NIH LRP Evaluation - National Institutes of Health


Transcript of NIH LRP Evaluation - National Institutes of Health

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation i

National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program

Evaluation Working Group

Milton Hernandez, Chair

National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Disease

Steve Boehlert

Division of Loan Repayment

Frank Calvo

National Institute of Diabetes and

Digestive and Kidney Diseases

James Corrigan

National Cancer Institute

Paul Johnson

National Institute of Child Health and

Human Development

Steve Korn

National Institute of Neurological

Disorders and Stroke

Matthew Lockhart

Division of Loan Repayment

Sherry Mills

Office of Extramural Research

Richard Phillips

Division of Loan Repayment

Peggy Reed

Division of Loan Repayment

Carl Roth

National Heart, Lung, and Blood


Mercedes Rubio

National Institute of Mental Health

Jennifer Sutton

Office of Extramural Research

Study Director

Laurel Haak

Discovery Logic


Beth Masimore, Rajan Munshi, Matt Probus, Yvette Seger

Discovery Logic

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation ii



Findings 1

Who is Applying? 1 Do the LRPs Retain Participants? 2 How do the LRPs Compare to Other NIH Mentored Career Awards Programs? 2

Conclusions and Recommendations 2




Scope 5

Data Sources 6

Statistics 6

Applicant Pool 6

Impact of Participation 6

Comparison with Other NIH Mentored Career Awards 6


1.1 Goals 7

1.2 Methods 7

1.3 New Applicants 7

1.3.1 New applications and awards, by program and IC 7

1.3.2 New applications and awards, by gender 9

1.3.3 New applications and awards, by race and ethnicity 10 Distribution of ethnicity 10 Distribution of race 11 Distribution of ethnicity / race and gender 13 Distribution of ethnicity / race by IC 14

1.3.4 New applications and awards, by degree type 15 Distribution of degree types 15 Distribution of degree types and gender 15 Degree by gender 16 Gender by degree 16 Distribution of degree types by IC 16

1.3.5 New applications and awards, by LRP 17

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation iii Distribution of IC and LRP 17 Distribution of gender and LRP 17 LRP by gender 18 Gender by program 18 Distribution of degree types and LRP 18

1.3.6 New applications and awards, by years since degree 19 Distribution of years since degree and degree type 19 Distribution of years since degree and gender 21

1.3.7 New applications and awards, by prior research support 22

1.3.8 New applications and awards, by educational debt level 23 Distribution of educational debt level 23 Distribution of educational debt level and degree type 24

Summary of Findings: FY03-FY07 Extramural New Applicant Pool 26

1.4 Renewal Applicants 27

1.4.1 Renewal applications and awards 27

1.4.2 Renewal applications and awards, by degree type 29

1.4.3 Renewal applications and awards, by educational debt level 29

Summary of Findings: FY03-FY07 Extramural Renewal Applicant Pool 30


2.1 Goals 31

2.2 Methods 31

2.3 Analysis of the Study Cohort 32

2.3.1 Comparison of the study cohort and the total new applicant pool 32

2.3.2 Comparison of funded and not funded applicants in the study cohort 33

2.4 Subsequent Participation in NIH Grant Programs 33

2.4.1 Composite Analysis 33

2.4.2 Gender 35

2.4.3 Degree Type 35

2.4.4 Program 36

Summary of Findings: Retention in the NIH Workforce 38

2.5. Publications and Citations 39

Summary of Findings: Publications and Citations 40

2.6. Outcomes Analysis for Applicants without Subsequent NIH Records 41

2.6.1 Current Affiliation 41

2.6.2 Current Position 42

Summary of Findings: Applicants without Subsequent Records 42

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation iv


3.1 Goals 43

3.2 Methods 43

3.3 Demographic Distribution 43

3.3.1 Gender 45

3.3.2 Degree type 45

3.3.3 Subsequent Participation in NIH Grant Programs 46

3.3.4 Composite Analysis 46

3.3.5 Gender 47

3.3.6 Degree Type 48

3.4 Publications and Citations 49

Summary of Findings: Comparison of LRP with Mentored K Awards—Top 10% 51


A1.1. New and Renewal Applications and Awards, by IC 52

A1.2. New Applications and Awards, by IC and LRP 53

A1.3. New Awards, by IC and Degree Category 54



A3.1. Construction of the Funding Bubble 58

A3.2. Determination of Subsequent NIH Activity 60

A3.3. Matching Applicants to MEDLINE Publication Records 60

A3.4. Manual Error Checking 61


Figure 1. Distribution of new LRP applications, FY03-FY07 7

Figure 2. Gender distribution of new male and female LRP applicants, and success rates in each

fiscal year, FY03-FY07 9

Figure 3. Percent of new extramural Hispanic or Latino LRP applicants and awardees in each

fiscal year between FY03-FY07 11

Figure 4. Percent of new extramural LRP applicants in the shown racial categories in each fiscal

year from FY03-FY07 12

Figure 5. Success rates of new LRP applicants in the listed racial categories in each fiscal year,

FY03-FY07 13

Figure 6. Gender distribution of ethnicity and race of new LRP applicants from FY03-FY07 14

Figure 7. IC distribution of ethnicity and race of new LRP applicants from FY03-FY07 14

Figure 8. Gender distribution of new LRP applicants, by degree type, FY03-FY07 16

Figure 9. Gender distribution of new extramural applicants by LRP, FY03-FY07 17

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation v

Figure 10. Distribution of degree type of new LRP applicants in each of the five LRPs, FY03-FY07


Figure 11. Distribution of years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 19

Figure 12. Years since degree distribution of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 20

Figure 13. Interval distribution of years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 21

Figure 14. Gender by years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 21

Figure 15. Prior research support of new extramural LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-FY07


Figure 16. Percent of new extramural LRP awardees FY03-FY07 by prior support source 22

Figure 17. Correlation between applicant reported and DLR verified educational debt level of

new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 23

Figure 18. Reported educational debt level of new extramural LRP applicants, FY03-FY07 24

Figure 19. Distribution of reported educational debt level of new extramural LRP applicants with

different degree types, FY03-FY07 25

Figure 20. Distribution of renewal extramural LRP applications, FY03-FY07 27

Figure 21. Number of renewal LRP applications and awards in each fiscal year, FY03-FY07 28

Figure 22. Identifying applicants on the “Funding Bubble” 31

Figure 23. Composite analysis of outcomes for the funded and not funded groups in the study

cohort 34

Figure 24. Analysis of outcomes, by gender, of subsequent NIH grant participation 35

Figure 25. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation 36

Figure 26. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation 37

Figure 27. Distribution of the number of articles published by applicants in the study cohort 39

Figure 28. Distribution of the number of articles published by applicants in the study cohort for

FY03-FY04 39

Figure 29. Distribution of the number of citations for articles published by applicants in the

study cohort for FY03-FY08 40

Figure 30. Current affiliation of applicants without subsequent NIH records 41

Figure 31. Current position of applicants without subsequent NIH records 42

Figure 32. Definitions of each comparison cohort and the number of awardees in each group


Figure 33. Gender distribution of LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts 45

Figure 34. Distribution of degree type of the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts 46

Figure 35. Composite analysis of outcomes for the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts


Figure 36. Analysis of outcomes, by gender, of subsequent NIH grant participation of the LRP

and the K Top-10% awardee cohort 48

Figure 37. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation of the

LRP and the K Top-10% awardee cohort 49

Figure 38. Distribution of the number of articles published by the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10%

awardee cohorts 50

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation vi

Figure 39. Distribution of the number of citations for articles published by the LRP, K, and LRP+K

Top-10% awardee cohorts 50

Figure A3.1. Schematic outline of the steps used for the generation of the FY-IC Bubble 59


Table 1. Number of new LRP applications and awards, FY03-FY07 8

Table 2. Supporting ICs for each LRP 8

Table 3. Degree distribution of new LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-FY07 15

Table 4. Proportion of new extramural LRP awards to physician researchers at ICs that state a

funding preference for physician researchers, FY03-FY07 17

Table 5. Number of renewal extramural LRP applications and awards, FY03-FY07 28

Table 6. Distribution of degree types for renewal extramural LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-

FY07 29

Table 7. Distribution of renewal awards by initial educational debt for extramural LRP awardees,

FY03-FY07 29

Table 8. Demographic distribution of funded and not funded applicants, and comparison to total

new applicant pool 33

Table 9. Available information on career outcomes for applicants without subsequent NIH

records 41

Table 10. Demographic distribution of total LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts 45

Table 11. Demographic distribution of the 0-6 YSD LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts


Table A1.1. Distribution (number and percent of total) of new extramural LRP applications and

awards at each IC, FY03-FY07 52

Table A1.2. Distribution (number and percent of total) of renewal extramural LRP applications

and awards at each IC, FY03-FY07 53

Table A1.3. Success rate of new Clinical Research LRP applications by IC, FY03-FY07, 54

Table A1.4. Success rate of new Pediatric Research LRP applications by IC, FY03-FY07, 54

Table A1.5. Percent of new extramural LRP awards to physician doctorates and academic

doctorates by IC, FY03-FY07 55

Table A2.1. Classification of LRP applicant degrees 56

Table A2.2. Degree definitions and classifications 57

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 1


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP) is a set of programs

that have as a mandate to attract and retain early career health professionals in biomedical and

behavioral research careers. A barrier to entering these careers, particularly for physicians, is believed to

be the educational debt burden from student loans. The LRP offers qualified applicants repayment of up

to $35,000 per year of eligible educational debt in exchange for a 2-year commitment to conduct

qualified research. Awardees may apply for additional one- or two-year renewal contracts.

The extramural NIH Loan Repayment Program is managed by the NIH Office of the Director, Office of

Extramural Research, Office of Extramural Programs, Division of Loan Repayment. Since its inception in

2001, NIH has made approximately 7,500 awards totaling more than $347 million in loan repayment


To determine whether the extramural programs are meeting their programmatic goals, DLR carried out

a quantitative program evaluation for new extramural LRP applicants from FY2003 to FY2007. The

evaluation addressed three key areas:

(1) Are the extramural LRPs attracting early-career clinician researchers with high debt?

(2) Do the LRPs positively affect career outcomes for awardees?

(3) How do the LRPs compare to other NIH career development award programs?


Who is Applying?

The number of new applications has remained fairly constant at about 1900 per year since 2003.

The Clinical Research and Pediatric Research LRPs attract and fund over 80% of new applicants.

About 46% of applicants receive awards; the success rate decreased beginning in FY2004 as NIH

began funding LRP renewal contracts.

The LRPs attract more women than expected based on the demographics of recent PhD and MD

classes. Near-equal numbers of men and women applicants have physician doctoral degrees;

however, 2.5 times more women applicants have academic doctorates. There is no gender

difference in success rate.

The LRPs are attracting more African Americans or Blacks in comparison to the demographics of

recent MD and PhD graduating classes. This is largely due to programs funded by the National

Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD). There are no racial or ethnic differences

in success rate.

The LRPs are attracting biomedical researchers with high debt compared to recent MD and PhD

graduating classes.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 2

The LRPs are attracting early career researchers: 72% of new applicants apply within 6 years of

receiving their qualifying degree. Most academic doctorates apply within 1-3 years of receiving their

degree, while Physician Doctorates tend to apply near the completion of their residency, about 6

years after receiving their degree.

Do the LRPs Retain Participants?

The LRPs are increasing the retention of physician doctorates in the NIH extramural workforce, both

through increased grant applications and participation in research activities.

The LRPs are selectively losing women awardees.

At this point in the LRPs history, there is no significant difference between funded and non-funded

applicants in research productivity. This may be because the current study examined outcome data

for 1-4 years since award, which may be too soon a time point to use to measure productivity for

LRP applicants. This may be further accentuated by the fact that LRP participants tend to be early in

their career.

How does the LRP Compare to Other NIH Mentored Career Awards Programs?

The LRPs are attracting applicants that are earlier in their research career than the K program.

Overall, the top 10% of LRP awardees are more likely to be Academic Doctorates and to be within 3

years of degree than either K or LRP+K top 10% awardees.

The K awardees were more likely to apply for NIH Research Project Grant (RPG) support 1-4 years

after their award than the LRP awardees. This follows from the previous finding that the LRP

awardees are in a less developed career stage than K awardees and may need time to produce

research results that can support a RPG application.

Gender distribution among the top 10% of awardees was similar for LRP and K awardees. However,

K awardee women were more likely than their LRP counterparts to apply for subsequent NIH grant

support and to be retained in the NIH extramural workforce 1-4 years after award.

Similarly, even though the LRPs have a clear retention effect on physician doctorates, K awardee

Physician Doctorates were more likely to apply for and receive subsequent funding, and to be

retained in the NIH extramural workforce 1-4 years after award.

Conclusions and Recommendations

These findings suggest that the LRP is attaining its goals and may be a model program for recruiting

and retaining early career scientists who otherwise would have a high tendency to leave the

biomedical research workforce after earning a doctoral degree.

The LRP appears to be effective in recruiting and retaining its target population, physician

doctorates, but is not effective in retaining its largest applicant pool, women PhDs. It would be

appropriate to examine program design and retention in more detail to determine how the LRP can

better serve women PhDs.

The LRP is attracting early-career researchers, who appear to be in an earlier stage of their career

maturation than K awardees. The NIH may consider helping to prepare LRP awardees for

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 3

subsequent grant submissions, for example, to the K-awards process, to improve retention in the

NIH extramural workforce.

This evaluation focused on researchers 2-5 years after their receipt of the LRP award. While this

provides an early indication of whether the program is meeting its goals, it will be important to

reassess LRP awardee research productivity in subsequent studies.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP) is a set of programs

that have a mandate to attract and retain early career health professionals in biomedical and behavioral

research careers. A barrier to entering these careers, particularly for physicians, is believed to be the

high educational debt burden from student loans. The LRP encourages qualified applicants an

opportunity pursue research careers b y repaying their eligible educational debt in exchange for a 2-year

commitment to conduct qualified research.1 Awardees may apply for additional one- or two-year

renewal contracts.

NIH administers several intramural and extramural LRPs. The intramural LRPs have been offered since

fiscal year 1989 and are available to NIH intramural researchers only. The extramural Clinical and

Pediatric Loan Repayment Programs (LRP) were established by Congress in 2000.2 The extramural

Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Background and the LRP for Health

Disparities Research were established under the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and

Education Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-525).3 The extramural Loan Repayment Program for

Contraception and Infertility Researchers awards are made pursuant to the NIH Revitalization Act of

1993 (Pub. L. 103-43), adding section 487B of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, Loan Repayment

Program for Research with Respect to Contraception and Infertility, 42 U.S.C. 288-2.4 The Lenfant

Committee set NIH policy and procedures for the extramural program.5

1 The LRP provides for the repayment of up to $35,000 of the principal and interest of the extant educational loans of such

health professionals for each year of obligated service. Loan repayment benefits represent taxable income. Payments equal to

39 percent of total loan repayments are issued to the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of program participants to offset

Federal tax liabilities incurred. 2 The Loan Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers was authorized under the Clinical Research Enhancement Act of the

Public Health Improvement Act of 2000 (PL 106-505). The NIH define clinical research as “patient-oriented research that is

conducted with human subjects..., or ...involving material of human origin for which an investigator or colleague directly

interacts with human subjects...or epidemiologic or behavioral studies, outcomes research or health services research…”. The

Loan Repayment Program for Pediatric Research was established under the Children's Health Act (PL 106-310). The Act defines

Pediatric Research as research that is “directly related to diseases, disorders, and other conditions in children”. 3;

OD-08-086.html 4

5 See, e.g.,;

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 4

The extramural LRPs are administered by the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), Office of

Extramural Programs, Division of Loan Repayment (DLR). Twenty-four NIH Institutes and Centers

participate in the LRP; their program funding level was set by NIH in FY2003 using a formula basis

related to the size of their clinical research portfolio. The five extramural programs are:

(1) The Clinical Research LRP supports individuals who are conducting patient-oriented research

with human subjects or research on the causes and consequences of disease in human

populations involving material of human origin (such as tissue specimens and cognitive

phenomena) for which an investigator or colleague that requires direct interaction with human

subjects in an outpatient or inpatient setting;

(2) The Pediatric Research LRP supports individuals who are conducting studies of diseases,

disorders, and other conditions that affect children;

(3) The Health Disparities Research LRP aims to recruit and retain highly qualified health

professionals to research careers in basic research, clinical research, or behavioral research

directly related to health disparity populations and the medically underserved;

(4) The Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds offers an

opportunity in clinical research to individuals from a family with an annual income below low-

income thresholds published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census;

(5) Finally, the objective of the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP is two-fold: to evaluate,

treat or improve conditions which result in the failure of couples to either conceive or bear

young, and to provide new or improved methods of preventing pregnancy.

To qualify, LRP applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents, their educational debt must be

greater than 20 percent of their annual salary and compensation, they must have a qualifying doctoral

degree (except for CIR), and they must be in a position to commit at least 50 percent time (at least 20

hours per week) to research in a qualifying area. An applicant’s research must be funded by a domestic

nonprofit or U.S. Government (federal, state, or local) entity, and the institution at which the applicant is

engaged in research must provide assurance of research support through the end of the two-year

contract. The actual loan repayment amount is determined by a formula that includes the awardee’s

educational debt level and annual income.

There is only one application receipt date per year, in early December. Applications are assigned to and

reviewed by each participating NIH Institute or Center (IC). Each IC conducts peer review of the

applications using a panel composed of extramural scientists. Review criteria emphasize the potential to

become a contributing scientist in the area of the LRP. Standard NIH scoring (100 – 500) is used.

However, this score is only one part of the funding priority.

The extramural Loan Repayment Program has made approximately 7,500 awards from over $347 million

in loan repayment funds from FY2001 through FY2007. To determine whether the extramural programs

are meeting their programmatic goals, in FY 2008 DLR carried out a quantitative program evaluation of

new extramural LRP applicants that submitted an application to the LRP during the FY2003 through

FY2007 cycles.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 5


The overall objective of the LRP program evaluation is to determine whether LRP awards are effective in

their broad purpose of recruiting and retaining early-career health professionals in biomedical and

behavioral research careers. The evaluation addressed the following questions:

1. Who is applying to the extramural Loan Repayment Programs? Is the program attracting the

target applicant pool of early-career researchers with high educational debt?

a. How are applications distributed between the five programs?

b. What is the racial, ethnic, and gender distribution of the applicant pool?

c. What is the educational degree distribution of the applicant pool? How soon after

earning their qualifying degree are researchers applying to the LRP?

d. What is the educational debt level of LRP applicants?

e. What proportion of LRP awardees are submitting renewal applications?

2. Does participation in the extramural Loan Repayment Program lead to increased retention in

the extramural NIH-funded workforce?

a. Are LRP award recipients more likely, less likely, or equally likely than matched non-

recipients to apply for and receive subsequent NIH awards? To participate as a non-PI

on a NIH research grant?

b. Are there differences in retention by gender or degree?

c. Are LRP award recipients more likely, less likely, or equally likely than non-recipients to

publish research articles? How do the citation rates of the two groups compare?

3. How does the LRP compare to other NIH mentored career-development programs for early-

career investigators?

a. Are the applicant pools similar?

b. Are retention and publication rates similar between NIH awards programs? Is there an

effect of gender or degree on retention?


Scope. The extramural LRP initiated in fiscal year 2001 with the Health Disparities and Clinical Research

LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds LRPs. Then in 2002, NIH received the first

applications for the Clinical and Pediatric LRPs. In FY 2003, NIH started to receive and fund renewal LRP

applications. Between 2003 and 2007, the extramural program received 9,820 new applications, of

which 4,565 were awarded. 4,092 renewal applications were also submitted, of which 2,937 were

awarded.6 The evaluation focused on those years after the renewal program had been established.

6 Note that this evaluation collected application counts as of 3/31 and awards as of 10/1. This differs in some years

from the LRP Data Book, which collected application counts on 1/31/2003, 12/31/2003, 3/23/2004, 12/1/2005, 3/31/2006, and 3/31/2007.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 6

Data Sources. The LRP Online Application System (OAS) database was the primary data source used for

LRP applicant information. OAS contains records of personal, demographical, institutional, educational,

funding, loan, and research project information for all LRP applicants. This information is submitted by

applicants and their colleagues via a web interface during the LRP application process. Other activities

related to the submission, including eligibility verification, financial vetting, peer-review, and funding

decisions are also recorded in this database. Data can be aggregated into fiscal years/cohorts, is

independent of prior years, and represents a snapshot of the applications following funding decisions,

after which no more activities are recorded/updated.

We used the NIH grants database, IMPAC II, to obtain data on current and subsequent NIH grant

applications for LRP and career development awardees. We gathered information on publications from

the National Library of Medicine MEDLINE database and information on citations from the Thomson-

Reuters ISI Web of Science.

Statistics. We used a Chi-square 2x2 contingency table to assess difference between groups. The p-

value was calculated using a Fischer’s exact test.

Applicant Pool. To understand who is applying to the extramural LRP we used data from OAS to analyze

the following parameters for new LRP applicants from FY2003 to FY2007: (i) total applications by year;

(ii) applications by LRP; (iii) applications by funding NIH Institute or Center (IC); (iv) gender; (v) race and

ethnicity (vi) degree type; (vii) years since qualifying degree; (viii) prior research support; and (ix)

educational debt level.

Impact of Participation. We used applicant data from OAS and priority score data from IMPAC II to

develop matched cohorts of funded and not funded applicants. The cohort for this analysis was defined

as unique new LRP applicants from FY2003 to FY2007. Using novel methodology (detailed in Appendix

3), we identified applicants and awardees on the “funding bubble” – the part of the distribution where

applicants have an equal chance of being funded or not funded. We used a regression discontinuity

design to examine the impact of receiving an LRP on subsequent involvement in the extramural NIH-

funded workforce for funded and not funded LRP applicants. We used grant data from IMPAC II and Key

Personnel data from the IMPAC II Enumeration table to determine subsequent Research Project Grant

(RPG) and Fellowship and Training Grant application and awards for all applicants in the bubble. We

determined if outcomes for participants varied by gender or degree. We also used a manually-verified

automated process to match publications to applicant publications to determine whether productivity

differed between the funded and not funded applicants.

Comparison with Other NIH Mentored Career Awards. We used LRP applicant data from OAS and grant

data from IMPAC II to select the top 10% of awardees by priority score for LRP as well as the top 10% of

mentored K awards, namely K01, K08, and K23 awards. We then performed the same grant outcome

and publication productivity analyses as was conducted for the funding bubble group.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 7


1.1 Goals

Investigate the characteristics of the extramural applicant pool to understand who is applying to the

program and whether the programs are attracting their target audience of early-career clinical


1.2 Methods

We defined a set of nine parameters to evaluate the applicant and awardee pool of the program. The

parameters examined were: (i) total applications by year; (ii) applications by LRP; (iii) applications by

funding NIH Institute or Center (IC); (iv) gender; (v) race and ethnicity (vi) degree type; (vii) years since

qualifying degree; (viii) prior research support; and (ix) educational debt level. Single parameter analysis

provided valuable information regarding the applicant pool, for example, the number of male and

female applicants over the five-year evaluation period. However, this analysis was limited in its ability to

evaluate conditional dependencies, for example, the number of male and female applicants with a

certain degree type. Thus, to better understand parameter co-dependencies, we performed cross-

parameter analyses.

1.3 New Applicants

1.3.1 New applications and awards, by program and IC

From FY2003 to FY2007, LRP received a total of 9,820 new applications and made 4,565 new awards, a

success rate of 46%. The Clinical Research LRP received the majority of new applications (57%).

Additionally, 26% were submitted to the Pediatric Research LRP, 13% to the Health Disparities Research

LRP, and 2% each to the Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds LRP and

to the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP (Figure 1). A similar distribution was observed for new

awards made by each LRP. These data and the success rates for each LRP are presented in Table 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of new LRP applications, FY03-FY07.





Health DisparitiesResearch



and InfertilityResearch


Clinical Researchfor Individuals

from DisadvantagedBackgrounds


The Clinical and Pediatric Research LRPs account for the majority

of new applications.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 8

Table 1. Number of new LRP applications and awards, FY03-FY07.



Percent of New

Applications New Awards

Percent of New Awards

Success Rate

Clinical Research 5,646 57% 2,631 58% 47%

Pediatric Research

2,515 26% 1,102 24% 44%

Health Disparities Research

1,314 13% 674 15% 51%

Clinical Research for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

171 2% 83 2% 49%

Contraception and Infertility Research

174 2% 75 2% 43%

Total 9,820 4,565 46%

The National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) receives all applications

submitted to the Health Disparities Research LRP and the Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from

Disadvantaged Backgrounds. All applications submitted to the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP

are sent to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). With the exception

of NCMHD, the Clinical Research LRP and the Pediatric Research LRP are supported by all participating

NIH ICs (Table 2).

Table 2. Supporting ICs for each LRP.

Of the total applications received between FY2003-FY2007, 15% of new applications were referred to

NCMHD for review. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) received 13%, the National Heart, Lung, and

Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) each received 11%, and

NICHD received 10% of new applications. The complete distribution of new applications and awards for

each IC is presented in Appendix 1.

LRP Supporting IC

Clinical Research ICs except NCMHD

Pediatric Research ICs except NCMHD

Health Disparities Research NCMHD

Clinical Research for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds


Contraception and Infertility Research


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 9

1.3.2. New applications and awards, by gender

The National Science Foundation reports that in recent years, men received 52.5% of biological sciences

Ph.D. degrees while women received 47.5%.7 The American Association of Medical Colleges reports that

55.8% of M.D. degrees were earned by men and 44.2% by women.8 Among biomedical postdoctoral

researchers, 60.8% were male and 39.2% were female.9

To analyze gender distribution in the loan repayment program, we determined the number of men and

women who applied for a new LRP award from FY2003 to FY2007. In contrast to what one may expect

based on the potential pool of applicants among recent Ph.D. and M.D. graduates and postdoctorates,

more new applications were submitted by women (53%) than men (44%).10 This distribution and success

rate is shown in Figure 2. The higher proportion of women LRP applicants is observed throughout the

reporting period. The success rates for men and women are not significantly different.

Figure 2. Gender distribution of new male and female LRP applicants, and success rates in each

fiscal year, FY03-FY07.

7 National Science Foundation (2008). Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, Table F-11. National Science Foundation: Arlington, VA. We chose the 2001-2005 timeframe to calculate gender distribution as most PhDs apply for the LRP within one year of degree. 8 Association for American Medical Colleges (2008). AAMC Data Book: Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals by the Numbers, Table B10. AAMC: Washington DC. We chose the 1997-2001 timeframe as most MDs apply for the LRP 4-6 years after degree. 9 National Science Foundation (2008). Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, Table G-2. National Science Foundation: Arlington, VA. We calculated the average gender distribution from 2001-2005. 10 3% of applicants did not specify gender.

















FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07







t o

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Female Applicants Male Applicants

Success Rate (Female) Success Rate (Male)

More new applications

were submitted by

women. Success rates

between genders were

not significantly different.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 10

1.3.3. New applications and awards, by race and ethnicity

Race and ethnicity data are self-reported on the LRP application form. The 1997 Office of Management

and Budget (OMB) Directive 15 classifies race and ethnicity separately. This standard includes collecting

and reporting data on two ethnic categories (Hispanic or Latino11, and Not Hispanic or Latino) and five

racial categories (American Indian or Alaska Native12, Asian13, Black or African American14, Native

Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander15, and White16). Until FY 2008, the application form did not separate

the ethnicity designation from the race designation; however applicants were allowed to select one or

more, thus allowing them to select ethnicity and race. Analysis of race and ethnicity for this report is in

accordance with OMB Directive 15, as described below.

The National Science Foundation reports that Hispanics received 4.5% of biological sciences Ph.D.

degrees, Blacks 3.2%, Asians 12.7%, Native Americans 0.3%, and Whites 76%.17 The American

Association of Medical Colleges reports that 6.4% of M.D. degrees were earned by Hispanics, 7.1% by

Blacks, 19.8% by Asians, 0.8% by Native Americans, and 64.1% by Whites.18 Detailed data on the

race/ethnicity of postdoctoral researchers are not readily available. Distribution of ethnicity

From FY2003-FY2007, the number of new LRP applicants who self-identified as Hispanic or Latino during

each fiscal year is shown in Figure 3. Between 5-7% of new LRP applicants identified themselves as

belonging to this ethnic category; similar proportions were observed for new awardees as well (5-8%).

The success rate is not significantly different from the overall applicant pool.

11 Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish

culture or origin, regardless of race. 12 American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North, Central, or

South America, and who maintains tribal affiliations or community attachment. 13 Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian

subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

14 Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. 15 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam,

Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 16 White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. 17 National Science Foundation (2008). Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, Table F-11. National Science Foundation: Arlington, VA. We chose the 2001-2005 timeframe to calculate gender distribution as most PhDs apply for the LRP within one year of degree. 18

Association for American Medical Colleges (2008). AAMC Data Book: Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals by the Numbers, Table B8. AAMC: Washington DC. We chose the 1997-2001 timeframe as most MDs apply for the LRP 4-6 years after degree.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 11

Figure 3. Percent of new extramural Hispanic or Latino LRP applicants and awardees in each fiscal

year between FY03-FY07. Also shown is the success rate for the Hispanic or Latino and the Not

Hispanic or Latino ethnic groups Distribution of race

Data on race were analyzed by placing an applicant in one category only. Applicants who self-identified

themselves in more than one category were assigned to a distinct multi-racial category. Those applicants

who declined to respond to the question were classified in another distinct category, “Other/No

Response”. The distribution of race of applicants is shown in Figure 4.

















FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07







t o

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Success Rate (Hispanic or Latino)

Success Rate (Not Hispanic or Latino)

Success rate for Hispanic

or Latino applicants is not

different from the overall

success rate.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 12

Figure 4. Percent of new extramural LRP applicants in the shown racial categories in each fiscal

year from FY03-FY07.19

Asians represented ~10% of new applicants in each fiscal year between FY2003-FY2007, proportionately

less than in recent PhD and MD classes. Blacks or African Americans represented between 9-12% of the

new applicant pool during this reporting period, more than in recent MD and PhD classes. American

Indians or Native Alaskans represented <1% of the new LRP applicants, as did Native Hawaiians or Other

Pacific Islanders (<1%). Over the reporting period, Whites constituted an average of 64% of the new

applicant pool, while multi-racial applicants comprised ~2% of applicants. On average, 9% of applicants

declined to self-identify at the time of application to the LRP. The success rate for each racial category,

shown in Figure 5, did not differ from each other or from the average overall success rate.


To avoid compression on the y-axis because of the difference between the proportion of White applicants and the other racial categories, this racial category is not represented in Figure 4. The distribution of Whites for each fiscal year is: 67% (FY03), 66% (FY04), 63% (FY05), 62% (FY06), and 63% (FY07).









FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07



t o

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American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderMore Than One Race

Asians represented proportionally

fewer new applicants than in

recent PhD and MD classes,

whereas Blacks and African

Americans represented more of the

applicant pool.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 13

Figure 5. Success rates of new LRP applicants in the listed racial categories in each fiscal year,

FY03-FY07. Due to the small sample size of the American Indian or Alaska Natives and the Native

Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders, the success rate for these racial groups is not shown. Distribution of ethnicity / race and gender

Figure 6 shows the distribution of ethnicity and race of new male and female applicants between

FY2003-FY2007. For most categories, significantly more women applied than men.20

20 We were not able to measure significance for Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders due to small sample size.










FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07





ew L





Asian Black or African American

White More than One Race

There was no significant

difference in success rates

among racial categories or in

comparison to the average

success rate of 46%.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 14

Figure 6. Gender distribution of ethnicity and race of new LRP applicants from FY03-FY07. Distribution of ethnicity / race by IC

Figure 7 shows the distribution of ethnicity and race of new applicants by IC between FY2003-FY2007.

The NCMHD LRPs account for the majority of applications by Blacks and Hispanics.

Figure 7. IC distribution of ethnicity and race of new LRP applicants from FY03-FY07.






















ck o

r A


















r O




ic …







e R




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All IC All IC except NCMHD NCMHD only

Across races and


significantly more

women applied to

LRPs than men.

The majority of

applications by

Blacks and Hispanics

were made to the


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 15

1.3.4. New applications and awards, by degree type

To determine how successful the LRP has been in attracting early career health professionals in clinical

research careers, we examined degree type and how long after earning a doctoral degree a person

applied to the program.21 Details about degree classification, including degree abbreviations, are

included in Appendix 2. Distribution of degree types

Table 3 shows the distribution of degree types for new applicants and awardees between FY2003-

FY2007. Applicants with physician doctorates and with academic doctorates are represented at similar

proportions (47% and 42%, respectively), with 6% of applicants having a dual physician

doctorate/academic doctorate. Five percent of applicants had a professional clinical degree, while <1%

were allied health professionals.

Table 3. Degree distribution of new LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-FY07.

Degree Type New LRP

Applications % New LRP

Applications New LRP Awards

% New LRP Awards

Success Rate

Physician Doctorate 4,663 47% 2,134 47% 46%

Professional Clinical Doctorate

442 5% 135 3% 31%

Academic Doctorate 4,130 42% 1,915 42% 46%

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

551 6% 368 8% 67%

Allied Health Professional

34 <1% 13 <1% 38%

Total 9,820

4,565 Distribution of degree types and gender

We examined the differences in the number of men and women applicants by gender and by degree.

This cross-parameter analysis revealed gender differences, shown in Figure 8.


While a doctoral-level degree is a prerequisite for submitting an LRP application, the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP accepts applications from non-doctoral-level allied health professional degree holders, defined as those individuals with a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in a relevant discipline.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 16

Figure 8. Gender distribution of new LRP applicants, by degree type, FY03-FY07 Degree by gender: Of all new male applicants (blue bars, Figure 8), a majority (54%) were

physician doctorates and 33% were academic doctorates. In comparison, of all new women applicants

(green bars, Figure 8), 42% were physician doctorates and 50% were academic doctorates. Gender by degree: When comparing the distribution of men and women applicants across

degree categories (i.e., comparing blue to green bars in Figure 8), there are significant gender

differences in the proportion of applications from physician doctorates, academic doctorates, and dual

physician doctorate/academic doctorates. Distribution of degree types by IC

Another way to examine whether the LRP is reaching its intended audience is to test whether the

applicant pool matches IC funding preferences. Of the 24 funding ICs, five have a publicly-stated

preference for the type of doctoral degree an LRP applicant holds: the National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB),

NICHD, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), and the National Institute of

Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).22 Table 4 shows the distribution of degree types of the

awardees at these ICs.

22 Based on the preference statements provided by each IC, posted on the LRP Web site at

Male applicants typically held

physician doctorates, whereas

the majority of female applicants

held academic doctorates.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 17

Table 4. Proportion of new extramural LRP awards to physician researchers at ICs that state a

funding preference for physician researchers, FY03-FY07.

IC Percent of new LRP awards

to physician doctorates, FY03-FY07






The other 19 participating ICs did not state a preference for applicant degree type. Details about the

degrees of LRP recipients by IC are presented in Appendix 1.

1.3.5. New applications and awards, by LRP Distribution of IC and LRP

The Clinical Research LRP and the Pediatric Research LRP were supported by all ICs except NCMHD,

which does not participate in either program. Details about the participation of various ICs in the

different LRPs are presented in Appendix 1. Distribution of gender and LRP

To determine if there were any differences in the number of LRP applicants based on gender, a cross-

parameter analysis was done of men and women applicants in each of the five LRPs, shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Gender distribution of new extramural applicants by LRP, FY03-FY07.

A greater proportion of

women applied to the

Health Disparities Research

LRP compared to men.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 18 LRP by gender: Of all new male applicants, (blue bars, Figure 9), a majority (64%) applied to the

Clinical Research LRP and 24% applied to the Pediatric Research LRP. This distribution was also seen

among women applicants (green bars, Figure 9): a majority (51%) applied to the Clinical Research LRP

and 27% applied to the Pediatric Research LRP. It is interesting to note that a greater proportion of

women applications (17%, green bar) applied to the Health Disparities Research LRP than male

applicants (9%, blue bar). Gender by program: When comparing the distribution of men and women applicants in each of

the five degree type categories (i.e., comparing blue vs. green bars in Figure 9), for all programs, there

was a significant gender difference in the proportion of men and women applying. Proportionately

more men applied to the Clinical Research program, and more women applied to the other four LRPs. Distribution of degree types and LRP

We performed a cross-analysis of degree and LRP to determine what proportion of degree types

submitted applications to each of the LRPs. As expected by the preferences of each IC and the

differential representation of IC per LRP, the five degree types are not equally represented in each of the

LRPs (Figure 10). This parameter set interrelates with the differential gender representation in the

various programs: one would expect and we in fact did see more women in programs that have more

academic doctorates. Health Disparities Research was the only LRP that attracted many more academic

doctorates than physician doctorates: 74% of new applicants to this LRP were academic doctorates.

Figure 10. Distribution of degree type of new LRP applicants in each of the five LRPs, FY03-FY07.












Clinical Research

Pediatric Research

Health Disparities Research

Clinical Research for

Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

Contraception and Infertility




t o

f N

ew L





Allied Health Professional Degree

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

Academic Doctorate

Professional Clinical Doctorate

Physician Doctorate

Physician doctorates

represented a majority of

applicants for most of the

LRPs except Health Disparities

Research, which had a

majority of academic


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 19

1.3.6. New applications and awards, by years since degree Distribution of years since degree and degree type

To determine if the program is attracting early career researchers, we analyzed years since qualifying

degree for new applicants for the entire reporting period (FY2003-FY2007). Time since degree is

dependent on a number of factors, including postdoctoral training, medical residency and internship,

and available research support and resources. Figure 11 shows the distribution of number of

applications and awards plotted against the years since receiving a qualifying degree. Seventy-two

percent of new applicants apply within six years of receiving their degree. Ninety percent of new

applicants apply within nine years of receiving their degree. Of those applicants who applied after 10

years of receiving their qualifying degree 58% were Physician Doctorates, 19% were Academic

Doctorates, 18% were dual Physician Doctorates/Academic Doctorates, 56% were men, and 41% were

women—a very different distribution than that of the overall applicant pool.

Figure 11. Distribution of years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07.

The peaks observed at one and five years since degree suggest a bimodal distribution. To determine the

underlying basis for this distribution, we performed a cross-parameter analysis with applicant degree

type. As illustrated in Figure 12A, physician doctorates and academic doctorates apply to LRP at

different times following their degree. A majority of academic doctorates (67%) apply within three

years of receiving their qualifying degree, while only 9% of physician doctorates and 8% of dual degree

physician doctorates/academic doctorates apply in the same time period. Conversely, 53% of physician

doctorates (and 34% of dual doctorates) apply between four to six years of receiving their qualifying

degree, and only 21% of academic doctorates submit applications at this time of their career (Figure











<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15+



er o

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d A




Years Since Degree

Applicants Awardees

The peaks of applications

and awards at 1 and 5

years following degree

conferral suggest two

distinct applicant groups.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 20

Figure 12. Years since degree distribution of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07. A (top), Distribution of different degree types. B (bottom), Proportion of degree types with respect to time interval categories.









<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15+



er o

f N

ew L





Years Since Degree

Physician Doctorate

Professional Clinical Doctorate

Academic Doctorate

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate












Physician Doctorate

Professional Clinical


Academic Doctorate

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

Allied Health Professional


Up to 3 Years 4 - 6 Years 7 - 9 Years 10+ Years

Most new LRP applications

are filed within 3 years of

degree conferral by

academic doctorates and

within 4-6 years by physician


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 21

Based on this distribution, for cross-correlation analysis we defined four time intervals: (i) Up to 3 years;

(ii) 4-6 years; (iii) 7-9 years; and (iv) 10+ years. Our analysis shows that a majority of new LRP applicants

are in early stages of their career: 72% of applicants completed their qualifying degree within the six

years prior to applying to the LRP, and 90% of new applicants completed their degree within nine years

of applying to the program (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Interval distribution of years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07. Distribution of years since degree and gender

To determine if men and women applied to LRP at different times after completing their qualifying

degree, we analyzed gender distribution in the four intervals defined above. More women (62%) apply

for a new LRP award within three years of receiving their qualifying degree than men (35%) (Figure 14);

this finding flows with the association between gender and degree. The proportion of new men and

women applicants in other time intervals is relatively similar.

Figure 14. Gender by years since degree of new LRP applicants, FY03-FY07.

4-6 Years


Up to 3 Years


7-9 Years(18%)

10+ Years








Up to 3 Years4-6 Years7-9 Years

10+ Years



er o

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Years Since Degree



More women than

men apply to LRPs

within 3 years of

receiving their degree

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 22

1.3.7. New applications and awards, by prior research support

For the new applicant and awardee pools, we analyzed the distribution of prior research support from

three sources: the NIH alone, both NIH and non-profit organizations, and non-profit organizations alone.

While a near-equal proportion of new applicants had prior research support from each of these three

sources, 15% more awardees had prior research support from the NIH alone than from non-profit

organizations alone (39% vs. 24%) (Figure 15). This observation extends to each fiscal year in the

reporting period; individuals with prior research support from the NIH alone had a greater success rate

than individuals with prior research support from non-profit organizations alone (Figure 16).

Figure 15. Prior research support of new extramural LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-FY07.

The overall success rate of each group is shown (encircled numbers).

Figure 16. Percent of new extramural LRP awardees FY03-FY07 by prior support source.
















NIH Only NIH and Non-Profit Non-Profit Only



er o

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Applications Awards











FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07



t o

f N

ew E








NIH Only NIH and Non-Profit Non-Profit Only

Although a comparable

number had prior research

support from either the NIH

or non-profit organizations

alone, new applicants with

NIH funding were more likely

to receive LRP awards.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 23

1.3.8. New applications and awards, by educational debt level

The goal of the loan repayment programs is to attract healthcare professionals into research careers by

offering qualified researchers an opportunity to pay down educational debt. The programs make

payments on all qualified educational debt, provided that the educational debt is at least 20% of the

applicant’s annual base salary. New LRP applicants are required to report their current educational debt

level as part of their application to the program. Prior to awards being made, the Division of Loan

Repayment verifies the legitimacy of the loans and the current balances.

We compared reported debt for LRP applicants to that reported by NSF for the pool recent graduates.

Among biological sciences academic doctorates, 50% reported no educational debt at the time of

graduation. Of those with debt, 41% reported cumulative debt under $50,000. The average debt was

about $20,000.23 Among medical school graduates, 17.2% reported no debt, 14.2% reported debt under

$50,000, and 28.8% reported debt under $100,000. The average debt upon graduation was $97,000.24 Distribution of educational debt level

Debt levels of a majority of non-awardees are usually not verified. We determined the correlation

between reported and verified debt levels by comparing these amounts for a subset of applicants for

which both sets of amounts were known, namely, the 4,565 new LRP awardees. As shown in Figure 17,

these amounts correlate strongly, with an R2 = 0.907 (inset, Figure 17). We therefore used applicant

reported (but unverified) debt level for subsequent analysis.

Figure 17. Correlation between applicant reported and DLR verified educational debt level of new

LRP applicants, FY03-FY07.

23 National Science Foundation (2008). Science and Engineering Indicators, Appx. Table 2-12. NSF: Arlington, VA. Note that educational debt for psychology PhDs, who make up over 40% of the LRP applicants, is higher. 70% of psychology PhDs graduate with some debt (vs. 50% for biology), and 29% have < $50K in debt (vs. 8% for biology). 24 Association of American Medical Colleges (2008). AAMC Data Book: Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals by the Numbers, Table E4. AAMC: Washington, DC. We used student-reported responses from 2001.












w L






d A




Educational Debt Level(In thousands)

Reported by Applicant

Verified by DLR

There is a strong

correlation between

reported and verified

debt levels of new LRP


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 24

We next analyzed the distribution of educational debt level of all 9,820 new LRP applicants (Figure 18).

Sixty three percent reported an educational debt level up to $100,000; 31% reported an educational

debt level between $100,000 and $200,000, and 6% reported an educational debt level greater than


Figure 18. Reported educational debt level of new extramural LRP applicants, FY03-FY07. Distribution of educational debt level and degree type

The distribution of debt level between applicants with different degree types shows striking differences

(Figure 19). The proportion of academic doctorates in a debt range decreases with greater educational

debt, with a corresponding increase in the proportion of physician doctorates. Seventy-nine percent of

applicants with an educational debt less than $20,000 have academic doctoral degrees, while only 13%

have physician doctorates. Similarly, of applicants with between $20,000 and $40,000 of educational

debt, 66% have academic doctorates compared to 24% with physician doctorates. At higher educational

debt levels ($180,000-$200,000), the difference is reversed and is even more striking: 83% of applicants

with high debt have a physician doctorate while only 9% have an academic doctorate. The average debt

reported by academic doctorates was $62,165 and by physician doctorates was $114,042, both

substantially higher than the average debt of recent graduates (see above), an indicator that LRPs are

attracting researchers with high debt.













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Educational Debt Level(reported by applicants, in thousands)

The majority of new

LRP applicants reported

an educational debt of

up to $100,000.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 25

Figure 19. Distribution of reported educational debt level of new extramural LRP applicants with

different degree types, FY03-FY07.










er o

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Educational Debt Level(reported by applicants, in thousands)

Physician Doctorate

Academic Doctorate

Physician Doctorate /Academic Doctorate

Professional ClinicalDoctorate

Allied HealthProfessional

Average Debt for Academic Doctorates:$61,165

Physician Doctorate

Academic Doctorate

Physician Doctorate /Academic Doctorate

Professional ClinicalDoctorate

Allied HealthProfessional

Average Debt for Physician

Doctorates: $114,042

The LRP attracts

researchers with

higher than average educational debt

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 26

Summary of Findings

FY03 – FY07 Extramural LRP New Applicant Pool

New Applications to the Extramural LRPs

Since 2003, there have been approximately 1,900 new applications per year to the extramural LRPs. Of the total applications in FY03-FY07, 15% were assigned to NCMHD, 13% were assigned to NCI, 11%

were assigned to both NHLBI and NIMH, and 10% to NICHD. The Clinical Research and Pediatric Research LRPs received the majority of new applications. Overall success rate of new applications across the five LRPs is 46%.

Gender and Race and Ethnicity Identification of New Applicants

More new applications were submitted by women (53%) than men (44%). There was not a significant

difference in success rates between genders. More Blacks and fewer Asians applied in comparison to recent MD and PhD graduating classes. Success

rates did not differ by race or ethnicity.

The majority of applications by African Americans or Blacks and Hispanics were submitted to the


Educational Background of New Applicants

The applicant pool was 47% physician doctorates and 42% academic doctorates. There are significant gender differences by degree type. Most male applicants (54%) held physician

doctorates. In contrast, most female applicants (50%) held academic doctorates. Prior NIH research support increased an applicant’s chance of receiving an LRP award.

Career Phase of New Applicants

The LRPs attract early career researchers. 72% of new applicants apply within six years after receiving

their degree, and 90% apply within nine years. Physician doctorates and academic doctorates apply to the LRPs at different stages of their careers.

The majority of academic doctorates (67%) apply within 3 years of receiving their degree, while the

majority of physician doctorates (53%) apply between 4-6 years of receiving their degree. More women applicants (62%) are within 3 years of receiving their qualifying degree than men (35%).

Debt Levels of New Applicants to the Extramural LRP

Among new LRP applicants, the majority (63%) reported an educational debt less than $100,000, 31%

reported a debt level between $100,000 and $200,000, and 6% reported a debt level greater than

$200,000. Debt level differs with the degree type of the applicant. The majority of applicants in the debt ranges

of $0-$20,000 and $20,000-$40,000 have academic doctoral degrees (79% and 66%, respectively). At

the higher debt levels (over $100,000), the majority of applicants have physician doctoral degrees. Academic doctorates report an average debt of $62,165 compared to the average debt of $114,042

reported by physician doctorates. On average, LRP applicants have a higher debt load than recent MD and PhD graduates.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 27

1.4. Renewal Applicants

LRP awardees are allowed to apply for one- or two-year renewals. The same eligibility criteria for new

applicants apply to renewal applicants with the exception of the 20% debt-to-income ratio. During the

FY2003 through FY2007 application cycles, renewals comprised 29% of all LRP applications, and 39% of

all awards. We asked three questions:

1. What is the historical trend of renewal LRP applicants and awardees from FY2003-FY2007?

2. Does degree correlate with the likelihood of applying for a renewal award?

3. Does educational debt level correlate with the likelihood of obtaining a renewal award?

1.4.1. Renewal applications and awards

From FY2003-FY2007, LRP received a total of 4,092 renewal applications and made 2,937 renewal

awards, an overall success rate of 72%. Similar to new LRP applications, the Clinical Research LRP

received a majority of renewal applications (58%). Twenty-four percent of applications were submitted

to the Pediatric Research LRP, 14% to the Health Disparities LRP, 4% to the Clinical Research for

Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds LRP, and 1% to the Contraception and Infertility Research

LRP. A similar distribution was observed for renewal awards made by each LRP (Figure 20). These data

and the success rates for each LRP are tabulated in Table 5.

Figure 20. Distribution of renewal extramural LRP applications, FY03-FY07.





Health Disparities


Contraceptionand Infertility


Clinical Research

for Individualsfrom Disadvantaged



The majority of renewal

applications are submitted

to the Clinical Research

and Pediatric Research


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 28

Table 5. Number of renewal extramural LRP applications and awards, FY03-FY07.

LRP Renewal


Percent of Renewal


Renewal Awards

Percent of Renewal Awards

Success Rate

Clinical Research 2,379 58% 1,730 59% 73%

Clinical Research for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

146 4% 106 4% 73%

Contraception and Infertility Research

34 1% 21 1% 62%

Health Disparities Research

569 14% 390 13% 69%

Pediatric Research

964 24% 690 23% 72%

Total 4,092 2,937 72%

The number of renewal applications received and renewal awards made in each fiscal year from FY2003-

FY2007 is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Number of renewal LRP applications and awards in each fiscal year, FY03-FY07.

Of all renewal applications received between FY2003-FY2007, 17% were submitted to NCMHD. NCI

received 11%, NHLBI received 10%, and NIMH and NIAID each received 9% of renewal applications. The

complete distribution of renewal applications and awards for each IC for the combined reporting period

(FY2003-FY2007) is presented in Appendix 1.


















FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07



er o

f R


al L










Applications Awards

LRP renewal applications

stabilized in FY05, with a

current success rate of

72% across all ICs.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 29

1.4.2. Renewal applications and awards, by degree type

Table 6 shows the distribution of degree types for renewal applicants and awardees between FY2003-

FY2007. Similar to new applications (Table 3), 9% percent of renewal applicants had a dual physician

doctorate/academic doctorate; 3% had a professional clinical degree, while <1% were allied health


Table 6. Distribution of degree types for renewal extramural LRP applicants and awardees, FY03-FY07.

Degree Type Renewal LRP Applications

% Renewal LRP Applications

Renewal LRP Awards

% Renewal LRP

Awards Success Rate

Physician Doctorate 1927 47% 1429 49% 74%

Professional Clinical Doctorate

116 3% 77 3% 66%

Academic Doctorate 1669 41% 1137 39% 68%

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

376 9% 293 10% 78%

Allied Health Professional

4 <1% 1 <1% 25%

Total 4,092 2,937

1.4.3. Renewal applications and awards, by educational debt level

We next asked whether educational debt level correlates with the likelihood of obtaining a renewal

award. Table 7 shows the distribution of renewals by debt level. A quarter of initial awardees did not

have a renewal award; 45% had one renewal award, 21% had two renewal awards, and 9.5% had three

or more renewal awards. As debt increases, the likelihood of obtaining multiple renewals increases.

While this seems intuitive, it also indicates that the LRP is enabling awardees with high debt to continue

performing research during their debt repayment.

Table 7. Distribution of renewal awards by initial educational debt for extramural LRP awardees, FY03-


Debt Level Number of Initial LRP Awardees

Total Number of

Renewal Awards

% Awardees

with no Renewals

% Awardees

with only 1 Renewal

% Awardees with ≥ 2


% Awardees with ≥ 3


Less than $10K 22 12 45.5% 54.5% 0% 0%

$10K-$50K 1590 1658 26.6% 48.5% 24.9% 5.1%

$50K-$100K 1455 1790 23.4% 42.8% 33.7% 10.2%

$100K-$150K 982 1173 25.1% 45.2% 29.6% 10.1%

$150K-$200K 380 505 23.4% 40.0% 36.5% 13.9%

Over $200K 209 255 28.2% 37.3% 34.4% 13.9%

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 30

Summary of Findings:

FY03 – FY07 Extramural LRP Renewal Applicant Pool

Renewal Applications to the Extramural LRPs

Between FY2003 – FY2007, LRP renewals comprised 29% of extramural LRP applications and 39% of

all awards. Of the total renewal applications submitted in FY2003-FY2007, 17% were submitted to NCMHD, 11%

were submitted to NCI, 10% were submitted to NHLBI, and NIMH and NIAID each received 9%. The Clinical Research and Pediatric Research LRPs received the majority of renewal applications. Overall success rate of renewal applications across LRPs is 72%.

Educational Background of Renewal Applicants

Renewal applicants and awardees were similar to new applicants in terms of degree type, with 47%

physician doctorates, 41% academic doctorates, and 9 % dual physician/academic doctorates.

Debt Levels of Renewal Applicants to the Extramural LRP

A majority of LRP awardees obtain one or two renewal awards. LRP applicants with a higher debt load are more likely to obtain multiple renewal awards.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 31



2.1 Goals

Investigate the effect of participation in the extramural Loan Repayment Programs on the retention of

researchers in the extramural NIH-funded workforce.

2.2 Methods

Using priority scores – an NIH-wide quantitative metric – we identified two nearly-identical applicant

groups for comparison: LRP applicants with similar priority scores, of which approximately half were

funded and half were not funded. We employed a regression discontinuity design to examine the impact

of receiving an LRP on subsequent involvement in the extramural NIH-funded workforce for funded and

not funded LRP applicants.

These two cohorts were identified by selecting those applicants in the “funding bubble”, i.e., applicants

with similar priority scores who were equally likely to be funded as not funded. This concept is

illustrated in Figure 22, showing the applicants that were selected for this analysis.

Figure 22. Identifying applicants on the “Funding Bubble”. Applicants were identified for each FY

between 2003-2006 for each IC. A total of 513 applicants were identified in this manner.

The Priority Score “bubble”

represents a group of applicants

with similar priority scores that

are equally likely to be funded.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 32

We identified the funding bubble for each IC between fiscal years 2003 and 2006. These bubbles were

combined to form funded and not funded cohorts, then we applied regression discontinuity analysis to

examine differences between these matched cohorts. Additional details and methodology concerning

the construction of this matched sample are presented in Appendix 3.

Subsequent involvement in the extramural NIH research community was assessed by linking applicants

in the study cohort to person records in the NIH grants database, Information for Management,

Planning, Analysis, and Coordination (IMPAC II).25 Details about the linkages between LRP applicants and

IMPAC II profile records are provided in Appendix 3. For each applicant in the study cohort, IMPAC II

was queried for Research Project Grant (RPG) applications and awards, Fellowship and Training Grant

applications and awards, and participation in a research project in a role other than PI.26 Subsequent

participation is defined as at least one fiscal year following receipt of an LRP award.

Publication counts and citation rates provide an additional way to assess ongoing involvement in

scientific research. The complete set of IMPAC II records for each applicant was used to construct a list

of all known email addresses and name aliases for each applicant. This information was then used to

retrieve publication records from MEDLINE by matching MEDLINE authors to IMPAC II profile(s) for each

applicant. Additional information about the links between IMPAC II and MEDLINE is presented in

Appendix 3.

2.3. Analysis of the Study Cohort

The study cohort included 513 individuals. The cohort was composed of two nearly-identical applicant

groups, about half of whom were funded (n = 259) and half of whom were not funded (n = 254). We first

determined if the study cohort and the full applicant population have similar composition with regard to

gender, degree type, and years since qualifying degree. We also analyzed these demographics to

determine if the funded and not funded cohorts were comparable.

2.3.1. Comparison of the study cohort and the total new applicant pool

To determine if applicants in the study cohort are representative of the total applicant pool, we

analyzed three demographic parameters: gender, degree type, and years since qualifying degree (Table

8). The results show that (i) the degree distribution characteristics of the bubble are similar to the

overall applicant pool, (ii) the distribution of men and women on the bubble is significantly different

from the distribution of all new applicants (p=0.0044), and (iii) there are significantly more individuals in

the bubble who completed their qualifying degree within three years prior to application (p<0.0001).

25 26

RPGs include activity codes starting with R, P, M, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. K awards were included in this group. All Type 9 grants were excluded. Fellowship and Training grants include activity codes starting with T, F, and G (except G12).

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 33

2.3.2. Comparison of funded and not funded applicants in the study cohort

We analyzed the same three parameters defined above to determine the similarity between the funded

and not funded groups within the FY-IC Bubble. As shown in Table 8, these two groups are not

significantly different in all categories listed and are valid comparison groups for all analysis of

subsequent NIH grant participation and publication activity.

Table 8. Demographic distribution of funded and not funded applicants, and comparison to total

new applicant pool.

Parameter Category %

Funded IC-FY Bubble


% Not Funded IC-FY Bubble


% IC-FY Bubble


% All New

Applicants, FY03-FY07 (n=9820)

Gender Male 41% 36% 38% 44% Female 57% 62% 60% 53%

Degree Type

Physician Doctorate 48% 46% 47% 47% Professional Clinical Doctorate 2% 6% 4% 5%

Academic Doctorate 44% 45% 45% 42% Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate 5% 2% 3% 6%

Allied Health Professional 1% 1% 1% <1%

Years Since Degree

Up to 3 Years 52% 57% 54% 35% 4-6 Years 34% 35% 35% 37% 7-10 Years 11% 6% 8% 18% 10+ Years 2% 3% 3% 10%

2.4. Subsequent Participation in NIH Grant Programs

Outcome analysis for the study cohort was carried out by determining subsequent participation in NIH

grant programs. The analysis included a comparison of the funded and not funded groups and a more

granular comparison of different demographic parameters.

2.4.1. Composite analysis

To determine if there was an overall difference between the funded and not funded groups, we

performed a composite analysis as shown in Figure 23. The figure indicates the percentage of funded or

not funded applicants in the study cohort who: applied and received a later NIH award (green); applied

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 34

but did not receive a later NIH award (orange); had another involvement in an NIH award (blue) 27; or

had an NIH award prior to an LRP award (olive). For those applicants with no other information in IMPAC

II, we checked whether the applicant had served as a key person on an NIH research grant between

FY2005-FY2007 (aqua).28 The figure also shows the percentage of the group for whom no additional

information was available in IMPAC II (grey). It should be noted that each category is mutually exclusive;

if an applicant is accounted for in one category, that applicant is excluded from further consideration in

any other category below it. Mutual exclusivity progresses in an order of decreasing importance of

outcomes, from the top of the list to the bottom.

In comparing funded vs. not funded applicants, we found that funded LRP applicants were more likely to

receive later NIH grant support than non-funded applicants (green bars, p=0.0102).

Figure 23. Composite analysis of outcomes for the funded and not funded groups in the study


27 “Other Involvement” means the applicant had a role on an awarded Research project in a fiscal year after their initial LRP

application fiscal year, and one of the following two criteria was met: (1) They were not the PI (generally, this would mean they

had a TA role), OR (2) the project for which they were PI was not a Type “1” application (which suggests they replaced a prior PI

or were named PI on a continuation). Note that we excluded from this category those individuals who met criteria that

qualified them for other outcome categories (applied and received later award or applied but no award). 28 The Enumeration database was used for this purpose; for details on this database see:

Funded LRP applicants were

more likely to receive later NIH

grant support than applicants

who were Not Funded (Green

Bars, 10% versus 4%)

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 35

2.4.2. Gender

We refined the analysis of subsequent NIH activity by considering gender as a categorical variable.

Results of this analysis are presented in Figure 24. The analysis of the bubble applicants showed that

women LRP awardees were less likely than men to have applied for an NIH award (p=0.0147)or to have

a subsequent observable role in the NIH extramural program (p=0.474).

Figure 24. Analysis of outcomes, by gender, of subsequent NIH grant participation.

2.4.3. Degree Type

We next analyzed the impact of the applicant’s qualifying degree on subsequent grant involvement. As

shown in Table 8, academic doctorates comprise 45% of the total applicant pool, while physician

doctorates comprise 50% of applicants. These degree types are similarly distributed between funded

and not funded groups within the Bubble. Analysis of subsequent NIH grant involvement is shown in

Figure 25.

Female LRP awardees were

less likely than male awardees

to apply for subsequent NIH

award or hold any role in the

extramural program.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 36

Figure 25. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation.

Outcome analysis of subsequent NIH grant participation for academic doctorates and physician

doctorates (which include dual physician doctorates- academic doctorates) indicates that significant

differences occur by applicant degree. Participation in the LRP program increased the likelihood that a

physician doctorate applied for a subsequent NIH award (p=0.0106) and was retained in the NIH

extramural workforce (p=0.0470). While funded and non-funded academic doctorate were equally likely

to apply for an NIH grant, participation in the LRP program increased the likelihood that an academic

doctorate was awarded an NIH grant (p=0.0324).

2.4.4. Program

To determine if any difference exists between funded and not funded applicants in different LRPs, we

compared applicants in the Clinical Research LRP and the Pediatric Research LRP. These two programs

account for 78% of the applicants in the FY-IC Bubble (Table 8), and are roughly evenly balanced by

degree type (Figure 10). Outcome analysis of subsequent NIH grant participation is shown in Figure 26.

Physician doctorate LRP awardees

are more likely to apply for a

subsequent NIH award than

academic doctorate LRP awardees.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 37

Figure 26. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation.

As shown by the difference between the green area at the top of the Clinical Research bars, funded

applicants to the Clinical Research LRP were significantly more likely to be awarded a subsequent NIH

award (p=0.0236). Funded Clinical Research LRP applicants were also more likely to be retained in the

extramural NIH workforce, as shown by the grey bars (p=0.0117). This analysis revealed no significant

differences between funded and not funded Pediatric Research LRP applicants. This may be related to

the difference in gender representation in the two programs (see Figure 9); the small sample size also

affects statistical tests.

Clinical Research LRP awardees were more

likely to receive a later NIH award and to be

retained in the NIH workforce. No outcome

differences were seen for the Pediatric

Research LRP.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 38

Summary of Findings

Analysis of the “Bubble” Cohort: Retention in the NIH Workforce

Comparison of the study cohort to the Total New Applicant Pool

There are significantly more women in the study cohort (60%) than in the total new applicant pool

(53%). The distribution of degree types is similar between the study cohort and the total new applicant

pool. Significantly more individuals in the study cohort completed their qualifying degree within 3 years

prior to applying to the LRP.

Comparison of Funded and Not Funded Applicants

Within the study cohort, there was no significant difference in the distribution of gender, degree

type, and years since degree between Funded and Not Funded applicants.

Subsequent Participation of Applicants in NIH Grant Programs

Funded LRP applicants were more likely to receive later NIH grant support than those who were not

funded. The LRPs are selectively losing women awardees.

The LRPs are increasing the retention of physician doctorates in the NIH extramural workforce, both

through increased grant applications and participation in research activities.

Applicants funded in the Clinical Research LRP were significantly more likely to be awarded a

subsequent NIH award than applicants funded in the Pediatric Research LRP.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 39

2.5. Publications and Citations

Number of publications in scholarly journals is a standard quantitative measure of research productivity.

We analyzed the number of articles published by study cohort applicants starting one fiscal year

following their LRP application. Publications were matched to applicants based on the criteria described

in Appendix 3. Figure 27 shows the distribution of publications by funded and not funded applicants.

Both groups show a similar pattern, with ~70% of the applicants publishing at least one article in a peer-

reviewed journal.

Figure 27. Distribution of the number of articles published by applicants in the study cohort.

One concern with considering publication count as a measure of research output is the significant time

needed to publish results. By considering the publication record for only those LRP applicants in the

study cohort during the FY2003-FY2004 funding cycles, we analyzed the publication output for those

applicants with the longest amount of time to accumulate publications, shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Distribution of the number of articles published by applicants in the study cohort for FY03-FY04.










0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30



er o

f New





ts in


e FY





Number of Publications

Funded Not Funded








0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30



t o

f New





ts in


e FY





Number of Publications

FY03-FY04 Funded

FY03-FY04 Not Funded

The majority of both Funded and Not Funded applicants published at least one peer reviewed

journal article.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 40

These analyses suggest a trend toward differences in publication productivity between funded and not

funded applicants. Nineteen-percent of funded LRP applicants had no publications compared to 30% of

not funded applicants. Thirty-one percent of funded applicants had six or more papers, compared to

19% of not funded LRP applicants.

We also analyzed citation counts between the funded and not funded groups. As shown in Figure 29,

there was no significant difference between these groups, either in the number of applicants with no

subsequent citations or the number with five or more citations.

Figure 29. Distribution of the number of citations for articles published by applicants in the study cohort for FY03-FY08.

It would be worthwhile to repeat the publication and citation analyses after more time has elapsed to

determine whether significant differences emerge between the groups.

2.6. Outcomes Analysis for Applicants without Subsequent NIH Records










er o

f N














Citations per Publication

Funded Not Funded

No significant difference

between the citation

counts of Funded and Not

Funded applicants was


Summary of Findings

Analysis of the “Bubble” Cohort: Publications and Citations

Comparison of Publication Productivity Between Funded and Not Funded Applicants

The majority of both the Funded and Not Funded applicants published at least one article in a peer-

reviewed journal. Preliminary evidence indicates that there may be differences in publication productivity between

applicants who are funded or not funded, however the lack of a significant difference between the

two groups may be accounted for by the timing of this evaluation. No significant difference in the number of citations per publication was detected between funded

and not funded applicants. Allowing more time to elapse is necessary to test whether the timeframe of 1-4 years post-award is

too short a time point to use as a measurement of productivity for LRP applicants.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 41

2.6. Outcomes Analysis for Applicants without Subsequent NIH Records

The Bubble analysis showed that 44% of funded LRP applicants and 49% of those not funded had no

post-LRP grant information available in IMPAC II. To learn more about the career outcomes of these

individuals, Internet searches were conducted. Initial searches were conducted using the applicant

name as stored in IMPAC II as the Google search engine query string. Depending on the number of hits

returned, the middle name or initial and degree(s) were added or removed. In some cases, it was

necessary to add the last known institution and/or academic department or field to the search terms, or

to search PubMed for most recent affiliation information. The NIH Employee Directory (NED) and the

professional networking site LinkedIn were also queried.

Confidence in the quality of information retrieved from the Web searches was established by the ability

to find an individual on at least two recently updated websites. Individuals for whom this could be

achieved were scored as a “High Confidence Match.” Individuals for whom information could be

confirmed through only one website were scored as a “Low Confidence Match.” Individuals for whom

information was out-of-date or could not be found were scored as “No Information” (Table 9).

Table 9. Available information on career outcomes for applicants without subsequent NIH Records.

High Confidence Match Low Confidence Match No Information

Funded (n=113) 71.7% 18.6% 9.7% Not Funded (n=124) 77.4% 8.9% 13.7%

2.6.1. Current Affiliation: Using the self-reported information from Web searches, the funded and not

funded groups were compared to the information provided at the time of application for current

affiliation and position. Information regarding additional funding sources was also recorded, if available.

As shown in Figure 30, in both groups, over 50% were most likely to be at the same institution as when

they applied to the LRP.

Figure 30. Current affiliation of applicants without subsequent NIH records.



Funded(n = 113)



Not Funded(n = 124)

Same Institution

Different Institution


The majority of

applicants are at the

same institution as

time of application.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 42

2.6.2. Current Position: Professional titles for both the Funded and Not Funded groups were compared (Figure 31). Due to the breadth of titles, information was categorized as follows:

Tenure Track: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor

Practitioner: Attending Physician, Section Chief, Private Practice, or Clinical Instructor

Training: Graduate Student, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Resident, or Other Medical Fellow

Other: Administrative University Staff or Non-University Positions

Unknown: Information not available or reported

In both the Funded and Not Funded groups, approximately one-third held Tenure Track positions,

and another one-third held Practitioner or Training positions.

Figure 31. Current position of applicants without subsequent NIH records.





Funded(n = 113)





Not Funded(n = 124)

Tenure Track





Approximately 2/3 of

both Funded and Not

Funded Grey-Bar

applicants remained in

the biomedical


Summary of Findings

Analysis of the “Bubble” Cohort: Applicants without Subsequent NIH Records Bubble cohort analysis showed that 44% of Funded and 49% of Not Funded applicants had no post-

LRP grant information in the NIH IMPAC II database. Current information for approximately 75% of these applicants was located through Internet

searches. The majority of both the Funded and Not Funded applicants remain at the same institution as at

the time of LRP application. In both the Funded and Not Funded Grey-Bar applicant groups, approximately one-third held

tenure-track positions while another one-third held practitioner or training positions. Thus the

majority of applicants without Subsequent NIH Records appear to have continued medical or

biomedical careers.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 43


3.1 Goals

Investigate the similarities and differences between the LRP and other NIH mentored career-

development programs for early-career investigators, with regards to features of the application pool,

retention rate in the NIH workforce, and publication rates.

3.2 Methods

The LRP was evaluated in comparison to a group of mentored career development awards, specifically

the K01, K08, and K23 awards. Application priority scores were used to create mutually-exclusive

comparison cohorts of the top-rated applicants: the top 10% of LRP awardees, the top 10% of K

awardees, and the top 10% of LRP awardees who also received a K award. We derived these cohorts by

identifying awardees with priority scores in the top 10% for each IC and each fiscal year from 2003 to

2006. Figure 32 shows the definitions of the cohorts and the number of awardees in each group.

Because of differences in the typical career stage of LRP and K awardees (see Table 9 below), each

cohort was restricted to awardees who earned their qualifying degree within six years prior to award


Figure 32. Definitions of each comparison cohort and the number of awardees in each group.

For each of the top 10% cohorts, we examined subsequent NIH grant participation and publication

productivity as described for the funding bubble cohorts. The only difference for this analysis was that K

awards were not counted as subsequent grants for any of the three groups.

3.3 Demographic Distribution

We analyzed gender and degree type distributions of each cohort to determine if the cohorts

were similar. Demographics for the top 10% group are summarized in Table 10. While the

LRP Cohort

LRP Top-10%n = 157

Funded Type I awardees, FY03-FY06Top 10% priority score, each FY/IC

Within 6 years of degreeL awards only

K Top-10%n = 101

K CohortK01, K08, K23

Funded Type I awardees, FY03-FY06Top 10% priority score, each FY/IC

Within 6 years of degreeK awards only

LRP+K Cohort

LRP+K Top-10%n = 39

Funded Type I awardees, FY03-FY06Top 10% priority score, each FY/IC

Within 6 years of degreeL and K awards

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 44

gender distribution is about equal between and across groups, there were substantial

differences in degree distribution and years since degree between the LRP, K, and K+LRP

cohorts. The top 10% LRP awardee group is evenly split between Academic and Physician

Doctorates (including dual degree holders), while the K and K+LRP awardee groups are both 2/3

Physician Doctorates (p<0.01) (these differences are highlighted in bold text in theTable 10).

The top 10% LRP awardee group is fewer years from degree than either the K or K+LRP group.

To increase similarity between groups, we narrowed our examination of outcomes to awardees

within six years of receiving their qualifying degree (Table 11).

Table 10. Demographic distribution of total LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts.

Parameter Category LRP Top 10% (n=215)

K Top 10% (n=218)

LRP+K Top 10% (n=96)

Gender Male 44% 51% 46% Female 51% 49% 47%

Degree Type

Physician Doctorate 31% 32% 50%

Professional Clinical Doctorate 0% 0% 0%

Academic Doctorate 52% 36% 33%

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate 16% 32% 15%

Allied Health Professional 0% 0% 0%

Years Since Degree

Up to 3 Years 34% 15% 24%

4-6 Years 39% 32% 17%

7-10 Years 17% 28% 43%

10+ Years 10% 20% 17%

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 45

Table 11. Demographic distribution of the 0-6 YSD LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts

Parameter Category

LRP Top-10%,

0-6 Years Since


K Top-10%,

0-6 Years Since


LRP+K Top-


0-6 Years Since


Gender Female 50% 51% 72%

Male 45% 49% 26%

Degree Type

Physician Doctorate 26% 16% 15%

Professional Clinical Doctorate

1% 3% 5%

Academic Doctorate 60% 52% 67%

Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

12% 29% 13%

Allied Health Professional

1% 0% 0%

3.3.1. Gender

Figure 33 shows that the proportion of men and women in the LRP Top-10% and K Top-10% awardee

cohorts are similar. The gender distribution in the LRP+K Top-10 awardee cohort is different, with 70%

of this group being women.

Figure 33. Gender distribution of LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts.

3.3.2. Degree type

The distribution of academic doctorates and physician doctorates (which includes dual physician

doctorates-academic doctorates) is shown in Figure 34. Degree distribution is not significantly different

across the cohorts of awardees.










0-6 YSD LRP Top-10% Awardee Cohort

0-6 YSD K Top-10% Awardee Cohort

0-6 YSD LRP+K Top-10% Awardee Cohort



t o

f Aw


ee C



Female Male

The gender distribution

among LRP Top-10% and K

Top-10% was similar, but

more women (70%) were

in the LRP + K group.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 46

Figure 34. Distribution of degree type of the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts.

3.4. Subsequent Participation in NIH Grant Programs

Outcome analysis of the Top-10% comparison cohorts was carried out by determining subsequent

participation on NIH grants, similar to the analysis for the Bubble applicants. The analysis included a

comparison of each cohort, and a more granular comparison of demographic parameters (gender and

degree type).

3.4.1. Composite Analysis

To determine if there was an overall difference between the LRP, the K, and the LRP+K Top-10%

awardee cohorts, we performed a composite analysis as shown in Figure 35. The figure indicates the

percentage of awardees that applied and received a later NIH award (green); applied but did not receive

a later NIH award (orange); had another involvement in an NIH award (blue); or had an NIH award prior

to an LRP award (olive).29 For those applicants with no other information in IMPAC II, we checked

whether the applicant had served as a key person on an NIH research grant between FY2005-FY2007

(aqua).30 The figure also shows the percentage of the group for whom no additional information was

available in IMPAC II (grey). Each category is mutually exclusive; an applicant accounted for in one

category is excluded from further consideration in any other category below it. Mutual exclusivity

progresses in an order of decreasing importance of outcomes, from the top of the list to the bottom.


Note that for the Top 10% cohort analysis, unlike the Bubble, “later NIH award” does not include K awards. 30 The Enumeration database was used for this purpose; for details on this database see:









0-6 YSD LRP Top-10% Awardee Cohort

0-6 YSD K Top-10% Awardee Cohort

0-6 YSD LRP+K Top-10% Awardee Cohort




of A



e C



Physician Doctorate Academic Doctorate

There was no

significant difference

in the distribution of

degree types across

the Top 10% awardee


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 47

Figure 35. Composite analysis of outcomes for the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts.

While the LRP has a significant effect on the likelihood of applying for NIH funding (see Figure 23), when

compared to other NIH career development awards, LRP recipients are less likely to apply for

subsequent NIH funding. This is shown by the significant difference in the total green and orange area

between the LRP and K awardees (p = 0.0003) and between the LRP and LRP+K awardees (p = 0.0176).

LRP awardees are also less likely than K awardees to have a subsequent role on NIH awards (difference

in size of grey bars between LRP and K awardees; p = 0.0003). It should be noted that, while many K

awardees hold faculty positions, LRP recipients may or may not be in a position where they can apply for

NIH research project grants.

3.4.2. Gender

We refined the analysis of subsequent involvement by considering the gender of awardees in the LRP

and the K Top-10% awardee cohorts (Figure 36). The LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohort was excluded from

this analysis because of the small sample size.

LRP awardees are less

likely than K awardees to

apply for subsequent NIH

funding or have a role on

NIH awards.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 48

Figure 36. Analysis of outcomes, by gender, of subsequent NIH grant participation of the LRP and

the K Top-10% awardee cohort.

Unlike the Bubble cohort, there were no significant differences in outcome measures between top 10%

LRP cohort men and women. When compared to top 10% K awardees, top 10% women LRP awardees

were less likely to apply for subsequent NIH grant support within 1-4 years after award, as indicated by

the difference in the green and orange areas at the top of the female bars (p = 0.0003). They were also

less likely than the women K awardees to have a subsequent role on an NIH award, shown by the

difference in the size of the grey areas at the bottom of the female bars (p = 0.0013).

3.4.3 Degree type

We analyzed the impact of the awardee’s qualifying degree on subsequent grant involvement. As

above, the LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohort was excluded from this analysis because of the small sample

size. Results of this analysis are shown in Figure 37.

Female LRP awardees were

less likely to apply for

subsequent NIH grant support

or have a subsequent role on

an NIH award.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 49

Figure 37. Analysis of outcomes, by degree type, of subsequent NIH grant participation of the LRP

and the K Top-10% awardee cohort.

While participation in LRPs has a strong retention effect for physician doctorates (see Figure 25), this

effect is even stronger for K awardees. Among physician doctorate awardees, LRP awardees were less

likely than K awardees to apply for or receive subsequent NIH funding. The difference in grant awards is

indicated by the difference in the green areas at the top of the physician doctorate bars (p=0.0141), and

the difference in grant applications is indicated by the difference in orange areas in the physician

doctorate bars (p = 0.0001). Among both academic doctorates and physician doctorates, LRP awardees

were less likely than K awardees to have subsequent involvement on NIH grants (indicated by the size of

the grey bars; physician doctorate, p = 0.0004; academic doctorate p = 0.0018).

3.5. Publications and Citations

We analyzed the number of articles published by awardees in each of the three Top-10% comparison

cohorts, shown in Figure 38. Publications appearing in peer-reviewed journals one fiscal year following

their LRP award were identified and were matched to applicants based on the criteria described in

Appendix 3. All awardee cohorts have been contributing to biomedical research, with about 90% of

awardees in each cohort publishing at least one article in peer-reviewed journals. During the timeframe

under study, more K awardees published six or more papers than LRP awardees (p = 0.0001).

Physician doctorate K

awardees were more

likely than LRP awardees

to apply for or receive

subsequent NIH funding.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 50

Figure 38. Distribution of the number of articles published by the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee cohorts.

An analysis of citations (Figure 39) indicates that in the K group, more awardees have more citations per

publication than in the LRP group (p < 0.01). Using the citation/publication measure normalizes the

results and allows for a comparison between groups with unequal numbers of publications.

Figure 39. Distribution of the number of citations for articles published by the LRP, K, and LRP+K Top-10% awardee









0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31+Per


t o

f To


0% A








rs S




Number of Publications













t o

f To


0% A






Citations per Publication


A greater proportion

of K awardees

published 6 or more

papers than LRP


The K awardee group

has more citations per

publication than the

LRP awardee group.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 51

Summary of Findings

Comparison of LRP with Mentored K Awards: Top 10% Cohort Analysis

Similarities and Differences of Outcomes among LRP and the K Award Recipients

Overall, the top 10% of LRP awardees are more likely to be Academic Doctorates and to be within

3 years of degree conferral than either K or LRP+K top 10% awardees. This strongly suggests that

the LRP is attracting applicants that are earlier in their research careers than the K awards

program. The K awardees were more likely to apply for grant support within 1-4 years after award than the

LRP awardees. This follows from the previous finding that the LRP awardees are in a less mature

career stage than K awardees and may need additional time to produce research results capable

of supporting an RPG application. Gender distribution among the top 10% of awardees was similar for LRP and K awardees.

However, female K awardees were more likely than their LRP counterparts to apply for

subsequent NIH grant support and to be retained in the NIH extramural workforce 1-4 years after

award. Similarly, even though the LRP has a clear retention effect on physician doctorates, K awardee

physician doctorates were more likely to apply for and receive subsequent funding, and to be

retained in the NIH extramural workforce 1-4 years after award.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 52


A1.1. New and Renewal Applications and Awards, by IC

Twenty four Institutes and Centers (IC) sponsored LRP awards between FY2003 and FY2007. The

complete distribution of new applications and awards at each IC is presented in Table A1.1.

Table A1.1. Distribution (number and percent of total) of new extramural LRP applications and

awards at each IC, FY03-FY07



% New LRP


New LRP Awards

% New LRP Awards

FIC 2 <1% 2 <1%

NCCAM 96 1% 20 <1%

NCI 1,231 13% 508 11%

NCMHD 1,485 15% 757 17%

NCRR 193 2% 137 3%

NEI 124 1% 106 2%

NHGRI 14 <1% 12 <1%

NHLBI 1,103 11% 543 12%

NIA 314 3% 171 4%

NIAAA 159 2% 131 3%

NIAID 652 7% 340 7%

NIAMS 257 3% 117 3%

NIBIB 26 <1% 9 <1%

NICHD 1,016 10% 395 9%

NIDA 338 3% 241 5%

NIDCD 134 1% 112 2%

NIDCR 85 1% 46 1%

NIDDK 829 8% 258 6%

NIEHS 63 1% 38 1%

NIGMS 91 1% 39 1%

NIMH 1,060 11% 396 9%

NINDS 436 4% 155 3%

NINR 65 1% 9 <1%

NLM 47 <1% 23 1%

Total 9,820


NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 53

All ICs that sponsored new awards during the FY2003-FY2007 period also sponsored renewal awards.

The complete distribution of renewal applications and awards at each IC is presented in Table A1.2.

Table A1.2. Distribution (number and percent of total) of renewal extramural LRP applications

and awards at each IC, FY03-FY07

IC Renewal

LRP Applications

% Renewal LRP


Renewal LRP


% Renewal

LRP Awards

FIC 2 <1% 2 <1%

NCCAM 26 1% 23 1%

NCI 461 11% 307 10%

NCMHD 715 17% 496 17%

NCRR 160 4% 135 5%

NEI 72 2% 64 2%

NHGRI 18 <1% 15 1%

NHLBI 421 10% 325 11%

NIA 166 4% 121 4%

NIAAA 116 3% 98 3%

NIAID 380 9% 292 10%

NIAMS 84 2% 66 2%

NIBIB 4 <1% 2 <1%

NICHD 267 7% 175 6%

NIDA 278 7% 207 7%

NIDCD 54 1% 48 2%

NIDCR 33 1% 25 1%

NIDDK 208 5% 110 4%

NIEHS 38 1% 33 1%

NIGMS 21 1% 16 1%

NIMH 386 9% 260 9%

NINDS 167 4% 108 4%

NINR 6 <1% 5 <1%

NLM 9 <1% 4 <1%

Total 4,092


A1.2. New Applications and Awards, by IC and LRP

The National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) receives all applications

submitted to the Health Disparities Research LRP and the Clinical Research LRP for Individuals from

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 54

Disadvantaged Backgrounds. All applications submitted to the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP

are received by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Twenty three

ICs (all listed in the above table except NCMHD) support the Clinical Research LRP and the Pediatric

Research LRP. Table A1.3 lists the success rate of new Clinical Research LRP applications for all ICs during

the evaluation period (FY2003 – FY2007). Table A1.4 presents the same information for the Pediatric

Research LRP.

Table A1.3. Success rate of new Clinical Research LRP applications by IC, FY03-FY07.

Success rate of new Clinical Research LRP applications

(Number of ICs) IC (% of new Clinical Research LRP awards)

Up to 50% (4)

NICHD (35%)31, FIC (50%)32, NIEHS (50%)

51%-74% (10)

NIDDK (53%), NINR (56%), NIGMS (59%), NIDCR (63%), NCRR (65%), NIAID (65%), NHLBI (66%), NINDS (66%), NIAMS (71%), NIDCD (71%)

Greater than 75% (10)

NHGRI (75%), NEI (75%), NIMH (79%), NCI (81%), NIDA (85%), NIAAA (85%), NIBIB (89%), NLM (96%), NIA (99%), NCCAM (100%)

Table A1.4. Success rate of new Pediatric Research LRP applications by IC, FY03-FY07.

Success rate of new Pediatric Research LRP applications

(Number of ICs) IC (% of new Pediatric Research LRP awards)

Up to 20% (8)

NCCAM (0%), NIA (1%), NLM (4%), NIBIB (11%), NIAAA (15%), NIDA (15%), NCI (19%)

21%-40% (10)

NIMH (21%), NEI (25%), NHGRI (25%), NIDCD (29%), NIAMS (29%), NINDS (34%), NHLBI (34%), NIAID (35%), NCRR (35%), NIDCR (37%)

41%-50% (6)

NIGMS (41%), NINR (44%), NICHD (46%), NIDDK (47%), FIC (50%), NIEHS (50%)

A1.3. New Awards, by IC and Degree Category

Nineteen ICs do not state a preference for a degree category in awarding LRP contracts. To analyze the

relationship between stated preference and actual awards, we categorized the ICs into three groups

based on the proportion of physician doctorates and academic doctorates receiving new awards (Table


31 NICHD is the only IC that funds the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP. 32 Only two new awards made during the reporting period: one new award in FY04, and one new award in FY05.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 55

Table A1.5. Percent of new extramural LRP awards to physician doctorates and academic

doctorates by IC, FY03-FY07.

IC Category (Number of ICs)

IC (% of new LRP awards with certain degree)

ICs where physician doctorates received >65% of new LRP awards


NIAMS (71%), NLM (78%), NCI (79%), NCRR (83%), NHLBI (84%), NIDDK (87%)

ICs where academic doctorates received >65% of new LRP awards


NIMH (68%), NCMHD (69%), NIDCD (72%), NHGRI (75%), NIDA (78%), NIAAA (82%), NINR (100%)

ICs where a single degree type did not predominate the new LRP

awardee pool (6)


This analysis shows that of the 19 ICs that did not state a preference for a certain degree category, six

(FIC, NCCAM, NEI, NIA, NIDCR, and NIEHS) did not have a single degree category predominate the

awardee pool. Seven showed a preference for awarding academic doctorates and 6 showed a

preference for awarding physician doctorates.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 56


The extramural Loan Repayment Program attracts applicants with a wide variety of degree types.33 We

classified these degrees into five categories (Table A2.1) to facilitate cross-parameter analysis of degree

type with gender, program, IC, years since degree and educational debt level.

Table A2.1. Classification of LRP applicant degrees.

Degree Category Degrees Included

1 Physician Doctorate M.D., D.O.

2 Professional Clinical

Doctorate D.D.S., D.M.D., D.P.M., D.P.T., D.V.M., N.D., O.D.,

Pharm.D., Psy.D., V.M.D.

3 Academic Doctorate* Ph.D., D.C., D.N.Sc., D.P.H., Dr.P.H., D.Sc., D.S.W., Ed.D.,

Eng.D., J.D., Sc.D.

4 Physician Doctorate / Academic Doctorate

Any combination of (1) and (3), e.g., M.D./Ph.D., D.O./Ph.D., M.D./Ed.D.

5 Allied Health Professional

A.B., B.A., B.S., B.S.N., M.A., M.B.A., M.L.S., M.P.A., M.P.H., M.S., M.S.N., R.N.

*Includes dual doctorate combinations from (2) and (3), e.g., D.M.D./Ph.D., Pharm.D./Sc.D.

Physician doctorates were distinguished from other clinical professionals; the former group comprised

M.D. and D.O. (and equivalent) degrees, while the latter group included related medical degrees (e.g.,

naturopathy, podiatric medicine, optometry, and psychology), dental, veterinary, and pharmacy

degrees. Academic degrees included doctorates in chiropractic medicine, nursing, public health, social

work, education, engineering, law, science, and the doctorate in philosophy.

Table A2.2 presents the full degree names for those degree types classified in Table A2.1.

33 While a doctoral-level degree is a prerequisite for submitting an LRP application, the Contraception and Infertility Research LRP accepts applications from non-doctoral-level allied health professional degree holders, defined as those individuals with a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in a relevant discipline.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 57

Table A2.2. Degree definitions and classifications.

Degree Category

Degree Code


Physician Doctorate

D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy

M.D. Doctor of Medicine

Professional Clinical Doctorate

D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery

D.M.D. Doctor of Medical Dentistry

D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

D.P.T. Doctor of Physical Therapy

D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy

O.D. Doctor of Optometry

Pharm.D. Doctor of Pharmacy

Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology

V.M.D. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Academic Doctorate

D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic

D.N.Sc. Doctor of Nursing Science

D.P.H. Doctor of Public Health

Dr.P.H. Doctor of Public Health

D.Sc. Doctor of Science

D.S.W. Doctor of Social Work

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Eng.D. Doctor of Engineering

J.D. Juris Doctor

Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy

Sc.D. Doctor of Science

Allied Health Professional


A.B. Bachelor of Arts

B.A. Bachelor of Arts

B.S. Bachelor of Science

B.S.N. Bachelor of Science In Nursing

M.A. Master of Arts

M.B.A. Master of Business Administration

M.L.S. Master of Library Science

M.P.A. Master of Public Administration

M.P.H. Master of Public Health

M.S. Master of Science

M.S.N. Master of Science In Nursing

R.N. Registered Nurse

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 58


Section 2 presented outcome analyses for matched cohorts of funded and not funded LRP applicants.

These analyses required us to identify appropriate applicants, match these applicants with records in

IMPAC II, and identify publications authored by the applicants. All matches were manually reviewed for

accuracy. Similar methods were used for the analyses presented in Section 3.

A3.1. Construction of the Funding Bubble

We developed a method to identify candidates for these cohorts based on the priority score of the

candidate’s application. The two cohorts were identified by selecting those applicants in the “funding

bubble”, which are those applicants with similar priority scores who were equally likely to be funded or

not funded. Since this priority score range depends on fiscal year and IC, we identified candidate

applicants for each FY and IC. The candidates identified were combined into one bubble comprised of

funded and not funded cohorts (513 applicants; 259 funded, 254 unfunded).

The priority score range that defined the funding bubble was determined for each IC (24), for each fiscal

year between FY2003 and FY2006 (4 years). For each IC and each fiscal year, the priority score range

(100 - 500) was divided into equal sized bins and each bin was populated with the number of funded and

not funded applicants, respectively. An ideal bubble bin would contain equal numbers of funded and not

funded applicants; one would expect bins at the low end of the priority score range to be dominantly

populated by funded applicants and bins at the high end of the priority score range to contain mostly

not funded applicants. Since the optimal bin width is dependent on a number of factors, including the

total number of applicants in a particular FY-IC and the particular use of priority score to determine

funding (e.g., gradual vs. a sharp threshold) the process was repeated with different bin widths. The

minimum, and preferred, bin width was a score range of 5 (80 bins over the 100-500 range) and the

maximum allowed bin width was a score range of 30 (13 bins). Six different bin widths were considered

for each FY-IC. After the nearly 200 bin occupancies were determined for a particular FY-IC, the optimal

bubble bin was selected using the following scoring function:

𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐵𝑖𝑛

𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 × 1 − 0.15 × 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 − 1

where Applications in Bin is the total number of the funded and not funded applicants in the bin, Ratio is

the ratio of funded and not funded applicants in the bin, and Score Range is the score range of the bin

(ranges from 5 - 30). This function is designed to preferentially select bins (by returning a high score)

that contain a large number of applicants, contain a 1:1 ratio of funded to not funded applicants, and

have a narrow score range.

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 59

Bins were not available for every IC and every fiscal year due to the lack of a score range and/or the lack

of appropriate candidate bins. We determined that a minimum of four applicants (two funded and two

not funded) was necessary for a functional funding bubble; bins that did not meet this criterion were

discarded. Of the remainder, the bin with the highest score for each IC in each fiscal year was selected to

represent the funding bubble for that IC in that fiscal year. Individual funding bubbles were combined to

form a composite FY-IC Bubble consisting of 513 applicants. Of these, 259 applicants were funded and

254 applicants were not funded. This process is shown in Figure A3.1.

Figure A3.1. Schematic outline of the steps used for the generation of the FY-IC Bubble.

Create scoring “bins”for all priority scores for each IC and each FY

Score bins

Select top-scoring bin foreach available FY-IC combination









IC-FY Bubble513

Combineindividual bubbles

Priority Scorerange,

e.g. 190-214






Total bins: 44,460

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 60

A3.2. Determination of Subsequent NIH Activity

For each applicant in the IC-FY Bubble, the NIH grants database, IMPAC II, was queried for subsequent

Research Project Grant (RPG) and Fellowship and Training Grant applications, awards, or non-PI

participation. Subsequent participation is defined as activity at least one fiscal year following receipt of

an LRP award.34

An attempt was made to identify all IMPAC II profile records for each applicant. Although the IMPAC II

architecture is intended to use one record per person, there are a number of ways by which multiple

profiles are created. Therefore, one or more IMPAC II profile records were linked to each LRP applicant

using the following criteria, all of which had to be satisfied:

1. Last Names: The last names in different profiles were matched. If more than one last name

was present in the profile, then one last name had to be a prefix of the other and the

applicant’s social security number or date of birth had to match. Alternatively, both the

applicant’s social security number and date of birth had to match.

2. First Name: There could be no conflict in the first names; either the first names matched

exactly, one was a prefix of the other, only matching initials were provided for both, one of

the first names was missing, or the first name could be found in the middle or last name of

the candidate match. (The last criteria accounts for possible first/middle/last name swaps).

3. Middle Name: There could be no conflict in any provided middle names, using the same

rules as for first name matching.

4. Date of Birth: There could be no significant difference in birth dates; if available, they had to

be within one month of each other.

5. Social Security Number (SSN): There could be no strong difference between applicant social

security numbers; wherever possible, the last four digits had to match exactly.

6. Gender: The gender of the applicant, if available, had to match exactly.

Finally, the last names in the LRP applicant record and the IMPAC II profile record had to match exactly.

Additionally, both records had either an SSN or date of birth available for comparison, or at least one of

the email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, or organizations linked to the IMPAC II profile record

had to match that of the applicant.

A3.3. Matching Applicants to MEDLINE Publication Records

The complete set of IMPAC II records for each applicant was used to construct a list of all known email

addresses and name aliases for each applicant. This information was then used to retrieve publication

records from MEDLINE by matching MEDLINE authors to IMPAC II profile(s) for each applicant based on:

1. An exact match between last names or email addresses (or both).


RPGs include activity codes starting with R, P, M, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. K awards were included in this group. All Type 9 grants were excluded. Fellowship and Training grants include activity codes starting with T, F, and G (except G12).

NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Evaluation 61

2. The author’s first and middle initials could not be in conflict with that of the IMPAC II profile.

3. The author’s first name was parsed from a MEDLINE field that combines all portions of a

name that are not considered to be the last name. This representation, which is sometimes

limited to an initial, could not conflict with the first name from the IMPAC II profile record.

An initial that matched the first letter of a first name was considered acceptable.

4. The year of the publication had to be greater than that of the fiscal year of the applicant’s

LRP application or award year.

A3.4. Manual Error Checking

All results were manually checked to further exclude false positive hits retrieved by the processes

described above. We used additional information, such as the applicant’s institutional affiliation,

scientific research area, and recurring co-authors to definitively verify the applicant as the author listed

on a publication.