No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame,...

- - -W-ESTERN A USTR.ALIA. [ Published by Authority. 1 Thil< (}(lzette is published /01' Police only, and the Police tlt,.unyhuut the Colony /'tre insfrncied to nw'ke them,<felves thm'oughly acq'lLainied 'With the content.'). GEO. PHILLIP S, C01nn,issioner oj I'olice. No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U .RCH 2. [1898. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information. Honourable the Minister has been pleased to approve the following Promotions <loud Appointments in the Police For<.:e: - (Section 8 of'· The Police Act. 1892.") rro be First Class from the, of Fehrua.ry: Second Clalis Constable R. McLoughlill. 'r o be Second Class Constables from the uates specified: Probation Police Constable H. J. Manning, from 1st February, 1898. Probation Consta.ble C. :UfcArthur, from 1st February, 1898. Probation Police Constable D. F. Fleming. from l ot February, 1898. Probation P olice Constable H. 'Vallace, from 3rd Februa,-y , 1898. To be Probation Police Constables from the dates specified: \Villiam Cavanagh, from 2nd February, 1898. John Donovan, from 2nd F ebruary, 1898. Thomas Wardl e, fr om 2nd February, 1898. John McGree. from 10th Fehruary, 1898. Edward K. Keaven, from 10th F eb ru ary, 1898. P. J. Carroll, from 10th F ebr uaTY, 1898. Alhert O'B ri ell, from 10th Februar,V. 1898. l\II,rgao J ames, from 10th February, l 898. W:1lter Gething, from 10th February. 1898. \Valter Guest, from 10th F ebruary, 1898. "Villiam H. Rice, from 15th February. I R9S. Eric B. Dawson, from 16th February, 1898. To be Water Police Constable, at 78. 6d. per diem. from the 2nd of February: \Villiam H inde. GEO. PHILLIPS. 28.2·98. Comm;ssioner of Police. Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc. P er/h.- Between the 22nd and 24th nit .. from 228 Newcastle Street, - 1 gentleman's gold hunting key windi ng English lever watch, gold hands, su nk seconds, and 9ct. gold double chain, har missing, ap-out 14in. long; sho . rt plain links. last link stamped '(!=let.," and Jl.1lJilee. 1887. sovert"ign penda.nt, the l)l'operty of Alii'ell 'Vaiton, attaches to James \Yard, stout build. age about 20 years, height about 5ft., smooth face, fair hair. fresh complexion, wore grey suit of clothes and straw hat with blllP halld.-AII7364, 24th Fehruary, 18!:J8. Perth.- Between the 22nd and 24th ult .. from 228 Newcastle Street.-l Colonial gold beart-shaped sca.rf pin, pearl in ce ntre, claw-setting; 1 15ct. go ld signet ring, set with garnet stone, chipp ed in two pla.ces, the property of John W. Miller. Suspicion attaches to Jame, Ward (vide Al /7364). - AI /7365, 24tll February, 1898. Pert h. - Between the 22nd and 24th uIt., from Newcastle Street, - 1 gentleman's silver hun ting Englis h leyer watch. •. Nesbit , maker, Perth," on dial, go ld ha nd s, sunk seconds, old and worn, back case deeply dented; I rolled go ld ope n-faced keyless watch, gold hands, sunk serollus; 1 si lver double Albert, alternate long double bar and smaJl curb link. with uew round silv er pend,ul.t raised in centre, the propert .y of Henry Griff. Suspicion attaches to Jame, Ward (vide Al 24th Feb· ru a l',Y . 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt., from the person of 'V illiam Earle,--l hlack l eather purse, containing .£1 168.; I lady's gold ring, old and WOI'll, set with :1 sma.U diamonds, claw-sett. ing; I small gold wedding ring, 1 small gold keeper ring, ena.melled with flowers; 1 lady's gold 5 stone dress ring (stones missin g), and 4 gold wcddin<J' rings, very much worn.- Alj7376. 25th 1898.

Transcript of No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame,...

Page 1: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,




[ Published by Authority. 1

Thil< (}(lzette is published /01' Police i1~t(J1"'rnation only, and the Police tlt,.unyhuut the Colony

/'tre insfrncied to nw'ke them,<felves thm'oughly acq'lLainied 'With the content.').

GEO. PHILLIPS, C01nn,issioner oj I'olice.

No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. [1898.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C.O.~· ~-.-The Honourable the Minister has been pleased to approve the following Promotions <loud Appointments in the Police For<.:e:-

(Section 8 of'· The Police Act. 1892.")

rro be First Class Const~le from the, ~t of Fehrua.ry:

Second Clalis Constable R. McLoughlill.

'r o be Second Class Constables from the uates specified:

Probation Police Constable H. J. Manning, from 1st February, 1898.

Probation Poli(~e Consta.ble C. :UfcArthur, from 1st February, 1898.

Probation Police Constable D. F. Fleming. from l ot February, 1898.

Probation P olice Constable H. 'Vallace, from 3rd Februa,-y , 1898.

To be Probation P olice Constables from t he dates specified:

\Villiam Cavanagh, from 2nd February, 1898. John Donovan, from 2nd F ebruary, 1898. Thomas Wardle, from 2nd February, 1898. John McGree. from 10th Fehruary, 1898. Edward K. Keaven, from 10th F ebruary, 1898. P. J. Carroll, from 10th F ebruaTY, 1898. Alhert O'Briell, from 10th Februar,V. 1898. l\II,rgao J ames, from 10th February, l 898. W:1lter Gething, from 10th February. 1898. \Valter Guest, from 10th F ebruary, 1898. "Villiam H. Rice, from 15th February. I R9S. Eric B. Dawson, from 16th February, 1898.

To be Water Police Constable, at 78. 6d. per diem. from the 2nd of February:

\Villiam H inde.

GEO. PHILLIPS. 28.2·98. Comm;ssioner of Police.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

P er/h.- Between the 22nd and 24th nit .. from 228 Newcastle Street,- 1 gentleman's gold hunting key winding English lever watch, gold hands, sunk seconds, and 9ct. gold double chain, har missing, ap-out 14in. long; sho.rt plain links. last link stamped '(!=let.," and Jl.1lJilee. 1887. sovert"ign penda.nt, the l)l'operty of Alii'ell 'Vaiton, Su~picion attaches to James \Yard, stout build. age about 20 years, height about 5ft., smooth face, fair hair. fresh complexion, wore grey suit of clothes and straw hat with blllP halld.-AII7364, 24th Fehruary, 18!:J8.

Perth.- Between the 22nd and 24th ult .. from 228 Newcastle Street.-l Colonial gold beart-shaped sca.rf pin, pearl in centre, claw-setting; 1 15ct. gold signet ring, set with garnet stone, chipped in two pla.ces, the property of John W. Miller. Suspicion attaches to Jame, Ward (vide Al/7364). - AI /7365, 24tll February, 1898.

Pert h.- Between t he 22nd and 24th uIt., from 2~8 Newcastle Street,- 1 gentleman's silver hun ting English leyer watch. •. Nesbit, maker, Perth," on dial, gold hands, sunk seconds, old and worn, back case deeply dented; I rolled gold open-faced keyless watch, gold hands, sunk serollus; 1 si lver double Albert, alternate long double bar and smaJl curb link. with uew round silver pend,ul.t rai sed in centre, the propert.y of Henry Griff. Suspicion attaches to Jame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rua l',Y . 1898.

Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt., from the person of 'Villiam Earle,--l hlack leather purse, containing .£1 168.; I lady's gold ring, old and WOI'll, set with :1 sma.U diamonds,; I small gold wedding ring, 1 small gold keeper ring, ena.melled with flowers; 1 lady's gold 5 stone dress ring (stones missing), and 4 gold wcddin<J' rings, very much worn.- Alj7376. 25th FebnH'Lry~ 1898.

Page 2: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Perth. - On the 24th nIt., from the person of Mrs. Kate RonniO"an.- l C'hamois leather bag, contain ing 1 diamond stud. 1 pail' l)f diamond earringR, 1 plain gold brooch, 1 18ct. ~old keeper ring,. 1 diamond scarf piu, and 1 cba1l1 bangle. set Wit b pearls.­Al/7377. 25tb February. 18gB.

raob'se Betwl'cn the 3rd and 17th ult .. from the owner's box, at the Vasse Hotel,- l small blue plush lined leather case. contain ing 2's of slerve links joined b.r \'ery fine chain; 1 collar stud aUd.3 sh.irt studs, all engraved alike; 1 gold scm·f pm wltb cameo in ('entre, scalloped around, with pf>al'l in each sca.tiop; 1 gold pendant with stone set on swivel, bloodstaiued on one side, white 011 the other, engraved" A.M.S.," the bracket at the top in shape of a cross; the IJl'0pt' rty of A. M. Shaw. -- A1I7385, 25th February, 1898.

Fremltntle.- Durillg the night of the 25th ult., fl'om tbe person of Thomas McGillan,- l gentleman's si lver bunting Rotherham watch, No. llOI7} , key­winding, and 9<:t. gold double chain, long square links, with 4 curb links alternately, and a gold foreign coin attached. - A 117397, 28th February. 1898.

Pe)·th.- During the night of the 27th ult., fro m 188 Macka.y Street,- I gentleman'S silver bunting Boston lever watch, No. 30608, <lnd steel chain ; the propert,y of H. Prattle.-- A 1/7406. ~8th February, 1898.

Perth.-On the 28th nlt., from the person of Mrs. R. E. Keatch, - l lady's square. shaped brown tan leather purse, containing return privilege railway ticket Perth to Midland Junction, dated 28-2-98, 38s. in gold and silver, and I large polish f'd opal, very fiery. snitable for piu.-·AI/ 7411. 28th February. 1898.

Perth,- On the 28th ult., from the person of Mrs. Maria Harrow,-l brown leather purse, 2 (;ompart­ments, 2-knob fastening, containing I lady's brooch, made of 3 silver Chinese coins, I cent, and two * cent pieces; 2 keys, and railway doak-room ttcket. ­A1/7412, 28tb February, 189 <.

Vide JJolice Gazette. 1898. page 0 1, All7195. Kanowna. - The bicycle described in tbe above

reference. the property of Herbert Jarman, has been recovered by P.C. L. O'Brien.

I'ide Police Gazette, 1898, page 61, Al/7245. Perth.- The bicycle described in t he above refer­

ence, the property of C. Dent, baR been recovered by Det. F. G. Eggiestoo, and traced to the possession of A. Jones.

F'remantle.- Oo tbe 19th or 20th uit., from the ri~er nea·r North Fremantle Bridge .. I Norwegian skiff, 9ft. long, clinker built, of pine, painted white inside and out, one plank 111 bottom cracked; the property of Frederick Gallop.-A1 7328. 22nd Fehruary, 1898.

North Fl'emuntle. - On t he 24th ult., from the ownf>r's tent, North Shore,- l telescope, about 2ft. long, covered with brown leather, brass plate over (ocus, made in Switzerla.nd ; the property of Leslie J. M. Walker. - A1 /7278. 25th February. 1898.

Kal~oorlie. - Ol~ the 25th ult., - a gentleman'S ImperIal Ro~er bl.cycle, pl~in old qin. tires ou l~in. vy estwQod rims, frame pamted blue black. with blue lll~es! cork grips, with celluloid ti ps, right handle tip LDlssmg; the properLy of E. H. B. J effreys. ~Al /7415 let March. 1898. '


P el·th.-During the night of the 26t.h ult., from the Federal Coffee Pala.ce,- l si lver mountRd briar wood pipe, straight stem, silver band on stem, scrakhed with initials "A.vV.O."; the property of August Olsen.- A1/ 7396. 27th February, I B98.

Perth. - On the 21st uit., from the Oremorne Gal·dens. - 3 pairs of men's pink cotton t ights; the property of the Kellinoe Family. Al/7334, 22nd F ebruary, 1898. .

F,.emalltle. - On the 22nd nU., from the Crystal Coffee Palace,- l black serge sa.c coat, size 6, tailor made, padded shoulders, a. few grease spots on sleeves, vest to match. nearly new; also 35s. in casb; the property of Alfred vVhite. - Al /7353, 24th Februarv, 1898. "

Perth. - On the 25tb ult., from the J ohn Bull Hestaurant, .MUlTay Street,- l black corkscrew sac coat about size 4, tailor made, by Casb Tailoring Company, Cbristchurch, New Zealand, and vest of same material, in good repair ; I collar spring in l)ock~t .of coat; the property of George L. Manning. SuspICIOn attaches to a man named Hal'l'is, described as rather stout, height about 5ft. 4il1., age a.bout 30 to 35 yea rs, fai r moustache on1.v, fun faced, wearing dark grey tweed coat and light t rousers, smokes an old black clay pipe, and has the appearance of a la.houring man.--AI /7379, 25th February, 1898.

Apprehensions, V-ide Police Gazette, 1898, page 63. \V.'R.

CATBERINE CANNARD, at Coolgardie, on the 23rd ult., by Illspector J . :M."cKenna. Discharged for want of prosecution.

Fide Poli ce Gazette, 1898, page 7J, W. 'I,l . \>VILLllM TOOBEY, at Fremantle, on the 21st ult.,

by P.C. T. Kelso. Remanded.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 71, w. 'r/·l . W ILLlAM SLEE, at Albany, on the 22nd uIt., by

Sergt. H. Stokes and Det. M. Moore. Remanded to Fremantle.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 6n.

FRANK VICTOR DE SAUTY, brought up at Perth on the 28th ult. Committed fol' trial.

LEONARD J. DE GLINDT, exp., late No. 9058, at Vasse, on the 20th ult .. by CorpI. G. Buck; larceny, and larceny as a bailee. 7 days h.l concurrent, and to }Jay costs.

","'AB SING, at N oongal, Yalgoo, 011 tbe 15th uit., by P.C. J ames Gordon; idle and disorderly. month h.1.

PATRICK H ENNESSY, at Kalgoorlie. on the 16th ul t .. by P.C. W. Goodridge; larceny. 14 days h.l.

JOHN BOURK, at Kalgoorlit>, on the 22nc1 ult., by P.Cs. R. Andersou amI J. Rice; idle and disorderly. 4 month s h.1. .

W JLLIAl\1 MrLL ER, at Kalgoorlie, on the 22nd ult., b.v P.Cs. T. J. WhehLn and R. Anderson; idle and disorderly. 2 mont hs h.1.

JUfF;S LE BLANC, exp., late No. 6366, at Albany, on tbe 21st ult., by P.C. W. J. Begley; idle and dis­orderly. 1 month h.l.

Page 3: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

JOHN O'MALLt;Y MANLEY, at Southern Oross, on the 15th ult.; a.ssault, 2 months' imprisonment; shooting with intent to kill. Oommit.ted for trial.

MURRAY Ross DUNBAR. at Ooolgardie, on the 22nd ult., by Det P. D. Kavanagh and P.C. R. fr. Jones ; forgery and uttering (2 charges). Remanded,

THOMAS HENDERSON, at Nannine, on the 21st ult., hy P.O. James Strapp; idle and disorderly. ] month h.1.

THOMAS HOUSTON, at Nannlue, on the 21st ult., by P.O. Jall1es St.rapp; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.l.

ALEXANDER \\TOODGATE, at Bunbury. on the 22nd ult., by R.P.C. Louis Buck; idle and 'disorderly. 1 month 11.1.

"VILLIAnt DENNY, at Ooolgardie, on the 231'd ult., by P.C. \V. R. O'Shea; disorderly, 3 months Id.; assaulting police, 6 months h.1.

THOMAS JONES, at Coolgardie, on the 231'd ult., by Det. P. D. KfLyanagh and P.C. VV. Cabill j disorderly, 3 months b.1.: incitillg prisoner to resist, 2 mOllths h.L

ALFRED DUnJONT, at Coolgardie, on the 231'd ult .. , by P.C. W. R. O'Shea; disorderly, 1 month h.l.; escaping from custody. 1 month h.1.

WILLIAM BROWN, at Coolgardie, on the 23rd ult .. by Det. P. D. Kayanagh; inciting a prisoner to resist. 2 months h.1.

ALBERT DOYLE, at Fremantle, on the 17th ult .• by P.C. F. Murphy; larceny. 3 months h.l. Propt>rty reco\'ered.

MARTIN BERGIN, at Fremantle, on tbe 22nd ult., by P.C. C. Jackson, on warrant; false pretences. Committed for triaJ.

ARTHUR ll1ILDM.AY GEPP, at Fremantle, on tbe 23rd ult.. by Det. J. l\'IcCartney and W.P.C. A. M'Gregor, on provisional warm,nt; chea.ting at. Colombo. Remandf'd.

JOSfAB JACKSON. exr., late No. 7164, at Fremantle, on the 25th ult., bv P.C. F. Keevers; idle and disorderly. 6 moutb's h.1.

Aa ~1UN, at Perth, 011 ~b:: :!! ::!>~ " p .C. J. Orick; unla.wful possession. 3 months h.l.

JOSfo:PR ANDAS, at Perth, on the 21st ult., by P.C. D. H. James; assault. 14 days h.1.

FUANK VICTOR DE SAUTY, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by P.C. W. Brown, on wl:trrant; forging and uttering :.1 ma.rriage certificate. Committed for trial.

JOHN BRlJTON, a.t Perth, on the 22nd ult., by R.P.C. C. H. Zeplill: idle <Lnd disorderly. 3 months h.1.

ALBERT JUIES BURGESS, a.t Perth, on the 25th ult., It)' Detectiye S. CondoD, on warrant; uttering a forged cheqw·. Cummitted for trial.

JOHN jJURPHY, JOHN LESLIE, HENRY LEE, and WALn~R COLJ.lNS, at A,lJ.any, OD the 23rd ult., hy W.P.O. W. J. Brtlwning; stowing a.way from Fre. mantle. 258. fine or 4 weeks h.1.


Missing Friends, Vide: Po/icp Gazette:, 1898, page 72, B1/5051.

ALBERT KLEIN has been found at. Coolgardie.

WILLIAM S. SHEPPERD, medium build, age 60 .years, looks younger, height 5ft. lliu., black hair going grey, dark '~hisk.e,'s and mOllst.ache going grey, long and tllIn visage, da.rk complexion, a carpenter and miner, native of Melbourne; last heard of at about May, 1895, probably gone to Mount Margaret. Inquiry by Herbert Hunt, P.O., Perth, Oil .behalfof JO~1ll S~epperd (br()ther). Hoddle Street, RIChmond. V lCtona. In formation to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth - Rl /5074.

9HARLES ANDERSON. medium build, age 3 1 years. height 5ft. 6in .. Y€lT fail' hail' antI mOHstache blue eyes, long visage, yer.v fail' complexion, walks' very lame owiug to having bad left leg hroken twice, a labourer, llati~e of Finland; last heard of at Spencer's Brook earlY.Ill Nove-mbt>r. 1897. Inquiry by Luc,Y Andersou (WIfe), 0./0 . lirs. Jarues, via Bun­bury Bridge, Perth. Information to the CI'iminal Investigation Branch, PE'rth. - B1l5080.



CHARLES BOURKE-RuSSEJ,L, charged at Wag-in, OIl

the 22nd lilt.. bv Cuthbert PlavDc on behalf of the Medical B(Jard'; practisil1O" s{U'O"~rY without beinO' 00. 0

duly registered. £2 fine and costs.

MARION VIANT, at K:llgoorlie. ou the 17th uU., by P.Cs. T. J. vVb.elan and George Switsur; sly-grog selling. £30 fine, and to be imprisoned until the rising of the Court.

EDW.ARD FOUNTAIN, at FreuHl .. ntJe, on the 24th nIt., on the application of 1\frs. Stewart, was placed on the Prohibited .List for 12 mouths.

MARGARET i\fOORES!IlITH, charged ,tt Pertb, on the 25th ult., lJy A. Scot.t; sly grog selling. £30 fine and costs. and imprisollment until the rising of the Oourt.

HUBEWl' l\'I.AHER, charged at Perth on the 21st ult., h.v A. Scott; sly grog selling, 2 charges. .£30 fine and costs in each, amI imprisonment until the rising of tll(· C(,Ul't.

THOMAS BLACK, charged at Pertb. 011 the 25th ult., by A. Scott; sly grog sell ing. £30 fine and costs, a.mI imprisonmen t untit the rising of the Court.

Deserter from H.M. Service.

Deserted frOUl H.]).f.S. "Pv Jades" a,t, Fremantle on the 27th ult.,Wi11iam H'enry Greenfield, A.B.. ag-c 21 years, height 5ft. 6}in .. uark hrown, blue eyel-;, fr~'sh complexion, t;l:ar oyer left eye, shield tattooetl on left arm. na.tive of London, dresse(l in llCwel,l uniform. A rewarll not f'x('ecdini.\' £3 will he paid for this man's apprehellsion. A 1/7404.

Page 4: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Warrants Issued. Y OYES, Japanese. slim build, age about 35 years.

height 5ft. 7iu., black hair, dean shtwed., may have n. mOllstaehe, hrown eves, pug Dose, long visage. sanow complexion. good set of teeth, speaks ;1 little English; dressed in dark tweed trousers, brown soft felt hat. ,tud l'eU-<l.tta, shirt, a cook. G.l\IULSUNAMI, Japanese, siout build, age tLhout 35 .vean3, height 5ft. 5ill., dark hai r anu moustache. may he dean shaved, browl} eves, round visage, dark complexion. mther good lookin ..... ; u ressed in white trousers, rcga.ttct shirt, a,nd straw ha,t with black ba,nd. a cook; being prohibited immigra.nts did unlawfully make their waJ into tIH.' Colony without having first complied with the provisions of 61 Vid., No. 13. Dated Fremantle . 220<1 February. 1898.-W. \\0, \/i.

J. J. COHEN. mi(ldliug stout build. age about 38 veal'S, hejO'ht Mt. 6in., dark brown hair a.nd brown :Dloustache~ bro\~n evps. straight nose, rather broad at the nostrils, oval visage. d,trk complexion, Jewish appearance, dresses in grey tweed sac suit, a tai lor; being indebttd to "William Fitz ,Villiams in the sum of 'fen pounds fifteen shillings; to be arrested and bronght ashore as often as he may he f01Uld in any vessel ,tbout to proceed to sea. Dated F remantle, 2211d February, 1898.-'\V. VH§l.

AH CHOO, inclined to be stout, age 30 yeaxs, height about bft. bin., black hair and pig-tail, clean shaved, dark eyes, squat nose, round visage, sallow complexion, a carpenter, native of Canton; dressed in Chinese clothing; deserting the s.s. "Australilld" at Fremantle on the 22nd ult. Dated Fremantle. 23rd February, 1898.-W. \/,~ ....

JOSEPH CONSTANTINE, stout build, age 23 yeal's, height 5ft. 6in., fair hair. dean shaved, grey eyes, round visa~e, fair complexion, a butcher, n;ttive of Victoria; dressed in dark blue serge suit and straw hat; embezzling the sum of Ten shillings and ten­pence, the money of Joseph John Rolmes. Da,ted Perth, 22nd February. 1898.~W. \/l.

P. J. HUGHES alias PmRCY HUGHES a/ias PERCIVAL JONES, middling stout, <tge 34 years, height ,sft. 3~io., black bai l' (probably mousta.che and sideboards), hazel eyes, long visage, dark cOUlI,iexion, scar 00 right side of face. a clerk, native of New South vVales; obtaining 1 gold watch and t.:hain, by false prewnces, from Chas. Hy. Adair McKellzie at Perth on the 22nd ult. Dated Perth, .23rd February, 1898.­V{. \t/!,fI.

, JAM GOOL, thin build. age about 42 years. 1;p1tiu t .-Ift. lOin. or Hin., black hair. close-eroppf'J h.'ardlud moustache, dark e~es , long sharp . 'il!!f' (larl~ com-l ~ lf'x ion (alOl (\st hhit.:k I ;;'.7'1' ·lIJ '·nu :m the lower J'I-I ' ' ~iK'-'. jJarh- CO~t' I'<:d ho"ar d , a. ca.mel-driver· ,1; ;:-; ~ in bUl' l;t:all cloth1llg. native of India 01: Afghanistan; being indebted to Sirbiland in the sum uf Twelve pounds. To be arrest.ed and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel ;tbout to proceed to sea. Da.ted Fremantle, 24th February, 1898.-·vV. V./.

\<VILLIAM GOOD, sqnare build, age 28 to 30 years, h~ight ahout bft. 6in., dark hair <.tDd moustache, ova.l nsage, dark complexion. dre!:lsed in black suit and liat straw hat, brickla.yer's labow'er, native of Md­bOllrne, addicted to drink; larceny as a of the :-;um of Two pounds a.nd one shirt, the money and property of Michael Fitzgerald. Dated Coolga.rd ie, 23rd Febru",ry, 1898.~W. l'·~IJI5.


EDWARD "TRIGRT. stout build. about 12.\- stone. age about 28 years. height bft. lOin. or llill.~ browD hair and moustache, grey or blue eyes, bliud in one eye (haviIlg a. cataract), round visage, large mouth, rather dark complexion, has lost middle finO'er of one hand (supposed right), larrikin appea~'ance, swings arms very much wben walking, bhtcksmitb ; disoheying a summons to appear a.t Gingin Police Court on the 17th ult. to answer to charges of malicious injury to property and personating a pollee constable. Dated Gingin. 24th February. 1898. W. \h/.

PATRICK KEOGH. thin build. <tbout 10 stone, age about 24 years, but looks younger. height ,sft. 4in. or ,sin., brown hair, clean shaved. blue or grey eyes, long visage, sallow and pale complexion, high cheek bones. slovenly gait, a labourer, speaks with very broad Irish accent, dressed in light tweed suit, was seen in Perth during week ending 19th ult.; dis­obeying a summons to appea.r at Gingin Police Court on t he 17th ult. to answer to a charge of malicious injury to property. Dated Gingin, 24th Februar.v, 1898.-W. \\,,8.

FREDERICK J OSEPH TAYLOR, stout build, age 18 years, height 5ft. 6in., fail' complexion, smooth face, b lue eyes, round f ull visage, appren tice, native of Trowbridge, England. J.tUIES EDWARD GRUBHAlIl, thin build, age 19 years, beight 5ft. llin. or 6ft., brown hair, smooth face, brow11 eyes, long visage, sunburnt complexion, apprentice, native of England. GUILYAill l\IARTIN THO];IA.S, stout build, age 20 years, height Sft. 7ill., brown hair, slight moustache, brown eyes. round full visage. sun­burnt complexion, front teeth decayed, apprentice, native of Wales; desertiug the barque" Patterdale" at Fremantle. Dated Fremantle, 25th February, 1898.~W. lrl}, 1\1\0, l·l-.,l.

JAMES ]\1. CALMA.N, stout build, age about 35 years, height ,sft. 10Mn. or llin., fa il' hair, inclined to be cur ly, sandy moustache and side whiskers, blue eyes, straight nose, long- visage, florid complexion, spea.ks quickly, has a slight stammer, a law clerk, native of New South Wales, genera11y dresses iu blue suit; disobeying summons to appear at Perth Police Court ou 25th ult., to answPr to a cha.rge of larcen~ as a servant of the sums of £10 12s. 6d. , £1 2;. 6d., and £4 2s. 6d., the mODey of George I leake. Dated P ert.h, b F~ll1·lIar:. l >-:(I~ --w ¥~s .

JArtrES KERR BENNETT, medium build, age 29 or 30 years, height 5ft. 9ill. or l Oin., dark ba.i r and moustache, dark eyes. long visage, da.rk complexion, dressed in grey tweed suit and soft felt hat; for­merly a commercial traveller, native of England; obtaining goods from M. Higham & Sons by false pretences. Dated Fremantle, 26th February, 1898. - Wo l!p~l.

LOUIS TALLERMAN, slight build, age about 36 years, height 5ft. 5in., fair hair, reddish moustache, blue eyes, straight nose, long and thin visage, fair complexion, somewhat wizened looking, a commercial t J'aveller; embezzling the sum of £ 10 4s. Id., the money of Hugh Robert DixOll. Dated FremcLlltle. 28th February, 1898.- -W. V'/!,8.

Page 5: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Property Lost. P~rth.-On the 2lst ult.,-a purse containing 1

sovereign and 6s., the property of 1\fr8. Plarfo,·d. ­P.L. H" On the 25th lIlt.,-a black leather purse, 2-kllOb fastening. conta..illiug 5 sovereigns wrapped in paper, 2 £.5 notes, and cheque for 50s. drawn by F. vVatts, of Toolabiuf', near Wandering; the pro­perty of Thvmas D' Arcy. - P.L.:+ On the 26th ult.,.- a lady's brown handbag, containing office keys, half sovereign, and some silver; the property of Aure Greene. - P.L. ~:" 011 the 26th ult .. - a. purse containing 6 Id. stamps and a tieket iu Cuthbert's tote, the vroperty of Chris. Chistesoll.- P.L. :-i. On the 23rd nIt., - a sq uare leather case, "Brother Moses Sttuuders, G.P.C., Victoria," ou outsiue. t:'Oll­

taining regalia of Grand Chaplain of l\Iasouit: Grand Lodge, and certificate and letters, chaplain's jewel on collar of regalia; the property of Moses Saunders.-P.L. -:.:.

Oue.- On I,he 11th ult.,- 1 silver vVaJtham watch, No. 2640763, the property of T. OOllwa.v.- P.L. :-t.

Inquests. Beverley.-On the 14th a,ud 22nd nit., a,t the

Court House, before S. Adamson, J.P., Acting Coroller. on the body of George WilsOll, exp .. late No. 6008, who was found dead ill the bush Oll the 13th ult. Verdict- " Death from hea,t apoplexy." ­BI, 5058.

Dongarra.-On the 13th nit. , at the Court House, before S. F. MOOTt~, J.P., ActingCorollcr, on the body of Thomas Toy, who was found dead on the railway line on the 12th ult. Vel'did-" De<tth from natural causes."-Bl 5077.

Kalgoorlie.-On the 25th ult., at tbe Court House, before P. Whelan, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Syuney Leeds l\Ioulton, who was found dead in a wagon at the rear of Randell's store, Eg,tn Street, on the 19th nIt. Verdid- " Death from natural causes."-Bl 5085.

Bunb!try.-On the 23rd and 25th nit., at the Court House, before W. H. Timpedey, R.M., Coroner, on the body of John Conuolly, who died



suddenly at the I5-Mile gravel pit, Brunswick and Collie Coalfield railway line. Verdict - " Death from natural causes."-Blj5083.

Albany.- On the 24th ult., at the Court House, before J. A. 'Vright, R.l\L, Coroner, on the body of George Sean:>on, who was killed on the railway line at Denmark, on the 23rd ult., by a truck running over him. Verdict-" Accidental death."-Bl/5086.

Horses. Cattle. etc.

Vide Po~ice Gazette, 1898, page 64, Al/7190.

Esperance.- Tbe ] 2 sbeep des.cribed in the above reference, the property of Dempster Bros., have been found, not stolen.

Dongana.- Sold on the 5th ult., by order of F. Pearse, J.P.,- l bay saddle gelding, aged, about 14t hands high, branded A ~ near shoulder, blotch br~Lnd near ribs and off ribs, near bind foot white; I chestnut gelding, aged, about 15} hands high, branded JO in square near shoulder, both hindfeet white, near forefoot white, wbite streak down face, saddle and collar marked; 1 brown saddle mare, aged, 14;f hands high, branded T in circle near shoulder.

Kalgoodie.- Sto]en on the 19th ult .• -l dark chest. nut horse, about 16 hands high, has a bar 1 inch thick on each hind shoe; 1 Abbott hooded buggy, 4 wheels, painted light-brown varnish, cocoanut coil' Illat in front, "Daniel "\Vhite & 00., Perth," in white letters on the woodwork; also a dark square check rug with red and white stripes through it; the property of Bruce F. Burney. - Al/ 7333, 22nd Febl'Uary. 1898.

P erth.- Stolen during the night of the 22nd ult., froUl the Pound. Yard, Limbo Street,-l bay horse, branded ~W near shoulder, aged, 14 hands, poor condition; 1 bay mare, branded HP (conjoined) near ribs. Z off ribs, white spot on back, aged, 14 hands. poor condition; 1 bay half-draught, 3 white points, branded J2 on nea.r shoulder; the property of George Meakins.-A1f7348, 23rc1 February, 1898.

PRISONEHS. -------------------- -------

UalfUt: Same. Uel{. No. Con. 0"t6 of e.cap~ . District (nlln. Deacriptiollllnd remark~. :-;"0. diti<>u.


SI<) Barns, Frank Free 15th AuS"u st. 1895 ... Frewlllltle rid~ P()lic~ Ga~cttc, 1895, p!l.S"c 160 5-12 :r.lotga.u, David do. 12th Sept., 1895 Coolgar<lie 0 0. do., do. do. 169

"'" McDonald, Jas. do. 12th Sellt., 1895 Geraldton Do. do .• do. do. 16!' ,... BUl"ke, \\'m. do. 1st Jauu .... ry. 1896- . Victorio..PlllilU; 1)0. do .• ''''' do. l>

'" Evans, Robt. do. 3rd MUl"cll. 1896 Perth Do. do .• do. cl0. 53 5.5' :r.lcArthur, F. do. 17th AIIl"il, 1800 AlIm.D)· Do. do., do. do. " 552 Slack, John do. 1.3tll J\IUe, 1896 Coolga.rdie Do. do., do. do. 130

"" Brosnan, TilllotllY do. 20th August. 1896 Geraldton Do. do., do. do. 190

"" Hopkins, J ... III1 do. I !ltll Sept., 18!16 Newcastle Do. do .. do. do. 21Jl 5.5, Jenkius. Wm. do. 9th Sept .. 1896 Ne"'castie Uo. .lo., do. do. 207 560 \Vatson, Thomas do. I itb Sellt., 1&.>6 CoolS"n.rdie Do. do., do. do. 212

"" },:\combe, Th08. 1037+ T.L. 23rd Nov., 18.'16 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. 286 56' 'Vatson, Chnrlea Free 24th June, 1897 Perth Do. do .. 1897 do. 189

'" 1l10Iyueux, Jl.Iattllew 6HS T.L. 25th Dec. , 1996 Perth Do. do., do. clo. 259

'" Reid, JO}III. "Ii,,~ I ..... do. :Hst Au/,;"uM, 189, Fremautie Do. do .• do. do. 39~ Price, ChM.

57. O'Briell, Nichohl.s

1 1(\470 do. 30th Oct., 189, Fremantle Do. do .• do. do. 395

577 lmudham ab. nat. 24th Dec., 1897 Fremantle Dv. do .• do. do. 39~ ~ ! McPherson. Douald Free 31st Dec .• 1897 Fremantle Do. do., 18!18 do. , '81 _ Robinson. Willia.1ll, Col. 27th Jan., 1898 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. " -

Page 6: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

c"./ ~


Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Exp.



Do. Do. Do.



Free Exp. Do. Do. Do. Do. female




Free Do.

Free .\

\11. "",t'l



K'g.N,. 1_ Name. onen"6, Sentenee. Where Committed.



2616 968

3102 2722


3033 2973 2972 2988

3036 2364


3136 3135 9677



3073 3074 3098


1608 9697 4878 251:2 2985 2816 3133 Fa

From Fremantle Prison, during the week ell,ding Saturday, 26th February, 1898.

I Bourke, Jno.

Watson, Geo.

Inaher, Patk. Robinson, Wm. York Soo

Murphy, '1'hos. Mnrphy, Patk.

Smith, J.

Dean,James Standisb, J. D. Thick, James Haughton, Jno.

Stewart, Donald Kf'nnedy, '1'hos., alias

Kelly Arnold, John

W illiams, J no.l< .... elix Archer, Wm. Burns, or Byroe,

Patk. Donnolly, J ames

Gullet, Fraocis

Flanaghan, Jno. Mullins, James Bennett. Thomas.

Sweeny, Bernard

Reid, Sarab Skelton, '1'h08. Cooney, Daniel Kelly, John Sutherland, John. Lane, Harry Paterson, Leopold Jukes, Ed .. Fon-ester, r.finnie ...

Assa.ult; obscene language


Do. Do.


Deserting ship . . Idle and disorderly; assault ..

Damaging property; unlaw­fully on premises

Assault Unlawfully on premises Larceny Disordedy; resisting arrest.

Larceny. Idle and disorderly; unlawful

possession Giving a false DaUle; being in

possession of bouse-breaking tools; absconding

Disorderly Drunk


Idle and disorderly; giving false name

Obscene language; refusing duty

Unlawful possession Do.

Disorderly (two charges)

Larceny; unlawful possession

Idle and disorderly Drunk Idle and disorderly Disorderly Larceny.

Do. Unlawfully assaulting a boy .. Idle and disorderly Larceny from the pet'son

3 months h.t; .£5 or 3 months h.l. (con.)

.£1 Is. 6d. or 14 days h.1.

14 days h.l. Ss., or 7 days h.1. .£23 2s. 2d. or 21

days 6 weeks h.1. 6 months h.1.; 3

months h.t. (cum.) .£1 and 2s., or 14 days

h.1.; 3 months h.L (con.)

2 months h.l. 3 months h.l. 3 months h.t 6 months h.1.; 2

months h.1. (<'on.) 2 months h.I. 3 months h.l.; 6

months h.1. (cum.) 3 months h.1.; 6

Ul , ·nths h.1. , 4 months h.1. (cum.)

.£1 or 7 days h.1. 7s. 6d. or 7 days h.1. 7 days h.1.

6 months h.l.; 3 months h.1. (cum.)

£.1, 7 days h.1.; 2 weeks h.1.; (cum.)

:! months h.1. 2 months h.1. .£5 or 1 month h.l.;

1 month h.!. (cum.) 12 mouths hI.; 6

months h.1. 3 mont.hs h.1. 5s. or 3 days h.1. 1 month h.1. 3 mOllths 11.1. 1 month b.1. 3 months h.1. 6 months h.1. 3 months h.l. 12 months b.\.



Do. Perth Fremantle

Do. Coolgardie


Do. Do.

Fremantle Men7.ies

Kalgoorlie Coolgardie


Coolgardie Perth

Do. Fremantle



Kalgoorlie Do. Do.


Fremantle Do.

Perth Bunbury Fremantle

Do. Do.

Perth Do.

From Kanowna Lock-,up. during thrj 'week end~'ng 26th February, 1898.

Pisher, Albert Obscenity £2 tine 0'· l4 days Kanowna h.1.

Brown, Thomas Do. £2 fine 0'· 1 month Do. h.I.

Paizes, Erasmu8 Drunkenness £1 fille or 7 days .. Do.

From Albany Gaol, du,ring the week ending 19th February, 1898.

Wellman, Henry ... I Larceny':.. . .. Anderson, Charles Indecent exposure 1

14 da.y:; imp. 7 days h.1.

F'1'om Yo)'l, Gaol, cl'Mring fhe week Mding 19th Febnl(t1'Y, 1898.

Meboul'ne, James.

I Unlawfully IIsiu(..:" horse; I :~ months h.l.: 14 I

escaping from custody; dnys h.1.; 14 days unlawful possession h.!.

Albany Do.


From .lft. GOldd Lo('k-M/I, ci1uin!l fht' /I1t1ek el/din!! I:!fh Febl·naI'Y. /898.

Date 01 D1lcllarlo

1 I r 21st I I , j 1

I I ~22nd

j 1 I


j I 24th ,


~ 25th

1 I








17th Feb.

~ 23rd do.

18th Feb. 19th do.

17th Feb.

l\Iegrrdoo Tommy

atias Breach of contract 2 lIlonths h.l. I 1IInrchisou I 6th Feb.


· -"'~. I

Page 7: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

.--""' 1 .. ,. No 1 dJtiOD. -_. -.



Prisoners Discharged-C01tlinued.

oneucc. Setltence. Where Comm;t~d.

From MenZ"ies Lock-ttp, dttring the siz weeks endin(l19th February, 1898.


Do. F .... Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Fre. Do. Do.

Heads, Bridget Sly grog selling £30 fine or 1 month Menzies ... Collyprest, Winifred Do. £30 fine or 1 month Do. Dixon, Robert Disorderly 6 weeks h.l. I Mt. Malcolm McFarlane, William Idle and disorderly 7 days b.l. Menzies ... Donegan, WiUia.m Obscenity 208. fine or 14 days Do.

h.1 Sander!!, Edward . Disorderly 40s. fine or

h.l. ,. days Do.

Stack, William Drunk 48 hours imp. Do. Lynch, John Obscenity; assault 28 days h.L Do. Quinlan, Henry Unlawful possession 1 month b.l. Do. Hart, George F. P. Drunk 21 days h.l. Do. Jones. Hugh ObOlcenity 1 month h.l.. Do.

From, Newcastle Gaol, during the 1veek ending 1.9th February, 1898.

I Brennan, John Howard, Billy Ah Wing ...

Idle and disorderly Disorderly Larceny. \

14 days b.l .. 4 months h.l. 1 montb h.l.

Nortbam Do. Do.

D"te of Dllehar/CtI.

} 8th Jan.

13th do. 14th do. 15th do.

25th do.

28th do.

l4th Feb.

15th do. 19th Jan.

17tb Feb.

I 1 19th do.


Ry Authority: RICHARD PETUER. GOvernmflnt Printf'lr, Perth.

Page 8: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,
Page 9: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

;-,. ~~olttt , VTESTERN A USTR.ALIA·.

[Published oy Authority.)

1'111','< (;rludtf' is published for j'ofire ill/Ol'l1Hlfioll only. alld (he Police. lhrony}wu,l th~ Ool(my

rW8 i?/ldrnrfpd fn mala) Ihp'»1$(,/I'f' ... fhoN/?l"ghly acqna,i'nted ~uifh fhe contenf.>:.

(:t/i](), }.JHILLIP8, Oomntis,<;ionel' of Polict:.

No. 10.J WEj)XE~DAY, )[ARCH 9. [ 1898.


JOHN AI:1'tHl'r,RONG, Reg. No. 2602. ESl"Lped Pri!:loncr No. 582, 1l1lcldl~ng stout, age 21 years, height Mt., 2in .. dar~~brown hall', grey eyes, round visage, fre:::.b COIll­

plexlOn, scar ~op of left shoulder, scar on right knee and ~ca.r on right hand. a labourer, d ressed in prison <:iOtllltlA'; absconded from t he Knowle Quarry partv H.t .5' 15 lun., 4th inst., while under sentence of 2 ~'\::ars b.t. for shophreakiug and larceny. --Al '74.59.


[";,/.; l'olit'e Gozdil', lK!l,o.;, pag'~ Hi.-W. ,~~.

RUNALD E. M. Cox is ehlLl'g'ed, uH warra.nt. with hreeu), as it, servant of the slim of £25 16s. 8d., the money of the Equity Trustees a.nd Executors Co., Ltd., Melboul'l1e, at Melbourne, on the .I)th Janua.ry last. Description-slight build, age 22 years, height ./)ft. 7in., cletLll shaved, sallow complexion, dressed in blue suit, stra.w hat with bhu.'k ha.nd. Al :7045.

Page 10: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C,O. 11·. __ Notified, for general information, illat the foJl~\;inrJ' Resianatiolls, Dismissal, and Transfers have taken °pbce in the Police Force since the 2,')th Jauuary:- •

Resignations: First Class Constable A. N. COlllrie, 27.]·98. Second CIrIS::; Constable J. Hamilton, 31-1·98. SL'con~J Class Constable J. NichoisOll, 28-2-98. Proba,tioll Police Constable \V. Gettullg, 24-2-98.


Second. Class COll:;tttble M. J. nIurphy, :1-2-98.

Transfers: First Class Constable F. Butt.le, North Fre­

mantle to "Wagin, 1-2-98.

First Class Consta.ble D. DUgg'LIl. lerilla. to Niagam. 1-2-98.

Uurpural 'V. J. NidlO11s, \Yagin tu Kalgoorlie, 2. 2-98.

:::)ecullll Class COllsb'tble H. Ma.llllill~. Perth to On slow. 15-2-98.

Second Class Constable \V. Beuuett, Meuzies to Coolgardie. 16-2-98.

Sub.Inspector lVI. Brophy, Perth to Wyndham, 16·2·98.

First Class Constable J. H. Oomrie, Dundas to Kalgoorlie. 25-2-98.

Second Class Constable J. McLeruoll. Perth to Geraldton. 1·3-98.

Corporal W. Maxwell, Perth to Mundarillg, 1·3·98.

Sec-oud Class Constable G. Johnstoll. Perth to Mundarillg, 1-3-98.

Seconu Class Constable G. Jensell, Perth to lVIundaring, 1-3-98.

Second Class Constable .l!;. l\1cLernoll, Perth to Pinjarrah, 2-3-98.

First Class Constable C. James, Perth to Bridge­town, 2-3-9B.

Second Class Constable P. H. Farley, Fremantle to Perth, 3·3·98.

GEO PHILLIPS. 7-3-98. Commissioner of Police.

0.0. ~ ;.-Arrangemeuts have been made for giving to member of the Police Force below the rank of Sub-Inspector a distinctive register number. The figures fOl'ruillg the numbers for members of the force in each uistrict, and pins to secure them, will he forwardeu to the officer in charge for distribution as slJeedily as possible. W'"hen they are received, each member of the force will be req uired. when lU

uniform, to always weal' his number. and will be liable to IJunishlU€mt if he appears without it.

1'he numbers will be worn on the C,tpS and helmets, taking the place of the crown on the former, and being affixed one inch above the band on the Each member of the force, when supplied with his number, will be dehited in the store books with the figures of which it is formed and the pins used to secure it. If the number and pins, or any portion of the same are lost, he will be required to account for the los'J, and if it is due to carelessness, will be called uIJon to l)ay the sum of sixpence per figure, and threepence per pin, to replace it, in addition to any punishment which may be inflicted upon him.


'Vhen a member of the force resigns, or is dis­charged or dismissed, bi~ nUli bel' must be returned to store; if he fails from any cause to return it complete. a deduction from his pay will be made.

Officers in charge of districts will see thrLt each member of the force serving uuder them wears his number whenever he appears in uniform, and keeps it clean and bright.

In all memoranda and reports it is required that the number of anv non-commissioned officer or l! referred to, shall, if known, be quoted; and when sig-uing reports the mew bel'S of the force are required t.o append their numbers as wen as their rank to their sigllu,ture-n,s for example- A. Brigham, Constable, No. 566.

Members of the dl'tective fOl'ce though not required ttl weal" their numbers must quote the same when making repnl'ts. In the event of their transfer to general police dnty, they will, of (:1)UTSe, at once conforlll to this order in the same manner as other members of the force.

Below i~ given 'R list showing the nUlllbel' allotted to l'ach member of the force:-


Heg· 1 No. Name. Rank.

-,- ------_.

1 Patton, A. Sergeant. 2 Leary, Michael 1st Class Constable. 3 Carroll, Thos. Do. 4 Osborn, W. H. Sergeant. 5 Lavery, Wm. Do. 6 Gee, Chas. Corporal. 7 Stokes, Henry Sergea.nt. 8 English, Patk. Corporal. 9 Wall, J. L. 1st Class Constable.

10 Bewsher, F. Corporal. 11 Houlahan, Thos. I Se'·geant. 12 Doherty, P. Corporal. 13 l\Ieginness, Hy. 1st Dlass Constable. H Savage, Jas. Do. 15 Turner, Wm. Do. 16 Donovan, Richcl. Do. 17 Woods, Cal'tney Sergeant. 18 Binning, Thos. 1st Clas~ Constable. 19 McAtee,J. T. Sergeant 20 Sellenger, W. C. Do. 21 l\lerghel', John 1st Class Constable. 22 Cook, G. R. Water Police Consta.ble. 23 Hopkins, W. F. CoxslVa,ill. 24 Tonkin, E. M. Wu,tt::l' Police Constable. 2:) Pollett, Wm. 1st Class Constable. 26 Connor, Thos. Sergeant. 27 LoveJ;:ty, A. CorporaL 28 'Vatson, Chas. Do. 29 Pollett, Ab. . 1st Class Comtable. 30 Kingston, John Corporal. 3] lUaxwell, Wm. Do. 32 Baker, J. G. Detect ive. 33 Meares, G. G. C'orpol'rU. 34 Smythe, Joseph Sergeant. 35 Pilkington, George. Corporal. 36 Connell, RobE'rt Detective. 37 Peid, E. (;orporal. 38 CoudoD, S. Detective. 39 Lappin, W. Sergeant. <0 NichoUs, Wm. Juo. Corporal. 41 Edmondson, J. S. 1st Class COll~table. 42 Conlon, Thos. Corporal. 43 Bishop, Anthony Do. .. Smythe, J. C . Serg't::ant. 45 Evans, A. L. Do. 46 Johnson, Jas. V.,ratel' Police Constable. 4·i Crockett, John Corpo1'1\,I. 48 l\Iitchell, F. G. J. Sergeant. 49 Buck, Geo. Corporal. 50 Pollard, F. C. 1st Class Constable. 51 Simpson, L. V. Corporal. 52 O'Halloran,1\:[. Do. 53 Sweeney, Jas. 1st Class Constable 54 McCal'thy, John I

Sergeant. 55 Tylel', F. Corporal. 56 Kavanagh, M. 1st Class Constable. 57 Quain, P. Do.

Page 11: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


• ,g. [ No.

58 59 GO 61 62 63 > 64

~ uS 66 v7 68 69 70 71

73 74 75 7G 77 78 79 80 RI H2 83 84 85 S6 87 '8 89 90 :11 92 93 9. 95 96 97 9S 99

100 101 102

" 103 ... 10~ __ lU5

106 107 108 HY.l 1I0

.,., III I /"' 1"12

113 11. 115 llfi 117 118 119 l:W 121 122 123 124

~~~ I 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 l:H 135 1~6 137 138 139 HO 1.4 1 J42 14:1 144


Evenson, O. A. H .. Casserley, J. P. Fee, John 'l'a)'hlr, J. R. Shttery, B. Love. Robel't ... Browll, \Vm. ~ . 'Vhiteside, Hobt. Sunter. A.. Walsh. J. J. l~(!a.ding. F. "risbey, Cims. Connolly, B. \, Cunninghitm, Geo. Reynolds, P. Ml1rdoch, A.. Green, John Goodridge, R. H. Mcluerney, T. Kelso, 'rhos. 1HcIntyr·<..'. H. W. G. Sellenger, John Parl.iuson. T. Street, C. H. Hansen, Christian McGregor, A. Byrllc, John O'Donovan, P. Pollard, G. Chileott. G .. Leen. Michat'l Dnncao, Jas. Duff,·, Eclwd. Riel)', nlicha ... l Breeo, H. P. Pilmer·. R. H. Thomas. H. O'Connor, D. ;\tereer .. Jam~s Logau, S. O'Halloran, P. '·hishnlm. H. K. Furlong, J. P. Mullig-an. P. Cnllningham, L. H. McCartnt:'y, James Blain, F. J. Buttlc, 1". Broflie, J. T. Pearsou, John Waters, John Hannah. MI. Smith, John Ander's'll, R. "",-. Goodridge, ,V. . Teahan, John Fortescne, E. H. Leary, Jas. Warnecke, A. Rattie, Hugh Brown, Perey Rewell, \V. J. Purkiss, Alfd. Spong, R. N. Duggan, D. Vaughan, J. K W olfe, M. J. Macdermott, J . A. Sullivan, M. Ellice, H. A. J. R. . Shicl, Jas. O'Brien, ·Wm. J ones, A.. E. Murray, J. J. Hollis, H. A. Smith, H. G. S. Fox, }!"'. R. Harry, l\1a.rtin Jackson, Chas. Foulkes, J. S. l\fcNamara, B. Stewart, J as. Lucas, '1'. A. Mulkeriu, ]'H. Claffc,V ,R. P. Riddell, Cha.!>. West, .Alfred


" Tatt'r Police Coustahh'. 1st Clas'l Consta.hle.

Do. Do. Do.

Corpor,~I. 1st Claf;S Constabl\~.

Do. Do.

Detective. 1st Class Constable.

P". Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Corporal. 1st Class Constabie.

Do. Sergeant. 1st CIas,; Constable. Detecti\"e. 1st Cbss Constable.

Do. Water Folke Constable. 1st Claf;S Constable.

Do. Do. Do. 0 0.

Sergeant. bt Class Constable.

D". Do. Do.

Corporal. 1st Class Constable.

D·I. Do. Do. Do. 0". Do. Do.

Detective. 1st Cla,ss Constable.

Do. Do.

Ading Sergeant. 1st Claf;:;:; Constable.

Do. Sprge;tnt. 1st Class Constabl('.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

River Police ConstahJe. 1st Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Water Police Constable. 1st Clnss Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do 00. Do. Do.


LIST Ol<' THE REGI8'l'Elt NUM13I·::1:::i-,'onttnuetl.


N°' I Name.

145 14(j Hi 1 :::; 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 un Hit 16~ 164 165 16G 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 17R li9 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 Ih7 IHR 18\:.1 190 191 19:>-19:i 194 19.5 19f) 197 1!)8 199 200 :Wl

f~g~ 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231

1\ohler. C. E. D;Jil,Y, P. T. White, 1<'. Docldridge, E. E. Han'is, Fra.ncis .l\-·l cGillle~' . John Cr·amel". 'V. G. Strapp". Jas. ConneIly, 'l'hos.

I HIlrl'is, \Vm. Rohinson, \Ym. Short, Thoi>. Fitzger-ald. R. Hughe8, 'Vrn. Mcl)onald, ,John Han'is, Jas. Shekleton, R. T. Bucklaud, A. H. Banficld, W. C. Hnxtable, E. Gl'egor,Y. G. P. Fr'Y, G. W. Gl'eene, A. Spry, E. J. R,"nfre\". 'V. H. Hadle.r: '1'. Pearse, F. \Y. Keddell, 1<'. J. i,,\'n(·h. J.H. LaUlh, T. \Y. Baker, 0. K PheLLn, R. FOl'st ,·r.W. F. Ja.mes, C. '1'. Carr.111. J . '1'. :\jeTavish, J. Westrope, W. A. K. Laslett. H. A. H:-rr'l'i:;;, Jas. ~,1c('orma(:k. J . H. Pox,~. A. l\IcNauram . .J. O'COIlIWI', Jas. C'ampbf'll. £,lwd. Rtt'p hens, Danl. Phillips, H. H. ,jiigel', W . Fl'ecm:ul, .\. Jones, H. G. Eg~le;>toll, F. G. O'Hrien. Jame" COIll1'ie, J. H "'alker. ·Wm. MeAn1!'y, lU. Bailey. J. W. Powers '1' .A Wilson:J~o. Jos. Ada!}Js. W. J. Gregory, W. G. Feely, \Vm. Don, 'Vm. <:~S2"""- " Harris, Chas. Newbold, W. P. Corry, J. H. D.Jnglas, Wm. McLoughlin, R. O'De:~. M. J. Dodd,.T, G. Zeplin, Hy. M ulker'in, Thos. Cassid,Y, And. Sampson, H . C. Crean, J. A. Buttle, R. G. O'Connor, Thos. Ranhin, A. J ones, '1'. E. Moore, Michl. Bnck, J.J. Leen, Patk. 'ViJson. Albert Griffin, lUichl. .T"nes, R. T. L.YOI1S, Jer. Mc 'Y":!l. David l\fcCahc, '1'. Frazl'r', J. J .


Water Police Constable. 1st Class Cnn"tahle.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

'Vater Police Con~table. 1st CIa:;:;" Constahle.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Water Police Constable. 1st Class Constahle.

Do. Detective. l"t Class \ ")Ilstahle.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Water' Police Constn hit-. 1st Clas!! ('mu:tahle.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. On. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


1st Cla"Ss Constable. Do. Do.

2nd Clas!> Consbtble. 1st Cb ss Constable. 'Vater Police- Constable. 1st Clas!> Con..;table.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

2nd Class Con-,;table. Do.

River Police Constable. 2nd Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Detective. River Police Constable. 2nd Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do . Do. Do. Do. Do.

Page 12: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


Reg ,/ No.

2:l2 2:l:J 2H 235 286 237

238 239

~.~~ I :H3 2·14 245 21(; 2·1.7 2-18 249 250 251 252 25:~



Gaunon, Geo. Daly, John. J0hnston, Geo. Percy, Patrick McGuilluess. W. Ritchie, O.

Podesta, F. HolIole, 1'1108. Cnlpitt, W. Malone, W. J. Young, 'Y. A. D. ~Ietcalf, G. A. O'Bri€'n, L. Wilkin, W. J. Winter, E. J. Topli<;s, A, J. Topliss, E. Winder, H. O'Shea, W. R. Xormoyle, ill. F'ord, A. J. Rogers, T. Wilson. John

255 Slattery, Jas. 250 O'Hcl'll, Geo. 257 Cannon, W. 2·)8 D'Alton, E. M. 259 Spalding,.1. T. 2\50 Delhr, AI£. 261 Allau, G. C. :W2 Plint, G. H. 263 Bell, A. 264 Murphy, F. 265 I Rule, 'IV. H. 266 McDonald, J. 267


111cDonald, D. 268 Thomas, .J. F. 269 SbortiU, W. J. 270 Woods, John 2il Healy , John 272 O'Halloran, Ed. 273 'rholOpson, L. 2i4 Browning, J. W. 2i,j Kavanagh, P. D. 276 Mason, W. T. 2i7 Bendell, N. H. 278 Uniacke, G. L. 279 Kilkelly, P. ~nO Porter, James 281 Scott, .J er. 282 Crowe, W. S. 283 Keevers. F. 281 Cassidy, E. 285 Brown, G. J. 286 Leflsey, B. S. 287 Sutherland, John 288 Fagan, E. B. 289 Hallett, Edwin 290 WilsoD, Geo. 291 Gordon, Jas. 292 Thompson, E. P. 293 AlIiss, John 294 )loorehollse, Jas. 295 Shickland, D. 296 Pie,ee, S. R. 297 'l'uohy, M. 298 Rail', A. lU. 299 Hooper, T. P. aDO Gollan, John 301 Piruhlett, S. E. 302 Thompson, D. 303 lUcLel'llon, Thos. :304 "Robertson, Alex. 805 Fadey, P. H. :lOI; Pooley, R. W. P. :307 Crick, John 308 Dugg'an, Wm. 309 Stow, R. J. 310 Neh;on, P. H. ... :311 I Mcl~\Jrllon, EdwRrd 3]2 Farroll, G. W. ::I] 3 Burman, L. R. 314 "Mills, Ry. :U51 Hornsby, G. W. :n6 Nisbet, J. W.


2nd Class Constable. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Acting 1st Class Con­stable.

2nd Class COl1sta,ble. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

'Vater f'olice Constable. Acting 1st Class Con­

stable. 2nd Class Constahle.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

,Vater Police Consta.hlE'. Detecti \'e. 2nd Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Water Police Constable>. Detective.

Do. 2nd Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

'Vater Police Constahle, ::lnd Class Constable.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 00. Do. Do. 00. Do.


LIST OF THE REGlS'l'EI{ NUi\lBERS ·rolttiml€d.

Res.. No.

:H7 :n8 319 320 321 322 32:5 :~24

:~25 32G a27 :328 a29 33U 3;H

3'l21 333 334-335 336 337 33B 339 340 341 :342 3·V~ 344 3-15 346 :i47 348 349 :}50 ;131 :J5~


a5-1-355 :3i'ii) :357 :3;i8 359 360 :161 362 :J63 364 365 366 367 368 369 :37u 371 3i2 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 :382 383 384 385 386 387 :388 :589 ;~90

391 :~u:t ag3 ·~9·1· 39:) 396 397 398 399 100 401 402 403


Sa.yers, James Bl'etag,.J. B. Lea\'el"s, R. Harrop, H. B. Woods, H. W. Rice,J. T. Owells, T. A. Jensen, G. J. Kublken, R. Edwal'cls, E. Fahey, M. '1'. Hughes, R. IIamilk·n, .T. «~.

Zuwfelde, J.,.:M A. Gawith. J. K. Williams, W. 1<'. "Torth, "T. J. Notley. H. E. Doody, J. EenmQre, A. K O'Don·)ghue. P. Hulme, G. H. Neagle, "-. Lewis, "-. ']'. BCllnett, Wiltiam Hardy, L.W. ClarkC', Waiter llIathews, W. J. lIIcLernon, John Deglcy, W. J. Jarues. D. M. Hoy, A. T. }\Jann. Henry Bayk'~·. G. S Bird, Chas. Cordell, W. C. Byrne, P. J. Pearct', E. H. Allison, R. Phillips, W . .f. Sttttery. P. O'Reilly, .r..1. Bass.,Tas Lynn. 'Ylll. "·helan.I'. ,J. O'Brit-n, J. S. Po.)"ser, J. Cahill. W. ('aldrow, .J. A. Tillofson, A. H. Hickey, T. S. Bunton, G. C. Frasel', G. A. O'Loughlin . .I. S. Cl ark, John l\ICdrthur, C. Dodd,C. Fleming, D. S. 'Vallace, Hy. Kennedy, T. Foley, P. W. F. Lacey, W. Mi.:Lernon, Edw. J. Manning, H. J. Lynes. Clarence Parker, A. Malone . .d. Sierp, E. F. O'Flaherty, M .. 1. Bray, F. J. Fudmg, R. J. Cal'l'oil, W. Ryan, J. J. Seary, J os. Richardson, J. E. Bcnham. J. V. Y .. L;rnch, Peter SwitSIIl", GeOl'ge l'revilcock, Jno. Cahill, Martin Pi(,l'ce, d_ N. l\lullel', Charles Buckle)" D. \Villiam", Hv. Roo]!!.! r, W .. Ca vanagh. \\".


:!nd Class Constahle. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ]Jo. 00. Do. 0(1.

Do. '' Police Consta hIe. 2nd C'l;:t<;s ~onf'ta.hJ('.

Do. Water Polict! Constahle. :!nd CIn.;;s Constable.

Do. Do.

Water Po:ice Cou;otabh'. :!nd Claf's COllstnhl(..

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 0 ... D.,. 01\. 01" Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. W' Do. Do. Do. On. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Probation Constahle. Do. Do.

2nd C1'l.sS Constable. Do.

Probation Constable. Do. Do.

Water Polic'> Ccmstable. 2nd Class Consta.ble. 1st Class Constable. Pl'obation COIlstahle. 2nd Class Constal) le. Probation Constnbk.

Do. Do.

2nd Class CQtlstahJe. Pl'ob;~tion C'OllstahJ··.

Do. Do. ____ . Do. ... ~ Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Page 13: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

LIST OF THE REGIs'I'ER::.\TMHERS-rOil/ilol ,,',I,

Rcg'. ( );v.

MH D(.nonm. "T. . J.(l.-, ,\'artIJ". 'I', ,\ . ~Of.j Hin<le, ,I. ~Ui ;\l cGn',· .. J"llll UlH Kc,wen. E. K ~09 earl'oll. p, .1. HO O'Hr'l'IJ, Alht. HI Jamt.'s,)1. ~1:! Guest, '\':tlt"l'

·!l:3 Rice, W. J I. 41.J. DawsoZ\, K B, H.) Ellll1l1n~l!:, E.I<'. -u t Willi". np(,l'g'('

PI'Oh:ltiOIl ('.-,nstablp. Dc .

\\-:Ltel' Polil:c COllstahho. Prohation C,mstflhl,·.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Detectiq,'. 2nd Class ('"n,>hble.

GEO. PHILLIPS. CommissiOlWI' of l"'oliee.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Nol'llt Frf!lIIt1l1fle. - Oll the 28th lilt.. from thl' owner's tent, North Shore,-2 plain round 15d. gold studs, I set of slIver oval-shaped s leeve links, 1 heavy sih'et' emh chain with bar swivel <Lbollt 9 inches long'; 2 cellula.r shirts llULrked " \V, T. \Y." on Il eck hand; the propert,v of '\T. T. \\,instol1l'. ­Al 7432. 2nd )f>mh, 1898.

P erth. 00 the 2nd in:;t., from 91 \VeIJ ington Street,- l gentleman's siln'l' hunting 'Valtham wakh. monogram ;< G.H,R," engraved ou out side front ease. sll~all dent dose to monogram. k,·y wind­ing; 1 hhtt:k leather dasv purse, "G.H.R." in g-iit letters on flap, conta.ining 2 sovereigns and 1 half­sovereign ; the proper ty of George H. Rundle . ....­Al 7433, 2nd ~brch, 1898.

P erth.-On the 28th ult" from the lad ies' lavaton­at B03.n Bros .. - l gentleman 's single stone diaulIIllcl

... ring, daw st"tting , very white stone, l 8d. gold, rather pale colour, a very small rillg'. has been cut dowll ; the property of 1V. L allnder. -Al.74-tti. 2nd March, 1898.

Fremclfltle.- On t he 2nd inst" from the owner 's tent, Canvas Town,- l gentleman's silver vVnJthalll, Mass" key-winding watch, No. 2J 71226, H PJ,t , Pinion" engraved on works; the properLy of T erentt· B.vrnc. - A17455, 31'd March, 18~18.

P er/h. - Between tlH" 27th uIt, and :1rd imt., from the owner's hcuroom at the Grand H otel.-l Jndr's golJ hun t ing' keyless watch. No. 19306; the propei'ty of L ena O'(:onnor. - AI '745], 3rc1 Man.!h. 1898.

P er/h. - DmiHg' t he nigh t of the 1st in~t.. from 409 Sl. Geor~p's 'rclTaC'e. -- l golc1-mollntetl t.:'l'et'll­stone ~,trrillg, ] gold bar hrooch, "1\1 " in \·C'ntlo'. !'id with (; or 8 pearls, has also 2 rubies and 1 sallphire set at (llle end; the pl'Opert~· of D. U. D. Ra.tna. ­Al 7437. :!nd M<lrd, , 1898.

P erth.- On tb.· 3nl in':->t., from the person of l\Iargaret TinllH, at the Rail way Statioll,- l hdy's sil ver huntillg Geneva lever watch, key-win (li n~. No. fi023. - A1/74G1. 4th lI1:.rch. 1898.

"--- ,, J.[p./lzieli. On the 26th ult., from the White Hvust, Hotd, ] g'old searf pin (or stud ) set wit h diamon(l plain claw ;;f'Ui n~; 1. gold scarf pin (or stud). a.hout tbf' "izt' of ;\ tlll'et::\le n n ~' piece. set with 1Ul opal slU'I'!!unded 1,.\' I'll hies ; ] ~()td shield piu with IllDIlO­

g'J'am .. T . \V." ('IJg'rav{'d on it; 1. dia.mollrll'ing. daw setting, slig-ht filign'e work on each side of di;~molld; 1 lady's ~old keyles>I hunting ,vatch , both case!'i


ornallll'nted. gold dial; 1 g-olclehain. au nld fashiolu"l chain made into an Alhel't, ahollt () ro\\'~ wide. has ,t

gold ~(li1<lre slidl:' on. with opal \pt :1\ IW'Ht sha.l'f'. gold honk a,t one end anI} <l,ll orrlinal'Y {"th·h OIl

the ot her; :2 Jauies ~olc1 opel1-f(l('e(} wa.tchC'!'i. kl',\'­winding. (Irnament(:'d w()rk Oil hack (lf hoth wah·IH's. hbck hand:,;; ] pail' (If gold e:H'l'ing~, flhout OH' s ize of ~~ tlHl:'epenn." piece, :set witll <1., b l'g(' di;tlll(lllrl, t he hooks hav€, ,,1, dOllhk trim; ] pail' of go ld e<lrring$ set wi th a l <l l'g'p di amond., ~ma,ll ehLw sl·tting; 1 gent leman's gola locket witb raised heart in ('entre, bar on top: 1 goldllE'art- sha,ped locket. 1 ~olcl hnLt"ld set with 6 or 7 pearls on each side of (1}J.d centn' Jlit'~·(, ; 1 diamond collar stud, 1 plain f{old (·\)1]al' stud, 1 pair gold ~olitail'es engraved with mOllogT,Ull ,; T.\V.," and ornam entC'fl; 1 m'al hean with pIa,in gold mountin·,::s; 1 gold pencil ('<lse, white ~tone at ellll ,. T.\V," engraved on side; 1 diJ1l1f)ud horsl':-.hoL' hrooch sd with 7 diamonds; 1 goll1 brooch. patt('l'll. ba!'.ket of polished quartz with plain gold flowers in it, ha::; a safety clasp; tIll" property (If 'fhomas l,Vehh. Al 744:~, 2nd ~I,,·('h. 18n8.

F'l'emanile. - On the 31'd or 4th inst .. from t1w ha.rqlle " L eo Adelph{,'s,"-1 silvE'r open.faced w,Ltdl, French, "Thomas Geans" eugraved on the in­side of had;: case, and 1 lOllg link siln' r AlhE'rt with 2 or 3 pendants a,ttacbed; the pl'opert,Y of Tlwlllas Geans. - AI /7466. 5th M"rrh. 1898.

SO/Ifhn'fl Cj'l}'<1s.~During the night of the 3l'd iu~t., from the person of Thomas Boul'ke,- l \V:1t~l'uury watch. ,. T, Bonrke" scratelH'd ou inside of C'aSL'. ­

Al 7469, 5th M"rch, 1898.

Fl'emanfle.- On the 4th inst., from the ~htfhid Restaul'ant.-l gf>lltlemau's :;ih-er ' Valtham. Mass., key-winding w'Ltch. gold hanos, centre seconds. has seratches f rom kn ife llear rim of hack case, no glass, and 1 s ilver cl(,uble chain, lon~ bars and round links alternately, ba r ill centre; the property of Gt'Ol'ge Flemmlllg. - Al 74,71. 5th Nan:h. 1 Bfl8.

Pel'fh,~-On the 5th inst., fl'om 182 Lineoln Stn:L't.-1 rrentk'man's rolled gold huntillg American wa.t<: h. s n~'Lll ~ i ze, , . .Philadelphia, U.S.A.," Oil did, and 1'011<;,<1 gold tl.ouhle chain, alternate long and short lillks, with ring at one end and s~ i\'el at the other, r:;hort pendant chain <Lttal'hed; the property of Chal'k's Knowles. - Al '7481, 5th l\Iarcll, 1898.

Kalyoorlie. - On the 7th nIt .. from 1ht> P l' I'SOll of Stt'wart Rnbertson, in Hannan's 8treet. ·1 gentle­ma.n'$ ~ilycr hunting key· winding \Valtham watch, No. 4426350. and 1 rollell golL1l'haill , <L\)Ollt 8 illl.:h .... s lOll:';, alteru<1,te long a.nd shor t links, and bms~ m~dal, about the size of a shilling, ell~n1"ed with the J~Oj'll's Prayel'.-A 1 7484. 7th J\Ja,rch, 1898,

J(olgo(jdir. - On the 3n1 inst .. from the per~on of Thomas Danghters, - l l{entJl.'l1lan's sil" f'r hll!ltillg' El1g'Ji~h If'''e\' watl:h, key-winding. anti 1 !=Id. gold Alhl!rt (·IH L\U, 1 long plai u link a11tl 2 shor t links ('011-

nected wi th go ld wire alternately, and 1 gold ohlong locket, phtin back.- AI / 7485, 7th M"'ch, 1898.

FJ·I'/I/Clllfh.-Durillg the night of the 5th inst .. from Bermuda, ROilS€,. Cantonmellt R oad, 1 gentleman's sih',, !, hun ting kt'yless 'Valtham wa.tch, "K I-r.A ." engr<ll'\',l on outsi,k pf [wnt (·ase. al1,l 1 ;;;jlldl' <; i1vcr Alhert d lllin . hlllg half. t \\" isted link~, ('onnedl"l by :~ or 4 short links; also, '1 pairs of gn')' trOll :';l'r.'i. Rnd da.rk soft felt hat; tIlt' property of E. Allllan.­AI / 7486. 7th March . 189B.

Page 14: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Premalltle.-Betwl'en the 28th ult. inst., from l\lmldine House, PhilluIllore Street.-l 9ct. 1;/!tl sing-le Albcrt ehain, ('urb pattl:'rn. :lnd guld ship's whed ,md \'omp,tss J.lendant: t he property of J"t!111.'S Oliver.-AI 7488, 7th M,Ll'ch, 1898.

["'elllflutle,-On tbe 5th inst., from the Jressing­room ,Lt tll\! Oval. - .L p,Lir of g'oId sleeve Iill ks. dumb hell and heart pattern, 1 uf the dumb heUs is split; the pl'op~rty of B. Vel'yal'd. - ·Al 7492, 7th Man;h, 1898.

Per/h .-On the 5th inst., from the p.·I'SlOn Ilf John lfcDoll:tIJ, - 1 si lver- plated hunting key less w;1,teh, and I sill;;le silver Albt:rt chaiu, altcl'l1ate long' and short links. 1 si lver and 1 gold German coin, and 1 silver Ml'xic<L1l eoin atta.checl.-AI / 7495, ith Ma,rch, 1 8~8. .

Perfh. - l)urillg the night of the 5th iust., fnllll the owner's dwelling. 722 Ha.v Street \Vest, - l si ngle bar gold hrooch, set with a small amethyst, claw setting, and 1 brooch, consisting of an oval-shaped .Ma.llx pebble, claret (~olour, about lino long. set in si lver 'band a.t. each end; the pr\.lpel't.'1 of Mrs. l\Iol'timer.- Al '7497, 6th lIfarch. 1898.

;"remantle.-On the 5th iust., from the lX'l'son of Lou Burns, by violl:'nce, in Market Street,-] gold curb chain. value £10, with wa,tch kev atta.ched, and £3 7s. 6cl. in silvel'.-Al 75] 1. 7th March, 1898.

Fremailtle.-Durillg the night of the 5th inst., from tht~ l>prson of Henry Godfl'ey Lea.hau,-l silvel' open-faced key-winding- '¥altba.m watch, stt-'el h,Lnds, sunk seconds; ] long si lver clHtin, very small links, has been broken ill two placl's and menued with bottle wirt>, patent wa.tch key attached; 1 double guld Albert, 1 long and 2 shm-t links alternately, and gold medal wit h foothall phLyer on it.-Al 75U. 7th March, 1898.

Pel·th. - ·On the titl! inst., from the owner's (:(l.ifee st<Lll, Wellington Street,-J 18ct. gold double curb, much worn, and gold locket (containing la.dy's photograph), a.nd gold-mounteu New Zealand greenstone pendant; the property of }{Oht'l't Bates.-Al 7513, 7th March. 1898. .

N01·th Fl'emaatle.- - On the 7th iUi:it., from the owner's tent at Roeky Bay.-1 :.{en!lt'lllau's silver llUnting lcve1' wa.tch. ,. Stewart Daw::-on &, Co." on dia.l, gold bands, SlUl1, stet!! second~, dent in case; and 1 silve!' chain, iO!lg OV:1.1 links; th ... propo.:'l'ty of John Power. Suspicion attacht's to t\\'o mUll whu were seeu going away from the tent in the dil'l·ction of Perth. Description :- ( I) abollt Sit. lOin., dressed in detl'k clothes and d,Lrk hat; (2) about Sft., very dark complexion, no beetI'd, dressed in white coa.t and dark trousers. TraCKS showf"u men to be wearing 1 pail' sharp-pointed boots with double row of sprigs round sole :1ud 3 straight rows in centre, and 1 pair light boots with 2 prutectors on outside edge of right boot.-Al j7S18.

North Fl·emantle.-On the 7th iust., from the owner's tent at Rocky Bay,-l gold scarf pin, Sham­rock pattern, with hlue stone set in each le;:lf, .tud 1 box containing gold quartz specimens, CoolgaJl'die stone, induding 1 t dwt. nugget, the property of John Casey. SUSVieiOll attaches to the two men describe'l in Alj 7.518.-A1 17519, 8th M!t,.ch, 1898.

North li'j·emanlle.- On the 7th inst., hom the owner's tent a.t Rocky Bay,- l gentleman's pIa-in gold


riug, set with .L white stone; the property of James Crozier. Snsl-'i(,jol) atta.ches to the two uwn des­cri i>pd in Al 7518.-Al '7520, 8th )IaJ-dl, 1898.

N01'lh Fremantle. - On the 7th inst., from the ow11\.·1"8 tent at Rocky Ba,y,-l silver watch chain, Wit11 one-inch liuks and small link~ alternately, ahout 9in. long', with si lver padlock locket attached; t.he property of Edward Foley. Suspicion attaches to the two men clC'scribed in Alj7518.-Al/ 7.521, 8th March, 1898.

North f;'rI'IJW'ltle.~Oll the 7th inst., from the owner's tent at Rockv Bay,- l silver olJen-faced Paradox watch, .. J. Snnrt" scratched insi,lc (:ase, and two valise straps, marked ,; J. Hunter" in hlue pe11l·il; thepl'operty of Joseph Hunter. Su~piciun athLehes to a man who ~vas seen going- away' fl'Om the tent towards Perth, c,tlTying' <1, bundle. Description: 5ft. 6in., or 7in., n~d faee. ttnd light moustache. dressed in white coat. cbrk tweed trousers, and round brownish hat. ­Al 17522, 8th March, 1898.

Nodh Fl'eJII(lIIile.-On the 7th iost., from the owner'stentatRo(:ky Ba.y,- l silvf'ropen-facl~d Gene",t watch and silvf'l' Albert chai n with five-pointed silv!..']" star peuch.nt; 1 blat;k-halldlecl Bengal razol' and case (" J.S.N.F." on insidf:> of case); 1 pair grey tweed trousers. tailor made, side po(:kets, ';M;CLt,w" stamped on pockets; the property of Alexander Suodgrass. Suspicion attaches to the mall described in A1 /7522. -Al j7523, 8th Ma.rch, 1898.

Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 153.-Al/350S.

Pel'fh. - The bit:yde Jf"s(:ribed in the above refer­en!;e, the property of N. F. P. Sal mons, has been re­covered by Detf'di ve S. Condon.

Bltllbllry.-During the night of the 27th ult., from Gordon's HIltf'l,- l !!ent,!eman's Raglan Union bicyclt!, Dunlop tires. ''lest wood rim on front wheel, ordina.ry rim on back wheel, toe clips witll round b<Ll'S on pedals. Release silddle, ends of handle bars broken oft ; thc propel't.v of A. Southward.- Al j 7431. 1st M<trch, 1898.

Boulder. -On the 20th ult.,·- l silver-plated Smith and Wessou's 6-t:hambered revolver, 7 inches long, white hone handle, the property of Micbael McGann. --Al j7441. 2nd March, 1898.

Coolf/ardie. - On the 1st inst., from outside the Australian Hotel,-l gentleman'~ Royel' Racer bicycle. road tire on bad: wheel, racing tire on frout wheel, tin. pitch chain, Brooks' saddle, the handle bar is set forward ou a 5iJ1. T piece ... el,)' low droop­ing handles, cork grips, H8iu. gear; the property of A. M. Richardson.-AI17463, 4th March, 1898.

Fremantle.-On the 5th inst., from the Premier Cafe. Market Street,-l brown leather portmanteau 3ft. 6ill. x 18in. , with one blue blanket strapped outside, containing 1 blue l.Iatdwt, 1 light fbunelette coat with small blue stripes; 1 dark tweed sac coat, size 5 j 1 pail' light brown mole trousers, size 5; ] pail' grey and 1 pail' brown woollen socks, marked "H.vV .. " and several other articles. The owner's name in full is marked on the top of portmanteau with a bradawl; the property of HalT), \Villiamson. -Al j7487, 7th March. 1898.

Beaconsfiehl. ·-Between t he 5th and 7th inst., from a building <l.t 'Vintcrfold,-l 4iu. and 1 12in. square, corner cut off the handle of the 4in. square; ] of compasses, 1 sCI'ew-dl'iver, ha,nclle worn and funed at t he end; 1 oilstone sd in new deal

Page 15: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

frame, and 1 hall.lluer. quit~ new j the property of "\Vilham Beaver.-A 1 7515. Also] smoothing-, 2!iu. mouthpiece, "Atkins, maker," branded on one end. and 1 saw set, thumb screw loose j the pro. pt.:!rty of John Maxwell.-Al 17517. 8th Mar('h. 1898.

J)el"th.~-On the lst iust., from the Duke of York Restaurant,-l blue cloth sac coat a.,nd vest, tailor made, by Bayley, of Albany, black hone hntt(ll1S, coat has 1 inside and 4 outside pockets j the IJroperty of William MnrraJ'. - Al/7425. 1st March, 1898.

Appreh ensions, Vide Police Ga::ette, 1898, page

\YILLIAM BAYNHAM, brought up at Gingin Oil the 1st inst. Committed for trial. Admitted to hai1.

Vide Poli.;c G.t::t1tte, 18:)8, page 7G.

"\VILLIAM TOO HEY, bl"Oug-ht ul! at Fremantle Oll

the 31"d inst. Di~charged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page :~97.- ·Al/(i;:;(j7.

TnoMAs LOFT us, at Fremantle, on the 5th inst., by P.C. C. Hansen.

Ville Police Ga::ette, 1898, page :34, \V. I~?".

GEORGE CO~lPTON, at Perth, on thc 7th inst., by P.C.s H. )1ann and .J. Duggan. Discharged for want of prosecution.

SAMUEL WINSLET, at Kalgoorlie, on the 24th ult., by P.C. T. J. Whelan j larcen.v. 14 da,ys Id.

RALPH ADAMS, at Perth, on the 14tlJ ult.. by P.C. J. J. O'Reiily, on warrant j embez7.lelllt:'nt. Bi'ought up at Kalguorlie on tbe 26th ult. Committed for trial Also chargcu with lun;ellY. Committed for trial.

"\,\TILLIAJU H. MCJ{INERY. at Kalgovrlie, on the 25th ult., by P.C. \\T. Goodridge, on warrant j false IJretences. Broug-ht up at Kanown<L on the 3nl inst, COlUwitteu for trial (IIn three (:har~es). Aumirted to bail.

ZALBA alias ALEX, at Mulgabbie, on the 19th tilt., by P.C. J. G. Dodd j suspected murder.

WALTER SALT, at Don~<1ra, on the l~th ult., by P.C. C. Wisbey; unlawful possessiolJ. .j months h.l.

MATTHEW FEEHAN, at Dongara, on thp 25th uIt., by P.C. C. Wishey, on wa.rrant, anu "\VALTER SALT, in custody; unla,yfully branding a ("olt. Feehan 3 lUo,lths h.1. j Salt 3 months Id. (cumulative).

HENRY GODDARD, at Niagant, on the 16th ult., by P.C. D. Duggan; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.1.

"\VILLIAl'If ROSSER, at Cue, on the 28th ule, by P.C. Henry G. S. Smith; unlawful possession. 2"1 days h.1. Discharged under First Offenders' Act.

PETER RICHARDSON, at Geraldton, on tIle 25th ult., by P .Cs. E. 0' H;tlloran and S. Fox j rogue and vagabond. 6 months h.1.

THOMAS BROWN, at Kanowna, on the 31"(1 inst., hy P.C. A. Rankin; disorderly. 2 months h.1.

J OSEPH DA VIS, at lUenzies, on the 3rd P.C. Charles Hal"l"is; idle and (lisol·derly. h.1.

inst., by 1 month

THOMAS HOUSTON and THOMAS HENDERSON, under sentenve, charged by COl·VI. F. TyIer j uulawful pos· session. Six months h.1. each (culBul:ttive).


NELSON BACKER, at North Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. J. Leavy j unlawful possession. £5 fine or 2 months h.1.

"\¥ ILLIAi\l RUSSELL BARD, at Fremantle, on the 4th inst., by P.C. G. l\fetcalf; larceny. 6 months h.l. Property recovered.

Special Inquiry. Inquiry is requested as t.u t he identit.y of a mau

who was found dead in a tent about one mile from Coulgardie, on tI lL' 22nd ult. Description :-slight build, age about 50 years, height Mt. lOin., grey, whiskers, ben,rd and moustache, Roman nose, long thin visage, supposed fair complexion, had an old scar on right sil.le ~ )f jaw extending to throat: a miner. The only dut> which might lead to identity is a photognwh of a little gi rl about ~ years of age, t.:'l.ken by _ G. H. Nicholas, no aclllress. Information to the Criminal Iuvpstigatiol1 Branch, P\~rth.·-Bl 5100.

Special inquir.v is requested as to the whereabouts of UH,\RLES C"ARROLL alias BAREBACK CHAltLTE, aged about27 ,Yt!ars (no other description procurable); is a prospector with four 01" fil"e hOl":'€s, and sometimes takes a job bullock tea.ming; in May, 1897, was in Marble Bal' district j in August was bullock dr iving for Mackay Bros., and left. a.bout t.hat time, going across the Tableland to Mt. Turner, and from there to the 1'in Hut on the Ashhurton; last heard of a.t the Upper C,tmp on the Ashburtl..n River. It is alleged that a native buy, named Paddy, u.ged abo·ut 12 years, was brutally ill. treated uy a lllan named l\.Iiehael Kellett , and died at the lO·~Iile well from l{ohinson, on the Condon·l\1arble Bar Road, on or ahuut the 10th Mav, ) 897, while under Carroll's care. Carroll has been at. Southern Cross before, a.nd may Le making for'l"c or )Iun.:hison.­B I 5111.

Sp\.;'(·ial inquiry is r~quesfed as to the whereahoutii of ERN EST TOM "\YHEELER nlia.c: "\VILSON, for merly of York, who was employed b.,c Mr. Padbury, of Guildford, in 18!-16·7, under the name of E. R. "\Vilson. DesC'ription: slim build, about 25 years of age, height about ,sft. 5in., d<1.1'1;: (:omplexion, slight dark moustache and side levers, srn<l.ll face, noticeablv bad teeth, and is fla.1,.{00ted. 0autious inquiry to be Inforlllat.ion to Crilllilla.l Inv{'stigation Bra,neh, Perth.-d] 7296.

Miscellaneous. CORNELIUS J. DREW, licensce" Diamond Jubilee"

Hotel, charged at Mount Magn~t, on the 18th ult., by Corpl. J. Kingston j allowing all aboriginal native to rmmtin on h is licensed promises. .£2 fine.

RODERT CUMMING, at Onslow, on the 18th ult., on the application of P.C. H. Pilmer, was placed on the Prohibited List for ] 2 months.

HENRY JAMES READ, WILLIAM SHEARD, and J onN AN CELLO, charged a t Guildford, on the 24th uIt., by F. J. Benson j sly grog selling. £30 fine and ('osts each, and imprisonment until the rising of the Court.

"\V"ILLIA"M HEW ITT, charged at Guildford, on the orc1 inst., by P.C. \V. Guest; sly grog selling at MUll(bring. £30 fine a,nel costs each, and imprison. ment until the l'ising of tho Court.

WILLIAi\[ JAllES GL.~SKIN, at Perth, on the 16th ult" on the- application of A. Glaskiu, was placed 011

the Prohibited List. fo r ] 2 months.

Page 16: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Warrants Issued. Vide Police Gazelle, 1898, page 38, "", g-~'

GEORGE HERBERT ]{INGSWELL not to he an'est('{l. \Van'ant cancelled 2nd iust.

CHARLJ:o:S l\IcFADDEN. slight build. age 3:3 to 36 yt'arR, height a,hont Mt. lOin .. dark hair and moustache, dark eyes, long and sharp nose, a!\ya.vs Seems tu he frowuing, dark complexion, l1HLl'k on back of rig-ht hand. a miller, will be in eompauJ with wife ,Lu(l child; heing indehted to Froggntt a,ud Atkints in the sum (If £17. To be arrt'ste(l ,,1.1 an~' sea.port (Jf the CtAony. hut not elsewhere. D,ttecl Kalgool'Jie. ~8th Fehruary. 1898.-"', I /~~.

_ l\IC.dLLISTER ulio.<; l\lA.c, stout build, a~e 40 "ears, hr'jvht about .Sft. gin., red hair. moustacht> and sideboan.1~. reddish nose, florid eomplexion, nervous jerky style and quick mo"e~ents. dressed .when las;t seen in a Iig-ht sac suit. a talior, speaks With Stot~h accent; bein~ indebted to Goode, Durallt & Co. III

the sum of £43 Os. 7d. To be arrested a.t any sea­port of the Colony. but not elsewhere. Dated P erth, 2nd March , 1898.- ",v. V~~~·

I HUGH BERNARD, middling stout build , age about 45 years, height about. Sft. lOin., dark hair turning grey. strong grey whiskers and beard cut to a point, da.rk eyes, long and straight nose, long visage, dark complexion. walks with slight stoop in shoulders: ancl head slightl.\' down, dressed in fla.nnelette trousers with ~lal"k stripes. wbite coat. strn w hat with rim turned dowll and blaL"k band; obtaining" the sum of £1 l:ls .. and hoard and lodging to the ,L1110unt of 8s. from John Miles 1Vhipp hy false pretences. Dated Fremantle. 2nd March, 1898.-\V. \/.t.

H. "\VOLFGA)IE JACOBS, stout builrl. agt' 4~ years, appears much younger. height ahou t 5ft. 7in., black hail' and moustac:he, dark brown eyes, J ewish nose, round visage. dark complexion, scar on forehead, dress€'d in light-coloured tweed suit and straw h,Lt, lawyer' s dt'rk j disoLeying 1\IagistcrirLl order for t he payment of £1 per we-ek for the support of hiR wife and three children. Dated Pf'rth, 31'd March. 1898. --vV. l,j~().

J. F. HICKEY, medium build, age 36 years. height Sft. 5 ·~ in .. ginger·, long ginger moustache ,Lud full short 1 ,eaI'd. hIue eyes. straig-bt nose . . round visage, fair complexion. has a twitchillO" in the ('ve. dressed in a. dung-aree suit; elllhezzli~g tllt' sl;m of ..£4 12s.6el. tll(' money of his employers. ·\Veston and Riddle. Datt'c1lCalgoor1ie, 3rd )Ial'ch, 18!=18.- \V. \/!.

EU'.\'ARD BORUM. slighthtlild, age :38 .'\·iU:';, hrjght 5ft. 8m. or !=Iin., llark hair. hrown whisk('l's and mOllstathe. 'L teeLlnste!'. niLti\"e of 'Vest Australia, gone overland from Ashllurton to ]\I U1"chison. Ilia Peak. Hill, with cattle. llltLy ma,ke for 'lll." Pt t he ~(lld workmgl:i; <L.S a hailee of 3 e<lSf'S uf \Vond­land's liqueur whisk.y, thl' propert.y of Rohert Fmncis Hope. Dah:d Onslo\\', 2.5th FehnHLry, 1898. 'V. llJ"'1J1,

P. N~P~EB. (no .description given); wilf1l1 Il1I11'1ler of MulhdlUlla aluu; Rover, an aboriginal native, at Nombanbah Station, West Kimberley. on the 23rd January last. Dated Derby, 11th Febl'Uitry. 1808. - \v. I~tt",,~.

!. H. V. DA~I80N, slight build, age ahout 40 years, hel~ht about 6ft., dar~ hair turning gl'l'Y, rrtthel' IOllg dark 1l.10u~tac:he tUrlllllg grey, dark hl'own eyes, long and tl1111 visage, sallow compll;>x.ion, g"clJl'ndly dr(,s~l'1ii


ill ldul' st>rge sac ~llit and 1I1a,·k hoxpr hat. a. tra\'l'lll'r in the tin and hardwarl;> tratll'; ,·mhezzlillg' till' sum of £,+1), 1he mOlleyof John J:l.1l11't' A:·dllnall. Datt'll Perth, 7th Mal'e:h: 1898.- \\~. \,7.~~.

JOHN JHORCK, stout huild. ag-t' 8.5 \'e .. U"s;,lH'ig-ht .)ft. lOin. or 11iu., dark hair. darkish h(,~ll'd trimn~(>'l to ,L point. i.tnd dark brown mou:'!tllcIH'. g-1·t'Y I..')'('s. aquiline nose, round visage. :;a,llow "oHlplf;'xioll, it drover. natiY(, of Victoria, travt'lling from Fitzl'Cl." ]{i"er, on Oaknver route, to Murchison; ::;tealing ] hay horse, unwcled ~ on nea.r shouldE'l', (1·,\ orahout :28th ALlgl1~t. 1897 (this horst" was sold Iw MlIn:k to the l\IanaU"l'r. Braeside Station, on October :30. 18!=17). D<~ted Bamboo Creek, 7th Fehruary. l R!=IR. 'V. L:~i.

.~-.- .. --­--~----

Missing Friends. J'ide Poltce Gazelle, 18H7. page.:; l:3.)-~lI;.Oc:. ;"

THO:i\[AS "M'CARTHY was seen in t he Uniteu S('nice Hotel. Perth, about nine weeks ago.

Mrs. ROSE BIWWN (no d~8criptioll given), may go under name of 1\1rs. Bin·h, or may hE' paR~ing- as wife of George Baker, who is suppos('d to he eUl­ployed on the permanent way of the Goverllment Railways; left Exeter, New South ,"Vales. in August, 1897, for P erth. Inquiry by StaJe Children Relief Department, Sydney, 011 behalf of her two children. who are boarded out by the department. Inform,l­tion to the Criminal Investigation Branch. Perth.­B14925.

J AlHF.:S DUNDoN, slight huild. age 40 ,YearR, bu1 1001.:s older. height about 5ft. JOin .. dark hair. hLu:k bf'al'd and moustachf' turning grey. dark hIll€! eyes. erooked nose inclined to the right, round visage, dark COlll ­

ple-xlOn, derk in Government stort', Midland Junc­tion, native of Victori,t j drt'sseu in blue s~rge coat and vest. light tweed trousers. hlaek aud white s:traw hat with blue band j l€'ft home, Qua.rry Street, Fre­mantle. on 12th ult .. to proceed to Perth to draw bis pay. Had been drinking. Inquiry hy Fmnces DUlldon (wife), QlULlTY Street. FremantIf'. Bl 5098.

CECIL BURNEV AYlt'l'oN. slight huild. ag"l' 40 ye'Lrs. hejght 5ft. 7in., dark h<til" turning grey, light f,tir moustache, bllle eyes, thin yisagf', f<til' ('Olll­

plexion, <to clerk, native of IJondon; drc::,st'll In lbrk coat. light trousers, and brown soft feh last seelt at Coulg-ardi~ at S·10 a.lll. on the 2nd iust. Inquiry by Edward Gram Price, Swan Syndi<:ate. ",Yoodward S'treet, Coolgardie. Illformati(lll to tht..' Criminal Iuvcstig-ation Brand\' P erth . - Bl .=)10:3.

JOHX THOlllAS \VIN'i'l~l(ROT1'U)I. <tgol' 5:? 't..'a!'l:'. height i.Lbont ;)ft. ~iu., dark eomplt·:\itlll. (l;ll"k i"lI'LlWn turning- gre.v. g rey beard, whis!;:l·'·S, and 1I11HIS­tache. 11rown eyes. slight S(',L!' l)\l tL'llIj1h'. Il l iuL' manager I~r cont ractu!', native (If I ... lllrashin:, Eng­land; la"t hearll of at Lady T..J()d\ min..: C"nlg,mli(:. 011 12th JUIlf' \a,::.t. Iuquil',\ by South Australian Polii.:e on behalf of l\hs. M. A. 'Vinterbotiom (wife), 103 Hutt St.reet. Adela.ide. Informa.tion to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth. - El '5107.

\YILLrAM HENRY STORJo:Y. t,Lll and thin build, ;tge 19 years. grey eyes, shod lIpper lip , near-sighled. verY smart, last seen outside the .Ropd Hotel, Pl'rth. ahout th,· lllidJlc l1f Det..'l'lUllcr last. Inquiry 1,,\ NI'S. A nUle Haddon \ mother). 68 Alldrew t)tl't'l't, 'VilldsOl", Victoria. Information to the Cr iminal InH'stigatioll Branch, Perth.- Bl ·4893.

Page 17: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

~1 -

Property Lost. Vide PoUce Ga:ettc, 1898, page 63, P.L. ~}.

Alba7lY. -C. F. Lay ton's pocket hook and papers have been found.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page i~, P .L . !{ Albany.- Michael Fenton's Gladstone hag and

t:outents been found.

Perth.-Ou the 26th ult.,- an envelope containing papers bearing owner's name, expired Indian Rail­ways passes, testimonial, etc.; the property of Edward B. Beardmore.-P.L. ~-ij-. On the 2nd inst., -a, red rug with fringe all round, the property of J. Mollel'.-P.L. :~-. On the 21st ult., - a Rover Roadster hicycle, No. 20030, bent handles, also No. 34 in white paint; the property of - Armstrong. - P.L. i"90¥O.

F'umontle. - On t he 27th ult.,- a hdy's 18ct. gold ring, set with 3 (hamonds; t he property of JaDe Daley.--P.L. ~~.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Fremantle. - Stolen on the Sru inst., from the

owner's dwelling. Scott Street, entrance being e£fecteu hy opening a window which was left unsecured,- one £10 Bank of Australia note, stamped ou back . , Apothecaries Company. pl'es('riptions carefully prepared " j also £10 8s. 8d. in gold and si lv('r j the property of Richard Birch . ..!r:Al '74.58. 3rd March. 1898.

Perlh. -Stoleu. on the 7th inst., from thE' owner's dwelling, Tullamore House, Mount Street, entrance being effected by mea.ns of a window which was left ullsecured, - l doz. dessert knives and 1 doz. forks, white ivorv halldleg j 1 uoz. fish knives anu ] doz. forks, pea.~l handles; 1 fish carver and fork, pearl ha.ndles; 1 E.P. uut-cracker; 2 E.P. frui t spoons with gold-pIat~d bowls; 2 doz. E.P. tea spoons j 4 solid silver egg spoons; 2 solid silver erumb scoops with ivory handles; 10 E.P. dinner forks, marked ., 'V. & H.S. crown B. & E.P.j" 11 RP. dinner forks, marked" W. & H.S. & W.R. 3;" 6 E.P. dessert spoons, a.nd 6 E. P. table spoons j the property of Frederick w. Moorbead.-Al I7498. 7th March. 1898.


f;:ueUe '''!>le. l:pf<. Su. CUlL' [)~'" or egcape.

:So. <iltiflll.

540 Hll.rri!;,J.o'rank Free IStll August, 1895 .. , Morgan, Oa.\·id do. 12th Sept., 1895 543 McDonald, Ju. do. 12th Sept., 1895 ... 54G Burke. Wru. do. lstJ:I.ll.Uury,1896. .. , Evans, R obt . do. .'Jrd "Marcll, 1896

'" "McArthur, F. do. 17th April, 1896 552 Slack, John do. 13th June, 1896 ..

'" Br08111l.1I, Timothy do. 20th Augllst, 1896 ..

'" Bopkins, J ohn do. 9th Sept., 1896 ..

'" Jenlrins, \Vm. do. 9th Sept., 1896

"" \Vatson, 'l'llOmus do. l7tb Sept., 1896

'" EleODlbe. Thos. lQ3U T."L. 23rd. Nov .. 1896 56' Watson, Charles Free 2Uh June, 1897 ,,. MolyneuJ:. Matth ew 6145 T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 .~75 Reid. John, flli,,~ 10'-" do. 21st Augl.lst.I897

Price, Chus. Si6 O'Brien, Nicholas 10<70 \ do. 30th Oct., 1897

'" Mindham ab. nut. 24th Dec., 1897

"'" llIcFhersoll, Don:l ld .. Free 31st Vec., 189i 'SI I Robinson. \Villi'Wl 10507 Col. 27th J un .. 1898 582 Arrnstroug, Jobn ... Free 4th Mar., 1898



York. - On the 231'd ult .. <Lt the Court House, before W. D. Cowan, R.M., Cnroner, on the body of Thomas Hartree, who wa.s killed at the 96*-Mile siding. on the 17th ult., through an accident caused by a train colliding with a hnll. Verdid.-" Ac('iilental death."-Bl /5099.

Cue.- On the 28th ult .. at the Court House, before R P. DowIey, R.M., Coroner, on the body of John Keith, who died suddenly on the 27th ult. Verdict

"Death from na.tural causes." - Bl/5104.

Coolgardie.--On the 24th ult., at the ()ourt House, before C. Rennick. J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of a man, name un known, who was found dea.d in a tent on the 22nd uIt. Verdict·-" Death from natural can,e,."-Blj5100. (See Special Inquiry.)

RoebolM·ne. ·- On the 23rd ult., at the Court House, before Albert Naish, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Alexander Davis. a prisoner, who died in Roebourne gaol on the 23rd uIt. Verdict-" Death from natural causPs." - Bl '.5112.

Horses, Cattle, etc .

Jarl'CdLdale. - Sold at the Serpentine, on the 26th ult .• by order of Charles Lovegl'ove, R.M., - 1 roan bullock. white back, branded R off ribs. notch out of baek of off ear. age 7 years.

Dongarro.-StoIen hetween October, 1896. to February. 1897. fromWooditar and Lake Logue RUDS, - ! hay colt,. ahout 4 years old. branded H 011

near ribs anu RS on near shoulder j and 1 che's'tnut filly about 3 years old, bra nded UO on near shoulder. the property of John McLean Rammcrsley.­A117423. l,t Marcb, 1898.

K'ltTnalpi. - Sold on the 26th ult., by order of H. O. B. Lane. J.P .. - l bay gelding, white star and

snip, branded ~ near shoulder, 5~O off shoulder.

indistinct brand near thigh, clipped.


llistrict rr(}ltI. De9cnpticII and remll.rks.

Frema.ntle Vidv P olice G,,:cl lr . I~S, puge 160 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 169 Geraldton Do. do., do. do. 169 Victoria. Plaing Do. do., IS" do. 13 Perth . Do. do., do. do. " Albany Do. do., do. do. 94 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 130 Gerll.ldtoll Do. do., (10. do. 190 Newcastle Do. do., do. do. 207 Newcastle Do. dO')., do. do. ZQ7 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 212 Fremantle Do. do .. do. do. 2SG Perth Do. do., 1897 do. 189 Perth Do. <10., do. do. 259 Fremantle Do. do .. do. do. 395

Frcmnntlc Do. do., (10. do. 395 Fremantle Do. do .. (10. do. 395 Fremuntle Do do., 189' do. , Fremnntle Do. do., do. do . .. Fremantle Do. do .. do. do. '"

Page 18: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

",'00' il.ition.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female I Do. Free Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. T.L.

Free I

Free Do.


Free I

Free I



F". -I Do.


Do. Do. I


!leg. N". Where Committed.

OlUe of Ilieeharv,~'

_ I


2732 1732

3081 30ii() :n04 3055 2730 1558

F 21 F 20

944 :l123


2834 :l152 2\195 2595 3112 2930 2524



~mith, John

Bruce, Rohert Cornell ati ·,s Si mp-

son, Jos. Roberts. Robt. Wilson, Fra.nk 'l'renorden, Robert Cal>sidy. Thomas Elliott, Wm. Brennan, MichL FitzgeraId, Gerald

Cartwright, Susan Coyle, Ann .. Sllllivan, Thomas. Nelson, Charles, James

Young, Claude Dear, Adolp. Jas. Mr)reland, .Robt. Patterson, James .. GuUa.t, Francis Anclerson, Geo. Burke, Geo., alias

Morey, Jas.

Anderson, Jas., alias Price. Mark

Carroll, Thomas Williamson, Robt ..

Unlawful possession; damaging I ! property

Dis" l'derly Assault

Idle a.nd disoooerly Embezzling cargo Unlawful possession Embf> uling cargo Idle and disorderly Obsce!le language Debt

Idle and disorderly Do.

Larceny. Drunk: trespassing

Disorderly; resisting al're,;t

I dle and disorderly Drunk Abnsive la.nguage Shopbreaking Drnnk Lrtrceny. Esca.pillg from legal custody;

fa.lse pret<>llces: embezzle­ment

Unln.wful possession (t.wo charges)

Drunk Burglary

£;l and costs or :1 months h.1.; .£5 a.nd costs or 2 months h.1. (cum.)

£lO or 2 months h.1. 2 months h.!.

2 months h.1. ~ weeks 11.1. 1 month h 1. tl weeks b.1. 2 months h.1. 1 month h . l. .£17 9s. 2d. or 7

days 3 months h.1. 3 months h.l. 4 months h.1. 4Os. and costs 0)1' 14

days h.1.; .£5 and costs or 7 days h.l (cnm.)

3 ru0cths h.1. I month h.1. (cum).

3 months h.1. ;,s. 01' :3 da."s h.1. 3 months h.!. 12 monthg h I. 10s. 01' 7 da.ys h.1. -4 months h.1. o months Id. ~ 9

months h.t. ti months h.1. (cu:n.)

3 months h.1.; :3 months h.1. (cum.)

5s. or 3 days h.1. i years p.s.


Kanowna Perth

Coo]gardie Fremantle Perth Fremantle Coolgardie Fremant!e


Perth Do.

Fremant.le Perth


Fremantle Do. Do.

Perth Fremantle

Do. Roebonrne


Fremant.le Perth

From Aft. Magnet Lock-up. rlnring the weelr. ending 2fith Febrw~, r!l' 1898.

1 I I ,28th

I I · J I I

r' 2nd

I \ 'tb

1 ~5th







Callighan, James .. J Disorderly 114 daya h.t i .Mt. Magnet j 22nr! Ff'b.

F1'om Albany Gaol, clltriJlfl the week ending :d6th Febnwry: 1898. Coultm:Ln, Willialll 1 Dmnk... ". Oxley, Albert ... Unlawfnl possession

Byrne. Martin Indece nt expo;;ure \

7 d<l.ys b.l. . .. . .. \ Alban.f £10 fine or:l months Do.

h.1. J i daya Id. .. . . Do.

Fl'om Neu)castle Oaol. d1l"ri11fl the week e1!dil1g 26th I?ebruary. 18,9,q.

Scale, 'rhomas I Disorderl:". 114 da.ys h.1. I Northa"m

Fl'om. York Gaol, during fhe week Mding 5th March. 1898. I }fitchell, }b.ttbew I Disorderly I 55. fine or 7 days I York


From, Vasse Gaol, d!t-Ting the week end'il1g .5th March, 1898. 90.;8 I DeGlindt, Leonal'd I Larceny. larceny a,,, bailee i 7 days h.1. Vasse

From R1I'nbury Gaol, t.he week ending 5th Mann. 1898.

9106 I CampbeU, John ! Obscenity 11 month h.I. Bunbury

21st Feb. 23rd do.

2flth do

25th Feb.

28th Feb.

:ird March.

28th Feb.

~risoners tried at Geraldton (!narter KessionR. commencing Wednesda.Y. ~lId March. 189~.

L:tn~, Thomas G(l.ivin, John. alias

William8 Do.

Morgan. John John80n, David


Larceny from person LarCf·ny tU! a servant


Larceny tU! IL Dai1ee }>~alse prete nces


Northampton Geral<lton


Do. Northampton

p"lke On1.ctle rpfcreu"e

1898. p. is. 1). 2.

p. 2. 1897.

p. 3R5. p. :JS5.

Not ,~"iIlS Guilt.l·


Do Do.

Di~churged 2 years h.t

Do. concurreot

6 months h.l. 12 monthB b.l.

Page 19: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Return ot PriRoners to be discharged from ~'remalltle I'ri ~on during the !lonth of !larch, 1898.


Suili 'l"IlU, Thomas, ,dius

COg"hlan .....: 'W\h:lnir. J ames

ci o

~ o o


Y~ung, elaud I· ..

AnderSOll, " George

lI[oreiand, Robert


1ft Ill, ,<> stout 26 5 5~ binek

'~950 llLiddlillg iH 1 5 1~ d:u'k stout

2834 2930 st~'ut

32 5 1l~ 3ft 5 6t

:?995 middliug 30 5 10~ stout

light' and bnld


2595 23 5 3 light brown

I dark hazel

full darK !!ellman America.

grey broad SR \low miner Scotland

blue 10llg fresh labourer Victoria. grey broad sallow painter N.S. Wales

long labourer Scotland

blue round fresh Queensland James

William"o u, Robert

T.L. 10469 stout " , 81 brown o,'al England

Anderson, James, n!i(ls Carney, alias Mark Price

Purcell, Jnmes

Woodball, Joseph

Scholield. Frederick

Kielly. Daniel

l'I!iUer, G. B.

Dowling (or Downing)

Nicholas Bradley, J ohn


Jones, .. George H.

Doherty, I" Fr:mk Skehan, "

J oseph (or Jobn)

Hughes, John

Gordon, Stel hen 1

SlmpsoD, " George

Rnnett, Ex J oacllh

Carberry, Free Henry

Daiz, Wm. (;1.Ia;.

CUUninT~:~ VODovan,


Bry:wt, James bIcDonald,

Frnncis CroftOll,

Willia.llI Kemp, Ralph

Ah Hong Johnson,

Wm., ulia$ Thompson, 1111(11 Barker

Daveran, Itlichael

Jooes, Da:rid

SimOIlS, Lemuel

1999 middling 28 5 7 stout



2159 •

35 , 61

"5 5 S~ grey

26 5 Si duk brown

dark round browll

blue long

grey broad sallow

hazel o,'al dark

black. smith







2908 stout 23 5 11 dark long sallow labourer Victoria

289-1 middling 26 S 9\ b'Tey

hazel 2914

2910 2913




2911 1



stcut 23 5 7l

28 5 7~ fair 24 5 4-t dark

27 5 71 36 5 9l

grey blue

g rey


30 5 5i! liJtht blue

6~' da,.~~',.'.',~y' I grey 50 , u_ " eye only

bl", 1 18 5 8t fair

61 5 2{ dark, turn­ing- ~ey

45 5 6t light brown





.. I

oval fresh

long sallow



electri- England cian

labourer Victoria

miller N.S. W n.les labourer Victoria

I Ireland



Loot- I lIlaker



S .A.


Victor ia

21Sl ~light 3. 5 8~1 101l!-: fair book· binder. clerk 251,;7 widdlinL(, 18 5 ::I; t.l=k I'-'"rey fresh England

lrelalld t·n9




!Stout z.t. 5 6'


."15 9 dark brown 31 !) 8 clal'k

31 5 9 "

30 5 10;




llLnS011 England

N.S. Wales

light Ion!; sallow lab<Hlr, r Eng-iaud lln.7.el

" broadi florid "I N Z uiaud

66 5 6 bhll'k ;J.Illlond ronnd C(.opper 1 gnr,leller CbiIllL .:3 5 n dark brown grey full fresb labolllel N S W;J.les

1 j 33 5 6i dark lon~ s:l.llow miller


.. ll.A .

ss , 4 brown

~rey rOllu'i

Marks, Pec\llia.ritie~, .!.:c,

Second finger of right hand oft 1·3·98 1897-841

Bracelet on both wrists. scar on forehead, do. on lleck

C. Y. on rigl)tiol·en.rm Broken nose

Scar over right eye, star on right hand near thumb ...

Woman in red on right fore·

2_3_98 ,,-341 3·3·98 ,,-871 4-3·98 ,,-341

4-3-98 ,,-371

arm 4-3_98 ,,-IS6 Burn marks right shoulder 5-3.98 1894-138

J.H.M .S. 16 on left arm, W.M. on back of left ha.nd 6-3-98 1897-833

Cross, S.D. and wreath right forearm, soldier llnd woman left forearm .. ... ... 9-8·98 ,,-139

Scar right side of forehead, do. over left eye, do. on nose... 9-8_98 ,,-377

Woman and flowers right fore-arm, butterfly on beck right band.. ..' 11-8-98 ,,-30$

Right ear deformed, 1st finger right hand injured... ..' 11-8_98 ,, -320

Broken nose 11-8-98 ,, -820

Wart above left eye 11·3.98 ,, -S08

~~J.~S.b~~lfe~to~;~e~~:~eG on 11.3·98 ,,-S08

left wrist .. \ 11_3_98 .. -308 Scar back of left ear, do. back

of head ... 14·8_98 ,,-308 Ship on right forearm , left

wrist broken 16-3.98 " -92

Scar 00 forebea(l, two scars on back of head 16-3_98 " -59

Right e~-e miSSing", !OP of 1st a.nd 2nd flug-ers Tight haod llli~sing 18-3·98 ., 893

Crooked nose \ 19.3.98 1 " -3OS

Weak eyes ' 21.3-98 ,,-393

Burn marks right .. ioJe, ri.:::-ht arm, right breast and right I leg".. 21-3-98 1896-255

Tumour on left ear, gr.:y ]lalch lmck of hellll 2:? 3·B8 " W

Sc.."lr back of head ~.!.3_9-l '1897-296

K.G.C.H. amI inkmarks left forearlll, two blue marks left shin . 2;).3.9.'"1 " 393

Scar back of hu,I<1 I 23·::\·98 ,,-316 Cro.·sed flt\~~ left arm, ring Oll

3rd fiu).,-e r rill"ht baud. . 29_3_9S .18!)8- 3 Hoot ou left 'II'll), W.C. an.i

HE. ri~hj arm Claspc,1 hnll<l~ rib"ht fl,rca l"ln,

scar left c1,cek Scal' Oil hot11 le~s JC. (lU kfl arnJ, dill "11 left

hund, llIU1'k Oil left c]l~ek

Scar Oil chin. St00I)'; when wnlkiu.c:

Scar on ri~h, eyc.brow, do. on 11I."k an<\ crowlI nf head

Senr 011 Jert tlllllllb, do. middle finger l'ig-ht 1m",1


29-3·98 IS~7 355 :{(I.3·98 ,,-38"

30.3.98 " ;!(I8

31-3-ml 18~H 3

31·;1·98 I.;

By .Authority; RICRARD PETH"ER, Government Printflr, Perth,


Page 20: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,
Page 21: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


[ Published by Authority. 1

This GftZette is published for Police i'l~f01'mation only, and the Polic~ thto'ltghout th~ Oolony ()jre instntcled to rrtolce fhem.selves th01'O'Ughly acquainted 'with the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police .

. No. l1.J WEDXESDAY, MARCH 16. [1898.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, etc.

Vide Pulice Gazette, 1898, page 86, Al/ 7486: Fremanile.-The number of E. Allllall's watch is


Vide Police Gazelle, 189B, page 88, Al 7518.

North Frenumtle.-John Power's wateh has been recovered by P.C. J. L('a,vy, and traced to the possession of Robert Wallliss and Arthur James Jacobson,-vicle Apprehensions.

Vide Police Ga:ette. Ib98, page 88, Al 7519. North Fremanfle.--John Casey's gold scarf pin has

been rec.:overed by P.C. J. Lea"y, and tnwcd to the possession of Robert Wanliss and A rthur James Jacobson, as above.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 88.- A.17520.

North Fremantle.-James Crozier's g01d ring has been re('ov~red by P.C J. Leavy, and traced to the possessIOn of Robert '''anlias and Arthur James Jacobson, as above.

Vide Police Gazette, 1808, page 88.-AlI752l.

North Frenwntle.--Edward Foley's silver chain and locket have been recovered by P.C. J . Leavy, and traced to the possession of Robert Wanliss and A.rthur James Jacobson, as above.

Vide Police Gazette, lR98, page 88, Al/i522.

N01·th Fremalltle.- -Joseph Hunter's silver watch has been r~covered by P.C. J. Lea"y, and traced to the possessiOU of Robert Wanliss a.nd Arthur James J acobson, as above.

Vide !)oZi" Gazette, 1898, page 88 A 1/7523.

N01·th FI·enwntle.-Alexander SnodO"rass's silver wa.tch and star pellda.nt have been ~'e~overed by P.C. J. Leavy, and tra.ced to the possession of Robert Wanliss and Arthur James Jacobson, above. as

Fremantle.-During the night of the 7th inst., from the person of Alexander N icholson,-1 O"entle­mao's si1ver hunting key-winding English lever watch, Eluardt maker, No. 219934, " A. Maerow & SOll, Melbourne," on dial, and 1 short white metal Albert, long and short links twisted.-A1f7531, 9th March, 1898.

Perth.-On the 1st inst., from No. 30 Dver Street-1 15ct. gold brooch, pick and shovel pattern, with bucket suspended, nugget on shovel, " Haunan's" in block letters (H missing) over the pick a.ud shovel; the property of William Miller.-Al/7536. 8th March, 1898.

Kalgoorlie.- During the night of the 25th ult., from the p(;:l'son of "William Hindra,-1 O'entleman's silver hunting English lever watch, N o. :r:a:;-:}, engine. turued case.- Al/ 7539, 9th ~brch, 1898.

Perth.--During the night of tIle 4th inst., from 282 ~a)' Street, - 1 gentleman's l 8ct. gold plain band l'lllg, engraTcd "F.R.B."; the property of Fred. R. Barlee.-A1/7553, 9th ~hrcb, 1898.

Ftemantle.·-During the night of the 9th iost., from t he person of Angelo Grassi,-12 £5 W est Australian Bank notes, and 1 crelltleman's si lver hunting key-winding Rotherham ~vatch and 1 siher chain, short tWIsted liuks.-A1j7561, 10th March, 1898.

N01·th Fremantle.-On the 10th inst., from t he owner 's tent at North Shore,-1 gentleman'S silver open-faced key-windiug Geneva watch, No. 1114, Bennet t, maker, on dial; t he property of William Dignon.-Al/7566, 11th March, 1898.

Kalgoorlie.- On the 7th inst., from the person of John Dalton, a.t t he m.ilway station,-1 aentleman's silver hunting English Rotherham watch~ No. --'1.' "J. L . Da.ltou" engnwed on inside case' Ol~t of repair.-Alf7576, 12th March, 1898. '

Page 22: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Premantle.-On t he 5th inst .. from the person of J ohn "'V . Miller,- l gentlemau's silver open-faced key-winding- Engli sh leve~ watch No: 31298, .. R. Stauford. London," 011 dial, and 1 sl,lver " Maltese cross eua l":Lved " Maiden F our, J ohn MIller, on one side, and ,: Coat of Arms. Melboul'lle Regatta, 1877," in circle on the other.-Al/ 7581. 12th March, 1898.

Fl'emanfle. - -On the ] ltll inst., from the owner's box, at the Pier Hotel,- l Vd. gold curb bracelet, 1 lady's 18ct . gold. ring. chased. and set witl~ 2 sa.pphires and one dia~nond ; 1 lady's l Sd" gold ring, plain. be yelled, set With ~ large t\)paz; 1 three-h~r plain gold brooch set wJth opcLl; and £3 10s. III g-oId; the propert.y of I~ena Thomas.- AI/ 7531, 14th Marcb, 18Y8.

Newcastle.-On the 10th or 11th inst. ,--l gentle­man's silver bunting English lever watch, key­windiuo- enaine-turned case, "A" scratched on the centre ~f outside of front case, " A. C. Cook, P erth," on dial and works; the property of Arthur Dew.­Al 7582, 14th March, 1898.

Perth.-On t he 13t h inst., from the person of Gore, at the Mctropole Hotel,- l gentle­ma.n's gold Waltham watch, by American 'V'atch Oompany, Hillside, Mass., No. 3943851, case No. 232 S, "T G 1-9-97" engraved on case; 1 gold chain and pendant, "15ct., Nesbit.," on bar and c"tch. - Al/7588, 13th March, 1898.

Vide Police Gu:ette, 1897, page 2;)2, Al 4543.

Kalgool'lie. - E. J ones's bicycle has been rec(lvered by the owner, and traced to the possession of Thomas C·rott.v,-vide Apprehensions.

Vide PolIce Gu:etie, 1898, page in, A l i328.

North F,·emontle.-Frederick Ganop'~ skiff bas bef'll recoverf'd in the possession of Rob€'rt "\Vanliss and Arthur James J acobson. Pl'ose(:utioll declined.

Geraldton.- Between the 30th J anuary and 6th ult., while in transit between P eak Hill and Gerald­t.on, a letter from the manager of the National bank, Gel'aldtoll, to Inspector Lawrence, containing the following cheques:-

No. Dr-awn. Amount.

B 488 J . Tholllpson .£2 12 6 P.C. 5454 Peak Hill Goldfielcl Co. 1 G S

5426 Do. do. Hi 18 • 5457 Do. do. 1 6 8 82fl or 76 Field & Co. 1" 3 9

oo72l- 'Vater SUI)ply o 13 • 0072:3 a .. Do. o 13 4 .,.25496 .. . Jas. Swail 2 0 0

P.t.:. 5217 Peak Hill Goldfield Co. 2 0 0 533,l- Do. do. 8 0 0 5a9S Do. do. 1 6 S 5397 Do. do. S 0 0

o. U(j80r 12 'N. J. 'McCalla III 2; 0 0 H. 11 ' ;A 01' la Do. ; 3 0

'"' Bl"Ockman & Co. 15 0 0 .. a.nd bank notes, £15; the property of the P ost­master GeneraJ. - A1 /7529, 8th ~brcb, 1898.

K algoorlie.-During the night of the 8th inst.,-1. gentleman's English Triumph bicycle, l }in. Dunlop tU'es, front wheel 30ill. (with c01'l"u~ated t ire), haf'k wbeel 28iu., rattl'ap pedals, Brooks' Release l:'a.dJ le, f?ot-re~ts. missing, rubbel' grips slightly worn away. tIpS ID1SSillg, has a brake attached; the property of A. M. H ay. - A l /7575, 12t h March, 1898.


KulgooTlie.-Between the 10th ult. aud !)t.h inst .• frolll t he Marmioll L~ase, Boulder,- 1 double barrelled . muzzle loading shot gun, H ollis & Co., makers, ·'M.F." cut on (·ne side of stock · the property of E. W. Main.- · AI /7538, 9th March,\898.

Kalgoorlie.-On t.he 8th inst., from the Railwav Station,-l gentleman's New Rapid bicycle, cork grips with white bone tips, tires, new rubber pedals, bhLCk frame; tile property of J oseph Pal'eras. - Al /7.177, 12th Marcb, 1898.

P erUL- In transi t, per post, lettel's addressed "Messrs. Stone & Burt, Soli1Jitors. P erth," co tlta.ining cheques: (I) between Frema.lltl(~ and Perth, 1 National Ba.nk (Pt'rth ) cheque. drawn hv John Cleery in favour of Stone & BUI·t for £8 6s. Sd.; ( 2) between York and Perth, I cheqt,le (It'awn by _ Edwards Oil a York bank for £55s.; (3) between Busselton and P erth, l cheque on W .A. Bank, P erth. No. 47, 26th Febmary, 1898, drawn by Dayid Forrest in favour of Stone & Burt for £37 10s.; (4) between P addington and Perth. 1 cheque, W .A. Bank, Broad Arrow, drawn by A. Maynahar in favour of C. Crossland for £5 5s.; the property of Stone & Burt.-Al / 7609, 15th March, 1898.

K algoorlie.-On the 7th in st.,- l Lla(;k sleeveless waterproof coat, large cape, velvet collal', has a hole burnt in the collar ; the property of Charles Smith. Suspicion attaches to - Nelson, described as medium build, height 5ft. 8in., age 21 years, dark complexion, good looking. dressed in a dark suit, is travdling in company with Charles Nelson, t he salesman, a.nd passes as his brother.-AI/ 7540, 9tb March, 1898.

North Fremantle.·-On the 3rd or 4th inst.., u.t Rocky Bay,-24 sheets of 6ft. x 2ft. galvanised iron, "Crown" brand, "0 R B" in centre of crown ; ,Lnd 15 pieces of 3in. x 2in. x 14in. jarrah, aU second­band; the property of John Molloy.-·Al '7514, 9th Marcb, 1898.

Fremantle. - -On the 10th inst., from a trap outside t he Federal H otd .-l cloth carriage rug, brown with black stripes, size 6ft. x 4ft., fringed at t he end, slightly stained with g rease from the wheels; the property of Frau<.:is S. Harney. -· Al '7571, 11th March, 1898.

Perth .--On the 11th inst., from t he vicinit.y of t he­Bunhury Railway Bl'idge,- l 6ft. x 8ft. calico tent (roughly made by complainant, ,; J B" on the sid~). 1 pair dark Iri sh tweed trousf'rs, and .l new grey flannel shirt. very deep collar; t he property of J ohn Smith.-Al , 7569, 12th March, 1898.

FrP1nantle.-On t he 10th inst .. from a hotel. - a. p,Lrcel containing 2 pairs of li1{ht cheek t.weed trousers (one p,tir has a hole in Olle knee) , size 5: 2 light check tweed sac coats, huttM1S of same ma.terial; 7 or 8 coloured shirts, size 1 5 ;~; also collars. s(;t:ks. <Lnd singlets; the property of John HiI1. - A1/753:2. 12th Marcb, 1898.

Fremalltle.-On the 11th inst... from the owner's bedroom, at. the Newcastle Club Hotel, - l fine black serge sac coat, size .1, tailor made, 1.inside .and 4 ?ut-




side pockets. 5 dark bone buttons, lllled WIth a light material having a small black stripe. 1 pai r of finc black serge trousers, tailor nutde, size 5, side pockets, --.. the p,'opert,Y of Frank Dllffey. - Al/ 7600, 14th ~b .. ch, ? ..... __ "" 1898.

Perth. - On t he 12t h or 13th inst. , from a building in Howarrl Street, - ll!in. rabbet plane, 1 ~in . head plane, 1 t in. bead plane, 1 hollow plane, size 10 or 12. all branded" J . Langdou." the property of J l1 hn Langdon.- A1 ji607, 14th March, 1898.

Page 23: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 89.

Z.HBA alias ALEC, brought up at Mt. Malcolro. on the 7th inst. Committed for trial.

Vide Police Gazette, 189B, page 90, w. '0//. J. H. V. DAVISON, at Coolgardie, on the 9th inst.,

by Det. P. D. Kavanagh. Remanded to Perth.

Vide Police Gatette, 1898. page 78, W. V~ .. · JAMES K. BENNE'!'T, at Perth, on the 11th inst.,

by P.C. Juo. Crick. Remanded.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 90, W. \,V· HUGH BERNARD. a.t Perth, on the 11th inst., by

Det .. S. Condon. Remanded t,o Fremantle.


12th inst.

Vide Police Ga:ette. 1898, page 89.

LOFl'US, brought up at Frema.ntle, on Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898. page 76.


WILLIAM SLEE, hrought up at Fremantle, on the ] Ltb iust. Committed for triaL

Vi<le Potiet! Ga:eth, 1898, page .w, W. ~ -~"

AR1'UUR HERBERT STUART, at Coolgardie, on the 1) th inst" by Sergt. W. C. Sellinger a.tHl Det. P. D.

'Kavanagh, Oischa.rged for \'rant of prosecution.

GEORGE CROSS, at Perth, on the 23rd ult., bV P.C. J. j assault and robbery. Committed fo'r trial.

ROBERT THOMPSON, at Perth, on the 26th ult., by P.C. H. Wall"",,; larceny. 1 month h.l.

SELMA V. MENZEL, at Perth, on the 1st inst., by Det. F. G. Eggleston, on warrant; larceny as a bailee. 3 months h.l., and to pay costs. Discharg-ed under t.he First Offendt?rs' Act. Property recovered.

HENRY VVXLLlA!>! GILBERT, at Perth, on the 31'd inst., by CorpI. ,V. Maxwell; att€'mpted suicide. Committed for trial.

WILLIAU RowE, at Perth, on the 3rd inst., by P.C. A. Warnecke; unlawful possession. 2 months h.1.

JOHN BOURKE, a.t Perth, OH the 3rd inst., by P.C. W. L<L('ey; obscenity, 1 month h.1.; <Lssaulting police, 2 months h.l. (cumulative).

TaOMAs WILL lAMS, at Perth, on the 6th inst., by P.C. W. La('ey j disorderly, 1 month h.l.; malicious injury to property, 1 month h.1. (cumulative).

THOMAS SULLIVAN, at Perth, on the 6th inst., by P.C. A. N. Pierce; assault. 1 month h.l.

PATRICK HARDY, at P('rt.h, on the 2nd inst., bv P.C. J. Doody; idle a.nd disorderly. Ij months h.1.··

THOMAS CROTTY, at Boulder, on the 5th inst., bv P.C. G. A. Fraser, larceny. Committed fol' tria.l. PrO}lcrty recovered.

JOHN KIRBY, at Coolgarciie, on the 7th inst., by P.C. M. Tuohy, OIl warntnt; indecent assault.. Com. mitred for trial. Admitted to bail.

H UGH C. L. FRASER, at Beverlev, on t.he 11 th ult., by Corpl. J. Crocket j atwmpb'c]' suici d,'. Brought up at, York on flU' 8th inst. Committed for trial.


JOSEPB WAINWRIGHT and GEOROE FOWLER, at Kanowna, on the 9th inst., by P.Cs. L. O'Brien and A. Rankin; idle and disorderly. 3 months h.1. each.

JOHN KILLINGLY, at Kanowna., on the 9th inst., by P.C. A. Rankin; imposition. 3 months h.1.

FREDERICK BELL, at Perth, on the 23rd u It., by Det. F. G. Eggleston and P.Cs. A. Warnecke and J. T. Brodie, on warrant j embezzlement. Corn· mitted for trial. Admitted t.o bail.

GEORGE ANDERSON, at FI'emantle, on the 5th inst., by P.C. T. Hollole j larceny. 6 months h.1. Pr(lperty recovered.

JOHN ARNOLD, at Fremantle, on the 7th inst., hy P.C. H. Foru-scue j assault. 2 months h.1.

TaOMAS BIRCH, at Fremant.le, on the 10th iust., by P.C. H. Fortescue. larceny. 4 months h.1.

THOMAS TAYLOR, a.t Fremantle, on the 10th inst., by W.P.C. T. Rogers, on warrant j absent from ship without leave. 4 weeks h.1.

ROBERT WANLISS and ARl.'HUR JAI\IES JACOB~ON, at Fremantle, on the 12th inst., by P.C. J. Leavy; larceuy (six cha.rges). Remanded.

WILL lAM SMITH, at Guildford, on the 11th inst., by P.C. D. Stevens; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.1.

JOHN LEEDER, THOMAS CASELY, a.nd WILLIAM KELLY, at Perth, on the 9th inst., by Detectives S. Condon a.nd F. G. Eggleston; assaultlllg a. police constable. Leeder, 4 months h.1.; Casely and Kelly. 3 months h.1. each. Casely, also charged with dis· ordrely couduct, 40s. fine or 1 month h.I. (cumulative).

SYDNEY GRIM WOOD, at Perth, on the 10th inst., by P.C. A. 'Varnecke j unlawful possession. 3 n.onths h.l.

MURRAY Ross DUNBAR, at Coolgal'die, on the 21st uIt., by Det.. P. D. Kavanagh and P.C. R. fr. Jones, ou warra.nt; forgery. Committed for trial.

JAMES KERR BENNET'f. in ('ustody. charged hy Det. S. Cundon; false pretences. Committed fo'}' trial.

Property Lost. Pel'th.-On the 8th inst .. - a demand draft, .£liO

Is. 2d., payable at Union Bank, drawn by Ma.rtineau, Beams, & Madely, Limited, on J. R . .H.awling & Co., the property of Messrs. Parker & Parker.--P.L. 'u°tIl.

On the 7th inst.,~a gold brooch set with a pearl blister, the property of Mrs. H. Knight. - P.L. \r./. On the 11th in::;t.,--a gLllt,ieman's gold ring, diyjd ... d into section .. , set with 5 small diamouds, the propert.y of T. Kelly.-P.L. II/O!. On the 11th inst., - a, brown leather pocket.-bouk, contaiuing return half railwa.y ticket Perth.Coolga,rdie and pa.pers. the property of S. J. Pugsley.- P.L. JIIOIlI}. On the 10th lnst., - a. single bar gold b1'oo<.:h set with nugget, SJll<t.ll s~.eck of dark quartz a~lout size of <t, pin's head in nugget. the property of Mrs. Cowan. - P.L. Iu-tp.

Page 24: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Warrants Issued. GEORGE SIl't[PSON, slight build, 35 to 40 yeal's,

height 5ft. 9in. 01' lOin., dark brown kLir and "?eal'd, long visage. fai r complexion, a labourer. natlve of 'Vest Australia; disobeying' summons to appear at Guildford P olice Court at 10 a.m., 17th inst., to answer to a. charge of neglecting to support his children. D,ted Guildford, 4th March. 1898.-1lv. ly-S!j'il.

). TER E NCE WEJlt, weight a.bout J2tFit., age 29 to 32 years, height Sft. gin. to lOin ., full head of light hair, heavy sandy moustache, large eyes .. full visage, dressed ill light trousers, dark coat an~ hght felt bat; beillcr indebted to A. Glassen and Co. III the sum of £147148. 5el. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but Ilot elsewhere. Dated Coolga,rdit', 8th March, J89S.-W. 1./-l·

'I. J. W. BROOKA[AN, m€"dium bui ld , age 34 to 36 years heia-ht 5ft. 7in. or Sin .. dark browll hair, black inous~ach~, dark complexion, wearing dark clothes, a mining manager; being ind~bted to Coombrr and Sage in the sum of £47 4s. (d. To b€" arrested at any seaport of the Colony, Lut nlltf'lsewhere. Dated Perth, 25th Fcbruar.,-, lS98. - 'V. Ill·

JOSE PH JEAN 11ARIE .MORISSEAU, medium build. age 20 years, height Mt.., hair and small black mOllstache, blue eyes, long and straight nose, sallow and sickly looking. J OHN MARIE PREInENCE, slight build, age> 26 years, height 6ft. 6in., black bair and moustache, grey eyes, round visage. fresh complexion. FERN AND LOUIS MAILLAT, stout build, age I S years, heio:rht about 6ft., black hair and very little black bea~d, black eyes. round visage. fresh complexion, speaks very little English. JOSEPH EMANUEL OLLI­VAND, stout build, age 22 years. height 5ft. Sin. or 9in., black hair, brown moustache. rather thin visage, fresh complexion. cannot speak English. JOSEPH HENRI RENIE. stout build, age> 20 years, height 6ft., fair bair and moustache, blne cyes. small and Hat nose, long and thin visage. sallo,~ complexion. All seamen; natives of France; supposed making for Coolgardie. Deserting the Fl'€m·h barque "Les Adelphes," at Fremantle. on the 10th inst. Dated Fremantle, 11th March, 1S9S. ~r. \tl. \t!;9, 29°";, \0(;1, 202 96 ·

HERBER'f TURNLEY, stout build, age 39 years, beigbt about 6ft.. dark hair. Lrown moustache, straight nose, long visage, dark l'omplexioll. dressed in grey tweed trousers, black coat, white straw hat, and tan boots. a journalist, native of Mel boul'ne ; larceny of 1 gold bar brooch, with 2 hear ts and safety pin, 1 set of gold and platinum sleeve links, and 1 £5 note ; the proper ty and money of Cecilia COY8h. Dated Coolgardie, 10th M.rch, 1898. - W. 2.0 ~ 9 b •

W. J. KIFF[N THOMAS, miudliug stout aud well built, age about 40 years. height 5It. Sin., dark hair turning grey, and rather scanty moustache, dark greyish blue eyes, Grecian nose, round visage, florid complexion. dressed in grey tweed suit and hrown boxer bat, a. produce merchant, native of South Australia; being indebted to Andrew Neilson in the sum of £506. To be arl'e8tEJJ at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 12th March, 189S .- \V. ~..;.i'.

JACK Cox, slight build, ag-e about 2·5 years. height 5ft. Sin. , brown hair. fair moustache .. gr~~' eyes) fair complexion. DUNcAN REID, medium build. age abo\1t 2S year!), height about Mt. Win., dark bail', verJ short ruollstac·he, dark eyes and complexion; were seen at

t he Irwin Siding on the 18th uIt.; absconding from the service of Francis Pe'Ll'Se. Dated Dongara, 28th February, l S9S.--'-W. Ill, Lft..;·

...r LEON ARD KLINTBERG. medium build, age 30 years, height 5ft. 9in., dark hai r and moustache, large d,Lrk eyes. round visage, dark complex ion, wears a dark suit and felt hat. a cook, supposed native of Austria.; being indebted to GeOl'ge Futcher in the sum of £ 7 Hs. 5d. To be ar rested at any seapor t of the Colony, but not elsewhere. DateJ Kanowna. 11th Marcb, I S9S.-W. " , -,,-If .

CHARLES W. VIN CENT. t.1., Reg. No. 10183, medium build, age 47 years, height 5ft .. Sin .. light brown hair and moustache turning grey, light hazel eyes. straight nose. rouud visage, florid complexion, shot wound on right arm . dressed in dark coat and yest lLud light trousers, and hrown boxer hat., lately employed at the Bm·toll Bottling W orks, Perth; obtaining 200 cases of lager beer from Carl Fink .by false pretences. Dated Perth, 14th lIIarch, 1898. - W.2,/l· j

HENRY W. WEST, sligh t build, age 20 years, beight 5ft. 5in., black bail' and small black mous­tache, dark eyes. slightly pug nose , long and thin visage, dark and freckl~d complexion, wears a blue suit and Roft felt hat, a labourer, native of Victoria; . larceny as bailee of the SUlll of £15, the money of Ernes t. George Meadows. Dated Kanowna, 11th March, l S9S.-W. !,Pl··

GEORGE PY$ING, medium build, about 26 ,Yeal's. heigbt 5ft. 7in. or Sin. , dark hair and moustache, dark complexion, diamond-shaped bare scar at hack of head. abscess mark on cheek, nl(Lrk on calf of left leg made by a cart wheel, dressed in blne pilot cloth square cut coat, blne trous~l'S and black hoxer hat; emhezzl ing t he sum of £5 6s. 9el., £6 Os. 9d. and £10 2,. 4d., the money' of Samuel Oglesby, at Richmond. Victoria, between the 1st Decemher, l S97, and 7th Januarv, 189S. Pro­visional warrant. dated Perth, 14th 1\larch, IS9S.­W. 21i'8~'

FRANK CROOM or CoonBE, slight b!l ild, age: about 15 years, tall for age, freckled hee, wears soft felt hat, a newspaper boy; lareeny as a bailee of the sum of £3, the monev of Patrick Mahoney. Dated Per th, 14th .March~, l S9S.-'V. 2;;;V. .

Roy IL~.RRIS, stout build, age about I S years, height about Sft. 6in., full round visage, fresh com­plexion, ha.s very weak eyes and wears gold-rimmed spec·tacles, stoops slightly. dressed in brown suit of clothes and high collar turned down all round, a clerk, native of Victoria; obtaining by false pretences the sums of .£2 and .£4 ·lOs., the moneys of GeOl'ge Chitt\",- Baker. Dated Perth, 15th March, 1898.­"'IV. 2~ll.


Miscellaneous_ H.E..'l'RY THoMPsoN. at. Cue, on the 7th inst., on

th~pplica.tion of Sergeant H. W. G. M'Int.yre, was \ pl~~n oIt the' Pl",!=>hibitecl List for 12 months.

ALF\.ED JONES. charged a.t Perth, 011 theSth inst., by .Det. 'F. G. Eggleston ; unlawful posscssion. .£S fine and £11 48. 6el costs.

ROBERT PICKWOR1'H, charged at Perth. on tlH? 9tb inst.. by InspC'ctor C. C. N ewland; refusi Ilg name. £3 fine and costs.'

Page 25: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


Missing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1898, pago 72, Bl/5047.

G. 'W. MILNE has been found at Peak Hili.

N ED BORLAISE, stout build, age 23 years, height Mt. lOin. or lliu .• dark, small black moustach e, round visage, very dark complexion, a labourer j

dressed in dark coat and trousers, and black hard hat, very eccentric, was discharged from the Perth Government Hospital on t he 1st inst. Inquiry by Mrs. Nielson, John Bull Restaurant, Perth. In­formation to Criminal Investigation Br~nch. Perth. ---Bl/5097

HELEN SUEAN, stout build. age 38 years, height about Sft. 6in., dark h turning grey, blue eyes, round yisage, fresh and rather red complexion, married woman, left her home Oll the evening of the 5th inst., dressed ill pink blouse, grey tweed skirt, white straw hat and elastic-side boots Inquiry by J ohn Shean (husband), Howard Street, Leederville. Information to the Criminal Investiga,tion Branch, Perth.-Bl /5122.

JOHN SANDERS, slight build, age 20 years, height Sft. 8in., fair hair and slight fair moustache, grey eyes, long vis3:ge, fai r complexion, a labourer or miner , native of South Australia; last heard of at Coolgardit·, about 8 months ago j bis present wbere­abouts ma,y be known to Ambrose Lambert, an engine-driver on the Government Railways. I nquiry bv J anet Hack, Norseman, on behalf of his relatives in South Australia. Information to Criminal In­vestigation Bran-ch, Perth.-BlfS126.

DAVID JOHN 1\i(CCREDIE, medium build, age 34 years of age, height about Sft. 7in. or 8in., fair hair and moustathe, fair (;omplexion, large blue eyes, native of Sydney, carpenter, huilder and contractor j

last heard of at Boulder in December last. Inquiry by New South Wales Police, on behalf of his wife and two children, whom he has deserted at Sydney. Endeavours should be made to induce this man, if found,. to make satisfactory arrangements to remit 30s. per week for their support. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-Alf7544.

PAUL SCHl\rIDT, age 37 years, height. Sft. 7in., dark curly hair t urning grey, slight moustache, brown eyes, drinks very heavily at times, a waiter, native of Hermany; was in the Perth Hospital with a bad leg in April and l\'lay last year, and was at the Beatrice Coffee Palace in November, 1897. Inq~iry by Alice Schmidt (wife), Wooloomooloo, Sydney. Informa­t ion to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.­Bl/5131.

In£tuests. Pi·njarrah.-On the 11th inst., at the Conrt House,

before C. Lovegrove, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of William Owen Field, who died sud..denly on t..he 10th inst. Verdict," Death from over-eating."­Al/5128.

Perth.-On the 8th nit. and 4th inst., at J acoby's Hotel, before Dr. T. H. Lovegrove, Coroner, on the body of Rate Teeban, who died at the Hospital, on the 7th ult., from injuries received by being burnt. Verdict, "Suicide while in a state of temporary insanity." --Bl/5133.

Pe1,th-On the 4th ult. and 4t.h inst., at Jacobv's Hall, before Dr. T. H. Lovegrovt', Coroner, on the hody of Thomas Clarke, who died at the Swan Brewery on the 31'd ult. Verdict, "Death from natural causes."-Bl /5134.


Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Perth.-Stolen during the night of the 8th inst.,

from the oWllf~r's residence, 41 Goderich St.reet, en. trance being effected by un fastening 3. window,-l pair of gentleman'S tan lace-up boots , size 8, in good condition, 1 brown sleeveless waterproof, "Distingue" brand, 2 briarwood pipes, witb amber mouthpieces, 1 hriarwood pipe, B over BB in d iamond, bulldog shape, black mouthpiece, and 1 needlewood pipe, black vulcanite mouthpiece; the property of O. P. Stables.-Al/7551, 9th March . 1898.

Perth.-Stolen between 7 and 8 p.m., on the 13th inst., from the owner' s dwelling, 33 Brisbane Street, during the ahsence of the inmates, by forcing the fastening of a window,-l gold f(lb chain with Huee tassels j 1 pair of silver dessert spoons; 1 silver cream jug; 1 silver milk jug ; 1 :silver sugar basin, aU ornamented; 1 silver pen; 1 silver double sovereign purse, engraved "D. I. F."; 1 dozen silver fish knives and forks, white bone handles, in mahogany case; 1 gold curb bangle with small gold padlock attached by gold chain; 1 silver match box engraved "D. I. F."; 1 silver fish carver and fork; t dozen pearl-handled fish knives and forks in imita­tion morocco case; 1 dozen E.P. tea spoons and 2 silver jam spoons, both in imitation morocco cases; the property of David Isaac Freedman.-Al/7602. 14th March. 1898.

Certificates of Freedom and Remission. H er Majesty the Queen has been pleased, in con­

nection with the Record Reign Festivities, to remit the unexpired portion of the sentences of the under­mentioned men:-

M. McCarthy, t.!.. Reg. No. 6389. A. McKnight, c. r .• Reg. No. 7787. T. Nee,ham. 8094. T. Ramshaw. " 8976. H. McGriskill, " 9242 . J. 'reale... 9592. J. Robinson, ·t.!.. .. 9857. J. Farren, c.r., 7684. P. Cahill 7968. J. Daley. 8542. J. Stott,.. 8414. Jas. Thompson" ,,9320. G. Colkett, t.l.. 9092.

Conditional Pardon Holders.-P. Mack (Reg. No. 6002), R. Ashton (Reg. No. 6003), John Symonus (Reg. No. 4323). and William Smith (Reg. No. 5678), have been granted Certificates of Remission of Sentence.

The Police in whose districts any of the under­mentioned men may be will notify them of the remission of sentence ;~J. Stott (Perth, Dec., 189 7), A. McKnight (Northam, Dec .. 1897), P. Cahill (Bun­bury, Dec .. 1897). T. Ralllshaw (Geraldton, Dec .. 1897). H. McGriskin (York, Dec .• 1897). J. Teale, Geo. Colkett, and J. Robinson.--Bl/51~4.

Horses, Cattle, etc. Day Dawn.--Stolen, I1bout l\'Iarch, 1897, from

Nannine,--l heavy upstanding baX gelding, branded like SS near shoulder ; the property of the Goyern­ment Water Supply Department. It is reported that this horse is working in a team at Lake Way.-­Al/7549. lath March. 1898 .

Mt. llIalcol1n.-Stolen , between 1st ult. and 5th inst., from the Golden Sunset Goldmine,.-l bay gelding pony, branded AC M near shoulder; the property of J. H. Ritchie. - AI 7555, lOth March, 1898.

Page 26: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,



Name. orr~nee. 8entcuce. Committed. Heg. No, I

- -Wbert \ Date oll)j~rh"r~'·.

Free I'ema\,· Free I"enml~

1<'ree Do. ])0.

Do. t'PIIln h







Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Femal ..

Free Do.

Ab. nat.


Free I

3071 F54 3141 F41 3146 2626 2615 3161 F2







2913 2914-3097

3155 2192

F1'mn Fremantle Prison, during the week ending Saturday, 12th March, 1898. Riley, 'Villiam Unlawful possession 2 months h.1. Coolgardie Perric (ab. oat.) Drunk 21 days h.l. Fremantle Blain, Henry Unlawfully on premises }4. days h.1. .. Perth Elder, Mary Jane Idle and disorderly 1 month Guildford Andas, Joseph Assault 14 days h.l. . Perth Woodhall, Jas. Larceny. 3 months h.1. Do. Pm'cell, Jas. Unlawfully on premises 12 months h.1. Geraldton Smith, Gilbert Insulting language .£2 4s. 01' 7 days Perth Renharu, 'filly Idle and disorderly 3 months h.1. Do. O'Brien, M., alias Do. 3 months h.1. Do.

O'Keefe Mannion alias Med- Larceny .

den, Pat. Schofield, Fred.

Miller, Geo. Belle

Kiel1y, Daniel

Bradley , J ohn

Jones, Geo. E. Dowling, Nichola.s Ross, John.

Tottenham,Jos. Jno. Wright, Alex.

I(Ue and disorderly; assault.

False pretences ( two charges)

Attempted robbery from the person

Obscene language ; assault

Larceny Do.

Idle and disorderly; unlawful possession

Assaulting his wife Larceny ..

:3 months h.1.

2 months h.1., 3 months h.1. (cum.)

6 months h.1.; 6 months h.1. (con.)

6 months h.I.

.£5 and costs 01' 4 months h.1.; £2 and costs or 2 mon ths h.1. (cum.)

6 months h.1. 6 months h.1. 1 month h.I.; 1

month h.1. (cum.) 6 months h.1. 2 years h.l ....






Do. Do. Do.

Fremantle Perth

From Geraldton Gaol, dU1'ing thp. mo'nth ending 28th Februa1'y, 1898. Burns, Ewma. Caton, C .... M'Caffel'ty, E.

"'1 Larceny .. . ... Drunk .. . ... Disorderly

Fl'01n Newcastle Gaol, during the

3 months b.I. 21 days h.1. ... 1 month h.I.

... , Geraldton .. Do. ...

... Northampton

week ending /51h March, 1898 .

) r 7th Ma.rcll. )

} 8th do.

I ~9th do.


1 }-1Oth do.

J 1

I r 11th do.


12th do.

11th Feb . 14th do. 28th do.

Billy Dick ... ... I Disorderly Jamison,Robert ... Do. ...

... I 1 mouth h.1. ..

... 1 month h.1. ::: J Noo~~am .. \} 2nd March.

From Bu,nbU/ry Gaol. during the 'week ending 12th Afarch, 1898. Ryan, Michael I Drunk j obscenity I 5s. fine or :l days; I Bllnbury

10s. fine or 7 days 12th March.

I{~gister of Expirec". cOllllitional \\ ho

Helease have left

Holders. 'cnd the Co lony.

Conditiona l Pardon Holders

~~t;. I O~}e 1 Name of VHsel. No. JKlpnrture.

NaUlIl ami COllllltlon.

Fentoll, Samuel, alia3 7686 13th Mn.rcb 8.S . "BnuiuyonJot" John80n, Sarn. 1898



Ship in whiCh II.LTh"ed.



Middling stout, age 58 years, height, Sft. 6ill, light brown hair turning grey, Clillped short grey mOllatnche only, blue eye~, broken 0.olle round visage, sal 'owcomple:.:ioll, 8Cll.ron rlgh cheek and left foot, slightly pock.m8rllell Mineror labourer. Nati\'eof England.


Page 27: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

G"~6t." I "

S .. m\l.

540 H arris, Fmnk S4~ 111 organ, Dnvid

fcDonald, Jas. "'" , ... B ... E

urke, Wm. vans, Robt •. "

551 M c.ArthUl'. F .. 552 S lack, John

'" B rosnan , Timothy 556 H opkina, John SS7 Jc nldns, Wm. . 500 W atson, Thomas 561 E lcombe. Thol!.

atBon, ChB.rlea oiyceUI, Matthew"

569 W 5740 M 575 R eid, John, ali{lS

Price, Cha.a . . Brien, Nicholas 576 0

5'77 ]I indham cPherson, Do"nald'-: 580 M obinson, William ". 581 R

582 Ann strong, John



' Itflg. N .. , eo,·

I D"te or escapa. I Distriet/'rom. I DMcrlptl0n and rsmlll r k.,

I , .tIt;"",

I Fu, 15th AUgU6t, 1895 .. F remnntle Vide POliCf Gaurte, 1095, page 160 do. 12th Set1t., 1895 CoolglU'die Do. do. , do. do. 169 do. 12th Sept .. 1895 ... Geraldton Do. do., do. do. 169 do. 1st Janu:,ry, 1%6 . Victoria Plaius Do. do., 1896 do. 13 do. 3rd Marcll, 1896 Perth. Do. do., do. do. 53 do. 17th April, 1896 Albanv Do. do. , do. do. " do. 13th June, 1896 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 130 do. 20th AUgtlllt,l896, . Geraldton Do. do., do. do. 190 do. 9tb Sept., 1896 Newcastle Do. do., do. do. '1i1l do. 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle Do. do., do. do. 207

Hi,17+ do. 17th Sept., 1896 Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 212

T.L. 23rd Nov" 1896 FremllJltie Do. do., do. do. 286 F,~ Uth J line, 1897 Perth Do. do., 1897 do. 189

6145 T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 Perth." Do. do., do. do. 259 I_ do. 21st A\lgllst, 1897 :" Fremantle Do. do., do. do. 395

10470 do. 30th Oet., 1897 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. 395 a.b. nat. 2-lth Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. do .. do. do. ::195 Free 31st Dec., 189'7 Fremantle Do. do., ISVS do. ,

1Q.507 Col. 27tll Jan., lS98 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. " Free 4th l'lTar ., 1898 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. ., ~- -



Ry Authorit.y RICHARIJ PETHE(~, Govel'nm('nt Printf']" Pf'rth. .

Page 28: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


\ \

Page 29: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


[ Published by Authority. J

This Gazette is ptf.blished f01' Police i1~f01'mation only, and the Police throuyhout the Colony

a1'e instr1l,cted to make thent.''1eives fltOl'oughly acquainted with the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Oo"""issioner of Police.

No. 12.J WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23. [ 1898.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

c.o. ",,-,}.-The Honourable the Minister has been vleased to approye the fonawing Promotion and Appointments ill the P olice Force :-

(Section 8 of" The Police ilct. 1892.")

To be Second Class Constables from the dates specified:

George William Willis, from 1st March, 1898.

P . P. Constable Thomas Kennedy, from 16th March, 1898.

To be Detective Constable at 10s. a day, from the 1st March, 1898 ,

Ernst Francis Edmunds.



Commissioner of P olice.

C.O. H-.-It is notified, for general information, that the following new Police Stations have been established since the date of last notice :-

Station. DiBtrict. 1 Sub·District. IDateofformntiOn.

South Perth ... Do.

Highgo.te Hill CentrOLI .. . Victoria Pnrk I Do. . ..

Mt. Mortimer Roebourne" Mnnda.ring ... Central ...

Perth Do. Do.


1st Nov., 1897. Do.

1st Feb., 1898. ith Feb., 1898. 1st :nnrch, l898.

The following Station has been abolished :_

Dnndn.B ··· 1 Plllutagenet ···1 Esperance .. . / 17tb Feb., 1898.


GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 96.-Al /7588.

Perth. - Thomas Gore's watch is further described as hunting case, very much chas(>d and stem-winding; the chain as I5et. gold, double curb pattern the pendant as a gold-mounted piece of lode formation. "T.G." engraved on mounting.

Oue.-On the 7th inst., from the person of George Hendley,-l gentleman's rolled gold hunting American Waltham stem-winding watch, ornamented case, No. 5989, "G.H., May 6th, '97," engraved on front of outside case; 1 15ct. gold double chain, about 15 inches long, long and cable links, with 1837 sovereign attached.-A1/ 7613, 15th March, 1898.

Cue.· - On the 22nd ult., from the owner's dwelling, - 1 gold bow-shaped brooch, with diamond in the centre, has a dent at one end; the property of Mrs. J. Sears.·-A1/7614. 15th lIiarch, 1898.

N01"tham.~On the 13th inst., from the owner's dwelling,-- 11ady's large silver open-faced key-wind. ing Geneva watch, pale pink dial, gold rim, one hand and glass missing; t he property of J essie Shaw.­A1/ 7615, 15th March, 1898.

Norfham,.-On the 13th inst., from the owner's dwelling,~l lady's silver hunting key less watch, cases cha.sed with floral design, several scratches on inside of case; the property of Evaline Quick.­A1/7616. 15th March. 1898.

FrcmanUe.-On the 15th inst. , from the person of Albert H.vc1er,-1 gentleman's white metal Water. bury watch, seconds hand missing; 1 I Sct. gold chain, double curb pattern, bar at end stamped with maker's name, "Row land"; round plain gold locket with compass on it, and 1 gentleman's 18ct. gold ring with diamond in ccnt re.--A.l/ 7642, 16th March, 1898.

Page 30: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Fl'emallfle.- -Ou the 12th inst., from tbe person of 'Villiam Henry Dawson,- l gentleman's siher open. fa.ced key-winding lever wa.teh, No. 12206, "W. H. Dawsou" engm'\"ed inside back case; 1 15ct. gold double chain. 3 or 4 ~ma,ll half twisted links between the long links, metal pencil-case at end of chain ; gold watch-key, set with green and red stone, on a. drop (·hain.- A/ l 7643, 16th ~brch , 1898.

Peral.- Ou the 16th inst., from 427 Murray Street, - 1 gentlemau's silver hunting English lever wakh hy Stewart, Dawsoll & Co., key-winding, hack case slightly damaged and closes badly ; the propert.r of A. H. Davies.-Al j7644, 16th March, 1898.

Pe/·lh. - On t he 17th inst., from 701 ':Vellington Street,- l gentleman's silver hunting key-winding English lever wa.tch, "H.R." cngmyed on middle of front case, and flat leather gold-mounted guard with b,r; the propert.'" of Hector Reid.- Al/ 7664, 17th March, 1898.

CM·naruon. - On the 6th inst., from t ht" owner's dwelling, Boolathana,---':""'l very massive gold nugget scarf pin, 1 pead pin, 1 cheq1Je for £31 10s. , on Union Bank, Fremantle, drawn by D::tlgety & Co. in favour of \Y. J. Butcher, and crossed to credit, 1 order for 10s., drawn by Munroe & H ogarth on Dalgety &. Co., Fremantle, also £2 10s. in gold and si lver, and 5s. worth of postage sta.mps; the propert.y of W. J. Butcher.-Al j 7637, 16t h March, 1898.

Pe-rth.-On the 19th inst., from the person of Adolph Bartholomaeus,-l gold nugget scarf pin (the nugget weighs just under 4dwt., and has had a piece cut off the bottom).-AI /7682, 19th March, 1898.

Perth.-Betweell the 17t h and 19th inst., - a 2 or :1 bar gold brooch, with knobs at eadl end, set with la.rge blue stone (supposed turquoise) in centre, anu opal at each side; the property of J. G. Weaher.­AI /7685, 19th March, 1898.

Geraldton. - On t he 6th or 7th inst., from Porter Club HoteL·-l gentleman's ~ilver hunting keyless Waltham lever watch, engme turned case; the property of J a.mes Salter. Suspicion attach~s to l\~uiton, height Sft., rather stout build, full face, slIght moustache, a cook; Alsop, heigh t 5ft. 2in., slight moustache, two front teeth missing. Muiton supposed to be working at Chipper's new H otel, Perth. - Al /7568, 21st March, 1898.

Fremantle. - On the 17th inst., from the person of Martin Fannon, with violence,·-l gentleman'S silver open-faced Geneva lever, No. 10955, key windiuO', and 1 gold chaiu, with gold cross and silver med~l a.ttach~d, figure of ma.n swimming, on face of medal; .. Martlll Falllloll" engraved on back.- Al/ 7696, 21st March, 1898.

Perth. - On the 10th inst., from the P .W.D. p,remi~es, .Pier Street,-l gentleman'S Popular Granvllle bIcycle, No. 30661, 2 new tires, left pedal I(~os~, ~lease Hum ber saddle, " P opuJar Grauville" (lUdIStlllct) on front bar; t he property of the Public '\forks Dep;trtment.- Alj 7619, 15th March, 1898.

. . Pe1·th.--On the 17t h inst., from the owner's shop, ~ler Strcet, - a crossed cheque for £ 10 on the New South VV:ales Bank, drawn by vYing On & Co. in f<~vour of 1\fcBean, Bowker, &. Co.; 1 cheque book, ~ank of New South Wales, and 10s. Ot 12s. in Sl iver ; the property of vYing On & Co.- Al / 7666, 18th Mal'ch, 1898.

-!3eacon~fielcl,-Oll the 7t.h inst., from a huilding at Wmterfold,- 2 smoothing planes, 2+in. month, one


has a piece of sandalwood let in faee; 1 jark plane, ,,-ith a trying pbne handle; 1 sma.ll panel saw, several teeth broken; 1 tenon saw, " 'vV'. C. \Yaugh" branded?ll han~Ue; 1.claw hammer, two chips Oll

face; I tlll. pal'lng chisel, box wood handle; 2in. paring chisel, beech handle; 2 gin. screw-drivers, 14in. long; 1 brace,. has been st"vera i times repaired; 1 ., Ovale" moulding plane; 1 "Oh" moulding plane; the property of Thomas Hudson Wa.ugh.­Al j 7624, 16th March, 1898.

Norlharn. - Between 1st ult. and 14th inst., from the owner's shop at Mer'irering-, - 2 doz. plouO'h_ shares, wrought steel, J. F. Millar's patent; the property of J. H albert. - Al j 7639, 16th Maroh, 1898.

P e1·th. - On t he 15th inst., from t he Kensington Hotel,-l bronze poker machine, marked No. 11 ; the propert)r of H. Bothe. Suspicion attathes to two meu described as :-( 1) medium build, height 5ft. 6in., age about 25 years, sanow complexion, dark hair, small moustache, dressed in da rk clothes and ?lack boxer hat; (2) about same height, dressed 10 clark elothes.-Al 7620, 16th March, 1898.

Perth.-During the night of the 16th inst., from a building in Adelaide Terrace,- l level, 2 brickla.yer's hammers, 1 plumb line, 2 lines, 1 lino chisel, 8in. long; and I hammer marked " H;" the property of F. W. H enry.-Al /7669. Also 1 trowel, I brick. layer's hammer, 1 level, 1 line, 1 small pointing trowel; t he property of A. Shenock.- Alj 7670. Also 1 trowel, 1 line, 1 bricklayer'S hammer, 1 plumb line. and 1 level; the property of GeOl'ge Legg.­A I 7671, 18th March, 1898.

YtllgOO.-Oll t he 14th inst" from the owner's dwellillg, - l brown brief bag, marked "J.F.G." containing Departmenta.l (Mines) papers; 1 pair white dur:k t rousers; 1 pair Khaki trousers, marked " 70X ;'~ 1 pair grey tweeJ trousers; razor strop and patent turnover razor; and Ra.ilway Requisition Book, last t icket issued No. 10110; the property of J. F. Greenard.--Al /7674, 18th March, 1898.

P e-rth.-Between t he 4th and 18th inst., from the Empire H otel,- l small steel trunk, about 2ft. 6in. x 2ft., painted yellow, fastening b:' brass clasp and lock, containing a quantity of clothing and letters of recommendation; the property of Eruest A. Kent.-­Alj7675, 18th March, 1898.

Path.-On the 18th inst., from Petunis' stables, H ay Street,~l plain deal box, size a,bout 3ft. x 2ft. x 2ft., containing 1 black cloth sac coat and pair of trousers, size 4, slop made; about I dozen assor ted shirts, 2 dozen collars (size 15·D, marked" J .O." or

. ,. J . Ogilvie" ; 1 white and pink glass epergne, tnlip shaped; 1 silver.gilt scarf pin engraved" T.W.," and a number of ar ticles of clothing, the property of 'Tom Wenett.-Alj 7684, 19th March, 1898.

Fremantle.-Between t he 14th and 20th inst., from the vi('inity of the Port Brewery,,-<1. 14ft. d inker built clingey, painted white on the outside, rough top streak, maker's name, " J . and R. Mews," inside, the property of ~1rs. N. WaIJeck. - Alj 7695, 21st March, 1898 .

P e1,th.-On the 20th or 21st iust., from the Oxford . Cafc,- l brown leather Gladstone bag, nea.rly Dew, ~~

two foriastening, and new patent brass CfLtcll at each side, two compartments; conta.iuing Inew waterproof coat and, 1 white linen shirt, I pink sh ir t, 1 white Chinese silk shirt, deep tu rned down collar, and one pocket book, with owner's name in several places, the propert.v of William Burgess.-Al 7704, 21stiHarch . 1898.

Page 31: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Apprehensions, Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 9i.

TlUOR BEltNARD, brought up at Frema.ntle, on the 16th inst. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 97. RODERT \VANLISS and ARTHUR JAMES JACOBSON,

hruught ulJ at Frema,lltle, Oll the 15th in~t. 6llJonths h.1. each (on 3 charges, other charges wlthdra.wu).

Vi(le Police Gazelle, 1898, page 98, 'V. z"V· FRANK GROOM aliaR COOMSE or CROOM, at Perth,

Oll the] 9th inst., by H. S. Douglas and G. 'W", Hurnsby.

Vide Police Gatctte, 1898, page 98, "T, zij0;l . \;V. J. KIFFEN THOMAS, at FremantlE', on the 19th

inst., by P.C. A. E. Jones. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 98, \V. ~l'liP

GEORGE PYSING, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by Uet. S. Condoll. Remanded.

JOHN ]'lcCALLUM, at :Mount Magnet, on the 1st inst., by COl·P1. J. Kings~on, on ~arrant; el.nbezzle­ment. Committed for tnal; admItted to ball.

JOHN MITCHELL, at Cue, on the 10th inst .. by P.C. M. O'Dea; idle a.nd disorderly. 3 months h.1.

JOHN EDWARDS, exp., late No. 7979, at York, on the 8th iust., hy P.C. P. O'Donoghue; disorderly. 14da)'s h.1. '

JOHN STANLEY, at York, on the 9th inst., hy C .. rpL P. English and P.C. ,V. F. Forster; disorderly. 14 days h.1.

JAMES HEALEY, at Bridgetown, on the 14th inst., by P.C. C. H. James; disorderly. 14 days imprison­lli"nt.

HORIA at Cossack, on the 17th nIt., by CorpI. E. P e-irl; w~unding with intent. Committed for triaL

GOON AN alias GEORGIE, at Fitzroy. on the 3rd December last, by the Fitzroy Police, on wal'r<Lnt j

horse stealing. Brought up at Hall's Creek on the 24th December. Committed for trial.

Kur HIE, at Carnarvon, on the 10th ult., by Sergt. C. Woods j idle and disorderly. 3 months h.1.

J OUN MCGUIRE, at Mooramalla, on the 15th ult., by P.C. Wm. Turner; unla'wfully on premises. 1 month b.l,

JrM?lIY COLO, at Nullagine, on the 27th January last, by P.C. E. J. Spry; larceny. Committed for trial.

OHARLES LANDERS, at Cue, on the 14th inst .. by P.C, M. O'Dea; idle and disorderly. 7 days h.1.

HARRY MILLER and EDWIN GEORGE, at Cool­gardle, on the 15th lnst., by P.C. M. 8ullivan j larceny. ti months h.L each. Property recovered.

GERRET WU.HELbI BAKVIS, at Kanowna, on the 16th inst" by P.C. G. S. Bayley; unlawful posses­

-... 8ion. 3 months h.1.

KATE WUITELEY, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by Det. S. Condon, on warrant; larceny. £1 9s.6d. costs, and to return property. Discharged under "The First Offenders Act."

FLETCHER ALNWICK, at Perth, on the 16th inst .. , by Det. F. G. Eggleston; horse stealing. Remanded to Coolgardie.


"r ONNERWERRY alias NIPPER, ab. nat., at Denham Station, East Kimberley, on the 29th J anuary last, on warrants; murder, and attempted murder. Com­mitted for trial on each cbarge.

JEREMIAH JOHN DURACK, at Wync1ham, on the 8th uIt., by P.C. O. Ritcbie, on warrant; inciting to murder. Committed for triaL

JOB JUSTUF alias SPLIT TIP JOE, at Sha.rks Bay, on the 15th ult., by W.P.C. H. E. Notley; unlawful possession. 3 months h.1.

---JOHN COOKE and JAMES McKAY, at Fremantle, on

the 16th inst., bv W.P.C. E. F. Siel'p; assaulting police. £5 fine or 1 month h.1. each.

MICBAEL BRENNAN, at Fremantle, 011 the 16th inst., by P.C. C. Hansen; idle and disorderly. 6 months' h.l.

JAMES BOLTON alias QUINN, at Frema.ntle, on the 17th inst., by P.C. lIV. Shortill; attempted larceny from person.' Committed for trial.

'VILLIAl\I ARTRUR, at Fremantle, on the 18th inst., by P.C. L. R. BUl'man j assault. 2 months Id.

Ar,ExANDER GORDON, exp., late No. 9747, at Fre­mantle, on the 18th inst., by P.C. rr. HolIole; idle and disorderly. 6 months h.l.

GEORGE WATSON, at Fremant,}e, on the 18th iDSt., by P.C. H. Fortescue; idle and disorderly, 3 mont.hs h~l.; resisting arrest, 2 months h.1. (culllula.tive).

JOHN FANCELLIA, at Fremantle, on the 12th inst., by P.C. J. Leary; 'unlawful possession. 3 months h.1.

WILLIAM l\lcKAY, under sentence, charged at Esperance, on the 12th inst., by Sergt. J. T. McAtee; assaulting a female. 3 months h.1. (cumulatIve).

EDW ARD ALBERT VALENTINE, at Fremantle, on the 19th inst., by P.C. C. Jackson; all warrant, deserting family.

ALBERT THOMPSON, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by P.C. T. O'Connor; larceny. 1 month h.1.

ARTHUR HARDING alias ALFRED HARDINO a..lias FREDERICK COLLINS and HENRY S. AYERS, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by Det. W. H. Ren­frey, on warrants j conspiracy to defrand. Remanded. Admitted to bail.

JOHN HAMILTON, at Perth, on the 14th inst., by P.C. T. Kennedy; larceny. 2 months h.1.

JOHN FLANNIGAN, at Perth, on the 14th inst., by P.C. H. Wallace; larceny. 2 months h.1.

EDWARD BEAUREAL, exp., late No. 10119, at Perth, on the 15th inst .. , by P.C. A. Warnecke j

unlawful possession (2 charges). 1 month h.L ou each charge. Cumulative.

MAGGIE DAVIS, at Perth, on the 18th inst., by P.C. T. Wardle; indec.ency. 1 month h.1.

CHARLES SPARGO and JAMES RYAN, at Coolgardie, on the 20th inst., by P.Cs. R. Allisoll and Wm. Bennett ; escaping from custody.

PAUL SMITH, at Midland Junction, on the 9th inst., by P.C. W. Jager; sheep stealing. Com-mitted for triaL

Page 32: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. Pedh.-Stolt.'ll dmillg tilt" night of t he 19th i.llS~.,

from owner's shop. Barrack Street, entrance .. ,It, IS

supposed, being effected through the wa,ll dlndlllg' the shop from the adjoining shop:-

Ladies' Ri,u/s.--4 15ct. Trilby rings (thin chain and hea.rt), 7'9ct. half-hoop roses an-a p'aste, 5 get, ca.rbon, 4 9et. single carbon, 1 9et. 3 stone, 1 9d. fancy gem,2 get. keepers, 2 get. broad wedding, 9 ISet. ditto, 7 181't. ditto, 3 15d. plain band,l 22ct. wedding-, 3 18et. half hoop 5 diamonds. 2 ll::!ct. rubies and diamonds. 4 l 8ct. sa.pphires. 2 ] Set. opals, 6 ] .Set. diamonds and s[lppbires, 8 15ct. l'llbies and diamonds, 4 15ct. fancy gems, 3 lSct. weddi!lg, 7 18ct. chased keepers, 1 l Sct. pearls and ruhles, 1 ] Sct. heart "l\iizpah" dia.monds, 1 I Sct. 3 di<tmollds g-ips~' setting. 6 18d. wedqiug, 3 I Sut. ditto,l 18ct. keeper, 2 !=let. ditto, 12 get. fancy gems, 1 ISct. 5 rose diamonds.

Gentlemen's Rinfls.-.5 15d. signet, 1 18ct. snake, set diamonds and sappbires. 4 l .5d. a,metbysts. 1 15ut. opal, 2 I5ct. ruby, 1 15ct. ametbyst,115d. topaz, 1 LSd. comelian, 1 15ct. bloodstone. I get. signet, 1 18ct. 3 opals, 1 1Sct. ruby and opal$.

Gold ClI01J1s.-2 9d. necklets set with amethysts a.nd topazes, 2 9ct. lady's Alherts, 2 15ct. agate muff chains, 7 15ct. gent's single Alberts, 2 15ut. double Alberts, 19ct lady's Alhert, 2 9ct. gent's sing'le Alberts, 9 get. lady's Albert,. 1 15<t. lad),'s necklet,3 gct. necklets with stones, 1 9ct. lady's Albert, 3 9et. gent's double Alberts, 2 9ct. gent's single Albert!?l.

Banyles.-2 15ct. bangles set with agates. 2 9ct. ditto, 5 9ct. curb, I 9ct. Nellie Stewart, 1 get. amethyst. 1 l 5d. engrayed, 1 ~et. opal anJ sapphire, ] 9<.:t. shield, 2 9ct. engrayed. 4 get. ellgra\'ed, 2 get. curb, 1 get. diamllnd, 1 I5ct. diamond and ruby, 1 t.5ct. diamond and sapphire. 1 ~et. hells. 2 get. fancy hearts. 1 I5ct. curh.

Brooches. - 16 15ct. falH.:Y, set with diamonds, sapphires and rubies, 5 9ct. digger, 10 9et. fancy set, :3::>' 9ct. ditto, 4 get. costume, 3 9ct. digger, 2 I .Set. fancy set dia.monfls and rubies, 1 15ct. dig-gt'l". 1 !)et.. shamrock with drop. II 15et. lluggets, 1 l5ct. R<;Ol'l).

1 15et. spr.y, 1 15e!. bar, 6 9ct. fancy.

Lild,'s, St!lds, etc.-9 pair get_ links, 3 $ets ] 5et. studs, 3 pair 15ct. links, 2 pail" 9ct. !inks, 4 sets 15ct . studs, 4 9ct. collar studs. 6 get. shirt studs, 9 geL collar studs, 32 9 and I Sd. assorted scarf pius. 3 9et. links, 6 get. t suites, 1 lSct. heart-shaped pin set sma.U diamond.

Sun(lries.- l rolled gold soyereign pursp, 4 get. padlocks, 3 get. pick-and-shovel pendants, 1 15ct. helmet, 2 9ct. spectacle frames, 2 get. pains sleepers, 16 9ct. heart pendants, 4 15d. pencils. 2 9c::t. tooth­picks. 1 9c-t. pin slide and stud, 6 rolled gold 14ct. sovereign purses, 1 15ct. heart pendant set with L1iamonds and sapphires; 4 15et. gent's 10ckets • .5 9ut. gent's lockets. 3 9et. charms (Faith, Hope, and Charity) ; 1 9et. horse-shoe pin, 1 l5d. scarf slide. 5 ~Ict. gent's lockets, 1 nugget pin. ] ] 5et. M,dtese Cross, 4 9ct. charms, 2 nugget pillF-:.

WafcheR. - 1 gent' s si lver hunting Waltham, I gent's sih'cr open-faced Gene~a lever, 3 gent's silver hunting Lancashire levers (Nos. 118141, 118149, 118173), 5 gent's silver hunting Gen€'vas, 7 g0Ut'S !o:i lver hunting Geneva levers, 2 silver hun ting English levers. 1 silver hunting Geneva, 1 silver open-faced English le\'er, 1 silver open-faced Geneva, 1 silver hunting Wnlthalll, 1 silver open-faced Geneva chronograph , 1 silver huntiug keyless Ulltherham, S silver open. faced Genevas, 2 silyel' bunt ing Rotherham


levers (oue No. 154298); 1 silver hun ting Elgin, 1 silver open-faced Geneva, 1 silver hunting Swiss lever 4 la.dy's silver hunting Genevas, 1 gent's 18ct. O'o ld' open-faced Geneva, 1. gent's 18ct. gold hunting Geneva, 4 fancy watches and brooches, 1 gent's I 8ct. aold open-faced Geneva, 1 18ct. gold hunting Rotherh<tDl level', 1 18ct. gold hunting Waltbam, 1 14ct. gold hunting "\Valtlmm, 2 10ct. gold hunting Waltbam, 2 14ct. rolled gold "\Valtlml11s (Nos. 367205. 389176); 118ct. gold phtin hunting lever by Raskell; 2 rolled gold hunting Genevas, 2 roll<;d gold hunting "Valtbams, 2 open-faced gun-metal chronograph, 3 lady's ]4ct. 1'011ed gold vValthams,3 14ct. rolled gold Walthams. 2 1001. gold huntil)g Waltbarns, 3 18ct. gold bunting Genevas, 1 1 Oct. gold hunting "\Va1tham. 2 18ct. gold hunting Walthams (Nos. 96545, 96547); 2 14cl. gold open­faced Genevas with broo('h; 3 lady's rolled gold Philadelphias, 1 lady's l 8ct. gold hunting Geneva No. 160158); the property of Robert CarteL­Al 7697. 21st March. 1898.

Warrants Issued.

Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 8S, w. 2~+/. LUKE PRUNTZ not to be arrested. vYa.rrant

cancelled 16th inst.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 7R, 'V. l~"'~".

L OUIS TALLERM AN has been arrested by the Adelaide police.

"\V. GUNN, slight build, age about 40 years, height Sft. 8in .. brown hair, very long beard lI1clined to be sandy, almost reaching to waist, rlark eyes, thin vi!?lag-e, fair complexion, walks with a limp, dressed in dark sac suit and square black boxer bat. a com­meJ"(~jal tra"\eller; obtaining the SUlu of £1 lIs. 6d. from James Craig by false pretences. Dated York, 15th March, 1898.-W. ';"p.

J. H. V. DAVISON (for description see P olice Gazette. 1898, p .. ~ge 90. W. \/l'), neglecting to appear l.l,t Perth P olice Court on the 16th inst. to answer to his reeogni7.ances. Dated Perth, 16th March, 1898, - W.2.,;\,"'.

l\IrcHAEL McGRATH, medium build, age 32 years, height 5ft. 7in. or 8ill., brown hair, reddish beard and moustache, brown eyes. thin visage, reddish complexion, native of Ireland. dressed in black coat and trousers, black felt hat and white shoes; warrant of cOll1m~tment to Fremantle Gaol for 1 month h.1. for sly grog selling. Dated Guildford, 18th March, 1898.-"\Y. 9;.f/,·ij~.

J EVELINA ~fORRIS, slight build, age .bout 40 yoars, height about 5ft. Sin., dark hai l', prominent nose, (l<trk complexion, of Jewish extraction; being indebted to Alfred Mayer in t he sum of £20 18s. 6d.; to be arrested at any seaport of the COIOllY but not else­where. Dated Perth, 19th March, 1898.- "\V. 2,ll.

MAGG IE MOORE, stout build, about 12st. weight, 27 to 28 years, height about 5ft. 7in., dark brown hair, blue eyes, snmll oval face, fa,ir complexion; being indehted to J. P. Flynn in the sum of £18 3s. Id. To be l.trrested <l,t any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Menzics. 16th March. 1898.--W. V",l.

Page 33: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Property Lost. Perth.-On the 15th inst.,-a. black lea-ther purse,

containing a gold kCf'per buckle ring (stone missing), set of beads. and sillgle steerage ticket from Fre­mantle to Alelbourne in name of Thirs. Hume, the property of Mrs. Phillips.-P.L. I-ll' , On the 16th illst.,-a. gold bar 1Irooeh, with swan and nuggets, the property of Ma,ry Coolley.-P.L. \hP. On the 18th illst.,--·deeds of property at Day Da.wn, the pro}Jcl'ty of Phoobc EYcrs.-P.L. \bP. On the 19th inst.,- a purple leather po('ket-b00k, ., R. Pether" in gilt letters on the flap, containing a general pass on the Government Railways, sallita,l'Y receipts, etc., the property of R. Pethcl'.- P.L. V .. /. On the 15th illst., - a gold bar b1'oo('h. " R oma" raised on ba.r, the property of Mrs. A. Brown.-P.L. \/;,l'.

ji'remantle.-On the 5th inst.,-a cheque on the Union Bank for £ 17 Os. 4d., payable to and the property of E. Lewin~ton.-P.L. I~V . On the 7th illst., --a collector's book of the Citizens' Life Assur­ance Society, the property of D. C. Craig. - P.L. I,Pl.

Albal1y.- On the 14th ult.,-a lady's gold open· faced watcb, No, 4216, and a pair of boots, the property of J. Ballantyne.-P.L. \o!.

Missing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 298, Bl/46~G.

ASHAN or AssAN has been found at Geraldton.

Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page ;~;~, Bl/;~902.

The remains of a man found ill the bush near W oodside, about 12 miles from Y ork, all the 6th inst., are believed to be those of George Lyons (t.ide Inquests. page 107).-Bl /5144.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 90, Bl/4925.

ROSE BROWN has been found ~~t Collie, •

PATRICK JOSEPH MCGRATH, mediuJll build, age 25 years, height about ,Sft. 9~in., f<tir hair and prob­ably fail' moustache, large dark blue eyes, regular nose, full visage, old scar on bottom lip, s('ar on head, native of Prahran, Victoria; last heard of at Menzies in Septemher Inquiry by Thomas' McGrath (bl"Other), 133 Newcastle Street, Perth. Information to Criminal Inyestigation Branch, Pel'th.-Bl !4851.

SYDNEY GREGORY, a. boy (no description given), has a htrge scal" (the result of a burn) 011 each leg b~low the knee; supposed to have left l\lelbourne for ,"Vest Australia between 31-1-98 and 19-2-98. In­quiry by F. Greg"oI'Y, 14 Lincoln Place, l\Iadeline Street, Carlton, Victoria. Information to the Crim­inal Invest igation Branch, P erth.-Bl /5091.

Certificates of Freedom and Remission. Certificates of Freedom haye been isstlt'd to E.

Collin::;, Reg. No. 10429; Peter DeHeell, Reg-. No. 10447; and Jos. Sublan, Reg. No. 10449. The unexpired sentence of T. \Vardle, Reg. No. 10143, has heen remitted. B15145.


Miscellaneous. All PEA, charged at Roebournc, on the 14th uU.,

by ~.C. W. Harris; supplying l iquor to aboriginal na.tlyes. £20 fine and costs.

\\rlLLIAM HENRY \VATE RS, at 'V-yndham, on the 28th December last, on the applicat.ion of Sel'gt. A. L. Evans, was placed on the Prohibit.ed List for 12 months.

Jl1\Jl\IY AM CAN, charged at Carnarvon, on the LOth ult., by P.C. vVilliam TUl'llel' ; SU I)plying liquor to aborigiu<Ll natives. £20 fine and costs. Also charged sly grog selling. £30 fine and imprison­mf'nt until the rising of the Court.

THOMAS PEARSO N, charged at Bunbul"Y, on the 7th inst., by Andrew Scott j sly grog- selling. £30 fine and costs and 14 days imprisollment.

J OSE PR BONNY, ROB ERT M'INTosH, and 1\IICHAEL M'GRATH, charged at Guildford, on the 18th inst., by the Midland Junction P olice; sly grog selling. Bouuy, £30 fine and costs and imprisonment until the rising of the court. M'Intosh and M'Gl'ath, £30 fine and eosts, and 1 month h.1.

Inquests. Hall' s Creek.-On the 4th December last. at the

Court House, before W. D. Cummins, KM., Coroner, on the body of Yulloo alias Nellie, ab. nat, female, who di~d near Hall' ::; Creek on the 4th D ecember. Verdiet- -" Death from natural causes."- -Bl/5141.

H all's Ol"eek.~On the 27th December last, at the Oourt H ouse, before W. D. CUlllmins, R.M., Ooroner, on the bod), of Cboura, ab. nat. prisoner, who clied in the H all's Creek gaol on the 26th December. Verdict-" D eath from natural causes."-BI ',5142.

JVy/~dham.-On the 19th J anuary, at the Six-Mile H otel, before Fred. P eal'se, R.M., on the boclv of H arrv Hunt, 'who died suddenly at the Nine-Mile Ridge. Verdict-" Death from sUllstl'oke."-B l , 5143.

York-On thp 7th and 11th inst., a.t the Court House, before W. D. Cowan, lLl\i., Coroner, on the re­mains of an unknown person fouud in the bush near Wooclside, about 12 miles from York. Vel'cl.ict­"Death from natural causes; boely believed to be that of Geol'ge Lyons."-BIJ5144.

Mount llIagnet.-On the 14th inst., at the Court House, before R. P. Young, J .P., Acting Coroner, on t he body of MarLin Savareli, who was killed by a fall of earth at the New Moon Mine 011 the 14th iust. Vel'dict-" Accidental deatb." - Bl 5l48.

Roebollrne.-On the 6th in::;t., at t he Sherlock Station, before J. G. Mpares, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the bod.v of Sidne,r Gibbing-s, who was found dead at Buokergarra Creek. Verdict," Dt.'ath from natural causes."- Bl 5140.

Kalgoot/ie.-On the 16th iu::;t., at the Court HOllse, before P. Whelan, J.P., Ading COl'oner, on the body of J oseph Dower, who wa.s killed by falling (lown a s h,~ft lLt the Eclipse Gold. Mine Oll t he 8th inst. Vel'di(,t - " Accidental death."-B1 /5155.

~ llbOlly. ,-On the 15th ani1 17th inst .. at t he Court House, before J. A. \Vright, R 1\1. ,tIld Coroner, on the hod.v of George Slltherlanl. whose remulI1s were found in the bush near Alhanr on the 14th inst. Vcrdid- " Death while wandel'iilg ill the bush while iu a::;ttLU:> of temporaryin::;anity." B15156.

Page 34: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


Horses, Cattle, etc. Km'nalpi.-Stolen, about the end of November

last, from Edjudilla Soak,-l bay pony mare, 4 years old, about 15 hands high, black points, hranded 'if on near shoulder; the property of 'Vil1iam MassoD. Suspicion attaches to a. teamster named Forsythe, who was removing machinery from the Great Fillgall Mine to a mine near Niaga,ra. ­A 1/7632, 16th March, 1898.

Fremantle. '--Stolen, on or about the 1st inst., from Davilack,- l iron-grey mare, 15 bands high, aged, collar-marked j the pl'opert;v of L. A. Manning. Suspicion attaches to J oho Baker, medium build, height Sft. 7in., age 26 years, dark brown hail' and moustache, dark eyes; ~ud Scotty Chtrke. medium build, height Mt. 3·1ll. age 23 :rears, dark complf'xiou, dark hail' and moustache.-Al 7662. 17th l\far('h, 1898.

COll- I He!,;. No. I dition.

-,-- -


Fi'em(wtle.--Stolell, on or about the 1st inst., from Davilack,- l chestnut mare, 14-1 hands high, aged, white star all forehead, scars on knees, light mane and tail. branded L AA (conjoined) near shou lder; the property of Frank Ble\vett. Suspicion a.Uaches t.o John Baker and Scotty Clarke, as above.­Al /7663. 17th March, 1898.

B1·idgctowlI.- Stolen, on the night of t.he 16th inst., 1 black horse pony, with two wbite hind feet, branded 4 D on Ileal' shoulder j the property of Ernest Carter.-A1 /7691, 21st March, 1898.

Fremantle.-Stolen, between the 14th and 18th inst., from Davelock Paddock,- l grey mare pony, hnLuded W P on one shoulder and 0 on the other, about 14 hands high, aged, round lump under the jaw and a c~llspicuous mark on nostril; the property of G. C. Kmght.- AIJ7693, 21st March, 1898.


Sen\{·nce. Where CoulIniued.

-----1-Dare (It Discharge.

From F'renwmtle P'l·i.~on, eluring the week ending Sednrday, 19th March, 1898.

Free Exp.


Do. Do.

Exp. Female


Do. Pem:J.III

Exp. Free Do. Fem/llc

Free Do.



Ab. D3.t.

Free Ab.lIfl.t.

Do. Free

Free 1

Free Do.

F,ee Exp. ETe. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

2904 9881


1608 3106

6938 F26 2959

2616 F61

8993 3118 3032 F59 2580 2911

F 18 F 29


Dobe,ty, F,o.nk "'1 Rogue and vagabond 11) months b.!. "' 1 Perth Spelling, Thos. . .. DI'unk lOs.and costs and 28. Do.

or 7 days h.1. lUcCarthy, Timothy Do. 208. and co;;ts or 14 Do.

days h.1. Skelton, Thos. Obscene lft.ugnage 10s. or i da.ys h.1. .Fremantle Callaghan, Daniel Obscene language; resisting 20s. or 14 days h.1.; Do.

arrest £2 lOs. or 1 month h.1.

McKinnon, Arch. Idle and disorderly 2 Ulouths imp. Guildford StanIey. Annie Do. 3 months h.!. "' 1 Pe,·th ... Skehan, Joseph Sly grog selling ..t30 and costs and Coolgardie

£2 128_ -id. or 4 months h.I.

Maher, Patk. Drunk 21 days Id. Fremantle Viant, Marian Sly grog selling I £30 and costs 0<1 Kalgoorlie

month h.I. Stubbs, John Drunk 21 days h.1. ... Fremantle Culbert. Wm. Idle and disorderly 2 months h.1. Kalgoorlic Gardon, Stephen . Unlawful possession 3 months h.1. Bunbnry Newell, Ellen I(lie and disol'del'ly I ·month Perth Blume, Henry Unlawful wounding 18 months h.I. Do. Simpson, George . Unlawful possession; idle and £501'3 months h.l; 3 Kalgoorlie

disorderly months It.I. (cum.) Roid, Sarah Drunk 21 days b.I. Fremantle Stewart, Nellie Idle and disorderly 3 months h.l. Do.

Front Mm'ble Bar Lock-np, dll?'ing the month ending 31st Janua?'Y, 1898. Mansen Supplying liquor to ab. nats. Brown, John False pretE:nCe3 Panicamba alias Obstructing police

Kenn'3th I FaticooraaliasHarry Breach of contract Cha Fee Larceny.

3 months h.I. 2 months h.I. 2 months h.I.

1 month h.I... 1 month h.!.

Nullagine Do.

Marble Bar

Do. Do.

From Mt. Magnet Lock-up, during the 'week ending 12th March, 1898.

11 I I ~ 14th March.

J ] 15th do.

~ 16th do.

117th do. J

118th do. J

1 (9th do.

4th Jan. lOth do. Hth do.

21st do. 29th do.

I Daly, John.. I Threatening language I 205. fine or 14 days I Mt. Magnet I h.I.

9th March.

F1'Oll~ Newcastle Gaol, elnring the week eneling 12th March, 1898. Cullin, Michael I Idle and disorderly 11 month h.I. I NOl'thalll

From Yulgoo Lock-np, during the 1veek ending 12th MU'I'Ch, 1898. Young, John .. I Disorderly :M:cQuiggan, Patk ... Do. ... I 7 days h.I.

7 days h.I. I Yalgoo


From Albany Ocwl, du/ring the week ending 12th March, 1898. McJester, Peter Obscenity and assaulting police 1 month h.I. Ford, Elijah Unlawful possession 2 months h.I. Rutt, 'I'homas j Malone, John I WiUiams, John Boyd Fredel'ick JP1aYing unlawful game 'Valker, DeDnis Moore, J ohn Han'is, George

1 month h.l.

I Albany ... Ratanning

I Albany

I 11th March.

I J 11th March.

8th Mamh. lOth do.

12th do.

Page 35: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Oaz~tte ""ml' S o.

--1- Hayri", Frank ..,

54' 1Iloreun, Dn\'"id .., McDonnld, Ji\~ .

"" Burke, Wrn. 54' Evans, Robt. 551 l\ICArtlllU', F.

'" Slack, Jolm

." S5+ Brosnan, Timot'!Jy

'" Hapkins, John 557 Jenk.ins, 'Vm ... 560 " 'atson, Thomas ,.1 Eloombe. Tllos. 56' 'Vatsou, Clwrles

'" Moiyneur, Matthew 5;5 Reid, John, ali(lS

Price, Chns. 576 O'Brieu, Nicholns

'" Mindham

"" McPhersoll, DOl1ald

'" RobinSOll, WilliaUl !.>82 Armstrong, JolUl


I~ • •






614.5 I ....




Free do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

T.L. Fre, T.L. do.

do. ab. uat.

Free Col. Free

! 15th August, 1895 . ;.12th Sept., 189.5

12th Sept .• 1895 1st Jallllary, 1896 3rd March, 1896 ...

m~ jl~~~l: l:: .. , 20th AIS""st,l896 9th SCI,t., 1896 9th Sellt ., 1896 lith Sept., 18% Z3rd NOT., 1896 21th Jllne, 1897 25th Dec. , 1896 .. 21st AllglIst, 189i

30th Oct., 1597 24th Dec., 1897 31st Dec., 1897 27th Jnn., 1898 ab Mar., 1898



I District rrom.

Frema.lItill Coolgardic GemllltOIl _.' Victoria.Plainlil Perth Alballr Coolgardie Geraldtoll Newcastle Newcastle Coolgardie Fremantle Perth Perth Fremantle

Fremantle Fremantle Fremantle Fremantle Fremantle

Oe~c"l'tion and TOIllIHks.

Vide P olice Ga:eUc, 1.395, 160 Do. do., do. do. 169 Do. do., do. do. 169 Do. do., 1806 do. 13 Do. do. , do. do. SS Do. do., do. do. 9·~ Do. do., do. do. 130 Do. do., do. do. 190 Do. do., do. do. 2(Jl Do. do., do. do. 207 Do. do., do. dol. 212 Do. do., do. do. 286 Do. do., 189i do. 189 Do. do., do. do. 259 Do. do., do. do. 395

Do. do., do. do. 395 Do. do., do. do. 395 Do. do., 1898 do. I Do. do., do. do. " Do. do., do. do. 83

Ry Allthority RrcuARU PETHEIt, GOVernmflnt Printf"r. pf·rth .

Page 36: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,
Page 37: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

~~olitt (Jl;4;tttt •


[ Published oy Authority. J

ThiN (Jllz~ttt is ptl,blished if)}' Police i1~r01''tnation only, and the Police thll'oughout the Coluny {UP i1ISb"1l,,(" fwl In mnkl' fh~'(tv.;eh)lls thm'{)ughly acquainted 'With the conhntil .

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.

No. 1:3.] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc.

ride I'"lice Gd::ette. 1898, page 6~.-Al i319.

Perth. - Frederick l\Iunda.y's wa.tch is further dc~ <:riood as key winding, No. 4892.

P er/h.-During t he night of t he 22nu inst., from the \Tictoria Cofff'e P ala<:e, -- 1 gentleman's gold hunting ke'y-winJin~ Waltham w<bt(;h, No. 309874:0, medi um siz l~; the property of J allles Trevas"kls. Suspicion attaches to two men who O(;(;Upil'd the room next to ('omplaillant -- ( I) Simpsoll. rather stout build. height about '>ft. 6iu., age ahout 30 to 35 years, chin , hen,vy black moustache, dressed in tlark suit, and hard luLt; (2) Robinsoll , medium huild, age about 24, height ahout 5ft. 7iu. 01'

Sin. , fair complexion, and small light lllonstacht', dressed in da.rk coat. and vest, light trousers a nd straw hat. - A1 J7723, 23rd March, 1898.

Cu~.-On the 19th or 20th inst., .,..- 1 gentleman's gold hunting Ameri<:au Waltham watch, engine­turned, stem-winding, sunk seconds. has a 15 years' guaranree fix ed to ' illside of back ca.s€'; the property of Alexander McLean.- A1 J7733. 24th March, 1898.

Kanowna.--On the 17th inst., from the person of James Cain,- 1 gentleman's silver hunting key­winding lever wa.tch, .. J.O.K." engraved on inside of back ease, 1 silver curb chain (key fasten~d to chain by copper wire in place of bar), 1 gold nugget weighing about 8tdwts., and 1 Miller 's Right in name of J ames Cain.-- A1 /7679, 19th March, 1898.

Menzies. - On the 22nd or ~31'd inst. , fro111 the Railway Siding,- 1 black imitation Moroct:o dressing case, size about l5in. x l2in. x 6in., 2 straps on flap with nickel-plated eye-holes, leather handle with label attached bearing owner's name, corners and back of case slightly worn, containing 1 small clothes brush. 1 nickel soap box, 1 glass bowl with llickellid for tooth brushes, 1 hai r brush and comb, 1 pair of razors in Morocco case, 1 pewter soap box, 1 sha.ving b~ush with d ... ta.chablc handle, 1 silver hunting key­wmder Genev<"L lever stop-watch, iutnds, and a.

qualltity of type-writte ll and other papers, including Railway Pass-book; the iJl"ul)('rty of Gf'orge O. La. Roohe. AI 7748. 25th ~lal",.j,. 1898.

P t'1'lIl.- On the 24th inst. , frum the }>4:'l'SOll of \Vill i<.tll1 G. Sloane. at the Globe Hotel,- l gentle­ma.n' s si lver hunting key-winding' lever watch, com­pensation balante, "'V. G. Slo,tne" scratdwd on inside of front. case; 1 gold clmin, 10nK link::.. recelltly ma-de by Fouchard, Ray St reet, with JuLilee sovcrei~n pendant atta<:hed.- Al 7750, 25th March, 1898.

Perth.- On the 25th inst .. from the front ba.1' of t he Shamrock Hotel, -- 1 gf'nt lemal1's si lver half.-hunt­ing En~lish level' w'Ltcll. key-winding-, sunk s€'t"o.uci s, nearly new ; 1 phLill lon;.,:- link steel chain, and I sIlver sovereign. case containing half a sovereign; alsu 1 blue tweed vest. tailor ll1 ;tde, old and Wtl rn; the i,rop­erty of Richard A11nstr .. ng.--Al '7754, 25th Man:b, 1898.

Pert/I. - During the night I)f the 25th inst., from t hl' CO~llgardie Coffee P ahu:e,-- 1 gentl€'man's white metal stem-winding open-faced watch, black hands, sunk seconds case scratched and back worn yellow; 1 single silvel~ chain, altel'na:te l?ng ~Dd s.hort ~iu~s, bar and short fine Huk-drop challl, WIth piece of WIre at end; the property of Wini~m McUann. - AIJ7757, 26th March, 1898.

Perth.-On the 25th inst., from the person of WaIter Henry LoU, in Murray Street, - I gentleman's silver hunting Rotherham lever :wa~ch, "W. L ott," engraved inside hack cuse, key-wllldlllg, gold hands, sunk seconds, old and worn.-Al /7758, 26th March, 1898.

Perth.- On t he 26th inst., from the person of John Swan,-l white met<LI stem-winding open-faced watch. and 1 gold (;urb chain, about 9in. long, with bar (stamped" C.G." or "C.E."), and swivel with spring broken; 1 light:c?loul'ed It'at~er pocket-Loo,k with ela.stic band, contallllllg 6 pawn tIckets (5 Krug s tickets for g-old keeper ring, silver watch, pair of trousers, and 2 razors, 1 Seeligson's for umbrella). ­Al /7776. 28th Mal·ch, 1898.

Page 38: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Pedh. -On or ahout the 26th inst., from' OW11f'1"S tellt at Sextllll's Mill. Parkervill c,' 1 gentle­man's silver single ('hain Cl long and 3 short links altern<l,teh') with har and swivel, with 1 gold-pla.ted l,,'al-sha,ped 11I(·ket, hea,rt on one sid\~ , '; SOllvenir " on the other sidl.'. <lUll severa l sih'eT coi ns attached. the property of Laurence Skillington. Sllspi("!on a.ttaches to Dav,' Moon', des('ribed ltS (\,bout 5ft. 7111.,

age ahollt 20 yea,rs, fair coml~lexiOl:. smooth faee, sand:' hair. hlU t' l',ves, rather thlll bUllc1, wpars black snit <tnd white sI raw hat; wa.s seen in Murray Street. Perth, at +'80 p.IU .. 28th inst . Is alsu sllspected of other l;:u'(·enit·s.-A l 7783. 28th Mal't'h, 1898.

Mem:i{'~. On the night of the 2:3l'd inst .. f rom the " rh ite House H OleL-l lady's old·fashioned gold watch in gold case. much eugra,yed, and a watcb·case of brown leather, t:1)J1t ainin~ a g-old ring set with bloodstow .. ' engraved with t:rest, of a wolf with inverted head and tail. the property of VV .• L. Daniell.-A I 7788, 29th Mareh , 1898.

K anUWlIfl. - Ou the 8th inst., from the owner's buggy. hetween Kanowna Rar'ecoul'se and K anowna, - 1 t -plat\.' Lancaster camera. (small ivory tablet missing from front of t:amera) a.nd hms, with two double dark ~lides and tripod stand. changing bag, dark (·loth, f'tc.; the p ro}Jerty of A. S. D oolette.­Al 7730, 23rd iliarch, 1898.

Kalgoorlie,-Oll the 20th inst. , from Hallnan's Stl'eet.- l gentleman'S Reform hi(",vdl." vVestwood rims. Dunlop tires, Applel;y clouhle roller chain, frame 55 inches. No. 45 Bl'Qoks' saddle; the property of J K. Buckley.-AI 7746, 25th March. 1898.

K algMrlit:. On the 26th inst., from Hannan's Street, - ] gentleman's Rapid Bic,vde, Dunlop tires, rat-trap pedals, half R~'leas~ saddle, <: hai n on left side; t he pl'ol,!> rty of Eli S. Simpson.·-Al/7785, 29th March. J 8~8.

Vide Police O,,:eile, lR9:-:, page 104-. Al i66!), i6iO, i671.

P erfh.-F. W. H enry's, A. Shel'l'ock's, and George L ... gg's tools have heen recoyereJ hy Det. S. Condon.

Kalgoorlif'.-On t he 21s~ inst., frum the owner's tent, Bro(,kman Street,-1 dark ~l'e'y rug with red, yellow and hlue str ipE>s j 1 khaki coat, 1 vair of b1'own C<.\..J1vaS shoes, size 7, and 1 white felt hat with hoot­lace for kLlhl; tbe property of William Hindson. -A 1 71:17, 24th Jlhl'cb, 1898.

Path. During- t he night of the 21 st inst., from th ... Empir(' Hotf'I.--1 garden seat. Sft. lOllg-. iron lq!s. wooden sea.t ,uHI stay", paint. wnrll (lff; the pl'operty of Sa:nllE'1 Moon'. Al 7742, March, I8H!;.

.Path. -On tbv '~8rtl im:t.. frolU thl' owner' s vr.emises. lLld~~v S1n'i;>t., off Li)l('oln SIred .. -1 very lal'g-e (·{tI'I'I.qt· hlllll' with th:("k h~·.:":'·t' IIn11· . .; l'ye- ~las~, a!.Hl 1 I)r,linal',\' gquarl' carri<l~l' hnll" both la.mps h:lY>' No. ~9 painte I ~'n "i(le g-la,s; the jJI'OPL'l'ty of Ed.\·in ",'ind~·r. _.\ 17:-4.4. 24t.h ~hl"chl 1898 .

p prth. - Oll t lw 24th inst., from the own('r's tent. Rokehy ROllu. Suhiaco,-- l black ser~e sac: S11it, almost new, ta.ilor-made, by W olfson, vVilliam Street, P erth, tb(' right hawl pocket is roughly sewn in, 2 small gre,tse spots on left leg of trousers; the property of D. J . Rathl'ay.-Al '77.56. 25th Mal·ch. 1898.

P erth.-During the night ,.f the 2·') th inst.,-1 spring m,ttt ress. wooden frame, has two holes in the centre of the wire; the property of GCOI'ge Bourne.­Al /77.59, 26th March, 1898.


N orth Frelllanllf. - Bctwccn th·' 17th ,-,ud 26th inst .. from owner's tent at North Shol'c.- l gentl!>_ man's d,trk hlue wate rpl'oofca l)C' ,;' English mauufaC"_ ture" stamped on ('oUa r , small moth-hole on shoulder . button in centre of hal:k. hand sewu; the property of R . P . Snoor. Suspicion attaches to Robert Young". who was camped next to c.:omph~ina.n t. Des<:ription: medium build. square shoulders, hl:'ight 5ft. 9in. or Win., hrown ha,i r ,tnd lll ousta.(" he. hn,ld on top of head, ~allow complexion. d ressed in ~re.v sac su it [Lncl i{rc'y felt hat.---Al '7765. 28th March. 1898.

F'j·em(l/dle.- -On the ~5th inst .. - l red . vcllow, <w d brown striped hlanht; 1 nayy blue sCl'ie sac suit, slop made-. siZE> .S; 2 white shirts. size 15; :2 soft shirts, blue and white squart> pattern; 1 hrowu leather belt, about 4ft. 6in. hy lino wide; I blat:k leather belt, 3ft. In- ;l,ill. wide; 1 navy blue mackin_ tosh coat, long ca·i)e. ~ siz.e 5; the property of J(lhn W. Gamhle.-Al / 7770, 28t,h March, 1898.

Apprehensions. Vide Police Qa:elfe, 1 Q98, l)age 10.3.

CHARLES SPARGO and JAMES RYAN, brought tip a.t Coolgardie on tlw 21 st inst. 18 montbs h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 10,).

FLETCHER ALNWICK, In'ought up at Coolgardip on tbe 22nd inst . Disdul.rged for want of prosecu­tioll.

Vide Police Gazette. IH9l:1, page 103.

EDWARD ALBERT VALENTINE, brought up at Fremantle on t he 21 st inst. Discharged for want () f prosecution.

Vide Pol ice Gazette, 189!'\, page 97. JAMES KEl~R BENNE'l'T, brought up at Fremantle­

on the 25th inst. Committed for trial.

Vide I·olic ... G'tzeile, IH9H. page 10.).

FRANK GROOM. urouj.!ht up at P erth on the 19th iust. 1 month h.1. Disc-harged under the First Offender s Ad.

AN DREW GRAHAM, at Ka,lg-oorlie, on th e 18th inst.. I)\' P.C. J. T. Rice; idle a nd d is<lrderl\'. 2 month" i t;'1)ri EMU men t. .

J OSEPH BURNS. a t Northa.m, on the 20th in~t.. h,­P.C. J. Stewart; rogue iLnd \'alfitholHl 1 month h.I'; ohsl·pnity. 20s. fiul' or ]4 ,lays h.l. '

HENRY GODD,nD. at Boul(kr. on the 2ht inst.. hy P.C-.:. TJ. H. Thl)lllp-.:on <lll,l H. A. Fl'as~'I"; unlaw­fully un preill ises, 1 mou1h Id.; assault . ..£.') nlll' OJ'

] nlllnth h.l.

.!\1 0 RRAX UNDERwoon. haJt-('.t-.:t ·,. a' Brid~('to\\"ll. un tll .... 21st inst .. I.y (;01'1'1. {~t';)r;.{e 8-. :i\Il'an's; IIn· lawfld jll)ssl'''siO!l. :! JllOllths h.!.

'VILLIAnI .VVHEATEN a{iftl; CASSEY. at Bl'idgetowll, on t he 24th mst., by P,(;. C. Jam€!'1; idle and dis· ol·derly. 2 m')I1th s h.!.

J OB HAINSWOR'.rH, exp., Ia.te No. 10137, at Fre­mantle, on the 19th iU 1>-t., In' P.C. H. Mills, on warr~nt; la.reen.\' from t he pt>;'son. Committed for trial.

R OBERT :'\hLNE, at Fremantle. on the 21st inst., b.v P.C. S. Pimblett; holding intercourse with a. prisoner undergoing sentence. 21 days h.l.

Page 39: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

PATRJCK MEAGII~;R, at Fremantle, ou the 220d in!:!£., h\' P,C, W. Shorlpll; idle and disorderly. 6 weeks il.l.

ANNIE STANI,EY, aJ Fremantle, on the 22nd inst.. by P.C. J . Heale,\'; idle iLnd disorderly. 6 mouths Id.

JOHN 'VEST, a.t Fremantle, on the 24th inst., by P.C8. J. Sweeney a.nd J.l\feagher; larceny. 3 months h.t Property recovered.

JOHN \Vn,L IAI\I S and CHARLES \VOODS. (l.t Fre­m:1 ntte on the 2.5th inst. hv P.Cs. J . Meaghcr a,nd J. Le,-,~'''; larceny. ;3 m'on'ths h.1. f'<ll'h. Property rel.'o\'erL'cl.

JA~IES JAR\'IS. t.l.. reg. No. 10408, a.t Bunhurv, Oil till' 24th inst .. In P.C. D. O'Connor; idle ;:ul(l Ji~t)rclerl.\. :2 UlOllUis h.1.

HA:ilIA, c'tt Pl'lth, 011 the 10th in8t .. hy P.C. J. POl'ter; as"anit. :2 m<lnth8 h.1.

HENRY CHAMBERS, at Pert.h, on the 19th i1l8t., hy P.C. A. 'Varne~'ke; assaulting police. 1 month h.L

S'fl:PIfEN H.ADFORD, a.t Perth. on the ~bt iust." Iw P.C. J . T. Bnldie; Ia.rceny. 3 mont.hs h.1. .

GEORGE H. 'l'OJ\1LINSON. at Perth. on the 24th inst.. U\· P.C. C. BamfielJ; lareen\' :3 months h.1. Disl.:ha.:gt>d undl'r tue First Offen,lers Act.

JOHN BROWN. at Perth. on the 25th iust.. hy P.C. P. Lyuch; ilwifiugpl'isonel' to resist IJnli ct-'. 1 ;'lwnth h.!.

D~:NIS \VALKER, at Perth, on the 26th inst .. hy P.C. A. Tillotson; rogue and v3g-abolld. f; nwntl{s h.l.

PA·L'R.ICK MADDEN, a.t Perth, on the 26t.h inst., I,y P.C. 1\1:. Jallles; nnlawfullyon premisE's. 6 montl;::; h.!.

JOSEPH BURNS, a.t Northam, on the :20 h Ill ~t, hy P.C'. James St{'-wart; ulllawflllh un premise~. '1 month h.1.; ohsl·t'nitv, 2()s. fine or 14 da."8 h.l. (cumulativE'" .

GEORGE RA1HSAY, at Northam, on the 24th inst., by P.C. E. Campbell; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.l. .

FREDERICK BRU(,E. a.t NOI-tham, on the 25th inst., by P.C. P. Quain; idle and disOl·derlv. 1 month 1'-.1. •

WILLIA1'rl Rl!:ID, at Coolgal'die, on the 28th inst., by P.C. W. Bennett; disorderly, 1 month h.1.

ARTHUR LOWE, at Perth, on the 24th inst., by P.C. C. Muller, on warrant; horse st.ealing a.nd larceny. Committ.€'d fo), trial. Property recovered by Dt't, F. G. Eggleston. Also cha.l·ged by Det. F. G. Eggleston j la rceny as bailee. Committed for triaL Property recovered.

Warrants Issued. JAMES EADIE. !:!tout build, age 26 or 28 years,

hei!Sht 5ft. 9in. or lOin., dark h,lir, slllall dark lJIoustadw. da.rk eyes, round fresh ('omplexioll, slig'htly rOHnd shoaldered. labourer. is fond of playiug billianls, and will }Jruuably se€"h: employment as billiard-mark€"r; ubtaining the sum of 2s. toy fa.lse pretellees from Catheril1e Hagg-ert,Y. Datt'd ESI,el'­<tnct', l4th March, 1898.- W. 2\1'1;/.

JAl'olES EADII'; (as ablwe). ()ht,~ining the sum of 28 by fal8e pretences frOIll Da-i8)' McGf'l'. D,Lted'e, 14th Man·h. 1898. 'rV. ~o1~'iI.

JAMES ROBERTSON, slig-ht and wIry huild, agt' a hout 30 years, height ahout. .5ft iiu .. hl'own hair and ntthel' heavy bl'oWI1 mousta<:b", long visage. ruddy (·omplexion, gTdCl'r. latel)' employed by \\'a.lsh SOil. Kanownil; emhezzling the Stlln of £75, the mont'\' of J. 'Val::>h and Son. Dat('tl. Frel1lallll~, :2:llh 1\Ial'l.:h, 1898.- \V. 'l~5~?

ALFRED PHILLIPS, medium hui;d, a.~l' a.hout HI ,Years, h(':ght. about 5ft. 7in .. fair hair. thin vis<lg-e, fair COlllIJlexion, urcssed ill light-l·oloureu tWet'd suit and white straw hat, derk. native of Smtb Au~tl'aJi:t; larceny as ~L badee (.If a ('heque for £2 Ss. Dated Perth, 25th March. IH98.- - \V. 2J'~'.

AL[;XANDI.o:I< J. DUNCAN. thick 8et. <tg-e 18 -"eMS, height about 5ft. 4in., fail' hair, incipit'nt IlwHstache, hlue c.ves, t.hick nosf', long I,uintl'd dliu. ruddy and ]limply complexion, dresse-d ill navy bill!> ::>ac suit all'] stnLw ha.t, clerk, nativt;! (.If Vi(·toria; t'mlkzzliug' the sums of £3 I s. !:l.!., £5 14s. 6.1 .. a.ntI £2 7s. 6e1, the lIIoneys of :Mess's. Stout--' and BUI't. Da.h-cl Perth, 25t'h March. l898.~ 'V. 'l.,-;\t.

RALPH GILES. stout huii(l, a/.{e ;L\'Out 28 years, height 5ft. .sin., l'el'), fair hail', ::>mall fair hea.rd ,LUd hE'a\'Y moustache, blue eye.:;;, round \' isag-'-, f'lireoln­plexion, "R G" tattooeu left forearm with red an,] hlue ink, native of \Vale::> . .J!'\"'s:-;erl in light tweed !:!ll it and straw hat; lan:eny of £10, the IIltlnevof tlw Pioneer Foundry and' En~~int'el'int! Comp~ny, Limited. Datt-'d Kalgoorli,·. 2·jth ~LLI'(:h, 1898. \V. \\~'.

GEOIWE JON~~S. medium huild, agv 30 yea.rd, Iwi~h t about 5ft. 9.~in., dark hair, ~allow ('() mplcxioll; di:,;;ol'dt>riv ('OllChH£ ou the 24th inst. Da.te(l }{,d­goorlie. 26th March, 1898.- \¥. ~J'~o.

Missing Friends. ri,le Pt/lice Ga:ette, l~fJf\, pa~E' 91, Blf.)l:~l.

PAUL SCHMIDT has been found at Frt'mantle.

Vide Police Gazette, 1898, l)age 38, Bl/1895.

1N ALTER A. PARKER has been found.

JOAN CAl'![PBELL DIXON. slight build, age 17 years. height 5ft. 4in. or 5in., black hi.Lir, dark ('.,'es, Grecian nose, oval visage, dark complexion, nat.ive tlf Bourke, N.S. W.; last heard of by If'tter iu November, 1896, when he was employed at the Swan Brewer.v, Perth. Inquiry by W;lliam B. Dixon (father), BuIong. Informa.tion to Criminal Investigcttinll Bra,nch, Perth.-Bl/5170.

Mrs. HA~NAH HAYMAN (no description given), late of Upper Colo, Richmoud, N.S. \V.; a,rrivec1 in W.A. siuee Of'tober last. Inquiry by Acting Directol' of Charitahle Institution::; of N.S. W. Jnforma.tion to Criminal Investigc'ttion Branch, P erth.-B1 5175.

Page 40: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,


Property Found. Perlh. - Lac1y's paraso1.-P.F. ~~. Cash hox. ­

P.F. 'I. Cheque for £10 4s.-- P .F. :~. Lace "" V·· k PF .. embroidl·l'Y. P.F.t ;}. "aJklUg stH': ?,- ... ij'"

Iron fixillg. - P .F. t~·. Halldhag.- ~.F. -~~. Blcyde. _ P.}', ~:. Cheque.- P F. -ill PH'1\: and handle. ­P.F.~~- . Latch key.- P.F. H-. Flat-bottomed punt. - P.F. ~!. Bicycle pump.-- P.F.~b-. ,2 Umhrellas. - P.F. ~g. Gold l'ing.- P.F. e{· P,LI1' trOllsers. -P.F. ~~. Certific<,!,te of Title.--P.F. ~ ;-. £5 notc. ­P.F. ~~ . Lady's fur box. - P.F. ~~.

FI't!mantle. ·-Promissorr note for £50. - P .F. ~~. Pearl brooch.-P.F. ~%. ' Swa,g. - P.F. ~~" "~a.~f'r­bury watch.-·P.F. }~. Po("ke~ book contallHng seauwu's discharges.- P.F. ~+ Gold ring.- P.F. _:~. Coat. - P.F. -;}~ . Purse contail1i~~ money and railway ticket. - P.F. H. Pouch COllt,unlllg money.­P.I'. }~.

Lawlel·s.-Riding saddl~.-P.F. ~}.

N01'th Fl'emallfle.--Handbag. - P.F.

Blmbu,l'y.- Lady's ullderclothing. - P.F. H-·

BeacolIsfielrl.-Auger. brace, and 9 bits. - P.F . .. - ~ ,

" Ouildford.- Portmanteau containing' dothing.­

P._F. :-~-.

Cne.- Compass.- P.F. pouc.:b.- P.F. ~:.

\ Vatt.:h, helt,

Norfham. - Purse, containing money and P.O. order.

Norsemall. - BrOWll horse, a.ged, ahout 15 hands, saJdle-marked, branded like YIY near shoulder.­P.F. oJ:.

'fhe undermentioned articles have been daimeu Perth.- G.P.O. Bank-book (P.G., 1898, p. 17).­

P.F. ·l.... Bundle of under linen (P. G., 1898, p. 17).­P.F. :,. 2-bar gold brooch (1'.G., 1897, 1'. 349).-­P.F. ~Ii"/'.

.llbany.- Purse and money (P.G., 1897, 1'. 3Ui). - P.F. ',','. £1 note (P.G., 1898. 1'. 17).- P.F. 2.~ ~

" York. - Guld brooch (PJI., 1898, p. 17) .- P.F. , ..

111 •


BIt"b,,'y- Bullock bell (1'.11., 1897, p. 349).­-P.F. \/l.

Cu,.- Swag (i'.G., 1898, p. 70).-- P.F. '" ... Kanowl1IJ. ·-\V'atl.:h (P.G., 1898, p. 70).--P.F .

Escaped Prisoner.

. " Uti'

-No. 583. - MORRAN UNDERWOOD (half-caste), medium build, height Sft. 7il1., dark complexion, dark eyes, black hail' lLlld beard; abs('olHled from Bridge­town Lockup on the morning of the 2Sth inst .. while under sentence of 2 lllonth.s h.L for unlawful posses-8ion.-AI/7781.

Property Lost. Vide PoLice Ga:ettc, 1 :-;98, page lOi, P .L. \:~'.

Fl'enllllltle.-D. C. Cl'aig's houk has heen found.

PaUI.- On the 20th iust., ;Lll oak stick with hlWk­

hO~'n hnnd1e a,nd gold hand. engravcd "R.E.B."; the propert\' uf R. E. Bush. - P.L. \?,r'· On the 23rd inst.,- an oblong dark-coloHl'ecl purse, siclc-4·lasp fastening, cuntaining 7 or 9 sovercigns, some silver and two rect'ipted hills (J ones and Tapham); the property of Mrs. E. Birch. - P.L. l\J~ill. In May, 1897 - a sma.ll O'old horseshoe hrouc:h with whip acro;s, has been broken and repaired at catch. Also, ou the 21st inst., a sUlall plain gold halo h1'oo(·h, ~;\ight stain on face; the property ,If 1\J1'8. H eaJon.­P .L. 1'9'"'/;0. \/,-}.

EiJperance. - Oll the 18th inst., - a two-har gold hrooch with 2 horse-shoes; the property of G. H_ Bostock.- P.L. lil-l·

Alb(lI1y.--Oll the ] 7th inst.,- '-', ring set with 2 opals and 2 stars; Mary Ma.rhan. - P.L. IU21j~'

lady's 9et. gold the property of

Bllmbm·y. - On the 21st illst .. - a. gold har lln)ol.:h, horseshoe in centre; the property of Mrs. H. F. Johnstone. - P.L. \V'.

Inquests. Coolgardie.-On the 18th antI 21st inst., at the

Police Court, before C. Reuwi\· k, J .P .. Acting Coront'r, 00 the body of Rohert Lisle, who was killed 1)\' fa.ll­inO' down the underlay shaft of the Nordenreldt" L\line 01:' the 17th inst. Vel'dict - " A('l.:ideutal death."­BI 5171.

Kalgoodie.-On the 22nd iust .. at the Coul'l House, F. Hare, Esq., \V,Lrdcn and Coroner, on the body of Eli Bull, whp waS killed at the Hannan's Sta;' Gold Mint' by being struck on the head by a. stone whi('h f\·ll from the bu c: ket. Verdict. "A(:l.:i­dental death." - B1 i5172.

KalfloOl'lie.- On the 21 st inst., at the Court House, befure P. WlwLtu, J.P., Acting Coroner, .. n the body of John Hemel'\', who W lS killed ,Lt the Boulder on the 15th inst. Verdict- " AccidelltuJ death."- ­Bl 5173.

GeToZdton. - On the 23rd iust .. a,t the Vi(:toria HospihLl. 'efore M. Brown, G.R .. Coroner, on the body of Alldlf'W Hannon, exp .. hte No. 714(-), who died in the Geraldtol1 gaol. Vcrdid - " Dei.lth h um natUl'al causes."-R1/7159.

N,nmill e. - On the 12th and 16th iost .. at the Court House, befure F. S. Olivel', J.P., Ading­Coroner, on the Lody of Hug-h Cameroll, who died at Nannine, on the llth inst., from injuries received from a fall of e .. nth on the 10th inst., at A bbott's Gold Mine. Verdict - " Accidental death." ­B1/5180.

Jarralldale.-On the 24th inst., at the Serpentine HoteL, before Dr. Chas. Lovegrove, R.M" Coroner, on the body of Wil1iam Woolf, who shot himself on the 23rd inst. Vel'dict- " Suicifle while suffering from temporary insanity."- B1 /5184.

Page 41: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. .illellzies.-·Stolell from the Fllur-Mile Hotel, he­

tween 2 and 5 a.m., 25t.h inst., elltl'[t.uce heiugcffected by means of a key, - 1 iron safe (which was sub­sequently found with the bottom ('lit out), (·ontaiuiug cheque on the Western Australian Bank. Mt:'nzie~, for £3 ] 7s. 6d., drawu hy H. Spallwlh; an OI"(l('1" for .£9 Ss. 6d. on Smith &. '1'imm s, signed Thos. Timms; £10 ill ::;i\ver; 1 Lt-dy's sih'l'l" ~ opell-fact!d key-winding Gene\'a. lever watch, with lady's sIl1aJI silv!'l' Albert attal'hed; 1 gentleman'::; siher open­faeed Geneva, level' watch, kpy-willding. with gold snake-patt€'rll dmill attached; the property of James Lamb. Suspieion attarhes to tWll men who wen­noticed loit.->ring about :- ( () Height ahout Mt. 9in., dark complexion, with about two weeks' growth of bea,rd; (2) height a,bout Mt. 7in., whiskers more or less grey, dresst'd ill light tweed suit and black hoxer bat j sUIJposed to bo,trch'd the Kalgoorlie uU the same momilla at the Fonr Mile.-Al 7764, 2~th March. "

Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide Pvlice Ga=ette. 1898. page lOS, Al 769l.

Bridgt'toll'l1.--E. Carter's horse has heen found, not stolen.

Vide f'vl1 ce Ga=ette. 1898, page 101', Al,j693. Fremolltle.-G. C. Knight's pony has been re­

<:overed hy P.C. J. F. Thomas.


Miscellaneous .

vYrLCIAl'>J .TOLLEY, at Guildford, 011 the 18th ins!. , on tht' a.pplication of P.C. L. H. Cunning-ham, "\\'a:-: placed on tht~ Prohihited List fOI" 12 months.

\VrLLIAM STEPHENSON EDGE. at Niag<L1'<.t. nn the 18th inst., 011 the al)pli(·(ttion of P.C. D. DlIgg-an, wa~ placed Oil t.ile Prohihited List fur 6 mouths. '

THOMAS HARRY MARS HALL, eh,tq:.,{e(l at Cue. un the 21st inst., hy Sergt. H. \V. G. McIlltyre; t'l'ueit,\' to anima,]s. £10 fine a.nd £1!1 9~. 6d. costs.

CECILIA COYSH ((liaR ANNIE )V ARD. charO'ed at,

Cooigardie, Oll the 23rfl inst.. b,v P C. E. J. McL~rnon; disonlf>rl,v. ] month h.1.

,"VILLIAl\1 BATTEN, charged at. Perth, on inst., hy P.C. H. l\L11111; illegal wagering". and costs.

the 24th 40s. fine

JAMF,S CAULFIELD, <:hal'ged at pprth. on the 24th inst., hy P.C. H. Mann; il1eg<tl wagering. £5 fine a.nd costs.

Prisoners tried ltt the Qnltrtor Sessions, Cool.gardie, commencing \Vodne~day, 9th llarch, 1898.

Con- lIel:. :Su. X;un~. ()"ence. dili"n.

ll'~I,.icI. ('.Awe G,.,eHe Vud'ct. 11"" ,li~IU'8ed "r.


I Larceny -I 1898

Free ]Helrose, Ad:un Coolb'"a.rdie p.45 Guilty / 12 Illonths h.1. Do. ].[onison, Herbert I Foh, P"""'" Do.

I I). 4~ Do. 1)0.

Do. , o. Do. .. 1.>0. 1'.44 Do. Do. (cvncurrent). Do. Riley,William Breaking and entering Do. p.16 Do. 18 Illonths 1t.1.

1897 Do. Mark, Frederick R. Detaining a letter Do. I 1)·38.S Do. 61l\(>ntits h.1. Do. Brown, Thomas Larceny Do. 1)·393 Do. 12 months h.1.

189, Do. I Mclutyre, John \\'vunding wi h intent Do. I). :!8 Do. 7 yeu81).S. Do. o Sherbrook, Jvhn Do. Do. 1)·2S Uo. Do. Do. Gool ~raholllet Attempted indecent M· Do. p.37 Not ~llilt.l' Dischnrged.

sallit Do. I DOll",iI,. RI,h"," Larceny Do. p. 37 Guilty I mprisone.l until rising

of Court. Do. }'08ter, Robert Receil"ing stolen pl'ol'erty Do. p. 45 Do. 18 months 11.1'. Ad.

miMed tv b.]jl lIeu· diu"" appeal.

Do. Blail", Thoma8 Do. Do. p. 45 00. 9 montlu) 11.1. Ad· mitted to bail pI:n. din;.:- Ill)peal.

Do. Vince. Josel)h L. Fal·e pretences Do. p. !):: ,... ot guilt.l· Diselm.l"ged. Do. O~den. S)dney Lureeny Do. p. Ut Guilty I month h.!. Do. Perry, Simou Attemptillg to wreck , Do. p. 6! Do. OI'(lere(1 tv I)ay £10 tv-

truiu wards costs of pro_ I ~ec"ti",,,. Do. Kir\.!y, J OIlll Iudecent assallit Do. p. !17 I Not "d" Di~ch~r,'" t Do. lJlInbar, MlIr~)' Hvss False pretences Do. p. 97 Gllilt .. 2 Yl:"]"~ h I Do. Ryall, James Shopbre:tking and larceny ' ·v. p. 45 Dv. . S yt;" r~ i'·!J Do. 0' Brieu, Frank Do. Do. p. " Do. I 18 lUou:hs 11.1. Do. Smith, Thvmas False I)retences Do. Do. 6 months h.1. Female Palker, Auuie Larccuy Do. Do. 9 month, 11.1. F~ Fitzgerahl,lIIicha.el Do. Kalgoorlie p. i7 Not guilty DischnT"ged Do. Butler, Edward Do. Do. p. 62 Guilty 2 year8 h.l. Do. 'Vakc, Charles Do. Do. ll. fi2 Not builty Discharged. Do. I Dunll, Don WilS('n Do. Do. p.15 Guilty 8 months h.1.

1897 Do. Jolly, Frederick Do. Do. p.3fI3 Not !:,uilty Discharged. Do. Crotty, Thomo.3 Do. Do. p.9; Guilty 9 months h.l. Do. Forbes, Sydney False pretences Do.

p."8"9 Do. It months h.1.

Do. Auam$, Rail)h Embez:dement Do. Not R"uilty Discllal'1:;'ed. Do. RYl.LIl,John LarcellY Mellzies p.69 Do. Do. Do. Sparks, WiIlialll Do. Uo. 1)·69 Do. Do. Do. Smith, J osepb Do. Do. p.69 0 0. Do. Do. O'l-'arrell, Vmccut EmDe:tzlement Bro' •• \ Arrow I). fi! Guil y 1<; m'luit ILL

18 ' i Do. H""t. Alltho.y I Lmoll, Blllum: p 3"2 Not I5l1ilty DiSCharged.

IIlll8 Do. Aluersev, AkernonH. Embezzlement Norsolllau 1)·4S Guilty 12 mOIL~hs h.1.

-- -- ---- --

Page 42: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,

,'"". • 1,\,,,,,

Exp. I<'l'~' e Do, DI).

j) '.



Do. Fl'Cl'



Free n".

Do. Do.



Do. U o. I) ,).


Free \h. "n!



1777 2260 :n7;j


2577 2419 :3U72 F :3,"5 FIH

:H1,') tOR1

Fr.2 !'l51


11:36 654




Barrett, Joseph Carberry, Hy. Jallleson, Hoht. Hulbert, Will.

Diaz, "'m. Chns.

Cunningham, l'hos.

Bryant, Jrtli1es Dono\·au. Michael Hunt, Antoll\' Frtnny (Rb. n'at,) Lemon, Annie Tsaacs. Jas. 01" l ees Hughes. John

McCafrcry, Mfll'gh Wilson. John l\lcDonncll. Arch .. Mahomet l\fa.loney, 'rhos.

Smith. Jamcs

Wife desertion .. Un!awful p'sscssion

Do. Dnlllk

False pretences (two ehitJ'!.'{cS)

Do. do,

Unhwfully on pl'~lllises L1I"cl"'ny. Unlawful posst'ssioll Disu de!"ly Drunk Rogue and vagahond Damaging property: a80if\ult:

hrl'n.king ;llTest

DrT1l1k lJo.

l.rtrceny; eOicaping from legal l't1st)dy

rdl(' and disorderly Drunk



:l months h.!. a months h.l. 7 days h.1. 3s. n.nd (;ost~ or 7

da,ys h.I. 12 lJIonths h.t; !)

months h.1. (CUl1l.) ;~ months h.1. :{

months h.1. (CUIll.) (j month"3 h.1. :l months h.l a months hJ. :l months h.1. 55. or:l days h,t 2 months h.1. a months h.!. 6

lIlonths h.1. (j

months h,1. (cum.) - days h.1. lOs. 'or 7 dn.ys h.l. 2 -ycal's h.!. :' fj llIonths

h.l. (cum.) (i months h.t is. anrl costs or 71

d<l.ys h.1. ;'>s. or:3 days 11.1 ...

Wht'rc Cu,nnliIINI .

Bunhury Perth

00. [)0.

BlIllDlIr,Y P('J'th



Fn.!lllantle Bnlong­Yi]":lrll Fl'e~1H\lltlL; Bunhlll'Y Coolg-,u';lic

FI't'lllilllt!e Do,


Perth Do.


From Kal101l'1I0 Lock-up, during fll" In 11)' 1reelo~ clIding :2 1 ,<:f Ma I'eh, 1898.

Dean, GUlldery

Joncs, Edwald Donovan, John Ryan, J eremiah Robertson, A..ndrew

1 Drunk

Do. Do. n,. Do.

105. fine or 3 days; J(:UlOWn'L 2Uil fine or 14 days h.1.

10;, fine or:{ days 10s. fine or :~ days h.1. lOs. finl;: o1':l days h.1. 10:;. fi:1c ol":l days h.1.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Fl'om .llbOllY f/ooi, ell/tillf/ Ihe Illeek el/ding l.9fh llIal"(;h, 1898.

Lpnnon, ~illiam . Unlawfully on pl'(' mises; un· lawful possession

7 da.ys h.!.; 7 days Alhan)' 11.1. (cum.)

From Bl'idgetoll'l/ Lock-lip. dlln'lI~f tlt e wee!.' prul!l1u!26'fh Jjarch, j.Q,9 Q,

-I ----

1 ~21st lHan:h, J 1 r22nd do.

J 1 ~ nrd do.

J , ~ 24th do. , J \ 23th do.

I I ~ 2lith do.

IJ 21;th Fpb. 14th M;~rcb.

4th do.

~ 20th do.

18th do,

19th March.

Moore, J ohn Disorderly 7 days h.1. Baybom Do. 7 (hys h.L

Rridg-down 12,~th March. Do. I

FI'{HJ/ B llllb/lt!} Grinl, dltrillf/ the week elldillg 2filh llIarch, 1898.

Idle and disorderly 1 llIonth h.1. Bnnblll'Y,


llrgi,ter ot" Expirees, ('onditional Heleasc Holders, "nd Conditional I'anlon Holders who have lert the COIOIl)',

'\,,,n,·,,,,,1 Conditi"".

Thom3!! J. "'. Corn/,"Uu

.. \ '·~":',,u, ";'oloses JOSCI)h· sou


n"l~ ,,' I),:P"'·!ll'·(·.

' 23rd" Mal'ch, 1898


24th 1'rful'ch, 18!l8


8.S. .. Bothwell Cwstic"

SoS. "Ger.~ "



1 Sydney


~I Sltipillwhirh ani,·C'(

"Nile," 1858

"J,ord DuI· !tousie," 1863.

Slight bldM, "f:'C 72 ycar!!. lJeight Sft. 4iu., t,rrcy hair, full ~"l"cy i..card, j,"l"cy eyell, 101l~ l'bll!:"C, sallow COllll)Jexion. $Co.r on ri~ht cheek. Natil'c of Engl:iml.

Stout build, IIge 67 years, height Sft. .S~in .• grey, short grey heard. j.."l"ey eyes, rouud and full \'isaf:'C. (inrk uud fresh COI1l· pleld?u, CIII)))i11i-:" marks ou belly, Native of RUS811l,

Page 43: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,



O:\I..tI(' N,unc. 1:">1. No. CUll' Ih'lt' "re'CH.J'''' 1\\,t,.iOI rrum. !)C~C"'I>IIOIl ,,,,11 re"".rk~. 'n. ,lit;"",

.Hn U:uri~, F"alll, Free ISth Align,,!, IA!'!5 V"cl\H~lltle I'i<i~ P"'ier C,,;:t't!<, Ir95, loA-g,' hill

.'H2 ItIon .. '1ll1, Dn,-id do 12th Sellt., la!lS Coolgnr<lic 00. {lo., do. do. W!' S-h;I McDonald, Ja~. do. 12th Sept.. 189,j GcnddtOIl Do. do .. do. do. lBf' ,411 Bnrkc, ·Wm. d,. !Rt J auuary, 18f'6 VictOl'in Pltlinll Do. do., 18{'f> (io. \:l .').~n 1::l'all", Roh\. do. 3rd March, 1896 Pertll Do. do., do. '\0. 5:; 551 IttcArlhur, F. do. 17th April. 189(; Alhnu.,' Do. do" do. '\0. 9-1 .552 Slltck, John do. I 13th Juue, IS~:; CooiJ.(<ll'dic ])0. do., do. d,. 1 :~O SS< BI'Osnan, 'l'imoth" do. 20th AUl{u~t, lw'!6 Ger uhltOll Do. do .• do. do. 1!111 556 H opkins, John . (10 . 9th Sept., IS!!t; Newcastle Do. do .. do. do. 207 . ">5i J en killS, Wm. do. (It]l Sept., 1800 Ne'Hllstle Do. do, do. do :W; .'l6tl " 'utS01l, TiLomu>o <loo 17th Sept., 1896 Cool~urdje Do. flo., do. do. 21:! .')6 1 Blcombe, Tho!!. 1037-1- T.L. I Ur(] Nov., ISOO FI"CllUtlltle Do. <lo .. do. do. :!sc, .'i6f\ WntO:;01l, Clmrle~ Fn~e 24th June, JR!li Ptll·th Do. do .. 1897 .10. IW-' .')7' l\fol.,·ucux, ~ratthe" 6US T.r.. 2,';lh Del' , l.'~!.t; Perth Do. do .. do. (10. :!.'l(' .";5 Reid, JOllll, "Iil,.' 1""" do. :!llit AUg"ust, 1~!17 Frelll~lltle Do. do .. do. do. ::>!'I.'j

Price. Clms. Sir. O'Briel1, Nieholas 10470 do. 3Qtb Oet., lR!l7 FreulIlUtle Do do., do. do. a~"l;; .1';; l\liu<\htun nb. naLi 2Ub Dec .. 1897 Fremlllltle Do. do .. do. do. :)('.')

"'l McPhen;on, Donald Io'ree ! :Ust Vec., 1S!l7 FrClIllllltle Do. do., IS'IS do. 1 5'1 RobinSOll, Wil]ialll 10507 Col. 27th Jun., ISM Frem:lutle Do. do .. do. do. I" ,>k'2 ArUlstrolJl!, John Free ·-Ub Mar., 181;18 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. Al

Ry Authority: RICHARD PETHElt, Governuumt Prinbn', Perth.

Page 44: No. 9.J WEDXESDAY, )U.RCH 2. Information. … › sites › default › files › PG189803.pdfJame, Ward (vide Al '7364).~AI/7366, 24th Feb· rual',Y. 1898. Pe1·th.-Ou the 24th nIt.,