Next level promotions - NINC 2015

ext-Level Promotions: harge Your Book Sales by Getting the Stores to Sell for You

Transcript of Next level promotions - NINC 2015

Next-Level Promotions:Supercharge Your Book Sales by Getting the Stores to Sell for You

• We distribute over 63,000 books from 17,000 authors.• In 2014 we had 64 books hit the New York Times Bestsellers List.• In 2015 we are already at 48 books hitting the NYT.

About Us

The Trifecta

D2D sold books in 195 countries.• 71% United States• 10% Australia• 8% Great Britain• 8% Canada• New Zealand, Germany, Ireland,

Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, France, (<1%)

2015 Breakdown of Sales

Know the Stores

Amazon Kindle

Algorithms rule at Amazon.

Great synergy between KDP, CreateSpace and Audible.

Strategic growth in to international markets (14 marketplaces).

Apple is the second largest eBook retailer in the world and they are growing.

Apple now has over 1 billion reading devices with iBooks installed and reach 51 territories.

Most interesting to you as an author is that mobile reading is on the rise.

Apple iBooks

Barnes & Noble Nook

B&N continues to be a major player in the US & UK market.

We’ve seen steady growth with Nook over the last year.

B&N’s merchandising is powerful.

Kobo gets your book in to 190 countries.

We’ve seen major growth at Kobo and innovative marketing strategies.

Kobo’s parent company Rakuten continues to make smart acquisitions.


Google Play

Inconsistent dedication to the book market.

The widespread use of Android devices and their resources mean they could be a significant player at any time.

Algorithms drive discovery along with some pricing promotions.

Subscription Services

There is reader demand for subscription services but finding a business model that works to meet that demand is difficult.

Subscription services will play a role in international markets.

Subscription can be a powerful discovery tool.

International Stores

Other book markets are well behind the US in eBook adoption rate but growing.

We are seeing significant growth at the Tolino alliance and they are adding partners constantly.

Many smaller companies are well positioned to be competitive as international markets grow.

Get the Packaging Right

You need “traditional publishing” level of quality.

Be aware of genre appropriateness.

Include your own personal branding.


Real Talk

Weaponized Plot


Product Description

They are absolutely critical and inclusion in promotions don’t happen without them.

Plan ahead how to get a large volume of reviews on the stores you want to promote you.

Ask for them, incentivize them, get them any ethical way you can.


Check how your book is categorized at each retailer.

Understand how the retailer categorizes things because it is different everywhere.

Try to get in to a specific niche that fits your book.


Have one free funnel available all the time but switch it up.

Have some higher price offerings in your catalog to be eligible for more promotions.

Set territorial pricing anywhere you can!


Bundles are a powerful tool for your catalog to address many price points.

Many retailers have places to feature bundles in a special way.

Bundles with other authors in your genre can be a great way to gain new readers.


Retailers prefer to promote series.

According to our 2015 data, series with a free first generated over 3 times the revenue of those without.

It is critical you get your series metadata right.




The retailers often use preorder numbers to help make merchandising decisions.

Generally they also have areas that automatically give popular preorders more visibility.

Draft2Digital can do no-manuscript pre-orders at Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Tolino.


Once you get a reader to take a chance on your book make it easy to buy your other books and have links at the end of your book!

Having direct links to the retailer your book was purchased at will keep your readers happy and the sales channels happy.

Draft2Digital now has a tool to automatically handle this for you.

Optimized End-Matter

Build Your Platform

Present the Best Possible You

• Bestseller lists

• Awards

• Personal credentials

Make Connections with Fans/Stay in Touch

• Do the one(s) you enjoy doing. This will make it feel less like a chore and be an easier connection to your fanbase.

• Or you could possibly choose to get better at the one(s) where a potential audience already exists.

• Remember to use social media (especially Twitter) for research. This can have the side effect of building an audience.

Social Media

Make Connections with Fans/Stay in Touch

• In your own stream, it’s the 90/10 rule. 90% sharing 10% promotion

• Think about word choices and communication rules that stem from your personal branding.

• Have links in your profiles to your website and then links to all retailers on your website.

Social Media

Make Connections with Fans/Stay in Touch

• Podcasts

• Blogs

• Publicists

Anti-Social Media

Make Connections with Fans/Stay in Touch

Email and Newsletters• Remind your fans that you exist.

• Create a feeling of exclusivity.

• Make sure your dedicated fans never miss a new release.



One thing I have learned is that this is a relationship industry.

Try to make as many connections face to face at conferences like NINC.

Look for win-win opportunities with partners and don’t be afraid to ask.


You Just Leveled Up

Dan Wood, Director of Author Relations@danwoodok

[email protected]

Joshua Unruh, Director of Marketing@draft2digital

Self-publish with support.As a writer, you want to write. So when it comes to publishing, you could use a little support. We make it easy.Keep writing. Keep your rights. We'll help with the rest.

Say Goodbye to Complicated Formatting.Your style guide is our style guide. And if you don’t have a style guide, that’s okay too. Just get us your manuscript and we’ll do all the technical stuff for you. It’s really that simple.

How We Support Our Authors.Real support from real people. You can call our support line and speak to a real human being or email our responsive support team for help with your needs. If you have questions, you can even call us.

No restrictions on use. Your book is still your book, so we don’t put any restrictions on where or how you can use your converted epub.

Protection of your copyright. When you publish a project through our service, you give us permission to do the copying and distribution necessary to release your book through digital stores, but we never gain control of those rights. You can revoke that permission at any time. We want you to keep your rights and keep on writing.