N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 21 No 2 Oct 12, 1966

96 Per Cent Of Student Body Are Residents Of Idaho A bl1'akdo•11 or reJJ uaum s1atlsllc1o fi!\'e&l1> that 805 or tht 841 s[Udcnts at NIJC this !all a1' Idaho residents. nearly 96 PN cent. Thie 111 "up rrom 93 P"' cf'nt Jut rail and 85 P<'r cent t10o 1ears aao. Thr Junior college dlllnct tSI')! llUPPll<!S 530 atudentl!. or 63 P!'I cent o( the Student body . thr .. ame as a H'•r 110. 0 Thc district embraces all or Koot<>nal CoWJIJ. Sbol!.llonc County pro\1des 125 Bonner 82. &ne•lLh 20 .,.Bound&JY 18. Junior Collecf! Area One. created by the last Idaho Legislature. thus f.!Jmlshes 715 students. or e92 per cent or the enrollment this rail. Enrollment rrom other Junior college areas. by <>counties: Latah 15: two each from Bannock. Bonni' •Ille and Lewis: one l!ach rrom Blaine. Camas. Clearwater. Custer. Jerome. Idaho. Nez Perce and Twin Falls. Thlrl;Y· slx studenis com" from other states. lncludlnG from other couotric1:1. Enrollment b)• couoUc• and clUN1 rouo .. s: Koou-nal-<:oeur d' Alene 376. Post FDUs 51. Ha,vden Lake 41 . Rathdrum 22. Wor- le1 10. Cntaldo 8. Spirit _i..ake 6. Harrison 5. Athol 5. 8-y\'\c" 4. St. Maries CRt.2) 2. Shoabone-Kellocc 51 . llal- .iace 19. Osburn 15. Mullan 12. Pinehurst 11. Klnaston 5. Silverton 3. SmellNvllle 3. Ena, •lllc :?. Pace 2. Murra.r l. •·ardn"r 1. Bonnf'r-5andpolnt n. Priest Rl\'er 10. 5acle 8. Hope 3. Newport 3. Athol 3. So.muells -.Z. Clark Fork 2. Cocalalla 1. Dover I. KootenaJ 1. Old- I0\\11 J. Bounda.1y- Bonners Ftrry Copeland 2. Naples 1. Bene"ah- Plummer 10. St . 7. Tekoa 2. Clarkla 1. Latah- Moscow 12. Genesee I. PaJousc 1. Pot I atch J. Bannock-Pocatello :?. BonnHUle-ldaho f'alls 2. • Cama:>- Falrlleld 1. BlaJne-Halley I. Clearwater-Oronno 1. Cus1cr-chaJUs 1. • Cloodln,- llcndell 1. Jerome-Jerome 1. ldll.ho-Orancenlle 1. I. SeZPCrce Nez Perce-Lewtston 1. Twin f'a.lls- l"ller I Enrollment rrom out or 4!>ta11:. by !llate a.nd city: llashlnct0n-si>oka.ne 4, Yale· Ima I. Starbuck l. Tekoa 1. Ala:;lta- Kodiall 2. Fair· \ a.nks I. Ketchlklln I. Callfomla-Ca.noca Park 1. Compton I. Los Anaelc .. I. Colorado-Boulder I. La Junta 1. \lon11111a - Alberton I. Mis- eoula :?. 0 Nc" Jersey- Kenilworth I. Sewark 1. Alabama-Oad,.en I. D1:.111C1 of Clolumbla- llash· 4'1&ton J. Kanaa ... Leumworlh 1. Maine- Coo Air Fcrce Base 1. scvatln- Elko :?. Se"' York- New York I. Oklllhoma- Tuba 1. Orecon- Th• Dallell J. Su· .f em 1. Ptnnsylvrmla- Bancor 1. South CGrollno-Columbla 1. VOLUME 01, 'l0. 2 COEU ll D' AUHE. IDAHO \I EONESOAT, OCTOBER 12, Scol'tOl"'O"'• clas• off1c.r1 a1• .... ·a •'«' ott• .... re-. ,.,, ,.. ''Ohr: Lmdo lorSOf"', C•Cr.f'Or) '"'"' "°1o1.trer, Joltn o ···· p,..1td<f"1, T•!T'r vJc.e pr.a de"'· lllsconsln-Cec1l 1. Ca.nada- Selsoo. B. C. \. Saudla Arabia- Tai Civil Service Exam Must Be Taken To Get Federal Jobs H you hope 10 hnd sw::· mer Job wtth tbe rederal aovernment next summer, you must takf! one or three r.pedal Cl vii S.'1\'lce examlnatlons ch-en tbJ s (all aod winter. Sena.tor Frank Churcb &nDOWICed todll.)'. The Idaho Democrat said r.hls lnronnlll.lon Is or oartic· ular Importance to hl&b scbool sr:udent.s o;ecklnc office and science-oriented wo:J<. No appllcauons ror tempomey summer employment will be uoles:> the stu· dento; have taken the Civil Sf!f\ Ice e.u.minallon. Thi s ,.ill be the 'l!COad successl\-e year In •bic:b the '"mporary sutnmcr Jobs doled out on tbe blLSIS or a naUonaJ redNaJ compe- llU v test. The t<'SI ror Jobs ln tbe swnmtt or 1961. Cbu1ch said. will be &I vm on d!t!e"'o' dates at more tban 1.000 cities 11.nd towns across tbe couou;. A wllcants wi:>blnc 10 we the test on So\·embN ::c; or Ibis year must file applJc:a· uona by Octo""r ::1; U.osc wl"1\in11 to compete on Jan- ual)' i. 1967. must file by Dec:cmbu 9. 1966: a.nd can· d!datcs !or tht: Februan 1967 trst must Hie by Jan· ua.ry 9 , 1967. These arc tbe on!) daies th:ll tbe esamiDA· Uons .II i;hen. Church said that "hlle sw- denus the maJorlt)' of summer Job-s••ckNI', the uamlnatlons art.' open 10 aJI clUuns of any at<! and OCCU· paUon. ,,.,. IUl5 will qualify •P- pllcantll for non·blut-colla.r Jobs In grades OS-I through 1. v.lth salarl".s ran11n, from $69 to $9:? •eekh. Jobs and c:ertaln ctb ..r positions In tbe Oepar:mec:s ol Asrtcu!tur<' and lnter!c.: a5 well u Post omce Jabs do not u•qulre lhP Plamtnatlon. D8\1d Prtano Jtrn Riebe b3 cr.n wte In race for Flesbman clu 111. Pnano received 86 VOi · a t · Rh'bt''ll 85. with Ch .. tcr ·•sor d).. third candldAte, ualllni: clot.< brblnd "1th 69 ,oms. Jobn O'Selll. with 89 votes. IOOk tbt' &>pllomore class pttsld<'ncy !roe Gary Ander· son (73 >'Otes). Btll bf," 156) and Slu:r:rl Sl'rc· auon. (ISJ. election •as held Oct. 5. Otller election results ire:e: Sophomore vlCl'"Oresldfnt - Wlnlt 90. Pats7 Brown 8 t. Joe 60. Sophc.!llOre 'ccretary - Linda Larsen i3. Sandy Baldwin 50. Patty knnoo 16. Dave Bucit· le> 3:?. E!Ue :!:?. Fresbman vice 1Jre.;ldent - &aas 101. :.!Ute Tho- mas 60. Kl'n Seleon SleVI.' Spnu:kle 36. Fresh::ls.o secretar:r - lttn Turnbo• 78. Valorie Pf!:e1· sen 52. Sberrle Bar!el Dia.ne Douclas 38. Ka:cn K uter 33. Petitioners Seek Music In Un i on RA 'Jm "'>! mu to !Jlc Sludeot Union Buuatnc ·ns requested Oct. 3 In a petiUon p1oe111ed to tbe Student AcUvitles C..mml1Uo... The pe:.ltloo Ulf! na:nea or 2:?5 students. SI pia11.:1es were ObWDecl In four hours on Sept. :?7. according to James i'ouni;. sophomore. •ho wu In c:barce or obWr. · inc llli:naui:ea. n:s "" quutcd a nr t1 ol "clllSS· teal. rodl humorous" music. Accordlni: to John O':>t'Plll, S.A.C. cllalrnian, and dlce Dahl. sec.: wr. the co=luec decided tbat music libould be c!IADced from F,\!. to KJRB radl The comnutter aJ&o will •!cate the coat or 1"11 inc a •hlc:b wouli ban• a la:ce ,.,.,i,.t o: r • c:ortl and "1llcb lh S.t.'.B Stud nt& could II Ir <"! ! r Freshman Officera Students Advised To SubmH SSCOT Applications Now AppUcnUon for th• Novem· ON 18 LDd 19, 1966 admlnl· &tratlona or th COil<., QuaJlllca:lon THI ar" no• anLllable at ve SN· vice Sy&tem local boards throullbout the country. ElltlbJ .. StUd .. nU "b0 In· tend to we tblll l• llL 11bould llOPIJ a: one to th nearea1 SclecU,·e Semc .. locaJ board to: an APollcntion Ca.rd and a or Information for the 1e11t. Pollow1D& lns:rucUoos In the Balletin. tbe 11tuOt:nt shoold fill out hla appltca- tlon and mul 11 In lll" l'D\'!!lope pro\'\dc1 to SELECTIVE SERVICE EX· A.\11:-llNO SF.CTIOS. Educa· tiona.I T"$Un& S<!rvlce. P.O. Bos 988. Se• J !MJ 08540. AppUcaUons ror tbe test mu1n be POSI· arked no later :.!Ian mldnlcbl. Octobt: 21. 1966. Accordlni:: to Educ:a1.lonal Tes:J:ig Service. wblch pre· pares a:id adclnlster Ille Colle,c Q:l:Llitlt'aUo:i Tea: for tM: Selectin Sf!nieo; System. it will be ,reaU7 to th" 5'Udent'a advant&4e to Ole nJs li"1!1calloo at oner. By : rloc arlY. be ata.nd.a bes: char.ct: o: t>eln' a.sslcned :o the test center he llu Clloscn. 8'!· cause or the poulbl!ltJ •bat hP 1111.Y Us1CJ1ed IO Hhrr or tbc dates . It le t rf IC:pQl1anl that bt' IJ St D c n' : a.ad Ct"!ltr • aumbtr tor ., k .,.. w .... cb be •ill ... -lat. SEATTLE U. MAH TALKS TO STUOE1ns R D 11 K. L. ate .• c ... Rt !o: Sea:Ut- t.::ilT ·11111. sPoltc to l:llerestcd stild nta on OClo· b!:t • 1r 't· Edmio&ter St.· denr t;ruon. He th \'&11 J 111blicauons or !tit l'•h • r lty and sbowed mar.\ p. ·•urt" or th ca.:ipus. Stud nu. are re ind"'1 that parkln' Is ullo1<<>d onlr In market cu aa. M 1 REGISTERED FOR FALL TERM AT NUC AS DEADLINE PASSES Al lhf' C)O&I· or rnalatrallon on l:)c-pt. .?6, 841 WNP. enrollrd at NUC fo r the fall t••nn. Thia la an lncrta&•· of "'"" ovor lhr 834 r t'dS- trantll a Y<'at •Ko. Actual Unul reaia1111llon will rl flr. by aboot 30 In when 30 roMstry atu· dents will al&lt tbt'lr ne• t rm In th" voC'11tlonal di v1. 111on. The ame procram slll.rtlnK I 1 I November ra.a&ed th' nutt scmt•ftlHr totaJ to SH. This ra il'• nnaJ n111rr la to be about a 3 P<?r cent In· crtlM In !'iovemt>er. OJurea in recent 1ear,.; 1966- 841. 196r834. 1 !164-"IH. 1962- 58i. Of the 8H tud•nta. 780. are rull -' lm" and 61 aro part -lime students. ar 509 !rtahmen and 329 110phomor. a en1olle<l. and three speclaJ awdents. rrpstl'!cd outnumbl'r women 546 to 295. Tbe vocational rll vlalon baa 118 enrolled this fall. iO arc lr,.5bmeo anol 48 are aophO- mores. The lre11hman voe•· uonal cla.aa haa 6G men and rour women. the sophomore wcalloaal class bu 41 men and one M>cnan. In tbe academic dh 1slon there a.rt- 182 womta lo Ill" lreabman clua and l 11 In the aophomnte c lan. Fresman number 327. sopho- mo"' men numbPt 218. T wo or lb<' "ll··cial .., .. . .. 100 HUR S UIGERS Sln&lnl and coml'<l>' 1 ... a1 lb• perr ormanC<" I Oa; :d. d• Ila Rosa. and Brooks" at a studf'llt union ev rune 11ho• Sept. 30. AbOUI IOO .iud nt• a:trndf'd the t•<rport p,.rfonnan<'"· OAllCE OCT. I' Phi 'Theta wtll ,.pon- aor an al1-coll r1 daocOce. 14 1n UI SU B !tom trl2 p.m. Nualc wi ll be pco· •ldcd II)' the Mi nute .Wea.


Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 21 No 2 Oct 12, 1966

96 Per Cent Of Student Body Are Residents Of Idaho

A bl1'akdo•11 or reJJ uaum s1atlsllc1o fi!\'e&l1> that 805 or tht 841 s[Udcnts at NIJC this !all a1' Idaho residents. nearly 96 PN cent. Thie 111

"up rrom 93 P"' cf'nt Jut rail and 85 P<'r cent t10o 1ears aao.

Thr Junior college dlllnct tSI')! llUPPll<!S 530 atudentl! .

or 63 P!'I cent o( the Student body . thr .. ame as a H'•r 110.

0Thc district embraces all or Koot<>nal CoWJIJ. Sbol!.llonc County pro\1des 125 ~1udPlll£ , Bonner 82. &ne•lLh 20 •

.,.Bound&JY 18. Junior Collecf! Area One. created by the last Idaho Legislature. thus f.!Jmlshes 715 students. or

e92 per cent or the enrollment this rail.

Enrollment rrom other Junior college areas. by

<>counties: Latah 15: two each from Bannock. Bonni' •Ille and Lewis: one l!ach rrom Blaine. Camas. Clearwater. Custer. ~Ina. Jerome. Idaho. Nez Perce and Twin Falls.

Thlrl;Y· slx studenis com" from other states. lncludlnG ~wo from other couotric1:1.

Enrollment b)• couoUc• and clUN1 rouo .. s:

• Koou-nal-<:oeur d ' Alene 376. Post FDUs 51. Ha,vden Lake 41 . Rathdrum 22. Wor­le1 10. Cntaldo 8 . Spirit

_i..ake 6. Harrison 5. Athol 5. 8-y\'\c" 4. St. Maries CRt.2) 2.

Shoabone-Kellocc 51. llal-.iace 19. Osburn 15. Mullan

12. Pinehurst 11. Klnaston 5. Silverton 3. SmellNvllle 3. Ena,•lllc :?. Pace 2. Murra.r l.

• ·ardn"r 1. Bonnf'r-5andpolnt n. Priest

Rl\'er 10. 5acle 8. Hope 3. Newport 3. Athol 3. So.muells

-.Z. Clark Fork 2. Cocalalla 1. Dover I. KootenaJ 1. Old­I0\\11 J.

Bounda.1y- Bonners Ftrry ~5. Copeland 2. Naples 1.

Bene"ah- Plummer 10. St . ~larlcs 7. Tekoa 2. Clarkla 1.

• Latah- Moscow 12. Genesee I. PaJousc 1. Pot I atch J.

Bannock-Pocatello :?. BonnHUle-ldaho f'alls 2.

• Cama:>- Falrlleld 1. BlaJne-Halley I. Clearwater-Oronno 1. Cus1cr-chaJUs 1.

• Cloodln,- llcndell 1. Jerome-Jerome 1. ldll.ho-Orancenlle 1. Lewi~-Kamlah I. SeZPCrce

~-Nez Perce-Lewtston 1. Twin f'a.lls- l"ller I Enrollment rrom out or

4!>ta11:. by !llate a.nd city: llashlnct0n-si>oka.ne 4, Yale·

Ima I. Starbuck l. Tekoa 1. Ala:;lta- Kodiall 2. Fair·

\ a.nks I. Ketchlklln I. Callfomla-Ca.noca Park 1.

Compton I. Los Anaelc .. I. • Colorado-Boulder I. La Junta 1.

\lon11111a- Alberton I. Mis­eoula :?. 0 Nc" Jersey- Kenilworth I. Sewark 1.

Alabama-Oad,.en I. D1:.111C1 of Clolumbla- llash·

4'1&ton J. Kanaa ... Leumworlh 1. Maine- Coo Air Fcrce

Base 1. • scvatln- Elko :?.

Se"' York- New York I. Oklllhoma- Tuba 1. Orecon- Th• Dallell J. Su· .fem 1. Ptnnsylvrmla- Bancor 1. South CGrollno-Columbla 1.


Scol'tOl"'O"'• clas• off1c.r1 • K~ a1• .... · a •'«' ott• .... re-. ,.,, ,.. ''Ohr: Lmdo lorSOf"', C•Cr.f'Or) '"'"'"°1o1.trer, Joltn o···· "· p,..1td<f"1, T•!T'r A_.,09,.,~. vJc.e pr.a de"'·

lllsconsln-Cec1l 1. Ca.nada- Selsoo. B. C. \. Saudla Arabia- Tai

Civil Service Exam Must Be Taken To Get Federal Jobs

H you hope 10 hnd • sw::· mer Job wtth tbe rederal aovernment next summer, you must takf! one or three r.pedal Cl vii S.'1\'lce examlnatlons ~lnr ch-en tbJ s (all aod winter. Sena.tor Frank Churcb &nDOWICed todll.)'.

The Idaho Democrat said r.hls lnronnlll.lon Is or oartic· ular Importance to hl&b scbool sr:udent.s o;ecklnc office and science-oriented r~eraJ wo:J<. No appllcauons ror tempomey summer employment will be consid~red uoles:> the stu· dento; have taken the Civil Sf!f\ Ice e.u.minallon.

This ,.ill be the 'l!COad successl\-e year In •bic:b the '"mporary sutnmcr Jobs ar~ doled out on tbe blLSIS or a naUonaJ redNaJ compe­llU v test. The t<'SI ror Jobs ln tbe swnmtt or 1961. Cbu1ch said. will be &I vm on tbr~ d!t!e"'o' dates at more tban 1.000 cities 11.nd towns across tbe couou;.

A wllcants wi:>blnc 10 we the test on So\·embN ::c; or Ibis year must file applJc:a· uona by Octo""r ::1; U.osc wl"1\in11 to compete on Jan­ual)' i. 1967. must file by Dec:cmbu 9. 1966: a.nd can· d!datcs !or tht: Februan ~ . 1967 trst must Hie by Jan· ua.ry 9 , 1967. These arc tbe on!) daies th:ll tbe esamiDA· Uons .II ~ i;hen.

Church said that "hlle sw­denus r~present the maJorlt)' of summer Job-s••ckNI', the uamlnatlons art.' open 10 aJI clUuns of any at<! and OCCU· paUon.

,,.,. IUl5 will qualify •P­pllcantll for non·blut-colla.r Jobs In grades OS-I through 1. v.lth salarl".s ran11n, from $69 to $9:? •eekh. Jobs abo~e O~H and c:ertaln ctb .. r positions In tbe Oepar:mec:s ol Asrtcu!tur<' and lnter!c.: a5 well u Post omce Jabs do not u•qulre lhP Plamtnatlon.

D8\1d Prtano dl.'ll'at~ Jtrn Riebe b3 cr.n wte In t~ race for Flesbman clu ~rrald 111. Pnano received 86 VOi· a t · Rh'bt''ll 85. with Ch .. tcr ·•sor d).. ~lily. third candldAte, ualllni: clot.< brblnd "1th 69 ,oms.

Jobn O'Selll. with 89 votes. IOOk tbt' &>pllomore class pttsld<'ncy !roe Gary Ander· son (73 >'Otes). Btll Da.~1-bf," 156) and Slu:r:rl Sl'rc· auon. (ISJ. ~ election •as held

Oct. 5. Otller election results ire:e: Sophomore vlCl'"Oresldfnt -

Wlnlt And~raon 90. Pats7 Brown 8 t. Joe ~a.rc:hand 60. Sophc.!llOre 'ccretary - Linda

Larsen i3. Sandy Baldwin 50. Patty knnoo 16. Dave Bucit· le> 3:?. E!Ue Ba~r :!:?.

Fresbman vice 1Jre.;ldent -~nnts &aas 101. :.!Ute Tho­mas 60. Kl'n Seleon ~3. SleVI.' Spnu:kle 36.

Fresh::ls.o secretar:r - lttn Turnbo• 78. Valorie Pf!:e1· sen 52. Sberrle Bar!el ~I. Dia.ne Douclas 38. Ka:cn K uter 33.

Petitioners Seek Music In Union

RA 'Jm "'>! mu to !Jlc Sludeot Union Buuatnc ·ns requested Oct. 3 In a petiUon p1oe111ed to tbe Student AcUvitles C..mml1Uo... The pe:.ltloo contain~ Ulf! na:nea or 2:?5 students. SI pia11.:1es were ObWDecl In four hours on Sept. :?7. according to James i'ouni;. sophomore. •ho wu In c:barce or obWr. · inc llli:naui:ea. Sl~i n:s "" quutcd a nr t1 ol "clllSS· teal. rodl a.~d humorous" music.

Accordlni: to John O':>t'Plll, S.A.C. cllalrnian, and C;,~­dlce Dahl. sec.: wr. the co=luec decided tbat music libould be p~nodlcally c!IADced from F,\!. to KJRB radl •

The comnutter aJ&o will in~" •!cate the coat or 1"11 • inc a uk~• •hlc:b wouli ban• a la:ce ,.,.,i,.t o: r • c:ortl • and "1llcb lh S.t.'.B Stud nt& could II Ir<"! ! r th~-c1~ "·

Freshman Officera

Students Advised To SubmH SSCOT Applications Now

AppUcnUon for th• Novem· ON 18 LDd 19, 1966 admlnl· &tratlona or th COil<., QuaJlllca:lon THI ar" no• anLllable at Sel~ctl ve SN· vice Sy&tem local boards throullbout the country.

ElltlbJ .. StUd .. nU "b0 In· tend to we tblll l• llL 11bould llOPIJ a: one to th nearea1 SclecU,·e Semc .. locaJ board to: an APollcntion Ca.rd and a Bull~tln or Information for the 1e11t.

Pollow1D& lns:rucUoos In the Balletin. tbe 11tuOt:nt shoold fill out hla appltca­tlon and mul 11 lmmed111~b' In lll" l'D\'!!lope pro\'\dc1 to SELECTIVE SERVICE EX· A.\11:-llNO SF.CTIOS. Educa· tiona.I T"$Un& S<!rvlce. P.O. Bos 988. Pnnee~n. Se• J !MJ 08540. AppUcaUons ror tbe test mu1n be POSI· arked no later :.!Ian mldnlcbl . Octobt: 21. 1966.

Accordlni:: to Educ:a1.lonal Tes:J:ig Service. wblch pre· pares a:id adclnlster Ille Colle,c Q:l:Llitlt'aUo:i Tea: for tM: Selectin Sf!nieo; System. it will be ,reaU7 to th" 5'Udent'a advant&4e to Ole nJs li"1!1calloo at oner. By : d~t rloc arlY. be ata.nd.a :Ji~ bes: char.ct: o: t>eln' a.sslcned :o the test center he llu Clloscn. 8'!· cause or the poulbl!ltJ •bat hP 1111.Y ~ Us1CJ1ed IO • Hhrr or tbc t~6tln£ dates . It le t rf IC:pQl1anl that bt' IJ St D

c n' : a.ad Ct"!ltr • aumbtr tor ., k ~:t~ .,.. w .... cb be •ill

... -lat.


R D 11 K. L. ate .• Olt~cto: c ... Rt !a.t.)r.~ !o:

Sea:Ut- t.::ilT ·11111. sPoltc to l:llerestcd stild nta on OClo· b!:t • 1r 't· Edmio&ter St.· denr t;ruon. He ~l&ptay!'d th \'&11 J 111blicauons or !tit l'•h • r lty and sbowed mar.\ p. ·•urt" or th ca.:ipus.

Stud nu. are re ind"'1 that parkln' Is ullo1<<>d onlr In market cu aa.


Al lhf' C)O&I· or rnalatra llon on l:)c-pt. .?6, 841 WNP. en• rollrd at NUC for the fall t••nn. Thia la an lncrta&•· of "'"" ovor lhr 834 rt'dS­

trantll a Y<'at •Ko. Actual Unul reaia1111llon will rl flr. by aboot 30 In Novem~r when approllma1~1~ 30 roMstry atu· dents will al&lt tbt'lr ne• t rm In th" voC'11tlonal di v1. 111on. The ame procram slll.rtlnK I 1 I November ra.a&ed th' nutt scmt•ftlHr totaJ to SH. This ra il'• nnaJ n111rr la exp~c~d to be about a 3 P<?r cent In· crtlM In !'iovemt>er. Se~te:bor •'flrollm~nt OJ•

urea in recent 1ear,.; 1966-841. 196r834. 1!164-"IH. 1~63-'jl6. 1962- 58i . Of the 8H tud•nta. 780.

are rull-'lm" and 61 aro part-lime students. Th~re ar 509 !rtahmen and 329 110phomor. a en1olle<l. and three speclaJ awdents. ~le.~ rrpstl'!cd outnumbl'r

women 546 to 295. Tbe vocational rll vlalon baa

118 enrolled this fall. iO arc lr,.5bmeo anol 48 are aophO­mores. The lre11hman voe•· uonal cla.aa haa 6G men and rour women. the sophomore wcalloaal class bu 41 men and one M>cnan.

In tbe academic dh 1slon there a.rt- 182 womta lo Ill" lreabman clua and l 11 In the aophomnte c lan . Fresh· man m~n number 327. sopho­mo"' men numbPt 218. T wo or lb<' "ll··cial ~tudrnl4 .., .. . ~..,,~ .. ~·~~~~~~-


Sln&lnl and coml'<l>' wcr~ 1 ... wr~d a1 lb• pe rrormanC<"

I Oa; :d. d• Ila Rosa. and Brooks" at a s tudf'llt union ev rune 11ho• Sept. 30. AbOUI IOO .iud nt• a:trndf'd the t•<rport p,.rfonnan<'"·

OAllCE OCT. I' Phi 'Theta K~P• wtll ,.pon­

aor an al1-collr1 daoc• Oce. 14 1n UI SUB !tom trl2 p.m. Nualc will be pco· •ldcd II)' the Minute .Wea.


E4t•i •••..•.••••. • .••• • ••. •••• • . llroftol4 N.. Ke ._ .. liJ av,.,_.,, ...... ,.t .. ... ....... ........ . . P~b.,.rc McCl~rit p,..f R ... , • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • L.,.,. ... " Poo • t• c.1evl••·.,. .. • ... • ... • . .. .. • ... • .•. • • • Pe m S"""""JflfO

O.W.o H.,. .,.,...

p ... ,.,..,i. ...... ... .... ... .... .... .... o.. .... 8' .C.Olf Che.rift. s•~ . ..,.


R..ortftt. 9.rMt• W'ti. tfet, JH""~• n.i.e,,...., [)ioft ~ '6' . Jo J.1.1"1 F..,4 Pet .... , •• c.,.1 ....,.._.. ..,.. J,... &....-. J,..-. y..,,.._ Co- -.oe v.,,.w ...


1 ' · ~ of r Co-d•na ~"" - ••c'f for , • ..,., 0.-o : . · I , . "ng •he Ccrd no ~"aw OU! dll'•ng my 1!1nou.

I especoolly .,,sf. •o ihalk Dan ~11 , who oc eel ,. edi•o• &,ung my obsance, and llt. Ge<cld "· nd·. odv sor, •...- I etr et•ftO work .

Furtt t"f'"iO' , w • ~r f d· fe; .. r1,.e r

help fvlnlt' ond Ot> "'"· n 1• • o

COHTROVERSY OVER MUSIC CAH BE SOLVED A c ~"' "' conrrovt '"" O' '' t:'o < 1 ' 'II ~ of music

thOI will h p Oytd ,,.. 1· o · 1 • S·.,o '-""on Burld-1ng' s public oddro•s ~y•letrr .

No ... the soc1ol oc11v.i1e comm1•1 o• N JC, .,heh cor -•rols mu••C ployed 1n rho " !:.", con•ends •ha: onl .,,._ ~ c ftom F.11. ~1011on' ~hould bo ploy«!.

Wo ore odO"!Onl n OU< conv1c •ion tho1 ·o plo on y one vone•y ol IT'US•C oll d<t( lor>g ~. not so• • 'Y · musrca preference• of tNo•yon •

Th.lro con bo o wv•abl c.ompram1so mo:le •re.· 9-ou d so11sly olmost '1t'<fQnlt. Fe< o~lc. -s1nco tho .. !:>" ~s O:• lcrg11s1 crowds du< ng 0::•1v ty pauod ond lun hour, -sci·. rnlo.ing music shou d bo p a;od. Perhaps mus c c.· •hs l;po could be found on on F .M. 510l•cn.

O..,ring ' "O • mo n1ng PO<llon of 1ho day mi;s c ·ho· s ap­pealing ·o • c loJ•tn c.f •ho grcolosl nUf'lbc>• of person• should !>'? btoodcosr.

The 10P. of dc•c<m1n1ng rh s m .. cal •ole::• 0<1 shou d "'1' ""' '" 1t-.o 5C>C•ol OC.'•V•tlttt. comm1n • A wcc:•o CO"'L"'l'lttee V-ld bo fo<mcd by •udcna whow mu~1ca ob l1•y or fom1 -1at11y would onobln •httn to for.no..'o•• o wo•i.abl • hed o of programming :.eloc•1ons r s1Ht r •1ntos of 1 o gee· s• nurr.44..A)f'.

The P<Obl m ol croo•ir~ 1h1s schod ... o will be d·ff•cu 1, crd a 101 of common horso ••mse will haw •.:> b.. sod l71com1:u·•ee momb. rs.

Tho socio! oc11v11ons omm111 o mu • co,.soq • y ll<I nuPQ0:,.1bl., on Mic•ng 1ho1 Int dosigno1..d opero•cr of !'le pvbl1c od<lress 1ys1mn ad~.,ro t.:> 1hn musical schodu es se· by 1ho1 ccn11n1rtoo. In orher wc-ds ...... SAC should OCI ,,. rover on. •Omo monnot o~ tho FCC (F..d,,rol c~.,,un1 a'":>n Ccr­m1 s .. on): ·- Lr IH

Alt' do~t<n 't mnlll'I uni rss )'OU'rl' n chrr~r.- Bllll r aurlw

Woodcock's Drug Store Candi"' - Sund""'


.,. N F-.111..... SI c •• w, ' "-' • "•


().ol "'' Ho--O,~ge• ·. Fo••~· 1 S•· Ct' In T°""

•n• s ... , .. " ··~w•


UNI ~• LU AE~Alll

O••""'' & "'"'' S."'''••• 1 .. 1c•suu Tr•c- •n c• Co ••t S• · · - · · "" "' Piir.••• • )• 11


PMOTO oi:~su

P•01o( MO•~•• • 4i11cia

tOO N 4 1• S1 •1. ~1

Cocu• o'Ai..c: "" c . 10 ..... 0


JOBS ON CA\IPllS Oot a hl~h paylnr ob In

~all's. dhu rtbuuoa or matlt<'I reet'nrch llK/11 on your own· <'11mpu a. &•comr a al"J'U ft'Pt1•t1.t•ntath r for O\'f'f Jort.> ma&a7.lnf'8, Amrrlcan Alr· ltnt•s. Optratton Matc'i ~t • and 1 a1n bl& pa11-11m,. mnoP)

clolnt lnlPr<'stlnc 111ork. Appl) U•hl a 111 1) • Collesc lolarkt:I· Inc. !)(>pt. H, :7 E:. !?~ St .. No \'or~.:-..\', 10010.

1963· \ 'olkawacen tor we. A· I cond!Uoo 36,000 mllr... $1::00. ~e Dr. Priddy.




GREETING CARD .-.., tl.......,g1ttc1 r..,.,

n o,., c;.

20% Off Until Od. 30

FLOYD'S CAMERA CENTER 30) ~- - Mo :.0~94

C"' r •·At.,"'•· lcio»-o

Tr1Yelr.ng Abroad Makes Appreciation Of America Easier EDITOR~ XOTE tud

Llld/uld zras cnly oae of Ue Jacvltr •e•~r~ lt'!o trat·.,led abro44 last nmur. I: Ue IJEUa tD co:c i:-e t:lll !rnU OTIJC!U cbo2t the 11:• p· .·asio•u o/ ot!a foe kl:v ~::~rs Oii 1~.·11 tnn:ela.

The lar"' ctUes o: Eur~pc arc belo& stnnlled 117 tra1 • ac. pcl.aooed by motc1 ruel fw:I~ and air pollutants and ertoualy a!fected DDAociallr

01 l.o!latloo. Is the belier or Edward T. Lltcl!Oeld. joum· na.lls:n tostructor al :-ilJC, wbo speot some or the sw:.­me: abroad duru1i tbc •aca· tlo::. ~clod.

Ju.st u It Is lo larce Amer· lean centers. said Lltchneld. lbere Is oo ,.scape from tbe •CPllYaUn~ cood!Uon or a metroPOlls.

"London and N .... York arc even ,.'Ori<~ tban when I ~as

there • coup)(• or years •co ... Lltcl!Oeld dttlared. .. After the b•at, humidity. croa·ds. nolae and lncon»~nlences to which one la forced to aut>­mlt. It was an enJo)·able relief to r~:urn to I.lie Nori.II· w~st.••

ll'hlle in London Lltehl'leld \1s1ted one or I.he elementar7 schools In a poorer ucuoo or the eity and said he was impressed with th<! qualltJ or the tl'achlni;. a.ltbooch he round radllu .. s. owloc to lack of money, vastly In· fertor :o at11thlnE In Ibis COUOll)'.

"Tber• •Ne children of 20 c11rr .. ren1 nauonalltles at Ult! achool." Lltcbfield aald, "but they cot a.lone aplen· dldly. Some en.one from lndla. Ceylon. Pakistan. EQpl. Brl11.5h O~lana. Sl~erla, tbc West lndlea and 6t'vrral ror­mer Brttl.sb colonies. A1· thou&h m1.11y could not •~Ali. Enlll.sh when they atatlt!d acbool- at lb" .,., ot S-lb"J quickly caucht u11 "Ith lh"lr companions. o..-1nc to .-1ccl· lent lnatrucUon and a dedl· rated facull;y ...

Economlcail,)'. Encland la In bad ahaiie. L!tchfield said be belle•·e,., and tbe !uture <lld not &cem to hlci 10 b<l coocl.

" The p:oblem of low p::.>­ductlvllJ' and bli:b costs In lndustn ale tbr chief dltri· cul ti ea far.Inc the natlwn." Lltchneld e1plalnMI. "To survh·e aloost everyt.lllnc bu to be lcpo:ted." h said. ""bile, 1n rl'uun. c:oaey !or tbt'&e commodltlea us~ come !toe c1porta. l'oJci:­Wllate.,-. ~ Bntillh Ir.lea .0 DD lon;ez ~~ g. •

c '5stclly !n U:e world ma:· II la. 0•1DC to hlsh COSI a! produc:tJc.n. labor dltnculUell ..nd otber rac:.ors. Rcc:o;nl • lion ol thls !act Is $:ow to petil'trate moat ol tbl" pcpul1· tloa. and unless drastic ehances are b:oucbt about, cond111oos Wiii not lllU'rove.

" The more I tra•c>I ab:oad ... Wtchl!eld ..aJd. "th" more I appttc'latt'I thl'I m11111 ada.~­taces enJo:red in the lln!ted Stat"s. 1.:nles$ one &ees how lb~ t\'SI of the "1>tld 11 vei., one can not rea.lh undl!rstand th~ beMfits beln& eQJOYt>d by the a1 era~..i person In thh COUDl l)', ••


.. Alll~rlcan educauon bu DllUlJ' nrtues. but H 111 not Cllaracten zed by candor . ..

Dr. James B. Conant


Amoni; ne..- ln!ltruc!o1' at North Idaho Junior Collci:c this ~mester ts Mis:; \1r· ldnla Tinsley. E:ni:llsh In· &tructor. Her ronncr home Is at McCall. Idaho.

Miss TlnslM ol>Ullncd brr B.A. d~&re<:> In Encllsh lit· e:arure aJ. the Colleso or lcbho al Caldwrll, and b"" complN<'d I.be requl~menl.s !or ht: master· det:~e lll Encll~h at tht' llrJVN•ltr Df Idaho. Slit! taucbt ro: two ycart< an rreshman English at Moscow while oo a l!'ach1n uslsianU;hlp tht:e. "~ ctilef ln:ere1>1 In U!·

eratur Is In rolt I "'·" MJsa nnsley aa.ld.

Mlss Ttnsley e1plalned thal Sb s.elttll'd Coeur d'AIMc as the placl' abt' ~efcrred to lt!acb because It Is muC:. Ute McC~I. - 1•m Quite Ii::· preSSt'd •ltll the !rl~dliness 01 :lie stllfl an<l stuo :its and "11!1 tile !!Ince· ded1caUon a l the ra"Ulll to tcacblnr ... 1111 de l11red.

Mt.l?t.ulC Fl'.NEY '.!lss Marl n~ Finney la a

new m"mbc-r ol tht> Encll~h a• Pftrtmt'nt ol .:-.'orth Idaho Jun! 1r Colll!~e this )·~ar. Siu ma.iar,-,O In En~llsh o.nd mtnowd ln t'duc!llinn and social studies 111 th•• Unh·c1-,11y o! Idaho. where she rt· • 1 d her B.A. de11rc<. \!las Finney said site would 1eturn ·.o Sou:hern llllnols Unlver­sl'• havln1 taur:ht E:n&llsh• co::iposl 100 and world 11 t· era.tut tbf'fl!! for two .)'. ean.. to tsk~ a Mnster'" car':pre­hm,.!\'t' e1A111Jnauon !or h• 1 "11&.Stl'r's der:ree In E:nt;llsh.

At Mosco,. lda!10. '.Illas F'lnnev ~as on the Execu· .. ,.., Board. and Y.&5 acu,ea In stud~nt ;;Q\<'mment. Also she .. -.s publlclcy ma.~ager I : the baseball tl'a.'11 and "Ba: O:rls" ai Southetd> llllnols linhersltJ.

Amoai; hN Mbble" Mlss Ann~' named watPr11dtna. huntln~. rcadlnK. travO'UnP and Pl"l·tng brldit<. She was on th•· ·r of hJ drnpl~n< "~ G~ps•" n 196e and on• thnl o! "Ml o Lapt r" In 1965. 'h"s f'lnnPv add• d aJllO, "I Ilk• to play olula b011rds ...

Banquet For Ho~ Ee Girls

I .

T"1e Ol"CWP obo ..... ottfH'ld9d ~ '"' •jo, ftl"I ~OU"' kw th• -:;opho'"'Or" F.omt'I f't: 91th.

C eoboteo Club olhc~rs l~r •• pr•~1~"''• G.org. •r,..or • .1 r.<11 " CtK- -

..... ,,,...... s .,.., , a.1'9~'"' . "-01.ot_,

Per!ecaon I» hard to oblilln but wo rth 1ry1ng for.

· --================-Fa.Uh 15 to belh•\• .,.ha: we

do not Sf'": lllld r1·ward or this C&llh is 10 ,.e wllnt "t I> ll<'ve.

- S:. Au~ ure

• •

5ff us tor


I ~"' ,,n; ea cl er "° 1. tiQ-.. ~

-YPD10*'4 .r ...... ?1116 Ff1Y"• .t.. ..

116 N 4tb St.reel (..,._,., d'Al~"~ ld.a'l-io

MODERN DRUG CENTER SMc•ol•:"'9 '" Colle<;1ore "Jffds

'"' /-f.a ' " o"<i HoPQ<ness

Ovr Plozo R,,.sro.,..onr Pleo•e~ Polo•<' O'>d Purs.

1107 N. F..,,,., MO · 44223


,ASTEURIZIED MILK MUNS t oo·~ SAFE MILK ,.,...,... .. 0 ,.-. th - o....f HM Jt!r. - f ft• 1?



Otao• t. •II• t, pr d<'nt ol the :"!JC <'hap1•r ?I American Home Economic,. An..oclation. •u :o be 1nst.ill'd u the ldltho C.:>Uece cbal)tet'4 pres­ldl'nt al a &IAtl'-wide COD'.' n· Uon 1n Moscow Oct. 7-8. As prt'sfdcnl, ~Jss 11 ollN la •'r.· tltlrd to • ltlp IO the n11uoaaJ con•tnl.lon in Dallas, Tt'u:;, next Jun<'. accordtnc 10 Mr•. f1orenco Suanahan. ad•·bor.

'!rs. SlrMllhao was chosen ath1so: to colleces In l<labo

Otllrrs •ho t!lP<'c:t<:<! 10 u:e-nd tht• coavenuon ar~: Mane Bozarth , Janet Ora•es, Seti) Corbl'tt , Lucille JPS· sick , lluy 8:opt17, L1nd• Tiuec,!15 , Kris Yacks. Jeao­nle S«>ne. Carolyn Nlrk, Ma,.,. t Olneler, Eva RA>ed, Su Am•' "d Oona Boucbard.

Mai/ Ca// Oell\•erlng letter.; 111 onf.' ot

th•· olde .. t pubUc s.-n·lces. In 500 B.C. Ollr!us tbe Or<:at cipe :at<:d • postal sy aitc throuchout Pe:sla.

Post Is d•rl ved rrom tb" La­Ull w:slru.meanlng "placed", ~c:WS" bOrses ..-ere ata:lon@d •· hu.e n-al s IO r~ I :IJ Rom an dJ'l!ltuch•


s.. us'°' be··

102 11 ... , .... . . MO , .20CJG Coovt 4'At.• • • 14-loo

Coeur d'Alene Launciy

& Dry Cleaners

0111c.-, Cout'NVS Se"'1c:e

Si»e o, Ono~y Setv C:lt

FREE PCI"' ? t.• EL R

307 Foont

~EVIE•, C- '"'•"•· 1•••, "'•d., 0<••"-• 12, 1966

~anufacturers Offer Free=G==-i}...,.t~~

,,,., o C~ Poe 19<en•I., odd "' r ae f, r "V'9 l'-4~r l 1/.,.. ,...,,

• I r. I •• ttirf follot111lnQ)

;===========:::; studt•nta DI NUC Ill•! lhn SUBversion brn<'ftctarlH• or • "lll•nt pro­

Q L'F.S TIO.\ "Ho~ do VOii think uo111 col/co• oducotron trtll Aclp uou In J111111r II/~'"

OOCGLAS OIONN~.. ooPh· omor<', et!ucauon: "\b col­lt£1'! eduCllllon wlll help mt' to furthl'r m) K"tr •• • t>"rson and u • teacMr. II will he Ip broaden m) outloOk In lh• tutur• In a octlll lllld

conomtc wa.r." \IARll,Ef: STAOLUNO,

ftl!Sbman, act enc" "Actual· I • my colics e<lucatlon won't hdp me 100 •uch In the tururc. I don't 11\lnk chemlsuy wUt com1• In too handy •htn It comPN to acrubblo; noora and wuhlnc dJllhes. or courae this ts In the Car IUIUI•', but It '11 llOml'­lhln& 10 lhlnk about."

JACK '.\ARO!, aophomOt•', :cr<"slr, "It will help me to ll'am how to do my Job. ~ly llblllty 10 IN alon1 With 0111 .. r people will bl' lm· pri:>v~d"

ROSALIE TRUE, trer;hrnan. educauon. "l.IJ rutute will depend on my colll'&e educa· tlon ~cause I wnnl to be a tracher 1u tbc hl&h school le,rl, ptP!erabl> t~chlnc Ol!rman and Russian.

OENSIS RJGOS, Crushman. physical t-ducauoo: "I llllnk It Will hrlp me becoml! a bPt­~t basketball pla1tr."

JCI YOl..~O. aopbo<n01e, S.S.: "Now It Is lle~p1n1 m~

r:JU" her-that !a. out o( the d~CI. St:k>usly, II will pv ~e a •Ide kno•lt'die or

11clence tu1d tile 1111Jrld, It .. 111 aid me tn lattr ure and In~ llte's work."

OARY MacOO.SALD. trHl>-111&11, educal.lon: "It •111 Im· pro' e m1 soctal II re to no end as well as my future Job. "

MARY BETH ).IATS0:-0. lrcabman, pre-<ltn!al b)'glrn~: "I don'I •tnt 10 llYl' on wrl· Carr later . ..

).llKE KEDOR. :t!OPbomore, radlo and tr!~vlslon manace · r::tnt: "II will ~nable c:e to make r::or,,. money and be belier prepared ror the Oeld I am entertoc. It also Is teaching me bow to dunk co:Cee and •o"' to pend ::;; leisure ume "

F'LOYO LESIGER. aoplto­lllOtt', hl IOI')' "ducaUon "It will · mr • Job In ld&l>O tuchiDC wttb • Pe.J o~ o. H:tle more thao $300 • month, which ts lus ll'-Y than " labOlf l cr·lll ...

JOKS 01\'ESS. aophooate, aoclaloey: "Taklnc lnlo •le.. lb" lf'nllh ot t1r.ir l'vr ~t·n l\N<' alrudy, I

duct cl• ... ••-.r" by manurac­lU!tlS or Vllr10<ts b!Md•nCUOC produc111 who Al" trytnc to win nl'w cuetomtor. 11mon1 th• collcc~ crowd. On ll•dnr11> da.r, Octotit-r I:. a llmlled numbl't or Carnpuf\ Pur" wUI bt• 1U111rtbu11·d on a onr · to· a· 11udent b1u.1... Stud~ntK "Sil bf ch<'ckt'd orr llO thal .. mllJ1)' a posl\lbll' can tllkl' l\dvlnlDKtl ot lhl't limited 1upply. "Thill 111 n ar<•al opportunflv,

\Ir . Elll'rn Andl'tr~n. mana· ltr or th• c 011•1 bo tore.

tUd. '"llll!llP top companle11 WMnl tht• j)BllODllllO O( lhe collcie 11udrnt, and th"Y't• u Ina thl• l!!Pllll. IO ,,., II. Althouah Pach pac 111 worth flC't•rul dollara, our chAl«o' of 29c Pf'I pac covNa puckallnR, Itel &bt. and handllns coats onlr.

Products to b•· reatutr<I In thPOC CAMPUS PACS lnclud1 ror men - o•claJ cxiupona, too1hpaa1c. halr cre111r., Alka .,..llz<'I, ra.r.or blad... navl' loUon, Ab ~rblne Jr .. and tor W0'1'1"n epecllll coupons. IOOlhPaBIP, llOIP. talc, aham­poo, mtllleup, Alka ~lz,.r. and deodorant.

wondot'r It I'll enr cut " collr1e Pducallon. t r I do. hO•evN, Instead or II< tn1 11

tupld P80ll, I'll II<! • •Wold f'ducated ~on "


ttce room;, thh. ummf'I tor choral work was announced r .. c .. otly by Louis Ktoll1. music de11a1tmen1 duector. K 111 aid !hat the i ' l 10' rooms art " quite an Improve­ment" Each contaJos • piano and li<!veraJ chairs. Tbe pra,l.lce rooms ,,,.,e bull! wilhlo the main muslc room. Th"J locrMae the ~rtlcll!ncy or the classes , bJ enabllnc studf'nts to pracUc" u.rtous pans at the same tlr:r. wubOUt lourterlnc •ltb ucb other.

Kt'll)' aJ110 said that SIU·

dents h•'" d•St"tfed this adclrd conTrnlPnc~. and \bat :llt"T lla\'t used bolh riJOml nrrY cl.,- •Iner lbl'Y were mad• avaJlnblr.

How Long - 36 Incite•' KU!.: K~nn I al En&land I068· 1135 ,i.111: ihrd tile

ltn11t11 or • ,.ard u lhr dl&­IAnCI' bel .. ('t•n tht.' up or his nose and 1be rad o! Ii.la lhumb.

Ko• do you compatt trllh th•• ttnc •

State DECA Ojjicera

'.JJC s~.,df'f't'S • 11ct•d to f(Utt DECA ollu:•• ,..c.,,rly ,,, Bo1w ...,.,., I•" tr- t)ty"r' r~ HoJl,...,g,..,ci.. ,. t1ot• oe••16tni, ~al')' F•r-~sor, •~'" h1110110..,...«"PO"•'• Lou.,.. /•,..., iror t:1'tapfo1r .

Eoroll•••I Breakdown by O.portat111>

Frtst S.e"'!• • •u,. 1'966.-67

Bu·•,..,..s• Su~inc•s :.d,.,1n1s•ro•1on 105 <.<)C.r1'fCtrol nc • .' ~- Se<. l> En;r. S.,C. 13 38

Fng•" ..n ( nc:lucl ng Ind. Edv. . •••..•. , .• -.-.-. • . a~ Homo E.conom1cs. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32 rco.> •ry.............................. . • v :.,. ord Sctll"ce' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . 97 f'ducot•on ••.••. , • • . • . • . • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • 06 p,,..p,of • •onol . • • • • • • . . . . • • • . • • • . • . . . . • • . 31 1.':id1cal Teclw'lolcg ..•..•.• , . . • . • • • . • . • . • . . . 12 Agr1c"' • r • . • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ AulO<'>Obl lo /toe °"' s ••••• , • , •• , , , , , •• , •••••• 27 Au•o Bodf Dr"d Fendor R.,pa,. ••.••••• , • • • • • • • • • • 8 Eloc••Of'•C• .•.• , •.. .•••. , .....•.•... •...•. 36 T«hnicol Crohrng ord Dos gn ••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • 27 ' '1d·'.'.cnog<>mcn• •••••••••.•••••• , , • • • . • • • . • 20

P1blidty Committee Plans Radio Series Th~ Nonh Idaho Junior

Coll"I" Publlcfty CommlltcP, dPsllJl"d 11.nd cn•a\ed lo Inform thr t'fUz1•nry of Notth Idaho oboul their fn tltullon of hlQht•r l<'o.rnfnR. wlll ~pon· ROr o llMIM of fll I' broad· C'llJll!I IO brgfn In Octub<'I ond 111> twfcr a month tor Uvr mlnult·s ••och untll th .. ••nd of ~chool uccordln ~ to an 11nnounrrrnrn1 by Jnrr11·a B. Crow1. chlllrmo.n or ••<llo commllto·1-.

Thi' d1•p1111m1·n1 h .. ntll\ ur

- ,,,. r. " ·~e. • t vr r • « JI •r1

84ll & CUE .&17 J~""'"a" Aunu•



1ouovns coR~""lS • G1~1s CO EUR D'4L EHE' S

EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP Fo, Ow•'•'f' ud »,.·fo .. ~ ··· ' • ,,., .. •41•

II) S~•'l'i'IU A.. • Co•"' d Alt~•


h Moto Fv"



Ploy Pool A.t Co•t Bowl Rott.: 60c p,, Hovi

lhc colle11t . th" stud,.nt body p1~11lden1. th•· acth•lttt!s, the athleUcs and l'very ospec1 Of thl' COiiea" will bf' blOUll)lt forth for 1111 thr people of North Idaho to b<!COmf' bf'lt.ct ln!onnfld.

Sclll'dUll> or brOadCUlS; Oclob-01 - PrcRldent Cbrts­

Uanaon and Cbnlnnan of the Board; L.ou Kelly of the Music Orp111unrn1.

Novrmbl't - Dlllr Trlw·n or th" M nth DrpnrimPnl, Roll\' l'r1llloms of thr A1hlr•t1c O< . pnr1mrnt and P. F..

D••c,.mti<>r t.ucllr l..llJl&l' of th~ En1lh1h D~pallml'llt. Cll\/f'RCl' Hnu~hl or thr \'o­co.tlonnl Oeputm1·n1.

Januo.ry - Clo11 nl!• Hau11h1 ol th•• Vocnllonal 0,.purtmt'nl. Ra_,• Stonr-Oc·an of Fu•ulh. Dr. Prldd~· of the Human!· lll'l• Orpa11m1•nl.

Pcbruary - ~'l!Ulk E\'lllls of tho Blolo~ 01·1•uunen1. Flon•nC'" S1111nahan ul Hom,. EC'Onomlc~.

March - Rlchnrd Champoux or 1h1 Social Studies D< . 11attrr.1>nt: Pr~~ldf'n\ or lhr Stud1·n1 Body •

Aprll - D1·lll'f \lo:;f'r N th• ~:ni In 1 nnE ll1•prutmcnL ~nd Oul dnnl!e. t.meuo Dunnl· CM ot Busln"'"' Adrnlnlst,.. uon.

~!Ill· - Or. E\':I On of lh ~:..fuCCIUOn Drpllltmrn1. F.S. Oakb< r1o of Ph,)',,tcal Sci ·nc•.

RAIN CHECK Ho"' I~ 11 Lint thoR nil!\\

dass fol .. h!Ch 11 m:tn »11 \'eb

ln•ariabl~ occur dunnc Ill» "•CaUon' -Tm Rlcbfltld .~11nn.1 :-;,.,,,.

Supoort Y 01.u Ad•eortnen


301 s ..........



Doo Holl.,nbt ck of NIJC ..-.... elect"d su11r presldeo1 of the Idaho DECA Assembly at Its recenf meetln& 111 Boise. Otbers !rom NlJC a.ttend.1111: thl' scau. mee11nc .,....,., '.\lar; Fe1suson. wbo was <.>l'!cted s~t~ hlstorian·re-pcm.er; and L1U1oe Clem, chosen swe ahapaln.

B&ubara Fredrickson, Twln Falls. 11·as eleeted \ice ores­ldent, and Diuyle Nye, also Twta Ftlls. was choSl'n aecrelllry.

Cbarloue l'illsoo 111 the nt Ll"asu~r. and Jim Leet.er. pazlLamentartan. Both are from Boise. CIRCLE K

Circle K Club membelS pai­Ucl prued In the Kl wanls Slave Auction. Sepe. 30. Jack \\'ard . Douslas DioD11e. James CUrtls, and Richard Oameu helped 1111 Ill band en· LC'rta.Jnment. David TOlllast and James Young aJded pub­llcltr.

BerscheU J. R.lebe. Circle K acfrlsor, was "purchased" by the club as a " stave." and Lhe entire club WM " Pur· cibLS('d by North Shore Lodge.

Club meetings are held Thursdays during act! vily period In Room 32:. Dues are S2 a month. plus SI lnl · tlatlan tee ro1 the full yea1. The club has Invited all male studcn lS to attend future meeUngs, Young said.

BOWLING CLUB In Bowllni: Club t-lecllons

bl'ld lllSt week , James Young wu "lected Pr<>loldent: Phil Mcretl!Lh, vlce· presldent; and Kathy Zimmerman. sec1euuy.

F.0.C. fl ls the first place tl'am with J.70S pins. \lere ­dllh held high Sl'rt et. wlLh ~9:: pins. and top average or 164. Soi:tiomore llallJ Trall had the club high nme c! 190.

WireJ For SounJ A studt•nl Is a c1ea1u1e \Ibo In th"Sl' y .. ar• ot strife -Hu iUV"D lo hi& tl!ru:llt·r Hla ~ 51 Pars of hi" life.





For a lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 14" N. Fo..tlt St. • C-vr l'/Jooo

N.l.J,C. REVIEW, Co.vr cl'Al•n•, ldoho, Woe!., Ocrobor 11, 1966


Swimming - Recreolion Sovno Sttoto Both•

: -Hovr .jWttf'I Srs!>•ons ....•. 50: (0.•JC• our sch~ule fo• times)

Let's hear it for the

cheerleade rs!

Everybody cheen for lea-cold Cocu-Culo. Coke hos • the lo•I• you never gel lired of . •. always refresh- . ing. Thol's w hy lhlngs go better wilh Coke ••• ofter ' ' Coke ... otter Coke. •

....,._._.,.. __ ,~~c....c....c--.-11or INLAND EMPIR£