North east asian geography

North-East Asian Geography By: Marilyn , hershey and faith

Transcript of North east asian geography

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North-East Asian Geography

By: Marilyn , hershey and faith

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North and South Korea

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May 1st 1948

When did North Korea achieve its independence?

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Comunes is the type of government that North

korea currently has.

What type of government does North Korea currently have?

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The Current leader of north Korea is Park Geun-hye, first female president to to hold

north koreas top government position

Who is the current leader of North Korea?

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North Korea attacked South korea because in 1949 congress dragged its feet in considering a 150

million dollar bill to south Korea. There was so much talking about invading North Korea, that US leaders feared giving them too much weapons, for this reason, south Korea was sent only with rifles, bazookas, and light artillery, tanks and airplanes

were held back.

Why did North Korea invaded South Korea?

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June 25th 1950

What happened in North Korea in 1999?

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In the fall of 1999, the severe famine, which claimed an estimate 2 million to 3 million lives,

had begun to wane.

What impact did that event have on the North Korean people?

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The same day as north korea May 1st 1948

What day did South Korea achieve its independence?

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Republic government is the type of government south

korea has

What type of government does South Korea currently have?

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They were both Republican government

What are two similarities between the South Korean government and the government of the United States

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Yellow sea and pacific ocean

What bodies of water border the Koreas?

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Mongolia Independence

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When did Mongolia first declare its independence?

Mongolia under the Bogd Khaan declared independence in 1911

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The equally newly-established Republic of china claimed Mongolia as a part of its own

territory. the area controlled by the Bogd Khaan was approximately that of former

outer Qinghai.

Why did they not achieve their independence?

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Mongolia's independence was declared once more again on july 11th 1921

When was the second time that Mongolia declare its independence?

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When was Mongolia recognized as an independent country?

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The equally newly-established republic of china claimed mongolia as a part of its own territory. The area controlled by Bogd Khaan was approximately that of formed outer Qinghai.

Who tried to take over Mongolia during the Soviet-Japan Border War of 1939?

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Mongolias independence was declared once more again in july 11th 1921

When did China recognize Mongolia’s independence?

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In 1928 Khorloogiin rose to power. He instituted collectivisation of live stock and destruction of buddhist monasteries and the mongolians enemies of the people persecution resulting in the murder of monks and other people

What happened in Mongolia during the reign of Choibalsan?

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Parliamentary Republic

What type of government did Mongolia have during this time?

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Japanese imperialism became even more alarmed after the invasion neighboring

Who did Japan invade in 1931? Why was Mongolia concerned about this?

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What are the 3 reasons that China believes they own Tibet?

China has looted Tibet's enormous mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art treasures, transporting them back to China to fuel its own

economic growth.

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Tibetan culture, elimination of religious freedom and destruction of religious symbols and

houses of worship.

What are 3 reasons that Tibet believes that they should be free?

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Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died with torture and executions.

How many people have died as a result of Chinese occupation of Tibet? How have these people died?

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There are between a quarter and half a million Chinese troops in Tibet.

How many Chinese troops are currently in Tibet

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Tibet are liable to interrogation, imprisonment and torture for having unofficial contact with


What happens to people in Tibet when they have contact with outsiders?

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tibet's unique culture and Buddhist religion have been systematically suppressed, with the

destruction of over 6,000 monasteries and public buildings.

What has happened to Buddhist Monasteries in Tibet? How many?

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China has looted Tibet's enormous mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art

treasures, transporting them back to China to fuel its own economic growth.

What are some of Tibet’s natural resources?

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120,000 Tibetans have fled their country, risking their lives, for uncertain lives as refugees in India, Nepal and elsewhere.

Where have some Tibetan refugees escaped to?

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china want tibet about the mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art treasures.

What are some material reasons that China may want Tibet?

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After your presentation you will be asked to answer one of the following

questions? They are:

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iron and copper

What type of natural resources does Tibet have?

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China wants Tibet because the government thinks that Tibet needs their help.

Why does China want Tibet?

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A republican government has more freedom than a communist government has.

Explain the difference between a communist government and a republic government?

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Vietnam and Cuba

List at least 2 communist governments that exist today?

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Mongolia, Tibet, China, South Korea, North Korea and India!!!

Maps of:

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South Korea

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North Korea

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isan map!!!

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paragraphs on:

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North Korea archived it's independence on May 1st 1948. The government does currently have is the type of government that North Korea currently has. current leader of north Korea is the Current leader of north Korea is Park Geun-hye, first female president to to hold north Korea top government position. North Korea invaded south Korea on June 25th 1950. In north Korea invaded south Korea in 1999 is the severe famine, which claimed an estimate 2 million to 3 million lives, had begun to wane. In north Korea the impact event on the people is Malnutrition and hunger, however continued to plague North Korea into 2000. Thousand have at attempted to flee to China or South Korea and only a few people have evaded capture. those who are captured faced torture or execution. The day the south Korean achieve its independence is the same day as north Korea May 1st 1948. the type of government that north Korea have is Republic government is the type of government south Korea has. The bodies of water borders the Karea is Yellow sea and pacific ocean..


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China has looted Tibet's enormous mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art treasures, transporting them back to China to fuel its own economic growth.Tibetan culture, elimination of religious freedom and destruction of religious symbols and houses of worship. Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died with torture and executions.There are between a quarter and half a million Chinese troops in Tibet.Tibet are liable to interrogation, imprisonment and torture for having unofficial contact with foreigners. Tibet's unique culture and Buddhist religion have been systematically suppressed, with the destruction of over 6,000 monasteries and public buildings.China has looted Tibet's enormous mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art treasures, transporting them back to China to fuel its own economic growth.120,000 Tibetans have fled their country, risking their lives, for uncertain lives as refugees in India, Nepal and elsewhere.china want Tibet about the mineral wealth, natural resources and priceless art treasure.


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