Nine frame


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Transcript of Nine frame

Page 1: Nine frame

In this first shot, a long shot of a man is shown. This explains immediately whom it’s going to focus on. We see a camera in front of him but not in focus. This could be him showing who he is and his story to the camera, possibly advertising him to find another woman, which suggests he’s alone. The blue pastel background helps emphasize his character, showing him to be a man of plain interests yet mellow. He comes off as a reasonable guy just out there making an honest life.

In the following scene we see the man what seems to be him attempting to sell flowers to passers by. However there is only the one set, this might be a representation of him being desperate for the love of another, that he’s tried everything and turned to his last alternative. The cars are also a symbol of the modern age people live in showing him as someone who is behind in the advancement of the economical rise.

Page 2: Nine frame

In the next series of shots, the mans life is portrayed on the camera. He is shown to be a father of two boys one young and the other of late teens. He is obviously their only guardian. The room and atmosphere seems empty with a sense of something missing, which assumed is the mother. The man is obviously not prepared to be not only a figure of the father but the mother as well having to adjust his persona to fit to every need which he is not ready for and as so, tires him out.

In this scene the father is seen sleeping after taking his youngest child to rest. This symbolizes his young innocence to the world in which he lives in, that he himself is not prepared for a fast growing environment. During this his eldest son defies his father’s word as he seeks the life of someone else instead of his fathers. This can relate to the loss of his mother as he feels alone and left out so he rebels against him as a sign for attention from his father. The camera shows an ECU of a framed photo of the eldest son. The frame represents that the father’s love for his son is for eternity and the frame shows its importance which states that his father will always love him, just that his youngest son needs looking after to prepare him for a better life and give him the advancements that he never had at their age as he doesn’t want them to end up like him.

Page 3: Nine frame

This scene shows the father walking in his dream, the lighting is very dark and there seems to be only urban environment shown in a grim light. This shows the struggles he has and how much depth there is to it, but all he can do is walk through and hope to make it to the end. He seems to be out walking looking for a sign of relief among his troubles, but all he can do is continue through it until the end.

A similar scene is next shown but of his eldest son. He’s seen to be walking amongst a party that his father denied him going to hence defying his command. This is seen as an outburst against his father as inside he is seen to be lost and troubled, looking for something that makes him feel whole and at peace with all of his troubles. However his journey seems different to his fathers, as his seems to be embracing what’s around him, while his fathers Is internal shrouded by worries in an immaculate depth. This allows the audience to begin to question what has got them into the emotional trouble that they are suffering?

Page 4: Nine frame

Back into the mind of the fathers, we see him walk out into a bright white light, which gives the idea that he is entering a happy time of his past. A young woman is shown standing out on the edge of a ship at sea. This image shows that she is the only thing his mind is set on and the calm sea represents everything in his life is at peace with it’s calm tide, and that the only thing he’s focused on is her. It becomes clear that she is his wife and the idea of her passing away in the past is brought forward. Seeing her is a relief from what shrouds his life, as the city is no longer there. It’s nothing but a flat sea and her entity keeping him at peace with everything.

The father is seen to be not the only one looking out for a settlement relieving them of trouble. The youngest suffers a nightmare and in his dream his mother is there, comforting him making everything okay. It becomes apparent that she is the key to their happiness keeping them all together away from despair. The only way they are able to see her is through the searching of their mind, relieving happier times that were with her.

Page 5: Nine frame

At the end the father has finally found his perfect moment with his wife. He takes her hand and slowly dances with a sign of relief and knowing that everything is going to be okay. She takes them all away from the troubles in the world, and makes them realize no matter what they’ll always have each other. She is their answer to fill in the emptiness that is felt in reality, and the only way they can see her again is dreaming the happiest moments of being with her, in her arms. Comforted and protected from the worlds dangers.