November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 · November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 Regional...


Transcript of November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 · November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 Regional...

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Page 2: November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 · November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 Regional Offices Tomorrow’s World TM* is published by the Living Church of God TM* , 16935

November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6

Regional Offices

Tomorrow’s World TM* is published by the Living Church of God TM*, 16935 W. Bernardo Dr., Suite 260, San Diego, CA, 92127. Copyright © 2000 Living Church of God. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Canada subscriptions: Canada Post AgreementNumber 1545396. Send change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A6C7. Periodicals postage paid at San Diego, CA and at additional mailing offices.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Tomorrow’s World , P.O. Box 503077, San Diego, CA 92150.

Will We Conquer Space? ...................................................................................8Scientists are forming plans for trips to Mars, though high costs and fragiletechnologies pose obstacles. God has an awesome destiny planned forhumanity, more exciting and amazing than any science fiction story everwritten. Your Bible reveals mankind’s place in the vast universe!

Shaping Our Modern World........................................................................25Although the 20th century brought dramatic changes to our modern world,the ideas and beliefs that took root can trace their origins to centuries past.What are the consequences of mankind’s most cherished beliefs? What is thetruth, and where can it be found?

What Is Hidden by the Holidays? .............................................................14At year-end, busy shoppers and revelers turn their attention to Halloween,Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. But how often do they stop toask “Why?” What do these holidays mean, and do they obscure mankind’sattention from more important instructions given by God?

How Would Jesus Vote for President? . . . . . . . . . .4For months, citizens of the United States have been bombardedwith advertising urging them to “Vote for Al Gore!” or “Vote forGeorge W. Bush!” How should a real Christian respond in such apolitically charged atmosphere? More importantly—how wouldJesus Christ respond?


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Tomorrow’s World

Inside This Issue

Watch and Warn ..................................................................................................20Jesus Christ told His followers to watch world events, and to warn the worldof what is to come. With the Bible as our guide, we can understand howseemingly unrelated events in different regions tie together as the Savior’sprophesied return draws near.

Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Questions & Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19TV/Radio Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Regional Offices

All scriptural references are from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

Tomorrow’s World



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Editor in Chief Roderick C. Meredith

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Page 3: November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 · November–December 2000 Volume 2, Issue 6 Regional Offices Tomorrow’s World TM* is published by the Living Church of God TM* , 16935

Nov.–Dec. 2000 3

Many surveys show that Americans think theirleaders—especially their presidents—should possessgood character. Yet when it comes to specifics, mostAmericans tend to vote for the man or party theyagree with on the “pocketbook” issues—the issuesaffecting their economic or social well-being.

The nominee of the conservative major partyseems more hesitant to speak and act firmly on thehuge issue of abortion than in defense of “big busi-ness” interests. The other major candidate is at thehub of an alleged fundraising scandal. He talks ofprotecting the environment and allies himself withthose who revere the earth as a “goddess” even asmany environmentalists are deserting him for anoth-er candidate who they believe has not “sold out”their interests. Yet the environmentalists’ candidatetalks of his simple lifestyle and dedication to theworking class, while having made millions of dollarsin stock market investments. More and more Amer-icans see electoral politics as a hopeless nest of liesand hypocrisy.

Yet just ahead of us, America’s political leader-ship is faced with a large number of primarily moralissues: new forms of murder such as the sickening“partial birth” abortion, the troubling rise in teenagecrime and drug use, the growing pressure to legalizemarijuana, the relentless lobbying for more and morehomosexual “rights” including, now, the right of twomen or two women to “marry” each other. Who inthis sin-sick environment has the proven characterto guide our nation in choosing the right path? Whocan we genuinely rely on to lead us at a time whennearly all of our cherished Judeo-Christian valuesseem to be under attack?

Who?The truth is that our present political process has

produced virtually no one with a proven record of

real integrity, consistency and outstanding leader-ship. Yet, for those few who still truly believe theBible, God inspired these words through King Davidof Israel: “He who rules over men must be just, rul-ing in the fear of God” (2 Samuel 23:3).

Most of our modern politicians refer to God orthe Bible. Yet they are constant liars, compromisers,men whose opinions change with the latest publicopinion poll. Such men don’t fit God’s description ofa leader, do they? Former Education Secretary BillBennett wrote that today’s Presidential politics arebased on “the underlying premise that there are nomoral facts, thus reducing politics to what thephilosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called (approving-ly) the Will to Power. In such a world one cannotmake appeals to moral principles; what matters iswho controls the levers” (The Death of Outrage, p.67).

When considering the unseemly political croniesand influence peddlers that seem to surround almostany president or government leader nowadays, weneed to pay attention to our Creator’s warnings aboutthis kind of politicking: “Take away the wicked frombefore the king, and his throne will be established inrighteousness” (Proverbs 25:5). And again, “If aruler pays attention to lies, all his servants becomewicked” (Proverbs 29:12).

We also need to focus on the powerful influenceexerted on the young and the unthinking by anypresident or political leader. Most people do tend tofollow not merely the words—but the example—setby their leaders. If their leaders tend to have a shal-low sense of values, if theirs is an “easy come, easygo” lifestyle, the impressionable of a nation are quickto pick up on this and imitate it. Although voting

The Character Issue

Continued on page 30

PersonalBy Roderick C. Meredith, Editor in Chief

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4 Tomorrow’s World© Presslink Image

or months, the televisiona n d r a d i o p o l i t i c a l message ads have bom-barded our senses: “Votefor Al Gore!” or “Vote forGeorge W. Bush!”

What should a real Christiando? How should we respond? Mostimportantly, how would JesusChrist respond in this politicallycharged atmosphere?

With America’s national debtlooming in the background, ten-sion in the Middle East, geopoliti-

cal instability abroad and a crisis ofcharacter at home, who do wethink can really solve America’sproblems? Who can lead us out ofthe morass of our plummetingmorality, our insecure economy,our declining standard of livingand the increasing racial and eth-nic tension in our society? Who?

We all need to recognize that atrue Christian is one who hasChrist living in him through thepower of the Holy Spirit. TheApostle Paul wrote, “I am crucified

By Roderick C. MeredithBy Roderick C. Meredith


with Christ: nevertheless I live;yet not I, but Christ liveth inme: and the life which I nowlive in the flesh I live by thefaith of the Son of God, wholoved me, and gave himself forme” (Galatians 2:20, KJV).

A true Christian must learnto live as Jesus Christ actuallylived—not as many peopleincorrectly imagine how Hemight have lived. Jesus Himselftold us, “Man shall not live bybread alone, but by every wordof God” (Luke 4:4). The gen-uine answer as to how weought to live and function in ademocratic nation is to befound in the Bible—theinspired Word of God. For weare to have the “mind ofChrist” (Philippians 2:5). Andthe Bible is the revelation ofGod’s mind—telling us howthe Father and Jesus Christreally think about the funda-mental issues of life.

Seasonal Contradictions

Two contradictory mes-sages are being aired duringthis November-December sea-son in America. On the onehand, we will be told, “Vote forso-and-so as your leader!” Onthe other hand, in churchesand auditoriums across theland—and over the airwaves aswell—these majestic words ofHandel’s Messiah will besounding forth: “King of kingsand Lord of lords, King ofkings and Lord of lords!”

Most professing Christiansdon’t even grasp or understandthe inherent contradictionb e t w e e n t h e m e s s a g e sdescribed above. For they havebeen told far more about the“little Lord Jesus, away in amanger,” than they have about

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Nov.–Dec. 2000 5

the biblical Jesus Christ who isnow standing at the right hand ofGod in heaven (Acts 7:55–56).The real Christ will soon returnin majestic glory as the literalKing of kings over the entireearth! To most people, this Jesusis unknown.

Again, very few professingChristians realize that Jesus’Gospel was about world govern-ment. One of the most clever,Satanic deceptions ever spread isthat Jesus Christ’s Message wasprincipally about Himself. Thestarting point of true Christianityis accepting the shed blood ofJesus Christ after truly REPENT-ING (seldom mentioned else-where!) of sin. However, Jesus’main Message—the Gospel Hepreached—centered on worldgovernment and the willingnessof each human to genuinely sur-render to God and eventuallybecome part of His divine Family.This divine government will soonRULE over this entire earth!

Who RULES This Present World?

Though many have been ledto believe that this world is God’sworld, the Bible tells us somethingentirely different. The ApostleJohn was inspired to write, “Donot love the world or the things inthe world. If anyone loves theworld, the love of the Father is notin him” (1 John 2:15).

During the temptation of JesusChrist, He was taken to a moun-tain and shown the glory of all thekingdoms of this world: “And thedevil said to Him, ‘All this author-ity [to govern] I will give You, andtheir glory; for this has been deliv-ered to me, and I give it towhomever I wish’” (Luke 4:6).

Did Jesus contradict Satanand tell him that he was NOT in

charge of the kingdoms of thisworld? No. He did not. Rather,near the end of His ministry, Jesusspoke of Satan in this way: “Nowis the judgment of this world;now the ruler of this world willbe cast out” (John 12:31). Again,in John 14:30, Jesus said, “I willno longer talk much with you, forthe ruler of this world is coming,and he has nothing in Me.”

Later, the Apostle Paul wrote,“But even if our gospel is veiled,it is veiled to those who are per-ishing, whose minds the god ofthis age has blinded, who do notbelieve, lest the light of the gospelof the glory of Christ, who is theimage of God, should shine onthem” (2 Corinthians 4:3–4).Satan the Devil is the invisibleruler—the “god” of this age,which has covered about 6,000years of human history since thecreation of Adam. But this agewill end at the Second Coming ofJesus Christ as King of kings! InEphesians 2:2, God inspired Paulto reveal to us that Satan is “theprince of the power of the air, thespirit who now works in the sonsof disobedience.” So the invisiblespirit ruler—the prince—overthis world’s society is actuallySatan the Devil!

Nevertheless the true CreatorGod intervenes, when necessary,to accomplish His purpose. InGalatians 1:4, the Apostle Paultaught that Christ “gave Himselffor our sins, that he might deliverus from this present evil world”(KJV). But egotistical men, whothink they know it all, are actual-ly unaware that they are underthe powerful sway of the invisibleSatan. They think that their ideasabout society and about govern-ment—often diametrically con-trary to those of God—makesense. But God says, “There is away that seems right to a man,

but its end is the way of death”(Proverbs 14:12).

Satan DECEIVES this worldin a thousand different ways! Inthe book of Revelation, the Apos-tle John foresaw a spirit war justahead when “the great dragon wascast out, that serpent of old, calledthe Devil and Satan, who deceivesthe whole world; he was cast tothe earth, and his angels were castout with him” (Revelation 12:9).

Later, God reveals to us that atthe beginning of Christ’s reign onearth, Satan is cast into a bottom-less pit “so that he should deceivethe nations no more till the thou-sand years were finished” (Reve-lation 20:3). The Bible makes itexceedingly clear that this presentsociety is Satan’s. Rather thantruly seeking God’s will, today’scivilization is based on vanity,competition, deception and fraud.

Jesus told Pontius Pilate, “Mykingdom is not of this world. IfMy kingdom were of this world,My servants would fight, so that Ishould not be delivered to theJews; but now My kingdom is notfrom here” (John 18:36). Clearly,Jesus had no intention of tryingto get into this world’s politicsand wars. He represented anotherworld, another government—theKingdom of God. Therefore,Jesus would definitely not try toreorganize this world and get intothe midst of a lying, schemingpolitical system under the swayof Satan the Devil!

Training to Be Kings

Probably within the next gen-eration, the biblical Jesus Christwill return to sit on a real throne inthe city of Jerusalem. His government will be establishedthroughout the entire earth—a literal government empowered by Almighty God (Revelation

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19:15–16). And what will Jesus’followers—the true saints ofGod—be doing? “Do you notknow that the saints will judge theworld? And if the world will bejudged by you, are you unworthyto judge the smallest matters? Doyou not know that we shall judgeangels? How much more, thingsthat pertain to this life?” (1Corinthians 6:2–3). In the next fewverses, Paul went on to expoundhow the Christians in Corinth weresupposed to learn to practice God’sgovernment in the Church by cor-rectly “judging” problems amongthemselves. From Genesis to Revelation, a position in God’s government has always been byappointment—NOT by politickingor otherwise making deceptivepromises to people to buy theirvotes. So Paul asks, “[Why] do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church tojudge?” (v. 4).

Christians are in training,now, to be kings and priests in thesoon-coming Kingdom of God.Jesus stated in Revelation2:26–27: “he who overcomes, andkeeps My works until the end, tohim I will give power over thenations—‘He shall rule them witha rod of iron; as the potter’s ves-sels shall be broken to pieces’—asI also have received from MyFather.” So we need to overcomeour human ways and human self-ishness—and learn to practiceGod’s government now. Noticethis “prayer of the saints” in Rev-elation 5:9–10: “You are worthy totake the scroll, and to open itsseals; for You were slain, and haveredeemed us to God by Yourblood out of every tribe andtongue and people and nation,and have made us kings andpriests to our God; and we shallreign on the earth.” Clearly, thetrue saints of God will soon have

rulership—NOT up in heaven—but on this earth!

Carefully study the parable ofthe pounds in Luke 19:11–27 inthe King James Version. HereJesus is pictured as going off toheaven to receive His Kingdomand to return. When Christreturns, He rewards His servantsaccording to how well each hasdone in using God-given time,talents and wisdom in servingGod. What reward did Christ giveHis faithful servants? “And hesaid unto him, ‘Well [done], thougood servant: because thou hastbeen faithful in a very little, havethou authority over ten cities’” (v.17). And to the servant who hadonly gained five pounds? “Bethou also over five cities” (v. 19).

Do you see any indication ofpoliticking or voting here? Not atall. Rather, it is just one morescriptural example to make clearto Christians that the best form of government—God’s govern-ment—is not in any way based onhuman politicking, compromis-ing, wheeling and dealing, andcoming up with half-baked solu-tions to our problems.

As Jesus said, “My Kingdomis not of this world” (John18:36). Jesus certainly would nothave lowered Himself to be partof this world’s wrongheadedapproach to governing. Rather,when Christ returns, He will dealdecisively with the governmentsof this world. “And in the days ofthese kings [in power just priorto Christ’s return] the God ofheaven will set up a kingdomwhich shall never be destroyed;and the kingdom shall not be leftto other people; it shall break inpieces and consume all thesekingdoms, and it shall stand for-ever” (Daniel 2:44).

Later in Daniel, God clearlydescribes how the true saints will

be given authority, under Christ,over ALL the governments of thisearth at the Messiah’s return.“Then the kingdom and domin-ion, and the greatness of thekingdoms under the whole heav-en, shall be given to the people,the saints of the Most High. Hiskingdom is an everlasting king-dom, and all dominions shallserve and obey Him” (7:27).

How Should ChristiansInteract with Human Governments NOW?

Although Jesus Christ did notactively participate in the govern-ments of this deceived world, Hedid set us an example of obedi-ence to civil law, showing respectto those in office. When the Phar-isees came to ask Jesus about pay-ing taxes, He answered, “Rendertherefore to Caesar the things thatare Caesar’s, and to God the thingsthat are God’s” (Matthew 22:21).

God inspired the ApostlePaul to write, “Let every soul besubject to the governing authori-ties. For there is no authorityexcept from God, and the author-ities that exist are appointed byGod. Therefore whoever resiststhe authority resists the ordi-nance of God, and those whoresist will bring judgment onthemselves” (Romans 13:1–2).And Paul further explains in vers-es 6–7: “For because of this youalso pay taxes, for they are God’sministers attending continuallyto this very thing. Render there-fore to all their due: taxes towhom taxes are due, customs towhom customs, fear to whomfear, honor to whom honor.”

Paul tells us to pray for thosein positions of authority. “There-fore I exhort first of all that suppli-cations, prayers, intercessions, andgiving of thanks be made for all

6 Tomorrow’s World

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Nov.–Dec. 2000 7

men, for kings and all who are inauthority, that we may lead a quietand peaceable life in all godlinessand reverence” (1 Timothy 2:1–2).

True Christians—who makeup the church (Greek ekklesia, lit-erally, the “called-out ones”)—arelike foreign ambassadors. “Forour citizenship is in heaven, fromwhich we also eagerly wait forthe Savior, the Lord JesusChrist” (Philippians 3:20).

A number of years ago, Ihad the opportunity to act asdeputy chancellor of a smallcollege near London, England.Because of this, and otherresponsibilities, I attended anumber of distinguished gath-erings in London and at thehome of the U.S. ambassador toHer Majesty’s government. Ontwo of these occasions, I metthe American ambassador.

The U.S. ambassador toBritain—or to any other gov-ernment for that matter—isobligated to obey the laws of theland in which he is residing, topay his taxes, to respect theauthorities and to give honor towhom honor is due. On the twooccasions when I visited WinfieldHouse—the ambassador’s resi-dence—a toast was proposed tothe Queen. All rose and liftedtheir glasses in honor of the gra-cious lady who is still monarch ofthe British people. On each occa-sion, both U.S. ambassadors—Elliot Richardson in one instanceand Walter Annenberg in theother—joined in the toast. Show-ing this kind of respect to thosein authority is clearly reflective ofthe attitude which God wants usall to have. And certainly to obeyall the legitimate laws of the landand to pay our taxes is required.Of course, if some Hitlerian gov-ernment ever tried to make usdirectly disobey the higher laws

of Almighty God, then we shouldfollow the inspired example ofthe apostles who said, “We oughtto obey God rather than men”(Acts 5:29). Even then, if weshould decide to stay in thatnation, we should expect to suf-fer any penalty or punishmentsuch authorities might impose—

looking in FAITH to God to takecare of us (cf. Daniel 3).

But, as the Apostle Paulwrote, “We are AMBASSADORSfor Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).We should conduct ourselveswith love and respect for allhuman beings—including thosein political offices. But we mustalways remember that our ulti-mate citizenship is NOT in orfrom the governments of thisSatan-inspired society! Althoughwe should serve others and dogood on an individual basis, wecannot and must not get involvedwith political efforts to reorga-nize or to clean up Satan’sdeceived world. For the systemitself is NOT God’s system! He isonly allowing deceived humanbeings to go their own way andexperiment with various types ofgovernment during these past6,000 years of human experience.

Again, the Apostle Paul wrote,“Do not be unequally yokedtogether with unbelievers. Forwhat fellowship has righteousnesswith lawlessness? And what com-munion has light with darkness?And what accord has Christ withBelial? Or what part has a believerwith an unbeliever?” (2 Corinthi-

ans 6:14–15). Referring to thereligio-political system that willdominate the entire Westernworld when Jesus Christ returns,God commands His people,“And I heard another voice fromheaven saying, ‘COME OUT ofher, my people, lest you share inher sins, and lest you receive ofher plagues’” (Revelation 18:4).

What would Jesus do in thiselection year in the UnitedStates? He would be so busy pro-claiming the GOOD NEWS ofthe soon-coming Kingdom ofGod that He would have notime—and no interest—in poli-ticking, voting or taking part in

any groups pressuring to clean upSatan’s world. For He would knowthat—although often well-mean-ing—human attempts to save thisworld are doomed to failurebecause they are under Satan’ssway and are part of his systemwhich God Himself calls “Babylon.”

The mission and calling of alltrue Christians is to help preparethe way—as advance emissaries—for the Kingdom of God, the liter-al government that the LivingJesus Christ will soon set up. Itwill replace all the misguidedhuman governments of this earth.“Then the seventh angel sounded:And there were loud voices inheaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms ofthis world have become the king-doms of our Lord and of HisChrist, and He shall reign foreverand ever!’” (Revelation 11:15).

May God speed that day! TW

Q u e e n E l i z a b e t h I I r e c e i v e s t h e Ambassador of Argentina, who presentedhis Letters of Credence at BuckinghamPalace last June. Ambassadors must obeythe laws of the land in the nations theyserve. © Presslink Image

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8 Tomorrow’s World

he vastness of the universe intrigues us. It seems to invite us toventure out into space. Mankind has set foot on the moon, butwill we ever reach Mars—or beyond? What will be our future inthe universe? Will you ever step out into space?

In 1958, the Soviet Union began the “space race” by launch-ing the satellite “Sputnik.” At first the United States lagged behind, but with theJuly 1969 moon landing, the U.S. took the lead. Now, decades later, Russia, theU.S. and other countries are cooperating on an international space station.

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By Richard F. AmesBy Richard F. Ames

Scientists and astronautsare forming plans to rocketto Mars. Is this what Godenvisioned us to accom-plish? Can we conquer thevastness of space? Your Bibleoffers some shocking sur-prises about your ultimatedestiny and your place inthe universe. You need toknow that destiny and whyyou were born! You need toknow what the Bible revealsabout mankind’s incrediblepotential!

God has an awesomefuture planned for us, moreexciting and amazing thanany science fiction storyyou have ever read. YetGod’s awesome plan is notscience fiction! And itanswers the question: “Willwe conquer space?”

Dreams and Desires

In March 2000, Missionto Mars was the most popu-lar movie in United Statestheaters. According to aZogby America poll, 38 p e rc e n t o f A m e r i c a n s would like to visit Mars(Reuters/Zogby, March 15,2000). Another Zogby pollrevealed that 59 percent ofAmerican adults expectman to land on Mars withinthe next 25 years. Only 24percent said that manwould never travel to Mars.

NASA’s long-term planfor Mars travel assumesfour to six month trips toand from Mars, with 18months of exploration onthe planet. Others havetheir own dreams, desiresand even plans. One privateorganization is advertisingvia the Internet a five-week


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manned mission to Mars in July of 2018. Its ticketprice is two million dollars!

But do we really understand our limitations? Per-haps we can send a tiny and expensive spacecraftbeyond our atmosphere, but do we really think that we,as air-breathing, food-eating, water-drinking creatures can conquer—truly master—space? While Marsmay be within reach at a cost of bil-lions of dollars, how might we reachour nearest star? The nearest star isProxima Centauri, 4.2 light yearsaway. If you could travel there at thespeed of light (186,000 miles per sec-ond) it would take more than fouryears. By contrast, the space probeVoyager 1 is now traveling into spaceat 38,700 miles per hour. At thatspeed it would need 70,000 years toreach Proxima Centauri. We willnever extend our reach throughoutthe universe, unless we can breakthrough limitations of time and space.At present this seems almost impossi-ble. But, as we will see, there is hopefor the future.

Cooperation in Space?

How will mankind ever conquer space if we cannot cooperate effectively? One international coop-erative project is the International Space Station. Sixteen nations are involved in the project, whichbegan with the launch of the control module Zarya onNovember 20, 1998. The Russian service moduleZvezda saw its original 1999 launch date delayed untilJuly 2000. This $320 million element is but a smallpart of all that will be spent on the station. Yet whathave the world’s top engineers and space scientists cre-ated? “[After launch], officials conceded they hadoverlooked something. Though the school bus-sizepod will be home to three astronauts for four monthsat a time, it has been outfitted with only two tiny sleep-ing berths—leaving one crewman no place to bunk”(“Space Pork,” Time, July 24, 2000, p. 24).

Originally planning the station’s completion in2004 at a cost of roughly $12 billion, its internationalmanagement team now expects a 2005 completion ata cost of $96 billion—eight times the original esti-mate! And scientists are saying that once the station isbuilt, there may be nothing for it to do, since many ofits planned experiments have already been conducted

aboard Russia’s Mir space station, and others can beperformed at far lower cost on unmanned ships. Willmankind ever be able to conquer space? Not this way!

Human beings, unlike all other forms of life, areable to plan, design and build in wondrous ways,

because the Creator God has giveneach of us a mind. In the 20th cen-tury, the human mind brought aboutthe development of amazing newtechnologies. But human nature his-torically uses technologies not onlyfor good, but also for evil. At thedawn of the 21st century, long-fearednuclear, biological, and chemical(NBC) weapons of mass destructionare no longer the only destructivetechnologies. Now a new threat is onthe horizon—genetics, nanotechnol-ogy and robotics (GNR)—promisingnew horrors for the new century.

In his startling essay, “Why theFuture Doesn’t Need Us” (WiredMagazine, April 2000, pp. 238–262),Sun Microsystems founder Bill Joy,an early pioneer of the minicomput-er age, contemplates these new GNRtechnologies’ effect on warringhumanity. “I think it is no exaggera-

tion to say we are on the cusp of the further perfectionof extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads wellbeyond that which weapons of mass destructionbequeathed to the nation-states, on to a surprising andterrible empowerment of extreme individuals.”

Will these technologies, and their potential forevil, be unleashed as warring mankind seeks to con-trol space? What is your prediction? There is noquestion that until the Creator God intervenes,mankind’s drive for evil will continue, because“…the way of peace they have not known. There isno fear of God before their eyes” (Romans 3:17–18).

Space Wars?

Will there be space wars? Military weapondesigners are planning nuclear-powered space-basedlasers and particle-beam weapons. In an article titled“Waging War in Space” The Nation magazineexplored this topic:

In 1996 the [United States] Space Com-mand’s commander in chief, Gen. JosephAshy, put it bluntly. “It’s politically sensitive,

Space probes such as Voyager 1race through deep space towardnea rby s t a r s they w i l l no t reach for thousands of years.

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but it’s going to happen.... we’re going to fightin space. We’re going to fight from space andwe’re going to fight into space.... That’s whythe U.S. has development programs in direct-ed energy and hit-to-kill mechanisms. We’llexpand into these two missions—space con-trol and space force applica-tion [military jargon forcontrol of Earth fromspace]—because they willbecome increasingly impor-tant. We will engage terres-trial targets someday—ships, airplanes, land tar-gets—from space. We willengage targets in space,from space” (The Nation,December 27, 1999).

History should teach us theprofound lesson that humangovernments and institutions,apart from the government ofGod and the way of God, willonly lead us to total cosmocide—total destruction!As Jesus Himself said, “For then there will be greattribulation, such as has not been since the beginningof the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.And unless those days were shortened, no fleshwould be saved; but for the elect’s sake those dayswill be shortened” (Matthew 24:21).

The good news is that God will intervene andsave the earth from cosmocide. Jesus Christ will comeback to judge the nations in the dramatic Day of theLord and the climactic end-time battle. He will needto do that to save humanity from total extinction!

The First Step Toward Space

We have seen mankind’s desire to venture intospace, and the frailty of human efforts to do so. Yet eventhough we are infinitesimal by comparison, we feel weare part of the vast universe. But before mankind cantruly conquer space, we must conquer self—selfishhuman nature. Only then can converted individualscome to understand their place in this vast universe. Inhis years as a shepherd boy, King David spent manymonths under the night sky, wondering about his placein the universe. He stood in awe of the starry heavens,and recognized their Source as the Creator God. Davidwrote in Psalm 8:3–4: “When I consider Your heavens,the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which

You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful ofhim, and the son of man that You visit him?”

What was his answer? “For You have made hima little lower than the angels, and You have crownedhim with glory and honor. You have made him tohave dominion over the works of Your hands; you

have put all things underhis feet, all sheep andoxen; even the beasts ofthe field, the birds of theair, and the fish of thesea that pass through thepaths of the seas. OLORD, our Lord, howexcellent is Your name inall the earth!” (Psalm8:5–9).

God is “mindful,” asDavid put it, of humanbeings. He cares for us!Why? Because He creat-ed us for a wondrouspurpose—to have a per-sonal relationship with

Him! Just think about that profound truth! God said,“‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Ourlikeness; let them have dominion over the fish of thesea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, overall the earth and over every creeping thing thatcreeps on the earth.’ So God created man in His ownimage; in the image of God He created him; male andfemale He created them” (Genesis 1:26–27).

Human beings were created in God’s likeness tohave an eternal and loving relationship with Him.But it is God who first demonstrated His love to us!Nearly every Christian is familiar with the “preciousverse” or “golden verse” of the Bible: “For God soloved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,that whoever believes in Him should not perish buthave everlasting life” (John 3:16).

God is love! And He has given the greatest gift oflove that any of us could receive—the gift of His Son,Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins. Sin brings the deathpenalty upon us. “For the wages of sin is death, but thegift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Romans 6:23). Our sin has earned us the death penal-ty, but God sent His Son to pay that penalty, so that wecan be reconciled to God. Redeemed by God, we canwalk in a new way of life and have a new relationshipwith our Creator! Mindful of God’s great love, and Hissacrifice of His Son, we should want to follow theApostle Peter’s admonition, “Repent, and let every one

A view of the International Space Station, orbiting 206 miles above Earth, as seen from the U.S. Space Shuttle Atlantis last September 15. © Presslink Image

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of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for theremission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of theHoly Spirit” (Acts 2:38). In doing so, God and theChristian are no longer separated—a repentant, bap-tized Christian, yielding to God’s law of love, has directaccess to God through the Sav-ior, Jesus Christ. Through Himwe can conquer selfish humannature (cf. Philippians 4:13).

God created the humanfamily, and He wants us to be apart of His divine family. TheApostle Paul wrote: “For thisreason I bow my knees to theFather of our Lord Jesus Christ,from whom the whole family inheaven and earth is named”(Ephesians 3:14–15). Yes, Godis the Father of a family—andHe wants you to be a part of acreative family that will experi-ence activity and joy for all eter-nity! He wants you to enjoy theearth, the planets, the solar sys-tem—and the entire awesome universe.

True Christians are even now the begotten chil-dren of God. “Behold what manner of love the Fatherhas bestowed on us, that we should be called chil-dren of God!… Beloved, now we are children ofGod” (1 John 3:1–2).

Stewards of the Earth—Stewards of the Universe

God’s children, brothers and sisters in Christ, arenow preparing for the coming Kingdom of God. Areyou preparing for the soon-coming Kingdom of God?We read in the first chapter of Genesis that humanbeings were given the responsibility of governing ourenvironment. God said, “Let them have dominionover the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, andover the cattle, over all the earth and over every creep-ing thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 1:26).

Have we, as human beings, been faithful stew-ards of our power, dominion and authority over theearth? All over the world we have polluted our air,our water and our environment. We have misusedour potential for good by inventing weapons of massdestruction. And we have not conquered violence,terrorism and abuses of all kinds.

Albert Einstein, reflecting on human nature,commented, “It is easier to denature plutonium than

to denature the evil spirit of man” (Disturbing TheUniverse, Dyson, 1979, ch. 5). Left to our owndevices, we have shown ourselves incapable of prop-er stewardship. Only by yielding to God—repentingof sin and allowing His Holy Spirit to work through

us—can we overcome the sinfulhuman nature that, since Adam,has kept mankind apart fromGod.

Why, then, has God givenfallen human beings dominionover the creation? The answermay astound you. God has givenus the opportunity to train forgreater authority and steward-ship in the future! He wants toshare the universe with us!

The author of the book ofHebrews quotes David’s psalm:“You have made him [mankind]a little lower than the angels;You have crowned him withglory and honor, and set himover the works of Your hands.

You have put all things in subjection under his feet”(Hebrews 2:7–8).

Here the quote from Psalms ends, and the authorof Hebrews makes a comment. “For in that He put allin subjection under him, He left nothing that is notput under him” (v. 8). Nothing in the universe isexcluded from mankind’s dominion or rule. Yet theverse concludes, “But now we do not yet see allthings put under him” (v. 8).

The Greek phrase translated as “all” in thisverse is ta panta—which literally means “the all.”As Greek lexicons explain, ta panta in the absolutesense means “the universe.” God wants to giveyou, along with billions of others, dominion notjust over the earth, but over the universe! Yet wecan only do that when we inherit eternal life—only when we become God’s immortal children toreign with Christ in His Kingdom for all eternity!

Just when will Christians become God’s immortalchildren? Here is what the Apostle Paul wrote:“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, butwe shall all be changed; in a moment, in the twinklingof an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet willsound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, andwe shall be changed. For this corruptible must put onincorruption, and this mortal must put on immortali-ty. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption,and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be

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brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death isswallowed up in victory’” (1 Corinthians 15:51–54).

Our hope is the resurrection! It takes place at thelast trumpet, when mankind hears the greatannouncement of Christ’s Kingdom replacing thisworld’s governments (cf. Revelation 11:15). This sev-enth trumpet occurs during the prophetic time peri-od known as the Day of the Lord, when Christiansare changed from mortal to immortal. Only then arewe born into the Kingdom of God as His glorifiedchildren. Hebrews 2:10 states that the Savior, Jesus

Christ, is to bring “many sons to glory.” Christianswill be those sons. Romans 8:29 states that Jesus isthe “firstborn among many brethren.” Christians areto become His eternal brethren.

Our Ultimate Inheritance

As God’s children, we are His heirs. What will weinherit? As a part of God’s family, we are promised agreat inheritance. “For as many as are led by the Spir-it of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have notreceived the spirit of bondage again to fear; but yehave received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness withour spirit, that we are the children of God: and if chil-dren, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs withChrist; if so be that we suffer with him, that we maybe also glorified together” (Romans 8:14–17, KJV).

We have the awesome privilege of being “heirs ofGod and joint heirs with Christ.” What will we inher-it? The list is impressive! In the Sermon on the Mount,Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inher-it the earth” (Matthew 5:5). Our inheritance includesthe earth. The patriarch Abraham is called “the heir ofthe world” in Romans 4:13. Revelation 2:26 explainsthat the overcomers will rule over nations. The para-ble of the talents (cf. Luke 19) reveals that faithfulChristians will also be ruling over cities in the comingKingdom! Yes, the meek shall inherit the earth!

What else will we inherit? Chapter 25 ofMatthew describes Christ coming back to earth inhis glory. All the nations are gathered before Him asHe sits in judgment. And see what He says to His

faithful servants. “Then the King will say to those onHis right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father,inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun-dation of the world’” (Matthew 25:34).

As heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, we willinherit the earth! We will also inherit the Kingdom ofGod! That is a part of your incredible future! Somereligious people believe that Christians have alreadyinherited the Kingdom! Is that true? Not according tothe Apostle Paul. “Now this I say, brethren, that fleshand blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor

does corruption inherit incorruption” (1 Corinthians15:50). If you are flesh and blood, the Bible says thatyou have not yet inherited the Kingdom.

The good news is that faithful Christians willinherit the earth and the Kingdom of God. Our ulti-mate inheritance, revealed above in Hebrews, is alsoindicated in an amazing passage in Revelation. “Hewho overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will behis God and he shall be My son” (Revelation 21:7).As incredible as it may seem, God is willing to giveus all things—even the entire universe.

Imagine being able to travel about the universeinstantaneously! One galaxy will be as close to youas another. God, as the Creator of the heavens, wantsto share all of His creation with you.

But before Christians venture out into the uni-verse, there will be a crucial mission to perform onthe earth. Bible prophecy explains that the saints,immortalized Christians, will need to educate bil-lions of people about God’s way of life—the Waytaught by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In the Kingdomof God—the real “millennium” yet to come—faithfulresurrected Christians will be kings and priests (cf.Revelation 5:10), ruling on the earth under the Kingof kings, Jesus Christ, helping billions of humanbeings into the Kingdom of God, into God’s Family.

Will we conquer the universe? Not by our ownefforts. The Creator God, who owns the universe,will give it to His children as an inheritance. You canbe one of those future inheritors of the universe. Asan immortalized child of God, you can look forwardto that day when you will rule space as part of God’sroyal family for all eternity!

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Imagine being able to travel about the universeinstantaneously! One galaxy will be as close to you

as another. God, as the Creator of the heavens,wants to share all of His creation with you.


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Questions & AnswersQuestions & AnswersDoes the Bible indicate that Christ was born

on December 25?

One key to the accurate dating of JesusChrist’s birth is contained in a biblical statementabout Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist.In Luke, we are told that John’s father was “ofthe division of Abijah” (Luke 1:5). This briefmention has great significance.

We learn from Luke that Mary, the motherof Jesus, went to visit her cousin Elizabethright after Jesus’ conception. Elizabeth was sixmonths pregnant at the time (vv. 36–41).Thus, John the Baptist was about six monthsolder than Jesus. So if we can determine whenJohn was born, figuring out the approximatedate of Christ’s birth is a simple matter. This is where “the course of Abijah” becomesimportant.

About 1,000 years earlier, in the days ofKing David, the number of priests in Israel hadgrown considerably. David, therefore, dividedthem into 24 divisions or “courses” to rotatetheir service in the temple (1 Chronicles 24; cf.23:6; 28:13). The Jewish historian Flavius Jose-phus wrote in the first century AD that theaforementioned partition has remained “to thisday” (Antiquities of the Jews, bk. 7, chap. 14,sec. 7).

According to the Talmud, all of the priestsserved in Jerusalem during the three annual Fes-tival seasons—Passover, Pentecost and Taberna-cles (cf. Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 16).Throughout the rest of the year, however, theytook turns, with each course serving one weekin rotating order. The rotation began on the firstSabbath of Nisan (or Abib)—the first month onthe Hebrew calendar—with each course servingfrom Sabbath to Sabbath.

Because all of the courses served duringthe week of Passover, that meant the course of


Abijah—eighth in rotation (cf. 1 Chronicles24:10)—would have come on duty at thebeginning of the ninth week. And when thisrotation was over, the week of Pentecost hadbegun—so the course of Abijah would haveremained for the tenth week as well. Luke 1informs us that John was conceived rightafter his father returned home from servingat the temple (vv. 23–24). This was duringthe last half of Sivan, the third month of theJewish calendar. Thus, his birth ninemonths or so later would have been in thespring of the next year. And since Jesus wasborn six months or so after John, He wouldhave been born during the followingautumn.

Such a conclusion is corroborated by twoother details Luke gives us about the eventssurrounding Christ’s birth. Luke describesthat the shepherds were in the field, keepingwatch over their flocks by night (Luke 2:8).Shortly after the fall harvest and the Feast ofTabernacles, in October, Judea’s rainy seasonwould have begun. And by November—asthe weather began to turn colder—the flockswould have been brought in for the winter. ByDecember they would no longer have been inthe fields at night with shepherds watchingover them.

Another detail Luke provides is thatJoseph and Mary had gone to Bethlehem atthe time of a census enrollment for taxation(Luke 2:1–4). Normally such enrollmentswere set for right after harvest—which, again,would coincide with a fall date. Clearly, then,Jesus was not born on December 25.

How, then, did the idea of a December25 celebration of Christ’s birth originate? Wehave seen that it cannot be supported fromthe Bible. To learn more about the surprisingnon-Christian origin of this idea, and thegenuine biblical truths it obscures, pleaseturn to Douglas S. Winnail’s article on page14 of this issue, “What Is Hidden by the Holidays?”

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ave you ever steppedback from the busyand often hectic eventsthat mark the finalmonths of the year(Halloween, Christmasand New Year’s Eve)

and asked yourself “Why am Idoing this? What does all thismean? Does this lead anywhere?”Perhaps you sense the answers buthave avoided asking the questions.If you are not afraid of finding realanswers, and you want to discovervital information about the truemeaning and purpose of human

existence, keep reading—becausethat information is available—eventhough it has been nearly obscuredby our popular holiday customs!

Frivolous—But Empty

In many countries the year-end holiday season is a time of fun,frolic and fantasy! In late October,increasing numbers of adults dressup in ghoul-like costumes for Hal-loween parties at work while send-ing out similarly-clad children onnocturnal trick-or-treat forays. Inthe United States, many fall week-

ends revolve around footballgames and tailgate parties.After Thanksgiving Day fam-ily reunions in late Novem-ber, the mad DecemberChristmas rush begins—tobuy presents, send dozens ofcards and attend lots ofsocial activities. New Year’sbrings another round of par-ties and also resolutions—perhaps the same ones youhave made for decades—todo better next year!

Unfortunately, after Hal-loween costumes are putaway, Thanksgiving dinnersdigested, the needle-shed-ding Christmas tree dis-carded and the post-NewYear’s hangover disappears,many people are left withbills to pay and a feeling ofemptiness—post-holidaylet-down. We know the feel-ing, but we seldom ask orlook for answers to the hardquestions, like: what dotrimming a tree, decorating

the house with lights, stockings,pine boughs and flying reindeer,hanging mistletoe and taking thekids to see Santa Claus have to dowith the birth of Jesus Christ—the “reason” for the season? Why do sleigh bells and carolsabout “peace on earth, goodwilltoward men” ring hollow asheadlines report increasingly violent crimes, international terrorism, spreading droughtsand famines, continuing wars anddeclining morals? Why do millions of professing Christiansdelight in dressing up as witches

How did modern h

By Douglas S. WinnailBy Douglas S. Winnail

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and devils? Why do so-calledChristian nations perpetuateanti-Christian customs that makelife an endless round of momen-tarily pleasurable, but largelymeaningless, social activities?

The Surprising Origin of These Holidays

Believe it or not, the customsthat surround Christmas original-ly had nothing to do with JesusChrist. Like traditions of Hal-loween, these customs originatedin ancient pagan religious prac-tices. This may seem shocking,but it is true—and the evidence isnot hard to find. Dozens ofbooks, articles and referencematerials record the same facts—that for some reason, you maynot have noticed or were nevertold!

Halloween is derived frompagan Celtic new year customs inpre-Roman Britain, Scotland andIreland that “long antedate Chris-tianity,” (“Halloween,” Ency-clopædia Britannica, 11th ed.).The pagan Druids, “on or aboutthe 1st of November… held theirgreat autumn festival and lightedfires in honor of the Sun-god inthanksgiving for the harvest. Fur-ther, it was a Druidic belief thaton the eve of this festival Saman[Samhein], lord of death, calledtogether the wicked souls… con-demned to inhabit the bodies ofanimals” (Ibid.). These departedspirits could visit their old homes(Druids believed in an immortalsoul) on the last night of theCeltic year when they were

released to go to Druid heaven.During the Samhein festival, hors-es and sometimes humans (laterreplaced by black cats) were“strapped in wicker cages androasted alive as a sacrifice for thesouls of loved ones. The finalesaw celebrants donning masksand costumes and parading to theedge of town—a trick to get thesouls to follow” (SundayTelegram, Oct. 27, 1985, p. 7).

The church, in an attempt togain converts, yet unable to elim-inate popular pagan customs,merely placed a “Christian” labelon traditional dates and practices.In the 8th century the RomanChurch established All Saints’Day on November 1 to honor thedead elevated to sainthood. The2nd of November, All Souls Day,which honors departed spiritsnot elevated to sainthood, “beforebecoming a church festival in 998C.E. [AD]… was marked withcelebrations from the festival ofWoden (Odin) as god of thedead” (The Pagan Book of Days,Pennick, p. 124). People parad-ing around in the costumes ofanimals celebrated this pagan fes-tival. It is remarkable how manyintelligent professing Christiansperpetuate and participate insuperstitious holiday customswhere the chief character is thedevil—yet fail to see—orignore—its blatant pagan origin!

The story of Christmas and itscustoms is similar. The widelyheld idea that Jesus was born onDecember 25 is known to be a fab-rication! The Bible does not statewhen Christ was born, nor does it

indicate His birth should be cele-brated. Authoritative sources andhistorical facts suggest that Jesuswas born around or before 4BC—when Herod died. He was proba-bly born in the fall because sheepwere in the fields (Luke 2:8)—asituation that would not exist inDecember. Jesus was also sixmonths younger (Luke 1:24–26)than John the Baptist, who wasconceived in late June (after hisfather had served the eighthcourse of Abijah—see Luke 1:5and 1 Chronicles 24:1–19). Jose-phus, the Jewish historian, indi-cates 24 courses of priests servedin the temple for one-week peri-ods twice a year beginning in themonth of Nisan (in the spring,about April). If John had beenborn in March, Jesus would havebeen born six months later, in Sep-tember—not on the 25th ofDecember!

But why do people celebrateChrist’s birth on December 25?Late December is the time of thewinter solstice, one of the majorfestival periods in the ancientworld. Historians note “the birthof many solar saviors and dyinggods is celebrated at this time,usually on December 25th” andthat “Christmas is a wonderfulamalgamation of many religioustraditions, ancient and modern,pagan, Zoroastrian, Jewish,Mithraic, and Christian” (Pen-nick, pp. 132–133). ModernChristmas is a composite of sev-eral year-end festivals celebratedin pagan Rome. The Saturnalia,(December 17–21) was a time of“extravagant decadence” when

holidays originate? What do these customs obscure?

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slaves and masters traded placesfor a few days. It was a season ofrevelry where the common greet-ing was “bona Saturnalia.” Nextcame the Sigillaria—the feast ofdolls—on the 22nd when toyswere purchased and given to chil-dren. The Brumalia (December25) was celebrated as the “Birth-day of the Unconquered Sun,when the days began to lengthenafter the solstice” (Christmas andChristmas Lore, Crippen, p. 7).These were times of feasting,drinking and debauchery. TheEgyptians also celebrated therebirth of the sun in the form ofan infant several thousand yearsbefore the Romans (see The Gold-en Bough, St. Martin’s ed., pp.471–472).

By contrast, the early Christ-ian Church did not celebrate Jesus’birthday as long as the teachingsof the Apostles remained intact.In fact, as late as 245AD, thechurch scholar, Origen “repudiat-ed as sinful the very idea of keeping the birthday of Christ”(Encyclopædia Britannica, 11thed.). However, in an effort to gainconverts, “the church at Romedefinitely fixed on the 25th ofDecember as the birthday of the Lord” in the 4th century(Crippen, p. 6). The choice of thewinter solstice festival and thebirthday of the sun-god weredeliberate. New “converts” couldcontinue their popular pagancustoms uninterrupted—butunder a new “Christian” name!People follow the same fabricatedpractice today—largely ignorantof what is hiding behind the“Christian” façade.

The celebration of New Year’son January 1 also dates fromRoman times. The festive atmos-phere of parties, drinking anduninhibited behavior is a relic ofthe pagan Roman Saturnalia. The

New Year babe in a diaper tracesback to the rowdy Greco-Romanfestival of Dionysus (Bacchus—the god of wine) held at thebeginning of each year. FatherTime, the white-haired man car-rying a scythe, represents theGreek god Cronos (Saturn), themythical “silent reaper” whomutilated his father and ate hisown children in episodes of can-nibalism (Encyclopedia Ameri-cana, vol. 3, p. 13). We acceptand perpetuate these depravedpagan symbols in our endlesscycle of fun-filled, yet empty, hol-iday activities. But have you everwondered if there is more to lifethan this? Have pagan customsadopted by mainstream Chris-tianity replaced more meaningfulbiblical practices?

The Hidden Dimension

Again, it may come as a sur-prise, but the Bible outlines a def-inite series of festivals or feast daysthat the people of God are com-manded to observe. While manyhave been told these festivals wereOld Testament practices and areno longer relevant to New Testa-ment Christians—nothing couldbe further from the truth! The fes-tivals outlined in the Scriptures(see Leviticus 23 and Deuterono-my 16) are extremely significantand packed with meaning. Thesefestivals outline God’s plan of sal-vation for mankind. They revealthe major steps or events in thatplan. The overall format of the fes-tivals reveals the true purposeof human life. That purpose isexciting, inspiring—and hum-bling—yet it has been obscured bypagan holiday traditions profess-ing Christian churches haveabsorbed! Church services—com-manded assemblies—on each ofthe Holy Days review the meaning

of the festivals. Notice what histo-rian W. D. Davies wrote aboutearly Christian practices:

“Everywhere, especially inthe East of the Roman Empire,there would be Jewish Christianswhose outward way of life wouldnot be markedly different fromthat of the Jews. They took forgranted that the gospel was con-tinuous with [the religion ofMoses]; for them the NewCovenant, which Jesus had set upat the Last Supper with His disci-ples… did not mean that thecovenant made between God andIsrael was no longer in force.They still observed the feasts ofPassover, Pentecost and Taberna-cles; they also continued to becircumcised, to keep the weeklySabbath and the Mosaic regula-tions concerning food.” [Judeo-christianisme, “Paul and JewishChristianity,” 1972, p. 72, quotedby Samuele Bacchiocchi, FromSabbath to Sunday, p. 151].

Historian Edward Gibbonmade a similar observation: “Thefirst fifteen bishops of Jerusalemwere all circumcised Jews; andthe congregation over which theypresided united the law of Moseswith the doctrine of Christ. It wasnatural that the primitive tradi-tion of a church which wasfounded only forty days after thedeath of Christ, and was gov-erned almost as many yearsunder the immediate inspectionof his apostle, should be receivedas the standard of orthodoxy. Thedistant churches very frequentlyappealed to the authority of theirvenerable Parent” (The Declineand Fall of the Roman Empire,chapter 15, section 1, p. 389).

In an earlier article (Tomor-row’s World, March–April 2000) weoutlined the meaning of the springand early summer festivals—Passover, the Days of Unleavened

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Bread and Pentecost. The Passovercomes in the spring (when Godbegins the year—Exodus 12:2)and is an annual reminder of ourneed for a Savior and forgivenessof sin. The Passover lamb offeredin the Old Testament (Exodus12:3–6) foreshadowed the comingof Jesus Christ to die for the sins of

mankind (John 3:16). AlthoughJesus fulfilled the symbolism of the sacrificial lamb (Isaiah 53:7;John 1:29) the Apostles and theearly church continued to observe the Passover (Luke 22:14–16; 1Corinthians 11:23–26) as an annu-al memorial of Christ’s sacrifice.During the seven Days of Unleav-ened Bread, leaven is removedfrom dwellings, conveying the lesson that to obey God we mustput sin (symbolized by leaven) outof our lives. This is what Christiangrowth—repenting, changing,growing and overcoming—is allabout. The Apostles and the earlychurch kept the Days of Unleav-ened Bread to perpetuate themeaning of those days (Acts 2:38;20:6; 1 Corinthians 5:7–8).

The New Testament Churchbegan on Pentecost with the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on thedisciples (Acts 2). The Feast ofPentecost (meaning to “countfifty”) is also called the Feast ofHarvest or Firstfruits because itcame at the beginning of the sum-mer harvest. This harvest wassmall, picturing the fact that God

is calling a small group of peoplenow (Matthew 13:10–17; John6:44–66; 1 Corinthians 1:26–28),before He begins working with allmankind. The annual observanceof Pentecost is a constant reminderthat God has a special purpose forthose called to be firstfruits (Reve-lation 14:1–5), and of the special

understanding that comes byreceiving and nourishing the HolySpirit (John 14:15–16, 26; 16:13; 2Timothy 1:6–7).

In God’s plan of salvation,the spring and early summer fes-tivals picture events that havealready happened. The death ofJesus Christ fulfilled the meaningof the Passover 2,000 years ago—hence we no longer sacrifice alamb—but we observe thePassover as a memorial of thatimportant event. The Days ofUnleavened Bread picture anongoing process of putting outsin. The events of Pentecost—thegiving of the Holy Spirit and thebeginning of the New TestamentChurch—inaugurated the Chris-tian era in the 1st century AD.The remaining fall festivals areprophetic—picturing majorevents that have yet to occur!The reason for observing the fallfestivals is so we can understandthe future and have hope. Thefour fall feasts outline the culminating steps in God’s planof salvation for mankind—adimension that has largely been

hidden from the world—obscuredby popular pagan holidays!

Revealing the Future

The Feast of Trumpets pic-tures the next event in the plan ofGod—an event that will changethe course of human history for-

ever—the return of Jesus Christ.Bible prophecies associate theSecond Coming of Christ withthe blowing of the seventh trum-pet (Revelation 11:15). Trumpetsare used to make announce-ments, mark the feasts and soundalarm during times of war (Num-bers 10:1–10). Cataclysmicevents will precede the SecondComing of Christ (Matthew 24;Revelation 6; 8; 9). Jesus willreturn to a planet torn by war andtribulation to save mankind fromutter self-destruction (Matthew24:3–7, 21–22). He will conquerhuman armies that will resist Hisreturn (Revelation 19:11–19). AtHis return the saints (the “first-fruits”) will receive immortality(1 Corinthians 15:51–54) andreign with Christ on this earth(Daniel 7:26–27; Revelation5:10). The annual observance ofthe Feast of Trumpets keeps usmindful of these incredibleevents. It supplies real hope in aworld filled with bad news.

The Day of Atonement pic-tures the fact that Satan—thereal instigator of the evils and

The early Christian Church did not celebrate Jesus’birthday as long as the teachings of the Apostles

remained intact. In fact, as late as 245AD, the churchscholar Origen “repudiated as sinful the very

idea of keeping the birthday of Christ.”

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troubles in this world—will be bound for 1,000 years whenChr i s t re turns (Reve l a t ion20:1–2). This future event waspictured in the Old Testament bya goat sent into the wildernessbearing the sins of Israel. Whilemodern translations of the Biblerefer to this animal as the“scapegoat,” suggesting it waswithout guilt, Jewish traditionscorrectly identify this goat as symbolic of the prince of fall-en angels—Satan (Leviticus16:8–10). The other goat killedfor the sins of the nation pic-tured Jesus Christ. Fasting onthe Day of Atonement teachesthe need for humility and ourneed to become at-one with God(see Leviticus 23:27; Psalm35:13; John 17:11).

The Feast of Tabernacles isthe physical and spiritual high-light of the year. While professingChristians have been told for cen-turies that good people go toheaven, and revelers during theSaturnalia and Christmas try tocreate heaven on earth for a fewdays, the Feast of Tabernacles pic-tures the coming of the kingdomof God to this earth. This seven-day festival offers an annual fore-taste of the 1,000-year reign ofJesus Christ and the saints (Reve-lation 20:4–6). During this period(the Millennium) the governmentof God will bring peace and jus-tice to this earth and restore allthings (Isaiah 9:6–7; Acts3:19–21). It will be a time of har-mony (Isaiah 11:6–9), health andabundance (Isaiah 35; Amos9:13). Cities will be rebuilt (Isaiah61:4; Ezekiel 6:10). The govern-ment of God will promulgate thelaws of God from Jerusalem to thewhole world (Isaiah 2:2–4).

The Last Great Day is thefinal festival on God’s Holy Cal-endar. It pictures the Great

White Throne Judgment periodthe Apostle John wrote about(Revelation 20:11–12) when theHoly Spirit will be made avail-able to all mankind (John7:37–39; Ezekiel 36:24–27).After the Millennium, there willbe a great resurrection of every-one who has ever lived (Revela-tion 20:5). The message of theLast Great Day is that those whodied without hearing the gospelare not lost. They are not burningright now in hell. They are wait-ing in the grave for this great res-urrection when they will havetheir chance for salvation andeternal life (see Job 14:10–15).Those who reject God’s way dur-ing this period of judgment(which appears to last a lifetimeof 100 years—Isaiah 65:20) willbe consumed in a lake of fire(Revelation 20:14–15). Howeverthose who chose to live accord-ing to God’s way of life will gainimmortality.

Warnings and Hope

Now you might be thinkingthis all sounds interesting, butdoes it really matter if we keepthose Old Testament festivals ornot? You may “love the Lord” anddo not see anything wrong withdressing up on Halloween. Youmay feel you are honoring Jesusby celebrating His birth, and youreally do not over-indulge at NewYear’s. Is there anything wrongwith giving a new meaning to the“enjoyable” parts of old paganpractices? After all, you say: “Weare not worshipping pagandeities; we merely want to showour love for God.”

The Bible answers those veryquestions! God told the nation ofIsrael to follow His command-ments and not alter them(Deuteronomy 4:1–2). Through

Moses, God repeatedly warnedthe Israelites not to forget Hiscommandments (Deuteronomy8:10–14) and to avoid beingensnared [captured, trapped] bythe evil religious practices ofpagan nations. God specificallystated “do not inquire after theirgods, saying how did thesenations serve their gods? I alsowill do likewise. You shall notworship the LORD your God inthat way; for every abominationto the LORD which He hates theyhave done to their gods”(Deuteronomy 12:30–31). Againin this context God states “What-ever I command you, be careful toobserve it; you shall not add to itnor take away from it” (Deuteron-omy 12:32).

These clear warnings arerepeated in the Old Testamentand the New Testament. Theprophet Jeremiah pointedly toldthe Israelites “learn not the wayof the heathen… for the customsof the people are vain [false,empty, worthless, a delusion]”(Jeremiah 10:2–3, KJV). Jesuseven said of religious people, “invain they do worship me, teach-ing for doctrines the command-ments of men” (Matthew 15:8–9,KJV). The Apostle Paul madesimilar admonitions (1 Corinthi-ans 10:6–7; 2 Corinthians6:14–17). However, the historyof the Israelites—and of themodern professing Christianchurches—has been to ignoreand reason around these veryclear instructions. This is whyGod inspired Moses to warnthousands of years ago “I knowthat after my death you willbecome utterly corrupt, and turnaside from the way which I havecommanded you; and evil willbefall you in the latter days,

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Continued on page 29

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The July-August 2000 Tomorrow’s World isthe best yet. Thanks to all of the writers for thesetremendous articles. Can these be put on theWeb site so that others outside the Church canhave access to the Truth?

R.B., Georgetown, IN

Editor’s Note: Past issues of Tomorrow’s Worldcan be viewed online at www.tomorrowsworld.orgin a variety of formats, along with audio and video ofthe Tomorrow’s World telecast.

I was so happy to read in your July-August2000 issue the article “Have You Been Sold a Dif-ferent Gospel?” by Douglas S. Winnail. In my“quest” during the ‘90s, I had heard about femi-nists saying that the Bible had been written bymen and that a feminine godly being was reallythe true power. I was almost persuaded then.How naïve I was! It says in the Bible that “lack ofknowledge” will destroy a nation. My lack ofknowledge almost destroyed me! Thank you forsharing this knowledge to help others.

L.B., Baltimore, MD

I am a college student who was home-schooled. I really was glad to read the article“What Is True Education?” [in the September-October 2000 Tomorrow’s World]. My professorsthink they know so much, but without knowingGod their knowledge is incomplete, and often justmakes them vain. Thank you for your magazine!

J.S., Ann Arbor, MI

I appreciated your article “Does CharacterReally Matter?” [in the September-October 2000

Tomorrow’s World]. With the election coming upthis fall, is there any man (or woman) in politicswho embodies godly values of leadership? Willwe have to wait for God’s Kingdom to find godlyleaders?

J.A., New York, NY

Editor’s Note: Please read Roderick C.Meredith’s article, “How Would Jesus Vote for Pres-ident?” on page 4 of this issue, for more on thisvital topic.


I read and reread the Who Controls the Weath-er? booklet. It is so timely, and sobering as we see the disruptions and suffering all around the United States and elsewhere aroundthe world. Your booklet makes it plain whymankind is suffering so badly from these weather calamities. Thank you for your teaching!

R.S., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thank you so much for your booklet WhichDay Is the Christian Sabbath? My wife and I havediscussed this for years, and your bookletexplained the Bible truth so clearly. We are sohappy to receive your magazine and other literature.

E.L., Omaha, NE

Editor’s Note: If you have not already readWhich Day is the Christian Sabbath? or WhoControls the Weather? you may request your freecopies from the regional office nearest you (listed onpage 2 of this magazine) or view them online

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We encourage you to share with us your reactions to Tomorrow’s World. Please direct yourcorrespondence to “Letters to the Editor” at our United States address, or send e-mail to [email protected]. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. Remember to includeyour name, address and daytime phone number.

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20 Tomorrow’s World

atch therefore, and pray always thatyou may be counted worthy to

escape all these things that will cometo pass, and to stand before the Son of

Man” (Luke 21:36).With those words, Jesus Christ, the greatest

newscaster of all time, urges His disciples to remainconstantly vigilant of world events. They also muststay close to God in prayer to survive the calamitousconditions that will precede His return to earth at theend of this age.

The ultimate impact of developments in Europe,the Middle East and the Far East will be profound onthe United States, British Commonwealth and othernations in the western world. Yet these major devel-opments often are barely mentioned, if even report-ed, in newscasts or news publications.

Virtually everyone on earth will be astonished atthe unforeseen direction events will take in the com-

ing years that will change the global balance ofpower and plunge the world into its most severe cri-sis ever. The destruction, loss of life and sufferingwill exceed even the two previous world wars. It is ascenario that seems unbelievable, but will come assurely as the sun rises and sets. Yet beyond this timeof unprecedented trouble dawns tomorrow’s worldruled by Jesus Christ, who proclaimed the GoodNews of the Kingdom of God.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ repeatedlywarns His disciples to watch world events, discernsigns of the times and be prepared, rather than becaught off guard or asleep. He points out key trendsso they will not be blindsided. He does not leavethem groping in the dark.

In Luke’s account of the famous Olivet Prophecy,Jesus Christ warns of conditions that will prevailprior to His Second Coming to this earth. He notesthat religious deception, wars and commotions will


Momentous changes that will dramatically impact everyone on earth are occurringthroughout the world. How do seemingly unrelated events in different regions tietogether? Jesus Christ urges us to “watch” and shows us how, giving us major signs todiscern. With that watching also comes a responsibility to warn of impending troubles.

By Mark MenBy Mark Men

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be widespread, but the end will notcome immediately as a result (Luke21:8–9).

Wars between nations and king-doms, however, will steadily inten-sify; great earthquakes will strikethroughout the world; famines anddisease epidemics will spread. Theseconditions are worsening through-out the world. One only has to witness the wars, starvation andpestilence reaching crisis propor-tions on the African continent forconfirmation. What Christ foretellsis unfolding right before our eyes!

He also warns: “Now when thesethings begin to happen, look up andlift up your heads, because yourredemption draws near.... So you,likewise, when you see these thingshappening, know that the kingdomof God is near” (vv. 28, 31).

In other words, He stronglyadmonishes His disciples to wake upand be aware of world events aroundthem. However, He also notes that

most people will be so consumed with seeking theirown pleasure and concerned about their own personalcares that they will be oblivious to the ominous trendshappening around them: “But take heed to yourselves,lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing,drunkenness and cares of this life, and that Day comeon you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on allthose who dwell on the face of the whole earth” (vv.34–35). Most people will not expect the rapid chainreaction of events leading to a great tribulation thatwill engulf the entire world prior to Christ’s return.

In this context, again notice Christ’s emphasis:“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may becounted worthy to escape all these things that willcome to pass and to stand before the Son of Man”(Luke 21:36). As prophecies in the Bible show, weare to watch developments throughout the earth thatwill lead to a grand smash collision threatening theexistence of all life on earth (Matthew 24:21–22).

Watch Europe

With the collapse of the Soviet Union about 10years ago, a significant power vacuum was created,leaving the United States the world’s only majorsuperpower. What was a bipolar world suddenly

turned into a unipolar world, with the U.S. theundisputed dominant nation. However, a shift in thebalance of power, eroding U.S. supremacy, is underway, which has not been widely reported in the newsmedia. Yet this development on the European conti-nent is extremely significant.

A United States of Europe that threatens to rivalthe U.S. on the diplomatic, economic, political, andeven military fronts, is emerging. It is a developmentthat looks innocent on its surface, but has sinisterramifications for the entire world. Most people in thewestern world are so obsessed with celebrities, scan-dals, sensations and other inconsequential news,they are not aware of what Europe’s unificationmeans for their future.

The Associated Press reported on May 15 thatGerman Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer revivedthe vision of a United States of Europe in an addressat Berlin’s Humboldt University, calling it “a person-al vision of the future.”

The planned expansion of the European Union“will make a fundamental reform of European insti-tutions indispensable,” Fischer said. “How can oneimagine a European Council with 30 state and gov-ernment heads? Thirty presidencies? How long willa council meeting then last? Days or even weeks?”

Questions like those, Fischer said, mean theoriginal vision of a united Europe from 50 years agoshould be carried to its logical end with a EuropeanFederation led by an executive branch and two hous-es of legislature codified in a European constitution.

He said if Europeans are not ready to go that farright now, a “core group” of countries should makethe first move with the rest joining later. “For me itis fully clear that Europe can only play its appropri-ate role in economic and political competition whenwe proceed courageously,” Fischer said.

Unqualified praise for Fischer’s speech came fromFrance, Germany’s traditional partner in pushing forEuropean integration. France’s Le Monde newspaperheadlined its editorial on the speech “Danke Schoen,M. Fischer,” calling the federalism plan an “ambitiousvision.” Italian officials also said countries that sowish should move forward with closer ties.

The Associated Press reported: “Closer coopera-tion would also lead to common defense and foreignpolicy, enabling the EU to step out of Washington’sshadow and avoid a repeat of the recent embarrass-ments in the Balkans, when the Europeans had towait for U.S. support to act on their own continent.”

The Bible indicates a core group of 10 kings orkingdoms “will give their power and authority to the


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beast,” referring to a group of nations surrenderingtheir sovereignty to a centralized system of government(Revelation 17:13). Bible prophecy shows this willrecur on the European continent, where historically theRoman Empire and its succeeding resurrections haverisen only to fall with regularity over the centuries.

Yet when this United States of Europe rears itshead for a final time as a monstrous beast, the Biblealso shows the world will be astonished. Because thenews media devote little attention to international

affairs, when that powerful empire arises, it will seemto come out of nowhere, astonishing the vast major-ity of mankind!

“I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortallywounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And allthe world marveled and followed the beast” (Revela-tion 13:3). The Amplified version renders this verse:“And one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound.But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earthwent after the beast in amazement and admiration.”

Watch news trends leading to a more powerfulunited Europe militarily, politically and economically.

Watch the Middle East

In His Olivet prophecy, Jesus Christ emphasizesthe need to watch not only developments in the Mid-dle East in general, but also Jerusalem in particular.

Diplomatic negotiations in the Middle Eastbetween the Israelis and Palestinians, as the EuropeanUnion and Vatican become more heavily involved, willnot mean peace in this volatile, strategic region. Christwarns that Jerusalem ultimately will be surrounded bygentile armies and trampled by foreign troops! (Luke21:20–24). Yet are we keeping ourselves informedabout what is happening in that explosive region?

In March 1999, Stratfor, Inc., an intelligenceconsulting firm in Austin, Texas, launched anexperimental Web site In

December 1999, it predicted three events that will,in this decade, magnify Islamic power in the Mid-dle East:

1. Aging leaders of key Arab countries will die orleave office, including pro-western Arab monarchs suchas Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd. “Jordan’s King Hussein isdead.... Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak has been in office for ageneration. Moammar Gadhafi has been in office formore than 30 years. Most of those now governing Arabstates will not be around in 10 years,” it observed.

Syrian President Hafez Assad’s recent death was acase in point. Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat also isreported to be suffering from Parkinson’s disease andis said to be in frail health. Television news networkshave reported that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein may be suf-fering from cancer. Significant changes in Arab lead-ership are inevitable.

2. Because the succession process in these coun-tries is either unclear or unknown, the danger ofinstability as the result of palace coups and other dis-ruptions is substantial.

3. Moderates will be unable to gain completecontrol in Iran.

“The convergence of these three forces—thedecline of the current leadership of Arab nations, theclearly unstable succession periods that will followand the Iranian variable—indicates a real possibilityof a resurgent and powerful fundamentalist move-ment sweeping the Islamic world during the nextdecade. With the death of the great leaders of the sec-ular republic Arab movement and potential shifts inthe Saudi monarchy, the forces that contain Islamicfundamentalism are likely to weaken and lose theirgrip on the situation,” reported.

The Bible strongly indicates Arab nations in theMiddle East will band together to form a confedera-tion led by a “King of the South” that will provoke aremilitarized European power to take swift action inthe Middle East. Notice what the prophet Daniel fore-

The Middle East remains the world’s most explosive region, with leadership a volatile issue. From left toright: Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd; Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Hussein; Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak; Libya’sMoammar Gadhafi; Bashar al-Assad of Syria; Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Hussein and Bashar al-Assad of Syria are the most recent changes in Arableadership; both assumed power after the deaths of their fathers.

The Middle East remains the world’s most explosive region, with leadership a volatile issue. From left toright: Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd; Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Hussein; Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak; Libya’sMoammar Gadhafi; Bashar al-Assad of Syria; Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Hussein and Bashar al-Assad of Syria are the most recent changes in Arableadership; both assumed power after the deaths of their fathers.

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told: “At the time of the end the king of the Southshall attack him; and the king of the North shall comeagainst him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horse-men and with many ships; and he shall enter thecountries, overwhelm them and pass through. Heshall also enter the Glorious Land, and many coun-tries shall be overthrown....” (Daniel 11:40–41).

This describes a massive invasion of northernAfrica and the Middle East by a powerful Europeanmilitary machine that bulldozes through the region.The New King James Version and Revised Standard Ver-sion say the King of the South will “attack” the King ofthe North. An RSV footnote says, “thrust at him.” TheKing James Version says, “push at him.” The New Inter-national Version says “engage him in battle.” The Ampli-fied Bible says “push at and attack him.”

The Hebrew word for “push” is nagach, whichcan be translated “to butt with horns” or “to gore.”The same word is used in Exodus 21:32, referring toan ox pushing, thrusting or goring someone. Thisprovocation could be prompted by Arab nations inthe Middle East cutting off supplies of petroleum tothe western world, prompting a swift response fromEuropean nations, or a controversy regarding the sta-tus of Jerusalem, which requires foreign troops. Thiscrisis in the Middle East, in turn, will pull in nationsfrom other regions like a vortex.

Watch for future changes in leadership amongkey Arab nations. And watch the geopolitics associat-ed with the production and marketing of Middle East oil.

Watch the Far East

Once this King of the North invades the MiddleEast, other major military powers in Russia, India,China and Southeast Asia will mobilize to counterat-tack the brazen move by the Europeans: “But newsfrom the east and the north shall trouble him; there-fore he shall go out with great fury to destroy andannihilate many” (Daniel 11:44).

Teeming with billions of people, Eurasia liesdirectly north and east of Jerusalem. Near Jerusalemis where the King of the North “shall plant the tentsof his palace between the seas and the glorious holymountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no onewill help him” (Daniel 11:45).

He will eventually meet his end at the SecondComing of Jesus Christ (Revelation 9:19–20). ThisKing of the North will face the massive armies ofEurasia. Even now the populations of China andIndia each exceed one billion people!

In addition to the King of the South and the Kingof the North, the Bible also refers to “kings from theeast” who will invade the Middle East with a massivearmy (Revelation 16:12). By using the plural “kings,”the Bible intimates that a combination of leadersfrom the Far East will spearhead the Eurasiancounter-invasion. There will not be a dominantleader as in Europe (“King of the North”) or amongthe Arabs (“King of the South”). The result of thesehordes attacking will be a massive loss of life in all-out, highly technological warfare!

“So the four angels, who had been prepared forthe hour and the day and month and year, werereleased to kill a third of mankind. Now the numberof the army of the horsemen was two hundred mil-lion, and I heard the number of them.... By thesethree plagues a third of mankind was killed—by thefire and the smoke and the brimstone which cameout of their mouths” (Revelation 9:15–18).

In a January 10, 2000 report, www.stratfor.comstated Russia and China would be pivotal in how the global system operates in the years ahead: “ R u s s i a a n dChina togetherconstitute thegeographic andd e m o g r a p h i ccenter of gravityof the EasternH e m i s p h e re .H o w t h e ybehave is one ofthe engines dri-ving the historyof any epoch.When Moscowand Beijing ruleunified empiresand ally witheach other, asthey did in the1950s, they create an enormous mass around whichthe rest of Europe and Asia fearfully revolve.”

On July 18 at a summit in Beijing, Russian Presi-dent Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart,Jiang Zemin, jointly condemned what they considerU.S. attempts to dominate the global order and pledgedto stand together in defiance of American power. Theydenounced a U.S. proposal for a national missiledefense system, saying it would trigger an arms race.

Russia and China, both nuclear superpowers,will probably be in alliance with the kings of the east

Russian President Vladimir Putinand Chinese President Jiang Zeminproclaimed a “new stage” in Sino-Russian ties at a July summitaimed at advancing strategic tiesand blunting U.S. global influence.

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and supply most of the 200-million-man army thatwill launch a major offensive against the Europeanbeast power in the Middle East. Russian and Chineseleaders recently stressed the need to offset Americanpower by encouraging a multi-polar world.

Watch continued cooperation between Russia andChina as well as among India, Korea, Vietnam,Indonesia, Malaysia and other heavily populatedAsian nations. These geopolitical developments invarious regions of the world do not bode well for theU.S. and its western allies.

Watch the West

The Bible speaks of a King of the North, a Kingof the South and kings of the East, but remainsalmost deafeningly silent about a king from the othercompass point—the West. There is no “King of theWest” per se named in the Bible. Yet the UnitedStates undoubtedly is the leading nation in the West.

When the King of the North retaliates against theKing of the South, which will compel the kings of theEast to respond, Bible prophecy shows the UnitedStates and other nations of British descent will beeither conquered, enslaved or on the verge of captivi-ty. Write for our free booklet, What’s Ahead for Ameri-ca and Britain? for more information on this subject.

America and other British-descended and north-western European nations are identified in Bibleprophecy as modern descendants of Israel, the OldTestament patriarch whose name was changed fromJacob.

The Bible shows these nations will bear the ini-tial brunt of the unprecedented Great Tribulation“which shall come upon the whole world to testthose who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).Christ said: “For then there will be great tribulation,such as has not been since the beginning of theworld until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Andunless those days were shortened, no flesh would besaved; but for the elect’s sake those days will beshortened” (Matthew 24:21–22).

The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah describesthe time as follows: “Alas! For that day is great, so thatnone is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, buthe shall be saved out of it” (Jeremiah 30:7). He alsoshows foreigners will enslave these nations of modernJacob and even those considered allies will severelywound them (Jeremiah 30:8, 14). This captivity willhappen: “for the multitude of your iniquities, becauseyour sins have increased.... In the latter days you willconsider it” (Jeremiah 30:14, 24). Psalm 83 is

prophetic in that it illustrates major powers in Europeand the Middle East conspiring to annihilate Jacob orIsrael as a common enemy: “For behold, Your enemiesmake a tumult; and those who hate You have lifted uptheir head. They have taken crafty counsel againstYour people, and consulted together against Your shel-tered ones. They have said, ‘Come, and let us cut themoff from being a nation, that the name of Israel may beremembered no more.’ For they have consultedtogether with one consent; they form a confederacyagainst You” (Psalm 83:2–5). Arab nations and Assyr-ia, the ancestral nation of modern Germany, are thendescribed as the conspirators. They have shared anti-Semitic sentiments historically.

Watch trends in the moral decay of westernnations, particularly the modern descendants of theancient patriarch, Jacob.

Warn the World

As we watch the decline of such nations as theUnited States, Canada, Britain, Australia, NewZealand, South Africa and the Jewish state of Israel,there comes a responsibility to warn people in thosenations as well as the rest of the world about thepunishment that will ensue.

God urges His servants to: “Cry aloud, spare not;lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people theirtransgression, and the house of Jacob their sins!”(Isaiah 58:1). Yet the prophet Isaiah also foresaw atime when the secular and religious leaders, whoshould be trumpeting a warning to their people,would not because they are too wrapped up in thecares of this prosperous age and hope its comfortsand luxuries will continue indefinitely.

“His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant; theyare all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lyingdown, loving to slumber. Yes, they are greedy dogs,which never have enough. And they are shepherds whocannot understand; they all look to their own way,every one for his own gain, from his own territory.‘Come,’ one says, ‘I will bring wine, and we will fill our-selves with intoxicating drink; tomorrow will be astoday, and much more abundant’” (Isaiah 56:10–12).

By contrast, God’s true servants are to be faithfulwatchmen. For more than 50 years, evangelist Roder-ick C. Meredith has been involved in this work ofteaching, preaching and warning the world. Thou-sands of co-workers are supporting the Tomorrow’sWorld magazine and telecast and are committed to

Continued on page 30

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hy is our world theway it is today? And

where is it headed? Inthe last 100 years, the

world has experienceddizzying technological progress,yet age-old scourges of war,famine and disease continue toplague mankind. But paradoxical-ly, it is the affluent and “progres-sive” countries that have oftenseen the most dramatic unravelingof the very social fabric.

While the 20th century wasone of dramatic change, today’sworld has been shaped by muchmore than the events of the lastcentury. The truth is that ideashave consequences. Beliefs willultimately take people places.

Sometimes, however, those placesare quite unforeseen and quiteunwelcome!

There can scarcely be any-thing more important than under-standing what and why is man.Are we part of some great cosmicplan or, are we merely the resultof random chance? Ideas aboutman—his origins, his nature, hispurpose, and his destiny—havebeen discussed for centuries. Ourmodern world has been shaped bycertain beliefs that have beenresponses to these questions.

What are those beliefs andfrom where have they come? Canyou really prove and know theanswers to questions such asthese? It is important to examine

the fundamental ideas and beliefsthat underlie our modern worldand find out what is true andwhat is not!

The Coming of the Modern

It was in the 1500s that theword “modern” found its wayinto the English language. Theword originated as a late-Latinterm meaning “of the presenttime.” It was used to contrast therapidly changing 16th centurywith both the ancient world andthe one that stood between thenand “now,” the medieval world.The development of the modernworld is really the story of how


© Tomorrow’s World Illustration-PhotoDisc/Corbis Images

By Jouh H. OgwynBy John H. Ogwyn

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26 Tomorrow’s World

secularism has come to be substi-tuted for superstition!

In popular histories, themedieval world is generally pic-tured as a God-centered world,contrasted with the human-cen-tered modern world. This pictureis distorted. The medieval-worldwas superstition-centered. It cer-tainly was not centered on the Godof the Bible. The early “ChurchFathers” had embraced a combina-tion of paganism and Christianitythat produced a society farremoved from the ideals that areenvisioned in the pages of Scrip-ture. Desiring to attract and holdthe masses of people, they foundthat the easiest way was to adaptand adopt the popular pagan customs already practiced by thepeople. While some of the grosserfeatures of these customs weregradually tamed, their continuedpractice served to obscure the bib-lical revelation of God’s plan andpurpose. In theology and doctrine,the Catholic Fathers were far moreinfluenced in their thought byPlato and by the Gnostics thanthey were by Scripture. This com-bination of theology with popularpagan practices laid a foundationfor the medieval world-view.

In conjunction with this, therewas an economic and cultural col-lapse that accompanied the fall ofthe Roman Empire. Travel andcommerce became virtuallyimpossible in the wake of barbar-ian invasions and the subsequentpillaging and marauding that last-ed for centuries. The infrastruc-ture began to crumble throughoutEurope, evidenced by the fact thatthere was no organized road build-ing for over 1,000 years!

It was into this dark and con-stricted world that the Renaissancebegan to bring a little light. TheRenaissance, or “rebirth,” involveda rediscovery of ancient Greek and

Roman authors and their man-centered view of the world. Thesuperstition that passed for orga-nized religion had been used as atool to control the masses of peo-ple. Later thinkers, supposing thatthe medieval world was in someway a reflection of the Bible,sought to build up a world thatrejected divine revelation as theultimate authority. They confusedthe superstitions and prejudices ofthe preceding age with the teach-ings of the Bible. They assumedthat the dark medieval period wasthe outgrowth of taking the Bibleand religion too seriously.

The printing press came intouse less than 50 years before thedawn of the 16th century. The1500s proved to be a time whenman’s knowledge of his worldincreased dramatically. It was theage of exploration as Europeannavigators discovered new worlds.Knowledge of geography grewgreatly as Spain, Portugal, Franceand England began adding newterritory to their realms.

While the exploration of newlands had far-reaching conse-quences, events in Europe weresetting the stage for even greaterchange. In 1517, Martin Luthernailed his “95 Theses” to thechurch door of the WittenburgCathedral, setting in motion theProtestant Reformation. It grewin scope until it totally changedthe face of Europe. Breaking themonopoly of the CatholicChurch, it introduced anotherway of thinking and looking atlife, one that emphasized theimportance of private opinionand belief.

The modern world differsgreatly from the medieval one inmany ways, but it simply offersanother way of being wrong! Whatpasses for modern thought is sim-ply neo-paganism, as we shall see.

The Cult of Progress

Optimism was in the airwhen the 20th century dawned.It seemed self-evident that lifewas destined to grow better andeasier. This had by no meansalways been so. The concept ofprogress had gradually gained afoothold in the 17th and 18thcenturies and in the 19th centurythe idea of the inevitability ofprogress came to permeate soci-ety. It gave rise to countlessutopian schemes based upon theidea of man’s perfectibility. Manysocial experiments that began inthe 19th century and continuedinto the 20th were the outgrowthof this way of thinking. We needto understand what happened.

As we have already seen, the16th century was built upon thatrebirth of learning called theRenaissance which had begun acentury or so earlier. The redis-covery of ancient Latin and Greekauthors began to expand thethinking of those who had beenlocked in the straightjacket of themedieval Catholic Church.Humanism, an approach to lifeconcerned about man here andnow, was rediscovered. Thoughtemporarily sidelined by theReformation, it rose eventually tobecome the dominant mode ofthinking in the West.

With the 17th century beganthe period called the Enlighten-ment. It was a time of great scien-tific discovery. Remarkableprogress was made in understand-ing the natural world because ofthe work of men such as JohannesKepler, William Harvey, Galileo,Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton.Advances in the science of opticsled to telescopes and subsequentadvances in astronomy. Rapiddevelopment in the fields of math-ematics, anatomy and physics

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opened up whole new vistas tomen. This century saw theincreasing acceptance of the scientific method: the idea thatknowledge was to be based uponobservation and measurement.This was in contrast to ideas stem-ming back to Socrates, Plato andAristotle who believed that truthcould be arrived at simply byproper logic and reasoning.Men no longer looked back toclassical antiquity as the gold-en age, but rather they beganto look to the future with thehope of progress.

Perhaps nothing symbol-izes the 17th century morethan the mechanical clocksand watches that were devel-oped during this period. In1657 the first pendulum forclocks was designed and thefollowing year, the balancespring for watches was invent-ed. Increasingly, the universeitself began to be viewed inmechanical terms. As the designinherent in the natural world wasincreasingly uncovered, the initialresult was an enhanced apprecia-tion for the fact that it all pointedto a Master Designer and Lawgiver.

The following century, the18th, is often called the Age ofReason. The thinkers of the dayfound themselves in increasingconflict with the claims of theestablished church. Assumingthat the superstitious and unsci-entific past was the result of seek-ing to build a world upon biblicalrevelation, these new thinkersadopted a religion of Deism. Theyaccepted the idea of a Creator, butrejected the Bible as the source ofdivine revelation. Their view ofGod was that He was the masterwatchmaker. He had created theuniverse, wound up “the greatmaster clock,” and then walkedaway. Everything in the world

around followed divinely estab-lished laws and there was no placefor supernatural intervention thatsuspended or contravened thoselaws.

This was largely a reactionagainst the superstition and cor-ruption of the medieval church.Thoughtful people saw frauds

being perpetrated on the ignorantand credulous, in the hope ofkeeping them under church con-trol. As rational people rejectedthe fake “miracles” meant to keepthe populace docile, they oftenwrongly rejected the entire idea ofmiracles. In doing so, they had toreject much of the Bible, which ledto a “natural religion” based onobservation and human reason.Faith too was rejected, consideredillogical to the natural mind.

Further advances in appliedscience, particularly the inventionof the steam engine and the devel-opment of interchangeable parts,set the stage for an industrial revo-lution. The end of the 18th centu-ry, however, saw the launching ofan entirely different kind of revolu-tion in a different sphere that wasto have far-reaching implications.

The storming of the Bastille (aroyal prison) by an angry Parisian

mob on July 14, 1789 marked theonset of the French Revolution.There followed the guillotine, theReign of Terror and 25 years ofbloodshed and chaos that endedwith Napoleon’s defeat and exile.The French Revolution wasinspired by ideology and it set inmotion the chain of ideological

revolutions that was the baneof the 20th century.

From the defeat ofNapoleon in 1814 until thebeginning of World War I wasa century of social change andeconomic development. Therewas rapid progress in theindustrialization of the west-ern world. Along with growingmaterial prosperity came newtheories that sought to explainman and his society. Two menwho influenced the 20th cen-tury more than virtually any-one else of their generationpublished books during thistime. They were Karl Marx

who published The CommunistManifesto in 1848 and CharlesDarwin who published On the Ori-gin of Species in 1859.

While the Deists of theEnlightenment had sought to ridthemselves of the Bible and toconstruct a religion based uponlogic and reason, Darwin enabledthe intellectual community to goone step further. He proffered theidea of creation without a Cre-ator! According to his theories,the world around us is not theresult of an intelligent Designerand Lawgiver. Rather, it is theresult of random chance, naturalselection and survival of thefittest.

Marx’s view of the world wasvery much in harmony with Dar-win’s. He was totally materialisticin his outlook and saw history as a struggle between classes. He propounded his economic

World War I was the end product of a centuryof social change and economic developmentin the industrialized western world. But thewar’s carnage lay to rest 19th century ideals ofutopia. © Presslink Image

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theories as “scientific” and pre-dicted the inevitability of classwarfare and the final triumph ofcommunism as the highest formof social development. Both Marxand Darwin propounded a world-view that saw life as a progressiveevolutionary development. Therewas struggle and conflict to besure, but there was also the

inevitability of progress as the oldgave way to the new. In thedecades to come, other thinkersoffered various modifications ofthis idea, but the basic thesisremained the same.

World War I marked a definingmoment for the 20th century. In itsaftermath, 19th century notions ofthe inevitability of progress and thegradual dawn of utopia lay interredat Verdun and in Flanders Field, atleast for many Europeans. The carnage of that war far surpassedanything known before. Civiliancasualties alone amounted to morethan ten million. Much of what hadseemed permanent was swept awayin four short years. The decade fol-lowing World War I was dominatedby an unlikely amalgam of culturalnihilists, pacifist idealists andgreedy materialists. Romanticnotions of the 19th century wereswept away by what passed as “real-ism.” Then the decadence of the“Roaring Twenties” had strongbrakes put on it by the GreatDepression of the 1930s. WorldWar II followed with its idealismand the Allies’ concept of a crusadefor freedom. Instead of world peace,however, World War II was fol-lowed by the Cold War. Just asEuropean optimism had been dealta severe blow on the killing fields of

World War I, so American opti-mism and idealism were majorcasualties in the jungles of Vietnam.

Scholars have called the 20thcentury the “American Century.”Yet as America sought to lead theworld, something went dramati-cally wrong at home. The techno-logical Disneyland that is modernAmerica has become a house of

horrors, in which human life hasbecome cheap. Millions of unbornbabies’ lives are snuffed out everyyear, and many Americans live inconstant fear of violence.

The moral consensus in theWestern world has collapsed. Wehave polluted our physical envi-ronment and sown the seeds ofunimaginable future catastrophesby our attempts at biological engi-neering. Our spiritual and culturalenvironment is increasingly toxicas well. The paradox is that withall of man’s amazing progress indiscovering laws of science andushering in the greatest time ofphysical abundance and prosperi-ty that has ever been known, thereare so many personal problems.Empty, unfulfilled lives leavemany in our modern westernworld wondering, “What’s theuse?” While there are plenty ofsocial engineers who cling to theidea that they can “fix” everythingand bring about a secular utopia,the results of their experimenta-tion demand a contrary verdict!

What Are the Real Answers?

Why have man’s best effortsfailed? And given man’s dismalrecord of failure, are we to con-

clude that there is no hope at all?The ancient Hebrew prophet Jere-miah wrote in Jeremiah 10:23, “OLORD, I know that the way of manis not in himself: it is not in manthat walks to direct his steps.”

The conflict of opposingworld-views is not unique to ourmodern world. The Bible reveals astory of conflicting approaches to

life from the very beginning. Oneof these ways was characterized bythe Tree of Life, and the opposingway by the Tree of the Knowledgeof Good and Evil. According to thebiblical book of Genesis, both ofthese trees were located in the Gar-den of Eden where the Creatorplaced our first parents. The Tree ofLife symbolized the way of obedi-ence to God and His laws—a wayof life based upon divine revelationand yielding self-will to the guid-ance of Almighty God—the way oflove and of outgoing concern forothers. The other tree represents amixture of good and evil—knowl-edge acquired through experienceand experiment, apart from God’srevelation. Human society, and theculture that flows from it, is builtupon this fatal mixture. Mankindhas been struggling for almost6,000 years of recorded history tosolve his own problems his ownway by following the way thatseems right to himself.

At the dawn of the 21st cen-tury, we are fast approaching thetime described in Matthew 24:22,when except for the interventionof the Creator there would be noflesh saved alive. Man’s techno-logical capacity has far out-stripped his moral and spiritualcapacity.

Mankind has been struggling for almost 6,000 years of recohis own problems his own way by following the way that seeMankind has been struggling for almost 6,000 years of recohis own problems his own way by following the way that see

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The conflicting world-viewsof the modern age do not repre-sent a conflict between true sci-ence and the Bible. There is nosuch conflict, for the same One isthe author of both! Rather, it is aconflict between the pagansuperstitions of Egypt and Baby-lon that have given rise to mostof organized religion on the one

hand, and the secular man-cen-tered view of the world thatcomes to us from ancient Greeceon the other. They simply repre-sent two different ways of beingwrong.

Man is not the result of blindchance and natural selection ofone species over another. Rather,the Creator formed man in Hisown image and likeness (Genesis1:26) with the supreme destiny ofultimately being born into Hisvery Family (1 John 3:1–2,Romans 8:16–17). He is in the

process of “bringing many sonsto glory” (Hebrews 2:10).

There is a great purposebeing worked out here below.Our modern world has beenshaped by mankind continuing toeat of the fruit of the Tree of theKnowledge of Good and Evil. Thevast majority of human beings aredestined to learn the hard waythat while this fruit may initiallybe sweet to the taste, it is in real-ity a deadly poison that producesdeath. There is a better way!

While mankind as a wholewill have to wait for the return ofJesus Christ and the establish-ment of the Kingdom of Godupon this earth, it is possible foryou to reject right here and nowthe way that leads to death! Afterlearning of your Creator and Hisways, you can with His help,unconditionally surrender yourlife and will to Him, coming totruly know Jesus Christ as yourlord and savior. This is a far cryfrom accepting the false Christthat the world talks about(Matthew 24:5). Far from being“unscientific,” putting your trust

in the invisible God is the mostsensible choice that there is. TheOne in whom we live and moveand have our being (Acts 17:28)has a plan for you. If you want tolearn more of that plan and pur-pose, then write in for the Tomor-row’s World Bible Study Course. Itwill help you to make sense of lifeand to understand your Maker’sinstruction book.

Ultimately the forces thathave shaped our modern worldare the lust of the flesh, the lust ofthe eyes, and the pride of life (1John 2:16). These are whatenticed Eve into the fatal experi-ment of eating the forbiddenfruit. Genesis 3:6 tells us that itappeared “good for food” (lust ofthe flesh), “pleasant to the eyes”(lust of the eyes) and somethingto “be desired to make one wise”(pride of life). These are the val-ues that have shaped our world,ancient and medieval as well asmodern. This world and its lustsare going to be swept away in afew short years, but those who dothe will of God will endure forev-er (1 John 2:17).

because you will do evil in the sight of the LORD, toprovoke Him to anger through the works of yourhands” (Deuteronomy 31:29).

That time of national punishment is about tocome upon the modern descendants of the ancientIsraelites (as explained in our booklet What’s Aheadfor America and Britain?). God has blessed the peo-ple in the western world, but they have been ledastray to follow pagan customs that are “fun,” butfalse and empty of real meaning! They have substi-tuted customs that God says are evil, for festivalsGod designed to keep them mindful of His greatplan of salvation and the true purpose of life. Theyhave listened to false teachers “who call evil good,and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). They have beendeceived by religious leaders “who suppress the

truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). Theyhave “exchanged the truth of God for the lie, andworshipped and served the creature [pagan cus-toms] rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25).When you, personally, start to observe the biblicalfestivals God has ordained, you will begin to under-stand what life is all about. The Bible and the worldwill begin to make sense. The excitement and fulfillment you will experience will make the frivo-lity and fantasies of pagan holiday practices seemempty by comparison. Perhaps it is time to openyour eyes to what is actually hidden by the holidays!

If you would like to learn more about the trueChristianity practiced by the Apostles, which includ-ed the festivals and so much more that has been lostto today’s churches, please write for your free copy ofRoderick C. Meredith’s booklet, Restoring ApostolicChristianity.

WHAT IS HIDDEN BY THE HOLIDAYS?(continued from page 18)



orded history to solveems right to himself.orded history to solvems right to himself.

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their pocketbooks may seem to help some individu-als in the short term, the moral decay and spiritualcancer brought on an entire nation by this neglect ofthe character issue will eventually DESTROY thenation itself! The record of history proves that everynation that has abandoned sexual morality andintegrity has eventually collapsed, and has often dis-appeared completely from the pages of history.

Peter Drucker is regarded as the dean of modernmanagement theory. He has been a confidant andadvisor to dozens of top-ranking professional,industrial and government leaders. In his virtual“bible” of management text, The Effective Executive(pp. 86–87), Mr. Drucker comments on the corrupt-ing influence of leaders without character. He saysthis is so because “subordinates, especially bright,young, and ambitious ones, tend to mold themselvesafter a forceful boss. There is, therefore, nothingmore corrupting and more destructive in an organi-zation than a forceful but basically corrupt execu-

tive. Such a man might well operate effectively onhis own; even within an organization, he might betolerable if denied all power over others. But in aposition of power within an organization, hedestroys.”

Do we really want to destroy our youth, and mil-lions of other unthinking individuals, who just seemto go along with whatever is dished up to them byour political system and by our liberal media? Yetthat is what our modern democratic political processis bringing about with increasing regularity. The few“good” men and women around, often are ridiculedand pushed to the sidelines. The vaunted majority—heavily influenced by the left-leaning media—areusually beguiled into voting for whatever the politi-cal manipulators want them to.

Righteous character in a top leader is of para-mount importance. But from now on, it will becomeincreasingly obvious that that kind of leader willonly be given authority when the Kingdom of God isset up on this earth. Just one more reason to followJesus’ instruction and pray with understanding andfervency, “Thy Kingdom come.”


(continued from page 3)

crying aloud, lifting up their voic-es and showing mankind its sinsand warning of the consequences.That is coupled with proclaimingthe wonderful news of the King-dom of God that Jesus Christ willestablish beyond the horribletimes that lie ahead.

God also gives His servants theresponsibility to warn. Ezekiel’sprophecies underscore a principlethat remains every bit as applicabletoday as it did in his day. God’s ser-vants are to trumpet a warningwhen they see warfare coming onthe land: “So you, son of man: Ihave made you a watchman for the

house of Israel; therefore you shallhear a word from My mouth andwarn them for Me. When I say tothe wicked, ‘O wicked man, youshall surely die!’ and you do notspeak to warn the wicked from hisway, that wicked man shall die inhis iniquity; but his blood I willrequire at your hand. Neverthelessif you warn the wicked to turnfrom his way, and he does not turnfrom his way, he shall die in hisiniquity; but you have deliveredyour soul” (Ezekiel 33:7–9).

“Say to them: ‘As I live,’ saysthe Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasurein the death of the wicked, butthat the wicked turn from hisway and live. Turn, turn fromyour evil ways! For why should

you die, O house of Israel?’”(Ezekiel 33:11).

Those involved in this Workare soberly striving to heed JesusChrist’s command to watch worldevents and, like sentries, sound analarm out of love, about the terribletimes ahead for all people on theearth. They fully realize that themessage will not be popular, but anurgent warning is needed. Beyondthe gloom and doom of the imme-diate years ahead lies a gloriousworld governed by Jesus Christ.But meanwhile, we all need to sin-cerely hope and pray people willrepent and turn around as a resultof this message of warning andhope. You have just read that mes-sage! How will you respond?


(continued from page 24)


30 Tomorrow’s World

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∆ Spanish Radio∆ Spanish Radio

IL, Chicago: WGN—National Cable, SUN 6:00 am (ET)IL, Chicago: WGN—National Cable, SUN 6:00 am (ET)•

United StatesUnited States

—CANADA (nationwide)

ON, Toronto: Vision—SUN 6:30 pm (ET & PT)—CANADA (nationwide)

ON, Toronto: Vision—SUN 6:30 pm (ET & PT)•

—AUSTRALIAAdelaide: ACE—Ch 6/31, SUN 11:30 am, THUR 8:30 pmBrisbane: BRIZ—Ch 31, SUN 8:30 amPerth: CETL—Ch 31, SUN 9:30 am

—NEW ZEALANDAuckland: Triangle Television—Ch 41, SUN 5:00 pm

—MEXICOMexico City: Cambio—1440 AM, SUN 12:00 noon

—PHILIPPINESBorongan: Borongan Cable—Ch 25, SAT 3:00 pmManila: Home Cable—Ch 11, SAT 9:00 amNaval, Leyte: Naval Cable—Ch 8, SUN 9:00 amHinabangan, Samar: Omerez—Ch 7, SUN 9:00 am


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