NOHA - International Association of Universities FallSchool 2017_Leaflet.pdfNOHA...

Members of the NOHA faculty ECHO The ICRC and major INGOs OCHA Admission CV and letter of motivation Registration Admission is granted on the basis of the past education (Master degree or equivalent) and/or experience in the field. Candidates should send back a CV and a letter of motivation before October 30, 2017. CERTIFICATION A certificate will be delivered by NOHA Lecturers I will attend the NOHA Fall School I pay 350 euros after my application is selected. Bank account : Axa n° 7512.0714.3742 IBAN: BE77 7512.0714.3742 (with Fall School 2015 + name) First name : .............................................................................. Name : ............................................................................................... Organization : .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Position : .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Nationality : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Email : ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Phone number : .......................................................................... Mobile :................................................................................... Please send the requested information, a CV and a letter of motivation before October 30, 2017 : by email : [email protected] or back to : Prof. Catherine Gourbin NOHA / Université catholique de Louvain LSSH/IACS/DEMO Place Montesquieu 1, bte L2.08.03 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium or apply through the NOHA website : Éditeur responsable : NOHA-UCL • Crédits photos : Galia Glume et Max D. Gyselinck Fees The participation fees amount to 350 euros/person. Daily lunch and working material are included. Free-of-charge positions are available for ECHO staff members.

Transcript of NOHA - International Association of Universities FallSchool 2017_Leaflet.pdfNOHA...

Page 1: NOHA - International Association of Universities FallSchool 2017_Leaflet.pdfNOHA 2017FallSchoolinHumanitarianAction(HA) HumanitarianActiontodayhastotakeintoaccountpolitical, cultural,legalandhealthdimensions.Fortheninthtimethe

Members of the NOHA facultyECHOThe ICRC and major INGOsOCHA

AdmissionCV and letter of motivation


Admission is granted on the basis of the past education(Master degree or equivalent) and/or experience in the field.Candidates should send back a CV and a letter of motivationbefore October 30, 2017.

CERTIFICATIONA certificate will be delivered by NOHA


I will attend the NOHA Fall School

I pay 350 euros after my application is selected.Bank account : Axa n° 7512.0714.3742IBAN: BE77 7512.0714.3742(with Fall School 2015 + name)

First name : .............................................................................. Name : ...............................................................................................

Organization : ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

Position :..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Nationality : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Email :.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Phone number : .......................................................................... Mobile :...................................................................................

Please send the requested information, a CV and a letter of motivationbefore October 30, 2017 :

by email : [email protected] or back to :Prof. Catherine GourbinNOHA / Université catholique de LouvainLSSH/IACS/DEMOPlace Montesquieu 1, bte L2.08.031348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium

or apply through the NOHAwebsite :

Éditeur responsable : NOHA-UCL • Crédits photos : Galia Glume et Max D. Gyselinck

FeesThe participation fees amount to 350 euros/person. Dailylunch and working material are included. Free-of-chargepositions are available for ECHO staff members.

Page 2: NOHA - International Association of Universities FallSchool 2017_Leaflet.pdfNOHA 2017FallSchoolinHumanitarianAction(HA) HumanitarianActiontodayhastotakeintoaccountpolitical, cultural,legalandhealthdimensions.Fortheninthtimethe

NOHA2017 Fall School in Humanitarian Action (HA)Humanitarian Action today has to take into account political,cultural, legal and health dimensions. For the ninth time theNOHA (Network on Humanitarian Action) Fall School will beconducted by university staff and field actors in order to provideprofessionals with a global approach and specific tools.

ObjectiveThe Fall School aims at training professionals dealing withprojects in HA in order to give them a critical overview of HAin a multidisciplinary perspective and the relevant informationfor evaluation of projects. New challenges in HA will also beexamined.

Target audienceCivil servants, staff from local, international and civil societyorganizations, and more generally those who are involved in HAand feel the need to upgrade their basic knowledge and skills.

Organizing CommitteeCatholic University of Louvain (UCL)This ninth NOHAFall School is run by the European Networkon Humanitarian Action (NOHA) and the day-to-day manage-ment is supervised by Prof. Catherine Gourbin, nationalNOHA director at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)in Belgium.

MarketingThe programme will be marketed among relevant stakeholdersvia the NOHAdirectors, ECHO, Ministries of ForeignAffairs,INGOs, international Federations of NGOs.

1) Humanitarian action- History and basic principles- Main actors

2) Humanitarian action - related disciplines- International relations and humanitarian action

- International humanitarian law

- Health in emergency situations

- Anthropology and HA

- Management of HA

3) Contemporary issues- Peacekeeping and integrated operations

- Protection

- Sphere standards

- Mediation

4) Funding


NOHA is an International Association of Universities thataims to enhance professionalism in the Humanitarian sectorby promoting humanitarian values through higher educationaccredited courses, and by fostering a humanitarian researchethos that encourages innovation in humanitarian policy andpractice. NOHA full members areAix-Marseille Université,Universidad de Deusto, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,University College Dublin, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Université catholique de Louvain, Uppsala Universitet,Warsaw University, Vilnius University, University ofCopenhagen, University ofMalta, andUniversity of Pavia.Since it was created in 1993, more than 3,000 graduates havefollowed the Joint Master in International HumanitarianAction. NOHA counts on the cooperation and support of theEU through the DG Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection(ECHO) and the DG for Education and Culture. The initiativewas a response to a growing need for higher educationalqualifications specifically suited to addressing complexhumanitarian emergencies. In 2005, NOHAwas awarded bythe European Commission Erasmus Mundus PartnershipsProgramme in order to establish and develop a framework forcooperation and student and scholar mobility between NOHAand 8 partner universities worldwide. More than two decadesof experience has proved the NOHA commitment andcapacity to educate and train highly committed, interdisciplinarypersons who can act at all levels of humanitarian reliefoperations andwho can function in a variety ofways to enhancethe delivery of humanitarian assistance and sustainable actions.

DURATION AND TIME PERIODFROM 13 to 17 November (included) 2017


VENUE : Club- Fondation Universitaire Stichtingrue d’Egmontstraat 11, B-1000 Brussels