Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The...

Inside this issue: Insurance Broker wins award 1 Measham Parish Council Column 3 Snippets of News, Information and Appeals 5 Firework Events 7 Tower Of Light 8 MEASHAM MESSENGER OCTOBER 2016 Email: [email protected] Articles for the November Messenger should be submitted to Measham Leisure Centre no later than Friday 11th November. Issue will be published week beginning 21st November. Next issue published week beginning 21st November 2016 The Measham Messenger is a free publication. Please take and keep a copy. Local Insurance Broker Wins National Award P F Spare Insurance Brokers of High Street, Measham are pleased to announce that their Company Director, Sam Spare has been awarded the Worshipful Company Of Directors (Diploma in Insurance) Na&onal Prize. This pres&gious award is given annually to the candidate who is perceived to have achieved the highest performance in the comple&on of the Chartered Ins&tutes Diploma in Insurance. Sam finished his exams last year and picks up the award for his work in 2015. It is the fi1h honour for Sam who in the last twelve months has picked up four other respected awards, not least the Insurance Ins&tute of Leicester’s Young Achiever of 2015 Award. Commen&ng on his success, Sam said: “Given the number and quality of candidates who undertake Dip CII each year, to have recorded the best performance bar none is welcome surprise. I’m naturally very pleased on a personal level to have received such considerable recognition recently. More importantly, though, I’m keen to ensure that anyone purchasing insurance with P F Spare can be confident in the expertise available from our firm. Hopefully the awards reaffirm the quality of service we offer and provide that essential peace of mind for clients choosing to entrust us with their personal and commercial insurances.”

Transcript of Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The...

Page 1: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost

Inside this issue:

Insurance Broker wins award


Measham Parish Council Column


Snippets of News, Information and Appeals


Firework Events 7

Tower Of Light 8



Email: [email protected]

Articles for the

November Messenger

should be submitted to

Measham Leisure

Centre no later than

Friday 11th November.

Issue will be published

week beginning 21st


Next issue published week beginning 21st November 2016

The Measham

Messenger is a

free publication.

Please take and

keep a copy.

Local Insurance Broker Wins National Award

P F Spare Insurance Brokers of High Street, Measham are pleased to

announce that their Company Director, Sam Spare has been awarded the

Worshipful Company Of Directors (Diploma in Insurance) Na&onal Prize.

This pres&gious award is given annually to the candidate who is perceived to

have achieved the highest performance in the comple&on of the Chartered

Ins&tutes Diploma in Insurance.

Sam finished his exams last year and picks up the award for his work in 2015.

It is the fi1h honour for Sam who in the last twelve months has picked up

four other respected awards, not least the Insurance Ins&tute of Leicester’s

Young Achiever of 2015 Award.

Commen&ng on his success, Sam said:

“Given the number and quality of candidates who undertake Dip

CII each year, to have recorded the best performance bar none is

welcome surprise. I’m naturally very pleased on a personal level

to have received such considerable recognition recently. More

importantly, though, I’m keen to ensure that anyone purchasing

insurance with P F Spare can be confident in the expertise

available from our firm. Hopefully the awards reaffirm the quality

of service we offer and provide that essential peace of mind for

clients choosing to entrust us with their personal and

commercial insurances.”

Page 2: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Community Event

Bosworth Road Recreational Ground

29th October 2016

10.00am Onwards

North West Leicestershire District Council, Parish Council and Local Police have joined

together to host the above community event.

There will be activities for children to participate in including a DE12 SK8 Skate School

Workshop. There will also be information on local recreational activities in your area .

All ages are welcome to come along and join in this Community Event!

Page 3: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Page 4: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Page 5: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Snippets Of News, Information & Appeals

Measham Leisure Centre:-

New Fitness Club

The new fitness club - Piyo commenced on the 20th

October with Rachael Owen. It will run every Thursday between

10.45am – 11.30am. Price is £5.40 per session or £25 per month under the MLC Membership Scheme.

Membership Package

A new offer that Measham Leisure Centre are now marke&ng is a £30 per month package which includes unlimited gym

and classes at the venue. This offer runs on a month to month basis and is ideal for people not wan&ng to get &ed into

lengthy subscrip&ons. It is an all year round offer.

Kickboxing Class

New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost is

£4.00 per lesson and the 1st

lesson is free. Call Andy on 07508 548291 for more details.

Measham Townswomen’s Guild

The Guild meet every second Monday of the Month at Age Concern, High Street – Measham. Mee&ngs commence at

7.00pm and the Guild invite you to come along as a guest to join in the friendship and fun; guests pay just 20p.

Next scheduled mee&ng is Monday 14th

November when the speaker’s topic will be the ‘Ifakara Bakery Project’ and the

Free Brad Fund.

Appleby Magna Film Club

The above will be hos&ng their November movie in the Church Hall at 2.30pm and 8.00pm respec&vely on Friday 18th


November’s movie is the drama romance ‘Brooklyn’ in which a 1950’s Irish immigrant falls for a local man but the past

catches up forcing her to choose between two countries and two men and the lives that exist within.

This highly rated movie is a sweet, evoca&ve watch and I (The Editor) can vouch for this one!

Call Sonia on 01530 272327 for more informa:on.

Age UK – The Big Knit

This will be the 13th

year of partnership between the above and ‘ innocent drinks’. The challenge is to put 2 million kniCed

hats on smoothie boCles natonwide by the deadline of November 2017. Each boCle/hat sold means a dona&on for Age UK.

Twice as many hats but nearly twice the &me to get kniFng.

Leicestershire & Rutland’s target is 47,000 hats to be submi<ed by January 2017. There will then be a period from February

to summer 17 when Leicestershire will knit and submit more hats towards the grand total.

The simple kniFng paCern can be found online at or by calling 0116 2237344.

On comple&on of the hat(s) they can dropped off at any Age UK shop or by mailing to Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland,

Lansdowne House, 113 Princess Road East, Leicester. LE1 7LA.

So if you have any spare wool or are feeling par&cularly crea&ve whilst helping a worthwhile charity, then please ‘Keep


(Continued on page 6)

Page 6: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Measham Museum & History Group

Pictured above is the Midland Motor Museum. The Museum was a joint enterprise by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and Mr

David Wickins (Chairman of Drake & Mount Ltd – a part of Southern Car Auc&ons). The Museum was opened on 29th


1963 by Sir William Lyons (Chairman of Jaguar cars & Daimler Co Ltd).

The building held 75 historic vehicles together with displays by component and accessory manufacturers.

The Museum was open for 9 years, closing it’s doors in 1972.

On the subject of closures, the Museum will be closed on a Saturday for the foreseeable future as of the 1st

October; so at

the :me of reading this, Saturdays will no longer be a day to pencil in your diary for a visit to the Museum.

The Museum’s 2017 calendar is now on sale at the Museum and at Measham News.

For any enquiries or further informa:on call Stuart Perkins on 01530 271724.

Walking Football

This ac&vity is aimed at the over 50’s and is basically a slower version of the game. It provides a fun and sociable

environment and importantly a safe form of exercise. Organisers are looking for people who would like to be part of a

‘Walking Football’ Team based at Measham Leisure Centre.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Ilir Demaj (Community Development Officer) on [email protected] or

alterna:vely telephone 07815 447632.

Walking Group

Following on from the Walking Football, there is also a new walking group commencing on Monday 24th

October. This is

targeted at diabetes sufferers or those at risk of the illness.

The group will meet daily (weekdays) at 9.00am outside Measham Library. It is set up to encourage healthy wellbeing and

to make friends. The alarming rise in diabetes linked to obesity can be tackled by diet, medica&on and very importantly


The group is free to join and further informa:on on this project can be obtained by contac:ng the Medical Unit or once

again Community Development Officer Ilir Demaj (See walking Football item).

St Laurence Church:-

Lights Of Love – Service Of Remembrance

The above is scheduled for Saturday 29th

October at 2.00pm. It is a simple service of readings and hymns in which we

remember those we have lost and to whom we want to say ‘We Love You’. There will be opportunity to light a candle and

say a prayer for your loved one. Everyone Welcome!.

(Continued from page 5)

(Continued on page 7)

Page 7: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


St Laurence Church Cont’d:-

Songs Of Praise

This service will be held on Sunday 30th

October at 6.00pm when the churches of Measham and further afield get together

to celebrate God’s goodness.

Christmas Coffee Morning & Fair

The Coffee Morning/fair will be held on Saturday November 19th

from 10.00am. There will be a raffle, tombola, stalls and

goodies to eat.

Christmas At Measham

Date for your diary is Thursday 1st

December when the annual Christmas At Measham evening event takes place.

If you would like a stall at this event there are two spaces for tables available in the Church Hall and 2 – 3 spaces available

outside NB: Bring your own gazebo. The cost of a table would be £10.00 and the Organisers are looking for cra1/

Christmas stalls. NO selling of alcohol is permi<ed.

If interested contact

Measham Messenger

Just a reminder that the deadline for the November issue is 11th

November – publica:on 21st

and December deadline 2nd

with publica:on 12th

. We an&cipate busy edi&ons leading up to Christmas so please submit your editorial/adverts as soon

as possible. We do not charge for the publicising of Christmas Ac&vi&es such as fairs, church service etc. We will publish

details in Snippets Of News Column or small adverts re Christmas events. NB: Commercial adverts start from £12.00 per

month. Please enquire re prices.

Anyone wishing to submit editorial/adverts should contact [email protected] or drop off literature at

Measham Leisure Centre – we have a box behind recep&on. We encourage residents to let us know of any achievements

however big or small so that they can share these important moments with our readers. We can also be contacted on our

designated Messenger line 01530 382017.

Messengers can be picked up from the Medical Unit, Library, Leisure Centre, Steve’s Fish Bar (Fenton Crescent Shopping

Precinct), Museum, Age Concern, St Charles Church, St Laurence, D G Graphics, Measham News, Youth Centre, Village

Hall, Top Club and the Cemetery entrance. NB: there are also individual organisa:ons who distribute newsle<ers

privately. The Parish Council download copies of our ‘Messenger’ and place on their website.

(Continued from page 6)

Firework Displays

Ca<ows Farm – Normanton Lane : Heather

Sunday 5th

November will see the above host the Uk’s first 360 Degree Fireworks Display. Gates open at

2.00pm and the event includes Free parking, mul&ple food stalls, bar and addi&onal exit and entry points.

Tickets in advance are £15.00 per adult + Booking fee, Child £10.00 + Booking Fee and Family Ticket of 2 Adults

& 2 Children £48.00 + Booking fee. Prices on the gate are £20.00 per adult and £15.00 per child.

Tickets and informa:on on the above event – WWW.360FIREWORKS.CO.UK

Conkers Firework Extravaganza

Conkers will host their Firework Display on Saturday 5th

November. Doors open at 5.30pm with a large firework

display commencing at 7.30pm. In addi&on to the fireworks there will be rides, amusements, face pain&ng,

balloon modelling and food and sparklers. A fully licensed bar will also be in opera&on.

Adult Tickets are £6.00 in advance and children £4.00. Family :ckets £18.00. Gate entry is Adults £7.00 and

children £5.00. Free Parking.

To purchase :ckets call 01283 216633.

Page 8: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Measham’s Tower of Light

Christmas At Measham is this year is again promoting the Tower of Light. The idea of this

is to give anyone and everyone, no matter what nationality or religion, the chance to

remember a loved one at this special time, by sponsoring a light bulb on St Laurence

Church tower at Measham.

The loved one may be deceased, someone who has moved away or emigrated, in hospital,

in the Armed Forces, or someone who is working away from home. The bulb can be

sponsored by a donation (suggested £5), and that bulb, when lit, represents that person’s

thoughts. There will be a display of the lights on the church tower, which will be visible

from all around the village.

Names of the sponsors and their loved ones to be remembered would be placed in the

church porch. (Please put a note on the application form if you do not wish to have a name

displayed). The lights will be switched on as a separate par t of the Christmas At

Measham Ceremony which is taking place on Thursday, 1st December, 2016 starting at


Several years ago, money raised by the Tower of Light was used towards purchasing a

defibrillator for Measham’s First Responders and sufficient was left over to be able to buy

a training kit, which has allowed the First Responders to show how to use a defibrillator at

schools and other demonstrations.

It will never be known when a defibrillator will be close enough at hand in order to be

used to save a life and this life may be someone of any age, as tragic events on sports

fields and school premises have shown in the past.

The monies raised by the Tower of Light this year is a Community Project aimed at

raising sufficient money to purchase a defibrillator in an accessible box located on High

Street, Measham. This will allow anyone who has an immediate use of this easily usable,

and potentially life-saving equipment, to have access to it. It will also be available to First

Responders, to allow them use, if it is easier to collect it from the box than to go to collect

their own equipment.

The First Responders organisation have also indicated that it will arrange demonstration

courses to show how easy the defibrillator is to work

Further sponsorship forms will be available from the Parish Office, which is located in the

Measham Leisure Centre, off High Street, Measham. DE12 7HR or can be sent to you.

Contact Dawn on 01530 589583 or email [email protected].

Please make donation cheques out to West Leicestershire CFR Group, and return, with

completed application forms to the Parish Office.

Submitted by Stuart Boothroyd

Page 9: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Page 10: Next issue published week beginning 21st …...Kickboxing Class New for October is the above. The class is run by A S Kickboxing and runs every Monday between 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Cost


Published by Measham Messenger Ltd, Registered in England & Wales NO. 8251392. Compiled, edited and printed by Mrs C Westhead, Mr D Westhead,

Registered Office, 18 Orchard Way, Measham, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 7JZ. Tel: 01530 382017. The Messenger would like to point out that they accept articles/adverts in ‘good faith’ and that they are not responsible for the outcome of any enquiries/work etc. generated from

contacting anyone in our newsletter.

The Medical Unit have not submitted any items of news this month