NOTES ON CODE WORDS...pproved for Release by NSA on 01-26-2015 pursuant to E.O. 3526 . REF...

REF ID:A4146717 ott ·• · J. 394 NOTES ON CODE WORDS [Aug.-Sept., NOTES ON CODE By WILLIAM F. FRIEDi\·!AN, Chief of Signal Intelligence-Service, \\'.ar Department, and CHARLES J. MENDELSOHN, College of the City of New York Int roduct·io n The followi'ng notes believed to be of interest in connection with the present governing the co11struction of code words, as ado.pted in 1928 by the International Telegraph Conference of Brussels. 1 Briefly stated, two types of code language are permissible under the present 1'egulations. \Ve shall proceed first to a consideration of words of the first type, called Ca.tegor)• A words, and conclude with a b'rief discussion of words of the second i:ype, called Category B words, whieh are, it may as well be stated at once, of far less im- portance than. the Category A words. That part of the protocol adopted by the 1928 Teleg-raph Conference dealing with the require111ents which worcls of Category A must fulfill reads as follows: 2 Category A. 1'elegmm.s the iext of which contains code words for med of a. maxi- 11111111of10·.1etters a)id in which there is a./. one vowel when they lwve a. 111a.xin1:11.m of 5 letters, at leas/. 2 vowels when they luwe 6, 7, or 8 letters, mui at. least 3 vowels wlren they //(/.ve 9 or 10 le/./.ers. ln words of more thr1.n 5 letters there be at lerist .one vowel in the! 5 lc/./.ers, and at least _011.e vowel in the remain.der of the word, it being ·1i11dcrstood that wor.ds of 9 or IO letters nnist con/ at ci total of 3 vowels. The vowels a, c, £, o, u, y. A of queries suggest themselves in connection with words of this In orcl'er to understand the origin and significance of these queries, a l?rief history 3 of code language as employed i11 international telegrams must first be presented. It is well k1wwn that the basis of all or practically all modern cable and tele- graph cqdes is· the 5-letJer code word. Thr-ough a loophole unforseen by those who panicipared in fcJrmulating the rnles drawn up by the I 11ternational Tele- graph Conference of London, in-190.1,. it becaine possible to combine two 5-lctter code words to form a 10-let:ter w0rd chaFgeahle as a single word in cablegrams, thus cutting the cost of mess<\ges in half. Code compilers aml cnde users were .very quick tel find and take advantage of this lo1wl10le, with the result that 1 The presenl .rcgulations ll'enl: inro e!Tect 011 Ocl'obcr I, .1929. That they are int1dcquat c and t haL 1 hey .ha \'C acGompl ish the ref orrns .intended is su llicicnrly at tested tu by the fact that propus;;ls fl'r I f'urt"her modification ll'ill const i1 utc one of the most important. subjects 011 the ai;cnda for the forthcoming lnter.q;itional Telegraph Conference, which is scheduled to open in Se1)1cmbcr of 1his ,year at Madrid. 'Code words this type n1ust·.conform toot her requirements not mentioned herein, bnt they arc of .no in1crcs1. in the present discussion. " For a 1)1orc dc1ailcd history sec Friedman, William F., T/11: history 4 codes 1111d co1fo l1111.1:1111gr., the i11tcnrntio1111l tdr.gra/>t1-rr.g11latio11s putai11.,:11g tltcrclo, t1111//ltr. bearinr. of this /1islory on !lie Cortina report, Covcrn111c11r Qflice, \Vashingtun, 1928. pproved for Release by NSA on 01-26-2015 pursuant to E.O. 3526

Transcript of NOTES ON CODE WORDS...pproved for Release by NSA on 01-26-2015 pursuant to E.O. 3526 . REF...

Page 1: NOTES ON CODE WORDS...pproved for Release by NSA on 01-26-2015 pursuant to E.O. 3526 . REF ID:A4146717 1932] NOTES ON CODE WORDS 395 within a short time 5-letter codes became very

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394 NOTES ON CODE WORDS [Aug.-Sept.,


By WILLIAM F. FRIEDi\·!AN, Chief of Signal Intelligence-Service, \\'.ar Department, and CHARLES J. MENDELSOHN, College of the City of New York

Int roduct·io n

The followi'ng notes ~tre believed to be of interest in connection with the present n~gulations governing the co11struction of code words, as ado.pted in 1928 by the International Telegraph Conference of Brussels. 1 Briefly stated, two types of code language are permissible under the present 1'egulations. \Ve shall proceed first to a consideration of words of the first type, called Ca.tegor)• A words, and conclude with a b'rief discussion of words of the second i:ype, called Category B words, whieh are, it may as well be stated at once, of far less im­portance than. the Category A words.

That part of the protocol adopted by the 1928 Teleg-raph Conference dealing with the require111ents which worcls of Category A must fulfill reads as follows: 2

Category A. 1'elegmm.s the iext of which contains code words for med of a. maxi-11111111of10·.1etters a)id in which there is a./. one vowel when they lwve a. 111a.xin1:11.m

of 5 letters, at leas/. 2 vowels when they luwe 6, 7, or 8 letters, mui at. least 3 vowels wlren they //(/.ve 9 or 10 le/./.ers. ln words of more thr1.n 5 letters there be at lerist .one vowel in the! 5 lc/./.ers, and at least _011.e vowel in the remain.der of the word, it being ·1i11dcrstood that wor.ds of 9 or IO letters nnist con/ at ci total of 3 vowels. The vowels a, c, £, o, u, y.

A of queries suggest themselves in connection with words of this categor~'· In orcl'er to understand the origin and significance of these queries, a l?rief history3 of code language as employed i11 international telegrams must first be presented.

It is well k1wwn that the basis of all or practically all modern cable and tele­graph cqdes is· the 5-letJer code word. Thr-ough a loophole unforseen by those who panicipared in fcJrmulating the rnles drawn up by the I 11ternational Tele­graph Conference of London, in-190.1,. it becaine possible to combine two 5-lctter code words to form a 10-let:ter w0rd chaFgeahle as a single word in cablegrams, thus cutting the cost of mess<\ges in half. Code compilers aml cnde users were

.very quick tel find and take advantage of this lo1wl10le, with the result that

1 The presenl .rcgulations ll'enl: inro e!Tect 011 Ocl'obcr I, .1929. That they are int1dcquat c and t haL 1 hey .ha \'C acGompl ish the ref orrns .intended is su llicicnrly at tested tu by the fact that propus;;ls fl'r I hei~ f'urt"her modification ll'ill const i1 utc one of the most important. subjects 011 the ai;cnda for the forthcoming lnter.q;itional Telegraph Conference, which is scheduled to open in Se1)1cmbcr of 1his ,year at Madrid.

'Code words ~'f this type n1ust·.conform toot her requirements not mentioned herein, bnt they arc of .no in1crcs1. in the present discussion.

" For a 1)1orc dc1ailcd history sec Friedman, William F., T/11: history 4 codes 1111d co1fo l1111.1:1111gr., the i11tcnrntio1111l tdr.gra/>t1-rr.g11latio11s putai11.,:11g tltcrclo, t1111//ltr. bearinr. of this /1islory on !lie Cortina report, Covcrn111c11r Qflice, \Vashingtun, 1928.

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within a short time 5-letter codes became very widespread and have by this time practically superseded all other types of codes in international cable and radio communications. Thus, while theoretically the 1928 regulations governing. Category A code language are applicable to codes based upon words of a length up to 10 letters, 'in practice they are aimed at codes based upon 5-letter words which, as every code user now knows, are to be combined in pairs to form singly-charged-for lO-letter words. Now let us suppose that in a given code there are some 5-letter words with only one vowel. (\l\lith one or two exceptions, this is actually the case in the 5-letter codes constructed up to 1929.) It follows t.hat in a certain number of cases there will be brought together, in the pairing of two 5-letter words to form a single l 0-letter word, two words each containing a single vowel,. resulting in the fornrntion of a 10-letter word with only two vowels. According to the present regulations, such a word would have to be charged for as two words, thus increasing the cost of messages to an extent more or less dependent upon the number of code words containing only one vowel.t The only absolutely sure way of avoiding this source of surcharge is to arrange that every word in the code contain at least two vowels. Thus, while the regula­tions do not specifically state that each 5-letter code word of Category A must contain at least two vowels, it is clear that, in order to insure that the pairing of two 5-letter groups will in no wse result in the formation of a 10-letter word with only two vowels, ea:ch 5-letter word must contain at least two vowels. The new codes (those published since October l, 1929) take this indirectly imposed requirement into account..

Thus far we have been dealing with certain limitations imposed upon codes by i-11c regulat·ions themselves. \•Ve come now to the consideration of a very im­portant limitation imposed upon modern c9des as a result of practical difficulties inherent in telegraphic communication.

From the earliest days of codes based upon the 5-letter artificial word, i.t was recognized that some method or device is necessary whereby errors of transmission can be more or less automatically detected and corrected by the recipient of a message; otherwise communication by means of such artificial words becomes impractical. Of the methods elaborated for this purpose, that based tipon the principle of including within a given code only such words as differ from one another in at least 2 letters has proved to be the most satisfac­tory, and has pracl'ically superseded all other methods. The 2-letter difference may consist in:

(l) A difference in the identity of 2 letters. For exa:mple, if the code contains the word ABABA, it must not contain any word differing from it in only one letter:, such as ABABE, ABACA, ABE BA, ACABA. or EBABA. But words

' It· is incorrect to assume t·hal the number of 10-letler words that "'ill be subject to the 1.louhle charge is directly dependent upon the actual number of single-vowel, 5-letler words present iu the cude. Only an nclual lest: made upon many honafide messages, all prepared with the same code, can sat.isfact.Orily determine the nuniber of cloubly-chargcd-for words lo be expected for that code, bcc;lusc the words and phrases of any code are employed wit.h greatly varying frequencies.

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396 NOTES ON CODE WORDS [Aug.-Sept.,

differing from ABABA in at least two letters, such -as ABACE, ABEBE, ACEBA. ECABA, ABECA, etc., are permissible.

(2) A difference in the position of 2 letters. For example, if the code con­tains the word ABECI, it may contain words such as EBACI, ACEBI, ABICE, BAECI, AEBCI, etc. In the early codes, no attempt was made to eliminate or

• t.o suppress' one or the other· member of a. pair of words differing simply in the positions occupied by two adjacent letters. Many of them contained groups,

, such as ABECI and ABEIC, which are easily converted one into the other by a common type of psychological lapsus calani.i· referred to in code v.•ork as "trans­position." But in the better codes constructed up to about the year 1925, the authi)rs ha\'.e usually recognized the necessi'ty of avoiding the possibility of erwrs introduced by a transpositio11 of adjacent letters, and, to a very large extent, have succeeded in ,eliminating or almost completely suppressing this source of error. Someth'ing \dll be said of this later in these notes. In the more modern codes serious attempts have been made to efiminate errors due to transpositions of both adjacent and alteniat:e letters, and it may- be said that the problem is ra.ther a difficult one.

(3) A .difference in the identity of one letter and in the position of another. Fur exam pie, if the code contains the wo.rd A 13 ECK, the following would be legitimate wprds in thes<1me code: A!3ERC, AERCK, etc.

In short:, when at least two homologous let:t:ers in a pair of code groups differ in their identities, the code words are said to present a 2-lett:er difference.

In what: follows we shall refer to classes and subclasses of words. By the designation d'ass. we refer t:o a set of words merely by indicating the number of thci r coristi t uen t vow.els and consunan t:s. Using the symbol C t·o represent any of the 2'0 consonants, and the symbol V to represent any of the 6 vowels, t'he designation "JV/2:C"' merely indicates that Words of this class contain 3 vowels 'and 2 C(insonants,, \vithout indicating the posi.rions occupied by any of ( hesc const:i ttien l elements. Under each ulass, except the first and last, there are di ff eren Lsu hclasses of words with .respect to' the exact arrangement or position of the vowels and the consonants composing them. In the accompanying Table I lhcre arc shown the six classes and t-l1e 32 subclasses of words which can be construct1ed by taking vowels and consonants in groups of live letters.

If we wish (;n compose .'i-letter words imposing no limitations other than tlrat _they m 11st: slww a 1-letter difference, we may place any one of 26 letters in each of the live positions and sh al I th us have a rota! of 26 X 26 X 26 X 26 X 26 = 11,88L,.H6 words. \:Ve may consider that we are here concerned with a simple multiplication involving live factors t·he n11111crical value of each of which is eq Hal to Lhe 1H1 mbei· of elcmen t1s available for perm u ta! ion.

If, however. we nmv impose the limitation that rhe wQrds shall show a differerrne of two letter;s, the nnmber of weirds that: can be composed will be considerably reduced, because, in the pzu-"lance of code co111pilers, it is necessary to "sacr'ifice one'of the leaen;."' Just what this means. will now he explained.

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Class Subclass Class S11bclass No. Descr1:ptio11 No. Description No. Description No. Description

I. ...... S V .... · .... vvvvv {'7 cccvv 18 CCV CV

2 vvvvc 19 cvccv 3 vvvcv 20 vcccv

11 ...... .41'/IC ..... 4 vvcvv I \I ...... 2 V /JC ..... 2L ccvvc s vcvvv 22 circvc 6 cvvvv 123 vccvc

24 cvvcc i vvvcc \25 vcvcc 8 vvcvc l26 vvccc 9 vcvvc

LO cvvvc r7

vcccc J tr ....... 3 V/2C .... .. LI vvccv

\l ....... IV/4C ..... ~~ CV CCC

12 vcvcv CCV CC 13. cvvcv \30 cccvc 14 vccvv l 3 t ccccv 15 cvcvv

l 1'6 ccvvv VI. ...... SC ......... 32 ccccc

Consider for,example, code words of two letters. Ob·viously, with an alphabet of 26 letters a total of 26 X 26, or 6.i6, 1-letter difference pairs can be con­structed. Such pairs will r:epresent all the permutations of the 26 letters taken 2 at a time, stich as AB, BA, AC, CA, etc. But if a 2-letter difTerence is desired, then only a tot~d of 26 different pairs can be c01istrUctecl, whether the 1'>airs be simple doublets, such as AA, BB, · · · , ZZ, or permutations of 2 difTerent letters, such as AB, BC, · · · , ZA. Thus, the formula for 1-letter difference pa:irs, 262 , becomes modified to 26<2-

1> in order to take care of a 2-letter differ­ence. Of the two fact<:>n; in the multiplication 26X26, one will be reduced to unity, which is what the code compiler i'eally n1eans when he says that "one of the lelters must be sacr~ificed." Similarly, in the case of ~-letter \vorcls, the total number of 1-letter difference words is 26a or 17,576 words; but if a 2-letter difference is desl'recl the total number becomes reduced to 26P-1J=262 =6.76 weirds. For 4-let:ter gToups with a 2-letler difference the number becomes 26a words; and for 5-lett:er groups with a. 2-letter .difTerence·, 264 or 456,97·6 words. A general formula may be derived from the foregoing·:

Number of 2-le.tter difference words=>.< .. -rH· 1>-,

where.>.= the number of elements in the alph<ihet, n= the riumber of characters per word, d = the cliff eren tial.

So far· we. have imposed no restr'.ictions on the ki'nd of letter that may oci;:u py any given position in a word: any letter -may be a vowel or a consonant as we happen to take it. If we restrict the number of vowels or the number of conso­nants a-I lowed to a word, the case is altered. When we demand a con son ah t we are limited to 20 letters instead of 26, and when we demand a vowel, we. are

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398 NOTES ON CODE WORDS [Aug.-Sept., ·

limited to 6 letters instead of 26. If we wish to form alt the words that can be composed containing, say I consonant follo~ved by 4 vowels, i.e., words of the form CV VVV, we shall have 20 X6 X.6 X 6 X6 = 25,920 words each differing from all the others in at least one letter.

If, in addition to limiting ourselves to words consisting exclusively of one consonant followed by four vowels, we make the further demand that our Words shall differ among themselves in at least tw.o letters, we. shall further lessen their number. \1\ie have already seen t!iat the requirement of a +-letter difference en­tails the sacrifice of one factor, or rather the reduction of one factor to unity. Just what th is, sacrifice will mean ":hen we Ii mi t ourselves to a certain number of vowels and a certain number of ccmsonants in each word will become plain as w.e proceed. ·

Query I

\Vha.t is the theoretical maximum number of s~letter code words that can be constructed with a m'ini'mum 2-letter difference, each c·ode word containing a rl1i1timum of 2 vowels?


I. Table 11 shown below sets forth in brief form all the classes of 5-letter code words and the m<i.ximum nun1ber of 2-letter difference words in each class. Some explanation as to how the totals for each class of words are derived is added.

( 1) (2) (.3.) ('I) (.1) (6)


13ascd upon an Alphabet of 20 Consonants and 6 vuwcls


Class 1-\Vith. s v 6X 6X 6>~ 6>~ 1 = 1 '~96 Cl:iss 11-\\\ith .\V/lC= 6X 6X GX 6XI= I . 296; Ciass :lV/2C:= 6X 6X 6>:20XI= 4,320; Class 1\:-With 2 V/3C= 6 >~ 6 X.20 X20.X I= 14,400; Class \I-With l Ji/4C= 6X20X20X20XI = 48,000; Class VI-With 'SC =20 x20 X20X20X1=160.,000

1Hflxi11111111 1111111/Jcr of

2-lcller· d1j{ erc11ce

I ,2'16

1,2%>: S= <i,480 4,:l20X10= 43,200

14,400X1.0=14.\ ;OO(l 48 ,000 x 5 = 240 ,000

= 160 ,000

(I) J.n Class I (words composed of S vo\\'els) the 11umber of \fords is the same as ·if we were forming our words from a 6-lett:er alphabet. If we allo.w f,;>r a 2-let't'er difference, which means that we must· redi1ce one of -the live fact'nrs t1.1

1111i 1~'• we shall, accordingly, have 6 X 6 X 6 X (>XI = 1,296 words. (2) Clas:; 11 consists of words composed of I consonant and 4 vowels. There

ar.e S su hclasses according to the p(>si t ~011 occupied by the consonant. If we take !'11c:.consonan't' as the lirst letter of caoh word, we can divide ou.r· 5 letters into rwo groups~one of 2 letters. CV, and ()nc of 3 letters, V VII. If we use all the V \IV groups, we shall have 6X6X6=21'6 VV V'g:rnups. Each of these must now lie cuml.>ined with as many C II gn:n1ps as 1u,1ssible Jo make 5-let·t·er wnrds. Each

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of the CV groups with which any one VVV group is combined must differ from the other groups combined with the qame VVV group in 2 letters. (\Ve could not, for example, use both BAAAA and BEAAA.) Despite the availability of 20 consonants, since there are only 6 vowels in the alphabet we can form only 6 CV groups differing each from all the other CV groups in 2 letters. We can, for example, combine AAA with BA, CE, DI, FO, GU, HY, but with no more CV groups. Having now associated 6 CV groups with AAA, we can associate 6 oth­ers with AAE, say BE, CI, DO, FU, GY, HA, and .so on with our remaining VVV groups, Thus we may obtain 6X216=1,296 groups of the type CVVVV. Since our single consonant can occupy any one of 5 positions in the word, the grnnd total of 1 C/4 V words will be 5X1,296 = 6,480.

(3) It is not possible to increase this number. It is true that we have used only 6 different consonants in all, bui: the remaining 14 consonants are of no value, for if we use them to replace the single consonant already used in the words we have formed, we shall obtain new words differing in only one letter from those we already ha\ie. If, for example, we have .BAAAA, CAAAE, DAAAI, FAAAO, GAAAU, HAAAY, we cannot use JAAAA, KAAAE, LAAAI, MAAAO, NAAAU or PAAAY. 1.'he case is the same no matter \vhat position in the word the single consonant occupies. And it is manifestly impossible to add to our words' by additional vowel variations as those variations have al­ready 'been exhausted.

(4) It is important to note in the foregoing explanation that the number of per.mutations of the complete set of 20 consonants suffers a serious.reduction as a result of the association of the consonants with a much more limited number of vowels. It is clear, in fact, that if there were but six consonants available instead of 20 the total number of Class II words would still remain the same, 6,480. Fourteen con son an ts are wholly valueless in com posing these words.

(S) Perhaps a concrete example employing a miniature alphabet will be use­ful in demonstrating this point conclusively .. For this purpose, let us take an alphabet composed of three vowels, A, E, I, and of five consonants, B, C, D 1 F, C, to form 4-letter words with a 2-letter difference. If we require that all four letters be vowels, we shall be able to form, with three vowels, 3X3X3Xl =27 4-letter words with a 2-letter difference. If we set up a further lim'itation and demand that the first three letters be vowels an<il the last a consonant (VVVC), we can produce no inore words than when all four letters we·re vowels, viz., 27, because, despite the availability of five different consonants, we are unable to make use of them all, as will now be shown.

(6) Let us assume that our VVVC words are divided into two-sections, VV ai1d VC. For V V we have 3 X 3 = 9 possibilities. For VC we have 3 X 5 = 1 S, if we are forming only 1-letter difference words; but,, as we have already seen, in order t·o obtain a 2-lct:ter difTerence we must "sacrifice" one factor, that is, re-. duce it to unity. Now we cannot: sacrifice the vowel of the VC section with its factor value of 3, and keep the consonailt with its factor value of S, because we arc unable> to use the full factor value of the consonant unless the consonant has

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·400 NOTES ON CODE WORDS [Aug.-Sept.,

another letter .with a fnctor value of 5 with w/n:ch it can be permutat-ively nssociated. Since under the conditions of the problem this consonant must be associated with vowels, of which Lhere are only three, our single consonant loses its factor value of 5 and becomes reduced to 3. It is now immaterial whether the factor that must be '1sacriticed" in making the final calculation be considered as that pertaining to the· vowel or to the consonant: the full number of words is 3X3XJX 1 =2.i. \Ve may actually form a set of VVVCwords under the condi-tions given:


\Ve have here our f u·11 quota of .2 7 \\'ords, and have not used the consonants F and G at all. \Ve can use them if we will, but only to replace B, C, or D, and that will give us merely a.lternntive words, not additional ones. (For example, we might have AIAG or IEAF, but each of these will show only a I-letter difference from some words we already have.)

(i) In computing the total number of possible words with a 2-letter differ­ence, C(Jinposed qf a mixture of vowels and consonants (always assuming that the consonants outnumber the vowels in the alphabet employed) if the words have one consonant each, the factor value of the set of consonants is exactly the same as that of the set of vowels with which the consonants must be associ­ated: and then. as regards the factor which must be reduced to unity or asacri­ficed," it is immaterial which is the one considered to have been sacrificed, that pertaining to the vowels or that pertaining to the ·consonants. If the words con­t·~tin 1Hore than one consonant each, one of the factors pert<1ining to the. conso­nt1nt positions inust be reduced to unity while all other factors will retain their full value.

(8) From the foregoing this general rule may be stated: In a set of unequal factors which are used as a basis for computing the total number of d-letter dif­ference words that may be constructed, there must be at least d .factors of equal ;ult! n1aximum value, and (d- 1) of them must be reduced to un'ity while all other facton; retain full value.

(9) In Class II I, the 2C/3 V class, we <.;;111 form 10 stilKlasses, according to the posiriuns occi1picd h~1 the 2 consonants-CCVVV,, CVCVV, CVVCV, CVVVC, VC:t°VV, VCVCV, VCVVC. VVCCV, V\fC\fC, \fV\fCC. It is ob­vic>us that each of these strbclasses will yield tJ,1e same number of words. Apply­ing- the general formula derived above to any of the foregoing ten subclasses, sa.y the subclass CC VV JI, we have 20 X 1 X 6 X 6 X 6 = 4320 words for this sub­class. SiHcc d1cre are I 0 su bcla'sses to each. of which the same formula is ap­pfi'cahlc, we obtain a grand total nf 10 X 4,320 = 43,200 words of the 2 C/3 V class.

(lO) Proccecli11g wi'.tl1 Class IV as with Class I I I, we find that there arc again Io sul.iclasses, corresponding to the 10 possible posi t:ions of the consonants. Taking any subclass, for example, CCCVV, and applying the g-eneral formula

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we have 20 X 20 X 1X6 X 6 = 14,400 weirds. For 10 subclasses we have 10X14,400 = 144,000 words.

(11) Similarly Class V (4C/1 V) will yield 2ox2·ox2ox:1 X6 =48,000 words for each position of the single vowel, or a total of 5 X 48,000 = 240,000 words for the en tire Class.

(12) Class VI (SC) will give 20X20X20X20Xl = 160,000 words. 2. \Ve are ready now to study Table II with a view to finding an answer

to the question posited: \Vhat is the theoretical maximum number of 5-letter code words that can be constructed with a minimum 2-letter difference, each code word containing a minimum of two vowels?

3. Three hypotheses may be considered with respect to how we can obtain from Table I I the maximum number of code words conforming to the foregoing specifications. They are:

lst hypothesis: The maxin:rnm number may be obtained by taking <Lll the words of any one class.

2nd hypothesis: The maximum number may be obtained by taking all the words of two or more classes without introducing any "conflicts," i.e., without violating the 2-letter differential in the case of even a single pair of words.

3rd hypothesis: The maximum number may be obtained by taking words from two or more classes, the words being selected in such a way that no conflicts will be introduced. ·

4. Classes V and VI can immediately be eliminated from consideration, for they do not conform to the requirement that each word contain at least two vO\Vels. There are lefi: for consideration, therefore, only Classes I to IV, inclu­sive.

5. It is obvious that if two or more of the four classes remaining for con­sideration can be found to conform to the requirements of the second hypothe­sis, we shall obtain more words than can be obtained by an adherence to the l:irst hypothesis. Let us begin, therefore, with the class which by itself gives the gre:ttest total number of words, viz., Class IV. Is it possible to combine Class 1 V words with all the words of any of the other three classes, with out intro­d ucing any conflicts? Let us try to combine Class IV with the class showing the next g-rea test total number of words, viz., Class I Ir. Let us take subclass 23 of Class I \I, of the form VCC VC (see Table I); can we combine words of this sub­class with words of subclass 9 of Class Ill, of the form VCVVC, without con­flict? To be even more specific, can words of subclass 23, as exemplified in the word AB BAB be used without conflict with words of subclass 9, as exemplified in the word A BAAB? The answer must be in the negative, because as these two words now st,and they show only a 1-letter difference. No matter what the specific constitution of any VCCVC Word, it is bound to conflict with some VCVVC word, if all the words of both subc.lasses are taken. This is true with res peel h) al 1 su be lasses of Classes I I I and IV; hence these two classes, each raken in its entirety, cannot be used together without conflict.

6. Can words of Cla~ses II and IV be used together without conflict? Fol-

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402 NOTES ON CODE \voRDS [Aug.-Sept ..

lowing the same reasoning as in Pa_ragraph 5, it will become apparent that they can. For, let us take any subclass of Class IV, subclass 23 for example, VC(VC, and combine it with any subclass of Class II, subclass 5 for example, VCVVV; 110 ccJ11fl_icts can arise because the third and the fifth positions ih these subclasses will alwa-ys. be occupied in the one case by two consonants, in the other case, by _two vowels. Take another example: combine subclass 3, VVVCV, with subclass 25, VCVCC; again no conflitts can arise because the second and fifth positions in these two subclasses will always be occupied in the one case by two vowels, i 11 the other, by two consonants. Th is holds for all the subclasses .of Classes ·1 I and JV when comhined. Hence, the two ciasses can- be used together without conflict, yielding a maximum total of 6,480+ 144,000 = 150,480 words. 1

7. T.t is obvious that words of Class I cannot be included with words of -Classes IV and I I without producing tonflicts, since words of Classes J and II will show conflicts between themselves.

8. The only other· classes that migh.t be employed together in their en ti reties arc Classes I and I I I, but they will yi~ld a total of only 44,496 words. If, then, the maximum number of words is to be obtained by the association of complete classes, it will be by employing Classes I [and IV in complete series, yielding a total of 150,480 words.

9. We are, ho\\'.everi, :11ot justified in calling this number the nwxiinu:1n num­ber possible ~mless and irntil we can dispose of the third hypothesis set forth in par<igraph 3: cal1 the maximum number be obtained by taking sonte words from one (;Jass and adding some words the other classes, the words being selected in stch a way that no words will conflict with one another.? Let us see.

J 0. \Ve have already associated Classes 11 and IV. \Ve cannot acid to the lcital ilumber of words by takirfg any words from Class T. All that: any Class I wei1;cls c;li1 c(o is to rep/.ncc words of Class· I I, and that will not acid to the total. As a matter or fact, it wi II decrease il. \Vi Lh Class 11 I, however, the case is cl if­ferent. In rorming words of Class 11 we use_, or need use, only six different conso-11a11ts.J11st as the words of Class I are formed by associations of oire or another c:ir six clifferenl vowels in each of the live p(isitin11s, sn the wor:ds of Class 11 use 1·he same six ,.:(:iwels in four of the live 15ositions, and six different consonants in tlie ren1itining pnsilion. Le.I: us assume that the six different cunsunanJs used are BCDFCH.

11. In the t:wn posi'tioils in the words of Class 111 where cnnsnnanls.are used, all the conson·an l's are em ployed. As a co-riseq uence we can add a certain nu Ill her or W<)r:d-s .from Class I l'I wit hou I: 'Coil fl icting w.i rh .any of the W(lrds of Class 11. Thus, we .shall have in Class 11. say. tire word AEIOB. We can now lake A EI J I(, A El KL, AF. I LM, A EI !VIN, etc., from Class 111, and sri 11 preserve the 2-leu-er di.ffer:en tial between the words of Class 11 and those or Class 111.

12. There are fourt·eeri consonan l:s not employed in words of CJ;1ss 11. These

1 Crcdii. for t'hc nssocintion of: Class IV with Class I.I to produce the 11u11-1ber !'50,480 i~ due .to Dr. L. ll. C1rilicld, of the College of rite Ci1y of New York.

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14 consonants will form 6X6X6X14=3,024 combinations, which when multi­plied by the ten possible positions of the two consonants in each word will yield 30,240 Class III words. All these words can be used with the complete series of words of Class II ";i thou t ii1terfering with the 2-letter d ifferen ti al.

13. \Ve have, however, in addition to the complete set of words of Class Ir, used, in obtaining our I 50,480 words, a complete set of words of Class IV. Be­fore concluding that the 30,240 words just obtained can be added to our total, we must see whether they or any of them conflict with the Class IV words.

14. Both Class I II and Class IV, at those places in their words where they employ consonants, use, for the complete set of words, the full number of twenty consonants. The only difference between a word of Class Ill and one of Class IV is that at one point where a word of Class Ill has a vowel a word of Class IV will have a consonant. It is therefore impossible to acid words of Class. JI I to a complete set of words of Class IV .. \Ve can substitute a word of Class I I I for one of Class IV, but this is an even exchange and will not increase our word total. If, then, we increase our word total by adding, to the words of Class IJ, non-conflicting words from Class III, we lose one word from Class IV for each word so added, and al the end we are exactly where we were before.

15. One possibility remains: it might be possible to omit some of the words of Class II OI: Class IV and substitute for each word so omitted more than one word from Class I or Class I I I. But if we replace any word of Class I I by a word of Class I, we lose five words in Class II for each one that is taken for such re­placement in Class I. And if we replace any word ·cif Class I I by a word of Class 111, we shall gain ten words in Class II I for every five so replaced in Class I 1-bu t we shall lose ten words of Class IV for every ten words taken from Class Ilf. That is, for every ten words gained, 15 are lost as a. result of the substitution.

16. It has been shown that we can obtain 150,480 words by using all the words of Class I I and all those of Class IV. This total cannot he increased by adding words of Class I or Class lll. Nei.ther can it be increased by dropping some of the words of Class II or Class IV and adding a greater number of Class l or Class I 11. That is, it cannot be increased at all. and is the maximum number obtainable.

Query I [

The 2-leUer difference code words of modern 5-let ter codes are usually com­piled by reference to tables known under various clesignat.ions, such as "Permu-1 atiun Table," "Mutilation Chart," "Error Detector Chart," etc. An example of a typical table is shown in Table 111 below. We shall refer to such a table as a cnde-word construction table.

The code words afforded by the foregoing table ·are formed from the table bv combining· three elements: (1) a pair of letters from section I,. (2) a single le,l"l:cr from s~ction 2, and (3) a pair of letters frt:im section J; and the combina­tion must be made according to the rule that the initial pair and the middle ll:tt:er must: lie in the same vertical line (extended), the middle letter and the t·inal pair must: lie in the same horizontal line (extended).

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Section I

ac ad ae af ng nh ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au a bd be bf bg hh. bi bj bk bl bm ba ho bp bq br bs in hu bv b:;, b; ~! ~~ ~t' !r ~l ~:k ~~ ~; ~F ~~ ~~ d~ ~; ~~ ~~ ~~I d~ ci~.. ci'.: d~ :Ji ~ n n ~ n ~ ~ fu ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IT ~ ~ gi gj Rk gl gm ga gb .gc gd ge gf g't gu gv hi hk hi hm ha lib he hcl he hf hg hu hv hw f,; f,~ f.~ f,~ f,~ f,~ f,P ik ii im ia ib ic id ·ic if ig ih iv iw ix iy iz in io ip iq irQ ii im ia ih ic id ie jf jg ih ji jw ix iY iz 'in io iP iq ir i·s km ka kb kc krl ke ·kf kg kh ki ki kx ky kz kn ko kp kq kr ks kl la lb le Id le If Jg Ill Ji Ii lk Jy lz Jn Jo Jp Jq Ir Js It Ju

:~~!> :~~c ~sci ~tc ~n~ :!1: -~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~k ~~ ~: ~~ ~~? :!1eP mq rnr ~is mt :~]11 ~~v

.~ a ~ £ ~ 5 E E E E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , r-u rv rw rx ry rz rn, ro rp rq rr ~1fe rg ~I~ fi rj rk rm rl , ~.!11 ~I~ · s\r sw sx sy sz sn so sr, i:;q sr ss sg sh si sj sk ~I sa sm sb sc tw tx ly ti ~11' 'to lP lQ tr ts tt, th ti tj tk ti tm tb ta tc td ux LI)' uz un uo ut> uq ur us, ut uu ui uj uk lll um 'trn uc 11b ud ue \'Y vz vn vo vp VQ vr vs vt vu vv vj vk vi vm va vb \.-d Ve vc vf \\'Z wn wo wp WQ wr ws wt wu wv ww wk wl wm wa \\'b we we wd wf wg XI\ XO ·XP xq xr XS xt XII xv X\V 'XX xi xm· xa xb xc xd xf XC xg xh YO YP l'Q yr ys Yl yu yv yw yx yy ym. ya yb ye yd ye yg yf yh yi zp zq Zr 'Z~ zt zu zv zw zx zy zz za zb zC id zc zr 'Zh zg zi zj


ax -:-;y by bi" CZ Co dn do. eo e-p fp iq gq gr hr h; is il it io . ku k1· Iv lw mw nl o.m pa Qb re sd le uf vg wh xi Yi zk

11lt, n:n

"" Pb I QC 1. rd ,. ; lit ug ' 1:h ~;

xj i·k. zl




Reproduced hy permission of .the Code Compiling Co., Inc., New York, publii 1;, 11 i1·ersal Trade Code, 1921. All the·cells in Section 1 and Section 3, many of which a :he original table, have been filled in with the proper pairs of letters by the present nieet ,the special requirements of this topic.

bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii ii kk II mm nz on po qp rq sr ts ut vu __ c1 ___ e ____ R ___ 11 ____ . ___ k ___ 1_~_" ___ o_~_q ___ r ___ s ___ t_L_v_~_x_~, __ c ___ f _ _:__1i ___ i ___ i _ _:..__1_~_n ___ o ___ P_~_r ___ s ___ , ___ "_ v w x y z -;--, bn

f It h ·i i k I m n o p q r s ·l tr v -;; -x- --Y- --.---;-~ -~b-m-.c-,--rJ:-b--c-c--;f:-:d-:-g-c-:-hf;--;:-g-~i l:-1-:k-;·i-:.-:IJ:-. --m-;k--1-1x--o-y--p-z--q-n--r-o--s-p--tQ--u-r--v-s cb de eel fe i:f hg ji kj Jk ml ny oz pn QO rp sq tr us vt

-------.--------------------------------·b __ g ___ 1i ___ i ___ i ___ k ___ 1_~_n_ o p q r s .J u v w x y z a b -;;

h k mn o_p ___ q ___ r ___ s ___ t ___ u ___ v_-;;_x ___ Y ___ z_~-b-7-

------------------------------------- --. ------

:..-hi cm cla eb fc ~d he if jg kh Ii mj nw ox P>' qz rn so tp uq \'r

bk cl elm ca fb gc h<l it! fr kg lh mi 11\' _ow px CJ>' rz sn lo up vq

bj ck di cm fa gh he id ·;e kf Jg mh nu ov pw qx ry sz Ln uo vp mnopq 11 wxy abed ------------------- e k m n ----------------------------:-! _____________ o ___ P ___ q ___________ "_ ~ ~ _Y ___ _'.'.__I> ___ c· ___ d_ e J .

k I m r~ o p r1 r s ·t u v w x y z a b c cl c -f--1

-------------------·---------~ --.-l-~---" ___ u_~~-r ___ " ___ t ___ u_~~~-Y ___ '_.....'.'.__h ___ c ___ c1 _ _:__f ___ g_~ _ ~ -"- __ o ___ 11_ --"- __ r ___ .s ___ t ___ u ___ v_ ~ ~ _Y ___ •_ .....'.'..._ -"- __ c ___ d_ t! f g h i

1 n o P q r s t u \' w x y z a h c cl c -f--;-- -h- --i---:--f --..,--------. ----------------------------------- 1,

'.___u_~_<t_._r _ _:'.__l ___ " ___ v_~_x ___ Y ___ •_.....'.'.__b ___ c ___ c1 ___ e ___ f_~_1i ___ i_ j l~•t--=bi-l __ «_'-,',..Jf __ cg:-•-f:-li--g-:i--:h-:i--;i-:k--:il:--k:-1:-11-;l;_1 __ 11-:1b __ '_'° __ o_n __ 1_"_l __ <t_r __ r_s __ "_' __ 11_1_1_n_· __ v_v

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Si I- II \' W X Y Z ·a b C cl C f ~ h j j k -1-~ -n- l" b~· C1. <In CO fp !-:<I hr is jL ku h• nl 0111 p;i qh re sd LC ur· V!

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bj cj elk cl fm ga hl> ic jcl kc If mg nl ou pv Q\\' rx sy tz 1111 \'0

ck fl gm ha ib jc kd le mf ns Ol l)U QV r.\\' sx Ly UZ vn I bh

b~ Ch di cj fk gl hin ia jh kc lei me nr os (JI (Ill n• SW tx llY· vz

bi cg rlh ci fi gk hi im ja kb le md nq or PS. qt ru SV LW ux \')

l>C cf dg ch fi J.:j hk ii .jm ka lh me np oq pr qs rt su 1v 11w vx

00 llP Q<l rr ss ll 1111 \''\'

v x Y a h c: cl h k m n 0 p q ~ b'' cw dx ey fz i:n .ho ip jq kr Is ITH nh oi - -;; --;- -Y- -- -- --b- -- -cl-~ ·---;-- -h- --------~ -11- --o- --

1,- --"- --r- -L.•L-

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7g __ ,_•1_1_-:ll:-i--'-:li:-_rk:--•-:l--t-:i1_1_u_a __

1 __ Y ___ z ___ " ___ h _ _s___c1 _ _..::..__f _ _:__h ___ ~---i-_:___1_~_11 ___ o ___ ll ___ " ___ r ___ s_


_:_i( bs ct dt1· t:\• h\· gx Ii~· iz ju ko Ip mq nf og r>h qi rj sk ti um

z a h c cl e f ,:: h· 1 J. _ k I m n u p q r S' L u ~ hr e,i::. dt cu f\' ~w hx iy jz kn lo mp llC of P~ qh ri sj tk 'tll ., __ a ___ h ___ c ___ cl_~_f ___ g ___ h ___ i ___ i_k_l_~_n ___ u_-;;-_<t ___ r ___ s ___ l ___ u ___ "_ w· ~<:r els ct fu g\' hw b::: h· kz· In mo nd ue pf cm rh ~i tj 11k

--------------· -----------:._! 1J c d C f ~ . h i j k I m n o 11 q r s t 11 \' w ~ f

-~-d-~-f ___ g ___ h ___ i_Jk_J ___ 111 ___ 11_-:---P---~----;--,---u---,.------,

pj qk rl sm la' ub

bp C<( cir es ft g11 hv iw jx: k~.' lz mn nc od JJC cir rg sh ti uj

!),, cp (hi er fs J.:.l hu 'h• jw kx I>· mz nb oc. pd qc rf sg 1 h 11i

Su:tion l Stctio11 J


------------------·~---~----------~---,..,--.------·------ .~0------------,.------------------------·---

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406 NOTl:CS ON CODE WORLJS [Aug.-Sept.,

Given a specific, completely-filled code-word <?(rnstrnction table for con­structing 5-letter words with a 2-letter difference, this question now arises: How many words are there of e<tch of the six classes discussed under Query I?


1. The initial ste_p in the soluLion to this query consists in determini;1g by actual count the number <:if words of the S V class in the table ur1i::ler investiga­tion. Let us assume that in a certain· table this was found to be 236 words.

2. Wnrcls of the class 4 V/1 C compr:ise five subclasses, according to the posi­tion of the consonant, (see Table I). Each of these subclasses will yield 1,296 2-letter difference words. Any word of t.he class VVVVV will eliminate one word from each of the foregoing su bc.Jasses of 4V/1 C words. For exam pie, 1\E.IOU would eliminate AEIOC, AEICU, AECOU,, ACIO_U, and CE.IOU. If t'hen, we use 236 five-v<)wel words, we shall have remaining 1,296-236 = 1,060 words in e~tch of the live subclasses comprising the class 4V/1 C, making a total of S X l.,<)60 = 5,300 "'or.ds.

3. \\"urds of the class 3 V/2C compri:::e ten subclasses, <tecorcfing to the posi-1·iuns of the t\\'O consnnants (sec Table l). Each of these subclasses will yield 4,320 2-Jetter di:rference words. Certaii1 subclasse8 of class 4 V/1 C \Viii conflict: with certain subclasses of class 3Ji/2C. For exan1ple, words of subclass 2, such as AElOR, will conflict with words' of subclass 7, such as AEIQR. a:s well as with words of subclass 8, such as AEQOR, of subclass 9, such as AQIOR, aml Cif subdass' ,10, such .as QElOR. Thus, e<tch word of subclass 2 will eli111inale .four Wo1:ds fro·m class 3 V/2C words. Since the1'e arc 1,060 words of s11l1class 2 (VVVVC}and 4,320words in each !>f the-subcl<rsses 7, 8, 9·and 10, (see Titble I) "'e >:'hall have rremaini'ng in each of these foui· last-named subcb.sses the differ­enue he tween 4,320 ahd 1 ,060, which is 3,260 worcl's. Applying the same reasoning lo all the su be lasses of class I I,,. we draw up the following table:

'rt\BLE l V

Subclass 2-YVVVCconflicrs wi1h i-VVVCC, w,ith S-VVCVC, with 9~vcvvc, and with


Suhlcass -1-VVCVV cunllii:ts'wirh 8- I' VC VC, wi1 h

11-l'VCCV, 11·ith 14-VCCV V, and with


Subclass 3-1;- V VC V coi)flicts with ,i-VVVCC, wi1h

11-VVCCV, wit'h 1'2-VCVCV, and wid1 1'3-CVVCV

Subclass 5-VCV VV <:nnfli'cts with 11-VCVVC, with

t.2-VCVCV, wii:h 1·1-VCCVV, and wit,h l<1-Cc11 v V


" ti-CV l'"'!iJl,c:u1dlic:1~ ll'ilh

10-C V V V(.',. wir h J:l-C'VVCV, with 1".'i-CVC.VV, :111cl •ll'irh I <1--CCV V V

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4. Each of the· ten subclasses i to 16, inclusive, is here duplicated in conflicts; I.Jut we need, of course, to. eliminate words orily once, in order to dispose of the conflicts with retained words of subclasses 2 to 6, inclusive. Therefore, we shall have remaining it1 each of subclasses i to 16, inclusive, 4,320-1,060 or 3,260 words, and hence the total number remaining, after deductio1i for conflicts, for the whole of class III is 3,260X10 or 32,600 'vords.

5. If we continue this process with the remaining classes of words, the fol­lowing final results are obtained, shown in condensed mathematical form:

Class I

11 Ill l\I

\I Vl


Descriprio11 Calculation 5 V (as found by actual count in a specific table) = 4V/IC= 1,296- 236= 1,060; 1,060X 5 3V/2C= 4,320- 1,060= 3,260; 3,260):(.10 2V/3C= 14,400- 3,260= 11,140; 11,140Xl0 1V/4C= 48,000-11.,140= 36,860; 36,860>( 5 SC = 160,000-36,860=123, 140

No. of Words 236

5,300 32., 600

111 ,400 184 ,300 123' 140

Grand total 456,976

6. It will be noted that the grand total in the foregoing calculation checks, since 26'1 =456,976. Jn similar calculations applicable to any other code-word construction table, while the individual totals may vary (according to the num­ber of 5 V words formed by the table), the grand total for a completely filled construction table must obvio.usly be the same as. that obtai11ed above, viz.,,, 456,9i6 words.

Query I I I

Experience has shown that if a code contai11 two suth code words as, for example, Al3CDE and BACDE, confusion may arise from t'he accidental trans­posil'ion (in writing or telegraphing) of the letters A and H. It has accordingly been found advisable to construct codes so· that no two code words differing from e;tch other merely in the transposition of two adjacent letters will be in­cluded in Ll1e same A code-word construction table affording code words which wil'l show no transpositions of adjacent letters can, however, be made when the number of dilTerent letters-, .A, used in its constrllcticm is odd. The Eng·lish alphabet con ta ins 26 letters. To drop one letter in order to make A. odd wnuld recli.Ice the total number of words available. \:Ve may, however, acid ai1

extra character to the alphabet:, giving (X+ 1) characters, eonslruct a table without transpositions, and thei1 eliminate all words contai'ning the extra character. This will leave. only words containing the A. letters, and these will contain no transpositions. \·Ve shall, however, lose a certain number of words that can be made from A letters. How many .shall we lose.?


1. We may experiment wi'L11 the miniature (},+ l) table below, where the extra character, added to the alphabet to make the A. letter alphabet a. (X+l) lct:ter alpliabet, ~s represented by the asterisk:

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I AA BB cc DD EE FF ••

A 13 c D F F •



B c I)

E f . A


TABLE VI Section l

AC AD AE AF A* BO BE BF B* BA CE CF c• CA CB DF [)• DA DB DC (X =6) E• EA EB EC ED FA FB FC FD FE •n .•c • D ·•E •F

c D E F • AA BB cc DD EE [) E F • .A .BA CH DC ED FE E F • A B CA DB EC FD *E F • A B c Di\ EB FC *[) AE . A n c I) EA FB •c AD BE A H c D E FA •n AC Bl) CE n c D F F *A !\ ll llC CD DE

Sect·i'on 11· 4th and 51'h let tcrs



•• A* l'l* c• I)•

E* F•



2 .. Examination of t:li-is miniature table· of (X+.1) characters, "'here X is 6, will show tll'at: it can yield words contttining only the original X letters 1 as fol­lows:

(1) One set of words having A~+}\eX-t)eX-1) words (2,) ex-1). sets of words e;1ch having xex-1) +ex -1) ex -1 )(}.. - l) words e3) One set of w()rds hav'ing A(X _:_I }(X-1) words

Adding all words we h;Lve:

3 .. Nmv X letters ;Li-ranged in a construction table will g:ive A.·1 2-letter differ­enc·e words, 1-le11ce,, by adding the extra character to t:he table and eliminating words in whieh the extra cha1:acter appears, we shall f(lse eA~+l)(A-.1) words.

4. According:I~-, if X = 26,;ill lose fr<)lll the <:nmplctc vable for 26 let t:ers e262'+1)25=6iiX2S=16.025 wui:ds. This leaves '~56,9i6-16,925=440,0SI

\i'ords. 5. It- may be interesting to k110\\'how many words will he eliminated by the

p1:ocess desc1:ibed, froin the cnmplete tahle based 011 ex+1) letters. This table will yield ex+ 1)" Wl)rds, which ct;1uals x++4X"+G~~-Hx+ 1. words. A-s already shown, if we omit words co1fl:ai11i11g the cxtTa character, we .shall have X·1 ~X"+X:~·-X+1 words. Hence

1 Ci11c special case: 11111s1. l.11' considered. The added leucr will appear nl•icc i11.c:1cl\ ·c-:111111111 uf

Sect ion I and 1 wicc in each. rnw of Scc1iu11 Ill, except t.har I here will he one col1111111 and <>11c ruw

respcdi.,:cly \\".hcreit. "·iii. appear only .c11.1cc.· Sh<:11ild I he a rra 11;:c111cnt df the code-word co11srnict iim

1 a hie as a .whole he si1ch rhat rh is une cnh111111 and ·c:111c rn\\· a re not assncia tcd in fonni11~ words, one

addi1.io11al word will hc· l.u~1_. The ded11criu11 of the words fr11111 rhc t:nt::il f(lr )I. lct.rcr~ will then he

(,\'+t)()l.-1)+1 and rhc dcducriu11 fron1 rhc lulal fnr ,\+t le11crs will he S.\"-f-5,\'+5)1.-!-1. ! I I I' I

- --':·-·-·-----=--:-----.-._ -~--~----· ---~~--~ ----=---- --·~·------!

Page 15: NOTES ON CODE WORDS...pproved for Release by NSA on 01-26-2015 pursuant to E.O. 3526 . REF ID:A4146717 1932] NOTES ON CODE WORDS 395 within a short time 5-letter codes became very

REF ID:A4146717


(>.. + t)·I - (}.4 - >.,3 + >.,2 - >.. + 1) = 5>..3 + 5>.,2 + S>..

words will be eliminated. For 27 characters the net total would therefore be:

2i'1 - l5(273) + 5(272) + 5(27)] = 531,441 (87' 880 + 3380 + 130)

= 531,441 - 91,390 = 440,051.

6. It may further be interesting to see what is gained by this process over the simpler method o( constructing a table with (X.-1) letters. This table would give (X.-1) 4 =A4 -4X.3 +6X.2-4X.+1 words. The table containing >..+1 letters gives, as we have seen, when words containing the extra letters are rejected, X.4 - (X.2 + 1 )(X. -1) words. Subtracting>..4-4X.3 +6X.2 -4X.+ I from the latter quan­tity, we have 3X.3-5X.2 +3>.. as the difference between the respective numbers of words yielded by the two tables. If A= 26, a table of (X.-1) or 25. letters will give 390,625 words, while a table of(>..+!) or 27 i'etters, omitting words con­taining the extra letter, will give 440,051, as has been shown·.


So far as words of Category Bare concerned, srnce no limitations are placed upon their composition by the present regulations, the total .number of code words with a 2-letter difference available for code compilers and code users is 264 or 456,976 words. Jf nontransposability of adjacent letters referred to in the preceding section is taken .into consideration in the elaboration of the construc­tion table, this total becomes reduced to either 440,051 words or 390,625 words, depending upon the method selected.


By .SOLOMON Bl LINSKY, Washington University

\Vhen one plane curve roMs upon another, e\;ery point fixed relative to the rolling curve and in its plane descr.ibes a new c~1rve. ln the particular instance where the fixed curve is a straight line and the rolling curve a circle every point nn the circle an ordinary cycloid. Other particular instances are quite as \\'ell known. It is the purpose of this discussion, however, to treat the general case, and to demonstrate the simplicity and straightforwardness with which vector analysis pi·ovides a means for the· study of such curves, which will in the general case be designated as·cycloidal curves.1

\·Ve suppose that the curve r1 rolls upon the fixed curve rand that the point P, fixed relative to r,, describes a cur\re· Pr As 1'1 rolls along r the tangents· and

1 t\ different treatment .of this subject may be found in A, Mannheim, Gcom1'trie-Descripti11e, 2nd edit ion (.1886), pp. 175-180 ..