November 3rd Issue 21

Rocky Mountain Goat The Your source for weekly news and views in the Robson Valley Wednesday, November 03, 2010 Volume 1 Issue 21 More Inside: VARDA hosts Mountain Mania Bear family ‘trick or treats’ Photo: Laura Keil See A3 The Keep on Truckin’ tour A6 Benhardt and Danella Du Toit hauled these heavy pumpkins home from the store last week to decorate their house for Halloween. $1.25plus HST Borealis GeoPower out of Calgary has become the Robson Valley’s latest corporate citizen. e small private company has purchased all three permit options offered for competitive bid by the Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources. A company representative says that the future is exciting for geothermal developments both in the Canoe Reach area and across the province. Spin-off projects such as hot bathing pools are on also on the company’s horizons. Representatives from the Village of Valemount say that they will be working closely with Borea- lis and will do whatever they can to enourage the province to adopt energy policies favourable to the development of geothermal resources in the Canoe Reach. Halloween fashions A2, A11 The Weather Doctor’s field guide A5 Hike in water prices raises ire A5 Calgary firm snags geother- mal permits for Canoe Reach


November 3rd Issue 21

Transcript of November 3rd Issue 21

Page 1: November 3rd Issue 21

Rocky Mountain GoatThe

Your source for weekly news and views in the Robson ValleyWednesday, November 03, 2010 Volume 1 Issue 21

More Inside:

VARDA hosts Mountain ManiaBear family ‘trick or treats’

Photo: Laura KeilSee A3

The Keep on Truckin’ tour A6Benhardt and Danella Du Toit hauled these heavy pumpkins home from the store last week to decorate their house for Halloween.

$1.25plus HST

Borealis GeoPower out of Calgary has become the Robson Valley’s latest corporate citizen. The small private company has purchased all three permit options offered for competitive bid by the Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources. A company representative says that the future is exciting for geothermal developments both in the Canoe Reach area and across the province. Spin-off projects such as hot bathing pools are on also on the company’s horizons. Representatives from the Village of Valemount say that they will be working closely with Borea-lis and will do whatever they can to enourage the province to adopt energy policies favourable to the development of geothermal resources in the Canoe Reach.

HalloweenfashionsA2, A11

The Weather Doctor’s field guide A5

Hike in water prices raises ire A5

Calgary firm snags geother-mal permits for Canoe Reach

Page 2: November 3rd Issue 21

A2 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Superheroes, villains and robotsAnother spooky Halloween at Valemount elementary

Photos from right counter-clockwise: Cos-tume winners Sammie Arnston, Lizzy Arn-ston, Makayla Meek, Debbie Bae, Gabrielle Baker, Gage Balle, Logan Forman, Khae-dryn Bos, Jeremy Althouse, Justice Lohse-Fontaine. Creative costume: Julian Baker and Vivian Kenkel. Creepiest costume Brendan Forman. Ryley Kunka and Niam Karas’ pumpkins in the carving contest. Lynn Lawless and Colton Byford pose as a mismatched couple, Sharon Nusse’s class waits in the gymnasium: Ryley Kunka, Karli Lawless, Morgan Stebanuk, Jackson Black, Melanie Williams, Tayvin Perkins, Aiden Anthony, Rian Addis, Taleigha Tinsley-Dawson Photos continued on A15

Officer Niam Karas and Legoman Ian Foreman, Aiden Anthony and Gage Balle, who makes his scariest face, Austin Funk practises his skills as a mad doctor.

See our full Halloween gallery at

Page 3: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010 A3

The Rocky Mountain Goat is issued every Wednesday

Outdoor clubs to scrape by without FIA

Joseph [email protected]

Borealis Geopower secures all Canoe Reach permits

The Forest Investment Account (FIA) recreational funding, which assists with recreational efforts in the valley, has been cut, leaving many McBride outdoor recreation clubs scrambling. In the past, FIA money collect-able by the McBride Community Forest Corporation (MCFC) was used to plow snow from forest service roads to Lucille Moun-tain and Renshaw snowmobile parking lots, as well as to both the Bell Mountain Snowmobile parking lot and the Yellowhead Ski Club’s Nordic centre. Funds were also provided to the Ski club to help maintain grooming of ski trails. An emergengy task force was set up by the McBride Village Council. At its first public meet-ing on Oct. 27, representatives from both the Yellowhead Ski Club and Big Country Snowmo-bile Club met with representa-tives from the MCFC, the Vil-lage of McBride, Recreation Sites and Trails BC, Regional District of Fraser Fort George as well as Lakes District Management to sort out what means are still available to maintain what are considered vital services to Mc-Bride’s winter tourism economy. While the MCFC does not have the funds to clear roads this winter, Rick Thompson, village councillor and Chairman of the MCFC, resolved to direct the Community Forest to start de-veloping a recreation fund which could assist with such needs in the future. MCFC manager Marc

“We envision build-ing a geothermal power plant and maybe even more than one, in due course in the area.”

Craig Dunn, Chief Operat-ing Officer for Borealis.

von der Gonna says that while the community forest would start such a fund for the future, it will be able to assist this winter only in when clearing roads co-incides with their logging opera-tions, which will keep four of five km on the Bell Mountain Road clear all winter. Lakes District Management of-fered to clear roads and parking lots occasionally as a donation, but only on a non-priority basis. The Village of McBride will also clear Lucille Mountain Road and parking lot when they can do so at little cost. The Regional dis-trict of Fraser Fort-George will be able to provide several thou-sand dollars of emergency fund-ing, as will Recreation Sites and Trails BC. A private donation from The Farm Store was also brought to the table. Walline Berry, president of the Big Country Snowmobile Club, says that what is really needed are enough funds to make it through to March, at which point increased trial fees should be able to cover all costs, including snow removal. He says that the club will start budgeting to cover more of these costs in the fu-ture. Task Force Chairman Rick Thompson says that what they have accomplished is approxi-mately $15,000 worth of snow clearing which is more than the $9,000 to $12,000 annual bud-get that has been covered by FIA money until this point.

The Canoe Reach could be-come home to British Colum-bia’s very first commercial geo-thermal power generation plant. The results of a competitive bidding process for three geo-thermal exploration permits were posted Oct. 27, and Borea-lis GeoPower – a Calgary based privately-held company spe-cializing in the development of geothermal and hydrothermal systems – has secured all three permit options. The three per-mits, totalling 11,848 hectares, were sold for $31,665. While only a handful of ex-ploration permits have been issued throughout the prov-ince, dozens of geothermal permit auctions are expected over the course of the next two years. A new trend is start-ing to emerge in B.C. In 2004, Permit 55274 - a 550 hectare permit which encompasses the existing hot springs in the Ca-noe Reach - sold by sealed bid auction for $1,700. Earlier this spring, the “Knight Inlet” per-mit – 8,079 hectares, 450 km northwest of Powell River - sold for $16,385.89. “We envision building a geo-thermal power plant and may-be even more than one, in due course in the area,” says Craig Dunn, chief operating officer for Borealis. “Borealis will start with what is modest and obtainable, with potential for larger devel-opments in the future,” For now the company envisions

a geothermal electrical genera-tion plant in the range of five to 10 megawatts of capacity. He says having the plant online in the next five to seven years is a feasible target. “We need both transmission and purchase agreements from B.C. hydro—this will obviously factor into our size of produc-tion.” Borealis has extensive experi-ence providing consultation to government and private agen-

cies on promoting and facili-tating geothermal projects, he says, adding that its experience is not based on consultation ef-forts alone. His company has spearheaded projects such as the Swan Hills oil well co-produc-tion project in Alberta and a hy-drothermal project in Fort Liard, NWT. Dunn says that Borealis will need to complete its own ex-ploratory program before con-struction will begin, and while company players see huge po-tential for the site, they have not jumped to any conclusions.

“Once you get to the point of your drilling program and your exploration program, you will definitively determine what you expected was below,” says Dunn. “That will either turn out to be binary or flash steam production potential.” Initially, Dunn says, develop-ment will look like a bunch of geologists wandering around the forest taking readings. There will be many surface measurements. The next step will be a drilling

program. While the drilling program will not likely em-ploy many local contractors, he says that drilling compa-nies will be in and out of the valley as needed by their pro-gram. Post-drilling, he says, geo-thermal units will be pur-chased from outside of Can-ada, as there are currently no geothermal manufacturing companies located within

Canada. Then they will be in-stalled in an onsite plant. Construction of the plant and some assembly of the units could mean potential jobs for locals. There will also be some limited work operating the plant. Dunn also points out the po-tential for other spin-off uses of the resource like hot water bathing pools—for example, the famous “Blue Lagoon,” a public-access bathing pool at a major geothermal power plant in Ice-land.

Cont A11

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Be sure to check out our website for more photos,

videos and updates through-out the week!

Page 4: November 3rd Issue 21

A4 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

An invitation to Sir Conrad Black

The Rocky Mountain Goat is produced and distributed by ‘The Rocky Mountain Goat News’ and is subject to copyright. Reproduction, or distribution of any article, photo, or other content must recieve prior consent from Joseph Nusse (Co-Owner/Publisher) or Laura Keil (Co-Owner/Editor).

Joseph NusseCo-Owner

Publisher/[email protected]

Laura KeilCo-Owner

Editor/[email protected]

Office: 1070, 5th Avenue, Valemount, British Columbia

Telephone: (250) 566-4606E-mail: [email protected], or [email protected]: [email protected]: www.therockymountaingoat.comMail Address: Box 21, Valemount B.C., V0E 2Z0

The Rocky Mountain Goat is a free distribution newspaper serving a population base of approximately 5,000 residents from Blue River and Valemount, to McBride, Dome Creek and Jasper.

The Rocky Mountain Goat is distributed weekly

Illustrations by Luke Siemens

Leigh JacksonSales Associate

[email protected]

Hello there, Sir Conrad Black. I would like to be the first to congratulate you on having several charges against you dropped. While your complete future and amount of time to be spent behind bars remains uncertain, it is clear that you will likely be a free man within one decade. I am pleased to hear that you are expressing an interest to return to the newspaper world. Without a doubt, if you fall off a horse, you most definitely should get right back on. But I do have a question. Is your meteoric rise of re-demption back to the top going to be of the same nature as the path that got you there in the first place? Indeed while you were enjoying extravagant parties, and living the high life, the average wage of journalists in this country plummeted to the point that many journalists techni-cally live below the poverty line. But let us put the past behind us. Instead of engaging in a flurry of banter through a

series of week-to-week letters to the edi-tor, I would like to make a proposition to you. Laura and I are looking for a business partner. Now we must be fair. We cannot offer you a position as partner immedi-ately. Rather what we are offering you is an internship. From this internship you can learn how to run a newspaper that treats its journalists with respect, and aims to make journalists not just hired hands, but business owners, with a stake in producing a good product. I can imagine that your journalism skills must be rusty, so where better to re-learn the basics than here in the Rob-son Valley? The friendly people, com-bined with a pleasant geographic setting are the perfect combination for you to learn what it is like interacting with other fellow and equal human beings on a daily basis. For now, we can offer a room, free of charge. Your obligations as intern will include producing no less than four, well-written and researched stories per week, as well as contributing to layout, and other weekly chores of newspaper production such as grinding coffee. Truly, if you are sincere in your desire to start your rise of redemption back to the top, you should start right at the bot-tom. If you bud in line and use whatever

assets you still have, the accomplishment will not be nearly as impressive. And so, I offer you this potential partnership. You cannot start at a smaller newspa-per, nor could you start lower on the lad-der than as an unpaid intern working for a room. It is a tremendous opportunity for you if you ask me. If you do decide to take us up on our offer, I will be willing to write a letter of reference should you decide not to continue into the stage of business partnership. I am sure that you will be able to find employment at other publications in the area. I see that several newspapers owned by Black Press have posted job openings for journalists at the moment. We look forward to the future and whatever it may have in store for you, and we hope to hear back from you soon regarding our proposal.

With regards,Joseph Nusse, PublisherThe Rocky Mountain Goat

Joseph [email protected]

Within Canada ($90/Year) International ($90/Year +Postage)Robson Valley ($70/Year)

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Harmeet SinghReporter

[email protected]

I would have liked to be sending this letter about the MCFC, however it seems that it is the Valemount community for-est that has the right attitude as to the use of our forest resources so I would like to congratulate them and their manager for their approach to the problem. I guess they must know that it is the local people who are the ones who support the stores and pay taxes locally the year round and keep it from being a seasonal tourist trap that dies out of season. We need more people who look to the future and not only to what looks good in the short term. Thank you for the chance to air my opinion.

Dave Marsh, McBride

The Goat’s letter policy

Please write to us! Letters to the editor must be 400 words or less. The editor and publisher reserve

the right not to publish any mate-rial that is offensive or libelous. Let-

ters must be signed and legible.

[email protected]


Page 5: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Water prices to increase 45 per cent in Valemount

Photo: Laura Keil

Gusts of renown for the ‘Weather Doctor’

Keith Heidorn’s new book is based on his passion for weather. He has also turned to painting weather phenomena, such as Hurricane Katrina.

Harmeet [email protected]

Stormy weather does not make Keith Heidorn weary. It’s actu-ally a pretty big part of his life. Heidorn, a Valemount resident, is the recent co-author of The Field Guide to Natural Phenom-ena. He and writer Ian Whitelaw compiled the basics on unusual weather phenomena in the sky, on land and in water. Heidorn’s interest in weather began in his hometown, just out-side of Chicago. The thunder-storms there are like nowhere else, he says, and he became natu-rally hooked on weather. He then studied meteorology and ocean-ography, eventually earning a PhD. He moved to Valemount in 2006, to be closer to his daughter. This new book is a collection of weather events that everyone should see, he says, or maybe that they see everyday and just don’t notice. Take for instance superior mirages. When the mountains look much taller than they actu-ally are, he says, that’s an example of a weather phenomenon. For about 13 years, Heidorn has been the author of The Weather Doctor, a website dedicated to weather. The site has brought him a lot of work, he says, including writing for a radio program based in Washington State. He has also written two other books, one spe-cifically about climate in British Columbia. It was also because of the site that Quid Publishing, a UK-based company, approached him to write the book. But that was just after Christmas in 2009, and the publishers wanted 90 thousand words—the length of a short nov-el—by March. He says he wasn’t sure he could do that much that fast, so Ian Whitelaw, based on Vancouver Island, signed on as a co-author. Within a few months in early-2010, the two had co-written their 217-page field guide. The research for his part of the book was all there, Heidorn says—it was just a matter of writ-ing it. “I just locked myself to my com-puter,” he says laughingly. He had to cut a lot out, he says, but his experience with his pre-vious books helped. Explaining a mirage in only 200 words was good practice, he says. He also in-cluded two photos of ice and frost

in Valemount in the book. But Heidorn’s passions are not exclusive to science. While liv-ing in Victoria, his girlfriend at the time helped him discover his new passion. Their apartments were too small for good ventila-tion for oil painting, so they took her Volkswagen van down to the beach and sat in it to paint the landscape. It wasn’t always an easy path, he says. “The scientist in me was go-ing to one side, saying, it’s got to be accurate!” He eventually did embrace his inner artist. Though that was only in 2005, Heidorn is now a prolific painter and ab-stract artist, who sells his work in Valemount. And his subject is often the outdoors, and of course, stormy weather. His 2007 painting, “Ur-ban Blizzard,” hangs proudly in his home, reminding him of snowy days even during the sum-mer months. Heidorn’s latest online ponder-ings have been about weather his-

tory, he says, including the Armi-stice Day Storm of 1940. He has enough material on his website, he says, to write six or seven more books. Though he has seen the after-math of storms, Heidorn says he would eventually like to find a good viewing point for a tornado or hurricane. But it doesn’t matter where. “Weather-watching is some-thing you can enjoy anywhere.”

Valemount residents who use the village water supply can ex-pect the price of their water to in-crease in the New Year. Last week, the village council passed its first and second reading on changes to the price of water, effective Jan. 1, 2011. Between residential and com-mercial spaces, water prices will generally be increasing by about 45 to 50 per cent. For a multiple dwelling residential home, for ex-ample, the price of water will in-crease $4.62 per month, or $55.39 over the year. “The reason for this is with the development of the new water treatment plant, we need to have enough funds for the operation,” says Tom Dall, chief administra-tive officer for the village. “The rates are reflective of that, so we have clean, safe water.” “In this case, we decided it was important to try to get the media and the public involved in the decision-making,” he says, before council continues with the third reading of the by-law. But it would be difficult to change the rates now, he says. Over the next few years, when the village sees how the rates are working, it may be able to stabi-lize the rates more effectively, he says. Better water treatment in small towns and villages has been man-dated by the provincial govern-ment. Dall says people in the vil-lage may be concerned, but they have to realize that this is pres-sure on municipalities to act. Last year, the village had to dip into its surplus to cover water in-frastructure costs. “That’s obvi-ously going to run low,” says Dall. This year’s estimate for water in-frastructure was $285, 000 for the year. To keep up with that, Dall says, users of the water will have to pay more for it. But even if it is a small month-ly increase, that means a lot to people in Valemount, says Cathy Crofford, a Valemount resident and owner of Premier Coin Laundry. “I think it comes at the wrong time, given the economic times,” says Crofford. She says she and fellow small business owners have been hit

hard recently, with both HST and the minimum wage increase. Crofford owns 14 coin-operat-ed washing machines. With the new prices, she will be spending roughly $680 more per year. She had already increased her cost for using the machines after HST came into effect, and now she says she may have to again, or even re-move some machines altogether. Her first step will be to speak with her landlord, she says. Her bills are essentially his bills, she says, and he now has the potential to lose tenants if rates continue to increase. “It puts business owners in a tight spot,” she says. “You never know which cost is going to take that business out of the market.” Water prices for a car wash, for example, will be $623 per year in 2011, or an additional $17.32 per month. Hotels will be paying an additional $1.59 per room, per month in 2011 and convenience stores will be paying almost an additional $75 per month, ac-cording to Village calculations. Crofford argues that pensioners in the village may find it difficult to pay the higher rates. Changes like this one may in fact drive people out of town, she says. “I agree it does have to pay for the water treatment plant, but if there’s no one left in town to use the water, what’s the point?” But Dall says we all need to recognize that water is a valuable commodity to our community. “We are treating it for their health and safety,” he says. He ar-gues that many Valemount resi-dents will be spending more on their cable or cell phone bills than on water. “Which one would you want to lose first?” For the past eight months, Dall says he has also been working with Columbia Basin Trust on a water conservation document to educate the public. From that, water meters could eventually be installed, but that would be a fu-ture plan, he says. Crofford agrees that abuse of water may now become a promi-nent issue. Water meters could be a good plan, she says, but since they work basically the same way as taxes, the rates for water would have to be reasonable for it to be effective and helpful to people in the village.

Got a comment? Send it to us!

[email protected]

Harmeet [email protected]

Page 6: November 3rd Issue 21

A6 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Photo: Beth Russell

Laura [email protected]

Valemount residents Bill and Beth Russell cycled 85 km a day on average to attain their goal of crossing Canada on bikes.

A broken frame, 15 flat tires and 4,000 photos later, Bill and Beth Russell are back from their cross-Can-ada bike tour. It was a journey that took the Valemount pair more than three months, begin-ning in Vancouver and ending in Nova Scotia. “We firmly believe that you have to keep mov-ing your whole life,” Beth says. She came up with the theme to their trip: Keep on Trucking. “You see a lot of young people and they got a sign on their bike: they’re cy-cling for cancer, they’re cycling for this and that. People would ask us, ‘Well what’s your cause?” Bill says. Their answer was simple: “One of us is an old-age pensioner and the other one is getting pretty close.” And while their age may have surprised some of the people they met along the way, it certainly didn’t limit their adventure. They started off on May 14 on the west coast during un-seasonably cold weather. With fully-loaded bikes – about 45 pounds of gear each – they crawled across the bottom stretch of Can-ada, covering about 85 km each day. Among other important

gear, Beth says she had nylon clothing and iPod speakers velcroed to the handle bars, so she didn’t have to use headphones and could stay aware of her surroundings. She would listen to upbeat songs on her purple iPod Nano to help get her up hills, and quieter music again at night to relax before sleep. “I just love the way of trav-el on a bike,” Beth says. “It’s so simple. I’m independent.

I have everything I need.” Beth, 62, a nurse, and Bill, 65, a retired railroad engi-neer, have been doing cycle tours for many years, often with their three children. But never before had they planned such an extensive trip that would last so long. They needed good prepa-ration and good health. “You have to eat and you have to eat well because you’re burning 500 calories an hour,” Beth says.

Having never explored anywhere east of Saskatch-ewan, Beth says they were stunned by the beauty they found all along the way. But most important were the people. “For me a lot of the beauty of cycle touring is the people you meet,” Beth says. When the frame of Bill’s bike suddenly broke close to Quebec, the repair shop fixed it for him free of

charge. They sometimes camped in people’s yards, and were offered free food and lodging by many peo-ple they met. Most of the time, howev-er, they parked their bikes, pitched their tent, and used a small camp stove to cook food bought at the local grocery store. On wash day, Beth says she would wash all her clothes by hand. She would wear her rain gear or bath-

ing suit while she waited for it to dry. “That’s what it’s like because you’re washing your whole wardrobe.

Just part of life on a bike.” She says some people did not understand the allure of living that way for three months. “Some people could not fathom it at all. They couldn’t understand how you could enjoy it,” Beth says. “But if it’s a way of life, something you’ve al-ways done, to us it was no big deal – just another bike ride.” Bill says while there were a couple meals of Kraft Dinner and tuna fish, for the most part they ate and slept well. “Everything we need in life, we have on our bike,” Beth says. “Well, not everything,” Bill says. “You don’t have your kids with you.” But in terms of material things, they were surprised how little they needed to be content day-to-day. “It’s a glorious feeling, be-ing that independent and self-sufficient,” Beth says. At home she says they live simply, but everytime she comes back from a cycling trip, she wants to get rid of more stuff. “You realize how little you really need in life. It’s my relationships and the qual-ity of life that I’m leading that’s important.”

Cont on next page

The Keep on Truckin’ bike tour

“It’s hard to quit because it’s a care-free way of life. You’re kind of like a gypsy; you just get your bike ready in the morning and away you go, and you’re not sure where you’re going to be that night, but you just keep going.” - Bill Russell

Page 7: November 3rd Issue 21

They chose quieter roads to travel, and used a southern route because of the time of year. Their route was flexible and they didn’t travel with a schedule. But that didn’t mean they could spend a lot of time exploring each stop. “In a car you can take in a lot of festivals, but on a bike you have to stay pretty focussed in order to obtain your dream and our mis-sion was to cross Canada.” They arrived in Cobourg, Ont. on the Thursday of a long week-end during its annual sand castle contest. The campground was right on Victoria Park beach where the contest happened. World-famous artists come to Cobourg every year to carve in the sand. “We’d found our little piece of heaven and we weren’t leaving there!” Beth says. They managed to get a camp-site, even though all the camp-grounds were full. “That’s the thing about cycle touring. It’s not like you’re in a car where you can just whip

down the road another 30 miles.” Not all of the trip was smooth. They encountered serious brake problems on a hill in B.C. “It was early in the year and there was lots of sand on the road,” Bill says. “The grit got in between the shoes and that, and scoured the rim and we wore the rubber right off the brake pads.” Beth barrelled down the hill, dragging a foot on the ground in a desperate measure to stop. “It’s the scariest thing that ever happened to me on a bike,” she says. Luckily neither of them was se-riously injured. They won’t be doing the cross-Canada trip again, but they do have more plans for cycling in the Maritimes and New Zealand - nothing as extreme as a cycling couple they met along the road, however. The couple had been on the road five years, and crossed the continent five times. They were formerly engineers, and had left their home for a one-month vacation with their 85-pound

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Cont’ from last page

Bill and Beth’s tips for cycling across Canada- Pack light- bring only two pairs of each clothing item.- If you bring an iPod, carry a solar charger and use speakers rather than earphones so you can still pay attention to what’s around you.- Eat well.- Take days off. - Pay attention to your surround-ings.- Camping allows you to meet local people. So does grocery shopping.- Mail maps home when you are done with them so as not to add baggage.- Use quieter backroads instead of busy highways.- Use library computers to stay in touch with friends.- Attach motorcycle mirrors to your bike for greater visibility

lab and two-wheel trailer. They haven’t been home since.“They just loved it,” Bill says. He says he can understand some of their passion. “It’s hard to quit because it’s a care-free way of life,” he says. “You’re kind of like a gypsy; you just get your bike ready in the morning and away you go, and you’re not sure where you’re go-ing to be that night, but you just keep going.” “You feel good physically. It’s a forced exercise program,” Bill says and then laughs. “People asked, ‘Isn’t it boring?’ Well I never found it boring,” Beth says she wants to inspire people to stay active, since it is so important to physical and mental health. “It doesn’t really matter how far you go – it’s just that you keep go-ing.”

Photos courtesy of Bill and Beth Russell

Page 8: November 3rd Issue 21

A8 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Dunster Community AssociationRecreational Property – River Road

The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George intends to consider adoption of the Dunster Recreational Property Use Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 2648, 2010 at its meeting of Novem-ber 18, 2010.

Bylaw No. 2648 will authorize the Regional District to enter into a renewal agreement, terminating in 2015, with the Dun-ster Community Association for the recreational property lo-cated off River Road, in Dunster, BC, Electoral Area H. The subject property is described as the West ½ of the Southwest ¼ of District Lot 7180, Cariboo District. In consideration of the entitlements given, the Regional District will receive a nominal sum of $1.00 for the specified term of the agreement.

A copy of Bylaw No. 2648 is available for viewing on the Re-gional  District  website, at: (Agenda for October 2010 Regional Board meeting item #9.3), or in hard copy at the Regional Dis-trict Service Centre at 155 George  Street, Prince George, BC during regular business hours. Persons wishing to file a writ-ten submission in respect of Bylaw No. 2648 should do so not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 5, 2010.

J. MetcalfeService Centre Leader

Main Office: 155 George Street, Prince George, BC V2L 1P8Telephone: (250) 960-4400 / Fax: (250) 563-7520Toll Free: 1-800-667-1959

Council Briefs:

Harmeet [email protected]

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The Village of Valemount is now of-fering video conferencing services for non-profits, schools and businesses in the area, says Mayor Bob Smith. Smith suggested to the Columbia Basin Trust that communication be improved among non-profits and small business-es, and this service was the solution. For example, if a non-profit needs to speak with a Community Futures representa-tive in Prince George, it can do so, he

says. There will be no charge for non-profits and schools, and a very minimal cost for businesses that has yet to be deter-mined, says Smith. Video conferencing has the advantage of providing “face-to-face” meetings, he says, and is far cheap-er than long-distance phone calls. To use the service, locals should call the village office and set up a time to come in. They will also have to know the

IP address for the side they are calling. Funding for the system came from the Columbia Basin Trust. It has cost $12,240 for equipment and set up

Village now offering video conferencing services

Village of McBride Council Meet-ing OCT. 26th, 2010

McBride Elks Lodge tax rebateCouncil approved a request by the McBride Elks Lodge #247 to have the Village por-tion of its property taxes reimbursed. The amount to be rebated was roughly $280. Concessions are also made for other similar groups, but Council says it will encourage organizations to apply for reimbursements as early as possible next year, as grant money runs low toward the end of the fiscal year.

Volunteer Firefighter’s AssociationAnnual fireworks displayCouncil denied a request by the Volunteer Firefighters Association for contributions to its annual fireworks display. Instead, the

group was referred to other sources for funding, as all the grant money for this year has already been allocated.

Improvements for the VillageCouncil had its first reading of Bylaw 706, “a bylaw to provide for the general improve-ment, maintenance and regulation” of Mc-Bride. The bylaw includes rules to prevent graffiti and overgrown weeds in the village and rules against indecent advertising.

Development variance permitPublic consultations willl be held on Nov. 9, before Council approves or denies a Devel-opment Variance Permit for McBride Auto-stop Ltd. The permit would allow the con-struction of a small storage building before a house is built.

September SpendingCouncil approved the breakdown of village funds for Sept. 2010. Major costs included

refilling the village propane, sidewalk main-tenance and a senior housing upgrade at Ca-puto and Sons.

The Village of Valemount is seeking proposals from qualified contractors for winter snow clearing and removal services on an as and when required on-call basis.

Contractors, who are interested and capable of providing snow clearing and removal services to the Village of Valemount and are in-terested in being on our list of contractors, are encouraged to submit a letter of proposal.

Pre-qualification responses from prospective proposals will include:• Identificationofthetypesofprojectinwhichacontrac tormaybeinterested• Names,qualificationsandexperienceofpersonnel availabletobeassignedtoprojects• Identificationofthetypeofequipmentavailable• Pricelists,suchasstaffchargeoutorequipmentrates• Thecontractor’sknowledgeoflocalconditions• Thecontractor’sabilitytomeetsecuritydepositor performance bonding requirements• Ageneralstatementdescribingthetypesofworkthe contractorhasdonepreviously• ReferencesAllcontractorsmustalsoensureappropriatelevelsofinsurancecoverage and required licenses.

TheVillagereservestherighttoundertakeworkwithVillagestaff,however,intheeventthataprojectistobeundertakenbyotherthanVillagestaffandlikelytoexceed$10,000.00,theVillagemayprepareanInvitationtoTender(ITT)whichwillbefaxedtoeachrelevantcontractor on the list of contractors.



Village of Valemount

Request for ProposalSnow Clearing and Removal Services

Application for a Variance permitCouncil received an application for a vari-ance permit from a resident at 1430 King Road. The property owner has commence construction on a new permanent accessory building and has been found to be in vio-

lation of zoning limiting the number of ac-cessory buildings on the property to three. Council passes a motion to direct by-law enforcement to request the proprietor re-move one of his less permanent structures instead of applying for a variance permit.

Support for proposed regional park on McKirdy RoadCouncil passed a motion to write a letter supporting the creation of a new regional park on McKirdy Road.

Financial Report for July-September 2010-11-02A motion to accept the quarterly financial report carries.

Annual water fee increaseCouncil heard first and sec-ond reading of the proposed increase in annual water fees. Substantial increases will be needed to pay for much higher yearly operat-ing costs of the plant. Coun-cil was advised that if the fee increases are not imple-mented, operating costs of the plant will have to come out of general village opera-tions revenue. Final reading of the proposed increases will proceed in the near fu-ture.

New video conferencing system operationalCouncil announced that the new video conferenc-ing system which has been installed with financial as-sistance from the CBT is not operational and will be available for public use.

Village of Valemount Council Meeting Oct. 26th, 2010

[email protected]

Page 9: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Laura [email protected]

Popular forum to draw 300 riders to Valemount

Family of black bears ‘trick, or treats’ in town

Winter can be long. Stay informed and entertained!Subscribe to The Goat today!

Box 21, Valemount, BC, V0E 2Z0

Are one? Know one, Past or Current?

Interested in attending a Robson Valley “Festive Board”?Contact 250-566-9194

A.F. & A.M

Between 200 and 300 snowmobilers and ATVers will be cutting trails into Valemount Feb. 25 to 26 dur-ing an annual gathering for the popular web forum “It’s a huge draw for the town, because it has the ability to draw people who normally wouldn’t come to Valemount,” says Curtis Pawliuk, GM of Valemount Area Recreation and Devel-opment Association (VARDA), who is an active mem-

ber on the site. Mountain Mania 4 will bring together forum mem-bers from across western Canada to explore the Rob-

son Valley and allow networking with other winter riding enthusiasts, Pawliuk says. While VARDA is not planning any official rides during the weekend, Paw-liuk says forum mem-bers will have plenty of opportunities to explore

the surrounding landscape on their own terms. Due

to large numbers of new sledders to the area, VARDA has hired two avalanche safety professionals to discuss avalanche safety on Saturday. They will be in the park-ing lot and will then head up to the cabins at Clemina Creek to teach avalanche safety there to anyone who is interested. On Friday there will be a Meet and Greet at the Best Western, followed by a banquet at the Valemount Sec-ondary School Saturday night. Valemount was recently awarded gold for the snow-mobiling area you’d most like to visit in the future by SnoRiders magazine. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased through VARDA.

“It’s a huge draw for the town, because it has the ability to draw people who nor-mally wouldn’t come to Valemount.”

Curtis Pawliuk,VARDA

Valemount RCMP responded to a mother bear and two young cubs that came into town the morning after Halloween. “It’s probably because the whole village smelled like pumpkins,” says Constable James Bos, who was one of the RCMP officers who responded to the call.The bear climbed a tree in an empty lot be-hind the medical cen-tre Monday morning around 9 a.m. It took about two hours to shut down two streets in order for the mama bear to feel comfortable cross-

ing 5th and 6th avenues. RCMP notified business owners to stay indoors. Once the street was quiet, the mama bear co-operated and took her cubs towards the creek.Constable Bos says the RCMP had to respond to the call because Conservation Services were not able to respond.

“There are a small number of a guys with a huge area of province to respond to. It’s hard to substantiate a three hour call from Prince George just because a bear is in a tree,” he says. “Our concern was that school would let out and

the bear was going to go from spooked to aggressive.”

“It’s probably because the whole village smelled like pumpkins.”

Constable James Bos,Valemount RCMP

Laura [email protected]

Now serving soup, sandwiches and other specials

Phone: 250.566.40351020 Main Street

Valemount, BC

Page 10: November 3rd Issue 21

A10 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Gardening with PetePeter AmyoonySpecial to The Goat

Pete Amyoony is a gardener in the Robson Valley of cen-tral B.C. high in the Rocky Mountains near Mt. Robson. He has lived, worked and gardened in the Dunster area for more than thirty years.


Every fall I have the best of intentions to clean off the garden debris and leave everything just spic and span for the next spring. However, every fall I seem so busy harvesting a few tons of pota-toes, processing hundreds of pounds of tomatoes into salsa, and tomato sauce, getting the plastic off the big greenhouse, etc, etc, and I never get the garden cleaned off. I have learned not to feel guilty about it and as the years go by I am beginning to wonder if it is not all for the best. The stalks and dead leaves of the perennial flowers actually give good pro-tection to the crown of the plant. They also tend to hold blowing leaves and snow in over the top of the plant where they will protect and nourish it over the winter. Even on the vegetable garden, the vines from the squash and pumpkins and the leaves, stems and roots from the other plants help to hold that “black-gold” topsoil from blowing away in the fall and

winter winds. As they break down over the winter months, they give back many of the nutrients and trace minerals that they took from the soil during the sum-mer growing season. They also act as a source of nutrients for the soil microbes. The only thing I make absolutely sure to remove is any plant or fruit that showed signs of disease or insects. I also notice the birds having a feast during the winter on the old dry seed heads of everything from sunflowers to dill to cosmos. I wonder if that menu is not better for them than the commer-cial feed I give them in the feeders. (It is certainly a lot cheaper!). When spring comes, I get great delight in finding “volunteer” seedlings of let-tuce, Chinese greens, pansies, morning glory, etc. from all the seedpods that were left to mature in the fall. Most years, some of these “freebies” give me super early salads. In the spring, when I do get around to

cleaning up, it is easy to see where the perennials are even before they poke up their new shoots as the stalks are over each plant and help to mark the spot.All in all, I feel better as the years go by about not “cleaning off ” the garden. It seems closer to the way nature works in building healthy soil. Now, if I could just find a few excuses for not sweeping my floors!

FRIDAY & Saturday, November 5th & 6th

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The McBride Trading Co.


B.C. ANNOUNCES PLAN TO COMBAT SUBSTANCE ABUSE The B.C. government announced a 10-year plan to address mental health and sub-stance use with a focus on prevention of problems, early intervention, treatment and sustainability this week. “Healthy Minds, Healthy People” places an emphasis on chil-dren and families, based on research that suggests early engagement and access to tar-geted supports can prevent or reduce mental illness and substance use problems later in life. Some of the province’s steps include:  -No waitlists at BC Children’s Hospital Eating Disorders program due to business process redesign. -Video-conferencing for training and clinical consultation on community Child and Youth Mental Health teams to improve access to evidence- based treatment. -A project underway to improve patient flow for adult clients with mental health and substance use problems at six Vancouver Coastal Health hospi tals. A PDF of the plan can be downloaded from the Ministry of Health Services website.

SHANGHAI EXPO ENDS AFTER SUCCESSFUL SIX MONTHS Shanghai Expo 2010 ended Nov. 1, after a six-month run on Vancouver Island. More than 600, 000 Chinese developers and urban planners attended the event to learn about Canadian wood products. Exit surveys suggest that nearly 120,000 visitors to the Van-couver Pavilion were professionals involved in urban planning and development. The Vancouver Pavilion was a collaboration of the Government of Canada, the Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver. More than $2.5 million in funding for the project was provided by the Government of Canada. Pat Bell, B.C. Minister of Forests, Mines and Land is currently leading Canada’s largest-ever trade mission in China.

PROVINCE BEGINS CONSULTATION WITH OIL INDUSTRY The B.C. government began formal consultations with the oil and gas industry last week. This coincides with the Western Climate Initiative’s release of Canada-specific methods for members of the oil and gas sectors to account for and report their green-house gas emissions. The goal is to ensure all facilities report their emissions in the same way. The methods have been developed as part of B.C.’s eventual goal of a cap-and-trade system for green-house gas emissions. Formal industry consultations continue until Nov. 26. Final methods will be released before the end of 2010. Details on the proposed methods can be found at

246 Main Street

Page 11: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Development could include spa

Winter can be long.Stay informed and

entertained!Subscribe to The Goat

Box 21, Valemount, BC, V0E 2Z0

DATE : THU & FRI, NOVEMBER 04 & 05TIME : 3PM ~ 6PMADDRESS : 205 DOGWOOD ST, VALEMOUNT (across from the baseball park)PHONE: 250-566-9078




At this point, Borealis does not have any firm logisti-cal plans in regards to the location of a potential plant, but Dunn says that modern drilling makes it possible to locate a plant flexibly and it does not have to be located directly above the source. “Aspect and geography will be factors, as will road loca-tion and access to the grid.” There are three First Nations Bands with stakes involv-ing the permit area—the S’impcw, Little Shuswap Indian Band, and the Shuswap Indian Band— all three will be consulted. “There is a certain amount of respect that needs to be

given to that history,” he says. But Dunn cautions that the company’s excitement is going to have to be matched by both provincial and fed-eral policy makers if geothermal energy is going to be developed in B.C. He says that most involved in the Canadian geothermal industry cannot understand why the provincial govern-ment has not enacted legislation favourable to geother-

mal development, noting the low impact of geothermal power. “The government needs to understand that it is risky, and there are many huge upfront costs to any develop-ment. It is not a done deal.” B.C. is at the end of its renewable power generation capabilities, Dunn argues. “You have big hydro, but

Site C is the last dam you have left. Run of the river hydro has not necessarily been going well

for B.C. You can only add so much wind to the system before it becomes unhelpful to add more wind, so there is a fixed limit on your wind expansion. Solar suffers the same problems—it is intermittent and you can not de-pend on it,” he says. “They are starting to investigate some tidal,” he says. “This also has a variable load factor. The peaks do not necessarily align with peak demand, since tides are af-

fected by the lunar cycle throughout the day.” He says geothermal is likely the best potential source to remedy a future energy shortage. “To open up another avenue of renewable energy development in B.C. is extremely interesting from an investors’ point of view.” Despite the list of potential barriers, Dunn says that the future of the Canoe Reach site is promising and timing may be more favourable now than ever before. “I think that we bring a wealth of actual geo-thermal experience I don’t believe any of your prior proponents have had. I would say that we are a bit of a different cat than those who have been involved in the Canoe Reach before.” Borealis has one year to prove that there is a geothermal resource of value. After this, re-sults will be presented to government regula-tors who, pending acknowledgment of find-ings, could extent the exploration permit into a long-term development permit. “I stopped by and took at look at the lake on my way through a while back. We are going to be able to put a power plant there without alter-ing that view. There is something to be said for that. If it works, we could put a second one in. And this still will not ruin the view. It will not ruin the air, water or anything else either.”

Subscribe today!

“I would say that we are a bit of a different cat than those who have been involved in the Canoe Reach before.”

Craig Dunn,Borealis GeoPower

Cont’ from A3

Photo: Dan KostalBathers in Iceland enjoy hot “waste water” piped into an outdoor pool from a nearby geothermal power plant.

Page 12: November 3rd Issue 21

A12 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

“It’s such an incredible feel-ing...we can have this party here because it’s our school now.”

Alaina Chapman,Dunster Parent

Crafters Guild opens shop in Valemount

Dunster Fine Arts School re-opens doors

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing for proposed Develop-ment Variance Permit No. 2010-04 will be held:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 7:00 pmVillage of McBride Council Chambers100 Robson Centre – 855 SW Frontage RoadMcBride, BC

The purpose of Development Variance Permit No. 2010-04 is to vary section 7.0 of Zoning Bylaw No. 703, 2010 to allow an acces-sory building to be established prior to a primary residence at the property legally described as Lot 4, Plan BCP 18859, DL 5316 (915 Airport Road).

At the public hearing, all those who deem their interest in land to be affected by the proposed development variance shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions. Please note: emails will not be accepted as written submissions. Any mate-rial received before or at the public hearing will become public in-formation. The development variance permit may be examined at the office of the Village of McBride during regular office hours from October 26, 2010 to November 9, 2010.

Eliana ClementsChief Administrative Officer

Children laughed and tussled in the Dunster Fine Arts School halls on Monday as spirits reigned high for the grand re-opening of the school. Alaina Chapman was one of a few dozen community members dressed up for the Halloween-themed potluck at the school. She manned the door to the haunted house which parents had constructed in one of the empty classrooms. "It's such an incredible feeling," Chapman says, of finally getting into the school. "We can have this party here because it's our school now." The school district returned eight desks to the build-ing, just some of many items that were removed when the school was boarded up at the end of June. Parents are still waiting to hear from the school board whether the district will provide a full-time teacher next year, says Nancy Taylor, who is part of the Dunster Fine

Laura [email protected]

Chantal and Tavish Swets made it past the falling head and surprise attack arms in the haunted house at the Dunster Fine Arts School on Monday.

Photo: Laura Keil

Arts School Society. Right now, the seven students in Dunster will continue doing correspondence learning with volunteer teachers.

"I think they're adjusting well," she says of the students. The Dunster school society is looking at setting up a work-shop in January to come up with a direction for the school and the society, Taylor says. They will also look at reaching out to alumni for support. "Some pretty successful young people have come out of this

school.” The students have been spending Mondays and Fri-days learning at home since the start of the school year. They may now spend the full school week in the Dun-ster Fine Arts School building, but that has yet to be de-termined.

The Crafters Guild of Valemount officially opened its new shop on Nov. 1, after about a month of hard work and many meetings. The shop is located next to the Trad-ing Post on Main Street. About 12 people are currently part of the Guild, which charges an annual membership fee of $25, or a five dollar fee to become a friend of the society. The shop sells crafts, paintings, clothing, jewellery, cos-metics and more all made by locals. “We basically want to provide a space for the crafters in the Valley,” says Guild member Grace Michaud. With all the good work out there, she says putting the shop together wasn’t as difficult as you’d think. “It hasn’t really been a challenge. It’s been mind-boggling at times, but nothing we couldn’t work out.” The group has yet to decide when its grand opening will be, but it will likely be later this month.

Harmeet [email protected]

Photos: Harmeet Singh

Crafters Grace Michaud (left) and Jeannette Lo-renz worked the first day of the Guild’s new shop on Nov. 1. (Left)

Shopper Rene Nunweiler looks over fleece made by crafter Jean-nette Lorenz. (Be-low)

Village of McBrideNotice of Public Hearing

Development Variance Permit No. 2010-04

Page 13: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Business DirectoryTeepee Meadows Cottage

Spectacular mountain and marshland scenery

Located 3 km west of ValemountHosts: Claude, Alke & Noland Germain

545 Jack Adams Road, Box 786Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0


$40 for 4 weeks, or $20 for one weekCall Leigh at 250-569-8807 or

[email protected]

For Drywall ServicesCALL TODD



New Construction, RenovationsAdditions, Framing, FinishingCabinetry & Wood Doors

Certified Septic InstallerBobcat Skid Steer With

Various Attachments

G & A Moore Ventures

Gerald Moore


www.mooreventures.caMcBride, BCTel: 250.569.2269 Cell: 250.569.7147

Eatery and Gift Shop1152 - 5th Ave, Valemount B.C.250-566-0154

STR8 UP Renovations New Construction, renos, form building.

shops, decks.

Journeyman carpenter, 17 years experience.

Call Jeff Wagner, 250-569-7906

Now serving soup, sandwiches and other specialsPhone: 250.566.4035

1020 Main StreetValemount, BC

Association is also part of a good advertising strategy!

Make sure our readers see your business associated

with out professional journalistic coverage.

Call Leigh at 250-569-8807 or [email protected]

Page 14: November 3rd Issue 21

Salvaged metal siding for sale. Perfect for any out-building or shop. Approxi-mately 550-600 square foot coverage. Will consider any offer! Call Joe 250-566-1444

Building Materials

Twenty for a Toonie: The Classified Ads Plain Talk HoroscopesBy Craig Elder, M.A. Economics

Aries: Changes you make today will be hard to reverse, so make sure they get the spelling right on your tattoo. Taurus: Before acting today, ask yourself, “what would Bo Duke do?” (This paper does not endorse jumping your car over bodies of water).Gemini: Based on where mars is in your sign it would be best to keep your distance from others today. The cosmos know you forgot deodorant.Cancer: Your best work will be done without others watching you. When you tell people about your new minesweeper record, tell them you got it at home.Leo: People are finally starting to believe what your mother has been saying all along. You are cool.Virgo: Adjust your confidence to be inversely pro-portional to the validity of your statements and you can make a Libra believe anything.Libra: You can’t help being gullible, so when others attempt to mock you for it, refer to it as being open minded and trusting.Scorpio: You are feeling tied up this week, stomp your feet in Morse code to call for help. Sagittarius: The cosmos have put you in a cranky mood this week. Be unapologetic about it and you can spread it to those around you.Capricorn: Others are catching on to the fact that you are stealing their Halloween candy. Aquarius: Something amazing will happen to you today. But you will never know it happened. Pisces: Your goals will be set back temporarily by day light savings time.

Trusses for sale. Approxi-mately 42 foot span. 14 units. Single slant, could be modified with a chalk lineand skill saw. Now consid-ering offers! Call Joe 250-566-1444 and skill saw. Now considering offers! Call Joe 250-566-1444

A14 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

500 gal. single-wall fuel tank. Asking $200. Call 250-566-5069, ask for Jared

For Sale

Nanny Needed

Classified ads policy

If it is for free, it is free. Up to 20 words for $2, 30 words for $3, 40 words for $4 etc. If the asking price is over $499, then it is $5 for 20 words, $6 for 30 words etc. Non-business an-nouncements are wel-come at the same rates. The Rocky Mountain Goat reserves the right to refuse to print any classified submission that is not an advertise-ment of a private sale, or rental arrangement.

Mobile Home with full ad-dition, and large garage on a lot, in Valemount re-cently renovated. comes w/ fridge stove washer dryer. Currently rented. Asking $110.000.00 O.B.OCall 778 328 7285 leave a message.

For Rent

Shared Accommodation - dwntwn McBride Incl: lge bdrm with private entrance, ADSL, phone/voice box, furniture. Shared: util, TV, house/yard. NS, ND/A (no drugs/alcohol), No Pets. Refs plse. $450 - 569-8807

Flooring, Wide Plank Fir, 8”, T&G, new, kiln dried, select grade, $2.95/sqft. Please call 250-573-1817 evenings.

Nanny Required. Sept – Dec part time. Requires 2 days in Crescent Spur, 2 days in Dunster Jan–Apr – full time live in at Crescent Spur. Sal-ary based on experience. Pls email resumes or inquires to [email protected]. You can reach me at 250-553-2300 or 250-968-4486.

Mazda B4000 4/4 1994. C/W Canopy, 2 sets of tires on rims, well maintained, kept all receipts, 293K. Rea-son for sale; family got big-ger. Asking $2500. Call JF at 250-566-8411.

Glass carboys, $20 each (re-tail $40) and multi-purpose plastic tubs 30L, $15Call 250-566-4606

For Sale

Two used satellite dishes. As is, taken off of house. Open to offers, 250-566-1444.

Older 2 bedroom house on 6th Ave. $450/month plus utilities. 250-566-4790.

Minolta 2050 copier with two bottles of toner. Ask-ing $300 OBO. Black and White copying only. Upto 11x17 size, also double sided. Older machine but still reproduces well. Handy for someone who needs to make copies of maps, book-lets, handouts, etc. Call Rashmi at Infinity 250-566-4225. Available for testing / viewing at Infinity Office & health, Valemount.

Quickway Pilot looking for part time drives. Phone 566-1722, or fax resume to 566-4207, or mail Box 69 Valemount.


1 pair of black, OR, Goretex gaiters on McKirdy Peak. Call 250-566-4396 to claim.


ARE YOU BORED? I’m looking to start a friend-ship club for winter sports, hiking, events and activities in Jasper, and nighboring towns. Call Vanda at: 250-566-0173.

I am looking to carpool periodically with someone who travels to Jasper, and to travel to other towns. I will pay for part gas! Call 566-0173.

5th Wheel. 28.5’ Cita-tion Supreme 1997 Ex-cellent condition, Queen walkaround Bed, Oakcabi-nets, 2 DoorFridge, Micro-wave, 3 Burnersstoveoven, Full Bath, Awning, Aircon-ditioning, $14900.00. Call 1-250-566-9884, Valemount or [email protected]


Post your ad online

[email protected]


Fishing flies for Christmas? Call Garry at 250-566-4456. Flies, Fly boxes, Rod build-ing and rod repairs.

Two 8x12 Garden sheds $550, Glass Top Range, black and stainless steel $500, 10.5 HP Snowwblow-er, gas, electric start $650, Stacking washer/dryer $400. Call 566-9181www.

Sudoku, Kakuro & Futoshiki Puzzles

Sudoku 9x9 - Hard (134979522)

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8 5 2

1 9 4 6

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Subscribe Today!Box 21, Valemount, V0E 2Z0

Page 15: November 3rd Issue 21

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Community EventsEvery WednesdayValemount Seniors’ Music Night, 7p.m.Location: Valemount Golden Years Lodge

Every ThursdayCribbage tournament, everyone welcomeLocation: Valemount Golden Years Lodge lower level1-4 p.m.

Every FridayIn Valemount:Musical jam at The Gathering Tree cafe, 7 p.m.Hamburgers and drinks at the Legion, 5:30 p.m.

Every second SaturdayValemount Circle Dance, 7pm - 9pm Contact Micah: 250-566-1782

First Saturday of every monthDunster Family Dance 7pm to 10pm Instruction from 7-8pm and short ses-sions throughout the evening. Lots of variety dances (waltz, fox-trot, polka, cha-cha, two-step-schottische, etc). Pot luck snacks at 9pm and then more dancing until 10pm. Admission - $5 for anyone over 12 - maxi-mum of $10 per family.

Ongoing diversionsNovemberNov. 2Canoe Valley Skating ClubAGM 7 p.m.Upstairs at the arenaFor more info call Crystal: 569-8491

Nov. 4John ReischmanRoots musicianMcBride Roundhouse Theatre

Nov. 6McBride Elks and Royal Purple Garage Sale 10:00 - 2:00 p.m.. If you would like to book a table @ $10.00/table, please call Barb Jackson: 569-2645.

New & used Winter Clothing giveaway 10am – 2pmLocation: Valemount Community Church 5th & Dogwood.Adults & Children’s clothing and footwear,

Nov. 6 Cont’9:30 to noon New or Gently Used Winter Coat and Clothing Give-away at the Community ChurchValemount Community Church and the New Life Sanctuary

Nov. 6 Cont’OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILDSHOE BOX CAMPAIGN Golden Years Lodge 10 a.m - noonacceptable items include school supplies, toys, hard candy, hygiene items.sponsored by Firm Foundations Christian Outreach

Nov. 12Christmas Shopping in DunsterFree draws and tasting tidbits10am To 4pm.8320 Dunster Croyden Rd0.5 Km past the Dunster store.Crafts, Epicure Spices, Watkins and more. Browse Our Selection Of Hand Knit Sweaters, Toques, Mitts And Scarves. Quilted Blankets, Potholders And Bags. Child-rens Aprons, Tea Cozies And Original Paintings. There Is Time To Place Your Epicure Spice Order And Direct Shipping Is Available.Need It Wrapped? We Will Offer A Wrapping Service By Donation. For info, call Lorrie Bressette 250-968-4491

Maria’s 3rd Annual Community BookfairSat. Nov 13th From 10am -9pmSun. Nov. 14th From 10 Am To 5 PmLocation: Valemount SecondaryEnjoy Quality Books And Games Local Artists Present-ing Their Work, Keith Heidorn’s Art, Live Music And Concession.Profit Goes Towards The Valemount Museum And Highschool PAC.Feel Free To Call 250-566-0010

Nov. 20Valemount Arts and Crafts FairLocation: Valemount Secondary gymContact Jan: 250-566-4396 to book a table

Nov. 26Official Open House & Fundraiser For Dunster Fine Arts School.Silent Auction 6:30 -7:30Live Music 7:30- 9:30 by Maria In The Shower and Seth & SharaConcession Of Delicious Soups/Chilis /Baked Goods Available All Night!Tickets @ The Door $15/Adult $8/7-14 years. Six and under are free.

Students at the elementary school wait as the winners are announced for costumes, awarded by grade level and category.

Photo: Laura Keil

Page 16: November 3rd Issue 21

A16 Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Valley Photo Journal: ...Hidden gems abound!

This photo was taken Aug 16, 2010 on the ‘Wavy Range’ hike’(east of Murtle Lake) by Janine Brown, a geologist working on the Blue River Tantalum-Niobium project for Commerce Resources Corp. She was hiking on days off.

Photo: Janine Brown