Nike Coming Clean About Sweatshops

Nike coming clean about sweatshops Nike is finally coming clean over// its infamous and dubious labor practices after years of allegations// that it exploits workers,// many of whom have been alleged to be children. // The company has made available on its website// an unprecedented and detailed 108-page report of the 705 worldwide factories that produce// its footwear and clothing.// The document details things from factory locations,// working conditions of its 650,000 employees// and abuses of those workers.// Just over half of Nike’s Asian employees work more than sixty hours a week;// up to fifty per cent have restricted access to toilets and drinking water// and work seven days a week;// and a quarter of workers receive less than the legal minimum wage,// despite Nike’s huge profit margins.// The release of the report,// conducted by the independent Fair Labor Association,// is welcome news for human rights activists who have continually investigated,// exposed //and embarrassed Nike for its sweatshop practices.// Releasing the document now means Nike’s factories can be independently monitored// to provide better working conditions for its long- suffering employees.// Michael Posner,// executive director of Human Rights First,// hailed the report as “an important step forward”// and praised Nike for its transparency.// But he added:// “The facts on the ground suggest there are still

Transcript of Nike Coming Clean About Sweatshops

Nike coming clean about sweatshopsNike is finally coming clean over// its infamous and dubious labor practices after years of allegations// that it exploits workers,// many of whom have been alleged to be children.// The company has made available on its website// an unprecedented and detailed 108-page report of the 705 worldwide factories that produce// its footwear and clothing.// The document details things from factory locations,// working conditions of its 650,000 employees// and abuses of those workers.// Just over half of Nikes Asian employees work more than sixty hours a week;// up to fifty per cent have restricted access to toilets and drinking water// and work seven days a week;// and a quarter of workers receive less than the legal minimum wage,// despite Nikes huge profit margins.//

The release of the report,// conducted by the independent Fair Labor Association,// is welcome news for human rights activists who have continually investigated,// exposed //and embarrassed Nike for its sweatshop practices.// Releasing the document now means Nikes factories can be independently monitored// to provide better working conditions for its long-suffering employees.// Michael Posner,// executive director of Human Rights First,// hailed the report as an important step forward// and praised Nike for its transparency.// But he added:// The facts on the ground suggest there are still enormous problems with these supply chains and factories.// He asked the important question:// What is Nike doing to change the picture and give workers more rights?//

Nike Memberi Kejelasan Terkait Mengeksploitasi Pekerja

Nike akhirnya memberi kejelasan atas praktik ketenagakerjaannya dikenal buruk dan meragukan setelah bertahun-tahun tuduhan bahwa ia mengeksploitasi pekerja , banyak di antaranya diduga masih anak-anak . Perusahaan ini telah menyediakan 108 halaman lapoan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di situs perusahaannya dan rincian dari 705 pabrik di seluruh dunia yang memproduksi sepatu dan pakaian. Satu dokumen menjelaskan semua yang terjadi di pabrik , kondisi 650.000 karyawan dan pelanggaran yang dilakukan pekerja . Hanya setengah karyawan Nike di Asian yang bekerja lebih dari enam puluh jam seminggu , sekitar lima puluh persen pekerja telah membatasi agar mereka tidak pergi ke toilet dan minum air dan bekerja tujuh hari seminggu , dan seperempat dari pekerja menerima kurang dari upah minimum yang telah di tentukan , meskipun margin keuntungan Nike sangat besar .

Laporan yang di rilis menyatakan , masalah indipenden akan di urus oleh asosiasi buruh, itu adalah berita baik bagi para aktivis hak asasi manusia yang terus-menerus menyelidiki , mengekspos dan mempermalukan Nike untuk praktek mengeksploitasi pekerjanya . Peluncuran dokumen tersebut bermaksud agar pabrik-pabrik Nike dapat secara independen memantau pabriknya untuk memberikan kenyamanan kerja yang lebih baik untuk karyawannya yang sudah lama menderita . Michael Posner , direktur eksekutif HAM , memuji laporan itu sebagai " langkah maju yang penting " dan memuji Nike untuk transparansinya . Namun dia menambahkan: " Faktanya di lapangan masih ada masalah rangkaian pasokan dan juga pada pabrik-pabriknya . " Dia menanyakan pertanyaan penting : " Apa yang dilakukan Nike untuk mengubah gambaran dan memberikan hak pada pekerjanya "