Nine_Positives_FB_APRIL_2015 FINAL SAMPLE PAGES.pdf

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Transcript of Nine_Positives_FB_APRIL_2015 FINAL SAMPLE PAGES.pdf


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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    What is an affi rmation?

    An affi rmation is anything you say or think.

    In your day to day life, negative thoughts usually

    dominate the positive. A signifi cant amount of

    what you say and think is life-negative and does

    not create good feelings in you.

    You create your reality based on the foundation

    of balance or imbalance that you maintain in your

    mind. You are the result of your thoughts. All

    you need to do is think of how you want to be,

    and so you will be. You are affi rming and creating

    your life experience with every word and thought.

    You should understand that every complaint is

    an affi rmation your constant internal dialogue

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    A F F I R M A T I O N S

    is a stream of affi rmations. Constant repetition

    of affi rmative thoughts and statements, whether

    negative or positive, are released into the collective

    consciousness to shape your future. Once you

    understand this, you can design your body and

    circumstances by simply changing your belief

    system. This will help you in becoming self-

    motivated and self-empowered. With this clarity of

    thought and understanding, you will consciously

    move through a process of transformation.

    To help you actualise your potential, ancient

    Tibetan sages have given you The 9 Positives.

    These aim to instil in you the qualities of the

    Spirit so that you can manifest them in your

    day-to-day life. This is possible if, with child-

    like wonder and surrender, you make these

    affi rmations a part of your life, as your daily

    mantra. In time, the deeper meaning of the

    affi rmations will come into your awareness and

    lead you to actualise the purpose of your being.

    To understand the meaning of The 9 Positives

    you have to fi rst understand the function of

    the mind. The great barrier between you and

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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    Consciousness as a Whole omniscient (all-know-ing), omnipotent (all-powerful), and omnipresent

    (all-pervading) is the mind. In day-to-day

    living, your mind is in a state which has been

    displaced from its original place. This is an oscillat-

    ing state in which the mind operates between the

    past and the future. Another aspect of the mind

    is the exteriorised mind that creates a barrier

    between the Creative Intelligence as a Whole and

    the creative intelligence within you. The mind

    has a tendency to follow the senses and because

    of this, your thinking at times can get misguided.

    For example, when on your morning walk you

    happen to see a respected gentleman from your

    area walking with his arm around the shoulders

    of a young girl, your mind immediately jumps to

    a conclusion and forms a judgement (probably

    erroneous) about his intentions and his character.

    This happens because your mind being a product

    of preconceived notions of the fi ve senses (sight,

    hearing, smell, touch, taste) and the fi ve sense

    organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) identifi es with the body, which is egocentric to the extent

    that you feel that the body is Me.

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    A F F I R M A T I O N S

    By repeating the affi rmations before the start

    of your day and as the last thing before you fall

    asleep every night day in and day out they

    become a mantra, which in time gets internalised

    and arises of its own accord when required.

    When sitting by yourself in contemplation,

    the realisation dawns that The 9 Positives are

    repeating themselves in the order they have been

    affi rmed and, in time, if you are sincere in

    their practice, their deeper meaning will begin

    to unfold.

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  • 1I Am Whole

    2I Am Perfect

    3I Am Strong

    4I Am Powerful

    5I Am Loving

    6I Am Harmonious

    7I Am Rich

    8I Am Young

    9I Am Happy

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  • The First Positive


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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    The moment you identify with the body as I

    you separate yourself from others. Once this

    happens, you are not in a position to grasp

    everything as a Whole.

    You are a part of Totality the whole universe;

    there is a link between all of Creation. You live in

    this universe along with other species, animate and

    inanimate, in a process of mutual give and take,

    thereby creating harmony in the functioning of

    Totality. The moment you consider yourself apart

    from it, disruption takes place and the process

    of cause and effect starts.

    The universe is always governed by the laws

    of Consciousness or Totality. A pre-designed

    The First Positive


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    I A M W H O L E

    interaction within Creation as a Whole results in

    it moving to a set rhythm. With this understand-

    ing, when you say I am Whole, it means that you

    are in balance or in alignment with the Whole.

    Once you are in balance, everything in your life

    will also be in balance.

    Even though you may actually be quite disor-

    ganised, when you choose to say I am Whole,

    what you are doing is planting the seed for

    Wholeness. Each time you repeat the statement,

    you are reaffi rming the seed you have planted

    in your mind. It is important that you say the

    affi rmation in the present tense.

    While in a relaxed state of mind, contemplate

    on the word Whole. An image or a sensation

    of roundness will probably come to your mind.

    Now, think outwards from the mind and you

    will sense that roundness expanding. Now try to

    feel this roundness and Wholeness. Lose yourself

    in it so that in the expansion, as thought ceases,

    you experience yourself in the expanded state of

    blissful Wholeness.

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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    Because of body-consciousness, disorganised,

    compulsive thinking and exteriorisation of mind,

    you lose the experience of being Whole. When

    you reach the stage in your daily living where,

    irrespective of religion or creed, you can touch the

    awareness (Witness Consciousness) within you,

    then you will experience the sense of Wholeness.

    Wholeness is within you. If you project your

    thought through that Wholeness, it is bound to

    bear fruit. When you are apprehensive of doing

    something, watch your approach see how you

    act, how you speak, and notice the level of your

    self-confi dence. The way you talk makes all the

    difference. A successful person talks in a way that

    can convince others. An unsuccessful person,

    although possessed of better knowledge, is not

    capable of putting it into practice and thus cannot

    convince others. Self-confi dence is very important

    and the best way to defi ne it is I am Whole.

    When you are Whole, the entire universe, of

    which you are a part, is Whole. In fact, you are the

    centre of the universe. In other words, when you

    are not there, the universe crumbles like a house of

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    I A M W H O L E

    cards and disappears. The universe exists, because

    you exist. Then where is the question of any fear

    or apprehension? Where is the question of things

    not happening?

    I am Whole. This is further explained as,

    Nothing is lacking in you and nothing can be

    added to you. If something is Whole, the question

    of something lacking does not arise.

    When you say I am Whole, it means that what

    you are really saying is that you have lived your life

    to the fullest. This does not mean the person has

    lived a life full of fun and frolic. What it means

    is that he has been through every experience life

    gave him whether it was pleasure, pain, sorrow,

    joy, envy, etc. He has experienced it all and he now

    feels that he has led a full life the good along

    with the not-so-good. He now feels complete or

    Whole there are no more lessons to learn,

    and from that perspective he now looks at life

    around him as a Witness with a new awareness, in

    which he neither accepts nor rejects anything and

    understands it all as a play of Consciousness.

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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    When you say the affi rmation I am Whole, it

    has to be said with a strong feeling for it to be

    effective. Over time, when you go on repeating

    it and it enters your subconscious mind, you will

    notice that it has made a noticeable difference

    even to your physical appearance the way you

    walk, the manner in which you talk, and the way

    you conduct yourself every day.

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  • The Second Positive


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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    As a human being, you are endowed with con-

    sciousness that is always striving to perfect itself.

    This, however, is not simple. It is developed in

    stages, through trial and error, as you go through

    life. You start off living your life unconsciously.

    This means that you live your life and meet situ-

    ations through what is stored in memory, thus

    following the process of action and reaction which

    can cause a series of confusions.

    In hindsight when you realise that had you

    responded, instead of reacting to a particular

    situation, the outcome could have been positive

    you have, by then, lost the opportunity. With this

    understanding you start to think before you act,

    The Second Positive


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    I A M P E R F E C T

    and with practice and conscious effort you take

    the correct and right step forward.

    Perfection, however, is not only related to your

    life and your daily living. To be perfect involves

    each sphere of your life, each situation, and

    each relationship, with the involvement of your

    physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.

    It is a slow and steady process and in time, maybe

    over lifetimes, you learn to live a consciously

    conscious life.

    To understand the above affi rmation, you need

    to be acquainted with the theories of karma and


    The reason for your reincarnation, birth after

    birth, is to evolve to the extent where you can

    experience yourself as being Perfect. The cycle

    of rebirth will continue till you resolve all your

    karma. Your karmic involvements determine

    the family in which you are born, giving what

    you owe them and receiving what they owe you.

    You have created your universe around this family

    unit in which you resolve your major karmic

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  • T H E 9 P O S I T I V E S


    patterns and issues, with each reincarnation, by

    perfecting your personality through an exchange

    of roles.

    This means that if in this life you are husband

    and wife, in the next birth the roles may be

    reversed if karma builds up due to situations

    caused through action/reaction. This cycle goes

    on in all your relationships, including your friends

    and those on the periphery, with whom you have

    had some interaction in your life. This happens so

    that the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects

    get integrated and work to perfection.

    The law of karma puts you in a particular

    environment or a situation, and that should not

    be viewed as a punishment but as an opportunity

    for your growth. This law provides you with

    relationships and experiences meant to help

    you grow as a better, wiser and nobler person.

    Therefore, it is best to accept each situation that

    you fi nd yourself in, and learn the lesson which a

    particular experience has to teach. That is the way

    to perfection and spiritual progress.

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    I A M P E R F E C T

    With this understanding of the karmic law

    of cause and effect, when you think of the word

    Perfect, the sensation in the mind is different

    from that which you experience when you think

    of the word Whole.

    Meditate on these two words and notice the

    difference in the feeling that is evoked by them.

    Register that feeling so that you can recall it when

    you feel the need for it. If you are Whole, you

    are bound to be Perfect. Imperfection comes

    when something is lacking within you.

    The Sanskrit word for Whole is Poorna.

    Thus, I am Whole I am Poorna; I am Perfect

    I am Paripoorna.

    Being a part of the Divine, you therefore

    become responsible for whatever work you under-

    take, and see that it is done with honesty and


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