Notes of the Women's Clubs.Affairs in Society»n Tuesday evening at 8:30 the Car-1 oll Dramatic Club...

£a Notes of the Women's Clubs.Affairs in Society Annual Elections Held By^ Many Women's Clubs Chairman of Standing Committees for Ensuing Year and Delegates and Alternates to Gty Federation Convention Chosen by Various Organizations Most of the women's elubs held elections last week or are holding them within the next few days, when the officers and chairmen of standing committees for the ensuing year are named, and also delegates nnd alternates elected to the City Federation convention to be held next raonth. The Maine Women's Club held ifs election, also the Daughters of Pennsylvania, the Chicago Women's Club and the Woman's Republican Club. The Rainy Day Club holds its election of chairmen of standing committees on Wednesday and Portia on Thursday. Mrs. John Francis Yawger, corresponding secretary of the National Daughters of the American Revolution, and Mrs. Henry Clarke Coe, pres¬ ident general of the Penwomen's Club, have been in Washington for a week attending the general meetings. Both Mrs. Yawger and Mrs. Coe are on the govemors' committee of the National Women's Club house. Tbe clubhouse to be built in New York, will be one. oi>seven to be con- ftructed in the country for club women. Mrs. Coe will give a luncheon on Tuesday at the Colony Club in honor of Mrs. Ralph Trautman, Mrs. Belle de Rivera and Mr3. A. M. Palmer, when a general outline of the Woman's National Clubhouse will be dis- . ,*.*A »- Euterpe (Mrs. Alcinous Berton Jami-' son president) will give the last of its series of card parties on the afternoon of April 29 at the home of the presi-j dent, 48 West Forty-fifth Street. Among those who have taken tables are Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Wiiliam S. Cook, Mrs. Albert Schaefer, Mrs. James Horan, Mrs. Joseph Vidal, Mrs. Maryj Barker, Mrs. Charles Haviland, Mrs. Thoodore Goddard, Mrs. George Leonard Fisher, Mrs. John F. Walker, Miss Ida Judson and Miss Julia S. Chase. Ticketa may be purchased from the] chairman, Mrs. Frank P. Laut, S100 Broadway. The annual luncheon will take place May 24. The April luncheon of the Manhattan Matinee Club (Mrs. Jessie Emerson Moffat founder and president) will be held Wednesday at the Waldorf-As¬ torla. Afterward the' members and' guests will see "Three Live Ghosts" at the Nora Bayes Theater. Mrs. George L. Fowler will be chairman of the day. The regular monthly meeting of the club will be held to-morrow afternoon at the Waldorf-Astoria. Mrs. Frank H. Scardefield, acting president, will preside. "Moliere" will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. James W. Howie.; Plans for the annual card party for the philanthropic fund, April 26, will be' completed. Tickets, at $1 each, may be obtained from Mrs. George Eltz, of 335 Convent Avenue, chairman. Mrs. James T. White is vice-chairman. The club supports two American girls, who will be present, and one French orphan. "The Champion," which the club sawj nt a theater party last Tuesday, will be discussed. i > Beethoven Arranges Concert The Beethoven Society (Mme. Aida Tanini-Tagliavia president) will have the following artists to assist the choral at the final concert of the sea¬ son on Wednesday evening in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Plaza: Edgar Schofield, barytone; Carl H. Tol- lefson, violinist; Mme. Augusta Tollef- sen, pianist, and Paul Kefer, 'cellist. Harold Osborn-Smith and Ehner Zoller will be the accompanists. New part K,ongs will be sung by the Beethoven Choral, with incidental solos by Miss Gertrude Holt. Dancing will follow the program. Arrangements for the,annual dinner and dance April 29 at the McAlpin will be completed at the board meeting and tea Friday at the residence of Mme. Tagliavia, 59 West Seventy-fourth Street. Miss Ella Louise Henderson and Mrs. J. Sherwood Hyatt are the chairmen. The American Criterion Society, Mrs. Leonard L. Hill president, gave its Iinal dinner dance of the season Friday evening, at the Hotel Commodore. Covers for 400 members were laid in the Grand Ballroom, where the dinner and dance took place. Mrs. Charles A. Bartholomae -was chairman of the committee on arrange¬ ments, with Dr. John Strother Gaines jr. and Walter Moore joint chairmen of the floor committee. The matrons of tho dance are Mrs. Joseph Paterno, Mra. II. W. Braun and Mrs. John P. Laflin. Mrs. Hill entertained a party con- siating of Mrs. James H. Prince, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McQuesten, Mr. and Mra. Daniel Ritchey, Mr. and Mra. D. George Dery, Mrs. Frances A. Murdock, Mr. Mrs, Edward Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marks and Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Pitman Spencer. Others who had guests were Mrs. Robert Howard Beattie, Mrs. Myron Wilbur Robinson, Mrs. Charles E. Bent- ley, Mrs. Hudson Parme.lee Rose, Mrs. Margaret Weber, Mrs. Frederic Wiiliam Waller, Mrs. John Strother Gaines jr., Mrs. George W. K%yanaugh, Mrs. John H. Judge, Mrs. Harry E. Verran and Mrs. John T. Rainier. The Rubinstein Club, Mrs, Wiiliam R. Chapman president, gave its sixth and last afternoon musicale for this season yesterday in the Grand Ball-1 room of the Waldorf-Astoria. Benja- mino Gigli, the new tenor of the Metro¬ politan Opera Company, gave a song re¬ cital. Dancing followed the close of the recital. The third and last evening concert will be given Tuesday in the Grand Ball¬ room of the Waldorf-Astoria, under the direction of Wiiliam Rogers Chapman. The club choral will sing ten new part f^ongs, which will be presented for the lirst time and dedicated to the club. The assisting artists will be the Ital¬ ian barytone Fernando Guarneri and the American tenor Justin Laurie. Miss Alice M. Shaw, the club's accom- panist, will be at the piano, and Louis Dreaaler at the organ. The eighteenth annuml White Breakfast will be given May 7. Gentlemen will be admitted to tfce breakfast this year, and will seated in the upper tier boxes. Mra. George T. Colter is chairman of ticketa, Mrs. J. W. Hedden chairman of decorationa and Mrs. Gustav G. Schick chairman of reception. Jefferson Dinner Held The Woman's Democratic Club of the City of New York held its annual Jefferson dinner in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Commodore Sunday night. Mrs. George H. Childs, president of ie club, presided. The speakers were ¦w. Catherine A. Martin, president of .. in* Athene Club; Mrs. Charles D. f tl B9at, Miss Elisabeth Marbury and n 3. Simon Baruch, president-"of the C .uthland Club. r Mrs. Frances A. Abrahall was chair- si man ©f the dinner committee. Mrs. I.T John,, E. Quinn, first vice-president of n tha club, had as guests at her table ei Mra. O'Gorman Stanton, Mrs. Jtthn ir Robert Miller, Mrs. Joseph Schemer- horn Asch, Mrs. Mary Guttentag, Mrs. J. Woolsey Collins and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Collins. ^ Life as a F"ine Art Cluh held the last meeting of the lecture course Wednes¬ day at the Hotel Commodore. A large audience was present, filling the East Ballroom. Mrs. Mildred Manly Easton, presi¬ dent, gave her seventh lecture in this series entitled "The Conflict in Our Personal Reiations. lf we are ever damned it will not be because we have loved too much, but because we have not loved enough* Mrs. Easton spoke for two hours describing the conflicts in life. Mrs. Walter H. Gahagan sang a group of songs. Mme. Keeler-Schneider was at the piano. Mrs. Charles E. Hatch spoke- on "World Current Events." The officers making annual reports were Mrs. John Hancock, recording sec¬ retary; Mrs. William Ii. Malone, cor- iesponding secretary; Mrs. George M. Clyde, treasurer; Mme. Keeler-Schnei¬ der, music; Mrs. Eva Ross, question box; Mrs. II. Elmquist, reception; Mrs. M. Shultz, treasurer; Mrs, IL R. Hay- den, aide. and Mrs. John Joseph Mac- Donald, publicity. Guests of honor were Mrs. A. M. Palmer, Mrs. E. B. Daly, Mrs. Stanley L, Otis and Mrs. Charles D. Hirst. Delegates to the City Federation con¬ vention aro Mrs. M. M. Easton, Mrs. C. E. Hatch, Mrs. Edward Donovan and Mrs. H. R. Hayden. The annual luncheon will be held May 4 at the Hotel Commodore. Reser¬ vations may be obtained from Mrs. L. D. Arata and Mrs. George >M, Clyde, 229 Lincoln Place. Theatre Club Discusses Play The Theater Club, Inc, Mrs. John H. Parker, president, held. a meeting last Tuesday at the Hotel Astor, at which the play, "The Green Godde?s," was the theme for discussion. Mrs. Albert A. Snowden told the story of the play. A card party is scheduled for next Tuesday, at which Mrs. Joseph F. Taylor will be chairman. The Theoria, Mrs. Harold George Wood president and founder, will hold its first annual breakfast in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Astor to-mor¬ row. A large attendance is expected as many tables have been resei-ved. Twenty guests of honor have accepted invitations, and many of the plays now in the city will be represented. On April 28 Theoria will hold its regular matinee. The play to be seen will be "Little Old New York." The National Opera Club, Baroness von Klenner president, at its last even- ing affair of the season at the Wal- dorf-Astoria, Wednesday, will have an evening in honor of Baroness von Klen¬ ner, who sails for Italy April 28. The. program will include the playlet by hrnest Dowson "Pierrot of the Min- ute," presented by members of the Provincetown Players, Miss Dorothy Wctniore and William Rainev, with a group of dancers directed by- Martha Roberts. Following tho program there will be a reception and ball with special fea¬ tures arranged by Francis Wright Clinton, chairman of floor committee. with f. N. Nixon, X. Loth, J. Gutman, M. Adams and F. M. Avery, assistants. During the evening a gold pin, pre- sented by the Woman's Press Club to Baroness von Klenner as a token of esteem, will be added to other club pins. Thc baroness will bring several new music features on her return which will be presented at the club! Mrs. A. V. Orr will preside during I.aroness von Kienner's absence. Plans for the coming season include the en- gagement of W. L. Hubbard as club lecturer on the> study days. A regular meeting of the Priors was held at Hotel Astor recently. The founder and honorary president, Miss Cherrie Clark, presented to the club the badge which each succeeding presi-! dent will wear, and the president, Mrs Harry Lilly, gave to Miss Clark in the name of the Priors the insignia of her office. It was decided to have a spring outing, and a committee was appointed to arrange for it. Members will be notified of the time and place. The following new members were accepted: Mrs, George A. Allen, Mrs. George E. Ashwell, Miss Katherine D Blake, Mrs. Haryot Holt Dey, Mrs John H. Griesel, Mrs. Emile Glogau, Dr. Anna Hochfelder, Miss Susie Har- kins, Mrs. Julian Heath, Miss Mary Llarrett Hay, Mrs. Axel O. Ihlseng, Mrs. Mary Lilly, Miss Eliza McDonald! Mrs. Henry H. Russell. Miss Henriette ^trauss, Mrs. Stephen I). Stephens and Vliss Mary Wood. Tho clubs of Manhattan and the 3ronx, which comprise the first judi- :ial district of New York State Federa- ion, Mrs. Walter Comlv, president, vill meet at Hotel Astor Tuesday.' drs. Harry Lilly. chairman of the listrict, will preside. A council of presidents of the first, econd and ninth districts will follow,! rith Mrs. Comly in the chair. Repre- entatives of clubs, whether aftiliated r not, are invited to attend. Miss Katherine Kremelberg will have hargo of the musical program for tea hia afternoon of the Carroll Club and all! lembers and their friends are invited. »n Tuesday evening at 8:30 the Car-1 oll Dramatic Club will give a min-!. trel entertainment in the club theater. ickets are on sale at the club. A j ovelty party for members and their < scorts has been planned for the aven- i HT of April 23. I! ^¦¦JBWTMTWA*JfSKklt*aa7arYrWaaaa}taa\aVmrrft'¦'¦lfWOHH 7IJ/JS. WENTZ has been re- elected president of thc Woman's Republican Club. Miss Stevens is vtce-chairman of the Junior Cabinet* of the New York Mozart Society. i<k 'ame$& W/etitz Mrs. McConnell To Give Tea for Mozart Society Third and , Final Concert Tuesday Evening; Shake- peare - Verdi Tableaux at Waldorf Wednesday Mrs. Noble McConnell will give a tea on-Thursday afternoon at the Hotel Astor for the members of tho New York Mozart Society, of which she is president. This is a feature of the Mozart activities each year, and al¬ ways is attended T>y most of the mem¬ bers of the club. The third and final evening concert the society will be held in the grand ballroom of the Astor Tuesdav SnWSv W^Ci Claire Liliian PcteleV and Titta Ruffo will sing, assisted by the choral of 150 voices under the di¬ rection of Richard T. Percy. Albert Gilbert Spros* will be the accompanist. The concert will be followed by, dancing. for which Orlando's orchestra will play, and many supper parties will be given Governor and Mrs. Edward I. Edwards of New Jersey will be guests of Mrs. OwcnJ. McWilliams | I reparations are about completed "I the annual white and gold break- Hot^AT1^' «ftern°on. May 7, ai the Hotel Astor. The grand ballroom, east1 ballroom and laurel room will be used. Members of the choral will sing in the opening exercisex, and the sne- Dr 5U6S^ -f h^".°r Wil1 b0 ^e Rev. vlli rd?'m Keie«'in and tho Rev. S nov F ", D°,0le5'' MrS- Sa»uel brt'akfast "00 S chairman of the daUv,ewal3 are. bei«g held almost' Verdi Wm a ¦eri0& ,ot Shakespeare- h/ti iear' ^hich wUl introduce the ba 1 of the Sllver Skylarks tn I,e dirfV? -h° Verdi eiub at the Wal! dorf-Astoria on Wednesday. Among1 those who will pose are Miss Florencf Auer leading woman of the "Wan- derer" company, who will appear as .^d.y .M.f cb£th' In the sceno from Othello" Miss Alberta Gallatin and Joseph Mitchell will take part in the balcony scenej from /'Romeo and Juliet" JSrf M*\,d ,WV Gr,fflth wil1 bc Ju'iet f, M!.ci,ael. Anffel° Salerno Romeo. In the "Traviata" tableaux Mrs. Thad- deus Lewis and Alfred Rosche will take part. There wil be two large * tableaux. and m the trial scene from "The Mer¬ chant of Venice," with tho Baroness de lorinof as Portia, will be Henry Carvill as bhylock, Miss Athlie Rogers as \erissa, Harold Shelton as Antonio, Henry Hitchener as Bassanio, Ogden Childs as thc judge, and Mr. de Lucca. Miss Estelle Christie and Mrs. Bruce "vfr.^"1??,83 Wil1 aPPear in the nJn»? f"fta-ble\Vx; In "The Masked Ball Antonio Salerno, Miss Oscar Gemunder, Miss Louise Henry, Miss Ldna Moreland, Mme. Mai Kalni Mr Lewis and Viola Lyons will be seen * k ii f c^.s-lnp tab^aux will include a! ballet of Silver Skyiarks and the shrine Ol the Sun Goadess, symbolical of the! ball. An afternoon dance will follow the luncheon and program of the Minerva! SS' Mr3-MMa,7 Stokes MacXutt presi- dent, on Monday, at the Waldorf-As- toria. It will be the last meeting of tho season, and there will be many guests. Mrs. John Edgar Sutherland will be chairman of tho day. The pro- gram w.ll include songs by Mrs. Julia M. Grundy, recitations bv Mrs. Fred-! ncka Pentecost Phillips, an address by the- Rev*. VV. Warren Giles and "Cur¬ rent Events" by Mrs. Belle de Rivera. Hamlin Garland will be the principal speaker at the evening meeting of the Indiana Club to-morrow at the Hotel McAlpin The annual election of offi-, cers will precede the program. Men are now eligible to membership in tho society, which was formerly known as the Daughters of Indiana. All Hoosiers in New "lork are invited. The present officers are Miss Mary Garrett Hay president; Mrs. John A. Wood, MrV B. K. Giltner. Miss Ruby Rees and Mrs.' oeur'l, Joffrey« vice-presidents; Mrs Paul True, corresponding secretary; Miss Lois P. Clark. recording secretarv. inu Mrs. Howeil H. Stewart, treasurer. .J1}1* 9rlic?g0's Woi"»n's Club, Mrs. rtalter H. Gahagan president, held a neeting on Monday at the Waldorf- \storia, when the following officers vere elected for the ensuing year- Jlrs. L,W. Seeligsberg, first vice-presi- lent: Mrs. H. W. Phelps, second vice- .resident; Mrs. H. C. Henig, recording lecretary; Mrs. W. McMillan, auditor, and Mrs. C. A. Dresscr and Mrs. F. Logic, directors. The election was in charge of Mrs. Edward Caldwell, assisted by Mrs. G. W. Spear and Mrs. W. K. Garton. Mrs. Gahagan and Mrs. John J. MacDonald aro the club's delegates to the City Federation convention in May. Mrs. W. R. Garton and Mrs. L. W. 'Seeligs- berg are alternates. The club has taken a ward nt Fox Hills Hospital to care for the disabled soldiers. Mrs. J. W. Barnhart is the chairman of the work and gave an in¬ teresting report. New members received into thc club are Mrs. Jane Redfield Vose, Mrs. Claire Stevens, Mrs. Stanlev Smythe, Mrs. H. P. Briand and Mrs. M. M. Gris- wold. U. D. C. Chapter To Hear of Work In War Hospitals Dr. Morton Will Describe Aid Given Young Serb- ians; Club Discusses "The Green Goddess" Thc James Henry Parker Chapter,; United Daughters of the Confoderacy, will hold its monthly meeting to-mor¬ row 2::*0 o'clock at the Hotel Astor. The president, Mrs.! Charles B. Goldsborough, will preside. Dr. Rosalie Slaughter Morton, who! served in the hospitals in France and Serbia during the World War and who was decorated by both nations, will speak about the young men and women she has been iristrumental in having' brought to the United States to be educated, that they may return to Serbia and give to their country the benefits of the knowledge acquir'ed in their professions. . ¦0r,/,J- Otterson, educational direc¬ tor of Fox Hills Hospital, also will speak. The Theater Club, Inc, Mrs. John H. Parker president, held its monthly study day at the Hotel Astor last Tues- day. Discussion of the play, "The Green Goddess," was led by Mrs. Al- bert A. Snowden, chairman of discus- sion, nssisted by Mrs. Charles Robert- son, who analyzed Arliss's interpreta- tion of the character of tha Rajnh, and .Mrs. John E. King, who compared his acting in previous roles with his work in this play. Mrs. G. E. Benjamin spoke of the character of Watkins, the yalet, and read a personal letter from Ivan Simpson, who plays the role, ex- plaining the means he had employed to acquire a correct understanding of this type of character. Miss Lillian Selig gave a critical analysis of the dramatic structure of tho play, and Mrs. Eva Phipps summed up its salient features. Facts of interest about the playwright, Wiiliam Archer, were pre-1 sentcd by Mrs. George W. Hyde. Among other speakers were Mrs. J. B. Wickery, Mrs. John W. Moran, Mrs George L. Fox, Mrs. Isabella Bendick, Mrs. Fanny Henning. Mrs. Lauri Bard- well, Mrs. B. Frank Hays. Mrs. Wallace Stewart and Mrs. John Lundie. The next meeting of the club will be a social day program, April 26, under thc chairmanship of Mrs. George M. Clyde. The regular meeting: of the Society for Political Study, Mrs. Otto Hahn president, was held Tuesday afternoon at the Hotel Astor. Dr. Anna W. Hoch- felder gave an instructive address. Her! subject was "Pending Legislation." She made a special appeal for the Dual bill. Miss Katherine Devereux Blake, whose mother, Mrs. Devereux Blake, was one pf the founders of the Society for Po¬ litical Study, gave an illuminating talk on health conditions in the schools. Mrs. Mortimer Menken conducted the parliamcntary drill. The Emerson Alumni Club, of Xew Jork, Mrs. Lcslie T. Arvidson president, held its last. meeting of the season on t-aturday rught at the rooms of the Iwelfth INjght Club, 47 West Forty-! fourth Street. A program of music was lurntshed by R. A. Augustine, pianist,' and Arthur Bergens, barytone. George "..alpm, a graduate of Emerson College, and professor of speaking and econom- ics in New Haven, gave an interestnig £r?iS8 on his work in that citv- I'ollowmg the program refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. Mollie Wilkinson, Republican leader of the 2d Assembly District. will ?ive a lunclieon to-morrow at the Hotel Marseilles to Tha New Yorkers, Mra Ohve T. Stott Gabriel president. There" wm be about one hundred guests and bridge will follow. Election Is Called By Rainy Day Club; Benefit Arranged Organization Is to Choose Chairmen of Standing Committees After Meet¬ ing of Governing Board The Rainy Day Club of America, Mrs. A. M. Palmer president, will hold its regu¬ lar monthly business meeting at the Hotel Astor Wednesday, preceded by a meeting ol' the executive committe and the governing board. The important business of the day will be the election of the chairmen of standing commit¬ tees for the ensuing year. Mrs. G. A.. Walter, chairman of ways and means, has arranged for a larga card party for the benefit of the club's philanthropic fund, to be held at Hotel Pennsylvania to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Louis Ralston and Miss Ella Louise Henderson assisting as vice-chairmen. Patronesses for this party are Mrs. Frances Abrahall, Mrs. Charles Berner, Mrs. Carl Cronemeyer, Mrs. 0. C. Cypiot, Mrs. F. E. Hadiey,' Mrs. Harriet Knight, Mrs. J. A. Law- rance, Mrs Frank R. Martin, Mrs. R. W. Marshall, Mrs. M. Maze, Mrs. Henry Xassoit, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, Mrs. Wii¬ liam J. Ralston, Mrs. Aida T. Tagliavia Mrs. Dudley Van Holland, Mrs. Mullin Wayne and the associate chairmen. On social day, Mrs. Charles D. Hirst, chairman of program, interesting Kpeakers were Charles F. Powlinson subject: "Negro Children.Their Fu¬ ture in America," and Dr. Hugfi Baker subject: "Conservation of Our For- ests." Minnie Carey Stine, contralto, sang two groups of songs. The Shakespeare Club of New York C ity will have its annual celebration of hhakespeare's birthday, Saturday. At 2 o'clock the laurel wreath and flags will be placed on the Ward statue of Shakespeare at the foot of the Mail in Central Park. John Drew, Mary Shaw, Park Commissioner Galla- tin and others will speak. At 7 o'clock the annual dinner will ^o held at the National Arts Club John G. Agar, John Erskine, president ot the Authors' Club; Mr. and Mrs Co- burn, Jessie Bonstelle, Dr. Philip S Moxom, of Springfield; Mary Shaw! Kabbi Silvorman and other speakers will be present. Election Held By Women Republicans Mrs. Samuel Griswold Wentz, Founder and President of Woman's Republican Club, Returned to Office Maine SocietyReorganizes Mrs. Wiiliam F. Conklin Is Chosen President at Meeting Held in Waldorf The Woman's Republican Club held its twenty-iirst annual meeting arfd election of officers last TuesAy morn¬ ing at the Hotel Plaza. Mrs. Samuel Griswold Wentz, the founder, was re- clected president, Mrs. Paul Crandell recording secretary, and Mrs. Emilc Glogau treasurer. The new officers are Mrs. Charles II. Denison, first vice- president; Mrs. John H. Iselin, second vice-president; Mrs. Perry S. Boynton, third vice-president; Mrs. Frederick Thompson, fourth vice-president; Mrs. George T. Mortimer, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Albert H, Gleason, chairman of executive board, and Mrs. Francis A. Winslow, JMrs. Wiiliam Vanamee and Mrs. G. T. Tobey, direc¬ tors. The club will give a reception at the Hotel Plaza Tuesday afternoon in honor of the presidents of 100 clubs be- longing to the city federation. At the annual meeting of the Maine Women's Club recently, at the Wal¬ dorf-Astoria, these officers were elected l'or the ensuing year: Mrs. Wiiliam F. Conklin, president; Mrs. Am'brose H. White, first vice-president; Mrs. George A. Noska, second vice-president; Mrs. R. M. Tapley, recording secretary; Mrs. Arthur Connor, corresponding secretary; Mrs. George W. Thomas, treasurer, and Miss Mary Stinson, auditor. The Daughters of Ohio, Mrs. Ed- mund W. Kingsland president, held its seventh meeting on Monday at the Waldorf-Astoria. Miss Laura Skinner was chairman of the program. Miss Mary Shaw spokc on "The Stage." Miss Frcda Rochen sang several songs, ac- companicd by Herbert Goode. The spring social of the New York Theater Club, Mrs. Belle de Rivera president, will be held at the Hotel Astor Tuesday. The chairman of the day, Mrs. Thomas Slack, will present Miss Genevieve Tobin as the guest of honor. Ernest Glendenning and Doug- las J. Wood, of the "Little Old New York" company, of which Miss Tobin is the star, will deliver addresses. Miss Etta Robinson will be heard in songs of the Zuni Indians and Miss B. Forda will sing a group of songs. The Society of Illinois Women, Mrs. Thomas Slack president, will have a meeting for members only on Thursday at the Waldorf. It will be the annual election and reports will be given by officers and chairmen of standing com¬ mittees. Mrs. Wiiliam II. Hamilton, vice-president of the Navy Club and a member of the Illinois Society, will speak on "When Parents Are a Handi¬ cap." Her talk will be followed by a discussion from the floor. Portia Club, Mrs. Edward Alien Al- bright president, will hold its annual election of officers Thursday at thc Hotel Astor. Mrs. Walter S. Comly was reelected president of the Daughters of Pennsyl¬ vania in New York at their annual meeting last Tuesday at the Waldorf- Astoria. Other officers were elected as follows: Second vice-president, Mrs. John M. Gallagher; recording secre¬ tary, Mrs. J. J. Kelly; treasurer, Mrs. Meredith Lovelace; directors, Mrs. Charles de Causse, Mrs. George Evans, Mrs. Frederick Tench and Mrs. J. Cash- The Legislative League, Mrs. Thomas Slack president, met last Thursday at the Waldorf-Astoria. It was nomina- tion day for the annual election in May. The parliamentary lesson given by Mrs. Slack was "Annual Meetings. How They Differ From Other Meet¬ ings." Mrs. Slack explained the neces¬ sary procedure in annual meetings, the call to order, reports of officers and chairmen and unfinished business. During the parliamentary drill Mrs. J. Hedges Crowell presided. The speakers of the afternoon were Miss Ada Sterling, author of "Mary Queen of Scots," and Royal J. Davis, of the Citizens Union. An appeal was made by Mrs. Wiiliam G. Demorest for the fund for disabled soldiers. She is chairman of the auxiliary .commit¬ tee of the National Emergency Club. The club's delegates to the City Federation convention are Mrs. Slack and Mrs. H. G. Hughes, and alternates are Mrs. R. Wolsted and Mrs. F. L. Wakeman. Lower Fifth Avenue Store Between 26th and 27th Sts. 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Transcript of Notes of the Women's Clubs.Affairs in Society»n Tuesday evening at 8:30 the Car-1 oll Dramatic Club...

Page 1: Notes of the Women's Clubs.Affairs in Society»n Tuesday evening at 8:30 the Car-1 oll Dramatic Club will give a min-!. trel entertainment in the club theater. ickets are on sale at

£aNotes of the Women's Clubs.Affairs in Society

Annual Elections HeldBy^ Many Women's Clubs

Chairman of Standing Committees for Ensuing Yearand Delegates and Alternates to Gty FederationConvention Chosen by Various Organizations

Most of the women's elubs held elections last week or are holdingthem within the next few days, when the officers and chairmen ofstanding committees for the ensuing year are named, and also delegatesnnd alternates elected to the City Federation convention to be held nextraonth. The Maine Women's Club held ifs election, also the Daughtersof Pennsylvania, the Chicago Women's Club and the Woman's RepublicanClub. The Rainy Day Club holds its election of chairmen of standingcommittees on Wednesday and Portia on Thursday.

Mrs. John Francis Yawger, corresponding secretary of the NationalDaughters of the American Revolution, and Mrs. Henry Clarke Coe, pres¬ident general of the Penwomen's Club, have been in Washington for a

week attending the general meetings. Both Mrs. Yawger and Mrs. Coeare on the govemors' committee of the National Women's Club house.Tbe clubhouse to be built in New York, will be one. oi>seven to be con-ftructed in the country for club women.

Mrs. Coe will give a luncheon on Tuesday at the Colony Club in honorof Mrs. Ralph Trautman, Mrs. Belle de Rivera and Mr3. A. M. Palmer,when a general outline of the Woman's National Clubhouse will be dis-. ,*.*A »-

Euterpe (Mrs. Alcinous Berton Jami-'son president) will give the last of itsseries of card parties on the afternoonof April 29 at the home of the presi-jdent, 48 West Forty-fifth Street.Among those who have taken tablesare Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Wiiliam S.Cook, Mrs. Albert Schaefer, Mrs. JamesHoran, Mrs. Joseph Vidal, Mrs. MaryjBarker, Mrs. Charles Haviland, Mrs.Thoodore Goddard, Mrs. GeorgeLeonard Fisher, Mrs. John F. Walker,Miss Ida Judson and Miss Julia S.Chase.

Ticketa may be purchased from the]chairman, Mrs. Frank P. Laut, S100Broadway.The annual luncheon will take place

May 24.

The April luncheon of the ManhattanMatinee Club (Mrs. Jessie EmersonMoffat founder and president) will beheld Wednesday at the Waldorf-As¬torla. Afterward the' members and'guests will see "Three Live Ghosts" atthe Nora Bayes Theater. Mrs. GeorgeL. Fowler will be chairman of the day.The regular monthly meeting of theclub will be held to-morrow afternoonat the Waldorf-Astoria. Mrs. FrankH. Scardefield, acting president, willpreside. "Moliere" will be the subjectof a talk by Mrs. James W. Howie.;Plans for the annual card party for thephilanthropic fund, April 26, will be'completed. Tickets, at $1 each, may beobtained from Mrs. George Eltz, of 335Convent Avenue, chairman. Mrs. JamesT. White is vice-chairman. The clubsupports two American girls, who willbe present, and one French orphan."The Champion," which the club sawjnt a theater party last Tuesday, willbe discussed. i


Beethoven Arranges ConcertThe Beethoven Society (Mme. Aida

Tanini-Tagliavia president) will havethe following artists to assist thechoral at the final concert of the sea¬son on Wednesday evening in thegrand ballroom of the Hotel Plaza:Edgar Schofield, barytone; Carl H. Tol-lefson, violinist; Mme. Augusta Tollef-sen, pianist, and Paul Kefer, 'cellist.Harold Osborn-Smith and Ehner Zollerwill be the accompanists. New partK,ongs will be sung by the BeethovenChoral, with incidental solos by MissGertrude Holt. Dancing will follow theprogram.Arrangements for the,annual dinner

and dance April 29 at the McAlpin willbe completed at the board meeting andtea Friday at the residence of Mme.Tagliavia, 59 West Seventy-fourthStreet. Miss Ella Louise Hendersonand Mrs. J. Sherwood Hyatt are thechairmen.The American Criterion Society, Mrs.

Leonard L. Hill president, gave its Iinaldinner dance of the season Fridayevening, at the Hotel Commodore.Covers for 400 members were laid inthe Grand Ballroom, where the dinnerand dance took place.

Mrs. Charles A. Bartholomae -waschairman of the committee on arrange¬ments, with Dr. John Strother Gainesjr. and Walter Moore joint chairmenof the floor committee. The matronsof tho dance are Mrs. Joseph Paterno,Mra. II. W. Braun and Mrs. John P.Laflin.

Mrs. Hill entertained a party con-siating of Mrs. James H. Prince, Mr.and Mrs. F. M. McQuesten, Mr. andMra. Daniel Ritchey, Mr. and Mra. D.George Dery, Mrs. Frances A. Murdock,Mr. Mrs, Edward Schwab, Mr. andMrs. Louis Marks and Mr. and Mrs.'Thomas Pitman Spencer.

Others who had guests were Mrs.Robert Howard Beattie, Mrs. MyronWilbur Robinson, Mrs. Charles E. Bent-ley, Mrs. Hudson Parme.lee Rose, Mrs.Margaret Weber, Mrs. Frederic WiiliamWaller, Mrs. John Strother Gaines jr.,Mrs. George W. K%yanaugh, Mrs. JohnH. Judge, Mrs. Harry E. Verran andMrs. John T. Rainier.

The Rubinstein Club, Mrs, WiiliamR. Chapman president, gave its sixthand last afternoon musicale for thisseason yesterday in the Grand Ball-1room of the Waldorf-Astoria. Benja-mino Gigli, the new tenor of the Metro¬politan Opera Company, gave a song re¬cital. Dancing followed the close ofthe recital.The third and last evening concert

will be given Tuesday in the Grand Ball¬room of the Waldorf-Astoria, under thedirection of Wiiliam Rogers Chapman.The club choral will sing ten new partf^ongs, which will be presented for thelirst time and dedicated to the club.The assisting artists will be the Ital¬ian barytone Fernando Guarneri andthe American tenor Justin Laurie.Miss Alice M. Shaw, the club's accom-panist, will be at the piano, and LouisDreaaler at the organ. The eighteenthannuml White Breakfast will be givenMay 7. Gentlemen will be admitted totfce breakfast this year, and will b«seated in the upper tier boxes.

Mra. George T. Colter is chairman ofticketa, Mrs. J. W. Hedden chairman ofdecorationa and Mrs. Gustav G. Schickchairman of reception.

Jefferson Dinner HeldThe Woman's Democratic Club of

the City of New York held its annualJefferson dinner in the Grand Ballroomof the Hotel Commodore Sunday night.Mrs. George H. Childs, president ofie club, presided. The speakers were¦w. Catherine A. Martin, president of ..

in* Athene Club; Mrs. Charles D. f tlB9at, Miss Elisabeth Marbury and n

3. Simon Baruch, president-"of the C.uthland Club. rMrs. Frances A. Abrahall was chair- si

man ©f the dinner committee. Mrs. I.TJohn,, E. Quinn, first vice-president of ntha club, had as guests at her table eiMra. O'Gorman Stanton, Mrs. Jtthn ir

Robert Miller, Mrs. Joseph Schemer-horn Asch, Mrs. Mary Guttentag, Mrs.J. Woolsey Collins and Mr. and Mrs.John A. Collins. ^

Life as a F"ine Art Cluh held the lastmeeting of the lecture course Wednes¬day at the Hotel Commodore. A largeaudience was present, filling the EastBallroom.Mrs. Mildred Manly Easton, presi¬

dent, gave her seventh lecture in thisseries entitled "The Conflict in OurPersonal Reiations. lf we are everdamned it will not be because we haveloved too much, but because we havenot loved enough* Mrs. Easton spokefor two hours describing the conflictsin life.Mrs. Walter H. Gahagan sang a

group of songs. Mme. Keeler-Schneiderwas at the piano.Mrs. Charles E. Hatch spoke- on

"World Current Events."The officers making annual reports

were Mrs. John Hancock, recording sec¬retary; Mrs. William Ii. Malone, cor-iesponding secretary; Mrs. George M.Clyde, treasurer; Mme. Keeler-Schnei¬der, music; Mrs. Eva Ross, questionbox; Mrs. II. Elmquist, reception; Mrs.M. Shultz, treasurer; Mrs, IL R. Hay-den, aide. and Mrs. John Joseph Mac-Donald, publicity.

Guests of honor were Mrs. A. M.Palmer, Mrs. E. B. Daly, Mrs. StanleyL, Otis and Mrs. Charles D. Hirst.Delegates to the City Federation con¬

vention aro Mrs. M. M. Easton, Mrs.C. E. Hatch, Mrs. Edward Donovan andMrs. H. R. Hayden.The annual luncheon will be held

May 4 at the Hotel Commodore. Reser¬vations may be obtained from Mrs. L.D. Arata and Mrs. George >M, Clyde,229 Lincoln Place.

Theatre Club Discusses PlayThe Theater Club, Inc, Mrs. John

H. Parker, president, held. a meetinglast Tuesday at the Hotel Astor, atwhich the play, "The Green Godde?s,"was the theme for discussion. Mrs.Albert A. Snowden told the story ofthe play. A card party is scheduled fornext Tuesday, at which Mrs. JosephF. Taylor will be chairman.

The Theoria, Mrs. Harold GeorgeWood president and founder, will holdits first annual breakfast in the GrandBallroom of the Hotel Astor to-mor¬row. A large attendance is expectedas many tables have been resei-ved.Twenty guests of honor have acceptedinvitations, and many of the plays nowin the city will be represented. OnApril 28 Theoria will hold its regularmatinee. The play to be seen will be"Little Old New York."The National Opera Club, Baroness

von Klenner president, at its last even-ing affair of the season at the Wal-dorf-Astoria, Wednesday, will have anevening in honor of Baroness von Klen¬ner, who sails for Italy April 28. The.program will include the playlet byhrnest Dowson "Pierrot of the Min-ute," presented by members of theProvincetown Players, Miss DorothyWctniore and William Rainev, with agroup of dancers directed by- MarthaRoberts.Following tho program there will be

a reception and ball with special fea¬tures arranged by Francis WrightClinton, chairman of floor committee.with f. N. Nixon, X. Loth, J. Gutman,M. Adams and F. M. Avery, assistants.During the evening a gold pin, pre-sented by the Woman's Press Club toBaroness von Klenner as a token ofesteem, will be added to other clubpins. Thc baroness will bring severalnew music features on her returnwhich will be presented at the club!Mrs. A. V. Orr will preside duringI.aroness von Kienner's absence. Plansfor the coming season include the en-gagement of W. L. Hubbard as clublecturer on the> study days.A regular meeting of the Priors washeld at Hotel Astor recently. Thefounder and honorary president, MissCherrie Clark, presented to the club

the badge which each succeeding presi-!dent will wear, and the president, MrsHarry Lilly, gave to Miss Clark in thename of the Priors the insignia of heroffice. It was decided to have a springouting, and a committee was appointedto arrange for it. Members will benotified of the time and place.The following new members wereaccepted: Mrs, George A. Allen, Mrs.George E. Ashwell, Miss Katherine DBlake, Mrs. Haryot Holt Dey, MrsJohn H. Griesel, Mrs. Emile Glogau,Dr. Anna Hochfelder, Miss Susie Har-kins, Mrs. Julian Heath, Miss MaryLlarrett Hay, Mrs. Axel O. Ihlseng,Mrs. Mary Lilly, Miss Eliza McDonald!Mrs. Henry H. Russell. Miss Henriette^trauss, Mrs. Stephen I). Stephens andVliss Mary Wood.

Tho clubs of Manhattan and the3ronx, which comprise the first judi-:ial district of New York State Federa-ion, Mrs. Walter Comlv, president,vill meet at Hotel Astor Tuesday.'drs. Harry Lilly. chairman of thelistrict, will preside.A council of presidents of the first,

econd and ninth districts will follow,!rith Mrs. Comly in the chair. Repre-entatives of clubs, whether aftiliatedr not, are invited to attend.

Miss Katherine Kremelberg will havehargo of the musical program for teahia afternoon of the Carroll Club and all!lembers and their friends are invited.»n Tuesday evening at 8:30 the Car-1oll Dramatic Club will give a min-!.trel entertainment in the club theater.ickets are on sale at the club. A jovelty party for members and their <scorts has been planned for the aven- iHT of April 23. I!


7IJ/JS. WENTZ has been re-

elected president of thcWoman's Republican Club.Miss Stevens is vtce-chairman

of the Junior Cabinet* of theNew York Mozart Society. i<k 'ame$& W/etitz

Mrs. McConnellTo Give Tea for

Mozart SocietyThird and

, Final ConcertTuesday Evening; Shake-peare - Verdi Tableauxat Waldorf Wednesday

Mrs. Noble McConnell will give a teaon-Thursday afternoon at the HotelAstor for the members of tho NewYork Mozart Society, of which she ispresident. This is a feature of theMozart activities each year, and al¬ways is attended T>y most of the mem¬bers of the club.The third and final evening concertthe society will be held in thegrand ballroom of the Astor Tuesdav

SnWSv W^Ci Claire Liliian PcteleVand Titta Ruffo will sing, assisted bythe choral of 150 voices under the di¬rection of Richard T. Percy. AlbertGilbert Spros* will be the accompanist.The concert will be followed by,dancing. for which Orlando's orchestrawill play, and many supper parties willbe given Governor and Mrs. EdwardI. Edwards of New Jersey will be guestsof Mrs. OwcnJ. McWilliams |I reparations are about completed"I the annual white and gold break-Hot^AT1^' «ftern°on. May 7, ai theHotel Astor. The grand ballroom, east1ballroom and laurel room will beused. Members of the choral will singin the opening exercisex, and the sne-

Dr 5U6S^ -f h^".°r Wil1 b0 ^e Rev.vlli rd?'m Keie«'in and tho Rev.S nov F ", D°,0le5'' MrS- Sa»uelbrt'akfast "00 S chairman of the

daUv,ewal3 are. bei«g held almost'Verdi Wm a ¦eri0& ,ot Shakespeare-h/ti iear' ^hich wUl introducethe ba 1 of the Sllver Skylarks tn I,edirfV? -h° Verdi eiub at the Wal!dorf-Astoria on Wednesday. Among1those who will pose are Miss FlorencfAuer leading woman of the "Wan-derer" company, who will appear as.^d.y .M.f cb£th' In the sceno fromOthello" Miss Alberta Gallatin andJoseph Mitchell will take part in thebalcony scenej from /'Romeo and Juliet"JSrf M*\,d ,WV Gr,fflth wil1 bc Ju'ietf, d« M!.ci,ael. Anffel° Salerno Romeo.In the "Traviata" tableaux Mrs. Thad-deus Lewis and Alfred Rosche willtake part.There wil be two large * tableaux.and m the trial scene from "The Mer¬chant of Venice," with tho Baronessde lorinof as Portia, will be HenryCarvill as bhylock, Miss Athlie Rogersas \erissa, Harold Shelton as Antonio,Henry Hitchener as Bassanio, OgdenChilds as thc judge, and Mr. de Lucca.Miss Estelle Christie and Mrs. Bruce"vfr.^"1??,83 Wil1 aPPear in thenJn»? f"fta-ble\Vx; In "The MaskedBall Antonio Salerno, Miss OscarGemunder, Miss Louise Henry, MissLdna Moreland, Mme. Mai Kalni MrLewis and Viola Lyons will be seen


k ii f c^.s-lnp tab^aux will include a!ballet of Silver Skyiarks and the shrineOl the Sun Goadess, symbolical of the!ball.

An afternoon dance will follow theluncheon and program of the Minerva!SS' Mr3-MMa,7 Stokes MacXutt presi-dent, on Monday, at the Waldorf-As-toria. It will be the last meeting oftho season, and there will be manyguests. Mrs. John Edgar Sutherlandwill be chairman of tho day. The pro-gram w.ll include songs by Mrs. JuliaM. Grundy, recitations bv Mrs. Fred-!ncka Pentecost Phillips, an address bythe- Rev*. VV. Warren Giles and "Cur¬rent Events" by Mrs. Belle de Rivera.Hamlin Garland will be the principalspeaker at the evening meeting of theIndiana Club to-morrow at the HotelMcAlpin The annual election of offi-,cers will precede the program. Menare now eligible to membership in thosociety, which was formerly known asthe Daughters of Indiana. All Hoosiersin New "lork are invited. The presentofficers are Miss Mary Garrett Haypresident; Mrs. John A. Wood, MrVB. K. Giltner. Miss Ruby Rees and Mrs.'

oeur'l, Joffrey« vice-presidents; MrsPaul True, corresponding secretary;Miss Lois P. Clark. recording secretarv.inu Mrs. Howeil H. Stewart, treasurer.

.J1}1* 9rlic?g0's Woi"»n's Club, Mrs.rtalter H. Gahagan president, held aneeting on Monday at the Waldorf-\storia, when the following officersvere elected for the ensuing year-Jlrs. L,W. Seeligsberg, first vice-presi-lent: Mrs. H. W. Phelps, second vice-.resident; Mrs. H. C. Henig, recordinglecretary; Mrs. W. McMillan, auditor,

and Mrs. C. A. Dresscr and Mrs. F.Logic, directors.The election was in charge of Mrs.

Edward Caldwell, assisted by Mrs. G.W. Spear and Mrs. W. K. Garton. Mrs.Gahagan and Mrs. John J. MacDonaldaro the club's delegates to the CityFederation convention in May. Mrs.W. R. Garton and Mrs. L. W. 'Seeligs-berg are alternates.The club has taken a ward nt Fox

Hills Hospital to care for the disabledsoldiers. Mrs. J. W. Barnhart is thechairman of the work and gave an in¬teresting report.New members received into thc club

are Mrs. Jane Redfield Vose, Mrs.Claire Stevens, Mrs. Stanlev Smythe,Mrs. H. P. Briand and Mrs. M. M. Gris-wold.

U. D. C. ChapterTo Hear of WorkIn War Hospitals

Dr. Morton Will DescribeAid Given Young Serb-ians; Club Discusses"The Green Goddess"

Thc James Henry Parker Chapter,;United Daughters of the Confoderacy,will hold its monthly meeting to-mor¬row 2::*0 o'clock at theHotel Astor. The president, Mrs.!Charles B. Goldsborough, will preside.Dr. Rosalie Slaughter Morton, who!served in the hospitals in France andSerbia during the World War and whowas decorated by both nations, willspeak about the young men and womenshe has been iristrumental in having'brought to the United States to beeducated, that they may return toSerbia and give to their country thebenefits of the knowledge acquir'ed intheir professions.. ¦0r,/,J- Otterson, educational direc¬tor of Fox Hills Hospital, also willspeak.The Theater Club, Inc, Mrs. John H.Parker president, held its monthlystudy day at the Hotel Astor last Tues-day. Discussion of the play, "TheGreen Goddess," was led by Mrs. Al-bert A. Snowden, chairman of discus-

sion, nssisted by Mrs. Charles Robert-son, who analyzed Arliss's interpreta-tion of the character of tha Rajnh, and.Mrs. John E. King, who compared hisacting in previous roles with his workin this play. Mrs. G. E. Benjaminspoke of the character of Watkins, theyalet, and read a personal letter fromIvan Simpson, who plays the role, ex-plaining the means he had employedto acquire a correct understanding ofthis type of character. Miss LillianSelig gave a critical analysis of thedramatic structure of tho play, andMrs. Eva Phipps summed up its salientfeatures. Facts of interest about theplaywright, Wiiliam Archer, were pre-1sentcd by Mrs. George W. Hyde.Among other speakers were Mrs. J. B.Wickery, Mrs. John W. Moran, MrsGeorge L. Fox, Mrs. Isabella Bendick,Mrs. Fanny Henning. Mrs. Lauri Bard-well, Mrs. B. Frank Hays. Mrs. WallaceStewart and Mrs. John Lundie.The next meeting of the club will be

a social day program, April 26, underthc chairmanship of Mrs. George M.Clyde.The regular meeting: of the Societyfor Political Study, Mrs. Otto Hahn

president, was held Tuesday afternoonat the Hotel Astor. Dr. Anna W. Hoch-felder gave an instructive address. Her!subject was "Pending Legislation." Shemade a special appeal for the Dual bill.Miss Katherine Devereux Blake, whosemother, Mrs. Devereux Blake, was one

pf the founders of the Society for Po¬litical Study, gave an illuminating talkon health conditions in the schools.Mrs. Mortimer Menken conducted theparliamcntary drill.

The Emerson Alumni Club, of XewJork, Mrs. Lcslie T. Arvidson president,held its last. meeting of the season ont-aturday rught at the rooms of theIwelfth INjght Club, 47 West Forty-!fourth Street. A program of music waslurntshed by R. A. Augustine, pianist,'and Arthur Bergens, barytone. George"..alpm, a graduate of Emerson College,and professor of speaking and econom-ics in New Haven, gave an interestnig£r?iS8 on his work in that citv-I'ollowmg the program refreshmentswere served and a social hour enjoyed.Mrs. Mollie Wilkinson, Republicanleader of the 2d Assembly District. will?ive a lunclieon to-morrow at the HotelMarseilles to Tha New Yorkers, MraOhve T. Stott Gabriel president. There"wm be about one hundred guests andbridge will follow.

Election Is CalledBy Rainy Day Club;Benefit Arranged

Organization Is to ChooseChairmen of StandingCommittees After Meet¬ing of Governing Board

The Rainy Day Club of America, Mrs. A.M. Palmer president, will hold its regu¬lar monthly business meeting at theHotel Astor Wednesday, preceded by a

meeting ol' the executive committe andthe governing board. The importantbusiness of the day will be the electionof the chairmen of standing commit¬tees for the ensuing year.Mrs. G. A.. Walter, chairman of ways

and means, has arranged for a largacard party for the benefit of the club'sphilanthropic fund, to be held at HotelPennsylvania to-morrow afternoon at 2o'clock, with Mrs. Louis Ralston andMiss Ella Louise Henderson assistingas vice-chairmen. Patronesses for thisparty are Mrs. Frances Abrahall, Mrs.Charles Berner, Mrs. Carl Cronemeyer,Mrs. 0. C. Cypiot, Mrs. F. E. Hadiey,'Mrs. Harriet Knight, Mrs. J. A. Law-rance, Mrs Frank R. Martin, Mrs. R. W.Marshall, Mrs. M. Maze, Mrs. HenryXassoit, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, Mrs. Wii¬liam J. Ralston, Mrs. Aida T. TagliaviaMrs. Dudley Van Holland, Mrs. MullinWayne and the associate chairmen.On social day, Mrs. Charles D. Hirst,chairman of program, interestingKpeakers were Charles F. Powlinsonsubject: "Negro Children.Their Fu¬ture in America," and Dr. Hugfi Bakersubject: "Conservation of Our For-ests." Minnie Carey Stine, contralto,sang two groups of songs.The Shakespeare Club of New YorkC ity will have its annual celebration ofhhakespeare's birthday, Saturday.At 2 o'clock the laurel wreath andflags will be placed on the Wardstatue of Shakespeare at the foot ofthe Mail in Central Park. John Drew,Mary Shaw, Park Commissioner Galla-tin and others will speak.At 7 o'clock the annual dinner will^o held at the National Arts ClubJohn G. Agar, John Erskine, presidentot the Authors' Club; Mr. and Mrs Co-burn, Jessie Bonstelle, Dr. Philip SMoxom, of Springfield; Mary Shaw!Kabbi Silvorman and other speakerswill be present.

Election HeldBy Women

RepublicansMrs. Samuel Griswold Wentz,

Founder and President ofWoman's RepublicanClub, Returned to Office

Maine SocietyReorganizesMrs. Wiiliam F. Conklin

Is Chosen President atMeeting Held in Waldorf

The Woman's Republican Club heldits twenty-iirst annual meeting arfdelection of officers last TuesAy morn¬

ing at the Hotel Plaza. Mrs. SamuelGriswold Wentz, the founder, was re-

clected president, Mrs. Paul Crandellrecording secretary, and Mrs. EmilcGlogau treasurer. The new officers are

Mrs. Charles II. Denison, first vice-president; Mrs. John H. Iselin, secondvice-president; Mrs. Perry S. Boynton,third vice-president; Mrs. FrederickThompson, fourth vice-president; Mrs.George T. Mortimer, correspondingsecretary; Mrs. Albert H, Gleason,chairman of executive board, and Mrs.Francis A. Winslow, JMrs. WiiliamVanamee and Mrs. G. T. Tobey, direc¬tors.The club will give a reception at the

Hotel Plaza Tuesday afternoon inhonor of the presidents of 100 clubs be-longing to the city federation.

At the annual meeting of the MaineWomen's Club recently, at the Wal¬dorf-Astoria, these officers were electedl'or the ensuing year: Mrs. Wiiliam F.Conklin, president; Mrs. Am'brose H.White, first vice-president; Mrs. GeorgeA. Noska, second vice-president; Mrs.R. M. Tapley, recording secretary;Mrs. Arthur Connor, correspondingsecretary; Mrs. George W. Thomas,treasurer, and Miss Mary Stinson,auditor.

The Daughters of Ohio, Mrs. Ed-mund W. Kingsland president, held itsseventh meeting on Monday at theWaldorf-Astoria. Miss Laura Skinnerwas chairman of the program. MissMary Shaw spokc on "The Stage." MissFrcda Rochen sang several songs, ac-companicd by Herbert Goode.The spring social of the New York

Theater Club, Mrs. Belle de Riverapresident, will be held at the HotelAstor Tuesday. The chairman of theday, Mrs. Thomas Slack, will presentMiss Genevieve Tobin as the guest ofhonor. Ernest Glendenning and Doug-las J. Wood, of the "Little Old NewYork" company, of which Miss Tobinis the star, will deliver addresses. MissEtta Robinson will be heard in songsof the Zuni Indians and Miss B. Fordawill sing a group of songs.

The Society of Illinois Women, Mrs.Thomas Slack president, will have ameeting for members only on Thursdayat the Waldorf. It will be the annualelection and reports will be given byofficers and chairmen of standing com¬mittees. Mrs. Wiiliam II. Hamilton,vice-president of the Navy Club and amember of the Illinois Society, willspeak on "When Parents Are a Handi¬cap." Her talk will be followed by adiscussion from the floor.

Portia Club, Mrs. Edward Alien Al-bright president, will hold its annualelection of officers Thursday at thcHotel Astor.

Mrs. Walter S. Comly was reelectedpresident of the Daughters of Pennsyl¬vania in New York at their annualmeeting last Tuesday at the Waldorf-Astoria. Other officers were electedas follows: Second vice-president, Mrs.John M. Gallagher; recording secre¬tary, Mrs. J. J. Kelly; treasurer, Mrs.Meredith Lovelace; directors, Mrs.Charles de Causse, Mrs. George Evans,Mrs. Frederick Tench and Mrs. J. Cash-

The Legislative League, Mrs. ThomasSlack president, met last Thursday atthe Waldorf-Astoria. It was nomina-tion day for the annual election inMay. The parliamentary lesson givenby Mrs. Slack was "Annual Meetings.How They Differ From Other Meet¬ings." Mrs. Slack explained the neces¬sary procedure in annual meetings, thecall to order, reports of officers andchairmen and unfinished business.During the parliamentary drill Mrs. J.Hedges Crowell presided.The speakers of the afternoon were

Miss Ada Sterling, author of "MaryQueen of Scots," and Royal J. Davis,of the Citizens Union. An appeal wasmade by Mrs. Wiiliam G. Demorest forthe fund for disabled soldiers. Sheis chairman of the auxiliary .commit¬tee of the National Emergency Club.The club's delegates to the CityFederation convention are Mrs. Slack

and Mrs. H. G. Hughes, and alternatesare Mrs. R. Wolsted and Mrs. F. L.Wakeman.

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