Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield

Transcript of Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Page 1: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Not Just a Postbox

Scott Castle, University of Sheffield

Page 2: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

1. Not Just a Postbox (Scott Castle) Where we are now (our operating presence) How we got here (a history of our evolution) Where we are going (visioning the future) Fellow travellers (cross cutting department support) The people who make it happen (the SSiD team)


Page 3: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Walk in Centre

– One stop shop– Face to face enquiry

management– Walk in student

information centre– First line student


Page 4: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Contact Centre

• Email enquiry management

• Telephone enquiry management

• Online documents ordering management

• Database management• Systems Development

Page 5: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Online Presence

• Web Content Management• App Development• Video Production Management• Social Media Strategy

Page 6: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

How we got here – a history

1997: SSiD opened

2003: Web Manager

2006: Contact Centre

2007: GRACE (Customer Relationship Management System)

2008: Sharing Good Practice• Feedback from students

• Work Shadowing

• Customer Service in a Student Support Context

2008: Social Media pilot

2009: Ask Sheffield FAQ Database

2010: One Minute Videos / Sixty Second Podcasts

2012: Student Communications Coordinator

2013: Student Communications Team

Page 7: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Where we are going

“Visioning the future”Information







Page 8: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

Fellow Travellers

Cross Cutting Department Support

Student Recruitment, AdmissionsInternational



& Well Being


Academic &LearningServices

Customer Service in a Student Support Context

Student General Information Management


Student Communications Management

Student Enterprise Content Management

Adapted from Porter ‘s Value Chain (1985)

Student Services Functional Areas




rt A




Page 9: Not Just a Postbox Scott Castle, University of Sheffield.

The people who make it happen

(T ) T e m p o ra ry S ta ff M e m b e rs

T e re s a T h o m p s o nS e n io r In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

C u s to m e r s e rv ice

L a u ric e H a llIn fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

L in dse y S ae edIn fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

L i S a n ka ra n (T ) 0 .2In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

(F ro n t D e sk)

C h lo e M c G u in n (T ) 0 .4In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

(F ro n t D e sk)

J o s h A rm s tro ngT e a m L e a d e r (T e a m 1 )S ervic e Im provem ent

M ike C a w le yS e n io r In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

E ve n ts

D a n K ris h n a nIn fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

G e n e vie ve V ic ke rsIn fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

C o u rtn y H a rp e r (T ) 0 .4In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

(F ro n t D e sk)

S a n dra F ra n ceT e a m L e a d e r (T e a m 2 )

L iaison & E vents

S im o n S te w a rtS e n io r In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

In fo rm a tio n S ys te m s

A ku ila M a liq i (T ) 0 .2In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

(C o n ta c t C e n tre )

V a ca n cy (T ) 0 .5In fo rm a tio n A s s is ta n t

(C o n ta c t C e n tre )

L yn n T re s lo ve (0 .5 )T e a m L e a d e r (T e a m 3 )

Fac ilities , S ystems & Databas es

D o m J a cks o n (T )W e b S u pp o rtA s s is ta n t 0 .4

M a rk B o th a m le yW e b D e ve lo p m e n t O ffi c e r

L a u ra D re w (T )G ra p h ic M e d iaA s s is ta n t 0 .2

M a tt E x to nD ig I ta l M e d ia O ffi c e r

G e o rg ina B e a rdm o reS tu de n t C o m m un ic a tio ns

A d v is e r

M a lc o lm R o b e rtsT e a m L e ad e r (T e am 4)

S tudent C omm unic ations

S c o tt C a s tleS e rv ice M a n a g e r