November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8...

1 THE INDICATOR Beckenham Methodist Church A Christ – Centred Community Church November, December 2019 January 2020

Transcript of November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8...

Page 1: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


THE INDICATOR Beckenham Methodist

Church A Christ –

Centred Community Church

November, December

2019 January 2020

Page 2: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



Dear Friends,

As we approach Christmas it is good to be reminded that our God is not a

distant and capricious god, but the one who loved us so much that he came

to live among us in human form as Jesus the Son. The posh theological

term for this is of course incarnation (meaning ‘God made flesh’). But it is

more than just a posh theological concept! Our faith is based on the experi-

ence of those early disciples of Christ who recognised this man as God

from conception to death to resurrection and ascension, and who spread the

Word into all the known world of the time, providing us with our New

Testament witness as well as leading to our celebrations of Christmas and

Easter each year in our context here in England.

I wonder if you have ever thought about what incarnation means for us as

ongoing witnesses to Christ where we are today? We can never be God in

Christ - never be Jesus - that is limited I think to the Trinitarian relation-

ship itself and we risk heresy if we consider ourselves as God. However,

we can all be Christ-like - ready to embody something of the nature and

calling of Christ in our lives as we draw alongside others and share the

good news of the gospel of God’s love and forgiveness with them

[Continued over]

Page 3: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-

es the church as follows:

In your relationships with one another, have the same mind-set as Christ Jesus.

As we head for Christmas and into the new year in 2020, may we all hold

on to that calling to have the same mind-set as Christ - willing servants in

this world, obedient to our calling. It all started with God the Three-in-

One choosing to become flesh and dwell among us, full of grace and truth,

as John 1 reminds us.

So . . .

How will you embody God’s love to others this Christmas tide?

How will you take on the nature of a servant in your ministry as a disciple

of Jesus Christ?

I have been reflecting on what I am called to as a deacon through my ordi-

nation promises:

In his name you are

to assist God’s people in worship and prayer

to hold before them the needs and concerns of the world

to minister Christ’s love and compassion

to visit and support the sick and suffering

to seek out the lost and lonely

and to help those you serve to offer their lives to God.

The Methodist Church in Great Britain’s website points out that:

‘Diaconal ministry belongs to the whole church and is the calling of every

Christian disciple who seeks to follow Christ. Therefore the ministry of-

fered by deacons is not exclusive to deacons; rather their work overlaps

with that of others as part of the bigger picture of God’s activity and pres-

ence in the world. Deacons’ main charge is to model, integrate and en-

courage others in the servant ministry of Christ.’

Page 4: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


With this in mind, and with me working among you at Beckenham Meth-odist Church (Bromley Road and Clock House Road) a little more often as part of my role in the circuit for the next 3 years and 9 months, I wonder if any of these aspects of a deacon’s calling are areas God might be asking you to embrace, not in terms of ordination but as willing servants of the gospel, living it out as best you can with the mind-set of Christ? May you have a blessed Christmas time and be a blessing to others now and always as you consider these questions for personal reflection . . .

Yours in His service LAURA


We continue to meet for prayer on Sundays at 10.00am before Morning Service in the Wesley Lounge. Come and be par t of this group.

The IBRA books for 2020 ‘Fresh from the Word’ will be available at the beginning of December from Marie.

Page 5: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


CHRISTMAS QUIZ These are the initials of the words in the first line of Christmas carols—in most cases, quite well-known ones. They’re surprisingly hard to recognise, but you’ll have plenty of time over Christmas to puz-zle over them!

1. C I A M M 2. H T H A S 3. I W O A S N W T H W B 4. I C U T M C 5. L C D A C 6. S H L O A B O S 7. W W T T W W N 8. S A T W S 9. C A J T C 10. C A S T H M Answers on p24.

Page 6: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



I would just like to share some facts and heart-warming letters of thanks from the current FHN newsletter. Last year, FHN helped 337 asylum seekers and refugees, 130 homeless peo-ple…

“The difference your help makes”

“The help I received from the fund came at a time when it was much need-ed. To know someone cared was very touching. It made my day”. A beneficiary “A massive thank you for the support and consideration you have demon-strated not only toward me, but in relation to hundreds of the applicants for whom this amount can be of great significance”. AK Last year, FHN helped 139 people/families with mental health issues and 382 people with their basic needs of food and other living essentials, includ-ing electricity and gas vouchers. “I had to go to hospital, back and forth. I had issues with mental health. I felt very low. I had no-one to turn to. But after receiving an emergency pay-ment, I felt like a human being again”. “I have three children and am a single mum, living on food bank vouchers. Life is really difficult”. “I am so grateful for the grant you have given. It is not how much you man-aged to give us but the heart that gave is what has overwhelmed me. At least it has put a smile on our faces. God bless you abundantly for the gen-erosity you show to all those in need”. (August 2019). “ I am overwhelmed with joy after receiving your letter with the cheque of £60. Words can’t express the joy but the good lord who sees my heart knows it all. All I can say is thank you and may God continue to strengthen you as you help humanity. Lots of love.” (August 2019)

Where a little means a lot

Page 7: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



Thinking of others: We remember in our prayers, with love, several of our two congregations who are going through difficult times, for various rea-sons, just now.

From Pat Graham: ‘Don’t faint folks, I’ve just had a stroke. Wish it was a stroke of luck but fortunately I’ve come through it unscathed with maybe a slight loss of memory, but then I had that before!! My stay in hospital was good and not so good. Nurses and doctors lovely, but being woken up every 2 hours for tests . Must resist having a go in the garden (for now). Looking forward to attending certain celebrations.’We send all good wishes to Pat for her continuing recovery.

We are sad to record the passing of Margaret Cremin; several church mem-bers attended her funeral on 11th October.

We rejoice that three Baptisms have taken place! Daijah and Zahari whose parents are Alieda and Raymond Beech. (Grandparents—Derrick & Margaret Toronka) and Alexander whose parents are Victor and Lyande.

Norman Brown: We are sad to record the passing of Norman—a former member of our church—and convey our sympathy to Rosemary and all the family at this time.

Congratulations to Abigail Coetzee (daughter of Gordon and Ros Wilson) on successfully completing her Phd in Pancreatic Cancer research at Barts Can-cer Institute.


Please send articles for the next Indicator, covering February and March 2020 to :- Jenny Nichols: [email protected] or Christine Handel: [email protected] or Colin Wilson, email: [email protected]

by Sunday 19 January 2020 at the latest for distribution on 2 February 2020 Volunteers are requested for folding & stapling at 10.00am on Thursday 30th January 2020 in the Wesley Lounge

Page 8: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



Our future programme is as follows: Saturday November 9th: Graham McLeod will talk to us about Etymolo-gy (a study of words). Saturday December 7th: We will be singing Carols at Waitrose, organised by the CTiB. Saturday January 11th: Simon Young is going to talk to us again about Crossrail. We will also be attending the Thursday Service at Bromley Methodist Church on the 4th Thursday each month, followed by lunch. After our Saturday meeting, we used to enjoy fish and chips eaten at Clock House. This is not now possible as the local fish and chip shop does not open until 3.30pm, so we visit a local hostelry instead. Recently this has been The Chancery opposite Westgate Road, who we have found look af-ter us very well. All are welcome and, if you need a lift, please let us know. David Keall

SUBMITTING ARTICLES FOR THE INDICATOR We would be delighted if some of our readers are inspired to submit book reviews, personalia items and articles to be included in the Indicator. When doing so, please would you make sure that you add your name to any item so that folk can follow up if they want to know more. For published items, please also ensure you have the permission of the author and then add their name as author of any work. We are continually looking at ways to improve the Indicator and the best way to do this is to receive your comments and suggestions. We thank those who have sent their comments this time. Please continue to send comments to the editorial team.

The Editorial Team

Page 9: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


TCs TCs Café Customers are finding their way upstairs to the Richmond Room and enjoying their toasted teacakes and sandwiches .

Access is via the right-of-way at the side of the church and one flight of stairs. We still need more volunteers - regulars and reserves. If you know anyone who might be interested in helping in any way please let me or any other staff know. Opening hours are as follows: Mondays 10.30 - 2pm Tuesdays 10.30am - 2.30pm (2nd Tuesdays 12 noon - 2.30pm) Wednesdays 10.30am - 2.30pm Thursdays 10.30am - 2.30pm (2nd Thursdays of the month CLOSED) Fridays now CLOSED

Mary Jackson


4th Beckenham South Scout Group

Continuing our centenary year celebrations we had a fantastic weekend at Gilwell Park in September where over 35 young people enjoyed an action packed weekend at the headquarters of Scouting in the UK.

They took part in rafting, a 3G swing and a vertical assault course as well as a number of games and of course a campfire.

Page 10: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


Wesley Lounge at Beckenham Methodist Church, Bromley Road

November 4 Rev Alex Terrett - Remembering 11 November 18 A book I enjoy reading 25 St. Andrew December 2 Rev Alex Terrett - Christmas 9 Bethlehem CHRISTMAS BREAK January 2020 6 Happy New Year

Tea and chat

All welcome


Meet in friendship on Mondays, 2.00 to 3.30pm

Page 11: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face

Be glad your nose is on your face,

not pasted on some other place,

for if it were where it is not,

you might dislike your nose a lot.

Imagine if your precious nose

were sandwiched in between your toes,

that clearly would not be a treat,

for you’d be forced to smell your feet.

Your nose would be a source of dread

were it attached atop your head,

It soon would drive you to despair,

forever tickled by your hair.

Within your ear, your nose would be

an absolute catastrophe,

for when you were obliged to sneeze,

your brain would rattle from the breeze.

Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,

remains between your eyes and chin,

not pasted on some other place . .

be glad your nose is on your face!

by Jack Prelutsky, submitted by Arthur Allan

Page 12: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


Beckenham Methodist Church, Bromley Road

Redevelopment Project update

Several groups have been able to look inside the building recently to see progress for themselves. Painting and laying of the wooden floor in the sanctuary is progressing well. The new toilets will soon be fitted out and glass in the new atrium. When the builders hand the whole church back, there is still much to be done. Audio-visual equipment and the organ can only be fitted in a dust-free environment. Samples of chairs will soon be available to try out. Please give your feed-back so that we can buy the most comfortable / practical (light for moving about on a wooden floor)/ stackable ones we can afford. The outside space will await the new season for planting and returning some items which have been cared for in the interim. Though we hope very much to be able to use the sanctuary for Christmas services, this will probably be with some of the old church furniture for now so that we can see what will work best in the refurbished surroundings. A grand opening weekend is envisioned for sometime in early Spring of 2020.

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Page 14: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



We are launching a fundraising campaign for the redevelopment where people can make pledges / offers such as: teaching a skill, making cakes, repairing/altering clothes etc. The pledges will appear in the Notices and people can decide how much to donate for the pledge. We would like to start by gathering a list of pledges from people. If you would like to take part by offering a pledge, please send details either by email to Vicky Bessant at [email protected] or via phone on 02036630526 All money raised will go to the redevelopment fund.


Saturday 16th November 2019

Stalls selling bric-a-brac; books; plants; cakes etc.

Refreshments available

Help needed to set up on Friday evening; sell from the stalls on Satur-day; buy from the stalls; clear up afterwards.

Items can be stored until the day, so please look out anything in good condition which would be suitable and tell your friends about the sale.

To volunteer, please speak to Jenny, Mary or FFF members

Page 15: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,



Dear Lord, Every single evening As I'm lying here in bed, This tiny little Prayer Keeps running through my head: God bless all my family Wherever they may be, Keep them warm and safe from harm For they're so close to me.

And God, there is one more thing I wish that you could do; Hope you don't mind me asking, Please bless my computer too.

Now I know that it's unusual To Bless a motherboard, But listen just a second While I explain it to you, Lord.

You see, that little metal box Holds more than odds and ends; Inside those small compartments Rest so many of my friends.

I know so much about them By the kindness that they give, And this little scraps of metal Takes me in to where they live.

By faith is how I know them Much the same as you. We share in what life brings us And from that our friendships grew.

Please take an extra minute From your duties up above, To bless those in my address book That's filled with so much love.

Wherever else this prayer may reach To each and every friend, Bless each e-mail inbox And each person who hits 'send'.

When you update your Heavenly list On your own Great CD-ROM, Bless everyone who says this prayer Sent up to Amen

Author unknown, submitted by Arthur Allan

Page 16: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


The South London Singers are having a really enjoyable first term under their new Conductor Nick Wibberley, with several new mem-bers joining the choir. After a very successful Harvest-themed con-cert in October, the attention turns to Christmas with the usual mix of familiar and not-so-familiar music. “Joy to the World” is a twenty-minute Christmas cantata of carols by Sir Karl Jenkins, an increas-ingly popular living composer, best known for “The Armed Man” and “Adiemus”. There will also be plenty of other carols for the choir and for the audience to join in. The concert will again be at St. George’s Church where the SLS are enjoying being part of their busy concert programme. It is at 7.45pm on Saturday 14

th December and tickets will be on sale nearer the

time. Do put the date in your diaries.


Christ, born in a stable, give courage to all who are homeless. Christ, for whom the angels sang, give the song of the kingdom to all who weep. Christ, worshipped by shepherds, give peace on earth to all who are op-pressed. Christ, before whom the wise men knelt, give humility and wisdom to all who govern. Christ, whose radiance filled a lowly manger, give the glory of your resur-rection to all who rest in you. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, full of the Spirit, hear our prayer, re-ceive our praises, fill our lives. Amen.

JOY TO THE WORLD Music for Christmas

Page 17: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


BECKENHAM CLOTHES BANK As always the Clothes Bank at Holy Trinity Church continues to be a popular venue for our homeless friends on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.

It is so heart-warming to find our Clothes Bank box continuing to be filled with toiletries of every kind, together with items of clothing, Thank you to all who have given and be assured that all items are duly delivered and are much appreciated. I was serving with the team the last Saturday in October and we were very busy endeavouring to help those who came to us.

It might be helpful if I made some suggestions as to the items which were not-ed as scarce:

GENERAL: Toilet soap (none left!)

MEN’S ITEMS: Disposable razors (always in demand) Trunks and Boxer Shorts (sizes Medium and Large) Wool mixture socks: (many of our customers suffer from tender feet/corns). Trainers (all sizes, always wanted).

WOMEN’S ITEMS: Clothing SIZE 20 upwards.

You will realise that we are now into the Winter months, any warm items of clothing will be especially welcome. Many thanks.

Valerie Wilson **************************** When you replace “Why is this happening to me”? with “What is this trying to teach me?” everything shifts.


“Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion”? . John Wesley

Page 18: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BECKENHAM The following events will be taking place over the coming weeks:- CTiB Churches will again be providing singers on Saturday 7 December to sing carols outside Waitrose from 10 am to 1pm during which time various churches will be singing. A collection will be taken for Christian Aid. Beckenham Methodist Church will be taking part as last year and will be allocated a half hour slot to fill. Please let a steward know if you can join us to sing and watch the notices for the times. January 18 to 25th 2020 is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. As usual there will be a pulpit swop in Beckenham in which we will be tak-ing part. Details of who will be coming to us will be in the weekly notices in due course. During the week there will also be various other events . Unfortunately these are still in the process of being finalised so further de-tails will be provided on places, times etc. in the weekly notices. Future Activities in 2020

There will be no CTiB Lent course in 2020 but churches will share details of any courses that are run individually. Full details will be in the notices.

10th April 2020 the Good Friday Walk of Witness will again take place from St Edmund’s to St George’s

Sunday 28th June - Fun in the Park will again be held at Croydon Road Recreation Ground from 1pm - put in your diaries and bring your picnics along and join the other churches in the park after our individual services.

We continue to be represented at the clergy and representative meetings held by CTiB by our Minister, Alex, David Keall and myself so if you have any questions please speak to any one of us. Thank you Christine Handel

Page 19: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


Church Flowers - Bromley Road

November 3rd Margaret Hazlewood 10th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 17th Diane Chorley 24th Sheila Priestman December 1st Christine Gaskin 8th Gretta Blacknell 15th Valerie Wilson 22nd CHRISTMAS 29th Circuit Service at West Wickham January 5th Barry Stewart 12th TBA 19th Brenda Hotham 26th Frank Thompson As you can see we have some gaps. If you would like to put your name down for one of these, please let me know. You don’t have to arrange them yourself. It would mean that where we have gaps there would be no flowers to decorate the church or distribute to anyone on those Sundays. Your help is appreciated. Margaret Hazlewood

Church Flowers - Clock House Road

November 3rd Lum & Roy 10th Remembrance at Bromley Road 17th Mary S 24th Graham December 1st Lum & Roy 8th Irene 15th Mary S 22nd Graham 29th Circuit Service at West Wickham 31st Irene January 2020 5th Joint service at Bromley Road 12th Lum & Roy 19th Joint service at Bromley Road 26th Irene

Page 20: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


Bromley Methodist Church Thursday Service: 12.15pm

All are warmly welcome at the Weekday Service at Bromley Methodist Church, College Road on Thursdays on the following dates.. We meet in the Vine Chapel on Thursdays at 12.15 pm for half an hour of worship, a lovely interlude in the middle of a busy week.

Preachers in November

7th Revd Karen George Minister, Bromley Methodist Circuit 14th Deacon Laura MacBean West Wickham Methodist Church

21st Mr Jim Holman Local Preacher, Bromley Methodist Church

28th Revd Andrew McClellan Priest-in-Charge, St. John’s Church, Park Road

Preachers in December

5th Revd Alexandra Terrett Superintendent Minister, Bromley Methodist Circuit 12th Revd Karen George Holy Communion for Advent 19th Readings and Carols for Christmas

26th No Service—Boxing Day

Preachers in January

Will be announced before the end of the year. For information email [email protected]

All are welcome!

Page 21: November, December 2019 January 2020 · I am reminded of the beautiful hymn in Philippians 2: 5-8 which challeng-es the church as follows: In your relationships with one another,


.Christmas 2019 Advent and Christmas dates for your diary Saturday 7 December Carol singing outside Waitrose in Beckenham from 10am to 1pm, organised by our local Christian Aid committee with singers from CTiB churches and other groups. Please watch the weekly notices for details of our time slot and speak to one of the stewards if you are able to join us. Sundays 1st and 8th December Gift Services w ill be held this year at Bromley Road on the 1st and Clock House Road on the 8th. This year our gifts will again be sent to the Salvation Army in Penge who have asked for gifts especially for older children, teenag-ers and perhaps the elderly. Please leave the gifts unwrapped as this will help when they are sorted for distribution Sunday 15th December A carol service at Bromley Road – 4pm Sunday 22 December Services at Bromley Road and Clock House Road which will be traditional services of 9 lessons and carols. Tuesday 24 December Christmas Eve Communion at Bromley Road (Joint Service) 11.15pm Wednesday 25 December Christmas Day Combined Family Ser-vice 10.00am Joint service at Bromley Road NOTE CHANGE OF TIME Sunday 29 December 10.30am A Circuit Service at West Wickham Methodist Church Tuesday 31 December 11.15 pm A Watchnight Service at Clock House Road. (This is also a Circuit Service) Sunday 5 January 2020 Annual Covenant Service. Joint service 10.30am at Bromley Road We are sorry that we are unable to provide a Christmas card post box this year at Bromley Road

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Bromley Road (10.30am) Clockhouse Road (10.30am )

3rd November Revd Alex Terrett Jim Holman AAW 10th November 10 am Revd Alex Terrett Joint service of Remembrance at BR Holy communion

17th November

Revd Alex Terrett Revd Karen George 24th November Deacon Laura MacBean Local arrangement 1st December

Revd Alex Terrett Deacon Laura MacBean AAW

8th December

Mr Mike Tinson Revd Alex Terrett AAW / HC

15th December

Revd Alex Terrett Revd Karen George Holy Communion

4pm Family Carol service 22nd December Revd Derek Stanworth Deacon Laura MacBean Services of Lessons and Carols


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Bromley Road 10.30am Clock House Road 10.30am 5th January 2020 Revd Alex Terrett Joint Covenant service at Bromley Road

12th January Ms Alison Driscoll Deacon Laura MacBean AAW

19th January Pulpit swap Joint service at Bromley Road

26th January Dr Clive Timehin Mr Jim Holman 2nd February Revd Alex Terrett Ms Christina Messenger AAW

9th February Mr Richard Baker Revd Alex Terrett AAW / HC

16th February Revd Alex Terrett Dr Clive Timehin HC

23rd February Mr Jim Holman Mr Mike Tinson

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USEFUL CONTACTS Beckenham Methodist Church

(Registered Charity No. 1138006)

Bromley Road Church BR3 5JE & Clockhouse Road Church BR3 4JP 0208 650 2763 0208 663 6149


Minister in Charge: Revd Alexandra Terrett 0208 295 4869 Email: [email protected]

Senior Steward: Jenny Nichols 8460 6713

Property Stewards: Colin Wilson 8464 3768 David Jackson 8656 2815 Graham McLeod 8325 5243 Room Booking Officers: BR David Jackson 8656 2815 CHR Graham McLeod 8325 5243

Brownies: Carole Dewar Guides: Karen Millican 8650 6248 Rangers: Karen Millican 8650 6248 Beavers: Mandy Sarhane Cubs: Steve Shir ley 8650 0330 Scouts: Gordon Wilson 8650 1035 Web Site:

Circuit Web Site:

Christmas Quiz Answers: 1) Cradled in a manger meanly 2) Hark the herald angels sing 3) It was on a starry night when the hills

were bright 4) It came upon a midnight clear 5) Love came down at Christmas

6) See him lying on a bed of straw 7) Who would think that what was

needed 8) See amid the winter’s snow 9) Come and join the celebration 10) Christians awake salute the happy
