November 14, 2011. Participants will learn how the observation rubric and Marzano’s Research...

November 14, 2011

Transcript of November 14, 2011. Participants will learn how the observation rubric and Marzano’s Research...

November 14, 2011

Participants will learn how the observation rubric and Marzano’s Research relates to the instructional evaluation instrument and the role of the Mentor Teacher in helping school faculties better understand the research elements.

1. Unsatisfactory (No Comfort Level)

2. Developing/Needs Improvement (Growing Comfort Level)

3. Effective (Medium-High Comfort Level)4. Highly Effective (High Comfort Level)


◦ Fold your yellow paper so you four sections Write fall, winter, summer, fall…one in each section

◦ Identify 4 friends, one for each section You and your friend will write each other’s names for

each season

Activity #1

◦ Find your fall friend◦ Discuss 3-5 things that you know about the

Instructional Evaluation Instrument (good, bad, ugly)

◦ Using the rubric, rate yourself on the 3-5 items you discussed with your friend

Activity #2 (think, pair, share)

◦ Think of a pie in the sky implementation and then a realistic implementation (write down)

◦ Find your winter friend◦ Share your pie in the sky and your realistic

implementation plans◦ Using the rubric rate, your answers

Activity #3

◦ In ability groups, share what your school has done (or plans to do) to help your teachers become comfortable with the Instructional Evaluation Instrument. Be ready to give recommendations that will show the group consensus of things that are working well. (chart paper)

◦ Share (large group)

◦ Using the rubric, rate yourself

Evaluation of Learning Goal (thumbs up/thumbs down)

◦ Highly Effective◦ Effective◦ Developing◦ Unsatisfactory

Activity #4

Using the observation rubric, identify some elements you saw in the lesson. How would you rank me?

Think, Pair, Share (spring friend) Whole Group Sharing Questions

Marianne Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)

Support Resources (PD360) Book Studies Next Steps Questions