Notifying Authority, Designation of Notified Bodies and ...

TAIEX Workshop on EU Construction Products Regulation IM 57146 Notifying Authority, Designation of Notified Bodies and Product Contact Point Teresa Casaca | Israel | 25 November 2014

Transcript of Notifying Authority, Designation of Notified Bodies and ...

TAIEX Workshop on EU Construction Products Regulation

IM 57146

Notifying Authority, Designation of Notified Bodies and Product Contact Point

Teresa Casaca | Israel | 25 November 2014


Presentation overview

1. IPQ- Portuguese Institute for Quality

2. Horizontal Legal Framework

3. Legal Framework

4. National Legislation

5. Notifying Authority

6. Notified Bodies (NB)

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)

8. Product Contact Point

1. IPQ- Portuguese Institute for Quality

Legal nature

Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ), created on 12th July 1986, is a public institute integrated into the indirect administration of the State under the superintendence and guidance of the Minister of Economy


Portuguese Quality Sytem (PSQ) 1. IPQ- Portuguese Institute for Quality






• Scientific

• Applied

• Legal


• National

Standardization Body (NST)

• Sectorial


Bodies (SSB)


Accreditation (IPAC)

• Laboratories

• Inspection & Certification

• Bodies

Certification Organizations; Products;

Persons 4

1. IPQ- Portuguese Institute for Quality

Competencies and responsibilities • Responsible for managing and coordinating of PSQ • National Standardization Body • National Institution of Metrology • European Affairs:

Monitoring of EU Directives (e.g. Low Voltage , Simple Pressure Vessels, Measuring

Instruments, Non-automatic Weighing Instruments) Notifying Authority (NB) under Regulation (EU) 305/2011 and other Directives (89/686/EEC;

97/23/EC; 2004/22/EC; 2006/95/EC; 2009/23/EC ; 2009/48/EC; 2009/105/EC; 2009/142/EC)

Designating Authority (TAB) under Regulation (EU) 305/2011 National Point Notification for Directives 98/34 and 98/48 National Point Notification under Regulation (EC) 2679/98 Coordinator of Network PCP under Regulation (EC) 764/2008 and PCP of ME Product Contact Point under Regulation (EU) 305/2011



‘New legislative framework' (NLF) for marketing of products

Regulation (EC) n.º 764/2008

Mutual Recognition Regulation

Regulation (EC) n.º 765/2008

Requirements for Accreditation and Market Surveillance

Decision n.º 768/2008/EC Common framework for the

marketing of products

2. Horizontal Legal Framework

2. Horizontal Legal Framework

• While Regulations 765/2008 and 764/2008 are directly applicable, the

Decision 768/2008 contains reference provisions which are to be incorporated in future product legislation

• Regulation 765/2008 and Decision 768/2008 are fully complementary and together form the basis of a consistent legal framework for the marketing of products

• Regulation 764/2008 (mutual recognition regulation) laying down the procedures

relating to the application of certain national technical rules to products lawfully marketed in another Member State

(e.g. products not subject to EU harmonisation: foodstuffs such as bread and pasta, furniture, bicycles, ladders and precious metals)


2. Horizontal Legal Framework

The Package of measures known as the "New legislative framework" (NLF) was adopted to reinforce the application and enforcement of internal market legislation, among the others,

• Improves market surveillance rules, to better protect both consumers and professionals from unsafe products

• Clarifies the meaning of CE marking and so enhances its credibility

• Establishes a common legal framework for industrial products in the form of a toolbox of measures for use in future legislation

• Boost the quality of the conformity assessment of products through stronger clearer rules on the requirements for the notification of conformity assessment bodies including the increased use of Accreditation


3. Legal Framework

REGULATION (EU) N.º 305/2011 (CPR)

• Laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC

Notified Bodies are designated by Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as by other countries (e.g. Switzerland or Turkey) having signed a specific agreement with the EU


3. Legal Framework

REGULATION (EU) N.º 305/2011 (CPR)

Implementing and Delegated Acts under CPR


• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1062/2013 of 30 October 2013 (OJ L 289,31.10.2013, p.42) on European Technical Assessment format

• Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 157/2014 of 30 October 2013 (OJ L 52,8.2.2014, p.1) on e-supply of Declaration of Performance (conditions for making a declaration of performance on construction products available on a website)

• Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014 of 18 February 2014 (OJ L 157,27.5.2014, p.76) amending Annex V to the CPR (regards the assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products)

• Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 574/2014 of 21 February 2014 (OJ L 159,28.5.2014, p.41) amending Annex III to the CPR (model to be used for drawing up a declaration of performance on construction products)


The main purpose of CPR

Remove technical barriers to trade in field of construction products between Member States within the European Economic Area (EEA): free movement of construction products

The instruments

• System of harmonised technical specifications - hENs (traditional construction products) - EADs (usually for innovative products)

• System of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) of the construction product in relation to certain essential characteristics

• Framework of Notified Bodies (Product Certification Bodies, Factory production control certification bodies, Laboratories)

• CE marking of construction products

3. Legal Framework


• 1th July 2013, coming into force of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) brought new CE marking rules

• Materials bearing CE marking comply with EU standards and should create trust

throughout the construction value chain • Trust opens new markets, extends opportunities and simplifies procedures European Commission (DG ENTR) has created a video showcasing CE mark for construction products:

3. Legal Framework

4. National legislation

CPR and national provisions

• Although CPR is a Regulation and directly applicable, the EU Members should establish national provisions for its execution on the internal legal order

• National Decree-law establish among others, the national regulatory authorities and their responsibilities


The Role of Notifying Authority

• Member States shall designate a Notifying Authority (Article 40.º)

• Notifying Authority is responsible for notification of bodies under CPR

• Notifying authority, shall be responsible for setting up and carrying out the necessary procedures for the assessment and notification of the bodies to be authorised to carry out third-party tasks in the process of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) for the purposes of CPR

• Notifying Authority is responsible for monitoring the activity of notified bodies

5. Notifying Authority


IPQ is the Notifying Authority in Portugal

The list of Notifying Authorities are publish is NANDO

Notification Procedures by country are publish is NANDO

6. Notified Bodies (NBs)

• Notified Bodies (NBs) are the only recognised third party bodies that can carry out

a conformity assessments laid down in the relevant harmonised European standards (hEN) or European Assessment Documents (EAD) which including the necessary technical details for the implementation of AVCP

• The range of possible notifiable tasks are:

• product certification • factory production control (FPC) certification • laboratory

• Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) define the degree of involvement of third parties (Notified Body) in assessing the conformity of the product according to the relevant technical specification


6. Notified Bodies (NBs) Tasks and AVCP Systems

Five different systems (1+,1,2+,3 and 4) of Assessment of Performance and Verification of Constancy (AVCP) are described in Annex V of CPR 1 that determine the procedures for assessment and verification


AVCP System

1+ 1 2+ 3 4







Factory production control (FCP)

Further testing of simples taken by the manufacturer

Assessment of the performance

Initial inspection (plant and FPC)

Continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of FPC

Audit – testing of simples taken by Notified Body

NB Notified Body M Manufaturer

1 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014 of 18 February 2014, amending Annex V to the CPR

6. Notified Bodies (NBs)

• The AVCP Systems and task of Notified Body


System Type of Notified Body

1+ Product Certification


Restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of

constancy of performance of the construction product on the

basis of the outcome of the following assessments and

verifications carried out by that body:

• an assessment of the performance of the construction

product carried out on the basis of testing (including

sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive

documentation of the product;

• initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of

factory production control;

• continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of

factory production control;

• audit — testing of samples taken by the notified

product certification body at the manufacturing plant or

at the manufacturer's storage facilities.

Task of Notified Body

S y s t e m T y p e o f N o t if ie d b o d y

T a s k s o f t h e N o t if ie d B o d y

1 P ro d u c t C e rt if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f t h e c o n s t a n c y o f p e r fo rm a n c e o f t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e b a s is o f : · d e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g ( in c lu d in g s a m p lin g ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t ; · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e il la n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l.

1 + P ro d u c t C e rt if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f t h e c o n s t a n c y o f p e r fo rm a n c e o f t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e b a s is o f : · d e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g ( in c lu d in g s a m p lin g ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t ; · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e i lla n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l. · a u d it -t e s t in g o f s a m p le s t a k e n b e fo re p la c in g t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e m a rk e t .

2 + F a c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l c e r t if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f c o m p lia n c e o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l o n t h e b a s is o f : · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e il la n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l

3 T e s t la b o ra t o ry D e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p r o d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g (b a s e d o n s a m p lin g c a rr ie d o u t b y t h e m a n u fa c t u re r ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t .

4 - N o in t e rv e n t io n re q u ire d b y t h e n o t if ie d b o d y .

Source: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014 of 18 February 2014, amending Annex V to the CPR

6. Notified Bodies (NBs)

• The AVCP Systems and task of Notified Body


System Type of Notified Body

1 Product Certification


Restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of

constancy of performance of the construction product on the

basis of the outcome of the following assessments and

verifications carried out by that body:

• an assessment of the performance of the construction

product carried out on the basis of testing (including

sampling), calculation, tabulated values or descriptive

documentation of the product;

• initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of

factory production control;

• continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of

factory production control;

Task of Notified Body

S y s t e m T y p e o f N o t if ie d b o d y

T a s k s o f t h e N o tif ie d B o d y

1 P ro d u c t C e rt if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f t h e c o n s t a n c y o f p e r fo rm a n c e o f t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e b a s is o f : · d e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g ( in c lu d in g s a m p lin g ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t ; · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e il la n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l.

1 + P ro d u c t C e rt if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f t h e c o n s t a n c y o f p e r fo rm a n c e o f t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e b a s is o f : · d e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g ( in c lu d in g s a m p lin g ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t ; · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e i lla n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l. · a u d it -t e s t in g o f s a m p le s t a k e n b e fo re p la c in g t h e p ro d u c t o n t h e m a rk e t .

2 + F a c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l c e rt if ic a t io n b o d y

C e rt if ic a t io n o f c o m p lia n c e o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l o n t h e b a s is o f : · in it ia l in s p e c t io n o f t h e m a n u fa c t u r in g p la n t a n d o f fa c t o ry p r o d u c t io n c o n t ro l; · c o n t in u o u s s u rv e il la n c e , a s s e s s m e n t a n d e v a lu a t io n o f fa c t o ry p ro d u c t io n c o n t ro l

3 T e s t la b o ra t o ry D e t e rm in a t io n o f t h e p r o d u c t -t y p e o n t h e b a s is o f t y p e t e s t in g (b a s e d o n s a m p lin g c a rr ie d o u t b y t h e m a n u fa c t u re r ) , t y p e c a lc u la t io n , t a b u la t e d v a lu e s o r d e s c r ip t iv e d o c u m e n t a t io n o f t h e p ro d u c t .

4 - N o in t e rv e n t io n re q u ire d b y t h e n o t if ie d b o d y .

Source: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014 of 18 February 2014, amending Annex V to the CPR

9. Notified Bodies (NBs)

• The AVCP Systems and task of Notified Body


Source: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 568/2014 of 18 February 2014, amending Annex V to the CPR

System Type of Notified Body

2 + Factory production

control certification


3 Laboratory Performance on the basis of testing (based on sampling

carried out by the manufacturer), calculation, tabulated

values or descriptive documentation of the construction


Restriction, suspension or withdrawal of the certificate of

conformity of the factory production control on the basis of

the outcome of the following assessments and verifications

carried out by that body:

• initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of

factory production control;

• continuing surveillance, assessment and evaluation of

factory production control;

Task of Notified Body

6. Notified Bodies (NB)

Acreditation • A Notified Body is a third-party accredited (certificate of accreditation is valid for 4 years)

• In Portugal accreditation is required in order to be authorised the notified bodies acting for all AVCP systems for the products referred in harmonised standards

References of accreditation standards:


The National Accreditation Body (NAB) is the Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC)

National procedures • Applicant bodies for notification shall submit a request to the Notifying Authority (Article 47.º of the CPR and pursuant to national legislation), and adding the necessary documentation:

• Accreditation certificate which including the scope of the activities for which they seek to be notified, attesting that they meet the requirements laid down in Article 43 of the CPR (independence; professional integrity; technical competence; appropriate

personnel with knowledge, experience and ability; necessary resources; impartiality and professional secrecy)

• Description of the activities to be carried out and the system of assessment and verification of constancy of performance

• Procedures adopted by applicant body to be notified

• Participate directly or through a designated representative in the group works of notified bodies (GNB) and its sub-groups (Article 43(11) of the CPR)

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


Electronic notification • Notification of bodies to the European Commission (EC) shall follow the applicable procedure as defined in Articles 48.º and 49.º of the CPR • The National Notifying Authority communicate the notification to EC through the electronic notification system NANDO-input

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


Notified Bodies under CPR • A list of all officially Notified Bodies under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) is available in the database NANDO Information System

• The numbering previously assigned to the notified bodies under Directive 89/106/CCE, shall be maintained

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


Perform the activities of a Notified Body (paragraph 5 of Article 48.º of RPC)

After the process of notification the body may perform their activities of a notified body only where no objections are raised by the Commission or other Member States within,

• 2 weeks of notification where an accreditation certificate is used • 2 months of notification where an accreditation certificate is not used

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


I - Particular cases A) Horizontal notification

• CPR includes the concept of horizontal notification in clause 3 of Annex V - assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the CPR: "CASES OF ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS WHERE REFERENCE TO A RELEVANT HARMONISED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION IS NOT REQUIRED

1.Reaction to fire 2. Resistance to fire 3. External fire performance 4. Acoustic performance 5. Emissions of dangerous substances”

• The accreditation for each of the characteristics shown above shall be verified, in particular in regard to laboratories

6. Notified Bodies (NB)

25 25

A) Horizontal notification • Reference to each of the applicable harmonised technical specifications for notification purposes is not required (paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 48 of the CPR) (CPR document 003/13 of the European Commission) • This means that a Notifying Authority may designate a body for one of more of the above essential characteristics

e.g. Bodies would not therefore need to seek notification to each harmonised technical specification but the horizontal specifications :

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


B) Article 46.º of CPR

Use of facilities outside the testing laboratory of the notified body

• On request of the manufacturer and where justified by technical, economic or logistic reasons, NBs may decide to carry out the tests (referred to in Annex V) for the systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance 1+, 1 and 3 in an external laboratory • Before carrying out those tests, NB shall verify whether the requirements of the test method are satisfied and shall evaluate:

• test equipment has an appropriate calibration system and the traceability of the measurements is guaranteed

• the quality of the test results is ensured

NBs intending to use this option should request its notification under Art 46 of the CPR to the Notifying Authority

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


II - Particular cases C) Extension of notification • Notified bodies under the CPR may apply for the extension of the scope of the notification • Requirements for the process of extension of notification are the same as for the notification process

D) Denotification • Formal total or partial withdrawal or suspension of a notification when a Notified Body no longer conforms to the requirements or no longer fulfil its responsibilities

6. Notified Bodies (NB)


Monitoring Notified Bodies (Article 53.º of the CPR)

The Notified Bodies shall provide the Notifying Authority the following information:

• Copy of any amendments of the accreditation certificate

• Any refusal, restriction, suspension or withdrawal of certificates

• Circumstances affecting the scope of and conditions for notification

• Request for information they have received from market surveillance authorities regarding assessment and/or verification of constancy of performance activities

• On request, indication of the tasks performed, as third parties, under the assessment and verification of constancy of performance systems within the scope of their notification, and any other activity performed, including cross-border and subcontracting activities

• Specific annual reports describing the activity as a NB, and a statement on the compliance with the requirements of the Article 43 of CPR

• Annual reports describing their participation in the group of notified bodies (GNB)

6. Notify Bodies (NB)


7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB) • A Technical Assessment Body (TAB) is in charge of the assessment and issue the European Technical Assessment (ETA) in a product area (Table 1 of Annex IV of CPR ) for which it has been designated

• Designation of TABs is based on criteria established in Chapter V (Article 29.º , 30.º) and Table 2, Annex IV of CPR

• Member States shall inform the Commission of their national procedures for the designation of TABs and monitoring of their activity and competences, also any changes of that information

• A list of all officially Designated Bodies under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) is available in the database NANDO Information System

• European Organisation for Technical Assessment in the area of construction products

• EOTA comprises all Technical Assessment Bodies (TABs) designated


7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


Following a request for a European Technical Assessment (ETA) by a manufacturer, a European Assessment Document (EAD) shall be drawn up and adopted by the organisation of TABs for any construction product not covered or not fully covered by a harmonised standard

European Assessment Document (EAD):

• Developed for construction products not covered, or not fully covered, by a hEN • Provides the basis on which a European Technical Assessment (ETA) and CE Marking affixed • Requested by the manufacturer • List of references of the final EADs will be published by the Commission in the Official Journal of

the European Union

European Technical Assessment (ETA) is issued on basis of a EAD and shall include:

• Performance to be declared, by levels or classes, or in a description, of those essential characteristics agreed by the manufacturer

• TAB receiving the request for the European Technical Assessment (ETA) for the declared intended use, and technical details necessary for the implementation of the system of assessment and verification of constancy of performance


7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)

Designation of TABs

Applicant body shall submit a request to the Designating Authority and adding the necessary documentation:

• Statement that they comply with the requirements in Table 2 of Annex IV to the Regulation

• Submit the request to national competent authority for the designation Technical Assessment Bodies under CPR, indicating the product area or areas of Table 1 of Annex IV of CPR

• Procedure manual of implemented system, demonstrating compliance of the requirements of Table 2 of Annex IV of CPR

• Undertake the contribution to the organization of the TABs, as provided for in Article 31(5) of CPR

• Document from the Comission:“Pratical advice for MS on TAB designation” (10 questions)


Annex IV - Table 1 of CPR

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


Annex IV - Table 2 of CPR

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


Monitoring of TABs Article 29(3) of CPR

• Designating Authority shall monitoring the activities and competences of TABs they have designated

• Specific annual reports describing the activity undertaken by TAB, and statement on the compliance with the requirements set out in Table 2 of Annex IV of the CPR within the scope of its designation

• Annual reports of participation in organization of TAB • Report with detailed information, whenever there is a change of the conditions

of action as TAB • Document from the Comission:“Pratical advice for MS on TAB designation” (10 questions)

Any changes to that Information shall be provide by Designating Authority to the European Commission (paragraph 3 of Article 29. RPC)

• Compliance with the guidelines approved by the European Commission for carrying out the evaluation of TABs, in accordance with Article 29(4) of CPR

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


Evaluation of TABs Article 29(4) of CPR

• The Commission shall adopt guidelines for carrying out the evaluation of TABs, after

consulting the Standing Committee on Construction, this document should define among

the other the frequency of their evaluation

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


IPQ is a Portuguese Designating Authority and monitoring and evaluating Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB) under CPR

Particular case Designation and Notification The same organization can be both NB and TAB, as it is not excluded in CPR In this case it should be demonstrated: independence, integrity, technical competence, impartiality and confidentiality The declaration of functional independence of the TABs that intend to maintain their activity as an NB is based on: • Organigramme with the organisational structure of the company, showing the

independence between TAB and NB • Explanation as the functional independence of the entities is carried out by TAB and

NB tasks are ensure • Upload in NANDO – Input this information in the process of designation of TAB

7. Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB)


National CPR product contact points Product Contact Points (PCP) must be establish in each MS and shall give information on rules and regulations for construction products, free of charge, to economic operators (Article 10.º of CPR) • In Portugal:

Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ), European Affairs and Portuguese Quality System Departement Rua António Gião, 2 2829-513 CAPARICA Telephone: +351 212 948 226 Email: [email protected] Website:

• List of Product Contact Points for Construction by country

8. Product Contact Points


National CPR product contact points Other useful information provided by CPCPs: • Explanation of CPR and CE marking • Links to CPR and national legislation • Construction Product list subject to CE marking • Information and links to national PCP • Link to other Members States PCPCs

Links • European Comission website: • Frequently asked question on CPR (FAQ) • EOTA webite: • NANDO website:

8. Product Contact Points


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