No Vowels Aloud Media Project

Team No Vowels Aloud Welcome you to… Researcher: Lyndon Content creator Joe Production: Wang Project Manager: Yang Media Project 2 Narrated By Joe & Lyndon




Transcript of No Vowels Aloud Media Project

  • 1. Team No Vowels Aloud
    Welcome you to
    Narrated By Joe & Lyndon
    Researcher: Lyndon
    Production: Wang
    Content creatorJoe
    Project Manager: Yang

2. Despite seeming evidence to the contrary, the major players in the global music industry continue to claim that piracy is killing new music, to what extent is illegal copying either, a criminal act, or, a democratising of popular culture.
3. killing new music?
A brief history of illegal downloading and copyrighting
4. Copyrighting
1709 Statute of Anne
21 years
1662 Licensing Act
1789 the U.S congress passed the copyright law
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988).
5. Copyrighting

  • Copying;

6. Distributing; 7. Adapting; 8. Renting or lending copies to the public 9. Performing in public