NOVEMBER Quarterly Newsletter of Sandringham Life ...

OFFICE BEARERS 2016-2017 President: Greg Mauldon 9583 5637 Vice President Barry Scott 0418 339 274 Treasurer: Garry O’Toole 8060 5314 Secretary: Maree Webb 9598 1392 LACVI Delegate: Barry Scott 9596 9916 Commiee: Ray Dunstan. 0419589741 Peter McDonald 9598 5722 Kevin Fitzgerald 0427 795 930 Ann Tranter 9592 4674 Noelene Hayhow 8510 9836 Pam Wilson 9598 3809 Membership Secretary Faye Coates 9592 8650 Care Person Faye Coates 9592 8650 Newsleer Editor: Bob Mylius 9533 1112 SANDRINGHAM LIFE NEWS NOVEMBER–2016 No 172 Quarterly Newsletter of Sandringham Life Activities Club Inc Incorporated A 00525158 Club Rooms : Sandringham Seniors Community Hall Corner of Abbott St and Waltham St Sandringham Postal Address: PO Box 137, Sandringham 3191 PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Greg Mauldon We have finally made changes to the office area including some extra cupboards. Thanks to Keith Salter invaluable help removing items with his Utility Vehicle. Our next step is to clean up the Notice Board area. The whole of the ambience of the Hall has been lifted by the input of our New Committee Members, who have put in a lot hours of labour. A number of new Classes have added to the appeal of our Activities. The new nets for our Ta- ble Tennis are a big improvement. The Snooker is looking bright and has new Cues. I have re- ceived feedback that our Club is the most helpful and friendly. Members who have suggestions, complaints, re sticking doors, maintenance issues should ring me on Mobile 0437844873 or 95835637 or email [email protected] Thank you to those who have sent stories to be published in our Messenger, please keep them coming. When you collect your Newsletter from our Foyer Table, please take any that may be ad- dressed to your neighbour, or an address nearby. Lots of members don’t attend our Hall. Thank you for your support during the Year. 1 email: [email protected] Table Tennis – New Group. Tuesdays 1.05 pm – 3.00 pm starting 8 th November . Due to greatly increased numbers at morning table tennis, a new group is starting. It is hoped this will decrease the waiting time for play and make it more comfortable for members. However, you are welcome to attend all groups if you wish. Contact for this new group is Judy on 9555 5620 or just come along.

Transcript of NOVEMBER Quarterly Newsletter of Sandringham Life ...


President: Greg Mauldon 9583 5637

Vice President Barry Scott 0418 339 274

Treasurer: Garry O’Toole 8060 5314

Secretary: Maree Webb 9598 1392

LACVI Delegate: Barry Scott 9596 9916

Committee: Ray Dunstan. 0419589741

Peter McDonald 9598 5722 Kevin Fitzgerald 0427 795 930 Ann Tranter 9592 4674

Noelene Hayhow 8510 9836

Pam Wilson 9598 3809

Membership Secretary Faye Coates 9592 8650

Care Person Faye Coates 9592 8650

Newsletter Editor: Bob Mylius 9533 1112


Quarterly Newsletter of Sandringham Life Activities Club Inc

Incorporated A 00525158

Club Rooms : Sandringham Seniors Community Hall

Corner of Abbott St and Waltham St Sandringham

Postal Address: PO Box 137, Sandringham 3191


We have finally made changes to the office area including some extra cupboards. Thanks to

Keith Salter invaluable help removing items with his Utility Vehicle. Our next step is to clean

up the Notice Board area.

The whole of the ambience of the Hall has been lifted by the input of our New Committee

Members, who have put in a lot hours of labour.

A number of new Classes have added to the appeal of our Activities. The new nets for our Ta-

ble Tennis are a big improvement. The Snooker is looking bright and has new Cues. I have re-

ceived feedback that our Club is the most helpful and friendly.

Members who have suggestions, complaints, re sticking doors, maintenance issues should

ring me on Mobile 0437844873 or 95835637 or email [email protected]

Thank you to those who have sent stories to be published in our Messenger, please keep them


When you collect your Newsletter from our Foyer Table, please take any that may be ad-

dressed to your neighbour, or an address nearby. Lots of members don’t attend our Hall.

Thank you for your support during the Year.

1 email: [email protected]

Table Tennis – New Group.

Tuesdays 1.05 pm – 3.00 pm starting 8th November. Due to greatly increased numbers at

morning table tennis, a new group is starting. It is hoped this will decrease the waiting time

for play and make it more comfortable for members. However, you are welcome to attend all

groups if you wish.

Contact for this new group is Judy on 9555 5620 or just come along.


Day & Time Activity Contact_______ Monday 10.00 am – 11.00 am Exercise Class Kaye 9587 8460

11.15 am – 12.30 pm Tai Chi Eric 0402 056 053 &

Emmy 9570 4031

7.00 pm 1st Monday of the Month Social Night with Music & Dance Graham 9592 8661

Tuesday 10.00 am – 11.00 am Exercise Class Kaye 9587 8460

11.05 am – 1.00 pm Table Tennis Julie 9598 5158 &

Solveig 0455 264 656

1.05 pm—3.00 pm Table Tennis Judy 9555 5620

7.00 pm Table Tennis Keith 9596 4166

6.30 pm Snooker Brian 9598 8318

1.00 pm last Tuesday of Month Lunch at Sandringham Hotel Julie 9598 5158 &

Noelene 8510 9836

Wednesday 10.00 am Wednesday Walkers Delyse 9587 5575

10.30 am – 11.45 am (school term) Yoga Dance Linda 0412 390 302

1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Snooker Dieter 9598 5158

1.30 pm – 5.00 pm Scrabble Pat 9598 3058 &

Peg 9598 6268

Thursday 10.00 am – 12.30 pm Mah Jong Ann 9592 4674 &

Noelene 8510 9836

11.00 am – 3.00 pm Cards Solo Cath 9598 7169

6.30 pm 1st Thursday Dine Out Lorraine 9580 4401

8.00 pm Table Tennis Gustav 9578 4927 &

Hans 9551 4444

Friday 10.00 am Table Tennis Julie 9598 5158 &

Ian 9587 1370

1.00 pm – 3.30 pm Cards Whist Isobel 9583 6869

1.30 pm – 3.00 pm 2nd Friday of Mth Book Club Faye 9592 8650

7.00 pm Table Tennis Keith 9596 4166

10.00 am 1st Friday of Month Morning Tea/Coffee/Biscuits Faye 9592 8650 and Chat Barry 0418 339 274

Saturday 9.00 am 2nd Saturday of Month - Saturday Walks Dorothy 9598 4771 &

meet at Sandringham Station Freda 9598 4475

2.00 pm 2nd Saturday of Month Cards 500 Jean 9592 2335

1.00 pm 1st & 3rd Saturday of Month Craft Joyce 9598 1506

Activities take place in the Sandringham Seniors Hall,

18 Abbott Street (Cnr Waltham Street), Sandringham, except the Walks and Dine Outs.

Please note the SKAT CARD GAME has been cancelled.




Members would have noticed when visiting the Sandringham Seniors Hall, the great new cush-

ions and the lovely pictures in the entrance hall, all displaying bright and happy colours. Big,

big thanks goes to Noelene Hayhow for this wonderful gesture in making the cushion covers

and donating the pictures, to make the place so much more enjoyable for us all.

But that is not all, both Noelene and Ann Tranter have spent over 70 hours cleaning the kitchen

and hall including the walls and skirting boards. They have sorted through the crockery etc in

the drawers and cupboards. They also cleaned and organised the contents of the pantry. They

have washed and ironed all the linen as well.

Members of SLAC should join in appreciation of their wonderful efforts. Niki from

Bayside CC is also quite overwhelmed with the amount of work these two wonderful ladies

have done as she observed at our Open Morning Tea.

As Newsletter Editor I would like to acknowledge the great contribution Alex Rodriguez

and Keith Salter are making in the running of the club.

Alex our Webmaster continues to do a great job in keeping our web site up to date and

including copies of our Newsletters.

Keith our Audio Visual Guru has been instrumental in setting up our speaker and

television systems.

Thank you on behalf of the Club.

Bob Mylius


New Members are welcome to come and enjoy a friendly game of table tennis

at the Sandringham Seniors CommunityHall

Tuesdays 11.05 am to 1.00 pm Julie 9598 5158

Tuesdays 1.05 pm to 3.00 pm Judy 9555 5620

Tuesdays 7.00 pm to 9.30pm Keith 9596 4166

Thursdays 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm Hans 9578 4927

Fridays 10.00am to 11.30am Julie 9598 5158

Fridays 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm Keith 9596 4166

Three tables and bats and balls provided.

We have a web page.

Go to

for all the latest news.


Members are reminded to let Faye Coates know when any of our members are unavailable

through sickness.

Please phone Faye on 9592 8650



Book Club

Do you enjoy reading and would like to discuss and share your thoughts on the books that you


New members are very welcome.

We meet at 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm On the second Friday of the month

Faye Coates Tel. No 9592 8650 Email: [email protected]

Craft Group

Bring along your own knitting or any other craft you wish to do. The Group meets on the 1st &

3rd Saturday of each month from 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm. Cost $1.00 for afternoon tea.

Contact Joyce Radin on 9598 1506.

Cards on Thursdays & Fridays.

Play Solo from 11.00 am – 3.00 pm on Thursdays.

Enquiries call Cath on 9598 7169 or just come along.

Play Whist from 1.00 pm – 3.30 pm on Fridays. Enquiries call Isobel on 9583 6869 or just

come along. Join either or both groups.

Held in the Sandringham Seniors Hall with lovely heating.

Exercise to Music

Keep fit exercising to music in a friendly welcoming environment with exercises to help

maintain and improve mobility and flexibility, strength, circulation and breathing.

Classes are held in the Sandringham Community Centre

on Mondays and Tuesdays at 10.00 am - 11.00 am.

Contact Kay for enquiries: 9587 8460 or 0402 818 830.

Christmas Morning Tea

To celebrate Christmas this year

members and partners are invited to a

Morning Tea

on Friday 2nd December starting at 10.00 am

in the Sandringham Seniors Hall.

Please bring a plate of food to share.


Please inform the Membership Secretary Faye Coates 9592 8650 if you change your

phone or mobile number, or home or email address.

Social Music Night (Dancing optional). Just for fun. Members of Sandringham LAC are invited to join with Brighton Bayside LAC on the first

Monday of the month from 7.00 pm for a cabaret style evening of music, social chat and danc-

ing if you wish. Singles and couples are invited to join in the fun of this activity.

Contact the convenor Graham Young on 9592 8661.

Next events are 7th November, 5th December, 2nd January,6th February and 6th March

Free Book Exchange

It is a good idea when you collect new books to dispose of a few old ones.

Do you have one or two books that you really enjoyed reading and would like to circulate to

fellow members so that they can enjoy reading them too?

Why not bring them along and donate them to our club room book shelves.

Everyone is welcome to take a book(s) at any time even if you have not brought a book.

Members can place their books on the shelves at any time that the hall is open.

Further queries please ring Faye Coates on 9592 8650 email [email protected]

Mah Jong

Join members each Thursday at We have 12 friendly and helpful players.

Mah Jong sets are available. Phone Ann 9592 4474 or Noeline 8510 9836.

Contact Pat 9598 3508

Monthly Lunch

Join other Club members for lunch on the last Tuesday of the month at 1.00 pm at the San-dringham Hotel. This venue offers good meals at a very reasonable price. Pokies are option-al! Reservations are essential as the venue is very popular. Please ring Julie on 9598 5158 to make a booking.


Scrabble now meets every Wednesday from 1.30 pm. Evening Scrabble has been disbanded.

Why not exercise that brain muscle—you do not have to be an expert– this is a social activity.

Contact Pat 9598 3508.


We now have four new billiard cues.

New members are very welcome.

Convenors: Brian Mitchell 9598 8318 Tuesday nights 6.30 pm

Dieter Richter 9598 5158 0415 849 308 Wednesdays 1 pm

Yoga Dance

The times are from 10.30 am - 11.45 am at Sandringham Seniors Community Hall.

Yoga will start again in October (see Noticeboard for date). Linda has over 20 years experi-

ence teaching Dance Education at Melbourne University in addition to 16 years experience as

a Yoga teacher. Linda helps people to express themselves freely through movement to music

and she includes yoga stretches and deep relaxation in each class. No prior experience neces-

sary. Ring Linda on 0412 390 302 or email her at [email protected]


Life Activities Club Sandringham acknowledges the generosity of our Patron,

Mr Murray H Thompson MP, whose office assists us in the printing of this Newsletter.


FREE CUPPA AND BISCUITS First Friday of Every Month at 10 am at the Seniors Community Hall.

Come along and enjoy your “cuppa and bickies” and play table tennis, or just chat and watch

the play as long as you like.

All welcome whether a member or not

Details: Barry 0418 339 274

We now have a web page.

Go to

for all the latest news.


Do you have a story you could share with other members? We are looking for members’ stories

for the Newsletter, anything that may be of interest, your life experiences or adventures.


Pam Wilson who lives in Hampton would love to get together with anyone with an interest in

playing the piano to meet and practise the piano to improve skills and enjoy music.

“He used to think he was Napoleon —now he thinks he’s Trump.”


New Members welcome

First Thursday – 6.30.PM

Feb 2nd Redwood Gardens Chinese Restaurant 16 Garden Boulevard

DINGLEY 9551 5643

Melways 88 B5 Corkage $1.50 per person

Convenor: Lorraine Hearn 9580 4401 0426 914 448

Email:[email protected]

Wednesday Walkers May 2016—Aug 2016

Contact Delyse Harris 9587 5575

It is suggested that:- Infrequent walkers should check with the leader re possible changes

i.e. total fire bans.

Start Melways

Nov 2 Cockatoo to Emerald Lake Park Back Pack 10.30 am 311 G6

Nov 9 Chelsea Bicenteninial Park 10.00 am 93 D12

Nov 16 Balnarring To Coolart Back Pack 10.15 am 193 D10

Nov 23 Eltham Lower Park 10.15 am 21 H10

Nov 30 Fingals Picnic Area Back Pack 10.30 am 259 B9

Dec 7 Ruffy Lake Park (Victoria St) 10.15 am 33 J10

Dec 14 Christnmas Breakup (Beaumaris Motor Yacht Club) 11.30 am 86 F8

Jan 18 Beaumaris Area (Park in Keys St) 10.00 am 86 E9

Jan 25 Butterfield Reserve Back Pack 10.30 am 125 E6

Feb 1 Scotchmans Creek Trail (Park in Bolch St) 10.00 am 69 H6

Feb 8 Sorrento Back Beach Back Pack 10.30 am 156 J9



We meet at Sandringham Railway Station at 9 a.m. on the second Saturday of each

month, ready to explore walking trails all around Melbourne, which can be reached

by train, tram or bus. Please note that the train leaves at 9.10 am. Seniors travel free

on weekends, but we still need a ticket, so bring Myki and Seniors Card and also

bring lunch and a drink.

Contact Dorothy Winter (9598 4771) or Freda Windsor (9598 4475)

Nov 12 Maribyrnong River (Essendon—Footscray)

Dec 10 Docklands-Botanic Gardens