no,. JOURN… · i i i: riverton journal. ·.urlirqtor oourty fairllanks' scal~;cl.11' i ns,l!.)...

, ! I I I: RIVERTON JOURNAL. ·.URLIRQTOR OOURTY FAIRllANKS' I NS , l!.) RANCE' . ' ... D ' '.' .' .. no,. IUBOOS WARD • 00., , ' .."Koq •• . ".,OYAr. Wp,8KJI, BZL?lQ ' " . AGUOY< ., OB.dS. J!. SLOAN, MGllafler. R. R. '1m.ACK -SPRING ' 1M 'Bew York. ' , 1M". l!OLLY, N. 1r ESTABLISHED, 1888. ' LOBB.B PAW. .. 0.000. ' . .FI&1I, tI1'& AOOIDEJITAL. 1. THE BEST IS THE · CHOPE$T." COMPANIES REPRESENTED. · DIs .... e. Apa" ........ _ ...... . «leo ... N.w_II, N. Balde.' ... ud tIe.e .. ' ....... Ibr New .Jel'H,. , .. eire_ "Fire lIIIIllralloe 00.. PllIlaclelplll .. i 4)8 •• ." ........ I,e-__ ." '-A __ dee_" aDd "CJe •••• e ...... of Ne. yorlr., · ·· .......... ud" ...... " or VoIlD •• ................ _ ............. .!I' .... __ I. ... •• _ ••• a ..... ... I! ' £2=:'- or , New .Jener. "Tra"el.era" ot ADd otller eompelll .. or UII. oh .. raowr elld .taDd'-lf. dllbane4 our Il00,000.00 In mJ dlab1o' 1111-. IIIld oompalll ...... enlltled to yo ............ _ ., experienOl or onr II .... D pan wli aid Jon In obtalnlDIJ .. and ,1 ,hall be sIacl tcp w .. n OD ,,.ou. eUher In penDll or b,. letter. ' ' B ...... ltuUJ. ClB .. aL11:8 •• IlLOA., 1IIODDt Hoi.".. . Bar"".o. Clo •• ." la .... aee ___ AROADE BUILDING. Prompc .. ",nUon , &0 OOlTlllpOn!leDee. OrcJen I.R with Dr. Hall. RI"ercon. will rooel"o Imme:- diate .. \lonUGn. ' 'CHURCa- BOOKS" . TEACHER'S BmLEB. PRAYER BOOKS and HYMNALS, In '_ to match. ----. JAMES McCAULEY, 1809 ObeHnnt&reet. , Philadelphia. MOST· EXCELLEN:T PH0TOQRAPHS., FIDe .()aWDet 81 .. •• redD"'" IN"," . l8.00tot1.00 .. doson. Bodaotlon al.oOn "ther ...... Hou_ and Cround. PhotopaPhed . .t .pecla. R.... , ' ....... TU. ?L.t.<m, . Lothio,'a Btudi., of Fine PliotoglaIihY, 43 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. , P.H!LADELf!'HtA. PA.· EW. B. PANOOAST, and M. Df S'l'IlJa:'l', RIVERTON, N. Plans and Specifications ('Jrnished. .lo.,blna. promptI, attended to. ' THE PIANO &caoee 0( .. '1. , dqrllblllt;7, power and '.we!iltneaa Ie &be orali alti.ta, and til. 'ayorlte of tbe· CODeert Room. Tbe 1JPJUQU'l'8 have 110 ' riyal Tbe lat .. t st,le .. BABY ' GRANDS" hllye heeD' Joltl, at7led the .. DRA WING- ROOK ORCHESTRA. Wareroom,al· U17 Oheltllllt at.. Phi!ad'a J ....... GETZB, BIVEBTON EX';l'mNSION. u."In'l "-- u.. -;.;;. or a por&aoll or Iud M I"ertall. 1 he", laid 1& BtJlLDllIrG LOT8. I DOW o .. er for 1IIIe. TIlMe lots _ ..... UClaIlJ 10.&84 OD tM oUh. Camden aDd Amllo)' RaIlroad .djoln. Inar the d ..... l M Rlnnon. BIlVl!ll\T JULES FROM THE UIT'Y. Requlrlo .... t 10 .. Ina* to ... 4 hID tIlo ' lbo' or JlarllalStr .. " ... Tile .... d Ie a JIOjICI I ...... D .. ,I, 1..,81, .... U, rlJoln •• ro .. u.. railroad. J& Ie w.U ada.,... -lor "ull4lll. a.d aarelen Iota. w.... or mOd.rat. dal,tIl l'iirnllh , BOUNTlnIL tJtlPPLY or ptJJU SOl"1' WATBIL In • health,. aoul'IIJaInl Delahborltoocl. Poet 0-. 8aIwIo1s, Ohllfthllo, tIInI, U4 ... oh ....... or ylII'totuI 1dDcI. ID operaUon. Tu.. 10.. ,. HAY, COAL, PLATFORM, SCALES. I BALANCES, PATENT BEAMS, FINE GOLB AND DRUGGIST SCALES · BI!"' .... ..... , for dWl"erJ, tull ' ar tMlr w.II4- __ ", BffiTHDA Y CARDS. fte Lara_ IUId IIoIt Va, led A-.. .. P ..... nac.... rro. 6_ ..... AI ... · IBAJtB8PUEAK OALERDA" df,U,. date bloelt .. 1.Ddar. wllh quotall_ SItU..,..n Ibr .Yer)' d .. ,.. PrIce IiO OlD'" "DAY UKTO D-,y" OALENDAR ....... e to alao .... "ltll80rlptDral qDOleUOD.. .0 ..... "BVaRY DAY" OALENDAR: ... aboY •• nltabI. quotaUoDi for b""-':" eo oeD". BIND roB PlIQI LIST. COUISPONDDCII BOLIOl'l'ID. Parll .. NlDllUDIf will ha ................... ... d..srecJ, ud M.l poAap paid; F c5c. CO. 715' CHESTNUT STREET CORNELIUS & PHILADELPHIA. S. d. CODDINGTON. PRACT I ICAL PAINTER: N. J. '. # .. DS, , . ,:- . '- ) WholeaaJe aDd Beta!1 Deelen In BEST QUALITY COAL. 8TB.:BB').'; , RivertOn, •• ' J. RIVERTON ', EXPI\£SS. .- Meeting all , Steamboats and ,Trains' arriving , from city. . . LO. UIB CORNBB. GEORGE" , ROm. JR., .W .. I .. aIo ... 11.0.11 Dee1er la Star Ram., Dried Beef, Beef TOllaJUes, Lard, &C. Noe. 111" and ' F,lRh St. Market., abo Ubeet.llot St., Ph.l .. RIVtRTOI ' .ARIEl. '" :rnlih 07.&en,otam. aud Lob,tera al1f"". oa haRd. •• or all IImcla ho. bou __ . A §;IIDO 01 .. etab •• a" !laIa. &0. BaUer, 'Tiu.. aud oullrF= AU 000da or obar,e. SHIELDS, PROP. Tb. hlahe.' caeh pri .. paid ,for beet QllallC7 fIOGl"T ..... aDd 00_&17 .d. New ', · Lumber - , , RIVERTON BAKERY. The Doderalgoed wllheli to loi'orm tbe people of Rigerton aad 91clnlt, that be haa opeoecl n Bakel'l at the old atend of Jau, Mala otn.-t, aad b .. a lnab loppl, or Bread, Cake. ad Plea ClOD. staDtly 00 baDd. SAMtJEL 0eJtea to order at short notice. , WiLLIAM M. FLOOD, , Whol_le and aetall Dealer In VIij., , LAID AID 10000B ., STALLS 351 aDd 353 13th · Avenue Eastern Market, . PHIL.l.DELPI;lIA. RACBEL DeltAVEl!T. D&.\LIIa JB Butter, Eggs, Game, ' ._." &0. ," .e., Noe. 888, 8(0 ,ad 84J Eutera Market;. Jlr, .. 6 •• , ""twee" . · rk ...... 01 ... 1" ... C. THOMAS, CHOICE GROCERI ' ES, l08 lIIarket St.. PhUa. . Good. lleCarely paoked and dellyerecl on Sleamboat or Can rree. ARTlSTI.C GAS FIXTURES t UBIQUE METAL WORK, FINE PORC;ELAIN & BRONZE L.\IIIFS. All tha · r.a&.t NoYOI&le. In BHADES, DECORATIONS, cte. . OBBBTNUT STREETt 0ppaeJ&e U. 8. Mini. PHILADELPBIA, PBlIIf_ .rUD·OJ vanaeUu, 0IIaiJ. & o-uu, A. G. SAMiU' EL " JONES, , ' OBNBB4,T. . . Fun ilhiu g UDlartaklf. A Goll8raJ Auortmeat or COfFiltS AID CASKETS . . CooItantl, OD baod. AllIO, tbe Superior CJuolln. and OU.. , Patent Corp, se H. S. CANN ELL,- wa_ WM. lONG, SON .. 00., 117 Arch 8treet, Pbllada. b, telegram wil' reoeivo prOlDpt IIalD Street. Kooreetown, N.J. IRON FENCE. TJIB PLOBAL UOlI.UrGE, POR PARM •• ETC. 814 Chestnut St., Phlla.. IHOI HlIUlaS, FilE EscaPES. One or til. LeacJInc ERabll8laaa", It IJ*IIeIl, 01 npplJIa. to I.ha •• ."..arvUD aT 08010B 01n' rww... PROGRBSS METAL WoRXS. J. 8. Prop'r, =, utarell and hall c1eoOradoU M r:::::a,r! 603 & 606 eH RRY ST. Goal and 'Agricultural Depott A.T N. J. I. &rain ..... 17 ., ..... .. te o.d I'roID "" TIIeee ........ or .. IaIl .. " ..... ""aUpupo_ 1MIUdID. &0 be .... led _ ..... tIIlrt, .... t iren. t ... .. .-Yl ........ aWaIJa_ ... . w. HEULINGS' SONS Have epeDed their New LllJllber, Ooal and A ricult a g Ul'&l WarehoW18 at where they propoae to keep " UlIlINllt, and &J8o ,,'I'ID. a .. "lew orille ........ tralnL TIIUe lou an ... Ie", .. t.o by •• ylew or ""raYerand •• n eeldo .. haJ!POu ..... , 10 .... 7 adYa. -: )lriM41n o ...... tJo. 80 CIODy .... Dl &0 I • eI'" an to lie Mil 011 .. ola aoclerew Wnu. . ........ ... Ut:L .. VDDB.OW, _ .......... l1li BalII!.r, , eneral ""uortmeut of ' L1UIlbir, Lehigh and Bit1llllinona 00&1 Lim Fill ·' XWI'CI eo,. p, Su,. , I, ert sera, Oementl, Lud and OaloiDed Plaater, , BUM., Mou"',,,,,., '""" •• U Worl: or tIII.DaIoN Iw A GENERAL LIN.E OF BUILDERS' ' " .... AND B.S" SU P P ('1 E8 •. Vol.' 11: ' No.8. ," I AIT &. CO., DrQggi8ls ·· & . Pharmacists, · ' -.In Street, RivmOD; · N. J., " : Bele,cte .d, DrUg!! and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, etc. NBW RBMEDIBS. . .. 'OompreB8ed Pille a 6pecialty. ICE COLD SODa WI' TER. ' OERUiNE BNGLISH GINGER ALE. · .' , ' FINE TOILET ' SOAPS :rmpomed and, Dome_tic. • t COUtper'hwait3 Den'ifrice for Clean3- , ing tho teeth IMPORTED· BAY RUM (VERY FINE'> .AJHIll'narflJ, ' HatAorw, HUrll/ad' :J"..o., (hrman IHltur, Zoflllnoe, VieA." and Na'ural Spring WatnlJ. '. , Hind aad Plalu Bird Seed, ,U;. \ PreaoripUon. accurately ' . . . oompouoded. , GEpRGE W. HULME, Solo A,enl for lh. Gas And Dealer ID , the Poal omc:o- et RI'fet1oD, N'." 'I '" Second.cll" JIa"er.] N. J:, JUNE'15, 1882. TRAVELLING CHANGES. skim over ' tbe ground. I t is the trieycle, the rider on whieli The editors of tbe RlvB"TONJoua. slta bet"'een two of the wheele,. and NAL cannot clnim any very long moves aloiag with all the ease 0,( the stretch of retrospection, but when bicycle, and none or itIJ danger. It they. heftr the elders talk they is a pJ'actical contrivance, and it is understand that , the world in which haa .been devised in England, our gralldfathers. were born · must in over halt a hundred (onDsalready. bave been a very scene,from _" Swred electricity;" is being ex- the present. There are even booke perimented with, as a motive power . still ilppearlng In successive edltion8 When ' this Inventl9n is completed. whlcb require and even a glos- the' rider JOay. luxurioalily rest bis sary . to be to many of the toes. and have no ' more need of 1\ generatum: wbose . bicycle costume thftn or a bathing memorle8 go to _ t.he time of tbe, dreB!!. Wbat fOould Bam W. eller,say lssue of the PickWick Papers, for to that r tOo, the , electricity' lDstance, find , a sort which tbe machine may be flavor about the eld·ume JUns and made to light the way at n!ght, .and stages, and grooms .. All these the fire· fly's lamp be stolen from. the h!lve way tbe raliway original possessor. It \S time to cry ten mlllutes .for refrcsh. "ltalt I" in these lpeculations. When .ment. The dapper con- all theSe" new tbings nre we who. bas • SUpel'Bilded . the shall see whetliet the old.fogy ran. sesqu! stage dl'IVer, way 'sY8tem now in vogue , mily not IS a belDg et;Jtlre1y, dlStlDCt from that become fie.rble as to the aCCOtDJllo. foil-fed personage, who the of customers, ratber than see and was really them scooting along the earth roade tn dow'! heavy to the city., O'nly faitly smooth the carraage body. 'Ihe 188t roads will be n8C('8sarj. No ' raU. stage draver of the old Be.hool ?o the tie costly plant of worke, DO great .tltorougbfares .handed In his ing of time tables, no .pl)Iicbinr of way bill for the last tIme many years tickets I, May;,e be here to see . , " , 50,.Gt.s: · per MOORE8:row.N NOTa. " -Money sold on Monda1 a.t , the fClr one- hllIr, of one per cenL -Moorestown II ' by' ' burglars and our citlzen8 need to- keep a sharp lookout. Two more ca-. are reported since last ·week. . ' The membetll of the old Moore. town Oornet band met at the residence of - Mr. Gilbert A itken, on Toeaday evening, to prnctice for the coDling featITal8 in which they are to take. pj'rt. SODle of the lIeighbo.... toought it thc best music they bad heard for a long time"and supposed some crack band had paid, the towo a visit. , , , -Ohrpnicle. The A-nDuu 8pribg Exhibition or the' Agricultural and · Inc\ust.rial June 9tli . and iOth. The attcndance was good, a l:uge Jist q( awardlld; . , . " The IIe&IIOn Opeoedi at Riverton on May 20th a wJL;h the Vii· liage nine. The vis\tors wereJlerea¥ by a score of' 'J to' 6. On tbe nth , niL the firs,t match with the Yaullg -0--. Aimerioa nine ' of. ,Germantown · "'a8 ' -The annual vieitation of Bi8hop Scarborough to Ohrist Obureh 00- played at Riverton, and re8ulted in 1\ ago. Bat the v' eterans wlto lugged . .. superfluou8 on the stage" have all' disappeared. They , bad show on tbe old omnibus, now also super- seded. They cling, like relics of the Guollne for Gal Jlachinel, past, to the hotel coaches i but , carred on Wbit-Sunday evening May . victory:, (or.that nine •. ':l'he WIl8 28th . .A class of was 6 to . O. belnJ, wo beheye, . '1'he Bishop' previons w presching game WlllCh the home nine was the sermon delivered a short addreaa. ever. whltc?w&!lbed. Among tbe good on the growth or the and bat.tmg of the Germantown need of a ,new and Ohua:cb. tbat of' who ",Jade on.e 11 and He alsO paid a tribute w the earnest o.D.e S bnse hIt, men- work of the Hector tho It (t v. H The game with the Wy'nnwood No. 19 N. Beyeatb St. Philadel hla. to\> are dleoppenring since the P . street cars run to the IJlatforlDs of the .. Het.l.. Fatl<lrt ... Dw.IIIDIJ Bou_. ao., steoms cars. If Rip Von Winkle _. Piped and Filled up oompl .... .' . had postponed blS nap to n date, say Aa" WeaKS <,"" t' IN Stained Glass, Decorative Fainting, Mosaics, ' JOhD alb.oil, 123 & 125 S. EI. EVENTH f. T.; PhUadelplifa. H. B. BALL, M. D., (Gradualed .prlng of 1_). Pourth & LippiDoott .Ave., Riverton, N. J .• , , III •• OntCJJI HOUB8: IlIollr . III, e 1<1 8 P. JI. .... n ... : . Jlaleolm Maofarln. M. D , Phil ... P ... H. N. Ouun .. y.]II . D.• Phlla .• PI. AI!, Lippe, . , D .• Phil ... I'L twenty yeal'8 ago. hc wQtlld tinrl changes now worth waklDglu' Even the street cars and railwa:ys are in danger 'I'bey have in New Y' ork lost theh' name. .• Btl' eet cal''' is no more ·" ,distinctive title, and ,. sl!rfaee road" i8 the designntion which is given to tbe track ever which · borsee creep, while the" ele\'ated,rc ad II . SUI)' ports the flyillg machines. (wer the heads of pedestriaus, equestrians and quadrupedally drawn vehicles. Awful streeta are Bome of these which are thus occi1pied'. and suggestive or a coal bole, both io the ab- sence of light and ' the presellce of dirt. But Young ,America will not .. grieve, for the goQd old days of Adam and of Eve. II Times cluUlge, and 1\ 'e lIlu.' cbange with them, or be · wo late for the traio. It wi![ lIot answer to stop, to think tbat we have reached anything more than a way station. Electricity" a mowr, as rBILlDILPBU AftB 8U&lHAB UHL well as a writer. a painter, and a ,. Tllroull TIolle .. 1<1 1'II .... nl\lna JIUIII:II<ur. talker la already under trial. .. Stored 9m .. 8t. A:,,"U.e, lien'ont., ButeryrlM> I1nll electricity " posaibilities. ·,,&ermotllate la.dln .. on 51. John'! and d' I 1--" t't 111 be ,.tetlor poln .. In FLORIDA b1 ''''''"" blp 108a· an It e prom IM:U t a I w aa 9annah. al\d theD" b7 ralltoad or . teamboal •. portable as a bo .. tle of" .Jersey light- &l'pl, 1<1 WILlJAJI L. .JAMES. Apnl. ' 0-.8; of ........... . ning" and not more Mueb II So.1ll Tlalrclll ... &, fbi .... baa been done. and '" more remains behilld." We can no more predict wbat the next lurprlse will be than we can r9retell where lightning w\l1 J. B. & SONS, Mall,,,fa.l,,nn a"I! o.alen .n HARDWARE CUn t-RY liD TOOLS strike, Not an unusual thiog In . ,I; Rh. erton il the bicycle. which Illps No. 1009 Market Str<'et, by silently aa aahadow. Theblcycle howevcr req uirea a lteadlness of nene and " paUence or practice. which, aner all, caDnot enBure the rider against an OOO&Iional .. header." A- lIew Invelltlon, er rather the improT60 ment , of an old idea. threatens to IUp- plan .. the 8(lider whecl on which the skilful rider l and none but ho, can CIINUINII, OLD-, .......... BBOWN" ' GINCER , .... D ••• OWN, PHIIoAD·A. The Great Stlmul..,t Without Reaction · ---._-- D. D., a .. raththRcr i a rto° ne - gregatlon were present. ' - a r 10 IlVO 0 e n, , r" , score, 13 to 4. The Rutgers Oollege --0-- . match announced 'for the 3d did lIot BURLINGTON NOTES. take place, owing . ... ' tb.e ioabUity of -The Broad' Street M E: Ohurch Ibe New Brunswick play _; haa recently been supplied With a new however. a game was playeJl, eet of furniture for tl/8 pulpit and nine connected with the Stoalt Ex- nltnr. , 'rhe money , was raised loy a llhange, but afWr a few they number of ladies of the cburc'-, Mrs. gave up the cotftest, the score ' being Joseph Vandergrit\ beillg' the leading somewbere about 25' to 1 in fa"or or spirit in the matter. tho home nine. Tbe ' game wiUl the -At a meeting oUbe Mitcbel18re University of Pennsylvania, played company, on W cdneaday evenillg lut , about two wceks ago, was also dooidcil a reeoluLlon was unanimously adop- In (avor of the Riverton' s, to 9. I.ed tendering a \'ote of thanks 1.0 the the same time a ' junior nine or. committee of ladles wbo aaeisted to the · Riverton Ball OIub defeated .. lie make the feetival a success, aud to , Drown U niversit,)' by ·a . score of ' 36- the citizens of Burlington for tbeir , to 8 The gamc on tbe liberality in responding. to the calls re8ulted in Illlother victery for the, of the festiYal committee, aDlt to the Rivertons. , the Beor.e being ' Kensing- latter ·for .. he successful ton 10. RivertollllJ. second game- ' of the festival_Gazetle. wae played with the Wynnwood Club -0- on · Tuesday the 18th, in whicb the- MOUNT HOLLY NOTBS. Wynnwood was derated by a .score -0. Stacy Bareford. or Marlton, of tor Juae 94th Will take baa been admitted to practice law io Philadelphia. He studied wi .. b law- place at 8teDWD aud not at Trenten, y,er John F. Keator. as reported In our last iuue. -'I'be bue ball fever was, never . Tu. BUBLDoTON OLUB have been more epidemic thao at preseaL Three general.l(. successful in tbeir matcbes clubB are now organized ' in Mouut th I eea80n i the foUowing .hows Holly and more may follow. Onr the IOOree of reeent gamee : drugglste bave laid In a full stook of May 80. Burlingten, 8 arllica oilltment to reduce the Iweu. Quaker OIty, 9 Ings of the Inlured playen. JUDo 8. lJurlingten, 6 Phmni:l:, 1 - Several ,caaee ot malarial feTer are reported In wwo and' &be chances are "bere will , be more before tbe summer il over. I( a penoo gets tbreugh ",ith this malady without being thoroughly broken up for six mouths he may count him· eelf luoky. -H erald. ... " June 6 Atlalltio.. IS Burliagton, 0 June 10. 5 . DurllDI'OII. 4 The matcb last Saturday with th t! Merritt was weU oontested, alld was wltlle_ ed about six ' hulldred persons.

Transcript of no,. JOURN… · i i i: riverton journal. ·.urlirqtor oourty fairllanks' scal~;cl.11' i ns,l!.)...

Page 1: no,. JOURN… · i i i: riverton journal. ·.urlirqtor oourty fairllanks' scal~;cl.11' i ns,l!.) rance' bo~oms,) .d ' '.' .' .. no,. iuboos ward • 00., , ' .."koq •• . ".,oyar

, ! I I



·.URLIRQTOR OOURTY FAIRllANKS' SCAL~;Cl.1 1' I NS,l!.) RANCE' BO~OMS,) . ' ... D ' '.' .' .. no,.

IUBOOS WARD • 00., , ' .."Koq ••

. ".,OYAr. ~t,.a'r" Wp,8KJI, BZL?lQ ' " . AJlI:II~Al'f AGUOY< .,

OB.dS. J!. SLOAN, MGllafler. R. R. '1m.ACK -SPRING ' 1M ~adwa,., 'Bew York.' , 1M". l!OLLY, N. 1r

ESTABLISHED, 1888. ' LOBB.B PAW. ~vma .. 0.000. '



COMPANIES REPRESENTED. ·DIs .... e. Apa" ........ _ ...... . !=~ee «leo ... N.w_II, N. ~.J Balde.' ... ~ ud tIe.e .. ' ....... Ibr New .Jel'H,.

, .. eire_ "Fire lIIIIllralloe 00.. PllIlaclelplll .. i 4)8 •• ." ........ "H._e~·' I,e-__ ." '-A __ dee_" aDd "CJe •••• e ...... of Ne. yorlr.,··· .......... ud" ...... " or VoIlD •• ................ _ ............. .!I' .... __ I. ... •• _ ••• a ..... or ·~ ... I! ' £2=:'- or ,New .Jener. "Tra"el.era" ot

ADd otller eompelll .. or UII. oh .. raowr elld .taDd'-lf. ~~ dllbane4 our Il00,000.00 In mJ dlab1o' 1111-. IIIld oompalll ...... enlltled to yo ............ _ ., ~"'Ilal experienOl or onr II .... D pan wli aid Jon In obtalnlDIJ .. ~"'~.OODt.rae" and ,1 ,hall be sIacl tcp w .. n OD ,,.ou. eUher In penDll or b,. letter. ' '

B ...... ltuUJ. ClB .. aL11:8 •• IlLOA.,

1IIODDt Hoi.".. . Bar"".o. Clo •• ." la .... aee ___ •

AROADE BUILDING. Prompc .. ",nUon , &0 OOlTlllpOn!leDee. OrcJen

I.R with Dr. Hall. RI"ercon. will rooel"o Imme:-diate .. \lonUGn. '


PRAYER BOOKS and HYMNALS, In '_ to match.

----. JAMES McCAULEY, 1809 ObeHnnt&reet.

, Philadelphia.

MOST·EXCELLEN:T PH0TOQRAPHS., FIDe .()aWDet 81 .. PJaoto~ph •• redD"'" IN"," .

l8.00tot1.00 .. doson. Bodaotlon al.oOn "ther ...... Hou_ and Cround. PhotopaPhed

. .t .pecla. R.... , ' ....... ~ TU. ?L.t.<m,

. Lothio,'a Btudi., of Fine PliotoglaIihY, 43 NORTH EIGHTH STREET.

, P.H!LADELf!'HtA. PA.·


Carpeitt~r and BDil~er,. M. Df S'l'IlJa:'l', RIVERTON, N. J~

Estiqaa~s, Plans and Specifications ('Jrnished.

.lo.,blna.promptI, attended to. '


PIANO &caoee 0( .. '1. , dqrllblllt;7, power and'.we!iltneaa ~ ~pe, Ie &be c~olce' orali alti.ta, and til. 'ayorlte of tbe· CODeert Room. Tbe 1JPJUQU'l'8 have 110 ' riyal Tbe lat .. t st,le .. BABY 'GRANDS" hllye heeD'Joltl, at7led the .. DRA WING­ROOK ORCHESTRA.

Wareroom,al· U17 Oheltllllt at.. Phi!ad'a J ....... GETZB, .AseD~.

BIVEBTON EX';l'mNSION. u."In'l "-- u.. -;.;;. or a por&aoll or I~

Iud M I"ertall. 1 he", laid 1& BtJlLDllIrG LOT8.

~bIeh I DOW o .. er for 1IIIe. TIlMe lots _ ..... UClaIlJ 10.&84 OD tM _~

81~a oUh. Camden aDd Amllo)' RaIlroad .djoln. Inar the d ..... l M Rlnnon. •

BIlVl!ll\T JULES FROM THE UIT'Y. Requlrlo .... t 10 .. Ina* to ... 4 hID tIlo ' lbo' or

JlarllalStr .. " PMlad.I~ ... Tile .... d Ie a JIOjICI I ...... D .. ,I, 1..,81, .... U,

rlJoln •• ro .. u.. railroad. J& Ie w.U ada.,... -lor "ull4lll. a.d aarelen Iota. w .... or mOd.rat. dal,tIl l'iirnllh • , BOUNTlnIL tJtlPPLY or ptJJU SOl"1'

WATBIL In • health,. aoul'IIJaInl Delahborltoocl. Poet

0-. 8aIwIo1s, Ohllfthllo, tIInI, U4 ... oh ....... or ylII'totuI 1dDcI. ID operaUon. Tu.. 10.. ,.











BI!"' .... ....., for dWl"erJ, tull ~toob 'ar tMlr w.II4-__ ",

BffiTHDA Y CARDS. fte Lara_ IUId IIoIt Va, led A-.. .. =~&17. P ..... nac .... rro. 6_ .....

AI ... · IBAJtB8PUEAK OALERDA" • df,U,. date bloelt .. 1.Ddar. wllh quotall_ ~ SItU..,..n Ibr .Yer)' d .. ,.. PrIce IiO OlD'"

"DAY UKTO D-,y" OALENDAR ....... e to alao .... "ltll80rlptDral qDOleUOD.. .0 .....

"BVaRY DAY" OALENDAR: ... aboY •• ~IUa nltabI. quotaUoDi for b""-':" eo oeD".

BIND roB PlIQI LIST. COUISPONDDCII BOLIOl'l'ID. Parll .. NlDllUDIf will ha ...................

... d..srecJ, ud M.l poAap paid;

F .A.J::R.:B.A.:N~S c5c. CO. 715' CHESTNUT STREET





THDM~ B~OS.; ' . # ..

DcliY.~6~bb DS,

PRQ~ISION'S , . ,:- . '- )

WholeaaJe aDd Beta!1 Deelen In


RivertOn, •• ' J.

RIVERTON ', EXPI\£SS. .-Meeting all , Steamboats and

,Trains ' arriving ,from 'th~ city. . . LO.UIB CORNBB.

GEORGE", ROm. JR., .W .. I .. aIo ... 11.0.11 Dee1er la

Star Ram., Dried Beef, Beef TOllaJUes, Lard, &C.

Noe. 111" and ~ 'T~D&b aYe~ae, ' F,lRh St. Market., abo Ubeet.llot St., Ph.l ..

RIVtRTOI PRObUC~. '.ARIEl. '" :rnlih ~lah. 07.&en,otam. aud Lob,tera

al1f"". oa haRd. ,ve~b" •• or all IImcla ho. bou __ cl~': . A §;IIDO 01 O_dGood.,'~ .. etab •• a" !laIa. &0. BaUer, 'Tiu.. aud oullrF= • ~.1aIl aa4_~,.9m8.IO_"'l'IIlte.

AU 000da ~"''''Ji'M or obar,e. "A~Ea SHIELDS, PROP.

Tb. hlahe.' caeh pri .. paid ,for beet QllallC7 fIOGl"T ..... aDd 00_&17 .d. New', ·Lumber - , ,

RIVERTON BAKERY. The Doderalgoed wllheli to loi'orm tbe

people of Rigerton aad 91clnlt, that be haa opeoecl n Bakel'l at the old atend of J~ Jau, Mala otn.-t, aad b .. a lnab loppl, or Bread, Cake. ad Plea ClOD. staDtly 00 baDd.

SAMtJEL RA"N;K~ P~oy 0eJtea ~d to order at

short notice. ,

WiLLIAM M. FLOOD, , Whol_le and aetall Dealer In

VIij., ,LAID AID 10000B ., STALLS 351 aDd 353

13th· Avenue Eastern Market, . PHIL.l.DELPI;lIA.



Butter, Eggs, Pou1try~ Game, ' ._." &0. ,".e.,

Noe. 888, 8(0 ,ad 84J Eutera Market;. Jlr, .. 6 •• , ""twee" . · rk ...... 01 ... 1" ...

• C. THOMAS, D~nr

CHOICE GROCERI'ES, l08 lIIarket St.. PhUa. .

Good. lleCarely paoked and dellyerecl on Sleamboat or Can rree.




All tha ·r.a&.t ~D NoYOI&le. In O"OI~



0ppaeJ&e U. 8. Mini.


.rUD·OJ vanaeUu, 0IIaiJ. & o-uu, A. G. JIet.IterIn~


. Fun ilhiu g UDlartaklf. A Goll8raJ Auortmeat or

COfFiltS AID CASKETS . . CooItantl, OD baod. AllIO, tbe

Superior CJuolln. and OU.. ,Patent Corp,se P~eserver, H. S. CANN ELL,-

wa_ WM. lONG, SON .. 00.,

117 Arch 8treet, Pbllada.

Orde~ b, telegram wil' reoeivo prOlDpt a~teDtIOD. '·'

IIalD Street. Kooreetown, N.J.


814 Chestnut St., Phlla.. IHOI HlIUlaS, FilE EscaPES. One or til. LeacJInc ERabll8laaa", • It

IJ*IIeIl, 01 npplJIa. to I.ha 1Uro1lltdlDc-:'~" •• ."..arvUD aT

08010B 01n' rww... PROGRBSS METAL WoRXS. =-~",~~In&7Ja.\:'=ftIr""l J. 8. WICICER8~M' Prop'r, =, utarell and hall c1eoOradoU M r:::::a,r!

603 & 606 eH RRY ST.

Goal and 'Agricultural Depott A.T BIVE~.TON. N. J.

I. &rain ..... 17 .,..... .. te o.d I'roID "" .~lJ'.

TIIeee ........ or .. IaIl .. " ..... ""aUpupo_ ~o 1MIUdID. &0 be .... led _ ..... tIIlrt, .... t iren. t ... ~lb .. .-Yl ........ aWaIJa_ ... .

w. HEULINGS' SONS Have epeDed their New LllJllber, Ooal and A ricult •

ag Ul'&l WarehoW18 at Rh~ertoll, where they propoae to keep "

UlIlINllt, and &J8o ,,'I'ID. a .. I_~ "lew orille ........ tralnL TIIUe lou an ... Ie", .. t.o b y •• ylew or ""raYerand •• rro.Dd~IlV)' n eeldo .. haJ!POu ..... , 10 .... 7 adYa. -: )lriM41n o ...... tJo. 80 CIODy .... Dl &0 I • eI'" an to lie Mil 011 .. ola aoclerew Wnu.

. ........ n~_ ... Ut:L .. VDDB.OW, _ .......... l1li BalII!.r,

, RI~.I.

eneral ""uortmeut of 'L1UIlbir, Lehigh and Bit1llllinona 00&1 Lim Fill ·'

XWI'CI eo,. p, Su,. , I, ert sera, Oementl, Lud and OaloiDed Plaater, , ~" BUM., Mou"',,,,,., '""" •• U Worl: or tIII.DaIoN Iw


Vol.' 11: 'No.8. ," I

·C~"p,El\TaW AIT &. CO., DrQggi8ls ·· & .Pharmacists, · '-.In Street, RivmOD; ·N. J., " : Bele,cte.d, DrUg!! and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, etc.

NBW RBMEDIBS. . .. 'OompreB8ed Pille a 6pecialty.


· .' , 'FINE TOILET 'SOAPS :rmpomed and, Dome_tic.

• t • •

COUtper'hwait3 Den'ifrice for Clean3-, ing tho teeth "ne~C'elled.

IMPORTED·BAY RUM (VERY FINE'> .AJHIll'narflJ,' HatAorw, HUrll/ad' :J"..o., (hrman IHltur, Zoflllnoe,

VieA." and Na'ural Spring WatnlJ.

'. , Hind aad Plalu Bird Seed, ,U;. \ Ph1.lclaDII~ PreaoripUon. accurately ' .

. . oompouoded. ,

GEpRGE W. HULME, Solo A,enl for lh.

Spriil~fleld , Gas ~achine, And Dealer ID

, [EDlo~ed a~ the Poal omc:o- et RI'fet1oD, N'." 'I '" Second.cll" JIa"er.]

Rl~ER.TON, N. J:, JUNE'15, 1882.

TRAVELLING CHANGES. skim over ' tbe ground. I t is the trieycle, the rider on whieli

The editors of tbe RlvB"TONJoua. slta bet"'een two of the wheele,. and NAL cannot clnim any very long moves aloiag with all the ease 0 ,( the stretch of retrospection, but when bicycle, and none or itIJ danger. It they. heftr the elders talk they res~lIy is a pJ'actical contrivance, and it is understand that, the world in which ~iated haa .been devised in England, our gralldfathers . were born· must in over halt a hundred (onDsalready. bave been a very dUreren~ scene,from _" Swred electricity;" is being ex­the present. There are even booke perimented with, as a motive power . still ilppearlng In successive edltion8 When ' this Inventl9n is completed. whlcb require no~. and even a glos- the' rider JOay. luxurioalily rest bis sary .to be 10tell~glble to many of the toes. and have no ' more need of 1\

p~sen~ generatum: Read~rs wbose . bicycle costume thftn or a bathing memorle8 go 'bac~ to _t.he time of tbe, dreB!!. Wbat fOould Bam W.eller,say ~rst lssue of the PickWick Papers, for to that r T~en.. tOo, the , electricity' lDstance, find , a sort o~, an~jquarilln which prope~s tbe machine may be flavor about the eld·ume JUns and made to light the way at n!ght,.and stages, ~OI'8CS and grooms .. All these the fire· fly's lamp be stolen from. the h!lve glve~, way t~ tbe raliway cllr~ original possessor. It \S time to cry rlage,,~nd ten mlllutes .for refrcsh. "ltalt I" in these lpeculations. When .ment. The dapper rat1~ead con- all theSe" new tbings nre perf~~d, we duc~r, who. bas • SUpel'Bilded . the shall see whetliet the old.fogy ran. !,lIclen~ sesqu! stage dl'IVer, way 'sY8tem now in vogue, mily not IS a belDg et;Jtlre1y, dlStlDCt from that become fie.rble as to the aCCOtDJllo. foil-fed personage, who open~ the ~tion of customers, ratber than see ~ach d~r and was really se~lceable them scooting along the earth roade tn handl~g dow'! heavy Itldlc~ fro~ to the city., O'nly faitly smooth the ~ock~ng carraage body. 'Ihe 188t roads will be n8C('8sarj. No ' raU. stage draver of the old Be.hool ?o the tie costly plant of worke, DO ~neul~ great .tltorougbfares .handed In his ing of time tables, no .pl)Iicbinr of way bill for the last tIme many years tickets I, May;,e be here to see .

, "

,50,.Gt.s: · per Annu~ •

MOORE8:row.N NOTa. " -Money sold on Monda1 even~

a.t ,the B~ildin~ A88OCI~t;ion fClr one­hllIr, of one per cenL

-Moorestown II ' be~4g viij~ . by' ' burglars and our citlzen8 need to-keep a sharp lookout. Two more ca-. are reported since last ·week. . '

The membetll of the old Moore. town Oornet band met at the residence of- Mr. Gilbert A itken, on Toeaday evening, to prnctice for the coDling featITal8 in which they are to take. pj'rt. SODle of the lIeighbo .... toought it thc best music they bad heard for a long time"and supposed some crack band had paid , the towo a visit.

, , , -Ohrpnicle.

The A-nDuu 8pribg Exhibition or the' Mooresto~ , Agricultural and · Inc\ust.rial Socl~y. eceuued .on June 9tli .and iOth. The attcndance was good, a l:uge Jist q( ·premtuml·~~re awardlld; . ,

. " The IIe&IIOn Opeoedi at Riverton on

May 20th ~itb a gam~ wJL;h the Vii· liage nine. The vis\tors wereJlerea¥ by a score of' 'J to' 6. On tbe nth , niL the firs,t match with the Yaullg

-0--. Aimerioa nine ' of. ,Germantown · "'a8 ' -The annual vieitation of Bi8hop

Scarborough to Ohrist Obureh 00- played at Riverton, and re8ulted in 1\

ago. Bat the v'eterans wlto lugged . .. superfluou8 on the stage" have all' disappeared. They ,bad som~ show on tbe old omnibus, now also super­seded. They cling, like relics of the

Guollne for Gal Jlachinel, past, to the hotel coaches i but , t~e

carred on Wbit-Sunday evening May .victory:,(or.that nine •. ':l'he 800~ WIl8

28th . .A class of ~hree was conll~ed' 6 to . O. belnJ, wo beheye, . ~e 6rs~ '1'he Bishop' previons w presching game i~ WlllCh the home nine was the sermon delivered a short addreaa. ever. whltc?w&!lbed. Among tbe good on the growth or the parie~ and bat.tmg of the Germantown clll~ need of a ,new and lnrg~r. Ohua:cb. tbat of' D:Ln~o, who ",Jade on.e 11 and He alsO paid a tribute w the earnest o.D.e S bnse hIt, d~~es·speclal men­work of the Hector tho It(tv. H ~10n. The game with the Wy'nnwood

No. 19 N. Beyeatb St. Philadel hla. coa~hes to\> are dleoppenring since the P . street cars run to the IJlatforlDs of the

.. Het.l .. Fatl<lrt ... Dw.IIIDIJ Bou_. ao., steoms cars. If Rip Von Winkle _. Piped and Filled up oompl.... .' •

. had postponed blS nap to n date, say

Aa" WeaKS • <,""t'


Stained Glass, Decorative Fainting,

Mosaics, 'JOhD alb.oil,

123 & 125 S. EI. EVENTH f. T.; PhUadelplifa.

H. B. BALL, M. D., (Gradualed .prlng of 1_).

Pourth & LippiDoott .Ave., Riverton, N. J .• ,

, ~Unlll\lA III •• OntCJJI HOUB8: IlIollr. III,

e 1<1 8 P. JI.

.... n ... : . Jlaleolm Maofarln. M. D , Phil ... P ... H. N. Ouun .. y.]II . D .• Phlla .• PI. AI!, Lippe, . , D .• Phil ... I'L

twenty yeal'8 ago. hc wQtlld tinrl iio~e changes now worth waklDg lu' see~ Even the street cars and railwa:ys are in danger 'I'bey have in New Y'ork lost theh' name. .• Btl'eet cal''' is no more ·" ,distinctive title, and ,. sl!rfaee road" i8 the designntion which is given to tbe track ever which · borsee creep, while the" ele\'ated, rc ad II. SUI)' ports the flyillg machines. (wer the heads of pedestriaus, equestrians and quadrupedally drawn vehicles. Awful streeta are Bome of these which are thus occi1pied'. and suggestive or a coal bole, both io the ab­sence of light and ' the presellce of dirt.

But Young ,America will not .. grieve, for the goQd old days of Adam and of Eve. II Times cluUlge, and 1\'e lIlu.' cbange with them, or be · wo late for the traio. It wi![ lIot answer to stop, to think tbat we have reached anything more than a way station. Electricity" a mowr, as

rBILlDILPBU AftB 8U&lHAB UHL well as a writer. a painter, and a ,. Tllroull TIolle .. 1<1 1'II .... nl\lna JIUIII:II<ur. talker la already under trial. .. Stored

9m .. 8t. A:,,"U.e, lien'ont., ButeryrlM> I1nll electricity " ie&ID.D~the posaibilities. ·,,&ermotllate la.dln .. on 51. John'! RI~er and d' I 1--" t't 111 be ,.tetlor poln .. In FLORIDA b1 ''''''"" blp 108a· an It e prom IM:U t a I w aa 9annah. al\d theD" b7 ralltoad or . teamboal •. portable as a bo .. tle of" .Jersey light-&l'pl, 1<1 WILlJAJI L. .JAMES. Apnl. '

0-.8; R.~. of ........... . ning" and not more dang~rous. Mueb II So.1ll Tlalrclll ... &, fbi.... baa been done. and '" more remains

behilld." We can no more predict wbat the next lurprlse will be than we can r9retell where lightning w\l1

J. B. SHANNO~ & SONS, Mall,,,fa.l,,nn a"I! o.alen .n

HARDWARE CUnt-RY liD TOOLS strike, Not an unusual thiog In . ,I; • Rh.erton il the bicycle. which Illps

No. 1009 Market Str<'et, by silently aa aahadow. Theblcycle howevcr req uirea a lteadlness of nene and " paUence or practice. which, aner all, caDnot enBure the rider against an OOO&Iional .. header." A­lIew Invelltlon, er rather the improT60 ment ,of an old idea. threatens to IUp­plan .. the 8(lider whecl on which the skilful riderl and none but ho, can

CIINUINII, OLD-, ..........


The Great Stlmul..,t Without Reaction · ---._--

·Hastin.~': ~eld, D. D., a 'lark~!~p, ~~,'!~ .. ~~~-! 3~tli ;~ raththRcri a rto°ne-gregatlon were present. ' - IllU~ a r 10 IlVO 0 e v~ n,

,r" , score, 13 to 4. The Rutgers Oollege --0--. match announced 'for the 3d did lIot

BURLINGTON NOTES. take place, owing . ... ' tb.e ioabUity of -The Broad' Street M E: Ohurch Ibe New Brunswick club'~l play_;

haa recently been supplied With a new however. a game was playeJl, ~ith eet of furniture for tl/8 pulpit and nine connected with the Stoalt Ex­nltnr. , 'rhe money ,was raised loy a llhange, but afWr a few inDln~' they number of ladies of the cburc'-, Mrs. gave up the cotftest, the score 'being Joseph Vandergrit\ beillg' the leading somewbere about 25' to 1 in fa"or or spirit in the matter. tho home nine. Tbe ' game wiUl the

-At a meeting oUbe Mitcbel18re University of Pennsylvania, played company, on W cdneaday evenillg lut , about two wceks ago, was also dooidcil a reeoluLlon was unanimously adop- In (avor of the Riverton's, 6· to 9. I.ed tendering a \'ote of thanks 1.0 the A~ut the same time a 'junior nine or. committee of ladles wbo aaeisted to the· Riverton Ball OIub defeated .. lie make the feetival a success, aud to , Drown U niversit,)' by ·a . score of '36-the citizens of Burlington for tbeir, to 8 The gamc on tbe 10t~ i~tlt . liberality in responding. to the calls re8ulted in Illlother victery for the, of the festiYal committee, aDlt to the Rivertons. ,the Beor.e being 'Kensing­latter ·for .. he successful man~emen~ ton 10. RivertollllJ. ~ second game-'of the festival_Gazetle. wae played with the Wynnwood Club

-0- on · Tuesday the 18th, in whicb the-MOUNT HOLLY NOTBS. Wynnwood was derated by a .score

-0. Stacy Bareford. or Marlton, of it:Oga·~e tor Juae 94th Will take baa been admitted to practice law io Philadelphia. He studied wi .. b law- place at 8teDWD aud not at Trenten, y,er John F. Keator. as reported In our last iuue.

-'I'be bue ball fever was , never . Tu. BUBLDoTON OLUB have been more epidemic thao at preseaL Three general.l(. successful in tbeir matcbes clubB are now organized ' in Mouut ao~1' th I eea80n i the foUowing .hows Holly and more may follow. Onr the IOOree of reeent gamee : drugglste bave laid In a full stook of May 80. Burlingten, 8 arllica oilltment to reduce the Iweu. Quaker OIty, 9 Ings of the Inlured playen. JUDo 8. lJurlingten, 6

~ Phmni:l:, • 1 - Several ,caaee ot malarial feTer

are reported In wwo and' &be chances are "bere will , be more before tbe summer il over. I( a penoo gets tbreugh ",ith this malady without being thoroughly broken up for six mouths ~t It·a.~, he may count him· eelf luoky. -Herald.

... "

June 6 Atlalltio.. IS Burliagton, 0

June 10. Merrlt~ 5 . DurllDI'OII. • 4

The matcb last Saturday with th t! Merritt was weU oontested, alld was wltlle_ ed ~y about six 'hulldred persons.

Page 2: no,. JOURN… · i i i: riverton journal. ·.urlirqtor oourty fairllanks' scal~;cl.11' i ns,l!.) rance' bo~oms,) .d ' '.' .' .. no,. iuboos ward • 00., , ' .."koq •• . ".,oyar

t • B I V E B l' 0 N : J 0 U, It N A L.

RIVERTON . J0UB.NAL. We h ... · nuaaefOU ooiaplaints Strikee,thoogbtreq_~y.~i.lJ;~ ~ 'p.~~ P_y, ' M4~ f'roIIl enr &radesmen of people buy- are larply condooi" to a (.11. of effeot ob .... h.. .,-

JUlIe lA5tb. ' 1882.

Tbe Journal is published monthly at "Riverton, Burlington Co., N. J. ·by A. A_ rBABD. and JOBN 8. BIOUM.

Advertisements'inserted at reason­.ble .. tee.

ing UN! eame article at the IIaIDtI price dlltroat, and tend to bloat ttielwbeel. - Tbe ~Dual meetlag ;;f &be 1l1~ from storekeepen in surrounding of industry. and thul react against ton YlI,Cbt Club was held at the Oinb country townl and in the oity. We thestriken eventually. The interests House. on Tueeclay, the 6th Inst., at are, and alwaYI have been, Ilorong ad- of capital and labor are idcntical, and ,:::'~t!O~:=w~~g ~m:o were voeatee of doing businllllB 118 near should not be made to conftiet. Vice CommodorfJ fJ w:' ·F.· J!:I '

bome 118 poeaible, provided it can be -0- Secretary and Trealtlrer F. Peret done uoder 118 favorable conditionL Tbe actioo of tbe Democratic and Ogden, Jleas"rer Robt. WeUI Be-

--0- Republican panies in ' the Honse of galta COfIIrn~ F. Perot 08cten. We are glad to note a decrease in Representat.ives is wonhy of a gene- OhM. M. Biddle, Robert Weill Pi-. nancia~ and InwIIligating Comn:iII4e

the number of tramps who visit the ral condemnation. The majority Ohae. L .• 'lanagan, Ohas. W. Davis town. This is owing to .. subscrip. are greatly at fault for their un· ObaS. E. ')ornelins, O. O. RlanhuJ

. ARRIVAL' AND DBPARTURB OF tion .OIl part ofcertaio gentlemen seemlr baste in rushing contested and Ohae. M. Biddle. MAILS. to pay Constable Bishop for dnoting caeee· tbrough tbe committees. and . Tho ftnanoee of the club. are in ex-

Oopies of the Journal can be pur­cbaaed at Meurs. Cowperthwait. & ~o.'a, Main Itreet..

RI..noD Poet OIlce. his entire attention. to the nuisance. ousting meDIben who haye a prima cellent condition j tbe club is out of To Pbll . . ........ _._._ ...... _ .... 7.68 A.lI. Con~ributi0D8addreseed to us for this facie right to Bea1.8 in body, also debt and bas over ':00 in.the treaso'1'

II •••• _ ••••••• __ •• _ ....... 11.11 ., . object will be.forwarded. I (or establishing dangerou8 pulia- . OUR HaW YORK LETTBR. " -•..•. - _.................. 7 .. 41 P. II. -0 _ mentary precedeDta, tlie Demoorats, ' . JUN. lit 188i.

~:,=e;.~~.::.::::: :::::::::: : :: A. II. be~e =ers~d that ~ efron is in obstructing .the decision of the lam situ .. ted under. more favorable t. ........................ 7.68 en I!g e tot ~ve the gofvemmen~ maJ!lrity and thus dtlaying action on cire?imstanbce8._fJr .journalizing this

7'1 P II gtDeen ma c a survey 0 the navi- appropriation an':l otber bills. The eveli ng, t an .... t montb, being 'quite

- ...... ........ ....... .• • . gable portions of Pennsaukin Oreek .. alone in the amok in r "0 F,rom New york·................ 741" • h h . ' question of shouid have 1'_-n groom o · or Wit t e view of securing an appro- ...,., Boarding House," and Ba"C an occa-

D. E: lIA'I'I'18. P. M. priation for improving its outlet.. lel\ for the decishm of the people, sional. equeal.or •• TOllY Hart's Pig," ~ PreBl. the minority should have rested en- of which I will speak Illtc.-, am · en- .

We regret to state that preas of The Penn_ukin is a stream empty- tirely upon t~e merits of the case. joying perf~t quiet. . , business elsewhere requiring thc at- ing into the ,Delaware, &!' moat. of our - -;. __ ._ _ I don' .. wo .. dcr at ~hc adlUiraiian tentionof Mr. Edward ·H_ E~rnshaw, readen are aware, about a mile be- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD exp~ r~r tWs City'b,\' al~08t all bas .compelled him to ~'yer .his con-' I R" LOCAL TIME TABLE. wh? .V18lt It, the vcry sight of' the

ow Iverton. It. iii, part of the . Til actiVit .... seems to put new animatl'on nection with the J011RNAL. He hll8 bo d I' be , ra oa eawe RiYCltoo Cor Pbiladelphla J un ary IDe tween Bnrlington at 6.01, 6.t8. 7.3f, 8.-18.8.13. 84:<, 11.1A into one, everything· is rush, (ew been connected witb UB since our and Camden Counties. A consider- A. 11., 2.22. 8.44, 5.08, 018, 0.114 741 people, exoept, perbaps, coontry paper. WII8 established, in 1880, and able amoont. of t~portat.iOD 18' con- lo.t4, 11'50 P. II. ' . , folks and sight seers are satisfied to h

For New York wla Trenton. 6.48, 7.118, al . th as been an &9tiYe 'member of tbe 'ducted on it, wbich of late years hu 10.118 A. H., 12.88, 118, 4.08, 4.114, aDd go ong e street at a moderate .taft'. . been r~ PalmJ11lt O.BI P.lI. For New York galt, but tear along as if destiuations

. . seriously obstructed by 'the in- YI& Bordentowa &lid )foumoa&b JaDotiou" could not be reached quicklyenougb. We will endeavor to present to onr creuing shallowneas of the stream. 7118 A. 11., 2.28 P. M. For Burllagtop Down town, and especially in bank­

readers in the futore edit.ions a sbeet Thill is occas. i.ned . bv t.he .sluggish- .ad wa, .tatloll'; 1I.8S, 7.08 P. M. Por ,ing localities towards the close 4>I1ual to that f tb t 'Im • J BordealOwn .nd w.y.tatlo .... 11.l1li, 8.88. f b' h -"1 . 0 e pas, provmg lieu .f· the current which baa caused SaDda,TraloaJeawe RlwertOD Cor Phil.· 0 US\u(!SB ours, it is not uncom-'and enlarging as circumstances per- aonsiderable deposits of silt. to be delphia at 8.~ A. 11., 12.60 and 11.18 mOQ to see them actually running to mit . P. lL J'or BarilnglOu, 10.00 A. II., 1.00 and fro, like so many mad men. '

• 0' . f:rmed on its banks and in its bed j ~: N' For ;New York yi. Trentou, 0.81 Vanderbilt's three palatial residen-The Mount Holly Nevill of. June 18t tthueSd~alt ~rI8t' hd~ become prevalent in • ces are well worth visiting. if but to

. t hand ' d ' . ' IS. nc a !J:lcent \0 it. If the 0 new the exterion, for no one i~ . a\-lS a an presents a grea~~ Im- ontlet is improved, as it moat. certainl L C ALS. lo~ed inside, except by special pet· proved appearance. The type 18 of· should be tbese il . uld i Y -No hope have been giyen 118 yet mit. Two are built 'of brown stone,

. t . ' . d h . .. ,ev s 1'0 n most bot it WI'U no· be I heli d #I ..... convenlen SIZe an t e Impreeeion IS part be . .-'" . . ~ ong ore these an 0., .. -~ elaborate design, and excellent.. remOl..... pleasant events are renewed. are commnnioatiogj a railing of real

_ 0- . -0- -Samuel Rank is now prepared to bronze enclOBes them, ioside of whi!Jh The management.otthe Burlington ' '. AbOu! the fint Of. the the ~umieh Ice Oream, etc. · His cream are rare ftowe"ing plant.e acattel'ed in

Hue B. all Club will ple ... ft

......... pt oor Iron wor.Kenof Westem Peunsylvania ' 18 good 'and no doubt it 'will have a profnsion. A.t every balcony arc im-...... _ d Oh l~ge Bale during the warm summer meuse bronze VIUlCS fiUed witb vinC8,

thanks for their card of admiaaion for an 10 commenced a Btrike w~ich nights. and ftow~, which dro~p' gracefully 1882. We ahall eodeavor \0 avail baa thrown ~bout Beventy thouaaod -The wr in aid of .. ne~ and over tbe ralls fOlming a p\eRSing con· ooreeh'. frequently oftheir kindness. men' out of employment. lar£er Episcopalian Oburch opened trut with t.he sombre surrouudings.

.,.-:-0- . U nfortonate1y the laboring claasee at t~e ~ool ~onse on Wedneeday The thini, now nearing·completion, is We hear aome talk of a , P. M. are the lut to feel the efrects of ev~&, and will continue till and in- of ligtat ""4 ftODt', and decidedly

tiP . train. We are afrorded pleasure national prosperity and the first \0 c:ludmg Saturday night.. . . gotWc ~ ar\ 'I'he cal'\'inhg

is . h ' -Among the recent. arrivals- are evenmoree a ratothanontheot el'8,

to note..a spirit. of enterprise. Now expenence t ose of reaction. We' M i'IL- everyavailabluspace apparently beiug for aome n~w cars, we do nolo mean are at present., if indications are cor- C eea~~ Wm. P. EU~D. L. H. Davis, Illt:d with moat complicated de-araon, Middleton, Pusey, Oook, . .any imitation ~ew ones, "Oentenniai" rect,ent~riDgen a reactionary period. Latoureade, Chae. W. Davis, Wilson SIgnS, It makes a more I)icturcsquc cars paiDted . up and cu8biened with During 18'19, 1880, and ilart of 1881 Grove. E,'erett, 'l:reuwendt.. ' grouping t.han its sisters 00 the op-curpet. buaineas was boomm' g. 'From all A te is ,_ posite corner, but for reat elegance . - • nn. ~umament, for ladies they; in my opinion tar surpass it.

, --' 0-- branches of industry t.he repoJ1.ll oaly, 18 to take 'place shonly' it is I Inished dinner about an boul' It isw be hoped that aome one reeeiv~ were enconraging; busineea onder the auspices of ~he Ladi:' Oot ago, and baye since, in compan~'

. ~ atart .. aUhecription for a band condocted with a mah. specula. Door Club j and is to be contested by with several friends, been occupied • • lL_ mp~~nareor that o .... anblation only.' I E QI mOlllc on ..., .coming Fourth of tion was rampan'; leeeoOll of the n~ -.. In p euant. oonversation with: an n-

Jal 1 b lc f 18'1 . to be given to the vie- glishmao, a '-·'orin Her MiI,festy's,

. . Y: , t u been. se"eral yean since nAn e 8 and lioU . A torious coopl -..., 'J r- . owmg uve yean e. . service. He was extremely agreeable anything o~ that. k,incl hll8 iteen at.- of.dllpreaaion were ~iSregarded, ani -Youl!gAmerica.ormoreproperly and did not heaitate making friends tempted; but tlie old residenta of pncea of atsple producte were in- Young Riverton, is gettln'g ready for with UB, but th. unfortunate part of RiYerton remember the put efforts creased, in aome C&8e8, \0 double the~lIling" Foarth." 'Wcarealready it is, he eaUa for Enlland to-morrow, ~f the kind wit.b pleuure. t.hose of t.he im .. mediately p-_.a'mg app~ of ~ boat. race, with three on a White Star steamer, and 'he

1"'-""1 en.nee, and no doubt tbe tub 'and ohances are that we will not. baTe an

W --0- . )ean. " e bave pow reacbed a other races wiD be arranged in duc opportunit.y of renewing the con-

e are glad. to DOkl the Ilhange in climax and m'a~' e-pcct a period .f &eason ial h . J ... • gen acquaintance. 011 tbe parler t e time of . arrival of the Oolumbia, depreaalon i labor must eventually -Anot.her yacbl, the llucot baa table is • Klaas CIUlO belonging w ~nltaearly trip to the city .. IUe&1'ea acknowledge the inevitability. if it. been added to the list.·of the River- blDl, containing a colon. '<I I)()rtrait of 'ltiv.ltOn at about ' s' A. •• , lnatead of C&IIDot. Bee the Justlce, of. refusal of f.4)n Yacht Club. This boat is owDed Queen Victoria, and 1\ book in which 8.80 .. rormerly. We are sorry t.b... its present demands Tab, for in- by.a party of gendemeu who are reo .. ~ w~&ttm the roUowlug I "pre, tht. board t. I the· sldmg at the White HOUle for tlie sented to M~or -- Uh Lancashire b oee no eave . olty an ataoce. the price oratael raila: a year lommer. Artillery Voluntoot1l,byVictoria Reg.

our earlier on Ute eyening retum ago they were in demand at '60 per , Jan., 26th, 18'14." 8urt'ounding these trip '. ' t "hat th Ia • -The grounds of tbe Ball Olub on' h . • uu p.resume. e teneaa of ton j to-day but. few salee are e-eoted u are badgea of dilUncUon, wbicb e tb

1. __ d red . u. _onday laat, presented a nre&;t.v I~:-"~ ---z ed 1i ·.L Q ••. Pri e aeaaoo.... eter ita owners though t.he p~ baa raIlen to tai, or It being .• Ladlea' Day,r theJ I •. "iW~I- ~..... ueen, ... e __ "II~oe •

from making the experiment.: but over 16 per oen'. were tber I ..... 11... 0 -, --- eMbe .. or Uae _1'Y· b tha th han' • e n IU loree and Joined The May t ..... al, the ..... t mosl, ope t e c ge may be made The price of labor Ihould be seWed wltll the gentlemen in lllayllll teDDia. cal eyent of tbe MaIOD, attracted

next. year. wheruer practicable by arbitrat.ion. Bome are woutlertully expert at the away people"', mOQth from all parIB game. Thuuitswom wereofoum.r- of the' United Statea. It appeara to

,. ha .. beeit' ..... ' In eyeJl,J parSlo- ous ramog mWs, and throwl seventy 'Rm'Al'InW .. 00 • C H' I :tHntrSE ular The OeoeJlan .8eolety of Phil... thoaspd men o.t of employment. -;r-""-'~ -: :..:t.-. _ A . r . delphia, ..... oyer; .on Friday, M.y Theseligneofthetimesstillcontinue, BARDS ~ANb BBOKEBB, L. _ L J . bt.h, to take part. io .the oratori~, "I.. and unfol1tunately we see 'no reaao. n, 186 S Th' d g~ . t ' . ,

E "1.I"h P'-'ILADIBLPr: U""I' A."'. , . , THIRD 11£ •. IIJIGSL'EY ST., rael in gypt,,, w...,-', was rendered to hope for any great' immediate 1m- A

that evenin •• " ' . ' prov,ment. All buslneaa ~m" to be boom- Govermcnta are rather weaker and ,J' ... o. W.u. ' WALTll& P. ~IILL. '." '. ' 1 • " , '1

ing, B~lal acUvity being not_cable quiet. ' ASBURY ··PARK, 0

among tlie dry gOoas, stationety ·and U. S .• l's . [ Ill, _ lU 1

m. J. O. WBAY &; 00.,

lucy goods eatablishm.ntL Stew- US' Ii t 1 SANKERS & S'ROKERS 4 mUeII belOW ~ BraDob. • J arts' bas been tlie great centre. of . • 4 I cp~. . - 0 . • J -.- • 0 '

attraoti01l for all who wilh .bargains, U. S. 81's reg., . 1~1 101 i iIJ id that ri th Money is in abundance at floom • No. .. 801JTU TBmD STRZET. The above co:nmodious hooao

will be RE-OPENEO fo~ ·tho,te;Oep-. < as t sa ," , p ~ ere, range to 6 per cent. on call. There is noi Ph\Iad.11l1IIa. lower than in. any' other la- hoose ... _ .... . to C t ft -.. - h' h moch of a disposition to make any. ~"'''''boq\Ot&ll4.140IlOo.!IIIIIIoD. ID . wn. . 11 ,owers, among w IC long loans on the part 'of lenders, as I'OIICI Ogure larply, are to be found OW. H. PANCOAST,

tion of guests· .' ': .. ' >,

in abnndnnce at ~h~ ftorist s,.ope, and I an impression is . prevalent that with froin tbe profnsion .in which tbey .a~ the opening of the faU trade it will MAIN ST., Rlverton.N. J. wom, indicate that. dealers are ~ing command a much better rate; well patronized, also that prices are StockB are from two to five' per COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. Baving greatly enlarged by the ,

..Ja •• ' .~J ·,8 • ., <In the decline, conBeq,!ent upon the cent. 10"er. Peoneylvan .. tell off .' ~ r :. . • addition of a number of bed~IpJI' .apprCWlh of Bummer. to 58t, partly owing to preasore' of Legal Blauka'oonlltautl, 011 balld. 'refurniBhed 'with 8prlD.g, Bed8,

Directly in the rear of . our domi- allotment stock, but hf!B since rallied, ,, ' Tb Ii eile, and .facin:!. Broad. way is a theatre whetber from a genuine demand for The ~len4i4 Steamboat Oolumb!a, HaIr Jlattr~ c.' . e 00",

h k It f " "- tI . "'I' . • hfta been otherwlBO renovated . and known .. " artigan & Hart'B," and t e etoc or as a resu 0 a pegg Ilg LeayeaCbeatnutSt. wbarldall,aU P. M., .... • dd' . f from all , we can. learn, it is quite 'a system, it is im~slble to state. stopplDg at ~lw8rto'lI, TolTelidate, And&- refurniBhed, Wltll the a ,ltlon 0 i'es~ctable place. They have been Reading if! weak on ~ount. of the loala, Bewerl" BarflujrtoD) and Brlatol. bath rooms 'hot and cold water,

Pla~ing a picee called "Sqoatter unnatural silence of Mr. Gowen: in ReturoloR, lea •• BrI.tol Itt. 7.80,,&.. . •. '..t • Ga So;oreignty," fora long "hile, ~heori- relation to his 5 t>Cr cent. blanket 1I'1Ire,.:; Cenl.. lhoar,aJi)li,,(O,Cebta. with· perfect . ",ramage.. s gin of.hlob·date8 back for, @ay,per· mongage. It may be tbat English USE ONLY THE BEST. thrOughout. haps two yean, and briefty i& on capitnlistsa!Bwarmly.~~oughcovered ----tbill, wise.: on the outskirt.e of the with ReadIng secuntles. The de-. eity the neighbOrhood of O.en- 'cline in the Northem Pacifio stocks tral ' Park, were .vacant lots wbere is due in part to ro~o~. that the emigrants of all nationalitieB, but syndicate having the option of taking principally · lrisli, vulgarly termed $20,000,000 mQre of the 6rs~ mort­


An e.rly appU.cation ~ secure • ~ 9f room •.

:MRS. M. D. OAHU.I., · •• Squatt.ers'~ began t.o Bettic, tliey cul- gage bo!lds, do not intend ~ avail tivlited what amall plots of'land they themselves of the opportunity. The pOSBe88ed, and kept miscellaneous Nonhem Pacifio is an uncompletea stocks of the smaller animalB, such.. road, n~ing prob~bly $30,0.q~,ooo ducks .. geese, Qhickens, ~igs and dogs, to cOD;lpltito and eqUIp l~. :Ti-II' J~ay .and inde'ed were quite proud of their extend tbe time of'completion of the habitations, and with great reluct- road indefinitely j yet wben once .. anee left them. wben compelled to finished. we beUeve it will earn sum· ::a3e ~A:a.Z::ET !=IT •• <10 so' by frequent attacks ef the cient to pay immediate ilividends on pHILADELPmA.

thanking her " friends for . their former patronage, begs to inforlD;. the~ and the public ill .gener:nl

,that she liow has every ,tacility of making them .thoroughlY ~mfort- · r .abll.'. 'l'be kit,chell tacil~tiee, en­larged dining. room, : with ita BumptuouBly provided tables, will

metropolitan police. 'rhe autbor of its prefeffl;d stock oyer antl above . the play h.. endeavored to picture all fixed charges. the peculial'ities in tbe manner ~f ~!!I!!I!!I!I!!!~!!!"!!!!!!~!!!I!!!!'!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!7 living of these squ';tter sovereigns, ApOllnarl! Sell·ser, Vloby and otber mlDeral ' ., .aten are ror .111. by Oowpcrthwalt & 00"1 lliao .and has from all accounts ' Bucceeded tbe celebratod Dew drink .. Zoodone." :wh cb IB admirablv. ,WII, en we firs. t cam.e here, !tren~b.Dlng ... on as being a dellolou! boyer.

0( . age" PriOO por bottl. 2Ii •• nla, roducod rate! .... r . night ."..·made hideous by the moat dosen. unusual sounds, proceeding from a source, whioh fOI' a time wc were un­al;Jle to ~t~lIinit~ '8oni~ of our (riends s1iggell~: tb~t probably they were klnldg a dog to serve up in the form <If saosages, but tbe frequency of tbe squea18 ' 800n dispelled that -idea, tinally arte" standing tbe torment

Borses aDd Carriages . TO HIRE.


Riverton, N. J.

WM. ·J. McILHENNY, Uiverton, N . :T'.,

TiQ Roofer and ,Sbeet Iron Worker,

. rivlII the best of seaside resorts. •• 40U~~~~":..:.~.PI"II.'I' '1'he Bitu~tion, as iB well-known, iB ltD II ...... fRql\o'nr NI. one of tho most dea. irabl& in

fmC... • ...




LuJa' .ad ".~, Auon.-•• , I. &,be c. •• ",. Pr1'" ,,"..w. Dwcrt,u .. OaI&IoIue,..... &II

."Ucaat.. Y .DREER.


.' STAINED GLASS. D~slgns and . Estimates on



Asbury Park. Being' . bot two minutes wl\lk from the beach and ' bathillg groundB, !lnd e~y of accCSS to tho several Vle,\8ure lakoe • 011 each of which thore iB.a boat at' tho disp05al of the guests, fl'ee ot· ch"rgt'. Tho houBO' iB sU\'rollnded by ..


for a week, we made inquiry of a do­Inestic 118 to its cause, to which' she replied, .. faith and its tbe cook a 'yellin at. tbe sight of rats," tbis seemed about .. ridioulous as the .sa~ge ,thOOl'y, and of COUI'se was not oredited. Our minds were not, how­

Stoves, Heaters anel Bang8cs repairec1 at shortest notice. 1~Ol Market Street..

Luundry cOlln'ecte~1 with ·tho house. A COl\ch will be at the stl,tion 011 the IlFri val of every ' train, and convey pa3songere direct to the house free of chal:ge.

~ver, to be kept In suspense much \onger,'for in a day or two the same domestio oame to us .pd said she feared sbe had been mistaken about tbe cook and ·tbe rats, that what we h~ must have. been 4' tbe squealUn


BEEF :BUTCH'ER, St,n. lill. 13) & 135 fifth Avenue,

Fifth Street 'Market, Phil .. <If 'tony Hart's pigs." These aui­ma\~ it seems are trained for the" BOBSTJIAK BROS. & , CO. '1., and make ' t.heir appearance nlgbtly, about nine o'oloCk, for thil purpose it is neceasary to al'Ouse them from elumher, hence the un­eartbly . shriekS which rent tbe the air about that time.

~ . I 1· Q. p. -0-

·Yl'NANC1AL. - Pblla. JUDe Ittb.

During the past month trade has -eontinued dull, and .bow. a marked decrease in volume .. compared with 1881. Gold sbipments hllve con­tinued, .though not in Buoh Illrge quantities .. wcre. noted a shol:t time iiooe. Abollt the ·lrali.9f the menth . a Itrlke of tron worken in the bitu­minous regionl of Pennsylvania, W .. t Virgln.'- and Ohlo was com­• enood. Thla strike Cl080S numer-

Fiftoh and Ohe.::r, Streets, PUILADJ!lLPUlA.

IIII1DDCaotllren IIDd IID .... rt.ra or




. and



Genera.l Insurance Broker, Iill d. FOURTH ST., Pblla .

IDiIitaDCO . plaoed lu Jlelhwlu Ooml,,,ul •• OD favorablo term ••




rlmp~rt'd ad •. f.estiC ",an .' A 8P"IAL TV.




lrO Aores In 8m all ifNI". . ,'aDcbelter\ lIoGat V .. rDOI, Utd".lI.

IIa.Jelo, &II. ol~'" .bol .. 8tra"lItrr! •• Y.,I, W.l.b. Q._. Oatbllt,l, aa4 l'orD.', .be bO.1 bO"''l1le4 Bu,lItrrl ... _,4., Wall •• ' au T.,ln,. lb. ba,· Ie. t a~4 JIlo.! ,rodD.U .. Blaekllt,rI .. .

I(le"""'" ",brld ...... . lomt' lar,. I~od qUiIIU" , bean r,mD t au'J abua .. 4ADUY. U.oT .. filA.UD;PM,,' u-6QYianA .. oII S .. all Prllll.;" .hher ror 1·1 e.'(ai bot . for tl elata. ('.,.'ogvo n''''

WK. PAIl'!, PIn1 P.O., N. J.

GuootB will p\el\l!o I'etain thoir baggage checks. Rnd hl\~l(l them to h~r coach mall, who Will see that the baggngc is delivered without

delay: Rooms mlly be eilgaged, anu

lipecial arrangements m~de for .familioe remaining the entire BeIlSOIl, and furthel' in tormation obtained by addreBBing

MRS. M. D. CAHILL, 1814 Aroh Street, Phila-.

Where her large double house, COIl­

taining over 80 rOODlB is open until J uno 16th, for tranBient or perma nent guests.

Tc:ruall: ,~.1l0 Co ,8.00 I,er "II· ,10.00 '0 ,~o.oo per N1~.

, I