Newspaper poster analysis

Newspaper Poster Analysis

Transcript of Newspaper poster analysis

Page 1: Newspaper poster analysis

Newspaper Poster Analysis

Page 2: Newspaper poster analysis

When the audience look at this they immediately notice the soldiers without guns in there hand but are position as if they are holding one. The image build is designed to promote the concept ‘Financial Times’.

The image is simple however is attractive and its purpose advertise the seriousness of the newspaper.

The poster includes a website, making it clear to the audience they also have access online.

‘Some tools aren’t a luxury’ as the image presents the soldiers without guns links with the heading. It is important to include the masthead when advertising so the audience are aware of what is being advertised. The fonts on the masthead is kept consistent contrasted against a peachy background to stand-out.

Page 3: Newspaper poster analysis

Although this poster is presented plain and simple it included the image of the newspaper which will grabs the audience attention and for those who read the newspaper are able to identify the advert. The poster is effective providing a small contents of features within the newspaper.

The newspaper is transformed into an aeroplane to promote the fact that the newspaper is sponsoring the RAF Cosford Air Show. ‘We’re up there with the best’ the phase used is effective and links to the image successfully. The poster does not consist of much colours or images compared to ‘Financial Times’ however is effect as it advertises the newspaper well. Most importantly the masthead is bold enough to be read enable to be identified.