Transcript of NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ......

Page 1: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

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NO. CALIF. EDITION Tre lewn'eq




A Cinderella Story


Page 2: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


i ll > THE NEW 'RICHFIELD REPORTER GERB ERA » is the blossom beautiful Ann Zika is showing to John Wald of the NBC

news program. The flower was so named by the Howard arid Smith nurseries in honor of the show's information service on wild flowers which has been carried on through the years. (NBC-Bailey photo.)



Your grocer stocks a good many brands of coffee,

some in vacuum tins, some in bags. Prices may vary a few cents

a pound. But quality, flavor and satisfaction vary, too. When you buy

FOLGER'S COFFEE, you can be sure of

getting not merely the GREATEST POSSIBLE number of cups

per pound ... but the world's finest mountain-grown flavor.

EACH cup rich, full-flavored, guaranteed to satisfy your every desire in coffee.

Prove to yourself that you cannot afford to buy less than the best! Buy a tin of FOLGER'S COFFEE

... and try using 1/4 less.

Page Two

CARMEN DRAGON'S NBC "Star-light Concert" was the scene re-

cently of this reunion between maestro Dragon (right) arid the man whose pro-tege he once was, Meredith Willson. (Robert Perkins photo.)


Of Circulations

Oct. 6, 1950 * E el. 44 Vol. 22, A'n. CARL M. RIGSBY. Publisner

Published Weekly at Los Angeles, California. Business ,and Editorial Offices: 6361 Selma Ave., Los Angeles 28 (Hollywood Station). California. Phone Hillside 9275.

Kadio-TeleviiliOn Life was entered as Se-rond Class Matter September 14, 1948, at Los An-geles, under Art of March 3, 1879, Prepaid Subscription, $4.50 year, $2.50 *ix months jo U.S.A., Foreign 115.00 year. Single copies on sale at all newsstands throughout California, also at leading Independent Grocers in South-ern California. Single Copies by mail 15e. Ad-dress all remittantes and correspondence to Radio-Telesision Life. Subscribers please allow tao weeks for change of address or tu start a subscription.


Editorial Department: Assistant Editor, ShIrle) (iordon; TV News Editor, Jane Pelgyam; Precast Editor, Gaye Howe; Art Director. Ray Wheeler: Log Editor. Hal Julian.

Business Department: Achertising, Paul Stod-dard; Sales Promotion, Jack Elms; Office Manager, eieorgia Caywood; Circulation Man-ager, Fred lirennwald

All material used by Radio-Television Life Is specially prepared by its own staff writers, and reprinting to whole or in part without publisher's permission strictly forbidden. Un-solicited manuscripts can not be accepted or returned.

Advertising Office»: San Francisco: Rogers Parrett, 68 Post Street; Chicago: Lytle-Nieman, 332 S. Michigan Ase.

October 6, 1950

Page 3: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

BUTTERFIELD IS HEARD as "Clarence e Wellman" on "Halls of Ivy," "Lee Jones" on "Dragnet," "The Commis-sioner" on "Dangerous Assignment," "The Sheriff" on the Roy Rogers show, and frequently appears on "Lux Radio Thea-ter,' "Broadway Is My Beat," "Life With Luigi."

çw ITH TELEVISION here, I foresee an opportunity for radio to do better things. This will be the time for radio to be-

come more mature."

Speaking was eminent radio actor Herb Butterfield, whose fine work contributes strongly to the quality of the microphone fare currently found on your dial.

"I am very happy with my lot as an actor," he affirmed, "and grate-ful to be associated with such fine shows as the ones on which I'm work-ing at present." These include NBC's "Halls of Ivy" and "Dragnet," and CBS's "Broadway Is My Beat" and "Lux Radio Theater."

Lauds Colman Show

"The Ronald Colman show," But-terfield praised, "is very adult. There is so much beauty of spirit to it. It is liberal in its outlook and, indirect-ly, makes learning wonderfully ex-citing. It is excellently written.

"The technique employed on 'Drag-, net' is an amazing one. The actor sometimes stands across the stage from the microphone. The result for

What's New Itith Herb Biltterfield With the Advent of Television, This Fine Actor Expresses Hope That Radio Will Finally Be Forced to "Grow Up!"

By Lynn Roberts

the listener is like overhearing some-thing you shouldn't. Nothing is evei played up for effect, and as a result the most astonishing effects are achieved.

"From an actor's viewpoint, I like 'Lux Radio Theater' because of its length —its hour-long broadcasts and the time allotted for its preparation. An actor is allowed the opportunity to have the character he is to play with him for days.

"'Broadway Is My Beat' is a fine show. The writing is great, the

October 6 195C

writers write so much in character. Its director, Elliott Lewis, is a great actor's director. He always adds something to the show. He is always thinking."

Butterfield names "thought" as the prime requisite for a radio performer. "A good radio actor must always be thinking. If you feel and think your characterization, it must come out right. An actor must completely sub-merge his own personality. Personal-ity acting is not acting

"Radio." Herb continued, "is, to

me, the purest form of acting. In this medium, the actor has no help. no make-up, no camera technique. Only his brain, his soul, his imagina-tion..." The radio actor expressed a desire

to do more motion-picture work but finds discouraging Hollywood's habit of categorizing a performer by his physical appearance. "Hollywood al-lows an actor to be only what he looks like." Butterfield considers the work of

England's Ralph P.ichardson the epit-ome of pure acting ability. "He has the average man's appearance, and in his work, there is so much imagi-nation."

Predicts for TV Butterfield predicts that, in time,

the medium of television will employ much more imagination. "It will be-come monotonous just to see every. thing. The audience's imagination must be brought into play. I should

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HERE'S MR. I.—about to engineer the Adventure Special to Imagination-land. Playwright-actor Paul Tripp is "Mr. I. Magination's" creator. He writes the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for the show by Ray Carter.

TRIPP FORMERLY wrote, directed, produced and acted in the Fed-

eral Theater. He is New York-born but would like to move to California.

.Sunda, 6: O p.m. KTTV, Channel 11

EOPLE CAN'T seem to un-derstand simplicity," pon-dered Paul Tripp. "One ol my toughest jobs on TV

has been keeping things simple." Like the time one of Tripp's "Mr. I. Magination" scripts called for a girl to be dressed like an apple tree. The studio screamed that such an effect would cost a hundred dollars. "For a burlap wrap and a couple of apples to tie on her arms?" puzzled Paul, who makes it his habit to visualize everything as a child would see it.

Tripp, alias "Mr. I. Magination," considers the perfect work one which is written with an adult's mind in a child's language. His work method is to immerse himself in facts, get used to them, and then write his half-hour story. He also writes the lyrics for "Mr. I's" songs for which Ray Carter, who with his wife penned

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• A .

Keep It Simple! But Clever Paul Tripp, Who Is "Mr. I. Magination" Himself, Says "Keeping Things Simple Is the Toughest Job of All!"

By Shirley Gordon

"All Right, Louie, Drop That Gun," provides the music.

"Carter not only gives me a choice of melodies for every new set of lyrics I write," Tripp praised. "He teaches them to me, because I can't read a note of music."

Fourteen Years Old

It was tourteen years ago that Paul Tripp originally created his "Mr. L Magination," which has now been a top CBS-TV attraction for some sixty-three consecutive weeks and swinging into even higher gear with its new sponsor, Nestle's Chocolate. At that time, Tripp was actor, writer and director of plays at the Christodora Settlement House in New York City. Lacking a suitable assortment of theatrical props to stage his sketches, his fertile mind came through with the idea of "Mr. I. Magination," the magical fellow who can make any-thing come true —by imagination.

"Mr. I.'s" program is an imagina-tive reenactment, with music, of per-sons and events from history, the dream fulfillment of ipany a young-ster's half - whispered "I wish 1 were . . ."

Meeting "Mr. in the person of Paul Tripp —on vacation in California where he admits he'd like to stay— we found him the same personable, crinkly-eyed fellow who weekly en-gineers young-hearted viewers on his miniature train into the limitless land of the imagination. He is an actor whose first love was the the-ater, an attachment so strong that his initial response to the idea of go-ing into televisbn was negative. "Since," he told us, "I seem to have acquired a new sense of values. I have never before seen such vitality as is to be found in the medium of video."

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Sunday. 7:00 p.m. ABC —KECA. KG0

HE STORY of Ginny Simms coming back on the air is really the story of a girl, Betty Jones.

This Betty Jones is a sweet-faced, brown-eyed person who only a few years ago made no bones about not particularly caring for Ginny Simms. Betty was exposed liberally to the Simms voice, for Betty's mother was an avid collector of the star's rec-ords. Moving from Birmingham, Ala-

bama, to Hollywood, Betty Jones found a job in NBC's recording divi-sion. There, day after day, she heard voice after voice being spun on plat-ter after platter and finally she awoke to the Simms talents. Betty be-came such a fan that she began plotting ways and means of meet-ing and knowing the star. She was instrumental in having Beta Sigma Phi, national business girls' sorority, make Ginny an honorary member. Naturally, Betty had to meet the songstress to make the membership presentation. After that, the sorority always saw to it that there were lovely flowers whenever Miss Simms made a personal appearance.

The Ginny is Simms, of Course, and thc Betty is Jones, an Unknown Responsible For the Singer Coming Back on the Air

By Evelyn Bigsby

Ginny and Betty became fast friends. Betty wrote a song titled "G i n n y," which was published. Though the singer had left the mike to devote herself to her family, Betty always kept Ginny's photograph in a prominent place on her desk at NBC.

Campaign Last summer (1949) Betty began

a concerted drive to interest Ginny in coming back on the air. At that time, the songstress (who is Mrs:- Hyatt Dehn in personal life) was awaiting birth of her second child and natur-ally was not particularly interested in thinking about another radio show. But this past spring with little Conrad here and husky, Betty in-tensified her push.

October 6, 1950

"I think Ginny said 'yes' just to hush me up," she said. But armed with that yes, Betty wrote an audi-tion script and to both Ginny's and Betty's delight they cut a record which sold the show like lightning to Botany Mills. Betty is giving up her NBC job and has moved over and up as writer-producer-right-hand-gal on the new Simms series. "I wouldn't have taken time for any-one else but Ginny, she's so terrific," is how Betty Jones earnestly sum-marized her freshly made success.

As for the songstress, she is as happy as Betty about Betty's new career. And of course it's nice to croon into a mike again and to hear the applause of an appreciative audi-ence, not to mention the greetings

46, HOVERING OVER "HER" GINNY is Betty Jones, the girl who has

worked her way up from Ginny's adorer-from-afar to producer-writer of the song-stress' new radio series Betty owns every record Ginny has made—more than 500. (Color cover and accompanying photo by Lee Green.)

from all the people on Radio Row who flocked to the Simms table at the Derby to wish her well, or the attentive fans who trouped over to ask for autographs. "I knew it the minute I got in

front of the mike," enthused Ginny. "I knew this was the one thing I'd been missing. But really, I've been very happy just staying at home. I take care of the children on Wednes-days when the nurse has off and 1 help with the meals on Thursdays when it's cook's day off. I climb in the car and do my own marketing and, well, I like the routine. "But I'm enthusiastic about being

back. 1 couldn't do a show now if it weren't for tape recording —that's a

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LIKE TO believe that the camera is really the eye of a person," revealed James T. "Jimmy" Vandiveer, KECA-TV's executive producer of sports and special events.

"What viewers want is to feel that they are right where the event is taking place.

"Television is dramatic," he adds, "and you've got to give viewers two things —color and human interest. If they can't see what's happening and why it's happening, then the cover-age isn't good. "To me, nothing short of perfect

is perfect!" declares the director, and Vandiveer's highly accoladed work is proof of the drive and talent he puts behind everything he does.

Award Winner Winner of Radio-TV Life's 1949

Distinguished Achievement Award and the Academy Award for Channel 7's coverage of the first-time-tele-vised UCLA-USC football games, Jimmy innovated the use of a fourth camera at field level, employed for the first time the technique of flash-ing the pictures of players onto the screen and actually gave set-siders the feeling they were "right down on the fifty-yard line." The panorama of the sport was brought home in de-tail as the camera picked expressions

Page Six

4 FORMER NEWSPAPERMAN with the Los Angeles Herald-Express, Jimmy Vandiveer has been in the radio

industry for over fifteen years. He's married to the former Birdalee Nielson and they have a tan-year-old daughter, Kimberlee.

Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament and the Roller Derby. "The place-ment of cameras is most important in remote coverage," Vandiveer ex-plains, "and we always have to be ready for what might happen."

Other Innovations As the announcer on the Friday

night wrestling matches from Ocean Park Arena, it was Vandiveer who innovated the dressing-room inter-views and unique after-bout chats with the men of muscle. He claims that "an announcer shouldn't inter-ject his personality Into the descrip-tions, he's got to follow the camera-man, so together they can be a well-integrated team." On "Chevrolet Triple Feature The-

ater" Vandiveer has earned consider-able prestige for his directorial ac-complishments. The clever Chevrolet commercials, which feature Art Baker, have delighted viewers. (One Radio-TV Life reader even went so far as to write "Eye Inspires" that the "pictures sometimes aren't so much, but it's fun to watch Art Baker in those wonderful commercials"!) Watchers can easily recall how the films will suddenly dissolve into reality with Baker looking as if he stepped right out of the movie. The

Behind the Scenes in Video No. 13 of a Series

Etregfee Peeitee Color Came to KECA-TV as Veteran Broadcaster Jimmy Vandiveer Put Human Interest on Camera

By Gaye Howe of the fans and once caught a hero crying bitterly because he had lost a play. More recently Jimmy has been the

man responsible for KECA-TV's tele-vising of the Rose Bowl Parade, the

technique is done either with iden-tical settings or with teleparencies that are projected onto the screen. Each of the three films has one of the commercials cutting in, and

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October 6, 1950

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OCTOBER 6, 1950

In set Out of Focus (

Looks Like Frigidaire last week announced that

in addition to Bob Hope, they will have a national TV show starring Bobby Clark, the funniest man on earth, whose painted spectacles and cigar-puffing have captivated tWo generations. Clark will alterriate with Hope, and Bobby's show will present Joan Blondell and Sigmund Romberg, plus a girl revue. Michael Todd, one of Broadway's most successful pro-ducers, handles the reins on the NBC-TV offering. . . . Long-time favorite radio show "Lux Radio Theatre" will, starting October 2 in New York (later here), find a rival in a family mem-ber. "Lux Video Theatre" bows on CBS-TV.... Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, with Mortimer Snerd, Podine Puffington (the new full-length girl dummy), band leader Ray Noble, Pat Patrick and a male quartet, all make their television debut in a thirty-minute program to be presented on the CBS-TV network Thanksgiving Day, November 23. Time of the show will be announced later. . . . TV fac-tories are currently turning out 10,-000,000 sets per year, according to esti-mates of Radio-Television Manufac-turers' Association. . . . Organized re-sistance to the Western Conference ban on live televising of its fteotball games is under way. The Conference agree ment was - violated when Michigan, Northwestern and Illinois contracted for large-screen televising of their games in Chicago and Detroit theaters. The petition being circulated by a St. Paul TV dealer who started the campaign points out that state universities have an obligation to citi-zens who support the institutions even though the schools suffer football revenue losses. So look for the ban to lift.... Looks like Peter Lind Hayes and his singer-actress wife Mary Healy are bowing,off "Stork Club" for a show sponsored by Borden Milk. New show, with no definite starting date. is CBS-TV, three times a week, fifteen minutes. New "Stork Club" will be headed by singer Johnny Johnston. with a revised format. . . . NBC-TV is working toward presenting a special televised performance of the famed Sadler's Wells Ballet during the Brit-ish troupe's stand at the Metropolitan Opera House. Sadler's wants the net to cover a Sunday matinee with its cameras, while NBC-TV feels a bigger audience could be snagged with eve-ning coverage. Deal pends as of this writing. ... One of the biggest jumps in TV set sales occurred during August (stimulated no doubt by the fine sports fare offered this season), with 50,472 sets going off the block.

CGoemnmereanl t)

This brings the local total, as nearly as can be estimated by the Electric League, up to 693,361.... Three latest of the theatrical gentry hereabout to pact themselves with Jerry Fairbanks Productions are Harlow Wilcox, vet-eran radio announcer; H. T. Tsing, Chinese character actor; and veteran actor Victor Moore. . . . When those 30,000 teachers in Southern California, as a unit called "California Teachers' Association," made their first Shield of Merit award, given for outstanding educational contributions, it went to Harry Koplati's KFI-TV'er called "Chil-dren Should Be Heard." This is the same show which will soon, inci-dentally, play host to Governor Warren and Jimmy Roosevelt. Wires went out from Harry asking the gentlemen to appear and be interviewed by six young Americans. Young Roosevelt accepted for October 23. Sheriff Bis-callus also has accepted, to appear November 6.... Television In England is beckoning Mike Stokey's "Panto-mime Quiz." Mike is planning a quick flight to London next month to confer with British video execs on a planned British version of "Pantomime." . . . Helen Hayes, first lady of the theater, makes her debut in the star-studded premiere telecast of ABC-TV's lavish "Showtime, U.S.A.," October 20, on KECA-TV's Channel 7. . . . "Snuffy Smith," famed King Features comic strip, has been optioned by Maurice L. Kusell for a series of tele-pictures

SPECIAL! Dear Radio-TV Lifers: You paid

one penny more for your maga-zine this week, but we think you'll agree that is little enough for the four extra pages you'll find in the expanded news sec-tion. For a long time we have wanted to give you still more and more radio and video last-minute news and now, with forty-four pages, that's what we intend to do. Look this issue over and we think you'll agree that nowhere can you buy a more complete, well radio-TV magazine with such fine pictures and solid /irst-hand stories. Yes, Radio-Television Life is more than ever your evening's good reading and your week's good listening and looking. And by the way, you may now

buy your copy at your nearest newsstand as well as at the 938 fine food markets (in Southern California) where they've made friends and fans for more than ten years by selling Radio-Tele-vision Life.

Local Lilliputians will enact the well-known "Feather Merchant" characters. Mal Merritt will work with Kusell on the TV scripts, which will follow the format of human and political satires by originator Fred Lasswell. . . . Gloria De Haven will be in the fem-inine star spot opposite Dennis Day when the latter's TV show auditions shortly.

Case Dismissed An Akron, Ohio, peeping tom beat

the court rap when he explained to the judge that he was less interested in the household goings-on than he was in the television shows nightly watched by him from outside homes. The sixty-three-year-old man had been arrested and hauled to police court when he was caught outside an Akron home. On his explanation that this watch-

ing TV through windows was his only means of keeping abreast of the fas-cinating medium's attractions, the judge suspended court costs. He ad-vised the luckless one, caught red-handed, to invest the court costs in his own set!

The Twain Did Meet Jack Rourke decided to have a little

vacation. He had been on KTTV nearly every night for a year and a half, so it was up to Lake Arrowhead for a little rest. No television, a lovely lake, birds, no television, trees, squirrels— and no television! By Friday it was almost too much

to bear. Jack couldn't sleep because he was breathing unadulterated fresh air. So he got up, dresséd, and had a cup of coffee before taking a walk along the lake. No one was around. No floor managers signaling "speed it up!" And the sun was just peeping over some tall pines. In the distance Jack saw another

big fellow heading his way, the only other soul all around the whole lake. As the latter approached, it turned out to be Hawthorne, up at Lake Arrow-head to get away from television and everything concerned with it! What did the two escapees do?

Promptly sat themselves down and talked about TELEVISION!

One-Man Crusader Bill Harvey, official ICTIV photog-

rapher, has gone all-out in assisting the Gridiron Club to reach its goal of a full stadium for every UCLA and USC football game. He enjoys watch-ing the games on his set when he isn't in the Coliseum covering the games for M TV, so decided to do his part. Wherever Bill goes, he approaches

people either to send money directly to the Gridiron Club or add it to a fund he is collecting. No matter how large or small the contribution, each person will be an official member of the club. "Some people would rather watch

football on their TV sets, so it is to (Continued on Next Page)

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their advafitage to keep the games on television," Harvey points out. Others, for physical reasons, find it impossible to attend. It is up to each of us to do his part in fulfilling the entertainment needs of everyone."

All the money Bill collects goes to the Gridiron Club, 147 West 12th Street,. Los Angeles. And we call that not only smart promotion, but a pretty great thing for one fellow to do!

Stop, Listen, Look Ph"' You May Like

Your Show of Shows Saturday. 8:00 p.m. (2 hrs.) KNEW, Channel 4

Every once in a while a show crops up that resolves all question of what to watch when. Saturday night it is definitely the Channel 4 presentation of the Max Liebman-produced "Show of Shows," preceded by the half-hour Jack Carter show.

Carter, a funny, glib guy as criti-cized as he is applauded, hosted Don Ameche, Kitty Kallen, Peggy Ryan and Ray McDonald, the Asia Boys and Harry Sosnick's orchestra with some killingly funny routines. We happen to find him funny even when the material Isn't at its freshest, and on the few occasions a criticism does raise its unwelcome head, the remind-er "anything we can do he can do better" triumphs!

Liebman's ninety minutes, starring Imogene Coca and Sid Caesar, seemed better than ever. His exemplary taste, the long rehearsals that build flawless performance, and the variety pre-sented make the time go by like nine minutes. Caesar and Miss Coca, in the cliche-studded conversation spots, sat-ires on man and wife, and pantomime bits, hit it off together in a fashion bred only by great appreciation of each other's talents. It will be no surprise if every poll in the country by the season's end finds them up near the top in popularity. Liebman wisely divides to conquer

by spotting ballet, acrobatics and singles (if you can call solos by Robert Merrill, the Met Opera baritone, and Marguerite Piazza, soprano, "singles") into the Coca-Caesar enter-tainment.

The comedy, choreography, and va-riety acts all are in the best tradition. The staging is among the best we bave seen. The show is first-class tele-re. No wonder the time has about

aè million sponsors, all of whom tout eir products at one time or another

in such an engaging fashion we didn't mind them a bit!

The Colgate Hour Sunday, 3:00 p.m. K.VIIIi. Channel 4

First of the hour-long, star-rotating Sunday fighters joined KNBH's for-midable array of entertainment (fol-lowed by "Philco TV Playhouse," then Garroway's show!) with a smash. Eddie Cantor headlined a roster that must have set Colgate back a pretty , Page Eight

bit of coin. Yma Sumac, the (and we quote) "Inca Princess from Peru," showed off both her coloratura so-prano vocal range of heaven-knows-how-many octaves and her physical accoutrements to fine advantage; Lew Hearn and Joseph Buloff joined Can-tor in a clothing-store bit; a dozen more comedians an singers contrib-uted; and Al Goarnan's orchestra added immeasurably by their perfect pacing. The show moved so fast, on such a grand scale, that recounting it would take pages. Standout of the evening, we are

happy to report, was the show's star, Eddie Cantor. By his own admission an "older man, Cantor dredged up bits from his seemingly endless years of show business and romped through them cavorting and singing in the same way that kept him popular for seemingly endless years (forty, actu-ally) in show business! He hopped and sang and clapped his hands until we were exhausted. Cantor wasn't, and wound up the show with a minstrel routine, himself in blackface, that was great. During this finale he brought the house down with "How Ya' Gonna' Keep 'Em Down on the Farm," "Potatoes Are Cheaper," "Ain't She Sweet," "Charlie My Boy," "Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me" end "Waitin' for the Robert E. Lee." A meager story line that dealt with

the sponsor and served inoffensivel).

NEXT WEEK One of radio-TV's busiest ac-

tresses, Ruth Perrott, graces the cover and is profiled in an in-side story of next week's Radio. Television Life and a handful more of your mike and camera favorites are also entertainingly spotlighted. Among these are lovable Jane

Morgan, who reminisces happily on her theatrical experience of the past and her active status of the present; Harry Koplan, who proudly discusses "Meet t h e Missus"; Brian Donlevy, who impressed us with his zest for living; Dick Lane, who supple-ments talk of his many TV as-signments with joyful memories of his career background; Bud Cole and Tommy Belcher, video directors who in:ormatively de-scribe their jobs; the Hoosier Hot Shots, whose cheerful corn can now be seen as well as heard: and Richard Aurandt, who al-lows us an entertaining peek into an organist's fan mail. All of these features have

been formatecl for your informa-tion and entertainment, and are supplemented with radio --TV candid pictures, the newest news, departmental features and the most complete program informa-tion.

Remember, too, your Radio-Television Life can no w be found at your favorite newsstand as well as at the checkstand in your independent food market.

to satisfy everyone tied the whole pro-duction together. The show is ambi-tious, costly, and left us thanking our lucky stars we weren't on television opposite this good entertainment!

Philco Tr Playhouse Sunday, 9.'00 p.m. KNBH. Channel 4

After eagerly awaiting the return of a favorite show which bowed back with a fine play, we wound up hoping the uninitiated didn't regard Maxwell Anderson's prize-winning "High Tor" as typifying all "Philco Television Playhouse" fare.

The fact that the series, like all TV, is designed for public consumption saves any criticism of the fine cast, schooled and experienced writers and directors, and usually excellent pro-, duction, from being plain presump-tuous. But it did seem to us that the adaptation was pretty choppy. A lot of the light was gone from this story of a nature-loving mountain dweller and his Dutch wife opposing the greed of the commercial interests out after his hill. Anderson's writing seemed to be deleted entirely, and the frail story that emerged generated but frail sympathy for the supposedly sympa-thetic characters.

Alfred Ryder played "Van Dorn," and Felicia Montealegre, who seems to be on half the TV shows in the East, and who is always a joy to watch, performed most capably. Vin-ton Hayworth and Maurice Ma mon overdid their businessmen roles. The whole production was beautifully set up, and as always moved along like a cut and edited movie of high caliber. Apparently the only reason "High

Tor' wasn't exemplary was the job done in translating Anderson to tele-vision. This once-in-a-while erring, however, certainly won't keep us from looking eagerly toward more produc-tions in a series that most of the time stands head and shoulders above any other dramatic series on television.

Bob Shannon's Farzety Revue Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. KFI-TI, Channel 9

Each Tuesday night over Channel 9, viewers have an opportunity to watch local talent display their acts through the courtesy of sponsor Inde-pendent Druggists and under the guid-ance of package-writer-prodilcer-em-cee Bob Shannon.

If the above credits for Shannon sound as if we're making too much of this Irish lad, Bob nevertheless de-serves every word. Certainly one of the most eager, hard-working performers, Sham-ion should have a natural "must-see" type of teleshow, if for no other reason than the fact that friends and relatives like to watch their sis-ters, brothers and next-door neighbors get into the act. However, the "Revue" falls a little

flat and since neither Shannon nor his talent is at fault, it should come to the attention of the station that a "Revue" like this needs a studio audi-ence.

That essential element, applause, is

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painfully missing from the program, and anyone who has ever attended a talent show knows how very impor-tant the pounding of palms is in that it stimulates and encourages the con-testants and adds the necessary spon-taneity. In spite of the lack, Bob does his

best with the "Revue" and he's added a couple of unique touches to what would otherwise be called routine, Introduction of his eighteen-year-old kid sister, Barbara, is novel, and al-though brand-new in show business, she looks enticing on the screen and handles her part of the chatter quite glibly. Another twist is that organist Ray LaPere accompanies the acts by watching them over the monitor in another studio.

Judging is done by professional guests and the winners line up for the fifth final week which awards them with bounty like a suede coat, a wrist watch, cosmetics and a flight to San Francisco.

On October 17, the "Revue" will emanate from the Independent Drug-gists National Convention in Long Beach's Municipal Auditorium, and will be the only show televised from there.

Hollywood Studio Party Monday-Friday. 1:00 p.m. KTTV, Channel 11

Some months ago KTIT opened up for afternoon fun with the most casual sort of drop-in, drop-out free-for-all around a pool. Several excellent em-cees were wasted on the loose format. Followers who stuck it out know

the whole procedure has been tight-ened up, moved to the KTTV studios, and , relabeled "Hollywood Studio Party." All improvements. The show now has Jack Meakin of

the delightful personality and good piano, and Jack Wheeler, the fellow with an intense delivery and a great way of handling guests and visitors on any television show, putting guests through the fun paces and contests. Incidentally, if you want to go to this "Hollywood Studio Party," you can! procure tickets at KTrV, the Los An-geles Times, or CBS. Once there. you Will see guests galore who pitch in to entertain, you may be brought up to the camera (provided you are a trav-eler) on the "Hi-Traveler" spot, or you may find yourself arguing and debating as one of the three on each side of a chosen contemporary ques-tion. Now something new has been added.

Each day a "Mystery Tune Quiz" is held. Jack Meakin, the Doctor of Music, will play a song, then give one person in the studio audience a chance to guess the title. If he or she misses, a home viewer may call in and try to name the song. The oppor-tunity to participate in the tune quiz will go back and forth until one team or the other unfolds the mystery. At least four songs will be played every day, and a prize will be awarded to the winner of each game. Second new attraction is in the per-

son of Larry Noble, who will be crooning for you each Monday. Noble has sung with the bands of Jimmy


Dorsey and Ted Weems, and is cur-rently recording with MGM. He has just completed four sides, not yet re-leased, with Ziggy Elman's orchestra. The young man, who was the grand winner of M TV's "Stars of Tomorrow" talent show, formerly parked cars for I. Magnin's.

"Dick Tracy" Sunday, 4:00 p.m. KECA-TV, Channel 7 One of the most popular of the

comic-strip characters came to life for television on ABC-TV's "Dick Tracy," with Ralph Byrd showing enough chin and enoùgh nose to keep all followers satisfied with the em-bodirdent. The series. featuring "Vitamin,"

"Tess Trueheart," "Blowtop" and more of the regular Chester Gould-created comic-strip family, had us fooled for a moment. Tuning in a trifle late, we honestly thought a regular motion-picture feature was being run. It was that well done. The story, written, directed and produced by P. K. Palmer, found "Tracy' latching onto clues and running down gem thieves in a well-laid plot, completely plausible, and well enacted. The juvenile audience will watch

just because it's "Tracy" on parade. Adults will watch because the series emerges as one of the best half-hour mysteries on TV, even though all over twelve may tire of the stupidity dis-played by the evil-doers. All in the line of crime doesn't pay, however, and "Dick Tracy" has never been cracked up as superman. Apparently the films were made

with nothing but TV in mind—and as they are shown on TV, they come over well. We'll watch again —if "Tess Trueheart" manages to pull herself together and settle into a less stagey role. Oh, well, we'll probably watch anyway. The comic strip has always been lively, and seeing it done live just adds.

Added Morning Fare Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. KVBH. Channel 4

When Channel 4 unshuttered its lenses to provide entertainment for a great group of people who apparently stay home all day, who are high on the "must-please" list of station heads and program planners, and who fall into the category of "housewives" their show "The Merry-Go-Round" proved a point. You must have either a personality or a show to attract. KNBH has the show. Not that Sybil Chism isn't a person-

ality. She is a real doll, a good musi-cian, and handled introductions, light chatter and guests in a most show-womanly fashion. And Chef Milani is a personality, certainly. But neither of them is as established as, say, Al Jarvis, who can sit by the hour doing nothing but playing records, chatting with guests, garnering sponsors and coin by the bucket for his station— and his vast, ardent audience will Watch spellbound by the hour. A num-ber of the other stations, including KNBH, don't have a personality like Al on tap. Some make the mistake of trying to build one, using the daytime


OCTOBER 6, 1950

guinea-pig audience in hopes of molding likely candidates into local favorites . . . . some with the drear-iest sort of results. We were delighted when KNBH by-

passed this tiresome procedure far variety. Their six-sided presentation, backed throughout by a fine trio, typi-fied by a whirling little "Merry-go-round," finds Sybil Chism opening the show and entertainment at the organ with that tremendous repertoire of, songs she possesses; Betty Hoyt hand-ling a shopping period with a nice straightforwardness and good manners which are blessedly relieving in this day of the pitch; David Anderson fol-lows with news, well delivered; KNBH holds an hour of open-house coffee klatch with Arch Presby and Bob Hop-kins entertaining women guests and viewers alike. We hope a good many of our better-known radio emcees who ultimately take to TV are just half as entertaining as Arch and Bob. Take note, radioites! Daily lessons on "Open House" in: the etiquette of entertain-ment; how to be funny without send-ing your audience later creeping from the studio with faces ablaze in shame and embarrassment; and the pace necessary for video. Chef Milani's-a complete-a cooked-a

show follows, and anyone familiar at all with the jolly chef knows this spells entertainment, highly useful culinary information, and wonderful food ideas. Sybil Chism appears again on Mon-

day and Thursday to wind up the show. Each Wednesday Sheilah Graham, on whom we are shortly to carry a story, brings her movieland news beat to life Mr viewers. On Fri-day Johnnie Lee Macfadden enter-tains, and at the time we have seen these last two chapters we will revue them for you. Every sixth of the shdw offers some-

thing different and good—and any time you tune to Channel 4 it will prove well worth the moments out at home.

"Gigi and Jock" Saturday, 7:00 p.m. KTSL. Channel 2 For years the French tradition in

things entertaining has been touted as the last word. Now televiewers can get a look at a puppet series, on film, produced in Paris with the aid of master old-world puppeteers. Their arrival, under the banner of The Tee-vee Company, marks the Introduction here of imported TV motion pictures. English language on sixteen-milli-meter has been dubbed in by Davis Butler, Colleen Collins and Marion Richmond (on whom we will shortly carry a story), under the supervision of William Asher. "Jock" is the bright little guy al-

ways embroiled in the adventures of his duller friend, "Gigi," and while it doesn't reach the "tell rae about the rabbits, George" stage, no doubt is left in this series as to who is the leader, who the follower. Costuming, sets and voices are mar-

velously well done. A hint of the strange may keep the series from 1m-

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mediately challenging established pup-' pet series seen locally, but the enter-

tainment is good, wholesome, and packs a moral. Occasionally the small participants turn directly to the cam-era to ask the opinions of small view-ers . . . and even the little ones love any "getting into the act" device. As opposition they have Hank Mc-

Cune and Colonel Tim McCoy—but if your taste runs to puppets you'll naturally pass up the other two. In doing se, you'll be seeing a delightful show.

Second Glances ccoremc:nIt

"Life With Linkletterw Friday, 7:30 p.m. KECA-TV, Channel 7

Art Linkletter's stature on the air-ways apparently must have assured the production crew, Art himself and the sponsor (whom we'll mention on accounta we enjoy Link so much through their video courtesy —Giant Green Peas!) that TV would be an easy go and no one need get hot under the collar about getting up a show. To a group of three of us watching,

the first show seemed to be a hodge-podge of old antics from radio, a few contrived question - and - answer ses-sions with children, and a cow-milking stunt. If Bessie had landed a few well-placed kicks here and there, the an-cient stunt might have taken on new life. Too, it seemed to us that the chil-dren got a little mixed up in their answers. Could these supposedly spon-taneous gems from the lips of the little darlings have been' rehearsed? Perish such a thought! Mr. Linkletter himself televises like

a million bucks, and is as quick and personable on camera as on mike. And anyone who can hold their bow-out pose in the face of a slow camera as long as Art did gets the A in our book for complete showmanly poise. Miss Ginny Simms joined Link's

first show for a song, choosing, alas, "La Vie En Rose," a number suited to her talents but completely unsuited to the balance of the fun-with-an-audience-format show. A personable star with plenty of

ability is on hand—now all the spon-sor and network need is a show. Those antics we saw the first week don't count —we hope.

We Point With Pride . . . To the fine job Clark Dennis

turned in (we weren't surprised, but we were glad!) on KTLA's Sunday "Bandstand Revue" show when he as-sumed emceeship for a couple of weeks. One of our ve ry favorite singers anyway, he turned in a master-ly job of handling the reins. Hope he's back soon. . . . To the comedy work Charles

Coburn delivered in his appearance on KNBH's opening Milton Berle show. Uncle Miltie and Coburn did twin Durantes, twin Ted Lewises, and twin Pat Rooneys .. and all were wonder-ful. (Pat Rooney did step from behind PeQe Teri

the curtains to show the boys really how to dance, but until he put in an appearance we were mighty smitten with Coburn's caperings! . . . To KTTV's Tuesday "Suspense"

show in which an actor portraying a blind man carried the show. Pretend-ing to be sightless isn't easy, and there are no retakes and cuts on a kinnie. It was a great show. ... To KTLA's handling, in the per-

son of Dick Garton, of the Ice Follies spots during their giant movie matinee on Saturdays. Beautifully produced and so nicely done. (Incidentally, that giant movie matinee is something you have to take time out to see at least once! This scheme should pay off mightily for KTLA, in both sponsor-ship and legion fans).

We View With Alarm . .. With particular alarm we view

the station announcement, on the night of the worldwide spectacle known as a complete eclipse of the moon, that they were doing an "ex-clusive coverage." Really. fellows. Local jokes by the dozens had flown concerning the possibility of an "ex-clusive coverage,' so we'll assume you made the comment in jest. Huh? ... The suggestive dance put on by

a teen-aged contestant during a local TV talent-hunt show. Surely these acts are screened before they are pre-sented! And if so, how come this bit of pseudo-sophistication got by? . . . With particular alarm we view

Johnny Grant's even temporary ab-sence from the video channels. It came as a surprise to everyone, in-cluding Johnny, and we hope by next week we can carry a revue on his brand-new show. He has too many talented friends and talent himself to be shunted about willy-nilly.

Off Lens ( Personalities)

KTLA Acquires Thousand-Seat Theater Last week KTLA acquired the 1000.

seat theater at the corner of Melrose and Van Ness, formerly known as the Melvan Theater. The new KTLA The-ater is less than a block from KTLA's main studios and will be channeled directly through KTLA's master con-trol to work in direct conjunction with the studios presently used by KTLA. Workmen speeded up installation of

an expanded stage and camera plat-forms, allowing for full dolly move-ment of these lens-bearers. First per-formance of KTLA personnel there was the Ina Ray Hutton All-Girl Show on September 26. From now on, most of KTLA's audience-participa-tion shows will be moved into the theater. KTLA does announce, how-ever, that for the time being the Spade Cooley show will continue to emanate from the Santa Monica Ball-room, and Harry Owens and His Royal Hawaiians show, as well as "Band-stand Revue," will continue to tele-cast from the Aragon Ballroom.

eye inspires G. S. Armstrong, 2804 South San Gabriel Boulevard, Garvey, Calif. Can you tell me where I can get

information on television aerials? Also how to build the right kind for different localities and if electric wires interfere with transmission? I have trouble bringing in all stations except Channel 5. After I tune the others in, they flicker out ... am sure the right kind of aerial would correct these troubles.

The best person to help you would be a television techntcian who studies and knows the answers to problems like the ones you now have. Suggest that you ask any good television dealer for refer-ences on technicians. Radio-TV Life has scheduled an Informative article on TV reception which will appear in the future.

Name withheld, 8264 East Lankin Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Why do some sponsors of television

shows take up so much time on the programs for advertising? They re-peat themselves so much and are on too long arid too often. It's tiresome. Is It because they are paying for the time? For instance, on baseball, wrestling and the fights, we often miss the starts of the sports because announcements are being made. . . . We wouldn't patronize some of the sponsors because of this. It's too high-powered to shove it down our throats like that, like the old medicine-man type of advertising and even worse the way some emcees yell out. For instance, Dick Lane and the commer-cials on the "Spade Cooley Show."... It would take up too much time to name them all and some we have even quit watching because of the commercial annoyance. It's not just one station, it happens on all of them.

Name and address withheld, North Holly-wood, Calif. It seems like the El Monte reader

could go out and see a movie once in a while, especially since she's so tired of "seeing the same old picture over and over on television." The reader admits to getting such entertainment for nothing, but does she realize that there are thousands of studio em-ployees out of work, during the past two years, because people won't go to see the pictures at theaters any more?

Norma Jean Nilsson, address withheld, West Hollywood, Calif.

I was so shocked, just like thousands of other viewers were, to find out that "Kukla, Fran and 011ie" wasn't going to be televised in Los Angeles any more. They have such a wonderful little program and I missed them very much.

But just yesterday (September 231 a wonderful thing happened. We have two antennas atop out

house. One is pointed towards Mount Wilson, the other to Mount Palomar So all we have to do is turn a switch

!Moose Torn to Page 14)

Page 11: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for



tq‘aftdey q‘ieetel

By DDoorrootthhyy Gardiner and Dick Gar-ton. stars of KTLA's "Handy Hints," Monday through Friday, 6:45 p.m.

Each week we pick the best Handy Hint sent directly to Radio-Television Life, 6361 Selma Avenue, Hollywood 28, and use it, with your name and address, in this column as well as on the air over KTLA, Friday evening at 6:45. A lovely gift will be sent to everyone whose hint is used here as KTLA-Radio-TV Life Hint of the Week.

Here is this week's winner: Mrs. Do-lores Dice, 4568 W. 166th St., Lawn-dale, Calif. The hint is: To make moving an

easier task, put a tag on each piece of furniture to indicate just where the movers are to place it, e.g., a tag on a platform rocker would read: Platform Rocker . . . Living Room . . . N. E. Corner. This not only saves handling the furniture many times but saves you all the work of moving furniture from room to room.

• * •

If you have trouble finding the light switch in the dark, Just paint a little fluorescent paint on the button and you will be able to locate it easily. Here is a good way to keep all the

scraps of material handy. Just place them in a clear plastic pillow cover. This way whenever you want a scrap of material it's easily seen through the plastic and you won't have to pull everything out. How many times have you wanted

a screwdriver and had none avail-able? Try this idea of taking an old key of the tumbler lock type, and file or grind down the end of it to form a thin flat point. In this manner it can be attached to your key ring and you'll find it handy for many uses, such as servicing a cigarette lighter. re moving small scre ws, scraping oft

small paint flecks, and many more.

If you sew an elastic band on your pin cushion, you will find it very handy when you need a pin as they are always on your wrist. Just slip the elastic on your wrist when doing any sewing. If when painting you have the prob-

lem of where to put the brush, just bend the handle of the paint can so that it will rest on top of the bucket rim, then place the paint brush on it. Also you can scrape off the excess paint on the brush by using the han-dle, as the paint will all go back into can.

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ekeeteedieeet Peeceed WHAT'S NE W

Drama TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 —"FiresIde Thea-ter," KTLA, Channel 5, 10:00 p.m. (30 min.). Second in series of dramatic mo-tion pictures expressly written and pro-duced for television will present a variety of star-studded entertainment from mys-tery thrillers to drama. Tonight's feature is "Andy's Old Man."

Religion SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — "Old•Fashioned Meeting," KECA-TV, Channel 7, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Dr. Charles E. Fuller of radio's famed "Old-Fashioned Revival Hour" enables viewers to attend Sunday evening aeligious services. Mrs. Fuller, the choir and quartet will be featured.

Musical Variety WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 —"Star of the Family," KTTV, Channel 11, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). Morton Downey stars in new musi-cal series which will also spotlight rela-tives of important personalities in the en-tertainment world, who will be introduced as "surprise" guests.

Western Adventure

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10—"The Cisco Kid," KNBH, Channel 4, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). Duncan Renaldo stars as "Cisco" with Leo Carrillo portraying "Pancho" as Channel 4 brings viewers adventures of the famous ••Kid."

Sports W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 --Here's Jar-man with Harmon," KTTV, Channel 11, 6:45 p.m. (30 min.). Features Tom Harmon in a Wednesday and Friday sports quiz with L. A. Ti mes sports editor Paul Zim-merman and tennis star Nancy Chaffee as panelists.

Participation MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"You Bet Your Life," KNBH, Channel 4, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Quipster Groucho Marx debuts his televersion of the popular radio quiz show.


Quiz SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Special Show," KNBH, Channel 4, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.). Paul Wincheli and his precocious puppet Jerry Mahoney are the stars of weekly half-hour musical variety quiz review based on the radio show "What's My Name?"

Variety TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10—"Faye Emerson Show," KTTV, Channel 11, 7:45 p.m. (15 min.). Witty }emcee presents notable guests Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Participation r.10NDAY, OCTOBER 9 — "What's My Line," KTTV, Channel .11, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.). Occupation guessing game moder-ated by John Daly with panel of Hal Block, Arlene Francis, Louis Untermeyer and Dorothy Kilgallen returns to the channel.

Juvenile SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — "Mr. I. MagIna-tion," KTTV, Channel 11, 6:30 p.m. (30 mln.). Paul Tripp's musical fantasy re-turns to the telescieen.


Variety FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"Rainier Revue," KTTV, Channel 11, 10:15 p.m. (to conci.)• Roy Maypole hosts Gene Krupa and his orchestra, the Three Suds and Harry Langdon.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"Penthouse Party," KECA-TV, Channel 7, 10:45 p.m. (15 min.). Betty Furness plays hostess to Maggi McNeil's, Eloise McElhone and Cliff "Ukulele Ike" Edwards on tonight's show.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — "Toast of the Town," KTTV, Channel 11, 8:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Ed Sullivan plays host to Gloria Swanson and Rudy Vallee.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"This Is Show Business," KTTV, Channel 11, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Vivian Blaine, Sam Levenson, Bill Callahan and Ruth Chatterton fill to-night's talent spotlight.

W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11—"Star of the Family," KTTV, Channel 11, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). Morton Downey hosts Mrs, Florello LaGuardia, Joey Adams and Patrick Rooney

Music SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7—" Wrightson at Home," KTTV, Channel 11, 7:30 p.m. (15 min.). Stage star Kitty Carlisle guests with baritone Earl Wrightson.

Comedy TU ESDAY, OCTOBER 10 — Texaco Star Theater," KNBH. Channel 4, 8:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Milton Berle hosts Leo Durocher, Laraine Day, Raymond Massey and Jan Murray on tonight's spectacle.

Discussion MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"Leave It to the Girls," KNBH, Channel 4, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.). Joe Laurie, Jr., is guest panelist.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Comedy Hour,"

KNBH, Channel Sports (1 hr.). Fred

Allen will be seen on tonight's gala show.

7ts SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7—Football, KTTV, Channel 11, 1:45 p.m. (to concl.). Califor-nia versus Pennsylvania will be seen from San Francisco via microwave.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 —"Notre Dame Home Games," KTSL, Channel 2, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.). Filmed highlights of the clash between Notre Dame and Purdue.

T H U RS D A Y, OCTOBER 12—Football, KNBH, Channel 4, 9:30 p.m. (to concl.). Los Angeles Rams clash with the Phila-delphia Eagles.

T H U R S D A Y, OCTOBER 12—"Football Mainilner," KNBH, Channel 4, 10:30 P•m• (15 min.). Sportscaster Sam Hayes covers the Rams games, gives personality and sideline sketches.

THURSDAY, OC T O B E R 12—"Greatest Fights of the Century," KTLA, Channel 5, 10:45 p.m. (to conci.). Philadelphia bout of Dempsey versus Tunney will be seen tonight.

Drama FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"Ford Theater," KTTV, Channel 11, 9:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Paul Kelly, stars as the hero of "The Married Look," exciting Robert Nathan novel, with Lois Wilson and Betsy Blair in featured roles.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Philco Television Playhouse," KNBH, Channel 4, 9:00 p.m. (to concl.). "Dear Guest and Ghost" stars Josephine Hull and Barry Nelson.

SU N D A Y, OCTOBER 8—"Nash Airflyte Theater," KTTV, Channel 11, 10:00 p.m. (30 min.). John Payne stars In "Double-dyed Deceiver."

M O N D A Y, OCTOBER 9—"Studio One," KTTV, Channel 11, 9:30 p.m. (1 hr.).' -Away From It All," starring Worthington Miner, Kevin McCarthy and Cathea inc McLeod.

W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11—"Kraft Tele-vision Theater," KNBH, Channel 4, 9:00 p.m. (1 hr.). "The Green Pack" stars James Daly and Mercer McLeod.

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FRIDAY 9-Ch. 9, The Bill Welsh Show

with Nancy Wilde. 9. to-Ch. 4, Presenting Sybil Chian. 9 :4.1.-Ch. 4, Buying With Betty.

Ch. 9, Keep in Tune with Bill Stone, 10- chite,iil)o4 Graydon Show

10:15*Ch. 4, The Latest News. Ch. 9, Bill Welsh Show.

10:30 -Ch. 4, KNISH Open House, 11 *Ch. 8, N e011 Neale.

11:15-Ch, 9, Ladies' Day, Stulla, Mitchell, Jobe, Owen.

11:30-Ch, 4, Chef Milani Show, 1 2- Ch. 4, Sybil Chism at the

Organ. Ch. 9, Cook's Corner with Monty Margetts.

Ch. 13, Michael Roy Show. 12:30-Ch. 9, World Is Your Garden. 12:45-Ch. 9, Singing Chef.

Ch. 11, Afternoon Serenade. 1-Ch. 11, Hollywood Studio

Party, Jack Wheeler, Beane Bard, Jack Meakin.

Ch. 1.3, Al Jarvis Make-Believe Ballroom (to 5:30).

1:15-Ch. 9, Baseball: L.A. Angels ve. Seattle.

e -Ch. 89,, BSmasoekbeayl l.Rogers,

Ch. 11, Hollywood Studio Party. 3 h. 9, Baseball. Ch. 11. Come Into the Kitchen. Freda Nelson,

S:50*Ch. 9. News. Ch. 11, Movie Gems: 'Danger at Midnight,' Beryl Mercer.

3:50 -Ch. 9, Baseball. 4-Ch. 9, Baseball.

4:30-Ch. 11, Classified Column.

S-Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. 9, Baseball. Ch. 11, Range Riders.

5:15*Ch. 4, Baseball Scores, New'. 5:30-Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

*Ch. 5. News, Music. Ch. 8, Comedy Carnival. Ch. 9, Stu Wilson Show with Marie Gibson.

Ch. 13, Kemper's Kapere. 5:45-Ch. 5, Police Calls.

Ch. 8. Did You Know? *Ch. 13, Newl,

5:50-Ch, 2, Cartoon Carnival. 6 - Ch. S. Cowboy Caravan,

"God's Country and the Man," Tom Keene.

Ch. 4, Crusader Rabbit, Ch. 5, Cowboy Thrills. Ch. 8, Corral. Ch. 9, Frank Webb Show.


• N W! Every Nite


Ch. 11, Magic Party. Ch. 13, Hawthorne & Eggbert.

6:05 -Ch. 4, Jump Jump. to' 1:15-Ch. 7, The Kid From Powder

River Ranch. Ch. 11, Film Oddities.

6:211-Ch. 4, Comedy Theater. "In the Army," "Bear's Short Tail." "Doodles in Egypt."

6 10-Ch. 5, Ch.,8, Time for Beatty. Ch. 7, Andy Clyde Comedy.

*Ch. 9, Evening News. Ch. 13, Johnny Bradford.

Page Twelve

6:46 -Ch. 4, Adventures of Cyclone Malone.

Ch. 5, Handy Hints. Ch. 7, Space Patrol.

*Ch. 8, Newsreel. 6:50-Ch. 13, Sant Baller Sports-

book. 6:55*Ch. 2, Lee Wood, News. 7-Ch.2, Hollywood Road to

Fame, with NTG. Ch. 4, Laurel & Hardy Film.

*Ch. 5, Newsreel, Ch. 7, National Pro Football Highlights.

Ch. 8, Variety Show. Ch. 9, Eddle Comas Show. Ch. 11, Pet Exchange. Ch. 13, Marilyn Hare and the Bachelors.

7:18.-Ch. 5, Ter Ole Buddy. 7:25-Ch. 4, Good Egg of the Week. 7:30-Ch, 4, Roberta Quinlan.

Ch. 5, i'harley Chase Comedy. Ch. 7, Life With lJnkletter.

*Ch. 8. People in News. Ch. 9, Fishing Pals.

*Ch. 11, KTTV News. Ch. 13, Hail the Champ.

7:4b*Ch. 4, News, Weather. Ch. 8. Grandstand Quarterbacks.

Ch. 11, Three's Company.

8-Ch. 2, Stranger Than Fiction. Ch. 4, Believe It or Not. Ch. 5, Harry Owens Royal Hawaiians.

Ch. 7, 20 Questions. Ch. 8, Football. Ch. 9, Film, *Fighting Parton,' Hoot Gibson.

Ch. 11, Mama. Ch. 13, J. Hardy 111m.

8:05-Ch. 13, Sportsreel. 8:15-Ch. 2, U.S. Air Force.,

Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch.13, John Braislin.

8:30--Ch. 2, Feature Film, 'Cheers for Miss Bishop,' M. Scott, W. Gargan.

Ch. 4, Ch. 8, Tex Williams Caravan.

Ch. 7, Wrestling. Ch. 11, By Popular Demand with Arlene Francis.

Ch. 13, Western Film. 'Smoky Trails.' Bob Steele.

8-Ch. 4, Bonnie Maid Versatile Varieties.

Ch. 5, Movie Classic, 'Q Planes,' Olivier, Richardson, Hobeon.

Ch. 8, Colgate Comedy Hour. Ch. 11, Ford Theater, 'The Married Look,' Paid Kelly, Lois Wilson.

9:15*Ch. 9, News. 9:30-Ch. 4, Big Sto . 9 :55*Ch. 2, Fleetwood Lawton, News 1 V - ch. 2. Peter Potter's Party.

Ch. 4. Designed for Women. Ch. 8, Grandstand Quarterbacks,

Ch. 11, Startime, Ed Reimers. *Ch. 13. News, Clete Roberts.

10:416*Ch. 11. TV Newsreel, 10:10-Ch, 13, Hawthorne. 10:15-Ch. 11, Rainier Revile with

Gene Krupa and Band, Three Suns. Harry Langdon.

10:30*Ch. 4. 'Late News. Ch. 5, Meet Me in Hollywood. eh. 8, Big Story. Ch. It, Glands.' at Anson. Ch. 13, Inside Baseball,

10:35*Ch. 13, Clete. Roberts. 10:45 -Ch, 7, Penthouse Party.

fh. 13, Hawthorne. 11 *Ch. 8, Newsreel,

11:10-Ch. 13, Bob McLaughlin.

SATURDAY 9:3o-Ch. 13, Alex Cooper (to LE). 10 *Ch. 5, Neves, Music.

19:30-Ch, 5, Tricks and Treats. Ch. 9, Everybody's Show, Gene Baker & Dick Peterson Orch.

1 1 - 2.. 57 e:l . W ate lCi t ive•enture.

11:30-Ch, 7, Acrobat Ranch, Ch. 9, Shop, Look & Listen.

11:46-Ch, 9, Accent on Charm. Ch. 11, Film.

12 -ch. 5, Giant Movie Matinee (to 5:30). 'Son of the Navy.'

Ch. 9, Mirandy & the Garden. Ch. 13, Mike Roy.

12:30-Ch. 9, Western Feature, 'One Rider Crosses the Rio.'

Ch. 11, Campus Talent. 12:45-Ch, 11, Afternoon Serenade. I-Ch. 5, 'Strange Mr. Gregory.'

Ch. 9, Western Feature,

Ch. 11, Dick Dunker' Football Ratings.

Ch. 13, Just Kids. 1:13-Ch. II, Sports Scholar, Fred

1:30-Chr.dlell,i. 50-Yard, Line, Ed Reimers.

1 -45-Ch. 9, Baseball: L.A. Angels vs. Seattle Rainiers.

Ch. 8, Ch. 11, Football: California s s. Pennsylvania.

2 -Ch. 13, Double Feature. 'Daniel Boone.'

2:15 -Ch. 5 • 'Sweethearts of the

-Ch. 3 13, Double Feature, 'Riders of the Sage,' Bob Steele.

3:30 -Ch. 5, 'Bride for Henry.' 4:15-Ch. 13, Bob McLaughlin. 4:39-Ch.11, Inside Football. 4:45 -Ch. 5, *Borrowed Hero.'

Ch. 8, Grandstand, Quarterbacks,

Ch. 9, From Your Garden. Ch. II, Owl Football Score-board.

S C -Ch, Whiteman Teen Ch. 8, Super Circus. Ch. 9, For Sportsmen Only, Ted Meyers.

Ch. 11, Movies. 5:30 -Ch. 4 . 2: .Cee ho ma wnly Cgagrit Show. Ch. ow.

Ch. 5, Man's Best Friend. Ch. 7, Buck Bradley Rodeo.

5:45-Ch. 4, a -Ch. 4, Who Said That?

Ch. 5, Cowboy Thrills. Ch. 7, Buck Rogers. Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. », This Is Your Defense. Ch. 11, Movies, Ch. 13. Hawthorne and Eggbert.

6:30-Ch. 2, Small Talk. Ch. 4, amain' Ed's Gang, Ch. 5, Fantastick Stadler, Ink. Ch. 7, Sandy Dreams. Ch. 8, Hank McCune Show. Ch. 9, Film. Ch. 13, Western Feature, 'Hell-Fire Austin,' Ken Maynard.

- Ch. 2, and Jock, Puppet Show.

(7h. 4. Hank McCune, Ch. 5, Tim McCoy. Ch. 7, Sagebrush Theater, 'Gun Law.'

Ch, 8, Western Feature, Ch. 9. Gridiron Greats. Ch. 11, Prize Performance,

7:30-Ch, 2, Women Are Wonderful, Ch. 4, One Man's Family. Ch. 11, Wrightson at Home. Ch. 13, Wedding Bells.

0 - Ch. 2, Touchdown, Ch. 4, Saturday Night Revue. Ch. 7, Hacienda Varieties. Ch. 8, Penthouse Party. Ch. 11, Not Set. Ch, 13, Hometown Jamboree.

6:30-Ch. 2, Famous Jury Trials. Ch. 5, Spade Cooley Western Varieties,

Ch. 7, Cowboy Theater. Ch. 8. Martin Kane. Ch. 11, Toni Twin Time.

8-Ch. 2, Inside Detective, Roscoe C'. 8. Earns.h Colgate Comedy Hour. Ch. U, Roy Williams. Ch. 13, Film Playhouse. 'Nothing Sacred,' Lombard. March.

9:30-Ch. 2, Feature Film, UT-Boat 67,' Alan Hale.

Ch. 5, Jalopy Derby. Ch. 7, Feature Film, 'Prison Train.'

rh. 11, Request Time, 10 -Ch. 4, Western Feature.

'Stagecoach Outlaw,' B. Crabbe.

10:341-Ch, 13, Hawthorne.

11 *Ch. 4, Late News. Ch. 5, AuctIon Park.

11:30-Ch. 13. Variety Show.

SUNDAY 8:30-Ch, 13, Western Film, 'Smokey

Tralls,' Bob Steele, 9:30-Ch, 13, Kemper's Kapers, 10 -Cit. 13, Jack Owens.

10:55 -Ch. 5, Sunday Reverie.

11 -Ch. 5, Western Feature. Ch. 9, Sunday Devotions.

11:15-Ch. 9, Film. 11:30-Ch, 9, Creative Home Builder,

T. Meyers.

12 . Ch. e Rena Pandit. Matinee:

'Important Witness,' Noel Francis.

Ch. 13, Alex Cooper. 12:15-Ch, 14. Mayfair Show.

Guest Appearances. Ch. 9, Baseball: L.A. Angels vs. Seattle. 21h. 5, Movle Matinee. h. 8, Smokey Rogers. Ch. 9, Baseball. Ch. 13, Moto Polo. 3 h. 5, Fun on the Beach. Ch. 7, Movietime.

3:30*Ch, 9, News, 3:45-Ch, 9, You Are the Winner. 3:50-Ch. 9, Baseball. A -Ch. 7, Dick Tracy.

Ch. 13, Film Playhouse, 'Ellis Island.'

4:10-Ch, 4, The Sickle and the Cross.

4:30-Ch. 5. The Comics. Ch. 7, Soapbox Theater.

4:45-Ch. 11, Afternoon Serenade.

S h. 7,:" Super Circus, Ch. 8, Hopalong Cassidy. Ch. 11, Sunday Cinema. 'Escape to Paradise,' Heat Taylor, Pedro de Cordoba.

5:30-Ch. 4, Sportscast. Ch. 5, Bandstand Revue. Ch, 9, Just for Fun.

5:46-Ch. 4, Movie- Matinee. 'Murder Tomorrow.'

6 -Ch. 7, Cowboys 'n' Rex Bell.

Ch. 13, Jimmie Dolan. 11:15--Ch, 8, The Ruggles.

Ch. 11, Yesterday's Newsreel.


"Hopalong Cassidy" 6:30 - 7:30 P.M.

KTLA CHANNEL $ Sponsored by

Barbara Ann Bread

6:30-Ch. 5, flotations Cassidy. Ch. 7, Sagebrush Theater. Ch. 11, Mr. I. Maginatiou, Paul Tripp.

Ch. 13, Ship's Reporter. 6:46*Ch. 8, Telenews.

Ch. 13, Stephen Foster Film. 7-Ch. 4, Ch. 8, Meet the Press,

Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Ch. 11, Hume Magazine of the Air, Olen Soule.

Ch. 13, Betty White. 7:30-Ch, 4, Paul Winchell-Jerry

Mahoney Show. Ch. 8, Ch. 11, This Is Show Business, Vivian Blaine. Sam Levenson, Bill Calla-han, Ruth Chatterton.

7:45-Ch. 5, Feature Fllm, 'Klondike Fury,' Edmund Lowe. Lucille Fairbanks, Ralph Morgan.

Ch. 7. Kieran's Kaleidoscope, 8-Ch. 4, Colgate Comedy Theater,

Fred Allen. Ch. 7, blanc Dovee Show. Ch. 6, Polleo TV Playhouse. 'Dear Guest and Ghost,' Josephine Hull, Barry Nel-son, Gloria Swanson, Rudy Vallee.

Ch. 11, Toast of the Town. *Ch. 13, Korean Newsreel,

8:15*Ch. 13, News. 'Flannery. 8:30-Ch. 7, Old-Fashioned Meeting.

Ch. 13. Western Film, George O'Brien.

9 Ch. 4, Philco Television Playhouse.

fh. 8, Mystery Theater. Ch. 11, Fred Waring Show.

9:15 -Ch. 5, Movietown RSVP.



9:15 P. M. Sun. KECA-TV Presented by Taylor Auto Co. and Frank Taylor Studebaker

Ch. 7, Taylor Four-Star Theater, 'Held for Ransom,' Rod La Rocque.

9:30-Ch, 13, Dude Ranch Varieties. 9:50-Ch, 5, Adventure Call.

Page 13: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


o -Ch. 4, Ch. 8, Garroway M Large.

Ch. 5, Magazine of the Week. Ch. 11, Film, 'Double-Dyed Deceiver,' John Payne.

10:30*Ch. 4, Late News. Ch. 11, Sunday Cinema. 'Moonlight Sonata,' Padere-wski, Farrell.

Ch. It, Star Gaging. 10:45*Ch. 5, Newsreel Resiew. 11 -Ch. 13, Variety Show.



Lucille Norman Sings KTTV Channel 11 Monday, 7:00 P.M. Brought to you by your


9-Ch. 9, The Bill Welsh Show. with Nancy Vilble.

9:30-Ch. 4, Presenting Sybil Cblem. 9:45-Ch. 4, Buyiug With Betty.

Keep in Tone with Phil Stone.

1 0 -Ch. 13, Joe Graydon Show (to 12).

111:15*Ch. 4, The Latest News. Ch. 9, Bill Welsh Show.

10:30-4'h. 4, Morning Matinee, with "The Channel Foursonie.•"

11:30--Ch. 4, Chef Milani Show. 12 -ch. 4, Sybil Chime at the

Organ. *Ch. 9, News Room, R. Stewart,

G. Dvorak. (11.13, Michael Roy Show.

12:30-lit. 9, Ladles' Day, Stuns. Mitchell, Jobe, Owen.

12:45-Ch. II, Afternoon. Serenade. 1-Ch. 11, Hollywood Studio

Party. Jack Wheeler. Henna Bard. Jack Meakin.

Ch. 13, Al Janis Make-Believe Ballroom (to 5:30).

1:30-Ch. 9, Cook's Corner with Monty Martens.

2-Ch. V. Smokey Rogers. Ch. 9, Open House with Burritt Wheeler.

Ch. 11, Hollywtxxl Studio Party.

3 -('h. 9, Singing Chef, Larry Cot ton.

Ch. 1.1. tonte into the Kitchen. Freda Nelson.

3:30-Ch. 9, Flint Featurette. Ch. II, Min le Gem.: 'His Guiding Destiny.'

4 -Ch. 9. Stu Wilson Show. with Marie Gibeon.

4:30-Ch. 11, To Be Announced. 8, Film Short.

Ch. 9, Frank Webb Show. Ch. IL Range Riders Mosie . Roundup.

5:15*Ch. 4, News, Scores. 5:30-Ch. 4. Howdy Doody.

*Ch. 5. News. Muele. Ch. 8, Comedy Carnival.

*l'h. S. Newsrooms Meyers. Bishop.

Ch. 13, Kemper's Rapen. 5:45-Ch. 5. Police Calls.

Ch. 8. Did You Know? 5:30-Ch. 2, Cartoon Carnival. 6-Ch. 2, Cowboy Caravan.

'Rainbow Over the Range.' Tex Ritter.

(Is..., Crusader Rabbit. Ch. R. Cowboy Thrills. l'h. 8. Channel 8 Corral. Ch. 11, Math. Party. Ch. 13, Film.

6:05 -Ch. 4, Jump Jump. Ch. 9. TV University.

8:15-Ch. 7. The Rid From Powder River Rend'.

Ch. 11, Film Oilditle.t. 6:20 -Ch. 4, Comedy Theater.

!i. Ch. g. Time for Benny. Ch. Andy Clyde Comedy. Ch. 9, F.ddie Counts and Heidi Olson.

Ch. 13, Johnny Bradford. ''.45--Ch. 4, Cyclone Malone.

Ch./, Snare Petrol. Ch. 5. Handy Hints. Ch. 11, Grldirtm

*Ch. K. Newsreel. ".50-Ch. 13. Sam Baiter. 5'',5*Ch• 2, Lee Wood, News. 7-Ch. 2, Lee's Lair. Matt Dennis,

Lee Wood. Bill Nymes. Ch. 4, Political 111m.

*Ch. 3. Newsreel. Ch. 1. Chevrolet Triple-Feature Theater. ,

Ch. 8. Ransom Sherman. ("h. 11, Lucille Norman Sings. Ch. 13. Joe (iravdon.

4, On the Beat with Charleen Hawke', Johnny Dugan.

N*Ch. 4. Elmer Peterson. 7:15-Ch. 5. Your Town.

rh. 11, The Women's Voice, Jeanne Gray.

7:39-Ch. 2. Cavalcade of Stars. " Ch. 4. Roberta Quinlan. Ch. 5, Dixie Showboat.

*Ch. 8, People in News. Ch. 9, Children Should Be Heard.

*Ch. 11, Newsreel. Ch. 13, Jimmy Ames Show.

7:45*Ch. 4, News, Weather. Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. 11, Perry Como Show .

0 -Ch. 4, Stars Oser Hollywood. l'h. 5. Double Thriller. i'h. 7, Chevrolet Theater. Ch. 9, Feature Film, •Dauger Trails.' Big Boy Williams.

Ch. Il, What's My Line? 8:30-Ch. 2, Mystery Movie, • Loaded

Dire,' Kathleen Gibson, Tully tomber.

Ch. 4, You Bet. Your Life, G ho Marx.

Ch. 8, Lights Out. Ch. 11, Horace Heidt Show. Ch. 13, Filin.

8:40-Ch. 13, Wrestling, Pasadena. 9 -Ch. 4, Dave Willock--Cliff

Artmette. Cit. 7, Chevrolet Mohler. Ch. 8, Chet rolet Theater. Ch. 9, Canasta Time. Ch. II, The Goldberg*.

9:15-4h. 5, Double Thriller. *Ch. 9, 9:VellIIIS New..

9:30 -Ch. t Film Featurette. Ch. 4. Lease It to the Girls. guest Joe Laurie, Jr.

Ch. 9, Squore-Dems Happy Time. •

Ch. 11, Studio One, 'Away From It Ail,' W. Miner, K. McCarthy. C. McLeod.

*Ch. 2, ileetwood Lawton. Ch. 4, Editor's Roundtable. Ch. 7, Chet role' Theater.

16:05 -Ch. 2. Backstage with N.T.G. 5. Hollywood Career.

10:341*Ch. 4. latte New«. Ch. 11, Star Time.

*C11.13, Clete Roberts. 10:35*Ch. 11, Newsreel. 10:40-Ch. 13, Hob McLaughlin. le:Ct*C11. 11. Newsreel. 10:50-Ch. II, '770 on the Air. 11:05-Ch. 2, Peter Potter.

Ch. 11, (dentin' at A men.


TUESDAY 9-Ch. 9, Lucky Laty, 9:30-Ch. 4, Presenting Sybil Chitlins.

Ch. 9, The Bill Welsh Show with Nancy Wilde.

9:45-Ch. 4, Buying With Betty. Ch. 9, Keep in Telle with Phil Stone.

1 0--Cis. 13, Joe Graydon Show (to 12).

10:15*(1i. 4, The Latest News. 10:30-4h. 4, Morning Matinee. 11:30-('h. 4. Chef Milani Show. 12 -Ch..1, Sybil Chienv at the

Organ. *Ch. 9, News ROOM, R. Stewart,

Dvorak. C'h. 13, Michael Roy Show.

12:30-Ch. 9, Ladies' Day, Mitchell. Jobe, Owen.

12:45 -Ch. 11. Afternoon Serenade. 'h. 11, Hollywood Studio Party, Jack Wheeler, Henna Bard, Jack Meakin.

Ch. 13. Al Jars is Make-Believe Ballroom.

1:30-Ch. 9.., Cook's Corner with Monty Margetts.

41 -Ch, 8, Smoke)" Roger.. Ch. 9, Open House with littrritt Wheeler.

Co. 11. Hollywood Studio Party.

Ch. 13, The Jonathan Story. 2:15 -l'h. El, Al Jarvis Make-Belleee

lt,v1Iroom. 3-Ch. 9, Singing Chef, Larry

Cotton. Ch. 11. Come Into the Kitchen, Freda Nelson.

3:20-Ch. 9. Flint Featurette. Ch. 11. Movie Gen»: 'Midnight Werning,' Bill Boyd.

3:40-Ch. 9. Johnny Murray Talks - It Over. 4 -Ch. 9, Stu Wilson Show, with

Marie Gibson. 4:30 -Ch. 11, To Be Announced.

5-Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. 9, Frank Webb Show. Ch. 11, Range Riders Movie Roundup.

5:15*Ch. 4. Scores, News. 5:30 -Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

*Ch. 5, News, Music. Ch. 8, Comedy Carnival.

*('it. 9. Newsroom: Meyers, Bishop.

Ch. 13, Kemper's Rapers. 8:45 -Ch. 5, Police. Celle,

Ch. 8, Did You Know? 5:50 -Ch. 2, Cartoon Carnival.

'Rainbow Ranch.' 5:55-Ch. 5, Preview. 0--Ch. 2, lowboy l'aras en.

Ch. 4, Crusader Rabbit. Ch. 5, Cowboy Thrills. Ch. 8, Channel 8 Corral. Ch. 11, Magic Party. Ch. 13. Hawthorne and Eggbert.

8:05-Ch. 4. Jump Jump. Ch. 9, TV University.

6:15 -Ch. 11, Your Town, U.S.A. 6 :20-Ch. A, Comedy Theater. 8:30-Ch. 5, l'h. 5, 'fluir for Benny.

Ch. 7, Andy Clyde Comedy. Ch. 9, Eddie Comte and Heidi Oison.

Ch. 13, Johnny Bradford. 13:40 -Ch. 4, Hello Attain. 8:45--Cit. 4, Cyclone Malone.

Ch. 5, Handy Hints. Ch. 7, Space Patrol.

*l'h. 8, Newsreel. Ch. 11, Film Oddities.

8:50 -Ch. 13, Sam Baiter Sports-book.

:55*Ch. 2, Lee Wood. News. 7-ch. 8, ('as alcade of Bellids.

TeS Beneke.


of the OLD W EST with


Channel 4 KNBH

Ch. 8, Feature Film. Ch. 11, Star Time.

*Ch. 13, Clete Roberts, News. 10:86-Ch. 2, Backstage o lth

*Ch. 11, TV Newsreel. 10:10-Ch. 13, This Is Hawthorne. 1e:15-Ch. 11, Rainier Revue. 10:30--Ch. 4, Club Celebrity. Greg

Mitchell. Ch. 5, Teleforum. Ch. 11, Danger, 'The Fearful One,' Iris Mann.

*Ch. 4, Late News. *Ch. 8, Newsreel. Ch. 11, Glancin' at Anson.

11:05 -Cit. 2, Peter Potter. 11:10-Ch. 13, Bob Melastehlin•

Ch. 4, (lee. Kid. *Ch. 5, Newsreel. Ch. 7, Hollywood Screen Test, Ch. 8, Little Lariat Theater. Ch. 11, Open Road. Ch. 13, hou Otis Palladium Show.

7:15-Ch. 5, Roving Camera. '7:30-Ch. 4, Little Show.

Ch. 5, Feature Film. Ch. 7, Beulah.

*Ch. 8, People In News. Ch. 0, Bob Shannon's Variety Revue.

*Ch. 11, TV Newsreel. '7:45*Ch. 4. News. Weather.

Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. 11, Faye Glucose' Show.

8 -Ch. 2, Football: Notre Dante vs. Purdue.

Ch. 4, Ch. S. Texaco Star Theater Milton ISerie, Leo Ourocher, Laraine Hay, Rayn 1 Massey, Jan Murray

Ch. 7. All-Amerietn Game of the Week.

Ch. 9, Feature Film: 'Panama Patrol.' Leon Ames, Churlutte Winters:.

Ch. 11, To lie Announced. Ch. It, Double Feature, Murder at Glen Athol,' 'Ellis Island.'

8:30-Ch. 2, Hoosier Hot Shots. Ch. 7, Hal Sawyer.

99-(,h. 2, Campus Christian Hour. Ch. 4, Original Amateur Hour.



A LTES BEER Presents the


9-1 0 P. M., Tues., KTL A

Ch. 5, Lua Ray Hutton, • Ail-Girl Show.

Ch. 7, Marshall Plan in Action. Ch. e, Mystery Clint. Ch. II, in Our Timer.

9:15*(1. 9, Evening News, 9:30-Ch. 2, Plainclothesman,

a Sucker,* _ Ch. Sit or Miss.

Ch. 11, Surpease. 'leech. 2, Fleetwood Lawton.

Ch. 4, Armstrong Circle Theater.

Ch. 5, Fireside Theater. Ch. 7, Mysteries of cataasown.


9-Ch. 9, The Bill Welsh Show with Nancy Wible.

9:30-Ch. 4, Presenting Sybil Chient. 9:45 -Ch. 4, Buying ititit Betty.

Ch. 9, Keep in Tone with Bill

10 -Cheitto "on,ei2J)o.e Graydon Show 10:15*Ch. 4, The Latest News.

('h..5, The Bill Welsh Show. 10:30-Ch. 4, Morning Matinee. 11:30-Cit. 4, Chef Milani Show.

Sheilah Graham Show. 12'*Ch. h. 9 News Room, R. Stewart, G. Dvorak.

Ch. 13, Niched Roy Show. 12:30-Ch. 9, Ladies' Day, Stull*,

Mitchell, Jobe, Oweu. 12:45-Ch. 11, Afternoon Serenade.

1 h. 11, Hollywood Studio Party, Jack Wheeler. So ma Bard, Jack Meakin.

Ch. 13. Al Jars is Make-Believe Ballroom to 5:30).

1:30-Ch. 9, Cook's Corner with Monty Margettr.

ele-Ch. 8, Smokey Boger,. IL (2h. 9, Open House with

Burritt Wheeler. Ch. 11, Hollywood Studio

Party.3-Ch. 9, Singing Chat, Larry Cotton.

Ch. 11, Come Into the Kitchen. Freda Nelson.

3:30 -Ch. 9, 111in Featuretta. Ch. 11, Movie Gems:

n' Reat p.dl g Blood,' Ha m Sidi-

4-Ch. 9, Stu 'Wilson Show, with Marie Gibson.

:»-c h. Il, TO Be Announced. 5-Ch. 8, Film Short. Ch. 9, Frank Webb Show. Ch. 11, 1t.soge Riders Movie

R oundup.5:15*Ch. 4, News. Scores. 5:30--Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

*C11. 5, News, Muttic. Ch. 8, Comedy Carnival.

*Ch. 9. Newsroom: Meyers, Bishop.

Ch. 13, Kemper's gapers. 5:46-Ch. 5, Pollee Calls.

Ch. 8, Did You Know! 5:50-Ch. 2, Cha ZonnroCisadruwaityhi.. . 6-Ch. 2, Cowboy Caravan,

eh, 4, Crusader Rabbit. eh. 5, Cowboy Thrills.

Ch. . 811, C1118"egreel etC8n8y. 11. Ch. 13, Hawthorne and

:05--Chr8. 48,8eJurntip Jump. Ch. 9, TV lrniveretts.

8:15-Ch. 1. The Kid Fran Powder River Ranch.

Ch. 11, Film Oddities. 8:20-Ch. 4, Comedy Theater. 8:30-Ch. 5. Ch. 8, Tinte for litany.

Ch. 7, Andy Clyde. Ch. 9, Eddie Counts and Heidi Olson.

Ch. 13, Johnny Bradford. 8:45 -Ch. 4, Cyclone Malone,

Ch. 5, Handy Hints, Ch. 7, Space Patrol.

*Ch. 8, Newsreel. Ch. 11, Here's Jarman With Harmon.

8:50 -Ch. 13, Sam Baiter, 900140 -book.

6:55*Cli. 2, Lee Wood. News. 7._ch. 2, Buckskin Theater,

'Galloping Dynamite.' Kermit Maynard.

Ch. 4, Circle the Globe. *eh. 5, Newsreel. Ch. '1. Hollywood Premiere Theater.

Ch. K. Snorts Almanac. Ch. 11. Star of the Family. Morton Downey, Joey Adams. Mesa. T.alluardia, Pat Rooney in.

(Continued on Next rage)

Peg* Thirteen

Page 14: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


ZIke 8me Inspires the Pen (Continued from Page 40)

and we see San Diego. Well, I was changing channels when I came to San Diego's Channel 8 and heard the long-lost voices of my little friends. I tuned in and there was "Kukla, Fran and'011le"! But I still wish the show would come back to Los Angeles and the people whose evenings it brightened every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Why can't the people who run these things figure out the differ-ence between the good shows and the bad shows? HUMPH!

Norma remembers she saw "IC, F and 0" at 6:00 p. m. on that glorious Saturday night, KFMH, channel 8 however the 1{F.118 log does not Hi t it.

Vance Walters, P. 0. Box 926, Costa Mesa, Calif.

Are you kidding? Can't you identify the "ogling culprit" pictured with Ash-mead Scott in the "Your Witness" story? To me he looks like old-timer Raymond Hatton.

Thank's, Mr. Walters.

Jack Woods, 339 East Ninth Street, Azusa, Calif. My neighbors and I would like to

see a write-up about Beverly Laine, a regular on the "Ina Ray Hutton Show." We all think she is the most marvelous comedienne on television

with her general make•up, hats and facial expressions when she sings. If we were the judges, we would present her with the television Oscar, if there were such a presentation.

There is. only it's a lady called "Em-my." Request noted.

Judy Ellison, address withheld, San Ga-briel, Calif.

Since "Truth or Consequences" is a very good program for children, why • does the program have to be on at 10:30 p.m.? The children enjoy it as much as the adults.

It was the only tinte the station could carry the show, but we hope that "T. or C." will move to an earlier hour, for there are many fans who are protesting the late viewing time.

Mrs. A. J. Lacy, 6656 Franklin Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Will you please print a story on Bill

Anson's KITV show? We have been watching it ever since it first started. Not only has he a good show and talent in the Ewing Sisters, but he has a wonderful thought behind it.

Mrs. J. C. Major, 8928 Gullo Street, Van Nuys, Calif. Your swell articles on "Band of To-

morrow" did not mention the only girl in the "Band," Lois Leigh, the

AND OFFERS s-eTle nt se'se nte-ae•xe..,, e74e.,,422',6":

"HOLLY WOOD STU DI O PARTY," KTTY, Channel 11, 1:00 p. m., Monday through Friday-Jack Meakin plays a song on the piano to be identified by a me mber of the studio audience. Then if he or she misses, a ho me viewer may call in and try to na me the song. Opportunity to participate In the

tune quiz will go back and forth until one tea m or the other unfolds the mystery tune.

At least four songs will be played every day Monday through Friday and a prize will be awarded to the winner of each ga me.

"H ONEST HAROL D," KNX, 6:00 p. m., Wednesday -Hal Peary launches a nation-wide contest to find the wo man in America With the heartiest laugh to make an appear-ance on his new CBShow. Eli mination con-test will be conducted in 177 cities with each city holding a contest to discover the heartiest lady laugher. The winning laugh will then be recorded and sent to Hollywood where it will be entered in the national co m-petition. Winner will receive a free trip to Hollywood and a week's vacation as Peary's guest. Listen to progra m for entry particu-lars and closing date.

vocalist. We were at the Palladium opening night and she is terrific, and the same is to be said for the whole "Band." Some talent those kids have.

Article on Freddy Marlin's "Band of To morrow" was written before the "hand" was completed, which is the rea-son for the omission of the lovely Miss Leigh. You might be interested to know that Martin is forming a si milar troupe in San Francisco at the St. Francis Hotel's fa med Mural Room, The show is seen in the Bay City but unfortunately not local-ly.

Ch. 13, Hi-Talent Battle, 7:15-Ch. 4, TV-0, Bill Welsh.

Ch. 5, Hollywood Reel, Wanda Hendrix, Rod Cameron. Virginia Field, Mack Sennett.

Ch. 8, klim Short. 7:30-Ch. 4, Roberta Quinlan,

Ch. 5, Double Feature. Ch. '7, Chance of a lifetime.

*Ch. 8, People in News. Ch. 9, Rose Room Revue. Gene Baker, Ronnie Gibbs, Dick Peterson Orch.

*Ch. 11. KTI'V News, Ch. 13, Teleteen Reporter.

7:45 *Ch. 4, News, Weather. Ch, 8, 111m Short. Ch. 11, Perry Como Show.

9-Ch. 2, Four-Star Feature Theater, 'Flying Deuces,' Jean Parker, Laurel and Hardy.

Ch. -I, luck Haley, Ford Revue. Ch. 7. Treasury Men in Action. Ch. 8. Hob Hope-Star Spangled Revue.

Ch. 9, Feature Film, 'Captain Caution,' Victor Mature. Alan Ladd, Bruce Cabot,

Ch. 11, Arthur Godfrey. Ch. 13, Jim Hardy Film.

8:05 -Ch. 13, Mystery Theater. 8:30 -Ch, 7, Author Meets the Critics 8:45 -Ch. 5, Double Feature. 9-Ch. 4, Kraft Theater, "The

Green Pack.' James Daly, Mercer McLeod.

Ch. 7, Don McNeill's TV Club. Ch. 8, Wrestling. Ch. 11, Pantomime Quiz,

9:15 -Ch. 2, Manhattan Spotlight. 9:30 -Ch. 2, Hands of Hestia,.

*Ch. 9, Evening News, Ch. 11, Not Set. Ch. 13, Irwin Allen.

*Ch. 2, Fleetwood Lawton. Ch. 4, Break the Bank. Ch. 7, Stop, Look, Listen.

*Ch. 8, Newsreel. Ch. 11, Star Time.

*Ch. 13, Clete Roberts, Ne ws. 10:95 -Ch, 2, Backstage with N.T.O.

*Ch. 11, TV Newsreel, 10:10-Ch. 13, This Is Hawthorne. 10:15-Ch. 5, City at Night.

Ch. 11. Rainier Res ue. 10:30-Ch. 4. Lights. Camera, Action

- Walter Woolf King. Ch. 7, Think Fast.

Page Fourteen


11 *Ch. 4, Late News. Ch. 11, tilunein' at Anson.

11:05 -Ch. 2, Peter Potter. 11:10-Ch. 13, Bob Melattglilin.

THURSDAY I 9-Ch. 9, The Bill '11 elsh Show

with Nancy Wible. 9:30-Ch. 4, Presenting 5) bit Chisna. 9:45-Ch. 4, Buying With Betty.

Ch. 9, Keep In Tone with Phil Stone. 1 0 -Ch(to13,12.1 )o.e Graydon Show

10:15*Ch. 4, The I.atest News, Ch. 9,6The Bill Welsh Show.

10:30 -Ch, 4, Morning Matinee. 11:30 -Ch. 4, hef Milani Show. 12 -Ch. 4, SCy bil Chistu at the

Organ. *Ch. 9, News Room, R. Stewart,

G. Dvorak. Ch. 13, Michael Roy Show.

12:30-Ch, 9, Ladies' Day, Shona, Mitchell. Jobe, Owen.

12:45 -Ch. 11. Afternoon Serenade. 1-Ch. 11, Hollywood Studio

Party, Jack Wheeler, Benue Hard. Jack Nleakin.

Cl,. 13. Al Jarvis Make-Believe Ballroom.

1:30-Ch. 9, Cook's ('orner with Monty 6Iargetts,

4, -Ch. 8, Smoke). Rogers. (16 ('h. 9. Open House with

Burritt Wheeler, Ch. IL Holly wood Studio Party.

Ch. 13, The Jonathan Story. 2:15 -Ch. 13, Al .Jarvis Make-Believe

Ballroom. 2:45 -Ch. Il, Beauty Tea with

Martha Mason. 3-Ch. 9, Singing Chef, Larr y

Cotton. Ch. 11. Conte into the Kitchen, Freda Nelson.

3:30 -Ch. 9. Film Featurette. Ch. 11, Monte Gems: 'Dragnet Patrol,' Glenn Tryon.

4-Ch. 0, She Wilson Show, wide Marie Gibson.

4:20-Ch. IL To Be Announced, S-Ch. 8, Film Short, Ch. 9, Frank Webb Show.

(.2h. 11, Range Riders Most, Roundup.

5:15*Ch. 4, Scores, News, 5:30-Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

*Ch. 5, News, Musie. Ch. 8, ConiedY Carnival.

*Ch. 9, Newsroom: Meyers, Bishop.

Ch. 13, Kemper's Kapers. 5:46-Ch. 5, Police Call.

Ch. 8, Did You Know? 5:50 -Ch. 2, Cartoon Carnit al. 5:55 -Ch. 5, Preview,

6Ch. 2, Cowboy Caravan. Ch. 4, Crusader Rabbit. Ch. 5. Cowboy Thrills. Ch. 8, Channel 8 Corral. Ch. 11, Magic Party, Ch. 13, Hawthorne Se Eggbert.

8:05 -Ch. 4, Jump-Jump. Ch. 9. TV University.

6:15 -Cia. 11, Football Forum. 8:20 -Ch. 4, Comedy Theater. 8:30 -Ch. 5, ('h. S Tinte for Beany.

Ch. 7, Andy Clyde. Ch. 9, Eddie Coontz and Heidi (N son.

Ch. 11, Nickelodeon Flickers, Ch. 13, Johnny Bradford.

8:45-Ch. 4, Cyclone Malone. Ch. 5, Handy Hints. Ch. 7, Space Patrol.

*Ch. 8, Newsreel,

Ch, 11, Illm Oddities, 8:50 -Ch. 13, Sam Baiter, Sports-

book. 8:55*Ch. 2, Lee Wood, News. 7-Ch. 2, Lee's Lair; Lee Wood,

Bill Symes, Matt Dennis. Ch. 4, Arelt Le Roux Res ue. Ch. 7, The Ruggleses. Ch. 8, Lone Ranger. Ch. 11, Alan Young. Ch. 13, Kay Slulsey's °Pen flouse.

7:15 -Ch, 5, Backgrounds for Living 7:30 -Ch, 2, ThiS Week in Sports.

Ch. '4, Little Show, Ch. 5, Hollywood Opportunity, Richard Arlen.

Cl,. 7, Lone Ranger. Ch. S. People in News. Ch. 9, The Truth About Dixie.

*Ch. 11, TV Newsreel, Ch. 13. Sam Balter's Quiz Bowl.

7:45 -Ch, 2, It's a Neat Trick. *Ch. 4. News, Weather. Ch, S. Film Featurette Ch. 11, Faye Emerson Show,

S-Ch. 2, Queen for a hay. Ch. 4, Pinky Lee Show. Ch. 7, Stop the Music. Ch. 8, Hoffman Hi-Time. Ch. 9, Feature 'Exile Express,' Anna Sten, Allan Marshall

Ch. 11, Show (loes On, Robert Q. Lewis.

Ch. 13, Jim Hardy Film. 8:05 -Ch. 13, Sportsreel. 1:15 -Ch. 13, Bobby Short 8:30 -Ch. 2, Name That Song.

Ch. 4, Martin Kane, Private Eye.

Ch. A. Wrestling. Ch. 7, Tin l'au Alley TV. Ch. S. Holiday Hotel. Ch. 13, Film Playhouse. 'One Frightened Night.'

IN -Ch. 2. Morey Amsterdam Show Ch. 4. Week-end Weather Pees lea.

Ch. 7, Holiday Hotel. Ch. 8, Studio One. Ch. 11, Arthur 6odfrey's Talent Scouts,

9:15 -Ch. 4. Musical Rally. *Ch. 9, Esening News,

9:30-Ch, 2. Hold That Camera. Ch. 4, Football: 1.. A. Rams vs. Phila. Eagles,

Ch. 7, Blind Date, Arlene Francis,

Ch. 11, The Web. "file Wit-ness.' Richard Kollmar,

1 0 27: Yl rattZ. Ch, 8, Stop the Music. Ch, 11, Star Time.

*Ch. 13, Clete Roberts, News. 10:05-Ch, 2, Backstage with N.T.G.

*Ch. 11, Ti Newsreel, 10:10-Ch. 13, This Is Hawthorne, 10:15 -Ch, 11, Rainier Res ,,e. 10:30-Ch. 4, Football Nlainliner,

Sam Hayes. Ch. 8. Treasury Men In Action, Ch. 11, Truth or Consequences.

10:45-Ch. 4, Hollywood on Parade. Ch, 5, Greatest Fights of the 'rut tiny, Dempsey-Tunney Bout.

1 1-Ch. 4, Film, 'Buffalo Bill Rides Again,' Richard Arlen

Ch. 5. Thrill Feature. *Ch. 8. Newsreel. Ch. 11, Glantite at Anson.

11:05-Ch. 2, Peter Potter, 11:10-Ch. 13, Bob McLaughlin. 12:10*Ch, 4, Late News.

Page 15: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

issIlt1r Wi:rw,',...*X,..; •


Alphabetical List of Video Programs Milani, Buu KECA-TV. 8 p.m. W Lee's Lair . ____ —__. —KTSL, 7 p.m. M, Th Adventure Call .KTLA, 9:50 p.m. Su LeRoux, Arch ____ --____KNBH, 7 p.m. Th Amsterdam. Morey _KTSL. 9 p.m. Th Lewis. Robert Q.. . KTTV, 8 p.m. Th Anson, Bill sTrv, 11:06 p.m. M. 11 p.m. Tu-F Linitietter, Art. .11ECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. F Armstrong Theater 'ENDO. 10 p.m. Tu Little Show.. .KNBII. 7:30 p.m. Tu,Th Arquette, Cliff ' KNB1FI, 9 p.m. 51 Lone Ranger ..KECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. Th At the Mat .KTLA, 7:45 p.m. Th Lowe, Edmund...-- ---ILECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. W Auction Park. KTLA, 11 p.m. 4a Magazine of 8th. Week______KTLA. 10 p.m. Su Author Meets Crities___KECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. VI Magic Party .... ..KTTV, 6 p.m. M-F Backgrounds for LivIng --KTLA. 7:15 p.m. Tit Mama. KTTV. 8 p.m. F Backstage with NTG..._.KTSL, 10:05 p.m. ae-Th Manhattan Spotlight — __. KTSL, 9:15 p.m. W

Man's Best Friend_________ KTLA, 5:30 p.m. Sa Marshall Plan in Action___KECA-TV. 9 p.m. Tu Martin Kane _KNBH, 8:30 p.m. Th Marx, Groucho KNBH, 8:30 p.m. M McConnell, Ed_________KNBH. 6:30 p.m. alt. Sa McCoy, Tint..--. - - -- ..KTLA, 7 p.m. Sa McCune, Hank .. KNBH. 7 p.m. Sa McLaughlin, Bob. KLAC-TV, 4:15 p.m. Sa .. _ . .. KLAC-TV, 10:40 p.m. M, 11:10 p.m. Tu-F

MeNeill, Don KECA-TV, 9 p.m. W Meet Me in Hollywood KTLA, 10:30 11.111. F Meet the Press JINBH, KFMB-TV. 7 p.m. Sit Mirandy KFI-TV, 12 ft. Sit Movietown. R.S.V.P -KTLA, 9:15 p.m. 8u Mr. I. Magination KTTV. 6:30 p.m. Su Mysteries of Chinatown—KECA-TV. 10 p.m. Tu Norman. Lucille KTTV. 7 p.m. M Old-Fashioned Meeting....KECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. Su One Man's Family...... 7:30 p.m. Sa On the Beat KNEEL 7:05 p.m. M Open Road KTTV, 7 p.m. To Original Amateur Hour — __IINBH, 9 p.m. Tu Owens, Harry KTLA, 8 p.m. F Palladium Show. - - -KLAC-TV, 7 p.m. Tu Pandit, Knee KTLA, 12 n. Su Pantomime Ruiz ..KTTV, 9 p.m. W Parade of Stars .KTTV, 7:45 p.m. F Party Time KF.CA-TV, 9 p.m. Th Penthouse Party. KECA-TV, 10:45 p.m. F Peterson, Dick ___ _ . __KNI M, 10:30 p.m. Tu KFI-TV. "10: ........ Tu, 10:30 Lin. Sa

Pet Exchange... KITV. 7 p.m. F Phileo Playhouse KNISH. 9 p.m. Su Plainclothesman ICTS1.. 9:30 p.m. Tu Potter, Peter...KTSL, 11:05 p.m. 91-Th, 10 p.m. F Prize Performance. . KTTV, 7 p.m. Sa Queen for a Day -K'TSL, 8 p.m. Th Quinlan, Roberta.- XIABH, 7:30 p.m. M, W.F Rainier Revue. ; my, 10:15 p.m. TU-F Range Riders _KTTV, 5 p.m. M-F Road to Fame..... —..._______ —.KISL. 7 p.m. P *Roberts. Clete SKLAC-TV. 10 p.m. M-F Rose Room Revue.. KFI-TV, 7:30 p.m. W Roving Camera KTLA, 7:15 p.m. Tu Roy. Mike ...KLAC-TV. 12 n. M-Sa Sandy Dreams...... 6:30 p.m. Rix Saturday Night Revue KNBIL 8 p.m. S Sawyer, Hal KECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. To Shannon, Bob.. ...KF7-TV. 7:30 p.m. Ti, Singing Chef... KTI-TV, 3 p.m. M-F Sit or Miss. _XECA-TV, 9:30 p.m. Tu Small Talk KTSL, 6:30 p.m. Sa Smokey Rogers. .KF111B-TV, 2 p.m. M-F Soapbox Theater.............— XECA-TV, 4:30 p.m. Sn Soule, Olan .. KTIT, 7 p.m. M Space Patrol. KECA-TV. 6:45 p.m. M-F Square-Dance Thile.—_- --KFI-TV, 9:30 p.m. M Stage 13. KTIV, 9:30 p.m. Th Star Gazing.- - ._ KLAC-TV. 10:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollyw— oed______ .. . KNBH. 8 11.m. M Star Time. _ . ...... KTTV, 10 p.m. M-F Stop, Look, 1:ititett. — =XECA-tV, 10 p.m. W Stop the Music_ __KECA-TV. 8 p.m. Th Stranger Than Fiction- KTSL. 8 p.m. F Studio One ICTIV. 9:30 p.m. M Super Circus _.----- ---...ICECA-TV, 5 p.m. Su Suspense KITT, 9:30 p.m. Tu Teleforum. _MTLA, 10:30 p.m. Tu Tele-Teen Reporter_____KLAC-TV. 7:30 p.m. W The Web ....... _.........._.......KTTV. 9:30 p.m. Th Think Fast . .KECA-TV. 10:30 p.m. W This Is Show Business KTTV. 7:30 p.m. Sa This Is Your Defense KFI-TV. 6 p.m. Sa Time for Benny ,KTLA, KF5113-TV, 6:30 p.m. fil-F Tin Pan Alley TV M ECA-TV. 8:30 p.m. Th Toast of the Town.. wrry, 8 p.m. Su Toni Twin Time =Irv. 8:30 p.m. alt. Sa Touchdown ,_ KTSI., 8 p.m. Sa Tricks and Treats . KTLA, 10:30 a.m. Sa Triple-Feature Theater____ KECA-TA, 7 p.m. M Truth About Dixie Theater.......... 7:30 p.m. Th Truth or Consequences PUTS', 10:MY p.m. Th TV-0 KNBH, 7:15 p.m. W TV Fniverefty KFI-TV. 6:95 p.m. M-F Twenty Questions X ECA-TV, it p.m. F Versatile Varieties.. . KNI311, 9 p.m. F Waring. Fred 'CCTV, 9 p.m. Webb, Frank. KFI-TV, 5 p.m. M-F Redding Bells. --- --.KLAC-TV, 7:30 p.m. Fla Welsh. BilL_ KFT-TV. 9 M-F Mind's My Line .. KTTV. 8 p.m. alt. M What's Name of ..... Song E MI.. 8:30 Pam Tb Wheeler. Burritt KFI-TV, 2 p.m. 51,AV White, Betty KLAC-TV, 7 p.m. Su Whiteman, Paul _SECA-TV. 5 P.m. Se Who Said That?. KNBH. 6 p.m. An Williams, Roy... KTTV, 9 p.m A I Williams, Tex. KNBIL 8:30 p.m. F Willoek, Dave. Even, 9 9.m. 'm Wilson. Stu. KFI-TV. 4 p.m. M-F Winehell-Mahoney Show MABEL 7:30 p.m. Su Woman's Voice KTTV. 7 p.m. M Women Are Wonderful KTSL, 7:30 p.m. Sa * Wood, Lee.. .KTSL, 6:55 p.m. M-F Wrestling KTI.A. 8:30 p.m. Th Wrestling, Pasadena............KLAC-TV. 8:30 p.m. M Tanks Ahoy __ ... _. ... KTTV. 8 p.m. fla Ter Buddy. —___ --- ...KTLA, 7:15 p.m. F

Bandstand Re•ue. _________KTLA, 5:30 p.m. Su Beat the Clock _. -------.KTTV, 10:30 p.m F Believe It or Not KNBH, 8 p.m. F Bell, Rex , X ECA-TV, 6 p.m. Su Berle, Milton KNBFI, 8 p.m. To Beulah ....KECA-TA. 7:30 p.m. Tu Big Story.....„- --_____KNBH, 9:30 p.m. Mt. F Blind Data .FZECA-TV, 9:30 p.m. Th Boxing, Southweat____ ..KLAC-TV, 8:30 p.m. Th Bradford, Johnny -KLAC-TV, 6:30 Path M-F Bradley. Burk KF.CA-TV. 5:3e p.m. Sa Break the Bank. .KNBH, 10 p.m. W Burk Rogers.............. ........KECA-TV. 5:15 p.m. Sa Campus Christian Hour. KTSL, 9 p.m. Tu Cat:d ude of Bands KTSL, 7 p.m. Tu Cavalcade of Stars... __,._ MTSL. 7:30 p.m. M Chance of • Lifetime......KECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. W Chef Milani 1114BH, 11:30 a.m. M-F Children Should Be Heard...KFI-TV, 7:30 p.m. M Chinn, Sybil ..KNIIII, 9:30 a.m. M-F :

.._ .................... _________KNBH, 12 n M,Tu.Th•F *Chrysler Newsreel_ KTLA, 7 p.m. M-F Circle the Globe KNBH, 7 p.m. W Cisco Kid. KNBIL 7 p.m. Tu eft, sit Night MTLA, 10:15 p.m. W Club Celebrity - - - —..KNBH, 10:30 p.m. Tu Clyde, Andy XECA-TV. 6:30 p.m. M-F Colgate Comedy Theater EMBU. 8 p.m. Su Comedy Theater. KNBH, 6:20 p.m. M-F Come Into the Kitchen.... _ wrry, 3 p.m. M-F Como, Perry_ — __... wrry, 7:45 p.m. M. W.F Conte, 'John. .11N1111, 730 p.m. Tu, Tb Cook's Corner __KFI-TV. 1:30 p.m. M-F Cooley. Spada —. _ ___KTLA. R:30 p.m. Sa Cooper, Alex....11LAC-TV, 9:30 a.m. Sa, 12 ti. Su Cowboy Caravan. KTSL, 6 p.m. M-F Cowboy Thrills X TLA, 6 p.m. M-Sa Creative Home Builder---KFT-TV. 11:30 a.m. Su Crusader Rabbit. ,MNIIIH, 6 p.m. M-F Cyclone Malone_ KERR. 6:45 p.m. M-F Danger . .. .. ..... . . .. KTTV, 10:30 p.m. Tu Designed for Women. 'CA M!, 10 p.m. F Dick Tracy . .IIECA-TV. 4 p.m. Su DiMaggio, Joe &NKR, 5:30 p.m. Se Dixie Showboat... KTI.A. 7:30 p.m. M Downey, Morton. KTTV, 7 p.m. W ' Dude Ranch Varieties __KLAC-TV, 9:30 p.m. An Editor's Round Table. KNBH, le p.m. M Emerson, Faye . 7:45 p.m. Tu,Th Everybody's Show. _. —____ KFI-TV, 9 a.m. Sa Famous Jury Trials_ _-... —.KTSI... 8:30 p.m. Sa Fantastick Studios, Ink... —.KTLA, 6:30 p.m. Ra Fireside Theater.' . KTLA, 10 p.m. Tu *Ford News A Weather_KNBIL 7:45 p.m. M-F For Sportemen Only._ —_ —KFI-TV. 5 p.m. Sa Fan on the Bench . KTI.A. 3 p.m. S,, Garrowsy. Dave.. .11KBH. 10 p.m. Su Girl & Jerk .KTSL. 7 p.m. Sa Godfrey, Arthur .. .KTTV, 6 p.m. W Godfrey's Talent floeuts. _ MTTV, 9 p.m. Th Goldbergs — . ------------ ---KTTV. 9 a•m' M Graham, Sheilah _ _ . __ ___KNBH, 12 n. W Graydon, Joe__ _ __ELAC-TV. 10 a.m. M-I'

KLAC-TV. 7 p.m. M Greatest Fights ETTA. 10:45 p.m. Th Hacienda Varieties-. URCA-TV, 8 p.m. Sa Hail the Champ IIII.AC-TV. 7:30 p.m. F Haley, Jack. IINBIL III p.m. W Hands of Destiny _ — _... KTSL. 9:30 p.m. W Handy Hints KTLA. 6:45 p.m. 117-F Harmon, Tom nrrv, 6:45 p.m. W Hawthorne . KLAC-TV, 10:111 p.m. Tu-Sa Hawthorne a' Eglrbert KLAC-TV. 6 p.m. Tu-Sa Fleidt, Horace . KITT, 8:30 p.m. M Hello Again .KNBH, 6:40 p.m. Ti, Hold That Camera .KTST.. 9:30 p.m. Th Hollywood Career KTLA, 10:15 p.m. M Hollywodd on Parade .KNBH, 10:45 p.m. Th Hollywood Opportunity. .KTLA, 7.30 p.m. Th Hollywood Reel ..................KTLA. 7:15 p.m. W Hollywood Screen Test ECA-TV. 7 p.m. To Hollywood Studio Party..._......... wrry. 2 p.m. M-F Home Magazine furry. 7 p.m. Su Hometown Jamleree. _ —KLAC-TV, 8 p.m. Sa Hoosier Flot Shrits. - -.K'IST., 8:30 p.m. Tu Flopalong Cassidy KTLA. 6:30 p.m. Si, Hope. Bob . ...KNBH, 8 p.m. alt. Sa Howdy Doody .KNIIII. 5:30 p.m. M-F Hunting and FishIng _ __KECA-TV, 9 p.m. Pa Hutton, loa Ray. KTLA, 9 p.m. Ti, ln Our Times isrrv, 9 9.91- Tu Inside Detective KT8I., 9 p.m. Se It's a Neat Triek- - - -. KTSL 7.45 p.m. Th Jalopy Derby KTLA, 9:30 p.m. Sa Jarvis, Al. .KLAC-TV. 1 p.m. M-F Jump Jump.....„ - -_,TENBH, 6:05 p.m. M-F Just for Fun. ..1121-TV. 5:30 p.m. Su Karns. Roscoe KTSL. 9 p.m. Sa Kemper's Rapers KLAC-TV, 5:30 p.m. M-F Kid From Powder River URCA-Ti. 6:15 p.m.

Kieran's Kaleidoscope —I/RCA-TV. 7:45 p.m. Su Kraft Theater.. w.sen. 9 p.m. W ladles' Day KFI-TV. 12:30 p.m. M-1, Laurel and Hardy -- -_. ENBEI, 7 p.m. F Lawton, Fleetwood ._-__ __1KTFL. I* p.m. M-F Leave It to the Girls ....... ___KNBFL 9:30 p.m. M Lee, Pinky.---- - -- -..—.... MNBIL 8 p.m. Th

OCTOBER 6, 1650

/ / /


lea te ea« ta

By ANDY MANSFIELD (Hear Andy and Virginia, KMPC, Monday-Friday, 6:00-7:00 a.m.)

BEST ITEMS OF THE WEEK: Billy EckstMe's "Blue Christmas"' (MGM), Bandy Brooks Ore. on "Holiday For-ever" (Decca), and „Sy Oliver's "Organ Grinder's Swing" (Decca). In the clas-sic vein, Capitol-Telefunken features a thrilling performance of the popular Sibelius Second Symphony with Tor Mann conducting the Stockholm Or-chestra in a new LP Microgroove re-lease.... Arthur Godfrey Show is well represented on Columbia this week by discings of Robert Q. Lewis, The Mar-iners and Godfrey himself. All are in the styles popularized by these artists; Robert Q. doing "If I Give Up the Sax-ophone," The Mariners' "Beyond the Reef" and Godfrey's oldie, "I Wish I had, a Girl." . . . Eddy Howard (Mer-cury) has added a chorus .f or his wax-ings of "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" and "The Red Ws Want" and while the 'over-all effect makes for a fine production disc, some of the Howard individuality and simplicity is lost.... Mel Blanc (Capitol) has a great pair of kidiscs in "Tweetie Pie" and "Bugs Bunny Meets Hiawatha"—both featur-ing Mel's movie voices so familiar to cartoon fans. . . . Lester Lenin Ore& (Coral) is a new name to Coast record fans, but for some dance music with a big-band Dixie beat, don't overlook his "Charleston Rag" and "Cake Walk." . . . Evelyn Knight (Decca) chirps a pair of contrasty sides in the six-eight vocal version of the old Tarantella called "Lucky, Lucky Me" with its neat tempo switch toward the close, and the torchy "He Can Come Back Any Time He Wants To," one of Evvie's best ballads to date.... Dave Rose Orch. (MGM) has another pair of lush originals in "Rose of Bel-Air" and "Dance of the Spanish Onion" with plenty of ear-caressing by-play between strings and reeds. . . .Doris Day-Page Cavanaugh* Trio (Columbia) combine whispery talents on the up-tempo'd "Orange-Colored Sky" and "A Load of Hay" (Nevin's "Narcissus" with words); result? Why don't they do this more often? ... Frank Sinatra (Columbia) in company with The Swantones and Percy Faith's Orches-tra, does a nice job on the swingy "Life Is So Peculiar," but a better one 'for the standard "Dear Little Boy of Mine" with fine choral backing. . . . (PS. If you know the number of notes played by Ray Anthony's trumpet On his Capitol theme, "Young Man With a Horn," you'll be a coming contest winner. . . . A.M.)

Pogo Pifteem

Page 16: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

C10 600 00 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 l i 1 \ II \I III II [ Wi ll IIII II H UI 7 r 1, )1 )( „ 2 .J I I )/ ›1 ... 1 1 II II__t.I.2........._... .........


















FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 *Indicates News Broadcast. 8 -KECA, KFMB-Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. KFL KFSD -Break the Bank.

*KHJ. KGB, KVOE--Cecil Brown.

KNX -Top of the Morning. KFAC -Country Club. KFOX-Bible Breakfast. KFVD-- Wakeup Ranch.


KGER-Mizpah. KGFJ -Musin You Want. lit;11.-Musieal ('lock. RO WL-Spanieih Hour. KRKD-Top

*K WIK -News: Club 1490. K WK W-Ritmos Latino-Americana..

8:05- KALI-Brother Welch. KIEV -Records with Raisin.

s•in _tt I W -Stack Market. 8:15*KHJ, KNX, HO WL, K WK W-

•News. KTOX -1Prison Missionaries. KFM B-Bill Leyden. KG el-Melody Time. M AC -Sports: Haynes at the Reins.

KMPC -Markets. ,RXI,A -Robby Champion.

8:20--K WK W-Council of Churches. M :25-K 31 PC -Sport% Roundup.

KFSII -Jark Bench. KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Bible Institute Hour.

KNX. KCBQ -Grand Slam. KALI-Spanish H o me Hour.

*AC M', KG11„ KFOX -Words of Life. 11CFVD -Coffee Time. KGF.R-Voire of China. IIMPC-Ross Mulholland. KO WL-Precions Memories. K WK W -Nazarene Church. KXLA-Haven of Rest.

:35-KRECD -Spotlight Varieties. 8:45-KFT -Meyers Goes to Market.

KNX -Rosemary. KFAC-Irnity. /MST -Van Demme Quintet.

*RFVD--Inews. KGER -Bible. Treasury. 11IGF.1-Xational Guard. KG11.---fM Parade. KI M -Racing News. ARKII -Dirieland. K WK W-Voire of China.

• 354eR 1K -Névis.


KFMB -Johnny Olsen's Luncheon Club.


*KIII-Kate Smith Speaks. KNX- Wendy Warren. KAT.1--Fipanish Home Hour. RFAC -Plann Parade. KFOX -Penteeostal Church. ICF111-..-Coffee Time. KGV:R-1.iitheran Hear. KGFJ-Sivili Army Rand. KGIL-Morning Varieties. KIEV -Records with Raisin. KMPC -Ross Mulholland. RO WL--Amerlcan-Jewish Ar. KRKII -Sagehrush Serenade. K WIK -Des ot 1IXT.A -Bar Nothing Ranch.

s•ON-KFI-T.ndies Day. 9:15-KFT. RFSD -Dial Dave

Garrowny. RAJ. KFX111, KGB-Garden Guide.

KXX. 11ICBQ-Aunt Jenny. KFOX-Home Miesionary.

*R KFWB--Cnity Daily Word. KGFI -Airretorial.. RGT1.--Ballada for Yon. KLAC -Bill Stewart. ! MIR-Latin Interlude.

9:25*KIECA. KFMR-Edvrin C. Hill. 9,30_,srFCA -Unirk as a Flash.

AFT-Ladle.' Day. IMI-Viotnen sr.. Wenderful. KNX. KCISQ--ffelen Trent. KALI-Beautiful Mexico. KFAC -Arrent on Strings. KFOX-Full Gospel. RFIV13--Dave Ormont.

Page Sixteen

KGER-God's Half Hour. KGFJ-Racing News. KG11.-Faehion. In Music. KIEV -Coffee Time. IIIMPC-Chef Milani. KO WL-Stars on Parade. A WIK-Musical Shopper.

9:45-KNX, liCBQ-Our Gal Sunday *K M), KRKD-News. Ktiel -With Melody in Mind. KO WL-Guest Star.

9:50-KPI -All Around Town. 1 0-KECA. KY: MI-Victor H.

1.indlahr. KFSD-Standard School.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E-N e ws. Glenn Hardy.

KNX -Big Sister. RFAC -31orning Concert.

*KFOX -News. KFVD-Coffee Time. KFWB-Dave Orrnont. KGER -Earl Lee. Kt:el-From Sunset and Vine. KGr1.-Waltz Time. KIEV-Dale With Attie Slate. I,Ae -Al Jarvis Ballroom.

KMPC-Bill Ewing Show. RO WL-Viddieh Hour. KIRKII -Swing Time. R WIR -Musleal Scrapbook. K WK W-Sports. K XLA -Tom Cafferty.

10:111--RFOX -Assembly of God. 10 :15-KECA -Yesterday on

Broadway. KILL AFXSI. KGB. ILVOE-Tello-Test.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KGER -Tommy Baird. KGIL-Illing Crosby. KRKD -Dr. Richardson. K WK W -Traffic Quiz.

10:95*KFWB--New.. RGFJ -Sport. Plash.

10 : Ki-st EVA. KF31113-My True Story K1FI -Wendell Noble. K111.1-Nortna Young. KNX-.Young Dr. Malone. KALI-Top-Tune lime. KFAC-Song Recital. KFOX -Mvssie of the Morning. KFWB--Showt IMP. KGER-Re v. Markham.

*RG11.. K XLA -News. lARK1)--Mary in .1.9. Piano. K W1A -Belle Martell. K WK W-Hora de Los Angeles KXLA -Western Musk.

10:35-KGIL--Midmortnng Melodies.

• 10:45-K11 -Life Can B e Beautiful.

KNX -Guiding light. KGER -Rev. Kopp. KRKD-Midnight Mission.

10.:25-RECA, K FM R-Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

K M...I -Sports Flash. *K WIK-News.

1 1 -11 gAAr rillD-oBufbtlte! ('rocker. Nothing.

AI M KIFYCH. KGB. HVOE-Leine.' Fa ir.

KNX -Second Mrs. Burton. KALI-Ladies' Show. KFAC--Guy Bates Post. Iii.111X -Rhythmie Age. KFVD-Iiiible Institute. KIMA -Matirlee Hart. Kt:el-Yesterday's flits. KGIL -Midmorning Melodies. KIEV-Date With Allin Slate. KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC -Bill Ewing Show. KO WL-Spanish Hour. KRKD-Songs of Yesteryear. K WIK -3Iusie. K WK W-Hora de Los Angeles. RXLA- western Music.

1.1:15-KECA-Easy Ares. KNX -Perry Mason. RFAC-Folic Songs. KGER -Sun.hine Mission.

*K XLA-Pasadena News. 11:25-KGF.1-7Sports Flash. 11:30*KECA, KFMB -John A.

Kennedy. KII, KFSD-Live Like a Millionaire.

lilF1.1, El-NM. KGB, KVOE-Queen for a flay.

KNX, KCBQ-Nora Drake. KALI- Morning Melodies. KFAC -Mitovic Hall.


*AFAR-News: Maurice Hart. KGER-3tontebello R e vI KGel-Variety on Piano. KGIL -Musical Moments. KO WL-Yiddish Theater. RXLA-Hornetown Jamboree.

11:45-REf'A-Ira rook. KNX -The Brighter Day. K Fox-Hit Tunes. KFMR-Jan Garber. KGEH-Prephery Speaks. FlGel-Remember Romany.

*KGIL-News. KRKII-Sweet rows.

11:53-KGFJ-Sport. Flash.

1 21ki rFlrA itrank RelpoVerre7. News.



Morning Programs Appear in evening Progra

Co m edy-rariety 3:00-Arthur Godfrey, KNX. 1:00-Life of Riley. KFI. 0:00-Ozzle & Harriet, KECA. 8:30-Beulah. KNX.

Drama 6:311-Jack Lait. 8:00-Escape. KNX.

Quiz, Participation 7 :00- W P frOille to I r wood. KECA

Illktst. Club KECA 8:30-Grand Slam, KNX. 11:00--Double or Nothing, KFI. 11:30-Queen for a Day, KHJ. 2:00-Surprise Package. KECA. 3:00- Welcome Travelers. » M.

Corn ment-Narration 9:00-Kate Smith. KHJ. 12:n5-Housewives' League, KNX. 4:e0-Art Baker. KECA. 4 :30-Burritt Wheeler. KFI. 4:30-Behind the Story. KHJ.

ystery-Detective 4:00-Night Beat, KY!.

Liàit tarry 'Pv pe ; Afternoon and ma In Boldface. 7:00-The Hidden Truth. KHJ. 8:00-The Fat Man, KECA. 8:30-This Is Your FBI. KECA. 8:30-Philip Marlowe, KNX. 9:00-Crime Dees Not Pay, KF1. 9:30-High Adventure. KIM 11:00-1 Love a, Mystery. KHJ.

Public Interest 12:00-Farm Reporter, 1171.

sports 8:45-Racing News, KLAC. 9 :30-11acing, KGFJ. 5.:60-1Pred Hessler. KGER. 5:15-Tom Harmon, KNX. 5:30-Sports Dial, KRRD. 5:45-Race Recap. 9:45-Race Results. KRKD. 5:15-Sam Baiter, KLAC. 6:15-IAppy Docket, K AHL S:15-Bob Kelley, KMPC. 6:30 -Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 7:30 -Sports Neworsel. KFL

Popular-Western Music 4:90-Curt M , KNX.

K WIK. K WK W-News. *KN X-News. Pringle. KALI- Moody Hattie, Sports. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KFMR-Surprise Matinee. KFOX -Jimmie Dolan. KFA D-Help Wanted. KFWB-Bill Anson. KGIER-Songs for Luncheon. KGFJ -Intermission. IRGIL-Noonday Melodies, KLAC -Al Jarvin Ballroom. KMPC-Monde in Music. KO WL-Joe Adams Show. KRI M -Daily Almanac. KXLA -Hometown Jamboree.

12:05-KNX -Housewives' Protective League.

12:15*KECA -Bankhage Talking. KFI, Kenn-Road of Life.

*KHJ-Cedric Foster. • KNX -George Fisher.

KALI -Klub KALI. *KFOX, KFVD. KGER-News. KGIL-Help Wanted Column. KIEV -Date With Allin Slate.

*KMPC -Southland Reporter. K W1K-Guest Star.

A W -Farm Ne ws. :25 -11 “ i ll - Sports Flash.

12:30-KFA'A. KFMB-Modern Romances.

KFI, K enn -Pepper Young. KFIJ -Nancy Dixon. KNX-Art Linkletter, KFOX -Corral Roundup.

*KERB-News: Rill Anson. • KGER -Ltmeheon Serenade, RGF.1-12:to ChM. 111611.-Wesley Tuttle. KMPC -Facts for Farmers. K RR D-Prai rie Schooner. KW IK-Musir. KW K W -Red Cross. K XLA -Ole R as muss en.

12:45-KFI. KFSD-Right to Happiness.

KILL KFX31. KGB. KV0E-Lanny R oIsfi Show.

*1FCEAC-News. Kmre-n.ligimig Science Inst. K WK W-Sports: Music.

12:55*KNX -Cedrle Adams. KGFJ-Sports Plash.

*K WIK-News. - KF.CA-ira Cook. 11}1, Krill-Backstage Wife. A MC KFX31. KGB, KV0E-Bands for Ponds.

KNX, KCBQ-Nona From Nowhere.

fr 1111.1 -Rinh KALL KFAC -slalvation Army Band RFOX -Texas Tiny.




• D-elhopping Highlights. KFWB-Bill Anson. KGER-Peter Slack, Organ. KGFJ-1230 flub. KGEL-eWegley Tuttle. KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC-News, Sports. K31PC, -Californla Carousel, KO WL -.1oe Adams Show. KRKII-Prairie Schooner. K W -Afternoon Serenade. K WK W-Bill Garr Show. KXLA-Community.

1:15-KF1, RFSD -Stella Dallas. KILL KFXM. KGB, KVOE--Harvey Harding Sings.

KNX -Hilltop R ouse.

E i r -California Stepping Stones.

KLAC -570 Club. *KMPC -News. RIVK W-Race. and Sports. KXLA-Joe Littlefield.

1:25-KGFI-Sports Flash. K MPC -L. A. Angels vs. Seattle Rainiere.

*K WIK -News. BM W -Bay Meadow,.


Page 17: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


KHJ—B & D Chuckle Wagon. Kit X—International Dise Jockey.

*KALI, KFAVB--News. KFAC —Matinee. KFVD—For Westerners Onlv. KGER—Clark Sparks Show. KGFJ—Armehair Concert. RGUL--Homemakers. KIEV—Recorder with Raisin. KRI M—Polka Time. KXLA —Weatern Monte.

1:45—EFTA—Frances Scully. KFI, KFSD-15 idder Brown. KALI— Rome in the Valley. KFWB--Bill Anson. IIGER—Hawaiian Melodies. K WK W—Sports.

I:5,5*KNX —News. KGFJ —Sports PIRA/.

oà —KHCA—Surprise 'Package. go KF/. KFSD— When a Girl

Marries. *KH.1, KFXM. KGB, KVOE--

News. *KNX —News. NALI —Roy Logging Show. EFAC —Composers' Corner. KFOX—Texas Tiny. KFVD —For Westerners Only. KFWB--Bill Anson. KGER—Long Beach Band. KGFJ —Meet the Band. KG1L—Homemakers Matinee. KIEV—Records with Raisin.

*KLAC —News. Snorts. KMPC —Baseball. KOWL—Joe Adams Show. KRKT)--Government Speaks. K WIK —Afternoon Serenade. K WEII —VIords About Music. KXLA—Western Music.

1:05—KNX—International Disc Jockey.

tall—KLAC -370 Club. 2:15—EFT. ICFSD —Portia Faces

Life. KHJ —George Crowell Show. KRKD—Home Safety. K WK W—Sports: Musie. KXLA—Continental Serenade.

2:25 —KGFJ—Sports flash. 2:30-11E1rA. KFMB —Chance of a

Lifetime. KFI. KFSD —Just Plain Bill.

*KFVD—News. *KF WB--News: Bill Anson. KGER —Garden School. IIGFJ—Variety on Piano. KIIIL—Variations in Rhythm.

*KIRKIO —News; Tops In Pops. 2:40—KGER —Long Beach Band. 2 :45—KFI, KFSD—Front-Page

Farrell. KNX —Freddy Martin. KGFJ —Western Roundup. K WK W —Sports. 1/ILA —Frank Simon.

2:59*KECA —Vi 1114 House Report. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

3-11ErA. KFMB—Today In Hollywood.

KFI, KFSD —Weleome Travelers.

KHJ—George Crowell Show. KNX, KCBQ—Arthur Godfrey. KALI —Fantaslas Musicales. REAP —World of Opera. KFOX —Star Dust. KFVD —Harlematinee. KFWB—Peter Potter.

*KGER—News; Fiesta Grande. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KGIL—Encore Time. KIEV—Freddy Martin.

*KLAC, K WIK, KXLA—News. KMPC —Foothall. KO WL—Town Criers. KRI M —Tops in Pons. KVIK W—Pops in Review.

3:05*KECA —Today's World. K WIK —A. Don Miller Show.

3:10—KLAC —Don Otis Show. 3:15-1KECA —Hannibal Cobb.

ICFOX—Conetant Invader. *KGIL—News. TLXLA—Musie Mountain.

;25 —KoFj —Sports flash. 3:30—KFL KFSD—Aunt Mary.

KFAC —Lyries in Chorus. KFOX—Everybody's Business.

*K1FIVB—News; Peter Potter. KGER—Rancho 1390. KGIL—Dance Matinee. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. KO WL—Chico's Swinglime.

*KRKD —News: Tops in Pops. K WE W—Foothill Features.

KFSD—We LOVIP. k Learn H MI—Lynn Looks at H'wood.

*KFAC —News. KFMB—Ted Malone. KFOX. KFVD—Ohl-Are Pensions.

'•55*KGER —News. KGFJ—Sports flash.

A—HECA—Art Baker's Notebook, KFI, KFSD—This Woman's Secret.

*KFIJ. KFXM. KGB— Fulton Lewis.

KNX, KCBQ—Cart Massey Time.

KALI—Voice of South America.

K ERB —Quick As a Flash. *KFOX, KEEN'. KLAC. KO WL

—News. EFID —Harlematinee. KFWIR—Peter Potter. KGER—Rancho 1390. KGFJ —Record Review. KG1L—Restern Trails. KMPC —Basseball. KBRD—Spotlight on a Star. K W1K—Hank Penny.

*K WR W—News Rodeo Bill. EXLA —Music Mountain.

4:15—KFL RFSD—Dr. Paul. *K M. KFI011, KGB, KY 0E—

Frank Hemingway. KNX, KCBQ—Strike It Rich. KFOX—Freddy Martin Orch. KIEV —Date With Allin Slate. KLAC —Bill Stewart. KO WL—Italian Hour. KRRD —VIaltzes.

4:9.5—KGFJ —Sports. 4 :30—KEC A—Play It Again.

Kfl —Barritt Wheeler. *KAU, KGB—Behind the Story. KFOX—Music.

*KFVD —News. *IKFWB—News: Red Rowe. KGFJ—Record Review. RAAB—Sweet Songs. K WK W—Ii111 Sampson Show. KXLA —Songs of the Old West

4 :45*K EC A—Elmer Davis. . *FCHJ, KGB —Sam Hayes. KNX —Harry Babbitt. KLAC —Racing Roundup.

*KO WL, KRKD —News. 4 :55*KGER—News.

KGE1 —Sports flash.

S*FLECA, KFVD —News. *K11—Feature Wire. KH.11. KFXSI, KGB— Mark Trail.

*KNX. KeBQ—News. Morrow. KAI;r—Sundown Rhythms. I/VAC—Sunset Serenade. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFWB—Red Rowe. EGER —Sports. Fred Hessler. KGIFJ —Jive at Five. RGIL—('hildren's Corner. KIEV—Sam's Show. *Kr.Ar —Fred Henry Reports. KMPC —Basehall. ,KO WL—Tune Time. KRI M—Songs of the Saddle.


KWIK-1490 Kilo Every Friday 5-5:30


"SHORT CUTS TO ACTING" PROGRAM Directed by Edward Gering


Francesca Rand as "AUNT POLLY"

For Casting and Training call HO. 9-5111 or S'Y. 6-Sill

1(1%1K—shortcuts to Acting. *K W KW—News. KXLA—Music.

5.15—RECA—Happy Theater. *KFI —Newm. KNX —Tom Harmon. KOFJ —Pianists of the Future. KLAC—Bill Stewart. K WK W—Today at the Races. KGER—Rancho 1390.

5:30—KECA, KFMB—Space Patrol. KFI —Casa Cugat. KFIJ, KFXM, KGB. KV0E— Challenge of the Yukon.

*KNX, KCBQ —Chet Huntley. KFAC— Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX. KGER, KGFJ —News. *KGIL—News: Tops in Pops. KRKD —Sports Dial. K WIK —Boh Dulaine Show. K WK W —Romano Spanish Hr. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

5:45*KFI, KFSD —Elmer Peterson. *KNX, KCBQ—News, Goss. KFOX —Your Fishcaster. KGER —Stamps Quartet. KGFJ—Rare Recap. KGII "—Het p Wanted. KLAC —Sam Baiter, Sports.

*KMPIF —News: Bill Ewing. KRKIII—Race Results.

5:55—KECA —Falstaff's Fabulous Fables. ,


e *KECA —Edwin C. Hill. KF1, KFSD—Night Beat.

*KILL KFIL111, KGB, ILVOE— Gabriel Heatter.

KNX —Songs for Sale. KFAC —Prelude to Evening.


*KFWB—Clete Roberts. News. KGER—American Soul Clinic. NGF.11—Request Performance. KGIL—Easy Listening.

*KMPC—Norman Nesbitt, News KRKD—Variety Time. K WK W —Carlos Moran. K X LA—Property Owners.

6:06*KECA. I/FMB —Headline Edition.

KLAC, —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 6:15*RECA—Main Street to Malibu.

*K11,1, KGB— Mutual Newsreel. KFOX —Hawaiian Music. KFWB —Sports. KGIL—Latin-American Music. KAIPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. FI WIK—Lippy Duckat, Sports. KXLA---Fed. Women's Club.

6:20—KECA —Sports Review. 6:30—KECA —Hits and Encores.

KFL RFSD—Jack Left, Confidential.

KILL KGB, KY 0E—The Answer Man.

KFAC -31ualcal Milestones. KFOX —Hal's Memory Room. KF WB—America KGER—Back to the Bible. KGIL—Dinner Concert. KMPC —Bay Meadows. K WIK —American Jewish Hr. K WK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Eddy Arnold Show.

5:45*K11.1. KGB, VOE—News; Sam Hayes.

KGIL—Down Memory Lane. KRKD—Dr. Joseph Murphy. KXLA—Music.

6:55 —KECA—Champion Roll Call. *KFIJ. KFNM, KGB. KV0E—

Bill Henry.

7—KECA.I KFMB--Boxing Bout. KIFI. KFSD—Life of Riley.

KFXM, KGB—The Hidden Truth.

KNX, KCBQ—Dollar a Minute KFAC —Twilight Hour\ KFOX — Waltz Time. KF WB—America Dances. KGER—Family Bible Hoer. KGFJ-31huvical Digest.

*KfilL. KRKD, RXIA —News. *KLAC —News: 570 Club. KMPC —Musical Memories.

'K WIK —Frank Edwards.

¡(LAI —Dugout pope. KMP( —Top Tunes.

8:30—RECA, KFMB—This Is Tour

KF1, KFSD —Dangerous As-signment.

HBO KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Tiiiii or False.

KNX, RCBQ--Philip Marlowe. KFOX —Show Souvenirs.

*KFWB—News. KGER —Soul Patrol. KGFJ—Today's Hits. KGIL—Platter Party. KLAC —Baseball: Hollywood at San Diego.

KMPC —Legion Commander Craig.

KRKD —County Barn Dance. K WIK —What's the Answer? K WK W—American-Japtinese. EXLA —Ole Rasmussen.

8:45 —KFIVB-17.N. Today. *KG1L—News.

KFMB--Adymitures of Ozzie and Harriet.

KFI—Crime Does Not Pay. "Burglar Alarm." Betty Furness.

*KHJ. HEI M, KGB. EVOE— News. Glenn Hardy.

KNX—Hscape. IFIFAC —Evening Concert. KF WB—Pasadena Civic KGER —Guest Star. KGF.1—Today's Hits. EGIL—Musical Scrapbook. KLAC—Baseball. KMPC —Parade of Hits. KRRD —Saddle Serenade.

*K W1K —News. K WK W—American-Japanese. KXLA —Squealdn' Deacon.

9:15*EHJ, KGB. KV0E--Fulton Lewis.

KFOX —Barn Dance. KGER —Fred McCleary. K WIK —U.N. Today.

9:30—KECA —Armstrong of the OBI. KFI —High Adventure. HI M KFX5I, KGB, KV0E— Comedy of Errors.

KNX —Beulah. KFOX —Gene James. EFWB--Night Bandstand. KGER —Brown Schools. KGFJ —Platter Party. AG M— Musical Memories. K WIK—Sam's Show.

*K WK W —News. 9:45—KNX —Cluh 15.

KFOX —Sons of the West. *KF WR—News. K WK W—Musie.

KFX5I. KG B—News. K WK W—Hoyos Hour.

7 :15—RFOX —Evening Melodies. 1 e riœe Aii" A. 1Z—n l aiefI I Garret KGIL—Songs by Crosby. Reporter. KRKD —Strolling Tom. EFIJ. KFX61, KGB, MIME--

. K W1K —Johnson Family. 1 L ove a Mystery. KXLA —Weetern Music. *KNX--Clbet Huntley.

7 :30-10:CA. FCFMB—Ameriran ECIRQ—Lonesome Gal. Sports Page. KFAC —Musical Crossroads.

K n. KFSD —greorts Newsreel. KFOX —Merry-Go-Round. KH.I, RETS!. KGB. KVOE— KFVD —Spade Conley Time. Cisco Kid. KF WR—Gene 'Norman.

KNX— Women's Forum. KGER— When Day Is Done. KCBQ—R. Flanagan Drell. KGFJ—Platter Party. KrAr —Echoes and Encores. KGIL--Ten O'Clock Curtain. (FOX— Meet the Band. KLAC —Rersehall. KFWB—Music. KMPC—Leisure Time. KGER—Rev. Al Harlan. KRKT —SaddIP g .r•ci ads. KGIL—Parks and Playgrounds K WIK —Sam's Show. RA MC —American Legion *KXLA—News. Reports. 10:10—KNX—Tom Harmon. Snows.

KRK11--Dr. Richardson. 10:15-1IECA —Dr. Frederick Bolles. K WIK —Lou Nova. sirICIPT —H. V. Kellen/ern. K WK W—Bete Spanish Prop. *KILL KGB —News, Frank KXLA —Ole Rasmussen. Edwards.

7:45—KFI —Pro and Con. KNX —Bob Bison. *KFOX, K WIK —News. KFMB —Gene Norman. KFSD —Touchdown Tips. EFSD—Mindy Carson. KFIVIS--Rositry Hour. 10 : 30—KECA —Renerce. KG1L—Melodies Soft & Sweet. *KTI —Virgil Pinkley. KMPC —Alt Ti me Hits. KH3—tonesome Gal. EKED—Catholic Hour. KNX—Starlight Salute. K XLA— Western Music. KGB—Smoke Rings. S— HECA. KFMB—The Fat Man. KGER—Music As Von Like it. KF1, WESD —One Man's KGIL--Tips for Listening. F ily. IC WK W—Let's Dance.

HID,am KFXM, KGB, KVOE-- 10:45-1171—Les Paul Show. Tomorrow's Football.

NCRQ-1.0S. ell T h0111 ». 11 — KECA —Cinegrill Must..

*KFI. K WK W—News. KFAC —Evening ClIneert. M U—Arthur Van Oral. RIOT. KFWB—Music. *KNX —Larry Thor. N e ws.

IIIFAC' -31usical Crossroad.. KGB—Tomorrow's Football. KGER—Bible Treasury. KFMB. KF WB —Gene Norman

*KGFJ—News. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. FIGIL—Walkin' Charlie. KGF,R—Spiritualls.

*KLAC--News: Music. KGFJ—Hollywood Holum *KMPC —Ralph Turner, News. Pony. ICGIL—Juke-Rov Review. IFIRKIl—Colonel 7.ack. *ICIAC —News; non Otis. K WIK —Nick Mdsky. li'MPIF —Palintlium Party. K WK W—Italian Melodies.

KR ICD —Saddle Serenade. KXLA— Western Music.

Page 18: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

SATURDAY, *Indicates News Broadcast.

8— HECA, KFMH —Ne School Today.

IRFSD —Archie Andrews. KHJ 115 0E—Feenme Fair.


KFAC —Country Church. KFOX—Bible Society. KFVD-- Wakeup Ranch. KFXM—Excursions in Science. KGB —Morning Special. KGER-1111xpah. KGFJ —Proudly We Hail. KGIL--Musical KO WL--Spanish Hour. KRKD—Top Tunes.

*K WIK, IMIA—News. K WK W—Ritmos Latino-Americanos.

8:05-11NX, HCBQ —Let's Pretend. KALI—Brother Welch.

8:15*KHJ, KGB, K WK W—News. KIF WB--Bill Leyden. KLAC—Haynes at the Reins. EMPC —Market Report, Sports.

*HO WL--World Ne ws. K WK W--Sacred Heart. KXLA —Bobby Champion.

8:30—KFT, KFSD —Smilin' Ed McConnell.

KIIJ, HE X'S, KGB, KV0E— Raven of Rest.

KNX HCBQ—Junior Mies. KALI—Spanish Home Hour.

*KFAC, EO M—News. KFOX—M. L. Baker. EF'VD—Coffee Time. ROER—Volee of China. K M—Melody 'nme. KMPC —Ralph Turner Show. HO WL—Palahras de Vida. 111111D— Dixieland. K WK W—Nazarene Church. KXLA — Western Music.

:45—KECA-1111randy's Almanac. KFAC—unity. 11FOX —Chureh of Christ. KGER--Morning Melodies. KGFJ—Dept. of Employment. ROIL—On Parade. ELAC —Racing News. KO WL—Rosa de Saron. R WK W—Voice of China.

9—RECA—Week-End Platter Party.

EFT—Scout Jamboree. H MI, KGB— Dr. Rios Clinic. KNX. KCBQ—Theatre of Today.

KALI—Spanish Home Hour. KvAr —Plano Parade. A-FMB—No School Today. KFOX—Pentecostal Church.

*KFSD—News. KFVD —Coffee Time.

*RF WB —News; Musk. HOER —Radio Kids' Bible Club.

KGFJ—Voice of the Blind. KGIL--Morning Varieties.

*I:I MAC—News: Bill Stewart. KMPC—Ralph Turner Show. HO WL--Tiddish Theatre. RUED—Sagebrush Serenade. EV0E—Proudly We Hall. S WI M—Tony Sein. KICLA — Wtutern Music.

9:15—KFOX—Gospel Joy Bringer. RFSD—Your Navy on the Air. KFWB—rnity Daily Word. KGFJ—Airotorials. ROIL—Ballads for Ton. /MTH—Record Room.

8:38—KFT. KFSD —Lnncheon with Lopez.

11111. KVOE—Bands for Bonde KNX. KCBQ —Grand Central Station.

KALI— Hour of Beautiful Mexico.

KFAC--Aceent on Strings. KFOX—Full Gospel.

Motor City presents


9:30 to I 1:30 A.M. Saturday

KFVD—Jamboree Jubilee. KFWB —Dave Ormont. KGB— Molly Morse. KGER —God's Half Hour. KOFJ—Racing News. ROIL— Fashions in Music. HO WL—German Hour.

8:48 —KHJ —Gaest Star. KGB—Club Women. KGFJ— With Melody in Mind.

*HRED—News I Music.

Page Eighteen

OCTOBER 7 EVOE—Voice of the AM T.

9:55*KNX, HCBQ—Cedrie Adams. 10 —HECA—Week-End Platter

Party. KFI—Sam Hayes Touchdown Tips.

*KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOlt— News.

KNX, KCBQ—Stars Over Hollywooct.

KALI— Hour of Beautiful Mexico.

I(FAC —Morning Concert. KFMB —Flying Feet.

*srox —News. RFSD--Remember. KFVD —Jamboree Jubilee. KFWB—Dave Ormont. ROER—Prayer Revisal Center. KGFJ—From Sunset and Vine. ROIL— Waltz Time. RI AC —Al Janis Ballroom. KMPC —Ralph Turner Show. RA WL, KRED —Radio Hour. K WIFC —Record Room. K WK W—Sports. KXLA— Western Music.

10:10--KFOX —Assembly of God. 10:15—KFI —Are You From Dixie?

KHI. KFXM. KGB. KVOE— Gospel Singer.

ROIL—Sweet Swing. RUED— Dr. Richardson, K WK W—Frances Dempster.

10:25*KFWB--News. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

10:30—KHJ, K nOt—College Choir. KNX. KCBQ--Give and Take. KALI—Carl Blume Mew. RFAI--Song Recital. KFilli—çrivis Lee. lirrox —musie of the Morning. KFIVII—Showtime. 11IFSD —Coast Guard Cadets. KGB—College Choir. KGER—Hymns for the Day. RGIL —Midmorning Melodies. RO WL—Hungarian Program. KRED—Potpourri. K WK W—flora de Los Angeles

10:45—KFMB--Fine Arts. HOER—Rev. Kopp.

10:55--KGFJ--Sports Flash.

11 — KECA— Week-End Platter Party.

NFL KFtlID —Mary Lee Taylor. EFX5t, 11V0E—

Cumberland Valley Barn Dance.

KNX, KCBQ—Musk With the Hormel Girls.

KALI—Carl Blume Show. KFA1r—Thesster of Music. KFOX— Women and the World K nirt—Jamboree Jubilee. KFWB--Maurice Hart, KGB—Air Force Hour. EGER —Children', Bible Hour. KGFJ— What's New, ROIL— Midmorning Melodies, KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*RNIPC —News. HO WL—Spanish Hour.

KRED —Songs of Yesteryear. KRI M —Record Room. K WK W—Hora de Los Angeles EXLA —Western Music.

11:05—KMPC —Ralph Turner Show. KFOX—Rhyrtunse Age.

11:125—RF,CA—Football: Wisconsin vs. Illinois. KFAC—Stage Melodies.

11:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 11:30—KFI, KFSD—National Farm

and Honte Hour. RAJ. KFXM, HVOE—Bands for Bonds.

KNX —Family Party. KFAC—Music Hall.

*KFOX —News. KFVD —Shopping Highlights.

* KFIVB—News: Maurice Hart. KGB—Army Field Band. KGER—Montebello Revival KGFJ—Piano Moments, RO WE —Italian Program.

*KRKD—News. 11:40—KFOX —flit Tunes. 11:45—KGER—Auntie Bea Story

Time. KGFJ—Remember Romany.

*KGIL—News. KRKD —Sweet Pops.

11:55—KGFJ —Sports Flash. KMPC--Nutrition Notes.

12— KECA, srmB—trootban. Rh —Farm Reporter.


WNX—Morton Downey Show. KALI—Football Game. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. KrOX -1Flit Tunes. KFIID —Football. •KF1111 —Luncheon Tunes. KFWB—Bill Anson. KGER —Songs for Luncheon. KGFJ—Intermission. ROIL—Noonday Melodies. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Story Circus. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRKTh—Dally Almanac. K WIK —Hank Penny.

*K WK W—News. RXI.A — Western Mush:.

12:0S—R WK W—Sports News. 12:15—RFI—Quiek. What's the

Answer? RAJ—Kickoff Preview.

*IIFOX, N M), lifiER—News. KGB —Cumberland Valle, Barn Dance

RGIL—Help Wanted Column. K WK W—Revhoard Capers.

12:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 12:30—KHI. KGB— Man on the

Farm. KNX —Football. KFOX —Corral Roundup. RI'VD —Shopping Highlights.

*KF WB—News. EGER—Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ-1234) Club. EGIL— Wesley Tuttle. KRKD-1Pralrie Schooner, K WK W—Q'terbacics Luncheon ExLA —Ole Rasmussen.

12:45*KFAtn—News. KFWB—Bill Anson. ILMPC —American Story Book. K WK W—Sports. M usic.

s at « IrCifl

RADI O 7 e

mqrning Programs Appear in Lightfa7e Type; Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.


8:10—Junior Miss. KNX. 8:30—Dennis Day, K11. 8:30—Mr Favorite Husband,

YrNx. 7:00—Judy Canova, 7:30 —Can You Top This?, KECA 10:30—Case Daley, K n.

Quiz, Participation

10:30—Give and Take. KNX. 11 :30—Family Party, K.1c7C. 7:00 —Sing It Again, KNX. 7:00—Take a Number, KHJ. 8:30 —Shoot the Moon, KECA.


9:00—Theater of Today. KNX. 9:80—Grand Central Sta., KNX. 10:00—Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 9:30— Dr. Kildare, KFL

Sports 8:45— Racing News, KLAC.


9:50—Racing News, KGFJ. 5:30—Sports Dial, HRHD. 5:45—Rare Recap, KGFJ. 5:15 —Race Results, KRHD. 6:00—Joe DiMaggio. EFL


6:00—Johnny Dollar, ENX. 9:30—Gangbusters. KNX.

Public Interest-Inf ormation

11.3( —Natl. Farm Hour, ICF/ 3:30—American Farmer, KECA. 8:30—If They Had Lived. KGE1 9:00— What Makes You Tie*,


Juvenile 8:06—Let's Pretend, zorx. 8 :30—Smilin' Ed McConnell, KF1

Popular- Western Music

7:30 —Ben Pollack Show, ICHJ. 8:00—Vaughn Monroe, 11KX. 8:30 —Gene Autry, KNX. 9:00—Hit Parade, Ert.

12:55*KOFJ—Sports Plash. 1— KECA, KFMB—Football. KFI —Quick, What's the Answer?

RHJ —Caribbeas Crossroads. KNX—Football. RALI—Foothall Game. IICBQ—Look Your Best. KFAC—Serenade. HFOX— Weste m Hit Parade. KFSD—,.Football. KFWB—Bill Anson, KGB—Top Tunes with Trend-ier.

EGER—County Youth Discussion.

KGFJ-1230 Club. ROIL— Wesley Tuttle.

*IKLAC—News. KMPC —Ed Chandler Show, KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRI M—Prairie Schooner. K WIR—Hank Penny. K WK W—Bill Garr Show. KXLA —Community Broadcaster.

1:10—RLAC -570 Club. 1:15—KFAC —Matinee.

KFTD —School Days. K WK W —Sports: Bill Garr. KXLA—Research Adventures.

1:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash.

1:30—KHJ—Land of the Free. KFMB--Sweet and Swing. KFVD —Two for the Show.

*H MS—News. KGB—Football Results. RGER—Pop Orch. Kopyarty.j—/kemchair Concert. KRHD--Polka Time. KXLA— Western Music,

1:45—HECA—Ira Cook's Platter

Khi, RP M—Football: Wash-ington vs. UCLA.

KHI. RFXM. KGB. ICVOE— Football: California vs. Pennsylvania.

Erwn—BIll Anson. *EGER —News; Commentary. K WK W—Sports; Bill Garr. HXLA— Western Roundup.

1:55*KALI—News. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

413— SECA—Platter Party. KFI, KFSD —Foothall.

KFIEW, KGB, K170E--Football.

KNX —Football. KALI—Feothall. KFAC—Composers' Corner. HIP MB—Sweet and Swing. RFOX—Wentern Hit Parade, 111111)—Noveltnnes. KFW11--Bill Anson. Ko mi—Long Reach Band. RGIL—Doug Cramer's Teen Time.

KGFJ —Meet the Band. *KLAC —News: 570 nub. KMPC —Hits and Airs. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. ERISD—Etignpeats to Health. 111171111— Hank Penny. K WK W— Words About Katie. RXI.A — Western Roundup.

2:15—RECA —Tea and Crumpets. KT ,Ar. 11/1fPC —Dugont Dope. HARD—Government Speaks. K WK W—Sports. KXLA — Western Mottle,

11:25—KGPV—Sports Flash. 2:30—KNX—Meet the Misses.

KALI— Musical Scorebeand, KFTD —Mellow Mood.

RGER—News, KGFJ—Keyboard Kerner. RIAC—Basehall: Hollywood at Man Diego.

se— alitatlseeball: L.A. Ansel*

vs.*KRI M—News: Tops in Pops. KXLA —Musie.

2:35—RFWB--Bill Anson. 2:40—RGER—Long Beach Band. 2:45-11GFJ— Western Roundup.

ROIL—Betty Stahr. 2:55-11c1RFAr —News.

KGFJ—liports Plash. 3—RECA--junior Junction. KFT, KFAD —Football. 11111J. KFIOL KGB. IEVOE— Football.

*JINX —News. RALI —Fantasias Musicales. KFAC— World of Opera. KFMB—Sweet and Swing. KFOX —Star Dust. KFVD—Harlernatinee. KF WB —Peter Potter. ROER—Rancho 1350. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. ROIL—Encore Time, KLAC —Baseball. K MPC —Baseball. KO WL—Town Criers. KURD—Tops in Pope.

*R WIR —Neers. KRI M—Pops in Review. KXLA —Music.

3:05—K WIK—La Pointe Show. 3:15— ENV—Oct More Oat of Life.

RFOX—Stars on Parade.

3:15_11eKRIEGr An'-rj--Ne rtisir rmieauent.nin.

Page 19: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

RADIO-TELEVISION LIFE t:311—KE,CA—Aosariems Termer.

ENE--Rousewkete Protective League.

KFAC —Lyrica in Chorus. SPDX—II. N. Story. KIND —Tole-Tunes.

*KFWB—News; Peter Potter. RG1L—Dance Matinee. HO WL—Chico*s Swingtime.

*HIRED—News; Tops in Pops. R WK W—Muslc.

3:45*KFAC—News. EFOX —Gueut Star. K WK W—Sports; Music.

3:56—KOFJ--Sport• Flash. A—HECA—Flying Feet.

KFT, ILFSD —Football. KHJ, KFI.L11, KGB, &VOA--Football.

KNX —This Is Los Angeles. KALI—Voice of South America.

KFAC —Musical Masterpieces. *HF•OX, KO WL. R E M—News. KFVD —Harlemattnee. KFWB—Peter Potter. KGER—Western. KGFJ—Record Review. KGIL--Weetern Trails. KLAC —Baseball. A:WPC —Baseball. KRED —Spotlight nu a Star.

*K WK W—News: Rodeo Bill. HYLA—Mnsle Mountain.

4 :05—K WIK —La Pointe Show. 4:15—KFI—Sports Roundup.

*RAJ, KFXM, KGB, EV0E--Frank Hemingway, News.

RFOX-4,talvation Army. KO WL—Italian Hour. KRED--Waltzeg.

4:25—KGFJ—flports Flashes. 4:30-1RECA—Irs 'tour Business.

KHJ. EFX.-M, KGB — Bandstand, U.S.A.

ENV —International Mgr Jockey.

KCBQ—Treasury Bandstand. RFOX—Music. A rm—Blind Artists' Guild. ROER—Popular Orchestra KGF.1-1terord Revie w. RMPC —Rancho errande. KRAD--Sweet Songs. K WK W—Bill Sampson Show. HYLA—Songs of the Old West

11:45—HECA—Robert R. Nathan. KFT—Saturday Concert. KFIVB--Red Rowe. ROB— Music. ROBE—Salon Serenade.

*KOWL, KR/ID —News. 4:55-1EGFJ--Sports Flash.

5—Y MCA —Navy flour. RFI--Saturday Concert. *KFMB—News. KHJ. 1117Y.M, KGB, NV0E--Reviewing Stand.

12-1v/2, KCI3Q--Musical Score-board.

EALI—Musleal Scoreboard. KFAG—Sunset Serenade. E rtfil—Ave Marla Hour. RFOX —Sunshine Mission. N eill—Good News. KFVD--Fashions In Musks. ATER—Red Rowe. HOER—Peter Slack, Organ. KGFJ—Jtve at Tice. IEGIL—Melody Time.

*ALAC—News. Bill Stewart. *KMPC. K WIK—Newe. HO WL— What's New In Popular Songs.

ARAD—Songs of the Saddle. K WH W—Enchanted Lady. EXLA—Muele.

5:05—KIVIE —Musle. 5:15.—KNX —Tom Harmon, Sports.

liFf4D—Ileory King. KLAC—Racing Roundup. KMPC—LA. Runs vs. Philadelphia Eagles.

K WK W—Today at the Bacot. 5:30—KFA-A—Harry Wismer. Sports.

TIFYM, KGB, HVOE— North American Scoreboard.

ECISQ —Chet Huntley. KFAC —Show Time. KF'XIB--Special Event.


KFSD--Community Chest. KRI M—Sports Dial. K WIK—Bob Dulaine Show. K WK W—Romano Spanish Hr. 11XLA —Squeskhe Deacon.

5:35—EGIL--Tops In Porn. -,:15-11ECA —Club Time.

*AFT—Elmer Peterson. AFXM, HVOE—Sam

Hayes, News. *KNX, KCBQ—News, Frank

Goss. RP:NB—Babe Ruth Adventures KFOX —Research Adventures. KGER—Dinner Muslo. KGFJ—Reiee Recap. ROIL— Help Wanted Column. ELAC—Sam Batter, Sitorte. REED—Race Resulta.

e *HECA—News. U AFT —Joe DiMaggio.

KHJ, KFILM, KGB. KVOE— Army Air Forre Show.

ENX, KCBQ—Johnny Dollar. KFAC —Your Soloist.

*AFAR. KFOX-2.jews. KFSD —Volces and Events.

*KF WB—News and Music. KGER—Back to the Bible. KGFJ—Musical Digest. AG M—Easy Listening.

*KLAC—News; Al Janis. KM Football. ERR Variety Time. RIVIK —Hellywood Fan Fare. K AR A —Carlos Moran. IINLA—Musie.

0:10—KFOX—Hawalian Music. (1:15—HECA —Rert Andrewg.

KF'MB—Sports Almanac. KF WB—Musle. KGIL—Latin-Amerlean Rhythms.

R WIR —Continental Resides-roue.

RICLA—Muir J.C. Sports. 11:45-kR11.1 —Ceell Brown, News. 6:341—RECA— Waltin• for Wakely.

AFL KFSD--Dennts Day. 1111J. KFXM. KGB —Hawaii Calls.

ENS —My Favorite Husband. ECRQ—Make Way for Youth. KFAC —Musie Magie. 11FMB—United or Not. RPDX —Flars Memory Room. KFWB--Strictly From Dixie. EGER —Lukin Valley Church. ROIL—Dinner Concert.

*HVOE—Local News. K WIA —Musie for the Gourmet.

A WK W—Hovog Hour. AYLA— Western Music.

0:45.—ROIL--Do wn Memory Lane. «VITA —Civil Defense.

7-KJECA. KFMB—Marry-Go-Round.

AFL Argil—Judy Canora. ▪ KFXM, KGB —Take a Number.

ANY. KeBQ--filng It Again. RF1C—Dr. James Infield. Jr. KFOX— Walts Time. KF WB —Gospel and Rena'. KGER—Baltimore Gospel. KGFJ —Nlusical Digest.

*AGE., ARAD, HYLA —News. *KLAC —Newe; 510 Club. K MPC —Football. )( WEI —Curtain Time. R WK W—Hoyos Bonn

7 :15—EPDX —E vetting Melodies. AG M—Songs by Crosby. B M A—Music.

7:25*1111,I. liF.101, KGB—News. 7:30-1YEÇA, KFIWB—Can Yoe Top

This? EFL KFSD—Grand Ole O m. KILL KFICM, KGB. ENO Ben Pollack Show.

KFAC —First Baptist Church. RF —Proudly We Hall.

Successful Business. ROIL —Footlight Favorites. AMPC--American Legion Reports.

KR/CD —Dr. Richardson. K WIE —John Anson Ford. S WI M—Beta Spanish Program.

IIVLA—Accent on Youth. 7:45.—EFNC.—Church Service.

KING —Paula Hengche, KFIVB—Rosary Hour. ROIL—Melodies Soft ft Sweet. IRMIPC —Ffere's to Vets.

*KIVITC —News.

88— m, KFMB—Lone Ranger. KFI —U.S. Navy Re mitting. KILL IIF'X31. KGB. KY OE— Salute to Reservists.

ENX, HCBQ—Vaughn Monroe. KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX—Dept. of Employment. AFSG—Church Service. KFWB--Commualty Hour. AGF.R —Bible Treasury. KGFJ—Ron Kennedy Show. ROIL —Platter Party. KLAC —Foothall; Long Beach vs. Ventura.

KM Pe —Eddie Oxford. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KIVIK—NIck Musky. KIVKIV—Professor Valencia. FIALA—Church in the Barn.

8:11 4101—Bob Considine. KFOX — Weetern Music. KGER —Hebrew Christian. IIMPC —Parade of Hits.

8:30—EEC A, KFEB--American Barn Dance.

AFT—Hotel Roosevelt Orch. KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KV0E— Lombardoland, r.s.A.

ENS. Kel3Q —Gene Autry. Rein—Balinese Room Orch. K rm—Social Security. KGER—Quizpiration. KGFJ—If They Had Lived,

SATURDAY RADIO LOGS R WIR—What's the Anewert li WK W —Operstie Excerpts.

*KXLA—News. :40—KGFJ—Today's Hits. 8:45—KFOX--County Barn Dance.

KFWB--Religious News. *KGIL—News. K WIK—Troubadours. XLA—Baldwin Park.

9-13.ECA, H MS— What Makes You Tick.

KFI, REED —Hit Parade. grIEHJ, KFX31. KGB, HVOE—

News. KNX—Hopalong Cassidy. HCBQ--Salute to Reservists. KFAC--Etening Concert. KFIVR—On the Beat. ROBE— French Music. KGFJ—Today's Hits. KGIL—Musical Scrapbook. KLAC —Football. KMPC —Parade of flits. KIVIK —Youth for Christ. K WK W —Garden Gate. 11XLA—Baldwin Park.

11:15-1C111, KGB, HVOE--Hoosier Hotshots.

RFOX —Hitching Post. KILLA -97th Street Corral.

9:30— SECA—Shoot the Moon. KFT—Adventures of Dr. Kildare, L. Barrymore, L. Ayres.

KNX. KCBQ —Gangbusters. KFMB—Harry Whinier. KFOX—Musie. IIPSD--Joe DiMaggio. HFSG —Burbank 4-2tIllare Church.

EFWB. KFAM —Laymen's Hr. HOER —Brown Schools. KGF.1—Platter Party. ROIL—Musical Memories. KMPC —Red, White and Blue. 11141K —Areent on Rhythm.

*EIVA W—Newg. 9:45— KHI, HYDE—Buddy Moreno

KFMB--Bing Crosby. KFOX —Sons of the West. R EI M—Monte. KICLA—Hitching Poet..

9:55*KHJ—News. 10 */CECA. ATMS—Bob Garred,

News. *AFL IIFSD —Night Reporter. KILL KFXM, KGB— Monica Whalen.

*ANY, KCBQ—Chet Huntley. KFAC,—Musical Crossroads. HFOY—Music. AFAR—Gene Norman. IRGER,—Mnsie As You Like It. KGFJ—Platter Party. ROIL—Ten O'Clock Curtain. ALAC—Football. RMPC —Leisure Time. H E M —Accent on Rhythm. K WK W—Rpinning at the Waldorf.

RS! A—Cliffle Stone. 10:15-112reA —Richard Nixon.

Political. IEFI—Ceunty Sone ntsor DarbY RAJ—Grill Williams Orch. KNY, HCBQ—Frankle Carle. AFAR —Gene Norman. EFSD--Mindy Carson. KFSG—Gospel Accordians.

10:30—KECA--Claremont Hotel Orch. EFT—Cass Daley. RAJ. KFXM—A. Van Orch. ENS —Starlight Salute. KFOX—Mugte Moderne. KFSG —Melody Time. KGB —Smoke Rings. KGIL —Tips for Listening.

*KLAC —News; Don Otis. *KMPC—News. K WK W—Let'g Dance.

141:3%--KMPC —Leigure Time.

11 — RECA—IrtnegrUl Magic. R IT—Solitaire Time. KHJ—George Crowell Show.

*KNY. R EI M—News. KFAC —Musical Crossroads. KFMB. KFWB—Gene Norman Show.

RFOX—Sky Serenade. 111r1G—Open House. KFVD—Spacle Cooley Time. KGB —Smoke Rings. ROBE—Spirituals. EGF.J—Hollywood House Party.

ROIL—Juke-Box Review. *KLAC —News: Don Otis. EMPC —Palladinm Party. A MR—Flank Hope. K ELA—Alex Cooper.

11 :10.—ENS—Billy Gould Show. 11:15—KFT—Mlintones In Melody.

)(FOX— Murk of the Masters. K WKW—Let's Dance. HYLA—earl Bailey dc Alex Cooper.

11:30--RECA —Beverly Hills Orch. EFT—Joe White Show.

Memory Room. ROBE—At the Banehhouse. KGFJ —Manhattan Supper Club.

KFSG—Request Program. HVOIE—Hawat: Calls.

11:40—HECA—Ambaroacior Orch. ENE—Treasury Bandstand.

11c:55*KMPC -14:pe s. 1411hfrrECA, KNX, KF WB—News.

KIT—Musical Menu. KFAC —Spade Cooley Time (to 1).

RI:F.1 —Manhattan Sumter Club.

AG M—Jake-Box Review. * M AC— News; Don Otis (to 2) KR/ID—Stardust Serenade (to 6:3(1).

Z WIE—Show People's Show (to 4).

K W1 M—Bill Sampson (te 8:30).

ILIZLA —Carl Bailey and Alex per.

11:0 5-E NS—Steve Allen Show. KF WIR —Music After Midnight.

12:30.—KIT—Midnight Flyer. KGFJ—Midnight to Dow«. ROIL—Yawn Patrol (to S).

Recorded Highlights SATURDAY POPULAR

9:15 a.m. —KLAC-1Flaynee at Reins. 9:00 a.m. —HECA--Ira rook. 10:00 a .m. -11LAC —Al Jarvis. M OO noon —KF' WH —Bill Anson. 12:00 noon —HO WL—Joe Adams. 5:00 p.m. —KF'VD —Fashions in

Music. 10:00 p.m. —KLAC —Don Otis. 10:00 p.m. —KFIVB--Gene Norman. 11:15 p.m. —KXILA —Bailey it Cooper.

CLASSICAL 11:00 p.m. —KFAC—Evening Concert.

LOVEJOY Frank Lovejoy, star of

NBC's "Nightbeat," has re-ceived a special award from the Southern California chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, national women's journalism fraternity, for his "honest and convincing portrayal of a newspaper reporter."

* *


Popular disc jockey Bill Anson has written an origi-nal comedy for Betty Hutton, entitled "Go East Young Lady."


Teen-age Ben Cooper, who portrays a social problem child on CBS's "Second Mrs. Burton" series, has toured the country lecturing on juvenile delinquency.


Lulu McConnell of CBS's "It Pays to Be Ignorant" once appeared in a series of Shakespearean trage-dies, still longs to play "Juliet."

* * TINY BUT TOUGH CBS quip master Bob

Hawk was once a special-events announcer, claims his toughest assignment was covering a miniature' golf tournament

Page Ninetese

Page 20: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


K WK W—News. KFI —Grandpa Owens Reads the Funnies. er

RAJ, KFXM, KGB, 'Ivor— Rack to God Hour.

KNX—Salt Lake Tabernacle, KFAC —Country Church. KFMB —Old Fashioned Revival.

KFOX—UnItarian Church. KFSD—Call to Worshi




8:00 AM. —SUNDAY

EJF'VD—Listener's Digest. KFWB—Funnies. KGER—Rev. Markham. KGFJ—Here's to Vets. KG111--Music With Charm.

*KLAC—News, Music. KO WL—American-Japanese Hour.

KRKD—Ranch Program. K WIK—Voice of the Colony. KXLA —Music.

5:15—KECA —Morning Song. KALI—Stars on Parade. HCBQ—Mindy Carson Show. KFOX —Gospel of Christ. EFTD--Church of Christ. KGFJ—Among My Souvenirs. KLAC —Church of Christ. KMPC —Roger Fulton. K WK W —Christadelphia Church.

8:30—KECA —Let There Be Music. KFI —Christian Science. KHJ, KGB —Chamber Mamie.

*KNX—News. KALI—Calvary Rapt. Church. HC1141—S. W. Baptist Church. KFAC--Organ Recital. KFOX—Morning Chapel. KFSD —Land of the Free. KF WB--Union Recette Mission RGER—Rible Treasury. KGFJ —Spotlight Parade. RGIL—Alevander St. Church. KLAC—Inity. KMPC—Challenge to Youth. K WK W—Romano generaIdo. EXI.A—Weettern Music.

8:35—KNX —Invitation to Learning. 8:45 —KFI —Hometown Happenings.

*KFSID —News, Weather. ' 11GP:R —Hymn Time. [(GET —Goodwill Visitor. KRKD—Music.

dak—HECA -16egro College Choir. KFT—Parent-Yonth Forum. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Radio Bible Class.

KCI1Q—People's Plat. fonn.

KALI—Fred Smith Show. 111FAC—Liberal Catholic Hour. KFMB—Get Together With Records.

KFOX —Popular Melodies. RFSID—Allan Roth.

*KFVD —New. and Music. FCFVVR-1-nion Rescue Mission KGER—Ametembly of God. KGIL —Organ Reveries.

*KLAC —News. KMPC—Rellgions News Reporter.

KO WL--Concordia Lutheran. KPPC —Prelude to Worship. KRRD —Sunday Serenade. RIVIR —Rev. Guzman. K WK W—Italian Hour. KX1..4 -15 rntern Music.

A.05—KLAC —Catholie Mass. 9 :15---KFAC —Crest Choristers.

KGFJ—Hollywood House Presents.

KMPC —Start to Live. KO WL—Armenian Hour. Krrr—Worship Interlude.

9;30—KECA —Message of Israel. KFI —Eternal Light. HILL 11FX51, KGB, HVOE— Voice of Prophecy.

*KNX —Howard K. Smith. KALI— Name That Tune. KfISQ—ltob Regan Show. KFAC —Glibert & KESD —Devotional Hour. KF W15—Peter Potter's Platter Parade.

KGER—God's Half Hour. KGIL —On Parade. KMPC—Vance Graham. 114P19"— Dr. Roberta. KIVIK —Sunday's Pops.

, 9:45*,KNX—News.

Pl ee Twenty

KALI —Koinonia Bible Clase. KFVD —Piano Parade. KGIL —Sweet Swing.

10 —HECA—Milton Cross Opera Album.

KFI—Herbert J. Mann. *KELL KFXM. KGB, HVOE—

News, Glenn Hardy. KNX —Invitation to Music. KFAC —Gilhert & Sullivan. KFMB—Forever Yours.

*RFOX -1.. A. Sentinel. RFSD —America United. KFVD —Sunday Roundup. KFWB—Peter Potter. KGER —Radio Revival. EGFJ—Hits of the Week. KGIL—Parade of flit..

*KLAC —News: Voice of Pope. KMPC —Dempseg-Tegeler Music Hour.

HO WL—People's Independent Church.

KPPC —Sacred Music. KRKD—Sunday Serenade. KIVIK—Sanday's Pops. K WK W—Italian Novelties. EXLA—Al Williams.

10:15—KFI—Crime Is Your Problem. KFXM. KGB. KVOE—

YOUT Science Reporter, KFOX —Angelus Hour. KLAC—Bill Stewart.

10:25—KPPC —Churrh News. 10:30-rHECA —National Vespers.

KFI, IIIFSD —Chicago Round Table.

1111J. KGB, EV0E—Lutheran Hour.

KrItil —Greenwood Concert. KFNG —Morning Worship. KGER —Evangelical Church. MG M— Walt. Time. HO WL—American-jevrish Pragram.

K WEVI—Itallan Melodies. 10:45—KALI—Eagle Rock Baptist

Church. KFOX —Cumberland Church.

10:50—RFPC —Chureh Service. 10:55*.K WIK—New..

*KECA, KFMB —News. KFI—Catholle Hour. KILI—Happiness Hour. KNX —Invitation to Music. KA1.1 —Baptist Church. KCIIIII —On the Human Side. KFAC —First Methodist Church aRFOX —Preohyterian Church. KIND —Ratner Recommends. KFVD —Hollywood First Baptist Church.

RFWB —Peter Potter. KGB—Do You Remember?


HGER—Open Door Church. KGFJ--Sunday Showcase. KGIL—Christian Church. KIEV —Wally George Show.

*ELAC —News; Bill Stewart. KMPC--Record Session. HPPC. KV0E —Church Services.

K WIK —Speare Showcase. K WK W—Italian Melodies. KXLA--Squeakin' Deacon.

11:15—KECA. KFMB—Frank and Ernest.

KGB —Guest Star. 11:30—KECA —Reel Mamie.

EFI—Voices and Events. KHJ, KGB—Gospel Singer. RN X. ECBQ—SYmphonette. KFMB —Piano Playhouse. KFOX—Christian Church. KIND —Flite of '50. KGFJ —Say It With Music. K WIE —Arehlteet Almanac. K WK W—All-Saints Episcopal Chureh.

11:45—KILL KGB—Master Radio Canaries.

K WIK —Heart of America. 1 43—HECA—Hour of Faith.

KFT—NBC Theater. *KHJ, KFXM, KVOF..—News. *KNX. HALL KFAC—News. KFMB—Sunday Musicale. RFOX—Popular Melodies. KFSD— Win a Holiday. KFVD--Lifelines. KF WB—Peter Potter. KGER—Open Door Church. Kt:El—Sunday Serenade. KGIL—Pop Concert.

*KXLA —News; Bill Stewart. KMPC —Sunday Record Session KO WL—Italian Program. K WIK —Miracle Church. K WK W—Itetlian Melodies. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

12 :111—K PPC —Cla ssical Music. 12 :15*KHJ,

Cunningham. KNX. HCBQ—Romance of the Highways.

KALI—Klub KALI. RFA('— Metropolitan Encores.

12:30—KECA. KERB—Music With the Girls.

KFL KT-SD—Quit Kids. RAJ, KGB —Juvenile Jury. KNX —Eniversity Explorer. FCCRQ—Makehelleve Town. KFWIt— Wizard of the Ivories.

IRGER—Werd of Truth. KC:IL—Tunes and Topics. KO WL—Hungarian Hour. KRKD —Sunday on Ranch. EVOE—Family Concert. littil14—Bob Dublin. Show. K WK W—Classical Hour.

12:45—KNX—Melody Parade.

sue »el


and Morning Programs Appear In Lightface pe: Afternoon Evening Programs in Boldface.

Religion 8 :80—Christian Science, KF1. 9:311—Voice of Prophecy. KHJ. 10 :30—National Vespers. ICECA, 10:30—Lutheran Hour. K M. 11 :00—Catholic Hour, ICEL 12:00—Hour of Faith. KECA. 1:00—Old Fashioned Revival,


Co medy- Variety

1:30—Godfrey's Digest. 1416X. 3:30— Memo From Molly, KNX. 4:00 —Jack Benny. KNX. 4 :30— Harris-Faye. K n. 4:30—Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. 5:00—Edgar Bergen, KFI. 6:00— Meet Corliss Archer, KNX. 6:30— Horace Heidi, KNX. 8:00—Our Miss Brooks, KNX 8:30—Edgar Bergen, KFL 9:00—Red Skelton, K M. 9:30—Jack Benny, KNX.

Drama • 12:00— NBC Theater. Kr,. 1:00—MGM Theater. KFL 2:30—Greatest Story, KECA. 5:3(1—Theater Guild, KFI. 6:30—Crossroads, KECA.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

8:00—Salt Lake TatOnacle, KNX 10 :On—Invitation to Music, }O M. la:110--MIlton Cross, KECA. 6:30—American Album, KTI. 7:04 —Contented Hoar, KNX. 8:30—Standard Hoar. Ell. 9:30—Chicago Theater. KHJ.


Comment-Narration 6:15 —Louella Parsons, KECA. 7:15 — William Tusher. KECA. 8:00 —Drew Pearson. KECA.

M ystery-Detective 1:30— Wm. Gargan. 2:00—The Falcon, KI M 2:30—Charlie Wild; K n, 3:30—Nick Carter, KHJ. 4:00-91000 Reward, KFI. 4:30—Peter Salem, RILL 7:30—The Whistler, KNX.

Public I nterest-Inf ormation

8.35 —Invitation to Learning. KNX.

A .00—People's Platform, XXX. 4:00—California Caravan, 8:15—If They Had Lived. KGF.I 8:45—Sunday Evening Club.

KFAC. 9:45—Troublé Is My Business.


Quiz. Participation 1:00—Earn Your Vacation, KN5 12:30—Quis Kid., KFL 5:00—Stop the Music. KECA. 7 :1O-304 Question, EFL , .7:'30—Cliche Club. ECA. 8:00—Twenty QuestiOns, KHJ.

Popular- Western Muni 2:00—Frank Sinatra, KNX. 7 :00.--Ginny SIMMS. KECA.

IDVD—Piano Parade. *KGIL—News.

1 —HECA —Old-Fashioned Revival Hour.

KFII—MGM Theater of the Air, "Public Hero Number One." William Eythe, Paul Stuart, Nina Foch.

KELL KFXM, KGB. HVOE--Hashknife Hartley.

KNX —Earn Your Vacation. KALI —Klub KALI. KCBQ—First Presbyterian Church.

KF•AC —Keyboard Styling.. LI MB—Damon Runyon Theater.

KFOX —Gospel for Divided World.

KFSD—The Falcon. KFVD —Sitinskin' Deacon. KFWB—Music. KGER—Healing Waters. KGEI—Intermismion. ROIL—Easy Listening.

*KLAC—News; Bill Stewart. *KMPC —News; Hits and Airs. HO WL—Scandinavian Hour. KPPC —Afternoon Concert. KRED —Sunday on Ranch. KWIK —Religioult News. R WK W--Classical Hour. KILA —Strollin' Tom.

1:15—IRFAC —Catholic Topics. KMPC,—Dugout Dope. K WIK —Pentecostal Tabernacle

*FIXLA—News. 1:30-1111J, Kr" x-m. KGB, 1FIVOE—

Martin Kane, Private Eye. KNX. KCHQ —Godfrey's Direst KFAC —Imports on Wax. EFOX —Lutheran Immanuel Church.

KFMB—Box 13. KFSD —High Adventure. KGER—Light and Life. KGE11 —Serenade to Afternoon. KLAC —Dugout Dope. WRFC —Baseball: Angels vs.

KXLA—Church in the Barn. I :45—HLAC —Bageball: Hollywood

at San Diego.

111 —KECA —Votre of Prophecy. KFI—The Falcon. KHJ. KFXM, KGB. HVOE— The Shadow.

KNX—Meet Frank Sinatra. KALI—Klub KALL KFAC —Concert Favorites. KFMR--Starlight Memories. KFOX—Good News. KFVD—Darlem Holiday. KFWB, K WK W—Muelr. ROER—long Beach Band. KGFJ—Anybody'et Hit Parade. ROIL—Melody Time. KLAC —Baseball. IIMPC -114aseltall. KO WL—Catholic Holy Hour. KPPC—Afternoon Concert. KRI M —Sunday on Ranch. R WIK—Amaring Grace. K KLA —Challetute to Youth.

2:15—KALI—Name That Tune. *KFMR—News. KFOX—Healing Waters. K WK W —TrinIty Church.

2:30—KECA, K ERB —Greatest Story Ever Told.

KIT, IIT180 —Charlie Wild, Private Eve.

KILL REX% KGB. HVOE— True Detective Mysteries.

KALI— Miracle Church. KFOX —Gospel Harbor Light. KFVD—Star Parade. KFWR—Melody of Youth. KGFJ—Time Went. RGTL—Sunday Bible Players. RO WL —Yiddlgh Hour. 1R WTTC —Lutheran Hour. K WKW—Afterneon Interlude. XLA —Ole Rasmussen.

, —KECA, KFMR--Lutheran Hr. KFI—Penn V' Singleton. KILL KFXM, KGB. KV 0E— Ray Rogers.

KNX—American Rhapsody. KALI—Folk Music. KCBO—Rate Your Mate. TIFAC—Museum Concert. RFOX —Gospel Youth Program KE8111-1Les Brown Show. IFIFSG —Church Service. KFTre —Star Parade.

*KFWB—New.. KGER--rolonial Tabernacle. KGF.I—Gene'et Pet Parade. ROIL—Concert Highlights. RLAC-1Rasehall. KMPC —Basehall. KO WL—Ilddlsh finar. 1Krrc—Afternoon Concert. TC WITC--Church of the Air. RIVR W—rnitryl "Melon Army KXLA —Ole Rasmussen.

3:15--Rwt111--Gnest Star. HEWB--Mtnir. 1:CG1P.1— Weatern Rnmultin.

grervirc—lreadlinett. Miteir. 3:30—KreA. KFMR--Sammy Kaye

sanda• Serenade. err. Kren—T, HILL KFXM, KGB, EVOE— N.lek Carter.

Page 21: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


KALI—Clive Arker Jazz Shoo KFOX—Pentecost al Church. KFVD —Hollywood Talent Re% ue.

KGEK—Biblical Research. KliFJ—Teeterday's Hits. KGIL—Musir for Dancing. KMPC —Baseball. K WIK —Gilhert & SIVR W —Sioder Lambert KXLA —Musir.

3:45—K WK W—Portuguese Hour.

dirKECA, HEMB—This Thing Called Life.

K M. KESD—$1000 Reward. TIFX111, Kfift, HVOE—

California Caravan. ENX, KCBQ —Jack Benny. KALI—Tabernacle Church. RFAC—Musical Masterpieces. KFOX —Sunehine Mission. KEVD—Holly wood Talent Re; ue.

EFWR—Old-Fashioned Rett DI KGEFL-31usic Hail. KGEI—Tlaualian Serenade. KG11,—Songs of VeaterdaL KLAC —Batehall. IIMPC—Baseball. BOWL—Italian Hour. RPPC. K WITI —Orrheatras of the World.

XXI.A—Musir. 4:15—KRKD— When Hawaii Calls.

FiWK W —Musk. :30*REC A—Th is Week Around the

World. ST 1. K FSO—Ph I l orris-Alice Faye.

KILL KFXM. KGB. KI OE— Affairs of Peter Salem.

KNX, KC/IQ—Amos 'n' Andy. REMB—Proudly We Hail. KFOX —Wings «nt Jfealint. KFVD —Calif. Nnfl. Guard. KGER —Ameriran Bible Institute.

KGFJ—Salute to B lets. KGIL—National Guard FO WL—Oriental Moods KVIR W—Sialute to Reservists. HXLA—Frank Ponrie.

4:45-1(611.—Danre Parade. TIO WL—Sacred Heart.

5—KECA, REHR—Stop the Music SF', NERD —Texas Rangers. EH.!. TI MM, KGB—Bobby Benson.

KNX. 'WI N—Bergen-McCarthy Show.

KALI—Songs of France. KFAC —Program 143. RFOX —Evangelist Program. KEVD —Proudly We Hall. 'KEN B—Voice of Calzan. KGER —Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ—Publir Messenger. RG1E—Armchair Favorites. ALAC—Baseball.

*R3TIPC. K WTE, R WR W —News KO WL—E;enhog Serenade. KPPC —MatInee at The. K M:CD—Truth for Today. K111E—Pentecostal Hour. K TA -31usir.

5:05—KMPC —Parade of Hite. KIVIK—Music in Latin Mood.

3:15—KRKD—Musie in a Romantic Manner.

K WK W—Italian Classical. 5:30—K41. KFS:D—Theater Guild.

KFXM, KGB— , Enchanted Hour.

*KNX —CBS se w. Room. Sunday Desk.

Krito—Muaienl Carpet. IRF W —Goov Bates Post. KFOX-016-Time Religion. KEITH—Or. John Matthews. TIGER—Immanuel Christian Assembly.

Kcc.1 —Film News, Dot Mc; berg.

K • ;11,— Ta h t ian Memories. RP M—Sig-ma Alpha lote.

*KRI M —News. K A M —Grange Program. TIXT.A —Litwoln Aie. Church.

5:15-11FAC — Waltz Time. IRFOX —Illible Mission.

*KGF.1—News. RG1E—Latin-American Rhythms.

K w m —Sarred Heart Hour. 6*KIECA, KEMB—Walter

Winchell. KEI, KFSD—Theater

*KTIJ. KFX111, KGB—News. KNX. KCBQ—Meet Conies Archer.


KFAC—Columhia Masterworks RGF.R —Semi-Claseir Hits. KGEJ-31usiral Digest. EGIL—Marine Story.

*KLAC—News: Bill Stewart. KPPC —Sacred Song Recital. KRIED—Romantie Mask. KIER W—Geble af Canada.

6:05—EVI 1E—Continental Rendezvous.

KF31B—Louella Parson*.

KI1J, REX.31, KV0E—Mutual Neonreel.

SFOX —Ministerial Union. KFWB, KGR—Music. KGIL--Stars ofi Parade. KM PC —Rands and Ballads. KPPC —Organ Recital. R WK W —Both Sides of the Screen.

RXLA—Red Croes. 6 :30 —SECA FMB—Crossroads,

Ted Motor>. KIT, Kt-SD —American Album of Familiar Musk.

*RILL IRFX111, KGB—Gabriel

}CNN. lit'SQ—Borace Heldt Show.

KFOX —Hal's Memory Room. KFWB—Calvary Assembly. KGF:R—Lutheran League. KGIL—Dinner Concert. RPPC —Fhilfiren's t'orner. KRIIH —Kingdom Fellowship. K WIR —Nick Musky. K WK W —Proudly We Hail. 1EXLA—Liotheren Gospel Hour.

11:45*KFLI —MaJor George Fielding Eliot.

KGB—Get More Out of Life. KMPC—Memory Melodies. IRPPC —Wings of Hark. KRNII—Romantic Music. WI OE—Errand of Merry.

7—EEC.', KEMB—Ginny Simms Song Shop.

AFL KESD —Sizty-Four Dollar Question.

KFX111, K B—This Is Enron*.

KNX. TECBQ—Contented Hour. KFAC —Mweir Magic. AVON —Full Gospel Assembly. 1R1FSG—Anaelus Hour. KI MB—Fnion Rescue Mission TIGER —Brown Schools Evangelistic Hour.

KGFJ—Musical Digest. viriRGIL—Newoo. *KIAC —News; Best In Variety. IF(31PC —I Believe in God. liPPC —Mouvie. K WIK —Drama Workshop. KB KW —Pastor's Hour. XLA—National Voice.

7:15-11iFeA IF!'51B— Wrn. Tusher in Hollywood.

KGIL—Vauelin Monroe. KMPC -40 &5 Parade. KPPC —Stwaking of Books. EXLA-31tosic.

5:39_1zEcA —Cilrhe Club. HF!. RFSD—Roonenelt for Governor.


A N N. RC M:I—The Whistler. KFAC —Your Concert. KEMB—Andy Hardy. AVON — The Sing'. Service. 114FSG—Fvening Service. KFWB—Musir. KG1L-31ueir Bog. K SIPC —Lee Brown. IIIPPC—Byways of Verse. 1R WRIV —Maple Chapel M elodies.

KXLA —Clourch of Open floor. 7:4.5—T M —Meet M e in St. Louis.

KFIVII—t'atholir Answers. IF(31Pc—Freedom Story. RPPC—Music.

db*BErA. KFMR—Drew Pearson. grt —v.,1«.e of the Cathedral. KILL nrxm. WG111. AVOW— Tweet v Que.tione.

KNX. ItcSO—Onc Mice Brooks KFAC—Flret Methodist. li(EnX ECHO—Smerican Forum. tr FRG—Evening "-n ice.

KFIVB—Ilollywood Presbyterian Church.

KGER —Moosir Hall. KGFJ—Stal000los Amigos. RGFL—Songe of floor Time. KLAC —Vets Bedside Quiz. RI!! " — % Mellen Sinenks Cp. KIOnC —Sonday Evening Hour. KO's/IV —Voice of Prophecy. 1 W,A—Onen Door Church.

8:13*KFCA. KFyIK—Monday Morning Headlinee.

RGEI—If They Had Lived. RI,AC —Army Show. Kstpc — Mindy Carson & Bill Stern.

11:23—KGF.1-31neir Interlude. 8 :30*HEC A, IRF31B—Walter

Winehell. KEE KFSD —Standard Hour. KT1.1. KEN.'!. KGB. KVOE— Count of Monte Cristo.

KNX, ISCBQ—Bergen-McCarthy Show.

KGFJ—Ave Marta Hour. RGIL —Gems of Melody. KLAC—Irwla M an.

!MIT —American Lesion Press Association.

RPPC —sarred Musk. HIVIS —Father Devine. K WK W—Oneratir Exrerpts.

8:43—ELECA, RF31B—Louella Parsons.

KE W —Sunday Evening Club. Fli nt —Message to Israel« EL M —Hour of St. Francis. RPPC —Word of Life.

. RXLA—Music.

9-11ZE.CA—United Jewish Appeal. KFI, KFSD—Standard Hour. *H MI, IFIFX211. KGB. KVOE—

News. Glenn Hardy. KNX. HCBQ—Red Skelton Show.

KFA(' —Sunday Evening Club. REMB—Caliente Races. RFOX —Victory Baptist Church.

IREWB —Radio Edition of Bible KGER—Bethel Church. KGEJ—Talent Parade. KGEL—Musical Scrapbook.

*si-Ar —News. Musk. KMPC —Candlelight and Silver. APPC —F. N. Report. KIVIK —Jewel t'ity Showcase.

*K WK W —Music. News. K XLA —Old-Feishioned Revival

9:15—K11.11—Henry Brandon Orch. KEYS B—Rabbi Magnin.

*KGB—Bill Cunningham. KLAC —Guest Star.

9:30—KS:CA —Piano Playhouse. *K M —Robert L. Gump. • KFX31. KGB—Chicago Theater.

KNX, KCBQ—,lack Benny. KFAC--liateway to Music. KFMR—t:toret Star. 1/FOX—Musk. KESD —Proudly I% • Hall. RFSG—Sarred Serenade.

*KFWB —News. KGER —Brown Schools Program.

KGEI—Epbeat Session: KGIL—Musiral Memories. KLAC—Dept. of Employment. KPPC —Mossir of Many Land.. KS OE.—Minister'm Hour. . K WIK —Listen. America. K WK W—rnion Church.

9:45.....wrt —Trouble le My Businests. KEMB—Bing Crosby. KFOX —Son; of the West. KFWB—Music. ALAC—Here's to Vets.

10*KFCA, KF31B—News of Tomorrow., *KEE REIM—Richfield

Reporter. RAJ. TIFXM, KGB, HVOE—. Chicago Theater.

*KNX. KCBQ—News. Huntley. KFAC —Gateway to Music. KFOX—Salute to Beier% lets. AFRO—Poet of the Piano. KEYD—Spade Cooley Time.

*IIFWB—News; Music. KGF.R—Mcroy Rapti« Church Kt:El—Platter Party. ROIL—Ten O'Clock Curtain.

*KLAC—News: Melody Parade. TIM M —Proudly IS e Hall. K Pre--Convert Hour. K WIR —Sam's Show. • K W —Mueic for Dreaming. ANT. 1—Voice of Calvary.

10:15-14VCA—Retall Clerks' Show. KFI-31,1yor Bowron. KNX. ACTUI—Top of the Week.

*REMR—tkorge Sokoleky. RESD—Mary Ann Mercer.

MEN! WOMEN! —If you qualify and start pro-fessional training now at -The West's Outstanding Ttadio-TV Srhool"—with air experience on

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nient service. A E C A

Also our new Talent Show Sun. day A.M.—the "Speare Show. case." K WITI and FCEMV-FM

11-11:30 A.M. Approved -tor veterans

FREDERICK N. SPEAR§ 5927 Sunset Blvd. HO. 9-2325

10:30—KFCA—Speare Career Theater HET—American Forum. SHJ —Arthur Van Orch. RN X—Ilissery e. ECBQ—Insitation to Music. KEMB—E1 an geleers. AEON— Melody Sermons. KIESD —Sammv Kaye. RFSG —Consore Melody Time. KEW B--Echoes of Eden. KGB —Smoke Rings. KGER—Spirituale. K61E—Tips for Listening. KMPC—Hank Hope. KXLA—Memory Lane.

10:45—KEMB—National Guard.I SFAX —Musk. 14 —RECA —Cinegrill Orch.

olo Kin —Music and the Anse. KH.I—Lev in Opera Concert.

*:F31"- B—11,7ungda.SK SW K W — I121. 76. KEAC —Nocturne.

KFOX—Concert Master. SFSG—Song Stories. KIND..--soade Coaley Time. IliCFWB—F.choes of Eden. R(«F.1—fl•wood R ouse Pa rty. KG1L—Juke-Box Review.

*ALAC—News; Across the Footlights.

KMPC —Hollywend Hit Parade K WIK—Hank Hope Show. XXLA —Church of God.

11:T5—JINX—Dance Orch. KESID —Music and the Muse. KESG —Jubilee Singers. K WK W —Monde for Dreaming.

11.;30—KlsC,A1.—. Beverly Hills Hotel Orch.

First Freedom. ATLI —Vincent Lopez Show. AEON —Hal'« Memory Room. KESD —St. Francis Orch. KESG —Rhymee for Reverie.

—KECA —Ambaseador Hotel Orr h.

Mimic You Want. 11 :45

SINN —Elmo Roper. KESG—Colle go» Serenaders. K G F.1— Stilintion Army.

It Coil*KMPC—News. *KNX, HEA R KLAC —News. nrAr —Midnight Serenade. K rto-D -1) S.pade Cooley Time

NINTH—Show People's Show (to 41.

K WRIV—Rill Sampson (to 2:301.

12:95 —ENX —Midnight 3luair Man. KEWII —Music After Midnight. '(LAC—Arrosa the Footlights.

l*Kgr'NFXAC--NSeyon". phrong (to 3). R TIT) — DreaR1 Ti me.


Recorded Highlights SUNDAY POPULAR

9.15 to.m. —KEW11. Peter Potter. 2:00 p.m. —KEVD, Hunter Hancock.

CLASSICAL 9:30 a.m. —KF %C. Gilbert and

guilty an. 9:30 p.m. —KFAC, Gateway to Musk. 1:00 a.m. —KFAC. Symphony.

WA KELY'S CREDITS Ji mrny Wakely, whose

disc-jockey show is heard over the ABC net wor k, starred in more than forty Western pictures before be-coming a Capitol recording star.

* * HONORARY CITIZEN CBStar Jean Hersholt, "Dr.

Christian," has been made an honorary citizen of New Orleans for his philanthropic work.


Joseph Curtin, male lead of CBS's "Mr. and Mrs. North," made his New York stage debut with Maude Adams and Otis Skinner in "Tne Merchant of Venice."

Page Twenty4one

Page 22: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 *Indicates News Broadcast 8-11ECA, KFMB—Don McNeal,.

Breakfast Club. KFI, KFt4D—Break the Bank.

*H MI. EFX111, KGB —Cecil Brown.

KNX—Top of the Morning. *KALI, KFIVB, KIEV, KLAC.

KMPC, KXIA—News. KFAC--Church Federation. KFOX—Challenge to l'outh. KFVD— Wakeup Ranch. EGER.—Mizpah. KGF.1 —Music You Want. • KG M—Andrew Fearing. HO WL—Spanish Hour. KRKD—Top Tune«.

*ERIK —News: Club 1490. K WK W —Ritinos Latino-Americanos.

11:05— KALI—Brother Welch. KIEV —Records with Raisin.

8:10 —KLAC —Stock Reports. 8:15*KH.1. KGB, HOWL, K WK W—•

NPR'S. • *KNX —News. Dave Valle.

KFAC—Serenade. KFWB—Bill Leyden. KGIL—Keyboard Melodies. KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. KMPC —Markets, Sports. KXLA—Music.

9:20—K WK W--Council of Churches. KFSD--Jack Berch. KFX91, KGB, KV OE—

Bihie Institute. KNX, KCITQ —Grand Slam. KALI—Spanish Home Hour.

*KFA(, KG!!.. KRKD—News. KFOX— Words of Life. KFVD —Coffee Time. KGER—Voice of China. EGFJ—Melody Time. IIIMPC —Rosei Mulholland. KO WL—Precious Memories. liEWK W—Nazarene Church. 1FIXLA—Flaven of Rest.

8:45—KFT —Meyers Goes to Market. KNX —Rosemary. KFAC—tnity. KFSD —Southern Shindig.

*KFVD —News. KGER —Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ—Treasnry Department. EGIL—On Parade. KLAC—Racingo News. K WK W—Voice of China.

9—KECA, KFIRB—Johnny Obten's Luncheon Club.

*KET. 'WS!). KFWB. KLAC, K WIK —News.

*1511.1 —Kate Smith Speaks. KALI—Spaniah Home Hour. KFAC—Piano Parade. AVON —Pentecostal Church. KI ND —Coffee Time. KGB —Songs of Our Times. KGER —Lutheran Hour. KGFJ —Delinauency Forum. KG11..—Morning Varieties. KIEV —Records with Raisin. emer—Ross Mulholland. KO WL—Best Songs. KRVID--Sagehrush Serenade. K WK W—Tony Sein. KXLA—Bar Nothing Ranch.

:05—KFI —Ladies' flay. KIVIK —Latin Interlude.

9:15—KFI, KYND —Dial Dave Garroway.

KILL KFXM. KGB. KVOE— Garden Guide.

KNX. KCBQ—Aunt Jenny. AFOX Home Missionary.

*FIFVD —News. KFWB —Unity Daily Word. KGF.11—Airotorials. MG M—Ballads for Ton. KI,AC —Bill Stewart.

6:25*KECA, KFM1R —Edwin C. Hill. 9:30-15ECA—Oitick as a Flash.

KFI—Ladies' Day. KILT— Women Are Wonderful. KNX. KCBH—Relen Trent. 1FCAII —Fleautiful Mellen. KFAC —Aiq‘ent on Strings. KFOX—Full Gospel.

Ormont. KGB —Molly Morse. KGFJ—Racing News. EGIL—Fashions in Music. KIEV —Coffee Time. were—Chef Milani. KO WL—Sammy Kaye Show. WIITK—Mnsical Shopper.

9:45—KNX. KCBQ —Our Gal Sunday KFMB--Ilarmony Shop.

*KFVD. KRKD—News. KGB—Frank Parker Show. KGER —God's Half Hour. KGFJ— With Melody in Mind. KO WL —Les Brown Show.

11:50—EFI—All Around . Town.

1. 0— K U :d...11Cir.MR—Viet°r H. KFT—All Arming Town.

* KEY. KFXM. KGB. IIVOE— Newe. Glenn Hardy.

KNX—Big Mister.

Page Twenty-two

KFAC —Morning Concert. *KFOX—News. KFSD—Luncheon with Lopes. KFVD —Coffee nitre. KFIVB—Dave Orrnont. KGER— When Day Is Done. KGFJ—From Sunset and Vine. KG11.—Waltz Time. KIEV —Date With Allin Slate. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC—Bill Ewing Show. KO WL—Yiddish Hour. KRKD —Swing Time. R WIK —Musleal Scrapbook. K WK W —Sports. EXLA—Tom Cafferty.

10 :15—KECA —Yesterday on Broadway.

KFI—Are l'a Listening? KHJ, KFXM. KGB. KV0E--Tello-Test.

KNX —Ma Perkins. KFOX—Broadcast of Truth.

*VIPS D--10 :15 Wire. KGER—Tommy Baird. KGIL—Bing Crosby. KRKD —Dr, Richardson. K WK W —Words About Women.

10:25*KFIVB, K W1K —News. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

10:30—KECA. KFMR —My True Story KFI —Wendell Noble. KILT—Norma Young. KNX—Young Dr. Malone. KALI—Top Tune Time. KFAC —Song Recital. KFOX—Music of the Morning. KFSD —Family Show. KFVVB—Showtime. KGB—Dedicated to Yon. KGER -11Iplen Markham.

*KGIL. KXLA —News. KRKIT—Marvin Ash. E WIE —Belle Martell. K WK W—Hora de Los Angeles.

In:35--KGIL—Midmorning Melodies. 10:45--KFT —T.Ife Can Be Beautiful.

KNX--Gulding Light. KGER —Rev, Le Roy Kopp. 1(1111D —Midnight Mission. KXLA— Western Music.

10:55—KECA. KFMB--Betty Crocker . Magazine of the Air.

KGF.11—Sports Flash. *K WIK—News.

— KECA, KFMB—Betty Crocker. KFT, KFSD—Double or Nothing.

KHJ. KFX111, KGB, KVOE— Ladies' Fair.

KNX —Second Mr.. Burton. KALI —Ladiee' Show. KFAC —Guy Baies Post. RFOX—Rhythmie Age. KFVD—Ilible Institute.


KFWE—Matniee Hart. EGFJ—Yeaterdav's Hits. RGIL—Midmorning Melodies. KIEV —Date With Allin Slate. KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC —News; 11111 Ewing Show.

HO WL —Spanish Haw. KRRD—Songs of Yesteryear. K W1K —Musio. K WK W —Hora de Los Angeles. K XLA— Western Music.

11:15—KECA —Easy Ares. KNX —Perry Mason. KFAC—Folk Songs. KGER—Sunshine Mission.

*RXLA—Pasadena News. 11:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash.

*K WIK—News. 11:30*KE('%, KI EB —John B.

Kennedy. en. KFSD—Live Like a • Millionaire. KILL KFXM. KGB, KVOE— Queen for a Day.

KNX. KCIIQ—Nora Drake. KALI— Morning Melodies. KFAC —Musle Hall.

*KFOX, KGER, KRI M—News. KFVD—Rescue Mission.

*KFWB —News: Maurice Hart. IMER —Montebello Revival. KGFJ—Variety on Piano. KG1L—Musiral Moments. KO WL—Dept. of Employment. KXLA—Hometown Jamboree.

11:45—KECA —Ira Cook. KNX —The Brighter Day. KFMR —Jan Garber. KFOX —Hit Tunes. KGER —Semi-('lassie Hits. KGEI—Remember Romany.

*KGIL—News. KO WL—Saliele to a Star. KRKD —Sweet Pops.

11:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash. *KO WL— World News.

2— KECA —Hank W , News. -Kin —Farm Reporter. *H MI. AT M, KGB. II WK W-

News. *KNX —News, Pringle. KALI— Woody Hattie, Sports. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. KFMIS—Surprise Matinee. KFOX—Jimmie Dolan. KFED—Life Can Re Beautiful. KFVD—Ffelp Wanted. KFWB —Bill Anson. KGER—Songs for Luncheon. KGIL—Noonday Melodies.

*KIEV—News: Date With Slate KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom, KMPC—Moods in Music. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRI M—Daily Almanac. K XL A—Hometown Jamboree.

12:95—E WK W—Sports News. 12:15*KECA —Baukhage Talking.

KFI. KFISD—Road of Life. *K M —Cedric Foster.


RADI O17 9

M O »

Morning. Programs Appear in Lightface pe; Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface

Comedy-Variety 3:00—Arthur Godfrey, KNX. 6:30—Maisie. K M. 7:00—My Friend Irma. KNX. :30—Talent Scouts, KNX. 9:30—Beulah. KNX.

Quiz, Participation 7 :00-- Welcome to Hollywood,

KECA. 8:U0—McNeill Bkfet. Club, ¡MCA 8:30—Grand Slam, KNX. 11:00—Double or Nothing. KFL 11:30—Queen for a Day, KHJ. 12:30—Art I.inkletter, KNX. 2:00 —Surprise Package, KECA. 3:00— Welcome Travelers, KFL 7:30—Bob Hawk, KNX.


8:00—Let George Do It. KHJ. 8:30—Under Arrest, KFI.I. 9:30—Inner Sanctum, KECA. 10:00-1 Love a Mystery, KILL

Drama 6:00—Lux Theater, KNX. 9:00— Wwood Playhouse. KNX. 9:00—Mr. President, KECA.

Co m ment- Narration

9:00—Kate smith. KHJ. 1:30—Housewlves' League, KNX. 4:00—Art Baker, KECA.

4:30—Burritt Wheeler, EFL 4:34—Behind the Story, K W.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

0:30—Volee of Firestone, K n. 7:30—NBC Symphony, KFI. 1:30—Railroad Hour, Kr'. 9:00—Telephone Hour, EFL

Public Interest-Information

12:00—Farm Reporter, KFI. 6:00—American Way, K M. 6:30—Answer Man, KHJ. 7:90— War Front, Home Front,

KILL 7:30—United or Not. KECA.

Sports 8:43—Racing News, KLAC. 9:30—Racing, KGFJ. 5:00—Fred II • KGER. 5:15—Tom Harmon, KNX. 5:30—Sports Dial, BRED. 5:45—Race Recap, KGFJ. 5:45—Race Results, KRED. 5:45—Sam Batter, KLAC. 6:15—Lippy Duckat, E WER. 6:15—Bob Kelley, EMPC. 6:30—Joe Hernandez, KMPC. 8:45—Jackie Robinson, KECA.

Popular-if' esters Music 4:00—Curt Massey, KNX. 8:15—M. Whiting and J. Smith.


KNX—George Fisher. KAIA —Klub HALL

*RYON:, HFVD. KGER—News, KGB—Dick Haymes Show. EGIL—Help Wanted.

*KMPC —Southland Reporter. K WIK—Music. K WK W—Farm News.

1? :25—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 12 : 30—KEC A , KFMB—Modern

Romances. KFI, KFSD —Pepper Young. KHJ —Nancy Dixon. KNX —Art Linkletter. KFOX—Corral Roundup. KFVD--Shopping Highlights.

*KFVVB—News: }Sill Anson. KGER—Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ-1230 KG11.-- Weidey Tuttle. KNIT(' —Facts of Farmers. KRRD —Prairie Schooner. K WK W —Upton Close. K XLA —Ole Rasmussen.

12:45—KFL KFSID--Right to Happiness.

KH,I, KFXM, KGB, Kt0E— Lanny Ross Show.

*KFAC —News. KMPC--Religkuis Science Inst. R WR W—Sports: Music.

12 :55*RN X—Cedric Adams. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

*K WIK —News. — KECA—Ira Look. KFI, KFSD—Barkstage Wife. KILL KFX111, Kt.B, 111 OE— Bands for Bonds.

JINX, K('BQ—Nona From Nowhere.

KALI—Stub KALI. KFAC—Employment Review. RFOX—Texas Tiny. KFVD —Shopping Highlight,. KFWB--Bill Anson. KGER —Peter Slack, Organ. KGFe-1230 Club. KGII.—Wesley Tuttle. KIEV —Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAJ' —News. emrc—California Carousel. KOWL—Joe Adams. KRKD—Prairie Schooner. K WIE —Afternoon Serenade. K WK W—Bill Garr Show. KXLA—Community Broadcast.

1:10—KLAC -570 Club. 1:13—KFI, KFSD —Stella Dallas.

KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Harvey Harding Sings.

KNX. KCB(1.--Hilltop House, KALI—Success Story. KFAC —Books Bring Adventure.

K WK W—Races and Sports. K XLA—LeRoy Smith.

1:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 1:30—KFL KIND—Lorenzo Jones.

KH.1—B & D Chuckle Wagon, KNX—Housewives Protective League.

*KALI—News. KFAC —Matinee. KFVD —For Westerners Only.

*KFWII —News: Bill Anson. KGER—Clark Sparks Show. KGFJ—Armchair Concert. KGIL —Homemakers. KIEV —Records with Raisin. KXLA—Western Hits. KRKIli —Polka Time.

1:43—KECA —Frances Scully. EFL EFSD— Widder Brown. RATA—Home in the Valley. EFWB--Bill Anson. KGER —Social Security. K WK W—Rare* and Sports. 1RXLA —Western Roundup.

1:55*KNX, KCB(). R WIR —News. KGF,T—Sports

lii—KECA—Surprise Package. K M. KFSD— When a Girl Marries.

*KELL KNX—News. K ALT —Roy Logging Show. KFAC —f'omposer's Corner. KFOX—Tesau Tiny. REVD —For Westerners Only. KFWB-11111 Anson. TIGER —Success Story. KGF.I —Meet the Band. KGEL—Flomemakens Matinee. KIEV —Records with Raisin.

*EMPr —News: Carousel. *KI.AC —News: Sports. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. ERKIT--Vour Neighbors. KVVIK—Afternoon Serenade. KIIK W— Words About Music. ENTA— Western Roundup.

:115—RN X—Intern at i onal Disc Jockey.

EcSD—portia Faces I.ife KHJ —George Crowell. KLAC-570 Club. KRED—Music. KXI.A —Continental Serenade.

2:25 —EGFA —Snorts Flash. 2:30—KECA, KFMB —Chance of a

Lifetime. KFI, KFSD —Just Plain Bill.

*KFVD —News. *KF WB—News: Bill Anson. 1FIGER—Garden n oel. KGEI—Varietv on Piano. KGIL—Variations in Rhythm.

*EBBW —News; Tops in Pops.

e à

Page 23: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

"T ello-T est" C alls Formula Mutual - Don Lee's "Tello - Test"

master of ceremonies, Mel Venter, says that the calls he makes on his week-day feature are not selected at random. Venter, whose program is aired Monday through Friday, KFRC 10:15 to 10:30 a.m., explained "No, sir! Those calls are not a matter of chance. We have access to 124 tele-phone books, many of which natural-ly include a num-ber of cities and towns in one vol-ume. The calls are controlled so that each telephone exchange geo-graphically re-ceives an equal number over a given period of time and, there-fore, if we live that long, every Pacific Coast resi-dent with a Ielephone will eventually be given a chance at the "Tello-Test" jackpot. "And people are smart," adds Mel.

"Although our questions vary in degree of difficulty, we have found that, on the average, the fourth person called comes up with the correct answer. That's about a .250 batting average . . . good enough for any league."

"Stop Music" on TF The video version of "Stop the

Music," one of the nation's most popular home audience-participation programs, becomes a regular KGO-TV Thursday evening feature (beginning Thursday, October 5) from 8 to 8:30 p.m. Long a radio headliner, "Stop the

Music" in its TV version retains all the musical excitement and interest of its r a dio namesake, plus the addition of colorful vocal and dance numbers which give visual hints to the many quiz tunes. Leading the parade of entertainers

is emcee Bert Parks, who, when not placing his "jackpot phone calls," takes part in the song, dance and comedy sketches. Betty Ann Grove and Jimmy Blaine handle the sing-ing roles, while the Variety Dancers illustrate the musical numbers with their exciting and novel dance inter-pretations. Harry Salter and his orchestra supply the musical accom-paniment. Although phone calls will be placed

to homes having television sets, viewers in the Bay Area will not be eligible to compete in the "Stop The Music" musical contests. The pro-gram will originate in New York City

and will be presented on KGO-TV by Vitapix recording, the ABC-TV film process, on a delayed basis. Phone calls will be placed only to homes which are able to see the program "live."

"Standard School Broadcast" Two hundred years of American

family life and music will provide the backdrop for the twenty-third annual "Standard School Broadcast," now back on the air over KNBC Friday, 10:00 a.m. Theme title of the series will be

"Music and the American Family, 1750-1950." The dramatic sequences were established last week in the first program when an aristocratic young French girl and a young, middle-class Englishman met and fell in love on a voyage to America. The couple married, despite objec-tions of the girl's father, and it is this family which is traced down through the 200 years of American history covered by the music-enjoy-ment course. Much attention will be given

musical works of European origin which became a part of the Ameri-can scene after their premieres in this country, and, of course, many fine American compositions will take leading roles in the course. Carmen Dragon will again conduct

the "Standard School Broadcast" orchestra of thirty-five pieces, and some of the dramatic artists heard on the 1949-1950 series will again appear in the cast.

"Break the Bank" One of radio's longest-run night-

time quiz shows has become a day-time three-a-week feature of KNBC with presentation of "Break the Bank" on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (KNBC, 10:30 to 11:00 a.m.). Bud Collyer, veteran radio actor

and emcee, is quizmaster of the all-cash program. Win Elliot is host of the show, which is now in its fifth year on the air.

Drive Succeeds Postage stamps from all over the

globe, more than 1,700,000 of them with a catalogue value of approxi-mately $33,000 and philatelic sup-plies worth several thousand more were collected by KCBS, San Fran-cisco, in a month-long drive for "Stamps for Hospitalized Veterans." Conducted by Al Henry, KCBS

"Stamp Man," in cooperation with the American Women's Voluntary Services, the campaign brought in-dividual stamps, entire collections, catalogues, hinges, tongs and other

philatelic supplies from thousands of listeners. All material will be distributed by the A.W.V.S. to stamp clubs in veteran's hospitals in the West. Henry appealed to CBS listeners in

the San Francisco-Oakland region on his own Sunday 2:15 p.m. stamp show, and appeared on other KCBS local programs to tell of the need for stamps.

It's Glen Again Versatile Glen Hurlburt has built

an enviable following during twenty years of performing for radio and in the theater. Now he has added television to his long list of accom-plishments as a pianist, vocalist and composer. "It's Glen Again," fifteen minutes

of informal musical entertainment, is seen over KRON-TV each Wednesday from 7:45 to 8:00 p.m. The program consists of Glen and wife Dorothy Hurlburt playing and singing old and new favorites, original compositions, novelty and specially-written songs —both as solos and duets. Like Alex Templeton, Glen is

blind. But with his handicap has come a deep and crystal-clear in-sight plus a delightful personality. This, together with his skill as an entertainer, endears him to the tele-vision audience, young and old alike, and makes him one of KRON-TV's most popular entertainers.

• "Twenty Questions" The popular "animal, vegetable,

mineral" quiz game, "Twenty Ques-tions," returned to KGO-TV for an-other season last Friday at 8 p.m. With Bill Slater as emcee, the regu-

lar panel on "Twenty Questions" in-cludes newscaster Fred Vandeventer and his wife, Florence Rinard, to-gether with producer Herb Polesie and teen-ager John McPhee. Well-known guest stars also put in regular appearances on "Twenty Questions."

Takes Job Arthur Hull Hayes, CBS vice-presi-

dent in San Francisco and general manager of KCBS, has been named chairman of the Radio Committee for the Community Chest 1950 Fund Drive.

New Tr Sportshow Evangeline Baker and Fred Jor-

gensen have a new video series over KGO-TV preceding the KGO-TV cov-erage of the Stanford Indians home football games. Fred and Vannie, KGO-TV's en-

tertaining TV couple seen on "Mail-bag of Tricks," center the video

(Please Turn to Page NC-4)

Page 24: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


No. Calif. Radio Logs, Week MONDAY THRU FRIDAY

(DAYTIME) 8 —KCISS —This Is San Fran-

cisco. *KFRC —Cecil Brown. KGO —Breakfast Club. KNBC —Morning Serenade.

8:15*KCIIS —Dave Vane, News. * KFRC —News.

8:25 —KFRC —Bess Bye. 8:30—KCBS —Grand Slam.

KFRC —Bible Institute Hour (M, W,F); Haven of Rest (Tu,Th).

KNBC —Jack Berth Show. 8:45—KCBS —Rosemary.

KNBC —Pop Preview. 9— KCBS — Wendy Warren. KFRC—Kate Smith Speaks. KGO —Luncheon Club.

* KNBC —News, C. Leisure. 9:05 —KNBC —Music for Today. 9:15 —KCBS —Aunt Jenny.

KFRC —Garden Guide. KNBC —Dial Have Garroway

9:25*KGO —Edwin C. Hill. 9:30 —KCBS—Helen Trent.

KFRC—Emily Barton. KGO—Quick as a Flash. KNBC — Woman's Magazine.

9:45 —KCBS —Our Gal Sunday.

1n—KCBS--Big Sister. lif*KFRC —News.

EGO—Victor LimBahr. • )(NBC —Remember When

(M); Fiesta Time (Tu); Piano l'ortraits (W): Tones in Blue (Th): Standard School (F).

10:15 —KCBS —Ma Perkins. KFRC--Tello-Test.

* KGO —Batikliage Talking. 10:30 —KCBS —Young Dr. Malone.

EGO —My True Story. KNBC —Break the Bank (9f, W,F)•

KNBC—Melody Masters (Tu).

10:3.5 -1KFRC —Sweeney. 10 :45 —KCBS —Guiding Light. 10:55 —K60—Betty Crocker. 14 —11CaS —Second Mrs. Burton.

KFRC —Ladies Fair. EGO—Betty Crocker. KNBC —Diuble or Nothing.

11:15—KCBS —Perry Mason. EGO —Recipe for Listening.

11:30 -1FCCBS —Nora Drake. KFRC —Queen For a Day.

*EGO —John B. Kennedy. KNBC —Live Like ab

11:45—KCBS —Brighter Day. EGO —Musical Lunch Counter. 141)*HCBS —Don Mozley, News.

Ke*KFRC—News. *KNBC —C. Leisure, News.

12:15 —KCBS —Nona From Nowhere KFRC —,Sidewalk Reporter.

*FCGO —Bay Area News. KNBC—Road of Life.

12:30—KCBS —Houseparty. EGO —Modern Romances. 1FCNBC —Pepper Young.

12:45—KFRC —Spiee of Your life. KNBC —Right to Happiness.

12:55*1FCCBS —Cedric Adams. 1 —KCBS —Party at the Palace.

KFRC —Flying Discs. EGO—Surprise Package. KNBC —Backstage Wife.

1 :15 -111NBC —Stella Dallas. 1:30 -1KCEIS —Housenives' Protec-

tive League. KFRC —B & D Chuckle Wagon.

EGO — Welcome to Hollywood KNBC —Lorenzo Jones.

1:45 —KNIRC — Widder Brown. ell —KCBS —Hilltop House.

KFRC—Bob Poole Show. EGO —Home Institute. KNI1C— When a Girl Marries

2:15 -11(eBS—Freddy Martin. KNBC —Portia Fares Life.

2:30 —KCBS —Arthur Godfrey. EGO —Chance of a lifetime. KNBC —Just Plain Bill.

2:45 —ENBC—Front-Page Farrell. 2:5511r1FCGO— White H MIs,' Report. 3— KCBS—Arthur Godfrey.

KFRC —Harold Turner, Organ.

EGO—Today in Hollywood. KNBC — Welcome Travelers.

3:05-barGO—Toaav's World. 3:15 -11(VRC —The Starnates.

KG0 -11annihal Cobb. 3:30-1CFRC —Bing Crosby Sings.

EGO —Talk Back. KNBC —Aunt Mary.

1:45 —EGO —Ted Malone. KNBC —We Love and Learn. 4—KCBS—Curt Massey Time.

*KFRC —Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KGO—News. KNBC— Wonian's Secret.

4:05*KGO —Headline Edition. 4:15 —KCBS--Strike It Rich.

*KFRC —Frank Hemingway. KGO—Ann Holden. KNISC —Life Can Be Beautiful.

4:30*KFRC —Behind the Story. KNBC —Dr. Paul.

4:15 —KCIRS —Bob Callahan, Songs. * KFRC —Sam Hayes. *KNBC-11. V. Kaltenborn.

4:50 -1(00--Music for Milady.


KFRC —Mark Trail. KGO — Waitin' for Wakely. KNI1C —Jolly Bill.

5:15*KCBS—Jane Todd, Comment KNBC —On Our Bandstand.

5:30*KFBS —Chet Huntley. KFRC —Cliallenge of the Yukon.

EGO —Space Patrol. *KNISC —Joe Gillespie, News.

5:45*KCBS —Frank (loss, News. * KNBC —Elmer Peterson.

5:55*KC1B8 —Local News. EGO—Falstaff's Fables.

e —KCBS —Songs for Sale. U *KFRC—Gabriel Heatter. *KGO —Edwin C. Hill. KNBC —Music of Americas.

6:(A5 -1(GO—Ira Blue, Sports. 6:15*KFRC —Mutual Newsreel.

*KGO—Elmer Davis. 6:30 —KFRC —Answer Man.

KGB —Hits and Encores. KNBC —Night Beat.

6:45*KFRC —Sam Hayes. 6:55*KFRC —Bill Henry and the

News. — KCISS —Treasury Bandstand. KFRC —The Hidden Truth. EGO —Cavalcade of Sports. KNBC — Wanted.

7 :15—KCBS —The Chicagoans. 7 :30—KCBS —Treasure Tune Show.

KFRC —The Cisco Kid. KNBC —Bill Stern, Sports.

7:45 —KNBC —To Be Announced. 8* HCBS—Lowell Thomas,

News. KFRC —Tomorrow's Football KGB —The Fat Man. KNBC —One Man's Family.

8:15 —KCBS —Jack Smith Show. KFRC —John T. Flynn.

* KNBC —M. Beatty, News. 8:30—KCBS —Broadway Is My

Beat. KFRC—True or False. EGO —This Is Your F.B.I. KNI3C —Darrow of the Diamond X. 9— KCBS —Like Everybody Else.

*KFRC—News. EGO —Ozzie and Harriet. KNBC — World Affairs.

9:15*EFRC —Fulton Lewis, Jr. 9:30 —KCBS—Beulah.

KFRC —Comedy of Errors. EGO —Jack Armstrong. )(NBC —Burgle Music Box.

9:45-1(CBS —Club 15. 9:55*KFRC —Flve Minute Final. 1n* KCIRS—Chet Huntley.

111CFRC —I Love a Mystery. *KGO —News. *KNBC —Richfield Reporter.

10:15 —KCIRS —Hansen, Sports. *FCFRC"--Frank Edwards. EGO —Tops in Tunes.

Letts. 10:311 -111Clet—Lewb, m ar tin.

Comment. IFCFRC —Acme Hop.

*KGO —John B. Kennedy. KNBC —Big Evening.

10:35 —EGO—Beverly Hills Orch. 10:45—EGO —Roosevelt Hotel Orch.

11 — KCBS —Lewis Martin, vi-TCGO —News.

11:15-1(GO--Ira Blue, Sports. 11:30 —KCIRS—Yon and . . .

1KG0--F3 Patio Oreh. KNBC —Del Mar Beach Club Orchestra.

11:45*KCBS —Deane Stewart. News.

11:55*KNBC —News.

SATURDAY S*KCBS—Allen Jackson, News. KFRC —Morning Melodies.

KGB—Happy Hour. ENBC —Archie Andrews.

Beginning 8:05 —KCBS —Let's Pretend. 8:15*KFRC—News. s:za —KFRC —Bess Bye. 8:30 —ECBS—Junior Miss.

KFRC —Haven of Rest. ENBC —Smilin' Ed McConnell

9—ItCBS —Theatre of Today. KFAC —Flying Feet. EGO —Red Murrell Show. KNBC —Junior Jingles.

9:30 —KCBS —Grand Central Station.

KFR(' —Music. KNBC —Mind Your Manners.

9:45--KFR(1 —Story Teller. 10 —KCBS—Stars Over Holly-

*KFRC—News. KGO—Minutes in Melody. KNBC—Signposts for Young Scientists.

10:15 -1CFRC —Gospel Singer. KNBC —Operation Rhythm.

10:30 —ECKS—•Give and Take. Quiz. KFRC —Pigskin ¡'reviens. KGB—American l'armer. KNBC —Chicago Roundtable.

10:45 -1(1,10' —ColieLy ('hoir. 1 1.— KCH1? -1eiri elsWith the

KFRC —Social Security EGO —Gridiron Frolic. KNBC —Mary Lee Taylor.

11:15 —KFRC--Goodwill Industries Talk.

EGO —Football: Wisconsin v8. Illinois.

11 •Y(1--.71, —t,,,,!-% 11:30—KCBS--Family Party.

KFRC —C.S. Treasury Varieties.

KNBC —National Farm and Home

11:45—KFRC —Hollywood High-lichts.

111. --FCCBS —Refresliment Time. 16*KFR(' —News. *KNBC —C. Leisure, News.

12:15--KFRIr —S1dewaPc Reporter. KNBC —Pro and Con.

12:30 —KCBS —Football Roundup. KNBC —Flight Internati I.

12:45 —KFRC —Here's to Veterans

1_ Ke.s_Footbaii Roundup. KFRC —Air Force Show. KNBC —Siport of Kings.

1 -:10 —KFRC —Land of the Free. EGO —Treasury Show. ENBC—Slim Bryant's

1:45 —KFRT —Football: California vs. Pennsylvania.

lb —KCBS —Football Roundup. Kw EGO—Tea and Crumpets.

1FCNBC —Men of Music. 2:15—KNBC —Football. 2:30 —KCBS—Make Way for Youth 2:45—EGO—A Man and His Music sib —KCBS —Joe Wershba, News.

KFRC —Foothall. EGO—Home Institute. IFCNB(' —Football.

3:15 —KCBS —Memo From Lake Success.

3:30-1KCBS—S. F. Sports Review. EGO —Bill Watson Show.

3:45 —KCBS —Garden Gate. A—KCBS—The Chicagoans.

ITFRC —Foothall. EGO —Rex Koury. KNBC —Footholl.

4:15 —KCBS—Ton Tune Time. TG —Harry Wismer.

4:36..._treRS--11,es Brown Show. EGO —Scouting the Stars.

4:45-11CBS--Boh Callahan. Songs.

*KFRC —Fronk He.nlnesvov.

EGO —Faith for the Future. 5—IFCCBS—Muqie You Know. er me —Revirwing Stand. EGO —No vy Wow. _ KNBC —Know Your Symphony.

5:15* CliSK"JB r—.- 11;vanoelf. dsid. nort Csotopmeseko.t

5:30*RIK _FmClitet —('het

FCGO—Ira Blue. *KNOW —Joe Gilles:rile. News.

5:40-‘1KNRC —E. Peterson, N P Wq.

5:45*Actts--e_ FrQ„man kiTGRovses... News. *TreTe EGO—Club Ti me.

5:5XierTus —v ocol News. e —KCBS —Football Scores.

KFRC —Army Air Force Shave.

erEsTRGO —e tiTioprz DArlimrlarr.4.0 show.

11:15—liCCI1S —Here's to Veterans. 11:?5*KFRe —recil Brown. 6:30 -1(cRs —Mv Favorite


Friday, Oct. 6 *KGO—News. 1LFRC--Hawaii KNBC--Texas Rangers.

6:45 —I WO—Bert Andrews.

7— KCBS--Sing It Again. KFRC —Army & Air Force. IWO—Marry-Go-Round. KNBC —Basin St. Chamber Music Society.

7:30 — KERC--Salute to Reservists.

EGO —Can You Top This? KNBC--Grand Ole O m.

0 — KCBS—Vaughan Monroe. KFRC —Amateur Hour. EGO—The Lone Ranger. KNBC —Llimension X.

8:30—KCB.S--Gene Autry Show. EGO —Barn Dance. KNBC—Good Old Days. 9—FiC114--Hopalong Cassidy. *RFIC('—News. KG0-- What Makes You Tick? KNBC--Hit Parade.

9:15- -KFRC —Hoosier Hot Shots. 9:30— KCBS —Gangbusters.

EGO —Shoot the Moon. KNBC —Burgie Music Box.

9:45—KFRC —Dink Templeton. 1 ra*KCBS —Chet Huntley. V KFRC —John Wolohan Orch. *KNBC —News, Joe Gillespie. *KG0--News.

10:15 —KCBS —To Be Announced. KFRC —G. Williams Orch. EGO —Football Scoreboard. KNBC —Accent on Music.

10 :30 —KCBS--Capitol Cloakroom. KFRC —Acme Hop. EGO —Claremont Oral. KNBC —Itig Evening.

*KCBS —News. *KG0 —News.

11 :05—KCBS —Organ Melodies. 11:15 -1K(.0--Ira Blue, Sports. 11:30—KCBS —Treasury Bandstand,

KGB—Round About Midnight KNBC —St. Francis Orch.

11 :55*KCBS..News• * KNBC —News.


SUNDAY 8—HCBS--Salt Lake Tabernacle

Choir. KFRC—.Back to God Hour.

*KGB—News. *KNBC —News.

8:15—KGO—Morning Song. KNBC—Art of Living.

8:30*KCIRS--13111 Dorais, News. KFRC—Chamber Music. KFRC —Music Box. EGO —Let There Be Music. KNBC —How Does Your Garden Grow.

8:35 — KCBS--Invitation to Learning.

CI —KCBS —People's Platform. KFRC —Radio Bible Class. KGO —Comie Weekly Man.

*KNBC —News. 9:15--KNBC —Strietly Speegle. 9:30-ArECES--11. E. Smith.

KFRC —Voice of Prophecy. EGO —Message of Israel. KNEW —Eternal Light.

9:415—KCBS--University Explorer. 10 —* KK CBSe--InNev,,sita. tion to Music.

EGO--Christian Science. ENBC —The First Freedom.

10 :15 —KFRC —Mysterious Visitor. !IGO—Musk of Today.

10 :30 -1(FRC —Lutheran Hour. EGO—Sunday Vespers. ENRC —This Is Your Home.

11—re, i, s— inelnta timonadtdo,oMusic. *KGO—Foreign Reporter. IFINFIC--Music You Love.

11 :15 — EGO —Frank and Earnest. 11:30--KCBS —Romance of the

Highways. KFRC —Gospel Singer. EGO—Piano Playhouse. ENBC—American Forum.

11:45--erTRS —Solitaire lime. KFRC —Master Radio Canaries.

lurn *KFRC —News. EGO —Hour of Faith.

* ENBC —News. 12:10*ENBC —Mapping the News. 12:15+11(FRC —Bill Cunningham. 12:30—KCI1S—Make-Beli f.{ e Town.

KFItC —Jinenile Jury. FCGO —Missie With the Girls. la,x11ur —Ottiz Kids.

— KCBS —F.arn Your Vacation. EFRC —Hash Knife Hartley. EGO —Old Fashioned Revival

Page 25: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


KNBC -The Falcon. 1:30-KCBS -Godfrey Digest.

KFRC-Martin Kane, Private Eye.

KNBC -High Adventure. ll*HCBS-1Sews.

KFRC -The Shadow. EGO-Voice of Prophecy. KNIIC-Big Guy.

2:15 -KCBS -Stamp Man. 2:30-ECBS -Symphonette.

KERC -True Detective Mysteries.

EGO-Greatest Story. KNBC -Charlie Wild, Private Eye.

41 -KCB S-Rate Your Mate.

KFRC -Roy Rogers. EGO-Lutheran Hour.

*KNBC -News. 3:15-KNBC -Ilarold Fisher. 3:30-ECIIS-A Mermo From Molly

KFRC -Nick Carter. EGO-S. Kaye Serenade. KNBC-Tex Williams.

A-KCBS-Jack Benny. KFRC -California Caravan. EGO-This Thing Called Life KNBC-811O00 Reward.

4:30-KCBS-Amos 'n' Andy. KFRC-Affairs of Peter Salem.

EGO-This Week. KNISC -Phil Harris- Mice Faye SI

5-KCBS-Bergen-McCarthy. KERC-Bobby Benson. EGO-Stop the Mosic. KNBC--Groticho Marx.

5:30*KCBS-Sundity Desk. EFRC-Enchanted Hour. KNBC- Theatre Guild.

de -KCBS-Corliss Archer. 111*KFRC-News. *KGO- Walter Winchell.

6:15*KFRC -Mutual Newsreel, KGO-Lotiella Parsons.

6:30-KCBS-Horace Heidt. *KFRC -tiahriel W after.

- 1:15-EGO-William Tusher. , '7:30-KCBS-The Whistler.

-KCBS-Contented Dour.

6:45-1FCFRC -Pet levehooce.

KFRC-This Europe.


EGO -Cliche Club.

EGO- Muelo Moderns,.

7 KGO -Ginny Simms. KNBC-504 Question.

KFRC--.000 pi.,.


KNBC -Meet Me in St. Louis 0-Kess--our Miss Brooks. 110 KFRC -Twenty Questions. *KGO-Drew Pearson. KNBC-Voices & Events.

8:15*KG0--Monday Headlines. 8:30--KCBS-Bergen-McCarthy.

KIERC -Count of Monte Cristo.

*KGO- Walter Winchell. IKNBC -Standard Hour.

8:45--MGO-Louello Parsons. 9-KCBS -Red Skelton. *KFRC-News. EGO -Think Fast.

9:15 -KFRC -Dance Girth. 9:30 -KCBS--Jark Benny.

KFRC--Chicago Theatre of the Air.

EGO-Box 13. KNBC -Cloak and Dagger.

fà*KCIIS -Chet Huntley. V 4,1KG0--News. *ENBC -Rlehfield Reporter.

10:15-ItclIS-Too tire Week. EGO -Quiet fleur. RNOC--Catholie Hour.

10:30-KCIRS-Lewis Martin, Comment.

1CFRC-0. Williams Oreb. KG0--Clarentont.

la t4s-_Irs.rne -Terrea Lea. 11 -KCBS-Lewis Martin.

Comment. *TCGO-News. *ENBC -News.

11:05-wNne-M. Valdes & Orch. 11:15-1.1KGO-George Sokolsky. 11:30*KCBS-Elmo Roper.

KG0--Rormd About Midnight ervrer -sr. Francis Orch.

11 '5-1CCIIS -Treastiry Bandstand. 11:55-kuCtel-News.

*RNBC -News.


wync - Mor k Trail. MGO- Waltin• for Wakely. 11-N W -Jolly Bill.

5:15*FCCRS-Jane Todd. Comment mNftr -On Our Bandstand.

5:30*KeRS-Chet Huntley. MERC-Challenge of the Yukon.

KGO-Space Patrol. KNBC -Voice of Firestone.

5:45*HCBS-Frank Goss. News. 5:55*KCBS-Local News.

KGO-Faistaff's Fables. 6-HCBS -Lux Theatre. *KFRC -Gabriel Heatter. *K00 -Edwin C. Hill. KNBC-NBC Theatre.

6:05 -EGO-Ira Blue. Sports. 6:154rEFRE-Ntatual Newsreel.

*KG0--Elmer Davis. 6 : 30-K FRC-Ans er Man.

EGO-Martha Lou Harp. KNBC -Music.

6:45*KFR(2 -Sam Hayes. KGO -Paul Harvey.

6:55*KFI W-Bill Henry and the News.

B7 -11CBS-My Friend Irma. KFRC -War Front-Home Front.

EGO-The Lone Ranger. *KNBC -News.

7:05-ENBC -Robert Monnet Show 7:30-KCBS-Bob Hawk.

KFRC -The Cisco Kid. EGO-Inner Sanctum. KNBC -Guy Lombardo Show

8* }CCIIS-Lowell Thomas, N e ws.

EGO-Helen Gahagan Douglas (Political).

KFRC -Let George Do It. Foffic -One Man's Family.

8:15-KCBS -Jack Smith Show. EGO -Tin Pan Alley.

*KNBC -M. Beatty, News. 8:30-KCBS--Godfrey's Talent

Scouts. KFRG-Under Arrest. EGO-Henry J. Taylor. KNBC -Railroad Hour.

8:45-11GO-Dell Trio. 9 -HCBS--Hollywood Star

Playhouse. *KFRC -News. KG0--Gridiron Pressbox. ENBC -Telephone Hour.

9:15*KFRC -Fulton L e wis. Jr. EGO-Claremont Orel.

9:30-KCBS-Beulah. KFRC -Crime Fighters. EGO -Solo and Soliloquy. KNBC -Inforrnation Please.

9:45-KCBS -Club 15. 9 :55*KFRC -Five Minute Final.

EGO-Personal Story.

iin *KCBS -Chet Huntley. V KFRC -1 Love a Mystery. *KGO-News. *ENBC -Richfield Reporter.

10 :15-1ICBS--Hansen, Sports. *KFRC -Frank Edwards. EGO-Football Scoreboard.

*KNBC -Bob Letts. 10:30-KCBS-Lewis Martin,

Comment. KFRC -Acme Hop.

*KGO -John B. Kennedy. ENBC-Big Evening.

10:3.5-KGO -Symphonette.

11 -KCBS-Lewis Martin, Comment.

*EGO-News. 11:15-EGO-Ira Blue. Sports. 11:30-KCBS-You and . . .

EGO-Round About Midnight KNBC -Time to Dream.

11:454rICCRS-Deane Stewart, News.

11:554rENBC -News.

TUESDAY EVENING E*ICC BS- Ed NI rrow, News. e KFRC -Stra i ht Arrow.

KG0-- Wa it in for Wakely. KNBC -Jolly Bill.

5:15*KCBS -Jane Todd, Comment KNBC -On Our Bandstand.

5:304rECRS -Chet Huntley. KFRC-Sky King. EGO-Superman. KNBC-Starlight Concert.

5:45*KCBS -Frank GOSS, News. 5:55*IFCCBS-Loral News.

KFRC-Flobby Benson. EGO-Falstaff's Fables.

e -KCBS--Life With Luigi. IGII *EFRC--Gabriel Heatter. *EGO-Edwin C. Hill. KNBC -Hardy Family.

4:05 -EGO-Ira Blue, Sports. 6:15*KFRC-Mutual Newsreel.

*KGO-Elmer Davis. 6:30-KCBS-Truth or Conse-

quences. EFRC -Answer Man. EGO-Renort to the People. KNBC -FIbber and Molly.

6:45*EFRC -Sam Hayes. EGO-Remember.

6:55*EFRC -Bill Henry and the N e ws.

7-KCBS-Hit the Jackpot. KFRC -Mysterious Traveler. EG -lack Armstrong. ICXBc-Ttie Town.

'7:30-KCBS -Gold Rush Days. KFRC -Red Ryder.

EGO-Paul Whiteman Presents.

KNBL-reople Are Funny. 1:45 -KCBS-Guest Star.

EGO-Jimmy Blaine. SOLCBS-Lowell Thomas,

News. KFRC-Song of Liberty. EGO-Musical Tintypes. KNBC-One Man's Family.

8:15-111CBS--Jack Smith Show. *KNBC-Morgan Beatty.

8:30-KCBS-Mr. and Mrs. North. ICE'RC -The Singing Marshal.

EGO-Gentlemen of the Press.

IINBC -Cavalcade of America.

9-IICBS--Mystery Theatre. ltrilFRC-News. EGO-Town Meeting. KNBC -Bob Hope Show.

9:15*KFRC -Fulton Lewis, Jr. 9:30-11CBS--Beulah.

KFRC -Official Detective. *KGO-Erwin C. Canham. KNBC--Burgie Music Box.

9:45-KCBS -Club 15. EG -Fne Arts Quartet.

9:55*KFRC -Five Minute Final.

10*KCBS -Chet Huntley. KFRC -I Love a Mystery.

*EGO-News. *KNBC -Richfield Reporter.

10:15-KCBS-Hansen, Sports. *RFRC-Frank Edwards. *EGO -News of Tomorrow. ENBC-Accent on Music.

10:30-KCBS-Lewis Martin, Comment.

ICFRC-Acme Hop. *1160 -John B. Kennedy. KNI1C-Big Evening.

10:35-11GO -SYmPhonette• 11 -KCBS-Lewis Martin,

Comment. *ICGO-News.

11:15-EGO -Ira Blue, Sports. 11:30-ECRS--You and . . .

KGO-Round Minot Midnight KNBC -St. Francis Hotel Or e.

11:45*RCBS-Deane Stewart, News.

11 :M*I: N BC -News.


KFRC-Mark Trail. 1100- Waitin' for Wakely. ENBC -Jolly Bill.

5:154(11CIIS -Jane Todd, Comment KNOIC -On Our Bandstand.

5: *KCB bet Huntley. KFRC--Challenge of the Yukon.

EGO-Black Hawk. *117.atc -Joe Gillespie, News.

5:45*KCBS-Frank Goss, News. 4eRNBC -Elmer Peterson.

5:55*KCBS-Local News. wrin-Falstaff'. Folder'.

le -KCBS-Honest Harold. 11114,11FRC -Gabriel 'teeter. *RGO-Erlwin C. Hill. KNBC-To Be Announced.

6:05-11(GO -Ira Blue, Sports. 6:15*1FCFRC -Mutual Newsreel.

*EGO-Elmer Davis. 6:30-RCBS-Bing Crosby.

KERC -Answer Man. EGO-Norman Bmkenshire. A-sale -Halls of Ivy.

6:454,11-FRC-Sam Hayes. 6:55*11(FRC-Bill Henry and the

News. Rff -KCBS-Dollar a Minute.

Erne -John Steele, Adventurer.

EGO-Lone Ranger. KNBCI-Bie Story.

7:30-KCBS -Hollywood Music

EFRC-The Cisco Kid. EGO-Dr. I. Q. EN11(1--Richard Diamond.

Et* ICCBS-Lowell Thomas, News.

KFRC - What's the Name of That Song?

EGO-Detour. IrN1 W -One Man's Family.

8:15-Er1151 -Jack Smith Show. *1K/g11C-M. Beatty. News.

8:30-1KCIlq-nr. rryristlan. KFRC -Fnmilv Theatre. EGO -Cliche Clnh. lr'elt4" -Great Gildersleeve.

a-KCBS-Mr. Chameleon. Q111r1rERC-News.

EGO -Manhattan Mahara-jah.

111-NBC-You Bet Your Life. nr,ra,or-Firr-vuiron Lewis. Jr. co_urns-Tterdah.

KFRe-International Airport.

EGO -High Life Revue. MNBC--Mr. District Atty.

9:45-11CBS--Club 15. 9:55*KFRC- Five Minute Final. lons. ir cibet Huntley. auntley.

Mystery. *KG0--News. *KNBC -Richfield Reporter.

10:15- ECBS--Hansen, Sports. *KFRC--Frank Edwards. *EGO-News of Tomorrow. *KNBC -Bob Letts.

10:30-KCBS-Lewis Martin. Comment.

KFRO-Arme Hop. *EGO -John B. Kennedy. KNI1C-Big Evening.

10:35-KG0--Symphonette. 11.1 -Ke13S--Leen zis Martin,

Comm*KGO-News. 11:15-EGO-Ira Blue, Sports. 11:30-HCBS-You and. .

EGO -Claremont tirch. KNBC -M. Valdes Orch.

n:45-klieBS-Deane Stewart, News.

11:55*KNBC. -News.


5*ICCBS-Ed Marrow, News. K FRC -Straight Arrow. EGO- Waltin' for Wakely. KNBC -Jolly Bill.

5:15*KCBS -Jane Todd, Comment KNBC -On Our Bandstand.

5 :30*KCIRS--Chet Huntley. KFRC-Sky King. EGO-Superman.

*KNBC -News, Joe Gillespie. 5:45.*HCBS -Frank Goss, News.

*KNBC-Elmer Peterson. 5 :55*KCBS -Local News.

KFRC-Bobby Benson. 1100-Falstaff's Fables.

e -HCBS -Suspense. 1/I*KFRC -Gabriel Heatter. *1160 -Edwin C. Hill. KNRC -Dragnet.

1:05 -EGO-Ira Blue, Sports. 6:15*KFRC -Mutual Newsreel.

*KGO-Elmer Davis. 6:30-ECBS -Crime Photographer.

KFRC -Answer Man. EGO-Scouting the Stars. ENRC -To Be Announced,

6:35-EGO-To Be Announced. 6:45*KERC -Sam Hayes. 6:55*KFRC -Bill Henry and the

News. 7-KCBS-Hallmark Play-

house. KFRC-Murder by Experts. EGO-Screen Guild, KNBC,-Cass Daley Show.

7:30_xces-SkIppy H aywood Theatre.

KFBC-Red Ryder. KNBC -Charles Boyer. 8* HCBS-Lowell, Thomas, News.

ICFRC-Clyde Beatty Show. EGO-Original Amateurs. KNBC-One Man's Family.

1i:15-KCBS -Jack Smith Show. *KNBC -M. Beatty, News.

8:30-KCBS -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons.

*KF'RC -Reporter's Roundup. FINBC -Aldrich Family.

11:45-EGO-Robert Montgomery.

9-KCBS-FBI in Peace & War. *MERC-News. EGO-Socialist Party. KNBC--Father Knows Best.

9:15*KFRC -Fulton Lewis. Jr. EGO -Gridiron Press Box.

9:30-1/CBS-B..nifth. Erne -Etude. EGO-Hollywood Byline. )(NBC -Burgle Music Box.

9:45-KCBS-Club 15. EGO-Tons in Tunes.

9:55*KFRC -Five Minute Final.

10*KCBS-Chet Huntley. KFRC -I Love a Mystery.

*KGO-News. *KNBV -Riehfield Reporter.

10:15-1KCBS -Dansen. Spor ts. *KFRC-Frank Edwards. EGO -Tops in Tunes. KNBC-Accent on Music.

10:30-KCBS--Lewis Martin, Comment.

.1(FRC-Aeme hop. *EGO-John B. Kennedy. ENBC-Big Evening.

10:35-RGO-Symphonette. 11 -HCBS--Lewis Martin,

Comment. *EGO -News.

11:15-EGO--Adventures In Sports. 11:30-ECRS-You and . . .

EGO -Claremont. fon w -St. Francis Arch.

11:45*KCBS -Denne Stewart. Moms.

11:5.%4 ENBC-News.

Page 26: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


No. Calif. Television Logs, Beginning Friday, October 6

Station Finder Channel 4 -KRON-TV

Channel 5 -KPIX

Channel 7 -KG O-TV


1-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. Ch. 5, Test Pattern. 1:30--Ch. 5, KI'Lk Kitchen. 2:30 -Ch. 4, Man on a Mission.

Ch. 5, Del Courtney Show. 2:45 -Ch. 4, Design for Leisure. 3-Ch. 4, Your Home. 3:45 -Ch. 7, Afternoon Hostess.

4- Ch. 4' Exclusively lours.

4:45-Ch. 7, Space Patrol. S-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. Ch. 7, Les Malloy.

6:30 -Ch. 4, Howdy Doody. Ch. 5, Test Pattern.

6-Ch. 4, Adventure Time. 'Shadow of the Eagle,' John Wayne.

8:25 -Ch. 4, Stop, Look & Listen. Ch. 5, Wanted Persons.

6:30 -Ch. 5, Time for Beale. Ch. 7, Talent Prospector.

6:40*Ch. 4, News, Korean Report; Telenews.

6:45 -Ch. 5, Kid's Capers, Wally King. 7-Ch. 4, Paradise Island.

Ch. 7, Roving Camera. 7:15 -Ch. 4, "It's Glen Again,"

Glen and Dorothy Hurlbut. *Ch. 5, Telenews. Ch. 7, Sports Den.

7:30 -Ch. 4, Roberta Quinlan. Ch. 5, Music Album. Ch. 7, Life With Linkletter.

7:45 -Ch. 4, A Penny for Your Thoughts.

Ch. 5, l'erry Como Show. 0 -Ch. 4, Family Fun. 11211 Ch. 5, Mama.

Ch. 7, 20 Questions. 8:30 -Ch. 4, Pinky Lee Show.

Ch. 5. National Pro Football Hilites.

Ch. 7, Freddie Martin's Band of Tomorrow.

ini -Ch. 4, Versatile Varieties. e Ch. 5, The Show Goes On.

Ch. 7, Ernie Never,' Trophy Room.

9:15 -Ch. 7, Golf Made Easy. 9:30 -Ch. 4, Big Story.

Ch. 7, The Ruggles.

10-Ch. 4' Club 4, Ley Boyd.Ch. 5, Morton Downey - Star of the Family.

Ch. 7, Penthouse Party. 10:30*Ch. 4, Telenews.

Ch. 5, Beat the Clock. *Ch. 7, Telenews.

11:30-Ch. 5, Telenews.

SATURDAY 5:30 -Ch. 7, TV Teen Club.

6 h. 4, Test Pattern. Ch. 7, Acrobat Ranch.

6:30 -Ch. 4, Joe 17151as:do Show. Ch. 5, Film Feature. Ch. 7, Hollywood Screen Test.

6:40 -Ch. 5, Win With Music. 6:45-Ch. 4, Paradise Island.

Ch. 5. Faye Emerson Show. v-Ch. 5, Kactus Theatre.

Ch. 7. Western Feature 'Film. 7:30-Ch. 4, Hank McCune Show. 7:45-Ch. 5, Famous Fights. 8-Ch. 4, Saturday Night Revue

Jack Carter. Sid Caesar.

Imogene Coca. Ch. 5, Starlight Theatre. Ch. 7, Movie-time: 'Woman of the Town,' Claire Trevor, Henry Hull.

8:30 -Ch. 4, Who Said That? Ch. 5, Film Feature.

9-Ch. 5, Country Style. 9:30*Ch. 4, News.

Ch. 5, Wrestling. Ch. 7, Quiet hour.

10:30-Ch. 5, Famous Fights of the Century.

10:45*Ch. 5, Telenews.

SUNDAY 2-Ch. 5, Del Courtney Show. 3- Ch. 4, Test Pattern. 3:30 -Ch. 4. Film Short. 3:45-Ch. 7, At tile Balalaika. 4 -Ch. 4, Kaiser-Frazer Home

Theater. Ch. 7, Cowboys N' In.juns.

4:30-Ch. 7, Film. 4:45 -Ch. 7. Rhythmic Islanders. S 4, Test Pattern.

Ch. 7, Super Circus. 5:30 -Ch. 4, Feature Story.

6-Ch. 4, Bob Hope Star Spangled Revue.

Ch. 7, Marshal of Gunsight Pass.

6:30 -Ch. 5, Family Vespers. Ch. 7, Gene Autry.

7-Ch. 4, Sepia Revue, Don Barksdale.

Ch. 5, Stag at Eve'. Ch. 7, Vue-Time.

7:34-Ch. 4, Stars Over Holly-wood.

Ch. 5 This Is Show Business. ar- h. 4, Colgate Comedy Hour.

Ch. 5, Talent Showcase. Ch. 7, Korda Theatre: 'Rembrandt,' Charles Laughton, Gertrude Lau rence.

8:30-Ch. 5, Horace Heidt.

9- Ch. 4, Philco Playhouse. Ch. 5, Fred Waring Show. 9:30 -Ch. 5, Detective's Wife. 10* Ch. 4, Chronicle News.

('h. 7, Old-Fashioned Meeting.

MONDAY 1-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. 2- Ch. 5, Test Pattern. 2:45-Ch. 4, Design for Living. 3-Ch. 4, Your Home. 3:45-Ch. 7. Afternoon Hostess. 4- Ch. 4' Exclusively Yours.

4:45-Ch, 7, Space Patrol. 5 h. 4, Test Pattern. Ch. 7, Vue-Time.

5:30 -Ch. 4, Howdy Doody. 8-Ch. 4, Adventure Time. 6:25-Ch. 4, Cap'n Pete, Pete

Abenbeim. 6:30 -Ch. 5. Time for Benny.

Ch. 7, Don Winslow of the Coast Guard.

6:40*Ch. 4, News, Korean Report; Telenews.

6:45-Ch. 5. KPIX Feature. 6:55 -Ph. 4, Pass-Time. 7 -Ch. 4, Bay Area Showcase.

Ch. 5, This Is the U.N. Ch. 7, Normandie Candle-lighters.

7:15*Ch. 5, Telenews. Ch. 7, Sports Reel,

7:30-Ch. 4, Roberta Quinlan. Ch. 5, Film. Ch. 7, Armand Girard Show.

7:45 -Ch. 4. Interview. Ch. 5. Perry Como Shun.

8 -Ch. 4, Paul Ninchell-Jerry Mahoney. Ch. 5, What's My Line? Ch. 7, T-Men in Action.

8:30 -Ch. 4, Garroway at Large. Ch. 5, Godfrey's Talent Scouts.

Ch. 7, Star Time Theatre. EI -Ch. 4, Wrestling (film). QF Ch. 5, Studio One. livocoh. 4, Telenews. V Ch. 5, Suspense. *Ch. 7, Nens.

10:30 -Ch. 5, Wrightson at Home. 10:45 -Ch. 5, Telenews.

TUESDAY 4, Test Pattern.

2' 5' Test Pattern.

2:45 -Ch. 4, Design for Living. 3-Ch. 4, Your Home. 4-Ch. 4, Exclusively Yours. 4:30 -Ch. 7, Mailbag of Tricks. 4:45 -Ch. '7, Space Patrol.

5-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. 47 Ch. 7, Les Malloy Show. 5:30 -Ch. 4, Howdy Doody. 6-Ch. 4, Adventure Time.

Ch. 7, Hopalong Cassidy. 6 :20-Ch. 4, Cartoon Circus. 6:30 -Ch. 5, Thur for Benny. 6:40*Ch. 4, News, Korean Report:

Telenews. 6:45 -Ch. 5, Faye Emerson Show. 6:55 -Ch. 4, Pass-Time. 7-Ch. 4, Hoe-Down, Don

Churchill. Ch. 5, Flim.

7 :15*Ch. 5, Telenews. 7:30-Ch. 4, John Conte's Little

Show. Ch. 5, Football: Notre Dame vs. Purdue.

('h. 7, Beulah. 7:45 -Ch. 4, Doodles & Spider. 8-Ch. 4, Milton Berle, Texaco

Star Show. Ch. 5, Detective's Wife. Ch. 7, Game of the Week.

8:30-Ch. 5, Starlit Time. Ch. 7, Wrestling.

9 -Ch. 4, Original Amateur Hour.

Ch. 5, Vaughn Monroe Show. 9:30 -Ch. 5, Hold That Camera. 10 -Ch. 4, Armstrong Circle

Theater. Ch. 5, Danger.

10:30 -Ch. 4, Club 4, Lev Boyd. Ch. 5, Telenews.

1 1 -Ch. 4, Win With Music.

11:05*Ch. 4, Telenews.

WEDNESDAY 1-Ch. 4, Test l'attern. Ch. 5, Test Pattern. 1:30-Ch. 5, ¡MIX. Kitchen. 2 -Ch. 7, Midweek Matinee.

2:30 -Ch. 5, Del Courtney Show. 2:45 -Ch. 4, Design for Living. 3-Ch. 4, Your Home. 3:45 -Ch. 7, Afternoon Hostess. A -Ch. 4, Exclusively Yours. se Ch. 7, Vue Time. 4:45 -Ch. 7, Space Patrol. E-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. 417 Ch. 7, Les Malloy Show. 5:30 -Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

Ch. 5. Test Pattern. 6-Ch. 4, Adventure Time. 6:70-Ch. .4, Cap'n Pete. 6:30 -Ch. 5, Time for Benny.

Ch. 7, Al Williams -Copper Kitchen.

6:40*Ch. 4, News, Korean Report; Telenews.

6:45-Ch. 5. Once Upon a Time. 7-Ch. 4, Bizarre Bazaar. Ch. 5, Joan Edwards Show. Ch. 7, Kieran's Kaleido-scope.

7:15*Ch. 5, Telenews. Ch. 7, Morie Goldman.

7:30-Ch. 4, Roberta Quinlan. Ch. 5, Design on Living. Ch. 7, Chance of a Lifetime.

7:45-Ch. 4, Stranger Than Fiction Ch. 5, Perry ('omo Show.

8 -Ch. 4, Kraft Television Theater.

Ch. 5, Arthur Godfrey and His Friends.

Ch. 7, Hoffman Hayride. 8:30-Ch, 7, Top Views in Sports. 8:45 -Ch. 7, Cheri Lee. Ci-Ch. 4, One Man's Family. ar Ch. 5, Everybody's Doing It.

Ch. 7, Don McNeill Show. 9:30-Ch. 4, Sweepstakes, Lee

Giroux. Ch. 5, Illm.

lech. Let's Look at Books. Ch. 5, International Club Boxing.

Ch. 7, Rainier Rasslin' 10:30*Ch. 4, Telenews.

*Ch. 5, Telenews. *Ch. 7, News.

THURSDAY I-Ch. 4, Test Pattern. Ch. 5, Test Pattern. 1:30 -Ch, 5, KPIX Kitchen. 2:30 -Ch. 5, Del Courtney Show. 2 :45-Ch. 4, Design for Living. 3-Ch. 4, Your Home. 4-Ch. 4, Exclusively Yours. 4:45 -Ch. 7, Space Patrol. S-Ch. 4, Test Pattern.

Ch. 7, Les Malloy Show. 5:30-Ch. 4, Howdy Doody.

Ch. 5, Test Pattern. 6-Ch. 4, Adventure Time. 6:20-ch, 4, Cartoon Circus. 6:25 -Ch. 5, Wanted Persons. 6:30-Ch. 5, Time for Beany.

Ch. 7, Blind Date. 6:40*Ch. 4, News, Korean Report;

Telenews. 6:45 -Ch. 5, Faye Emerson Show. 7-Ch. 4, Your Hope ('hest.

Ch. 5, Real Estate Bureau, Ben Alexander.

Ch. 7, Adventures in.Science. 7:15*Ch. 5, Telenews. 7:30 -Ch. 4, John Conte's Little

Show. Ch. 5, Share-A-Charade, Ruby Hunter.

Ch. 7, Lone Ranger. 7:45 -Ch, 4, Snartou Huddle. 0-Ch. 4, Groucho Marx. GP Ch. 5, Gridiron Pressbox.

Ch. 7, Stop the Music. 8:30-Ch. 4, Martin Kane,

Private Eye. Ch. 5, Hudson Theatre. Ch. 7. Vue-Time.

9-Ch. 4, Star Revue, Jack Haley.

Ch. 5, Morey Amsterdam

8. 7bnw, 'Ch Holiday Hotel. 9:30 -Ch. 5, The Goldbergs.

Ch. '7, Chinatown Mysteries.

lecchh.. 45, Bruetahkot cohe Bansenqku.ence.

10:30 -Ch. 4, Club 4, Lev Boyd. Ch. 5, Nash Airflyte Theatre. 1-Ch. 4, Win With Music.

*Ph. 5, Telenews. 11:05*Ch. 4, Telenews.


show around their preparation to re-ceive guests visiting their home for an afternoon of football on video. Considering himself an "expert," Jorgensen attempts to explain the whys and wherefores of the fall sport. However wild his diagrams of possible plays and descriptions of his pigskin prowess, his information is authentic when it comes to giv-ing lineups of the forthcoming game,

team details and stories of the com-peting schools. Considerate of her video husband's

wanderings into the realm of the imaginative, Vannie devotes her time to preparing for her guests.

Free Tickets The public may obtain tickets to

Ben Alexander's "Party Time at Club Roma," NBC network television pro-

gram, from either the information desk in KNBC's lobby at Radio City (Taylor and O'Farrell Streets in San Francisco) or from the "Club Roma" contestant riding San Francisco's cable days in the garb of a Forty-Hiner. "Party Time at Club Roma" is

filmed at the Marines Memorial Theater every Friday evening at 8:00 p.m.

Page 27: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


3:40—KGER—Guest Star. 2:45—KFI, KISD—Front-Page

Farrell. KNX —Freddy Martin Show. KFWB—Bill Anson. KGFJ—Western Roundup. KGIL—Songs for Everyone. KXLA —Music.

2:554rEECA—White House Report. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

. —KECA—Today in Hollywood. a KFI, KFt4D—Vielcome

Traveler*. KHJ —George Crowell Show. KNX. KCBQ—Arthur Godfrey. KALI—Fantasias Musicales. KFAC —World of Opera. KFOX -1..B. Reporter. EFVD—Harlematinee. IFFE B--Peter Potter.

*KGER, K WIK, KXLA —News. KGFJ—Recorel Jackpot. KGIL—Encore Time. KTEV—Freddy Martin.

*KLAC —News: Sports. *KMPC —News: Magic of

Melody. ROVIL—Town Criers. KRKD —Tops in Pops. KRAW—Pops in Review.

3:05*FCECA—Today's World. KGER —Flesta Grande. K WIK —A. Don Miller Show.

3:15—KECA, KFMR —Hannibal Cobb KFON —Verdict Rendered. KGB—Musical Scoreboard.

*MG M—News. IRLAC—Don Otis.



Songs from the hills and plains

3:15 to 4:30 P.M.

KXLA Monday thru Friday

KXLA—Music Mountain. 3:25—KGFJ--Sports flash. 3:30 —KECA—Rudy Vallee Show.

EFL KFSD—Aunt Mary. KFAC—Lyrics in Chorus. RFOX—Everybody's Business.

*KFWB—News: Peter Potter. KGER—Rancho 139(1. RGIL—Dance Mottoes.. KIEV—Date with Allin Slate. KO WL—ChIco's swingtIme.

*KRKI1—News: Tops ht Pops. K WK W—Foothill Features.

3:25—KRKD—Interlude. 3:45—KIFI. KFSD— We Love k learn

KILI —Lynn Looks at H'wood. *KFAC—News. EFOX. REV D—Old-Age Pensions.

KFWB--Peter Potter. 3:515*KGER—Neus.

KGFJ—Sports Flash.

4—RECA—Art Baker's Notebook. KFI, RFSD—This Woman's Secret.

*E MI. KFXM. KGV. KV0E— Fulton Lewis.

KNX. RCRQ—Curt Massey Time.

KALI—Voice of South America.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces. K1FMR—Quick as a Flash.

*RFON. KM Pt —News. KF'WB—Peter Potter. Kt:ER —Rancho 1390. KGF.I—Record He. few. KGEL—Western Trails.

*KIEV—News: Date with Slate. 4/11111.AC —Neww: Sports. ARAD—Spotlight on a Star. R WIR —Hank Penny.

*K WK W—News: Rodeo Bill. K XLA—Musir Mountain.

4 :05— FiSt PC—Bands and Ballads. 4:15—K11. KFSD—Dr. Paul.

*K M, KFXM. KGB. KVOE— Frank Hemingway.

KNX. KCBQ—Strike It Rich. RFOX —Freddy Martin. KLAC —B111 Stewart. ROWL—Italian Hour. KRKD— Waltzes.

4 :25—KGFJ—Sports. 4:30—KECA—Play It Again.

KFI—Burritt Wheeler. *KILL KGB. EVOE —Behind - the Story KFON —Mosic.

*RFVD —News. *KFWB—Red Rowe: News. KGEJ—Record Review. KMPC—Safety Rangers.

KRKD—Sneet Songs. K WK W —Bill Sampson Show. K XLA —Songs of the Old West.

4:17,*KECA—Elmer Davis. *UHL KGB. KV0E—News,

Sam Hayes. KNX —Harr v Babbitt. M AC —Racing Roundup. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm.

*KO WL. KRKD —News. 4 :35*KGER —News.

KGFJ —Sports Flash.

5*RECA, K WK W —News. *KFI—Feature Wire. • KHI, KFXM, KGB, KVOE— Mark Trail.

*KNX. KCBQ—News: Morrow. KALI —U.S. Navy Band. F FAC —Sunset Serenade. KFOX—Sunshine Mission.

*KIND—News. KFWB—Red Rowe. KGER—Sports: Fred Hessler. KGFJ—Jive at 5. RGIL —Children's Corner. KIEV —Sam's Show.

*KLAC—Fred Henry, News. *KNIPC —News: Bill Ewing. KOWL—Tune Time. KRKI)....Songs of the Saddle.

*K WIK—News: Joe Thompson. KXLA —Music.

5:15—KECA—Happy Theater. *KFI —News: Ted Myers. KNX —Tom Harmon. KGER—Rancho 1390. KGF.1—Planists of the Future. KLAC—Bin Stewart. KMPC—Upswing. K WK W—Today at the Races.

5:30—KECA. KFMR—Space Patrol. EFL RIND—Voice of Firestone.

KFXM, KGB. KVOE--Challenge of the Yukon.

*KNX. FICBQ —Cliet Huntley,. KFAC —Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX. KGER, KtiFJ, KG11.— News.

KMPC—All Time Hits. KRI(D—Sports Dial. KVVIK —Bob Dulaine Show: K WK W —Romano Spanish Hr. K XLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

5:35—KGIL—Tops in Pops. 5:45*KNX, KCBQ—News. Goss.

KFOX —Your Fishcaster. RGER —Stamps Quartet. 11(inl—Race Recap. RGIL—Help Wanted. KLAC —Sam Bahr& Sports. KMP(' —Top Tunes. KRKIt—Race Results.

5:55—KIRCA —FaIntaff's Fabulous Fatties.


6*IFLECA—Edwin C. Hill. KFI—The American Way. *KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E—

Gabriel Heatter. IINX, KCIRII—Lux Radio Theater.

IFFAC —Prelude to Evening. *KFON. K WIK —News. K1ND —NBC Theater.

*KFWB-4'lete Roberts. News. KGER—American Soul Clinic. KGFJ —Request Performance. KGIL—Easy Listening.

*KMPC—Norman Nesbitt, News KRKII —Variety Time. K WK W —Carlos Moran. 11 XLA —Toastmaster Club.

11:05*KEC A. KFMB—Headline Edition.

KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. 11:15*KECA —Main Street to Malibu.

*KFI.I. KGB—Mutual Newsreel. KFOX —Hawaiian Music. KFVFB —,Sports. KGIL —Latin-American Music. KMPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. K WIK —Lippy Duckat, Sports.

0:20.—KECA Sports Review. 6:30-1(ECA-,Waitin• for AVakely.

KFI —Maisie. 1R1:11. KVOE—The

Answer Man. KFAC —Mosical Milestones. 111,51B—Or. Kildare. KFOX —lial's Memory Room. KFAVII—America Dances. KGER —Itack to the Bible. KGIL—Dinner Concert. KMPC —Bay Meadows Races. K WIK—Arnerican Jewish Hr. K WK W—Floyos Hour. KXLA—Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*K11.1, KGB. KVOE—News, Sam Hayes.

KGIL—Down Memory Lane. KRKD —Dr. Joseph Murphy. KXLA —Western Music.

6:55*KHJ. KGB. "Lvov— Btu Henry r. —KECA, KFIVIB—Lone Ranger.

KFI —Hollywood Salutes the American Legion.

Ent. KFXM. KGB— War Front —Home Front.

ENX. KCBQ—My Friend Irma.

KF'AC—Twilight Hour. KFOX—Accordionettes. KFSD—Night Beat. KFWB—America Dances. Kt:ER—Family Bible Hour. FiliFJ —Mustral Digest.

*KGII., KRKD, KXLA—News. *KI,AC —News: IS70 Club. KMPC —Munical Memories.

*K WIK —Frank Edwards. K WK W—Hoyos Hour.

7:15—KC:IL—Songs by Crosby. KRKID —Strolling Tom. K WIR —Johnson Family. K XLA —Western Music.

1:30—KECA —rnited or Not. KFI —NBC symphony. KHJ, KFNM, KGB, KV0E— Cisco Kid.

KNX —Bob Hawk Show. KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KFMB—Dr. Kildare. KFOX —Meet the Band. KFSD—Top Secret. KERR—Music. RGER—Rev. Al Harlan. RGIL—Footlight Favorites. KMPC —Top Ten Tunes. KRKD —Dr. Richardson. K WIK —Lou Nova. KVIE W—Betz Spanish Pros. KXLA —Ole Rasmussen.

7:45*K e1X —News. 1FIFSG —Church Sery ire. KFWB —Rosary Hour. Kt:IL—Melodies Soft &. Sweet. KMPC —Kelley on Base.

*K WIR —News. 8 —KECA, KMPC —Helen Gahngan

Douglas, Political. KEE, RFSD—.(hie Man's Family.

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, EVOE— • Let George Do It.

*KNX, RCBQ—News. Lowell Thomas.

KFAC —Evening Concert.. KFMR—Maisie. KFOX —Music. KFSG —Church Service. KF WB—Music. Fit.ER —Ftible Treasury.

*KGF'.1—News. 111611.— Walkin' Charlie.

*KLAC—News: Bill Stewart. KMPC —Flelen G. Douglas. K WIR —Nick Musky. K WK W—Itallan Melodies, KXLA —YVestern Music.

5:15 —KECA —Music by Boyero. *KFI. KiND— World News. KNX—Jack Smith and Margaret Whiting.

KFOX —Music. KGER—Flehrew Christian Hr.

*KC.F.1 —Averill-Berman. News. KMPC —Barbershop Harmony.

8:30—RWCA. KFMB —Henry J. Taylor.

EFT. AP-SD—Railroad Hour. EH.!. KFICM. KGB. IFC%0E— Under Arrest.

KNX. KC HO—Talent Scouts. KFOX—Fishing Facts.

*KFWR--News. KGER—Music Hall. Itt:F.1—Today's Hits. AG M—Platter Party. KM PC—Mayor Bowron. K WIK— What's the Answer? K WK W—Operatie Excerpts. KXLA—Ole Rasmussen.

11:45-1RECA —Jackie Robinson. KFMB—Rep. Nixon. 1RFOX—Sammy Kaye. KFIV13-1*.N. Today.

*KGIL—News. WRFC—Parade of Hits.

9—RECA—Mr. President. KV!, KFt4D —Telephone Hour.

*KILL KFXM. KGB. KV0E — News, Glenn Hardy.

KNX. KCIttl—Hollywood Star Playhouse.

IRFAC —Everting Concert. KF51B—Rig Top Ten. KFOX —Stories to Remember. KFW111—Night Bandstand. KGER—National Guard. KGFJ —Today's Hits. RG1E—Musical Scrapbook.

*KLAC—News: 11111 Stewart. KMPC —Parade of Hits.

*K WIK —News. K WK W —Musleal Mood. K X I.A —SoUf 111 kin' Deacon.

9:15*K14.1, KGB. KVOE—Fulton Lewis. Jr.

KFOX —Business Reporter. KFSG —Word and Song. KGER—Fred McClesky. KGIL—Horseman's Forum. ICIVIK—C.N. Today.

9:30—KECA—Inner Sanctum. EFT— Werner Janssen Program.

KF.X.M. KGB. KS OE— Political.

K FOX—Gene James. KNX. KCISQ —Beulah. KFSG —Echoes from Antiquity EGER —John Brown Schools.


KGFJ —Platter Part Kt:IL—Musical Memories. KWIK—Sam's Show.

*K WK W —News. 9:45—KNX. RCRQ —Club 15.

KFOX —Mosic Moderne. KFSG —Tenor Soloist.

*FLFWB—News. K WK W —Music.

9:55*KILL KFXM, KGB, EVOR-e News.

*KE('A, KFMR—News, Barred. *KFI. KIND —Richfield

Reporter. KH.1, KFXM, KGB —I Love a Mystery.

*KNX—(het Huntley, News. RFA('— Musical Crossroads. KFOX —Ocean Park Fights. KFSG —Crusader Time,


511511 ¡ATE

witir George Sanders

NOW 10 P.M.


KFV1)--sSpade Cooley Ti me.

KFVFB--Gene Norman Show. KGER—When Day Is Done. KliFJ —Platter Party, KGIL—Tett O'Clock Curtain.

*KLAC—NewS: Don Otis, KMIPC —Leisure Time. KYOF —Music to Read By. R WIR —Sam's Show, K WK W —Let's Dance.

*KXLA—News. 10 : 10—K N X—Sports. Tom Harmon. 10 :15—KECA—Dr. Frederick Bailee.

*K11 -11. V. Kaltenhorn. *KHJ, KGB— Frank Edwards. KNX —Bob F.Ison. KFMR.--(iene Norman Show,

10:30*KECA —John B. Kennedy. *EFT —Virgil Pinkley. KHJ —Lonesome KNX—Starlight Salute. RFSG —Voice of Faith. KGB —Smoke Rings. KGER —Music As lou Like it. KGIL—Tips for Listening. FCWK W—Lern Dance.

10:35--RECA--Symphnnette. 10:15—KFI —Dave Rose Show. 10:55*KLAC —Nerrs.

— KECA—Cookin' With Joss. *KFI. 111FSD. KW K W—News. KHJ —Arthur Van Orch.

*KNX —News. Larry Thor. KFAC —Musical Crossroads. KFMR, KFIVB —Gene Norman. K FOX—Sky Serenade. KFSG —Gaapei Baritone. KFVD —Coade Cooley Time. KGB—Smoke Rings. KGER—Spirituals. R(int —H'wood House Party. KGIL —Jake-Rox R evie w.

et-Lac —Don Otis. KMPC —Leisure Time. K WIK —Hank Hone Show.


Monday thru Saturday

11:00 P.M. - 5 ti!.


Pickupacupplebucks COOPER K XI S—Alex Cooper.

II :10—RN A—snorts. 11:15— KIT —Johnny Murray.

KNX,—Merry-Go-Round. KFOX—Musie of the Masters. RFSG—Family Worship Hour. KVOE—I Lose a Mystery. K WE W—Let's Dance. KXLA—Carl Bailey and Alex Cooper.

11:30— K11 —Bing Crosby Sings. K11.1—George Crowell. KFOX —Hal's Memory Room, KFSG-4Organ. KGER—At the Ranchhousa. Flint—Manhattan Club. KVOE—Hanhknife Hartley.

11:45—KIT —For You. KNX —You and . . .

11:55*KGER, KMPC —News.

Page Twenty-three

Page 28: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 *Indicates News Broadcast.

RPM It—Don SecNeill's Breakfast Club.

HEI —Coffee Time. * KHJ, littrNM. KGB. HVOE—

Cecil Brown. ENS—Top of the Morning. KFAC —Country Church. • KFOX—Bible Breakfast. KF8D—Break the Bank. fillill— Wakeup Ranch.


FiGER—Mispah. KGF.1--Mitsie You Want. KG1L--Andrew Fearing. KO WL—Spanisla Hour. KRI M—Top Tunes.

*K WIK—News; (lub 1490. K W—Ritmos Latino-

Americanos. 8:05—KALI —Ftmt)ier Welch.

KIEV —Itecords with Raisin. 8:10--KLAC —stock Reports. 11:15*HH.1. KGB. RO WE. KWK W—

News. *KNX—New, Dave Vaile. KITIN —Prison Missionaries. Kt-Wit—Kill Leyden. • KLAC—Haynes at the Reins. EMPI• -51arkete, Sports. K WIR —Keyboard Melodies. RN LA -31usic.

:111--K VI K W—Council of Churches. 8:30—KFI. KUSH—Jack Berch.

KHI, KFXM. KGB. kV 0E— Hillen of Rest.

KNX, KCBQ—Grand Slam. KALI—Spanish flame Hour.

*RFAC, Kt:II; I( News. RYON—Alin!. 'Life.


Bob Gentry 8:30 to 11:00 A.M.

Monday fkru Friday

KFVD —Coffee Time. KGER—A oice of China. KGFJ—Melody Time. KMPC—Ross Mulholland. KOWL—Precious Memories. M ASSA—Nazarene Church.

• KXLA—Hymn Time. 8:35—KRI M—Dixieland. 8:45—EFI —Meyers Goes to Market.

ENS —Rosemary. oman's

• KFAC —Party. KFSD—Van Demme Quintet.

. *KFTD —Nem z. KGER —Bible Treasury Flour. KGFJ —Stars on Parade. KGIL—On Parade. KLAC—Racing News. K WH W—Voice of China.

8:5511K WIK—News.

8-KECA. }' &FMB—Johnny Olsen's

Luncheon Club. *KFI, FIFSD, KFWIL KLAC.

K WIK —News. KHI—Rate Smith Speaks. FINN— Wendy Warren. KALI—Spanish Home Hour. KPAC —Pitino Parade. KFOX —Pentecostal Church. KFVD —Coffee Time. Fik,ER—Lutheran Hour. KGFJ—The Judge Speaks. KGIL—Morning Varieties. KIEV —Records with Raisin. KM Pt —Ross Mulholland. KO WL—Best Songs. KRI M —Sagebrush Serenade. K WK W—Tony Sein. KNIA —Bar Nothing Ranch.

9:05-.-KFT—Ladles' Day. 9:15—Kfl, HFSD—Dial Dave

Garroway. KFNM, KGB. HVOE—

Garden Guide. KNX. KCBQ—Aunt Jenny. KFOX—Home Missionary.

*KFVD —News. KFWB—Unity Daily Word. KGFJ—Airotorials. KGFE—Ballads for Ton. KILAC—Ittll Stewart. K WIK —Latin Interlude.

9:25*HECA. KFMB—F,dwin C. Hill. 9:30—RECA —Ouick as a Flash.

K M—Ladies' Day. • RH:I— Women are Wonderful.

KNX. KCBQ—Helen Trent. KALI—Beautiful Mexico. EFAC —Accentas on Strings. KI-MB—Hollywood U.S.A. KFOX —Fnll Gospel. KFSID —It's a Good Idea. KFIVR—Dav e Ormont. KGB— Molly Morse. KGER—God's Half Hour.

Page Twenty-four

IIGFJ —Itacing News. K61E—Fashions in Music. KIEV—Coffee Time. KMPC—Chef Milani. HO WL—Breakfast at Fairfax. K WIK—Musical Shopper.

9:45—KNX, K('11Q—Our Gal Sunday 11—George Murphy.

KESD—Call for Music. *KFAD, KRKD—News. KGFJ —With Melody in Mind.

9 :50— A H—All Around Town. 1 0 —HECA, KFMti—Victor H.

Lindlahr. KFI —All Around Town.

*KFLI, KFXM, KGB. RIME— News, Glenn Hard,.

KNX—Big Sister. HCBQ—Koffee Klatch. KFAC -5Ionning Concert.

*KFOX, KXLA —News. RFSD—Luncheon with Lopez. KFVD —Coffee Time. EFWB—Dave Ormnnt. KGER —Earl Lee. KliFJ —From Sunset and Vine. KGIE— Waltz Time. KIEV —Date With Allin Slate. REAC—Al Janis Ballroom. KMPC,—Bill Ewing Show. RO WE—Yiddish Hour. ERKH —Swing Time. WIK —Musleal Scrapbook.

A WK W—Sports. 10:10—KII/X—Arisembly of God. 10:15--ILECA—VesterdaY on

Broadway. KI-I—Are in Listening? KILL KFXM. KGB. KYOE— Tello-Test.

KNX —Ma Perking. KGER —Tommy Baird. 11611,—Bing Crosby. KRIRD—Dr. Richard/Jeri. R WIC W—Moin's Meat Man. ENEA— W estern Music.

10:2S*Ili nlift—News. EGF.1—Sports flesh.

10:30—KECA, KFM11—My True Story KFT— Wendell Noble. KH.1—Norma Voting. REX—tonne Dr. Malone. RAEI —Ton Tune Time. KCBQ—Take It Racy. KFAC—Sona Recital. KFOX —Music of the Morning. KFSD—Your Family Show. KFIV11 —Showtime. KGB—Dedlcated to Von. KGER—Helen Markham.

*KG11.. KNIA—News. EBRIO— Martin Ash. R WIR—Fanchon Dec op. K WK W—Hora de Lori Angeles,

10:35—RGIL—Mtdmorning Melodies. 10:45—KFI —Life ran Re Beautiful.

KNX —Guiding Light. RGER —Rev, Le Row Kopp. KIIRD—Midnight Mission.

10:55--HECA, RFTIB—Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

11 KGFJ—Sports flash.

*K WIK —News. —KECA, KFMB—Betty Cnvcker. • HISD—Double or Nothing.

• KFXM. KGB. HVOE— I .adies' Fair.

KNX —Second Mrs. Burton. KALI—Ladies' Show. KCBQ—To the %Vomen. KFAC —Guy Bates Post. RFOX —Rhythmic Age. KFVD—Bible Institute. KFIVII—Maurice Hart. K6F..1—Yesterday's Hits. KGIL—Midmorning Melodies. KIEV —Date With Allin Slate. EL M —Al Janis Ballroom.

*KVIPC —News: Bill Ewing Show.

RO WE—Spanish Hour. KRI M—Songs of Yesteryear. K WIK—Music. K WK W—Hora de LOS Angeles. KNEA— Western Music.

11:15—HECA —Easy Aces. NS—Ferry Mason.

RP M —Folk Songs. KGER —Sunshine Mission.

*KXLA—Pasadena News. II :23—KliFJ —Sports Flash. 11:30*HECA, RFNIB—John B.

Kennedy. HFE KFSD—Live Like a

HILL KGB. ISFXM. KVIIE— Queen for a hay.

KNX, 'W WI—Nora Drake. KALI—Morning Melodies. RFAC—Musie Hall.

*RFOX, KGER. KRHD—NeWs. KFVD —Rescue Mission.

*RFWB—News: Maurice Hart. KGIER—Montebello Rev Gal. KGFJ—Variety on Piano. latill,—Mosleal Moments. KOWL—Viddish Theater. NEA—Hornetrovn Jamboree.

11 :35*KGER—Senvi-Classic Hits. 11 :45—K EC A—Ira Cook.

KNX —The Brighter Day. KCI3Q—Iretta Jewel. KFOX —Hit Tunes. KGER —SPIM-Chlifigie HRS. 1U:1-.1—Remember Romany.

• *KG11,--News. KRKD—Sweet Pops. K WIK —Career Girl.

II :55-11GFJ —Sports Flash.

12 *KECA —News, Hank Weaver. KFI —Farm Reporter.

*K11.1. KOH% KGB, KIEV. K WIK, K WK W—News.

*KNX —News, Pringle. KALI— Woody Hattie. Sports. K nIC—Luncheon Concert. KFMB —Surprise Matinee. RFOX—Jimmie Dolan. KIND—Life ('an Be Beautiful REVD—Hein Ranted. FiFTWFI—Bill Anson. 11CGER—Songa for Luncheon. KGFJ—Intertnisslon. KGIL—Normday Melodies. KLAC—Al Janis Ballroom.

Morning Programs Appear in Evening Progra

Co medy- Pariety 3:00—Arthur Godfrey. KNX. 5:30—Baby Snooks. KFI. 6:00—Hardy Family. K M. 6:00—Life With Luigi. KNX. 6:30—fibber and Molly, EFL 9:00—Bob Hope, K M 9:30—Beulah. HEX.

Quiz, Participation 1:00— Welcome to Hollywood.

KECA. 8:00—McNeill Blast. Club. KECA 8:30—Grand Slam. KNX. 11:00—Double or Nothing. KBE 11:30—Queen for a Day. KHJ. 12:30—Art Linkletter, ENS. 2:00 —Surprise Package, KEC 4. 3:00— Welcome Travelers. KEE 6:30—Truth or Consequences, • KNX. 7:30—People Are Funny. K n.

Comment-Narration 9vt10—ttate Smith. KHI. 1:30—Housewives League. KNX. 4:00—Art Baker, KECA. 4:30—Burritt Wheeler, KFL 4:30—Behind the Story. HHJ.

Mystery-Detective • 1:00—Big Town. KFE :00—Myeterious Traveler, KHJ.

LIghtface Type: Afternoon and me in Boldface. R:30—SingIng Marshal, KILL 8:30—Mr. and Mrs. North, ENS. 9:00— Mystery Theater, KNX. 9:30—Official Detective. KHJ. 10:00-1 Love a Mystery. KHJ.

Public I nterest-information

uz :00—Farm Reporter, E n. 6:30-->nsiver Man, KHJ. 8:30—Time for Defense, R UA. 9:00—Town Meeting. KECA.


8.45—Racing News, KLAC. 9:30—Racing. KGFJ. 5:00—Fred Hessler, KGER. 5:13—Tom Harmon, KNX. 5:30—Sports Dial, ERHD. 5:45—Race Recap. KihIJ. 5:45—Race Results, HIRED. 5:45—Sam Batter, KLAC. 4:15—Lippy Docket, E WER. 6:15—Bob Kelley. KMPC. 6:30 —Joe Hernandez. KhIPC.

Popular-Western Music 4:00—Curt Massey. ENS. R:00—Song of Liberty. KAI 8:15—D. Shore and J. Smith.


emrc—Moods in Music. HOWL—Joe Adams Show. KRKI)--Dally Almanac. K XLA—Hometown Jamboree.

12 :05—K WK W —Sport s News. 12:15*KECA —Baukhage Talking.

KFI. KFSD—Road of Life. *K H,11 —Cedric Poster. ENS —George Fisher. KALI —Klub HALL

*I1FOX. KFVD. KGER—News. 111:11.—Flelp Wanted. KIEV—Date With Ain't Slate.

*KMPC —Southland Reporter. KWIK—Musie. EKKIV —Farm News.

12:25—KGFJ —Sports flash. 12:30—KEC A. RFM —Moders

Romances. KFE KFSD—Pepper Toone. KHJ —Nancy Dixon. KNX—Art Linkletter. KFMB—Jim Moore Show. ¡WON—Corral Roundup. KFV11 —Shopping Highlights.

*KFWB—News. KGER —Eunrheon Serenade. )(I:11,—Wesley Tuttle. R51PC —Fnets for Farmers. KRI M —Prairie Schooner. KW IKW —Red Cross. K NI A—Ole Rasmussen.

12:15—RI-l. KFSD—Right to Happiness.

KH.1. KFICM, KGB. KVOE— i.anny Ross Show.

*RFA( .— Neves. N KM PC—Religious Science. k wig vw —Sports: Music.

1.2 N—Cedric Adams. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

drK WIR —News.

1 —KECA—Ira

Conk. KF1. KESD—Backstage Wife. RAJ. KFXM. KGB. HVOE— Bands for Bonds.

ENS, KCBQ—Nona From Nowhere.

KALI —Klub KALI. KEA('--Tour County Reporte. 111-0X —Texas Tiny. KIND—Shopping Highlights. KFTWRI—Bill Anson. KG1Elt —Liincheon Serenade. KGFJ -1230 flub. Kt:IL— Wesley Tuttle. KIEV—Strictly Instrumental.

*KEAC—News: Sports. K1f PC —California Carousel. RO WE—Joe Adams Show. KRIRD —Prairie Schooner. R WIK —Afternoon Serenade. E WE IT—Bill Garr Show. KNIA —f'ommunity. News.

1:15—RFI, KIND—Stella Dallas. KILL KFXM. KGB. KVOE--H a Harding Sings.

ENS. RCF10—Hilltop Mouse KFAC—Maldng Friends With meek.

RCAF —510 Club. RIVIIIV—Races and Sports. R 147.A-1.n/toy Smith.

i:Ps—RGFJ—Snorts Flash. 1:30—W1P1. RFSD—Lorenzre Jones.

D Chuckle Warren, ENS— Housewives' Protective League.

.irr:41.1. E MIR—News. KCIRO—Raloh Fl Breit. RFAC —Matinee. KFV11—For Weetarnara Only. Kr:EH—stare on Parade. 1FCGF.1— Vernehair Concert. RG1E—Homemakers. KIEV—Records with Raisin. FCRKH —Polka Time. KXLA —Western Music.

1:45—WECA —Frances Scully. KFE HFAII—Widder Brown. RA U—Boma in the Valley.

*RGER—News: Commentary. RNIA— Western Roundup.

1:554rittNN —Newa. KGFJ—Snorts flash.

lit—KECA—Surprise Package. fa !Wt. RFSD— When a Girl

Marries. *RH& KS N—News. KALI—Roy Largins Slum% KFAC—romposers' Corner. REOS—Texas Tiny. KFVD—For Westerners Only. KF WB—Bill Anson. KGER—Long Beach Band. KGFJ—Meet the Band. KGIE—Flomemakers Matinee. KIEV—Records with Raisin.

*REAC—News. Snorts. • *KMPC —News: Carousel. RO WE—Joe Adams Show. RUED—L.A. Recreation Dept. ERIK—Afternoon Serenade. K WK W—Words About Music. SEA— Western Roundup.

2:03—RN X—International Disc Jockey.

2:13—KFL KFSD —Portia Faces Life E MI—George ("rowel!. KLAC -510 Chub. KRKH—Police Department. RXLA —rontlnental Serenade.

2:25—KGFJ—Snorts Flash. 2:30—KF.CA, KFMB —Chance of a

Lifetime. EFI, EFSD—Just Plain Bill. ENS, ECRQ—Arthur Godfrey.

Page 29: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

RADI O-TELEVISI ON LIFE TUESDAY RADIO LOGS *KFVD —News. *KFWB--News; Bill Anson. KGER —Garden School. KGFJ—Variety on Piano. RGIL--t'ariations In Rhythm.

*HRRD—News: Tops in Pops.

2 :40—KGER—Long Beach Band. 2:45—KEL KEST —Front-Page

Farrell. KNX —Freddy Martin. KGFJ—Western Roundup. KXLA—Music.

2:55*KECA— White House Report. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

It —HECA—Today in Hollywood. KFI, KFSD—Weicome Travelers.

KHJ—George Crowell Show. KNX. KCI1Q—Arthur Godfrey. KALI—Fantasias Musicales. KFAC —Itorld of Opera. KFOX —Star Dust. KF1VB—Peter Potter. KGB—PCI, Roundup. Scoreboard.

*KGER, KMPC, K W111, K XLA —News.

KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KGIL--Encore Time. KIEV—Freddy Martin.

*KLAC —News, Sports. KO WL--Town Crier/b. KRKD —Tops in Pops. K WK W—Pops in Review.

3:115*KIWA—Today's World. KGF.R—Fiesta Grande. KMPC -5Iagie of Melody. K WIK —A. Don Miller Show.

3:15—KECA, KFMR--Hannibal Cobb KFOX —Eddy Arnold Show.

*E MIL—News. KIAC —Don Otis. KXLA —Music Mountain.

3:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 3:30—KECA —Rudy Vallee Show.

KFI, KFSD—Aunt Mary. KFAC —Lyrics in Chorus. KFOX—Everybody's Business.

*KFWB —News; Peter Potter. KGER—Rancho 1390. KGIL—Dance Matinee. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. 1TO WL--Chico's

*IFOIRD —Tons in Pops. K WK W—Foothill Features.

3:45—NFL KFSD — We Love & Learn KIT:I —Lynn Looks at H'vrood.

*KFAC —New 6. KFMIR—Ted Malone. KFOX. KFVD —Old-Age Pensions.

3:55*KGER—News. KGF.1—Snorts flash.

A—KECA—Art Baker's Notebook. KFI, KFSD—This Woman's Secret.

*KILL KFX111, KGB, HVOE— Fulton Lewis.

KNX. KCBQ—Curt Massey Time.

KALI—Voice of South America.

KFAC —Musical Masterpieces. KFITB--Quick As a Flash.

*KFOX. KIEV. KO WL—News. KFWIt—Peter Potter. KGER —Rancho 1390. KGFJ—Record Review. KGIL—Western Trails.

*KLAC —News, Sports. *KMPC —News. KRK11--Spotlight on a Star. KWIK —Flank Penny.

*K WK W—News; Rodeo Bill. K XLA —Music Mountain.

4:05—KMPC —Bands and Ballads. 4 :15 —K M. KFSD—Dr. Paul.

*KILL KFXM, KGB. KVOE— Frank Hemingway.

KNX. KCBQ—Strike It Rich. KFOX —Freddy Martin. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. KLAC--Bill Stewart. KMPC--Twilight Tales. KO WL—Italian Hour. KRKD— Waltzes.

4:25 —KGFJ —Soorts Flash. 4:30—RECA—Play It Again.

KFI —Burritt Wheeler. *KIM, KGB. HVOE--Behlnd

the Story. *KCHQ, KERB, KFVD —News. KFON —Music.

*KFWB—News; Red Rowe. KGFJ--Record Review. KMPC--.Safety Rangers. KRKD—Sweet Songs. K WK W —Bill Sampson Show. KXLA—Songs of the Old West

: 15*KECA—Elmer Dal is. *KHJ. KGB —Sam Hayes. KNX —Harry Babbitt.

*KFSD —Richard Harkness. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm KLAC—Racing Roundup.

*ROWL. KRKD —News. *HVOE--Cedric Foster.

1.55*KGER —News. ' KGFJ —Sports flash.

5* KECA, K WK W—News. trEFI—Feature Wire.


SOU Sell

KHJ, KFXM, KGB, Kvor,— Straight Arrow.

*RN?(. HCBQ--News, Murrow. KALI—Guest Star. KFAC —Sunset Serenade. KFMB—Fun House. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFSD—Prelude to Etening.

LATEST NEWS DAILY 8:45, 9:15, 9:45, 10:30 A.M., 12:15, 2:30, 4:30, 5 P.M.

*KFVD —News. KFWB—Red Rowe. KGER—Sports. Fred Hessler. KGE1--Jite at Five. KGIL—Children's Corner. KIEV—seism's Show.

*KLAC —Fred Henry. *E511PC —News, Bill Ewing. KO WL—Tune Time. KRFCD—Songs of the Saddle.

*KETIK —News; Joe Thompson. KXLA —Muttle. •

5:15-1TECA—Happv Theater. *KFI —News. Ted Meyers. KNX —Tom Harmon. KGER—Rancho 1390. KLAC —Bill Stewart. KMPC —rp Swing. KFSIn—Local Scene. K WK W—Today at the Races.

5;30_1TECA. KF MR —Superman. KFI. KFSD —Baby Snooks. KFT.1. wFX5I. KGB. KVOE— Sky King.

*KNX. HCBQ —Chet Huntley. * KFOX. NITER. KGFJ.

News. osyrc —All-Time Rita. KnOn—Snorts Dial. IL WIK —Bob 'Maine Show. K WK W —Romano Spanish Hr. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

5:35—KGIL--Tops in Pops. 5:45*KNX. KC19Q—News. Goss.

KFOX —Your Fishcaster. WC:ER—Stamps Quartet. 14:n1—Race Reran-R GIL— Help Wanted. OTAC —Sam Ratter. Sports. KMPC—Top Tone. KRITD—Race Results.

5:55—KFCS —Falstaff's Fabulous Fables.

KFNM—Dollare and Sense.

*KNX—News. e*ITErià—FAIwin C. Hill. 110 Kwan —Flartly *KI M !LEW*. KGB. HVOE—

Gabriel 1Ftentter. TUNX. Kenn—Life With Luigi evac—Wo.le Maxie.

4,1111,0X. MO W. KLAC. K WTK — Ne ws.

* W FWW-11 -11Pte R oberts. News. leGER —tmerican Son! Clinic. lertIR.Y-11tenuect Performance. lwellT. —Entsy Listening.

.ortrPc_Nnetnsp Nesbitt, News. linalin—Variety Time. o WIT W—Caelos Moran.

C. 6:05*K M'A. FrElfa—Headline Edi-

tion. WT.Ar —Al Jarvis Ballroom.

8:15stil mcA —Main Street to Malibu. *zrzti Rtlii—cfritnnt Newsreel. lgreult—slnwslInn reborn. KFOX—Hawailan Munie. wwWR —Cnorts. Knit—Latin American Rhythms.

oscPC—Ilob Renee. Sports. WIVIK —Lipny %tricot Snorts. RITA— Mary Bitrke King.

fl:".1O—KF.CA —Soorts Review. tt,30_-.1rwra _sositin' for Waken'.

K M. OT*1:1—FIbber McGee and Molly.

Kul, KGB. KIWE—Answer %Inn.

KNX. Kenn—Truth or Conseemenees.

—sinsimel Milestones. KFM14--Tin Pan Alley. innYX—Ffal'a Memory Room. OFIvR--Amerlea Dances. ITGER —Botek to the Bible. Er:TT —Dinner Concert. Frill m",--Bar Meadows Races. 1RIME—American Jewish Br. lO WW W—lloym Hour. KXT.A—Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*KILL KGB. KV0E--News. Sam Haves.

IIMTL—Down Memo!, Lane. WRKD--Dr. Joseph Murphy. 1EXLA — Western Music.

6:55*KI1J. KGB. HVOE--15111 Henry 7-ICECA, KFMB--Jack

Armstrong of the SBI KFI. KFSD—Big Town. K M, ILFX:11, KGB, HY0E— Mysterious Traveler.

KNX, ILCBQ—Hit the Jackpot. KFAC —Twilight Hour. NFOX —Waltz Time. KFWB—America Dances. KGER—Famlly Bible Hour. KGFJ —Musical Digest.

*KLAC —News: 570 Club. KMPC —Musical Memories.

*KRKD, KNLA—News. *IL WIK—Frank Edwards. News K WK W —Hoyos flour.

1:15.—KFOX —Evening KGIL—Songs by Crosby. KITED —Strolling Tom. K WIK—Johnson Family. KXLA— Western Music.

7 :30—KF:C A—Got ernor Warren, Political.

KFSD —People Are Funny.

RAJ, KFX51. KGB—Red Ryder.

KNX, KCBQ—Capitol Cloekroom.

KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KFMB—Paul Whiteman. KFOX —Meet the Band. KFWB—Music. RC:RR—Rev. Al Harlan. KGIL—Footlight Favorites. K54PC —Top Ten Tunes. KRRYS—Dr. Richardson. KV0E —Collectors Showcase. K WIK —At Your Service. K WK W —Betz Spanish Program.

K Rasmussen. 7:15—KECA--Jitutur Blaine Show.

*KFOX, K WIK—News. KESG —Church Service. KFWB--Inettry Hour. KUM—Fishing Facts. KNI.A—K estern Music.

S-RECA , KFIWB —On Trial. KFSD —One Man's Family.

KHJ, KFXXI. KGB. HVOZ— Song of liberty.

*KNIT. KCBQ—News. Lowell Thomas.

KFAC —E‘enIng Concert. KFOX. KFIVB. KGFJ—Music. KGF.R —Bitile Treasury. KGIL— Walkin Charlie.

*KT.AC —Newo; Music. *KMPC —News. K WIK —Niek Musky. K WK W—Italian Melodies. KXLA— Western Music.

8:15*14 M. KFSD— Warld News. KNX —Jack Smith and Dinah Shore.

KFWB—Here's to Vets. KGER—Hebrew Christian.

*OGFJ —News, Aterill Berman. KMPC —Barbershop Harmonies

11:30—KF.CA, KFMB —Time for Defense.

K M. IT MID —Cavalcade of America.

K11.1. KFXM, KGB— 'Tinging Marshal.

KNX, KCBQ—Mr. and Mn. North.

* K M-FS—News. KGER —Music Boll. KGFJ —Today's Flits. AG M—Platter Party. KMPC -40 It 8 Dinner. KV0E--Vnder Arrest. E WTO — What's the Answer? K WK W—Aperatic Excerpts. Kor,s _ille Rasmussen.

11:45—KFOX —Escursions in Science KFWB—U.N. Today.

*KGIT,—News. 8:5.t*FIG1P:R —News. 9-RECA, KFMR--Ameries's

Town Meeting. K M. KFST) —Bote Hope.

*H MI. KFXM. KGB. HVOE— N e ws. Glenn Hardy.

!CNN. KCBQ—Mystery Theater KFAC —Evening Concert. KEMB —Night Bandstand. KFOX--Skylite Jamboree. stusG--Flnirit of L.I.F.F.. WFWR —Night Bandstand. KGER —Gospel Melody Boys. KGFJ—Today's Hits. KG17,--Musical Seranhook. WMPC—Parade of Hits.

J.KIXIO—News. K WK W—Mnotical Mood. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

9:15*KFLY. KGB. KV0E—Fulten L e wis.

KFOX —Barn Dance. WHIR —U.N. Today.

9:30*11VECA. KFMR —Monitor News. OFT—Reserve. KAI. 1OFX111. KGB. HVOE— Official Detective.

KNX —Benlah. Kr1111 —La Jolla Premiere. KFOX—Gene James.

ILFSD--Candy Matson. KFSG—Foursquare Retiral. KGER—John Brown Schools. KGFJ—Platter Party. KGIL--Musical Memories. K WIK—Sam's Show.

*K WK W —News. 9:45-11ECA —Report to the Pewee.

KNX—Club 15. KFMB—Bing Comity. KFON—Nationaj Guard.

*KFWB—News. K WK W —Music.

9:554-KHJ. KFX51. HVOE—NeWa.

1rtirKECA, Ga rd. V *KFI, KFL4D—Richfleld Reporter

NFU, KFXM. KGB-1 Leve a Mystery.

*KNX —Chet Huntley, News. W illi—Lonesome Gal. KFAC —Musical Crossroads. KFOX—Olympic Fights. KFSG--Gospel Stars. KF WB—.Gene Norman Show. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. KGER —Three Suns. KGFJ—platter Party. KGIL—Ten O'Cloek Curtain. KM PC —Olympic Boxing. , FIVOE--Music to Read By. K WIK —Sam's Show. K WK W —Let's Dance.

*KXLA —News. 10:10—KNX —Sports, Torn Harmon. 10:15—KECA —Dr. Frederick Belles.

KF1 —Johnny Murray. WISELY, KGB—Frank Edwards. KNX —Flob Elson. K ilia—Gene Norman Show. K le4,—Terrea Lea. K G— Moments of Meditation KGER —Les Brown Show. KXLA —Western

10:30*KECA—John R. Kennedy. *KFI —Virgil Pinkley. KH.1 -1.0neltOMM Gal. KNX—Starlight Salute. RFSD —Concert Hall. KESG—Uncle Paul. KGB—Smoke Rings. KGER—Music As You Like It. KGIL—Tips for listening. KMPC—Leisure Time. K WK W —Lerti Dance.

10:$5-11TECA —Symphonette. 10(45—NFL —Freddy Martin Show.

—KECA—sClnegrill Music. *Kr,. KFSD„ KW K W —News. M U —Arthur Van tin+.

*KNX —News, Larry Thor. ilF111' -51usienl Crossroads. KFMB. KEITH —Gene Norman Show.

KFOX —Sky Serenade. KFSG —Power from Religion* Stories.

KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. KGER —Spirituals. KGFJ —Hollywood Rouse Party.

ILGIL—Juke-Box Review. *KLAC —News: Don Otis. KMPC —Palladium Party. KV0E—Harrison Wood. K WIK -1Flank Hope. KXLA—Ales Cooper.

II :10—KNX—Sports. 11:15—ITECA--Casino Room Oreh.

KFII —Johnny Murray. KNX —Merry-Go-Round. Ken0--Yeaterdayg. KFOX—Music of the Masters. KMTG—Songs and Devotion. KVOE—I L ose a Mystery. KXLA —Carl Bailey and Ales Cooper.

K WK W—Let's Dance. 11:30—KEVA —Beverly Hills Oreh.

KEY —Ring Crosby Sings. KH.1 —Crowell's Nest. KFOX —Flars Memory Room. KFSG—Old Hymn Book. KGER —At the Ranehhonse. KGFJ—Manhattan Supper Club.

(1:45—KECA —Ambassador K M—Guest Star. KNX —You and . . .

11:55*KGER. KMPC —News.

145*HECA, KNX. KFWB--News. di. KFI —Musical Menu.

KellQ —Scenario for Reverie. KFAe —Midnight Se de.

*KFM1I--John B. Kennedy. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time (to 1).

KGFJ—Manhattan Sapper Club.

*KLAC —News; Do* Otis (te I) K WIK —Show People's Show (to 4).

K WK W —Bill Santpso* (to :30).

KX1LA —Carl Bailey and Al es Cooper.

12:05—KNX —Steve Allen Show. KFWB—Music After Midnight.

12 :30—K M —Midnight Flyer. KGFJ—MIdnight te Dawn (to 6).


Page Twenty-five

Page 30: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11 a—Indicates News Broadcast. 0—KECA, KFMR—Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. KFI, KFSD—Break the Bank.

*KI M KFILM, KGB, HYDE— Cecil Brown.

KNX —Top of the Morning. KFAC--Country Church. KFOX—Bible Breakfast. KFVD—Wakeup Ranch.


KGER —MIzpah. KGFJ—Music Yon Want. KGIL--Musical Clock. HO WL—Spanish TIM M KFt/CD —Top Tunes. RIDE—Hotrake Club.

*R WIK —News; Club 1490. K WK W —Ritmos Latino-Atnericanos.

8:06— KALI—Brother Welch. RIEV —Retords with Raisin,

11:10—KLAC —Stock Market. 8:15*EFIJ, KGB, BO WL. K WK W—

News. *KNX. KCBQ—News. Dare

Valle. st KFOX —Prison Missionaries.

KFIVB —L. A. Brtakfast Club. KLAC—Haynes at the Reins. KMPC—Markets; Sports. KXLA —Music.

8:e41—K WK W—Council of Churches. 8:30—KFI, K'FSD--Jack Berth.

KFXAS, KGB, KNOB— Bible Institute.

KNX, KCBQ —Grand Slam. KALI—Spanish Home Hour.

*KFAC, EO M; 41.51KII—News. KFOX— Word of 'Elfe. EFTD —Coffee Time. KGER—Voice of China. KGFJ —Melody Time. 1113IPC—Ross Mulholland. KOWL —Prei•inus Memories. K WK W —Nazarene Church. RXLA —Rasen of Rest.

8 :35—KRI M —Dixieland. 8:45—KFI—Meyers Goes to Market.

KNX—Rosemary. KCBQ—ii Oman's World. KFAC -1-nity. KFE4D—Van Demme Quintet.

*KFI-D —News. KGER—Flible Treasury Hour. KGFJ—Businese Reporter. ROIL—On Panicle. KLAC—Racing News. K WK W—voice of China.

9-KECA, KF11119—Johnny Olsen's

Luncheon Club. *KFT, RFSD. KLAC. ' MTH—

News. *KHJ—Kate Smith Speaks. KNX —Wendy Warren. KALI—Spanish Home Hour. KFAC —Piano Parade. KFOX—Pentecostal Church. KFVD—Coffee Time. KFIVB—L. A. Breakfast Club. RGER —F.N. Story. RGF.14—Disabled Veterans. KGIL—Morning Varieties. KIEV—Records with Raisin. KMPC—Ross Mulholland. BO WL —American-Jewish Hr. KART —Sagebrush Serenade. K WK W—Tony Sein. BILA—Bar Nothing Ranch.

9:011—KFI—Ladies' Day. 9:15—KFI. }IF/RD —Dial Dave

Garroway. HAL REI M. KGB, KV OE— Garden Guide.

KNX. KCBQ—Aunt Jenny. RFD X—Home Missionary.

*RFED —News. KGER —Fred McClesky. KGFJ--Airotorials. ROIL—Ballads for Tou. KLAC—Bill Stewart. R WITC—LatIn Interlude.

9:25*KECA, KFMB—Edwin C. Hill. 9,30—KECA —Quick as a Flash.

BET—Ladies' Day. KHJ—Women Are Wonderful. KNX. HCBQ-11elen Trent. KFAC—Accent on Strings. KFMB--Hollywood li.S.A. 1RFOX —Full Gospel. RFSD—It's a Good Idea. KFIVB—Dave Ormont. KGB—Molly Morse. KGER —God's Half Hour. KGE1--Racing News. 111-111.--Fashions in Music. KTEV —Coffee Time. KMPC—Chef Milani. HO WL—Breakfast at Fairfax. K WTK —Musical Shopper. 1R WK W-1300 Club.

9:46—KNX. HCBQ—Our Gal Sunday KFSD —Call for Music.

*RE VD, KRI M—News. KGFJ— With Melody in Mind.

9:50—KFT —All Around Town. 1 0—HECA, KFMB--Victor

Lindlahr. KFI —All Around Town.


Page Twenty-six

News, Glenn Hardy. KNX—Big Sister. KFAC —Morning Concert. KFMB—George Murphy.

*11111X—News. KFSD—Luncheon S ith Lopez. KFVD —Coffee Time. KFIVB—Dave Ormont. KGER—Earl Lee. • KGFJ—From Sunset and Vine. ROIL— Waltz Time. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Bill Ewing Dhow. KO WL--Tiddish flour. KFIRD—Swing Time. K W W —Musical Scrapbook. K WK W—emerts. RXLA —Tom Coffeer.

10:10—KFOX —Assembly of God. 10 :15--KECA —Yesterday on

Broadway. KFI —Are Va Listening? RILL KELM, KGB. KVOE— Tello-Test.

KNX—Ma Perkins. KGER—Tommy Baird. ROIL--Bing Crosby. KRIRTI —Dr. Richardson. K WK W—Mom's Meat Man.

141:215*RFWB--News. KGFJ—Sport• Flash.

10:30—KECA. KFMB—My True Story KFI— Wendell Noble. H MI—Norma Young. ENX—Young Dr. Malone. BALI—Top Tune Time. RCRQ —Take It Easy. KFAC —Song Recital. KFOX —Music. Mr-SD—Your Family Show. KFWB —Showtime. KGB—Dedicated to You. 1161BR—Helen Markham.

*ROIL. RICLA —News. KRKD —Marvin Ash. R WIR —Belle Martell. K WK W—Hora de Los Angeles.

10:35—KGIL--MIdmorning Melodies. 10:45—KFI —Life Can tie Beautiful.

KNX —Guiding Light. KGER—Rev. Le Roy Kopp. KRI M—Midnight Mission. KXLA —Western Music.

10:55—KECA. KFMB—Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

KGFJ—Sports Flash. *R WIR—News. — KECA, KFMB—Betty Crocker. KFI, KFSD—Double or Nothing.

KILL IRFNM. KGB, KTOE— Ladies' Fair.

Eli—Second Mrs. Burton. KALI—Ladies' Show. KFAC —Guy Bates Post. RFOX—Rhythmic Age. KFVD —Bible Institute. KT-WS—Maurice Hart.


KGFJ—Testerday'a Hits. ROIL—Midmorning Melodies. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom.

*KMPC —News; Bill Ewing Show,

KO WL —Spanish Hour. KR/CD —Songs of Yesteryear. K WIK -311usie. K WK W—Hora de Los Angeles. BILA— Weste rn Music.

11:15—KECA—Easy Aces. KNX—Perry Mason. KFAC —Folk Monge. KGER —Sunshine Mission.

*KXLA-L•Pasadena News. 11:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 11:30*KF.CA, KFMT—John B.

Kennedy. EFL KFSD —Live Like a Millionaire.

/111.1, KFXM. KGB, KTOE--Queen for a Day.

ENX KCRQ—Nora Drake. KALI— Morning Melodies. KFAC—Musie Hall.

*KFOX, KGER, KRHD —News. KFVD —Rescue Mission.

*KF WB—News: Maurice Hart. KGER—Montebello Revival. KGFJ—Variety on Piano. BOIL—Mnsical Moments. BO WL—Errand of Merey. K WIR—Ricks Academy.


Cliffle Stone Eddie Kirk Herman the Hermit

Bucky Tibbs Speedy West Tennessee Ernie

Top Western Talent

KXLA 11:30-12:30 Moe. Urn Fri.

KXLA—Hometown Jamboree, 11:45—KECA—Ira Cook.

KNX —The Brighter Day. KC/IQ—heft& Jewel. KF111B —Jan Garber. KFOX —Hit Tunes. RGER—Prophecy Speaks. KGFJ —Remember 'Romany.

*KGIL—News. KOVI L—Beauty Consultant. FIRHD —Sweet Pops.

11:55—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 1 43*RECA —News, Rank Weaver.

R1PI—Farm Reporter. *KHJ. KIEV. K WIK, K WK W—

News. *KNX —News. Pringle. KALI— Woody Hattie, Sports. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. KFMB—Surprise Matinee. KFOX—Jimmie Dolan. HFSD—Life Can Re Beautiful KFVD—Help Wanted.

%i mpel esmassidlizt e


Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Comedy-Variety 3:00—Arthur Godfrey ,KNX. 6:30—Hails of Ivy, EFI. 8:30 —Great Gildersleeve, EFL

Quiz, Participation 7:00— Welcome to Hollywood,

KECA. 8:00— McNeill Bkfat. Club, KECA 8:30—Grand Slam. KNX. 11:00—Double or Nothing, KFI. 11:30 —Queen for a Day. KHJ. 12:30—Art Linkletter, KNX. 2:00—Surprise Package, KECA. 3:00— Welcome Travelers. BPI. 7:30 —Dr. I. Q., KECA. 8:00—Name That Song. KR,!. 9:00--Groucho Marx, KIM

Drama 6:08—Proudly We Hail. KFL 7:00—The Big Story. KFL 8:30—Family Theatre, KILL Stye—Dr. Christian, KEI X.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

7:30—Hollywood Music man. KNX.

Co m ment- Narration 9:00—Kate Smith. KHJ. 1:30—Housewives' League. ENI. 4:00—Art Baker. KECA.

4:30—Burritt Wheeler, EFL 4:30—Behind the Story. KHJ.

Mystery-Detective 7:00—John Steele, KHJ. 7:341—Richard Diamond, EFL 8:00— Detour. KECA. 9:00— Mr. Crtameleon, KNX. 9:30—Mr. D. A., KFI. 9:30—International Airport, KHJ 10:00-1 Love a Mystery, KHJ.

Public Interest-Information

12:00—Farm Reporter, K n. 6:30—Answer Man, KHJ.

Sports 8:46—Racing News. ICLAC. 9:30—Racing. KGFJ. 5:00 —Fred Hessler, EGER. 5:15—Tom Harmon, KNX. 5:30 —Sports Dial, H EED. 5:45—Race Recap, KGFJ. 5:45—Race Results, KRI M. 5:45—Sam Baiter, KLAC. 8:15—Lippy Duckat, R WEIL. 6:15—Bob Kelley. KMPC. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. KMPC.

Popular- Western Music 4:98 —Curt Massey, KNX. 8:15—D. Shore and J. Smith.


51St ell IS

KFWB—Bill Anson. KGER—Songs for Luncheon. KGFJ—Intertnisoon. KGIL—Noonday Melodies. KLAC —Al sores Ballroom. KMPC—Moods in Music. HO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRED—Daily Almanac. RICLA —Hometown Jamboree.

12:06--K WK W —Sports News. 12:15*HECA—Baukhage Talking.

EFL KFSD —Road of Life. *K M—Cedric. Foster. KNX —George Fisher. KALI—Klub KALI.

*KFOX. KFVD. KGER—News. KGIL—Help Wanted. KIEV—Date With Alibi Slate.

*KMPC —Southland Reporter. K WIII —Guest Star. K WK W—Farm News.

12 :Z5_ 46F,t—Sports Flash. 12:30 —HECA. KFMB—Modern

Romances. KFI, KFSD —Pepper Young. KHJ—Nancy Dixon. KNX—Art Linkletter. KFTX—Corral Roundup. KFVD —Shopping Highlights.

*KF WB—News; Bill Anson. KGER—Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ-1230 Club. ROIL— Wesley Tuttle. KMPC—Facts for Farmers. KRED—Prairie Schooner. K W M —Musie. K WIC W—F.N. Story. BILA—Ole Bagman «.

12:45—KFI, KFSD—Right to Happiness.

RAJ. KFX111. KGB, KTOE— Lanny Ross Show.

*KFAC —News. KMPC —Religious Qcleac. mit. K WK W—Sports; Music.

12:55*KNX—Cedrir Adams. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

*R WIK —News,

Ir Cook. KFI. KF441O—Backstage Wife.

KFX111. KGB. HVOE— Bands for Bonds.

KNX, KCBQ—Nona From Nowhere.

KALI— Minh HALL KFAC —Serenade. KFOX —Texas Tiny. KFVD —Shopping Highlighte. KFIVB--Bill Anson. KGER —Peter Slack, Organ. KGFJ-1230 Club. BOIL— Wesley Tuttle. KIEV —Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC—News. KMPC--California Carousel. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KR1 M —Prairie Schooner. K W111 —Afternoon Serenade. K WK W—Bill Garr Show. KXLA —Western Hits.

1:15—KFT, KFSD—Stidla Dallas. HAIL KFXM. KGB. KNOB— Harvey Harding Sings.

KNX. KCBQ--Hillton House. KF'AC —Success Ste rt. KLAC -570 Club. KWKW-Rares and Sports. RXLA—David 011fillan.

1:25—KGF.1—Snorts Flash. 1:30—KEI, KFSD—Lorenzo Jones.

RAJ —Chuckle Wagon. KI44X—Housewives' Proteetive League.

*KALI, KFIVE—News. KFAC —Matinee. KFIT4—For Westerners Only. KGER—Clark Sparks Show. KOFJ—Annehair Concert. KGE1.-1Flomemakers. KIEV—Records with Raisin. ARAD—Polka Time. BILA— Western Music.

1:45—RECA—Francee Scully. KFT. KFSD — Widder Brown. KALI— Home in the Valley.

*KGER—News Commentary. • RITA— Western Roundup.

1:56*KNX—News. Kt-WY—Snorts Flash.

415-1FRECA —Surprise Package. dEt KFSD — When • Girl

Marries. *FCHS. KIT—News. KALI—Roy 'Agri » Show. RFAC —Composers• Corner. KFOX—Texas Tiny.


Now 2:00-3:30 P.M.

Mon. thru Sat.

rqD I G S A N O 1. 1.

KFVD--Harlematine.e. KF WB--Bill Anson. ROER—Long Beach Band. KGEI—Meet the Band. KGIL--Homemakers Matinee. KIEV—Records with Bolen.

Page 31: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

RADI O-TELEVISI ON LIFE WEDNESDAY RADIO LOGS *KLAC —Mews, Sports. *KMPC—News; Carousel. HO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRI/D—L. A. Fire Dept. K WIK—Afternoon Serenade. K WK W— Words About Music. KXLA— Western Music.

2 :05—K . —International Disc Jockey.

2:10--KLAC-3370 Club. 2:10-1(Fl. r KFSD Illlin Flee*

Life. KHJ—George Crowell. KRKI)--Veterans' Administration.

HXLA —Continental Serenade. 2:25—HC.FJ —Sports Flash. 2:30—HECA, KFMB—Chance of a

Lifetime. K_F I, KFSD —Just Bill.

*KFVD—Newr. *KFRA—News: Rill Anson. EGER —Doreen School. KGF,T—Variety on Piano. KfAL—Variations in Rhythm.

*KRI M—News; Tops in Pope. 11:441—KGER—Long Beach Band. 2:45—KFL KFSD—Front-Page

Farrell. RNX—Freddy Martin. KGFJ—Western Roundup. KXLA—Frank Simon.

2:55*HECA— White House Report. KGFJ—Sports flash.

3-111ECA—Teday In Hollywood. TEFL KFSD— Welcome Traveler's.

K M—George Crowell Show. KNX, RCRQ—Arthur Godfrey. KALI—Fantasias Musicales'. KFAC —World of Opera. KFOX —Star Duet. KFWB —Peter Potter.

*HGER—News: Fiesta Grande. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KGII,—Encore Time. KIEV—Freddy Martin.

*KLAC, KMPC. a wn:. KXLA —News.

KO WL—Town Criers. KRKD —Tops in Pops. RISE W—Pops in Review.

:05*KEe A—Today's World. IIMPC —Magle of Melody. KIVIK —A. Den Miller Show.

3:15—REÇA —Hannibal Cobb. KFOX—Here's to Vets. KGB—Musical Scoreboard.

*KG1L—News. KLAC—Don Otis Show. RITA— Music Mountain.

3:25—KGFJ—Snorts Flash. 3:30—HECA—Rudy Vallee Show.

NFL KESD —Aunt Mary. RFAC —Lyrics in Chorus. KFOX—Everybody's Business.

*KFWB—News: Peter Potter. ROER— Rancho 1300. KGIL—Dance Matinee. KIEV—Date With Allies Slate. HO WTe—Chico's ewingtime.

*KRA-In--News: Tops In Pope. K WW W—FoothIll Features.

HFSD —Re Love & Learn KILT—Lynn Look at 12wood.

*KFAC—News. KFMB —Ted Malone. KFOX, KIND—Old-Age Pensions.

RGIL—Dance Matinee. 3:56*KGE R—News.

KGFJ—Sports rash. A—HECA—Art Baker's Netishook.

EFL KFSD—This Women's Secret.

*11HJ. KFXM, KGB—Fulten Lewis.

KNX, HCBQ--Curt Massey Time.

KA M—Voles of Sonth America.

KPAr —Mnsiral Masternleces. KFMB—Quiek as a Flash.

*KFOX, KTEV—News. RIFID—Harlematinee. KFWB--Peter Potter. KGF.R—Raneho 13011. liGF.11—Record Review. RGIL— Western Trails.

*KLAC—News. Sports. *KMPC —News. KRIC17 —Spotlight on a Star. R WIR—Hank Penny.

*R WK W—News: Rodeo MIL KXLA —Music Mountain.

4 :05—KMPC —Bands and Ballads. 4:15—KFL KFFID —Dr. Paul.

*KILL KFXM. KGB. Kv0E--Prank Hemingway.

KNX. HCBQ —Strike It Rich. KPDX— Freddy Martin. KIEV—Date With Attie Slate. KLAC—Bill Stewart. HO WL—Itallan Hour. KR/ID— Waltzes.

1:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. :30—KECA —Play It Again.

KFI—Burritt Wheeler. *KHJ, KGB, Kt-OE—Behind

the Story. *KEMB, KFID—Near1,

1201 —Music. *KF WA—News; Red Rowe. KGFJ —Record Resiew. KMPC—Safety Rangers. RRI(D —Sweet Songs.

Sampson Show. [MLA —Songs of the Old West

4:15*HECA—Elmer Data. *KTIJ, KGB— News, Sam Hayes KNX—Harry Babbitt.

*KFSD—Richard Harkness. KLAC —Racing Roundup. KIKPC—Romance and Ithjthm

*HO WL, KRKD —News. d:55*KGER—News.

IRGFJ—Sports Flash.

E *HECA, KFVD, K WK W —News e*KP1—Feature Wire.

K M, KFXM. KGB, SNIDE—. Mark Trail.

*KNX, KCBQ—News. %furrow. KALI— Here's to Veterans. RFAC —Sunset Serenade. KFMII—Jimmy Vfakely Show. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. HFSD--Prelude to Esening. KFWB—Red Rowe. KGER—Sports, Fred Hessler. IRGFJ —Jhe at 5. IWIL—Children's Corner. KIEV —Sam's Show.

*KLAC —Fred Henry Reports. *KMPC--News; Bill Ewing. KO WL—Tune Time. KRKD—Songs of the Saddle.

*K WIK —News: Joe Thompson. KXLA—Riserside Rancho.

5:15—KECA —Happy Theater. *1121—News. KNX —Tom Harmon. KGEIFt —Rancho 1390. KGFJ—Pianists of the Future. KLAC —Bill Stewart. KMPIr-111pswing. K WK W —Today at the Races.

5:30—RECA. KFM117—Black Hawk. KFT—Casa Cugat. KHJ. KF.X.M, KGB, KS OK— Challenge of the Yukon.

*KNX, KCBQ—Chet Huntley. KFAC— Whoa Bill Club.


KIND—Kan &dens. Sports. KMPC —All-Time Hits. KRI M—Sports Dial. KATE—Rob Dulaine Show. K WK W —Romano Spanish Or. TEXT.A —Squeakin' Deacon.

5:35—KGIL—Tops in Pops. 5:45*KFI, KFSD—Elmer Peterson.

*KNX, KCBQ—News, Goss. KFOX —Your F1shcaster. HOER—Stamps Quartet. KGFJ—Race Recap. ROIL—Help Wanted. KLdr—tasm Baiter. Sports. KMPC —Top Tunee. KR/ID—Race Results.

5:55—HECA—Falstafre Fabulous Fables.


je*KECA—Edwin C. RIB. KFI —Proudly We Hall.

*KILL 12. 1, KGB, KV0E--(*brie] Heatter.

INN. KCBQ--Flonest Harold. *KFOX, KIEV. KLAC. K WIE

—News. HFAC —Prelude to Evening. RFSD —Hollywood Open House

*KFW1R —Clete Roberts. News. HOER—American Soul Clinic. KGFJ—Request Performance. ROIL—Easy Listening.

*KMPC —Norman Nesbitt, News. KRKD —Varlety Time. H WK W—Carlos Moran. VOLTA— Music.

0:05*HECA, HEMB—H eadline Edi-tion.

KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. :15*KECIA —Main Street to Malibu *KIAJ, KGB—Mutual Newsreel. KF WB—Sports. KGIL—Latin-American Rhythms.

KMPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. HISTK —lippy Docket. Sports.

e:20-11ECA—Sports Review. 11:30—HECA— WaitIn' for Wakely.

KFI, KFRD--Halls of Ivy. M U, KGB. KV0E— Answer Man.

KNX, KCBQ--Blag Crosby. KFAC —Musical Milestones. KFMB—Inner Sanctum. KFOX —Hal's Memory Room. KFWB—America Dances. KGER—Back to the Bible. KGIL—Dinner Concert. KMPC —Bay Meadows Races. R W1E —American Jewish Hr. K WK W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Eddy Arnold Show.

(1:45*KHJ. KGB, HVOE—News, Sam Hayes. firii—)._Down Memory Lane.

Dr. Joseph Murphy.

KXLA—Western Music. 6:55*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE—

BM Henry. , —HECA, KFMB—tone Ranger.

KFI —The Big Story. KILL KFXM. KGB—John Steele.

KNX. KCBQ—The Chorallers. IRFAC —Twilight Hour. KFOX—Waltz Time. KFSD—Blg Story. KFWB—America Dances. KGER—Family Bible Hour. KGFJ —Musical Digest.

*KG1L, KRI/D. KXLA —News. *KLAC —News; 570 Club. KMPC--Musical Memories. KPPC —Pasadena Musicians. IIVOE—Let's Visit. Ladies.

*H W1K—Frank Edwards, News K WK W—Hoyos Hour.

7:15—KFOX—Esening Melodies. ROIL —Songs by Crosby. KPPC—Organ Recital. KRRD —Stoolling Tom. HVOE--Candlelight and Miller K WIK —Johnson Family. K EA— Western Music.

7:30—RECA. KFMB—Dr. I. Q. KFI, RFSD—RIchard Diamond.


KNX, HCBQ--Hollyasood Music Hall.

HFAC —Echoes and Encores. KFOX —Meet the Band. KFWB--Music. KGER —Rev. Al Harlan. ROIL.—Managing Editor. MIPC —Top Ten Tunes. RPPC -2nth Century Poetry. KRKD —Dr. Richardson. 1RIVIII—Lott Nova. K WK W—Bets Spanish Program.

RICT.A—Ole Rasmussen. 7 :45*KFOX, K WIK—News.

KFSG —Church Service. AIM:TB—Rosary Hour. KMPC —Ail Time Hits. RPTC —Dr. Merle Tabor. KXLA— Western Music.

6 —HECA, RFMB—Detour. KFT, KFSD—One Man's Family.

KH.1, KFXM, KGB, KVOE— Name That Song.

*KNX, KCBQ—News. Lowell Thomas.

KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX —Americans Speak Cp. KFSG —Church Service. 1lFWB—Music. TIGER—Bible Treasury.

*KGFJ. KMPir—News. KGIT.-- WalkIn' Charlie.

*KLAr —News: Music. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KPPC —Dr. Merle Tabor. A MR—Burbank Theater Guild K WK W —Italiane Melodies. KXLA— Western Music.

11:15*KFT. Kean — World Ne ws. INN—lack Smith and Dinah Shore.

KFOX —Music. KF WB—Guest Star. KGER—Hebrew Christian.

*KGFJ—News, Averill Berman. MIPC —Barlsershop Harmonies KXLA — Western Music.

11:30—KECA —Album of Mysteries. KFI. KFSD--Great Glider-steel P.

KILL KFXM. KGB. HI-OE--Family Theater.

KNN. HCBQ--Dr. Christian. KFMB--Reserve. KFOX—L. B. Town Forum.

*KFWB —News. KGER—Music Hall. 1023—Today's Hits. ROIL—Platter Party. KMPC —Coliseum Show. RIPPC —Pasadena City College. 11/11K —What's the Answer? K WK W —Calling All Vets. K ILA—Ole Rasmussen.

8:35—KEICA —Through the Listening Glass.

11:45—KFWB-2.N. Today. *KG1L—News.

S:55*KGER —News.

9—HECA—Reserre. KFI, HFSD--Groucho Marx. *KHJ, &F MK. KGB, KVOE—

News. Glenn Hardy. KNX—Mr. Chameleon. KFAC —Evening Concert. KFMB—Manhattan Maharajah.

KFOX—Skylite Jamboree. 125G —Divine Healing. KFWB—Night Bandstand. KGER—II. N. Story. KGFJ —Today's Hits. KGIL--11fusical Scrapbook. KMPC—Parade of Hits. SPPC —Club Time.

« MK— News.

Eva K W—Foothill Features. KXLA—Squeakin• Deacon.

9:15*KHJ, KGB, KVOE —Fulton Lewis.

KFOX —Rarn Dance. KVITH —II. N. Today.

8:30—KECA—Lawrence Welk Show KFI, HFSD—Mr. Dist. Atty. KILL KFXM —InternatIonal Airport.

HNX—Beulah. KFMB—Lionel harrymore. KFOX —Gene Jame*. RFSG —Misaionary New.. KGB—New Throatier. KGER —John Brown Schools. KGFJ —Platter Part y. KGIL--Musical Memories. HPPC —Journeys Into Adventure.

K WIK--Saan's Show. +S WK W—News.

9:45—KNX —Club 15. KFM113 —Bing Creole. KFOX —Muslo.

*KFIVB —News. HFSG—Songs in the Night. K WK W—Musir.

9:55*RHJ, KFXM—News. fekKECA, KF11113 —News, Gamed.

KFSD—RIchfield Reporter.

KHJ, KFXM, KGB--I Love a Mystery.

*KNX —Chet Huntley, News. KCBQ —Lonesome Gal. KFAC —Musical Crossroads. KFOX —Muslcal Merry-Go-Round.

KFITatee ade CooletTlme. K sene Norman Show. KGER— When Day Is Done. KGFJ—Platter Party. ROIL—Ten O'Clock Curtain. KNIPC—Lelsure Time. EPPC —Wednesday Musicale. KVOF.--3Iusic to Read By. FITITIC —Sam's Show. K WK W—Let's Dance.

*KX1.A—News. 10:10—KNX—Tom Harmon, Sports. 10:15—EECA —Dr. Frederick Bailee.

*KFT—H. V. Haltenborn. *KILL KGB— Frank Edwards. KNX —Bob HCBQ—Man With a Song. Kr-SIB—Gene Norman Snow. KFSD —Mindy Carson. KFSG—Rev. C. T. James, RIT A— Western Musk.

10:30*KECA—John B. Kennedy. *KIT —Virgil Pinkley. KHJ —Lonesome Gat KNX —Starlight Salute. SFOX —Music Moderne, RFSD —Concert ROB—Smoke Rings. ICIER— Music As You Like It. RO IL—Tips for Listening. KNIPC—Hank Hope. K WK W—Let's Dance.

10:15—KEI-A—Symphonette. 10 :45—KFI—Kay Ryser Show.

KFRG—Song Time. — RECA—CinegrUl Room Orch. *KFI. K WK W—News. RAJ —Arthur Van Orch.

*KNX—News. Larry Thor. KFAC —Musical Crossroads. KFMII, KFWB —Gene Nor ma. Show.

KFOX—Sky Serenade. HFSG—Commissary of the Air.

KFVD—Spade Cooley Time. KGB —Smoke Rings. KGER—Spirituals. KGFJ—Hollywood House Party.

KG11.—Juke-Box Review. KLAC—Don Otis. KMPC—Palladium Party. KV0E—Tiarrison Wood. HATIK —Hank Hope Show. HXY.A —Alen COOP«.

11:10—KNX—Sports. 11:15—RECA —Casino Room Orch.

KFT—Johnny Murray. KNX —Merry-Go-Round. RFOX —Music of the Masters. HFSD—Dance Orch. KFSG —Melody of Youth. KV0E--1 Love a Mystery. K WH W—Let's Dance. KXLA —Carl Batley and Aloe Cooper.

11:30—KECA —Beverly Huila Groh. 121—Bing Cros by Sta r. K W—George Crowell Show. 120X—Ilial's Memory Room. KFSG —Starlight Journey. KGER—At the Ranehhouse. KGFJ—Manhattan Supper Club.

KVOE —John Steele, Adventurer.

11:45—KFI —Milestones in Melody. KNX—You and . . .

11:55*KOER, IDIPt —News.

Page Twenty-seven


Page 32: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 *Indicates News Broadcast. 8 —KECA, KFMI3—Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. KFI —Coffee Time.


KNX —Top of the Morning. KFAC —Country Church. KFOX —Bible Breakfast. KFSD —Break the Bank. KFVD — Wakeup Ranch.


KGER—Mizpah. KGFJ —Music Yon Want. IRGIL—Andrew Fearing. KO WL—Spanish Hour. REED —Top Tunes.

*K WIK —New.: Club 1490. K WK W—Ritmos Latino-Amerkenos.

8:05—KALI—Brother Welch. KIEV—Records with Raisin.

8 :10—KLAC--Stock Market. 8:15-kKILL KGB. HO WL, K WK W—

News. * KKK, KCBQ—News, Dave

Valle. KFOX—Prison Missionaries. EFWB--Bill Leyden. KGEL—Keyboard Melodies. KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. KMPC—Markets. Sports. K ILA—Bobby Champion.

8:20—K WK W —Couneil of Churches. :30—KFI, MIND —Jack Bereh.

KEY011, KGB, EVOE— ,Haven of Rest. MOCK, KeBQ-,--lirand Slam. KALI—Spanish ',Lime Hour.

*KFAC, ROIL, KR ffl—News. KFOX — Words of Life. KFVD—Coffee Time. KGER —Voice of China. KGFJ—Melotly Time. KMPC—Ross Mulholland. KO WL--Preciolis Memories. K WK W —Nazarene Church. KILA—Hymn Time.

:3.I—KRKD —Dixieland. 8:45—EFT —Meyers Goes to Market.

JINX —Rosemary. KFAC —EnIty. KFSD —Van Demme Quintet.

*KFVD —News. KGER—Bible Treasury. KGFJ—L. A. Fire Department ROIL—On Parade. KLAC —Racing News. K WK W—Voice of Chinn.

9-KECA. KFM1I —Johnny Oleelo's luneheon Club.


*KI1J —Kate Smith Speaks. KNI —Wendy Warren. KALI—Spanish Home flour. KFAC"--Plano Parade. KFOX —Pentecostal Church. 1KFVD—Coffee Time. EGER —Lutheran Flour. KGFJ—Your County at Work. KGIL--Morninit Varieties. KIEV —Records with Raisin. KM IT—Rove Mulholland. KO WL—Beat Songs. KRKD —Sagehrush Serenade. K WK W—Tony Sein.



KXLA 9 - 10 A. M. — Mon.-Fri.

K‘LA—Bar Nothing Ranch. 9:05—KF1 —Ladies' Day. 9 :15 —KFI, KFSD—Dial Dave

Garroway. RAJ, KFXM, KGB. KV0E— Garden Guide.

NIX, KCIIQ—Aunt Jenny. KFOX—Flome Missionary.

*KFIT/ —News. KFWB—tnity Daily Word. KGFJ—Airotorials. KGIL—Ballads for You. KLAC —Bill Stewart. K WITC —Latin Interlude.

9:25*KECA, KFM1B—Edwin C. Hill. 9:30—KECA —Quick as a Flash.

KFI —Ladies' Day. M U— Women Are Wonderful. KNX, ECBQ—Helen Trent. K ALI —Beaut if ul Mexico. KFAC —Accent on Strings. KFOX —Full Gospel. KF WB—Dave Ormont. KGB—Molly Morse. KDED _God's Half Hour. KGFJ —Raeing News. KGIL—Fashions In Music.

Page Twenty-eight

KIEV—Coffee Time. KMPC—Chef Milani. KO WL—Breakfast at Fairfax. 114 0E—Club Variety. K WIK —Musical Shopper. K WK W-1300 Club.

9:45— ENI, KCI3Q—Our Gal Sunday KFMK—George Murphy.

'*11FVD, RE ED—News. KGFJ —With Melody in Mind. KV0E--Cis ie.

9:50—KFI —All Around Town. 10 -HECA, KFMB —Victor H.

Lindlahr. KFI —All Around Town.

*KHJ, KFX111, KGB. KVOZ— Glenn Hardy, News.

KNX —Big Sister. KCI1Q—Koffee Kloteh. KFAC—Morning Concert.

*KFOX —News. KFSD—Luncheon With Lopes. KFVD —Coffee Time. KFIVB—Dave Ormont. KGER —Earl KGFJ—From Sunset and Vine. ROIL—Waltz Time. KIEV—Date With Allin Slate. KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Bill Ewing Show. KO WL—l'iddish Hour. KlIFID —Iiwing Time. R W1E —Musical Scrapbook. K WK W —Sports. K/LA—Torn Cafferty.

10:10—KFOX —Assembly of God. 10 :15—KECA —Yesterday on

Broadway. KFI —Are Ya Listening? K W, KFXM, KGB. KV0E— Tello-Test.

KNX—Ma Perkins. KESD—Heaven on Earth. KGER—Tommy Baird. KGIL—Bing Crosby. ERIIII —Dr. Richardson. K WK W —Mom's Meat Man.

10:2.S*KFWB—News. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

10:30—KECA. KFMB—My True St ory KFI— Wendell Noble. KHJ—Norma Young. KNX —Young Doctor Malone. K 41.1—Top Tune Time. KFAC —Song Recital. KFOX—NInair of the Morning. KFSD—Your Family Show. KFWB—Showtime. ROER— Helen Markham.

*KCII., K MA —News. KRKD —Manin Ash. K WIIK —Fanehon Devoe. K WK W—Hora de Los •Angeles

10:35—KGIL—MidmornIng Melodies. 10:45— EFT—Life Can Be Beautiful.

KNX —Guiding Light. 14(.F.R —Rev. Le Boy Kopp. KRKD—Midnight Mission. K XI. 4— Western Music.

10:55—KECA, KEITB--Betty Crocker Magazine.

Kt:Ft —Sports Flash. *K WIlln-News. — KECA, KFMB—Betty Crocker

Magazine. 11

• KIPMD —Double or Nothing.

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KYOE— Ladle.' Fair.

KNX—Second Mrs. Burton. KALI—Ladies' Show. KCB Take It Easy. KFA -Guy Bates Post. KFOX—Rhythmic Age. KFVD —Bible Institute. KFWB—Maurice Hart. KGFJ—Yesterdav's Hite. ROIL— Midmorning Melodies. KIEV— Date With Allin Slate. EL AC—Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KIVITC—News: Bill Ewing Show.

KO WL—Spanish Hour. KRI M—Songs of Yesteryear. KMIK —Music. K WK W—Hora de Los Angeles KILA— Western Music.

11:15—KECA —Easy Ace.. KNI —Perry Mason. KFAC—Folk Songs. KGER —Sunsh inc Mission.

*KILA—Pasadena News. 11:115—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 11:30*KECA. KFMB —John B.

Kennedy. • KFSD —Live Like a Millionaire.

• KFX111, KGB. HYDE— Queen for a Day. KNX. KCBQ—Nora Drake. KALI— Morning Melodies. KFAC —Musie Hall.

* EFOX. ROER. KRKD—News. KFVD—Reseue Mission.

*ICFWB—News: Maurice Hart. ROER— Montebello Revival. KGFJ —Variety on Plano. AG M—Musical Moments. KO WL—Breakfast for Milady. KILA —Hometown Jamboree.

11 :45—KEC A—Ira Cook. KNX—The Brighter Day. Kr BO—Yvette Jewel. KFM11---Jan Garber. KFOX—Hlt Tunes. KGER—Propheey Speaks. KGF.1 —Remember Romany.

* Wat—News. IrP11110 —Sweet Pops.

11: M—KGFJ—Sports Flash.

12*KECA—News, Hank Weaver. K M—Farm Reporter. * KILL KCBQ, KGB. KIEV,

KVOF., K WIK. K WK W— News.

*KNX —News, Pringle. KALI— Woody Hattie, Sports. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. KFM11—SurprIse Matinee. KFOI —Jimmie Dolan. EFSD —Life Can RP Beautiful. KFVTI—Flelp Wanted. KFIVR—Bill Anson. ROER—Songa for Luncheon. KGFJ—Intermission. VIGIL—Noonday Melodie.. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Love Tales. KO W1,—.Ine Adams Show. KRIED —Daily Almanac. KILA—IFlometown Jamboree.

11:11S—K WK W —Sports News. 12:15*KECA—Finukhage Talking.

KFT, RFSID—Road of Life. *K11,11—Cedric Foster. ,

liegmair m a r D


Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Comedy-Vaniety 3:00— Arthur Godfrey, HSI. 8:30—Aldrich Family, KII1. 9:00—Father Knows Best, EFL 9:30—Beulah, KNX.

Quis, Participation 7 :00— Welcome to 'Hollywood.

KECA. 8410—McNeill Sktet. Club, KECA 8:30—Grand Slam, KNX. 11:00—Double or Nothing. NFL 11:10—Queen for a Day. KHJ. 12:30 —Art Linkletter, KIN. 2:00—Surprise Package, KECA. 3:00— Welcome Travelers, KFI. 8:00—Original Amateur, KECA.

Drama 6:00—Suspense. KNX. 7:00—Screen Guild, KECA. 7:00— Hallmark Playhouse, KNX. 1:30 —Charles Boyer, KFI. 8:00—Clyde Beatty Show, M U.

Comment-Narration 9-00—Kate Smith. KHJ. 1:30—Housewives' League. KNX. 4:00—Art Baker, KECA. 4:39—Burritt Wheeler, EFL 4:30—Behind the Story, M U.

Mystery-Detective 6:00—Dragnet. KFI. 6:30—Crime Photographer, KNX. 1:00—Top Secret. KFI. 1:00— Murder by Experts, KHJ. 8:30—Mr. Keen, KNX. 9:00—FBI in Peace & Star, KNN 10:00—I 'dove a Mystery. KHJ.

Public Interest-Information

12:00—Farm Reporter, K M. 8:30—Answer Man, KHJ.

Sports 8:45—Racing News, KLAC. 9:30—Racing, KGFJ. 5:00—Fred Hessler, KGER. 5:15—Tom Harmon, KNX. S:30—Sports Dial, EKED. 1:45—Race Recap, KGFJ. 5:45—Sam Baiter, KLAC. 5:45—Race Results, KRI M. 6:15--Lippy Duckat, K W1K. 6:15—Bob Kelley, KMPC. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 9:30—Rod L Gun Club, KHJ.

Popular-Western Music 4:041—Curt Massey, KY/. 8:15—D. Shore a .1. Smith, KNX.

INK—George Fisher, KALI —Klub KALI.

*KFOX, REVD, KGER—News. ROIL —Help Wanted. KIEV—Date with Allia Slate.

*KMPC —Southland Reporter. K WIK —Musie. K WK W—Farm News.

12:20—KHJ--Musie. 12:25—KGFJ—Snorts Flash. 12 :30—KECA. KFMB—Modern

Romances. KFI, KFSD—Pepper Young. KHJ—Nancy Dixon. KNX —Art Linkletter. KFOX —Corral Roundup. KFVD—Shopping Highlights.

*KFWB--News. KGER—Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ-1230 Club. ROIL— Wesley Tuttle. KMPC—Facts for Farmers. KIIK K—Prairie Schooner. K WK W—r.S. Navy. KILA -0IP Rasmussen.

12:45—KFI, FIFSD —Right to Happiness.

KF1.1, KFXM, KGB. KV0E— Lanny Ross Show.

*KF IC —News. REM R—Bill Anson. KMPC —Religious Science Inst. K WK W—Sports: Music.

12:55*KNX —Cedric Adams. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

*KVITK—News. —ECECA—Tra Cook. RI'!, KFSD—Backstage Wife. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE— Bands for Bonds.

XIX, KCBQ—Nona From Nowhere.

KALI —Klub KALI. KFAC—L.A. Medical Assn. KFOI—Texas Tiny. KFVD —Shopping Highlights. KFWIS—Bill Ancon. KGER—Luncheon Serenade. KGFJ -1230 Club. ROIL— Wesley Tuttle. • KIEV —Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC—News: Sports. KMPC.—California Carousel. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. KRKD —Prairie Schooner. K WIK —Afternoon Serenade. K WK W—Bill Garr Show. K M A—Community Broadcaster.

1:15—KFI, Krsn—Stella Dallas , KH.I. KFXM. ROB. RS 0E— Flarvey Harding Sings.

KNX. HCBQ--Hilltop flouse. KFAC—Once Upon a Time. KLAC -510 Club. K WK W—Rae.. and Sports. KILA—Farm News.

I :2S—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 1:30—ITFL Ryan Lo Jones.

Kill—Chuckle Wagon. IFINI—Flousewitsfle Protective league.

*KALI, KFWB—News. KFAC —Matinee. KFVD —For Westerners Only. KGER —Here's to Vets. KGFJ—Armehair Concert. KG11.--1Flomernakerti. KIEV —Records with Raisin. REED—Polka Time. KILA—Western Music.

1 :45-11EVA —Fra nee. Scully. KFL KFSD-14-idder Benno. KALI —Flome in the 'Valley. KFIVB-11111 Anson.

*KGP:11 —News. Commentary. KILA— Western Roundup.

1 :S.I*K NI—News. KGFJ--sporta hash. ECA—Surprige Package. KFI, KFSID —When a Girl Marries.

*KILT, KNX —News. KALI—Roy Logging Show. KFAC —Composera' Corner. KFOX—Texas Tiny. KFVD —For Westerners Only. KFIVP—Bill Anson. KGER—Long Beach Band. KGFJ—Meet the Band. KG1t—Homemakers' Matinee. KIEV—Records with Raisin. -orLac—Npwa. Sports. *KMPC —News: Carousel. KO WL—Joe Adams Show. REED—Social Security.

Sutton. K WK W—Words About Music RITA— Western Roundup.

2:05—KIN —International Disc Jockey.

2:10—KLAC -570 Club. 2:15—KFI. KFIM —Portia Faces Life

KFIJ —George Crowell. KMPC —Los Angeles In

ERKIII--Salvation Army. KXLA —Continental Serenade

2:25—KGFJ—Snorts Flash. 2:80—RECA. KF MB--Chance of a

Lifetime. KFL KFf4D —Just Plain Bill.

*KFVD—News. *KFWB —News: Bill Anson. KGER—Garden School. KGET—Variety on Piano. ROIL—Variations In Rhythm.

Page 33: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


KMPC -Califortila arouse. *IKRED -News; Trips In Pops.

2:U1 -K6ER -tong Beach Band. 2:45-KFI, KESH -Front-Page

Farrell. KNX -Freddy Martin. KGEJ - West ern Roundup. KXLA -Frank

2:53*KECA - White House Report. KliFJ -Sports Hash.

, -KECA-Today in Hollywood. KFI. KESD - Weleome Travelers.

K M -George Crowell Show. KNX. SWI M- Arthur Godfrey. KALI -Eantattias 11usicalee. KFAC - World of Opera. AEON -Star Dust. KEVD -Harlemat Inc.. KE WB-Peter Potter.

*KCER -Neos: Fiesta Grande. KCEJ -Record Jackpot. KGIL -Encore Time. KIEV- Freddy Martin.


KO WL -Town Criers. FRKD -Tops in Pop*. K WK W-;Pops in Re‘iew.

3:05*KECA -Today's -World. KNIPC -Magie of Melody. ' K WIK -A. Don Miller Show.

3:10 -KLAC -Don Otis Show. 3:15 -KECA, RE:MR-Hannibal

Cobb. KE0X -Matinee KGR.-Musical Scoreboard.

*Kt:Lt.-News. K vi A -Music Mountain.

3:2.% _KIR KI -Sport Flash.

3:30 -KECA -Rudy Vallee Show. RFC KISH -Aunt Mary. KEAC -Lyries in Chorus. IZEOX -EveryhodY's Ruldnisis• REVD -Song Stylists.

*RE WB-News: Peter Potter. KGER -Rancho 1350. Kt:IL -Donee Matinee. RIE V- Date with ARM Slate. KO WL-Chico's Swingtime.

*KRI M -News: Tops in Pops. K WK W -Foothill Features.

3:45-KEL KISIII - We Love A• Learn KILI -Lynn Looks at H'wood.

*KFAC -Newa. AEON. KFVD -Old-Age Pensions.

3:53*KGER-News. R6pg -sports Flash.

A-RP:CA-Art Baker's Notebook. KEL KFSD -This Woman's Secret.

*KILL K EXIM. KGB, KV 0E-Fulton Lewis.

KNX, KCBQ -Curt Massey Time.

HALI -Voice of South America.

KFAC -Mosical Masterpiece'. KENDS- Quick as a Flash.

*KFOX, KIEV -News. KF WB -Peter Totter. KGER -Ranrho 1390. IKGFJ -Record Serles'. Kt:IL- Western Trails.

*FLAC- News, Sports. *omre -News. KRKTF-Spotlight on • Star. K WIK -Hank Penny.

*K WK W -News: R am, Bill, RXI.A -Mosic Mountain.

.11:°5-1ZMPC -Ronda and Kaneda. 4:15-KIT, KFSD -Dr. Paul.

*KH.1, FEXM. KCB. KVOE -Frank Hemingway.

KNX. KC/Ill -Strike It Rich. IIFOX -Freddy Marlin. KIEV -Date with Mho Slate. KLAC -Rill Stewart. WRIT -Twilight Stories of Manic Land.

KO WL--Itallan Hour. FiRKD - Waltzes.

4,2s _Kr;EJI -Sports. 4:30 -KE.CA -Pley It Again.

Kri -lisirritt Wheeler. *KHJ, K(IB, KV0E--BehInd

the Story. *o no's, IFZEVD -News. KFOX -Musir.

*REISS -News: Red Rowe. KGEJ -Record ReViPW. KM PC-Safety Rangers. KRKI) -Sweet Songs. K WK W -13111 Sampson Show. P1XLA -Songs of the Old West

4:35-KFV10 -Harlemat 4:43,*KECA -1Elmer DON is.

*KILL KGB. KV0E-News. Sam Hayes.

KS X-Harry Babbitt. *KFSD -Richard Harkness. KLAC -Racing Roundup. KMPC -Romance and Rhythm.

EKED -News. 1 :55*IZGER -News.

KGEJ -Sports flash.

5*KEvA, K WIK, K WK W -News. *Pal -Feature Wire. KELL HE X% KGB. KS 0E-Straight Arrow.

*KNX, KCBQ -News, MurroW.

KALI-Sammy hay. Show. KFAC.-.sonset serenade. KFMR -.1immy Wakely Show. KFOX -Sunicalne

*KEVD -News. *KISH -News. KIEVVB-Red Rowe. KFXM, KGB, Ii110E -Mert's Record Ad% pot it res.

OGER -Soorts, Fred Hessler. KGE.11--Jhe at 5. KGIL-Children's l'rogram. KIEV-Sam's Show.

*KLAC -Erml Henry Reports. *KNIPC -Nens; Bill Ewing. KOH L-Turne Tune. KRIZIO-Songs of the Saddle. KXLA -Musir.

5:05 -F WIK---Joe Thompson Show. 5:15-FECA -H ppy Theater.

*K111-News. KNX -Torn Harmon. KGER-Rancno 1390. KLAC -Bill Stewart. KlIPC -Cpswing. K WK W--Sporta.

5:30-KECA. KEMR-Superman. Kt-I-Casa ('ugat. KH.I, KF'XM, KGB, KV0E -Sky King.

*KNX. KCISQ -Cliet Huntley. KFAC - Whim Bill Club.

KGER, KGEJ -News. KISID -This Is the Story.

*RGIL -News: Tops in Pops. KMPC -All-Time Hits. IIRKH -Sports fiai.

Dulaine Show. K WK W -Romano Spanish Or. KXLA -Soneakin' Deacon.

$:45*KE1, KISH -Elmer Peterson. *KNX, KCBg -News, Goss. PC FOX-Your Fishcaster. KGER -Stamps Quartet. KGE.I -Race Recap. Will.-Help VI anted. KLAC -Sam Baiter. Sports. KMP(' -Top Tunes. KRKD -Race Results.

5:55 -REcA -Falstaft's Fabulous Fables.

KILI, KFXM -Dollars and Sense.

6*RECA-Edwin C. Hill. K11, KFSD Dragnet.

* KILL KENN, KGB, ATOE-Gabriel Heatter.


-News. KF'AC -Prelude to Evening.

*KFWII -Clete Roberts. News. Kt:ER -American Soul Clinic. KGFJ -Requent PerformanCe. KGIL -Ensy Listening.

*KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. News; infirm News.

TCRKH--% oriel., Time. K WK W -Carloa Moran, KXLA -Scandinavian Hour.

11:05*RECA, REMB -Headline Edition.

KIEV -Sam's Show. 11:13*KF.CA-Main Street to Malibu.

*KI M KGB- Mutual Newsreel. REMR -Hawaiian Echoes. KFOX -Ilawailan Music. KF WB -Sports. KG M -Latin-Ameriran Music. KLAC -Al Janis Ballroom. KM PC- Bob Kelley. Sport*. F MK- Lipp, Mi not. Sports.

il:?o -stEr.A -Sports Review. 5:30-KECA - Waithe for Wakely.

KFII -Mitsic from Hollywood. KILL KGB. KVOE -Answer Man.

KNX. KCBQ -Crime Photographer.

KE.tC -Mitalcal Milestones. KFMR -Armstrong of the

AE ON -Hal's Memory Room. KESD--Jaek McLean HMI. KEVVII -Ameries Dances. Kt:EFL-Back to the Bible. KCIL -Dinner Concert. KSIPC -Bay Meadows Races. K WIR -American Jewish Hr. K W K W -II oyes Hour. KXLA -Eddy Arnold Show.

11:43*K11.1, KGB. KYOE -News. Sam Hayes.

KGF,-Down Memory Lane. 11111KI1 -Dr. Joseph Sturphy. KXI A - Weetern MUSie.

0:5:1*K11.1. KGB. KV0E -Bill Henry

7-ARCA, KFMB -Screen Guild Players.

K M. KESH -Top Secret. K W!, KFX11. KGB- Murder by F.sperts.

KNX. W ing- Hallmark Playhouse.

KEAC -Twilight Hour. AEON - Waltz Time. KFIVR-America Dances. KGER -Fantily Bible Hour. KGF,11 -Musical Digest.

*KGIL. KR/CD. KX1.A -News. *ALAC -Nesr*: 570 Club. ILMTC -Musical Memories.

THURSDAY RADIO LOGS li 1 OE--Meet lour Neighbor.

*KWIK -Frank Edwards. K WK11 -Hoyos Hour.

7:15 -K1F0X -Etening Melodies. KGIL-Songs by Croithy. KRKD -Strolling Tom. K WIK -Johnson KXLA - Western

7:30- EEL KISD -Presenting Charles Boyer.

KHJ. KENN', KGB -Red Ryder.

KNX, KCBQ -One Nation Indhisible.

KFAC -Echnett and Encores. AEON -Meet the Band KE WB-Fishing. KGER -Rev. Markham. KGIL -Tribe 12110 Boy Scouts. KLAC -Ski Time. FlIPC -Top Ten Tunes. FRKD -Dr. Richardson. K1'0E -Mysterious Traieler. RIVIK -Parks and Recreation. K WK W -Betz Spanish Program.

KALS -111e Rasmussen. 7:43*KE0X -News.

KESIG -Church Service. KF WB -Rosary Hour.

8-11EfA, REMB -Original Amateur Hour.

KEI. KISH -One Man's Family.

Kn.!. KEX111. KGB, ATOE-Clyde Beatty Show.

*KNX. KCRQ -News. Lowell Thomas.

KE N -Evening Concert. AEON -Music.

• KI D -Church Service. KF WB -Music. KGER -Bible Treasury.

*KIREJ -News. KGIL - Walkin' Charlie.

*KLAC -News: Music. *KMPC -News. K WIK -Nick Musky. K WK W -Itallan Melodies, KNLA - Western Music.

11:13*KFI. KFSH - World News. KNX -Jack Smith and Dinah Shore.

ispox _etpeaking of Sports. KE WB -Voice of the Army. Kt.:ER -Hebrew Christian.

*KGE.1 -News, ti prill Berman. KMPC -Barbershop Harmonies

11:30 -K11, KESD -Aldrich Family. *KILL KFX1I -Reporters'

Roundup. KNX. KCItg -Ntr. Keen. K FOX -Elshing Farts.

*KF WR -News. KCER -Proodly We. Hall. KGFJ -Today's Hits. «G M -Plotter l'acte. KMPC -Columhus Day. W A DI- What's the Answer? WK W -Onernt ic Escerpts.

xxi„s _tile Rasmussen. /1:45*Kr.r.i. RUMR-Rethert

Mentgomers KFOX -Skylite Jamboree. REWR -C. N. Today.

*KlitL-News. KMPC -Parade of Hits. KV0e-Your History.

11:15*KGER -News.

9- KECA - World's Best Seller. KFI, KFSH--Eather Knows Best.

*K11.1, KEXM, KGB. gv0E -NeWS. Glenn Hardy.

ANN -FRY in Peat.. and War. KFAC -Et ening Concert. K1FMR-Hollywood Byline. KEOX -Skylite Jamboree. KE WII -Night Bandstand.

*KGF.R. K WIK -News. KCF.1 -TodaYos

Sernobook. KMPC -Parnde of hilts. K WK W -Himenrian Melodies. Pi XL A-Sonea k in' flu-aeon.

9:15 -KECA -This In Colifornin. *KILL KGB. KV0E -Fulton

Lewis. liFOX -Hitching Enst• orsG -Sones and Verse. KGF.R -Fred KIVIK -U. N. Today»

9:30 -KEI A- Dolly o mid Byline. KEI -Musical Americana. KHI KFXSI, KCB. KS (1E-Rol and Gun Club of the Air

KNX -Benlah. F FOX-Gene James. -Theater of Stars. FEM. -Scotch Tenor. KGER -John Brown Schools. KCEJ -Platter Party, KG11.--Slosical Memories. K WIR -Sam's Show.

*K WK W -News. 9:43- KNX -Clish 15.

*KF WB -News. KW K W -Mtiair.

9:55*KH.I. KFXM. KGB. RIVE -News.

*KECA, KEMB -News. Garred. *AEI. RESD -Richtleld

Reporter. KHI, KFXM, KGB-I Love a Mystery.

*KNX -Chet Huntley, News. KrItg -Lonesome Gal. KFA( -Musical Crossroads. KFOX -M -Go-Around. RISC- Hawaiian F.chnos. KEVD -Spade Cooley Time. KE WB--Gene Normen Show. KGER -Raditi Guild Show. KGE.1 -Platter Party. KCIL -Ten O'Clock Curtain. KlIPC -1,PISUrf Time. K WIK -Sam's Show. K WK W -Spinning at the Waldorf.

*KNI.A -News. 10:111 -KNX -Tom Harmon. Snorts. 10 :15 -KECA -Dr. Frederick Balles.

KF1 -Johnny Murray. ,ISCR -'Frank Edwards.

KNNSP-711oh Elson. Kutl e-Gene Norman Show. IsH -T Len.

K rug & MrIndirs. K NI A- Western )1notir.

10:311*RECA -Jolin B. Kennedy. *K1FI -Virgil Pinkley. KILI -Lonermine Gal. KNX -Starlight Solute. KISH -Concert Hall. KGB -Smoke Rings. KCER -?.lat Street Temple. KiAL _Tios for Listening. ISSIPC -Hank Hope. K WK W -Let's Dance.

In :3S -KECA -Symplionette. 110:15 -KEI -Totnmy Dorsey Show.

KESG -James Stutter. -KECA -Cineirrill *AIL KESD, KU R W -News. KI P -George CrnwrIl %heir.

*KNX -News. Larry Thor. KFAC -SIOnirn I Crossroads. KFMR. KFFW-Gene Norman. REG X -Sky Serenade. 11CFVD -sperle Cooley Time.

KGF.1 -1Hollywood House Party.

KGII. -.Inke-Ros Review. *Kutr-News: Don Otis. Irti Pi Party. K WIIK -Hank Hope Show. KNI.A -Alev Cooper.

11 1A _KNN _Snorts. t 11:15- R11 -Johnny Morrill'.

IRXX -Merry-Go-Round. KT'S(; -Veterans. R wR W -Let's Dance. KX1.A -Carl Bailey and Alex (imper.

11:30-1rECA -Beterly Hill«. Arch. AEI-Ring Crosby Sings. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KESG -Renuty of Serintures. Kcw,R - St the Ranchhonse. KGFJ -Manhattan Supper Club.

li Ft 'A-Ambit WU. doe (»ch. 'WI -Here's to 'Veterans. ENV -Ton and . .

11:55.4•KGER -News.




*KF.CA, KNX, KE WIt -News. errt _Mosical Menu. lacrio--Seenario for Re. •rI•. 11(FVT) -qnnde Conley Time. tgrAc-Midniglit serenade.

*KFMR -John R. Kenn edy. lifiFJ -711ftnhntfnn somber nob.

3K AC' -N•n Otis (fn St


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Page Twenty-nine

Page 34: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


RADIO PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk (') ar e the contest, "Utz, or offer tupe.

*Indicates programs of news d eommentation.

*Adams, Cedrie...-----_KNX, 12:55 p.m. M-F Adams, Joe KO WL, 12 n. M-Sa Adventures of Dr. Kildare- _.KEL 9:30 p.m. Sa Air - .KOFJ, 9:15 a.m. M-Sa Album of Familiar Music KFI. 6:30 p.m. Su Album of Mysteries_ ___XECA, 8:30 p.m. W Aldrich Family KFI, 8:30 p.m. Th All Around Town____ _-...KFL 9:50 a.m. M-F

Allen, Irwin... ... .. . KLAC. 8:30 p.m. Su Mien, Steve 12:05 a.m. Tu-Su America Dances. --ILFWB, 6:30 p.m. M-F American Album. KFI. 6:30 p.m. Su American Farmer KECA. 3:30 p.m. Sa American Forum KFI, 10:30 p.m. Su American Legion — .KMPC, il:30 p.m. Su American Rhapsody ... __KNX, 3 p.m. Su American Sports Page........-KECA, 7:30 p.m. F American Way...- -- -- KFI, 6 p.m. M Amos and Andy KNX. 4:30 p.m. Su America Speaks trp______ KMPC. 8 p.m. Su Andrews, Bert ...... __.- -_.KECA, 6:15 p.m. Sa Andy di Virginia K MPC. 6 a.m. M-F

Anson, Bill .KFWB. 12 n. M-Sa Answer Man_ _IIHJ, 6:30 p.m. M-F Archie Andrews____- ___KFI, 8 a.m. Sa Arden, Eve KNX, 8 p.m. SU Armstrong of the SBE____KECA, 7 p.m. Tu.

9:30 p.m. F Army Alr Force. KHJ, 6 p.m. Sa Arnold, 9:30 p.m. F Are ta Listening* 10:15 n.m. M-Th Are You From Divie?..._____ KFI, 10:15 a.m. Ra Art Baker's Notebook KFCA. 4 p.m. M-F Art of Living KFI, 7:30 a.m. Su Aunt Jenny -.KNX, 9:15 a.m. M-F Aunt Mary...— _.31.111, KFSD, 3:30 p.m. M-F Autry, Gene_______________KNX. 8:30 p.m. Sa

Babbitt, Harry_______KNX. 7:45 a.m. M-F Baby Snooks . .... ...... KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu Backstage Wife.. .KFI, 1 p.m. M-F Bark it God.. __KILL 8 a.m. Su Bailes, Dr. Frederick __KECA, 6:30 a.m. M-1.

.10:15 p.m. M-F Baiter, Sam 5:45 p.m. M-Sa Bands for Bond& ...... _.._....._ .... KHJ, 1 p.m. M-F Bandstand, U.S.A...._-_____KH.I. 4:30 p.m. Sa Barrymore. Lionei.. - AFL 9:30 p.m. Sa *Baukhage Talking...-_KECA, 12:15 p.m. M-F Beatty, Clyde-- filfJ, 8 p.m. Th *Behind the Story_ _KHJ, 4:30 p.m. M-F Benny, Jack KNX, 4 p.m.. 9:30 p.m. Su Be rch. Jack__ __- _.KFI. 8:30 a.m. M-F Bergen, Edgar ,...........KNX, 5 p.m., 8:30 p.m. Su *Berman, Averill. KGFJ. 8:15 p.m. M-F Beulah Bible Class. .KHJ, 9 a.m. Su

_KMPC 7.30 a.m. Su Bible Institute —KHJ, 8:30 a.m. al, W,F Bible Society..- -.. .KFOX, 8 a.m. Tu-Sa Bible Treasury Hour —KGER, 8:115 a.m. M-F Biggs, E. Power... KNX, 6:15 a.m. Su Big Sister --KNX 10 a.m. M-F Rig Story ' KF1 7 p.m. W Big Town KF1 7 p.m. Tu Black Hawk.............._.._.... KECA, 5:30 p.m. W Blind Artists Guild_ FiFWB. 4:30 p.m. Sa Robby Benson KHJ 5 p.m. Su Bowron, Fletcher KFI. 10:15 p.m. Su

KMPC. 8:30 p.m. M Boyer. Charles KFI, 7:30 p.m. Th Breakfast Club __ _KECA, 8 a.m. M-F Breaking All Reoords -KNX- 12:05 a.m. Tu-Su Break the Bank. . KFI, 8 a.m. 51,1V,IF Brighter Day KNX 11:45 a.m. M-F *Brown, Cecil .KHJ. 8 a.m. M-F Bull, Frank_ _KFWB. 6:30 p.m. M-F Business News .KM.PC 8:15 a.m. M-Sa Business Reporter_______K MPC, 8:45 p.m.' Su California Caravan__ _ K M. 4 p.m. Su California Carousel. -___KMPC, 1 p.m. M-F Canary Chorus__________KFIJ, 11:45 a.m. Tu canoca, Judy KFI, 7 p.m. Sa Can Sou Top This? KECA, 7:30 p.m. Sa Capitol Cloakroom KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Caribbean Crossroads EH.), 1 p.m. Sa Carnation Hour. ___ KNX, 7 p.m. Su Carolina Calling. .KNX. 5:30 a.m. Su Casa Cugat______ K M, 5:30 p.m. W-F Catholic Answers _ KFWB. 7:45 p.m. Su Catholic Hour......... _ KIFI, 11 a.m. Su

1/1 AC. 9:05 a.m. Sn Cavalcade of America. KFI. 8:30 p.m. Tu Challenge of the Yukon_KIRJ. 5:30 p.m. M, W, F Challenge to Youth. KMPC. 8:30 a.m. Su Champion Roll Call... — XEC*. 6:55 p.m. F Chance of a Lifetime___KECA, 2:30 p.m. M-1.' Chandler, Ed KMPC. 1 p.m. Sa Charlie 51eCarthy... KNX, 5 p.m. ,8:30 p.m. Su Charlie Wild. Private Eye KFT, 2:30 p.m. Su Chef. MilanL — .1151PC, 9:30 a.m. M-F

Chicago Round Table.. --,..KFI. 10:31Y a.m. Su Chicago Theater. KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Su Christian Srience - -...KF1, 8:30 a.m. So Chuckle Wagon KHJ, 1:30 p.m. M-F Church Federation KFAC, it a.m. M Church of the Air. KNX, 7 a.m. Stu Church in the Vale.. -. —_KECA, 7 a.m. Su Cisco Kid. KHJ, KGB, 7:30 p.m. M, W, F Cliche Club.... ...... _......... ..... KEC,L, 7:30 p.m. Su Club Fifteen. ...KNX, 9:45 p.m. M-F Club Time.- - -- _ _.KECA, 5:45 p.m. Sa Coffee. Time KFL 8 a.m. Tu,Th Comedy of Errors. KHJ, 9:30 p.m. F Commander Scott......._..._ KNX, 12:15 p.m. Su

Composers' Corner.. -- -1KFAC, 2 p.m. M-Sa *Considine, Bob - -...KFI, 8:15 p.m. Mn Contented Hour KNX, 7 p.m. Bu Cookin' With Jazz KECA, 11 p.m. M Cook, Ira KECA, 11:45 a.m., 1 p.m. M-F

.KECA 9 a.m. Se

Cooper, Alex.- ... _KXLA. 11:30 p.m. M-Sa Count of Monte Cristo... - ........KHJ. 8:30 p.m. Su County Medical Assn. JEFAC, I p.m. Th Crime Does Not Pay _ MI, 9 p.m. F Crime Is Your Problem.... ..... KFI, 10:15 a.m. Su Crime Photographer-_-. KNX, 6:30 p.m. Th Crocker. Betty KFCA, 10:55 a.m. M-F Crosby, Bing ____. _._ KNX, 6:30 p.m. W Cross, Milton KECA, 10 a.m. Su Crossroads ...... KECA. 6:30 p.m. Su ('rowell, George KILL 2:15 p.m., 11:30 p.m. M-F

.1(11J, 11 p.m Th,Sa *Cunninghes, 5111 .KHJ, 12:15 p.m. Su Daley, Cass . .. KFI, 10:30 p.m. Ss Darby, Raymond: _ KFI, 10:15 p.m. Sa *Davis. Elmer KECA, 4:45 p.m. M-F Day, Dennis KFI, 6:30 p.m. Sa Dempsey-Tegeler Hour —KMPC. 10 a.m. Su Detour KECA, 8 p.m. W DiMaggio, Joe..._.. - -____KFI, 6 p.m. Sa

Dixon, Nancy _KHJ, 12:30 p.m. M-F Dollar a Minute .. _ ....KNX, 7 p.m. F Dollars and Sense._.___KILL 5:55 p.m. Tii,Th *Double or Nothing ..KFI. 11 a.m. M-F Downec, Morton KNX, 12 n. Sa Dragnet ..... KFI, 6 p.m. Th Dr. Christiae. ' 9[Pil 8.30 p.m. W Dr. Hiss Clinic KHJ, 9 a.m. Sa Dr I Q KECA, 7.30 p.m. W Dr. Paul KFI. 4:15 p.m. M-F Earn Your Vacation. KNX, 1 p.m. Su Eastside Show -KFWB. 10 p.m. M-Sa Easy Aces KECA, 11:15 a.m. M-F Echoes of Eden.. —KFIVB, 10:30 p.m. Su *Edwards, Prank_. —..KIFJ. 10:15 p.m. M-F *Eliot. Major G. F. _ KHJ. 6:45 p.m. Su Elson, Bob _JILN.X, 10:15 p.m. M-F Enchanted Hour...--- ---_KHJ. 5:30 p.m. Su Escape KNX, 9 p.m. F Eternal Light — _KY!, 9:30 a.m. Su Evening Concert. — KFAC, 8 p.m. M-Sa Ewing, Bill_ ___ _KMPC. 10 a.m.. 5 p.m. M-F Farts for Farmers xmrc. 12:30 p.m. M-F Falcon KFI, 2 p.m. Su Falstaff's Fabulous Fables KECA, 5:55 p.m. M-F Family Party _______.___ rosx, 11:30 a.m. Sa Family Theatre .K111.1, 8:30 p.m. W Farm Highlights.. _...KFI. 6:15 a.m. M-Sa Farm Adviser._ —___KMPC. 7 a.m. M-F Farm Reporter .KFI 12 n. M-Sa Father Knows ..... KFI. 9 p.m. Th Fat Man ...KECA. 8 p.m. F Faye, Alice 4:30 p.m. Su FBI in Peace and War. . KNX, 9 p.m. Th *Feature Wire...---- ---KFL 5 p.m. M-F Femme Fair KHJ, 8 a.m. Sa Fibber and Molly...---_____ KFI, 6:30 p.m. Tic First Baptist Churels - -ICFAC, 7:30 p.m. Sa Fisher, George KNX, 12:15 p.m. M-F Fishing Pals FCGFJ, 8 p.m. M-1. Five-Seventy Club KLAC, 1:10 p.m. M-Sa

K1 AC, 7.05 p.m. M-Sa

*Flannery. Harry —KRI M. 7 p.m. W, F Flying Feet KECA. 4 p.m. Sa Flynn, John - RAJ, 8:15 p.m. F *Foster, Cedric ..... _.-..-__KHJ, 12:15 p.m. M-F Frank and Ernest _ __KECA, 11:15 a.m. Su Freedom Story_ __KMPC, 7:45 p.m. Su Front-Page FarrelL AINI KFSD. 2:45 p.m. M-F *Fuller. Sid_ .KHJ 12 n. M-F Gangbusters _ KNX, 9:30 p.m. Sa Garden SchooL —. --KGER. 2:30 p.m. M-F Garr, Bill - -- K WK W, 1 p.m. M-Sa *Garred, Bob - - KECA, 7:30 a.m. M-Sa

..... __ __KECA, 10 p.m. M-Sa Garroway, Dace KF1, 9:15 a.m. M-F Gateway to Music. KFAC 9.31) p.m. Flu George, Wally.. -KIEV, 11 a.m. Sn

Get More Out of Life ..... --KNX. 10:15 a.m. Su KNX, 3:15 p.m. Ss

Gilbert and Sullivan. —.KFAC, 9:30 sum. Sn Gillespie Garden Guide. --KILL 9:15 a.m. M-F •Gice and Take.-__ -_-_KNX. 10:30 a.m. Sa Godfrey, Arthur._ ..... KNX, 7 a.m., 3 p.m.. M-F Godfrey's Digest ....... _......_ .... ENS, 1:30 p.m. Su Gospel Singer .K/1.1.10:15 a.m. Su. 11:30 a.m. Su *Goss, Frank. KNX, 7:30 a.m. M-Sa

KNX. 5:45 P.m- M-Sa Gould, Billy - --_ -_KNX, 11:10 p.m. Sa Graham, Vance. KMPC, 9:30 a.m. Su Grand Central Station... —KNX. 9:30 a.m. Sa Grandpa Owens......._ ..... _ —___KFI, 8 a.m. Su Grand Ole Opry. _.-..KFI, &FS % 7:30 p.m. Sa *Grand Slam -. - -_ -_KNX. 8:30 a.m. M-F Greatest Story Ever Told....KECA, 2:30 p.m. Su Great Gildersleeve ....... _ ..... ____ KFI, 8:30 p.m. W Green Hornet _ - -__ KECA. 5:30 p.m. 1, Gregory Hood _ .KECA, 1:30 p.m. Th

Guiding Light 10:45 a.m. M-F *Gump, Robert____ --._._KFI, 9:30 p.m. Su Hallmark Playhouse. . ENS. 7 p.m. Th Halls of Ivy._ ............ ..... ...KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Hal's Memory Room -_,K:FOX, 6:30 p.m., 11:30

Hannibal Cobb .... ___.-.KECA. 3:15 p.m. 91-F Happiness Flour._ ---___-...KHJ, 11 a.m. Su Happy Homes .K1F1.11. 10:30 a.m. M-F Happy Theater - -.KECA, 5:15 p.m. M-P Harding. Harvey... —....-...KHJ, 1:15 p.m. Sr-P Hardy Family... KFI. 6 p.m. Tu *Hardy, Glenn.____ICHJ. 10 km.. 9 p.m. So-F Harmon, Tom KNX. 5:15 p.m.. 10:10 p.m.M-F Harris, Phil. KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su Hart, Maurice _ _-__KFWB, 11 a.m. M-Sa

Flashknife Hartley .KFLI, 1 p.m. Su Haven of Rest_. —K7CLA. 8:30 a.m. 111, W ,F

- -_KHJ. 8:30 a.m. TeTh,Sts

Hawaii Calls KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Ss Hawk, Bob KNX 7.30 p.m. M *Hayes, Sam - _KFL 7:45 a.m. M-Sa *Hayes, Sam KFLI, 4:45 p.m.. 6:45 p.m. M-F *Headline Edition...... -KECA, 6:05 p.m. M-F *Heatter. Gabriel .KHJ, 6 p.m. M-F

.KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su

Heidi, Horace _KNX, 6:30 p.m. Su *Hemingway, Frank —KHJ, 4:15 p.m. M-Sa

KILL 7 a.m. M-Sa *Henry. 6.55 p.m. M-F *Henry, Fred.. KLAC, 5 p.m. M-F Here's to Veterans — KFI 11•4% p m Th High Adventure._-.... —__.K.F1, 9:30 p.m. F *Hill, Edwin C KECA, 9:25 a.m., 6 p.m. M-F

Napoleon _ —_ __KFWB, 3:30 p.m. Su Hilltop Flonse _._. ___KNX, 1:15 p.m. M-F Hit Parade .KF1L. 9 p.m. Sa Hit the Jackpot KNX, 7 p.m. Tic Hollywood Byline__ ___KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th Hollywood Music Haill _-_KNX, 7:30 p.m. W Hollywood Star Playhouse__ ..... KNX, 9 p.m. M HIlletown HaPPenings..._ ...... _KFI, 8:45 a.m. SU Hometown Jamboree _.KXLA. 11:30 a.m. M-F Honest Harold KNX, 6 p.m. W Hopalong Cassidy — ENS, 9 p.m. Sa Hope, Bob KFI, 9 p.m. Tu Hormel Giris...-..-- __KECA, 4:30 p.m. Si,

— .- --..KNX. 12 n. Sa

Hour of Faith_ -.__KECA, 12 n. Su Housewives' Protective League ...KNX, 1:30 p.m. M-F, KNX. 3:30 p.m. Sa

*Huntley. ('het. KNX. 10 p.m. D. 5:36 p.m. M-Sa I Love a Mystery. _ __KHJ, 10 p.m. M-F It They Had Lived .KGFJ. 8:15 p.m. Sit

.1CGF.1. 8:30 p.m. Sa Inner Sanctum KECA, 9:30 p.m. M International Airport KILL 9:30 p.m. W International Disc Jockey...1(NX, 2:05 p.m. lt l-

KNX, 4:30 p.m. ...a Incitation to Learning KNX. 8:35 a.m. •11 Incitation to Music KNX, 10 a.m. Su It's Your Business KECA, 4:30 p.m. Sa Jack Annstrong...KECA. 7 p.m. Ta, 3:30 p.m. F Janssen. Werner Fl 9.30 p.m. M Jewel. izetta. ..... KCIR 11:45 a.m. M-F Jive at 'Elva. ..11GF.I. 5 p.m. M-Sa Johnny Dollar..._.._ KNX, 6 p.m. Sa John Steele KHJ, 7 p.m. VI Junior Junction ___ _. __KECA. 3 p.m. Sa Junior Miss .KNX. 8:30 a.m. Sa Just Plain Bill KFL KFSD. 2:30 p.m. M-F Jucende Jury KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Si, *Kaltenborn, H. V KFI. 10:15 p.m. M. W.F Kaye, Sammy - KECA, 3:30 p.m. Su Kelley, Rob..... —KMPC. 6:15 p.m. M-Sa Kelley on Base.--- --- KMPC. 7:45 p.m. M *Kennedy, John B. KECA, 11:30 a.m. M-F IOWA, 10:30 p.m. M-111

*Kiernan, Walter. KECA. 7:55 ern. M-F Know Your F'BI IIMPC, 7 em. SU L. A. Breakfast Club -__KFWB, 8:15 a.m. W Ladies' Dav 9.05 a.m. M-F Ladies' Fair KHJ 11 a.m. M-F

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Page 35: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


Lait, Jack. _KFI, 6:30 p.m. F L. A. Medical Assa.... —_ _KFAC 1 PAIL Th Land of the Free _ __KHJ, I p.m. Se *Lawton, Fleetwood__.... _ KFL 7:15 a.m. M-F Layman's Hour- KFWB. 9:30 p.m. Sa Let George Do It KILL KGB, 8 p.m. M Let's Pretend_ .KNX 8.05 a.m. Sa Levin Opera Concert KHJ. 11 p.m. Su *Lewis, Fulton......KHJ, 4 p.m.. 9:15 p.m. M-F Leyden, Bill KFWB, a a.m.. 8:15 a.m. M-Sa Liberal Catholic Hour. 'WAG, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be Beautilut-._11F1, 10:45 a.m.' M-F Life of Riley KFI, 7 p.m. F Life With Luigi__ - KNX, 8 p.m. Tu Lindlahr, Victor_ .HECA, 10 a.m. M-F Linkletter, Art..... ...... ______KNX. 12:30 p.m. M-F Live Like a Millionaire......KFL U:30 a.m. M-F Lombardoland----- - ----KHJ. 8:30 p.m. Ss Lone Ranger-_-111ICA, 7 p.m. 51. W: 8 p.m. Sa Lonesome Gal. __ ___ K11.1, 10:30 p.m. M-F

Vincent 11/1.1, 11:30 p.m. Su Lorenzo Jones.,. ___KFI. 11114D, 1:30 Pm- 51- F Love's Notebook. K WK W, 11:30 p.m. Su Luncheon With Lopez_ _ .. KFI, 9:30 a.m. Sa Lutheran Gospel Hour _KXLA, 6:30 p.m. Su Lutheran Hour ... .KHJ, KV0E, 10:30 a.m. Su

KFCA. 3 p.m. Su Lux Theater..._ .. -. KNX, 6 p.m. M I.ynn Looks at Ilollyw-nOd_ _J111 1. 3:45 pin. 3laisie____ ...... _ .... ________ ....... KLIE, 6:30 p.m. M Ma Perkins KNX, 10:15 a.m. M-F Managing Editor ....... ....KGII. 7:30 p.m. W Mann, Herbert J. 10 a.m. Su Manners, Zeke__ ITECA. 7:45 a.m. M4,

Man on the Farm...._ KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Sa Mausfield, Andg = .KMPC, 6 a.m. M-F Mark Trail. .. _ 5 p.m. M, Vi, F Marry.(10-RoundL KECA, 7 p.m. Sa martin, Freddy KNX. 2:43 pin. M-F Martin Kane KHJ 1'30 p.m. Su

Groucbo__ —_______KFL 9 p.m. W 7lussey. Curt — . KNX, 4 p.m. M-F %la ore — _-__KFAC, 1:15 p.m. M-Sa McLaughlin-, Bob _ _KLAC. 1:10 p.m. 111-Sa

KLAC, 7:05 ..nt. M-Sa McNeill's Breakfast Club K MA, 8 a.m. M-F Meet Corlies Archer KNX. 6 p.m. Su ocet Me in St. Louis KP1, 7:30 p.m. Su meet the Mimi » ........... -____KNX, 2:30 p.m. Sa Melody Parade. _KNX, 12:45 p.m. Su Memo From Lake Success....K.X. II:45 p.m. Sa 3Iemo From Molly_ _ .. __KNX, 3:30 p.m. Su Merry-Go-Round ..... 11:13 p.m. M-F Message of Israel. KFCA. 9:30 a.m. Su Metropolitan Encores KFAC, 12:15 p.m. Su Meyberg, Dol ___ ____KGFJ, 5:30 p.m. Su Meyers Goes to MarkeL _KFL 8:45 a.m. M-F 711:71 Theater of the Alr.__ 1 p.m. Su 5' Ohl :gilt Flyer .1IFI. 12:30 a.m. Tu-Su *Nliller, Marvin _ _ K11.1, 4:30 p.m. M-F ir.indy HECA. 8:45 a.m. Sa

modern Romances KECA. 12:30 p.m. M-F *uonday Morn. Headlines. PI MA, 8:15 p.m. Su *Monitor News. _ —__.-KECA, 9:30 p.m. Tu Monroe. Vaughn_ _ _ __KNX. 8 p.m. Su *Montgomery, Robert KECA, 8:45. p.m. Th vioore, Garry...._ _KNX, 9:30 p.m. M,Tu,Th.1, Morning Concert-- -- -.KFAC, 10 a.m. M-Sa Mother's Album... - - KMPC. 5:I0 9.m. Su Mr. and Mrs. North______ KNX. 8;30 p.m. Tu Mr. Chameleon. KNX, 9 PAIL W Mr. District Attorney__KFL KFSD, 9:30 p.m. W Mr. Keen KNX 8:30 p.m. Th

KECA. 9 ..m. M Mr. President. Muir, Dr. Warner .KMPC. 5:30 p.m. Se Mulholland, Ross... -..KMPC, 7:30 a.m. M-F Murder by Experts— RAJ, 7 p.m. Tit Murray, Johnny- _ _____KFI, 10:15 p.m. Tu.Th

.... _ N FL 11:15 p.m. M-F *Marrow, Edward_ .KNX, 5 p.m. M-F Museum Concert _ KFAC, 3 p.m. Su Music and the Muse -...1(Fl. 11 p.m. So Musical Americana .... 1111, 9:30 p.m. Th Musical Crossroads .KFAC. 10 p.m. M-Sa Musical Digest....KGFJ, 6 p.m. Sit, Su, 7 p.m. Musical Masterpieces. _ KFAC, 4 p.m. D Musical Memories._ _ KMPC, 7 p.m. M-F Musical Milestenes.___ _KFAC 6.30 p.m. M-F Music From Hollywood KFI, 6:30 p.m. Th Music Hall__ _ _ __KFAC, 11:30 a.m. M-Sa Music Magic KFAC, 7 p.m. Su, 6 p.m. Tu

- ........... .______ _. . .. , ..6:30 p.m. Sa Music With Hormel Girls....11EC-A-, 12:30 p.m. Sn *Mutual Ne rreeL-___ _1111J, 8:15 p.m. Su-F KNX, 11 a.m. Sa

My Favorite Husband_ KNX, 6:30 p.m. Sa My Friend Irma. KNX, 7 p.m. M Mysterious Traveler____________ KILL 7 p.m. Tu Mystery Theater KNX. 9 p.m. Tu My True Story ...KECA, KF3113. 10:30 a.m. M-F 'Name That Song KELL 8 p.m. W Nathan, Robert KECA, 4:45 p.m. Sa National Farm & 11.30 a.m. Ss National Radio Palpit_---. ...KFI. 7 a.m. Su National Vespers ...... __ __HECA, 10:30 a.m. Su Navy Hour SECA, 5 p.m. Sa NBC Symphony. ...FL 7:30 p.m. M NBC Tipeater..._ .. . ... KFI, 12 n. Su Negro College Choir_ _____HECA, 9 a.m. Su *Nesbitt. Norman _ ..MPC, 6 p.m. M-F *News of the World KIT. 8:15 p.m. M-F Nick Carter.. ..KELL 3:30 p.m. Su Night Bandstand. FWB, 8:45 p.m. M-F

K M. Night Beat....... 6 p.m. F

Noble, Wendell_____ __KFI, 10:30 p.m. M-F No School Today_________KECA, 1:43 a.m. Sa Nona From Nowhere.- - KNX, 1 p.m. M-F Nora Drake_ KNX. 11:30 alp. M-F Norman, gene... KFWB. 10 p.m. M-Sa >Official Ifetective .KILL 930 p.m. Tu Old-Faultioned Revival. KECA, 1 p.m. Su KFWB, 4 p.m. Su. KXLA. 9 p.m. Su

Old, New Borrowed, Blue_ BECA, 1:30 p.m. Sa Olsen. Johnny KECA, 9 a.m. M-F One Man's Family._ KFI. 8 p.m. M-F One Nation Indivisible ..... _...KNX, 7:30 p.m. Th On Trial. .......ILECA. 8 p.m. Tu 81000 Reward____ _ KFI, 4 p.m. Su Open House.. 12:30 p.m. M-1, Operation Daybrealk.... -_----KFI, 5:30 a.m. D Original Amateur Hour______KECA, 8 p.m. Th Ormont, Dave.- _ _. ....KFWB, 9:30 a.m. M-Sa Otis, Don......KLAC, 3:10 p.m., 10:03 p.m. M-Sa Our Gal Sunday -- ILNX 9:45 a.m. M-F Our Miss Brooks...- - -__ .... 1112X, p.m. Su Oxford, Eddie. .KMPC, 8 p.m. Se Ozzie and Harriet. KECA, 9 p.m. F Parent-Youth Forum. KFI, 9 a.m. Su Parsons, Louella, KECA, 6:15 p m., 8:45 p.m. Su Pearson, Drew KECA, ii am. Su People Are Funny KIT, 7:30 p.m. Tu People's' Platform KNX, 9 a.m. Su Pepper Young's Famlly —_HFI, 12:30 p.m. M-F Perry Mason. KNX, 11:15 a.m. M-F Peter Salem_ ____KHJ. 4:30 p.m. Su

*Peterson, Elmer.- - HP1, 5:45 p.m. W -F Philip Marlowe ....._...KNN, 8:30 p.m. F Piano Parade ....... -_ - -...11FAC, It a.m. M-Sa Piano Playhouse._ _ . KECA, 9:30 p.m. Su *Pinkiey, Virgh--- --.KFI, 10:30 p.m. M-F Play It Again.......-.....HECA. 4:30 p.m. M-F Pollack, Ben. KILL 7:30 p.m. rja Portia Faces Life---KFL KFSD, 2:15 p.m. M-l. Post, Guy KFAC. 11 a.m. M-F

___KFAC 5'30 p.m. Su Potter, Peter_HFWB, 9:30 a.m. 8u. 3 p.m. M-Sa *Pringle' - ___Nelson._ _ ........ . .. ILNX, 12 n. M-F Pro and Con KFL 7:45 p.m. Sa Proudly We Hall _KMPC, 10 p.m. Su Proudly We Hail --____ . _ ... K M, 6 p.m. V. •Queen for a Day__B31.1 KGB. 11:3e a.m. M-F Quick as a Flash- -_ _HECA, 9:30 a.m. M-F Quick, What's the Answer?....KF1, 12:15 p.m. Sa Quiz Kids KF1 12.30 p.m. Su Radio Bible KFWB, 9 p.m. Su Railroad Hour _K.F1, 8:30 p.m. M Red Ryder__ K M, 7:30 p.m. Tu. Th Reel MIMIC KECA, 11:30 a.m. Su Religious News _.........._._...KFWB. 8:45 p.m. Sa *Reporters' Roundup..-.- KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Tit Report to the People_ ___KECA, 9:45 p.m. Tu Request Performance__ KGFJ, 6 p.m. M-F Retail Clerks' Show _LIECA. 10:15 p.m. Su Reviewing Stand_________ ___KHJ, 5 p.m. Se Richard Diamond__ __ _. KFI, 7:30 p.m. V. *Richfield Reporter KFI, 10 p.m. Su-F Right to Happiness ILF1, KFSD, 12:45 p.m. M-F Rise and Shine. .KIIJ, 6:15 MISts Road of Life KFI 12'15 p.m. M-F *Roberts, Clete... _ KFIVIL 6 p.m. M-F Robinson, Jackie .KECA, 8:45 p.m. vt Rod and Gun Club... - --KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Th Rogers, Roy KHJ. 3 pm. Su Romance of Helen Trent...IINX, 9:30 a.m. M-F Romance of the Highways KNX, 12:15 p.m. Su Roper, Elmo . KNX, 11:45 p.m. Su Rosemary. ..KN . 8:45 a.m. M-F Ross. Lenny KHJ, 12:43 p.m. M-F Roue. R ed KFWB, 4:35 p m. M-F. 4:45 ..m• Sa Safety Rangers KMPC. 4:30 p.m. M-F Salt Lake 'Tabernacle_ _ .... KNX. 8 a.m. Su Salute to Reserve. KILL 8 p.m. Sa Saturday Concert KFI, 4:45 p.m. Sa Science of Mind KEFA 10:30 p.m. M-F Science Reporter..._ ...... __ ...... KHJ. 10:15 a.m. Su !Scout Jamboree ...... _______ KFI, 9 amt. Sa Screen Guild Players _ KECA, 7 p.m. Th Scully. Frances .H CA, 1:45 p.m. M-F Second Mrs. Burton- ----... KNX. 11 a.m. M-F Shoot the Moon KECA. 9:30 p.m. Sa Shore, Dinah._ ______KNX, 8:15 p.m. Tu, W,Th Show TI M, .., KFI. 11:15 p.m. F Simms, , 7 p.m. Su Sinatra, Frank........ ..,.,...... KNX. 1 p.m. Si, Singing Marshal _. ___KILI. 8:30 p.m. To *Sing It Again .... ______ ____KNX. 7 p.m. Sa Singleton, Penny KFI, 3 p.m. Su Sixty-Four-Dollar Question_ _ KFI. 7 p.m. Su

Skelton, Red. KNX, 9 p.m. Su Sky King H MI, 5:30 p.m. Tu, Th Smilin. Ed McConnell .KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa *Smith, Howard. ____KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Smith, Jack_...........- ....... KNX, 8:15 p.m. M-F *Smith, Kate KR.), KGB. 9 a.m. M-F Solitaire Time. 11F1. 11 p.m. Sa Soak of Liberty___: — KHJ, 8 p.m. Tn Songs for Sale.. KNX, 6 p.m. F Southland Story. .... KMPC. 3 p.m. M-1, Space Patrol KECA, 5:30 p.m. M, I Spade Cooley Time...........- ........ KFVD, 10 p.m. D Speare, Frederick KECA, 10:30 p.m. Su Sports Dial KRI M. 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Sports Review SECA, 6:20 p.m. M-F Sport« Newsreel. —. K/1. KFSD. 7:30 p.m. F Squeakin' Deacon— K A. KKNO. 9 p.m. M-F Stahr. Betty. KGIL. 2:45 0.m. Ss Standard Hour- -__1111, KFSD, 8:30 p.m. Su

Standard School.... _ . ... __KNX, 10 a.m. F Starlight Salute IINÏ, 10:30 p.m. M-Sa Stars Over Hullywood —_ _KNX, 10 a.m. Sa Steele. John.................. —. KILL 7 p.m. W Stella Dallas. _. _ KFL KI ND, 1:15 p.m. M-F Stewart, Billv____ __ _.KLAC, 5:15 pan. M-F St. Francis Drama. .KLAC, 8:43 P.M. Su .Stop the Music _KECA, 5 Pm- Su Story Circus ...- _ _ KMPC, 12 n. Sa Story, Ralph ILN.X, 5:25 a.m. M-F *Stowe, Leland_ _-_ ___HECA. 6 a.m. M-F Straight Arrow___ _ __KILL 5 p.m. Tu, Th Strike It Rich KNX, 4:15 p.m. M-F Strictly Front DIxie....__KFWB, 6:30 p.m. Sa Strolling Tom_ _ .KFWB, 9 a.m. M-F Successful Business.......... KFWB. 7:30 p.m. Sa Suspense KNX, 6 p.m. Ti, Superman KECA. 5:30 p.m. Tu. Th 'Surprise Package..._ ........ __HECA, 2 1/.111. M-F Symplionette KNX, 11:30 a.m. St:

KECA, 10:35 p.m. M-Th Take a Number____.._ ItH.1, 7 p.m. Sa Talent Scouts KNX. 8:30 p.m. M Taylor, Henry J... ....._..___._._.._ KEKECCAA,, 8:30 p.m. M Taylor Made Melodies__ —.KFI, 6:45 a.m. M-Sa Taylor, Mary Lee ....... _.._.._ __K M 11 a.m. Sa Telephone Hour _ _EFL KFSD. 9 p.m. M Tello-Test KHJ, 10:15 a.m. M-F Texas Rangers.......----... ....... ___ KFI, 5 p.m. Su Theater Guild_r_ ... ______ _.13,F1, 5:30 p.m. Su Theater of Today PENN, 9 a.m. Sa The Falcon._ ... . ......... .._ .. KFI, 2 p.m. Su The First Freedoin _-____KFL 11:30 p.m. Su The Hidden Truth .. . ....-_ _ __KHJ, 7 p.m. F There's Music in the Al.......-H NX, 7:30 p.m. Tu

The Shadow ..KHJ 2 p.m. Su The Whistler... JINX, 7:30 p.m. Su This Is Calitornia KECA, 9:15 p.m. Th This Is Europe..-______ ______KHJ, 7 p.m. Su This Is Los Angeles . KNX. 4 p.m. Sa This Is Your FBI.__.. KECA. 8:30 1).01. F Titis Thing Called Llte______HECA. 4 p.m. Su

This Week Around the World K OLA, 4:30 p.m. Su

This Woman's Secret__KFI, &FEW. 4 p.m. M-F *Thomas, Lowell .KNX, 8 p.m. MA, *Thor, Larry _IENX. 11 p.m. IF Through the Listening Glass — _RECS.. 8:35 p.m. W

Time for Defense ._.__ _... KEIVA, 8:30 p.m. Ti, Today In liollywim41-.. ..--.11KCA, 3 p.m. M-F *Today's World. — _KECA, 3:115 pm- M-F Top of the Morning. _____ KNX. 8 a.m. M-F Top of the Week_-_- _ __ X„ 10:15 p.m. Su Top Secret . KFI, 7 p.m. Ti, Touchdown Tips... KIT, 10 p.m. Sa Town _Meeting._-____ —_-KECA, 9 p.m. Tu Trouble I. My Busine _ss.... ....K11, 9:45 p.m. Su Trouble With the Truitts_ KFI. 12 n, S.I Tree Detective Mysterieit_I-'_1(- 11J 2-30 p.m. Su True or False__ ..... _.._ ...... __KILL 8:30 p.m. I, Truth or Consequences_ __KNX, 6:30 p.m.sTu Turner, Ralph............ - ....KMPC. 8:30 a.m. Se Tune Hits..... __KFL 6:30 a.m. Tit, Th. Se Tusher, William KECA. 7:15 p.m. Su Twenty-Hundred Plus._ KHJ, 7:30 13.11t• Si, *Twenty Questions _ __ KHJ. 8 p.m. Su Twilight Hour KFAC, 7 p.m. M-F Twilight Tale« KMPC 4.13 p.m. Tu, Th Under Arrest KIM 8.30 p.m. M :United or Not....._ HECA, 7;30 p.m. M Unity Daily Word__ _1KFAC. 8:45 a.m. M-Sa Unity Daily Word _ .... . .. _ . _.__KFWB, 9:15 a.m. M-Tu. Th-Sa

University .............. _ .. _ .. KNX, 12:30 p.m. Su U.N. Today _ __KFWB, 8:45 p.m. M-F Vallee, Rudy _ KECA. 3:30 p.m. M-F Voice of Firestone ...KFI. KIND. 5:30 p.m. II Voice of Prullhee7. —KIIJ. KGB. 9:30 a.m. Su _. — _._ ..... _.._... _.KECA, 2 pan. Su

Voice of the CathedraL-._ KFL 8 p.m. Su Voices and Events KFI, 11:30 a.m. Su Wakely, Jimmy..._.KECA, 6:30 p.m., M-Th, Sa War Front, Home Front KHI. 71p.m. M Week-End Platter Party —...KECA. 9 a.m. Se Welcome to Hollywood- -HECA, 7 a.m. 34-F Welcome. Travelers. KFI, 3 p.m. 131-P Welk, Lawrence....___ - -HECA, 9:30 p.m. W Vie Love and Learn KFI 3.45 p on. 51-F Wendy Warren.. .KNX. 9 a.m. M-F Whalen. Mortice KHJ. 10 p.m. Sa 5% hat Makes Von Tick SECA, 8:30 p.m. Sa Wheeler. Burritt _ KFI. 4:30 p.m. M-F When a Girl Marries _KFL FIFSD. 2 p.m. M-F White House Report_____RECA, 2:55 p.m. M-1, White, Joe - KFI, 11:30 p.m. F,Sa Whiting, Margaret........... KNX, 8:15 p.m. M, F W hoa Bill Club KFAC 5.30 p.m. M-F Williams, Tex......____ __. .. .. KFI, 3:30 p.m. Su Wilson. Andy .. PC. 10:30 a.m. M-1, Winch..., Walter....HECA, 6 p.m.; 8:3t: p.m. Su Wismer, Harry .........KECA, 5:30 p.m. Ss Women Are Wonderful. —K11.1, 9:30 a.m. M-11, Women's Forum KNX 7.30 p.m. F World of Opera KFAC. 3 p.m. M-Sa World's Best Seller KECA. 9 p.m. Th Yesterday on Broadway.....ECA, 111:15 a.m. M-11, You and . KNX 11.45 p in M-F Young. Norma JUL), 10:30 a.m. M-F You Bet Your Life KFI. 9 p.m. W Young Dr, Malone KNX, 10:30 a.m. M-F Young Widder Brown_____ KFL 1:43 p.m. M-F Your Memory Lane_ __KXLA. 10:30 p.m. Se

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Page 36: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


The ear inspires the Pen Frederic Hueston, address withheld, Los Angeles, Calif. Thousands of residents are coming

Into Southern California every year. Why don't you devote a page to the locations of stations? Also listeners like to listen to out-of-state stations. Let's know where these stations are and where to find them on the dial.

Radio-TV Life runs a complete station finder for Southern California . . . we do not, however. have the space to represent out-of-slate stations, especially since there is not enough demand for such informa-tion.

Mrs. Louise Younger, 14261 Wright Street, Los Angeles, Calif. I sure do miss Stuart Hamblen and

his boys after all these years and wish him good luck. I also wish "One Man's Family" had

a half hour once a wéek instead of every night which is too much like a "soap opera."

Mrs. H. T., 12430 South Fidel Avenue, Norwalk, Calif. Where might I be able to secure a

resume of the "One Man's Family" program? Have recently begun listen-ing, but would enjoy it more if I knew the background. "What Do You Say?" and "Scramby

Amby" are two programs I'm .still wishing very much to have back. I don't own a television set, but

have heard several people commeht on how much their children enjoyed "Kukla, Fran and 011ie."

Hope you'll enjoy the picture layout on "One Hairs Family." both radio and television, which Will appear soon.

George Weaver, 389 Ashtabula Street, Pasadena, Calif. It has just been announced that the

four music-dramas of Richard Wagner's great "Ring of the Nibelung" cycle will be broadcast from actual performances at the Metropolitan Opera House this coming season, for the first time in American radio history. Every person who intends to listen to this incom-parable music should write at once to Mr. Rudolph Bing, General Manager of the Met, Broadway and 40th Street, New York City, and demand that these music-dramas be sung h.) ENGLISH and in the Jameson translation. This is the way Wagner intended

them to be presented in England and America, and it is disgraceful that the Metropolitan has disregarded his in-tentiong and continues to present them in a language that is unintel-ligible to ninety per cent of the lis-teners. Now is the time for the radio audience to protest vigorously against this, outrageous practice.

Mrs. John VandeviVer, 46 Catherine Street, Lyons, New York. At last she's back —Ginny Simms,

Page Thirty-two

that is. And singing as beautifully as ever. After nearly three years absence from the airwaves, It's a treat to hear her. So now ho v> about a story and pictures of Ginny? It's been a long time and we've missed her.

GintiU's our cover gal and there's an Inside story un her in the October 6 issue of Radio-TV Life.

Mrs. Jessie Cook, 10134 nue, Tujunga, Calif. We listen mornings ing at 6:00 a.m., with Nelson Pringle's excellent broadcast on what's going on in the world. This is fol-lowed by Knox Manning's "House-wives' Protective League," with Ralph Story an-nouncing. We should like to see photos of these three. ...

Knox Manning

Mountair Ave-

to KNX, start-

Nelson Pringle

Ira Cook, Sherman Oaks, Calif. Thank you so much for pointing

with pride to my Saturday and Sun-day record shows on KECA and KMPC. It was certainly a pleasant surprise to read your nice comments in the Au-gust 18 issue of my favorite radio and television magazine. I hope I will al-ways be up to the nice things you said.

May W. Williams, 1547 Shenandoah Street, Los Angeles, .Calif. What on earth is Mrs. Farlee, who

wrote the first letter on Eat Inspires page ot August 25, mad about? Read "Ear Inspires" every week but can't remember any letter that *ould make anybody feel like that! If possible, explain the mystery some time. . . .

Wish we could, but we don't know either:

Alice Fisher, 606 North Alhambra Avenue, Monterey Park, Calif. Speaking of soap operas, you men-

stion in Radio-TV Life one of the very best, "Brighter Day," which is both exciting and a fine piece of writing. In my opinion, the best since "Against the Storm." Have you heard any rumors as to that good radio program getting back on the air?

Sorry, but there has been no word as to the return of "Against the Storm."

M. Saunders, P.O. Box 269, Glendale, Calif. I too think that the story Steve Allen

told on Robert Q. Lewis's program was in ecceeding,y poor taste. In fact, any dog lover tund there are thousands in California' would have turned him off his radio.... I'm sure ihe sponsor would have

lost quite a Jew patrons after his dis-gusting story about "eating the dog" was heard aid I for one will boycott him whenever 1 can. . . .

Name and address withheld, Los Angeles, Calif. This is in answer to the letter writ-

ten by L. Checkan in the September 22 issue. I'd like to know how old the writer is? He or she as the case may be is in one of four categories . . . either too old to remember stories he has forgotten; no story about pets pleases him; he is so young he's never heard the story; or he is a Steve Allen disliker. I'm in my twenties apd I've heard

the yarn told by several other top comedians and it was received very graciously, since no harm was meant by it. I'm a staunch Steve Allenian and

I shall defend him to the l ffle: He is a great comic and a terrific ad-libber, but even the greats, such as-Groucho Marx and Eddie Cantor, have pulled boners. No one can be so good as to not take advantage of a story told so many times before. Steve Allen was not guilty of lack

of taste by any means. He just isn't perfect or great enough to please all...

Steve Allen, CBS, Hollywood, Calif. Here's .my side of the man-eats-dog

story. Briefly, the facts are these. The story is a million years old and not one of my own creation. The first time I heard it, I died laughing, and the studio audience on the Robert Q. Lewis show laughed and applauded the day I happened to repeat it. I am not in the habit of telling of-

fensive stories either on or off the air, and I certainly would not have told this one if I had expected to offend any of my listeners. I happen to love dogs, have had a dozen of them in my lifetime, and I still think the story is hilarious. I grant, however, that no one is under any obligation to agree with my tastes in humor and I extend a very sincere apology to any Radio-Television Life reader whose sensi-bilities were bruised. To any who. might like to explore

the subject matter extensively, I re-commend a reading of Max Eastman's book "Enjoyment of Laughter," a scholarly tome which points out what a close relationship there is between the unpleasant and the humorous.

Vance H. Walters, P. 0. Box 926, Costa Mesa, Calif. Of course I may be slightly preju•

diced, but I don't consider thyself a moron. However, this personal evalua-tion is in conflict with the opinion of others. Recently I have been listening to "$1000 Reward" at 4:00 p.m., KFI, Sunday. And just try to imagine my

(Please Turn Lo Page 33)

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Page 37: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


For Love o' Mike (

Looks Like Jack Benny may make a music-hall

tour of Australia next summer. . . . "Double or Nothing" chalked up its tenth anniversary on the air with its September 29 NBC broadcast, zed this month marks for its emcee Walter O'Keefe his twentieth year in radio. New York City has issued a firm order that no sirens be heard on radio shows dialed there, as a siren remains the only legitimate warning of an air raid. . . . Willard Waterman, NBC's "Gildy," was on the greens in Hanford, California, last week to play in the Northern California Open Golf cham-pionship. . . . CBS's novel "Dollar a Minute" (anyone with a gripe to air can buy sixty seconds' radio time for a dollar) starts October 4. . . . Penny Singleton's show, having concluded its replacement stint for Bob Hope, has moved to the Sunday 3:00 p.m. time spot. That's on NBC.... We wdridered about Ann Sheridan's throatier-than-ever voice on "Lux's" broadcast of "Good Sam." She had a severe cold. . . . That good show, KECA's "Holly-wood Byline," has been rewarded with a better time spot. Thursdays, 9:30. ... Arthur Godfrey's daily radio time has been stretched another quarter-hour, a fact which we know will de-light the legendary number who "just can't get enough of that red-head."

General Comment /

Turntable Newcomer This week, KMPC introduces its new

disc jockey, Ross Mulholland, to the listening audience. He whirls the wax every morning, 7:30 to 8:00 and again 8:30 to 9:30. Mul-holland is an im-port from KMPC's sister station, WJR, Detroit, where he built a following prior to his recent association with WXYZ, in the same city. He Is noted for his Barefoot Society, which is to be featured on his KMPC set-up, with Mulholland known as radio's Barefoot Boy. A junior Barefoot Society, de-signed to amuse children before they leave for school, takes over the pro-gram between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. Mulholland, self-elected president of

the Barefoot Nourishment and Swamp-Water Society, attended University of

Miami for a year before discarding his books for a baton with a small band. His parents promptly sent Ross to Ohio State and soon he was broad-casting over WLW. He put in a stint at WJR, then did announcing at WXYZ, was called into service in 1942. In 1947 he rejoined WXYZ and formatted a program which captured 125 spons-ors a week. One of its features was a Sparkle Plenty Contest at Christmas. Children were participants and fol-lowed the program avidly. Ross also ran an old player piano.

paying $1 for each roll sent in and used on the air. His fertile brain al-ways seems to be dreaming up new gimmicks to draw listeners. Mulholland is married, father of

two, collects old horseless-carriage horns, loves to show movies at home. He organized a father-son group in his neighborhood and regularly enter-tained in the basement of the Mul-holland home. Platter fans will eagerly follow his

antics and selections as he transplants activities to KMPC.

Quinn on U. N. As "President Hall" of mythical Ivy

College on NBC's "The Halls of Ivy," Ronald Colman on a recent broadcast defended the United Nations against the attacks of the campus newspaper (though he upheld the paper's right to criticize). Because the network has received

requests /or the text of his remarks in the Don Quinn script, we reprint them herewith: "As you know, the United Nations,

which represents some fifty-seven countries and some 1,700,000,000 peo-ple, was formed with the simple ob-jectives of international cooperation and good will, which, by extension, means the eventual elimination of war. "This, you claim, is idealistic to the

point of fantasy. Perhaps it Is. But I submit, it is a start .. . It is a begin-ning. Granted that it may not be the perfect and ultimate instrument for world security, it is still the greatest international step toward unity ever taken. Why are you selling it short?" The student editor interrupted: "But

look at the brawls they're getting into in the United Nations." "I do look at them, quite cheerful-

ly," replied "Dr. Hall." "Politically there is nothing healthier than violent argument and debate. It will be the absence of noisy discussion which should worry you. That's when the shoddy deals are being made in the back room. . . . May I point out that at this particular moment in history,

when the paranoiac leaders of a for-eign government are attempting to remake the world in its own ugly image, that to undermine the one group which is dedicated to under-writing the freedom and independence of small nations is to give aid and comfort to an aggressor?" Remarked the student: "But don't

you think It's too elaborate and com-plex an organization to be workable, doctor?" "It is complex and elaborate, with-

out doubt," answered "Dr. Hall." "But with the problems of fifty-seven, na-tions flung into the hopper, and the destinies of almost two billion people, it goes a little beyond the parliamen-tary procedure of a Boy Scout troop or the Ladies' Literary and Begonia Society. "Gentlemen, I do not wish to be-

labor the subject. But as the president of a college who has seen too many splendid young men and wornen lay down their lives on the altar of diplo-matic me-first-ism, I welcome any at-tempt whatsoever to bring reason and good will into international argument. At this time the United Nations is that attempt. Therefore, I am in favor of It-,'

You Your Cue Smhoawy s L

"Hallmark Playhouse KNX, KCBQ. KCBS Thursday, :00 p.m.


Like their commercial, "When you choose a Hallmark card, you choose the very best" so goes the production of this CBShow which brings to the mike top actors and actresses In dramas adapted from published short stories and best-selling novels. In its second offering of the new

season, "Playhouse" starred Dana An-drews as a press agent who has to give the "Big Build-Up" to a comely actress the picture industry has set for stardom. Pleasant work until the press agent discovers that the girl is the very same one he had been mad-ly in love with until her promising career caused a parting of the ways. However, the copy-wise p.a. lets the whole world know, by power of the press, of his heart's desire who Is the answer to every man's (namely his) dreams, and their nipped-in-the-bud romance again goes into full bloom. With James Hilton as its host, an-

nouncing by Frank Goss and the mu-sic of Lyn Murray, "Hallmark Play-house" is produced and directed by Bill Gay.

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Page 38: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


Organ Music Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 1:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:00 p.m. Saturday, S:00 p.m. KGER

• Judging from the weight of our "Ear Inspires" letters to this effect, there's many a radio dialer who spins in search of organ music. For their bene-fit in particular, and for the interest of all music lovers, we cue you on the organ offerings of Peter Slack, heard regularly on Long Beach station KGER. Pete is one of

those small, chub-by, good - natured people "built," as a columnist once said, "on the order of a teddy bear." When one sees him at the console of KGER's great Wurlitzer, it is difficult to think of him as a maestro, but once his nimble fingers begin to produce those smooth, lilting tones, it's easy to see why he is known as one of Amer-ica's greatest organists. His music training began at the age

of five and a half. Like most young-sters he loved sports, but his musical ambitions were uppermost in his thoughts because he was what show people call "a natural." He studied in leading conservatories and received his music degree at the Chicago Con-servatory of Music. From there he went on to make his name in radio. He was featured on the Mutual net-work, was heard in organ recitals at the New York World's Fair in 1940, studied at Fred Waring's Music Work-shop, has given concerts at Convention Hall in Philadelphia, served as top demonstrator for the Hammond Organ Company, and was on the radio staff of Percy Crawford's world-wide pro-gram for many years. When he first came to Califdrnia,

he opened a music store on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood where he taught piano, accordion, and harmony. Frortrthere he moved to Long Beach, 'where he now resides. Pete is staff organist and pianist of KGER and his music is heard regularly on "Peter Slack Time" and "When Day Is Done." He gives private instruction on piano, organ, accordion, vibra-harp and har-mony, and is on the faculty of the Brethren High School in Paramount, where he conducts the glee club. When Pete isn't working and teaching, he is kept busy with appearances on other radio shows and on personal appear-ances throughout Southern California. Pete is a "home-lover." He spends most of his spare time puttering around the garden and, s'ays he, "re-laxing in my easy chair." His hobby is "the process of producing images on sensitized surfaces by the action of light," or photography. But his favorite pastime is playing golf, and he shoots, so he says, in the lower

Slack is a "native Californian," hav-ing lived here nearly two years. com-ing from New York, his birthplace.

Page Thirty-four

Peter Slack

California has become his second love, his first love being his lovely wife, Carol, who—if Pete doesn't watch out —will become the musical maestro of the household. Mrs. Slack is an ex-cellent trombonist, organist and pian-ist, and at present is taking lessons from her illustrious husband on the accordion.

"Memo From Molly," Sunday, 3:00 p.m. * CBS-KNN, KCBQ, KCBS

Again the co-stars of a fluffy bit of airfare—this time letterheaded 'Memo From Molly" —are the former "First Nighters," Barbara Luddy and Olan Soule. Representing the' "fourth estate," as

the romantic-minded yet level-headed publisher of a magazine heralded as "Mo ment," is "Molly" (Barbara Luddy), and the fellow to whom she sends all her "memos," business and personal, is the managing editor (Olan Soule). Called a "romantic comedy," the

show (scripted by Beth Barnes and Joel Kane) deals lightly with the old story of a "boss lady" out to prove that she can be every bit as success-ful in business as the mere male. Only in this case "Molly" shrewdly inflates the masculine ego by letting her managing editor believe he is the one who wears the thinking cap. Some sacrifice, but smart enough to make said managing editor feel more than just admiration for his superior. Able cast of Herb Butterfield, Sarah

Selby, Jack Kruschen, Leo Cleary, Katheryn Card and George Neice back the Gordon Hughes-produced pro-gram, with William Froug as editor and oft-time scripter. Split' announcing chores are handled by Vincent Pel-litier and Roy Rowan.

Sportsmen on the Spot Thursday, 9:30 p.m. Mutual-Don Lee-KHJ, KFRC, KGB

Mutual-Don Lee's "The Rod and Gun Club of the Air" has launched a new series of "on-the-spot" broadcasts. The first of these "in-action" pro-

grams will originate from Bermuda, where the show's regular panelists. Guy Kibbee, Vancampen Heilner and Larry Koller, will go on a three-day fishing quest for bonita, amberjack and barracuda. The guests for this trip

will be Louis Mowbray, curator for the Bermuda Government Aquarium, and Al McClane, fishing editor of Field and Stream Magazine. Milo Boulton will emcee. The "on-location" trips are in line

with the program's aim of bringing the flavor of the outdoors to sports-men relaxing in their living-room easy chair. The actual proceedings as the panelists go about the fishing tasks will be aired during the broadcasts. Subsequent broadcasts in these doc-

umentary sports sessions have been scheduled for other famous fishing and hunting resorts in the Americas.

Playbacks (

"Charlie Wild, Private Eye Sunday. 2:30 p.m. NBC-KFL, KFSD, KNBC

Personally, this one we could do without. We found nothing in it to distin-

guish it in any way from the wearying overflow of private-eye-etc.-type pro-grams already cluttering up the air. On bended knees—and with bent ears —we plead, implore, and beg of spon-sors to shell out enough dough in a quality scripter's direction to make it worth his while for him to come up with something more imaginative, ex-citing and unpredictable. We've been mystery-show-happy in our time, too —but the hour has come, we think, to turn a deaf ear to the radio private eye. "Goodnight, Sweetheart!"

We Point With Pride ...To Lurene Tuttle, who delivers

fine acting jobs habitually, this time for her work opposite William Powell in the CBS "Hollywood Starl Play-house" vehicle, "The Man Who Knew Tomorrow." . . . To NBC's "Halls of Ivy" for its

casting of James Edwards, the excel-lent Negro actor seen in "Home of the Brave," on its recent show which was deftly scripted by Don Quinn around the subject of racial equality. It was so refreshing to hear Edwards's soft-spoken, straightforward portrayal of a boy of his race, in contrast to the


Critical Comment J

Page 39: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


predominance of comedy parts cus-tomarily regarded as the only ones suitable for all the able thespians whose skin just happens to be of another shade. . . . To Frank Bull's consistently

satisfying programming of "Dixieland jazz, barrelhouse, boogie and the blues" on his nightly KFWB record sessions. ... To radio's news analysts, for

their careful, cautious views on the Korean victory which should be listened to and weighed just as care-fully and cautiously by the American people. Radio is doing its job, allowing the public every chance to keep well informed on world affairs. It is up to the public (that's you and me) to pay heed and do our job as thoroughly.

We View With Alarm ... That commercial spiel which is

thrown at us every day (how many times a day we don't know), always in the same words and identical voice inflections. Sure, we know it's on a record. Our point is—we think it's high time this dise is broken and a new one made. In case you're wondering to which of the many irritating com-mercials we happen to be referring, this one's for the firm whose initials are "The Flying Irishman." . . . The interruption of KALI's

coverage of the big-league Eastern ball games at a crucial inning, to make the irritating switch to local coverage of minor-league play.

On Mike f About Studio 1 Happenings /

It's Fun—On or Oft the Air Jay Stewart and company—the gang

who present CBS's "It's Fun to Be Young' program — proved to the youngsters in the audience on a recent Saturday, that it's fun to be grown up, too. Just before air time, Jay and director Sterling Tracy discovered that the program wouldn't be carried that day because of a special network show from Washington. Organist Dick Aurandt hadn't heard the news, how-ever, so they decided to keep it from him—to present the show just as though it were being broadcast —and to have fun with Aurandt. After a series of wrong music cues, darkening the entire stage just as Dick was to play a music bridge, and other irritat-ing incidents, Dick found out what was what, and a good laugh was had by all—on and off the stage.

Off Mike ( Personalities )

"Humor Is Expensive Sam Perrin, head writer for the CBS

"Jack Benny Program," forecasts more humorous radio shows in proportion to the recognition given good writers. "Humor," he says, "is a commodity.

It can be bought cheap, and it can be bought expensive. The price you pay determines the kind you get." Perrin, a cherubic New Yorker who

has made his home in Hollywood for

the past decade, Is accounted one of the top radio comedy writers in the country. He, Milt Josefsberg, George Balzer and John Tackaberry are re-sponsible, with Benny, for Jack's weekly scripts. "Comedians have finally discovered

that it's cheaper to hire a good writer and stay on the air than it is to write their own material, or hire a poor writer and leave the air after thirteen weeks," declared Perrin. "All comedians are capable of think-

ing of funny things, but not often enough. In the days of vaudeville when a comedian wrote a funny rou• tine, he could use it month after month and even year after year. Now he's got to think of something new every week. Only a writer can do that, and it takes more than one writer to turn out a consistently good radio program." No one is more cognizant of this

than Jack Benny himself. "I don't care how funny you are, you're dead without material," is a famous Benny saying. Perrin, who with Balzer wrote the

Broadway hit "Are You With It?" came up the hard way. In fact, he worked as a pit drummer in Schubert theaters in and around New York. As a youngster of seven he was accounted a genius on the xylophone and toured the country giving concerts. But Perrin left the world of music

behind at an early age to become a writer. "I became a writer because all I ceed for was writing. I wrote and wrote, always comedy. I got my first big . break when Jack became inter-

Menuette By

KHJ's Norma Young

Shrimp Remoulade (Takes you back to New Orleans) This is served aa e. first course or

as an appetizer, and you never forget the flavor when you have once had it. 2 lb. fresh shrimp Boll these for about ten minutes, or

until they turn pink In a broth made by adding to: 3 quarts water L/4 C. salt 3 celery tops 2 bay leaves 1 onion 2 cloves 6 pepper corns Let cool in this water, peel and re-

move black vein. Chill thoroughly. Now for the sauce or remoulade: 3 hard-cooked eggs, remove the yolks, and sieve

To this, add: Yolk of one raw egg 1 T. mustard-horseradish t. wound mace

1 t. anchovy paste 1 t. each finely minced parsley and young onion

1 t. salt To this, add very slowly 1 C. oil, alternately with 4 T. tarragon vinegar 2 T. lemon Juice

Note: If Radio-Television Life read-ers have household or cookery prob-lems, call Norma Young, between hours a a.m. and 4 p.m., HUdson 2-2133.

ested in me back in the Palace vaude-ville days. I've been writing for him for fourteen years." Perrin's advice to aspiring writers

is brief: "Keep writing and keep plug-ging. But remember it's not enough for a young writer to think he can write. He's got to find a comedian who thinks so too. When you're breaking in, give your material free to any comedian. The important thing Is to get him to use a couple of jokes. When he comes to you and says 'I need a couple of jokes,' then is the time to talk business." Perrin's great thrill came when

"Are You With It?" opened at the Schubert Theater in Philadelphia. He remembered then the days he had played the drums in the pit at the same theater for $75 a week. Perrin's present earnings have placed him in the upper tax brackets. He has a ready answer for the

quest-Ion "Why are there only a few great writers of comedy?" "Why are there only a few great

doctors?" he asks.

* *

BRITISH HONOR STAFFORD Jo Stafford's portrait has been hung

alongside the King and Queen of Eng-land and the Union Jack on the "wall of honor" in the British Army Transit camp at the Hook of Holland. British soldiers, after hearing Jo's gramo-phone records over Radio Luxembourg, wrote for her portrait.




Presented by



Page Thirty-five

Page 40: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


OCTOBER 6. 1950


Fast 393/4 hour schedule plus smooth Diesel power and modern, streamlined equipment all add up to a trip you'll enjoy—and long remember! Wide choice of Pullman accommodations; new modern Coaches with leg rests, reclining seats (all reserved in ad-vance); also special Cafe Lounge Car for Coach passengers.


Cut thick as you like . . charcoal broiled to perfection! It's the fea-tured dish this month on Union Pacific Dining Cars ... with such "extras" as French fried onion rings. Fine food—fine service—on

fine trains!,

15 Ticket Offices in Southern California to Serve You

UNION PACIFIC Page Thirty-six

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—Arthur Godfrey, 7:00 a.m. (30 min.). Godfrey Is heard with new half-hour variety type show Monday through Friday.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"The Life of Riley," KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). William Bendix returns as "Chester A. Riley" with cast of Paula Windows, John Brown, Barbara Eiler and Bobby Ellis.

S A TU R D A Y, OCTOBER 7—Dennis Day Show, KFI, 6:30 p.m, (30 min.). Dennis returns in situation-comedy series with Barbara Eller, Verna Felton and Bea Benaderet.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7—Judy Canova, KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30; min.). Comedienne begins her eighth year on the NBC net-work with show featuring regular cast of Sheldon Leonard, Mel Blanc, Ruby Dand-ridge, Joseph Kearns and Verna Felton.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—Phil Harris-Alice Faye, KFI, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.). Corpedy-singing stare return to the network with Elliott Lewis as "Remley," Walter Tetley as "Julius," Robert North as "Brother William," Jeanine Roose as "Phyllis" and Anne Whitfield as "Baby Alice."

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 —"Fanny Brice Show," KFI, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.). Brice re-turns as "Baby Snooks" with Hanley Stafford as "daddy."

Mystery-Draina FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"Escape," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). First in returning series will be "A Sleeping Draft," by Weston Marty, adapted by Antony Ellis.

Sports FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6— World Series, KHJ, 9:45 p.m. (to concl.). Mel Allen and Jim Britt describe World Series games that began Wednesday. October 4. Providing the New Yorkers win the American League bunting, the Sunday game will be played at Yankee Stadium beginning at 10:50 a.m.

Music MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"The Longines Symphonette," KECA, 10:35 p.m. (25 min.). Mishel Piattro again conducts musical concert to be heard through Thursday with Frank Knight as host.


MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"Telephone Hour," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Noted baritone Igor Gorin returns to the "Hour" to sing the "Prologue" to "I Pagliacci."

Participation SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Twenty Ques-tions," KHJ, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.). Nina Foch guests with the panel of experts to-night.

Comedy T U ES D A Y, OCTOBER 10 —"Life With Luigi," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.). Frank Sinatra guests with J. Carrol Naish on program emanating from New York.

Commentary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—" William Tusher


zasetio pire,caeed in Hollywood," KECA, 7:15 p.m. (15 min.). Glamorous Gloria Swanson pays a return visit to commentator Tusher and will reveal facts on old-time Hollywood.

WHAT'S NEW Western Variety

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7—"American Barn Dance," KECA, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). West-ern variety show stars Eddie Dean with Allen Massey, the Plainsmen and comics Abigail and Buddy.


Variety SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"NBC Theater," KFI, 11:00 a.m. (1 hr.). Voltaire's "Can-dide" will be dramatized on today's "Theater."

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—'M.G.M. Theater," KFI, 1:00 p.m. (1 hr.). William Eythe, Paul Stewart and Nina Foch are featured in "Public Hero Number One."

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Theater Guild," KFI, 5:30 p.m. (1 hr.). Celeste Holm and William Holden co-star in "Blow Ye Winds.'

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10—"Cavalcade of America," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Gin-ger Rogers portrays a Northern • spy In a Civil War drama heard tonight.

Mystery-Drama THURSDAY, OC T O B E R 5—"Suspense," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.). Miriam Hopkins stars in "Miss Bone." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6—"Crline Does Not Pay," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Betty Furness emotes in "Burglar Alarm."

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 — "Suspense," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.). Milton Berle stars In "Rave Notice."

Music SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Chicago Theater," KHJ, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.). Carol Smith and Donald Gramm co-star in musico•dramatIc vignette, "The Great Pretender," based on Grieg's "Peer Gynt Suite."

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"Raliroad Hciur," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Jane Powell joins Gordon MacRae, in presentation of "Roberta."

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"NBC Symphony," KFI, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.). Milton Katims conducts the orchestra in the works of Mendelssohn, Milhaud and Tom Scott.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9—"Rallroad Hour," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). Ginny Simms Joins Gordon MacRae In Jerome Kern's "Roberta."

Sports SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7—Football, KHJ, 1:45 p.m. (to concl.). Washington State clashes with University of Southern Cali-fornia at Pullman, Washington.

Discussion SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8—"Catholic Hour," KFI, 3:00 p.m. (30 min.). Second in series on marriage problems will be the subject "Until Death Do Us Part."


Bill Anson has introduced a wooden friend on his nightly KTTV show, who is a chip off the same block that Charlie McCarthy came from. When Anson was a night-club entertainer years ago, a doll maker in Chicago who had just made the McCarthy figure carved a little fellow for Bill's act. Now Anson's taken the doll out of moth balls for a revival on video.


KECA-TV star Ken Niles has aban-doned his fishing attire for a surgeon's jacket and is playing the role of "Dr. Bromley" in J. Scott Smart's "The Fat Man."

Page 41: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for





CONTEST Hi anyway! The song says autumn

in New York is a wonderful place. Wanna go free? Here's how: Name a certain mystery voice and

tell me in twenty-five words or less why you enjoy reading Radio-Tele-vision Life. Name it right and write it interest-

ingly and you'll win: 1. Free round-trip plane flight to

New York for two. 2. One-week vacation in Manhattan

for two, expenses paid. 3. Evening at the Copacabana as

guest of singer Alan Dale. 4. Tickets to Milton Berle and Ed

Sullivan TV shows. 5. Filet mignon departure party at

Hollywood Palladium. 6. Frankle Laine record albums. 7. Crates of oranges and lemons

from Santa Paula. 8.-More exciting prizes to be awarded

each week. Listen to my disc-jockey-celebrity-

interview show on the Pacific Regional Network, Monday through Friday for the actual voice I want you to pin a name to. That voice will give some clue of its own. Also each week, I'll sum clues up in this column. ALSO this column will feature jum-

ble clues NOT mentioned on the air-show. These clues are letters spelling out the "voice's" name during the six-week contest. I'll list four letters of the alphabet each week. TWO of these will actually be trom the "voice's" name—but not necessarily listed here in proper sequence. However, when unscrambled each week they will eventually spell out the subject's name forward or otherwise. Here are the first four letters. TWO

of them count. Clip and save for that trip to New York.

LRN A For more clues and a short listen

to the voice itself dial the "Armand La Pointe Show" on these and other stations: KFMV-FM, Hollywood -3:05 to 5:00

p.m. Monday-Saturday; KWIK, Bur-bank-2:00-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and 3:05 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays; KSPA, Santa Paula —3:05-5:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday; KPRO, Riverside-3:05-4:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday; KREO, Indfo-3:05-5:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday; KPMO, Pomona-3:05-4:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday. If you have an idea already—put it

down. Then write in twenty-five words or less "Why I like Radio-Television Life." Send as many entries as you wish. Mail entries either to: Armand La Pointe Show, Pacific Regional Net-work, 6540 Sunset Boulevard, Holly-wood 28, Calif. or to: Radio-Television Life (La Pointe Contest), 6361 Selma Ave., Hollywood 28, Calif. Judges are Editors of this magazine and Butch La Pointe.



EVERYTHING WAS MOVIN' TOO fast around NBC last week when it was suddenly decided to whiz Harris-Faye onto the air the following Sunday. Our magazine was scheduled to do a story on Phil and Alice, but things were so frantic we had to postpone the interview. That's that for the 4:00-to-5:30 "dream show." Now NBC is going to slot its ninety-minute whopper at 3:30 p.m., leading into the Harrises at 4:30. First big program in the hour-and-a-half series will originate in New York on October' 29. Meredith Willson is already there conferring on music. Second op-us will probably come from Hollywood. It will take a load of talent, fast pace, slick production and the nth degree of variety for the "dream show" to click against rival networks' programs, but as the schedule stands now, Jack Benny is the only real competition. Of course right now, nobody seems to know for sure what's going to be on the air there until almost airtime. There's so much shifting and shunt-ing it's a wonder the ether isn't shaken with a program collision. Hope affairs settle down soon.

AND SPEAKING OF COLLISIONS, already our office is receiving com-plaints because Bing Crosby and "Halls of Ivy" are going to be airing at the same hour. And what a shame to stick Hal Peary on CBS opposite Groucho Marx' (NBC.) Right now, Peary needs a better break than this as he tries to build a new character and show. What CBS is probably counting on is that Peary precedes Bing Crosby and may pick up lis-teners who like to leave the dial set.

RADIO, TV AND RECORDING in-dustries are to be congratulated on formation of R-T-R Permanent Chari-ties, a package deal whereby people working in these three businesses may make one gift and one only to cover contributions to American Red Cross, Community Chest, American Heart Association, Downtown Y.M.C.A., American Cancer Society, March of Dimes and Sister Kenny Foundation. Sidney N. Strotz, who has just re-signed as an NBC vice-president after eighteen years with the network, Is responsible for formation of this ex-cellent organization, along with Larry Shea, Donn Tatum, Wayne This, Burt Zinn and several other top-bracket figures. The R-T-R is launched with full cooperation of AFRA, the Mu-sicians' Union, and other similar or-ganizations and should prove a boon to busy people who want to contribute to worthy causes but are often harassed by too much solicitation.

KUDOS TO ZEALOUS BOB HOPE, whose clearance to entertain with his troupe in Korea came through last week just as Al Jolson planed back from the front. Understand Bob him-self is footing all the bills to take his entire orchestra and cast members across. Seems as if the same people who pitched in during World War II are the ones to volunteer the first this time. What about some of the others

taking a whirl at it, especially the guys wfio did not, for one good reason or another, do anything the last time? HAVEN 34ACQUARRIE JUST called

to say that "Noah Webster Says" is going back on the NBC airlanes on Saturday night, October 14, 9:30 to 10:00, over the Coast network, and will be released at other times in Chicago and parts of the East. He also stated that he was filing suit for $750,000 against CBS, Abe Burrows and others connected with the "You Take My Word" show. Haven said this program has been lifted almost entirely from his own show..

IT WAS NO SURPRISE TO this one that Fibber McGee and Molly's" ork-leader, Billy ,Mills, captured a blue ribbon at the County Fair with his corn relish. Couple of years ago we did a story on him and his culinary prowess and received a jar of the prize-winning concoction. But not the recipe. That's a blue-ribbon secret, handed down from Billy's grand-mother.

BY THE TIME THIS GETS into print, ye ed will be in New York, hip-pity-hopping from one radio and TV show to another gleaning stories for youknowhat while awaiting premiere of Schlitz's new TV show. "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse," debuting Friday night, October 6, in Big Town. Sponsor is really putting on a gala opening by flying fifty of the nation's radio eds to N. Y. and" putting them up.- at the Hotel Pierre. .Preceding the pre-‘miere, a dinner honoring Pulitzer prize winners is being given. It:all sounds plenty exciting, so next week's Lifelines will be devoted .to this de-luxe junket.

* *

"LUIGI" GETS PROPOSALS J. Carrol Naish, CBStar of "Life With

Luigi," who has managed to escape the wiles of husband-seeking "Rosa? for the past two years, receives an average of five marriage proposals a month from his feminine fans. A number of them come from Chicago, where "Luigi Basco" runs an antique shop at "21 North Halstead Street.'

* *

TU-SHER MEETS CRUSHER Wrestler Sammy Stein once crushed

William Tusher's portable typewriter when he dove through the ring while the ABCommentator was covering the mat bouts for his paper.

Page Thirty-seven.

Page 42: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


Ear Inspires (Continued from Page 32)

emotional reaction when I heard the announcer blast at my ears with the "guff," ". . . THAT someone may be you to decide who is the killer. IF WE TELEPHONE YOU, you will win the $1000 Reward' now do you KNOW? Because right now we may call you! . .." Egad! Does executive radio really believe that we are gullible enough to believe that a mystery pro-gram will !zo on the air twenty minutes before telephoning me, you or the guy next door to solve a who-dunit? Suppose I had not heard the clues or had no; been at home when the phone rang? That would be a rather ,discouraging finale to a thriller, wouldn't it? Please radio, give us credit for be-

ing above and beyond the twelve-year-old I. Q. average. Don't let the scripts endeavor to arouse our anti-cipatory ear buds to the point where we will innocently' sit by the phone at 4:20 p.m. wailing for it to ring. This sort of thing is exceedingly annoying to me, but despite these incongruities, I still am. an avid radio fan.

Pauline Jones, 9355 Kirkside Road, Los Angeles, Calif. Could you tell me where I could

write to obtain tickets to "Bride and Groom"?

Tickets to radio programs are obtained through the Guest Relations depart ments of the stations. Suggest that you send a self-addressed, sta mped eiwelope to ABC. Holly wood 28, for Itekett to "Bride and Groom."

Art Yotheringham, 1406 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles, Calif. On September 21 I heard on John

Reed King's "Chance of a Lifetime" a contestant ask the question "What famous woman had a wooden leg?" What a terrific way to phrase this! The script writer could have said . . . "an .artificial limb." How crude can these writers be!?

Behind the Scenes in Video

(Continued from Page 6)

Vandiveer is pleased to hear of set-sIders who admit they've made a game of trying to figure where the commercial will go.

Credits A broadcasting veteran, Vandiveer

has fifteen years in the industry, has been publicity director of the Don Lee network, director of special events for KFr-KECA when both stations were owned by Earle C. Anthony, public-service and field director for KFI, and at one time was a Los An-geles Herald-Express newspaperman. In World War II he served as a

Page Thirty-eight

Naval lieutenant-commander, spe-cial-events officer for the Eleventh Naval District and In public relations at Pearl Harbor. Assigned to the USS Missouri during the first Tokyo strikes and invasion of Iwo Jima, Vandiveer made the first broadcast from Mt. Suribachi after the capture of Iwo Jima. During his radio career he has re-

ceived four national awards for spe-cial events from the Ohio Institute for Education by Radio. Perhaps the most accurate of de-

scriptions for Vandiveer is to say that he displays true showmanship . . . even Jimmy's best friends will agree to that.

Ginny and... Booster Betty

(Continued from Page 3)

wonderful thing. No more checking Into the studio at a set time every week. We record when the time is right. That leaves me free to be with the children and to go with' Hyatt when he travels." Ginny and her husband recently re-

turned from an idyllic vacation in Hawaii and she looks in the pink. She still wears her hair a little long (she tried one short "do" and hated it) and she still likes simple suits and dresses of navy or black. Being married to a prominent socialite hasn't changed her a bit ... she still flashes her winsome smile and talks in her gracious manner. Her speaking voice is slightly lower, but her singing voice is just the same. "I've studied the records," she re-ported, "and I can't find any dif-ference." So thanks to her own enthusiasm

and to a girl named Betty Jones, Ginny Simms is resuming. "It's good, to be back," she sparkled as she looked around the Derby and its noontime radio crowd. "You know, I haven't been in here for three years!"

Keep It Simple! (Continued fro m Page 4)

Tripp was a protege of Mrs. Richard Mansfield, appeared with Walter Hampden in "Cyrano de Ber-gerac" and "Enemy of the People," and in the Theater Guild's "Jere-miah." He also wrote, directed, pro-duced and acted for the Federal Theater "Living Newspaper," for Civilian Defense in Cleveland and in the service of the Army. It was while on leave from the Army that he batted out on his typewriter a piece of writing that has since become a classic in the field of children's en-tertainment—the story, brought to life in record-album form, of "Tubby, the Tuba." "If it hadn't been for 'Tubby,'" he

recalled, "after the Army, I probably

would have quit the theater." At the time that his "Mr. I. Magi-

nation" idea was finally accepted as a TV show, after some thirty-five live auditions, the actor and his wife were not exactly sitting in the lap of prosperity. Grinned Paul: "One more week and I don't think we'd have made it."

Wife Cast Member Tripp is married to Ruth Enders,

an actress he met in the mid-thirties at a Theater Council audition. She, Ted Tiller and Joe Silver make up the permanent cast of "Mr. I." When Tripp found himself having to leam to alter his stage technique to the direct projeçtion into the camera most effective in TV, he named one of the cameras for his wife, Ruth, and another for his five-year-old daughter, Suzie. "That made looking straight into the cameras and talk-ing right to them a lot easier!" Tripp thoroughly enjoys tackling

the challenge of television. Favorite of his own trips into the realm of imagination has always been back into the days of the pioneer. "I guess," he smiled, "television is my frontier come true." .Concluding, Tripp returned to the aspect of television he most strongly stresses, simplicity, saying, "After all, in television, the only real scen-ery is the people. There's no room for anything else. "On 'Mr. I,' we use the simplest

form of the theater. Throw a hand-ful of confetti into the air, and it's snowing."


REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS 11F Al GUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933. AND JULY 2, 1945 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 233)

nt Radio-Television Life, published weekly at Los Angeles, California for October first. 1930. I. The names and addresses of the publisher,

editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, cari M. Bigsby, 1029 W. Washington,

Los Angeles 13, Calif.; Editor, Evelyn A. Rigsby. 6361 Selma, Hollywood 28, Calif.; Managing editor, None: Business manager, Evelyn A. Rigsby, 6361 Selma, Hollywood 28, Calif. 2. The owner Is: (If owned by a corporation.

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Page 43: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

Dom 't Laugh, ,Mother Your Boy Wasn't Acting With His Usual Rare Humor When He Starred on "Suspense"

By Gaye

Q ‘1441144 0 Thu -scrag, 6:00 p.m. CBS —KN X , KCBS. KCBQ

R ONCE in his life, Milton Berle was afraid that people would laugh at him.

The big-mouthed, brash comedian was doing a "Suspense" epic called "Rave Notice," by James Poe. He stood at the mike, somber and sin-cere, emoting, with a calm assurance, a role so compelling that it was hardly believable this could be the same man whose burlesque has made him an idol to millions of television viewers.

Maybe it was ano ther Milton Berle. For this fellow, clad in a navy sports jacket and gray slacks, wasn't acting at all like the raucous Berle of televisicrn who struts tandy-legged before the camera, howls at his own jokes and generally makes a lovable fool of himself. He didn't mug, ad-lib, giggle or

even fluff a line.


As an actor, Berle is good. So good, in fact, that the whole cast, from sound-effects men up to producer-director Elliott Lewis, sat goggle-eyed and slack-jawed as Berle be-came a thespian who murders his producer, then turns in his greatest performance as a case of pretended insanity who believes he has tricked the doctors into thinking his mind has cracked.

Hate . . . deceit . . . lunacy . . . hysteria . . and finally bitter futil-

*WRAPPED INTO THE ROLE, Serle isplays the emotion of a mad-man, carries the part with full

impact. Throughout the program he was calm and assured, took Elliott Lewis's direction admirably, and sur-prised all by a superb performance.

THIS IS ABOUT as Berle-ish as Miltie became on "Suspense."

Vacationing on the West Coast from his New York Texaco teleshow, Berle ap-peared before the mike in a Hollywood leisure jacket, vout sports shirt and gray slacks.

HE WANTED TO LOOK "dramatic," so Milton hid behind a wall and peered suspensefully at the camera-

man. As a result Berle actually appears wistful to the eye. Off mike, he amused the cast by smashing a cigar in his face.

ity . . . all were portrayed with an amazing talent that cried out for more.

Throughout the play, Berle "lived" the part. His hands clenched brutal-ly, then limply, as he planned the kill . . . his knees buckled under as he went into a fit of hysteria . . . his face rippled with hurt, as he re-membered the tiny cat whose life he had innocently crushed out with a stick . . . and h i s smile became smugly lopsided as he prided himself for committing the perfect crime. When it was over, Berle dropped

his script nonchalantly an the table, murmured something deroga-tory about the way he'd done the role and acted as if he didn't really believe the congratulatory hand-shakes that came from all sides. "Suspense" is his only dramatic

stint since becoming a star. But one mustn't forget that Berle has been in the theater for many years . "I played 'Romeo' when I was eleven years old," he confes3ed as modestly as possible.

"Rave Notice" is set for airing October 12 and listeners are in for a shock when they hear Berle as the star. Better put the kiddies to bed early . . . they won't think "Uncle Miltie" is being one bit funny.

Page Thirty-nine

Page 44: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

411b, CBS FOREIGN correspondent Bill Downs was a single man during

World War II. Now he has a wife, Roz, and a small son, and was ¡ust ready to buy a house when trouble erupted in Korea. Now Roi wants to join Bill. What to do?

Ale BACK TO TOKYO has gone CBS's Bill Costello, veteran of three and

a half years' coverage of the Orient as Far Eastern News Chief for the net. His wife, Helen, wants to join him in the war zone.

dw. ALWAYS ALERTED FOR ACTION is this trio, whose ¡ob it is to arrange the quickest and most effective

way of presenting broadcasts and news bulletins on CBS. Left to right, CBS Director of News, Edmund A. Chester; Robert Eiendick, CBS Director of Special Events; and Wells Church, Editor-in-Chief of CBS news, whose comments on war correspondents' wives are presented in the aocompany-ing story

Foreign Correspondents' Wives Say Home is Where Hubby is and Thereby Raise a Tough Problem for Network

HEN NET WORKS or newspapers hire foreign correspondents, they don't officially recog-nize the correspondents'

personal problems in the form of wives and children.

However, "it would be a hard--. hearted editor indeed," says Wells

Church, Editor-in-Chief of CBS News, "who could completely ignore the special problems created by a cor-respondent's family." The women who marry foreign cor-

respondents, says Church, fully rec-ognize the fact that they are wedding men whose assignments may and do carry them all over the world. In fact, many CBS correspondents met their spouses abroad while on news assignment. Winston Burdett, for instance,

found his Georgianna while on his news beat in Italy. He's CBS corres-pondent in Rome. Richard C. Hottelet, CBS correspondent in Berlin, married an Englishwoman na med Anne. Larry LeSueur, now United Nations

correspondent for CBS, also found his better half, Priscilla Bruce, in Eng-land. Howard K. Smith, now Chief of CBS's European Staff and stationed in London, wed a Dane, Benedicta. David Schoenbrun, CBS correspondent in Paris, married an America n, Dorothy, but he met and courted her in Paris. While correspondents' wives realize

they have married global traveling men, they see no reason why they can't travel too. "This is a problem that hardly

touched us during World War II," Church says. "Most of our men--Hottelet, Smith, LeSueur, Schoen-brun, Bill Downs and Charles Col-lingwood —were single men, hell-for-leather characters without home-base ties. "After the sh( Wing was over.

naturally, being normal men, they wanted to settle down with wife and family. Now that the world is in crisis again, we are calling on our crackerjack correspondents of the

(Please Turn to Page 43)

October 6, 1950

Page 45: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for


Old Favorites Mtiîí d West

Are "Hashknife Hartley" and "Sleepy Stevens," Created Thirty-Two Years Ago for Western Fans And Now Brought to Radio on New Adventure Show

Sunday, 12:30 p.m ...pfutual-Don Lee, KB), KFRC ASHKNIFE HARTLEY" a n d "Sleepy Stevens" are a couple of Western characters who have been heard on the Mu-

tual network for only a short time but their followers number in the millions who have been following them on the printed page for thirty-two years.

Their creator is W. C. Tuttle, a leathery-faced Westerner himself who now lives a comfortable life on his ranch in the San Fernando Valley. It was in January, 1918, that he first introduced "Hashknife" and "Sleepy" to readers of Western tales, and the two characters caught on so readily that Tuttle estimates he has written several thousand stories in the "Hash-knife and Sleepy" series.

They became so familiar that dur-ing World War -II the government ordered 100,000 copies of "Hashknife" and "Sleepy" books sent to various parts of the world for the GI's. Producer Tom Hargis, who also

directs the Roy Rogers air show, finally convinced Tuttle that "Hash-knife and Sleepy" would make an entertaining radio show and would have a ready-made audience of avid "Hashknife and Sleepy" followers. Hargis, himself a Westerner from

Texas and for years convinced that a Western trend in entertainment was fast approaching, auditioned many Hollywood actors before finally awarding the two leading roles to a couple of veteran air performers, Frank Martin as "Hashknife" and Barton Yarborough as "Sleepy." Martin and Yarborough won the

roles because Hargis liked the nat-

REHEARSING CAN BE FUN, as is shown by the happy -Z faces of the "Hashknife Hartley and Sleepy Stevens"

cast. After doing their Sunday show, they all repair to Barton Yarborough's spacious back yard to rehearse the following week's script. Left to right standing are Evohn Keyes, Janet and Bart Yarborough. Seated are Producer Tom Hargis and Frank Martin.

• REALISTIC IS THE WORD for Frank Martin, left, and Barton

Yarborough, who play "Hashknife" and 'Sleepy" respectively on KHJ's Western series, "Hashknife Hartley and Sleepy Stevens," heard Sundays at 12:30 p.m. The pair, both hailing from the South-west, love the outdoors and often go on short camping trips (Arthur Yarborough photos.)

ural Western drawl both possessed. It wasn't until after he signed them for the role that he discovered both were legitimate Westerners, Martin hailing from Oklahoma City and Yarborough from the wide - open spaces of Texas. Tuttle is a recogni7ed authority on

Western lore, having lived in Mon-tana for years, where his father was

(Please Turn to Page 43)

"HASHKNIFE" AND "SLEEPY" MEET THE AUTHOR of the series, W. C. Tuttle (center). Yarborough is well known for

his roles on "One Man's Family" and "I Love a Mystery." -•‘.

Page 46: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

Tite Sponsors Have Found That the Heavier the Fare, the More Loyal and Legion its Audience

A re KFAC, THE MUSIC STATION in Los Angeles, provides one of the

largest recorded libraries of classical music m the country, with over 30,000 classical discs catalogued. Most of them are rare and irreplaceable. They also have the most extensive collection of vocal recordings, both past and present, in the country today. Thomas Cassidy, below is the arranger and annotator of KFAC's six-night-a-week concert utilizing this outstanding fare.

llondap-Saturdag. 8.-00 p.m. KFAC

**))/7 HATEVER THE first October broadcast of the Southern California and Southern Counties Gas Company's "Eve-

ning Concert" was in general fare, it was something pretty special in the way of anniversaries. The 3134th "Evening Concert"

marked a tenth birthday and the be-ginning of a second decade for the popular two-hour classical parade. John Spaulding, advertising man-

ager of the Southern California and Southern Counties Gas Company makes a timely point regarding the popular series: "This tenth anniver-sary is a reminder, among many things, of how wrong one can be in assuming that the acceptance of classical music is limited largely to those equipped with musical train-ing, background or previous long ex-posure. To the contrary, recent audi-ence measurement surveys of 'Eve-ning Concert' disclose a total of oyez 600,000 different listeners every two weeks, and over two-thirds of that figure in any given week. "At the beginning of 'Evening Con-

cert,' there were fears that a program made up exclusively of the heavy classics would not succeed. Others had tried, few had survived. But the 'Concert's' audience includes people from bobby-soxers to octogenarians football players to long-hairs."

Educational Value The "Evening Concert" has become


peni»gr eoncerf EVERY RI M EICEPT SUNNY


II to 10 P ii

the basis of the musical curriculum of the county and several Los An-geles city school systems. Banks, fac-tories, and many other private busi-nesses distribute monthly printed programs to their personnel. The en-tire program for each month is printed in advance on a beautiful slick-paper pamphlet reaching a press run of nearly 50,000 each month. Copies are distributed at all gas company offices as well as at several department store music de-partments. The program you may now own is nearly the 5,000,000th to be printed since that first day ten years ago when the series started.

Balancing the Three "B's"

Thomas Cassidy is the announcer and programmer of the "Evening Concert," and his is the difficult task of finding a formula that will please most of the musical taste-most of the tim3. He works two months in advance in order that final checking of each individual selection and each broadcast, as a unit, can be accomplished in such time that the entire month's program may be printed and available by the fifteenth of the month preceding.

Mr. Spaulding points out that while each of the first five nights is basically symphonic in character, featured soloists are included for a change of pace and usually follow this pattern: piano or piano concertos on Monday; violin on Tuesday; a number of vo c a 1 selections on Wednesday; Thursday may be wholly

(Please Turn to Page 43j

October 6, 1950

Page 47: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

Where Is Home? (Continued from Page 40)

last war to go travel:ng again, and find most of them with wife and child, eager to travel but also eager to keep family together."

Wives Speak Up When Hottelet replaced Downs in

Berlin early this year, he took his wife and two children with him. Church (unofficially, of course) wor-ries about them in the event of an East-West situation. Helen Costello, wife of Bill Costello, CBS corres-pondent who has gone westward to Tokyo and Korea, wants very much to follow her husband there. "After all," she tells Church, "I

was with Bill in Tokyo before. Why can't I go now?" Bill Downs was on the verge of

buying a house when the Korean episode exploded, and off he went to Korea. Roz Downs is currently visiting his family, acquainting her son, Bill III, with Bill's father, a railroad engineer in Kansas. But she has already notified Editor-in-Chief Church that she and her son want to join Bill in the Far East. This desire to keep together, de-

spite divisive assignments, had Charles Collingwood, CBS Washing-ton correspondent, and his lovely Texas-born actress wife, Louise All-britton, commuting regularly from New York to Washington to Califor-nia, where each of them had radio, television, or movie assignments. Be-ing together seems to be the thing. "I don't know what to do about

placating wives who want to join their husbands in far-off and danger-ous places," says Church. "It's an-other matter if wives are with their husbands when war breaks out," Church continues. "Janet, wife of Ed Murrow, went through the Britain blitz with her husband and was ac-tive in the 'Bundles for Britain' cam-paign. I hope I won't be hearing from Janet about joining Ed, who had already left for the Orient. Sometimes I think what we need is a vice president in charge of war cor-respondents' wives."

Everyone's What's New With Evening Concert Herb Butterfield

(Continued from Page 42)

instrumental; Friday may carry the special feature concert devoted either to one famous conductor, to ballet music, to new recordings, or to a feature such as the "Golden Age of Opera" —which includes the famous recordings of Caruso, Melba, Tetraz-zini and others; Saturday nights are uniformly devoted to the broadcast of complete operas.

Subduing the Commercials

Commercial announcements are limited to three in the two-hour broadcast and average about twenty-five seconds. They are general in character and promote benefits of gas service rather than straight mer-chandising.

In a further attempt to please varied tastes, and because even some popular works won't please the entire listening contingent, the spon-sor has gone a step further. On each schedule the approximate running time of each selection is indicated. This clear invitation to return to the program after a possible "tune-out" has met with grateful response. One special endorsement of the

program occurred when the late Emil Ludwig, author-biographer, wrote to the Southern California Gas Com-pany several years ago, and with his New Year's greetings confessed that he and his wife had decided to re-

Old Favorites of wieee the Old West

(Continued from Pape 41)

an independent scout for General Reno in the days of the Indian wars. Tuttle himself has lived with In-dians and on ranches throughout the West for the major portion of his life. As Producer Hargis puts it, "We'll

never be without authentic stories of the West as far as Tuttle is con-cerned. He knows the West front, back and sideways and has been as-sociated with it since the turn of the century."

October 6, 1950

(Continued from Pape 3)

imagine they will some day use some of Disney's technique, so that we will hear a song being sung, but instead of seeing the singer on the screen we will see visual interpreta-tions of the music. Great sermons could be given, and rather than an image of the preacher, it could be accompanied with interpretive pic-tures of the words. Television should most definitely be used to educate people in living." In hoping that radio will now as-

sume a more mature role, the actor expressed the wish that it would draw from the many cultural pursuits of the country's women's clubs, and from the excitement to be found in fine classical readings. "Now is the time for radio to grow

up, and then perhaps, radio can help people to grow up!"

side here rather than in Northern California because of the presence of the "Evening Concert." But from the additional many

thousands of letters received, the phone calls, the scribbled notations on gas-bill stubs, and the word-of-mouth communications, the Gas Com-panies can only co::clude that this nightly musical fare is a personal thing to most listeners—everyone's "Evening Concert."

MR. AND MRS. WALTER O'KEEFE, with thirteen-year-old-son, Anthony, relax in a Sun Valley swimming pool. The O'Keefes have another son, Mike.

Page 48: NO. CALIF. EDITION - RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library ...€¦ · RADIO SCENE ill> THE NEW ... the script, and writes and sings original lyrics to music composed especially for

EVERYONE LOOKS pretty happy over the public-service award the

P.T.A. recently awarded KNBH's Ford Weather and News. Mesdames Bresee and ()Wen (in center) serve for the Par-ent-Teachers Association, with Phil John-ston, chairmar of the Ford Dealers Asso-ciation, receiving. KNBH manager Tom McFadden and Gene Bollay (back, cen-ter), co-accept for station and telecast respectively. (NBC-Holloway photo.)


SEVEN PERSONS were the first 41h, to be 'aken on a guided tour of KECA-TV, April 12, 1950. Here Tour Aide DeeJay Falls guides the guests, three of them from Mora, Min-nesota; two from Downey, California; one frcm Compton, California.

illey WHEN AL JARVIS (RIGHT) HELD A SPECIAL MEMORIAL DAY Program on KLAC-TV, Governor Earl Warren ap-

peared with the popular disc jockey, and so did Chief William Smith (left), who was a prisoner of the Communists for many months •

HE LOOKS A LITTLE SHY—Per-haps it's being posed between

lovelies Diane Daily (left) and Stephanie Stevens—but this little pup was looking for a home. KTTV's week-ly television show, the Calo Pet Ex-change, seeks good homes for dogs, cats and other pets. (CBS-Grant photo.)

4111111. ON HAND TO PLUG ARMED FORCES WEEK, and inci-dentally to serve as military honor guard to Mrs.

Gayle Hays, of Channel Two's "Queen for a Day," are (left to right), Staff Sgt. Russ Thompson, Army; Sgt. Joe Chulack, Marines; CPO Pete Leahy, Navy; and S/Sgt. Guy Madison, Air Force. It's Bailey between the boys. (U.S. Army photo.)