North Africa Egypt – (Ancient & Modern) Libya Tunisia Algeria Morocco.

North Africa Egypt – (Ancient & Modern) • Libya • Tunisia • Algeria • Morocco

Transcript of North Africa Egypt – (Ancient & Modern) Libya Tunisia Algeria Morocco.

North Africa• Egypt – (Ancient & Modern)• Libya• Tunisia• Algeria• Morocco

Ancient Egypt• Egypt is the gift of the Nile

• Nile is the longest river in the world, 4000 miles long

• It begins in the heart of Africa and runs north to the Mediterranean

• Northern Part is called Lower Egypt

• Southern Part is called Upper Egypt

• Floods each year, enriching soil around it

• Surplus of food that Egyptians could grow made Egypt prosperous

NILE RIVERServed as a highway that enhanced transportation and communication

EGYPT religion• Egyptians were polytheistic

• 2 groups of gods= land and sun gods

• Creation Story beginning w/ Atum

• Sun was worshipped as the source of life

• Sun god = Atum or Re

• Eqyptian ruler was known as Son of Re

Atum/ RE

Ancient Egpyt

• Divided into three kingdoms

• Old Kingdom

• Middle Kingdom

• New Kingdom

Old Kingdom

Old Kingdom• Mummification process

• Giza pyramid=largest, built for King Khofu, covers 13 acres

• Great Sphinx in Giza=body of lion, head of pharaoh, believed to protect site

Old Kingdom• Menes created the first royal dynasty in

Egypt around in 3100 b.c.

• Rulers became known as Pharaohs

• Lasted about 500 years

• Pharaohs had absolute power, assisted by family and then a large bureaucracy

• Vizier=2nd in power, in charge of bureaucracy and reported to the pharaoh

• Pyramids built during the O.K., served as tombs for pharaohs and families

Middle Kingdom• Considered to be the golden age

• Egypt expanded into Nubia

• trade reached Mesopotamia and Crete

• Pharaohs became known as the protectors of the people

• Invasion of the Hyksos [hik-sohs, -sos] (western asia)

• Overwhelmed Egyptians with chariots as they fought from donkey carts

• Egyptians learned to use bronze and horse drawn chariots from the Hyskos

Hysksos Defeated theEgyptians With BronzeWeapons and Chariots

New Kingdom• During this period Egypt created an empire• Pharaohs were really wealthy• Hatshepsut [hat-shep-soot] =first female pharaoh• Akhenaton (ä'kə-nät'n, äk-nät'n) tried to make

Egypt monotheistic, only the sun god• People thought that it would upset cosmic

order and destroy Egypt• Tutankhamen restored old gods and

polytheism• Akhenaton’s religious reforms caused

upheavals that led Egypt to lose power

New Kingdom• During this period Egypt created an empire• Pharaohs were real wealthy• Hatshepsut=first female pharaoh• Akhenaton tried to make Egypt

monotheistic, only the sun god• People thought that it would upset cosmic

order and destroy Egypt• Tutankhamen restored old gods and

polytheism• Akhenaton’s religious reforms caused

upheavals that led Egypt to lose power

Temple of Hatshepsut


Howard Carter Examines King Tut

New Kingdom• Rames II (Great) regained some of the


• New invasions from the “Sea Peoples” eventually ended the Egyptian empire

• For a thousand years, Egypt was dominated by Libyans, Nubians, Persians, & Macedonians

• Cleopatra VII tried to reassert Egypt independence=led to Roman rule over Egypt

Ramses II: Statue and Mummy

The Legendary

Cleopatra VII

Hieroglyphics• Means “priest carvings” or “sacred


• Uses pictures and abstract forms to write

• Used for writing in temples and tombs

• Took a long time to learn and do

• Hieratic (hahy-uh-rat-ik) script=simplified version of hieroglyphics


Rosetta Stone

Papyrus Scroll

Egypt/geography• Borders the Mediterranean Sea, 3x size of New


• Mostly desert; hot, dry summers with moderate winters

• Nile River is the world’s longest river & supplies 85% of Egypt’s water

• Suez Canal separates Egypt from the Sinai Peninsula, ships are able to pass from Mediterranean Sea to Red Sea

Suez Canal

Aswan High Dam

History• Last native dynasty fell in 341 b.c. to the Persians• Arabs introduced Islam & Arabic language, 7th

century and ruled for next 6 centuries• Mamluks took control about 1250 & continued to

govern the conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman Turks in 1517

• Britain seized control of Egypt’s government in 1882, but allegiance to Ottoman empire continued until 1914

• Gained independence after WWII in 1952, when a group of army officers overthrew British supported King

The Quran:Holy BookOf Islam

Culture & Government• Is now a republic

• ½ of Egypt’s people live in rural areas

• Most are farmers, raise only enough food to feed their families, best farmland is around Nile

• 94% = Muslim

• Speak Arabic

• Cairo = leading center for Muslim world

• Main resource = oil

• Tourism = major industry, ancient ruins

• Agriculture = main economic activity

Fatimid Mosque in Cairo

Libya• Sahara covers 90% of land

• Desert with only a few oases

• Has no permanent rivers, but aquifers lie beneath the vast desert

• Poor soil & hot climate = Libya has to import ¾ of food supply

• Discovery of oil in 1959 brought great wealth

• Mixed Arab & Berber heritage/Berbers first known in NA

• 86% of people live on the Mediterranean coast

Sahara Desert

Libya• Practice Islam

• Speak Arabic

• 1969 Muammar al-Qaddhafi overthrew the king & became dictator

• For many years US has accused him of sponsoring & encouraging terrorism/ bombed family compound

• Recently swore to not participate in terrorism any longer


Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

• In 1988, terrorist bombed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland

• US worked for many years proving Libya’s involvement

• One Libyan was actually found guilty in an international court

The Maghreb• Means “the land farthest west” in Arabic

• Consists of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco

• Given the name because it is the westernmost part of the Arabic speaking Muslim world

Tunisia/geography• North Africa smallest country, size of Georgia

• Atlas mountains = northwest

• South merges into Sahara desert

• Mild, rainy winters/Hot, dry summers = North

• Desert = South

Tunisia/history• Berbers were the first to settle the area

• Phoenicians from SW Asia founded the city of Carthage 2,800 years ago

• Carthage = center of powerful trading empire

• Carthage eventually lost battle with Romans for control of Mediterranean Sea

• Was the part of several Muslim empires

• Became independent of France in 1956


Ancient Carthage Ruins

Tunisia/culture• Mixture of Arab & Berber ancestry

• Speak Arabic

• Practice Islam

• Economic activities = farming, fishing, manufacturing

• Tourism is growing

• Tunis = capital

Algeria• Largest country in NA, 3.5x of Texas• Algeria must import most of its food which is paid for by

selling oil & natural gas• French colony = 1834-1862• In 1954, Algerian Arabs rose up against French and won

independence by 1962• Many Algerians speak French & Arabic• Algiers = capital• Today, Algeria is a republic with a strong president &

legislature• Since 1990’s there have been many conflicts between

government & Muslim political parties

Algeria• Widespread poverty exists today• Many people have had to move to

other countries to find work• There is a civil war going on

between the Muslims & the government that got its start from Muslims being jailed after an election

Morocco• Between Algeria & Western Sahara

• Mediterranean climate, more extreme in the interior

• Economy is based on agriculture, industry, & tourism

• Lead the World in exports of phosphate rock

• AD 700’s, Arabs & Berbers from Morocco conquered Spain & developed a brilliant civilization until Christian rulers drove them out in the late 1400’s

• Gained independence from France in 1956

Straight of Gibraltar• Separates Africa & Europe/ Morocco & Spain• Only 9 miles between the separation

Berbers Arabs

Morocco• Has constitutional monarchy/King/Queen is head of

state but elected officials run the government

• Developed bicameral legislature in 1997

• 1970’s, Morocco claimed Western Sahara, sparked a war between Morocco & a rebel group wanting independence for Sahara/ problem remains unsolved

• Most people live in coastal areas, some herd & farm in the foothills of the Atlas mountains

• Casablanca = largest city,

• Rabat = Capital


A Satellite View

Africa’s Size

# Second largest continent 11,700,000 sq. mi.

# 10% of the world’s population.

# 2 ½ times the size of the U. S.



4 6 0 0 M I L E S




Nile River

Congo River

Zambezi River

Niger River

Orange River

Mediterranean Sea

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Red Sea

L. Victoria

L. Chad-->

L. Tanganyika->

<--Gulf of A


The Mighty Nile River:“Longest River in the World”

The Congo River Basin

# Covers 12% of thecontinent.

# Extends over 9countries.

# 2,720 miles long.

# 99% of the countryof Zaire is in theCongo River basin.

The Niger River Basin

# Covers 7.5% of the continent.

# Extends over 10 countries.

# 2,600 miles long.

Hydroelectric Power




Ruwenzori Mts.

Δ Mt. Kenya

Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro




Atlas Mts.

The African Plateau

Deserts Sahara Desert





ib Desert

Libyan Desert

The Sahara Desert


The Sahel





at R




Great Rift Valley

3,000 miles long

Seismic Activity in Africa



Tropic of Cancer 20° N

Tropic of Capricorn20° S

Equator 0°

African Trade Winds

West Africa: Home of our Hurricanes

Vegetation Zones

The African Savannah:13 million sq. mi.

African Rain Forest

# Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft.

# Rapid decomposition (very humid).

# Covers 37 countries.

# 15% of the land surface of Africa.

Mt. Kilimanjaro:Snow on the Equator?






Nile River

Congo River

Zambezi River

Niger River

Orange River

Limpopo River

Mediterranean Sea

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Red Sea

L. Victoria

L. Albert-->

L. Chad-->

L. Tanganyika->

<--Gulf of A


Drajensburg Mts.


enzori Mts.

Δ Mt. Kenya

Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro

Sahara Desert





ib Desert

Libyan Desert


at R




Atlas Mts.

Tropic of Cancer 20° N

Tropic of Capricorn20° S

Equator 0°

Natural Resources