Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of ......THE NEWSPAPER ENGELSKA SKOLAN Music...

NEWSPAPER THE ENGELSKA SKOLAN Music Drake & Scottish Bagpipe The staff Interview Nicole Díaz Video Games NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2019 N o via i n S t r a s b o u r g Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of the Rights for the Planet”

Transcript of Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of ......THE NEWSPAPER ENGELSKA SKOLAN Music...

Page 1: Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of ......THE NEWSPAPER ENGELSKA SKOLAN Music Drake & Scottish Bagpipe The staff Interview Nicole Díaz Video Games NOVEMBER



Music Drake &Scottish Bagpipe

The staff Interview

Nicole Díaz

Video Games


Novia in Strasbourg

Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of the Rights for the Planet”

Page 2: Novia participaded in the first “European Declaration of ......THE NEWSPAPER ENGELSKA SKOLAN Music Drake & Scottish Bagpipe The staff Interview Nicole Díaz Video Games NOVEMBER

3, 4 & 5 NEWS FROM NOVIAIn this section we tell you the latest news from our school. News that interests us students, parents and staff. In this issue: “The Human Rights cube arrives in Novia” and other intersting news.

6 OUR SCHOOL’S MATESWho are our schoolmates? We will meet some of our partners: What they like to read, what they like to play and something else.

7 INTERVIEW WITH NICOLEIn this issue we interview Nicole Díaz. We will know more about her commitment to work at Fritids.

8 & 9 EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANgEWe talk a lot about how the change in climate caused by C02 is affecting human lives, but we don’t talk about how it affects the other species on our planets

10 TECH & VIDEO gAMESWe people that play games also require less activation to stay focused on demanding tasks. But there are negative effects toow.

11 SpORTSNow when it’s getting a little colder the snow will start to fall and you might want to know about some sports that you could do this winter. We also highlight two elite athletes who stood out in the snow.

12 FASHIONA new trend has been on the rise of influencing teenagers everywhere to become e-girls.

14 HEALTH AND BEAUTyIn this issue we give you tips if you want to have a healthy skin. What you have to eat if you want a smooth skin. And what about your hair? ;)


These are the br i l l iant minds that

worked on this issue:

ghina Viktor C.

Ryan Hamid Helmi

Lucas K.Lucas M.

Mario Raghd

goodness Victor O.

Aron Kubilay Anton

Angelina Ludvig Hannah Antonio Harman

Emil Edla

Coordination: Maria Levert &

Felipe V. de la Torre

Contributors:Shqipe Shabani

Marco Nafa

Layout and design: Felipe


The Christmas break is here. An exce-llent time not only to rest, to forget about homeworks, to wake up late, to rest from the stress of exams and all the responsibi-lities of the school.

It is also time to enjoy both the family and the gifts that our frelatives will give us... Oh sorry, Santa Claus;) We should use this three-week break for other things as well. perhaps thinking about transcenden-tal aspects of our lives. This could be a turning point: what are we doing well and what are we doing not so well. In what aspects of our lives could we improve, as students, as children, as brothers and as

friends? How can I strengthen my rela-tionship with my relatives. Am I a nice person with my parents, with my brothers and friends?

And what about my attitude in school? Am I doing a good job? Am i trying hard? I may not have skills for some subjects, math, English, Swedish, Spanish, etc. but if I do not try, if I do not give everything I can, it will be even more difficult.

Throughout our lives we will need some breaks to think about aspects like these. And Christmas could be a good time.


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THIS NOVIA’S MAgAZINE is published bimonthly by Novia Engelska Skolan .

Sjöviksbacken 24117 43 StockholmTfn: 08-400 121 40

E-post: felipe.vil [email protected]

published on November 2019.


If you see an immense large black cube at school, do not panic, it is not a magic box that eats people, nor is it a time machine or a box that will transport you to other dimensions. It is “the cube”, a beautiful project created and promoted by Raoul Aca-demy.

What is it about? It is an idea to foster among students the knowle-dge of the thirty rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thirty schools in Sweden are selected to participate in this project.

Why thirty? Because thirty are the rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Each of those thir-

ty schools receives a cube, which re-presents one of thirty human rights. The idea is that the students of the school fill the cube with ideas that are related to the human right that has been assigned to the school. It can be filled with drawings, poems, photographs and even videos. Don’t you think it’s wonderful?

Thanks to the work of our special-pedagog Mette Stråhle, Novia Enge-lska has been selected among those thirty schools in Sweden. For this reason, from the end of January you will see somewhere in our school (probably at the parking) that huge black cube that comes to help us un-derstand the importance of Human Rights in our society. The right that has been assigned to Novia Engelska is the last of all, the number 30: the right to Human Rights.

In the end, on Raoul Wellenberg’s day, a great exhibition with all 30 cu-bes is organized in Stockholm.

It is a great privilege for Novia En-gelska to participate in this wonder-ful and important project.

Our 30 Rights

This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declara-tion of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.

1. We are all born free and equal.2. Freedom from Discrimination.3. Right to Life. 4. Freedom from Slavery. 5. Freedom from Torture.6. Right to Recognition Before the Law.7. Right to Equality Before the Law.8. Right to Remedy.9. Freedom from Arbitrary Deten-tion.10. Right to a Fair Trial.11. presumption of Innocence and International Crimes.12. Right to privacy.13. Freedom of Movement.14. Right to Asylum.15. Right to Nationality.16. Right to Marry and to Found a Family.17. Right to Own property.18. Freedom of Religion or Belief.19. Freedom of Opinion and Expres-sion.20. Freedom of Assembly and Asso-ciation.21. A Short Course in Democracy.22. Right to Social Security.23. Right to Work.24. Right to Rest and Leisure.25. Right to Adequate Standard of Living.26. Right to Education.27. Right to Cultural, Artistic and Scientific Life.28. Right to a Free and Fair World.29. Duty to your Community.30. Rights are Inalienable.

The “human rights cube” arrives in NoviaOur school has been invited to participate in a very curious and cool project to get involved in the defense of Human Rights. Therefore, we will see here an immense cube that will help us to think about our rights.

The right that has been assigned to Novia Engelska is the number 30: the right to Human Rights.




/ Nov-Dec 2019

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Narrated in First PersonMy name is Luka Jovanovic

and I am 15 years old. After my teacher Anela Dedovic presen-ted this project to us in front of the class I got a slight bit interested. The project was presented to us last term around April, around the same time we had started brainstorming some ideas that could potentially help us later. At this time I had developed an interest for the theme but we went no further then coming up with ideas, eventually i forgot about it. This term

the project was brought up again and we were assigned a project to come up with something that contributes to global warming, and potentially find a solution. I chose to write about how we are handling plastic furthermore how we get rid of it. I do not want to go too much into detail, but long story short there are better ways to handle plastic after use in comparison to how we are today. After the subject gets presented to the European Parliament I

hope that they will consider taking ac-tion based on my research. Hopefully the politicians can see the problem our pollution is causing, since it is so-mething that can be so easily reduced.

More than 70 young European students presented in front of the European Parlament the First European Declaration of the Rights for the Planet. Among them three students of Novia Engelska Skolan.

Novia Participaded in the First European Declaration of the Rights for the Planet

Last November, a delegation of 80 European students pre-sented to the European Par-liament the first “European Declaration of the Rights for the Planet and the Life”. More than 300 students from ten European countries partici-pated in the drafting of this very important initiative.The declaration includes a total of 18 articles (page 5) that highlight the importan-ce of the conservation of our planet. Articles included the importance of conserving air and water free of contami-nation, the control of CO2 emissions and the importan-ce of maintaining the har-mony of indigenous peoples with their natural territories.

Among the delegation that visited the European Parlia-ment in Strasbourg, France,

were three students of Novia Engelska, Hedda Pärhänen och Luka Jovanovic, who

were accompanied by our rector Erik Bjurhäll and our teacher Anela Sabljic.

Students pose with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

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MohaMMed 6B Favorite Subject: English

Favorite Sport: SoccerFavorite Song: Crazy frog

Favorite brand: philipp plein

noel 6aFavorite Subject: gymnastics

Favorite Sport: SoccerFavorite Song: Härifrån- Einar x Dizzy

Favorite brand: gant

esTher 9Th Favorite Subject: gymnastics

Favorite Sport: Soccer Favorite song: Are you bored yet

Favorite Brand: Vans

Malak 6aFavorite Subject: EnglishFavorite Sport: Soccer

Favorite Song: Old Town RoadFavorite brand: Nike

joseph 5aFavorite Subject: gymnastics

Favorite Sport: SoccerFavorite Song: Försent- greekazo x 1.Cuz

Favorite Brand: Adidas

kuBIlay 8ThFavorite Subject: gymnastic

Favorite Sport: BoxningFavorite Song: Adanya gidek mi

Favorite brand: BMW

Who are our MaTes In noVIa?In this section we want to introduce some of the students who are educated in our wonderful school. We asked them about their favorite food, as well as their movie and their favorite book. So, if you cross them through the halls of the school, you will know a little more about them. By Anton / Aron

Nicole Díaz Thörn, Fritids:

“I don’t think I ever have had a bad teaching day”

Which subject do you teach?

I work at leisure.

How long have you been working in novia?I have worked here for three months.

How long have you work as a teacher? I have worked in 8 years as a teacher.

Why did you want to beco-me a teacher?Because I like to be with

children and teach them new things.

Do you like to be a teacher? and why? I like to be with childrens because of when I was a kid my parents worked also with childrens.

Which job would you work on if you weren’t a teacher? I would be a patrol police that solves problems.

What do you think about this school? The Staff is good and there is a lot of running on many floors, but she likes the school.

How long time did it take

to become a teacher?It took 1 year to become a teacher.

Why did you choose this school? First I saw the school and how it was, I liked how the staff was treating me and then I started here.

Describe your best tea-ching day. When I have a lot of energy from the morning and when I am educational towards the children.

What do you like to do on the spare time?I like to be with my cat, friends, family and my sam-bo.




ov-Dec 2019

The InTerVIeW

...and teach them new


I like to be with children

By Victor O., Aron & Harman

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ov-Dec 2019

Some species are gone foreverThere are many news reports about climate change affecting animals all over the world, both the marine life and the life on land. It’s estimated that 150-200 species go extinct every day, which is nearly 1,000 times the natural rate. In this section we are going to talk about a few animals that are never seeing the light of day again, and why.

Melomys rubicola - The first mammal to dieMelomys rubicola was a type of rodent that only lived on the Bramble Cay island outside Australia. The animal was nocturnal and their source of nourishment came mainly from herbs.The island was smitten by floodings, caused by the rising temperature, which forwar-ded the fate that the species would soon meet. In 2007 the ministry of Australia officially announced that melomys rubicola had died out, and was the first mammal to go extinct from climate change.

Orange-spotted filefishThe orange-spotted filefish - also known as Harlequin Filefish, lived in the coral reef habitats in Asia. They are are known for their special appearance, and being very picky eaters. The fish is very sensitive to warm water, and their life de-pended on getting food and protection from the coral reef. When the higher temperature stroke the oceans in year 1988, and the state of the coral reef started to worsen, it caused them to die out. Today there is no wild Harlequin Filefish in the oceans.

Golden toadThe Golden toad is one of the few species that recent-ly went extinct due to climate change. The toad lived in mountain top cloud forests and was a small “true” toad (member of the Bufonidae family). The popula-tion of the species started to decrease in the early 80s and went totally extinct 1989 where it was last seen in Costa Rica. There were many theories and assump-tions of what caused the Golden toad to go extinct. The three main reasons were Climate change, pollu-tion and fungal skin infections.

For about 70 years plastic has been part of our lives in many different shapes and forms like furniture, grocery bags, vehicles and toys. The problem with plastic

is that it’s not a organic material and nature can not deal with it on her own.This has led to our oceans being filled with so much plastic that the animals are slowly dying out and it’s affecting human life.

Animals think the plastic is foodFish are not the only species that has to deal with the plastic, the sea turtles are suffering to. Due to

bad eyesight, the turtles think the

plastic is food and consumes it. This causes blockage in the gut and even death.

Large animals in the marine life, such as whales, are endangered from plastic

pieces smaller than 5mm in size. When the whales capture their

food, they swallow hun-dreds of cubic meters

of water and plastic pieces.

The plastic are affecting a lot of lives, even ours

There are many different ways that the plastic affects humans lives. An example of this is marine animals

consuming the plastic. The plastic

contains a lot of dan-gerous and unhealthy materials and in turn

affect the people that consume the fish.

How Climate Change We talk a lot about how the change in climate caused by C02 is affecting human lives, but we don’t talk about how it affects the other species on our planet. In this article we want to raise awareness and talk for the ones who can’t, the animals. By Helmi & Goodness

Orange-spotted filefish.

Our Animals in the water are suffering too

<<The plastic contains a lot of dangerous and unhealthy materials and in turn affect the people that consume the fish >>

Affects Animal Life8

















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Scottish bagpipe music is one of a kind. It’s not as popular as you’d

think.Bagpipe music is a big part of Scottish culture. Some historians believe that bagpipes originate from ancient Egypt and were brought to Scotland by inva-ding Roman Legions. Others maintain that the instrument was brought over the water by the colonising Scots tribes from Ireland.

M U S i C

DRAKEAubrey Drake Graham, born October 24, 1986 is a Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, and businessman.

Drake gained recognition as an actor on the teen drama television series Degras-

si: The Next Generation in the early 2000s. Intent on pursuing a career in music, he left

the series in 2007 after releasing his de-but mixtape Room for Improvement. He released two further independent

projects, Comeback Season and So Far Gone, before signing to Lil

Wayne’s Young Money Entertain-ment in June 2009.

Drake released his debut studio album Thank Me Later in 2010, which debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200

and was soon certified platinum. His next two releases, 2011s care and 2013s

Nothing Was the Same.

WorldMusicMusic styles may vary from country to country /culture to culture. Music can differentiates from place to place. But the principals stay the same.


Minecraft - Playing in School?

Minecraft is an amazing popular game where everything is built from blocks. Everything’s a

cube basically. In Minecraft, you can play free without limits and explore worlds. If you have a big imagina-tion this is the game for you. You can build whatever you want from houses to statues, towns, cities, cars, basically what you want.

Minecraft is providing with an Education edition. It’s a modified version of the original game that is custom for students in school and makes it easier to use the game in an educational tool for teachers and students. A lot of schools in the united states are using this me-thod to teach in their classes. Should we use it in Swe-den to? What will our teachers in Novia think about it?

Minecraft is a 3D game that was first released in 2010 and has been very popular since. It has over 40 million pla-yers every month. Minecraft is a game known all over the world for its unique playstyle. A lot of schools in the united states are using this method to teach in their classes.

How do Videogames Actually Affect You?

Videogames are very popular nowadays and are proba-

bly the number one form of entertainment. Medi-calNewsToday says “we are spending approximately 3 billion hours per week on videogames.” These are crazy numbers, but how do videogames affect you is there any positive effects or are they all negative?

Frontiers In Human Neuroscience tested how the brain was affected by videogames. The effect of playing videogames was that the brain structu-

re changed and it also changed the brain functionality and behavior.

The brain got positive effects as better attention to things, for

example, sustained attention and selective attention.

The people that play games also require

less activation to stay focused on demanding

tasks. But there are nega-tive effects too, for example,

it can cause addiction and anger/frustration. Many parents are afraid of their kids playing violent games because they think it will affect them negatively.

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By lucas M. & ryan

By hamid & kubilay

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sp orts

I ngemar Stenmark is a 63 year old man who is one of the best alpine skiers of all time. In fact, specialists

consider him the best technical skier of all time. He has won 2 olympic gold medals, 5 World Cup medals and

86 gold medals in World Cup in disciplined alpine ski-ing and grand alpine skiing. Stenmark hold the record for the most World Cup wins, with 86 victories in the

slalom and giant slalom. He was designated as Sweden’s second best athlete after Björn Borg. Wow! A legend!

A fun fact about Ingemar Stenmark is that he has won the tv-show Let’s dance.

Maybe the easiest thing to do it is go sledding since you only

need a sled to do it, but a more fun and faster activity is downhill skiing where you go down a mountain in a pair of skies. The point with this is that you have to get from the top to the bottom in the least amount of time, but it’s not so easy that you just can go downhill all the way you have to turn so you get the checkpoints in the laps so it’s not getting to easy. History Skiing was used in the North and Siberia Already in ancient times and was a useful aid in hunting and moving. Archaeological finds from Kalvträsk indicate that skis came

into use long before the wheel was invented.In recent times, most polar sailors have used skis to reach the destina-tion. Skiing is often used for recrea-tion, training and competition.Traditionally, skis were made of wood, preferably hickory and the sticks were made of bamboo with leather handles and straps. The boots were sturdy leather shoes (often ca-lled ski boots with heavy soles.) The bindings were simple leather or woo-den straps that were attached over the heel and ankle. Later, the Kan-dahar tie came with toe attachment of metal and metal springs along the shoe and around the heel. later by the military and at telemark skiing.

Later came the so-called Rottefella bond which was a pure toe bond.

a Bit about Winter sports

Charlotte Kalla is a 32 year old woman who are one of sweden’s best cross country skiers or was.

Now she is not as good as she was before since she is getting really old. She has won 2 olympic gold medals and 1 world cup medal. Charlotte Kalla is Sweden’s best women athlete since she has 9 olympic medals, 2 gold and 7 silver.A fun fact about Charlotte Kalla is that she has been in a lot of tv-shows, she has also been in a norwegian one called landskampen, but you can’t see it it Sweden since it on norwegian television.

Charlotte kalla Ingemar stenmark

Now when it’s getting a little colder the snow will start to fall and you might want to know about some sports that you could do this winter. By antonio & emil.

We all know that Christmas is a religious holiday. more exactly of Catholicism. and we all know how we celebrate it here in europe and in Catholic countries. But how they celebra-te it in other countries and religions. We wanted to know that and take advantage that we have several partners from other parts of the world and ask them about it. here are your answers

Issar 5b Issar is muslim. Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas because they don’t believe that Jesus is the son of god, it goes against their beliefs. Issar does not celebrate Christmas but something similar. Usually she and her siblings get some presents. One thing she got very happy for was a pac-kage with slime. Sometimes they have a Santa Claus come and it’s often her uncle. Most times, her family and relatives have a big dinner like po-tato gratin, lasagna and plenty of different types of food. The celebration often lasts from one to two days, depending on when her relatives come to them.

Lucas K 8Lucas is an atheist and he is celebrates christmas every 24th december with his family and relatives. He gets presents every year but they do not have a Santa Claus, because they are too old for that. Every Christ-mas they have like a tradition to look at Donald Duke at 2pm and after that they open presents. His family prepare the regular Christmas food like meatballs and Christmas ham.

Markus 6a Markus is Christian and he celebrates Christmas every 25th december. He usually celebrates with his family and relatives. But he celebrates di-fferently every year, sometimes he travels, sometimes he stays. Markus and his family have stopped getting gifts, instead they give, they think it’s better to help those in need than get things for themselves. Usually santa is present, once he was santa himself. He celebrates Christmas one day and during that day, he and his family eat a big dinner with everything from chicken to rice to stuffed vine leaves.

do you Celebrate Christmas?

By Edla, Hannah & Angelina

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/ Nov-Dect 2019


1. get it wet less often. Because water makes the hair swell from the inside. But it depends on the type of your hair. 2. Brush your hair before you shower. When you hair is wet it is more vulnerable.

3. Sleep on silk. Because it protects the cuticle of your hair by reducing the amount of friction between your hair and fabric. 4. Let your hair air dry as

much as possible you blow dry.

How to have a healthy skin?

Drink a lot of water.Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. 1. One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun expo-sure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin pro-blems increase the risk of skin cancer. 2. Don’t smoke! Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin which decreases blood flow and makes skin paler. 3. Eat a healthy diet! A healthy diet can help you look and

feel your best, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables whole grains and lean proteins. Drinking plenty of water keeps your

skin hydrated. 4. Manage stress! Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne, breakouts and other skin problems. get

enough of sleep, set reasonable limits, scale back to do and make time to do things you enjoy.

How to get a healthy hair?

What to eat for a healthy skin1 Mangoes: contain compounds with antioxidant proper-ties. These compounds help to protect compounds o the

skin such as collagen.2. Tomatoes: have skin cancer prevention

benefits. One study in mice revealed that daily tomatoes. consumption decrea-

sed the development of skin cancer tumors by 50 percent after UV light exposure.

By ghina & Raghd

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fashionT he environment is a big

topic. And there are lots of different styles that are eco friend-

ly. For example, the e-girl style is both very popular and good

for the environment. The style is very dark but people who have

the style are buying most of their clothes on second hand.

“Although there are girls who dress like this, they may not

identify as an e-girl. They just like the type of clothing. But there are some girls that intentionally dress this way to show their interest in the e-girl lifestyle”, said Anneliese Olivo, from magazine Eagle’s eye.

There’s a very trendy style at the moment. It’s mostly known as the typical “swedish teen”. Adults say things like “the 90s called and

wanted their clothes back”, only because most of the clothes are bought second hand. This style

exists in other countries too but they named it “skater boy/girl”.

Their clothes aren’t as recycled as the swedish ones. These styles are

two very trendy styles but there are a lot more styles that look

nothing like these. One of them is the “ghetto” style. People who dress in these clothes live in the

suburb. They’re not environmental friendly at all. They wear jackets with real animal fur and a lot of

expensive brands such as Gucci, Fendi and Louis Vuitton.

Although the “swedish teen” is eco friendly there still are a few

things that affect the environment. For example, there typical winter shoes are UGGs. UGGs are made out of real wool. there are a lot of

copies of the original shoes that are eco friendly and cruelty-free

but the real UGG is a show of class.

a new trend has been on the rise of influencing teenagers everywhere to become e-girls.

The style is very dark and people who weare it are buying most of their clothes on 2nd hand.

Edla, Hanna & Angelina

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Santa Lucia in Novia


Our celebration of Santa Lucia at Novia was fantastic. 3rd grade students, and the choir (4th and 5th grades) made it wonderful!

Thanks to our music teachers, Sara and Clara :)

photos by Marco & Shqipe