ABSTRACT: Approximately 4.5 million people in the United States who rely on well water are exposed to nitrate-N concen- trations exceeding the 10 mg/l standard. In this study in the Southern Willamette Valley in Oregon we reassessed nitrate-N in rural wells sampled in 2000-2001, compared nitrate-N con- centrations among geological units, and surveyed residents about their perceptions of well water quality. Nitrate-N concen- trations were again sampled in 2002 and found to have increased significantly from the previous period. With rapid population growth in the area, the potential health risk in drink- ing well water that exceeds 10 mg/l nitrate-N warrants contin- ued public education. Nitrate-N concentrations were found to be higher in the Holocene alluvium of the Willamette River and the Pleistocene sand and gravel post-Missoula Flood deposits. Researchers conducting future studies may choose to stratify and monitor wells by geologic unit and by other parameters that estimate input of nutrients to the environment. Opinions differed between agricultural landowners and nonagricultural landowners with regard to the impact that agricultural fertilizers may have on water quality. Participants were supportive of a range of regulatory actions that might be used by homeowners or landowners to address ground water contamination. Given that the area is now designated a Groundwater Management Area, understanding local stakeholders’ perceptions is critical and strategic and has the potential to help public agencies man- age potential conflicts of opinion among stakeholders, build consensus, and help guide the approach to restoring ground water quality. (KEY TERMS: drinking water; geospatial analysis; ground water management; nitrate; public perception survey; water quality; wells) Kite-Powell, Aaron C. and Anna K. Harding, 2006. Nitrate Con- tamination in Oregon Well Water: Geologic Variability and the Public’s Perception. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 42(4):975-987. INTRODUCTION Nitrate contamination of ground water is a serious problem throughout the United States (U.S.), due to heavy reliance on ground water for drinking water. Thirty-seven percent of public-supply domestic water and 98 percent of self-supplied domestic water is drawn from ground water sources, accounting for approximately 46 percent of the overall U.S. popula- tion that relies on ground water for drinking water (Hutson et al., 2004). In Oregon, more than 70 percent of the state’s population is partially dependent on ground water for drinking water, and 95 percent of the rural population is entirely dependent on ground water for domestic purposes (ODEQ, 2001). Nitrate is a common contaminant in Oregon due to contributions from nitrogen fertilizers, septic systems, animal feedlot operations and barnyards, and above- ground application of wastewater (Eldridge, 2003). In this study, nitrate concentration is reported as nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate-N), which represents the weight of nitrogen in the nitrate form. This also is the standard manner in which nitrate concentration is reported in drinking water. Nitrate-N concentrations above 3 mg/l in the ground water are representative of anthropogenic sources (Madison and Brunett, 1 Paper No. 04174 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) (Copyright © 2006). Discussions are open until February 1, 2007. 2 Respectively, Graduate Fellow and Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Oregon State University, 309 Waldo Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6406 (current address/Kite-Powell: Florida Epidemic Intelligence Service, Broward County Health Department, 780 SW 24th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315) (E-Mail/Harding: [email protected]). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 975 JAWRA JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION AUGUST AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 2006 NITRATE CONTAMINATION IN OREGON WELL WATER: GEOLOGIC VARIABILITY AND THE PUBLIC’S PERCEPTION 1 Aaron C. Kite-Powell and Anna K. Harding 2


Page 1: NITRATE CONTAMINATION IN OREGON WELL WATER: … · Nitrate contamination of ground water is a serious problem throughout the United

ABSTRACT: Approximately 4.5 million people in the UnitedStates who rely on well water are exposed to nitrate-N concen-trations exceeding the 10 mg/l standard. In this study in theSouthern Willamette Valley in Oregon we reassessed nitrate-Nin rural wells sampled in 2000-2001, compared nitrate-N con-centrations among geological units, and surveyed residentsabout their perceptions of well water quality. Nitrate-N concen-trations were again sampled in 2002 and found to haveincreased significantly from the previous period. With rapidpopulation growth in the area, the potential health risk in drink-ing well water that exceeds 10 mg/l nitrate-N warrants contin-ued public education. Nitrate-N concentrations were found tobe higher in the Holocene alluvium of the Willamette River andthe Pleistocene sand and gravel post-Missoula Flood deposits.Researchers conducting future studies may choose to stratifyand monitor wells by geologic unit and by other parametersthat estimate input of nutrients to the environment. Opinionsdiffered between agricultural landowners and nonagriculturallandowners with regard to the impact that agricultural fertilizersmay have on water quality. Participants were supportive of arange of regulatory actions that might be used by homeownersor landowners to address ground water contamination. Giventhat the area is now designated a Groundwater ManagementArea, understanding local stakeholders’ perceptions is criticaland strategic and has the potential to help public agencies man-age potential conflicts of opinion among stakeholders, buildconsensus, and help guide the approach to restoring groundwater quality.(KEY TERMS: drinking water; geospatial analysis; ground watermanagement; nitrate; public perception survey; water quality;wells)

Kite-Powell, Aaron C. and Anna K. Harding, 2006. Nitrate Con-tamination in Oregon Well Water: Geologic Variability and thePublic’s Perception. Journal of the American Water ResourcesAssociation (JAWRA) 42(4):975-987.


Nitrate contamination of ground water is a seriousproblem throughout the United States (U.S.), due toheavy reliance on ground water for drinking water.Thirty-seven percent of public-supply domestic waterand 98 percent of self-supplied domestic water isdrawn from ground water sources, accounting forapproximately 46 percent of the overall U.S. popula-tion that relies on ground water for drinking water(Hutson et al., 2004). In Oregon, more than 70 percentof the state’s population is partially dependent onground water for drinking water, and 95 percent ofthe rural population is entirely dependent on groundwater for domestic purposes (ODEQ, 2001).

Nitrate is a common contaminant in Oregon due tocontributions from nitrogen fertilizers, septic systems,animal feedlot operations and barnyards, and above-ground application of wastewater (Eldridge, 2003). Inthis study, nitrate concentration is reported asnitrate-nitrogen (nitrate-N), which represents theweight of nitrogen in the nitrate form. This also is thestandard manner in which nitrate concentration isreported in drinking water. Nitrate-N concentrationsabove 3 mg/l in the ground water are representativeof anthropogenic sources (Madison and Brunett,

1Paper No. 04174 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) (Copyright © 2006). Discussions are open untilFebruary 1, 2007.

2Respectively, Graduate Fellow and Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Oregon State University, 309 Waldo Hall, Corvallis,Oregon 97331-6406 (current address/Kite-Powell: Florida Epidemic Intelligence Service, Broward County Health Department, 780 SW 24thStreet, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315) (E-Mail/Harding: [email protected]).




Aaron C. Kite-Powell and Anna K. Harding2

Page 2: NITRATE CONTAMINATION IN OREGON WELL WATER: … · Nitrate contamination of ground water is a serious problem throughout the United

1985). While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-cy (USEPA) has issued a public health-based drinkingwater standard of a maximum contaminant level(MCL) of 10 mg/l for nitrate-N (USEPA, 2002), thereis no corresponding private well standard (ODEQ,2003). Nevertheless, a majority of state agencies haveadopted the public drinking water standard as theacceptable level for private wells (USEPA, 1987).Approximately 4.5 million people in the U.S. who relyon well water are exposed to nitrate-N concentrationsexceeding the MCL (Nolan et al., 1998). A nationwideU.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study of domesticwells sampled from 1992 to 1999 showed that 11 per-cent of the wells tested above 10 mg/l nitrate-N(Squillace et al., 2002). Annual testing of domesticwell water samples in Iowa reveals that 15 percent to24 percent of all well samples exceed the MCL (Krosset al., 1993). A statewide study in Kansas found that28 percent of the wells exceeded 10 mg/l nitrate-N(Kross et al., 1993).

Due to limited monitoring by either users or gov-ernment agencies, little is known about the quality ofOregon’s ground water. A 1993 assessment by theUSGS of domestic wells less than 25 meters deep inthe Willamette Basin, Oregon, found that 9 percent ofthe wells exceeded 10 mg/l nitrate-N (Hinkle, 1997).Twenty-three percent of the population surveyed inan intensely irrigated area of northeastern Oregonwere exposed to concentrations at or above 10 mg/lnitrate-N (Mitchell and Harding, 1996). Since 1989,additional data are being compiled from individualsselling property with a private well. Oregon lawrequires the seller of a domestic well to test fornitrates and total coliform bacteria and to report theresults to the Department of Health Services (ODHS,2003).

The predominant health concern associated withexcess nitrate intake is methemoglobinemia, or “bluebaby syndrome,” a condition that is more likely toaffect infants less than six months old due to uniquephysiological factors at that age (Knobeloch et al.,2000). Surprisingly little is known about the chronicor reproductive health outcomes resulting from theingestion of nitrate (CDC, 1996; Bukowski et al.,2001). Recent studies have linked nitrate ingestion togastric cancer, bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lym-phoma, ovarian cancer, and brain and central nervoussystem cancers (Weisenburger, 1991; Xu et al., 1992;Morales-Suarez-Varela et al., 1995; van Maanen etal., 1996; Yang et al., 1998; Mueller et al., 2001; Weyeret al., 2001).

In 2000-2001, the ODEQ selected an area in theSouthern Willamette Valley to research nitrate con-tamination of ground water. The study area bound-aries were the Cascade Range to the east, the OregonCoast Range to the west, the Salem Hills to the north,

and the city of Eugene’s urban growth boundary tothe south (Figure 1). This area roughly approximatesthe limits of the Quaternary alluvium in the SouthernWillamette Valley, and encompasses approximately780 square miles (Eldridge, 2002).

The Southern Willamette Valley is considered byODEQ to be a priority area for ground water assess-ment and protection for several reasons; theseinclude: the severity and extent of nonpoint sourceground water contamination; the vulnerability ofshallow ground water to impacts from the overlyingland uses; the expectation that the population in thisarea will rapidly expand; and residents in the unin-corporated areas of the Southern Willamette Valleyrely on ground water as their primary drinking watersupply (Eldridge, 2002). More than 80 percent of theground water used in the Willamette Valley ispumped from the shallow sand and gravel aquifer(Hinkle, 1997). The unconfined shallow ground wateris assumed to be the ground water resource most like-ly affected by anthropogenic activities (Eldridge,2002).

Although the geology of the Willamette Basin influ-ences the permeability of the soils and thus may be afactor in nitrate contamination of ground water, thisrelationship between geologic units and nitrate con-centrations has not been extensively studied. TheSouthern Willamette Valley is a broad alluvial plainin northwestern Oregon (Figure 1). The valley sedi-ments include fine grained Miocene and Pliocene flu-vial lacustrine deposits at the bottom of the basinsand coarse grained fluvial deposits of the Quaternaryage, which originated from the Cascade Range andMissoula Flood sediment, in the upper levels (O’Con-nor et al., 2001). Four major units of Quaternary age



Figure 1. Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon, Study Area.

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sediment can be further divided into five distinct sur-ficial geologic units in the Southern Willamette Val-ley. Each of these deposits has distinct characteristicsthat can substantially influence ground water flowand soil characteristics.

The Southern Willamette Valley is an intensiveagricultural area. Many older homes located in theregion rely on well water and typically have wells sit-uated in shallow ground water, defined as less than75 feet below ground surface (Eldridge, 2003). Nostudies have been conducted of residents in this areawho are consuming nitrate in their well water toascertain their knowledge, perceptions, and drinkingwater practices. Gaining an understanding of the pub-lic’s perspective has the potential to help manage-ment agencies make practical decisions related topublic education, manage potential conflicts of opin-ion among stakeholders, build consensus, and helpguide the approach in setting future water qualityregulations.


Data Collection

We used three datasets in this study. The first setincluded nitrate-N measurements from 476 drinkingwater wells in the Southern Willamette Valley thatODEQ tested in 2000-2001. The ODEQ used judg-ment sampling procedures (Lohr, 1998) to focus on ageographical area that was of concern due to the pos-sible high nitrate-N concentrations in drinking waterwells. While this type of sampling tended to bias thedata toward higher nitrate-N contamination, theoverall spatial distribution of wells sampled withinthis region was broad.

The 100 wells that had measured nitrate-N concen-trations greater than 7.0 mg/l in the earlier studywere selected for the 2002 analysis. ODEQ staffreestablished contact with the current owners of thesestudy wells and requested permission to access thewells previously sampled. As ODEQ’s request toresample all the original targeted wells was notalways successful, only 87 of the 100 targeted wellswere included in the 2002 study. These 87 samplescomprised the second dataset and were collected fromthe targeted wells over a three-month period, fromMay through July 2002. One of the authors of the pre-sent study (Kite-Powell) assisted the ODEQ staff inthe field sampling.

Field sampling and laboratory analyses were conducted according to the standard procedures out-lined in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 of the 1993 Statewide

Groundwater Monitoring Program Master Plan(ODEQ, 1993a,b; Eldridge, 2002). This plan includedsampling procedures, documentation and custody,sample transport, health and safety, laboratory dataquality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), equipmentcalibration and maintenance, data reduction/valida-tion/ maintenance, performance audits, data assess-ment, corrective action, and confirmatory samplingrequirements (ODEQ, 1993a; Eldridge, 2002). Techni-cal staff from the ODEQ Laboratory and ODEQ’sWestern Region performed the field sampling. Prior tosample collection, the depth to water in the well wasmeasured, where feasible, and recorded. Residentswere asked about recent water usage, and if residentswere present, an electronic water depth probe wasused to gauge depth to water levels.

Wells were purged for approximately five minutes.Temperature, specific conductance, and pH were mea-sured in the field using the YSI conductivity and tem-perature meter and Beckman-f 200 pH meter andthermometer (Eldridge, 2003). A global positioningsystem (GPS) reading was recorded, and pictures ofwells and the surrounding area were taken as appro-priate. Samples for nitrate/nitrite, ammonia, phos-phate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) werecollected in 500 ml high density polyethylene contain-ers, acidified to a pH less than 2 with sulfuric acid,and cooled on ice after collection and during transportto the ODEQ Laboratory in Portland, Oregon. TheODEQ Laboratory performed all nitrate analysesusing USEPA Method 353.2. Identical methods wereused in the 2000-2001 and 2002 sampling periods(Eldridge, 2002).

The third dataset consisted of responses to a writ-ten mail survey from residents living in householdswhere the water had been tested in 2000-2001. The476 households in the 2000-2001 sampling were strat-ified into three groups based on the nitrate-N concen-trations in their wells: low nitrate-N (0 to 2.99 mg/l)(n = 228); medium nitrate-N (3 to 9.99 mg/l) (n = 214);and high nitrate-N (10 to 28 mg/l) (n = 34). A subsetof the 476 households (n = 200) was chosen, based ona random selection of 83 households from each of thelow nitrate and medium nitrate groups and all 34 ofthe high nitrate group. Sample size calculations indi-cated that a 43 percent response rate from the 200participants would achieve a 95 percent confidencelevel for analysis.

We developed a survey to measure residents ’knowledge, concerns, and practices related to wellwater quality, adapting our survey from anotherinstrument that measured public opinion about natu-ral resource issues (Morris et al., 1993). The surveyinquired about demographics, association with thearea under study, concerns regarding drinking waterquality, opinions about water resource management



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by certain sectors of society, and specific informationon respondents’ water systems and usage practices.The survey was developed with the assistance of theOregon State University (OSU) Survey Research Cen-ter, senior hydrologists from the ODEQ, an OSUextension water quality specialist, and the groundwater coordinator in the Department of Human Ser-vice ’s Drinking Water Program. To improve theinstrument’s validity and reliability, the survey waspilot tested with 10 rural residents in a neighboringarea who also use drinking water wells. Suggestionsrecommended by the pilot participants were incorpo-rated into the final survey. The research wasapproved by the OSU Institutional Review Board forthe Protection of Human Subjects.

Data Analysis

We used descriptive statistics to determine the dis-tributional characteristics of the data. Statisticalanalysis was conducted using the chi-square test ofindependence, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallace test, and one-way ANOVA followed byTukey’s HSD post hoc test for significant results. Allstatistical analyses were conducted using SPSS v.11(SPSS, 2001). Statistical significance was set at p lessthan 0.05. A spatial representation of nitrate levelsand area geological/hydrogeological units was createdusing ArcView GIS 3.2a software (ESRI,1996).


Well Testing

Results from the first round of nitrate testing dur-ing 2000-2001 (N = 476) indicated that 48 percent ofthe samples had nitrate-N concentrations less than 3 mg/l nitrate-N; 45 percent of the samples werebetween 3 and 10 mg/l nitrate-N; and 7 percent of thesamples exceeded 10 mg/l nitrate-N. The meannitrate-N concentration for this sampling period was4.1 mg/l, with a range between 0.0 to 22.6 mg/l. Thesecond round of nitrate testing in 2002 (N = 87)revealed that 6 percent of the samples had nitrate-Nconcentrations less than 3 mg/l nitrate-N; 46 percentof the samples were between 3 and 10 mg/ nitrate-N;and 48 percent of the samples exceeded 10 mg/lnitrate-N. The mean nitrate-N concentration was con-siderably higher, at 10.8 mg/l, with the range between0.1 to 27.8 mg/l. Of the 87 households common to bothstudies, 64 of them (74 percent) experienced increasesin nitrate-N concentrations from the first sampling

period in 2000-2001 to the second sampling period in2002, among which 18 increased to more than 10mg/l.

Nitrate Concentration and Geologic Units

We examined the spatial relationship of nitrate-Nin water in geologic units in the region to determine ifmean nitrate-N concentrations in water were differ-ent between geologic units. Although the study areahas 10 geologic units, 5 of the units contain 90 percentof the study’s households. Spatial distribution isshown in Figure 2.

The largest total number of households occurswithin the Missoula Flood deposits (Qff2) geologic unit(n = 147), which also contains more households thanany other unit having nitrate-N concentrations in thelow category (n = 87). In contrast, 26 of 35 (74 per-cent) of the households classified as having highnitrate-N concentrations were located in the morepermeable geologic units, Holocene alluvium of theWillamette River (Qalc) (n = 13) and Pleistocence sandand the gravel post-Missoula Flood (Qg1) (n = 13) (Fig-ure 3).

Significant differences were found between meannitrate-N categories (2000-2001 test results) in five ofthe geologic units (Qalc, Qalf, Qff2, Qg1, Qg2) when theywere analyzed using a Kruskal-Wallis test, χ2 (4, N =429) = 56.1, p < 0.01. The test corrected for tied ranks.A Mann-Whitney U test was conducted to evaluatepairwise differences among the five groups. Theresults indicate that mean nitrate-N ranks for thePleistocence sand and gravel post-Missoula Floodunits were significantly higher than all other geologicunits, with the exception of Holocene alluvium of theWillamette River. The geologic unit with the lowestmean nitrate rank was the Missoula Flood deposits.

Survey Results

The response rate for the survey was 51 percent (n = 102). Response rates were comparable for partici-pants in each category: low (< 3 mg/l) (49 percent);medium (3-10 mg/l) (54 percent); and high nitrate-N(> 10 mg/l) (47 percent). The mean age of the partici-pants was 61, with a range of 24 to 86 years. Amongthe population, 31 percent were more than 70 yearsold, while those younger than 35 comprised only 3 percent of the participants. Those in the age catego-ry of 20 to 35 years, who were most likely to haveyoung children, did not have wells that were classifiedin the high nitrate-N category (> 10 mg/l). Partici-pants in the age category 51 to 65 were more likely to



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have medium and high nitrate-N concentrations intheir well water. The mean length of residence forparticipants was 40 years, with 91 percent havinglived in the area for 10 years or longer. Most of theparticipants, 86 percent, owned residential property.Additionally, 53 percent of the participants reportedowning agricultural land.

The source of drinking water for 89 percent of theparticipants was water from their domestic wells; 6 percent reported drinking exclusively bottled water;and 4 percent had drinking water delivered to theirhomes from another source. One household receivedlocal city water service, installed after the 2000-2001test results were shared.

Participant Concerns About Water Quality

Participants were asked to comment on the qualityof their drinking water, and 69 percent reported thatthey believed the quality of their well water waseither “good” or “excellent.” An analysis of variancetest sought to determine if there was a differencebetween mean nitrate contamination levels and theresponse variables (excellent, good, fair, and poor).No significant differences were found.

Participants were also asked to gauge their con-cerns about agricultural fertilizer use adverselyaffecting their well water quality; 55 percent of theparticipants either “strongly agreed” or “agreed” withthe statement “I am concerned that agricultural fer-tilizer use in the Southern Willamette Valley willincrease the level of nitrate in my home’s well water”



Figure 2. Spatial Distribution of Nitrate-N Concentrations in Relation to Geologic Units in the Southern WillametteValley. (The five geologic units represented here contain 90 percent of the study’s households.)

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(Table 1). Differences between mean nitrate-N con-centrations and the response variables (stronglyagree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, and notsure) were statistically significant, F (4, 97) = 2.97, p < 0 .02. A post hoc Tukey HSD test indicated thatthe mean nitrate-N concentrations for those whoresponded “strongly agree” (M = 8.1, SD = 5.3) wasgreater than the mean for those who responded“agree” (M = 4.4, SD = 3.9) and greater than the meanfor those who responded “not sure” (M = 3.9, SD =3.1). Another 19 percent were not sure if agriculturalfertilizers were adversely affecting their well waterquality.

The same question of concern over agricultural fer-tilizer use having harmful effects on well water wascross tabulated with ownership of agricultural proper-ty and analyzed using a chi-square test of indepen-dence (Table 1). Possible responses were collapsedinto the categories “agree” or “disagree,” and theresponse “not sure” was excluded from the analysis.This was done prior to analysis because the chi-square statistic is sensitive to sample size. Thus,when samples are very small, these differences can behidden, and statisticians consider collapsing cate-gories to reexamine data using larger cell frequencieswhen the combinations of categories are theoreticallyreasonable and meaningful (Portney and Watkins,

1993). Participants who did not own agriculturalproperty were more likely to agree with the statement“I am concerned that agricultural fertilizer use in theSouthern Willamette Valley will increase the level ofnitrates in my well water” than were participants whoowned agricultural property: χ2 (1, n = 81) = 14.91, p< 0.01. For a more detailed portrayal of how theresponses (not collapsed) were distributed amongthose who did and did not own agricultural propertysee Figure 4.

Following up on the previous question about partic-ipants’ concern over agricultural fertilizer, partici-pants were asked their opinion on how well certaintypes of landowners were managing their land in theSouthern Willamette Valley to ensure good waterquality. First, two questions were asked: “How wellare farmers managing their land in the SouthernWillamette Valley to ensure good water quality?” and“How well are private residents managing their landin the Southern Willamette Valley to ensure goodwater quality?” In response to the first question, 50percent of the participants reported either good orexcellent management by farmers to ensure goodwater quality, and 25 percent reported fair manage-ment. In contrast, 27 percent of participants respond-ed that private residents are managing their landwell to ensure good water quality, and 41 percentreported fair management by private residents. Fur-ther, 15 to 18 percent of participants indicated thatthey were not sure about the quality of managementpractices by farmers or private residents (Table 1). Inaddition, participants who said farmers were doing anunfavorable job in managing their land to ensure goodwater quality were more likely than expected to“strongly agree” with concerns over agricultural fertil-izer use having a harmful impact on well water quali-ty: χ2 (4, n = 84) = 24.39, p < 0.01, and vice versa.

Participants were asked to indicate what regulato-ry actions should be used and to indicate other actionsthat homeowners and landowners might take ifground water contamination exists. The vast majority(73 percent) of participants agreed that regulatoryactions should be used to protect the ground waterquality in the Southern Willamette Valley (Table 1).However, participants who did not own farmland weremore likely than farmland owners to agree to the useof regulatory actions, and participants who ownedfarmland were more likely than those who did notown farmland to disagree with the use of regulations:χ2 (4, n = 98) = 6.08, p < 0.02 (Figure 5).

To determine what actions participants woulddeem to be reasonable if there was a finding that theground water in the Southern Willamette Valley hadbeen affected, participants were provided a menu ofactions and asked to respond to each action. Theaction elucidating the most support (77 percent) was



Figure 3. Households Within Geologic Units in Relation toNitrate-N Concentrations (n = 429). Note: Qalc (holocene

alluvium of the Willamette River); Qalf (holocene alluviumof minor tributaries); Qff2 (Missoula Flood deposits); Qg1

(pleistocene sand and gravel post-Missoula Flood);and Qg2 (pleistocene sand and gravel pre-Missoula

Flood) (O’Connor et al., 2001).

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TABLE 1. Participants’ Responses Regarding Well Water Quality and Management of Water Quality.

Percent Percent Percent χχ2

Survey Statement N Agreea Disagreea Not Sure Statistic

If ground water contamination exists, regulatory 99 73 15 12 χ2 = 6.08a,b

actions should be used to protect the ground water p < 0.02quality in the Southern Willamette Valley.

I am concerned that agricultural fertilizer use in 102 55 26 19 χ2 = 14.91a,cthe Southern Willamette Valley will increase nitrate (p < 0.01)levels in my home’s well water.

Percent Percent χχ2

More Status PercentN Research Quo Undecided Statistic

Are you in favor of more research into techniques 101 54 21 25 χ2 = 6.29dthat may reduce the levels of agrichemicals, or do (p < 0.05)you believe current agricultural techniques areadequate?

Percent Percent Percent Percent PercentN Poor Fair Good Excellent Not Sure

How well are farmers managing their land in 99 10 25 38 12 15the Southern Willamette Valley to ensure goodwater quality?

How well are private residents managing their 100 14 41 24 3 18land in the Southern Willamette Valley to ensuregood water quality?

aParticipants’ responses for “strongly agree and “agree” were condensed to “agree.” Responses for “strongly disagree” and “disagree” were acondensed to “disagree.” “Not sure” responses were excluded from the analysis.bCross tabulation between regulatory actions to protect ground water quality and ownership of agricultural land.cCross tabulation between concern over agricultural fertilizer use negatively impacting well water and ownership of agricultural land.dCross tabulation between in favor of research and ownership of agricultural land.

Figure 4. Responses to Statement, “I am concernedthat agricultural fertilizer use in the Southern

Willamette Valley will increase nitratelevels in my home’s well water.”

Figure 5. Responses to Statement “If ground watercontamination exists, regulatory actions should

be used to protect the ground water qualityin the Southern Willamette Valley.”

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to implement best management plans for agriculturalfertilizer use. Asking local and state government rep-resentatives for assistance in cleaning up the groundwater received the least support (45 percent). Otheractions, including using less fertilizer, testing wells,and testing soil, were well supported (Table 2).

To further elucidate what activities residentswould support to reduce contamination, participantswere asked if they favored research into techniquesthat may reduce the levels of agrichemicals.Although 54 percent favored more research, almostequal proportions of participants supported the statusquo (21 percent) or were undecided on this matter (25percent). Further, participants who were farmlandowners were more likely than participants whowere not farm landowners to support more researchin this area: χ2 (4, n =101) = 6.29, p < 0.05.


The mean nitrate-N concentration for 476 wellssampled in the Southern Willamette Valley during2000-2001 was 4.0 mg/l, with a range from less than0.05 to 22.60 mg/l. Nitrate-N concentrations exceededthe MCL in 7.4 percent of these samples, increasingto 9 percent in wells less than 75 feet deep. Thisresult is comparable to the results of a study conduct-ed in the Willamette Basin in 1993 that found 9 per-cent of wells less than 25 m (82 ft) deep to exceed 10 mg/l (Hinkle, 1997). It is also comparable toresults of a nationwide study in the mid-1990s inwhich rural wells were sampled throughout the U.S.,

and 11 percent of the 1242 nitrate-N samples werefound to exceed 10 mg/l (Squillace et al., 2002). Theresults are in contrast to those in Iowa in which anaverage of 18.3 percent of statewide samples exceededthe nitrate-N MCL, and in wells less than 45 feetdeep this percentage increased to 35 percent (Krosset al., 1993).

In contrast to the 2000-2001 sampling period, themean nitrate-N concentration for the 87 wells sam-pled in 2002 was 10.8 mg/l, with 48 percent exceedingthe MCL. Moreover, there was evidence of increasingnitrate-N concentrations in specific areas, with 74percent of the households common to both studiesexperiencing increases from the first sampling period.Variation in these findings may be the result ofresampling wells with higher overall nitrate-N con-centrations during the 2002 sampling period. Morelikely, however, is that variability in the samples overthis short time frame is an artifact associated withsampling variability (e.g., variability in well use indifferent seasons, analytical variability) rather thanan indicator of variability in the aquifer as a result ofland use practices. This is because short term landsurface conditions (e.g., fertilizer application, irriga-tion fluxes) cannot be observed in well water samples,and ground water does not respond quickly to changesat land surface. Rather, local measurements of nitratecontamination are the result of the interactive effectsof agricultural practices, ground water residencetimes, and local geologic features changing agricultur-al the ground water nitrate contamination (Bohlkeand Denver, 1995). Hence, repairing the contaminatedaquifer will be a long term undertaking.



TABLE 2. Participants’ Responses Regarding Reasonable Actions for Homeowners/Landowners to Take When Ground Water Is Impacted.

Percent Percent PercentSurvey Statement N Yes No Undecided

If there is a finding that the groundwater in theSouthern Willamette Valley has been impacted byresidential and/or agricultural land uses,which of the following do you think are reasonableactions for homeowners/landowners to take?

a. Test well water on an annual basis? 100 67 18 15

b. Use less fertilizer on lawn or gardens? 98 57 15 28

c. Test soil to determine appropriate fertilizer 100 67 10 23application rates

d. Implement best management plans for 100 77 7 16agricultural fertilizer use?

e. Ask local and state government representatives 99 45 23 31for assistance in helping clean up the ground water?

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The results from this study, in addition to the pre-vious sampling data collected in 2000-2001, contribut-ed to the recent declaration of the GroundwaterManagement Area for the Southern Willamette Valley(ODEQ, 2003), which cited “widespread nitrate con-tamination at levels greater than 7 mg/l in someareas of the Southern Willamette Valley” (ODEQ,2003). The contributions of specific sources of contam-ination are under continued investigation, with therecognition that nitrate contamination may originatefrom a number of point and nonpoint sources, includ-ing animal feedlot operations, fertilizers for lawns andgolf courses, bulk fertilizer facilities, septic systems,agricultural amendments, natural soil nitrogen, andatmospheric deposition. Many factors influenceregional and local variation in nitrate-N concentra-tions; these include precipitation, cumulative soilthickness at the well, soil textures in the area sur-rounding the well, depth of the well sampled, wellconstruction, nitrate loading, poorly functioning septicsystems near the well, ground water flow, and geologyof the region (O’Connor et al., 2001; Eldridge, 2003).

This population experiences exposure to relativelyhigh nitrate-N concentrations through their drinkingwater, as well water is the main source of drinkingwater for most of the participants. The likelihood ofmethemoglobinemia, however, appears at present tobe low because those exposed to nitrate-N concentra-tions above the MCL were 50 years of age or older.This risk may change in the future, as the SouthernWillamette Valley is one of Oregon’s fastest growingregions and the area depends on ground water foralmost all of the drinking water (ODEQ, 2004). Thisposes a potential health risk for new homeownerswith young children who will be drinking from wellsin which nitrate-N concentrations currently exceedthe MCL. Additionally, 91 percent of the participantshave lived in this region for 10 years or more, andstudies of long term exposure to nitrate-N in drinkingwater are still inconclusive as to what risk this poses.Moreover, very little is known about the additive andsynergistic effects of exposures to typical (and multi-ple) chemical combinations, such as nitrate and pesti-cides, that are likely to be present in agriculturalareas.

This study retrospectively assessed the relation-ship between nitrate 2000-2001 concentrations andthe geologic unit in which households were located.Results of this study are in agreement with the sug-gested theoretical differences in permeability of thefive main geologic units in the region (O’Connor etal., 2001). The more permeable geologic units, Pleis-tocene sand and gravel post-Missoula Flood (Qg1) andHolocene alluvium of the Willamette River and itsmajor tributaries (Qalc), were much more likely tohave nitrate-N concentrations of at least 10 mg/l. The

Pleistocene sand and gravel was deposited during twoseparate periods, one before the Missoula Floods (Qg2)and one after (Qg1). These coarse grain proximal allu-vial fan and braided stream deposits make up most oftoday’s Willamette aquifer. How the ground watermoves through this geologic unit, as well as all others,is primarily a function of clast size and how the sedi-ments have been sorted. Of the two Pleistocenedeposits, unit Qg1, which was deposited after Qg2, isgenerally the more permeable of the two because ithas experienced less weathering and compaction(O’Connor et al., 2001).

In comparison, the less permeable Missoula Flooddeposits (Qff2) were less likely to have wells withnitrate-N concentrations of 10 mg/l or more. Rather,this geologic unit had the largest percentage of wellswith nitrate measurements between 0 and 3 mg/l.This deposit is composed of bedded clay, silt, and sandthat cover the central Willamette Valley in as muchas 35 m of fine grained sediment (Woodward et al.,1998). Due to its fine grained sediment, it forms apoorly drained, low permeability hydrogeologic unitthat acts as a leaky confining layer above the sandand gravel it overlays (Woodcock, 2002). Any precipi-tation or irrigation percolates through the top layersof soil but is slowed and held in large quantities forfuture discharge into surface waters and theWillamette aquifer. In addition, some precipitationand irrigation water will be lost to evapotranspiration(Woodcock, 2002). This finding of differences in per-meability among these geologic features suggests aneed for more targeted monitoring of well water inspecific geologic regions and perhaps ground waterquality management policies that account for regionalvariability. Because permeability is only one factorthat may contribute to the occurrence of nitrate inground water, it may also be useful to stratify byinput of nutrients to the environment, which may beestimated from parameters such as fertilizer applica-tion, manure production and application, and septicsystem density.

This study provides information about residents’perceptions of potential sources of contamination andthe influence these sources had on their well waterquality. Understanding local stakeholders’ perceptionsis critical and strategic, as they provide input to theGroundwater Management Area (GWMA) Committeethat is in the process of developing a ground watermanagement plan for the area of concern in theSouthern Willamette Valley. The management planincludes developing and implementing best manage-ment practices to lessen future ground water contami-nation and determining appropriate means to protectpublic health and the ground water resource (ODEQ,2004). As an advisory board to the ODEQ (the leadagency), the GWMA Committee will review and



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critique draft alternatives and prepare the final rec-ommendations to be included in the Action Plan forthe Groundwater Management Area. The committeeensures public involvement throughout the planningprocess and disseminates information about theGWMA Action Plan to all interested, affected, and/orconcerned groups and citizens. ODEQ and other stateagencies will consider recommendations from theGWMA Committee along with input from other mem-bers of the public during the review of the final ActionPlan.

The majority of participants (55 percent) respondedthat agricultural fertilizers harmed well water quali-ty. Those who “strongly agreed” with the statementwere also those who had higher mean nitrate levels intheir wells when compared to those who either“agreed” or were “not sure.” This suggests that indi-viduals with the highest mean nitrate-N concentra-tions in their wells may be attributing nitratecontamination to agricultural fertilizers. On the otherhand, those who disagreed (26 percent) with thestatement had equally high mean nitrate-N concen-trations in their wells, between 4.9 mg/l and 5.4 mg/l,suggesting that they attributed nitrate contaminationto some other cause. Notably, almost one-fifth of theparticipants were not sure if fertilizers affected waterquality. There were differences in opinions about theimpact of fertilizers between residents who ownedagricultural property and those who did not own agri-cultural property, with those who did not own agricul-tural property more likely to express concern over theharmful effect of fertilizers on their well water. Partic-ipants who owned agricultural property expressedmore concern about the impact septic systems mighthave on water quality and were less concerned aboutthe effects on water quality of agricultural fertilizer.These differences in opinion may be a source of con-flict between farmers and other residents and willneed to be acknowledged and discussed as the groundwater management plan is developed and implement-ed.

The responses by 50 percent of the participants rat-ing farmers’ land management as either good or excel-lent may be influenced by the fact that 53 percent ofthe participants were farm landowners who wouldlikely respond positively about their own land man-agement practices. The data, however, were not ana-lyzed to determine if the positive responses wereattributed to farmers or nonfarm residents, so it is notpossible to confirm whether this is the case. Theimportance of this finding, however, is that partici-pants have different opinions about how farmers andnonfarm residents are managing their respectivelands, and that an opportunity exists for all stake-holders in the area to be educated about various landmanagement practices that will protect the ground

water. As the Action Plan is developed and receivesinput from the citizen GWMA Committee, it may behelpful to share these perspectives and discuss prac-tices by farmers that are viewed to be protective ofground water and, alternatively, to discuss practicesby nonfarm residents that are viewed by the localstakeholders as contributing to ground water contam-ination. Both farmers and nonfarm residents areequally important resources in the development of theAction Plan, and a joint effort will be needed.

Participants were very supportive of a range of reg-ulatory actions that might be used by homeowners orlandowners to address contamination of groundwater. Although there was less support for the use ofregulations by participants who owned farmland,these findings should be of interest to the GWMACommittee, as these responses reflect support for spe-cific actions to implement strategies. These actionsinclude testing wells on an annual basis; using lessfertilizer on lawns or gardens; testing soil to deter-mine appropriate fertilizer application rates; andimplementing best management plans for agricultur-al fertilizer use. Participating state and local agenciesshould take note that participants were much lesssupportive of asking local and state government forassistance in remediating ground water. Given thatODEQ is the lead agency, it may be important forstate and local officials to continue to strengthen rela-tionships with their various stakeholder constituen-cies and ensure involvement of the public throughoutthe GWMA planning process. In addition, given thatnearly one-fourth of the participants were undecidedas to several of the options, it appears that the ODEQand the GWMA Committee have an important role indisseminating technical information to enable stake-holders to learn more about ground water contamina-tion and the effectiveness of various options as theyparticipate in the process.

Finally, there is considerable opportunity for educa-tion about the role of research in introducing tech-niques that may reduce levels of chemicals used inagriculture, as almost half of the participants (46 per-cent) were more supportive of the status quo or wereundecided about the role of research. On the onehand, these findings may indicate that participantsdo not believe that reduction of chemicals is impor-tant. On the other hand, it may indicate that the par-ticipants are not aware that various agencies andorganizations (including ODEQ, Oregon Departmentof Agriculture, OSU Extension Service, Oregon WaterResources Department, Oregon Department ofHuman Services) are continually engaged in researchof alternative practices for farmers and nonfarm resi-dents that could contribute to resolution of the prob-lem.



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Study Limitations

We acknowledge limitations to this research andpotential sources of bias that may have influenced theresults. First, this study represents a judgment sam-ple of household wells in an area chosen by the ODEQwhere a nitrate contamination problem was known toexist. Although the locations of household wells inthis study were spread over a broad spatial scale, thefindings of the study are not generalizable beyond thestudy area.

In addition, the list of participants for the mailedsurvey was drawn from the households whose wellshad been previously sampled by the ODEQ, primarilyso that comparisons could be made between wellwater contaminant levels in the households and theperceptions of the sampled residents toward wellwater quality issues. Participants were advised of thewell test results from the 2000-2001 sampling andwere likely sensitized to the issues related to nitratesin ground water. Having this information about theirwell water may have influenced the manner in whichthey responded to the survey questions. We are notaware that an educational program was developed asa result of the earlier sampling, but it is quite possiblethat residents followed up the testing by becomingmore educated about possible sources of nitrate con-tamination and developed opinions about the impactof certain practices that were queried in the survey,such as application of fertilizers, land managementpractices, and research. Further, we were only able toreport attitudes and opinions from those who exhibit-ed interest in the topic and were willing to respond tothe survey. However, residents who were selected forthe study and did not respond (48 percent) may havedifferent opinions than those who completed andreturned the surveys, contributing to a nonresponsebias. For example, we do not know if nonrespondentswould have indicated the same high level of supportfor specific actions (e.g., implementing best manage-ment practices) or the high level of agreement relatedto the management of water quality (e.g., use of regu-latory actions).

In addition, the survey was developed for the pur-pose of this study, and although it was pilot testedwith a sample similar to that of the study population,the survey was not subjected to rigorous validity andreliability testing. Finally, participants may be influ-enced by current events or participants’ tendencies torespond in a way that will convey a favorable impres-sion of themselves, which will also introduce responsebias.


Nitrate-N concentrations were found to differ sig-nificantly between geologic units. Households locatedin areas where the Holocene alluvium of theWillamette River and the Pleistocene sand and gravelpost-Missoula Flood deposits dominated the geologicstructure showed higher concentrations of nitrate-N.It is recommended that future studies and continuedmonitoring of well water quality in the SouthernWillamette Valley should stratify wells by geologicunit. It also may be useful to stratify by input ofnutrients to the environment. Including these vari-ables in a representative study of nitrate-N concen-trations in the Southern Willamette Valley mightelucidate predictor variables for contaminated wellwater. Due to high nitrate-N concentrations found inthis study, monitoring of well water in specific geolog-ic units is recommended.

Household nitrate-N concentrations in the 2002sampling period were significantly higher than thosein the 2000-2001 sampling period. The potential riskof methemoglobinemia with the population growth inthe area warrants continued public education of therisks involved with drinking well water contaminatedwith nitrate-N at values above 10 mg/l.

Efforts should be made to inform the areas resi-dents of the well water contamination problems, andadvice should be given on how best to reduce expo-sure. Local health departments, medical offices (espe-cially obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians),and extension offices in the area may be reliablesources of information for area residents not alreadyengaged in the GWMA process. These resources coulddistribute fact sheets that describe areas of contami-nation, sources of contamination, general knowledgeabout areas of higher risk, best means to reduce expo-sure to contaminated well water, and recommenda-tions explaining the importance of testing well water.Having this information may encourage area resi-dents to become more involved in local communitymeetings on ground water management and helpagencies to craft policies that are inclusive of theregional stakeholders.

We found differences in opinion between agricul-tural landowners and nonagricultural landownerswith regard to the adverse effect that agricultural fer-tilizer may have on water quality in the SouthernWillamette Valley. Both groups expressed some con-cern over ground water quality, but differences inopinion about sources of potential contamination wereapparent. Agricultural landowners assigned lessimportance to agricultural sources of contaminationthan residents who did not own agricultural land.This difference may prove to be a future cause of



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conflict when solutions to ground water contamina-tion are proposed by state agencies, and as such, itshould be openly acknowledged. Differing opinionsabout how farmers and nonfarm residents managetheir respective properties to ensure good water quali-ty offer an opportunity for all stakeholders in the areato learn about various land management practicesthat will protect the ground water.

Finally, the recent declaration of the SouthernWillamette Valley as a Groundwater ManagementArea is recognition that measures must be taken toreduce contamination and restore ground water quali-ty. More evidence on the source of nitrate might helpto inform current perceptions about the influence ofspecific land use practices and may provide moreincentive to change practices contributing to contami-nation. Participants were favorable toward the adop-tion of best management practices and other options.A number of strategies, however, will be needed toinfluence change, including economic incentives anddisincentives, zoning and land use restrictions, andenvironmental regulations. It will also be importantto advise residents that restoring a contaminatedaquifer is a long term undertaking. ODEQ has beendesignated the lead agency to work with other stateagencies and local stakeholders to develop an ActionPlan, which will include the development and imple-mentation of best management practices to addressground water contamination and protection. Publiceducation, research, and demonstration projects willalso be established to increase public awareness ofground water quality concerns and mobilize them totake actions leading to ground water protection andrestoration of the water quality. The results of thisstudy will be shared with all parties actively involvedin this endeavor, including state government, localgovernments, residents, and other stakeholders.


Thanks to Gail Glick Andrews at Oregon State University forassistance with the survey and for valuable insights throughout thestudy. We gratefully acknowledge Audrey Eldridge and Jack Arendtat the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for the use ofwell water data and for the opportunity to work together on thedata collection.


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