November 20th isabela clarissa danylian leandra clara min1

November 20th Black Awareness Day

Transcript of November 20th isabela clarissa danylian leandra clara min1

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November 20thBlack

Awareness Day

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November 20thBlack Awareness Day

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History of the National Black Consciousness Day

- This date was established on 9th January 2003. The date, 20th November was chosen because it was on this day that He was leader of Palmares. - The honor of Zumbi was more than fair , for this historical

figure represented the struggle of black against slavery in Brazil Colonial period.

- He died in battle , defending his people and their community.

- Quilombos represented a resistance to the slave system and also a collective form of maintenance of African culture in Brazil. Zumbi fought to death by this culture and the freedom of his people.

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Date of importance

- The Day of Black Consciousness seeks to refer to black resistance against slavery in general, from the first transport of Africans to the Brazilian soil ( 1549 ) .- Some organizations such as the Black Movement

(the largest of its kind in the country) organized lectures and educational events aimed especially black children.

- The institution seeks to avoid the development of self- prejudice, that is, the inferiority in society.

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Day of Black Consciousness?- The various African nations haven’t been known as black but as

Bantu, Hausa, Niam, Fula, Kanembu etc. - The first Africans brought to Brazil as slaves arrived here in 1532.- The abolition of the slave trade took place in 1850, by Eusebio de

Queiroz Law. After the formal abolition of slavery on May 13, 1888, the pursuit of "freedom" of blacks never ceased.

- The sense of discrimination felt by all sides made the black excluded from society, marginalized in the labor market. This exclusion was gradually diluting it. But the black opted for a symbolic celebration of this constant struggle for black liberation.

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Day of Black Consciousness?- The creation of a Memorial Day of Black

Consciousness is a reminder of the importance of valuing a people who contributed to the formation of Brazilian culture.

- On January 9th, 2003, Federal Law 10.639 established the "National Day of Black Consciousness" in the school calendar. The teaching of african-Brazilian culture has become part of the curriculum of schools across the country.

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ZUMBI DOS PALMARESZumbi was born in Alagoas state in the year 1655. It was the main representative of black resistance to slavery at the time of colonial Brazil. He was leader of the Palmares, free community of runaway slaves from plantations, Indians and poor whites expelled from farms. The Palmares was located in the Serra da Barriga region, which currently is part of the municipality of União dos Palmares (Alagoas). At the time Zumbi was the leader, the Palmares reached a population of about thirty thousand inhabitants. In the quilombos, blacks lived free, according to their culture, producing everything they needed to live. Though born free, he was captured when he was about seven years old. Delivered to Catholic Jesuit Father Antonio Melo, he was baptized and given the name of Francisco. He learned Portuguese, Latin, algebra and the Catholic religion, coming to help the priest in the celebration of Mass. But the 15-year-old fled Calvo Porto to live in the Quilombo dos Palmares. In the community, no longer Franciso to be called Zumbi (meaning one who was dead and is alive again in imbagala tribe dialect of Angola). In the year 1675, the quilombo is attacked by Portuguese soldiers. Zombie help defensively and stands out as a great warrior. After a bloody battle, the Portuguese soldiers are forced to retreat to the city of Recife. Three years later, the governor of Pernambuco province approaches the leader Ganga Zumba to try an agreement , Zumbi is placed against the agreement because it did not allow the freedom of the Maroons, while blacks farms continue imprisoned. In 1680, 25 years old Zumbi becomes leader of Quilombo dos Palmares, leading the resistance against the government topas.

During his "government" the community grows and strengthens, obtaining several victories against the Portuguese soldiers. Zumbi leader shows great skill in planning and organization of the quilombo, courage and military skills. The Bandeirante Sundays Jorge Velho organized in the year 1694, a major attack on Palmares . After an intense battle , Monkey, the seat of the quilombo, is totally destroyed. Wounded , Zumbi manages to escape , but is betrayed by an old friend and delivered bandeirante troops . At 40 years old , he was beheaded on November 20, 1695 .

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Blacks who changed history in Brazil and in the world

The struggle of black people is not over. The Brazilian reality is very different from American reality, as well as, of course, is different from the reality of various countries around the world. The slave culture and the remnants of racial segregation still rooted in our society and, as much as many people refuse to see, live prejudice and extreme difference of opportunities is the reality of blacks today. Unfortunately, until 1967 blacks in the United States could not even vote, and their homes were burned in several cities while the police often close his eyes or even participating in hate crimes. Fortunately, much has been done throughout history. There are less than fifty years, the black even have civil rights in various places on the planet. This terror was real very recently and is naive to think that there are no traces of it in our current culture. However, as stated earlier, much has been done for the rights of black people throughout history. Especially in recent decades. To celebrate the Day of Black Consciousness, we separated some of the main responsible for the freedom of ethnic and rights achieved today.

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One of the most famous activists of the United States , Luther King was pastor of the Baptist Church and fought for racial equality , speaking throughout the American territory and preaching peaceful activism. In 1964 , he received the Nobel Peace Prize and , before he could see the black Americans gaining the right to vote across the country , was assassinated in a march in a hotel in Memphis. His biopic , Selma , was launched in Brazil earlier this year , and reports historical marches 1965 .

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The most powerful symbol of the struggle against apartheid , the segregationist regime of South Africa, was Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1993 and is known as the Father of the Fatherland in his country . He was the first black president of South Africa between 1994 and 1999 , and only came to power after 30 years in prison for , according to opposition leaders , " practicing terrorism against the apartheid regime." Young still a law student , was involved in student movements and ended up being expelled from the university for being against the policies nailed for it. Needed to finish his degree by correspondence to then join the African National Congress .

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The Berlin Olympics in 1936 , Jesse Owens US won four gold medals in track and field events . In his award , Adolf Hitler greeted . Most people know this story but what many do not know is that not Franklin Roosevelt , President of the United States in the period, congratulated the athlete . Seventy- three years later, the United States elected its first black president , Barack Obama.

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Even today , many do not know that one of the greatest Brazilian writers was black . Machado never made university, which is a clear representation of the situation of blacks in Brazil . During the time of the Proclamation of the Republic moved between various literary genres and was a frequent commentator in the Brazilian political situation. He founded - alongside fellow writers - and was the first president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters . Re-read some of his works on the perspective of having been written by a black and you will realize the subtlety and delicacy of the criticism outlined by Machado de Assis.

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The black bears have an inheritance cruel history. The black woman , so often ends up forgotten in history lessons . Dandara dos Palmares was a great warrior on the moon for the freedom of black people. In the seventeenth century , conquered space leadership in palmarinas struggles and faced all these struggles in Palmares . Zumbi was the companion of Palmares and followed by your side without losing the feminine role . She died in 1694 during a battle to defend the Quilombo dos Macacos . Other women also fought in approximate ages , but are also often forgotten, as the case of Teresa de Benguela , quilombo leadership in the thirteenth century . She took over the Quilombo louse in Mato Grosso after the death of her husband . Later , he commanded the Quilombo Quaritê who grew up under his guard and even added Bolivian and Brazilian Indians . Tereza was arrested by the Portuguese Crown and committed suicide by denying slavery .

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In December 1955 , the American seamstress Rose Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white . She was arrested. His act was the final straw for the beginning of the movement called " Boycott Montgomery Bus " which subsequently began antissegregacionista fight in the United States . Martin Luther King often quoted Rosa Parks in his speeches.

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Born a slave in Granada , part of Haiti 's fight against the French troops in 1791 , and assumed the presidency in 1807. In 1811 , proclaims himself emperor. During his nine -year reign , Henry creates a Haitian nobility, with 47 titles .

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By assuming the leadership of the zulu, transforms the race into an empire . For this achievement various tribes , in a campaign that inspires comparisons to Alexander the Great . The moment is killed , Shaka (1778-1828) governs about 250 thousand people.

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The former captive (1820-1913) is the first woman to lead American troops. During the Civil War , she commands a military action to rescue , which manages to free 750 slaves from the hands of the Confederacy. The operation earns him the nickname ' Moses of the blacks ' .

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The activist (1863-1932) is the first black elected mayor in England. After his tenure in the city of Battersea , marked by racist accusations published by the opposition party , would life militating against prejudice .

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The political leader (1909-1972) is one of the most responsible for the independence of Ghana, achieved in 1957. Then he becomes prime minister and president. In 2000 , he was elected by the radio listeners BBC African man of the millennium.

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It was one of the greatest defenders of black rights in the United States . He founded the Organization of Afro - American Unity. He was assassinated by radical contrary to their ideas .

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Born in Ghana , complete the studies in the United States . Starts working at the United Nations in 1962. In 1997 goes down in history as the first black secretary - general of the organization, a position that leaves in 2007 .

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Democrat wins the previous against Senator Hillary Clinton. In the November elections , winning the post of the 44th president. Born in Hawaii , Obama is the son of a Kenyan economist . His wife, Michelle , is great-granddaughter of a slave in South Carolina.