No273 newslettr daily e-22-10_2013

The Chemical Mission visits new sites PAGE 4 Rockets in Damascus and Homs.. A military operation in Gota Sabra.. No participation for the coalition in Geneva Army restores Al-Hadath.. Saddad in the hand of Front Victory Aids in Homs PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 2013/10/22 -NO. (273) Assad.. Success factors of Geneva conference is not available and escaped el- ements returned to fight with the army. PAGE 4 Khatib.. The condition to attend Geneva is non-political

Transcript of No273 newslettr daily e-22-10_2013

Page 1: No273 newslettr daily e-22-10_2013

The Chemical Mission visits new sites


Rockets in Damascus and Homs.. A military operation in GotaSabra.. No participation for the coalition in Geneva

Army restores Al-Hadath.. Saddad in the hand

of Front Victory

Aids in Homs




2013/10/22 -NO. (273)

Assad.. Success factors of Geneva conference is not available and escaped el-ements returned to fight with the army.


Khatib.. The condition

to attend Geneva is


Page 2: No273 newslettr daily e-22-10_2013

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (273( 2013/10/22

Battles recede in Aleppo prison.. Deaths for the Northern Brigade

Mortar also.. Deaths among civilians in Bab Touma and Jaramana

Fighting subsided in the vicinity of Alep-po’s central prison after four days of violent clashes and suicide attacks carried out by Front Victory which killed more than fifty militants, Syrian Red Crescent has managed a team to deliver food and medical materi-als to the inside of the prison. Fierce fight-ing broke out between the Syrian army and armed groups in Bostan Basha neighborhood and Khalidiya, also targeted warplanes head-quarters for gunmen in the countryside of Sferaa and tlaren, destroyed rocket launchers

and vehicles equipped with machine guns in Eyen Aljmajmh, and perimeter military air-port, this confronted the army’s attempts to infiltrate the neighborhoods of Sief Dawleh and Zubair Mosque in the neighborhood of Salah al-Din. So clashes took place between units of protecting Kurdish people and mili-tants organizing from D’aash in the village of Maran in the countryside of Aleppo, while were killed sixteen armed men follower’s to storm Brigade in clashes with D’aash near the crossing border of Bab Salameh, this media sources said that the gunmen follow-ers to “Haeaa Shariah” replaced the Brigade the Syrian free gunmen in Bostan Kaser and all the points of concentration between the neighborhood mentioned and Masharqa so as to cut the road in front of extends D’aash for control of the crossing and financial re-sources.

Twelve people were injured after the fall of mortar shells at Bab Touma in Damas-cus, as other shells landed on Jaramana in Damascus countryside led to the in-jury of nine citizens. To that formal sources mentioned that the Syrian army is pre-paring for a military opera-tion in Beit Sahem, Yalda, Babila and the surrounding towns of Saide Zainab to cut insurgent supply routes in Damascus countryside from Golan, Daraa and open the main road leading to Saide Zeinab, while military opera-tions in the vicinity of Omari mosque continued in Kaboun , Duma and Harasta, also killed a sniper in Jobar and

an armed group on the axis of Zamalka, and in Maliha continue the clashes between the Syrian army and the mili-tant opposition near the com-pany Tameco Pharmaceutical Industries resulted in killing, “Khalid Kles” and “Muham-mad Shaghour”, while clash-es took place in Darya killed, “Khalid Asaad” the leader of

a group, in contrast, opposi-tion sources spoke of violent clashes on the road to Da-mascus International Airport on the eastern Gota on the Western Front for Medmah. In a related development Fighting continues between the Syrian army and gunmen in Maloula ,Yabroud , Nabek , Qalamun and Adra resulted in killing, “Ahmed Diab” the leader of armed group, while the Syrian warplanes pound-ing the militants in the Syrian mountains bordering Leba-non from Ras Baalbek until AlKaa. This Al Mayadeen TV talked about the transfer of three Syrian wounded to Israel Medical Center in Na-


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Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (273( 2013/10/22

Army restores Al-Hadath .. Sddad in the hand of Front Victory

Non-Syrian nationalities in the countryside of Lattakia

Missiles in Hama

In Homs, rocket-propelled grenade landed from Al-Hosson town towards the village of Al-Mzaena led to inflict material damage to property and no injuries among the local people. The Syrian army managed according

In the countryside of Lattakia targeted the Syr-ian army headquarters for the gunmen’s “Islamic State of Iraq and Sham” in the village of Kabeer lead to the deaths of leaders of not Syrian na-tionalities, including Palestine, “Ahmed Jaradat” The Tunisian “Abu Muslim Tayeb” The Egyptian “Abu Khamees” and the Iraqi “Abu Ahmed An-bari” they are leader terrorist groups of the so-called” Islamic State in Iraq and Sham “affiliated with al Qaeda in addition to Subhi al-Emadi, Ez-zatJomaa and Abu Obada Alsracba. The source said that the operation also resulted in the de-struction of equipment and heavy weapons for terrorists and weapons depots, rockets and mines. The source pointed out that the units of our forces inflicted terrorists’ dead and injured in targeted gatherings in the village of Suda and among the dead Aref Aldoshi Tunisian nationality and Dar-

An injured woman and her daughter injured after the fall of rocket-propelled gre-nades near Al-Hal market and the street and by one of the gas stations in Alsagalbeh in

Hama. The official sources said that the competent au-thorities had arrested the gun-men who assassinated the di-rector of the transfer of Hama Nayef Trad Sirhan.

to official military sources to expel militants from the village of Al-Hadath in Homs coun-tryside after targeting their headquarters, the sources said that the army foiled an infiltra-tion attempt on two military bases in Zara in rural Talkalkh. Moreover, according to oppo-sition sources, the Front Victory managed to control of the battalion Hagana in Homs and a detachment of security in the village of Sad-dad after they entered, and managed to free three stations for Hagana on the oil pipeline, while continuing clashes in the town of Mo-hen, this targeted Islamic battalions targeted with five Grad reckets the troops stationed at the Altifor airport in Homs- Palmyra road.

wish Ibouhtab of Jordanian nationality Rashid Hamdan Bo Rasheed Moroccan nationality. The source mentioned that one of our units destroyed equipment and ammunition for terrorists In Zahi village, succeeded in killing number of them, Ter-kawe Jamaat Libyan nationality and Ahmad Has-san and injured others , while other units ruled ter-rorist groups in Farnlak among them Shadi Shaker Lebanese nationality and others also injured oth-ers and destroyed tools and equipment.

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Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (273( 2013/10/22

Al-Asaad .. Escaped elements return to fight with the Syrian Army..

And military plans under wrapsPresident Bashar al-Assad said that success factors of Geneva Conference 2 is not available neither a specific date nor the factors that help to take place, he added in an interview with Al Mayadeen TV: If Geneva conference includes stop funding terror-ists with money and provid-ing them with weapons and help them to come to Syria, then there will be no problem in Syria, regard to concern-ing the escaping of the Syr-ian army, Assad said: All of them fled to a different rea-sons good number decided to return and welcomed this and some of them returned to work and happened to fell dead in recent months, and some of them cooperate with the Syrian army excellently, He pointed out that Syria in the time being is in a state of war against terrorism, and was not a day with terrorism, “and added that his country was targeted because of its foreign policy, with regard to the US strike on Syria, said Assad: that Syria was ready to the blow, but our planned mil-itary kept under wraps. Presi-dent Al-Assad called Lakh-dar Brahimi, the UN envoy to Syria to abide by its duties and the neutral must be sub-ject to a process of dialogue between the conflicting forces

on the ground, adding: Bra-himi tried to convince me not to stand for election in 2014 and the answer was that this is an internal affair. And about the Palestinian resistance Al- Assad assured that the return of Hamas to Syria is the de-cision of the Syrian people, and if Hamas decided to be a true resistant we are with it but if it wanted to be the Mus-lim Brotherhood do not have to do with it, and mentioned

the president that his candi-dacy for the upcoming presi-dential elections based on two points first is the personal de-sire, and the second popular desire, and I do not see any objection to the candidacy for the upcoming elections. This President Bashar Al-Assad received yesterday a delega-tion from the Women’s Inter-national Democratic Federa-tion, Marcia Gambos the head President of the Federation.

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Syrian National Coalition will not participate without guarantees of government transition does not include officials from the present Syr-ian government, adding that the coalition will hold a crucial meeting in Istanbul on 1 and 2 November to take a final position from partici-pation or not of Conference Geneva 2, pointing out that the formation of a transitional govern-ment in the presence of President Bashar al-Assad and his regime means its ability to dis-rupt the work of this government and control entirely, and this is completely unacceptable.

Page NO.5The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (273( 2013/10/22

Sabra.. No participation for the coalition in Geneva

Sources for opposition quoted from George Sa-bra head of the Syrian National Council that the

Khatib.. The condition to attend Geneva is non-political

Said a member of the Syrian National Coalition Maaz Khat-ib that any participation in Ge-neva Conference to be held on

23 next month conditional sub-ject of human and not a politi-cian, a release of detainees and children captured in prisons,

pointing out that this condition has put it in his first initiative negotiating and then the sec-ond is still going.

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Page NO.6The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (273( 2013/10/22

2811 tons of cotton in the provinces

Aids in Homs

the General Organization for cotton mar-keting announced that the amount of cot-ton transferred from farmers to centers and cotton gins of the Foundation reached since the beginning of the season of 2811 tons of which 348 tons were delivered in Hama and Idlib gins.

The International Organiza-tion for Migration began to distribute aid to the families affected and displaced due to the work of armed groups in

Palmyra and nearby areas in collaboration with the official authorities and the Church of Theresa of the Child Jesus in Palmyra, where the aid

is enough to more than 800 families and distribution is under the family card to en-sure the arrival of aid to ben-eficiaries.