Notes - Civil War Military Organization

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  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Interpret this political cartoon what symbolism do

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  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    How the War was Fou

    Terms, Leaders and Battles

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    The Union military...

    500,000 volunteer soldiers by July1861.

    Armies named after bodies of water

    (such as the Potomac).

    Naval Blockade.

    General Scott is first to lead;

    quickly replaced by General


    Aggressive strategy.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Confederate Military...

    500,000 volunteers by January1862

    Armies named after States or

    Regions (such as the Army of


    Weak Navy

    No central leader, though Lee

    is most important.

    Defensive strategy.

    Confederate Uniform worn b

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Terms youll read:

    Infantry: foot soldiers with rifles.

    Artillery: foot soldiers with cannons.

    Cavalry: soldiers mounted on horses.

    Ironclad: wooden ship covered in steplates.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Chain of Command 1/5

    A regiment was often composed of men

    from the same region of a state andfrequently contained men who had known

    each other before the war. A newly

    formed regiment contained about 1,000

    officers and enlisted men.

    A colonel commanded the regiment,

    followed in succession by a lieutenant

    colonel and a major. The actual number

    of men in a regiment varied widely during

    the war as a result of battle losses,

    disease, and desertion.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Chain of Command 2/5

    During the Civil War a brigade was made up of anyw

    between two and six regiments, but most commonl

    four. A brigade was commanded by a brigadier gen

    reported directly to the division commander.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Chain of Command 3/5

    A Civil War division containedbetween three and five

    brigades, and was

    commanded by a major

    general. Confederate

    divisions tended to contain

    more brigades than their

    Union counterparts, and often

    consisted of nearly twice as

    many men.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Chain of Command 4/5

    A corps could contain between two and

    four divisions, but was most commonlymade up of three. A Union Corps was

    commanded by a major generalwhile a

    Confederate Corps was led by a

    lieutenant general. Since Confederate

    divisions were typically larger than Uniondivisions, it was often the case that a

    single Confederate division was nearly

    the same size as a Union corps.

  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Chain of Command 5/5

    AnArmy was a fighting force made up of two

    or more corps and was commanded by ageneral. During the Civil War the Union most

    commonly named its armies after rivers or

    waterways (eg. the Army of the Potomac)

    while the Confederacy designated its armies

    after states or regions (eg. the Army of

    Northern Virginia).

    General is the highest rank an officer can

    earn. Their only superiors are the Secretary

    of War, and Commander-in-Chief (the

    President).Click here for the source of the
  • 8/13/2019 Notes - Civil War Military Organization


    Investigate Specific Battles

    Which mistakes were most damaging

    Which risks paid off?

    Which battles are most important to

    outcome of Civil War? Follow this link well read words fro

    officers and witnesses of great battle