North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team...

North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team

Transcript of North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team...

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North WestEvidence and Intelligence Workshop

3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team

Evidence and Intelligence team

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Today’s session•Introduction - Jürgen Schmidt, Local System E & I Project Manager, Public Health England Transition Team •Information Management – Robert Kyffin, Senior Public Health Intelligence Officer, Public Health & Social Care, South East •Commissioning Board’s Commissioning Intelligence Model – Ming Tang, Managing Director, South Yorkshire Commissioning Support Service, Helen Brown, Commissioning Intelligence Lead, NHS Commissioning Board, Data Management and Integration Centre representative•Core Offer – Ann Goodwin, Programme Manager, Public Health England Transition Team•Evidence – Anne Brice, Project Lead, Active Knowledge Management•Public Health England: contribution and summary – Jürgen Schmidt •Questions


If at the end of the day we both know more about what the other is doing, why and against which odds, then the day was well spent

Further information

Dr Jürgen Schmidt, project lead, [email protected]

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Current work in Evidence and Intelligence

• creating a national leadership role for evidence and intelligence (E&I) in PHE, integrating leadership of cancer registration, NDTMS, and cancer (inc. NCIN) and public health intelligence

• creating eight geographical areas of accountability, with multiple office sites/bases where needed

• combining cancer registry intelligence staff with public health observatory staff to create eight evidence and intelligence teams

• developing national cancer registration based on existing move to national system

• developing national NDTMS structure, drawing on existing regional teams and a common model

• providing an excellent responsive service to local partners, including PHE Centres, Local Authorities, Clinical Networks and others as appropriate

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Revised to match PHE Regions, PHE Centres, and NHS CB LATs…subject to final


The Map (population in millions)








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Context for local public health intelligence work

• What are the relevant changes?

– Physical move and changed functions of DsPH and their teams

– Local Authority public health responsibilities

– Local ‘proposition’ ie. support offer

• Formal requirements:

– NHS planning guidance for 2012/13: To agree arrangements on public health information requirements and information governance by September 2012

– PHE transition guidance checklist item: Are plans in place to ensure access to IT systems, sharing of data and access to health intelligence in line with information governance and business requirements during transition and beyond?

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Legal requirements (Act 2012)“Obtaining advice from individuals who taken together have a wide range ofprofessional expertise in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness, and the protection or improvement of public health”

Authorisation Criteria“1.3 Widespread involvement of other clinical colleagues providing health services locally [identified by ..]Arrangements in place between LA and CCG specifying how public health advice to CCGs will be delivered.”

Clinical Commissioning Groups

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Commissioning Support Services

Potential NHS commissioning support suppliers should:“Develop an understanding of how their offer will relate to other parts of the commissioning support supply chain and the delivery impact of this (for example by engaging with local authorities and the public health team to establish what they are providing)”

“Work is on-going to establish which elements of Health Needs Assessment and Business Intelligence for NHS commissioners might be secured as part of a ‘core offer’ from Public Health England (PHE) and which components might be provided by NHS commissioning support functions”

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Local authority public health intelligence

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Information Management in Public Health EnglandWide range of information management projects covering:

• What information do we need

– National data requirements

• How do we access and handle it

– Information governance

– Information standards

– Data management

• How do we use it

– Indicators

– Methods

– PHE web portal

Further information

Robert Kyffin [email protected]

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Information Management inPublic Health EnglandNational Data Requirements

• Model for agreeing and defining national data requirements for public health developed and tested at stakeholder workshop and with project advisory group

• Proposal currently being finalised – if approved, work will commence in autumn to establish an NDR Board and Advisory Groups

• Work also underway as part of the PHE Information Management project to clarify the day 1 national data requirements for PHE and ensure ongoing access to these data sets with HSCIC and other suppliers

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Information Management inPublic Health EnglandInformation Governance

• PHE Information Governance Project Group established, building on IG structures in PHE sender organisations

• Input into national information governance framework (regulations on uses of identifiable information and s251) and Caldicott 2 review

• Input into IC Code of Practice for Handling Confidential Information and de-indentification standard, etc.

• Agreement with DH, Health Research Authority and DH Adult Social Care on future arrangements for s251 advisory and approvals functions

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Information Management inPublic Health England

Information Standards

• PHE collaborating with NHSCB and DH Adult Social Care to develop a joint operating framework for standards – governance arrangements currently being worked through

• Information standards operating framework to be jointly agreed by Oct-2012

Data Management

• Data flow mapping in preparation for PHE day 1

• PHE data warehouse and safe haven – bring together key public health data resources to provide a single set of core, up-to-date, validated data sets which can be shared as a consistent resource within PHE and beyond

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Information Management inPublic Health EnglandIndicators

• Develop standard PHE processes for agreeing and developing indicators (linking with HSCIC indicator pipeline)

• Public Health Outcomes Framework indicator gap analysis


• Work across sender organisations to develop an integrated approach to analytical methods within PHE

• SOPs completed for a range of subjects including assigning deprivation categories, catchment areas and populations, RAG ratings, using postcode directories, etc.

PHE web portal

• PHOF data reporting

• Portal specification produced

• Software development underway

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Commissioning Board’s perspective now ..

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Public Health Population Healthcare Advice (AKA The Core Offer)Why?•Good population health outcomes, including reducing health inequalities, rely not only on health protection and health improvement, but on the quality and accessibility of healthcare services provided by the NHS•Local authorities, as part of their statutory functions around public health, will have responsibility for providing healthcare public health advice to clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), •Each CCG will be under a duty to “obtain advice appropriate for enabling it effectively to discharge its functions from persons who (taken together) have a broad range of professional expertise in –

– the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness, and– the protection or improvement of public health. ”

•The current resource in terms of public health expertise to provide this service will transfer from primary care trusts (PCTs) to upper tier and unitary local authorities (LAs) as part of the ring-fenced public health budget.

Further informationAnn Goodwin, Project Manager, [email protected]

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Core Offer - The how and the what

• A working group was established. The membership included representatives from the Association of Directors of Public Health, the Faculty of Public Health, British Medical Association, Royal College of General Practitioners, GPs from emerging clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), the Local Government Group and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

• Developed the content of the service by linking specialist public health advice to elements of the commissioning cycle, from assessing needs for health services through to planning capacity and managing demand

• Local authorities will be free to deliver this service in a variety of ways. For example, in relatively small authorities it may make sense to locate a team in a single authority, which will deliver the service on behalf of several local authorities. Public Health England will also play an important role in supporting the work of local information and intelligence specialists in the public health team.

• There is nothing to prevent local authorities from agreeing locally to offer a wider range of services over and above the free healthcare public health advice service. This would need to be agreed locally.

• If the healthcare public health service is to be effective there will need to be constructive relationships built between local authorities and CCGs, to ensure that the local commissioning fully reflects the population perspective. The key to making it work will be developing effective local partnerships.

• Subject to Parliament, regulations will clarify further what local authorities will need to provide in delivering this function, although the precise content of the service in each locality will be driven by local agreement, reflecting local needs and available skills and resources.

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Core Offer - How much resource?

• The Association of Directors of Public Health surveyed Directors of Public Health to establish how much of their and their accredited public health specialists’ time was currently spent undertaking the elements of the service.

• The estimate was somewhere between 25% and 50% of the local specialist public health team . The guidance, based on the outputs of that survey, suggests (for planning purposes) that something in the region of 40% of the local public health specialist team might be engaged in this work, with a rough coverage of 1 wte specialist per 270,000 or so people. This will vary from place to place, and input will vary across the year and there will need to be local agreement of the inputs and outputs through local planning arrangements, reflecting for example, the number of CCGs.

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Core Offer - Agreements• The development of a local service agreement agreed with CCGs via

a compact or Memorandum of Understanding between the local authority and CCG, specifying public health inputs and outputs, and outlining the reciprocal expectations placed upon the CCG. The ‘shadow’ period from April 2012 to March 2013 will be useful developing appropriate agreements.

• These agreements can be underpinned by an annual work plan for the healthcare public health advice service agreed by both the CCG and the local authority Director of Public Health specifying the particular deliverables for the twelve month period.

• Further accountability could be provided, for example, by the Director of Public Health and CCG jointly presenting to the relevant health and wellbeing board information setting out how the service had been provided that year. This might cover the process for engaging with public health expertise, names and teams, how the time had been spent, how statistically robust any data had been, lessons to be learnt for next year.

• Where there are concerns about the quality of the advice received we would expect this to be raised at the local level initially with the local authority.

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Core Offer - Example MOUsNottingham• Outlines reciprocal responsibilities• Not just about healthcare advice• Specifies the resource• Offers to provide training etc

Worcestershire• Outlines reciprocal responsibilities• Not just about healthcare advice

What don’t they cover ?

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Core Offer - What next?

• Local Public Health Transition Plans• Discussions with CCGs /CSS’s /Health and

Wellbeing Board• Data from CSS’s to support the ‘Core Offer’ should

be free of charge• Agreement between partners as to the ‘What’, ‘How’

and by ‘Whom’• Named Informatics leads in CCGs/CSS’s/Local


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Active Knowledge Management

• Connecting people with knowledge – understanding and acting on user needs so that both explicit sources (internal and external) and implicit or tacit knowledge can be sourced, managed and accessed– includes Knowledge Platform: develop a single, accessible, user focused

and authoritative web-based evidence site for professionals, to make evidence easily available to all and to encourage the use of best evidence in practice

• Connecting people to people – so that relevant stakeholders, networks and communities can be found, mapped and connected

• Active knowledge services – integrated, tailored knowledge services that provide expert navigation, mediation and training to facilitate efficient knowledge translation

Further information

Anne Brice (Project Lead) [email protected]

Anh Tran [email protected]

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Active Knowledge ManagementConnecting people with knowledge

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Active Knowledge ManagementContent development group

• Feed into discovery phase of web portal design – all content has secure access transition

• Produces explicit process documentation and guides for content providers and users, including a content development strategy that includes:– Taxonomy– Editorial processes and standards

• Mechanism for co-ordination and alignment of PHE content and services with other national agencies and providers

• Workflow and integration of knowledge platform with active knowledge service

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Active Knowledge ManagementConnecting people with people

• Potential relationships across the wider public health system will include PHE, the NHS, Local Authorities, and a range of stakeholders and partners, all of whom will need to be connected in order to share and learn from the knowledge that is available to them

• Audit of current networks, discussion groups will help us understand the relations between different groups, and how they could interact in the future

• Communities of practice audit and social network analysis will help us survey and map current and potential tools for knowledge exchange

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Active Knowledge ManagementActive knowledge service

• Audit of existing library and knowledge services supporting the public health system to gain a better understanding of current provision, risks and issues

• Produce an audit report presenting the findings and documenting key strategic issues

• Engage library and knowledge service colleagues in the development of the specification for public health knowledge services

• Produce a knowledge service requirements specification informed by engagement with library and knowledge service colleagues and analysis of user needs

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PHE proposition

a) Local public health intelligence: what are the issues?– Functions and data flows– Information Technology– Information Governance – Transition plans

b) Alignment of main E&I projects: PHE proposition– On April 1, 2013, local public health intelligence teams across the

country will have successfully completed their transition to their respective Local Authority. Issues around local access to PHE products and services, IT connectivity, Information Governance constraints, will have been solved so as not to impede business continuity.

– User defined requirement of PHE service provision to the local system (the ‘proposition’)

– A business model for the service, distinguishing baseline from additional activity

– Underpinning theses deliverables, PHE factsheets and guidance (incl. checklist) about IG and IT connectivity for local PH systems

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PHE proposition – overall picture

• National PHE functions including data requirements, informatics (IG, standards, quality), surveillance strategy.

• National advocacy for better evidence and data • Partnership work with IC, NICE, ONS, etc to make them most

useful for the local system• National products and tools around data, evidence and

experience in a form most useful to the local system. Focus on PHOF topics, DPH Annual Reports and JSNAs

• Guidance on use of both PHE and non-PHE products • Responsive ad-hoc service• Direct line to PHE E&I• Education and training on PH E&I topics• A professional network (forum) for intelligence staff• Opportunities for staff from LAs to undertake attachments in


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PHE propositionFamily of health profiles project


– To develop an integrated approach to the production of generic and themed health profiles and atlases for England.

Products from this Project:

– Proposal to PHE for an integrated, cost-effective approach to health profiling, including: strategic governance, systematic user engagement, systematic indicator production and methodologically robust programme and project management

– Process for prioritising new and existing health profiles based on a set of values

– Recommendations for continuing, updating or decommissioning existing health profiles based on application of these values

Next steps

– Agree a PID with dependencies and formal governance process probably through the Health Profiles Programme Board

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PHE propositionPHE Local Intelligence – Key strands• Active dissemination of national tools and other outputs –

includes training in use of tools, running workshops, advising on how and where they can add value and have impact at local level and providing a feedback loop

• JSNA support• Local public health intelligence network support, training and

CPD• Specialist intelligence support and expert advice - include

theme specific expertise (e.g. child health), health economics, statistics and modelling, GIS, evaluation and social marketing/behaviour change.

• Benchmarking data and bespoke analysis (incl. HES)• Evidence and knowledge management support - working

with local teams to identify actionable insights from the evidence base that would result in outcome improvement

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PHE propositionNational PH Intelligence Training Strategy


1)Capture, share & review developments in local PHI training & CPD activity

2)Explore partnership approaches to PHO training & CPD delivery

3)Continue development and application of technology-enhanced learning methods

4)Implement the PH Workforce Strategy

5)Undertake a training needs assessment of staff moving into I&I roles in PHE


(though not in terms of reference)

Co-ordinate PHO response to PH Workforce Strategy consultation

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PHE proposition - What next?

• Business model PHE• Business model LAPH• Business model Clinical Commissioning Group• Business model Commissioning Support Service• All these need to be complementary• So there …

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Update on CCG Intelligence Programme, Delivery of DMICs & links with Local Public HealthPresented by Helen Brown, & Ming Tang

Local Public Health Transition Team Workshop 3 August 2012

Contact: [email protected]

[email protected]

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1. CCG intelligence requirementso The Commissioning Intelligence model (CIM)

2. Proposed Delivery Model & whole system working

3. Early thoughts on Public health data flows

4. Development and Delivery of DMICs

5. Suggested links between LA PH & DMICs


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Vision & Headlines of CCG Intelligence Programme

o The programme started out to understand the commissioning Intelligence requirements for CCGs from a bottom up approach

o It involves strong clinical leadership to drive the national vision for intelligence to enable large scale health improvement for patients

o We are co-designing the CCG Intelligence Delivery Model

o Support the CCG authorisation and CSS assurance processes

o Facilitate the sharing of current intelligence solutions and tools

o Advice and support to develop one version of the truth shared across the patient journey and beyond

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LAs and CCGs will need to use

the same common data

when producing this intelligence

LAs and CCGs will need to use

the same common data

when producing this intelligence

There is an opportunity to use the same version of the truth.There is an opportunity to use the same version of the truth.

Other Local PartnershipsOther Local



CommissioningHealth & Wellbeing

BoardsHealth & Wellbeing


Non-HealthLocal Authority Business Intelligence

Public HealthLocal Authority Business


CCG Local Commissioning Intelligence

CCG NHS CB National CommissioningIntelligence

There are a number of local groups which

need local Intelligence

There are a number of local groups which

need local Intelligence

CCGs are accountable for commissioning

services on the basis of the best available


CCGs are accountable for commissioning

services on the basis of the best available


Local Authorities are accountable for

providing a Public Health advice service &

other intelligence to support other wider LA


Local Authorities are accountable for

providing a Public Health advice service &

other intelligence to support other wider LA


How LAs and CCGs will use intelligence to commission services


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We need:oStreamlined data flows, store data once and use many timesoIncreased sharing of data to enable greater understanding of the whole system

What will it do for CCGs?o Greater understanding of the

potential and scope of intelligenceo Facilitate understanding of whole

system & evidence interdependencies

Overarching Question

An example question

Data and Tools

ServicesOverarching concepts

The CIM Model is a consolidated view of the different types of commissioning intelligence requirements needed to support evidence based commissioning decisions.

It takes account of feedback from a large scale engagement exercise including innovative practice from across the country

CCG intelligence requirements - The Commissioning Intelligence Model


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Joint Intelligence Programme Work


Intelligence for


Intelligence for


Public Health England I&I

Public Health England I&I

Local Authority Core Offer

Local Authority Core Offer

Commissioning Support


Commissioning Support


Types of Services


Types of Services




Types of Services

Tools/DataTypes of ServicesTypes of Services



Types of Services

Types of Services

The Commissioning Intelligence Model

What questions

do we need to answer?

Q8.01: Are our strategic objectives aligned across the health economy inc

social care?Provenance: HB

Q8.02: What will be the impact of demographic and

disease pattern change?Provenance: WS270911

Q8.03: How can we make QIPP savings of £XXXm?

Provenance: HB

Types of Services Tools/Data

Q2.09: What is the impact of patient choice

on Provider volumes?Provenance: CCG

Q3.08: What is the projected liability for our

referred population? Provenance: WS021211

Q5.06: Can we distinguish between Provider 'pull' and Primary Care 'Push'

Provenance: CCG

Q5.07: Are Providers sending datasets to agreed standards and frequency? (If not, are there sanctions

in place?)Provenance: V13

Q6.05: Do we need to procure services from

alternative providers, or work in partnership with other stakeholders to be

more efficient for provision and procurement?

Provenance: MT/HB/WSS290911

Q7.05: Have we improved outcomes?

Provenance: HB

Q7.06: Have we reduced inequalities?

Provenance: HB

Q8.04: How will changes in technologies

(IT, drugs etc) impact us?

Provenance: HB

Q8.05: Given our budget, how can we decide how

much to invest/disinvest in services?

Provenance: HB

Q8.06: What activity should we contract for to

deliver the service changes / cost efficiencies

needed?Provenance: HB

Q7.08: Did we meet our targets and can we sustain them?

Provenance: HB

Q7.07: How did our patients rate their experience of our

services?Provenance: HB

Q6.06: How do we compare with evidence and

guidance for process, outcomes and patient

experience?Provenance: HB

Q6.03: Would 'Scenario A' improve patient flows and

productivity more than 'Scenario B'?

Provenance: AF

Q6.02: What will be the combined impact, in cost

and activity, of a whole set of service changes and productivity measures?

Provenance: AF

Q7.02: Can I isolate the 'cause and effect' of an

individual initiative?Provenance: AF

Q7.01: When a service change is implemented, what was the outcome, cost and quality for this and to other services?

Provenance: AF/HB/WS290911

Q7.03: What's the combined impact of all our interventions for

patients, the services & health economy?

Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q5.01: What is the current performance

against plan?Provenance: AF

Q5.02: What elements of the billed activity can we

challenge?Provenance: AF

Q5.03: Are providers delivering on service-improvement, quality

(cquins) patient experience and waiting-times targets?

Provenance: AF/WS290911Q5.04: What service lines are above or below plan -

why?Provenance: V13

Q5.05: Are providers overlooking agreements

on Threshold Management?

Provenance: V13

Q4.01: Where is there clinical / activity / cost /

outcome variation vs local , national, international, best

practice?Provenance: WS270911

Q4.02: Are we delivering national standards of care

for: patient experience, quality and outcomes?

Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q4.04: Do current pathways reflect

evidence-based good practice?

Provenance: AF

Q4.05: How do we compare for value for money, outcomes

and productivity against similar areas/ best practice

over time?Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q3.01: How much is my budget? How much am I spending compared to

plan?Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q3.02: How much do individual service- lines/ pathways cost compared

to budget?Provenance: AF

Q3.03: Is cost aligned to volume, quality and

outcome?Provenance: V13

Q3.04: Are we maximising value for

money? (e.g. community provision vs. acute care)

Provenance: V13

Q3.07: Where are the most severe cost

pressures?Provenance: AF

Q3.06: Is activity being priced at the correct

amount?Provenance: AF

Q2.01: Why have we got financial pressures?

Provenance: AF

Q2.02: How long are patients waiting for

treatment?Provenance: AF

Q2.03: Is demand really going up? By

how much?Provenance: AF

Q2.04: What are the current flows and pathways and are patients using the

right ones? Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q2.05: Where are the bottlenecks?

Provenance: AF

Q2.06: How much random variation in

activity do we observe?Provenance: AF

Q2.07: What is the demand today for urgent care, and who do I need to target to keep out of

hospital?Provenance: AF

Q1.01: How healthy/unhealthy is my

population relative to benchmarks?Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q1.02: What health conditions are changing

most?Provenance: AF/WS290911

Q1.03: Who is at greatest risk of disease/acute

admission to hospital?Provenance: V10

Q1.04: How is the local population going to change in future?

Provenance: AF

Q1.05: What diseases kill most people and which are the biggest burden?

Provenance: WS270911

Q1.06: Who are the sickest people and where

do they live?Provenance: AF

Q1.07: Who would benefit most from a disease

management programme?Provenance: AF

Q6.07: What are our drivers for

change and have we engaged with stakeholders (inc

Patients)Provenance: WS270911

Q2.10: To what degree are

patients able to make informed decisions about

their care?Provenance: CCG

1. How Healthy?Reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes now

and in the future

8. What are our future plans?Reduce unmet need by

anticipating future priorities and improving decisions about

resource allocation, by ensuring planned services reflect changing

needs and demands of local population

2. What's really happening in this

system?Information available at right time and to the right person to protect

the vulnerable and ensure the right care is given to reduce duplication

and improve integration of care

7. What difference have we made?

Ensuring patient feedback is embedded in the cycle of

continuous improvement to improve patient experience

6. How could things be better?

Developing new pathways and/or decommissioning services to

improve safety, quality, effectiveness of care and

maximise financial benefit

3. How Much?Improved financial information

(including budgeting and planning) to ensure resource is given to

appropriate care provider for the treatment given and ultimately there is better transparency of

financial flows to support improved commissioning decisions

4. How do we Compare?

Challenge our current state through proactive benchmarking

and comparison in order to improve clinical outcomes

5. Are my providers

delivering what they agreed?

Improve commissioning decisions through better

information and information analysis

Q6.01: What would be the impact, in activity flows and costs, of making a proposed

change to a clinical pathway?Provenance: AF

Filename: Commissioning Intelligence Model V13.vsdVersion Date Comment1. Aug 11 Original from Andrew Fenton2. 15/9/11 Added comments from Ming Tang, Helen Brown and responses to the IFC

document3. 21/9/11 Added comments from Shahid Ali and benefits from Jo Butterfield4. 27/9/11 Tidied version for workshops5 28/9/11 With comments from London Workshop6. 14/10/11 Added comments from workshop and consultation feedback7. 19/10/11 After linking data to services (CH & HB)8. 28/11/11 Q8.3 to include QIPP9. 5/12/11 Amendments after CSO workshop on 2/12/1110. 9/12/11 Amendments after ref group review

D1.01: Population, migration, birth, mortality and morbidity statistics and projections (ONS, Exeter, QOF, Primary Care, SUS, Prevalence modelling tools, Census) (Provenance: AF/WS290911)

D1.02: Public Health Data Observatory / Local Information Systems / JSNA / Cancer Registry / Qualitative Data inc Voluntary & Third sector (Provenance: AF/HBWS290911)

D1.03: Risk Stratification tools and models : Patients at Risk of Readmission (PARR), Combined Predictive Model, Adjusted Clinical Groups. (Provenance: AF)

D1.04: Socio-demographic classification system (e.g. Mosaic, Health foundations - DH segmentation tool). (Provenance: AF/WS290911)

D1.05: Mapping and geo-spatial software (Provenance: AF)

D1.06: Deprivation indices (Index of Multiple Deprivation). (Provenance: AF)

D1.07: Access to and familiarity with wide range of Public Health data sources , Benchmarking and comparison tools (e.g. NHS Atlas of Variation, NCHOD, Local tools). (Provenance: CH181011)

D1.08: Dynamic ethnicity data analysis across all aspects of care. Wider equality indicators including disability , sexual orientation etc (Provenance: HB)

D1.09: Data on wider determinants, social service, HPA (Provenance: HB)

S1.01: Health needs / Joint Strategic Needs Assessment/ Impact assessments (data & analytical input) (Provenance: AF/WS290911)

S1.02: Risk profiling & prediction. (Provenance: AF)

S1.03: Demographic forecasting & disease trends. (Provenance: AF)

S1.05: Geographic analysis and mapping , socio-demographic analysis. (Provenance: AF/HB)

S1.06: Identification of at-risk groups (e.g. Communities (inc Travellers), Carers etc) (Provenance: Auth)

S1.07: Informing the public about keeping healthy , prevention resources (Provenance: HB/CH)S1.08: Research, surveys, audits, peer reviews (Provenance: HB/


S8.01: Demographic forecasting & disease trends (Provenance:


S8.04: Forecasting and future projections of expected activity. (Provenance: HB)

S8.05: Cost Benefits analysis of current activity vs . alternatives (Provenance: HB)

S8.06: Strategic secondary analysis of 'How Healthy' and 'How much?' (Provenance: HB)

D8.01: Programme budgeting (comparative spend on disease conditions) & marginal analysis, PBMA Atlas, SPOT, SHAPE (Provenance: HB)

D8.02: Health investment packs, QIPP (Provenance: HB)

D8.03: Pathway modelling inc ROI calculators , return on investment tools (Provenance: HB)

D8.04: Results and secondary analysis of other questions, design making support etc (Provenance: HB)

S2.01: Trend and statistical analysis (activity, cost, SPC) (Provenance: AF)

S2.02: Capacity and demand analysis, patient flow modelling, waiting times analysis (Provenance: AF)

S2.05: Analytics support to Clinical audit . (Provenance:


S2.07: Provide access to patient medical records (Provenance: HB)

D2.01: Near/real time information - activity & financial for A&E, OOHs, MIU, Acute and Community Admissions etc (Provenance: CH181011)

D2.02: SUS data, including acute activity & costs, referrals with clinical reason, CAB, 'Patient-Journey' analysis. (Provenance: CH181011)

D2.03: Current, historic and planned Provider Activity and Cost data-sets (SUS & Local Contract Mgmt Systems e.g. Maternity, Mental Health, Local Auth etc) (Provenance: V10)

D2.05: Waiting times/list data (Provenance: AF)

D2.06: Patient level datasets with updates inc : decisions made in secondary care – reasons for treatment/changes/referrals/delays /test results and outcomes (Provenance: HB)

S3.01: Service-level costing (e.g. by Specialty, HRG chapter, Diagnostic chapter) (Provenance: AF)

S3.02: Budget planning, development & forecasting (Provenance: AF/WS290911)

S3.03: Budget Reporting & Variance analysis (Provenance: AF)

S3.04: Price verification (provider costings) & reconciliation to contract, automated invoice validation (Provenance: AF/CCG)

S3.05: Comparative Provider cost analysis (Provenance: AF)

D3.01: SUS reporting & analysis web-service, including Budget reports. (Provenance:


D3.02: Current and historic Provider Activity and Cost data-sets (SUS & Local Contract Mgmt systems) (Provenance: V10)

D3.03: Tariff / Pricing tables, PBR rules and algorithms (local and national), Prescribing costs (Provenance: CH181011)

D4.01: Age-sex-deprivation standardised comparative data at Practice level for commissioned activity (inc practice specialism). (Provenance: AF)

D4.02: Primary Care data extracts providing integrated analysis with Acute activity, e.g. prevalence rates vs. Admissions. (Provenance: AF)

D4.03: Comparative benchmarking tools (e.g. QOF Data sets, NHS Comparators, NHS Atlas of Variation, Better Care Better Value indicators ). (Provenance: CH181011)

D4.05: Benchmarked GP referrals analysis . (Provenance: AF/HB)

D4.06: Practice profiles (Needing national standards) (Provenance: HB)

S4.01: Practice level, regional, and national benchmarking of disease prevalence , activity, productivity and costs. (Provenance: AF)

S4.02: Analysis and presentation of productivity indicators by programme / project. (Provenance: AF)

S4.03: Clinical Pathway mapping and modelling and cost comparators (Provenance: AF/


S4.04: Providing evidence and information on comparative health outcomes . (Provenance: AF/WS290911)

S5.01: Analytical support to Contract monitoring & analysis (Provenance: AF)

S5.02: Provider activity validation & Data Quality review (Provenance: AF)

S5.03: Invoice validation, challenge (Provenance: CH181011)

S5.04: Provider level-analysis of ‘how much’ and ‘how good’? (Provenance: AF)

S5.05: Contract development (Provenance: MT)

S5.06: Performance Management and support for service improvement (inc Negative impacts and Data Management) (Provenance: MT)

Draft for Discussion Only

D5.01: Data warehouse integration and reconciliation of Activity/Cost and Provider contracting reports (Provenance: AF)

D5.02: Contract Monitoring reporting by Provider (Provenance: CH181011)

D6.01: Pathway data (Provenance: AF)

D6.02: Contract activity and cost (Provenance: AF/HB)

D6.03: Forecast analysis and planning projections (Provenance: AF/HB)

D6.04: Service structure audit and improvement support. (Provenance: AF/HB)

D6.05: Prescribing decision support data (Provenance: HB)

S6.01: Pathway & scenario modelling (inc Audit of Admission thresholds and service structure) (Provenance: AF)

S6.02: Contract modelling (Provenance: AF)

S6.03: System-wide activity & cost modelling (Provenance: AF)

S6.06: Review evidence base (e.g. National Comparators, NICE, etc) (Provenance: V13)

S7.01: Programme and project monitoring. (Provenance: AF)

S7.02: Providing comparative cost and activity monitoring (Provenance: AF)

S7.03: Metrics reporting. (Provenance: AF)

S7.04: Performance reporting. (Provenance: AF)

S7.05: Providing comparative outcome monitoring inc Patient and Public Data (Provenance: HB)

D7.01: Performance & Public Health metrics, frameworks and dashboards (Provenance: AF)

D7.02: Activity & cost baseline and tracking data (Provenance: AF)

D7.03: Impact analysis & evaluation using statistical tools (Provenance: AF)

D7.05: Public Health Observatory tools including survey tools (Provenance: HB)

S6.07: Capture & manage stakeholder feedback/outcomes (Provenance: WS290911)

D1.10: Predictive disease monitoring (Provenance: WS270911)

Q1.10: What are the preventable conditions

contributing to our premature mortality?

Provenance: WS270911

Q1.08: What causes patients most distress?

Provenance: WS270911

Q1.09: What proportion of disease is avoidable?

Provenance: WS270911

S1.09: Managing needs of Stakeholders (e.g. Care Home, Community, Health Education) (Provenance: WS290911)

S2.09: Indicators to track progress throughout pathways reasons/decisions for referrals, patient experience and outcomes. (Provenance: WS290911)

Q3.09: How much are we spending on inequalities?

Provenance: WS290911

D3.05: Robust timely referral activity (Provenance: WS290911)

D4.07: National Guidance, PROMS, Utilisation reviews (Provenance: CH181011)

D5.05: LA, Primary care and Voluntary/third sector (Provenance: WS270911)

S5.07: Utilisation reviews, PbR Audits, Clinical Decision Support (Provenance: WS290911)

D6.06: Capture & processing of patient experience and outcomes throughout pathways, inc PROMS (Provenance: WS270911)

Q7.09: What are the benefits of the

changes?Provenance: WS290911

Q8.07: Have we got the balance correct between

national, local and patient expectations?

Provenance: WS270911

Q8.09: What barriers exist that prevent change

(e.g. org/cultural)?Provenance: WS290911

S8.07: Track and react to patient expectation (Provenance: HB)

O0.01 Interpretation, contextualisation, exploitation and stakeholder communicationO0.02 Data collected at patient levelO0.03 Holistic Analyses - Full System view rather than isolated segmentsO0.04 Flexible tariffsO0.05 Master Data Administration (inc Common currencies & agreed standardisation techniques)O0.06 Timeliness and quality of dataO0.07 Data definitions and standardsO0.08 Interoperability

Overarching Concepts

O0.09 Knowledge ManagementO0.10 Integrated ways of workingO0.11 Development of Metrics

S2.13: Track patient experience (Provenance: CH181011)

S2.12: Management of Urgent Care Monitoring /Dashboards (Provenance: CH181011)

D3.06: Referral templates with expected costs (Provenance: CH181011)

D3.07: Reference Cost Data (Provenance: CH181011)

S4.05: Statistical analysis of variation and correlations e.g. Statistical Process Control (Provenance: CH181011)

D5.06: Referral Data (Provenance: CH181011)

D5.07: CQUINS (Provenance: CH181011)

S5.08: Basic budget reporting (Provenance: CH181011)

S5.09: Contract validation, challenge (Provenance: CH181011)

S5.10: SUS validation with GP Practice Systems (Provenance: CH181011)

D6.07: Data outputs from all other dimensions (as appropriate) (Provenance:


D6.08: Stakeholder feedback including external sources such as Social Media and Public Enquiries (Provenance: V10)

D7.07: Data required for Programme Gov inc Benefits Mgmt, Plans etc (Provenance: CH181011)

D7.06: Data outputs from all other dimensions (as appropriate) (Provenance: CH181011)

S7.06: Production of Board level reports , presentations and profiles (Provenance: CH181011)

D8.06: DH Programme Budgeting tool / Spend and Outcome Tool (Provenance: CH181011)S8.09: Programme budgeting (comparative spend on

disease conditions) (Provenance: CH181011)

S8.08: Manage Programme Portfolio (Provenance: CH181011)

D8.05: Quality of life & well being measures e.g. QALYs (Provenance: CH181011)

D8.07: Patient expectation information (Provenance: CH181011)

Q8.10: Are our investments distributed across all sectors to best

meet the needs of our population?Provenance: CH181011

D2.07: External Sources such as Social Media (Provenance: WS021211)

O0.12 Simplify presentation appropriate to audience

D6.09: Staff surveys, appraisals, complaints, incidents and SUIs (Provenance:


D5.08: Insight into provider sustainability (Provenance: V10)

S6.08: Clinical governance and complaints handling (Provenance: V10)

D5.09: Patient Feedback (Provenance: V12)

D6.10: External information e.g. Market intelligence (Provenance: V13)

Q5.08: Do our provider contracts reflect patient

requirements?Provenance: V12

Q7.10: What is the impact of change on

other services & stakeholders?

Provenance: V12

Version Date Comment11. 14/12/11 Amendments to support Business Analysis Team12. 14/12/11 Further amendments after CSO workshop on 2/12/1113. 19/1/12 Text changes from Gavin McIntosh

All using The Commissioning

Intelligence Model

All using The Commissioning

Intelligence Model

Producing joint report

July 2012

Producing joint report

July 2012

Page 38: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

Proposed Commissioning Intelligence Delivery Model



DMIC x ~10




Safe haven

Safe haven

National Bodies incl: NHSCB ( 4 Regional Teams with 27 Local Area Teams (LATs))

PHE, Research, Commercial, CQC, Monitor & Public

National Data Feeds

Local & National Data Feeds

Small no CCGs doing own intelligence

DMICs may also provide datato wider stakeholders

Data Flows

Work is on-going to understand the data accountabilities and responsibilities for each type of organisation and how data will flow

Page 39: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

A potential future view – Repeated Data Management

Data Management Integration Centres




5 Insight

Data Management


Locally defined data e.g. diagnostics/tariffs

National data from e.g. IC/SUS/GPES

PH Insight

PH Data Management

PH Advocacy

PHE data e.g. Cancer, Drugs data & Summarised Reports

Locally defined data e.g. diagnostics/tariffs National data from e.g. IC/SUS/GPES






h &




g B







Duplicated, potentially inconsistent, uneconomicDuplicated, potentially inconsistent, uneconomic

Page 40: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

CSS Process to Date

Dec 11 – Mar 12 Apr 12 – Aug 12 Sep 12 – Apr 13

CP 2 CP 3 CSS fully launched

CP 1

National Scale offers - co-design

National Scale offers - co-design

Set up planning & Development for ‘scale CSS’

Set up planning & Development for ‘scale CSS’

Scale CSS SelectionAdditional TestsDevelopment Plans

Establish and embed ‘scale CSS’Establish and embed ‘scale CSS’

• Co-design group established

• Costing assumptions for CP2

• Transition model to be agreed

• Investment plan sign off

• Transition planning

• Gap analysis• Local agreements

& SLA development

• Implementation • Risk management • Monitoring & accreditation• System review

Scale CSS Technical accreditation programme

Program Stages



CSS Development Timetable

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Why do it – what problem are we trying to address?

1. Overcoming the variation and inconsistencies in how Commissioning data in the NHS is handled – STANDARDS

2. Dealing with variable efficiencies / value for money in NHS data management for commissioning support – COSTS

3. Ensuring a technical architecture that enables delivery of commissioning intelligence – BUSINESS FUNCTION

4. A technical architecture that is flexible and responsive to changing requirements over time - SUSTAINABILITY

Why do it – what problem are we trying to address?

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ONS Storage, for

developmental local

datasets administered by


Local Patient level dataset

storage, processing, validation,

linkage) administered by


LA Public Healthprovision public

health advice

Access to patient level


ICNational Patient level

dataset storage, processing, validation,




Patient level data

Aggregate data & reports

Commissioning datasets

Public health datasets

Local Patient level agreed datasets……


Patient level data



Emerging locally developed public health patient level datasets




Communicable diseases

Patient level data



Other National datasets

Wider determinants reports, profiles ….

Local Data Providers

National Data Providers

DRAFT Proposed data flows for Local Authority Public Health Teams (RESTRICTED early work in progress for discussion only)

Aggregate data, & reports

Aggregate data & reports,

Page 43: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

DMIC Network (Draft restricted for discussion only)


CCG Embedded




North East and NY&YCollaborative




Best West

Central Southern

Birmingham and Black Country


Norfolk & Waveney




Areas identified as TBC are likely to source business intelligence services through either B2B or outsourcing arrangements

For areas identified as TBC:• Essex and Hertfordshire are planning

to source services from MediAnalytics

• Norfolk and Waveney are planning to source services from Anglia Support Partnership

• Arden are in talks with Birmingham and Black Country about sourcing services through B2B arrangements

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Potential Model

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Why do it – what problem are we trying to address?PH Questions1. How will PH get access to data in the future?2. What infrastructure is required? N3?3. Will we be charged for this?4. How should we get started in working with our local CSS?

CSS / DMIC Questions?1. What are the requirements for PH?2. How will we fund activities not commissioned by CCGs?3. How will PH gain CCG approval for use of their data?4. What value add services would you be interested in?5. How can we make sure we make best use of available resources

within the local Health Economy?

Discussion points :

Page 46: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

Public Health Intelligence Transition: A Local Perspective

Neil Bendel

Head of Health Intelligence

Public Health Manchester

NW Public Health Evidence and Intelligence Workshop

Friday 3rd August 2012

Page 47: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

Current context in North West

• 24 Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)• 39 Local Authorities• 36 Hospital Trusts, 2 Care Trusts, 1 Ambulance Trust• 3 data processing centres• 3 Health Protection Units (HPUs) • North West Cancer Intelligence Service (NWCIS)• North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO)• Range of academic units

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Future context in North West

• 33 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)• 39 Local Authorities• 36 Hospital Trusts, 2 Care Trusts, 1 Ambulance Trust• 4 Commissioning Support Services (CSS) • 1 Data Management Integration Centre (DMIC) • 3 Public Health England (PHE) Centres• Public Health England Evidence and Intelligence Team• Academic collaboratives, e.g. Health eResearch Centre (HeRC), Manchester

Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC)

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Threats and challenges

Technical Growing demand for increasingly large and complex pieces of analysis from CCGs and LAs

Loss of NHS data following move of public health teams to local authorities

Reliance on voluntary accreditation and industry-owned standards of good practice poses threat to data quality

Organisational Greater integration with local authorities may divert public health analysts to more generic areas of work

Budgetary constraints may lead to a more ‘protectionist’ attitude to information and intelligence

Professional Loss or scaling back of existing training routes for public health analysts

Loss of staff from existing organisations whilst new structures are in the process of being established

Page 50: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

Greater Manchester response

• March 2011: Review of Public Health Intelligence system

• June 2011: Project Implementation Plan

• August 2011: AGMA Research Shared Services Review

• January 2012: SWOT analysis paper to DsPH

• February 2012: Public Health Intelligence/GM IM&T Shared Service Data Workshop

• April 2012: Public Health IM&T Transition Project initiated

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Public Health IM&T Transition Project

• Reports to GM Public Health Transition Sub-board

– SRO Abdul Razzaq (DPH, NHS Trafford)

• Project Steering Group and Project Board established

– Public Health, LA ICT and CSS representation

• Project Outline produced. PID under construction

• Project Management support from Greater Manchester CSS

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Agreed Project Outputs

• A Business Case and implementation plan that describes the activities and costs of the work to ensure that all LAs have access to N3 to deliver their public health responsibilities by 1st April 2013

• A detailed Service Catalogue that outlines the datasets held by the CSS that could will be supplied to LA Public Health teams

• A Data Sharing Protocol that outlines the terms and conditions under which public health teams in local authorities will be allowed access to NHS datasets held by the CSS

• An agreed Delivery Model that sets out how CSS will support LAs and what the costs, funding mechanisms and governance arrangements will be

• A Memorandum of Understanding that describes the professional relationship between public health analysts in local authorities and the specialist analytical teams within the CSS

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Project Workstreams

• ICT and systems connectivity

– Review of current network connections undertaken– Will require ‘sense checking’ by LA ICT colleagues

• Data requirements

– Data requirements specification template being constructed

– Temporary Business Analyst role within GM Transition Team has been advertised

• Information Governance

– Links with GM IG Board being made

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GM Public Health Intelligence data model

Universal data Localised data Local data

Data owned and held by public health

Locally agreed data flows: maternity data, teenage pregnancy, health improvement data etc

Data owned and held by PCTs and accessed by public health

Non cancer screening programmes Exeter/MConnect (GP populations)

SUS (hospital stats) Mental Health-minimum dataset QMAS (where will this sit in the new world?)

LES/DES Other locally agreed data flows/sets

Data owned and held by other parts of NHS and accessed by public health, usually via N3 connection

PCMD (Primary care mortality) BCSS (Bowel cancer screening) QOF Other N3 connected databases (LASCA, NCHOD, Cancer registry, NCMP etc.)

LES/DES NHS admin codes

Public Health Birth files

Public Health Mortality files


ld H





Page 55: North West Evidence and Intelligence Workshop 3 August 2012 Public Health England Transition Team Evidence and Intelligence team.

Key issues across NW Region

• Access to Patient Identifiable Data (PID)• IT and Information Governance • Time lag between local transition plans and establishment of national/regional

structures, e.g. PHE E&I Teams, NW DMIC etc.• Intelligence provision in two-tier authorities – where does the responsibility lie?• Loss of NW footprint with establishment of new PHE North of England region

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Support from PH England and NHS CB

• Support for LAs seeking to complete NHS IG Toolkit– NW Transition Alliance?

• National forum for sharing examples of best practice from other areas around public health intelligence transition, e.g. data sharing agreements between CCGs and LA

• Further clarification of financial framework around access to data for LA PH teams from CSS/DMIC

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Round Table Discussions

• Each table to discuss one of the issues covered by the national update– Information management– Commissioning for Intelligence model– Public Health Advice (‘core offer’)– Evidence– PHE contribution

• 45 minutes per session• Each session run twice (12.00-12.45 and 1.00 to 1.45)

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Questions for discussion

• Where are you now?• Where do you think you should be in the new world?• What are the obstacles in getting there?

Opportunity to share local experiences, problems and solutions and raise issues with national leads.