November 2013 issue 28

Issue 28 November 2013 Photo by Phil Nielsen


Articles to inspire, encourage, and enlighten. Spiritual, self help

Transcript of November 2013 issue 28

Issue 28

November 2013 Photo by Phil Nielsen

Nourish is a global magazine that is

produced in Burnaby BC, Canada

All content ©2011 - 2013

by Nourish Publication

Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to

empowering readers with knowledge that can

help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life.

All articles are the express views and beliefs of the

writer and are provided as guidelines to the read-

ers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their

own choices and decisions. The articles are

meant as guidelines and the reader is encour-

aged to expand on the knowledge presented

within these pages to form their own opinions. 2

Photo: Brenda McEachern Leslie

4 Lest We Forget

6 Emotions

8 Weirdness Required

12 Cosmic Cause and Effect

14 Energy 101 - the Journey Continues - Storytime

16 Your Strongest Ally is Yourself

18 Understanding Oneness Through the Many Faces

of Consciousness

20 A Journey Through the Elder Futark - Erda/


22 Are you Listening to your Inner Guidance?

26 High Frequency Proceedings

27 All You Need is Less

28 Friends

29 Magic

30 Apple Memory

32 The Universe Works With You

34 Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - November

38 Earth Crystals - Crystals for Scorpio

40 Soul Vibration Music

42 Transformational and Spiritual Life Coaching

44 Essential Oil - Release

46 Rune of the Month - Jera

48 Power Animal - Owl

50 Angel Message for November

51 Health Benefits of Lemons

Welcome to November!

Another month has come and gone, it seems that the

calendar is flipping faster as we move towards the end of

the year. The clocks will be set back on Sunday Novem-

ber 3rd at 2 am to give us a sense of having more day-

light hours. Personally I like this time of year it is more in

sync with my natural body rhythm.

There seems to be a sense of excitement in the air and

perhaps that is just within my world. I am enjoying the

longer dark hours, there is a stillness in the mornings when I

awake that is not present during the summer months

when the sun rises at 5 am or earlier. The crisp air offers a

chance to pull out sweaters and scarves long forgotten,

it is like having a whole new wardrobe to play with and

deciding what to purchase to update the look to this

years fashions without compromising familiar favorites.

The leaves continuing to drift slowly from their branches as

I type this and I am reminded “all things in good time”.

There is no rush or hurry everything happens exactly when

it is supposed to an not a moment sooner. I am going to

take those slower moments and enjoy a few latte’s in the

sun and smile at people for no reason at all.

Enjoy fall as it winds down and we head towards the next

season (no use calling it by name, we all know what is

coming). And if you do get some of that white fluffy stuff

falling in your area, embrace that as well and make a

few snow people!
















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In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place: and in the sky

The larks still bravely singing fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields

By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

Monday November 11, 2013

Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in Common-wealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remem-brance Day is observed on 11 No-vember to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month," in accordance with the Armistice, signed by representa-tives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morn-ing. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am) World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.

Source: Wikipedia 6

Have you ever thought about emotions? Each of us have

emotions, some of them are very strong, and others are

more subtle. Companies and charities appeal to our

emotions as a means to sell us stuff or raise money. Oth-

er than knowing we have them, what role do they actual-

ly play in our day to day existence?

Emotions are like electrical currents that run through

our body, which our rational mind receives. Once our

mind receives this signal it processes the experience

based on perception and determines what action should

be taken. It makes this judgment on the perception of

pleasure or pain and labels it “good or bad”.

All emotions come from two basic emotions – love and

fear. Everything else we feel is a variation of either love

Marlene Cobb 7

or fear, and while we label them “good or bad,” they are

entirely subjective. Our perception, which is based on

our past experiences, labels them. This process is our

built in survival guide. It helps us to form rules and be-

liefs, which help us to respond to the world, and stay

safe. Emotions are our most reliable indicator of how

things are going in our life. When something feels

wrong, it is a signal to change or rectify the situation to

ensure our needs are met and we are kept safe. Think

flight or fight syndrome and you get the idea.

Emotions then, are a very important guidance system

that makes us conscious of what is helpful or harmful,

and important to our basic wellbeing and survival. As

humans we interact with the world and everything in it

using our senses. And while we believe that our rational

mind controls the show, in actuality, logic only deter-

mines about a 3% say in our interactions leaving the rest

to our sensory perception. An example; logically we can

know a certain food item is beneficial to our health but if

that food does not look, feel, taste or smell acceptable,

chances are we will never eat it. Our logic does not tell us

to put a jacket on, it is our sense of touch that lets us

know we are cold. Our mind is the CPU that our senses

feed information to, which then is transmitted as a form

of action to take.

We cannot control our emotions, yet society has deemed

emotions as acceptable and unacceptable. Generally

speaking “positive” (happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment,

excited, confident, and ecstatic) are acceptable and

“negative” (anger, fear, boredom, resentment, and frus-

tration) are considered bad form and unacceptable. Thus

as humans, we often do not express the full range of our

emotions. We dismiss, ignore, or suppress emotions that

we perceive would have us seen in an unfavorable light.

How many times in your life have you been experiencing

an emotion and were told “you are too sensitive”, “calm

down”, “get over it”, or worse “suck it up”? Or in the case

of being excited and happy about something, held back

because of how it might have made someone feel (think

winning something and having to graciously accept ra-

ther than jumping up and down with joy yelling “yes,

yes, I did it!”).

If we do not have an outlet for our emotions we tend to

suppress them. Suppressing our emotions does not do us

any good. Both sets of emotions release a chemical reac-

tion in the body. You can understand this by thinking

about the emotion, love, and how it seems to be bright

and bubbly running through your body, as opposed to a

fear based emotion which tends to be a more clenching

tight reaction. When we do not release the emotion by

dealing with it, it gets stored in our physical body. Over

time, all of these unreleased emotions can cause deep

scars, destructive patterns we keep repeating, and seri-

ous illness. If you tend to suppress rather than release,

please seek help. If you are unsure of where to turn,

speak with your family doctor or priest. They will be able

to guide you to the correct professional.

2013 is the year of personal growth. For many, this

means facilitating change in their life and clearing out

past clutter, emotionally, mentally, physically, and mate-

rially. The process can take its toll and more often than

not it is an emotion that comes forward first no matter

what we are changing or clearing. When we look to

change any area of our life, there is bound to be an expe-

rience that brought us to where we are today, and there

is bound to be an emotion associated with that experi-


Tossing out worn out items from your home might bring

forth the emotion of lack. Perhaps you did not have

much as a child or went through a period of time as an

adult where you just barely scrapped by and everything

needed to be used because you just could not afford to

replace it. Now that you are in a place of being able to

afford your basic needs your logical mind needs to learn a

different perspective of this emotion.

Perhaps you have decided to get out more this year, yet

each time you go to an event with the possibility to meet

new people, that shy, always picked last, child from

grade school comes forward and thwarts your efforts.

Rejection is the emotion being projected here, often be-

fore it is warranted.

Our minds are sneaky and smart all at the same time.

Basically, we program ourselves to keep safe; however

the current operating system might need an update to

the latest version. Often our life circumstances change

but our logic keeps plugging along on the old program. It

means acknowledging what you are feeling and owning

it. Then ask yourself, how can I turn this around? Am I

in danger? Or is my logical mind perceiving and project-

ing something that I no longer believe to be true?

Being safe and feeling secure is the goal of our emotions.

They are the sensory currents that allow us to live a full

life. One that is filled with joy, sorrow, love, hate, anger,

satisfaction, security, boredom, fear and fulfillment, al-

low yourself to feel all of them. Look at what purpose the

emotion is bringing you, is it telling you to seek some-

thing new or bring more of something into your life?

Listen to your feelings, what deeper need are they show-

ing you?

Using your emotions as a tool to help you grow towards

your true desires will bring about fulfillment. Next time

a strong emotion thunders through your system, pay at-

tention to the message that is behind this marvelous in-

ner tool that is built in. It will not lie to you and you

never have to leave home to tune into it.

Connect with Marlene at 8

Linda Adsetts

“Live life fully, while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to any-way, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mis-takes: f ind the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”

Anthony Robbins 9

It takes courage to be weird. It takes a certain devil may

care attitude and a willingness to be judged.

I have not wanted to be seen as weird. I have wanted to

be seen as normal. For most of my life I succeeded rather

well, until I began meditating.

When I first began to meditate I began to have visions

that were as clear and vivid as this reality. I was a little

startled to say the least. I was meditating in order to man-

age stress and this development was not what I had ex-


I mentioned this to an elderly, regular customer in my pet

store. No, not out of the blue!

I had become involved with Nikken Magnetics and I had

a display in my store. I mentioned to her husband that

perhaps this would be helpful for them. He told me that

they didn’t need it because his wife was a healer.

Healer? What? Martha, it turns out was a gypsy from a

long line of gypsies in England. Martha had gifts. During

the following weeks our conversations would expand and

one day I mentioned my meditation experience.

Martha told me that her daughter was teaching a medi-

tation class at a local Spiritualist Church. I decided to sign

up and much to my surprise it was a healing class.

I decided to keep going. Lorraine seemed pretty normal.

As time passed I had another experience. When I put my

hands on people I would get information about them.

This was new and not my normal.

I didn’t know what to make of it.

Lorraine told me that the church held mediumship classes

and maybe that would be a good next step for me. Any

sense of normal was fast fading. I had become one of

the weird ones.

That was the beginning of my journey down the proverbi-

al rabbit hole. It was exhilarating. It wasn’t scary until I

tried to describe my experiences to others. I was fearful of

what they might say. I was afraid of being judged.

Ten or so years later and many different classes and ex-

periences under my belt, I acknowledged that my writing

was being inspired by a group of non-physical beings. I

called them The Group; they weren’t particularly both-

ered what name I gave them.

Now, I was allowing myself to be weird and to be judged

for it. Sometimes it has been easier than others. The more

that I allow myself to be who I be, the weirder it can be

but the gifts I have to offer, have expanded into some-

thing more than I ever could have imagined.

The world is requiring us to be who we be in all our weird-

ness. It is time to stop playing small. It is time dear ones, for

you to step into the fullness of who you are. The days of

being burned at the stake are long gone. The days of

being imprisoned are past. We are talking to those that

will hear in the very core of your beings and those that

may just hear a whisper, teasing them along.

A wonderful weirdness is prevalent in all the great shifts

that are occurring on your planet. A wonderful weirdness

is behind all the soulutions that are needed and there will

be enough support to birth them.

Chaos brings about change. Chaos brings out the best

and the worst in people and it also clears the debris

away for a new way of being for your planet and every-

one on her.

If you look back on your history you will see that weirdness

was at the very heart of the great ones. They were called

crazy and often treated as such. But they had a burning

need to be who they were and to birth their ideas onto

the planet.

There are more of you than ever and the ones who have

been around for a while will be needed to nurture the

young ones, support them and advocate for their weird-


The normal is changing. A new normal is being birthed

and as with all births, it isn’t always short or easy. Some

aspects will be easier because the fields have been

plowed and prepared and are more than ready. Some

are still in preparation.

Celebrate how very far you have come on your planet.

You chose to be on her, now, in this time and place. You

chose, fully knowing that this was the grandest and great-

est adventure of all.

We celebrate each and every one of you; weird, wacky,

fearless and we celebrate those living in fear, those trying

to be normal, those who cannot see the adventure or the


We celebrate every being on planet earth. Some of you

are there for the contrast, some of you are there to birth

soulutions because of the contrasts and all of you are

there for the joy.

Truly you are or you wouldn’t be where you are. So now

you know and you get to choose. What will it be?

Go For The Joy

Linda and The Group

Connect with Linda



Facebook page # !/ GoForTheJoy 10 12

When I was in high school, I recall be-

ing fascinated when I learned the word

‘microcosm’ – a little world, the universe

in miniature. It provided rich fuel for a

teenaged daydreamer. It became, how-

ever, one of those fundamental percep-

tual concepts, a mental prism through

which life takes on myriad shades of

meaning. When I grew into the under-

standing that there is no one reality,

that our personal reality is based en-

tirely on our perceptual apparatus in

the largest sense, microcosmic observa-

tions assumed macrocosmic proportions!

Suddenly, for me, the matter of ‘scale’

“A much bigger picture is slowly revealing itself, and one day we will wonder how we could have missed it. Its impact will be as profound as the discovery that the world was not flat, nor central with-in the Universe.” 12 13

became irrelevant. Throwing a pop can into the

ditch was no more forgivable than toxic emis-

sions or oil spills. Stomping on a bug because it

was ‘ugly’, was no less violent than ridding a

society of those deemed undesirable. Whatever

we see as unacceptable on the large scale, must

also be unacceptable on a small scale – the

scale of an individual life.

I understood that integrity could not be cali-

brated. Not even a little. That thought may

make us all somewhat uneasy, for who among

us leads a life of perfect, flawless integrity? We

can strive for it, choose a life based on moving

ever closer to it, hold it as our heart’s deepest

challenge – but we cannot lower the bar. Ego

may choose to ignore the concept, or utilize the

strengths of left brain analysis to equivocate,

but soul is taking note. We are indeed, ulti-

mately responsible for our choices. It can be a

full time job keeping ourselves in alignment

with our highest awareness – within the micro-

cosm of our lives.

Ah, but wait! The prism has (relatively) recent-

ly been expanded to include a whole new range

of possibilities for personal responsibility.

Quantum physicists and cosmologists have re-

vealed an expansive set of new set of ideas

about how things operate in our universe. They

are revealing evidence of an interconnected, in-

teractive, co-creative universe. The concept of a

holographic universe – the whole represented

within and interactively ‘dancing’ with every

other part – puts a whole new spin on every-

thing. Not only is the part represented in the

whole, and the whole in each part, but each

part influences the whole, perhaps in a more

dramatic way than we could ever have imag-

ined. Perhaps the butterfly flapping its wings

in Brazil does create a hurricane in Florida.

Could it be that our negative thoughts and hos-

tile impulses experienced within the assumed

confines of our own mind contribute to the hos-

tility played out on the world stage? There are

many who would answer affirmatively. Could

the greed and consumerism of the Western

world, the ever-increasing demands for more,

actually be somehow creating the poverty and

starvation for our brothers and sisters just an

ocean away? When we take more than we

need, is someone else deprived? Mmmm.

A much bigger picture is slowly revealing itself,

and one day we will wonder how we could have

missed it. Its impact will be as profound as the

discovery that the world was not flat, nor cen-

tral within the Universe. It is our inner uni-

verse which will be rocked by this new revela-


The positive side of it all is that we can use our

ability to choose consciously, and thereby influ-

ence the whole in the direction of greater integ-

rity. We can put good stuff out there. We can

also dip into the universal hologram, the divine

blueprint, to create miracles of creativity and

healing. It would seem the creator has given

each and every one of us the power to create.

What we create is up to us. 13

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and

award-winning Psychotherapist. For

permission to reprint this article, or to obtain

books or cds, visit

It is our inner universe which

will be rocked by this new

revelation. 14

What is your story? What do you tell yourself, and the

people around you, that justifies the way you feel, the

way you act or react? I am interested to see how of-

ten I create a story for myself. A story is always about

drama, and I think it is always about losing sight of

where love is.

Let’s say that I am unhappy with a co-worker. Let’s say,

for instance, that my co-worker consistently leaves a

mess in the lunch room and I clean up after her. It be-

comes apparent that I have rules about appropriate

lunch room behavior. Must do dishes and wipe coun-

ters. Must put food away. Must put garbage in appro-

priate containers. Must leave kitchen looking as

though no one used it. Because, of course, this is how I

do it.

Ahhh...rules. Our rules about life and living are one of

the ways we navigate this world. Rules in and of them-

selves are not necessarily a bad thing. They become a

problem when we use them to define the people

around us. My co-worker becomes a slob—worse, an

uncaring slob—because she doesn’t do the dishes.

And for a while that’s OK, because I get to be a he-

ro—in my eyes, anyway—by doing her dishes as well

as mine. I am probably not a hero in her eyes, be-

cause she most likely isn’t even aware that I’m doing

them. My story is that she is uncaring, she is lazy and

she deliberately leaves her dishes because she knows

that I will do them. Aha! Drama with a capital D! Now I

am not only the rescuer, I am also the victim. And I

have gone from feeling really good about myself as

the kind person who likes a clean kitchen to feeling

really unhappy. I tell my friends, my other co-workers,

my spouse—and everyone agrees with me. And still,

I’m not feeling any better. I can take the next step in

the triangle and become the persecutor, or….I can

decide that I want to find a different path…

If I step back and look at my unhappiness, I realize

that the problem is not the what the co-worker is do-

ing—or in this case, not doing. The clue to the problem

Energy 101

Vera Enshaw 15

is my reaction—anger. At this point I can sit down in quiet, with a pen

and paper, and work out what I am angry about, and what I can do

about it. As much as I want it to be about her, I must continuously bring

it home to me.

As I write, I realize that I feel inferior to my co-worker. It seems to me that

she is better looking, smarter and is more comfortable with people than I

am. I wanted her to like me, so I began what for me is an old pattern—

serving. An ingratiating kind of serving. I wanted her to notice, to like

me. I wanted to create the type of camaraderie that I see others have

with her.

Now the temptation is to create yet another story—the poor me story. I

can choose that diversion—or I can remember what I have learned be-

fore. I have learned that I am love. I have learned that I am a spiritual

being here to learn love, and that every time I fall out of love I am one

step closer to knowing love all the time.

I write down my options. I can continue doing all the clean-up, practic-

ing serving with joy and love. I can practice stepping back and out of

the way, allowing her to do her own clean up in her own time. I can talk

to her about my issues with an untidy kitchen. I can remind myself that I

am love, that I am valuable. I can look around me to the people who

love me, who enjoy being with me. I do not need to buy love and at-

tention. As I work I see that I have lots of options. All that I need is a will-

ingness to trust that I can handle the entire situation in love, with love

and as love.

Are you willing to let go of your story? To release the pain you are feeling

in order to know love? I hope so. If you are, follow my steps. Write down

the issue and how you feel about it. Write down how you want to feel

about it. Look at the rules or beliefs you have that are causing you pain.

Explore different avenues for changing your pattern. Choose one, try it

on for size. And know that you will know the one that will bring you the

most joy, the most satisfaction, the clearest resolution. It may be scary, it

may feel daunting but when you jump….you will always, always, always

land safely. You. Are. Love.

Until next month…...Namastè

Contact Vera at

[email protected] for more information.

Are you willing to let go of your

story? 16

your strongest ally is yourself.

no other can assist you

in the same powerful way

as how you can help yourself.

conversely, the reverse is also true.

are you getting in your own way

of where you want to truly go?

let it be known,

there’s a liar inside each of us!

a nagging little troll who whispers

little nothings of self-doubt and apathy

deep into our consciousness.

at first seemingly inconsequential,

but in time these thoughts blister with seething negativity.

ingraining themselves into self-believed thought.

there are seemingly two inside each of us.

there is our one true authentic self,

the one who loves, has passions, and dreams of finding purpose.

and there is the delusional self, the ego, the critic,

the judge, jury and executioner,

one who is ready to hand down a lifelong sentence of suffering,

based on nothing more than fearful assumptions

with no proof or evidence to be had.

have you become

your own worst enemy?

how do you talk to yourself?

how do you treat yourself?

do you listen to every whacked-out,

self-critical thought inside your head?

if your ship of self

is crashing wildly and frantically

through the unexpected waves of life,

leaving you grasping for breath,

all alone out at sea,

realize that you yourself are your anchor.

you can weather this storm.

you alone have what it takes.

become friends with yourself and lend yourself a hand! 17

quit living a lie.

start living your truth.

improve upon that which you sets you back.

remove that which made you lose control,

that which crashed your ship upon the shore,

that allowed yourself to be pillaged by pirates,

leaving you toothless and in tatters,

plundered by fools as they stole your gold.

your true treasure is inside you,

if you dare to reveal it’s lustre and shine.

have you become your worst enemy?

these are not empty words.

this is not a cliche.

if you continually speak down to yourself,

berating yourself for things you’ve done wrong,

scolding yourself for damage done,

hating yourself for mistakes of the past,

loathing yourself for not taking the chances which have now passed you


you must embrace the possibility

that those thoughts are simply passing doubts

which you’ve chosen to belief as true.

they are not fact.

start taking action

to prove your enemy-self is wrong.

win back that lifelong friend and trusted ally who’s inside us all,

waiting and wanting to be of help.

reveal that ugly little gremlin inside

as the grumpy, petulant and powerless screaming toddler that he is.

listen not to your inner troll.

laugh instead at that sad energy-sucking monster inside,

the one who pokes out his head day after day

and reveals his baseless fears for what they are.

dreams covered in the dirty mud of childish doubt.

choose wisely with whom you align your inner self with.


10.28.2013 18

Marilyn Dyke

A Quantum Healing Hypnosis session will usually consist of

two or three parts. We always start with the past life part

first, then I guide you through the spirit state or what I call the

between lifetime state and then I ask to speak to your High-

er Self and this is where I ask your questions.

We do the past life regression first because past life infor-

mation is very close to the surface and you only need to be

in a light hypnotic state to access this information. As we

explore the past life the client is gradually relaxing more and

more and dropping to deeper and deeper levels of con-


For many people the past life regression is the most interest-

ing. How do you really know reincarnation is possible until

you actually experience a past life? For many it cements

the notion in their mind that we all have many, many differ-

ent experiences that help to create a vast bank of

knowledge and understanding for each and every one of


Often clients ask how many lives they have lived. I find that’s

an open ended question though, because if we are con-

sciousness then we have always been and always will be,

there is no definitive beginning or end, but to our linear

minds that is always such a conundrum. Personally I would

qualify that question with “How many different expressions

have I had before ….in this dimension? …. as human? ….in a

material form? …. In a non-material form?

You see coming from my perspective I have begun to un-

derstand that EVERYTHING is consciousness, and as con-

sciousness we experience everything we can possibly imag-

ine, and since there is no limit to the imagination we experi-

ence it ALL.

I had quite a wake up call shortly after I took my QHHT train-

ing with Dolores Cannon. On the last day of class she asks

all of her new students to go home and practice, practice,

practice before we even think about charging for our ses-

sions. This is incredibly good advice because when she says 19

Visit Marilyn at

every session is unique, she really means it and no matter

how knowledgeable you may think you are in this area

there will always be something or someone that comes

along to knock you off kilter.

So there I am practicing on friends and relatives earning

my stripes. One person in particu-

lar who is very near and dear to

me went to a past life as kelp.

OK, I thought I’ll just go with the

flow with this (mind the pun). So I

start asking the usual questions…

What does your feet ….ooops! no

feet! OK…..what do you eat?

Answer: “ Well I absorb the suns

rays and then change them to….”

Oh no I thought, I’m getting an

explanation of photo syntheses!

How did I walk into that one!

Then I try to find an important day

in the life we’re looking at, what

would kelp consider a significant

day? Perhaps getting caught in

the propeller blades of a boat or

something……….ANYTHING at this

point. The answer is …”Oh I’m just

drifting with the current and

there’s some little fish swimming along….”

By now I’m quite frustrated, the near and dear one is com-

fortable and relaxed, content even in this lifetime, but I’m

thinking there has to be something interesting or exciting

happening somewhere in this life I mean why would a soul

even want to experience something this boring anyway?

So I boldly form my next question, “I want you to go to your

last day, the day of your death and tell me what is hap-

pening now” …….. And the answer……..”I do not die.”

Of course! How silly of me. How could I not know that as

long as there is kelp on this planet this person is alive in

that form somehow? ? OK, so how does that work?

So that was my introduction to something that I had often

pondered, but never seriously considered. How do we

truly understand the vastness of the soul and its connec-

tion to everything, all that is…..Oneness?

I often tell my clients that through facilitating this process I

have come to a much clearer

understanding of the oneness of

all of creation. When you have

people come to you that experi-

ence lives as insects, animals,

rock, crystal, water, air, mist, vi-

bration, light or as part of a plan-

et, how can you say with certain-

ty that the chair you’re sitting on

doesn’t have consciousness, or

what about the air you breathe?

There doesn’t seem to be any

divisions, no boundaries, IS every-

thing really one?

I often say Consciousness is every-

thing and everything is conscious-

ness. Which to me expresses this

oneness concept in a nutshell. I

certainly can’t explain the me-

chanics of it, but I can “know” the

general idea for now. The concept is also captured quite

nicely in the saying “All my relations.”

Someday I hope everyone on the planet will “feel” this

oneness because it’s in the connection to the heart that

we can truly know oneness and that is where I believe

we’re headed, some cultures are there already.

It is often said that when we can understand and know

that we are all connected as one then the world will be

quite a different place. I believe we all do know this on a

deeper level and the object of this game we’re playing is

to remember it, feel it and live it again.

EVERYTHING is consciousness

Marilyn Dyke is an active, practicing Dedicated Practitioner trained in

Dolores Cannon' s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy© Level two since

2009 . She is a teaching Reiki Master ( Usui) . When she isn’t teaching or

seeing clients she messes about in the garden producing herbal creams,

salves, tinctures, teas etc. It is Marilyn' s pleasure and purpose in this life

to help support your q uest for balance, peace and physical well being! 20

Phil Nielsen


Erda – Earth Mother

Of the nine Valkyries, Bruennhilde was Odin’s fa-

vorite child, so it was bitter sweet when he was

forced to strip her of her godhood by kissing her

eyes closed. Her crime? Out of compassion for a fall-

en warrior, she had tried to shield him from death,

against All-Father’s orders. As a result, she lost her

place in Asgard. She fell into a deep sleep from

which only the kiss from a mortal hero could awak-

en her. To prevent all but the most valiant from

reaching Bruennhilde, Odin encircled the summit of

the mountain on which she slept with a ring of oth-

erwise impenetrable fire. In the many long years

that followed, everyone knew about the burning

mountain and all would-be suitors to the ex-

Valkyrie were turned back by the intense flames

that protected her—all, this is, but Siegfried.

Orphaned as an infant, he had been brought up by

a dwarf for strictly ulterior motives. The Niflheimer

wanted Siegfried to obtain a golden hoard and the

ring of ultimate power by slaying Fafner, a giant

who guarded this treasure in the guise of a danger-

ous dragon. Once that had been accomplished, the

evil little dwarf’s plan was to poison Siegfried and

take possession of the valuables for himself. When

the lad came of age, he duly killed Fafner, but also

killed the Niflheimer after learning of his murder-

ous intentions. The gold didn’t interest him in the

slightest and he only kept the ring as a souvenir of

his fight with the dragon. Completely ignorant of

the legend of the sleeping Bruennhilde, Siegfried

happened upon the blazing enclosure by chance,

and drawn toward its mystery, strode through the

fire without singing a single hair. The flame died

away, leaving him alone with a prostrate figure

dressed in fine armor.

“What a magnificent warrior,” he assumed. To his

surprise, the figure appeared to be breathing, so he

undid the strap on the ornate helmet and visor and

was shocked when a mane of bright golden hair cas-

caded into view. “That is no man!” he exclaimed.

Overcome by her matchless beauty, he bent over

and kissed her softly on the lips.

Bruennhilde opened her eyes. Staring into Sieg-

fried’s innocent face, she knew that he, of all mortal

men, must be the best and bravest. It was love at

first sight and they decided to spend the rest of

their lives as husband and wife. Both had lost their

homes, however, and they could not stay on the bar-

ren summit. To make matters worse, it had begun

to pour down, so they sought shelter in the first

cave they found down the mountain slope. The spir- 21

Contact Phil at

[email protected]

for more information.

it of Earth Mother Erda had wordlessly guided their

search, but this was no ordinary sanctuary from the

storm. The interior of the cave was tall and deep,

and a spring of fresh water ran at the rear. From its

entrance, the vast forested valley spread westward

toward the far horizon. Bruennhilde and Siegfried

could not imagine a more perfect location in which

to live. Having been cut off from their troubled

pasts, they had found a place of new beginnings, but

it was the love they shared that formed their true


Erda is the Norse Earth Mother, whose daughters

Jordegumma and Perchta personify different mysti-

cal qualities of the world in much the same way

Greek Persephone is the daughter of Demeter. Erda

tells of relocation to a domicile, of finding your

dream home. Her rune is often concerned with is-

sues regarding our true home, not only in its physi-

cal sense, but also where the heart is—namely,

one’s proper place in the world: an environment

that nurtures the development of our inner-most

truths and the personal potential to fulfill them.

Our real home lies wherever that which we most

love dwells. Hence Erda, or as we have come to

know it, Ehwaz, may apply to particular cherished

interests or those things that give the most mean-

ing to our lives.

In marriage, the relationship between a man and a

woman, more than any other consideration—even

those of children—is the true home of husband and

wife. Guido von List refers to this rune as “the mar-

riage-rune,” with emphasis on the sacred quality of

the bond between the spouses. McVan declares that

it “is the symbol of the ideal man-woman relation-

ship, and thus, is the mystery of the lawful mar-

riage.” In this spirit, we understand clearly Garman

Lord’s characterization of Erda’s sign as “the better


It also implies slow change, like the geological pro-

cess of continental drift. The implication here is

gradual but progressive movement culminating in

fundamentally significant shifts or transitions. Sug-

gested too, are matters dealing with land, real es-

tate, personal properties, or environmental issues.

On an individual level, the rune is assurance of hav-

ing taken the correct path—the notion that we will

eventually reach our desired goal or destination,

provided we have the persistence and fortitude to

keep pushing forward. The changes foretold here

are almost always positive, the happy outcome of

processes already known to us.

Reversed, Erda cautions against pursuing the pre-

sent objective. The goal—or the means to achieve

it—are flawed and must be reexamined. Her invert-

ed rune could mean that we are out of sync with our

surroundings and need to find those circumstances

which are more attuned to our own personality.

Erda’s rune gemstone is turquoise, a name un-

known until the end of the Viking Age in the early

thirteenth century. Before that, the greenish blue

stone was variously referred to as callais and a

number of other mostly forgotten names. Traditions

in various parts of the world claim it has the power

to prevent injuries from falls, thereby demonstrat-

ing the connection between turquoise and the Earth

Mother associated with this rune. The rune’s place

in the Norse zodiac, Valaheim, or the Halls of Sil-

ver, is within Aquarius, from January 28th to Febru-

ary 12th, although its color is a brown earth hue. 22

Gail Siler, PhD

Omens are our Invisible Inner Guidance System

Our inner guidance system is always coaching us

forward, and always sending us messages. Wheth-

er we hear them or pay attention to them, well,

that’s our choice. Often times we don’t realize until

much later that we were getting a message or help

from our invisible team or guidance system. There

are skills to ‘decoding’ our messages. In past times,

we called them ‘Omens’. Today I’d like to take us

on a journey to understand when our experiences

are being brought to us courtesy of our invisible

guidance system.

Let’s start our journey using my experience last

Monday. It was a holiday and I lazily toddled,

fluffy slippers and all, into the kitchen to put the

kettle on for my morning tea ceremony. I had vi-

sions of a blissful holiday reading my latest library


I opened the cupboard to get out the morning vita-

mins and the cupboard jumped right off the wall

and into my arms! No joke! I grabbed it and strug-

gled to keep it straight and the two of us sank heav-

ily to the floor where I nestled it into a corner and

breathed a sigh of relief upon finding that nothing was broken (Clue 1).

I filled the teapot and placed it on its tray and tod-

dled off into the living room shaking my head in

wonderment. What was up with that, I wondered.

A few hours of reading later, I realized I needed to

do some chores, so I saddled up Arthur Auto, my

wonderful elder Honda, and pulled out of the gar-

age onto the road. When I turned left, my turn sig-nal began dancing a fast tarantella, Clue 2). I had

visions of being beamed up on some ship at any mo-

ment. I pulled off the road and did a driving panel

check that even a pilot would have been proud of. 23

I tried the lights and when I clicked on the high beam a grinding sound began (Clue 3). OMG, what

now! I was mostly pissed but also getting a little

spooked. The omens hadn’t filtered through to me

yet, though. I pulled Arthur back onto the road and

we immediately headed for my totally amazing car

fixer-man, who thankfully was just around the cor-


In the Car Hospital, we ran through the entire elec-

trical system of the car and Mr. car fixer-man Terry

explained everything to me as we progressed. He’d

click and I’d call out whether this light or that one

worked watching him as he walked around the car and clicked away methodically analyzing every piece of the electrical system. (Clue 3)

Then I left Arthur in his good hands and put my

computer backpack on and like a turtle I crawled

off to my remote office. considering as I clomped

along what in the world this all meant.

At my coffee shop-remote office, I busied myself

with y task that day: to sign me up for an Amazon

Author page. (My technical prowess with these

things makes me dyslexic at best.) It should have

taken at most an hour. It ended up taking me more

than 9 hours, many purple words, email requests,

and YouTube’s watched. During all of this I felt great pressure to get it done (Clue 4) because I was

feeling behind in my new course on Internet Mar-

keting. You get the picture!

At 10pm I posted my Author Page and shared it

with my class Facebook group. To my happy sur-

prise, the instructor and a few others applauded me

for sticking to it….and it felt so good to get their

responses. Many times during the day I was ready

to cry, walk away, walk away and cry. It felt like

the hardest day I’ve had in many years. Frankly, I

was moments away from just walking away from it all in deep discouragement.(Clue 5)

The next morning found me drinking tea and writ-

ing in my journal about all the things that hap-

pened Monday, trying to figure it out. I heard a

whisper from my guide to pay attention to what

happened first. I thought she meant the car turn

signals, but she meant the cupboard jumping off

the wall into my arms.

The instant I put Clue #1 into the picture and into

my journal, the guide’s message came flooding

home to me. I got it! It was an important message

for me, actually. For this message, my guide had

spared no expense. That’s how I knew it was im-


So how do you make sense of your guide’s messag-

es? First, look for the metaphors. Our guides com-

municate with us through right brain ways conver-

sations: metaphors, pictures, feelings. Our right

brain is our contact point with the higher dimen-

sions. If we aren’t awake in our right brain we tend

to miss the messages.

For instance, if you get three bee stings while you

are standing around water, THAT’s a message and

you are going to want to pay attention. Three is a

strong indicator of importance. And repeat perfor-

mances of things signal importance too.

Look at the subject matter: So in the bee sting ex-

ample, look at where you are, what you are near at

the time of the sting, and ask yourself what does

this body of water, or water in general mean to you.

Look broad, not narrow. You want to see the big

picture. Back up from where you are and enlarge

your scope as well as the time line. Has this hap-

pened before, or has it been happening a lot? If

so…pay attention. Look for a pattern, the big pic-

ture. Go back in time and look for connections.

Look at the seriousness of the happening. Do

things break, to you get hurt, or do you magically

seem to avoid the pain, or in my case the jumping

cupboard? When you listen up and pay attention,

you actually avoid the more in-depth and insistent

things that sometimes even come with ‘booboos’, be

they emotional or physical.

In my own life, I have found that the guides start

out whispering tenderly and when we don’t listen,

they seem to amp things up a little bit each time

they send you the message. Also, if it’s really life

threatening for you, you will get a really strong

message and experience. We all have read about

people who have some emergency that kept them

from making a plane or getting on the road at the

time they planned, and because of it, they were

spared being in an accident. Well, it’s because they

listened to it, they were spared.

Here’s an example of NOT listening. In my case I

ended up with cancer at 20. I know why and in

truth having cancer was the omen that saved my

life! But I hadn’t listened to the three accidents

that happened to me beginning about 4 years prior.

So my guides organized one guaranteed to have a 24

Connect with Gail fref=ts

strong effect. I got cancer. From then on I began to

listen up and pay attention to things happening in

my world.

We are Not Alone

I find it heartening to realize that we aren’t in this

alone, even though we think or feel we are. I read

somewhere that because we live blind and can’t ac-

cess the veil, we are given our guides to help us

navigate through our temporary blindness.

(Temporary until we re-open our awareness and

alignment with who we really are.) So we have an

invisible team who are making sure we aren’t walk-

ing the path alone. I think one of the biggest

changes we make in our growth is the day we real-

ize we actually aren’t as alone as we feel we are.

A lot of people who are light carriers feel especially

alone because they are a bit advanced on the energy

frequency playing field. We carry higher awareness

and energy and we have jobs according to that ener-

gy and our pre-birth contracts. That said, it also

affects our own sense of aloneness because we real-

ly are more alone in the physical and more isolated

from the cultural norms. I would go so far as to say

the greater the light we carry the bigger the team of

invisible we have with us. So bear that in mind

when you are feeling lonely at times, too.

Now back to interpreting my ‘cupboard jumping off

the wall’ omen and all that happened last Monday.

When I added the cupboard to my list of things that

happened that day, I saw the pattern. (We can call

that an omen: an event that tells you something big

is up. In my case it was ‘coming down.’)

So the cupboard was the key to understanding it.

Typically the first event tells you about what it is

you are getting the omen about. My cupboard fell

open into my arms. My guidance was telling me,

“We are having a look at your cupboard: your heart

feelings and what you have stored in there in the

darkness. Let’s bring that into the light.” I kept

vitamins in it, and that also is a metaphor for the

‘healing aspect’ for me.

Then we went to the electrical system, my car light,

my vehicle,(and apt metaphor for my body, emo-

tions and entire energy system. It turned out the

wiring needed repair and the turn signal bulb

(going left) had burnt out. Also the vehicle fixer

man was assisting me in inventorying how my car’s

energy system was working and was making re-


Now I added my extreme frustration with meeting

deadlines and my intense discouragement….but

also my perseverance at working on the personal

author page on Amazon: my own ‘coming out’ an-

nouncement as it were. Each of the clues were talk-

ing directly to my right mind. I got the message

with great appreciation. I was given a review

through omens as a way of showing me what had

been happening and what I had just completed this

past several months. No surprise, I had been ask-

ing quite frequently, “what is going on with me?”

So Monday I was given answers in right brain fre-

quency code. Metaphors and omens.

My invisible team were saying the equivalent of:

Look inside yourself at your hidden feelings of sad-

ness, and fear you aren’t going to make it. You will,

and you have. And we tipped over the closet and

messed up the electricity of your vehicle (metaphor

for your body essence self) so that you could review

and realize all the energy you have put into rebuild-

ing your energy system. And finally the affirmation

and support of the Facebook class people: Good job! You stuck to it, and you did it! There are deeply

personal aspects of this message from my guide

that are meant for my eyes only. But by sharing my

Leaping Cupboard and Wonky Wiring omen, I hope

I’ve passed along to you how your own guides work

with you.

Each person has guides with amazingly different

and unique personalities. I have learned that I

have tricksters assisting me and that my guidance

package has a really loving and also a wild sense of

humor. Your guidance caters your messages to you

in the way you can best receive it. Be watching for

your personal messages from your invisible guides

delivered to you as omens. 25 26

Shannon Matter

A high vibrational court

Practising high vibrational law

Creating high frequency outcomes.

Part of the raising of the mass-consciousness

is the need for fairness in law.

Money cannot be allowed to corrupt the equation.

No monetary value allowed in the court

Only truth

The light of truth shines on lies during

high vibrational proceedings

In our new world

Society gives the men and women

who practice higher law everything they need.

Abundance of the necessities

in exchange for their non-profit expertise.

Members of court in an aware and multi-dimensional society will truly want to assist the whole,

and will have long ago risen above the low vibration

of personal gain that causes others to lose.

When all humans are allowing



and the good of the All,

then the members of the court shall be

ascended humans as well.

Fair law


Truth in law


Faith in the system

Unheard of

But soon

Yes soon

We are evolving

Towards the light of truth

It shines on all the lies

We rise

Connect with Shannon 27

all you need is less.

look at all the things

with which you're burdened, no wonder you’re stressed!

our culture rewards “busyness”. it places it high on a pedestal,

misleading us into thinking it’s a noteworthy trait,

one which aligns us with success.

yet it shuns the peace of stillness

where clarity in our decisions are found, where creativity can find space to flourish,

where contentment in everyday life is enjoyed, where happiness can finally be revealed.

modern life grooms us for mental duress. it lures us into thinking we need more things.

it distracts us from being with ourselves which is all that each of us truly has.

all we need is less.

fewer expectations, fewer assumptions,

more intoxicating and exhilarating day to day surprises.

less dwelling on the past, more loving the present.

less worrying about the future,

more being grateful for what’s here right now.

fewer possessions,

less mental maintenance.

less worry, more freedom.

fewer diversions, more time to wholeheartedly enjoy

that which matters the most,

more conscious space to notice what we already have.

less self-indulgence,

more selfless generosity.

less mindless consumption,

more compassion.

less blame, more responsibility taken.

less whining, more definitive decisions made.

less complaining,

more creating.

fewer grumbles,

more laughter.

less hate, more love. less talk, more action.

all we need is less.

bt 10.29.2013

Brian Thompson

Connect with Brian

Poems by Margie Kivel 28

Dialogue #1

What do you want?


Why are you here?

No reason.

I have work to do.

I know.

How do you know?

I could smell the apples.

Aha! That’s why you stopped – for pie!

That too, but mostly to see the baker.

Dialogue #2

Has anyone seen him today?

No, he must be mad at us.

How long is he going to stay in his apartment?

Does he have a TV?

Yes, he got one from Jane.

So, he doesn’t need us anymore.

I guess not.

Well, it’s his choice, we’re still here.

He knows that…be patient.

I miss him.

Me too.

Margie Kivel 29


shape shifters…

history hangs in the mist

upon the alder branches

rising from the pond.


spirit songs in leaves

of tall maples and oaks,

vying for my attention, leaping

back and forth along the road.

Sacred Ground…

Stones scatter across the slope,

revealed by ice fingers,

bearing rune signs of time

before the two footed came.


I fly just over my car,

slipping back and forth,

elongating as we slide

through the tunnel of russet and


down the hill into settlement’s




then into driveway

as car and I come to rest.

Inside to regroup, no—

to enjoy, to taste

where I have been

and still am

in my heart

in the land

in the song.

Margie Kivel 30 30 30

Spicy sweet fragrance of apples

floats over sauce in a bowl,

still warm on the kitchen table,

rich with the memory it holds.

Family trip to the orchard--

smell of fresh cider bouquet,

colors of apples in baskets

laid out in full fall array.

Car loaded with yellows and reds

we drove home to the chorus

of fruit crunching rhythms,

swilling down cider, the bonus.

Daughters still mark the season

of apple-ful bounty for hearth,

beginning with sauce on the table

served with love in the heart.

Margie Kivel 32

Channel– Jennifer Hoffman 33

Do you know that the universe works with you and not

for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you

something that you do not want or to create situations

that you have not already energized in some part of your

reality. The Universal energy does not create something

out of nothing. It only creates that which you have al-

ready established energetic space for through your con-

scious or unconscious intention.

As soon as you have defined the intention, you set up the

vibrations that create the reality. Understanding this is

the key to manifesting everything in life because it is

how everything is manifested. And whether the intention

is conscious or unconscious is not important; it is all the

same to the Universe, which sees you as infinitely power-

ful, wise and always acting within your highest good.

When you pray to God, or the Source, to ‘fix this problem’

the Universe is unable to respond to you because you

have not created anything, there is no intention, and

there is nothing to fix because there is no problem. The

Universe knows that, either consciously or unconscious-

ly, you created the situation that you see as a problem.

And you must create the solution by energizing the pos-

sibility for a new aspect of your reality to be present. You

may ask for help because you feel that the Universe is

far wiser than you are, but that is also a fallacy. You

have all of the wisdom and knowledge of the Universe at

your disposal and your ability to use it is only limited by

your beliefs that the Universe is wiser, more powerful,

more aware of your potential and of what is best for you,

than you are.

That is why it is important for you to remember yourself

as an equal part of Source or the Universe, as a co-

creator of your reality in a divine partnership that exists

to enable your reconnection to your divine beginning.

You are so powerful that you create with every thought

and word — what are you creating in this moment? Are

you aware of what you are asking for?

It is also important, at this time, for you to understand

how you created what you see as difficulties in your life

so that you can alter the beliefs and perceptions that are

the foundation for those situations. If you do not take

this step, then each new reality will reflect these beliefs,

until you change them.

Miracles are not a process through which the Universe

creates something that you never dreamed to be possible.

The Universe does not create miracles for you—you cre-

ate them for yourselves by shifting energy and allowing

for different perceptions of your reality. They reflect your

faith and trust, a moment when you intend a new reality

into being, without fear, expectations or judgment. You

can only receive that which you ask for, believe you de-

serve, and know exists in your field of possibilities.

As you manifest your reality remember that it is created

from your beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and words. Help

is always available to you once you understand that the

Universe works with you to create miracles in your life

and problems are fixed when you understand their

source (which is you), acknowledge their lessons and the

information that they have for you, and are willing to

create a solution that reflects a higher level of under-

standing and self-love.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights re-served. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to

a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman 34

Month at a Glance

Email: [email protected] for

more information on how a Phone

or Skype Consultation can help

you with any transitions you are

experiencing in your life.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Be aware of

Over indulgent

behavior today

All Saints Day


GREAT day for


Beautiful Day


Solar Eclipse


Day – Very

high Energy

Set new goals


No impulse

purchases in



Make a list and

stick with it.

Watch your

temper today


Use today’s

energy to fo-

cus on what

you need


Overall nice

day – it is ok

to be selfish

when you

are working

on clear goals


Your inside

voice may

sound like you

are being nice

… but really

think before

you speak



– is it Power or


Control that

you are using

… ask yourself



Mercury is

about to move

forward – good

day for medita-

tion with High-

er Self/Guides


Overall nice


Watch that

you do not

get caught

up in un-healthy

group work


Make a list.

Overall a very

nice energetic

day – Medita-

tion and inter-

nal dialogue a



Neptune is

about to

move forward

– meditation

a must –

move be-

tween the



Watch that

you are not

taken ad-

vantage of


Give what

you can give.


Things may be

bubbling up …

but today is not

the day to talk

about your re-



A walk in the

park or some

deep breathing

exercises will

bring back the

optimistic you


Full Moon in

Taurus – con-

template com-pletion


Expect the


great day for

a coffee with

a good friend


Make a list to-

day and make

sure it says …

patience is a



Very nice en-

ergetic hump

day J

Go for it!


Sun enters


Meditation a

must –

watch that

your expan-

sion is ener-

getic not



Great day to

get yourself out

there! Will and

Emotions are

on the same



That inside

voice again …

don’t find your-

self blurting

something out

… be mindful


Make a List

Structure may

feel difficult.

Use this time

to shred the

last of your

unwanted files

(or hit empty

deleted files



Focus your

mind to set

up structure

for a writing

project that

has been on

the back



It is a beautiful

day in the en-

ergetic neigh-

borhood …

Meditate / ex-

ercise / breathe

… EnJoy


Focus your

external en-

ergy on pas-

sion not

strife. It is

another great


to EnJoy





Make sure

you write in

your grati-

tude journal



Make a list to-

day .. no long

term commit-


Love yourself



surprises are on

the horizon

Meditation a


Overall nice


Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions –5, 11,

19, 27 Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and ac-

cidents! RED LIGHT

Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions –3, 9, 16, 24

You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET


Jupiter Squares and Oppositions – 1, 7, 14, 29 Don’t lose

sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing,

watch that others do not take advantage

Venus squares and oppositions – 13, 21, 29 Heartache/

domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE

LIFE anyway!

Mercury squares and oppositions-8, 15, 23, Think before


CAUTION –2(Early Morn), 4(Morning), 5(Full Day), 6

(Morning), 8(To 3:30pm), 10(All Day), 12(Full Day), 14

(Afternoon), 17(To 4pm), 19(Full Day), 22(To 3:56pm), 24

(All Day & Night), 27(Full Day), 29(To 8pm) Watch your

impulse purchases and try not to make any long term com-

mitments on these days.

Favorite Meditation Times – 2, 10, 18, 20, 21, 26

Venus moves to Capricorn on November 5th The task mis-

tress is here. Draw toward you - what you need to acquire

what you need to feel secure.

Skilled: sociable, charming, harmonious, affectionate, able

to compromise, the expression of love, art and the attraction

of luxury

Unskilled: people‐pleaser, vain, overly concerned with ap-

pearance, greedy, superficial, wishy‐washy, wavers on val-

ues. Over-indulgent and lazy. Interested in surrounding

oneself with “stuff”.

Jupiter moves Retrograde on November 6th Cultivate your

own opportunities & wisdom.

Skilled: upbeat, Jovial, wise, philosophical, optimistic,

lucky, generous,

Unskilled: overindulging, gambling, pushing one’s luck,

preachy, given to exaggeration, pompous, reckless and ma-

chismo while being favorable for construction workers, mili-

tary and competitive athletes.

Mercury moves direct on November 10th Continue to be

cautious in your communication and electronic purchases

until November 27th

Mercury is the energy of communication. An antenna both

receiving and transmitting.

Skilled: Manual & verbal agility communicative, persua-

sive, fast learner, connecting to people, articulate, curious,

trendy, expression of ideas, a Jokester, and inner child “at


Unskilled: distractible, fidgety, restless, always talking,

superficial, nosy, fickle, squanders time on chatting, not

always truthful. Stressful environment, pathological liars

and bold face thieves

Neptune moves Direct on November 13th If you have felt

that your spiritual work has been slow to express itself in

your life – that is about to change!

Skilled: creative, boundless, devoted, meditative, collective

thinking, willing to serve, Transcendental, mystically crea-


Unskilled: daydreamer, addiction-prone, codependent, de-

ceitful, escapist, martyr, no-boundaries, doesn’t belong on

earth, anxious and scattered

Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st … Happy Solar Re-

turn (Birthday) to all you Sagittarian’s out there. Allow

the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you

through the next 12 months.

New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and

connect to the night sky, when we do this we inherently

connect and recognize genetic/clan and collective habits and

patterns of those that came before us and of which we carry

the cyclic environmental signatures.

The Solar Eclipse Moon on November 3rd 11 Scorpio 16

Solar Eclipses foretell of New Beginnings and Major Life Shifts. They are also very collective in nature and can affect

nations through weather, finances, war and peace. Eclipses

have the potential to speed things up – something you

thought was months or years down the road suddenly seems

to appear out of nowhere requiring you to make major life

decisions or you may find yourself moving into uncharted


This Eclipse sparks prolific creative action possibly thor-ough unexpected change as a catalyst for movement toward experiences of fulfillment and manifestation of hopes & dreams. Although you may feel like your structure or foun-dation is shaky new solid methods and principals will emerge. Luck is on our side as opportunity presents itself to travel further along the path. This is the time to formal-

ize a map with a plan of action toward life-long new and

important goals.

If this Solar Eclipse lights up your chart, you may feel a

little lost or in the dark at first but as the weeks and

months progress a little more light will be shed and you

may find yourself further down the path than you could

have ever imagined. Watch for signs of change a few days

before and after the actual Eclipse (up to 4 days either side).

Technical details: The eclipse on November 3, 2013, begins

as an annular event but quickly becomes a total solar

eclipse as the moon's umbra crosses the Atlantic Ocean and

central Africa. For a more complete set of cities in the east-

ern seaboard that will have a great view of the eclipse, have

a look at … and Zeiler's great map.

The Full Moon – November 17th

This is an action packed Full Moon – Take some growth throw in a pinch of action and a splash of structure and poof you have support towards achieving goals. We still have some of the harsher aspects to deal with so put your head down and ride the wave. Let your beauty (inside & out) transform everyone you come in contact with. 35

In the following monthly individual horoscope you

will find a combination of solar and lunar energy

for each sign. Combine your Sun (ego/identity/

core), Moon (emotions/Patterns/Habits) and Ascend-

ant (projecting the identity outward) into one fabu-

lous guide for the month. This month I am going to

look at your Sun sign in relationship to the Solar

Eclipse. Now is the time to make plans for changes

you need to make in order to achieve your goals and

project to the world your true identity. Use this So-

lar Eclipse New Moon energy to re-establish what

you are projecting within the universe.

Ride the wave to set new goals and re-evaluate

completion of old goals as you move forward in the

month. Writing down your goals is an important

step, but being passionately connected to each goal

is vital to achieving them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

New goal setting opportunities are

on the 17th and 18th

If you have goals to move between

the worlds perhaps dip into the Akashic – this solar

eclipse may just have the answer, are you ready to

step through as the curtain is drawn aside. Medi-

tate on how you feel about your long term goals and

forecasts… Are you meeting your short term goals

that feed into this forecast?

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21)

Confirm your new goals on the 15th

and 16th

The question is about how you feel

within your relationships … when you

look in the mirror do you see a healthy union with

another? Even if you are in a current relationship

– how can you take it to the next level? Reflect on

the thought that all relationships outside of you are

truly a reflection of how you feel about you.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20)

Confirm your new goals on the 18th

Meditate on how you feel about your

work … do you feel that you contrib-

ute to the whole? Are you proud of

the work you do? If so contemplate how you can

further your contribution – if not then make the

necessary steps to change this how you feel about

your part in the play.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20)

Confirm your new goals on the 20th

How do you express your creativity,

are you able to truly experience joy –

have you discovered what brings hap-

piness into your life? When you look in the mirror

do you see joy and happiness in your eyes?

Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22)

Confirm your new goals on the 22nd

and 23rd

Do you embrace your foundations –

your clan or maybe the place you call

home? Do you see a healthy reflection of your clan

within you or are there parts of your personality

that you need to let go of? Work on releasing any

cellular memories – habits or patterns that come

from your DNA , your clan – you don’t need them –

just let them go.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Confirm your new goals on the 25th

and 26th

Meditate on your ability to give and

receive communication this includes

your writing skills. It is time to let go of the inse-

curities you may be feeling and let the world see

what knowledge you have ready to share.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Confirm your new goals on the 1st

and the 28th

Are you feeling truly secure – ex-

plore your environment, what things have you sur-

rounded yourself with – in order to meet your inter-

nal wants and desires? Do you truly feel fulfilled?

Set a goal to explore the depths of these feelings

over the next few months.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov.


Confirm your new goals on the 2nd

and the 3rd as well as the 30th

Meditate on how you feel in your physical body, this

includes the projection (holograph) you make as you

move through the world – look in the mirror do you

like what you see? 36

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec.


Confirm your new goals on the 4th

Meditation and/or quiet contempla-

tion is what is needed over the next six months – dig

deep and tap into your own inner-knowing. It is im-

portant that you strengthen your core, this will allow

you to remain unmoved, solid and strong when con-

fronted by external chaos.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Confirm your new goals on the 6th

and 7th

Your quest is to discover (or uncover)

how you might step up into a leadership position.

What is the mark that you wish to leave as you move

through the world? Do you see the crusader that lies


Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Confirm your new goals on the 9th

How you feel about your aspirations,

are you reaching high enough or have

you short-changed yourself. What is

the impression you are making in your workplace,

does it truly reflect who you are? Be the powerhouse

you know lies deep within you. Trust.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20)

Confirm your new goals on the 11th

Explore expanding your mind in con-

tribution to the world as a productive

and healthy individual? Think of long

term more than just taking a course or two. Are you

an artist, a writer, an investigator or maybe a philos-

opher? When you look in the mirror what is the po-

tential that lies within? 37

For more information

[email protected]

The Solar Eclipse Moon on November 3rd

11 Scorpio 16 Solar Eclipses foretell of New Beginnings and Major Life

Shifts. They are also very collective in nature and can affect

nations through weather, finances, war and peace. Eclipses

have the potential to speed things up – something you

thought was months or years down the road suddenly seems

to appear out of nowhere requiring you to make major life

decisions or you may find yourself moving into uncharted


This Eclipse sparks prolific creative action possibly thor-ough unexpected change as a catalyst for movement toward

experiences of fulfillment and manifestation of hopes & dreams. Although you may feel like your structure or foun-

dation is shaky new solid methods and principals will emerge. Luck is on our side as opportunity presents itself to travel further along the path. This is the time to formalize a

map with a plan of action toward life-long new and im-

portant goals.

If this Solar Eclipse lights up your chart, you may feel a lit-

tle lost or in the dark at first but as the weeks and months

progress a little more light will be shed and you may find

yourself further down the path than you could have ever

imagined. Watch for signs of change a few days before and

after the actual Eclipse (up to 4 days either side).

In the past Nourish has provided articles

that have focused on one crystal or a couple

at a time. I am a huge believer in the bene-

fits of crystals and my home reflects this in

the number of crystals I own. They hold an

energy that is unique to each stone which

vibrates and tunes in with our energy to

assist in healing all levels, emotional, phys-

ical, spiritual, and mental. I believe there

is a crystal for every aspect in our life; the

journey is ours to find out which one fits at

any given moment.

All crystals have beneficial properties but

each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up

under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological

sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for

one person is not necessarily true for the next.

Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not

all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your sign handy and carry

around those that do. If a stone does not resonate with you now, still find one that you are attracted to, down the road

you might find you are drawn to that one crystal.

Starting with the current astrological sign – Scorpio – we are going to feature one sign each month.

Hematite - an espe-

cially helpful stone

to one born under

Scorpio. It offers pa-

tience and peace of

mind. It enables

compromise and

trust towards your partner and al-

lows Scorpio to put aside their own

wishes and give to another.

Coral - Red coral

helps Scorpio to

fully enjoy life. It

brings joy, energy,

sensuality, and

protects them from

envy and resentment. It also helps a

Scorpio deal with jealousy and self-


Fluorite - promotes

intellectual develop-

ment. It harmonizes

the positive and

negative aspects of

the intellect. Flour-

ite helps Scorpio use their intellec-

tual gifts, endurance and will power

for the good of others, and saves

them from overweening egotism.

Earth Crystals


rigidities. It not on-

ly eases psychologi-

cal problems but

also relaxes con-

strictions in the

shoulder and neck

area that often plague Scorpio. This

comes from their iron will, which

does not allow them to let go and

give thoughts free rein.

Sard—is the gem-

stone of justice. It

encourages Scor-

pio’s sense of jus-

tice, while keeping

fanaticism in check.

Sard sharpens the

mind, promotes openness in dealings

with others, and solidifies friend-

ships and relationships. It guides

the egocentric and introverted indi-

vidual to become more outgoing to-

ward those close to them.

Spinel—Red spinel

promotes determi-

nation. It helps

Scorpio recognize

worthwhile goals

and gives them the

energy to attain

them. It lessens fears, especially of

major changes in employment or

divorce, which can discourage even

the most hardy Scorpio. Spinel also

strengthens the soul’s healing pow-



tourmaline helps

Scorpio relinquish

plans and ideas

that their extraordi-

nary power cannot bring to fruition.

With its assistance, Scorpio can let

go, without falling into depression or

losing self-esteem. With red tourma-

line Scorpio can approach others

with greater awareness and respect

for their wishes and ideas.


Scorpio to trans-

form their emotion-

al strength and sex-

ual desire into true

love. Its red rays

bring them into

harmony with the heart of their be-


Other important stones for Scorpio


Agate—its crystal-

line inclusions give

Scorpio the purity

and clarity to rec-

ognize their inner

nature. With its help, Scorpio can

maintain this inner purity and face

any difficulty that life has to offer.


supports Scorpio in

difficult times. In

their darkest

times, when all

seems lost, chalcedony can restore

self-esteem and the trust in their

own abilities and creativity. Then,

having regained their self-

confidence, Scorpio can return to the

fray with new energy and succeed in

all their plans.

Jade—gives Scor-

pio confidence and

joie de vivre. It en-

ables them to

acknowledge the

beauty in the world

and accept it without compromise.

This will help Scorpio to become

more sensitive and sympathetic and

enjoy life more. This in turn will al-

low their happiness to spread to

those around them.


gemstone gives

Scorpio the ability

to acknowledge

their shortcomings

and how to better

deal with them. It also increases

their compassion for themselves and

others and helps Scorpio to speak

hard truths in a more tactful and

gentle way.

Ruby—with rubies

Scorpio can trans-

form their emo-

tions and sexual

desires into true

and lasting love.

Its red glow ensures harmony in

love relationships. Rubies teach con-

stancy and point the way to perfect

oneness with the cosmos. 40

Peter Clérin

who Nour-

ish has fea-

tured a couple of times is a unique individual

spreading light and love in Quebec and beyond. I

say beyond as he has traveled with his music and

also has it readily available on iTunes and at Ama-

zon. This month I would like to focus on Peter’s

music, Spiritual Vibration Music.

In Peter’s own words (from his website

“The Archangel Gabriel, who takes charge of Crea-tion, helps me compose a Celestial music. I am also accompanied by the Archangel Raphaël for the healing of the physical, emotional and men-t a l b o d i e s . With these two Archangels, this music, which comes from the other side, can help you raise the vibration of your soul. May peace be with you!”

Peace definitely is what comes over you as you lis-

ten to his music.

Peter has 3 new cd’s out Angel Hierarchy, Univer-

sal Laws, and Soul Families. Bringing his total to

13 cd’s, which are all beautifully composed pieces

with a different flare. Whether you want music to

meditate with, for your healing practice or just to

kick back and relax you will want to check them

out. Each cd listed has a sampling of each song so

you can have a brief listen before purchasing. (Find

the list here

cdpageeng.htm) I was attracted to “Angel Hierar-

chy” first but decided that I would check out “Soul

Families” instead. I was not disappointed.

The song titles on Soul Families are; Rooted Souls,

Accompanying Souls, Benefactor Souls, Builders of

Love, Earth and Cosmic Fairies, Teachers of Truth,

Artistic Creators, Master Directors, Spirit Rescu-

ers, Warriors of Light, Healers of Light and Old

Souls. I headed straight to the Old Souls sample;

in that 43 second sample it felt like I was being ig-

nited in my center. I was syncing up with some-

thing long forgotten and embracing source energy,

a return to the bosom of all that was, is and will

continue to be.

Next I clicked on Warriors of Light. It felt very

powerful and like I was being washed clear of accu-

mulated junk in my aura. I actually listened to

this sample a few times as it felt so cool to allow

the energy of the music wash over me.

I decided to check out Teachers of Truth. I actually

sat taller in my chair when the first note struck.

Something interesting also happened while listen-

ing to this selection the second time. I closed my

eyes to relax into the music fully and there were

many beings coming closer to me and embracing

me. The sense of joy that washed over me and the

sense of integrity was enough to bring tears to my


As music is subjective in the fact that everyone ex-

periences it differently I asked a couple friends to

listen to 3 songs that they intiuitvely felt guided

towards. Here are their impressions

I found that I was not able to only listen once. Each

piece not only drew me back for more, but gave

more with each hearing. The first piece was

“Healers of Light.” I felt this right in my heart cen-

tre – as though my body was responding to some-

thing loved and familiar. The second time I became

aware of sparkles of light moving around and

about my body.

The second piece was “Old Souls,” and again I was

drawn right into it. I listened and became aware of

a peaceful valley, one that I seemed to know. The

second listening brought forth bear – beautiful,

Marlene Cobb

knowing, warm bear. Then wolf came in…but not the

calm, serene wolf: rather, a bouncy, playful wolf!

The third piece was “Bearers of Love” and I listened to

this over and over again, drawn to the feeling of full-

ness in my heart.

VE , Vancouver, BC

1) Builders of Love… this sample immediately brought

tears to my eyes and goose bumps as my heart

opened and expanded in infinite waves of love.

Beautiful, I listened to it more than once, in fact I

listened to it several times.

2) Earth and Cosmic Fairies… I felt like fairies were

flittering around me, playing with different parts of

me, like my hair. It felt very light, airy, and expan-


3) Warriors of Light… this one made me feel taller and

clearer… more centered in myself.

4) Healers of Light… instantly I felt calmer. Again my

heart expanded as waves of love flowed over me.

Tears came to my eyes, the joyful, heart full kind of


MH, Toronto, ON

Soul Families “Are you a daydreamer or down to earth, an old soul or an embracing soul? You can belong to several soul families. It will help you contact your soul family and know the position in which it is located. The vibration of this music will help you understand yourself as a soul and, also, to better understand oth-ers. “

“We all left the Source, that great Sun, because our small candle did not allow us to see our light in all this brightness. We chose to move away temporarily from this source to explore the creation, a huge play-ground that alows us to experiment all possibil- 41

Click on the icons below to purchase: iTunes

Connect with Peter on

ities. To do this, we had to densify our soul in order to integrate the worlds of experimentation. We got together in different soul families to make the most of these experiences. The vibration of this music will help you under-stand yourself as a soul and also help you to better understand others.”

Next month we will check out Angel Hierarchy. In the mean time check out Peter’s wonderful cd’s for yourself.

Lisa Schell 42

Transformational and Spiritual Life Coaching

Q: How are Life Coaches different from Counsel-


A: Life coaching is not counselling. Life Coaches

are there to support, coach and guide you in remov-

ing any blockages or stress in any area of your life from

relationship conflicts, family challenges, work challeng-

es, and trauma, to depression, family loss or general life

challenges. Therapists provide counselling and have

the technical expertise to diagnose any mental health

issues such as clinical depress or bipolar disorder and

may recommend drug therapy as treatment. Life

Coaches do not do this nor do they tell their clients

what to do but through in-depth exploration they help

empower their clients to seek the answers. Together

they create goals and a plan for a compelling future.

Q: What do Transformational Life Coaches do?

A: Transformational Life Coaches aim is to help their

clients remove the blockages that are preventing

them from experiencing the life of their dreams.

Healing at the deepest level begins with a willingness

to look within your own shadow. Fear is what is keep-

ing you from healing and living a life of abundance,

peace and joy. Our shadow represents the lessons in

life we must face in order to grow stronger. Be coura-

geous enough to recognize and resolve those areas of

your life that need healing and releasing. Once you

do this you will be giving yourself the opportunity to

move forward in a positive direction. Life Coaches are

there to walk this journey of healing with you!

Transformational Coaching is deep coaching work that

involves discovering your strengths, values, and hidden

resources; transforming negative experiences and

thinking into powerful learning systems that give you an 43

edge in becoming your best self; creating a vision us-

ing the positive emotional pathway of your brain and

nervous system; creating a step by step action plan

using a variety of simple tools; uncovering your soul

and deepest beliefs and desires in order to support

yourself compassionately for years to come. Transfor-

mational Life Coaching gives you the power to man-

age the changes in your life from the inside out. It cre-

ates easy changes in positive and powerful ways.

Q: How is Transformational Life Coaching different

from Coaching?

A: Unlike coaching that strictly focuses on creating

and achieving goals by examining and changing your

behaviors, transformational coaching is " coaching

from the inside out. and the outside in" . Through skill-

ful practices that bring body, mind emotion and spirit

into balance and harmony, Life Coaches give you a

safe space to explore who you REALLY are, what moti-

vates you, what gives you energy and what (and

who) you REALLY want to be.

Q: How does Transformational Life Coaching Bene-

fit Me?

A: Clears the mental, emotional, and physical

aspects of your life that keep you from being your best

self and bringing them all back into balance

· Releases old patterns of thinking and behaviour

· You learn basic everyday tools to replace the

negative mind chatter

· Promotes a deep feeling of calm

· Helps you to gain clarity on what’s important to

you (setting goals)

· Promotes a sense of purpose in your life (finding


· Inspires you to appreciate the positive in every


Q: What do Spiritual Life Coaches do?

A: Spiritual Life Coaches help you align your inner

spiritual life with your outer life. It' s a system that helps

to clear away mental, emotional and physical clutter

so you can hear the messages from within your own

soul. It also helps you discover your true life’s purpose

that God created for you so you can design a life that

supports that mission. Together we work to clear away

inner debris, so you can discover your own inner wis-

dom. Spiritual Life Coaching uses motivation, inquiry

and observation, and holding you accountable as

techniques to help you reach a higher level of excel-

lence. It is a path of the heart…a process that will

deeply empower your life.

It’s a fun, inspiring, and practical process to fire up your

mind, body, spirit, and heart! Your Spiritual Life Coach

will work with you to design a life from that powerful

place…think life coaching….but with a more holistic

approach. You will then be supported to develop a

daily spiritual practice including powerful positive affir-

mations, mirror work, journaling, meditation and soul

searching to name a few.

An individual session can focus on a particular chal-

lenge (i.e. finding your soul mate, overcoming a spe-

cific fear, losing weight, healing a past wound, finding

resolution to a past/present conflict, cultivating more

joy in your life) or can be used as a more general

body/mind/spirit “tune-up”.

Q: How does Spiritual Life Coaching Benefit Me?

A: Dissolves negative and self-limiting beliefs and

destructive behaviour patterns

· Helps you discover your passion, meaning and

purpose in life as God has intended for you

· Greater connection to your inner wisdom

· Shapes your vision and dreams

· Creates a plan for inspired living

· Improves your Self-Esteem

· Helps you to become a conscious and awakened


· Opens the door for positive growth and new op-


Chances are you’re already an amazing person, but

you’re ready to take it to the next level and step into

your most powerful and ALIVE self. I celebrate your


I offer one-on-one coaching sessions in person, over

the phone/Skype and eCoaching. For a limited time

only, I am offering my services at way below normal

industry rates. Please see my website for further de-

tails. Blessings, Lisa

Lisa Schell, Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach & Energy Healer

A Clear Pathway To You Ph: (604) 612-1450 [email protected] or connect on Facebook: 44

Essential Oils– Vera Enshaw

One of the great things about Young Living’s blend names is that just

by looking at the label one can see what a blend is useful for.

RELEASETM is an excellent example of that! Whether one is seeking

physical, mental, emotional or spiritual release, this blend will assist in

the process.

There are so many ways to use this delicious blend. If you are working

on yourself, hold the bottle in front of your solar plexus chakra. With

the intent of releasing whatever is going on for you, ask where on your

body it should be applied. I find that asking “upper body” or “lower

body,” “back” or “front” and then getting specific, i.e. “liver,” really


You can put it in your bath or put a drop on a cotton ball and bring it to

bed with you—invite a gentle release through your dreams! If you are

working on releasing a trauma, an addiction, a memory, even a rela-

tionship—carry the bottle with you. Every time the issue comes to mind

or makes itself known in your body, open the bottle and take several

good, deep breaths. Follow these with the clearing energy of Purifica-tionTM essential oil blend.

If you are helping clients clear issues or traumas, diffuse ReleaseTM into

the room prior to their arrival. Have them put a drop on their heart cen-

ter before commencing their session. You may want to explore some of

Young Living’s powerful companion oils: Trauma LifeTM and SARATM,

TransformationTM….there are so many that have been created to bring

the highest frequency oils together to assist people in letting go of lower

level frequencies that are holding them back.

This blend is also helpful for releasing muscle cramps and spasms. Just

rub on location—and then hold your cupped hands in front of your nose

and breathe deep to help release the emotional pain that comes with

physical pain! 45

As with all of Young Living’s oils and blends—there are

many applications. The best resource is you and your own

intuition. Use it!

(Short lesson on kinesiology: make your left hand into a fist, and cover it with your right hand. Hold them in front of your solar plexus and ask the question “show me Yes”. You may get an immediate physical response, such as a rocking mo-tion or you may get a feeling. Trust it! Then ask the question “show me No”. Same type of response, only if it’s physical it will probably be in the opposite direction. My body is sim-ple—yes is a forward movement, no is a backward move-ment. Practice by doing.)

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and

blends, please contact me by email at [email protected]

or go to the YL website:

Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.


Contact Vera at

[email protected]

for more information. 46

Rune of the Month

The rune I drew this month is Jera. It is the rune of har-

vest and the reaping of rewards for energy expended.

This can be karmic in nature as in a good deed returned

for a good deed done. The rewards could also be a repay-

ment for an outlay of time or money in the past.

Jera is also the rune of justice and legalities of every

kind and it sometimes appears in a runecast as an indi-

cation that the subject is concerned about some legal

matter, although it does not always indicate a positive


Because the harvest can only come after considerable

energy and care, Jera implies that events will come to

fruition in the fullness of time. Sometimes the delay in

question is of a legal matter such as obtaining a divorce

or finalizing a sale of property.

If in the result position, Jera usually shows a positive

outcome to the dilemma, often utilizing legal help.

If the runecast is primarily negative this will not be the

case, although all is not lost if Jera is in the result posi-

tion of a negative cast. It would then imply that many of

the failures and problems of the past can be altered by a

more diligent effort on the part of the individual in ques-


It can also be a warning to not speak ill of others before

all the facts are known.

As with other runes, Jera shows that nothing comes for

free. Your actions have to be just and true to receive

your reward.


Reward for positive action,

plenty, peace, proper timing

Contact Phil at

[email protected]

for more information. 47

Audrey Hepburn 48

Owl has glided into my life a few times over the past few

years most recently around our Thanksgiving weekend in

Canada. While driving home an owl flew over our vehicle

as we turned off the freeway. It was a barn owl and since I

have been seeing owl decorations lately and have been

attracted to them I decided I should perhaps pay attention

to what Owl’s message is about.

Owls are great observers. This is how they find their food

source. Silently watching the landscape for any movement

then waiting and watching until just the precise moment

to silently swoop in and scoop their prey up in their talons.

Become the observer in your life, sit silently, slow down

and see what is revealed to you. Open your eyes and truly

examine how things are not on the surface but what is just

below the surface. What is hidden from view? Is it time to

let go of some part of your life that is no longer needed?

Your inner voice is there to guide you allow Owl to help

pierce through the shadows, and beyond any fear to the

other side of knowledge. Use this knowledge for your or

others best interest. Trust your instincts when owl shows

up for you are seeing what others are not.

Owl is the symbol of the feminine, the moon and the night.

Native groups have called owl the night eagle and as the

owl is a bird of magic, darkness, prophecy and wisdom this

aligns with eagle.

The owl is associated with Athena, is the goddess of wis-

dom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just

warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts,

and skill. No one is sure the exact reason why the owl is

associated with Athena, the best version I have come

across while writing this is that “the way that the owls eyes

glowed reflected the inner light of wisdom”. Hence since

Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom this would make


Tu-witt, Tu-whoo, what does owls wisdom bring to you?

Sit quietly meditating with owl this month and see what

hidden gifts you can find.

Power Animal Marlene Cobb



Wisdom 49

November 2013 50

Message from the Angels


WE come to you this month with a message that is

dear to many of you. Many of you are searching for

that one relationship where everything clicks. The

golden egg of relationships where everything is sun-

shine and roses all the time. We are not saying this

is not possible, in fact we have watched many find

just such relationships and revel in the joy that

they create. We ask you to start having an authen-

tic relationship with your-self. When you heal your

past relationships (all relationships not just the ro-

mantic ones) you are syncing with your true self .

When you are in alignment with your true self eve-

rything flows, including that special love you are

searching for.

Healing starts with releasing any guilt, blame,

grudges, shame, frustration, and annoyances you

are holding onto. To heal these holds think of them

as drops of water seeping deep into the earth. They

are providing nourishment for the plants and are

absorbed into them. Transmuted into life giving ox-

ygen. Perhaps you have deep rooted emotional scars

that need healing before you can allow yourself to

become fully committed to a relationship. Remem-

ber you will only attract that which you are ready

for and what you feel you deserve. Heal your inner

self and see what comes for new beginnings are

close at hand.

Call upon Archangel Michael to help you find the

courage and determination to clear out the last of

these bonds that are holding you back from re-

ceiving the relationship you desire. While he is not

the angel of relationships he is the angel of action

and is more than capable of helping you prepare

yourself so that you are ready.

We hear your requests and are at your side. Ask us

to guide you to the right resources so that you may

know lasting love and we will not fail you.

Sending love from our soul to yours … your angels 51

Aids digestion and


Breaks up phlegm

and mucus.

Makes skin supple

and blemish free.

Sooths sore



helps flush

toxins from

your system

Boosts the



Vitamin C


Helps balance pH


In the past Nourish has provided articles

that have focused on one crystal or a couple

at a time. I am a huge believer in the bene-

fits of crystals and my home reflects this in

the number of crystals I own. They hold an

energy that is unique to each stone which

vibrates and tunes in with our energy to

assist in healing all levels, emotional, phys-

ical, spiritual, and mental. I believe there

is a crystal for every aspect in our life; the

journey is ours to find out which one fits at

any given moment.

All crystals have beneficial properties but

each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up

under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological

sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for

one person is not necessarily true for the next.

Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not

all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your sign handy and carry

around those that do. If a stone does not resonate with you now, still find one that you are attracted to, down the road

you might find you are drawn to that one crystal.

Starting with the current astrological sign – Scorpio – we are going to feature one sign each month.

Hematite - an espe-

cially helpful stone

to one born under

Scorpio. It offers pa-

tience and peace of

mind. It enables

compromise and

trust towards your partner and al-

lows Scorpio to put aside their own

wishes and give to another.

Coral - Red coral

helps Scorpio to

fully enjoy life. It

brings joy, energy,

sensuality, and

protects them from

envy and resentment. It also helps a

Scorpio deal with jealousy and self-


Fluorite - promotes

intellectual develop-

ment. It harmonizes

the positive and

negative aspects of

the intellect. Flour-

ite helps Scorpio use their intellec-

tual gifts, endurance and will power

for the good of others, and saves

them from overweening egotism.

Earth Crystals

Photo by Phil Nielsen