Nibiru and the Great Pyramid

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Greg Jenner

Transcript of Nibiru and the Great Pyramid

  • Nibiru and the 'Great Pyramid' Connection

    by Greg Jenner

    I am the [Twice Born] prophet [Elidor] to tell men of the FRIGHTENER, though many generations will pass before it appears. It will be a thing of monstrous greatnessits body will be redit will spread destruction across the Earth, running from sunrise to sunset. It will come

    in the Days of Decision, when men are inflicted with spiritual blindness

    (Source: The Kolbrin Bible from The Book of the Silver Bough SVB:7:18)


    Did you know that many ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and prophets were known as the Twice Born Ones? Not a term one reads about in everyday Egyptian textbooks. Mainstream magazines such

    as National Geographic and Discovery will not even address the Twice Born Ones. Why? What

    is all the controversy about?

    Well, for starters, the initiation process of

    becoming a Twice Born One involves lying down

    inside the granite sarcophagus within the Kings

    Chamber of the Great Pyramid, all for the purpose

    of having an out of body experience or O.B.E.

    Thus the soulfreed from his mortal bodystarts communicating with the other side and has a

    revelation that his soul is indeed immortal.

    Furthermore, after acquiring an infinite amount of

    wisdom, the soul re-enters the initiates body within the stone sarcophagus (called the Womb of Rebirth) in which he becomes physically transformed into a white radiant one, now worthy of becoming a Pharaoh. Finally, the Twice Born

    graduate is honored and held in high regard as a physical living god by the ancient Egyptian


    More importantly though, as a Nibiru researcher, my investigation has revealed that the Twice

    Born Ones collected sobering astronomical information of a fiery red planetoid that periodically

    returns named the Frightener (or Nibiru) in which I will get into later.

    Im sure by now you can see why conservative Egyptologists would scoff at such a radical notion as this. Be that as it may, my research isnt conservative by any stretch and my investigation into the Egyptian Twice Born Ones has uncovered a 1923 magazine article that gives tantalizing clues

    as to the reality of this initiation rite. See below:

    Exhibit 1) Initiates and Initiation (Theosophy Magazine, Vol. 11, No.5, Mar. 1923 edition. P. 220-223)

    [The aspiring one] was allowed to remain in this state for three days and three nights, during which time his spiritual Ego was said to confabulate [communicate] with the gods, descended into Hadesand do works of charity to the invisible Beings, whether Souls of men or Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or subterranean cave. In Egypt [he] was

    placed in the Sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops


    So as it turns out the Theosophists, along with the ancient Egyptian priests and scribes, inherently

    knew all along, the purpose of the stone sarcophagus within the Great Pyramid. It was to achieve

    Twice Born status!

    Again, conservative Egyptologists will tell you that

    the stone sarcophagus housed within the Kings Chamber is nothing more than a burial tomb for the

    Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops. According to my

    research, this idea couldnt be further from the truth! Therefore I intend to document the Twice Born

    initiation ritual from beginning to end and suggest to

    you that this was one of the paramount reasons why

    the Great Pyramid was built in the first place.

    In other words, the Great Pyramid was built by

    initiates for initiates, period. Thats it. Its that simple! However, before getting into the details of the Twice Born ceremony, lets first probe a little deeper into what others have said about the initiation rites within the Great Pyramid.

    Exhibit 2) Peter Tompkins (Secrets of the Great Pyramid 1971 Pages 256-257)

    Several authors have expressed the opinion that there is a close connection between the Great Pyramid and what are known as the Egyptian Mysteries, that is to say, the secret knowledge

    possessed by the hierarchy of initiates which was communicated to those who could prove their

    worthiness by passing a long period of probationary training and severe trials, the sort of system

    that was [adopted] by such societies as the Templars, the Rosicrucians, and the Masons.

    Knowledge of the astronomical cycles and their application also formed part of the ancient initiatory teaching. In those days, says [Great Pyramid researcher] William Kingsland, astronomy

    was not the mere science of the mechanism of the heavens, but was intimately connected witha profoundly esoteric science connected with the great cycles [including Nibirus cycle] of mans evolution, understood only by the Adepts.

    Kingsland adds that if the Great Pyramid was built by initiates for initiates, What could be more likely than that some of the deeper forces of nature [such as levitating the stone blocks, for

    example] were used in its construction, and that these wouldsolve the problems of construction which still remain an enigma to us.



    According to [Theosophist] Manly P. Hall, the illuminated of antiquity passed through the mystic passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid, entering its portal as men and coming forth as

    [Twice Born] gods. The candidate, says Hall, was laid in the great stone coffin, and for three days his spiritfreed from his mortal coilwandered at the gateways of eternity. His Ka, [or soul] as a bird, flew through the spiritual spheres of space. He discovered that all the universe was life,

    all the universe was progress, all the universe was eternal growth. Realizing that his body was a

    house which he could slip out of and return to without [physical] death, he achieved actual

    immortality. [Knowing his soul was in fact immortalGJ] At the end of three days he returned to himself again, and having thus personally and actually experienced the great mystery, he was

    indeed an Initiate [of the Twice Born]one who beheld and one to whom religion had fulfilled her duty bringing him to the light of God.

    Most of the ancient philosophers and great religious teachers, including Moses and St. Paul, acknowledged or are acknowledged to have derived their wisdom from the Egyptian

    initiatesSome of the ceremonies of what are sometimes referred to as the lesser mysteries have survived in a more or less degraded and merely formal manner in the ritual of Masonry [for

    example]. Kingsland believes the secret of the [Great] Pyramid is even known to present-day

    initiates, but is probably one of those matters which they do not see fit to disclose to the world at large. Page 259.

    Well, I certainly see fit to disclose what went on inside the Great Pyramid from a bygone age. My

    source to all of this is none other than the Kolbrin Bible. See below:

    Exhibit 3) Marshall Masters (The Kolbrin Your Own World Books Master Edition,

    Book of Manuscripts 2006)

    MAN:31:16 "the Great House [the Great Pyramid] of the Hidden Places stands in Kahemu. It is built to last

    forever and stands up strongly towards Heaven, high

    above the heads of men. It is covered with white stones,

    the white stone of Rehakom was cut for it, and above it is

    topped with copper. It is not the copper of men, but the

    copper of God. [See image to the right] Within it lies the

    Womb of Rebirth used by the TWICE BORN of the

    Enlightened Ones. Men enter its portals to die and

    [physically] come out restored to life, reborn as gods"

    From the Book of Scrolls:

  • SCL:9:1 "This concerns the mystery of the TWICE BORN. It relates to those born again, to those

    who have endured the awfulness of the FALSE DEATH [within the Great Pyramid] which many

    do not survive; who have drunk deeply from Koriladwen, the smooth [hallucinogenic] bitter brew

    which releases the spirit; who have entered Ogofnaum through the thundering doors"