Noon Dalton Whitepaper - Virtual Employees

How Small Businesses Can Use Virtual Employees To Grow Efficiently Presented by: Jehan Noon Noon Dalton Founder & CEO [email protected]

Transcript of Noon Dalton Whitepaper - Virtual Employees

How Small Businesses Can Use Virtual

Employees To Grow Efficiently Presented by:

Jehan Noon Noon Dalton Founder & CEO

[email protected]


Who is this for

My Background

What others businesses are doing?

Where to start?

Top 10 best practices

How to evaluate a provider

Top tools used while working virtually

Q&A [email protected] 2

This Presentation Is For Business Owners Who:

Are looking to scale efficiently

Want to do more for less money

Are new to outsourcing / using virtual staff

Have tried to outsource in the past but did not receive the desired results [email protected] 3

What You Will Learn

How other business owners have successfully integrated Virtual Employees (VEs) into their business allowing them to grow faster and at a lower cost

How to analyze your business to identify work that is best suited for lower cost Virtual Employee (VE)

Best practices for working with a VE

Top tools used to integrate a VE

How Noon Dalton VEs integrate into small businesses [email protected] 4

My Background


15 + years experience in Strategy & Outsource consulting with Deloitte Consulting & Noon Dalton

Consulted and serviced over 150 clients ranging from Fortune 100 to individually owned businesses


Founded 3 companies in the last 4 years

All companies heavily rely on virtual employees from Noon Dalton and other providers


Received an MBA and Electrical Engineering Degree from the University of [email protected] 5

Case Study:Real Estate


Owner was limited by how many orders the staff could process daily

Hiring more local staff would be too costly and would not produce the best ROI for her desired growth


Each staff member received their own virtual employee (VE) who learned the repetitive and time consuming tasks

After two weeks of working as a team the VEs took over the majority of the tasks freeing up time for the local staff


The company hired 8 full time virtual staff which saved $350,000/year over local staff

Local staff shifted their free time to sales/growth activities which in turn earned them a spot in the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies

Based on the seasonal work load the team was able to expand and contract the team as needed [email protected]

Case Study: Recruiting Firm


A two employee recruiter did not have enough time in the day to speak with his potential recruits and search the job boards for new candidates thus limiting his earning potential

He had to turn down job requests from companies because did not have enough time in the day to source new candidates


The recruiter hired a Virtual Recruiting Assistant to focus solely on searching Linkedin and other job boards that matched his client’s job descriptions

After the recruiter identified the best candidates, the VE would then conduct advanced internet searches to locate personal emails, phone numbers, and other relevant information not originally shared


The recruiter hired 2 additional VEs due to the successful outcome

The recruiter did not incur any additional training time, because the original VE trained the additional 2 VEs

Hiring 3 virtual staff saved $130,000/year in comparison to local staff [email protected]

Case Study: Lead Generation for Legal Education Firm


Owner was looking for additional lead sources other than traditionally buying lists that were outdated and sold to industry wide

Wanted to build a proprietary database pulling from professional’s online profiles and websites, however this was too costly and technically complicated to scrape the information


Began using data entry VEs to build a database of all the lawyers across the United States by pulling information from their websites, ads, Linkedinprofiles, etc.

As those leads generated more and more business, they scaled to a team of 13 full time VEs working 8 hours per day 6 days per week generating new leads


The company hired 13 full time data entry VEs which saved $550,000/year in comparison to local staff

Easily transitioned list building to different industries

Reallocated staff roles to urgent requests when extra help was needed [email protected]

Where would I begin to Outsource?

Questions Evaluation Metrics


Identify Tasks

What activities take the most amount of

time to complete or distract you from

your core role?

Are these repetitive activities?

Highly manual, time intensive activities


Mostly automated with some manual


Automated or quick tasks to complete



Can you teach someone how to complete

this task virtually?

Low = Less than 15 min (Best)

Medium = 16 min – 2 hrs

High = 2hrs +



How many hours per month do these

activities take?

Over 40hrs/month (Best)

Between 10 – 40 hrs/month

Less than 10 hrs/month [email protected] 9

Top 10 Best Practices For Training And Working With Your Virtual Staff

1. Feedback, Feedback, Feedback!

2. Screen share whenever possible

3. Train incrementally

4. Utilize all available hours by designating background tasks

5. Communicate and confirm priorities on a daily basis

6. Time box new activities

7. Better structure yields better results

8. Require your virtual staff to create process documents for new tasks

9. Monitor, Monitor, Monitor!

10. Review end of day status reports [email protected] 10

Top 10 Traits To Look For In A Provider

1. Strategy & Operations

2. Enterprise vs. Individual

3. Dedicated vs. Shared model

4. Quality Control and Management Structure

5. Trial Period & Working Hours

6. Security / Data privacy

7. Company Location

8. Turnover Rate

9. Retraining Policy

10. Backup / Down Time [email protected] 11

Most Utilized Tools Noon Dalton Uses Screen Sharing / Training

Team Viewer –

Skype –

Logmein –


Cam Studio -

Jing -

File Sharing

Dropbox –

Google Docs –


Skype -

Gtalk – [email protected] 12

Noon Dalton Operations Overview

U.S. based entity with 150+ full time employees in Udaipur, India & Dominican Republic

Over 15 years outsourcing experience

Operate a six day work week equaling 48 hours a week

U.S. time zone or overnight working hours

Dedicated full or half time employees

Three levels of staffing

Basic – Data Entry/Uniform Processes

Professional – Increased communication skills, analytical skills, and work experience

Outbound/Inbound Calling Representative – Hired based on client’s specifications

Fully secure facilities with virtual terminals and all activities monitored

No set-up fees or long term contracts [email protected] 13

Questions & Answers [email protected] 14

Additional Information / Next Steps [email protected] 15

While this presentation was for a broad audience our firm offers a complimentary strategy session with a senior partner to assist identifying the best tasks to begin

If your needs and our capabilities match we can also offer a free week trial to experience the results of our VEs

For further questions or to set up a time to speak with one of our partners please email or call

[email protected]
