served, at a cheaper price. Iowa stu- \ CCOtnlIIodations Assured For All dents get their tickets to the North- Wish To Go-Round Trip Fare western game at the same price they Will Be jf!:>.!J1) RIIY" J>irector Kel. logg give' Weir own students, and 10wlS. ac- cords Northwestern the same reduc- ('oach Jones continued his efforts vlate the chance of further sickness That the re will be a special train tion; hence the low price. yesterday to develop the Jowa eleven f rom the sa me ca use, inteRtinal in- ou' of Cedar Rapids to the Iowa- into a stronger sco rin g machine. Th e flammatlon. HlrHity showed marked improvement fACULTY MEMBERS Ame football game at Ames, No- TRACK WORK BEGINS TOMORROW MORNING and the result of the afternoon's practice was fully satisfacto ry to the coac h, who, during the course of the vember 1 8, was announced yes terday by Director N. A. Kellogg. ' The board in contro l of athletics contract- ed with the North weste rn railroad wo rk-out, frequently prai sed the men B EFO RE TEAC HERS ro r the train, wh ich will consist of fo r their note-worthy pe rform ance s. five 01' s ix ca r s. Director Kellogg is ORA l) ATE STu n ENTS TO TAKE The day's drill was concluded w ith assured that the re will be accom- HI KE-TO l\[OUNT HA "J< l IMPORT ANT PARI' I'N AN- ON S YE R an haUl' scr imm age against the fresh- modatlons for a ll who (l es lre to make V..,. RN THI .A Nt' .\ I, NOW IN SF-S- men eleven. The varsity was 011 the offenFive thruout a nd llOt ollce did the yearlings hold them for downs. SIO:'.' I:'.' I)FJS Membe rs of the facu l ty of the The lo\\'a line opened up hug e holes for th e backfield men and the latter University are having an important to flf- 9art In the sixty-s cond ann ual ses- plowed tbrough for from six 'he trip. Funs will leave Iowa Cit y Novem- Hear, y a! Hear, yea! Ye gradu- ber 18 on the 7 o'clock interurban ale st udents, take notice! {o r CE'dar Rapids. The sp ecia l train You 'd better get out that old 'ea.CK ('edar Rapids at 8: 15 . It wHl track 8ult, hie yourself down to the stop only at and will track on Iowa field and endeavor to teen yards on eve ry play . sio n of the Iowa State Teachers ' as- 'lrrive at Ames at 11: 15. ('oming rean imate those tender and unused sociation which is being held in Des Flecond Stl'ing 'Vol'k back it will l eave Ames at 6: 45, and, pegs of yours, FOR During most of the scri ma ge drill Moines this week. making a no -st op run , will reach Ce- You are going to have to use them 1116 Io.rslty r esemb led the scrub elev- President Walt er A. J ess up was Sit dar Rapids at 9: 45. peclal n er- tomorrow to the extent of twenty- pn, as the coach did not want to take most in deruand as a spea ker, for urb an cars wi1l bring t he pa sse ngers two miles. any unnecessary chances with bis reg_ be will make four addresses during from there to Iowa ity . the convent ion . Yesterday after- The above advice is based on an ulars, who are s tili somew h at crlp- 'rhe rounel t rip ticket will cost announcement yesterday by John noon at 2 o'clock he add r essed the pled as a resull of the bat tering re- Di r ector Kellogg beHeves Briggs, athletic manager of the grad- Orst meeting of th e department of ceived In the Minnesota game, and that $10 shou ld very easily cover the ua te college, which reads as follows: co nseq uently 1 seco nd st rin g city superintlmdents a nd tow n prln- entl're cost of tile trip . n any I d k b There w\ll be a meeting of gradu- players were thr u st into the fray. cipa ls. Later in t le ay he spo e e- NmIDER42 FUND FOR R ELIEF Of PRIS ONERS IS RA PI DLY GROWING TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS SUBS RffiED BY IOWA STU. ENTS LAST EVENING -'lost Hearty R es p onse is Oomlng From Boys and Girls Working Theil' Wa,V Through School, Says Aldricb, Twelve hundred dollars had been pl edged by Iowa students up to 5 o'clock Thursday tor relief of pris- oner s or war In Europe. The largest single contribution of the two days ' since the campaign be- gan was $50. Secretary GUY V. AI- lrich de clined to name the donor, saying that the general poli cy of the cam paign Is not to tell the amount individu als give. Many contributors gave as much as $25: A woman student was among the cont r ibutors of this amount. The campaign waR carried to tho fraternities in an organized way yes- terday. At noon the following fra- LernHI B were visited by the workers noted: Delta Tau Delta, C. W. Was- sam; Sigma Chi, W. W. Gethmann; Phi Beta PI, A. C. Trowbridge; Pht Kappa PsI. G. W. Stewart; Sigma Nu, Oavld R. Porter; Phi Delta Chi, Geo. F. Kay; Phi Zeta Epsilon, the Rev. H. B. Boyd; Sigma Alpha EpSilon, 1... W. Hixon; Phi Kappa, A. O. Thomas; Alph a Tau Omega, K. A. Kenn edy. The three changes made In the line fore the co ll ege and university de- earlier In the week, however, we re oartment. His fo urth address wlll co ntinu ed with Beoker at rigbt tackle be today at 2 o'clock wben he will and Hunzelman and Kelly at tile speak to the city supe rint en de nts on guards. Bannick was again in charge 'Su rveys In Cities a bove 25,000 in ot the team at quart back and Jen- Population," INTEREST IN THE CLASSICS KEEPS ate students at the main entrance to In the evenl,ngs calls were made as the campus Saturday morning at 7 tollows: Phi Rho Sigma, Lorin Other faculty members who are "on I..ackum Rack Again ta king an important part In the vari- DR. W IL EY YOUNG klns cavorted wit h the sc rub s. o'clock. Come prepared fol' a twen- ty-two mile cr09S country hike to Mount Vernon. Last year the hike was made to Ce- dar Rapids. The course this year 'las been laid out in s uch a way that Stuckey; Psi Ome ga, Mr Tro wbridge Delta Chi, Mr. Gethmann; Beta. Theta PI, Mr. Kennedy; Nu Sigma Nu, Mr. Hixon; Theta Xi, Mr. Thomas; Del- ta Sigma Delta., Mr, Boyd ; Cosmos, Mr. Wassam . Von Lack um got into scrimm age ')us programs are Dr . Ernest Horn, fo r the first time since he r eceived his Prof. Elsworth FariS, Prof. R. H. Injury in the Cornell game, pla ying l, Ivester, Prof. N. A. Brisco, Prof. In Triplett's positio n at left end. Reed F. E. Goodell, Prof. Stephen H. luyone who becomes indi s posed or l'J<iUJH Oli' I'R,H ' TICAL "ALUFJ OF otherwise inconvenienced enroute The workers were everywhere cor- I \'l 'IN ' ·IN L ' I) UCATION ANI) dially received. They gained confi- "I 1' , may Quickly reach the interurban 1' HFJ P)tOPEAAIONS line and return to his native heath. lence that contributions everywhere would be liberal. was at Capt. Laun's end and Wyland was at center. Coach Jon es u sed a 1 11 sh, Dr. Joh n Van Hor .ne, Prof. (, har l e' Bundy Wilson, Prof. F. C. Mr. Briggs Intimates very strongly rs Nec'ess!Il'Y fol' A<1v8u('elllent of Sci· ' hat he will not be numbered among "The most generous response is elH't'-'''itilcmt it One ])001' In Sci, ' hose who give up the golden quest, (!om lng boys and girls who are work- ('u tifir VI'ow' e"s i" (, Iosed, He Says but he thinks that the disgrace of Ing their way through the Univer- l t1ch an act will be In no way com- sUy," Mr. Al dri ch declared la st night. mu ltitude of baokfleld as pirants al- Eastman, Prof. G. N. Merry, Prof. W. ternating Davis, Nugent, Berber , E Hnyes, Miss Aleeth Willard, "My Int resl in the classics is keep- parable with that of being caugh t They were first to give and they have ing me yo un g," declared Dr . Harvey and they have given in the largest Duncan, SooLt, G1atts and Van Pe lt. Alice n. Wilmarth, aIHI Th eodore Mendenhall was not in uniform . A. Wan roull. l'se St.'night J< ' ootb all The enrly part of the practic e was devoted to instruoting the linemen how to open UP holes 011 the ofTen slve. The baoks and ends spent con siderable time In practicing forward NUTTIN G TELLS OF TRIP TO BAHAMAS W. Wiley in his add ress Wednesdw 'liJ:ht on "The Practica l Value of Lalln In Educatio n and the Profes- sions. Dr. Wiley ap pea rs to have the vi- ta li ty of a man of forty-five, thougb passes after which Coach Jones lined l".\'K' T\, z uo I,on\, STl' I)J< JN TS he is seventy-two. stE'aling chickens. INTERFRAT COUNCIL PASSES REGULATION up the va rsity against the fr eshme n ;\1.\111<] 1' HRF.Ii; MONTH l' RJI> Last night he apepale ct to sc holar s QUALIFICATION FOR ;\ 1 FlMBER' For almost an hour the two el eve ns I.'on DJF.:'.'H '0 "put a gou l In ed uca tion and pre- !'I HIP I i\' ORGANI ZAT rON ARE struggled up a nd down Iowa Field ve nL degenel",tio n into a sc ramble for DECIDE !) lJl>ON and before Jon es called It a day, the The Bahama expedition mad In efficiency through exclu sive study of amounts ." POTTER SENDS OARD A card bearing only an indistin- 1uisbll.ble postmark and his signature vas received recently from Ray S. Pott er, a former student in the Uni- ver sity, who is now fighting with the Allies near Verdunx by University friend s. It was dated October 15. regulars had reglster<ed four touch- 1893 by a cl ass of twenty zoology the pe lences. Any fraternity not already repre- lil . ON TOUR downs on the yearling sq uad . The st udent s waa the subject of Prof. A. "T he Latin lan g uage IR stili t he sented In the interfraternity council Th e sanior electrical and civil en- varsity displayed \.lnusu a l scoring ef- ('. Nutti n g's lecture Thur Rday morn - languag of till' scie nti st, and to It of the University may become a mem- g ill ee rln g classes a re gOing on an ob- fieieney and ste pped into the sh ift in g. The lecture waA largely com- and thE' Greek he goes back when he leI' by pr('fle nting tbe (ollowing quali- servation tour the last of this week. formation with rapl£\lty and s mooth - posed of ster loptloon vlewR with 111 8- has d Iflcovered a new bone In the fication!': a good frat e rnily hous e, a 'hIC:1go, nfil ,vnukee. and Keokuk wlll ness. Onl y st rai g ht footQall was at- Ctlssio ns on eaoh one. '1C'l\d, or a new ani ma l. " Dr. Wiley ound financial standing, a me mber - be visited. They will leave Sunday tempted an d the e ntire sorlmmage The trip la sted about th r e monLhs, ·lBRNted. " In this se nse Latin is nec- of at least twenty men , and a night and return the following Sun- a succellslon of powerful Hne the time being mostly Rpe nt at the for the adva ncem e nt of s cience good scholastic rating. day night and I' turn the fo llowin g plunges with the forwarc1 wall dis- West [ndl sand Florld!l Keys. Over '}l(1 \l'lthout It we close olle of the ' rhls was u decision arrived nt by Sunday . playing th e markod effeot of the in- 5000 mil es were oovereC\. Iloors of progress In th great funda- the.. Inter-fraternity council in a mee t- dlvld\lal work that COlloh Jones has Th e e ntir e oost. IJl!.'luding rar fare l11E' nt al sciences. ng at the Psi Omega hou se Wedne s- dOing till A work, Th e rogular s used '0 and frolll the port of Balthnor, "T he cause for the n eg le ct of tay night. David R. Port er, secre- the new batoh of plays exo lu sively rlid not exceed ,200 for ea h studAnt. Latin Is the craze for the practical. ' ary of the International Y. M. C. A. aod there were very few hlt oh ell in In Bom ('ase. this was refunded . progress, much as Il Is to be committee spoke at the meeting in running off the slgnlllR. One oN' tac- The st uden ts were given for their des ir ed, mar be the cause of the \1111 interests of the campaign tha t Is kle smash proved an ex eptlonally ow n us a s har o of the I:Ipee im enR downfall of nations. The purpose of waged in the Univ rslty for the good round gll inor, tha baoks tear- which they Cound. These were .so ld 'Ife Is not to ma ke an invention but I)risoners' relief fund. HlGUF]}] AT BACONlAN "Thomas Jofferson's University" is the subject of the week ly Bacollian paper to be given by Prof. F. G. Hig- bee of tlle coll ege of applied science on Friday vening. He will discu ss t he early hiHtory of a great unlver- Ing Lhr u for trom ten to flrteen yards to other lIohool8, tho proc ee(ls oft l' to do som et hing for humanity, to j\ s a re s ult of Mr . Porter 's talk s ity and a gr eat man. eve ry time It waa used. exee ding th l' ntir e (,ORt ot the stu give It an Idea, to alleviate Its R uf - plUll S made whereby member s fhe varsity '1'\11 contln\le offensive clent's trip . forlng, not only by vocational traill - of the faculty w1l1 visit each fratern- Professor G. T. W. Patrick re- drill for the romatncter of th e week A oarlop.d of sp olmenR brought ing, but also by mastery of thought Ity separately ancl rai se whatever ('ei.,tld 11 tolegram from his s isl er, Iln(\ on Mouday the onoh will b gin back have been use d by the atn<1 anel ex presRlo n. It Is th classic!! amount s the Individual fraternities Dr. Mary Mills Patrick, yesterday, to InlltrUClt hi li men In d t nslve play , In the zoology department. Part of which put the s piritual Into educa- may be disposed to give. sent ('rom Al11st r(lalll. Holland. She using the plays afl lab- them form th Inve rt ebr at xhlblt s tlon." Is no\l' on 11 r way to Ame rica from oratory material , ill th lllllR \lm, Dr . Norris A. . Brisco and Dr. C. W. ('ollsta ntinopl , wh re she has beell Wayne Prudhon, a junior liberal Wussam will attend the meeti ng of head of a g irl ' fI hool. All student olasses or the Metbod- choth aororlty will hold a danc- a rt K, has b en 10 lhe hospital \1nder- the Western Economic' I,t Churoh Sunday sohool will have a ing party at the Masonlo lemple Sat- going a minor operation. next we k In Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma w11l hold a danCing Pllrty III the churoh Friday evening. urday evening, Dr . Mary 1<. H eard MiRS Baller, a freshman dental Dr . Albert H. Belfield of the Uui- party at o. A hall Frtday vening. Pro fesllo r and Mrs, C, W, Was sam and Miss FauiPta Heard will cbapel' - sl ud en l Is in th University hospital verslty hospital Is back at hi s work Dr. and Mrs . A. ,N. Alcock will cl1ap- w 1\1 chape ron e, one, threat ned with appendicitis, a.fter his rece nt operation. erone.

Transcript of NOVIll MBER 2, 191& THE DAILY IOWAN


~y , NOVIll MBER 2, 191& ;:; .:~

'r - A suit of roollls heal. 511' WaShing:


pin and

ri ng. Finder return ore'8 office or Phone








Afler a s ix day's Illness K G. Schroecl er , dl rcc.lo)' of I) train­Ing rtlsumed his dulles at the a rmory yesterday, s lipping away for a few

IJINE MAKES GRBAT HOLES FOR hours without his ph ysicians knowl-B.\CI{PIFJLD TO GO THRU edge to see how things had fareu dur-

li' OR BlG GAINS Ing his absence. Mr. Schroeder re­grets the length of hlR Illness for the

"on Lackul1l Back in G8me fOl' }"irRt reason that during the last ten years Time Since InjuI'cd in the Cornell he has missed only s ix days from hi s GIlIllc--JoneR PleaRc<1 \\-Ith Show- work. illg. He will undergo an operation dur­

ing t he Thanksgiving vacation , to ob-


Tickets for the Northwestern game will be r eceived the first of next week,

TRAIN FOR AMES GAME ON NOV. 18 according to Director N. A. Kellogg.

\\,IL1. .-\RRI\'E AT DESTI NATION There will be 200 tickets In all-100 N.f t1:45-WlLL RETURN AT tickets with reserved seats at 50

6:45 P. lU, cents each, and 100 tickets, also ra-

served, at a cheaper pr ice. Iowa stu­\ CCOtnlIIodations Assured For All dents get their tickets to the North­

Wish To Go-Round Trip Fare western game at the same price they

Will Be jf!:>.!J1) RIIY" J>irector Kel. logg give' Weir own students, and 10wlS. ac-

cords Northwestern the same reduc-('oach Jones continued his efforts vlate the chance of further sickness That there will be a special train tion; hence the low price.

yesterday to develop the Jowa eleven from the same cause, inteRtinal in- ou' of Cedar Rapids to the Iowa-into a stronger scorin g machine. Th e flammatlon. HlrHity showed marked improvement


Ame football game at Ames, No-


and the resu lt of the afternoon's practice was fully satisfactory to the coach, who, during the course of the

vember 18, was announced yesterday by Director N. A. Kellogg. ' The board in control of athletics contract­ed with the North western railroad

work-out, frequently praised the men BEFORE TEACHERS ro r the train, wh ich will consist of fo r their note-worthy performances. five 01' six cars. Director Kellogg is ORA l) ATE STun ENTS TO TAKE

The day's drill was concluded with assured that there will be accom- AN~UAL H IKE-TO l\[OUNT HA "J<l IMPORTANT PARI' I'N AN- ~ ON S YE R an haUl' scrimmage against the fresh- modatlons for a ll who (leslre to make V..,.R N THI .A

Nt'.\ I , ~lJ;lJ<j1'ISG NOW IN SF-S-men eleven. The varsity was 011 t he offenFive thruout a nd llOt ollce did the yearlings hold them for downs.

SIO:'.' I:'.' I)FJS ~fOI~F.S

Members of the facu lty of the The lo\\'a line opened up huge holes for th e backfield men and the latter University are having an important

to flf- 9art In the sixty-s cond ann ual ses­plowed tbrough for from six

'he trip. Funs will leave Iowa City Novem- Hear, y a! Hear, yea! Ye gradu-

ber 18 on the 7 o'clock interurban ale students, take notice! {o r CE'dar Rapids. The special train You 'd better get out that old 'ea.CK ('edar Rapids at 8: 15 . It wHl track 8ult, hie yourself down to the stop only at ~larshalltown , and will track on Iowa field and endeavor to

teen yards on every play. sion of the Iowa State Teachers' as-'lrrive at Ames at 11: 15. ('oming rean imate those tender and unused

sociation wh ich is being held in Des Flecond Stl'ing 'Vol'k back it will leave Ames at 6 : 45, and, pegs of yours, FOR

During most of the scrimage drill Moines this week. making a no-stop run , will reach Ce- You are going to have to use them 1116 Io.rslty r esembled the scrub elev- President Walter A. J essup was Sit dar Rapids at 9: 45. peclal n er- tomorrow to the extent of twenty-pn, as the coach did not want to take most in deruand as a speaker , for urban cars wi1l bring the passengers two miles. any unnecessary chances with bis reg_ be will make four addresses during from there to Iowa ity.

the convention . Yesterday after- The above advice is based on an ulars, who are stili somewhat crlp- 'rhe rounel t rip ticket will cost announcement yesterday by John

noon at 2 o'clock he add ressed the pled as a resull of the battering re- ~5.:l!j. Director Kellogg beHeves Briggs, athletic manager of the grad-

Orst meeting of the department of ceived In the Minnesota game, and that $10 should very easily cover the ua te college, which reads as follows: conseq uently 1 second string city superintlmdents a nd town prln- entl' re cost of tile trip . n any I d k b There w\ll be a meeting of gradu-players were thrust into the fray. cipals. Later in t le ay he spo e e-





-'lost Hearty Response is Oomlng From Boys and Girls Working Theil' Wa,V Through School, Says Aldricb,

Twelve hundred dollars had been pledged by Iowa students up to 5 o'clock Thursday tor relief of pris­oners or war In Europe.

The largest single contribution of the two days' since the campaign be­gan was $50. Secretary GUY V. AI­lrich declined to name the donor,

saying that the general policy of the cam paign Is not to tell the amount individua ls give.

Many contributors gave as much as $25: A woman student was among the contr ibutors of this amount.

The campaign waR carried to tho fraternities in an organized way yes­terday. At noon the following fra­LernHI B were visited by the workers noted: Delta Tau Delta, C. W. Was­sam; Sigma Chi, W. W. Gethmann; Phi Beta PI, A. C. Trowbridge; Pht Kappa PsI. G. W. Stewart; Sigma Nu, Oavld R. Porter; Phi Delta Chi, Geo. F. Kay; Phi Zeta Epsilon, the Rev. H. B. Boyd; Sigma Alpha EpSilon, 1... W. Hixon; Phi Kappa, A. O. Thomas; Alpha Tau Omega, K. A. Kennedy.

The three changes made In the line fore the co ll ege and university de­earlier In the week, however, were oartment. His fo urth address wlll continued with Beoker at rigbt tackle be today at 2 o'clock wben he will and Hunzelman and Kelly at tile speak to the city superintendents on guards. Bannick was again in charge 'Su rveys In Cities above 25,000 in ot the team at quart back and Jen- Population,"


ate students at the main entrance to In the evenl,ngs calls were made as

the campus Saturday morning at 7 tollows: Phi Rho Sigma, Lorin

Other faculty members who are

"on I..ackum Rack Again taking an important part In the vari-DR. WILEY YOUNG klns cavorted with the scrubs.

o'clock. Come prepared fol' a twen-ty-two mile cr09S country hike to Mount Vernon.

Last year the hike was made to Ce­dar Rapids. The course this year 'las been laid out in such a way that

Stuckey; Psi Omega, Mr Trowbridge Delta Chi, Mr. Gethmann; Beta. Theta PI, Mr. Kennedy; Nu Sigma Nu, Mr. Hixon; Theta Xi, Mr. Thomas; Del­ta Sigma Delta., Mr, Boyd ; Cosmos, Mr. Wassam .

Von Lackum got into scrimmage ')us programs are Dr. Ernest Horn, fo r the first time since he received his Prof. Elsworth FariS, Prof. R. H. Injury in the Cornell game, playing l, Ivester, Prof. N. A. Brisco, Prof. In Triplett's position at left end. Reed F. E. Goodell, Prof. Stephen H.

luyone who becomes indisposed or l'J<iUJH Oli' I'R,H 'TICAL "ALUFJ OF otherwise inconvenienced enroute The workers were everywhere cor-

I \'l'IN' ·IN L' I)UCATION ANI) dially received. They gained confi-"I 1', may Quickly reach the interurban

1' HFJ P)tOPEAAIONS line and return to his native heath. lence that contributions everywhere would be liberal.

was at Capt. Laun's end and Wyland was at center. Coach Jones used a

1 11 sh, Dr. Joh n Van, Prof. (, harle' Bundy Wilson, Prof. F. C.

Mr. Briggs Intimates very strongly rs Nec'ess!Il'Y fol' A<1v8u('elllent of Sci· ' hat he will not be numbered among "The most generous response is

elH't'-'''itilcmt it One ])001' In Sci, ' hose who give up the golden quest, (!omlng boys and girls who are work­('u tifir VI'ow'e"s i" (,Iosed, He Says but he thinks that the disgrace of Ing their way through the Univer­

l t1ch an act will be In no way com- sUy," Mr. Aldrich declared last night.

multitude of baokfleld aspirants al- Eastman, Prof. G. N. Merry, Prof. W.

ternating Davis, Nugent, Berber, E Hnyes, Miss Aleeth Willard, Mis~

"My Int resl in the classics is keep- parable with that of being caught They were first to give and they have ing me young," declared Dr. Harvey and they have given in the largest

Duncan, SooLt, G1atts and Van Pelt. Alice n . Wilmarth, aIHI Theodore Mendenhall was not in uniform . A. Wan roull.

l'se St.'night J<'ootball The enrly part of the practice was

devoted to instruoting the linemen how to open UP holes 011 the ofTen slve. The baoks and ends s pent con siderable time In practicing forward


W. Wiley in his add ress Wednesdw 'liJ:ht on "The Practical Value of Lalln In Education and the Profes­sions.

Dr. Wiley appears to have the vi­tali ty of a man of forty-five, thougb

passes after which Coach Jones lined l".\'K'T\, z uo I,on\, STl' I)J<JN TS he is seventy-two.

stE'aling chickens.


up the varsity against the freshmen ;\1.\111<] 1' HRF.Ii; MONTH l ' RJI> Last night he a pepalect to scholars QUALIFICATION FOR ;\1 FlMBER' For almost an hour the two elevens I.'on SPI~( DJF.:'.'H I~ 1~f)3 '0 "put a gou l In ed ucation and pre- !'IHIP I i\' ORGANIZAT rON ARE struggled up a nd down Iowa Field venL degenel",tion into a scramble for DECIDE!) lJl>ON and before Jones called It a day, the The Bahama expedition mad In efficiency through exclusive study of


POTTER SENDS OARD A card bearing only an indistin-

1uisbll.ble postmark and his signature vas received recently from Ray S. Potter , a former student in the Uni­versity, who is now fighting with the Allies near Verdunx by University friend s. It was dated October 15.

regulars had reglster<ed four touch- 1893 by a class of twenty zoology the pelences. Any fraternity not already repre- lil . ' (H~I<JEHS ON TOUR downs on the yearling sq uad . Th e students waa the subject of Prof. A. "The Latin lan guage IR stili the sented In the interfraternity council The sanior electrical and civil en-varsity displayed \.lnusua l scoring ef- ('. Nutti ng's lecture ThurRday morn- languag of till' scienti st, and to It of the University may become a mem- gill eerln g classes a re gOing on an ob­fieieney and stepped into the sh ift in g. The lecture waA largely com- and thE' Greek he goes back when he leI' by pr('flenting tbe (ollowing quali- servation tour the last of this week. formation with rapl£\lty and smooth- posed of sterloptloon vlewR with 1118- has d Iflcovered a new bone In the fication!': a good frate rnily house, a 'hIC:1go, nfil ,vnukee. and Keokuk wlll ness. Onl y strai ght footQall was at- Ctlssions on eaoh one. '1C'l\d, or a new ani ma l. " Dr . Wiley ound financial standing, a me mber- be visited. They will leave Sunday tempted and the entire sorlmmage The trip lasted about th r e monLhs, ·lBRNted. " In this sense Latin is nec- ~h ip of at least twenty men , and a night and return the following Sun­wa~ a succellslon of powerful Hne the time being mostly Rpent at the ~:lsury for the adva ncem ent of science good scholastic rating. day night and I' turn the following plunges with the forwarc1 wall dis- West [ndl sand Florld!l Keys. Over '}l(1 \l'lthout It we close olle of the 'rhls was u decision arrived nt by Sunday. playing th e markod effeot of the in- 5000 miles were oovereC\. Iloors of progress In th great funda- the.. Inter-fraternity council in a meet­dlvld\lal work that COlloh Jones has The entire oost. IJl!.'luding rar fa re l11E'nta l sciences. ng at the Psi Omega house Wednes­dOing tillA work, The rogulars used '0 and frolll the port of Balthnor, "The cause for the neglect of tay night. David R. Porte r, sec re­the new batoh of plays exolusi vely rlid not exceed ,200 for ea h studAnt. Latin Is the craze for the practical. ' ary of the International Y. M. C. A. aod there were very few hltohell in In Bom ('ase. this was refunded . l~tC'rlal progress, much as Il Is to be committee spoke at the meeting in running off the slgnlllR. One oN' tac- The st ud ents were given for their desired, mar be the cause of the \1111 interests of the campaign that Is kle smash proved an ex eptlonally ow n us a sharo of the I:IpeeimenR downfall of nations. The purpose of b ~in g waged in the Univ rslty for the good round gll inor, tha baoks tear- which they Cound. These were .sold 'Ife Is not to make an invention but I)risoners ' relief fund.

HlGUF]}] AT BACONlAN "Thomas Jofferson's University" is

the subject of the weekly Bacollian paper to be given by Prof. F. G. Hig­bee of tlle college of applied science on Friday vening. He will discuss t he early hiHtory of a great unlver-

Ing Lhru for trom ten to flrteen yards to other lIohool8, tho procee(ls oft l' to do something for humanity, to j\ s a res ult of Mr. Porter 's talk sity and a great man. every time It waa used . exee ding th l'ntire (,ORt ot the stu give It an Idea, to alleviate Its Ruf- plUllS w~re made whereby members

fhe varsity '1'\11 contln\le offensive clent's trip . forlng, not only by vocational traill- of the faculty w1l1 visit each fratern- Professor G. T. W. Patrick re-drill for the romatncter of th e week A oarlop.d of sp olmenR brought ing, but also by mastery of thought Ity separately ancl rai se whatever ('ei.,tld 11 tolegram from his sisler, Iln(\ on Mouday the onoh will b gin back have been used by the atn<1 nt~ anel expresRlo n. It Is th classic!! amounts the Individual fraternities Dr. Mary Mills Patrick, yesterday, to InlltrUClt hili men In d t nslve play, In the zoology department. Part of which put the spiritual Into educa- may be disposed to give. sent ('rom Al11st r(lalll. Holland. She using the ~orthwestern plays afl lab- them form th Invertebrat xhlblt s tlon." Is no\l' on 11 r way to America from oratory material , ill th lllllR \lm, Dr. Norris A. . Brisco and Dr. C. W. ('ollsta ntinopl , wh re she has beell

Wayne Prudhon, a junior liberal Wussam will attend the meeting of head of a girl ' fI hool. All student olasses or the Metbod- choth aororlty will hold a danc- a rtK, has b en 10 lhe hospital \1nder- the Western Economic'

I,t Churoh Sunday sohool will have a ing party at the Masonlo lemple Sat- going a minor operation. next we k In Chicago. Phi Rho Sigma w11l hold a danCing Pllrty III the churoh Friday evening. urday evening, Dr. Mary 1<. Heard MiRS Baller, a freshman dental Dr. Albert H . Belfield of the Uui- party at o. A hall Frtday vening. Profesllor and Mrs, C, W, Was sam and Miss FauiPta Heard will cbapel'- slud en l Is in th University hospital verslty hospital Is back at his work Dr. and Mrs. A. ,N. Alcock will cl1ap-w1\1 chaperone, one, threat ned with appendicitis, a.fter h is recent operation. erone.


'pA.GE TWO ~ .... - ,--r-"'" '" T~IVERRI'l'Y OF IOWA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916 • ! L, ---.----.. ~----~--------------------~----~~~~ __ ~~. A£t~ ( - . , .

" - - .

THE DAILY lOW A:R Owned and controlled by the


Entered. ILt the post l0ftice at I owa C tty as second class matter.

Board ot Tn18teee J'ACULTY STUDENT

c . H. Weller Ray W. Clearman M. F . Boyd Harold Newcomb

. S. Smith Mary Kinnavey Florence Teager

Editor-in-Chief Homer O. Roland Businesl Manager H. S. Davidson.

Published ever mornin exce t y g p Monday by The Dally Iowan Pub­Ulhlng Co. at t he Chestnutt Print­h11 Company. 208 S. Clinton street, Iowa City.

Subscr iption pri ce $2 .5 0

R E8PONFimn;T'rY

At some time during the college career of every student comes t he op­portunity to assume responsi bility. How Illany of us have ever consid­ered the value and train ing of this ? Do you seek activities involving re­sponsibility or do you assume duties merely because they are forced upon pou?

The man who succeeds in t he world is the fellow who Is not only able to bear burdens and assume responsi­bili ty but who seeks to do so .. Educa­(ion is a big word and means far mor e than a knowledge of books; it im plies an understa.nding of the prac­tical affairs of life. So if we are to get the best possib le education out of our university life positions of t rust and responsibility shoul d be sought for.

Tl;Ie graduate is immed iatelY

. '. -, . 'I

, A RIWRERT<}NTAT IYE P .\ P "1 1-t

\ ---I " Tile Da lly Iowan is

I bett er I

I than its vr decessors, and it is ,

I mo re representative of the en-ti r e University. In general the I

I proof rending is better and I I

I thin k the paper on a whole is very good." I

I The foregoing is Professor

Cha l'l es Bundy Wilson's opln- i I ion of this year 's student owned I I and student controlled daily I I publication of the Ulliverflity .

of Iowa. , . ,-

There's not a particle of grease of any kind in this smooth, bland massag e cream. Delightful t o use as there is none of that mussiness which r enders the useofsomanyface creams objection­able. It is completely al>-aorbed by t he pores of the skin leaving it clean , fresh , soft and smooth. Use it regularly and it will entirel~' r emove all traces of wrinkles, roughness and sal­lowness. Money back if you are not pleased.

I _f • .

T. Dell Kelley "The Old Reliable"

Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing

Call and see us on our new ) lll ~ )' rates on PIH5iI, g.

211 E. College St. Telephone 17


~ A PERFECT gentlema\l ain't pro­

dused by a night's study over an etiquette book. Same w ay with a perfect tobacco. fr VEL VET is aged in the wood two year!' before it becomes the smooth- t1 ~ est sm oking to bacco. II~"


~ ~rl--------~I[]PI--------~I[]~I--------~ Ie:!] _. _. Subscr ibe Cor The Dail y Io,,' an F OR RENT-Desirable sui te of

thrown into a world of responsibili­ties 50 the exper ience one gains in college will not be amiss. St ri ve t o get Into student activities, work your way Into the confidence of your asso­dates by a display of trustworthiness and a willingness to assume burdens -and don' t shift duties on to th e " other tellow."-Daily K ansan.

Whiting's Pharmacy On (}UbUqU2 St.

-- ~----- - ----------~~--~----.. --- front rooms suitable fo r fo ur men or singly if preferred. P hon e Hed 109 8.

+ I



I I·

11: 00 p. m.-Baconian club meeting. Men's literary societies meet. Close hall. Cosmopoli tan club meets at school of m usic.

TOMOORROW 10: 00 a. ro.-Professor Well er 's ar t

lecture, " Giotto and the Revival of Painting." Room 105, lIber­al arts bullding.


(There will appea;r in this col­umn from day to day, under the di­

Big Dance


National Hall

Admission SOc a ~ ~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

rection of the Y. M. C. A., quota.- ~xxxxxxnxxxxXXXn%XXXXX%

We Repeat It A Dozen Photographs Will Endear You to Your Friends


WHEN YOU COME IN on a stormy day and find your

:tions trom modern writers and HOME COOlU~ G coat or gown all spotted and speakers, letters from alumni and 2 meals, $3.25; 3 meals $4 .00 a muddy think of us. friends of the University, and st&-



ALL Kinds of RAZORS Sharpened

Thomas Hardware Store

I I ~ .. =====~~==.-::;-

I We Lead; You Follow

We lead in offer· ing of super·delicious soda.

week. Remember, we do careful dBtics relative to men and institu-Mrs . Coffins, across street south sanitary work in I tions.)

"Then there Is a great comnany of P . o. CLEANING AND PRESSING Follow the crowd

to the pop u I a r fountain.

0' ;XXXXXXX%x:n:X:n :XllXXXnXXx whom nobody ever yet has numbered, We can remove the spots and of every nation and neigbborhood, - _ ••••• _ ••••• - _. _... • stains- ravages which time, who plainly believe that to have, to Sh t' wear, stormy weather and un-possess, is the chiefest thing in IUe. 00 109 fortunate mishaps have placed The taint of this Infection seems to on your apparel. have gone into all ~ircles. Nothing Gallery Try us. escapes its unhallowed itch. It has become an epidemic in our own SHOOTING GALLEI\Y TELEPHONE 96 and we will country. T he old Hebrews had but 210 S. J) BUQUE call promptly, also deliver one calf. Americans are more prod- OPPOSITE STRAND when promised. gal with their calves than that. We THEATRE THOMAS THE QUALITY I


In "The Reward of Patience"

Paramount Pictographs International News Pictures

Admission lOe

. . . . . . . . . . '-'-"


Take a businestl course at I IRISH'S BUSINESS I

COLLEGE I 205 1-2 E. Washington Street 'r hird j,'loOJ' ~Io1Tison Block

I~nt ,·a11(,O l"jl·st Rtair \\'ay gnst of Bank . . . . . . , " . . . . .


SHINING PARLORS Special Seats for Ladies and Gentlemen Hats Cleaned and Blocked

110 East College , --· 1


I.JOLA CLARI{-I\OGHELL ~1. D. Diseases of WOlllen

218 K Washington Sl. Phone 931 Office hours, morning 10 to 12, after·

noon 2 to 7. Sundays 5 to 6 p. m.

J)OROTHY ];. DE F RANCE Public Btenogr·aIlhel"

Phone 673 Paul-Helen Building

lIR. HENRY I\IORROW, Dentist 12 % South ('li nton St.

Oposite Campus 9-12 Hours 1-6

W~[. 1\(. ROHRBACIlEH, M. J). Homeo)Jut hlc Physician

Omce 111 % E Washington St Tel. , Offi ce 140 R 1 Residence 140 R Tel.- Offlce 140 R 1

Residence 140 R 2

UK. EDWIN E . HOBBY Ph)'slcian und Surgeon

Geuer'al Practice Office, Iowa City State Dank Bldg.

Tel. , Office 223 R1; RIlS., 223 R2

.\rRS. JOJN 1'ON'S BEAUTY SHOP 21 th E. Wash ington St.

Shampooing, Facial Masage, Hair 1 ressing, Manicuring

Phone 1061

OEO. . ALBRIGHT, M. D. E ye, EUI·, Nose and Throat

400-416-417 Johnson Co. Bank Bid,. Hours 9-12, 1-2:30, and by appt.

Phone: Office 521 Res. 816

DR. J:t'. B. WHINERY Dentist

411 and 41 4 J oh nson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone 139

mss EV.\ HOLMES Practical Day Nur iog

604 S. Clinton Sl P hone Red 1660

have two at least, the paper calf BOX BAUI ALLEY CLEANER already spoken of and the golden; l'ETEMON &: HARTLEY DR. W. L . BYWATER though the golden can no longer be 219 S. Dubuque St. 8 N. cUntou St. Iowa CllJ, Ia.

properly spoken of as a c~L n ~ ~~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~-~-i-~-~-~-~-~-~.~.~.~.~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prnct~e Llml~d ~ a matured. buH, but not of the poUed Ii :0 Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose &: Throll. type; it has fUll-grown horn8."



Any city subscriber not receiv­ing The Dally Iowan by eight o'clock in the morning may have • copy sent them by special mee­eenger if they call The Dally Iowan Office, telephone 9M be­tween ei,bt ~nd etabt thirty o'clock.

4 +

Meet me at

BUNT KIRK'S CIGAR STORE Cigars, Tobacco, Soda Grill, Candies

Billiards stimula.tes the lancy, dl8clplines the mind , develops l}le po er or concentratlQn. O,.,r aJ1-liard and Poc15et BtJllard table8 are kept In first claS8 condition .


U6 E. Waahington Street, rbOpi! Sl()

DR T. L. HAZARD Homeopathic Physician and Burpo.

Office over Golden Eagle Phone: Office, 60 n. 1 Res. 60 R I

LOUISE llJjJRRINGTON Shampooing, l\[anJcw·ing, Chlropod"

[\las, V Ilpor Batha 117" Dubuque St. Phone 1171

UNl\'ERSITY PANlTORIUM leaners, Pre sors, D)'6I'I and

Repaircn Cor. Dubuque and Iowa ATe.

Phone Black 466 Club Rat. All Hand Work our Bpecla1tJ







professor G.

8. Shimek, in mittee of the leave Friday to ot geology and sllies of Kansas expect to ret u 11' 111 leave the some of the The purpose of vesli gate schools, in monts of profit by the departments with regard to



Y, NOVEMBER 3, 1916






·l\UGHELI. 1\1. D. of Women

St. Phone 931 morning 10 to 12, after· 7. Sundays 5 to 6 p. m.

I.. HE FRANCE Stenogl'llphel' I

Paul-Helen Buildlll~

l\lORROW, Dentist ('Hoton St. Campus

Hours 1-6

'S BEAUTY SHOP E. Washington St. g, Facial Masage. Hair

ng, Manicuring Phone 1051

ALBRIGHT, M. D. Nose and Throat

ohnson o. Bank Bldg. 1-2: 30, and by appt.

mce 521 Res. 816

.1<'. B. WlUNERY Dentist

Johnson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone 139

A HOLl\IES ))ay Nur Ing

604 S. Clinton SI.

PANlTORIUM Prtl ers, Dyen aad Repairers

buque and Iowa Alt. ~66 Club lWlt

Work our Speo1a1t1



DANCING SCHOOL Saturday Varsity Dance, Company A SATURDA Y ENENING

2:30 5:30 Mahaha and Ogle 5 Piece Orchestra OCTOBER 21





A talk on American art pottery was given Wednesday night before


about fifty art students at the Uni- ( 'OLLEGE THEl\IES WILL BE PRE­versity by C. J . Barnhorn, who has SENTED AT ALL CHUROHES IN charge of the modeling work In the IOWA OITY Cincinnati Art museum. Mr. Barn-horn Is stopping In Iowa City as the Next Sunday will be observed In guest of Prof. C. A. Cumming, and thl' churches of Iowa City as Uni-will go on to Des Moines today where

Experience Gained Will be Used he wlll give an address before the When New Bullding is Constructed graphic and plastic arts section of Here in Near Future the Iowa State Teachers' association .

verslty day. Ministers will preach on college themes at the morning ses sian, and a union meeting' of all churches will be held at the Metho-

Mr. Barnhorn explained the dif-

BISTORIOAL SOOIETY ELEOTS At the regular monthly meeting of

the board at curators which was held in the rooms of t,be society on Wed· nesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, the following person8 were elected into he State Historical society: Mr. A.

H. Cummings, Mason City; Mr. John W. FOBter, Guthrie Center; Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Shemeld; Miss Emma Lemon, Guthrie Center; Rabbi Eu~

gene Mannheimer, Des Moines ; Mr. J. H. Moore, Guthrie Center; Mr. W. J. Pilkington, Des Moines; Mr. I. W. Shambaugh, Clarinda.




Coast t~ Canst T.·jp on S!lnte Fe Fails to Materialize For This Yenr--Pl'o· gram Now Being l\fnde

dist church Sunday evening. Gwen-Professor G. F . Kay and Professor ferences in manufacture of various dolyn McClain will preside, and talks MAY FORM SPANISH CLUB

B. Shimek, In company with the com- kinds of pottery. and told how the wI\) be given by Stub Barron, MI8s Students who are Interested in the

The Glee club will make a trip to MinneapOlis and St. Paul during the Christmas holidays, if present plans hold. Emerson Davis, manager of the club, has visited Minneapolis and is now trying to make engagements in Cedar Rapids, Albert Lea, North­field, and other cities on the way to the Twin Cities.

mittee of the board of education, will glazes and other artistic effects are Adelia Dodge, and Guy V. Aldrich. formation of a Spanish club are r a-leave Friday to visit the departments obtained. He 'also described the dif- The UniverSity quartet wil sing. quested to meet In room 119, liberal ot geology and botany in the univer- terences between American and J ap- a rts building, next Monday evening. Mltfes of l{ansas and Nebraska. They anese art. The Japanese excel us in Possibilities for such an organization

t t T d d Borne ways according to Mr Barn The interesting program of music will then be discussed. expec a return nelCt ues ay an ' .-1\ ' Th Y 00 t A i study meetings which the music study will leave the same day on visits to orn . e me a mer ca, a re

section of the Iowa City Fine Arts some or the other large universities. shown abo\lt freely, and ' given every opport\lnitv to learn . But if an association is to have this year was The purpose of these visits is to in- f .'

OIRECTORIES OUT MONDAY The student directories will be on

vestigate cond itions at the varlO\ls American goes to Japan , as Mr . Baru­schools, In order that the depart- horn did , he is unable to find out a

opened Tuesday morning with con­sideration of Bach at a gathering of sale Monday morning at the secre­

taries office, Whetstones' and Coasts'.

An attempt was made to make a coast t rip on the Santa Fe railroad, during the holiday recess giving en­tertainments at large terminals for thing about their methods and pro- I members of the club at the home of mentR of geology and botany may .....

cesse's. Mrs. Preston oast. Madame Char-profit by the experiences of simili 'lr departments elsewhere, especially " One of the great things in art edu- lotte Lund, an Invited guest, com-

cation is to make someone else hap Pllml'nted the (,Iub on itR work . with regard to the eq uipment of the -Ilew biulding which Is to be built here PY, " Mr. Barnhorn said in closing.

"Art study for any other purpose Is in the near fut ure.

FOUND-A bunch of Keys. Owner may have same by calling at The Dally Iowan office, proving ownership and paying for this notice .

selfish. II Miss Eleanor Steinberg, first year

law student, has been absent from classes for several days on acc<7U nt of

The Politica l Science club will illness. meet next Monday evening at prO- I l\'larion Marquardt Is at the Mercy fflBsor G. G. Benjamin's home, 1207 hospital convalescing from an opera-EAst ColIe~ fltreet. I tion for appendicitis.

~,_w_. -:--0. _CO_AS_T_FO_R_SE_NA:--:--T-;--OR_. .


The Johnson County Republican Central C mrilittee

. MZ

The University Music council met the employees at that railroad. Ac­at the Bchool of music Thursday af- tlon was taken too late, the manager

of the Glee club states, and hopes for such a trip this year have almost been abandoned. The Glee club, however. will start negotiations with the Santa Fe company next spring for the trip. next year instead of waiting until faU as the ydld this year.

ternoon. Professor and Mrs. R. B. Kittredge

will chaperone an Engtineer's dance at Majestic hall Saturday evening.

Dr. Arthur Steindler, orthopedic surgeon, was In Des Moines yester­day.

Dr, Morae, who is practiCing den­tistry at Elkader, was In the City yesterday on professional business.

Profes80r G. H. Dunlap was in Dav-en port laBt Saturday for a consulta­tion concerning the sewage disposal plant that Is being Installed in the new buildings under construction for Battery B.

The trip to Minneapolis wll be the first trip taken by the Men's Glee club outside of the state and the long­est thus far taken by any Iowa Uni­versity Glee club .

Katherine Klay, who attended the University two years ago, is visiting at the C. S. Smith home in tihs city.




On close investigation we find that the cost of the clerical work necessary with so. many small accounts, is greater than the total amount involved warrants. And ' also the higher cost of operation in general, demands reduced expenses. We. have therefore decided to try to meet these conditions to some ex­tent, by putting the TAXI business on a strictly cash basis to everyone, rven those who may have other accounts with us. In order to accommodate those who care to take advanta~ of the opportunity, we have provided

COUPON BOOKS $6 in Service for $5

The () $6.00 books cost $5.00 cash, but you save $1.QO on eaoh book, for it contains $6.00 worth of 0011pons, giving; TWENTY-FOUR r gular 250 rides 01' the eqnivul{\nt thereof.

'We thank our many Cll. tOl1H'l'S for ill ,ir past lib­om} patronage, HlId will ndeavor to (l'ive better ser­vice in the futl1l'c, llncl ask YOllI' coop ration.

SIDWELL M ° TO R CO. Phone 24 and 25



SEPARATE SKIRTS More attractive than ever and moderately priced

$5.00 to $15.00 The latest Styles Always Available Here


An appropriate model for every occasion. Smart plain stylc~ for college wear, fancy styles for wear with dainty blous -and :1 com­plet a ortmcnt of each.

-Thc price ar lowest in the city for garment of qual qaulity.

-Eyer" wanted weave and ma­terial inciuding a ll1ultitudr of band­SOllW 1l0yC'lties-Oheeks, Plaids, Ronum Sripes, and Paney ,'fIT 001 V c­lour . .

- Tailol'·d skil'L with a variety of fane' pockC'ts-in flared a11(l plf'ate<l efi'eeb:;. -All Hize. , )·pgnlal' and rxtra.

WANTED- Themes, essays, ora· Dr. H . F. Masson of Washington tlons, etc., to type. Prices cbeap. is visiting here. Satisfaction guaranteed. 329 N. Dubuque. 38-60 alt. Beta Theta Pi will entertain at a

dancing party at their chapter house LOST- Shaeffer fountain pen be. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pcr

tween L. A. building and Currier hall. kins will chaperone. Fnlder please leave at Miss Klingen· hagen's office. 42-3 LOST- Folding pocket kodak

Wednesday evening in liberal arts or FOUND-A "Forum" emblem pin. dental building- Phone 212 42-3

The initials "J. S. R." engraved on --the back Owner can have same by FOR RENT-A suite of rooms, applying at The Iowan office and mOdern, hot air heat. 511 Washing-

=== 4 ---.&.- ~ • • ~ J ~

Ida Campbell and Lois Vandervert, Prof. John A. Scott of Northwes- ) Prof. P. S. Pierce will lecture at former stUdents In the Univ rsif y, tel'll university, who lectu red In the Sheldon beforo Llle Federation of who are now teaching at Sheldon liberal arta audltoriufll last night, Women's clubs this evening. His will spend the week end in Iowa was entertained at the Triangle club subject \\'lII be "The Employers' Wei· City. in th even ing. · tare Work."

THE better preciate

in clothes.

dressers ap­indi vid uali ty

The "Pllilpo" illustrated is for them:

It represents the limit of fine quality.

A single breaster---form back with pinch belt--vel­vet collar and slanting flap side pockets.

jDritt~ iranb allotbttl

We have this coat in plain Blue and Green Fancy Mixtures

$22.50 $25.00 $27.50

also in

payingfurllihMti~. 38 ~n~ 38-43 ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=.~~~~~~~~~~~~ M} • i . " ... ...:-x--. • ~ • • J . {





"The Hidden Scar" Brady Made

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"The Fights of New York" Vitigraph Blue Ribbon


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; ETHEL CLAYToN . UOLBROOK BLIHN • •........ "Jht Hidden SeQr .



"Less Than the Dust" " The first of Miss Pickford's efforts under her own artistic guidance.

By Hector Turnbull, direction of John Emerson A production that sets a new standard in tUm achievement. Miss Pickford will be seen in a powerful Ie that gives a broader scope than ever for her natural talents and adds

a new and appealing character to the long line of Pickford creations. Price 25c


:=:=- i


Campaign Close Sunday ulty Members Bellt Oold

Omicron; Prof. ton's boarding nlng- Prof. A. XI Psi Phi