NOVEL DECONSTRUCTION. Deconstructions and writing prompts will be checked every Tuesday.

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Transcript of NOVEL DECONSTRUCTION. Deconstructions and writing prompts will be checked every Tuesday.

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  • Deconstructions and writing prompts will be checked every Tuesday.
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  • Deconstructing the text Box unfamiliar words and identify them using Vocabulary Chart process Develop 1 question for every two pages (can be written in novel, on a separate sheet, or sticky notes). If written outside of novel, please note page numbers. Underline and label story elements such as: theme, symbolism, aspects of plot, characterization, figurative language, point of view, main idea, elements of text, clues for authors purpose, tone, mood, irony, etc. Circle and label the following: anything you deem important to overall story line, anything that may be confusing, or something that makes you go AHA! *As you continue to hone your deconstruction skills, it is strongly suggested that you begin to develop your own style!
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  • Vocabulary Chart The following is a sample vocabulary chart that is due for either assigned words (such as your vocabulary lists or for some novel assignments), or words you are unfamiliar with while reading. It is only a sample; you may add more rows as necessary. Unfamiliar WordDefinitionYour Own Definition
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  • Summary You will be required to summarize each reading assignment of your novel. Remember to include the main idea along with supporting details, and not to retell the story. You may write this on a separate page, or in your novel (last page of chapter if space is available).
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  • Literary Elements Questions What was the main idea of this reading assignment? Based on what you read, what will most likely happen next? What is the tone/mood of this assignment? Which characteristic best describes the main character? Which experience is most similar to the main characters experience? Is there any irony in this reading assignment? If so, please explain. Is there any symbolism in this reading assignment? If so, please explain.