Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids - EPJ · Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids F....

DOI 10.1140/epje/i2016-16125-3 Colloquium Eur. Phys. J. E (2016) 39: 125 T HE EUROPEAN P HYSICAL JOURNAL E Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids F. Croccolo 1,2, a , J.M. Ortiz de Z´ arate 3 , and J.V. Sengers 4 1 Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs R´ eservoirs, UMR 5150, Universit´ e de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, 64600 Anglet, France 2 Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), 2 Place Maurice Quentin, 75001 Paris, France 3 Departamento de F´ ısica Aplicada I, Facultad de F´ ısica, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain 4 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA Received 29 September 2016 and Received in final form 8 November 2016 Published online: 20 December 2016 – c EDP Sciences / Societ`a Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2016 Abstract. Fluids in non-equilibrium steady states exhibit long-range fluctuations which extend over the entire system. They can be described by non-equilibrium thermodynamics and fluctuating hydrodynamics that assume local equilibrium for the thermophysical properties as a function of space and time. The experimental evidence for the consistency between this assumption of local equilibrium in the equations and the non-local fluctuation phenomena observed is reviewed. 1 Introduction Non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NET) is a powerful tool to describe and understand the physics of systems that are not in global equilibrium, but in which the ther- modynamic properties depend on space and on time [1]. NET is essential for dealing with a wide range of ap- plications and systems such as fluid physics, soft mat- ter physics, astrophysics, statistical physics, biology, met- allurgy and engineering [2]. NET is much more general than equilibrium thermodynamics (ET) which describes systems in equilibrium conditions; conditions that do not apply to many relevant “real” cases [3]. The history of NET has recently been reviewed by Be- deaux et al. [4]. The beginning of the formal development of NET is commonly attributed to the work of Onsager in 1931 in which he put the earlier research on the subject into a systematic framework [5]. A survey of the various books and monographs on NET can also be found in [4]. The well-established equations of ET apply to systems that are in global equilibrium. A fundamental assumption in NET is that the equilibrium thermodynamic relations remain valid at the local level, i.e., at any given volume element at any time. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the consistency between the assumption of local equilibrium of the NET equations and various non- local phenomena appearing in non-equilibrium. A variety Contribution to the Topical Issue “Non-isothermal trans- port in complex fluids”, edited by Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Mohamed Khayet, Jos´ e Mar´ ıa Ortiz de Z´arate and Fabrizio Croccolo. a e-mail: [email protected] of non-equilibrium steady states have been considered in the literature [6]. In this paper we shall consider fluctu- ations in a quiescent fluid layer between two horizontal boundaries in the presence of either a temperature gradi- ent or a concentration gradient. A review of fluctuations in fluid layers in the presence of a velocity gradient can be found elsewhere [7]. This paper is organized as follows. In sect. 2 we intro- duce the concept of fluctuating hydrodynamics for dealing with thermal fluctuation in fluids in global equilibrium. In sect. 3 we consider the extension to thermal fluctu- ations in non-equilibrium states. These fluctuations are non-local and extend over the entire system [8]. As a con- sequence, the non-equilibrium fluctuations are affected by gravity, considered in sect. 4, and by the finite size of the fluid layer, considered in sect. 5. Most recently, it has been predicted that the long-range non-equilibrium fluctuations will induce non-equilibrium Casimir-like forces [9–13], re- viewed in sect. 6. We summarize our conclusions in sect. 7. 2 Fluctuations in equilibrium 2.1 Fluctuating hydrodynamics A complete description of a thermodynamic system must include fluctuations. Fluctuations in fluids in thermody- namic equilibrium can be described by the method of fluc- tuating hydrodynamics originally developed by Landau and Lifshitz [14,15] with subsequent contributions from Fox and Uhlenbeck [16,17]. The idea is that the fluctua- tions of the thermodynamic properties satisfy the NET equations provided that the thermodynamic fluxes are

Transcript of Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids - EPJ · Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids F....

DOI 10.1140/epje/i2016-16125-3



Non-local fluctuation phenomena in liquids�

F. Croccolo1,2,a, J.M. Ortiz de Zarate3, and J.V. Sengers4

1 Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Reservoirs, UMR 5150, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, 64600 Anglet,France

2 Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), 2 Place Maurice Quentin, 75001 Paris, France3 Departamento de Fısica Aplicada I, Facultad de Fısica, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain4 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Received 29 September 2016 and Received in final form 8 November 2016Published online: 20 December 2016 – c© EDP Sciences / Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2016

Abstract. Fluids in non-equilibrium steady states exhibit long-range fluctuations which extend over theentire system. They can be described by non-equilibrium thermodynamics and fluctuating hydrodynamicsthat assume local equilibrium for the thermophysical properties as a function of space and time. Theexperimental evidence for the consistency between this assumption of local equilibrium in the equationsand the non-local fluctuation phenomena observed is reviewed.

1 Introduction

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NET) is a powerfultool to describe and understand the physics of systemsthat are not in global equilibrium, but in which the ther-modynamic properties depend on space and on time [1].NET is essential for dealing with a wide range of ap-plications and systems such as fluid physics, soft mat-ter physics, astrophysics, statistical physics, biology, met-allurgy and engineering [2]. NET is much more generalthan equilibrium thermodynamics (ET) which describessystems in equilibrium conditions; conditions that do notapply to many relevant “real” cases [3].

The history of NET has recently been reviewed by Be-deaux et al. [4]. The beginning of the formal developmentof NET is commonly attributed to the work of Onsager in1931 in which he put the earlier research on the subjectinto a systematic framework [5]. A survey of the variousbooks and monographs on NET can also be found in [4].

The well-established equations of ET apply to systemsthat are in global equilibrium. A fundamental assumptionin NET is that the equilibrium thermodynamic relationsremain valid at the local level, i.e., at any given volumeelement at any time. The purpose of the present paperis to discuss the consistency between the assumption oflocal equilibrium of the NET equations and various non-local phenomena appearing in non-equilibrium. A variety

� Contribution to the Topical Issue “Non-isothermal trans-port in complex fluids”, edited by Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni,Mohamed Khayet, Jose Marıa Ortiz de Zarate and FabrizioCroccolo.

a e-mail: [email protected]

of non-equilibrium steady states have been considered inthe literature [6]. In this paper we shall consider fluctu-ations in a quiescent fluid layer between two horizontalboundaries in the presence of either a temperature gradi-ent or a concentration gradient. A review of fluctuationsin fluid layers in the presence of a velocity gradient can befound elsewhere [7].

This paper is organized as follows. In sect. 2 we intro-duce the concept of fluctuating hydrodynamics for dealingwith thermal fluctuation in fluids in global equilibrium.In sect. 3 we consider the extension to thermal fluctu-ations in non-equilibrium states. These fluctuations arenon-local and extend over the entire system [8]. As a con-sequence, the non-equilibrium fluctuations are affected bygravity, considered in sect. 4, and by the finite size of thefluid layer, considered in sect. 5. Most recently, it has beenpredicted that the long-range non-equilibrium fluctuationswill induce non-equilibrium Casimir-like forces [9–13], re-viewed in sect. 6. We summarize our conclusions in sect. 7.

2 Fluctuations in equilibrium

2.1 Fluctuating hydrodynamics

A complete description of a thermodynamic system mustinclude fluctuations. Fluctuations in fluids in thermody-namic equilibrium can be described by the method of fluc-tuating hydrodynamics originally developed by Landauand Lifshitz [14,15] with subsequent contributions fromFox and Uhlenbeck [16,17]. The idea is that the fluctua-tions of the thermodynamic properties satisfy the NETequations provided that the thermodynamic fluxes are

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supplemented with stochastic contributions accounting forthe noise resulting from molecular motions [18].

In a one-component fluid one encounters a heat modecausing temperature fluctuations, two sound modes as-sociated with pressure fluctuations and a viscous modecausing velocity fluctuations [6]. In normal fluids, soundmodes are fast propagating modes while the heat modeis a slow diffusive one. Hence, to deal with the slow diffu-sive temperature fluctuations we may neglect any pressurefluctuations. In linear approximation the resulting hydro-dynamic equation for the temperature T reads



∂t+ v · ∇T

]= −∇ · Q, (1)

where ρ is the mass density, cp the specific heat capacity atconstant pressure, v the fluid velocity, and Q the heat flux.In fluctuating hydrodynamics, the heat flux Q is relatedto the temperature gradient ∇T as

Q = −λ∇T + δQ, (2)

where λ is the thermal conductivity according to Fourier’slaw and δQ a fluctuating heat flux which is zero on aver-age: 〈δQ〉 = 0 [6]. Equation (2) thus becomes



∂t+ v · ∇T

]= λ∇2T −∇ · δQ. (3)

We write the temperature T and the fluid velocity v assums of an average temperature T0 and an average ve-locity v0 and the fluctuating parts δT (r, t) and δv(r, t)depending on position r and time t: T = T0 + δT (r, t) andv = v0+δv(r, t). In equilibrium ∇T0 = 0 and v0 = 0, andthe equation for the temperature fluctuation becomes


∂t= λ∇2δT −∇ · δQ. (4)

In a fluid mixture there is an additional concentrationmode. An important parameter in (binary) fluid mixturesis the Lewis number Le = a/D, where a = λ/ρcp is thethermal diffusivity and D the mass diffusion coefficient.In many liquid mixtures the Lewis number is substantiallylarger than unity. For Le � 1 the concentration mode andthe heat mode decouple [19] and for large Le the relevantequation for the concentration c becomes [18]


∂t+ v · ∇c = D∇2c − 1

ρ∇ · δJ, (5)

where c is the mass fraction of one of the two compo-nents and J a fluctuating mass flux [6]. Again we writethe concentration c as the sum of an average value anda fluctuating part: c = c0 + δc(r, t). Again in equilibrium∇c0 = 0 and v0 = 0, so that


∂t= D∇2δc − 1

ρ∇ · δJ. (6)

2.2 Equilibrium correlation functions

To solve eqs. (4) and (6) for the temperature and concen-tration fluctuations, we need the correlation functions forthe fluctuating heat flux and the fluctuating mass flux,which are given by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem [6,18,20]:

〈δQ∗i (r

′, t′)·δQj(r, t)〉=2kBλT 20 δijδ(r′−r)δ(t′−t), (7)

〈δJ∗i (r′, t′)·δJj(r, t)〉=2kBDT0ρχp,T δijδ(r′−r)δ(t′−t),


where kB is Boltzmann’s constant. In eq. (8) for the bi-nary mixture χp,T = (∂c/∂μ)p,T , where μ is the differencebetween the chemical potentials of the two components,so that χp,T can be identified with the osmotic compress-ibility. For fluids of molecules with short-range forces, thenoise correlations are short ranged so that they are rep-resented by delta functions at hydrodynamic length andtime scales. Fluctuations are commonly studied experi-mentally by various optical techniques as a function ofthe wave number q of the fluctuations [6]. Using eq. (7)and taking a spatial Fourier transform, one can readilysolve eq. (4) for the temperature correlation function:

〈δT ∗(q′, t)δT (q, 0)〉 =kBT 2




)(2π)3δ(q′ − q).

(9)The temperature fluctuations are related to the fluctua-tions δs of the entropy density as δs = (ρcp/T )δT , so that

〈δs∗(q′, t)δs(q, 0)〉=kBρcpT0 exp(−aq2t

)(2π)3δ(q′ − q).

(10)As a reminder, we are only considering here the fluctu-ations resulting from the slow heat mode which can beprobed by Rayleigh scattering. Similarly, one obtains fromeqs. (6) and (8) for the concentration fluctuations in a bi-nary mixture in the large Le approximation [18]:

〈δc∗(q′, t)δc(q, 0)〉= kBT0

ρχp,T exp



(11)We see that the equilibrium fluctuations are short ranged.Hence, the intensity of equal-time fluctuations, obtainedby taking t = 0 in eqs. (10) and (11), is independent of thewave number q. The time-correlation functions of fluctu-ations decay exponentially with a relaxation time τ(q) =1/aq2 for the temperature fluctuations and τ(q) = 1/Dq2

for the concentration fluctuations. Traditionally, these re-sults for the equilibrium fluctuations are obtained by solv-ing deterministic hydrodynamic equations with arbitraryinitial conditions [21–24]. We prefer to use the stochasticfluctuating hydrodynamics equations, since this methodcan be extended to non-equilibrium states as further dis-cussed in sect. 3.

2.3 Critical fluctuations

At a vapour-liquid critical point in a one-component fluidthe isobaric heat capacity cp diverges. Thus the intensity

Eur. Phys. J. E (2016) 39: 125 Page 3 of 12

of the fluctuations of the entropy density becomes verylarge, while the intensity of the fluctuations of the tem-perature becomes vanishingly small. Similarly, the osmoticcompressibility χp,T diverges at a critical consolute pointof a binary fluid mixture. Near a critical point the fluctua-tions become long ranged with a correlation length ξ thatdiverges at the critical point. As a consequence, the cor-relation function, eq. (10), of the entropy density fluctua-tions near a vapour-liquid critical point and of the correla-tion function, eq. (11), for the concentration fluctuationsnear a critical consolute point, need to be multiplied bya scaling function g(qξ). In the so-called Ornstein-Zernikeapproximation [25]

g(qξ) � 11 + q2ξ2

. (12)

Thus in states near a critical point, the intensity of thefluctuations diverges at small wave numbers proportionalto q−2, leading to finite-size effects [26,27] and Casimirpressures in confined fluid layers [28–30] near a criticalpoint.

While the critical fluctuations generally still decay ex-ponentially, a hydrodynamic coupling between the fluctu-ations of the order parameter and the viscous fluctuationscauses the transport coefficient determining the relaxationtime τ of the critical fluctuations to become dependenton the wave number. Asymptotically close to the criticalpoint one finds

τ(q) =6πηξ



, (13)

where η is the shear viscosity and Ω(qξ) a dynamicalscaling function [31–33]. At the critical point both ξ andη, and, hence, the relaxation time τ diverge. This phe-nomenon is known as critical slowing-down of the fluc-tuations. Theory also predicts deviations from exponen-tial decay of the fluctuations extremely close the criticalpoint [34]. Such deviations have been observed experimen-tally [35], but they turn out to be very small and negligiblein practice.

3 Fluctuations in non-equilibrium steadystates

3.1 Fluctuations in a temperature gradient

We consider a fluid layer bounded between two horizon-tal plates located at z = ±L/2 in the presence of atemperature gradient ∇T0 �= 0. Thus the temperatureto be substituted into eq. (3) now is a function of z:T = T0 +z∇T0 +δT (r, t). When the temperature gradientis in the z-direction opposite to the direction of gravity,convection can be avoided so that the fluid velocity con-tinues to be v = δv(r, t) with v0 = 0. It thus follows fromeq. (3) that the equation for the temperature, at linearorder in the fluctuations, now becomes



∂t+ δv · ∇T0

]= λ∇2δT −∇ · δQ. (14)

In contrast to equilibrium, the temperature gradientcauses a coupling between the temperature fluctuationsand the velocity fluctuations, the latter satisfying a lin-earized fluctuating Navier-Stokes equation of the form [6,36]


= ν∇2δv +1ρ∇ · δΠ, (15)

In eq. (15) ν = μ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity and δΠ afluctuating stress tensor whose correlation function in ac-cordance with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is givenby [15,18,20]


ij(r′, t′) · δΠkl(r, t)


2kBT0η(δikδjl + δilδjk)δ(r′ − r)δ(t′ − t). (16)

Now in accordance with a basic postulate of local equi-librium in NET [1,3,37], we assume that all thermophys-ical properties, like the isobaric specific heat capacity, thethermal conductivity in eqs. (7) and (14), and the viscosi-ties in eqs. (15) and (16), are taken as their equilibriumvalues corresponding to the average local temperature T0

and average local density ρ = ρ0. Since the average localtemperature T0 depends on z, it follows that also all ther-mophysical properties in principle will depend on z. Whilesuch a dependence of the thermophysical properties on thelocation in the fluid layer can be taken into account insolving the fluctuating hydrodynamics equations [38,39],the effect appears to be small [40,41]. Hence, in practicewe use a stronger local equilibrium assumption by identi-fying all thermophysical properties with their local equi-librium values corresponding to the average temperatureT0 = T0(0) and the average density ρ0 = ρ0(0).

Solving the two coupled fluctuating hydrodynamicsequations, eqs. (14) and (15), one obtains for the specialcase that the wave vector q of the fluctuations is perpen-dicular to the temperature gradient

〈δT ∗(q′, t)δT (q, 0)〉 =kBT0



[(1 + AT ) exp



− Aυ exp(−νq2t

)](2π)3δ(q′ − q), (17)


AT =cp

T0(ν2 − a2)ν




Aν =cp

T0(ν2 − a2)(∇T0)2

q4. (18)

It follows that the total intensity of the non-equilibriumfluctuations is given by

〈δT ∗ (q′, 0) δT (q, 0)〉 =



[1 +


T0(ν + a)a(∇T0)2


](2π)3δ(q′ − q). (19)

These expressions were first obtained by Kirkpatrick etal. from basic non-equilibrium statistical mechanics [42].Shortly thereafter, Ronis and Procaccia [43] pointed out

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that this result can also be obtained by extending fluctu-ating hydrodynamics to non-equilibrium, a method sub-sequently implemented by Law and Sengers [44]. Theexistence of these non-equilibrium temperature and vis-cosity fluctuations, proportional to (∇T0)2 and propor-tional to q−4, with amplitudes AT and Aν exactly asgiven by eq. (18) without any adjustable parameters,was first demonstrated experimentally by Sengers and co-workers [40,45].

This result has a number of important implications:1) The presence of a temperature gradient induces a

coupling between heat mode and viscous mode that is ab-sent in equilibrium except when close to a critical point.

2) The amplitudes of the non-equilibrium temperatureand viscous fluctuations differ by a factor equal to thePrandtl number Pr = ν/a, which is typically of the orderof 10 in liquids and liquid mixtures.

3) The intensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations isproportional to the square of the temperature gradient.This is a rigorous result and not the result of a perturba-tion expansion in terms of ∇T0 [46].

4) For small wave numbers the intensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations diverges as q−4. First, it meansthat the intensities of the non-equilibrium fluctuations be-come much larger than those corresponding to local equi-librium. Second, the non-equilibrium fluctuations are longrange, and not local but extending over the entire size ofthe system [47].

5) While the intensity of critical fluctuations divergesat small wave numbers q as q−2 in accordance witheq. (12), the intensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuationsdiverges as q−4. Hence, the non-equilibrium fluctuationsare much more dramatic than critical fluctuations. More-over, the presence of such pronounced non-local long-ranged fluctuations will be ubiquitous whenever a gradientis present in fluids, and not restricted to the close vicinityof a critical point.

6) The agreement with theory and experiment with-out adjustable parameters [40,45] confirms the validityof non-equilibrium fluctuating hydrodynamics with coeffi-cients that satisfy local equilibrium even though in realitydramatic non-local fluctuations appear.

3.2 Fluctuations in a concentration gradient

Next we consider binary fluid mixtures bounded betweentwo horizontal plates located at z = ±L/2 in the presenceof a concentration gradient ∇c0 �= 0. Thus the concen-tration to be substituted into eq. (5) now is a functionof z: c = c0 + z∇c0 + δc(r, t). Again we assume that thesystem is far away from any convective instability, so thatthe fluid velocity is again v = δv(r, t) with v0 = 0. It thusfollows from eq. (5) that the fluctuating equation for theconcentration becomes


∂t+ δv · ∇c0 = D∇2δc − 1

ρ∇ · δJ. (20)

We see that the concentration gradient induces a couplingbetween concentration fluctuations and velocity fluctua-

tions, the latter being given again by eq. (15). Again weuse the assumption that the thermophysical properties ineqs. (8), (15) and (20) are given by their local equilibriumvalues. Solving the two coupled fluctuating hydrodynam-ics equations, eqs. (15) and (20), one obtains again for thecase that the wave vector q of the fluctuations is perpen-dicular to the concentration gradient

〈δc∗(q′, t)δc(q, 0)〉 =kBT0

ρχp,T (1 + Ac) exp


)(2π)3δ(q′ − q) (21)


Ac =1




q4. (22)

The complete expression for the non-equilibrium concen-tration fluctuation in a binary fluid mixture was first de-rived by Law and Nieuwoudt [48], who considered non-equilibrium concentration fluctuations, non-equilibriumtemperature fluctuations, and non-equilibrium velocityfluctuations which, in general, will be present in a mix-ture [48–50]. Equations (21) and (22) represent a simplifi-cation for Le � 1, verified experimentally by Li et al. [51].

A convenient experimental procedure for establishinga concentration gradient ∇c0 is applying a temperaturegradient ∇T0 to the mixture, thus inducing a concentra-tion gradient through the Soret effect:

∇c0 = −c0 (1 − c0) ST∇T0, (23)

where ST is the appropriate Soret coefficient [49–52]. Justas for one-component fluids, we consider here only steadynon-equilibrium states in which convection is absent. Theconditions for which both the concentration gradient andthe temperature gradient are stabilizing have been speci-fied in the literature [53–55].

Strictly speaking, eq. (21) is valid for a liquid mix-ture in a steady non-equilibrium state. Several investiga-tors have also studied concentration fluctuations in thepresence of transient concentration gradients in isother-mal liquid mixtures induced by free diffusion. These ex-periments have also confirmed that the intensity of thenon-equilibrium concentration fluctuations at any giventime vary as q−4 [56–58].

The implications of this result are similar to those men-tioned earlier for the non-equilibrium concentration fluc-tuations:

1) The presence of a concentration gradient induces acoupling between mass diffusion mode and viscous modethat is absent in equilibrium except when close to a criticalconsolute point.

2) In general non-equilibrium concentration, temper-ature, and velocity fluctuations will be present in a mix-ture. But for Le � 1 the non-equilibrium concentrationfluctuations will be dominant.

3) The intensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations isproportional to (∇c0)2 and, hence, to (∇T0)2 when theconcentration gradient is caused by the Soret effect.

4) For small wave numbers the intensity of thenon-equilibrium concentration fluctuations also diverges

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as q−4. As a consequence, also the intensities of thenon-equilibrium concentration fluctuations become muchlarger than those corresponding to local equilibrium. Thenon-equilibrium concentration fluctuations are long range,and not local but extending over the entire size of the sys-tem.

5) The divergence of the intensity of the non-equilibrium concentration fluctuations as q−4 is muchstronger than the divergence of critical concentration fluc-tuations as q−2 near a consolute point.

6) The agreement with theory and experiment withoutadjustable parameters confirms again the validity of non-equilibrium fluctuating hydrodynamics for mixtures withcoefficients that satisfy local equilibrium even though non-local fluctuations are present.

4 Gravity effects

4.1 Gravity effects on the intensity of non-equilibriumfluctuations

The rapid increase of the intensity of the non-equilibrium(NE) fluctuations as q−4 cannot go on indefinitely. Thefirst physical effects affecting NE fluctuations at very smallwave numbers discussed in the literature are those result-ing from gravity (buoyancy). The effect of bouyancy canbe incorporated by adding in the linearized fluctuatingNavier-Stokes equation, eq. (15), a coupling −gαδT withthe temperature fluctuations; while for binary mixturesa second coupling gβδc with concentration fluctuationsmust also be considered. In these expressions, g is the mag-nitude of the gravitational force g, α = −ρ−1(∂ρ/∂T )p thethermal expansion coefficient, and β = ρ−1(∂ρ/∂c)p,T thesolutal expansion coefficient [6,59,60].

The evaluation of gravity effects on the NE fluctua-tions in single-component fluids is more easily performedin the Pr � 1 limit, in which case the contribution fromthe viscous mode in eq. (17) can be neglected. One thenfinds that eq. (19) for the intensity of the non-equilibriumtemperature fluctuations needs to be replaced by

〈δT ∗ (q′, 0) δT (q, 0)〉 =



[1 +




(q4 + q4RO,T )

](2π)3δ(q′ − q), (24)

where qRO,T is a “rollover” wave number such that

q4RO,T =

α|g · ∇T0|νa

. (25)

When g = 0 (so that q4RO,T = 0), eq. (24) reduces for

ν/a � 1 to eq. (19) earlier obtained in the absence ofbuoyancy. We further mention that, for consistency withthe Boussinesq approximation, we have also neglected ineq. (24) the adiabatic temperature gradient (αT0/cp)g ascompared to the imposed temperature gradient ∇T0 [6,60]. For later use we also note that eq. (24) is only validfor temperature gradients antiparallel to gravity (heating

Fig. 1. Intensity S(q) of the non-equilibrium concentrationfluctuations during free diffusion in an aqueous solution of urea,relative to the intensity Seq of the local equilibrium concentra-tion fluctuations, from a reanalysis of data earlier reportedin [63].

from above, or negative Rayleigh number). When the RHSof eq. (25) is negative there appears an unphysical diver-gence at finite q for the intensity of NE temperature fluctu-ations that can only be removed by including confinementeffects [61,62].

In a similar way, adopting large values for both thePrandtl and the Lewis number, one obtains for the inten-sity of the non-equilibrium concentration fluctuations in abinary mixture [6,60]:

〈δc∗ (q′, 0) δc(q, 0)〉 =



[1 +


χ−1p,T (∇c0)2

(q4 + q4RO,c)

](2π)3δ(q′ − q), (26)


q4RO,c =

β|g · ∇c0|νD

. (27)

Hence, both for temperature or concentration fluctua-tions, if q � qRO the intensity of the non-equilibriumfluctuations continues to vary as q−4, but if q � qRO theintensity will approximate a constant value, independentof q.

The fact that buoyancy saturates the increase of theintensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations was originallypredicted by Segre et al. [59] and first demonstrated ex-perimentally by Vailati and Giglio [52,56]. As an examplewe show in fig. 1 the non-equilibrium enhancement of theintensity of the NE concentration fluctuations observedduring free diffusion of an aqueous solution of urea [63].At large wave numbers the intensity S(q) of the concentra-tion fluctuations varies as q−4, but at smaller wave num-bers the enhancement saturates at a finite but very largevalue, 106 times the intensity Seq of equilibrium fluctua-tions at the average temperature, just as originally pre-dicted by Segre et al. [59] and earlier observed by Vailatiand Giglio [52,56].

The effect of gravity on the non-equilibrium fluctu-ations has been dramatically illustrated by comparing

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Fig. 2. Intensity S(q) of the non-equilibrium concentra-tion fluctuations in a solution of polystyrene in toluene asa function of qL induced by a temperature gradient ∇T0 =13.25 K · mm−1, relative to the intensity Seq of the local equi-librium concentration fluctuations, from an analysis of dataobtained at microgravity [64–66]. The solid red curve repre-sents the magnitude of the structure factor to be expected onearth at the same value of the temperature gradient. For g = 0the intensity of fluctuations is only affected by confinement,see sect. 5.1, in particular eq. (30).

the intensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations on earthwith measurements of the same fluctuations at low grav-ity [64–66], as shown in fig. 2 for a solution of polystyrenein toluene. For large wave numbers the intensity of thenon-equilibrium concentration fluctuations again varies asq−4 [51]. For small wave numbers the intensity saturatesat even much higher values in microgravity than on earth,again as predicted by theory [59]. This huge enhancementevidences the importance of performing crucial experi-ments in micro-gravity conditions as is the case of the fu-ture project NEUF-DIX [67]. As we shall discuss in sect. 5,the intensity of the NE fluctuations is also restricted atsmaller wave numbers by finite-size effects. This is thereason that even at microgravity the intensity of the NEfluctuations cannot diverge at any wave number.

4.2 Gravity effects on the dynamics of non-equilibriumfluctuations

The effects of buoyancy on the dynamics of NE fluctu-ations have been studied in detail only for concentrationfluctuations in binary mixtures. The autocorrelation func-tion of these NE concentration fluctuations, again in thesame approximations, Pr � 1 and Le � 1, adopted inthe previous section, can be written as [68]

〈δc∗(q′, t)δc(q, 0)〉 =kBT0


(1 +




(q4 + q4RO,c)


× exp (−t/τc) (2π)3δ(q′ − q) (28)

withτc =


Dq2(1 +q4RO,c

q4 ). (29)

Fig. 3. Decay times τ(q) of non-equilibrium concentration fluc-tuations in an isothermal solution of colloidal particles andwater diffusing against pure water as a function of q. Differentsymbols are for different times from the beginning of the exper-iment when a concentration gradient is created; time increasesfrom bottom to top of the graph. The experiments confirm thecrossover from a q−2 behaviour for large q to a q2 behavior forsmall q in agreement with eq. (29). Figure reproducing dataalready published in [69].

Equation (26) for the intensity of the fluctuations is re-covered from eq. (28) by setting t = 0. We also note thatin the absence of gravity (q4

RO,c = 0), eqs. (28) and (29)reduce to eqs. (21) and (22). The effect of gravity on thedynamics is contained in eq. (29) for the decay time. Fluc-tuations with wave numbers larger than qRO,c behave dif-fusively with a time constant τc = 1/Dq2, while fluctua-tions with wave numbers smaller than qRO,c decay fasterwith a time constant τc = q2/Dq4

RO,c. It is interesting tonote that gravity also affects the dynamics of “equilib-rium” fluctuations (the term associated with unity insidethe brackets in eq. (28)), when a concentration gradient ispresent [59].

The first direct measurements of the effect of grav-ity on the dynamics of NE fluctuations were obtained byCroccolo et al., who developed an algorithm enabling themto obtain dynamic measurements with a Shadowgraph orSchlieren optical setup [57,63,69]. Figure 3 shows the mea-sured time decays for concentration fluctuations duringfree diffusion of a mixture of colloidal particles and waterdiffusing against pure water [69]. The typical “bell” shapecan be noticed with the presence of a clear maximum forthe time decay corresponding to the position of the qRO,c,a quantity that decreases with time as the concentrationgradient slowly decreases.

5 Finite-size effects in confined fluid layers

5.1 Finite-size effects on the intensity ofnon-equilibrium fluctuations

All equations for the NE fluctuations presented thus farare only valid in the bulk of the fluid, i.e., far away from

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the boundaries. Because of the very long-range nature ofthe NE fluctuations, boundary conditions actually affectboth the statics and the dynamics of non-equilibrium fluc-tuations. For this purpose one needs to obtain a solutionof the fluctuating hydrodynamics subject to appropriateboundary conditions for the temperature or concentra-tion fluctuations and for the transverse velocity fluctu-ations [61,62,70–72]. For a fluid layer between two imper-meable thermal conducting plates, the temperature fluctu-ations must vanish at the bounding plates, while the verti-cal derivative of the concentration fluctuations must van-ish at the plates. For the velocity fluctuations two typesof boundary conditions are commonly considered: stress-free or no-slip boundary conditions [73]. Stress-free bound-ary conditions are unrealistic but they are mathematicallyconvenient and allow for exact analytical solutions [61].No-slip boundary conditions are realistic but exact resultsare generally not possible and often one then obtains so-lutions in terms of Galerkin approximations [6,62,70].

As a summary of the results we mention first that, asexpected, typically the impact of the confinement is lim-ited to wave numbers in the range qL ≤ 1. Due to the per-fectly thermal conducting walls boundary condition, theintensity of the NE temperature fluctuations crosses overfrom the non-zero q-independent saturated NE enhance-ment corresponding to the small-q limit of eq. (24) to a q2

dependence for even smaller q, thus, approaching zero inthe q → 0 limit. The boundary conditions cause the non-equilibrium fluctuations to depend on the Rayleigh num-ber Ra = −αL4g · ∇T0/νa. In liquid layers heated fromabove (corresponding to negative Rayleigh numbers), theintensity of the NE temperature fluctuations as a func-tion of q presents three different regimes. At large q, theq−4 dependence of eq. (19). At intermediate q, a very flatmaximum induced by buoyancy, as described by eq. (24).Finally, at extremely small q, the intensity of the temper-ature fluctuations decreases as q2 when q → 0 [61,62].

Most importantly, the introduction of boundary con-ditions in the presence of gravity, yields also a perfectlyvalid convergent result for a range of positive Rayleighnumbers (i.e., when heated from below), up to a limitthat equals the well-known critical Rayleigh number forthe appearance of convection in the system, as obtainedfrom deterministic fluid dynamics. In this case (positiveRa), between the large-q behavior as q−4 and the small-qbehavior as q2, a prominent maximum in the intensity ofNE fluctuations develops, centered at a non-zero finite qm

whose height increases up to the critical Rayleigh num-ber, where the fluctuations become macroscopic leadingto convection patterns [6,62].

The impact of confinement on the spatial spectrumof NE fluctuations has been beautifully illustrated by theresults of the GRADFLEX space experiment, performedin microgravity conditions [64–66,74,75]. As an exampleof the experimental results, we show in fig. 4 a compari-son between the intensity of the NE temperature fluctua-tions in ground experiments (with gravity) and in experi-ments in space (microgravity) [75]. The experiments showthe q2-dependence due to confinement most clearly in mi-crogravity, while the ground experiments were performed

Fig. 4. Log-log plot of the NE enhancement of the temper-ature fluctuations in liquid CS2 as a function of qL as mea-sured by Takacs et al. [75]. The symbols indicate the exper-imental data obtained from the GRADFLEX instrument at∇T0 = 17.9 K · cm−1 (squares), at ∇T0 = 34.5 K · cm−1 (tri-angles), and at ∇T0 = 101 K · cm−1 (circles), in microgravity(upper curves) and on earth (lower curves). The curves repre-sent the theoretical prediction from fluctuating hydrodynam-ics [62]. Figure reprinted from [75] with permission.

at such large and negative Rayleigh numbers so that thewave numbers at which the q2-dependence should be ev-ident were outside the experimental range of wave num-bers. However, at microgravity conditions the maximumin the NE fluctuations as a crossover from q−4 to q2 isclearly apparent in the experimental results. We note thatexperimental evidence for confinement effects on the NEfluctuations was earlier observed by Wu et al. in super-critical SF6 near but below the convection threshold [76].

Regarding confinement effects on the intensity of NEconcentration fluctuations, we first mention that an exactanalytical solution for realistic boundary conditions hasrecently been obtained in the simpler case of the absenceof gravity. For NE concentration fluctuations in the ab-sence of gravity but with incorporation of the effect ofconfinement, the spatio-temporal correlation function isgiven by [72]

〈δc∗(q′, t)δc(q, 0)〉NE =kBT0




q4[1 + Bc(q)]

× exp (−t/τc) (2π)3δ(q′ − q), (30)


Bc(q) =4(1 − cosh(qL))

qL(qL + sinh(qL))(31)

andτc =


, (32)

replacing eqs. (28) and (29) (at g = 0 or q4RO,c = 0). For

simplicity, we have written only the NE part of the au-tocorrelation, the equilibrium fluctuations enter eq. (31)additively [72]. In fig. 2 it was already shown how eq. (30)nicely describes the experimental results of the GRAD-FLEX experiment for a binary mixture of polystyrene intoluene [64–66].

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It is interesting to note that, in the limit q → 0, theintensity of the NE concentration fluctuations reaches aconstant non-zero limit independent of q, namely,

1 + Bc(q)q4

q→0−−−→ L4

720+ O(q2). (33)

In eq. (33), as well as in the experimental data of fig. 2, oneobserves that, while the NE temperature fluctuations van-ish for very small q as discussed earlier, the NE concentra-tion fluctuations reach a finite limit for very large size asq → 0. This difference is a direct consequence of the differ-ent boundary conditions to be satisfied by the temperatureand the concentration fluctuations at the bounding plates.When gravity is incorporated, the exact solution can onlybe obtained numerically [71] and it becomes dependent onthe solutal Rayleigh number Ras = βL4g ·∇c0/νD. How-ever, although eq. (33) applies only in microgravity, thequalitative effect of confinement remains similar if gravityis taken into account. This has been demonstrated both byGalerkin approximations [70] and by the numerical eval-uation of the solution of the fluctuating hydrodynamicsequations [71].

5.2 Finite-size effects on the dynamics ofnon-equilibrium fluctuations

There are few systematic studies on the effect of confine-ment on the dynamics of NE fluctuations. Only recently,the case of concentration fluctuations in a binary mixturehas been considered in some detail [77,78]. It does not ap-pear to be possible to obtain an analytical solution for theautocorrelation function when boundary conditions are in-cluded, but numerical calculations have been performedfor different negative solutal Rayleigh numbers. These nu-merical calculations turn out be in good agreement withboth experimental data and with computational fluid dy-namics simulations [77,78]. The main impact of confine-ment is a slowing-down of the fluctuations with wave num-ber qL ≤ 5.18. In this range of very small wave numbers,the time constants are again diffusive-like with a reduceddiffusion coefficient. Specifically, in the limit of small wavenumbers [77,78]:


τconf =1

Dq2(1 − RasRas,c

), (34)

which replaces eq. (32) for qL � 5.18. Thus confinementchanges the non-diffusive behaviour implied by eq. (29)as q → 0, and diffusive behaviour is again recovered, butwith a renormalized diffusion coefficient. As clearly shownin fig. 5, for stabilizing concentration gradients, the ex-perimental decay times as a function of the wave numberdisplay a local minimum as a function of the wave numberfor any value of the solutal Rayleigh number and as q → 0the decay times crossover to the limiting behavior givenby eq. (32).

A similar analysis of the effect of confinement on theNE temperature fluctuations is not yet available. The ef-fect is expected to be somewhat different than the effect on

Fig. 5. Decay times of non-equilibrium concentration fluctua-tions in a binary mixture of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphtalene andn-dodecane subjected to a stabilizing temperature gradient.Different symbols are for different thicknesses of the samplecell, thus resulting in different solutal Rayleigh numbers. Fig-ure reproducing data already published in [77].

the concentration fluctuations due to the different bound-ary conditions for the temperature fluctuations. For theNE concentration fluctuations, GRADFLEX experimentshave confirmed that in microgravity (q4

RO,c = 0) the dy-namics of the NE concentration fluctuations is not affectedby the gradients, in accordance with eq. (32) [64–66].

6 Non-equilibrium fluctuation-induced forces

Fluctuation-induced forces will appear in confined fluidswhen long-range fluctuations are present [80]. They arealso often referred to as Casimir forces, since they origi-nally were found as a result of quantum fluctuations of theelectromagnetic field in vacuum [81]. A well-known exam-ple in fluids is the Casimir effect resulting from the long-range critical fluctuations earlier mentioned in sect. 2.3.The presence of Casimir forces due to the long-rangenon-equilibrium fluctuations has been predicted by Kirk-patrick et al. [9–13].

In a confined fluid layer subjected to a temperaturegradient ∇T0 the non-equilibrium temperature fluctua-tions will induce a Casimir pressure, such that

pNE(r) =ρcp(γ − 1)

2T 0

B⟨(δT (r))2



with a thermodynamic pre-factor

B = 1 − 1αcp








. (36)

In eq. (35) γ is the ratio of the isobaric and isochoric heatcapacities and 〈(δT (r))2〉NE is the intensity of the non-equilibrium temperature fluctuations at position r [9,10].The effects of this non-equilibrium Casimir force are two-fold, namely pNE(r) causes a rearrangement of the local

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equilibrium density profile ρ0(r) and a deviation of thelocal equilibrium pressure p0 [12]. Indeed, because of massconservation one has

ρ(r) = ρ0(r) − ρκT [pNE(r) − pNE] , (37)

with the actual (uniform) pressure being

p = p0 + pNE, (38)

where κT = ρ−1(∂ρ/∂p)T is the isothermal compressibil-ity and pNE is the spatial average of pNE(r). Just as insect. 5, the detailed expression for 〈(δT (r))2〉NE in eq. (35),but not the order of magnitude, depends on the boundaryconditions at the surfaces of the plates confining the fluid.For a fluid layer between two thermally conducting platesand for stress-free conditions for the velocity fluctuations,Kirkpatrick et al. found a simple analytical solution suchthat [12]

pNE =ρcpkBT0

2(γ − 1)

29πa(ν + a)BL




. (39)

Thus for a given temperature gradient ∇T0, the non-equilibrium Casimir pressure will increase with the heightL of the fluid. For a fixed value of the temperature dif-ference ΔT0 between the plates it will vary as L−1. Thisis to be compared with a L−4 dependence with the plateseparation for electromagnetic Casmir forces, or a L−3 de-pendence for critical Casimir forces [9].

In a layer of a binary fluid mixture with a concentra-tion gradient ∇c0, Kirkpatrick et al. have also predicteda Casimir pressure due to the non-equilibrium concentra-tion fluctuations [11,13]:

pNE(r) = −ρ(γ − 1)2αT





C = χ−1p,T − T






− ρcp







. (41)

In a binary-fluid layer between two impermeable walls andfor no-slip boundary conditions for the velocity fluctu-ations, 〈(δc(r))2〉NE can be readily evaluated consistentwith eq. (30) [72], and one obtains for the Casimir pres-sure caused by NE concentration fluctuations [13]

pNE = −kB(γ − 1)2ανD

CFL (∇c0)2, (42)

where F is a numerical constant (F � 0.006).Order-of-magnitude estimates for the predicted non-

equilibrium Casimir pressures presented elsewhere [13]show that they are typically much larger than criticalCasimir pressures [12]. One physical reason is that theintensity of the non-equilibrium fluctuations diverges forsmall q as q−4 in accordance with eqs. (19) and (23), whilethe intensity of critical fluctuations only diverges as q−2

in accordance with eq. (12).

Again the equations above have been obtained fromfluctuating hydrodynamics with local equilibrium valuesfor the thermophysical properties. They predict in con-fined fluids a breakdown for the principle of local equi-librium for the thermophysical properties as discussed byKirkpatrick et al. [10]. In principle one could iterate theprocedure by using the actual NE values of the thermo-phyiscal properties. However, the non-equilibrium correc-tions to the thermophysical properties from the local equi-librium values are very small compared to the equilibriumvalues (cf., 1 Pa compared to 105 Pa). Hence, one can con-tinue to use the fluctuating hydrodynamics equations withlocal values of the thermophysical properties to predictaccurately the deviations from local equilibrium in non-equilibrium fluids.

7 Conclusions

In this paper we have reviewed the intensity and dynam-ics of NE fluctuations in a variety of systems. The NEfluctuations are greatly enhanced over the correspond-ing equilibrium fluctuations, are long ranged extendingover the entire system size, are affected by gravity andby finite-size effects. These non-local fluctuation phe-nomena have been predicted on the basis of the equa-tions of fluctuating hydrodynamics assuming local equilib-rium values for all thermophysical properties in the equa-tions and in the noise correlation fluctuations. The excel-lent agreement of the predictions from these fluctuating-hydrodynamics equations with the experimentally ob-served non-local character of the NE fluctuations, as re-viewed in the present paper, confirms the validity of theextension of fluctuating hydrodynamics with local equilib-rium property values to non-equilibrium states.

Actually, the agreement between experiment and fluc-tuating hydrodynamics turns out to be so accurate thatexperimental investigation of NE fluctuations is becom-ing a new method for measuring transport properties offluids and fluid mixtures. This new method has been veri-fied first on a reference fluid mixture [82,83] for extractingmass diffusion and Soret coefficients from the dynamics ofconcentration NE fluctuations. Subsequently, the same ap-proach has been used to determine these transport prop-erties for fluid mixtures at high pressure [84]. The thermaldiffusivity of fluids can be determined by measuring thedynamics of NE temperature fluctuations [85]. The Soretcoefficient has also been determined from the analysis ofthe intensity NE concentration fluctuations obtained inmicrogravity conditions [65]. Applications of fluctuatinghydrodynamics to study NE concentration fluctuations internary mixtures have also been initiated [79,86,87].

In the discussion above we have focused our attentionto theoretical predictions and experimental verificationsof the intensity and dynamics of NE fluctuations. It isimportant to mention that in the last decade also effortshave been made to apply Computational Fluid Dynamicsfor investigating different aspects of NE fluctuations. Inparticular computer simulations do not need some of theapproximations that are introduced in the theory and are

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therefore able to investigate more complicated, and some-times more interesting, problems. Among the importantresults obtained by this way we may mention the inves-tigation of NE concentration fluctuations in microgravityexperiments both at steady state [88,89] and during thetransient state [66], the free diffusion of highly non-linearsample of glycerol and water [90], the effect of confinementon concentration NE fluctuations [77,78], the interactionwith the presence of surface tension [91], chemical reac-tions [92] or electrostatic effects [93].

In non-equilibrium steady states, non-equilibrium fluc-tuations are always present. They have intensities muchlarger than their local equilibrium values, extend over theentire system and are strongly affected by gravity andconfinement. The non-local fluctuation phenomena ob-served experimentally are in very good agreement with thefeatures predicted from fluctuating hydrodynamics withthermophysical property values equal to their local equi-librium values. Hence, the assumption of local equilib-rium in the equations of non-equilibrium thermodynamicsis consistent with the presence of non-local fluctuationsphenomena that are actually present in steady or quasi-steady NE states. By quasi-steady NE states we meanstates in which the time dependence of the gradient isslow compared to the relevant relaxation rates of the fluc-tuations [94].

The fluctuating hydrodynamic equations not onlypredict non-local fluctuation phenomena, but also non-equilibrium contributions to the local equilibrium densityand the local equilibrium pressure in confined fluid lay-ers as discussed in sect. 6. Experimental confirmations ofthe latter deviations from local equilibrium are not yetavailable.

FC acknowledges support from CNES. Fruitful discussionswith H. Bataller, T. Bernet, D. Brogioli, R. Cerbino, C. Gi-raudet, T.R. Kirkpatrick, H.E. Roman, and A. Vailati aregratefully acknowledged. Research at Madrid is funded by theSpanish Secretarıa de Estado de Investigacion through the re-search grant FIS2014-58950-C2-2-P. The GRADFLEX team isacknowledged together with ESA for making data shown infig. 2 available.


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Fabrizio Croccolo received hisPh.D. from the Universitadegli Studi di Milano (Italy)in 2006. He is an experimen-tal scientist specialized in thedevelopment of optical tech-niques for studying transportproperties of multi-componentfluids. In the past decadehe worked as a postdoc indifferent academies in Italy,Switzerland and France. Heis currently postdoc at theFrench Space Agency “CentreNational d’Etudes Spatiales”(CNES) working in the Labo-ratoire des Fluides Complexeset leurs Reservoirs of the Uni-versity of Pau (FR) at its An-glet premises. Most of his ac-tivities are related to the in-vestigation of non-equilibriumfluctuations.

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Jose M. Ortiz de Zarate re-ceived his Ph.D. in Physicsfrom the Complutense Univer-sity (Madrid, Spain) in 1990.After some post-doctoral workat the University of Maryland(College Park, MD, USA) hebecame Associate Professor ofApplied Physics at the Com-plutense University, a positionthat he currently holds. In 2014he spent a sabbatical period atthe Anglet Campus of the Uni-versite de Pau (France). Hismain research interest is onfluctuation phenomena in sys-tems that are out of thermo-dynamic equilibrium. He co-authored (together with Prof.Sengers) a book on the appli-cation of fluctuating hydrody-namics to these problems.

Jan V. Sengers received hisPh.D. from the University ofAmsterdam (Netherlands) in1962. He has been a facultymember at the University ofMaryland in College Park, MDsince 1968. He is currently Dis-tinguished University ResearchProfessor in the Institute forPhysical Science and Technol-ogy, Affiliate Professor of Me-chanical Engineering, and Pro-fessor Emeritus in Chemicaland Biomolecular Engineeringat the University of Maryland.He has an honorary doctors de-gree from the Technical Uni-versity Delft and is correspon-dent of the Royal NetherlandsAcademy of Sciences. His re-search is concerned with meso-scopic fluctuation phenomenain fluids.