NewsPrimary-Issue 14


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NewsPrimary-Issue 14- 4th June

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Primary School Weekly Bulletin 4th

June 2010 - Issue 14


Reception Assembly

Reception W had a wonderful assembly this week performing Happy Hat Land. All the children were amazing and played their parts perfectly. Biana the Happy hat seller said” I had fun and enjoyed being the hat seller. Silvia the happy sun hat said “it was very good, we all learned to share and I liked it!” Well I must agree it was an excellent show with beautiful singing and super acting. Stars in the making! Miss Wilson

Mr dC´s assembly

Mr dC´s class gave us a wonderful assembly centered around what the pupils in his class had learnt this year – in the picture there are five of the six wives of Henry VIII – and how important they think that friendship is!!

New laptops for pupils in Primary.

This week year 5 have had the honour of being the first to try out the new laptops provided by Laude to be used in the classrooms. Mrs Flaxman and Mr de Jódar enjoyed showing the children how to log on while the children eagerly investigated the programs available. Each child was

able to access the internet, through the Wi Fi connection, and continue to work on projects already started in the ICT suite. The forty laptops are a fabulous addition to the growing ICT facilities already in the classroom, and will help the children in all areas of the curriculum as they can book them out for all projects from Literacy to Art! Our next Literacy project will be to use the Web Cams and microphones to film our own Laude News reports. Mrs Avilez

Snow in June at Laude San Pedro? Surely not!!

The pupils in Key Stage 1 and the Foundation Stage had a wonderful morning learning about the work of the local fire brigade. A small fire engine with three firemen came to the school on Thursday to show us the vehicle and some of the tools they use to fight fires and rescue injured passengers. Amazing!! But the best bit was when they showed us the hoses they use! They added bubbles and it was just as if it was snowing!! It was such fun watching the pupils engaged in such a fun learning activity!! I am not sure whether the teachers or the children were enjoying it the most!! Thank you Mari Ángeles Aguilar for organizing this for us!! Miss Stark

Alice – Wednesday 16th June For the KS2 production of Alice, Year 6 need to bring their costumes in on Monday 7th June. The rest of KS2 need to bring their costumes on Monday 14th June for a dress rehearsal.

Please can all children be learning their song words.

Performance is on Wednesday 16th at 2pm.

Any parents who would like to help get children in costumes / face painting on the day, please speak to their child's class teacher. Nicky d C

EAL news flash

Year 4, 5 ands 6 EAL Literacy support students have been learning all about instructional writing, imperative verbs and adverbs with Mrs Gamble. Does that sound a bit a dry? Not at all! They have transformed the classroom into a "Wonderland" of giant roses, dangling vines and daffodils. They have been ruffling petals, scrunching them gently and puffing them artistically into the shape of a rose. They have used crinkly crepe paper and transparent cellophane to create different effects with the flowers. The outcome has been an explosion of colour and creativity which has encouraged them to write instructions using diagrams, bullet points and connectives to sequence their writing. We work hard and play hard in EAL classes!

CHEERLEADERS SUCCESS More than 1,000 people attended the closing ceremony of All Sports School in Marbella last night where our cheerleader performed at the beginning and the end of the ceremony. They also performed at the opening of the Town Hall´s new adventure playground. K Guarinieri

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Monday, 7th June Tuesday 8th June – Year 3 Breakfast Party from 9 am to 10 am.

This week´s House Point Competition Fire: 456 Water: 502 Air:668 Earth: 503. Well done Air!!

Key Stage Class of the week 4dC

Star Pupils Friday , 04th June Reception David and Daniella, Year 1 Nayara and Melissa, Year 2 Megan and Lucia, Year 3 Raquel and Amalia, Year 4 Kayleigh and Claudia, Year 5 Olivia, Jade and Marcos, Year 6 Nicky and Valeria.